#bobby x cal
calweathers17 · 4 months
"It's not them"
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BASED ON MY PROFESSIONAL opinion (we gonna ignore the outside of the movie actions) let's act just like the way we see in the movie we only see Cal and Monty being the victims of each pranks (I still NEED a scene where Bobby gets pranked too)
So the way I.. SEE IT. the prank war is mostly intense between Monty and Cal and Bobby is just there not choosing sides just helps each of them with their plans‼️
ALL OF THEM SWEARS alr idc if I gave the moon role to Bobby (not like it does much) he swears smoothly with no shame (around close ones) and tries to be respectful around the elders(especially around Strip and Lynda ofc...for some time) while Cal sometimes just idk forgets he's around elders and swearing is not as normalized with them as it is with him (1. Speaking of experience, 2. Same with Monty)
Once school stops kicking my ass and finally realizes it's the last few weeks for everyone I might attempt to turn the last thing I posted into a small comic (I need to practice that anyways) basically Cal's another attempt to convince Strip to take him to one of his races and THIS TIME he pulls that look obviously Strip can't really say no to🔥
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bootleg-cal-weathers · 7 months
look! it’s my official human designs for these 3 :D
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starrvsn · 8 months
` ִ ꔫ ۫ ⊹ D.HUME ࣪ ˖ HEART AND MIND.
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PAIRING ⠆don hume x fem!reader.
CATEGORIES ⠆angsty, minor fluff, comfort, long-distance-relationship!au, roger and bobby being nosy, will there be a second fic of a reunion..? who knows, maybe :p. (i'm not super sure how old they are but lets just assume they're 20.)
𝟒𝟏𝟏. roger and bobby are nosy and want to know where he got all his fancy jewelry from.
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don was a private man, he kept things to himself and only choose some aspects of his life to be known. however, now that he has people in his corner he could trust, he was more willing to share. one of those things being his love life, they never asked so he never said anything; even when they would tease about him not being able to talk to girls. not knowing his heart was taken. it was late and the boys were relaxing in their dorm when roger spoke his thoughts:
“y’know, i always wondered where you got your ring and bracelet from.” roger points at the two pieces of jewelry on dons bedside from his bed across dons, his tone curious and lighthearted.
“oh well-“ don starts, he didn’t expect such a comment but it wasn’t unwelcome. “it’s okay don you don’t have to tell us.” bobby interjects, giving roger a pointed look from his desk seat. he knows how private don could be and didn’t want roger overstepping to not make it awkward.
“oh no, it’s okay.” don assures, waving a dismissive hand. “my bracelet and ring are my girlfriend.” he responded, a smile playing on his lips at the thought of you– a new piece of his life being uncovered, there probably wasn’t going to be a right time to mention it so he guesses that time was now. don didn’t think it was too much of a big deal but he didn’t want to tell anyone for your sake and the teasing he would get if he told them in a group setting. the two boys nod in understanding.
“she gifted me the bracelet on my birthday” don continues, his eyes fixated on the chain sitting on his bedside. his friends paying close attention to his words
it was a simple gesture, nothing to extravagant– he told you once that he hadn’t gotten a gift for his birthday since he was a child so for his 18th birthday you got him a bracelet, a simple chunky silver chain. you had saved up your allowance to buy it for him, you were nervous that he wouldn’t like it. but you couldn’t have been more wrong, he love it! in fact he didn’t want to except it at first, such a fine piece of jewelry. he felt bad because he never gave you gift as grand as this. he wore it everyday since you gifted it to him, even making the effort to upkeep it when a piece broke or the clasp was faulty.
“and my ring she gave before she left.” silence falls, roger and bobby unsure what to say. bobby and roger exchange glances, both thinking the same thing, they weren’t sure what he meant by left, if you had passed or moved away. don senses the hesitance in the air and immediately adds “she moved for college, she goes to cal.” their faces softening at his words. you going to one of their biggest rival schools in rowing, don wasn’t affected as much by the thought of it but he could tell his friends, who were probably having a frenzy of thoughts, mostly on the fact you went to a rivaling school.
you leaving was bittersweet. he was happy that you were going to the school of your dreams but the fact you’d be so far from him made his heart sink. he remembers so vividly when it happened, you gotten into an argument about the school’s you applied to— his emotions got the better of him and he made an offhanded comment about it being better off broken up if you decided to go to a school that far. which lead into a whole heated argument on if he even trusted you, it got so out of hand you left without saying another word to him, then when you were accepted into cal you told him. it was your dream school and there wasn’t anything that was going to stop you from going… don included. you found out your acceptance two days after your argument. you went to see him after receiving the news. he knew he couldn’t lose you apart of his life and you being so far without him was going to be a tough pill to swallow but you promised each other you’d make it work. the day you were set to leave you surprised with with a gold ring with your initial engraved on it telling him “something to remember me by” and he has a surprise of his own, out from his pocket a small box with a locket inside, heart shaped with a photo of the two of you. you broke down in tears at the sight of it— he remembers it so fondly, the good and the bad of it all.
“when was the last time you saw her?” roger blurted, asking before he could even realized what he said. they raise concerning glares, unsure if they overstepped. they knew just because don confined in them doesn’t mean they could ask whatever and it would be okay.
“uh probably a year, maybe more— we write to each other ever so often. i actually just sent off my letter to her few days ago.” don hummed, it was nice to talk about you— he’s kept you in his thoughts for so long that if they asked anything about you he could talk all night.
“what did you put in the letter— if you don’t mind me asking.”
“well i just wrote about trying out for the team and that i made it.” he didn’t include that he told you how much he missed you and responses to some things you said in your letter. a comfortable silence falls over them, bobby and roger taking in the new information about you and don lost in thought about his memories with you. they boys also wondered what you looked like, trying hard to imagine the girl that captured their strokes heart.
“you think she’ll be at the race against cal next week?”
he would love to see you again, don knew how busy you were with school and as much as he think you would, how he wishes you would. be in your arms again but it probably wasn’t possible, though the thought was nice— falling asleep with you in his dreams, like you are every night.
read part two here !
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ownership of starrvsn. please do not repost, modify or translate.
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Random Human AU Cars headcanons that probably don’t make any sense before I go to bed bc I can.
Lightning McQueen:
- Has accidentally called Doc “dad” before
- Has accidentally called Strip “dad” as well
- Bro can literally not stop moving- like he will not sit still and he tries so hard
- He has the shortest attention span ever if it doesn’t have to do with his friends or racing
- He actually really enjoys American Football and plays a modified version with Mater sometimes
- He was an orphan growing up
- Bro would 100% go apeshit feral if he lost a game of Uno
- Loves carnivals
- Dog person
- Forgets he’s rich sometimes and he can make his own decisions about money
- His love language is hugs and gifts
- He bought the Hot Wheels of his car and continues to buy every variation
Chick Hicks:
- Bit other kids as a child
- Filled water guns with lemonade and shot at people’s eyes
- Daddy issues(actually this is canon isn’t it?)
- Cat person
- Frighteningly good at card games like Casino “house always wins” levels of good. Like bro will somehow know what your cards are without even looking at them
- He put rocks in snowballs
- Alcoholic
- Loves anything horror, gorey, and True Crime
- He’s notoriously bad at getting people gifts, like seriously bro is not allowed to buy anything for anyone for Christmas or their birthdays that’s how bad it is(someone usually gets it for him)
- He probably has a huge gambling problem
- His love language is giving gifts
- He gives gifts as a form of apology because he’s shit at words
- Literally the best mustache in all of cars- like he keeps that thing at top condition 101% of the time
- He never actually finished school because his dad forced him into racing as soon as he could
- Probably had rabies at one point and somehow survived
- If you somehow manage to become a good friend of his, he’ll actually be super chill w/ you
- Rich as FUCK
Strip Weathers:
- Legally adopted Cal after his parents passed away(or sumn idk)
- Has several scars on his arm from the crash during the tie-breaker race
- He, Tex, Lynda, and Cal were practically inseparable after the crash
- He and Tex are literally the bestest of buds like they are homies to the MAX
- He doesn’t hold any ill-will against Chick even if he should and is allowed to
- The “Boy Scout” of racing(think Superman or Captain America)
- He listens to “Old Town Road” by Lil Nas X while working with his horses. Cal cringes every time.
- He never swears unless he’s serious about something or is extremely upset or concerned
- He almost fainted when he met Doc for the first time, almost immediately asking for an autograph
- He has a ranch full of horses and enjoys horse racing as well as car racing
- Received an apology gift of both cologne and a miniature trophy from Chick
- He let Chick sign his cast after the crash
- He’s tried to teach Lightning and Bobby how to ride horses with Cal’s help. It did not go well
- He wanted to be a doctor for a little while before switching career paths
- Racing is literally in his blood(he comes from a very VERY long line of racers)
- Weirdly good at writing. Like for no reason.
- He heavily fanboyed over Doc when he was younger
Doc Hudson:
- He loves Lightning as his son
- He thinks of Sally as a surrogate daughter
- Unironically says “back in my day” whenever he’s telling a story
- He owns a shotgun and it’s hidden away in his house, far away from Lightning(who keeps trying to find it with no luck)
- He knows the most shit out of everyone and all their backstories. Bro hears the gossip and goes “nice”
- He loves watching fruit dissection videos on YouTube for some reason
- Bro is great at knitting. Like seriously. Give him ten seconds and you’ll have a whole ass sweater with a theme and everything
- He is an alcoholic(especially after his crash)
- Never got married or had children… until Lightning and Sally lmaooo
- He nearly started crying tears of joy when Lightning called him dad the first time
- He has several large burns and scars on his legs and lower back from the crash(like shit is really bad dude)
- His favorite movie is the original ghost busters
- He is a cat person
- He is a neat freak at heart yet gave up trying to clean out his garage because of all the bad memories
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solo-pitstop-vibes · 5 months
Rowing Pair - Part Two | Don Hume
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Don Hume x Original Character
Hi! This is definitely not super edited and maybe a little rushed, but I wanted to post something so here we are! Enjoy part two of Rowing Pair! More to come from Allie and Don...
Part one here!
Don gets a little courage after the Huskies' first win.
The early morning breeze is chilly coming off the water. Rowing practice is in full swing, and Allie is standing with the other coaches. Bundled up in a thick sweater, her arms are crossed for more than one reason. Ulbrickson paces the length of the Varsity boat, shaking his head,  
“34 strokes. You’re fine at 34 strokes. Anything higher and you fall apart. 34 strokes, you don’t beat Cal. 34 strokes, you don’t win at Poughkeepsie. You certainly don’t get to Germany. You know who you beat with 34 strokes?”
He throws his arm out, pointing with his notebook. “The JV boat. Maybe,” he says, turning to the JV crew lounging on the dock. “What are you guys waiting for? Get back in the boat.”
Scrambling to their feet, the younger crew hustles back into their shell. The last few days of practice had not gone well for either team. The Varsity crew was looking worse by the day, and the JV boat wasn’t coming together as it should. Another hour passes with the rowing shells making their way up and down the channel. No one is happy with the progression of the day. The coaches are climbing out of the motorboat, waiting for the two row boats to finish floating in.
Allie looks to Ulbrickson,
“Permission to speak candidly, sir?”
Al gives her a curt nod.
“I don’t think Glenn is a good fit for the boat, they need someone with more fire. There’s a lot of energy to wrangle in that shell, and I don’t think he can do it.”
Al’s eyebrows raise in interest, “Okay, then who would you suggest?”
“You know who.”
That statement gets Allie a pointed look from Ulbrickson without hesitation,
“We’ll talk about it later.”
The next practice, Bobby Moch strutted down the dock and straight into the cox seat of the JV shell. Three practices later, they were rowing like a well-oiled machine. Allie stood next to Ulbrickson and Bolles, watching from the dock. Allie couldn’t help the smug smile trying to break its way onto her face.
“Better?” she asked Al, hands clasped behind her back as she rocked on her heels.
That got her another pointed look, but this time followed by a small smile.
“They’re catching up!”
Joyce’s voice rings out amongst the cheering crowd, her hand gripped tightly in Allie’s. Their eyes trained on the two boats making their way through the water, even from far away, they can tell Washington is slowly making their way alongside the Cal boat.
Allie declined Pocock’s invitation to watch along the shore of the finish line, instead choosing to watch the race with Joyce on one of the observation boats. She clearly made the better choice with how invigorating it was to her and feel the crowd cheer around them. Allie and Joyce were only one of many yelling at the top of their lungs as Washington surged past the halfway point, swiftly passing the waning Cal crew.
“Oh, you’ve done it now, Bobby,” Allie mutters under her breath.
Bobby gives the opposing coxswain a taunting wave as they push ahead. The Washington crew's speed began building and paired with a synchronized technique, they were pulling away. Each crew member strained with each row of their oars, and their chests heaved. The crowd’s volume surged, and the announcer began shouting through the intercom as Washington pulled further ahead. Approaching the finish line, they were ahead by a full boat. Closer and closer to the finish line, pushing themselves to the limit.
“And there’s the flag! Washington has done it!”
Allie and Joyce grab each other once again, jumping in joy with their arms around each other. Joyce exclaiming,
“They did it! They really did it!”
As they glide to a stop, splashing surrounds the winning crew as they celebrate. They’re all damp by the time they come to a stop, with huge smiles on their faces. Don shakes hands with Bobby before looking up into the crowd. Catching eyes with Allie, his smile widens as he excitedly waves in her direction. Allie laughs at Don’s excitement, sending back a small wave and a massive grin.
The party was in full swing by the time Allie arrived, and she stood outside for a few moments trying to get her bearings. She was practically shoved out of Ulbrickson’s office an hour ago with a promise from Tom that they were done reviewing footage for the night. Allie was still standing outside, nervously smoothing out her dark green dress when Bobby’s smiling face appeared in the doorway. His jacket had already been abandoned somewhere; his sleeves rolled up to his elbows. Leaning on the propped open door, he spoke,
“Scared to come in?”
Allie shook her head, “No, it’s just weird because I’m late and coming in alone.”
Bobby clicked his tongue, making his way down the steps to her with his hands tucked in his pockets. “It’s not weird, I’ll go in with you. This party is just as much for you as it is for us.”
She didn’t move, just giving Bobby a nervous glance. Bobby’s expression softens,
“Hey, uh, I’ve been meaning to talk to you anyway. Ulbrickson told me that I wouldn’t be here if it weren’t for you and that I wasn’t an option until you suggested me. So, thank you. I’m really happy to be back on the team.”
Allie hadn’t known Bobby long, but they had become close over the summer. While he was strong-headed and liked to act on his own fruition, he always valued Allie’s opinion. She was stunned when he was removed from the crew. Unfortunately, Ulbrickson had used Bobby’s punishment to teach the crew a lesson. Everyone is replaceable, he had said. That’s why he was so hesitant to bring him back and eat his own words.
“I’m really glad you’re back too, Bobby. It wasn’t the same without you.”
Allie meant it. Bobby brought out more in the JV team than he ever could have with the varsity team, and the potential was building.
Bobby knocked his shoulder against hers, flashing Allie a cheeky smile, “Come on, time to let loose. I bet you can get some schmuck in there to dance with you in the first five minutes!”
Allie smiled softly, shaking her head, “Oh, maybe I’ll just watch. I don’t want to dance with just anybody.”
Before she finishes her sentence, the coxswain is already nudging her towards the door encouragingly, “Well I’ll dance with you if you don’t see anyone who passes the test. Although I might have a suggestion or two myself on who to go for.”
His hand is firm on her back as they break through the doorway. Allie glances around, looking for another familiar face. She spots Don almost immediately, sitting on a bench alone with his hands tucked in his pockets. His cute little frown painted across his face. He hadn’t noticed her yet.
“There might be one good one in this bunch, but I might take you up on that offer later,” Allie gives Bobby a small smile, glancing away from Don before Bobby could catch on. Little did she know, Bobby already had plans in motion. While he couldn’t confirm her crush on Don, he sure could confirm Don’s crush on Allie. Having caught on to Don’s puppy dog eyes at practice the week prior, Bobby was determined for Don to make a move after their maiden win. There was no better time.
In the center of the room, couples were dancing to the big band music flowing through the speakers with others sitting at tables that hugged the sides of the room. Allie finds Joyce and Joe sitting close at a small table and notices Shorty slipping off outside with one of Joyce’s roommates. Noticing Allie, Joyce waves her over, gushing about how great she looks. Bobby dashes into action, scrambling through the crowd to Don. Joyce would hold Allie off for a few minutes, she was a talker just like he was. Bobby slides down the bench, settling beside his teammate.
“Whatcha doin’?”
Don shrugs, “I’m watching.”
Bobby glances around, Allie is still talking to Joyce. Good. “Why aren’t you talking to anybody?”
“I’m not much of a talker,” Don replies. His hands are still shoved into his pockets, no intention of moving.
“Oh.” Bobby nods, “Well, look over there. See her?” Motioning in the direction of Allie, who has now glanced up and caught the pair talking. Don balks, catching eyes with Allie and swiftly looking away, straight ahead. His throat is dry, and he blinks, “Y-yeah, I see her.”
“Allie said to me that she wasn’t going to dance with just anybody. Now, I’ve offered to dance with her if she doesn’t want to dance with anyone else but…,” Bobby turns in towards Don for emphasis. “Listen, Hume. Tonight, not tomorrow night, or next week. Tonight is your best shot.”
A beat passes, and Bobby thinks he’s convinced him.
“You go on. I think I’m okay.”
Bobby could smack Don Hume upside the head in an instant. “Christ sake,” he mutters, glancing again between Don and Allie. Don nods his head in quick succession, confirming he’s not changing his mind. Yeah, he and Allie had talked a good bit, and he had walked her to her dorm a few times after practice, but she had only kissed him on the cheek once. There’s no way that Allie liked him, he thought. He felt like she was just that nice to everyone. Defeated, Bobby huffs again, looking around the room. All the other guys were dancing with a girl. Well, Johnny and Roger were dancing together, but Bobby could still count that as dancing with someone.
A lightbulb goes off in his head, and before he could think again, Bobby shoots off the bench and towards the stage. Quickly cutting the music off, he steps up to the microphone.
“Hey, listen up!”
The crowd stops dancing and turns to the commotion on stage, Allie included.
“We got a musician in our midst. With a little encouragement, we might just get him to give us some live music. Don Hume! Get up here. Get up here!”
The crew rushes around Don and despite his protests, they drag him up by his arms and carry him towards the stage. As they’re settling him down around the piano, Bobby motions to Chuck, quietly telling him to go find Allie and to bring her upfront. Chuck dashes off, racing through the crowd before finding the young girl towards the back of the room. She gives him an odd look when he stops abruptly in front of her, slightly winded from his frantic search.
“Moch is requesting that you come up front,” Chuck makes a grand gesture of holding his arm out for her to take, which she does hesitantly. Bobby had something in play, and she was suspicious. In a way, Bobby thought that above all else, if he could get both Don and Allie to let loose with a little fun and music, then he could call his plan a partial success. He hoped, however, that Don’s little performance might give him some courage. Don settles in at the piano and looks out to the crowd, just as Allie steps into place between Bobby and Chuck.
He forces himself not to freak out with Allie front and center. He glances back at the piano then back to Bobby, then to Allie. She looked beautiful. Her hair is down, blonde curls falling down her shoulders, and right then and there, Don decides that dark green is his new favorite color. Her full attention is on him, and for those few seconds, he felt like he was in heaven. Tearing himself away, he turns to the piano fully and takes a few deep breaths. This is it, he thought.
Before he can second guess himself, he starts off the first tune that comes to mind- the same tune that Allie had been humming to herself at practice. Don played the first few notes and Allie broke out into a huge smile, recognizing the tune immediately. Soon everyone was dancing and singing along with the JV crew singing the loudest. Enamored with Don’s newfound confidence, Allie could hardly look away even with Bobby, Chuck, and Roger taking turns twirling her around every so often.
They could dance and sing all night, but as Don plays the final notes and the song comes to an end, the crowd erupts in cheers. For a few moments, Don takes in the cheers and applause before he turns to the crowd and bows his head, looking up with a smug smirk. Quite the opposite of his usual shy smile. Allie catches his gaze when he looks up. She’s hooked the second they lock eyes. She almost feels dizzy when Don’s smug smirk is accompanied by a quick wink in her direction. A deep blush rushes to her face, her lip taut between her teeth. Now, she’s the one in heaven.
When Don descends from the stage, he’s greeted by more celebration from the boys grabbing him up and patting him on the back with each telling him how great of a job he did. Others from the crowd doing the same. Allie stood aside, waiting her turn to congratulate him after all the boys did. Once the crowd had settled down, Don finally turned to Allie.
“That was amazing! You were amazing!”
Someone must’ve turned the big band music back on and turned the volume up because Don could barely hear what Allie was saying. All he could tell was that she was excited and had a huge smile on her face, his smile mirrored hers. He shook his head, raising his voice,
She tried repeating herself, but between the music and the crowd they were stuck in the middle of, neither could hear each other. Allie huffs after another failed attempt and grabs Don by the hand. Dragging Don behind her, much like a lost puppy, Allie makes her way outside where it is quieter. Once they make it outside and she doesn't feel the need to yell, Allie turns to Don,
“Geez, It’s too loud in there after all that. I have been trying to say that your performance was amazing and you’re amazing! Where did you learn to play?”
“I’ve been playing since I was little,” Don shrugs, a smile still stuck on his face. “I’m glad you enjoyed it. That was a lot of fun, but uh don’t tell Bobby I said that. He’ll be dragging me up on stage at every party.”
Allie laughs, “I promise I won’t tell Bobby.”
A few beats of silence fall between them as they just take each other in. An idea spurs in Don’s head. The music from inside can be heard softly from their spot on the top landing of the steps just outside the doors.
“Do you want to dance? It’s too loud in there, but it’s not so bad out here.”
Allie nods eagerly, “I’d love to.”
Softly taking her hand in his, Don gently pulls Allie in towards him. Swaying gently to the music, neither of them breaks their comfortable silence for a few moments. Resting her head on his collar, the pair are closer than ever. Ignoring the fuzzy feeling in her stomach, Allie is the first to speak up. “You did really great today, Don. You and the whole crew. I have a good feeling about this year.”
“Thank you, today felt good. It was fun,” Don replies. “It felt nice to have someone there cheering me on too. I’d win every race if it meant you were at the finish line.”
“Well,” Allie smiles bashfully, looking up at Don, “Don’t go around telling the crew I have a favorite. They’ll all get jealous.”
Don chuckles, “I won’t tell.”
Even in the dim lighting, the two are fighting off a blush, hoping the other won't see. To distract them both, Don steps back and raises his arm, letting Allie twirl in place a few times. Her soft giggle fills his ears as her dress flares slightly, making Don smile. His voice is quiet, almost as if he’s saying it to himself,
“You look beautiful.” A beat passes. “You always do.”
Allie’s breath gets caught in her throat, as Don pulls her back to him. Her voice is equally as quiet when she looks up at him and replies,
“Thank you.” Allie hesitates after finishing her sentence, trying to find the courage for her next words. “Don, I-“
She can barely get Don’s name out before a familiar voice rings out,
“Hey, lovebirds! Might want to come back inside, they just brought out a cake with all our names on it!”
Huffing at Bobby’s rude interruption, Allie steps away from Don slightly, who rolls his eyes at the coxswain. He wants to pull Allie back to him as she steps away. He keeps their hands connected, but his eyebrows are furrowed, “You were saying?”
Allie shakes her head, smiling softly, “It can wait, let’s get inside.”
Eeekkk! I couldn't decide if things were going to go further, but I'm feeling a slow burn for this one. More chapters to come!
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911 x reader - conditions
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Hi! Can I request a platonic reader x 911 (any group of people you’d write for) where reader faints or seizes in front of them due to a condition. Just some comfort pls❤️ - Anon💜
You knew it was coming, you could feel to coming and you looked around so a safe and comfortable place.
“(Y/N)?” Chim asked.
He watched as you walked around, not seeming to hear him.
You looked at the steps leading upstairs and decided that wasn’t the best way to go, so you simply sat down and rested your back against the wall.
“Hey you good?” Hen asked walking over.
You looked up going to speak but you couldn’t and both her and Chim crouched down in front of you concerned.
“Do we cal cap?” Chim asked.
Hen nodded her head, grabbing your wrist to check your pulse.
“Their heat rate is really fast.” She whispered back.
Chim nodded, informing Bobby about what was going on and you looked between the pair of them and you raised your hand, tapping your jacket.
Hen frowned a little and you sighed, tapping it again.
“I don’t get what you’re trying to tell me.” She frowned.
You fought the on coming attack, and kept looking around and when you saw Bobby and Buck come running through you sighed.
You tapped your jacket again knowing one of them would understand.
“What’s in their pocket?” Buck asked.
Hen reached through to the inside of your jacket and pulled something out and stood up to read it.
And you stopped fighting it and you passed out, slumping to the side and chim quickly caught you, resting your head on his lap.
“So it’s a medical condition?” He asked.
“Yeah, that’s what it says. Says they don’t need an ambulance but if they’re not awake soon it is advised to call one.”
“Well we’ve got the two best EMTs here, so it’s a good place to faint I suppose.” Bobby mumbled.
They all looked at you, and Bobby sighed.
“We can’t leave them there, put them on the couch.”
Buck lifted your up very carefully and they cleared the couch for him to set you down on it and they all stood around looking at you.
“Hey what’s going on?” Athena asked.
“(Y/N) fainted.” Bobby said.
She rushed over looking down at you and Hen handed the papers to her.
“You know that sure would explain a lot. I was on the phone to them and it went quiet for a few minutes, I just thought they were doing something.” She said.
You were out for a few more minutes before you finally came too again, and your eyes slowly opened as you grumbled a little.
“How’re you feeling sleeping beauty?” Hen asked.
“Like a sack of rocks.”
They laughed a little and Hen and Chim both gave you a quick check over before confirming you were okay.
“Can you sit up?” Bobby asked.
You nodded and slowly shuffled up and he handed you a glass of water to drink.
“So is there like a trigger for it?” Buck asked you.
“Not really, sometimes my heart just spikes and it causes me to faint. I can tell it’s coming though.”
They asked a few more questions before deciding to just sit with you.
You rested your head on Bobby’s shoulder and you sighed a little.
“I need to walk around.”
“Don’t go too far.” Athena said.
You nodded and stood up, and you just stood there for a second and everyone looked at you.
“Bad idea…” you mumbled.
“Jesus Christ!” Athena yelled.
You had fainted again, and your body dropped and Bucky and Bobby quickly caught you and laid you back on the couch.
They looked down at you and they all smiled and shook their heads at you, deciding they weren’t going to let you stand up next time
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layce2015 · 1 year
Supernatural (Dean Winchester x Female!Reader)
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Mystery Spot
Heat of the Moment 
Heat of the Moment
I open my eyes to see that I was laying on my stomach and the blanket was covering my nude body. I raised my head a bit from the pillow and see Dean sitting on the other bed, tying his shoes. "Rise and shine, sweetheart!" He said and I groan and bury my face in my pillow. "Ugh, five more minutes." I groaned.
"Oh c'mon, (y/n). Don't make me pull you out of bed like a child." Dean said to me. "It's your fault wanting to do a few rounds of the bedroom rodeo last night." I said and Dean smirks.
"What? We hadn't any alone time in awhile. Plus...I couldn't help that you felt so good and right last night." Dean said then he starts to lip sync to the song.
Heat of the moment
Heat of the moment
Showed in your eyes
He bobs his head to the music and points at me and I shake my head at this and then chuckled as he walks to the bathroom. Thank God, Sam is with Bobby doing a job with him and not with us. It would've been so embarrassing to face him after the night Dean and I had.
Later, I was up and dressed as Dean gargles his mouth wash loudly and long. I tried to ignore him long enough to brush my teeth. Dean looks over at me and grins, which made me roll my eyes at him.
"Can you be any louder?" I asked him once I was done brushing my teeth. Dean bends over the sink and spits out the mouthwash and said. "Funny, I asked you the same thing last night!" I threw a towel at him, which hits him in the face, and he chuckles. 
"Whenever you're ready, Dean." I called out to him, minutes later, then Dean pulls out a black bra. "This yours?" He asked and I do a fake gasp. "That was supposed to be a surprise for you later!" I said, a hint of sarcasm in my voice, then I walked up to him and take the bra out of his hand. I wink at him then walk away from, adding a sway to my hips.
I put the bra away and I look over at him and see him roaming his eyes over my body. "Down, boy." I said to him and I rummage in a bag some more, and pull out a gun. "Bingo." I said then I turn to Dean. "Now who's ready for some breakfast?" I asked and he smiles. "You read my mind." He said.
We entered the cafe, the door chimes, as the cashier gives money to an older man. "Drive safely now, Mr. Pickett." the cashier said. "Yeah, yeah." The old man said as the cook shouts. "Order up." Dean and I find a booth as a waitress shouts. "Can't stay unless you order something, Cal. You know the rules."
Dean notices something on the wall. "Hey. Tuesday. Pig in a poke." He said, smiling, and I look at the menu hanging on the wall. "You even know what that is?" I asked him. He shrugs as the waitress, whose nametag says Doris, walks up to us.
"You two ready?" she asked us. "Yes. I'll have the special, side of bacon and a coffee." Dean orders. "Make it two coffees and a short stack." I said and Doris nods. "You got it." She said and she walks away. 
"Dean, are you sure we should be doing this job? I mean, we really need to find Bela." I said. "That's what Sam and Bobby are doing." He said and I sighed. "Look, believe me, I want to find her as bad as you do. In the meantime, we have this." he said as he pulls out some papers. "All right, so this professor." I said as I pick up a newspaper.
"Dexter Hasselback was passing through town last week when he vanished." Dean said. "Last known location?" I asked him. "His daughter says he was on his way to visit the Broward County Mystery Spot." He replied as I look over the paper. "Where the laws of physics have no meaning." I remarked as Doris arrives with a tray with two coffees and a bottle of hot sauce.
"Two coffees, black, and some hot sauce for the-" she started to say but gasps as the hot sauce falls off the tray and smashes on the floor. "Whoops. Crap! Sorry." she said to me then turns to the side. "Cleanup!" she yells.
After breakfast, Dean and I walked down the street where a dog barks at us as we passed. Then I grab the Mystery Spot flyer from Dean's hands. "Dean, I don't know...joints like this are only tourist traps, right? I mean, you know, balls rolling uphill, furniture nailed to the ceiling, they're only dangerous to your wallet." I said. "Agreed. But Sam told me there are spots in the world where holes open up and swallow people. The Bermuda Triangle, uh, the Oregon Vortex-" he said then I interrupt. "Broward County Mystery Spot?" And he nods at this.
"Well Sam said that sometimes these places are legit." Dean said. "All right, so if it is legit, and that's a big-ass if, what's the lore?" I asked. "Sam told me that the lore's pretty frigging nuts, actually." Dean said when a blonde woman bumps into me. "Excuse me." She said then walked off. I shake my head as Dean continues. "They say these places, the magnetic fields are so strong that they can bend spacetime, sending victims no one knows where." He said.
"Sounds a little X-Files to me." I said as we pass two movers trying to get a desk in a door. "Told you it wouldn't fit." One guy said. "What do you want, a Pulitzer?" His partner yelled.
"All right, look, I'm not saying this is really happening, but if it is, we gotta check it out, see if we can do something." Dean said and I sighed. "All right, all right, so what do you wanna do, big boy?" I asked him. "We'll go tonight, after they close, get ourselves a nice long look." He said and I nod. "Sounds good to me." I said.
That night, we snuck into the Mystery Spot and make our way into a hallway that is neon green with a black double spiral painted on the walls and door. I pull out the EMF reader while Dean shines the flashlight around and up onto a table, lamp, and ashtray attached upside-down to the ceiling.
"Wow. Uncanny." he remarks as I examine another table with a wine glass and a poultry dinner, this one at an angle to the floor. Both of us move on. "Find anything?" Dean asked me, holding the unresponsive EMF meter. "No. You have any idea what you're looking for?" I asked him. "Uh, yeah." Dean responded and I raise an eyebrow. "No." He said after he swallows and I shake my head. We shine flashlights around other parts of the room when we heard something behind us.
"What the hell are you doing here?" a voice asked and I turn to look As Dean points his flashlight and handgun at the voice. The owner of the shop had a gun aimed at Dean and Dean points his gun elsewhere. "Whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa, we can explain." He said and the man points the gun at me.
"You robbing me?" the man asked us. "Look, nobody's robbing you, calm down." I said, calmly, and the guy points the gun back at Dean as he raised his hands. "Don't move!" He yells as Dean lowers his hand, which held his gun. "Just putting the gun down." Dean said when the man fires and Dean falls.
"Dean!" I screamed and I rush to Dean, who struggles to breathe. "Hey!" I shout as I look at the man. "Call 911." I ordered him as he looks at Dean in shock. "I-I didn't mean to-" he stammers. "Now!" I yelled and the man leaves and I turn back to Dean. "Hey, hey, oh, no, no, no, not like this..." I pleaded, tears forming in my eyes. "Stay with me, please." I cried. Dean stares at me for a moment before he goes still and closed his eyes.
"Dean?" I said, softly, then I shake him but he doesn't respond. "Dean?! DEAN!" I screamed, devastated.
Heat of the moment 
Telling you what your heart is
My eyes snap open and I quickly raise my head then looked around and realized I was sleeping on my front, the blanket covering my nude body. "Rise and shine, sweetheart!" Dean said as he sits on the other bed, tying his shoes.
What the hell? Was that a dream? It sure didn't feel like a dream. I was in a daze as I stare at him, then at the clock radio.
The heat of the moment
Showed in your eyes
"Oh, come on, (y/n). Don't make me pull you out of the bed like a kid." Dean said as I kept staring at him, breathing hard. "Dean." I said, disbelief, and he looks me over. "Must've wore you out last night. But you just felt so good and so right last night." Dean said then he turns the volume up and starts bopping along to the song, exactly like in my dreams....I think.
Moments later, Dean gargles his mouthwash, loudly and annoying, while I drink some water, swish it around, and spit it not. "What?" Dean asked after his spits out his mouthful. "I don't know." I said, furrowing my brow. "You all right?" He asked me, worried. "I think I-" I pause for a moment. "Dean, I had a weird dream." I said. "Yeah? Clowns or midgets?" Dean asked me. I scoffed then threw a towel at his head.
Later, the door chimes as Dean and I enter the diner and the cashier gives the old man some change. "Drive safely now, Mr. Pickett." She said. "Yeah, yeah." The old man grumbled as I stared around, bewildered, until we found a booth. Sam is staring around, bewildered.
"Can't stay unless you order something, Cal." a waitress said to a homeless looking man. "You know the rules." he said and Cal hands her some change. "Coffee." He said and I just look at this.
"Hey. Tuesday. Pig in a poke." Dean said and I glance between Dean and the poster. "It's Tuesday?" I asked, confused. "Yeah." Dean replied as the waitress, Doris, comes up to us. "Are you two ready?" She asked us. "Yes, I'll have the special, side of bacon and a coffee." Dean said while I stare for a minute. "Uh, nothing for me, thanks." I said to her. "Let me know if you change your mind." Doris said and she leaves.
I stare after Doris, just still getting this weird sense of...something. "Hey." Dean said as he snaps his fingers at me and I turn to him. "You with me?" he asked. "What?" I said, dazed. "You sure you feeling okay?" Dean asked me, concerned, and I sigh.
"You don't--you don't remember? Any of this?" I asked and her looks at me with confusion. "Remember what?" he asked. "This. Today. Like it's--like it's happened before?" I said. "You mean like déjà vu?" he asked. "No, I mean like, like it's really happened before." I said. "Yeah. Like déjà vu." Dean said and I shake my head.
"No, forget about déjà vu. I'm asking you if it feels like, like we're living yesterday all over again." I said, slightly frustrated. "Okay, how is that not dé-" he started to say but I talk over him. "Don't, don't say it! Just don't even..." I yelled just as Doris arrives with a tray with one coffee and the hot sauce.
"Coffee, black, and some hot sauce for the-oops! Crap!" she said. I notice the hot sauce wobble on the tray and catch it as it falls, making Doris gasps. I stare at the bottle in my hand, shocked, before giving it back. "Thanks." she said, appreciatevly, as she puts down the bottle and leaves.
"Nice reflexes." Dean compliments but I don't say anything.
The dog barks at us as we walked down the street. I stare back over my shoulder. "(Y/n), I'm sorry, but I don't know what the hell you're talking about." Dean said. "Okay, look, yesterday was Tuesday, right? But today is Tuesday too." I said. "Yeah. No. Good. You're totally balanced." DeN jokes and I stare at him.
"So you don't believe me?" I asked him. Dean laughs and I collide with the Blonde Girl. "Excuse me." she said. "Look, I'm just saying that it's crazy, you know, I mean, even for us crazy. Dingo ate my baby crazy. Hey, maybe it was another of your psychic premonitions." said Dean but I shake my head. "No, no way, way too vivid. Okay, look, we were at the Mystery Spot, and then-" I stop and bite my lips.
"And then what?" he asked. "Then I woke up." I replied as we pass the Movers.
"Told you it wouldn't fit."
"What do you want, a Pulitzer?"
"Wait a minute! The Mystery Spot. You think maybe it-" I exclaimed and Dean looks at me. "Maybe what?" he asked. "We gotta check that place out. Look, just, go with me on this, okay?" I said. "All right, all right, we'll go tonight, after it closes, get ourselves a nice long look." Dean said and I realized what Dean said and whip him around.
"Wait, what? No." I said. "Why not?" Dean asked. "Uh. Let's just go now. Right now. Business hours, nice and crowded." I said and Dean just give me a weird look. "My God, you're a freak." he said. "Dean." I said, exasperated, and he sighs. "Okay. Whatever. We'll go now." Dean said and he walks a few feet ahead of me and looks to his right as he enters the street.
But then a car slams into him from his left, making me jump. "Dean!" I shout and I rush to Dean. "Dean, no, no, no." I cried as I see that Dean has blood on his face and is barely moving. I turn him over and pick him up. "Come on, Dean." I cried and I look over and see that old man, Mr Pickett, leaning out of the now-stopped car.
Then I turn back to Dean. "Hey. Dean." I said but Dean isn't moving. "Dean. Dean." I pleaded.
Heat of the moment
Telling you what your heart is
I jump and my eyes open as I raise my head to see Dean tying his shoe. "Rise and shine, sweetheart!" Dean said and I stare at him. 
The heat of the moment
Showed in your eyes 
"Hey. Tuesday. Pig in a poke." Dean said after we arrived at the diner. "Would you listen to me, Dean? Because I am flipping out." I growled. "Are you two ready?" Doris asked us and I quickly speak before Dean does. "He'll take the special, side of bacon, coffee, black, nothing for me, thanks." I said while Dean gives me a look of surprise. "You got it." Doris said and she leaves while Dean smiles at me.
"(y/n), I get all tingly when you take control like that." Dean said as his smile grows. "Quit screwing around, Dean." I said, annoyed, and Dean raises his hands. "Okay, okay, I'm listening. So, so you think that you're in some kind of a what again?" he said. "Time loop." I replied.
"Like Groundhog Day." Dean said and I nod. "Yes, exactly, like Groundhog Day." I said and Dean nods too. "Uh-huh." he said, disbelief. "So you don't believe me." I grumbled. "It's just a little crazy, I mean even for us crazy, you know, like, uh-" Dean said then I finish his sentence. "Dingo ate my baby crazy?"
"How'd you know I was going to say that?" Dean asked. "Because you said it before, Dean, that's my whole point." I said and Doris comes back. "Coffee, black, and some hot sauce for the-whoops! Crap." she said as the hot sauce bottle falls but I catch it and hand it back to Doris without looking. "Thanks." She said and she puts down the hot sauce and leaves.
"Nice reflexes." Dean compliments. "No. I knew it was going to happen." I said. "Okay, look, I'm sure there's some sort of an explanation-" he started to say but I shake my head, slightly. "You're just going to have to go with me on this, Dean, you just have to, you owe me that much." I said, my voice rising with every word.
"Calm down." Dean said to me. "Don't tell me to calm down. I can't calm down. I can't. Because-" I said, frustrated, then I stopped. "Because what?" Dean asked me and I sighed. "Because you die today, Dean." I replied my hand started to shake. Dean reaches out and places his hand over mine. "I'm not gonna die. Not today." Dean said, trying to assure me.
"Twice now I've watched you die, and I can't. I won't do it again, okay? You're just going to have to believe me. Please." I said, shakily, and Dean and I stare into each other's eyes. "All right. I still think you're nuts, but okay, whatever this is, we'll figure it out." He said and I nod.
Walking down the street and that damn dog barks at us as we pass. I avoided the blonde woman to prevent hitting her then we pass the Movers. "And you think this cheesy-ass tourist trap has something to do with it?" Dean asked me. "Maybe it's the real deal, you know? The, the magnetic fields bending spacetime or whatever." I try to explain.
"I don't know, it all seems a little too X-Files for me." He said. "Well I don't know how else to explain it, Dean!" I exclaimed. "All right, all right, we'll go tonight after they close, get ourselves a nice long look." He said but I place a hand on his shoulder. "No no no no no, we can't." I said. "Why not?" He asked me.
"Because you-" I pause again.
"I what?" he asked but I don't say anything. "I die there?" he asked and I nod, slightly. "Blown away, actually." I informed. "Huh. Okay, we go now." Dean said then he starts forward. I rush after him and grab him before he runs into the street. Mr Pickett's car zooms past. "Stay out of the way!" the man shouts while Dean and I stare after the car.
"Wait, did he?" Dean asked me and I nod. "Yesterday, yeah." I replied. "And?" He said and i glance at him. "And what?" I asked. "Did it look cool, like in the movies?" He asked me with a smirk. "You peed yourself, Dean." I stated, making his smile disappear. "Of course I peed myself. Man gets hit by a car, you think he has full control over his bladder? Come on!" He exclaims and I roll my eyes. Dean is careful to look both ways before we cross the street.
"I can't tell you how much I appreciate this. We could use all the good ink we can get." the owner of the Mystery Spot said to us after we arrived. "How long have you owned the place, Mr. Kopiak?" I asked. "My family's been guarding the secrets here since you don't want to know when." Kopiak said.
"So you'd know if anything strange happened." I said. "Strange? Strange happens here all the time. It's a Mystery Spot." Kopiak said, like he was still in a performance. "What exactly does that mean?" I asked him and i noticed Dean just staring at me. "Well, uh, it's where the laws of physics have no meaning." He replies.
"Okay, like how?" I asked, angrily, and Kopiak grins. "Take the tour." He said, spreading his arms out. "The guy who went missing, Dexter Hasselback, he take the tour?" Dean asked. "Uh, uh, hold on a minute, what kind of article is this?" Kopiak asked. "Just answer the question." I said, firmly.
"The police scoured every inch of this place. They couldn't find that man. I never seen him before. We're a family establishment-" he said but then I get into his face. "Listen to me. There is something weird going on here. Now do you know anything about it or not?" I asked and he looked a bit taken aback. "Okay. Look. Um. Give me a break. I bought the joint at a foreclosure auction last March, all right? Hell, I used to sell bail bonds." He admits while I stare at him, stone-faced.
"Okay, Kojak, let's get some air." Dean said and he steers me outside.
"I hate to say it, but that place is exactly what I thought. Full of crap." Dean said and I sigh. "Then what is it, Dean, what the hell is happening to us?" I asked. "I don't know. All right, lemme just, so, every day I die." said Dean. "Yeah." I said. "And that's when you wake up again, right?" He asked me and I nod.
"So let's just make sure I don't die. If I make it to tomorrow, then maybe the loop stops and we can figure all this out." Dean said and I look up at him. "You think?" I asked. "Worth a shot. I say we grab some takeout and head back to the motel, lay low until midnight." Dean said and I nod. Then he smiles and he places his arms around my waist. "Maybe go a few more rounds tonight." He said and I let out a small chuckle.
Then he leans in and we kiss for a few moments before he pulls back and smiles at me. "Okay..." I muttered and Dean's smile grew. "All right, good." he said then he leans in and kissed me again before he walks away. "Who wants Chinese?" Dean asked as he starts walking again.
But he only gets two steps before getting flattened by a falling desk. I jumped and see the movers, one holding the other end of the snapped rope and the other up in the window, and I stare at this then groan.
Heat of the moment
Telling you what your heart is
The heat of the moment
Showed in your eyes 
"I still think you're nuts, but whatever this is, we'll figure it out." Dean said. "Thanks." I sighed, exasperated. "So. Uh. You're stuck in Groundhog Day. Why? What's behind it?" Dean asked. "Well, first I thought it was the Mystery Spot. Now I'm not so sure." I said. 
"What do we do?" asked Dean. "Try to keep you breathing, try to make it to tomorrow. That's the only thing I can think of." I said. "Shouldn't be too hard." Dean said and I scoff. "Yeah, right, Dean, I've watched you die a few times now and I can't ever seem to stop it." I said. 
"Well, nothing's set in stone. You said I order the same thing every day, right?" he asked. "Yeah. Pig in a poke, side of bacon." I said and Dean turns to Doris, who is standing by the window to the kitchen, talking with the cook. "'Scuse me, sweetheart." He calls and Doris turns. "Can I get sausage instead of bacon?" He asked. "Sure thing, hon." She said and Dean smiles.
"See? Different day already. See, if you and I decide I'm not gonna die, I'm not gonna die." Dean said then Doris brings over Dean's food. "Thank you." Dean said to her then stabs a sausage with his fork and bites in. I grin as Doris walks away but then Dean starts to choke. "Dean. Dean?" I said, panicked.
Heat of the moment
Telling you what your heart is
The heat of the moment
Showed in your eyes 
"You mean we can't even go out for breakfast?" Dean calls out from the shower while I was packing everything. "You'll thank me when it's Wednesday!" I called out to him. "Whatever that means." I hear him grumbled and I shake my head.
After everything was packed, I look out the window but then I hear Dean yelp, followed by a thud. I growl under my breath and place my hand over my face.
Heat of the moment
Telling you what your heart is
The heat of the moment
Showed in your eyes 
Day in and day out, Tuesday after Tuesday after Tuesday, death after death after death....I don't know how much more I can take of this.
We walked in the diner for about the hundredth time, or at least for me, and the door chimes as the cashier gives Mr. Pickett some change.
"Drive safely now, Mr. Pickett."
"Yeah, yeah." Mr Pickett grumbles and we bump into each other as we pass. "Can't stay unless you order something, Cal. You know the rules." A waitress said and Cal passes her some change. Dean and I sit down in a booth.
"Hey. Tuesday. Pig in a poke." Dean said and I put a set of keys on the table. Dean looks at them, then at me. "What are those?" he asked me. "The old man's. Trust me, you don't want him behind the wheel." I said and Doris comes up to us.
"You two ready?" she asked. "Uh, yes, we are. I'll have the special, side of bacon and a coffee." Dean said and I turn to her. "Hey, Doris? What I'd like is for you to log in some more hours at the archery range. You're a terrible shot." I said and she gives me a confused look. "How'd you know that?" She asked. "Lucky guess." I said, smirking, and she walks away.
"Okay, so you think you're caught in some kind of what, again?" Dean asked me. "Time loop." I replied. "Like Groundhog Day." He said. "Doesn't matter. There's no way to stop it." I said, annoyed. "Jeez, aren't you grumpy." Dean retorts. "Yeah, I am. You wanna know why?" I asked and he raises an eyebrow at me. "Because this is the hundredth Tuesday in a row I've been through, and it never stops. Ever. So yeah, I'm a little grumpy." I growled. "Hot sauce."
"What?" Dean asked as Doris arrives with the coffee and hot sauce. "Coffee, black, and some hot sauce for the-whoops! Crap!" She shouts but I catch the hot sauce and slide it across the table. "Thanks." Doris said and she walks away again.
"Nice reflexes." Dean compliments. "I knew it was going to happen, Dean. I know everything that's gonna happen." I said. "You don't know everything." Dean said and I raise an eyebrow. "Yeah, I do." I said.
"Yeah, right." We said, in unison, and Dean furrows his brow.
"Nice guess." We said, in unison again. "It wasn't a guess." I said to him.
"Right, you're a mind reader." we said and I could tell Dean was getting a bit annoyed.
"Cut it out, (y/n)."
Then we lean towards each other, simultaneously. "You think you're being funny but you're being really really childish!" We said. "(y/n) (l/n) is a scaredy cat. (Y/n) (l/n) is a crybaby. When she watches Titanic, she cries at the end when Jack dies..." we said until Dean throws up his hands In frustration and said. "Okay, enough!"
"That's not all. Randy the cashier? He's skimming from the register. Judge Myers? At night he puts on a furry bunny outfit. Over there, that's Cal. He's gonna rob Tony the mechanic on the way home." I informed. "What's your point?" Dean asked me. "My point is I've lived through every possible Tuesday. I've watched you die every possible way. I have ripped apart the Mystery Spot, burnt it down, tried everything I know to save your life and I can't. No matter what I do, you die. And then I wake up. And then it's Tuesday again." I explained, exhausted.
"Dog." I muttered as we walked down the street and the dog barks. "There's gotta be some way out of this." Dean said as I muttered. "Where's my dang keys?"
We pass Mr. Pickett as he yells. "Where's my dang keys?"
I stepped aside as the blonde woman starts to walk by. Then Dean puts out a hand to stop me. "Hey. All the times we've walked down this street, I ever do this?" Dean asked as he goes back to Blonde Girl. "'scuse me, Miss!" He called out and I stare after him, shocked. "No." I said as Blonde Girl gives Dean one of her papers.
"Hundred Tuesdays and you never bothered to check what she was holding in her hands?" Dean asked me as he comes back over to me. I shrug as Dean holds up the flyer. "It's the guy who went missing." He said and I stare at the name DEXTER HASSELBACK under the picture from the newspaper clipping. "Yeah?" I said. "That's his daughter back there." Dean said and I grab the flyer and run after Blonde Girl. "Ma'am?" I called out then I hear the dog growling and barking at Dean.
"Hey buddy! Somebody need a friend? Good boy-aaah!" Dean said before he yells in pain and I closed my eyes in exasperation.
The next day, Dean and I were back at the diner and I was on the laptop while he was eating. "So the police report says Dexter Hasselback is a professor, but that's not all he is." I said. "What is he?" Dean asked. "I talked to his daughter. Guy's quite the journalist. Columns in magazines, a blog. He writes about tourist attractions. Mystery spots, UFO crash sites-he gets his kicks debunking them. I mean, he's already put four of these places out of business. Here." I said and I turn the laptop to face Dean.
"Dexter Hasselback, truth warrior? More like a pompous schmuck, you ask me." Dean grumbles. "Yeah, tell me about it. I mean, I've read everything the guy's ever written, and he must have weighed a ton, he was so full of himself." I remarked and Dean chuckles a bit. "When'd you have time to do all this research?" He asked me and I raise an eyebrow at him. "Come on." I grumbled and then I pack up the laptop. We get up and Dean laughs.
"What?" I asked Dean. "I just, it's just funny, you know, I mean, this guy spends his whole life crapping on Mystery Spots and then he vanishes into one. It's kinda poetic, you know, just desserts." Dean said. "You're right, that is just desserts." I said but then I notice the abandoned plate; it has a partial pancake and pink syrup. Which is odd as I've seen this man only get maple syrup and now he has used a different syrup.
"What's wrong?" Dean asked as I watch the man walk by the diner windows. "Guy has maple syrup for the last hundred Tuesdays, all of a sudden he's having strawberry?" I said, suspicious. "It's a free country. Man can't choose his own syrup, huh? What have we become?" Dean asked. "Not in this diner. Not today. Nothing in this place ever changes. Ever. Except me." I said in a low voice.
The next Tuesday, I watch the man eat his pancakes while Dean eats his breakfast. "So you think you're caught in some kind of what, again?" Dean asked me. "Eat your breakfast." I tell him then the Man leaves and I go to follow him. "What's in the bag?" Dean calls out after me as he follows me. 
The Man walks down the street until I grab him, slam him into the fence, and put the tip of a wooden stake at his throat. "Hey!" the man exclaimed but I glare at him. "I know who you are. Or should I say, what." I growled while the man looks at me, terrified. "Oh my God, please don't kill me." He pleads. "Uh, (y/n)?" Dean said but I stand my ground.
"It took me a hell of a long time but I got it." I said. "What?" the man asked. "It's your MO that gave you away. Going after pompous jerks, giving them their just desserts-your kind loves that, don't they?" I asked with a growl. "Yeah, sure, okay." The Man said as he glances nervously at the stake. "Just put the stake down!"
"(y/n), maybe you should--" Dean started to say but I yell over him. "No! There's only one creature powerful enough to do what you're doing. Making reality out of nothing, sticking people in time loops-in fact you'd pretty much have to be a god. You'd have to be a Trickster." I said. "Miss, my name is Ed Coleman, my wife's name is Amelia, I got two kids, for crying out loud I sell ad space-" he exclaims but I shake my head.
"Don't lie to me! I know what you are! We've killed one of your kind before!" I yelled then the look on the man's face went from terrified to smug. "Actually, sweetheart, you didn't." The man said then he turns into that Trickster we dealt with months ago.
My eyes widen at this before I glared at him. "Why are you doing this?" I asked him, angrily. "You're joking, right? You Chuckleheads tried to kill me last time. Why wouldn't I do this? Even if you are one short." He said with a chuckle. "And Hasselback, what about him?" Dean asked and the Trickster smirks. "That putz? He said he didn't believe in wormholes, so I dropped him in one." He said before he laughs.
"Then you two showed up. I made you the second you hit town." he explains. "So this is fun for you? Killing Dean over and over again?" I asked. "One, yes. It is fun. And two? This is so not about killing Dean. This joke is on you, (y/n). Watching your boyfriend die, every day? Forever?" he asked and I start to shake in anger.
"You son of a bitch." I growled. "How long will it take you to realize? You can't save your boyfriend. Neither can Sam. No matter what." Trickster said. "Oh yeah? I kill you, this all ends now." I said as I push the stake closer to him. "Oh-oh, hey, whoa! Okay. Look. I was just playing around. You can't take a joke, fine. You're out of it. Tomorrow, you'll wake up and it'll be Wednesday. I swear." He said.
"You're lying." I growled. "If I am, you know where to find me. Having pancakes at the diner." He said. I look at Dean, then back at the Trickster. "No. Easier to just kill you." I said. "Sorry, kiddo. Can't have that." He said then he snaps his fingers.
Better promise me I'll be back in time
Gotta get back in time
My eyes snap open and see that I'm in the hotel again. I sit up and see Dean standing by the sink. "What, you gonna sleep all day?" he asked me and I look at the radio, confused. "No Asia." I said. "Yeah, I know. This station sucks." Dean grumbles and I stare at the clock radio. It says WED.
"It's Wednesday!" I gasp. "Yeah, usually comes after Tuesday. Turn that thing off, will you?" Dean asked me as I grin. "What, are you kidding me? This isn't the most beautiful song you've ever heard?" I asked, happily. "No. How many Tuesdays did you have?" Dean asked me as I throw a long-sleeved shirt over my tank top. "I don't know. I lost count." I replied then look over at him.
"Hey, wait. What do you remember?" I asked him. "I remember you were pretty whacked out of it yesterday and then I remember running into the Trickster. But no, that's about it." He replied. "All right. Pack your stuff, let's get the hell out of town. Now." I said. "No breakfast?" He asked me. "No breakfast." I said then I lean up to him and kiss him on the lips.
Minutes later, Dean went out to load up the Impala while I packed up my stuff. All I could think of was how glad I was gonna be when I get out of this hellhole until I heard a gunshot.
My heart stopped and I whip my head towards the door. "Dean!" I screamed as I hurried out of the room and down the motel exterior stairs. I run to Dean and see that he is on his side on the asphalt, blood on his shirt. "No, no, no no no, hey, hey, come on, not today, not today, this isn't supposed to happen today, come on-" I cry as I kneel down and hold him. Then I realize that Dean isn't moving.
I close my eyes and wait then open my eyes, but Dean is still dead. "I'm supposed to wake up." I whispered, tearfully, then tears pour down my face and I bury my head into his chest and cry.
Six Months Later
It's (y/n). Leave me a message. 
(Y/n)? It's Bobby. Heard about that demon thing you took care of in Death Valley. Nice job. Been about three months we talked, though. Be nice to hear your voice. Give a call. I'm here.
(Y/n)? It's Sam. Look, I'm worried about you. Just tell me you're not sitting alone somewhere obsessing over this damn Trickster. Call me, (y/n). We can find it together. You, me and Bobby. No one person should take something like this on alone. You hear me? By the way, Bobby wanted me to tell you that you did a hell of a job with that vampire nest in Austin.
(Y/n)? It's Bobby. We found him.
I walked into the Mystery Spot building to see Bobby kneeling on the floor turning the pages of a book, which is dead center of a chalked diagram with three candles and three bowls of unidentified substances. Sam was standing by him. They hear me come in and they turn to me, a look of relief on their faces.
"It's good to see you." Bobby said as he stands up. Sam goes to hug me but I don't respond to his hug. He pulls out of the hug and Bobby hugs me too.
"What are we doing here, guys?" I asked them. "Well, it's the last place we're sure the Trickster worked his magic." Sam explained and I shrug. "So?" I muttered. "So you want this thing? I found a summoning ritual to bring the Trickster here." Bobby exclaims and I sighed.
"What do we need?" I asked them. "Blood." Sam replied. "How much blood?" I asked him. "Ritual says near a gallon. And it's gotta be fresh, too." Bobby explains. "Meaning we have to bleed a person dry." Sam added. "And it's gotta be tonight. Or not for another fifty years." Bobby finished and I nod at them. 
"Then let's go get some." I said and turn to leave. But I noticed that neither of them had moved so I turned back to them. "You break my heart, kid." Bobby mutters. "What?" I asked. "We're not gonna let you murder an innocent man." Sam said. "Then why'd you bring me here?" I asked, angrily. "Why? Because it was the only way you'd see us! Because we're trying to knock some sense into you! Because we thought you'd back down from killing a man!" Bobby yelled.
"Well, you thought wrong. Leave the stuff, I'll do it myself." I said as I start to turn but then Sam grabs my arm. "I told you, we're not gonna let you kill a man." Sam said then I turn back to him and shouted. "It's none of your damn business what I do!"
Bobby and Sam look taken aback by this as Sam let's my arm go. "You want Dean back so bad?" Bobby asked as he leans down and pulls a knife out of his bag and holds it up to me. "Fine." He growls and I eyed the knife. "What are you talking about?" I asked him. "Better me than a civilian." Bobby said as holds the knife out to me. 
"You're crazy, Bobby." Sam said and I shake my head a bit. "He's right.  I'm not killing you." I said. "Oh, now I'm the crazy one. Look, (y/n), I'm old, I'm coming near the end of my trail. But you and Sam can keep fighting. Saving folk. But you two need Dean. Let me get him back to you." Bobby said.
"Bobby-" I said, roughly, but he shakes his head. "You, Sam and Dean, you three are the closest thing I have to family. I wanna do this." He said. I stare at the knife then over at Sam, who looks a bit uncomfortable. He shrugs and shakes his head before I look back at Bobby and take the knife. "Okay." I muttered. "Good." Bobby said and he turns around and goes to his knees.
"Just make it quick." he said but I wait. "Do it, (y/n)." he said. "Yeah, okay, Bobby." I muttered as I put the knife away. "But you wanna know why?" I asked him and I pull out a stake, grab Bobby around the throat and shove the stake through his back. The tip comes out Bobby's chest. "(Y/n)!" Sam yelled, shocked, but I ignore him. "Because you're not Bobby." I growled as I twist the stake, blood spurting out of the wound.
Bobby goes still and falls forward after I let go of him, then stare at Bobby's corpse. "(Y/n), what the hell?!" Sam asked me as I watch Bobby's corpse but nothing happens. "Bobby? Bobby! Bobby!" I called out, fearing that I had made a mistake.
But then Bobby's corpse vanishes and the stake falls over, then shoots over next to me. I turn to see that the Trickster was standing where Sam was just a moment ago. "You're right. I was just screwing with you. Pretty good, though, (y/n). Smart. Let me tell you, whoever said Dean was the dysfunctional one has never seen you with a sharp object in your hands. Holy Full Metal Jacket. Now I'm starting to think how Sam would've reacted!" He exclaimed as I glared at him.
"Bring him back." I said through my gritted teeth. "Who, Dean? Didn't my girl send you flowers? Dean's dead. He ain't coming back. His soul's downstairs doing the hellfire rumba as we speak." He said, smiling. "Just take us back to that...Wednesday-when it all started." I said and he raises an eyebrow. "Please. We won't come after you, I swear." I pleaded, my voice cracking. 
"You swear." He said and I nod then he acts like he's thinking. "I don't know. Even if I could--" He said. "You can." I said, interrupting him. "True. But that don't mean I should. (Y/n), there's a lesson here that I've been trying to drill into that thick skull of yours." He said. "Lesson? What lesson?" I asked him.
"This obsession to save Dean? The way you, Sam and Dean keep sacrificing yourselves for each other? Nothing good comes out of it. Just blood and pain. Dean's your weakness. And the bad guys know it, too. It's gonna be the death of you, (y/n). Sometimes you just gotta let people go." said the Trickster. 
"He's the man I love." I said. "Yup. And like it or not, this is what life's gonna be like without him." he said, shrugging. "Please. Just-please." I pleaded and he sighs in exasperation. "I swear, it's like talking to a brick wall. Okay, look. This all stopped being fun months ago. You're Travis Bickle in a skirt, pal. I'm over it." He said and I furrow my brow at him.
"Meaning what?" I asked him. "Meaning that's for me to know and you to find out." He said then he snaps his fingers.
Promise me I'll be back in time
Gotta get back in time
My eyes snap open and saw that I was back at the hotel. Then I sit up and see Dean standing by the bathroom sink. 'What, you gonna sleep all day?" He asked as I stare at him then around the room in shock. I know, no Asia. This station sucks."  He said and I check the clock radio. It says WED.
"It's Wednesday." I whispered. "Yeah, usually comes after Tuesday. Turn that thing off." Dean said and I throw off the covers and go to hug him before I kiss him, passionately. "Wow, how many Tuesdays did you have?" He asked me after we break the kiss and he places his hands on my waist. "Enough. What, uh, what do you remember?" I asked.
"I remember you were pretty whacked out of it yesterday. I remember getting up with the Trickster. That's about it." he replied and I nod. "Let's go." I said and he gives me a look. "No breakfast?" He asked. "No breakfast." I stated.
"All right, I'll pack the car." he said but I place a hand on his chest. "Wait, you're not going anywhere alone." I said. "It's the parking lot, (y/n)." He said. "Just-just trust me." I said and he gives a slight nod but I could tell that he still didn't understand.
After getting dressed, I zip up a bag closed just as Dean opens the door, then turns back. "Hey, you don't look so good. Something else happen?" He asked me, concerned. I say nothing for a moment before I swallow. "I just had a really weird dream." I replied, simply. "Clowns or midgets?" He asked and I look up to see him grinning. I try to smile back as Dean picks up his bag and leaves.
I follow before stopping at the door to look back at the unmade bed. I sigh then turn off the light and close the door.
@rach5ive @kitsun369 @itzabbyxx @cevans-winchester @ellie-andthemachine
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house-of-past-lives · 11 months
Sigh since my friend is harrasing me what should I write it's poll time
Been a really rough patch for me recently so maybe this wil help
Cars/planes writing time, human this time because I don't have the energy to write vehicles atm,,, so here's the poll
Let's preface this with I write for mainly male readers because ugh there isn't enough but I can take requests for gn! Reader and mainly write for the guys because,, it's me,,? (please put it in the comments on what is preferred)
Thanks 🤨
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calweathers17 · 4 months
Fucking clumsy, by that I mean constantly falling, tripping, spilling things, knocking things, bumping into people seriously don't play basketball with this guy or especially not football, even falls while just standing in one place he probably wouldn't even dare to stand if he was forced to wear high heels.
Used to be in a Volleyball team
"You don't have to run up and down I think it's perfect."
Although he quit after getting into racing.
Welcome your local cat lover, small note here Strip is allergic to cats, must suck but anyways Cal once found a small family of cats, a protective yet sweet and clingy mother cat with 4 kittens. You must picture that scene where he found them in the barn but can't take them home due to his uncles allergies so after school or whenever he could he would check up on them bring the mother food and give them a nice ...place blanket or whatever (obviously after earning the cat's trust) and would keep it a secret but obviously Strip would sometimes go there and eventually Cal revealed the secret but begged his uncle and aunt not to move them. He didn't dare to take risks (my boy knows a lot about cats).
With a very cool person I know‼️ we made up the fact Strip is allergic to both cats and peanuts the same with Cal but he's only allergic to peanuts.
Trans, FtM ‼️
"I just never felt right being called Carol and being seen like that but when they called me Cal." - LIFE CHANGING QUOTE YALL
Has been living with Strip and Lynda since he was 13 and met Bobby in highschool → went to 2 highschools after hardly convincing his uncle to let him switch schools, 9th grade in a normal highschool before going to a school to learn coding and other computer things.......yes (quick note I have no idea how different the American and Hungarian school system is so if I got shit wrong I will remake it.) He met Bobby after switching schools.
Likes art and is quite good at it mostly drawing planes and cars sometimes people, but got into racing more after meeting Bobby who's been a big race fan for years...also likes graffiti art but only did them after switching schools.
Mostly grunge and rock music listener.
Plays the guitar.
Kinda random...once stole an ukulele from some small art meeting thing (IDK WHAT IT'S CALLED outside of school activity)
HERE COMES MY RACING FAN I don't have much for them YET
Got into art after Cal, being his biggest fan and supporter on the topic.
Was the first to befriend Cal once my boy moved schools
Likes cats but more of a ... Guinea pig person don't ask how.
Lives with their father, total dick though. They got the first ever support for their racing dreams from Brick (knows him since the start of Highschool, them, Brick and Cal made a pretty great trio)
Who's someone who gets under my hcs and doesn't have gender problems? Welcome my Agender dude (or demiboy, still deciding..)
"This he thing just doesn't seem to fit me, that's all."
Brick supports him, wouldn't hold back if anyone ever bullied them for it. Although Bobby never really told his father and probably won't.
Not much of a music listener but listens to whatever Cal does
Got into guitar playing after Cal and loves hearing him play it.
Small thing for my Swiftweathers fellas
After the meeting Cal started drawing people more and you could maybe guess who he was drawing!
Cal can talk for hours about cats and cars, Bobby would listen. Bobby can talk for hours about cars and racing and Cal would listen.
Graffiti art mentioned? Bobby already joked / stated if they ever become a racer their racing number would be 19 and their car would be....probably purple ( I got cool news!)
Cal already could do graffiti art, his first one (on wall,.. if it makes sense) was the number 19, (obviously detailed and colored) small gift for Bobby (who still has it in their gallery and even as a wallpaper) although they eventually did get into trouble for it that was for something else but not the 19 one.
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is Cal snd Bobby a thing in your au
yessir 💪
Tumblr media
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littleoddwriter · 11 months
Rules, Guidelines, etc.:
[Used to be: ronaldrx]
I'm a hobby writer and mostly write (x Reader) FanFictions and Headcanons. But I am also working on my original story whenever I can, so that I’ll hopefully publish it as an actual book someday. My Ao3.
Here’s a link to my Ko-Fi, in case you want to support me financially. It would mean a lot to me! (Obviously no obligation whatsoever! You never have to pay for anything on my blog, it’s merely an option for donations.)
Also, here are my sideblogs if you’re interested:
Dead Poets Society
Raúl Esparza
The Simpsons
Only ask for the characters I’ve got listed, please. I’ve written down all of the ones I actually write for, and the list is being updated regularly, as I often find new (actors, whose) characters I write for! (And yes, I always write for every character, so don’t ever worry if you wanna ask for one I haven’t written for in a long time, or ever, it’s fine!) Please always be patient with me. If I haven’t outright declined your request, it’s definitely in the works; even if it has been weeks or months since you’ve sent it in! And only send your requests via ASKs. No DMs or comments, please.
If you have a request, send an Ask to my inbox.
NO sexual NSFW requests, please (more details further down).
Requests = CLOSED (Max. Limit: 10)
Current number of requests: 10
Last updated: October 29, 2023
Masterlists are linked with fandoms/actors/characters below. I WRITE FOR:
ALFRED MOLINA characters:
Doctor Otto Octavius/Doctor Octopus
Abner Krill/Polka-Dot Man
Bob Taylor
James Lewis
Kurt Goreshter
Lonny Crane
Philippe/Abra Kadabra
Simon Lynch
Thomas Schiff
ETHAN HAWKE characters:
Arthur Harrow
Ellison Oswalt
Goodnight Robicheaux
James Sandin
EWAN MCGREGOR characters:
Alex Law
Catcher Block
Christopher Robin
Curt Wild
Dan Torrance
John Bishop
Mark Renton
Obi-Wan Kenobi 
Roman Sionis/Black Mask* (Birds of Prey - Masc!Reader only) [Any other version of Roman Sionis/Black Mask can be with a Gender Neutral/Female!Reader.]
HUGH DANCY characters:
Adam Raki
Cal Roberts
Luke Brandon
Executive ADA Nolan Price
Will Graham
KARL URBAN characters:
Billy Butcher
Black Hat
John Kennex
Dr. Leonard "Bones" McCoy
Markiplier EGOS:
Wilford Warfstache
PAUL DANO characters:
Alex Jones/Barry Milland [Platonic only!]
Dwayne Hoover [Platonic only!]
Edward Nashton/The Riddler
Eli Sunday
Jay (Okja)
Joby Taylor
PEDRO PASCAL characters:
Agent Whiskey
Dave York
Dio Morrissey
Francisco “Catfish” Morales
Marcus Moreno
Marcus Pike
Max Phillips
Maxwell Lord
Oberyn Martell
Ricky Hauk
RAÚL ESPARZA characters:
Dr. Frederick Chilton*
Jackson Neill
Jonas Nightingale
Rafael Barba
Characters from 9-1-1 (Lone Star):
Carlos Reyes*
Eddie Diaz
Evan “Buck” Buckley
Howard “Chimney” Han
Josh Russo*
Mateo Chavez
Paul Strickland
Bobby Nash
Tim Rosewater
TK Strand*
Characters from Law and Order(: Special Victims Unit):
Detective/ADA Dominick “Sonny” Carisi, Jr.
Sergeant Mike Dodds
Detective Nick Amaro
Executive ADA Nolan Price
ADA Peter Stone
ADA Rafael Barba
Deputy Chief William Dodds
Little Miss Sunshine:
Dwayne Hoover [Platonic only!]
Our Flag Means Death:
Edward Teach/Blackbeard*
Izzy Hands
Stede Bonnet*
Prisoners (2013):
Alex Jones/Barry Milland [Platonic only!]
Bob Taylor
Detective David Loki
Renfield (2023):
Count Dracula
Robert Montague Renfield
Tedward “Teddy” Lobo
SLASHERS/Horror Film Characters:
Asa Emory/The Collector
Ash J. Williams [I will usually default to Ash from the TV show, unless requested otherwise!]
Billy Lenz (1974)
Billy Loomis
Bo Sinclair
Brahms Heelshire
Bubba Sawyer/Leatherface (TCM 1974 and TCM 2)
Charles Lee Ray/Chucky
Chop Top Sawyer
Corey Cunningham
Dewey Riley
Drayton Sawyer
Herbert West*
Jesse Cromeans/Chromeskull
Lawrence Gordon
Lester Sinclair
Luigi Largo
Mark Hoffman  
Nubbins Sawyer
Pavi Largo
Stu Macher  
Vincent Sinclair
William Easton
Star Wars:
Anakin Skywalker
Obi-Wan Kenobi
Qui-Gon Jinn
The Girl Next Door:
Characters from The Simpsons:
Cecil Terwilliger*
Fat Tony
Frankie the Squealer
Jack Lassen
Johnny Tightlips
Moe Szyslak
Ned Flanders
Otto Mann
Seymour Skinner
Sideshow Bob
Sideshow Mel
Snake Jailbird
Timothy Lovejoy
Waylon Smithers*
What We Do in the Shadows:
Anton (Movie)
Guillermo de la Cruz*
Laszlo Cravensworth
Nandor the Relentless
* Please note that an asterisk (*) means that these characters are Male/Masc/GenderNeutral!Reader only (including non-binary, of course). Platonic relationships with Female!Reader are possible, but no romantic ones.
If it’s a character that is open to all Readers, and you do not specify in your request what you want, I’ll usually opt for a Gender Neutral Reader by default.
SHIPS, such as:
BlackBonnet (OFMD)
SteddyHands (OFMD)
Black Pete x Lucius Spriggs (OFMD)
Buck x Josh Russo (9-1-1)
Dracfield (Renfield 2023)
Buddie (9-1-1)
Eli x Klitz (The Girl Next Door)
Nandermo (WWDITS)
Herbert West x Dan Cain (Re-Animator)
McKirk (Star Trek: AOS)
Oluwande x Jim Jimenez (OFMD)
Barisi (Law & Order SVU) 
Renfield x Teddy Lobo (Renfield 2023)
Sickrent (Trainspotting/T2)
Stobotnik (Sonic Movie)
Tarlos (9-1-1: Lone Star)
AnderPerry (Dead Poets Society)
ZsaszMask (Birds of Prey)
Lastly, I would like to add things I will NOT write (about):
Sexual NSFW fics/headcanons (I used to write those as you can see in my Masterlists, but I have my reasons for not writing them anymore. Any hints at sexual topics are fine).
Anything related to death as the main subject (this includes deadly diseases, anything fatal, really, etc.).
Anything that romanticizes Mental Illness (my Vent Fics about my own disorders obviously do not romanticize any of it and I do not stand for that).
(Recreational) Drug Use
Extreme Possessive Behaviour and/or Jealousy
If you have something you would like me to write for, but you do not see it listed anywhere, please ask me before requesting it, so we can talk about it. I hope you enjoy yourself on my blog and have a good time!
My Asks and DMs are always open for any questions or simply to talk!
- Jesse
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pantsaretherealheroes · 9 months
wip word search game!! tagged by @cal-daisies-and-briars and @jeeyuns this was very fun thank you!! <3
RULES: use this generator to generate three random words (or however many you'd like to do) and share the lines where they show up in your WIPs
these are taken from both my current WIPs (i'm counting the stranger than fiction one as a WIP because i'm still publishing it) I know these are technically longer versions of these words but if i have to match it exactly we'll be here all day:
x-ray: from my upcoming up chapter of are we still friends? can we be friends?
“Nice to meet you, Eddie,” Cam says, and his eyes dip over Eddie’s body in a way that makes him feel x-rayed. And should definitely make him uncomfortable, right? He’s been hit on multiple times at calls, by women and men, and that’s mainly just been annoying. Why is this any different? Why does he feel something crackling at the base of his spine?
concern: shockingly this comes up a lot in both, but from i'd go the whole wide world just to find (you) (stranger than fiction au)
Dr Wasser looks concerned. “Do you want to die, Eddie?” 
Eddie blinks. “What does that have to – I’m not going to kill myself, I don’t – I just need to know what it knows. It comes and goes, I know there are parts I’m not being told about. Maybe I can stop it.” 
Dr Wasser watches him through her big glasses, unblinking, like a huge owl. 
proper: also from i'd go the whole wide world just to find (you)
“So, I start thinking about it,” Bobby explains. “And I kind of love the tragedy of this guy just learning to live his life again, just starting to realise who he is in his late twenties after being forced to grow up so quickly – battling all that Catholic guilt and repression, because I love to give a character my complicated relationship with Catholicism –” Bobby says, and chuckles. “And falling in love, maybe for the first honest time in his life – I think he loved his wife, but they were so young, she was his first girlfriend, he never had time to think about whether he loved her properly before they were married and having a kid – and he doesn’t realise he’s gonna die. A bittersweet love story about the random cruelties of life, and how even if you’re not together long you can change people. It can still be worth knowing –”
oooh that was fun! thanks again for the tags :)))
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earth-93 · 9 months
Stars & Stripes Hotline [Version 1.12]
C: \login\BuddyHolly
Directory of C: \BrigadeFiles\Xmen
04/27/2006 9:48 AM Total Files Listed: 15 File(s) 168,248 bytes
Directory of C:\BrigadeFiles\Xmen\RANKIN_CALVIN.txt
[file data =
Main Alias/Moniker: Mimic
Legal Name: Calvin Montgomery Rankin
Other Aliases: Cal
Date of Birth: February, 19th 1987 (Age: 19)
Status: Alive
Species: Human Mutate
Sex: Male
Gender: Cisgender
Height/Weight: 5'10 (1.78m) [Varies] / 173 lbs (78.47kg) [Varies]
Hair/Eye Color: Brown / Brown
Timeline (1987 - 1997): I don't have a personal connection to Calvin. Bobby and Logan have more of a bond with him than I. Still, our lives were intertwined for a brief but critical point. It's this among other reasons that I took it upon myself to draft his file, despite some of the subject matter still creating discomfort for me. For someone who has had so little control over his life, I felt I owed it to him, the closest person who can relate to his experience, to try and put it on record.
According to retrieved medical documents, Calvin inherited a glandular disorder from his mother. A genetic defect that can affect one's heart rate and blood pressure. Calvin's mother was diagnosed with the condition posthumously, as she suffered cardiac arrest shortly after giving birth to him. As a single parent whose child was in need of full-time care, Dr. Rankin was put in a vulnerable spot, one that was eventually exploited by Essex.
I don't know enough about Ronald Rankin to confidently judge his character. Even him taking employment under Essex could stem from financial insecurity, and his disappearance and presumed death could further suggest he eventually objected to Essex's treatment of his son, and was promptly disposed of. The full details will forever be lost, and whatever the circumstances the outcome was that Calvin ended up in the same lower levels of Essex's hospital that I was around that time, conducting the experiments on mutant traits that wouldn't compliment his public persona of "Nathan Millbury."
I've suspected that, through Calvin, Essex sought to refine his "chimera" experiments: The grafting of mutant genes, that he had long ago applied to himself, into a non-mutant body. Rather than splicing specific genes into Calvin, Essex altered his endocrine system to make his body able to absorb and mimic not much mutant traits, but potentially all superhuman traits. If my suspicions were true, them Calvin was nothing but a guinea pig. A trial run of a procedure Essex intended to then apply on himself. Fortunately, his plans never went that far, as Calvin escaped Essex's captivity the same way I did, when the first manifestation of my optic blasts blew a hole in the wall.
Timeline (1997 - 2003): The specifics of Calvin's activity between his escape and his first interactions with us are unclear. I can attest that Essex and his contacts made great efforts to scrub the children he experimented on from public records, so any accomodations Calvin might have fallen into have been difficult to find. It can be inferred that whatever living situation Calvin found himself was brief, and he largely spent this period mobile. Due to his trauma, his glandular condition as well as his newfound powers, Calvin's threshold for stress was considerably low, and as a means of survival his interpersonal skills were boiled down to either manipulation or confrontation. Though his powers more closely qualify him as a Mutate, as this was the peak of mutant-related discourse Calvin came to recognize himself as such. So once the X-Men came into prominence, Calvin developed a fixation on us.
Timeline (2003): Calvin's first encounter with us was through Bobby. He befriended him privately, under the half-truth of being a mutant runaway who looked up to Bobby. Bobby felt alienated with the rest of the team at the time, and was susceptible to Calvin's manipulations. Calvin's intentions were to mimic the entire team's powers, and he very nearly succeeded. The more he tried to absorb, the more taxing and unwieldy it became for him to maintain all of them. What broke Calvin was when he attempted to drain and mimic Jean's powers—specifically, her powers without the mental blocks she still had at that point. Calvin was so clearly in pain, we all dropped our guards and offered to help him, but Calvin instead overpowered us in one last feat and fled.
The powers Calvin absorbed eventually regressed from inactivity, but it nonetheless took a toll on his body. He went on a brief robbing spree, breaking into pharmacies and stealing sedatives to try and numb his pain. Before any of us could track him down, he was first found by Phillip Masters, aka The Puppet Master. Masters used Calvin as a stratagem, threatening his life if we didn't make use of our contacts with the Fantastic Four and give him access into the Baxter Building. Jean and I played along with this, bringing Calvin into the Baxter Building under the pretense of requesting consultation with Dr. Richards, while the Professor and the rest of the team tracked down Masters' psychic signature.
Masters' goal was to acquire an android built by him and an associate that the Fantastic Four was in possession of at the time. We did have to feign being the aggressors for a brief moment, but once the rest of the team tracked down and detained Masters, Calvin's life was no longer under threat and the act could be dropped. Even when Masters attempted to retaliate with the unleashed android, its own mimicry powers were cancelled out once confronted by Calvin, thus ending the threat of the situation completely. Calvin briefly resided at the Mansion with us, where we first got the best sense of his powers.
Though understandably shaken in the aftermath, Calvin appeared responsive enough to nod along to the Professor's offers to provide him care. He would mimic Jean's powers, this time with a greater sense of control, and glee yet again. Calvin would later say of this that his involvement with Masters left him in a state of despair, unwilling to trust anyone but himself lest he be taken advantage of once more. He resumed his life on the run, but maintained his fixation on us in spite of his supposed mistrust. When we went mobile after Bobby fled to San Francisco, Calvin trailed behind us, and only intervened when we nearly approached our destination.
Camping outside of Las Vegas for the night, we unwittingly came into contact with the Hulk, and a fight broke out. Calvin intervened when it appeared the Hulk was gaining the upper hand, boldly grappling the Hulk and absorbing his Gamma radiation. It was enough for us to be able to disarm the Hulk, but it also left Calvin suddenly deathly ill. Hank's quick thinking led to Logan making contact with Calvin, and by mimicking Logan's healing factor was able to naturally process the radiation.
After we all gathered our bearings, an idea had formed amongst us: That through a more focused application of Calvin's absorption and Logan's healing factor, we could potentially cure Dr. Banner of being the Hulk altogether. There was some brief contention on whether to go through with this idea, but what settled it was Calvin's consent in his role in the procedure. He said to us he was ready to repent his past misdeeds and sought to do good, and by all accounts he was sincere in that claim. In the middle of the procedure, however, his fight or flight instincts compelled him to attempt to absorb Dr. Banner's Gamma entirely, likely thinking that gaining the Hulk's nigh invulnerability would end any concern over his survival.
Jean intervened when this subterfuge became clear, and through that telepathic contact Dr. Banner's Gamma was inexplicably transfered into her. While the rest of us fell under the influence of Jean who then went out to confront the military convoy out searching for the Hulk, it ended being Logan, out of all of us, who met Calvin at his level and succeeded in reasoning with him. Once the situation with Jean and Dr. Banner was resolved, Logan stayed behind with Calvin as the rest of us continued our journey into California.
At time of writing, Calvin is residing on Muir Island, receiving treatment both for his powers as well as his antisocial tendencies.
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citrisz · 8 months
omg. can't believe you have cal naughton jr as ur header....loving the new theme x
THANKKKK UUUUUUUU i may get an image of him and ricky bobby soon....
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isabelguerra · 2 years
ok disclaimers: i was not personally involved in the parastucking this is mostly stuff i remember from lurking in both fandoms around 2012 and therefore the details or timelines may be inaccurate because it's 2023 and 2012 was 11 years ago what the sodding fuck
but basically im sure you know that there used to be homestuck references in paranatural (ex. GENUINE DISTRESS!), and that zack morrison did the first and last comics of paradox space as well as made some merch for hussie and also parts of [s] game over (i.e. they used to talk)
back when comments were open on pnat's site, it was clear from reading comments that there was a lot of overlap b/w hamsteak fans and paranatural fans
(And i guess earthbound fans too come to think of it, the overlap pipeline was like earthbound --> homestuck --> paranatural --> undertale coming later in 2015.)
i can confirm the above pipeline worked for me at least because that was the exact order i discovered all of these in
there were also percy jackson references here and there because i specifically remember someone saying "move over jason grace there's a new weatherboy in town" somewhere around isaac revealing he had lightning powers and there definitely was a paranatural percy jackson au but that's neither here nor theer)
so naturally if you look at really old blogs (think fyeahparanatural which mercifully is still up) you find a lot of little crossovers here and there but relevant to the purposes of ur au is that a lot of people drew characters in their god tiers (there was never like, a consensus on who got what god tier everyone seemed to have a diff take on it)
idk how many of these artists are still active in the community let alone tumblr itself but assuming the blogs aren't deactivated you could shoot them an ask or two and see if they respond
what sucks is that there used to be a paranatural tumblr that was specifically dedicated to crossovers and they for SURE had documented all homestuck crossovers but i can't remember the url and i have no guarantee that's even still up but if someone has that PLEASE GIVE US THE URL
there also might've been parastuck stuff on deviantart just going off the timeline of homestuck and paranatural being popular at the same time around like 2011-2013 but i'm not super familiar with that content if it exists (i'll look into it tho seeing as i've recently been trying to track down bobby pendragon content on deviantart for a completely diff fandom)
rn i'm just opening tabs like a madman trying to catalogue every piece of fanart or lore that i can find while woozy from loss of blood thanks 4 ur time
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YES YESSSSSSSS I REMEMBER THE MORRISON PARADOX SPACE COMICS!!!!!!!!!!!!! i never played earthbound but watching everything springing from the bloated corpse of homestuck and into mainstream culture is fucking crazy. so many people dont even know. i talked with someone literally yesterday about radiation and they were like TOBY FOX WAS IN HOMESTUCK???? the look on her face when i showed her [S] Wake and megalovania turned on was priceless.
and yeah tbh its kinda sad seeing how many ‘staple’ pnat blogs just arent around anymore. thank god for fyeahparanatural keeping the blog up as an archive. i cant believe i never knew they had a homestuck tag. looking through it for the first time has some REALLY interesting results. i saw dunacht’s puppet x lil cal fanart. i saw a god tier max that turned his hat into the aspect color scheme. i saw spender in sock garters. i saw the jang as the midnight crew. i saw spender in sock garters. hey did you know what comic turns 13 this year
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xprojectrpg · 2 months
This Day in X-Project - July 10
Sarah Rushman's birthday.
2015: Molly texts Wade about needing a distraction. Amanda and Kurt track down Topaz and talk to her. Clint and Quentin come across one another while running and they have a conversation that doesn't end in pure vitriol. Patent Pending: Sue emails Warren about her finding out other companies have been hit by industrial theft as well. Having been tutored by Doug for a couple of weeks now, Doug decides to throw a few tests Hope A.’s way.
2016: Maya posts about the stupidity of a pink Ouija board.
2017: Everett offers Reed a job.
2018: Alison posts a picture of roller skate heels. Sins of the Father: Bobbi goes to meet Callisto for help with a case, but Cal starts coughing up blood.
2019: While leaving the library, Alani runs into Kurt and gains some knowledge about mutant genetics.
2020: Jubilee and Marie-Ange discuss the former's most recent mission and the need for more bodies in X-Force.
2022: Pyotr emails the mansion to inform them that the Enhanced Strength Area will be receiving some work.
2023: Warren surprises everyone by announcing himself on the journals again and things get messy with talk of succubi, sexual assault and what constitutes fair game for jokes; Gabriel complains to Kevin they should have left Warren with Satana; Illyana is also less than pleased, considering the succubus incident and announces no-one should let Warren near the Wormhole; Terry asks Kyle about the newcomer and how to get donations for the Underground out of him; Shatterstar thanks Marie-Ange for the ice-cream she rewarded him with after a rather amusing comment on Warren’s journal; Gabriel texts Felicia, unhappy at the lack of warning and she denies all knowledge of Warren’s return; Inez texts Darcy about Warren, wanting to know his deal; Gabe clarifies the demon-fucking comments to Kyle which are not about Olivier; Clint emails Warren, concerned about Felicia’s comments about the demon incident being sexual assault.
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