#I fucking LOVE horror
thecl0wnfather · 1 year
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please enjoy this collection of shitty Welcome Home doodles I made while going insane fer th' past day of brain rotting over this
yes, that is Howdy dying in a glue trap.
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i-drop-level-one-loot · 8 months
Omg you love slashers too?? What do you think about Billy Lenz in Black Christmas or Thomas Hewitt from Texas Chainsaw Massacre??
Rat Man and Giant Teddy Bear
Instead of going into how much I love Black Christmas, let's talk about these dirty, dirty men.
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I love scrawny rat men. Will he molest me? Will he stab me? Who knows, and frankly, who cares. If I can get a squeeze of his tiny little ass in before I'm sent to hell, it will have been worth it. I'm no masochist (debatable) but men who act like they'll peel off my skin just because they think I'm pretty make me want to be locked in a tiny cage. And if you have a dehumanizing kink, even better, because Billy will call you a piggy and a whore but probably never by your name ❤️
Stalk me, harass me, threaten to eat me out, masturbate into my pillows, and then after all that foreplay, rip me open and play with my guts? Sounds like a date.
And Thomas..
Yeah, he's a cannibal, but he can eat this ass
He's a giant of a man, and I don't understand how that could ever be an insult. I want him to sit on my lap so I can hold him like a giant stuffed animal, I do not care if he hurts my legs. He has the filth of a rat man, with his luscious locks that need to be washed and blood stains that will never come out, but the air of a man who'd be scared of pushing your boundaries (like a gentleman). And imagine getting your back snapped in half by him, both sexually and not. Sure, his life style feels like Christian based, trad wife, barefoot in the kitchen with a baby on your back, making human stew, you're never leaving this house, kind of life, but would it be worth it? Maybe. Even without a uterus, even if you were the more dominant in the bedroom, I feel like you would be delegated to house spouse duties, simply because Thomas would love you too much for you to get blood on your hands.
Thomas brings out my "I can save him" side, where as Billy makes me want to be broken down like the pig that I am.
Oink oink.
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jamiesfootball · 1 year
I’ve been twirling it around in my head how Ted and Jamie had similar but opposite movies assigned to them, both revolving around the concepts of dreaming and waking up, but which are very very different in execution. Like literally so different, that that’s the only common thread they have.
Ted, son of Dorothy, with the Wizard of Oz. Leaving the tornado back home in Kansas and traveling to another world where he builds relationships with people trying to discover the magic in themselves. Something about a road (but also something about quoting Robert Frost’s ‘the road not taken’). Crossing through the Dark Forest. Making his way to the Emerald (Man) City. And we know the point of Oz is that eventually you can not stay in the dream. The shoes you’ve found and worn will carry you back home - you’ve had the power within you this whole time. But it also begs the question: has Ted met the man behind the curtain yet? Or is that man meant to be the reflection of himself, the person - the dad and husband - he always assumed he’d be? Wizard of Oz is ostensibly a story about growth and questioning your belief in the role you’ve been assigned and when you’re ready, seeing who you really are and what the world really is. You had the power all along. The dream is a wonderful place, but it’s closing time and you want to go home. You want to go home.
“There’s no place like home.”
In Nightmare on Elm Street you are never safe in your home. Freddy Krueger hurt and sexually abused kids when he was alive (in the waking world), and after he died preyed on kids when they were asleep (in the dream world). And even when they were awake, the kids were always afraid that Freddy was after them. Jamie is literally afraid of his own Freddy Krueger. There are no magic shoes. There is no exploration of self, no growth, no learning - there is just constant, exhausting vigilance. The only way to kill Freddy Krueger is with fire, and even then he keeps coming back. And that’s the note that every Freddy Krueger movie leaves on. The idea and hope that maybe you’re safe. Maybe this time. Maybe. Maybe. Maybe. So you try to enjoy that possibility as hard as you can, as much you can, but it’s forced, because you know deep inside that you can’t truly know that if you’re safe ever again. Because it’s the hope that kills you.
So Ted. Sweet Ted. Amazing Ted with his red heels and his beloved witches and his strange but wonderful companions and his flying monkeys. Ted probably feels like he is wrapping up in Oz, ready to face the wreckage of the tornado head on. He’s ready to leave the dream. And he thinks as he’s talking to a Jamie from his world, a Jamie that has grown so much and who’s so strong and smart and kind, a kid who’s so so brave. Because that’s what Ted has seen. That’s the role he’s played. From his viewpoint, this is how the movie goes.
But that’s not Jamie’s viewpoint. Jamie may have wandered into Ted’s play, but to him if he ever fit in, it was only because he was pretending. Because he was stopping himself from being a prick. Everyone else is great and does great things - it’s Jamie who needs to try harder. Ted’s dream was a great place to hide for a while, but Jamie was never waiting for the slippers; he was always waiting for the other shoe to drop. One, two, Freddy’s coming for you. You can’t hide from him. You can’t escape him. And he can even get you in your dreams.
Which is why there’s a point in every Freddy Krueger movie when the victim says they’ve had enough of hiding, and they take some sleeping pills, and they decide to face him head on.
So Ted thinks he’s ready to leave Oz behind and that everyone in Oz will be fine once he’s gone, when actually what he’s accidentally done is given Jamie an idea: to wade into the Dark Forest and confront Freddy Krueger head on. Jamie doesn’t h
Ted and Jamie are talking, but they’re not in the same movie. They’re not in the same genre. They’re both at the end of their movies, ready to face the bad guy, so they think they’re having the same conversation. But they’re not.
And once again I’ve typed so far that I’m not sure where I’m going with this, but there’s definitely. More story there. A climax that hasn’t happened. Another story to explore. Because what becomes of the companions after Dorothy leaves Oz? Even if Jamie defeats Freddy, will he survive to the end of his own movie? Does he make it to the sequel?
Will Roy Kent get to fight his dad like Jason Vorhees? Does he already own a machete, and does he borrow the hockey mask from Van Damme?
Now I’ll just pivot down a different somewhat related path (road):
Isaac literally told Keeley he just wanted to do something with shoes. Something about the shoes. Something about Jamie burning the shoes his mum got him. Something about all the football lads fighting over what kind of shoes they’re allowed to wear, and Dani hating mourning shoes and stealing Rebecca’s soft bright cozy ones that she never wears. Jamie being stuck in his socks at the locker room at Wembley. Roy wearing his colorful socks with the yoga mums. Keeley wearing shoes that out her on eye level with everyone else. Trent’s leopard shoes. All these people in Oz with their fucking shoes or lack thereof.
And shoes!
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noknowshame · 2 years
why is religious Christmas imagery all so joyful and pleasant? where is the inherent horror of the birth of Christ? A mother is handed her newborn child, wailing and innocent. Her hands come away sticky. Red. Simply by giving her son life she has already killed him. He is doomed from the beginning. Her love will not save him from suffering. Because the thing cradled in her arms is not a baby, it is a sacrifice: born amongst the other bleating animals whose blood will one day be spilled in the name of what demands it. the night is silent with anticipation. Mary, did you know? That your womb was also a grave?
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fashion-runways · 2 months
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HANA YAGI 'Sanguine Bride' Collection 2024 if you want to support this blog consider donating to:ko-fi.com/fashionrunways This collection was created by reconstructing wedding dresses and white kimono that had been rented out at wedding halls and then discarded due to damage. In Japan, there is a story that one of the reasons why wedding dresses are white is to express a woman’s purity and innocence and her intention to be dyed by the family she marries into. The dresses were deconstructed, reconnected and dyed with the intention of challenging the patriarchal norms of the wedding ritual. Once dead, the wedding dresses are reincarnated, brought back to life by letting blood flow through them.
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inky-toons · 1 year
What a way to cap off a night /gen
I gotta check it out here actually
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Vincent Price and Kermit the Frog
The Muppet Show (1977)
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He's a used car salesman. He has a heart of gold. He can't parallel park. He has two gay witch italian dads. He chops the wood. He has a magical talking cat mom. He's an assassin. He isn't an assassin. He's actually the cat from earlier. He's trans (female cat to male human). He's been shot through the heart. He was in Dewar. He was not in the war. He was in Dewar. He's on his last of nine lives. He just had a marble shoved down his throat. He's even bisexual. I didn't say his name, but he popped into your head, didn't he?
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stil-lindigo · 2 months
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dyke-in-crisis · 4 months
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Lady Mowbray ❤️‍🔥 commissions patreon
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goryhorroor · 28 days
we need to revive hammer horror so we can get colorful horror again. im so tired of squinting in the theater cause i cant see a damn thing anyone in the movie is doing
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annqer · 7 months
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my only goal in life is to make horror rpg maker-esque sunday art and have it in a sick edit
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chihirolovebot · 10 months
on a real note that bit near the end of the video was genuinely haunting. hearing somerton talk about how gay writers are erased from history was one thing (with all the irony being that he stepped on the backs of numerous underpaid, underprivileged and uncredited queer writers to build his youtube channel) but when h revealed it wasn't even somerton's quote in the first place? the worst, most crushing sort of irony. how do you lament about the erasure of gay people and gay writers in history... whilst erasing a gay writer and taking his words as your own?
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citrinegay · 2 months
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Tony Collette— Age 12
Italy, 1927 Colorized
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Me when a game lets you explore the ocean, find fish, help people and there are also horrors.
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sculien · 8 months
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EVIL DEAD (2013)
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