#I fr love all my anons
breathlessangelkisses · 6 months
🪷 I miss youuuuuuu 🥺😘
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spacebubblehomebase · 25 days
THANK YOU! TvT I know I mostly post art, but writing is also one of my passions!!! So it's nice to know you're enjoying the story so far. 🥹🙏 Even though we just got past the introduction stage. But if you already like what we have for now, let me just say none of y'all are READY for when we reach the turning point of my AU! "The Dreamers" is the goal at the moment. That's all I'm gonna say. 😉✨ So as we wait, have this lil' doodle I made up just cause I remembered I can!
Till then! =D
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just-null · 11 months
How do we feel about Beach wear Noritoshi....
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Everyone thinks he'd go covered head to toe wearing those wet suits divers use, but no. Noritoshi isn't the type to want to attract attention to himself when it's not needed, so he'd try to blend in. Emphasis on try.
He's the guy wearing a covering or some shit. I think you'd have to fight him to wear a translucent one. (if you splash him with water, you'll acheive the same effect thoughahahaha) even though it's a beach, he's trying to find an appropriate way to cover up, hes just like that. yes to sunscreen ofc. I can see him in a sun hat, but it's not his.. maybe he took it from one of the girls
HIS HAIR WOULD BE UP BC ITD BE TOO HOT AND THE SUN HAT WOULD HELP HIM FROM GETTING OVERHEATED H.H....H IS FACE WOULD BE FLUSHED BC OF THE HEAT AND. AND. AND.. he's like the beach babe on the shore, soaking up the sun and reading a book or smth. if you splash him with water, i can see him trying to get you back. then boom bam, hes in the water with everyone else.
OH FUCK that's even IF he goes to the beach. it's like seeing God in the flesh, idk man I'd go blind........... hed probably come along when he realizes theres hot people at the beach. he cant have you looking at people in that state, hold on hes going. give him five minutes..!
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[untied covering version under the cut. like his booefjehsaf are out aha.]
ahahahahahahahahaa *froths at the mouth*
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mf dont even begin to look at me like that
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painted-bees · 4 months
The stuff you posted about Margie having ADHD really resonated with me, as an ADHD have myself I find myself viewing myself as a failure for not hitting my goals even when I was going above and beyond in the first place. Sometimes I just have to take a step back and remind myself that there's plenty of stuff I *have* accomplished.
Like I can miss a deadline or fail a goal but that doesn't negate all the cool shit I've already done. I'm not gonna go into specifics cuz the point of this isn't to gloat but when you take a step back you start to see all these milestones you hit that you might have not even noticed. Even just within learning to manage ADHD, it's easy to beat yourself up when you stumble but stumbling doesn't discount all the progress made.
Anyways ty for putting so much thought into a character that honestly makes me feel really seen <3
These kinds of responses always make me really happy haha because Hi-Note is kind of an ongoing self-soothing exercise in the form of a character study, and it makes me happy when other people can get a similar sort of thing out of 'em as well! Sometimes I worry that I talk too much in circles about certain aspects, etc--even when it's a response to being asked about it, but I've never been good at keeping ideas and things to myself when they've fascinated/enthralled me--and it feels nice to know that my incessant, long winded character ramblings resonate with a handful of folks, especially when they brush up quite intimately against real lived experiences.
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the1trueanon · 1 year
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a silly lil guy sitting on a silly lil apple @:3 he's gonna teach you the alphabet, if he can remember all of it...
wally has some magical power where drawing his lil face destroys all sadness XD fr with the right inspiration and enough energy i could just sit and draw/paint him endlessly to my heart's content, and he could very well cure all depression -w- i love him so much
our darling wally belongs to the great @partycoffin :D
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suffarustuffaru · 4 months
Scrolling through your blog is such a fun experience, you bring an absolutely great vibe to this fandom and I love it SO MUCH. Could even say you restored my hope in it, since there has been some aspects that made me force myself to leave it, and I hope me bringing one of them up here won't upset anyone.
Now I completely understand if you wish to not answer my ask, but I figured it's worth a shot. So, one of said aspects was a controversy regarding one of the rezero characters that made me feel like you can't mention them without being called names (mostly on tiktok, but other social media also, tho not as much).
Yeah I'm talking about Felix. I'm not transphobic by any means, and I'm fine with people headcannoning whatever they want, but seeing thousands of people calling others transphobic for calling Felix a 'he' made me so unsafe I forced myself to look for other interest. Which is funny since most of the people saying this weren't even part of the fandom. I was wondering if anyone else here had similar situations and just.. how do you deal with it? It seems silly, I know, but feeling like I can't speak about a rather important character from a media I love made me so upset.
No matter how much I tried explaining it, they either dismiss it or say Tappei made him a trans girl without knowing.
Now, if you do decide to answer this and say that Felix indeed may have been 'trans coded' a little bit (Did I used that term correcly? Idk) I'll understand (hell, I would probably agree, you character analysis are great), I'm just upset at the absolute lack of respect for any other way of referring to Felix other then she/her.
(Also in case people don't know, their proof of Felix being a trans girl is the scene from EX1, with the whole calling himself a girl in front of a mirror thing)
Sorry for this is being long and probably messy I just had to get this off my chest.. also I hope I didn't came of as offensive in any way, if I did I'm really sorry.
hi there anon! first of all - aw thank you for your compliments about me and my blog. im super passionate about rezero (though thats probably super clear to anyone whos seen any content i make for a while aljsdlkf) and well. ive been lurking about in this fandom since summer 2020 so i definitely understand having to leave/distance yourself from this fandom because outside of tumblr, the rezero fandom is kind of . well. to put it simply, theres a lot of metaphorical landmines unfortunately!! T^T and admittedly i wouldve left this fandom a lot sooner if i didnt stick to my own corner and curate spaces with other people who were super chill (like lots of people lurking about here on tumblr + rz tumblr in general!!). so i totally understand how you feel anon (and youre not silly for being upset, i promise!), though admittedly im not super super familiar with some rezero spaces (such as rz twitter) bc i 1. dont speak japanese and 2. i try very hard to avoid the negativity whenever possible!! T^T
and also i apologize for taking a while to answer your ask!! you're one of my older asks that kinda got lost in my drafts hah but i also just wanted to like. take extra care with your ask bc its a super important topic. like not just to me (though its definitely important to me) but its important in general. and i really like felix so. <3
a quick disclaimer is that i myself am not transfem. i am however afab and most likely genderqueer!! (im winging it as i go hah.) felix is also not a character id say im as well-versed in yet, but i do like felix a lot and ex1 changed my entire brain chemistry. and ill also be defaulting to he/him pronouns in this post because thats what he uses in canon.
felix is - at the end of the day - a fictional character, and tappei is a cis man who doesnt Entirely write characters like felix through a queer lens. arguably tappei is Self-Aware when he writes characters who are into other characters of the same sex (though the Representation is arguably a little bit questionable at times depending on how you look at it), but when it comes to characters like felix or subaru who have some Gender Stuff going on, it's more nebulous there. i dont know if tappei 100% realizes he's made characters that could be read as Trans/Genderqueer (emphasis on "read as", because i support different interpretations of these characters), but tappei Definitely Is Very Aware that gender and gender presentation and gender roles are super important when it comes to characters like felix, subaru, and crusch.
i think tappeis own perceptions of gender and gender roles do bleed a bit into the text as much as tappei is pretty purposeful with themes surrounding gender in rezero, but rezero itself still has all sorts of identity issues to explore with a lot of its characters and gender is a big part of that!!
so first and foremost im gonna be examining felix the best i can Purely Off Of The Canon Text, though i do like viewing rezero from a queer lens myself (and it is arguably very queer). im gonna talk first about felix and then ill move onto talking about my personal feelings on rezero fandom stuff :o !!
so felix's relationship with his gender is complicated and he Absolutely does not fit into traditional gender roles or gender presentation right now. these are undeniable. and if people headcanon felix as transfem thats totally understandable and valid!! but to say a headcanon is 100% canon and that other interpretations of a character as complex as felix are invalid isnt exactly it. for sure. i mean i myself interpret him as nonbinary haah. but felix's relationship with gender is so so so So complicated that i dont think you could just say hes transfem and then Not Elaborate More.
but regardless of how Exactly you label felix, i think you could possibly say that hes trans coded. tappei, even if he probably doesnt entirely know hes made pretty genderqueer characters, is Aware and Purposeful of how gender affects felix and his perception of himself and his identity and other peoples perception of him and this is brought up Over and Over Again in canon—felix’s gender identity, at the moment, aligns more with femininity in his presentation in every way, though he still perceives himself as masculine. felix’s case is complicated, and while im not entirely sure on this i think you could argue that hes trans coded—“coding” suggests a level of intent when making these characters, and i think that intent is present in some way with tappei. because tappei Knows just how important gender is with felix’s character and you can tell with how often and how Integral it is to felix’s entire character.
(more under the cut) (i do have a habit of being rambley/wordy sometimes if. if you couldnt tell already. but i hope this response is up to your standards!!)
these three analysis posts on felix's relationship with gender have all discussed this topic in-depth before i have, and i 1. really like the rezero content i see from all three of these people and 2. they All have slightly different takes based on the canon we have but also some similar points. because felix is complicated!! of course our takes are probably gonna be a bit different - he's a multifaceted character with such a complex relationship with his gender that it's hard to tell what every single one of his personal feelings on it is (especially when at the moment he hasnt appeared in the main story since arc 5 and he still has a Lot of character development to do). and of course fiction is fiction, we can all take away any sort of meaning from a story like this.
but you know. this is my post so im gonna try to analyze felix right now and say my two cents on what i think of his relationship with gender.
so im gonna try not to retread too much on what liquidstar, sufferu, and gourmet of gluttony have already said about felix (and i think theyre all very smart people with interesting analysis posts and theyve all explained their thoughts pretty well) and instead add on with my own thoughts - theres this felix excerpt from arc 4 wn that i think about sometimes. im gonna put it down here!!
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and also important to note—like other people have mentioned, crusch and felix made a “deal” of sorts in the past where crusch takes on felix’s masculinity and felix takes on crusch’s femininity. and also like other people have said—and i myself have said in the past—i do have some mixed feelings on this wkdndn and as i said before also i do wish tappeis feelings on gender bled a little less when theyre Not Integral To The Story. bc i dont think tappei 100% knows hes made trans coded characters, but. anyway yeah so thats the whole deal with crusch felix. and in its own right i think it has So Many Interesting Implications!!
i think when it comes down to it, gender presentation IS a bit of a performance, isn't it? like i love to wear dressses and skirts and i love to keep my hair short and wear suits, but you know - these sorts of things tend to be gendered. our gender is often perceived through how we present ourselves, but in recent years gender roles being attached to clothing has gotten a bit less Rigid. but these rigid roles associated with presentation are even more dialed up to Eleven in a medieval world like the rezero fantasy world. and i dont use the word "performance" in a negative way -
what i mean is that when it comes to felix's character, does felix think he's a boy because that's what he's been told? does he think he's a boy because he TRULY sees himself that way, or does he THINK he has to see himself as one? does felix try to present and perform femininity, ie as or like a traditionally feminine girl, purely ONLY for crusch's sake, or is it because felix ALSO WANTS to? what does felix think of gender outside of crusch? who is felix outside of crusch? who is felix outside of tying his entire personality to other people? does felix’s femininity show the “radiance of ferris’ soul” bc of the deal he made with crusch or bc this truly is felix’s soul? these are like the big questions behind his entire character and character arc that would determine in the end how felix identifies in both his gender and In General.
so what is felix's identity at the moment? bc right now, felix is stuck between his feminine self, tied to crusch, a symbol of crusch, tied to his own reliance on crusch and worship of her—and his masculine self, someone broken off from crusch. felix is tied to crusch right now to worrying extents with his obsessive devotion to the point of changing himself to mold into her image, and beyond that, hes still tied to guilt surrounding fourier’s death. gourmet of gluttony puts all of this way way more intelligently than i ever could, but at the end of the day, i think the best narrative decision here would be for felix to accept himself in ALL of his entirety.
healing in rezero is noted to be a kind power, specifically by fourier and fourier saying this right to felix when hes the most talented healer in lugunica, and healing itself is often stereotypically feminine activity. knighthood is stereotypically masculine, and on top of all this, we see in ex1 that biehn argyle twists the power of healing into something grotesque—trying to bring back the dead and revive what cant be revived, which is once again another reoccurring theme in rezero.
how far can “from zero” go? what HAS to stay dead and what can be revived? who is allowed to live? HOW do you live freely? felix is someone born from a horribly abusive and neglectful family who twisted healing magic’s kindness into cruelty, felix is someone who was taken into a family that showed him kindness and now hes desperate to pay them back with everything he has and everything he is, felix is a healer who lashes out when hes cornered and a healer who treasures life and a knight who cant physically fight like the others, felix is someone stuck with the horrible knowledge that he cant save everyone—that some things just Couldnt end better no matter how much he wished for it to.
felix is stuck between all kinds of worlds, and in terms of gender, hes quite literally still stuck between boyhood and manhood in the biological sense—hes purposefully made it so that he hasnt hit puberty yet so he can better pass as feminine. he hasnt Physically Grown past puberty—which is the mark of becoming an adult. and he hates himself in a number of ways, but he also hates himself for failing to be traditionally masculine. his abusive family stole ten years of his life and the torture left him physically weaker, so he cant be strong physically, which is something associated with traditional masculinity. felix is the best healer, a traditionally feminine job and skill, but he cant save everyone. felix becomes more feminine as part of his deal with crusch, but while crusch accepts her femininity and masculinity readily, and while crusch’s memory is erased by gluttony—felix is left behind, alone, still holding onto femininity while not entirely being able to hold onto it while he also cant entirely hold onto the traditional masculinity he expects out of himself. and with arc 3 on, felix feels hes failed both fourier and crusch. the two most important male and female figures in his life.
felix is basically stuck in this liminal space where hes not Enough for himself in literally every direction, and the only way out is to accept every part of himself and move forward by trying to define who he is without other people—his birth family and his found family dont define him. they can shape him, sure, but he has to stop shaping himself to meet them and figure out how to let himself just. Be. and take up a space thats firmly his. from a queer lens, this kind of thing is pretty queer—because to stop being in between worlds, you have to accept everything instead of splitting yourself into halves over and over again. killing or maiming yourself or parts of yourself is no way to live, and felix is Life itself.
and i think regardless of the Exact Labels you could give felix, i think his arc—which is perfectly in line with all of rezeros themes—is inherently about self acceptance and the bridging of the gap and combination of femininity and masculinity. felix is both and identifies, in one way or another, with both, similar to how he loves someone who identifies with both (crusch) and just as hes loved her and fourier. imo it wouldnt be right for felix to choose one or the other in terms of feminine vs masculine—he needs to be the one learning and navigating his honest feelings on both sides bc i think he Yearns to be both. hes a boy who dresses like a girl and its up to him to know if he wants to be a man and/or a woman due to his own internal desire or if parts of that is Only due to external pressures.
and alright now that ive said all my thoughts on felix atm im gonna address the other questions you had in your ask!! note that this is just my opinions and thoughts regarding my own experience in the english fandom, you dont have to agree or anything 👍
but i AM very sorry about your negative experiences in this fandom. T^T people calling other transphobic for using he/him for felix (and also people being transphobic about characters like felix or subaru/natsumi in general) is something ive seen as well. the rezero fandom is sadly very often toxic and Bigoted in a lot of ways (with the exception of rezero tumblr and certain segments of rezero ao3, from what ive seen), which is Ironic for a story thats so clearly about love and self-acceptance, which is also ironic because arguably tappei and otsuka and the rezero marketing team (i Love the female characters in rezero but theres just so much sexualized or vaguely sexist merch/moments that dont add to the story, you know? kind of just. misses the point of their characters sometimes.) sort of contribute to it a little bit as much as tappei does do some really great things with his writing.
rezero is the first fandom ive been active in but its definitely not the first ive ever been in, and ive been in some insane fandoms before. like i said earlier though, i think i just cope by curating my experience to what i like, yknow? liking posts i enjoy, looking at stuff i enjoy, etc :O !! fandom is a hobby so i try not to look at negative stuff when i can help it wkdnd. which im sure youre aware about already but i always have to keep reminding myself of this bc places like rezero reddit or twitter get pretty rough!! but its really helped me just following artists and creators i like, enjoying their content, chatting with cool people i vibe with, rezero tumblr being the chillest rezero space in the whole fandom, and its also helped me a lot making rezero content of my own—like this whole blog!! its really shocked me how much people seem to value my thoughts enough to ask me things frequently but i appreciate it pfft. and i hope you guys like reading my posts!!
but yeah like. curate, curate, curate. it helps a LOT and it gets me excited to experience rezero not only by myself you know? not that i didnt have fun by myself but its its own level of fun finally finding spaces to have fun with others!! and i LOVE finding beautiful fanart!! chef’s kiss. and trying to be the change i want to see is satisfying on its own :,) i want to post random shit about rezero, so i post it. i want to make fanart for fun and share it. i want to brute force people into loving otto more so i ottopost (dont worry, i still hate him bc true otto fans also hate him at the same time <3 /lh). i want more queer rezero content so i try to make some more!! brings more personal power i think and its very fun!! and it helps with lessening the quiet despair of fandom toxicity ;-;; (which is something ive done many times and will continue to do sometimes so i feel your pain 🫂) and i promise theres cool people in the fandom 👍 i may reply late to asks or dms but im ALWAYS down to talk about rezero things its so fun 👍👍
and its really really hard sometimes to deal with fandom toxicity especially if its forcefully knocking at your door—definitely dont force yourself to stay or look at things if you cant, bc thats totally understandable!! and i myself have been harassed a little in the past. but definitely having some sort of coping—the block button, backing out of things you dont agree with or like, lots and lots of curating, etc—helps me a lot. and i think mental health wise i feel much better trying to look on the bright side of things!! its MY hobby goddammit!! ill fight people subaru-style if they try to poison it!! and however long anyone reading this decides to spend with rezero and rezero tumblr—you are welcome here 👍
but yes my very Long rambling aside - i hope this post somewhat helped you!! felix is a very important character that i like very much and need to learn more about and i have Many Feelings on the english side of this fandom, but im very grateful to all the cool people ive met over the years here for sure!! :o
also ill probably post the finished version soon but if youve read this far here is a sneak peak of felix art i did recently (just as a reward for once again reading all of my Endless Yapping)👍👍
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kevinsdsy · 3 months
ANON??? im pretty sure someone sent me an inbox today about jean x kevin x shawn but i can’t find it anymore and i think i might have accidentally deleted which KILLS ME bc i really wanted to take a look at it now omg this just ruined my day i hope anon knows i did not ignore them and will now forever think about your inbox :(((
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uhohdad · 3 months
If Titan had truly loved someone, how would he act?
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The Head Cheerleader and The Star Quarterback High School Fantasy come true.
There’s something about having a girl like you at his side that just makes him feel twice as powerful as he already is. He can’t help but show off - because knowing that you’re his makes him feel like The Man. It’s intoxicating, your presence. He is addicted to how big and strong and powerful you make him feel. It’s almost tangible in times when he pulls you in for a sloppy kiss on your cheek or forehead. He’ll linger for a moment after his lips leave you, the tip of his nose still pressed to your skin while he breaths you - no, inhales you. Your scent sets his shoulders back and makes him stand a little taller. It wakes him up. Your pheromones are a drug, his performance enhancer.
The cockiness, the teasing, the flirting, it all seems to escalate when you’re around. Silky purrs and hums from a dangerous smile and fluttering eyes watching you get more and more flustered.
You’re his favorite toy to play with.
And Titan makes sure everyone knows it.
You’ll wear his jacket, and he’ll keep the loose fit snug with one of his strong arms slung around your shoulders. He tugs you close, until you’re practically sitting in his lap, and he won’t be discreet when his hand slides down your back. A tight meld as his palm snakes around your ribcage, smoothing over the curve of your waist. He’ll finish on a painful grope to the top of your ass, relishing in the way your squeak interrupts the conversation. His hand will creep to your front long after your squeak has been forgotten, pinching your thigh underneath the table and laughing at you when you flinch and bat his hand away. It doesn’t stop him from returning for seconds, resting on your knee before creeping further up your plush insides of your thigh.
He can’t wait for the moment you turn your head to snap at him, wont be able to hold back his smug grin while he stares down your cute angry little face, because your scolding will be completely undermined by the overlapped marks of his teeth painting the sensitive flesh of your neck.
His feelings for you does not hinder his tendency to push things too far. His teasing and button-pushing is endearing, making you smile more times than not, but some of your biggest fights revolve around him disrespecting the simplest of boundaries.
He can’t keep his hands off of you. And most of the time it’s welcomed, but in public you don’t exactly appreciate being groped and degraded in front of everyone. It doesn’t stop him from holding you steady by your hips to plant a kiss on a bruise he left on your neck the night before, grinding his aching cock against your ass.
You’ll try to whip around and shove him away, a heat on your cheeks as your eyes dart around to make sure no one noticed, but you’re no match for your boyfriend’s powerful grip.
“Titan!” You hiss through clenched teeth.
His fingers dig painfully into your hips when you try and wiggle from him, the strain in his jeans rubbing over the curve of your ass as he slobbers over your shoulder.
He pulls off your shoulder and presses his lips to your ear, giving you another squeeze from behind.
“Oh, c’mon, no one’s watching Doll Face.”
You grimace at the crude nickname, hands prying to get Titan’s fingers from bruising your hips, but it seems to have the opposite effect.
“I’m not joking, Titan, get off!” Your scold is spoke through grit teeth.
You can feel his smile against your ear, his words nothing but a sickeningly sweet purr.
“Well if you’re embarrassed about giving everyone a show, let’s just go somewhere private, Dolly.”
You give an earnest but discreet tug against his brutal restraint.
“You can’t control yourself until we get home?”
Titan presses his aching cock against your ass and gives another steady grind.
“How am I supposed to wait when you look, taste, and smell this good?”
You give an exasperated huff, stifling the shudder his breathy words send down your spine.
You know it’ll be easier for everyone involved if you just give in.
His voice drops several octaves when he presses his lips to your ear.
Titan lets go of your hips to snatch a wrist, his grip crushing as he drags you to the nearest storage closet, bathroom stall, or dingy alleyway, picking you up by the back of your thighs and pining you against the wall, fucking you until you’re grateful he chose to take advantage of you right here right now. Greedy, brutal cock filling you up, savage grunts and filthy degradations growled into your ear.
“I don’t know why you always put up such a fight, Doll.”
His grip of the plush flesh of your thighs tighten, tits bouncing ruthlessly against your ribcage as he quickens his thrusts, bottoming out and slapping his mound against your swollen clit with each plunge into your dripping cunt.
“Look how wet this cunt is for me,” He grits, eyes long since darkened and drained of empathy.
“You’re made for this, Doll.”
You pinch your eyes closed as your shaking fingers dig into toned shoulders, head lulling against the wall as he has his way with you.
You know this is wrong.
You know that this isn’t how a lover is supposed to treat you.
But Titan’s right.
The arousal soaking his cock proves how sick you are, how you crave the mistreatment and abuse, how you love the possessive hold he has around your neck.
Titan knows it’s wrong too.
Because after he buries his finish deep into your eager cunt, his grunts and powerful thrusts wavering as he claims you as his own, he can’t seem to meet your eyes.
He’s always well behaved after. His touches are soothing, his kisses tender instead of slobbering, compliments spoken with a genuine tongue instead of a condescending one.
The next day you’ll find flowers waiting for you, and he’ll tell you about which flower made him think of you the most. He’ll snuggle up to you, the way a lover should snuggle up to you, and rest his head on your shoulder.
You know he’s just trying to relieve his own guilt. He wants you to remind him that you will still love him regardless of his depraved urges.
And you’ll give in, reaching a hand up to play with his hair and scratch his scalp. He’ll give a hum into your shoulder - a content hum, not an arrogant one.
Your relationship waxes and wanes like this, a stint of good behavior until the corruption creeps back in, escalating exponentially until Titan inevitably boils over, sometimes in lust, sometimes in jealously, sometimes in anger.
You do love him. And he loves you.
He just can’t help it.
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chilschuck · 5 months
Im so happy seeing someone love Chilchuck (first time ive seen as widespread a fandom who loves my favorite character) I want to hug him but he'd just push me back. Ahhh. He needs all the love!!! Hes my blorbo but also i respect so much about him! His years in the dungeon bring so much wisdom~!!
`✦ ˑ ִֶ 𓂃⊹ AAAAA i’m so happy too, always glad to see another chilchuck fan!!!!! <333 i also want to hold him close and give him a ton of love!!! he deserves so much respect for all he does, and the fact that he brings so much knowledge and help to the party in his own ways is so wonderful. (;;;w;;;) if only he’d let us hug him and shower him in affection without pushing us away and grumbling about it… but i feel it would secretly make him happy…. a least a little… lol. he’s such a good blorbo!!!
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triglycercule · 27 days
What do you think the types of drunk would the murder trio be? Im pretty sure ask dusttale already answered this question about dust but i have to ask the mtt expert
see now askdusttale DID answer the question. but they didn't ANSWER the question when asked what dust is like drunk. they just said that dust is the type to drink himself blackout drunk. so that mean i have total freedom on deciding what the mtt are like drunk hehehe (rubs hands together in a villanous way that you would imagine nightmare doing or something idk)
i already have an absolutely hilarious idea for horror and it might just because i'm on the guilt section of his character analysis but i could TOTALLY imagine him being an emotional drunk. like he CRIES. horror sans man known for being incredibly guarded and private with what he feels bawling his eye out. he gets mad he gets sad he does not get happy because horror doesn't have the right to be happy. he is too upset over the fact that he fucking DOOMED all of horrortale because of his selfishness and nothing can stop him from being incredibly vocal about that fact so much so that killer had to tape his mouth shut because he wouldn't stop crying so loud. and then he just silently cries until he passes out from exhaustion. the alcohol has an incredibly strong effect on him because i dont think he would drink regularly plus he definitely hasnt drinken anything in those 7 years of starvation. it hits like a fucking plane crashing into him. or like getting his eye taken out again. either one!
another funny idea i had for killer would be like the alcohol affecting him but he SWEARS that he's still sober. he is very confused when he starts stumbling because wtf he doesnt FEEL drunk??? why is he bumping into walls and tables HELP WHY DOES HE SOUND FUCKING STUPID???? the alcohol is definitely effecting him but he swears he swears he doesn't feel drunk. hes not drunk its just the damn body doing this stupid bullshit!!!! he's still very aware of what's going on and is basically the same as sober but just like. he's wiggly he's wobbly and oh shit he just fell head face first into a tv whoops. he'd also have a high tolerance because just because. he can drink without feeling like shit until he just blacks out mid conversation with someone because his body couldn't take the toll of all the beer or whatever. hilarious idea triglycercule thank you triglycercule i know
dust in the context that we already know that he drinks AND he can fight against the human while like partially drunk.... i feel it would be kinda like a giggly drunk situation. except dust doesn't laugh at anything that's funny he only laughs when someone gets hurt or something. SADISTIC giggly drunk. because i can already imagine a half drunk dust laughing his ass off after killing the human and its a beautiful sight to me.
anyways imagine how it goes when you pair this sadistic giggly drunk with another that wont stop going through the 5 stages of grief and another that keeps on fucking falling over for no reason in his eyes. dream blunt rotation but the blunt is a bottle of vodka. i can already imagine it in my head and its fucking HILARIOUS. horror going on about how he caused the deaths of others and manipulated and tricked papyrus while killer is just trying his best to keep his eyes open because for some reason they won't stop trying to close. he is surprisingly getting frustated. dust has long since lost his voice laughing at this and he's just silent wheezing at everything. also phantom papyrus is only making the laughter worse because he keeps on making rude comments towards horror and killer and only he can hear him and its guffaw inducing. mtt amazing friend group you dont get shit like this anywhere else
#killer's breakdancing and he swears this isnt on purpose guys#GUYS GUYS ITS NOT ME THE BODY IS DRUNK OKAY WHY CANT I STOP WHEN DID I LEARN HOW TO DO THIS#horror has SO much to be guilty over its not even funny. ITS NOT EVEN FUNNY#nobody talks about this but this man is GUILTSTRIFEN. he is literally filled with so much guilt its not even funny#dust and killer have the genocides they did. ok. sure. that's it????#ugh god i dont wanna ramble in tags again..... im just gonna end up saying it in the analysis anyways but ughhhhhhhhhhh#yk what fine i'll rapid fire. trying to keep people from killing themselves. watching his friends die.#knowing that other monsters are getting eaten. worrying papyrus. coming up with a plan he knows wont work and tries make it happen#because that idea of them deconstrucing the core would NOT have worked so he did that out of selfishness#forcing his community to eat humans. tricking papyrus into eating humans. going against all his morals#dare i need say more i swear AND ALL OF THESE ARE SEPERATE THINGS TOO!!!!!!#he single handedly DOOMED horrortale into disarray by destroying the core#the eye idea wouldve worked. it wouldve been the only way monsterkind thrived#and yet he destroyed the core but kept his eye safe. as if one last big fuck you#you can have my eye but you cant have the machine that needs it. good luck bitches#THERE ALREADY WAS FOOD IN SNOWDIN BEFORE HE TOLD THEM TO EAT HUMANS#THERE COULD'VE BEEN ANOTHER WAY TO RATION THE FOOD OR FIND S FOOD SOURCE#BUT HE JUST TOLD TJEM TO EST HUMANS OUT OF SPITE SO UNDYNE WOULDN'T GET THE SOULS#granted it was a solution that worked for the hunger problem BUT HORROR FUCKING HATES IT#HE HATES THE IDEA OF EATING HUMANS HE HATES THE IDEA OF KILLING KIDS#BUT HE STILL DOES IT HE GOES AGAINST ALL HIS MORALS UGHHHHH#horror sans. horror sans my king horror sans my glorious lord and savior#i cannot WAIT to drop that character analysis. it will change lives. and by lives i mean me#i will be a changed man once the horror analysis comes out#anyways WHO IS THIS ANON AGAIN. its a question i always wonder because wtf#you have a daily question for me. this is like a log in event. if i answer all the questions in a row for a week i get a SPECIAL question#but fr thank you so much for your questions i love answering them its so fun to wrack my mind and figure out a way to answer it. brain teas#every time i see the words mtt expert i laugh lowly like an evil villain but i try not let it get to my head#humility is a standard i aim to uphold. one of my character traits. triglycercule character analysis when#tricule asks
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justanotherperson1 · 1 year
What do you think when bayverse Optimus Prime is called a psychopath/military criminal?
Well, I say… yes and no.
Yes, ripping faces and spines about of bodies is hella violent, but also, at what point in a war do you start to ask, “do I want to be moral, or do I want to live?” And this kinda ties into my last post about TFP! and Bay! Optimus. Sure, he could be considered a war criminal in human standards, I feel we could all agree that is the case, but a Phycopath? Not really? There is no time for mercy, no hope of diplomacy. Literally every fight he get into, he or someone he cares about gets hunted down and brutalized like a wild animal. At some point, fight or flight response kicks in and using blades is so much faster than trying to just shoot an apponant like in TFP, and it spares bullets that he might run out of like seen in Age of Extinction. Would you like to talk or injure an enemy that is still able to kill you with three others on your ass, while trying to take care of these little squishy creatures you’ve pledged your life to protect? Or rip a head off and have the immediate threat neutralized? And that doesn’t even go into this guy’s day-to-day life. He is surrounded by death and destruction, and has been for millions of years. MILLIONS. WW1 was a couple of years long and absolutely haunted the world’s generations afterward. It fundamentally changed the way humans looked at the world, looked at each other and expressed themselves. Could you imagine if a human war went on for MILLIONS of years? How would he be any different then any other in that situation? If anything, he’s quite tame, keeping his diplomacy with the humans and a tenderness for the life around him. Could you imagine if he had simply lost his shit and stopped caring anymore? He’s trying, man. It also doesn’t help that EVER SINGLE BATTLE is initiated in the middle of a metropolis. Michael Bay wanted a set piece and didn’t think a desert or something would work, so hypothetically, he get’s basically called or lured into battle by his enemies in giant cities, so thousands of people die and things get destroyed because he can’t control where his foes start shooting.
In the end, I get the thought process- it seems super logical, and if he stopped thinking that way, then he is getting slaughtered by either the Decepticons or humans.
“Nowhere is safe and it’s either me or them.”
A war criminal to human standards? Yes. A Psychopath? Leaning towards no. Did it have to be as gruesome? Probably not, but it gets the job done, and that isn’t to say that he doesn’t go over the top, but who wouldn’t in that kind of situation?
Anyway, I hope my silly ramblings make sense. Thanks for the ask!
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sxfterhearts · 2 months
DROPPPP THE JIUNG SMUT FIC 😭💔😭💔😭💔 literally nobody writes for him anymore and it makes me sad idc if it’s fluff, angst, smut, etc. just need me some jiung tbh
OMG ANON!!! this is insane i'm literally SO HAPPY TO RECEIVE YOUR ASK UHM THANK YOU AND UH ALSO I LOVE YOU IG? 💗 sorry is that too dramatic
okay youre so real tho literally nobody writes for my love jiung........... except i USED to write only fluff (i think i have around 3 fluff fics in my masterlist) and im not even joking, i literally have not wrote a single word of smut in 4years. FOUR YEARS. can you imagine???? it took kcon and dfesta and hello82 CHOI JIUNG TO BRING ME OUT OF MY SMUT HIATUS. WHEN I TELL YOU I WAS TRIGGERRED I REALLY MEANT IT COS OHHHHHH MY GOD I FR WAS LIKE FKJEJNFEILJNR RAHHHHHHHHH 👹 haha ha im gonna rant below under the cut sozzz
anyways TL;DR: DW MY FELLOW CHOCOCHIP your girl's gotchu i SEE u and i HEAR u and i will be working on the smut fic in earnest tonight (wish i published it earlier but damn it really is harder than i rmb to write smut) so yes. it will be dropped sometime tonight if all goes well (aka if i dont lose my mind will writing my own smut fic) you have been warned !! get keen !!!!! also feel free to DM me if you would like me to add you to a taglist or notify you when it's published (i'm aussie so time diff wise it will probs drop at a time that is convenient for americans cos LOL tumblr is an american site fr) !!!!
thank you so much for this ask btw it has been received and much appreciated by this little piwon writer living in her own tiny corner of the internet <333333333333 like i say this all the time but anytime anyone interacts with me and reads my fics it legit blows my mind cos im like who?? me??? damn.. //blushes
also ur so right i think its crazy how the popularity of members in terms of fanbase vs which members people actually want to read fics for is like... so different like worlds apart omg JUSTICE FOR HYUNG LINE PLSSSS i need more hyung line writers omfg
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jaydovekj · 2 months
um there are people who enjoy my writing and roleplays ?!???? ummmmmm what.
(read tags for rambles about folks on tumblr I love /platonic I didn’t type it out up here and don’t want to retype <3 )
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lupucs · 1 year
Gosh I love your art!
But uh whats your favorite deltarune ships?
Thank you so much!! Oh gosh, you really caught me off guard with this one hah!
Well, uh I think it should be pretty obvious which ships I like by now...
It's clearly-
It's obviously...
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jrueships · 2 months
She's a very professional senior manager and she was owning up to a mistake where she didn't attach the file that she said she was going to attach! So you're #valid for doing something similar in my opinion!
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thank u,,,,,,,, tumblr,,, my therapy,,,,
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jeetlebeetle · 6 months
Poor Alastor… I love RadioFemme, good thing I wasn’t the only one ships them. :)
Al really can’t catch a break 😔
Same! I wish it had a bit more traction— i find the concept of a one-sided relationship kind of enforced by the whole “i own your soul” thing super interesting! Especially since Alastor canonically hates being weaker than others its like the Ultimate Position of Vulnerability / Weakness and i love exploring that side of a character like him who’s usually so In Control. Strip this man of all control and toss him into a very unfamiliar situation and watch him grapple with his mental and emotional stability 🤩
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