#I feel like all my OCs have at least one small trait from me but Travye has several lmao
birchbow · 1 year
Travye always looks and sounds so serious so I have to ask, what makes him happy besides scripture ofc.
I do think he's pleased or amused more often than he appears to be, he's just got a very solemn face haha. He's got a different sense of humor than most of his colleagues, but he definitely does have one--less wacky slapstick and more dry deadpan, which means that he does make jokes, but they tend to fly over peoples' heads.
As far as like, general pleasures and comforts, I already mentioned book-making. He likes a night out every so often to get his braids re-done and his claws buffed and sharpened, and he likes either very serious, intense blueblood drama plays or very trashy, badly-produced reality television shit with no in-between. He likes a hot bath, which is not something that I imagine most trolls often have access to, living on spaceships with limited room--especially since he's not a small guy. But you take over a planet with hotsprings one time, and you really get the taste for soaking in hot water.
Also I think he likes to debate and argue! Primarily about scripture, but about other things he likes or cares about as well--he likes to be pushed to argue about things and defend his position on them, which is a completely foreign mindset for me the author but I have heard some people are like that haha. Put your opinion in an argument and let him gnaw on it like a tiger with a barrel full of meat....enrichment activity...
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novanoms · 1 month
New vore ocs + story:
(Tw: Murder, gore, body horror) [Please lmk if you think any more need to be added!]
The whole imposter pred and crew mate prey will always be close to my heart, but I love the idea of the two imposters being pred and prey.
Imposter “lime” is a saboteur that’s payed by outside sources to… well sabotage a mission. Their job can be anywhere between breaking parts of the ship to ensure they don’t meet a deadline, stealing or destroying something the ship is carrying, or even figuring out a way to destroy the entire ship from the inside out.
Imposter “white”, however, is an alien shapeshifter that’s more keen on survival than anything else. They view these ships as a type of hunting ground, allowing them to kill and eat those unfortunate enough to get caught alone. Anytime they’ve been ejected from the craft, they simply grapple onto outer part of the ship and wait for it to pass another vessel.
At some point, the two end up on the same ship. Though everything was is going smoothly, things took a quick turn when Lime was caught by one of their crew mates tampering with the comms. It didn’t go too far though, as Lime is always prepared to get rid of a witness. Though it wasn’t without struggle, Lime was able to come out successful. The person silenced and the long-distance comms out of commission, all they needed to do was get rid of this body and quick.
As they’re dragging it towards the vent, they don’t notice the guttural noises emanating from it. It was only after they managed to open the metal grilles did they see it. A horrible amalgamation of teeth and flesh sprouting from the tunnel, its tendril-like tongue ready to spear at any moment. Beyond panicked at the sight, Lime throws the body into the vent as a distraction as they scamper off in the opposite direction. Whatever cash they were making off this was NOT worth encountering whatever that thing was! They managed to make it all the way to their room in accommodations and lock their door shut, taking care to block whatever vents they could without constricting airflow in their room.
By the time people started to grow concerned for their crew mate, Lime had calmed down enough to wash off the dried blood and muck, their door now unlocked as they went about doing their “ship job”. That wasn’t to say they were calm at all, they kept rolling the memory around in their head until it melted into mush. Lime had managed to convince themself that it wasn’t real, despite everything else screaming at the saboteur to listen to reality. They still refused to cave, until the next evening.
A full day had passed since the event, and as the ship had begun to settle down for the night, Lime’s door slid open with a small sound. At first, they were annoyed. “Hasn’t anyone told you how to kno-“ Then, they were frozen. It was the same crewmate they killed, white suit and all. There were a few notable traits, there wasn’t any rips in the suit from wounds, nor cracks in the visor. The most noticeable was how much taller they were now. It wouldn’t be noticed by many as something of concern, there were plenty of individuals out here that were considered freakishly tall due to their planet of origin. But what made this so terrifying was the fact that Lime knew for certain that White wasn’t this big. They wouldn’t never won if they were.
The door slides shut as “white” takes another step inside. “W-who are you. W-what do you want?? I-I won’t tell anyone what I saw, I swear! I’ve got some c-cash I could share! Hell, you can have it all if you leave me alone!” They yelped as the figure grew closer, they could hear the deep rumbling from this…thing. Trembling in fear as the figure stops no more than a foot away, Lime shuts their eyes and prays to whatever god they’ve wronged that they’re at least given a swift death as they feel the shadow loom over them.
Nothings…happening. A minuscule spark of courage ignites in Lime’s chest, as their eyes creep open after hearing a weird shuffling of the suit’s fabric. They’re met with the pitch black visor of a space helmet staring back at them, head tilting to the side in a curious manner. They’ve also noticed that the individual has crouched down to be at eye level with the saboteur. After a few moments of caution, Lime’s tense form starts to ease. “White” seems to appreciate this to some degree, shuffling an inch closer as the rumbling grew louder.
As it turns out, the creature within the vent had thought that Lime had gifted the creature the body, rather than dropping it out of fear. Excited by this possibility of having another member to hunt with, the entity consumed their ‘present’ and quickly took its form to blend in. Now it was happily purring at the small human, brimming with curiosity.
While Lime doesn’t quite pick up on why this entity has a sudden interest, they’re not really in a spot to protest. They can only assume what it’s capable of, which could be anything really. A terrifying possibility. All they can really do is attempt to continue their work, subtly breaking small bits of this ship to force it to land somewhere. All the while they have White trailing behind like a lost duckling. A lost giant duckling.
Over time, White started to learn many things from Lime, more so about the individual than anything actually from them.
First off, the entity was quite worried when Lime didn’t eat any food it offered, confusion quick to set in as to why. It was meat, sustenance, was there more that needed to be said? White was practically gurgling out whimpers as they fretted over their ‘starving’ friend after they were denied a fourth time. While Lime couldn’t exactly explain it to the entity, they tentatively settled the creatures by simply taking whatever was offered to…do something with. They weren’t too sure but Lime doesn’t like to show their face, let alone eat in front of someone, and they felt it a bit cruel to throw it out an airlock. Besides, who knows if it’ll get angry at this act if it ever found out.
Secondly, their human is still fragile! Very fragile! Just because they’d gotten it food before, doesn’t make them stronger than the others. In fact, they’re smaller than many other humans, which caused the entity great concern. By this time, Lime was at least letting White touch them, though it was still very sparse due to the saboteur’s mistrust. White still wants to keep the human calm, keep their friend happy! Even with little experience outside of hunting, it knows that the way their heartbeat flutters in their chest is not calm, nor is the acrid scent of fear that subtly emanates from their form when it makes too sudden of a move. Even still, it can’t help but loom over Lime from behind, almost curled as close as it can be without touching the human. It wants nothing more than to split open its chest maw and lovingly bury the human inside, safe and sound within the very center of its being. It’s releases happy rumbles at the very thought, something that seems to be occurring more often Lime’s noticed.
The first time it happened was when the small saboteur got caught. Caught caught. There were only a handful of people left, after months of things going haywire and people going missing, they finally caught onto them. Confronted and cornered, Lime knew the only way they’d come out of this would be in cuffs or dead on the floor. For a second, they see a glimpse of White in the back, as it started arching backwards with a soft crack. The others noticed a little late, but the sound of ripping flesh and guttural screeching instantly grabbed their attention. The space suit’s center was torn apart, an opening of the fabric-disguised flesh revealing its horrible insides, pulsing and writhing as tendrils squirmed from its wound and countless sharp teeth lined the sides. A much larger tendril sports from its core, lashing out like a grapple as it grabbed onto Lime’s suit. They didn’t really have much of a thought in this moment, only shock of what they’d just witnessed and the suddenness of being pull towards the awaiting maw. Lime didn’t really have a moment to resist before being fully encased with a clamp of teeth and resealing of flesh. White was quick to flee the scene as the others scrambled, it wasn’t worried about anything the others could do now, only that its fragile friend was now safe and secure in its grasp. Speaking of, Lime was stunned. They didn’t even know what emotions to feel as White moved, the hot flesh that surrounded them, pulsing and churning. Its tendril-like tongue was still holding them, but instead of it being clamped onto the saboteur’s suit, it was curled around the already curled human in a strange embrace. There was little room to move in the moment, the surrounding unforgiving as Lime squirmed.
It wasn’t until White made it to a small and dusty storage room that it finally settled. It could feel the fearful heart beating in their chest, the way they pushed at the insides for space. As much as White wanted to hold onto this moment for as long as it could, it was smart enough to know that that would only make the human more afraid. Huffing a small warped breath, the entity’s gut splits open, the maw widening to reveal the human tucked inside. Lime was still very frightened by everything happening, but being able to move a little easier was helping to calm things down a bit. The cooler air made the heat feel a little less suffocating, and the rumbling purr White was making their body feel heavy. The alien appendage was still wrapped around them, like a pseudo hug as they could feel their exhaustion take hold. The adrenaline spike between getting caught by their colleagues and the whole…everything else had sapped them of whatever energy they had left. Besides, if it wanted to do any harm, it would’ve done so by now. A little rest couldn’t hurt…right?
White would’ve held its breath had it needed to breathe in the first place. The feeling of its human falling asleep within its confines, that fluttering heart easing because of it. It couldn’t purr any harder if it tried, the happy feeling in its chest practically bursting with affection for the human that rested right below it. The entity’s belly maw slowly closed, the sharp teeth intertwining like a gleaming cage, just enough to separate the human from anything that might try to harm them as the creature watched over their slumber.
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drbased · 4 months
i've been reading your symbolic states tag and i'm both fascinated and relieved. i too am trying to live more in the real world and less in my head. a spark was struck when i read that i should be looking forward to the work of living, rather than dreaming of the symbolic sense of achievement i want.
do you have any tips/advice on getting out of that state? i find myself slipping back to it after a few days/weeks. how did you get out of it permanently?
i also want to hear your thoughts on social media's impact on us with regards to the symbolic state. social media is a literal continuous symbolic state that we are now all expected to participate in. how might we do it without succumbing to living/thinking symbolically?
actually, i would go so far as to state that social media has contributed directly to the current boom and celebration of unreal/symbolic ideals.
thanks for sharing your thoughts on this.
Thank you so much for this message 💖
This is, in short, my process:
learn to recognise what makes you feel uncomfortable. mentally trace back to recognise what has made you feel sad, angry etc. The more specific and granular and embarrassing you can recognise as the source of your negative emotional response, the more you're learning about your actual self and not some idealised version of you.
from that, start getting to know yourself. once again, the more granular and specific you can get, the better. instead of thinking 'I am smart', recognise 'I have good analytical skills that I developed during childhood because of x experience' etc. this will help you to stop categorising yourself as a certain type of person and instead will help you to have a healthier relationship with the traits that make up who you are.
before doing an activity, is your mental picture of yourself in the first or third person? because if it's the latter, try imagining yourself in the first person. if this feels humiliating and embarrassing, and the activity seems boring, you've learned something about what you actually like doing. get used to recognising that picturing yourself in the third person is a warning sign. the more you recognise the warning signs, the more you learn about yourself, and the more you can act authentically.
with a better picture of who you are, you're better at recognising what you actually want in the moment. I specify in the moment, because it's very easy to categorise yourself - I spent over a decade doing things because 'drbased would like this activity', as if I'm forced to behave according to someone's OC character sheet of myself. For example, when doing art projects, I feel as if I'm supposed to do a specific design because 'that's the kind of design drbased likes' - which actually makes the activity the opposite of creativity because I leave myself no room for the spontaneity of the human spirit; everything I do has to fit into a category. Recognising that I can just exist in the moment and not as part of some wider narrative has helped me immensely
learn to trust yourself - or, at least, humour yourself until you trust yourself. learning to humour myself is where this all started. I took myself and my point of view seriously, and as such was finally able to stop being embarrassed at being a human being. I approach everything from my own point of view now, and it's wild that I finally understand that that's what being human, being alive, existing is all about.
and here's the big one - or, rather, one continuous and contiguous chain of small ones - I have to actually do what I want, moment to moment. Since I lost the ability to recognise myself as a human being existing in the chain of cause-and-effect, I have to re-establish my relationship with said cause-and-effect. I have to re-attach some neurons, and the best way to do that is with consistent behaviour. I feel something I want to do, I have to do it instantly. The more of a gap I leave, the harder I make it in the long run. I still feel the tug of obligation stopping me from doing what I want to do instantaneously, so this is a long, perhaps a life-long journey for me. but I want that, no matter how exhausting it can get, because every moment I get to show myself love and prove just how serious I am about mending my relationship with myself. One very existentially terrifying thing I've learned is that the medium is the message - the very fact that you're making these gestures to yourself is something that your brain registers. And the simple fact, is, reality feels a lot better when you're directly engaging with it. It's tough, but it's incredibly rewarding and makes life better - remember, you only ever exist in the moment - so thinking of yourself as anything other than in the moment is a form of death of the self. Reinforcing yourself as part of the chain of causality is telling yourself you're alive and want to live.
Make no mistake: I am not completely out of it. I seriously damaged my relationship with my own self-hood and I am sure that I will always be struggling with this for the rest of my life. But how I frame my response to life's struggles is entirely different now - I am making this decision to engage with what I once percieved as the humiliation of mundane life because I can now recognise that for better or for worse, I'm the one living it. I'm the one feeling the feelings and thinking the thoughts and doing the actions. I am the center of my entire perception of the universe, this life is literally my own. I used to think of myself as having some obligation/responsibility to other people and the universe itself - but now I recognise that responsibility is, like, an actual real thing, instead of just getting marks on a test. If I do something bad, that actually hurts real people; and likewise, doing something nice is good because real people benefit. The 'responsibility' comes once again from the equally comfortable and terrifying realisation of my place in the chain of cause-and-effect. As part of that chain, I may have caused irreparable damage to my psyche, but I'm not part of a narrative where I must seek to 'fix myself' - I'm just a human being, and I want to live the best life I can because feeling good feels good, and that's what I want for myself because I care about myself. If I have to spend the rest of my life constantly asking 'what do I actually want right now?' then so fucking be it - because the alternative is a low-level hell of depression and PDA.
I will talk about social media and symbolic states in a reblog of this another time. But I hope this helps - I'm getting better at writing down the stages of what I did to help myself, and it's incredibly gratifying, and the responses I get are validating.
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autistook · 6 months
DAISIES - pt 2
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Merry Brandybuck x fem!hobbit!reader/soft oc
Previous chapter
Words: 3.1k
Summary: Merry drags you and Pippin on an adventure as an apology for the panic attack their dare caused you days before. Halfway there, Pippin decides to turn back, leaving you and Merry alone. After smoking some pipe-weed, the conversation turns a little bit deeper, when you discuss things you have never talked about before, and getting more close to each other.
I want to say something before you start reading the second chapter of this fanfic. I hope you can still feel like you're a part of the story, even thought it is a soft oc. I prefer giving characters some qualities (reader's height, fears and personality traits for example) and backstories when writing, and personally I prefer when I can escape to a story, where I am a little bit different from my usual self.
I also want to point out that this story obviously has and will have some differences to canon events, and I will be mixing up some things from the books and movies, and other stuff from my own head.
That being said, I hope you enjoy this next part of 'daisies'!
For the few days following the incident at the river, you mostly stayed in your own bedroom, every now and then getting something to eat from the kitchen. Frodo showed some concern, but knowing your need for space, he decided to let it slide. You were still shaken up by the panic attack, trying to avoid anything that could trigger one again.
Pippin and Merry did not take long to realize that you had been distancing yourself at home for more than a day. Normally you would already be at least on a walk, where one of them would run into you. They decided to visit Bag End to drag you out of the bed by force.
"No! You're not allowed to stay indoors any longer!" Pippin exclaimed and started to pull you out of bed. Merry was biting his nails. You groaned and made your body limp, so it would be harder to pull you away from under the comfort of your blanket. "You have been indoors for over a day already, and we all know how easily you distance yourself. Get up, Baggins!"
"We promised you some pipe-weed, didn't we?" Merry says, his arms crossed, looking at you. His eyes revealed just how guilty he was feeling about pushing your boundaries at the river. Pippin tended to feel more guilty, but never showed it to anyone but Merry.
"Is there any way you would just let me have some space for one more day?" you asked, already knowing their answer. Merry shook his head and bluntly declined your request. Finally, the two managed to pull you out of bed, and you rushed them out of your bedroom for some privacy. 
You went through your closet for quite some time, trying to decide between a few different dresses, your fingers gently rubbing the different kinds of fabrics to see if any of them would make you feel slightly more comfortable in your skin. You settled on a sage green dress, made of a material so soft and light that you could barely feel it on. You slipped the dress on, and unlike usual, decided to skip a corset, just to make sure no piece of clothing made you feel any more uncomfortable.
You made your way down the hall, where Merry and Pippin had made themselves at home and were chatting up with your brother, laughing about some private joke of their own. You passed the small mirror that was hanging on the wall in the hallway, glancing at it and smiling to yourself. You thought about the small gesture of comfort Merry had provided you by putting your favorite flower sneakily behind your ear. 
You entered the kitchen, fidgeting with the hem of your dress, nervous about leaving the house, while knowing it was the best decision for you. 
"Glad to see you up on your feet again!" Frodo said cheerfully, his smile gentle and wide. Merry put his arm around you, squeezing you firmly.
"We couldn't let her stay in any longer. Who knows how long she would've stayed indoors!" Merry said. "It was the pipe-weed that finally got her out of the bed. I fear our friend has an addiction," he continued teasingly. You gave Merry a soft, playful smack on his shoulder, making him chuckle. 
"We actually got something better for you, as an apology," Pippin said and handed you a small leather pouch. "It's Old Toby. We know you prefer it."
Smiling, you accepted the apology, immediately inhaling some of the sweet smell of the leaves through the leather. Frodo shook his head at this sight, taking a sip of his tea.
"So, do you want to smoke it now?" Merry said, hoping you would share some of it with him and Pippin. You gave him a nod, trying not to act too enthusiastic about getting to taste some of the sweetness of the pipe-weed soon. You then saw Merry's eyes shift slightly to the left from your eyes. One corner of his mouth curled up a little, making you turn around to see what he was grinning at. There seemed to be nothing amusing behind you, so you figured he had to be happy about your agreement to go have a smoke.
It was a cold day in the Shire. You were wrapped up in your long coat, arms crossed, slightly shivering. Merry seemed to be in his element, enjoying the cold spring breeze. Pippin on the other hand, was shaking and whimpering, not wearing enough layers. You were walking on the damp ground, wet grass getting between your toes. Merry was leading the way to a place, that in his words, was 'something very special indeed.'
"How much further?" you asked, wrapping your coat more firmly around your figure. Pippin lifted his head up, lips quivering as he looked at his best friend, hoping for an answer that would be no less than ten minutes.
"An hour," Merry said calmly, looking over his shoulder at the two of you. Pippin stopped in his tracks, shaking his head. 
"No, I will not," Pippin said determined, his voice trembling from the cold. He turned around and lifted his hand up to wave goodbye, without even looking back. "Too far. No. I need to get something warm around me. Maybe ten thousand blankets. Enjoy your trip to whatever he thinks this suffering is worth!" Pippin cried, and as he walked he kept muttering to himself, long after he was no longer in the hearing distance.
"Well, more Old Toby for us," you smirked, slightly shaking from the wind. Merry smiled softly at your comment, turning his face back forward to where you two were walking. "I do feel cold though, Merry."
"Trust me, it's going to be worth it," Merry reassured you, giving you a confident look. Your eyes narrowed slightly, trying to decide whether to believe him or not. Merry took notice of your analyzing look. "I am not lying, and you're going to thank me when we arrive there, I assure you."
It took you and Merry less than an hour of walking, when he suddenly came to a halt. There was a cornfield opening in front of you. The stalks of them were a faint green, their length tall, forcing you to tilt your head all the way back if you wanted to see their highest points. Their growth was dense, making it seem like a too narrow path to pass. You lifted your eyebrow at Merry, your arms crossed as you were trying to wrap the thick coat tighter around you. Your coat covered you almost all the way to your ankles, as you were shorter than an average hobbit.
"Merry, why are we standing in front of a cornfield?" you asked. Merry looked at you, amused at your puzzled expression. His answer was a simple nod towards the cornfield. He started making his way through the first rows of the green stalks, his right side first and arms spread wide. With a loud exhale, you followed him. 
It was so densely grown, you could not move without at least one cornstalk touching your clothes, or messing up your hair. Every now and then Merry would tell you to duck, as there were some badly grown stalks bending downward. You followed his path for five minutes without saying anything out loud. Then Merry stopped walking, and you followed his example, stopping immediately. 
"Just a few rows forward," he said, smiling confidently, clearly trying to act all mysterious. He took one step, before you grabbed his shoulder to stop him from going any further.
"Would you just please explain to me why we are in the middle of a cornfield?" you asked, feeling slightly frustrated from the cold, your feet irritated by the dirt you were standing on. 
"Look, just trust me," Merry said and gestured to you to walk first. "M'lady," he snickered in a teasing tone. You decided to oblige, making your way through the last few thick rows of corn.
The bright daylight hit your face the second you had gone through where Merry guided you, making you squint your eyes. Your eyes had gotten used to the dimness of the field and the sudden exposure startled you. When you got used to the sudden flash of light, you could see that you were standing in a small opening. There was a large rock in the middle. It was rough and firm on the ground, and it was even taller than the corns were at their highest. The grey sky was solid behind it, as you gazed up, trying so hard to see the top of the large stone.
"Now we climb," Merry said as he appeared from behind you. He went up to the rock, placing his grassy feet on some of the rough edges of it. His hands gripped confidently on the solid stone under him, as he turned his gaze to you, questioning why you were not following him yet. "Well, come on!" he rushed. 
"I don't think I can climb, Merry," you responded, still shivering under your coat. "My hands are so cold. I can't feel a thing."
Merry hopped back down on the ground, walking towards you. He took your freezing, pale and delicate hands in his. He placed them firmly between the palms of his hands, rubbing them to provide some warmth. He lifted them to the same level as his face, placing his lips close to your skin, breathing some warm air from his lungs on your hands. Soon the feeling started to return to your hands, but Merry kept going, wanting to make sure they would not freeze back up.
"Is that better, my lady?" Merry said teasingly, still some tenderness in his tone. 
You chuckled softly, giving him a thankful smile. "Yes, thank you."
"Now, are you ready to climb?" he asked, already walking towards the rock. 
You followed his every step, trusting he knew his way up there better than you ever could. You truly did not want to slip down, even though a part of you was even suspicious it might have been a part of a long term prank that Merry had planned. The rock was cold beneath the bottom of your feet, and the air was more chilly the higher you got. 
It was a fast climb, and Merry soon offered his hand to pull you up. You took his hand, and he pulled you up with a firm grip. And the second you got to the top of the rock, you realized why Merry had wanted to come to this spot for a smoke.
The field opened up all around you, seeming like there were endless rows of beautiful greenery growing. The wind was cold, but beautifully it was softly blowing and making the corn, which was in its early stage of growth, dance like waves. It made you forget all about the temperature. The sky was grey, yet despite the seemingly melancholy weather, it looked beautiful. The contrast between the earth and the sky looked stunning from up there, providing a calming atmosphere.
"I've never told anyone about this place," Merry said, taking his wooden pipe from his pocket, preparing to smoke some Old Toby. "Except Frodo. I think he comes down here to read sometimes, and so do I. I believed it was time to show this to Pippin and you. Well, mostly you."
"What do you mean mostly me?" you asked, handing him the small pouch of pipe-weed. Merry filled the bowl of the pipe, pressing the leaf down gently. He lit it up, inhaling the first round of Old Toby.
"I know you like to have some time to yourself," he answered sincerely, taking another puff. He looked somewhere to the distance, admiring the surroundings. "I figured that after what happened at the river, I owed you a proper apology. I thought showing a place where you can cool down your overactive mind would do the trick."
"Well, apology accepted," you smiled, gently taking the pipe from his hands. You took a puff, the pipe lingering on your lips for a moment. It took almost no time at all for the calming effects of it to hit both of you. You passed the pipe to each other for some time in total silence. The wind was calming down, and the sky looked like it could rain soon.
"You seem troubled," you said, looking at Merry, who was deep in his thoughts. His eyes were fixated on the horizon, as he took a deep breath. He passed you the pipe, leaning backwards to lay down on his back, as the top of the rock was wide enough for a Hobbit to rest down almost comfortably. "Merry?"
"I broke it off with Estella," Merry muttered under his breath. He had been dating his friend's sister for several months now. This information was almost jaw dropping to you, but you tried to keep your composure and not pressure your friend too much.
"What happened?" you asked carefully and concerned, extinguishing the remaining pipe-weed. You put the pipe down and placed your palm on his shoulder, trying to make sure he knew that he was in a safe space with you. This was not an area of expertise for you when it came to Merry. The two of you talked about many things, but relationships or their difficulties, were not one of those things. Merry exhaled loudly.
"I don't know. Something about it did not feel right from the start, which I don't completely understand," he said, almost puzzled about his own decision. He placed his palms behind his head, gently resting on them. "If you wrote down her qualities next to mine, it would be perfect. Perfect, but only on paper. Whenever I held her close, or even kissed her... It just felt odd."
You felt compassion towards your best friend, still shocked that he was opening up about the troubles of his romantic life to you. You stayed quiet, still holding his shoulder gently. Merry did not seem to have anything more to say on the matter, but you had plenty of questions and could not keep totally silent.
"When did this happen?" you asked. It had to not have been more than a few days. He had not acted any way differently since the last time you saw him at the river.
"A month ago," Merry answered, your face showing all the possible signs of confusion at once. Nothing had seemed different, yet he was going through a massive change in his life.
"A month! How on earth did I miss that?" you cried, looking at him with pure shock. Merry shifted his eyes on you, a calm expression on his face.
"Well, we don't really talk about this stuff," he responded, softly chuckling at the whole reality of the situation. "Besides, I felt bad."
"I get it," you said. "Whenever a relationship ends, it's just always hard to-"
Merry interrupted you, lifting his other hand in the air. "That's not what I meant," he said, his body twisting a little from feeling uncomfortable. "I felt bad, because I didn't feel bad. She was crying, and all I could do was just stare at her. I felt so relieved. Seeing her cry made me feel like the worst being in all of Middle-Earth. I tried to comfort her, but she just ran off. We haven't said a word to each other since, nor has Fatty talked to me either."
You stared at Merry in confusion. You thought he had been happy, and you had no clue he had stirred the pot in his personal life so roughly. You gave him an understanding smile.
"Look, you tried to comfort her. That's all I'm saying," you responded, trying to cheer Merry up. "It did not feel right and you did the correct thing by ending it, before it escalated."
"I just wish I didn't make her feel so heartbroken, that his brother decided to not talk to me," Merry said quietly. "Fatty and I have always been friends. So have Estella and I. I might have ruined good friendships by trying to force something, when it wasn't there."
"Hey," you said, firmly grabbing his shoulder and giving him a supportive shake. "You did not ruin anything. Yes, sure, she might be mad at you for a while, but I'm positive she will eventually get over it. Both of them will. He's just very protective over his younger sister. You didn't force anything. You gave it a try, and it wasn't a match."
"The thing is," Merry said, sitting up, a slightly sad expression on his face, his eyes glued to his feet. "So far all of my relationships have been like this. At this point, I fear something is wrong with me!"
You shuffled closer, placing your arm around him. He leaned his head on top of yours, as you always had done when providing comfort to each other. 
"Nothing is wrong with you, Merry. You just haven't met the right girl yet," you said, squeezing your arm around him tightly. Merry sighed, appearing to not believe a word from your mouth, as he dwelled deep in his guilt. "I mean it. Someone will come along. You'll be at the Green Dragon, and your eyes meet, and you'll know."
"It's just weird, that's all," Merry sighed. "I've had plenty of crushes, all around Buckland too, but when it came to actually something happening, it came to a halt from my side. There's always this empty feeling. It feels like it's wrong, and I can't quite explain it."
Merry's words made you quiet. As you thought of what he said, you related to it more than you had before realized. Most of the Hobbits you had dated were perfect on paper, but when it came down to actually feeling something real with them - it was never there. 
"I get it," you finally said after some time, Merry snickering at your response. "No, I mean it, Merry. I hadn't really thought about it like that before, but I think I was miserable because of that exact reason in my previous relationships. Even the latest relationship ended with her crying, and me feeling like a huge weight had been lifted off my shoulders."
Merry looked at you, eyes widening with surprisement.
"My dear friend, you have just made me feel so much better," he smiled, hugging you tightly. His arms around you were always a source of comfort, and in that moment you felt like you really needed it as well. You wrapped your other arm around him too, squeezing him tightly. You were enjoying the calming effect of the hug, as always. His face was nuzzled comfortably in your neck, his smile pressing against your skin.
"I think you are sometimes too hard on yourself," you said to him as you pulled away from the hug. "There are plenty of Hobbits out there for you. You just have to find the right one."
"I am not as sure about it as I used to be, but I am definitely feeling more confident now!" he stated, voice full of sudden happiness. "Maybe it's the pipe-weed, maybe it's you, or maybe it's both."
You giggled at his joke, realizing then just how calm the smoking had made both of you. Talking about all this stuff with your best friend felt new, refreshing and like it should have happened a long time ago. 
You both talked about your past relationships for over an hour, in tears of laughter at the disasters they had all been. Neither of you noticed the passage of time or the cold air anymore, until the effects of Old Toby started to wear off. After that you both agreed that it would be time for both of you to go back for some late luncheon.
On your way back, you were both slightly more quiet and in your thoughts, but relieved as some weight got lifted off your shoulders, knowing you weren't alone with your catastrophic relationship history. 
"Did you know that suits you?" Merry suddenly asked, as the two of you were making your way through the Shire, Bag End slowly approaching in the distance.
"What suits me?" you responded, confused. Merry chuckled and picked up a piece of dirt that had somehow clumped its way to your curls on your journey. He flicked it to the ground with his fingers, looking at you with a mischievous grin. "How long has that been there?" you asked him, slightly annoyed.
"Since we got through the cornfield for the first time," Merry said, smirking. "I noticed it, but I thought it would be funny to not say a thing."
"I had dirt in my hair for hours and you said nothing?" you shouted in a playfully furious tone. "Meriadoc Brandybuck!"
"Calm down!" he chuckled and lifted his hands up, as if to surrender. "I just figured you might have thought it suited your style better than a flower behind your ear, but I suppose I was wrong."
"What, the daisy you snuck in my hair when you were calming me down?" you said, eyes narrowing as you looked at him in his blue eyes, which were glowing with mischief and self-satisfaction.
"Ah, you noticed!" Merry laughed whole-heartedly. "I thought it might frame your face nicely. I did not know it would make you upset. My sincerest apologies," he continued with a sarcastic manner, making you giggle.
"What a nice thought," you smirked, scrunching your nose at him. You crossed your arms, now again shivering from the cold spring wind. "When I have a panic attack again, I'll make sure we are surrounded by daisies."
Merry laughed. "Well, let's hope you don't have another panic attack. What if I don't have a daisy on me? More than that, what if you are so smothered by anxiety that I have to whip up a flower crown for you in a matter of seconds?" he exclaimed dramatically, making your giggles louder. His gaze traveled around your face as he talked, clearly looking for signs that his jokes about the dramatic need of flowers at all times were still funny to you.
"In all seriousness," you started, clearing your throat and changing your tone from playful to a more serious one. "It was a nice gesture. I saw it in the mirror later and it cheered me up."
"I figured it might," Merry said, smiling softly, looking at the ground as you walked through the gate of Bag End. "I know it's your favorite flower."
You gave him a tender smile "I am amazed how well you actually know me," you said, entering through the green front door with him.
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madhogthymaster · 4 months
Master Recs: Webcomics (Vol. 1)
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I enjoy webcomics. I like being exposed to accessible art, to witness the evolution of artists and storytellers who bring their individual viewpoints to the table, expressing themselves through the medium of free comic books! I spend an inordinate amount of leisure time perusing the old sequential literature. As a result, I follow a ton of people that would give it to me. Now, I wish to recommend a few of these works from my constantly expanding list. I shall begin with a small taster of five, currently ongoing projects to wet your appetite. Let us go.
Preeny Has to Repeat 6th Grade by Jasmine Coté
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Preeny is a brush-tailed kitty, fluffy both in appearance and personality, and she might just be the Chosen One to save the world from Darkness – as it is often the case. This comic vaunts a peculiar shtick: the setting is populated by adoptable furry OCs the artist has bought from DeviantArt kids, effectively creating a Kingdom Hearts style fictional universe for the Mid-2000's Sparkledog subculture. This works both as a unique selling point and as a clever metatextual conceit that informs the themes of the story, which is an earnest celebration of creativity, childhood and self-expression, untainted by the cynicism of "You Posted Cringe." It's funny, cute, sincere and it hits you right in the feelings.
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The author describes it as "An exploration of the multitudes a person experiences as a response to trauma. Also cartoon animal adventures. I promise it's mostly funny. it's a trauma comedy! a TRAUMEDY!!!!" Indeed, I would say it's an apt summary. The strip began life as a series of Animal Crossing fan comics which would eventually spin into a darkly humorous, twisted yet oddly wholesome deconstruction of kinks and emotional repression. Soon enough, it was rebooted and morphed into the understated, original masterpiece that it is today. Every page oozes with ethereal colours, a delicate yet decisive trait and subtle foreshadowing as a yet unclear narrative starts taking shape behind the surface of "cartoon animal adventures." A rewarding read for those who enjoy to obsess over every detail and pick apart allegories. It's the Thinking Man's TRAUMEDY, if you will.
Haus of Decline: Gay Comics by Haus of Decline
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Sometimes, all you need to create a widely appealing classic is a good set-up, a punchline and impeccable comedic timing, all of which encapsulated into the confines of a traditional 4-panel strip. Actually, now that I have typed it, that is one of the most difficult crafts to master. Haus of Decline is a ubiquitous work that has managed to achieve the coveted "Meme Status", swimming in the immediate periphery of your Internet experience. You might be aware of it thanks to that one Steven Universe joke that stands tall as the most succinct and accurate parody of that show. As of right now, I am yet to encounter a single strip that isn't a comedic slam dunk or at least chuckle worthy. If you enjoy a spoonful of irreverent, queer, scatological, sometimes personal humour in your breakfast bowl than this is the cereal box for you!
Molly's Future Mishaps by Peyton Partyhorn
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It's the year 2000, the Earth has blown up. Right before that, humans managed to send a rocket full of sea slugs to Europa, one of Jupiter's satellites. It is now the year 3000 on Europa. Molly the slug meets Jo, a sea bunny time traveller from the year 4000. After a soda-related debacle, they both wind up at the end of Time itself. The titular mishaps ensue. Molly's Future Mishaps presents an overly complex amalgamation of premises, each more outlandish than the last, that lays the foundation for what is, in essence, a straightforward character-driven piece. It explores a group of people attempting to finagle their way across Life, their feelings, anxieties, societal pressure, self-worth, many "What If's" and "What Could Have Been's", with timey wimey shenanigans serving as the backdrop for their reasonably scoped adventures. Their personal and interpersonal journeys keep the bizarre, somewhat nonsensical nature of the Universe grounded in a familiar space - in a manner not too dissimilar to that of a Douglas Adams' novel. In truth, the initial run of the comic mostly focuses on comedic high jinks, which tend to be hit or miss, but the writing improves dramatically when it starts exploring the characters' psychology and emotional hang ups. For me, personally, the turning point was the (inevitable) Time Loop arc, which I enjoyed for reasons that will become obvious if you know about my feelings for In Stars and Time. In short: this comic has a high-stakes Absurdist/Existential Sci-Fi premise that belies a refreshingly "Down-to-Europa" story about a bunch of 20-something cartoon slugs. It's relatable!
Dolmistaska by AngusBurgers
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In many ways, this one defies description. You should just go read it. Seriously, go read it! It's great! Exceptionally well-drawn too! It looks like an underground Punk comic from thirty years ago. It lures you in with the understated intrigue of its unclear premise, its oppressing atmosphere, environmental storytelling, savvy use of lighting and shading, before dropping everything on you all at once. The protagonist is a non-binary cat person with gremlin energy and a knack for vehicle-related heists. Read it. You'll thank me later.
That would be all for now. There might be more webcomic recommendations in the future, whenever inspiration shall strike - or I get in a writing mood. Thanks for reading... and happy further reading!
Follow Madhog on:
Also, here's a helpful website: https://arab.org/
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taccobelle · 1 year
Teenage Dirtbag
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Paring: Eddie x fem!reader, Eddie x Cheerleader!Reader
Paring: Eddie Munson x OC Pixie Dunphy
Word count: 3.4K
Summary: In the small town of Hawkins, Pixie Dunphy, and Eddie Munson couldn't be more different, living in a small town like Hawkins, where rumors define you. Pixie is a charming and independent girl who seems to have it all. Pixie is adored by many in Hawkins High, Eddie, on the other hand, is the school's freak. Their paths cross unexpectedly, igniting a love story that defies expectations, learning they have much more in common than they initially thought.
Authors note: Hiya! I am really sorry for taking so long ato post the second chapter, I don’t plan to take as long for the third one, but please be patient with me 🥹 I will be making any corrections if needed, but I believe I auto corrected pretty well. Hope you all enjoy!
Warnings: language, slow burn, opposites attract, forced proximity, descriptions of bodies, mentions of a absent father, depiction of banter, she/her pronouns, the reader is FAB, Eddie might be a little shit, I gave the reader a nickname because y/n is so cringe. There is no mention of race, but I do occasionally describe what Pixie looks like, but those are subtle enough that you can ignore it!
Chapter 2: Tutoring Troubles
"… well, did he?" said Eddie with a maniacal grin.
You release the breath you did not even realize you were holding. One thing about Eddie Munson was that he was an intimidating presence. He sat there like he owned the library. You had an unyielding demeanor that conveyed strength and resilience, making others feel a sense of intimidation; that's why you were an athlete; most jocks have this trait. You were used to the feeling of being the commanding presence, instantly capturing the attention and respect of the student body when they entered a room. But not today; you entered that cramped and suffocating study room, dimly lit, with only a flickering fluorescent light above your head, casting shadows on Eddie's overgrown bangs, making you feel small, something you had never felt before. You weren't scared of him, just cautious.
Eddie pressed on with a sarcastic smile, looking up at you. "Did the cat get your tongue Tink?" Eddie sat there as you quickly glanced at his slouched form, with his feet on the table, chewing on the end of a pencil like he hadn't had lunch. His outfit gave him a sadistic look, and you noticed Eddie wore a faded black t-shirt of probably some metal band; the shirt had worn-out graphics and strategically placed rips around his shirt. On top, Eddie wore a black leather jacket, polluted with various patches, buttons, and pins on the front, and the jacket looked old and older than him, perhaps a hand-me-down or from a thrift store.
You stood paralyzed, not knowing what to do or say. This is uncharted territory for you, and Eddie commands the room today. "I-I'm sorry?" You managed to get out. Feeling like a complete fool, you regain your composure as you realize that instead of meeting two people, you find yourself face-to-face with the infamous Eddie Munson alone. Your eyebrow creases inward in a frown, lips quivering in an involuntary pout. Who was Tink? What right did he have calling you names, making fun of your height, for that matter? "Don't call me that, and my name is Pixie, not Tink," Introducing yourself, raising your head high, and wiping the frown from your face, a pointless attempt at looking more intimidating. Extending your hand to him felt too formal, but considering you two had never exchanged words before, treating him like a close friend seemed out of place. His gaze lingered on your hand as if you were an extraterrestrial being, the crease between his brows indicating you might not have done the best job —God, he probably hates me. You don't have to make him love you; you simply have to make him act civil enough to make the next couple of weeks bearable, at the least.
After his stare left your outstretched hand, his eyes lifted, meeting your eyes directly. "As if you need an introduction, doll" Again, with these nicknames!? You knew that showing your frustration with the nicknames only made him want to call you many more just out of spite, wanting to get at jocks any chance possible, but you can't help the frustration showing. A mischievous grin spreads across his face. Eddie entertained your attempt at civility and shared his name. He's one to speak; I don't need an introduction? He doesn't need an introduction! As if anyone in this school hadn't heard his name a million times through the intercom system, Higgins' voice announcing it, dripping with annoyance, repeating on a daily like an old rhyme.
"I do hope this isn't too much of a social suicide for you, doll," Eddie remarked, his tone clearly mocking. It was no secret that he harbored disdain for practically all your friends. The most they'd ever interacted was when some jock kid would buy pot from him at some party or when that same kid would throw empty milk cartons at Munson, or knock his books from his hand, starting a war because Eddie always would strike back with insults just as harsh. To some extent, he was right, and you knew for sure that as soon as this study session was over, your friends would undoubtedly voice their concerns about you spending every Wednesday in a tiny room with Munson for the foreseeable future. "I'm sure I can handle it," you replied a hint of irony in your smile acknowledging the underlying truth in his jest.
With his legs on the study table, you had a good view of the tight ripped black jeans, making you wonder if he paid the total price on jeans to come looking like someone had gone to war wearing them, or if possibly that was on purpose. As he impatiently shook his feet, causing the old table to shake like there was an earthquake happening, the chains he undoubtedly had pinned to his pants hit the metal of the chair, sounding like the sound of aggressive windchimes on a windy autumn evening, His hair wild, the unkempt mane touching his shoulders, his untidy bangs covered the view of his eyes from the angle you stood, adding to his ominous look. The dim lighting, provided by a flickering fluorescent light above, casts shadows on his face, adding to the air of mystery; his striking presence demands attention, Munson made it his life's mission for everyone acutely aware of his existence, and it sends a chill down your spine.
Stumbling over your words, you manage to mumble; all you could think about was what Jessica would have to say regarding you being in a closed-off room in the library, alone, with "the freak." Not that you cared much about what she had to say. It was never anything interesting to add to the conversation anyways. What frightened you, to your core, was the rumors she might start; you've had enough of those brewing to suffice. Plus, it is annoying to hear her nagging voice all the time. The shock is evident on your face, but you quickly attempt to hide it, not wanting to give him the satisfaction of knowing how surprised you genuinely are. You and Eddie are now bound to spend time together once a week, every Wednesday, thanks to O'Donnell's class.
"…I thought it was supposed to be two of you?" you manage to get out. You clear your throat, and the sound echoed softly, resonating with vulnerability and determination. You straighten your posture, aggressively smooths out the wrinkles of your cotton shirt, and raise your chin high in an attempt to make yourself seem taller and in command. From the angle you stood, that was not an arduous task. He sat sprawled on his chair, and you stood upright. You had to get it together and assert your dominance back.
When you got no response to your question, just a shoulder shrug, you continued, "Anyhow, shall we get started?" You say this with such conviction that you almost believe the awkward meeting didn't occur. You hastily make your way to the crooked table, the chemical-resistant laminate chipping off in the corners from the years of students nervously nipping at it, the various cartoon drawings in #2 pencil, only visible at an angle, mocking your foolish nervousness.
You couldn't help but wonder why you were so nervous, anyways. Sure, Eddie's reputation preceded him, but out of all people, you knew that rumors didn't always define a person; plus, it was hard to believe all the stories swirling around him, cult leader? Give me a break! The guy didn't have the stamina to pass first-year students' mile run in under 10 minutes, let alone lead a group of kids to the depths of hell by worshiping the devil! Honestly, people sometimes gave Eddie way too much credit, and you even think he took a liking to the big lousy persona people of Hawkins cultivated for him. It covered the fact that he fed kittens on his smoke breaks behind the school. You saw it yourself once during PE. And yes, he might dress differently, a little out of popular fashion, I mean, he is probably in style for whatever crowd he hangs with, and he certainly put thought into his outfits, even if they were from the thrift store. And that is more than you could say about the other boys in this school, heck! More than you can say, about half the girls in this school! And you knew better than to let leather jackets and chain belts make you scared of Munson; you despised it when people treated you poorly based on your appearance, and unfortunately, that happened all too often in this school, so you made it a promised not to do it to others as well.
You start to gather the material from your pastel pink Jan sport backpack, shoving your teddy bear keychain to your chest, a fruitless attempt to hide it from the eyesight of Eddie, you can't pinpoint why yet, but you were sure he'd make fun of your for having it, the quite the opposite from his style, you'd rather avoid the light bullying. You shove your tower of textbooks his way, slightly shoving the tip of his worn Reeboks to the edge of the table, a silent scolding that, surprisingly, Eddie just chuckled before removing his crossed feet from the table, sitting right on his chair, displaying no protest. You exhibit in the most organized manner all your highlighters, glittery pens, and scented gel pens, and take out your notes from the last lesson.
“I guess we're stuck together for this tutoring thing," Eddie’s voice spoke out, capturing your attention. Yu knew that wasn’t the true reason why’d he’d “stayed” for so long; you know that not everyone is wildly pressured into doing so well in school like you, but you’think they’at least try. "So, what subject are you struggling with?" ignoring his remark on the forced tutoring session, as if he didn't beg O’Donnell for this.
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Contrary to popular belief, Eddie was not ecstatic when he got a letter last year informing him he would have to repeat his senior year, much less did he repeat on purpose. Eddie had never been one for studying, and that much everyone already figured. Eddie had made it a promise to himself he would pass and graduate this year, 86' was the year he'd finally graduate. Being in a crowded building with snotty first-year students for the rest of his life became his recurring nightmare, and that is why he mustered up the gull to humiliate himself in front of O'Donnell to ask for extra help. The old hag was the sole reason he hadn't graduated yet and never managed to keep himself awake in her class; that is when he didn't cut that entire period because it was so dull. It never made sense in Eddie's mind how people honestly thought he was a Satan worshiper just because he didn't brush his hair and he played a role-playing board game but paid no mind that the devil himself took the form of the old hag of an English lit teacher at Hawkins High.
Eddie made his way to the library from his usual smoke break after school. Eddie could feel his feet tingling with nervousness to meet the poor nerd that would have to try and keep his focus from now on, and he knew that was no easy task. As he walked through the vacant halls of Hawkins High, noting how eerie it looked with no students running amuck. He walked into the library, whistling the theme song to the animated Lord of the Rings movie, igniting a chorus of shushes from students and the librarian alike. When he entered the study room, he tossed his backpack to the corner and relaxed on the chair, waiting for the unfortunate soul who would be walking in any second now. To his surprise, what walked in was not some cross-eyed nerd with huge thick glasses as he had expected. In walked Pixie Dunphy, her manicured hands gripping the strap of her light pink backpack, looking like a deer in headlights, like she was caught in a lie. Eddie examined Pixie, Hawkins royalty herself, stopped in her tracks, clearly just as surprised as him at the prospect of seeing each other in such an environment.
He took a glance at Pixie, and the cheerleader could not have been dressed anymore like the all-American sweetheart. She wore a short-sleeved cotton polo shirt in a dull beige color; the shirt sported a small, embroidered logo displaying Daddy's money. It fits snugly on her curves, with the high-waisted pleated skirt in a Hawkins green barely hitting right above her mid-thigh, flowing with the gust of wind from the door slamming shut. Hawkins' residential princess wore on her wrists several bracelets that she probably made with little friends, with a promise of a lifelong friendship, or some crap like that, with each bead displaying a different color, a bright yellow scrunchie on her wrist, little miss perfect looked like the school mascot had thrown up on her. His eyes traveled back to her face, thinking they could not have looked more like two opposites from each end of a color spectrum, clashing. He knew who she was, and there was no way one person could go a week in this school without hearing her name, his flock of sheepies wouldn't ever hide their drool and heart eyes whenever she'd walk by in the hallways. He'd heard a lot from Miss Dunphy, mainly from the mouth of the jocks in the halls, saying all sorts of things about what they'd do if they got at least 5 minutes alone with the Pixie Dunphy as if they'd need that much time, they'd probably jizz in their pants before she even looked at them.
It was no secret to absolutely anyone that Eddie had a disdain for jocks. He hated sports too, never the type to take a liking to any kind of sports as a kid, and the disinterest turned into hatred out of spite after he started getting bullied. When he was a kid, her never understood why people never wanted their children to play with him in the schoolyard. Eddie found it early on in life that living in Hawkins, people had name invisible tags stuck to their foreheads, branding everyone with an identifier. Before Eddie could even make a name for himself, he already had an identifier, Hawkins' very own dead-beat, scheming thief, someone to be afraid of. His dad so generously passed that down to him, like the lack of morals was hereditary. Al Munson wasn't much of a dad, more like a progenitor, never raising Eddie and being there to cause trauma. Edie hated him and everything he must deal with because of him. The only good thing to come out of the whole situation was his uncle.
Snapping out of his daydream while Eddie sat there waiting for you to finish gathering all your junk out of your pink bag, how is her posture so good when she carries around all that crap? He was trying his hardest to pay attention, but not paying attention is how he found himself in this predicament—forced to endure a tutoring session with none other than Pixie, the popular cheerleader, and her perfectly styled hair. Eddie couldn't help but roll his eyes at the irony of it all; the universe seemed to be playing a cruel joke on him. Pixie, with her preppy attire and her array of glitter and gel pens, seemed a world away from his realm of headbanging and mosh pits. As she pulled in her chair at the table, Eddie couldn't help but feel a mixture of annoyance and curiosity. "I guess we're stuck together for this tutoring thing," Eddie grunted in response, unable to muster a warmer starter. He didn't expect Pixie to be any different from all the other residents of Hawkins, but the situation forced him to tolerate her presence, at least for the time being. Pixie sat opposite him, arranging her textbooks neatly on the table. She cleared her throat and glanced at Eddie before speaking. "So, what subject are you struggling with?" ignoring his remark on the forced tutoring session, as if he didn't request this, maybe the problem was her.
Eddie hesitated, momentarily caught off guard by her genuine concern. He wasn't used to people caring about his academic performance. Reluctantly, he admitted, "English, O'Donnell doesn't seem to want to let me go," Eddie joked lightly, picking the hangnail off his dry fingertips. Pixie nodded, her eyes lighting up with a determined spark; she took a deep breath and wetted her lips with the tip of her tongue, moistening them before speaking up, "Alright, let's tackle William Shakespeare then. We've got that essay due next week. I can try all I want, but you'll have to put in some effort. I can't do this all on my own."
Eddie grinned mischievously, his eyes sparkling with a hint of rebellion. "Ah, Pixie, always the queen of academic diligence," he teased, his voice laced with a playful tone. "Alright, do your worse," Eddie said with a determined glare. Pixie rolled her eyes, a familiar response to Eddie's tendencies; he was used to people doing that. Pixie smirked, her lips curling into an amused smile. "Not all of us can be so good at doing their worse, Munson," Pixie snarks out, hiding a smirk, getting a slight jab at him, getting back for his name-calling. Eddie mock gasped, placing a hand dramatically over his heart. "Sacrilege!" he exclaimed, a mischievous glimmer in his eyes. "Have you no manner Ms.Dunphy? What would dear old daddy say if he heard you treating someone with such disrespect?" Eddie adds he isn't used to having such a playful interaction with someone of Pixie's type, which is new to him, not that he misses getting picked on. Pixie smirked, her lips curling into an amused smile. "Oh, Eddie, are you sure you want to know what dear old daddy would say?" she jibed, playfully poking fun at him. "Let us hope he doesn't find out I am even here with you once a week from now on. I can't even begin to imagine what he'd think I'm doing with you"
Eddie leaned back in his chair, a smirk stretched across his face, crossing his arms defiantly "Well, my first guess would be the sacrifice of a virgin, right?" he declared, his voice filled with a mixture of playfulness but also a twinge of discomfort; her face dropped, showing something he had not yet seen on her shining eyes: fear, this made Eddie want to turn back time and take away his uncalled-for remark, knowing her identifier. "...it was a joke" he exclaimed, adjusting his seat. "I hope you know I don't perform sacrifices on my spare time."
Pixie is no longer able to hold her face straight. Laughter, all too loud for a library, comes rushing out of her plump pink lips; the most unforgiving noise comes out of her, making her hauler in her laughter in seconds, her face reddening in seconds. Eddie let a slight smile out. He had never seen Pixie laugh like this in the halls. "Okay, okay," Eddie says, surrendering his hands. "You've got me; I fell for that lame prank," he says through a smirk, looking Pixie in the eyes. She locked eyes with Eddie, letting her face relax, the slight twinge of blush lingering on her cheeks, "don't worry, I don't believe you are intellectually available for sacrifice," she remarked nimbly, slowly looking at the papers spread on the table. The clock on the wall indicated they had yet to start lessons in the last 25 minutes they had been in that room, making her jump to action. She grabbed her notebook, read the correct page, and explained the lesson. Pxir swept the bangs from her face, gathering her luscious locks with a traffic sign yellow scrunchie. "Ok, now we're ready to start," she exclaimed. That is when Eddie noticed it'd be more challenging to pay attention in this lesson than to O'Donnell's.
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Hope you all enjoyed this chapter, I don’t intend on taking so long to update you all for the next chapter, but please be patient 🙏🏼 I am welcome to constructive criticism in the comments! if you want to join the taglist let me know
Taglist: @peachysink
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nebulousfishgills · 3 months
💔🍷💄🐞🧣🎒 for Emily please?
Random OC ask game drop because it's 1:30 AM (when I started this one) and brain doesn't wanna sleep, so here we go.
💔 - Who has your character hurt most? Physically or emotionally? How did it feel? Do they regret it?
Ooh, that's actually a hard one because, as we know, Emily is Not A Good Person and has left many broken people in her wake, literally.
I suppose the obvious answer would be Eleven since she and Henry have been tormenting her for years at this point. She bore witness to their massacre and then the seven or so years after that involved sending out Demogorgons to find her (maybe), using the Mind Flayer to infect and hurt her friends while trying to locate and snatch her, arguably it's their fault she thought Hopper died, and then doing things like taking Max away and breaking Hawkins. It's a hefty list and most of the motivation is being bitter and petty over the fact that an abused eight year old child saw all her companions slaughtered and didn't immediately run to their arms.
But somehow, some way, I think at least some part of Emily feels bad about it. The canonicity of her being their daughter is still up in the air at this point, but that doesn't even necessarily have to factor into it. They may be rivals now, but for a while, Emily was the closest thing Eleven had to a mother figure in Hawkins Lab, arguably the only other one she's had aside from Joyce. Emily's perception of her mother is extremely poor, so in my mind, there's that small part of her that feels bad for hurting this daughter/daughter figure of hers when she knows she's still haunted by what her own mother did. And abandoning Emily because she couldn't take care of her is way further down on the severity scale.
So, I think Eleven might take that spot, with Eddie being a runner up since it's Emily's fault he had to go on the run and ultimately get killed, let alone lobbing the betrayal aspect onto it. And that's including me factoring in her Twilight era since that's actively her being a better person and not hurting people like that. I suppose you could throw Aro onto that list since in the span of like, a day, she seized control of his empire and killed him because she got cockblocked one too many times.
🍷- Does your OC drink? What kind of alcohol do they enjoy? What are their drinking habits? What kind of drunk are they?
Okay, so Emily canonically avoids substances that impair her. Drugs, alcohol, the like. It's less so because she hates the tipsy/high feeling and moreso because those things scramble her brain and disconnect her from her abilities. She's very reliant on them both as a tool for defense/attack/what have you, but just as a general crutch. It's well within reason to assume that without access to her powers, she feels weak or even helpless.
Not to say she's soley dependent upon them, of course, I think being friends with Eddie Munson alone means she can land a punch and some rougher treatment, but she sees losing access to her powers as like being disarmed. She can still hold her own, but it's way easier for her to just use her abilities.
And discounting the telekinesis and crushing people's bones aspect, her powers are how she can feel Henry's presence even from dimensions away and vice versa. It's like having a waypoint, a little emotional guide, and if her brain is scrambled, she can't access that either.
But I'll bite and pose a hypothetical. Honestly, I could see Emily being multiple kinds of drunk. Angry drunk comes to mind immediately, but I could just as easily see her blubbering and slurring all of her woes on the sofa while wasted. Maybe she can be flirtatious depending on her mood. Drunk Emily would start a fight, cry about being abandoned by her mother, and then try to climb Henry like a tree in the span of about ten minutes.
💄- What does your OC think of their face? Do they have a positive or negative opinion? Do they wear makeup? Do they have a skincare routine? What traits do they like most about their face?
In all honesty I think Emily has mixed feelings about her face, especially once she gets her scars. Because on one hand, they make her stand out and look freakish, but on the other I think she likes the intimidation it brings
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I honestly don't think she thinks about it all that much unless she's in public. She knows the damage could have been ten times worse since she watched Henry decay in real time. I don't think she hates her scars themselves, and moreso hates the attention they bring since she prefers to Not Be Perceived by Hawkins since she's basically being covert to spy on The Party.
But at the end of the day, she really only cares about her opinion and Henry's, and he has not a single bad thing to say about her. And honestly, I think any skincare routine she'd do would amount to just water and whatever shampoo trickles down with it. Maybe a lotion if a dry patch is bothering her. She just would not understand the need to go so far for your skin since, to her, most beauty routines and standards are bullshit and unecessary.
Emily would probably accuse you of, like, speaking in tongues if you said anything about hyaluronic acid or whatever the fuck.
Now, we kind of push against that boundary when we hit makeup because if we take Vampire Emily into account, part of her arc is accepting the fact that she can enjoy feminine things without immediately tying it to pointless social constructs and rejecting it for that.
I'm not someone who wears makeup basically at all save for costumes or just wanting to wear mascara because I think it makes my eyes look more defined, in fact I think I look weirder with it on. A lack of vanity is something I impart on all my characters because that's just not something I care about.
But the crow inside me that likes shiny things loves going into beauty stores for the bright colors. I feel like Emily would be somewhat the same way. That's how Heidi helped Emily open up a bit, like "look at all the fuzzy brushes and bright colors of the eye shadow." Also, again, Heidi telling her that makeup isn't just a conformity or for hiding who you actually are because society says women have to look a certain, perfect way. Sometimes it's just fun to do it for the hell of it.
Also, to her credit, makeup would be hard with how her scars were. Once she turns, the scars fade away and it opens up a better canvas for her.
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Ultimately I think Emily's relationship with her face is just "yeah it's there, I don't need to doll it up because it doesn't matter and also my boyfriend (whichever one) still thinks I look hot either way, so suck it."
🐞 - What does a perfect day look like for your OC? What do they do? Who do they see?
The fact that this question is represented by a ladybug is perfect since that's what Henry's nickname for her is. It ties into my answer to this question, because regardless of who she's partnered up with at the time, Emily's ideal day is just a day where it's just her and Henry/Caius. Nobody else.
In Hawkins especially, she deeply dislikes people so a day where she just doesn't see them is already wonderful. If we add onto that, I think she'd also prefer a day where she doesn't feel burdened or stressed out about anything. She lays in bed with Henry and all she has to worry about is just enjoying his company. Maybe they talk, maybe he reads to her, maybe they sit by a riverbank and let their feet rest in the water. Just a genuinely unburdened day with Henry, imagining what their human free utopia would be like.
The thing you have to remember is that Emily's a bad person whose actions are rooted in wanting to be free of her pain and just live a peaceful, happy life, something she's been robbed of for nearly forty years. At this point in time, that looks like living alone and in silence with Henry and their abnormalities. She thinks the human system is stopping her from getting that, so it's gotta go.
And, honestly, I'd wager to say her perfect day with Caius looks very very similar. She's still Emily with the same nihilistic worldview, she's just more stable with a wider support system. The thriving after a life of surviving. She's an introvert who can't handle being around people all the time since it's unpredictable and overwhelming. That's a central plank in her snapping in Necrosis and overhauling the whole system. She just couldn't get a moment of peace with Caius because of other people.
So, her ideal day is just having one day of some fucking peace and quiet, but in luxury this time. Maybe a bath, sitting in the gardens, being read to by Caius (being read to is a constant, both because I love it, and also it's that childhood trauma piece, being robbed of bedtime stories, mundane may it be), maybe hunting in the woods if the mood was right... and, you know, banging.
I will omit the references from HotD we got this week.
🧣- What comforts your OC? Is it an item? An action? A person? Whatever it is, how and why does it comfort them?
Emily's unfortunately somebody who has lacked many comforts in her life. Whoever her spouse is at the time is like the one constant comfort in the form of a person. Regardless of where she is in life or who she surrounds herself with, the only true comfort and peace she knows is with her partner. Yeah, she has a certain dependency, but that's just part of her character.
Actions, I've already mentioned being read to, but I'd also say drawing is another one since in Hawkins Lab, that was like, the one thing she was allowed to do that wasn't hyper focused on her abilities, the one way she was able to express herself. I always headcanoned that she carried a sketchbook around with her sometimes that Eddie snooped through a few times. Landscapes (i.e. imagining a beautiful, human free world), the occasional manic Mind Flayer doodle, halfway decent drawings of Henry's face (to remember what it looked like pre-Vecna), and the drawing she did of the Creel House as a child when she first showed up in the lab is taped on the inside cover.
Eddie never questions her about this, of course, he shouldn't have been snooping in the first place. Even if he's unaware of her powers, he's sure she would beat his ass for looking in her stuff.
Another comfort action is playing with her hair/scratching her scalp. This is one of those me-traits that I passed on because that shit is the best feeling in the world to me. It always puts me at ease, and I wanted to give that to Emily.
As far as comfort objects, I couldn't give any that are at the same capacity of the other comforts I listed. The sketchbook, maybe her D&D dice, some clothing item of Henry's/Caius' (in fact it might be one of Caius' scarves), it could be anything. She's not really a materialistic person since she's used to having nothing. Objects don't comfort her in the same way those other things do.
🎒- What items does your OC usually carry? Do they have a bag or just keep everything in their pockets? Do they carry a lot or a little?
Again, Emily has almost nothing to her name. Day to day, she doesn't carry much since most times she's in the Upside-Down and doesn't necessarily have the *need* to carry much. But she does have a bag for her Overworld visits, I usually picture it as a dirty old black backpack with a broken zipper and a hole in one of the small front pockets.
Usually when she goes to the Overworld, she only has a few essential things:
-Anything required for D&D, so like her dice, handbook, character sheet, etc.
-Possibly some kind of pocket knife both as a tool and also for self defense in case it's really not a good idea to use her powers
-Any cash/change she's gotten her hands on.
Other than that, it's just the clothes on her back, I'd say. In Volterra she has even less use for things to always have on her. Although she does feel like someone who'd have occasional stickey note notes in her pockets that she forgets about until months later.
I don't know, it's 3 am now so I'm just gonna call it there.
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setaripendragon · 6 months
Who is your OC that is the most fleshed out? Anything you care to share about them? What is a small detail about them that you rarely think about?
*Asks are sent for fun, no pressure to answer within a certain amount of time or at all.*
Ooh, um... That's probably Meira Winchester, my Dean/Cas/Gabe baby who's the star of a (currently) four book series over on Ao3 XD
She's the only one of my Next Gen OCs that not only has a family, childhood trauma, and general personality traits, but also relatively well fleshed-out friends, hobbies, a favourite weapon, and a college degree. (Although, by that standard, my flame-retardant SmoAce baby would come in a pretty close second, but since I'm currently reworking her entire backstory, I'm not sure she really counts right now... I'm working on it XD)
Um... Most of what I want to share about her is already in the fic I'm writing, tbh XD Honestly, the thing I haven't talked about much yet that I really want to is her friends; Azura, Jack, and Lucy. Only Azura's been mentioned in the fic so far, but the four of them have become my babies, and I love their dynamic together so much (they all of them think they're the Only Sane Man, and they're all fucking wrong XD)
But, uhh... I suppose I think it's really interesting that Meira is... at least the third (possibly fourth or fifth) in a line of my OCs who are recklessly confident social butterfly daddy's girl eldest daughters who've been condemned for something out of their control and who end up in a queer-platonic polycule with their main friend group. I'm honestly not sure what that says about me as a writer or as a person, but it's gotta say something XD
(There's Meira Winchester, of course, Gol D. Morgana and Altaria Lokdon, and then also possibly Phoenix Halliwell and Jennifer Strange... and Wei Feihao probably counts once she recovers from the childhood trauma... possibly a few others who aren't really well fleshed out enough to count, but... I can feel them taking shape that way and laughing at myself for being so damn predictable XD)
The detail that I keep forgetting and then have to remind myself of is that Meira went to college and got a degree in anthropology. It honestly wasn't a planned part of her backstory, it just came up as I was writing and I realised she would have gone to college, given the opportunity, and she would have loved it. And she would have wanted to study people, but things like sociology and psychology and such really didn't feel right, so in the end I settled on anthropology.
It keeps slipping my mind all the time, and then I'm like 'oh yeah that happened' and, honestly? I think that's probably how Meira would be about it, too, so XD
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cosmic-cd · 9 months
BODY PART BLAST ! ! ! ! 🧠 + 💀 + ❤️ for the dimension cross crew for the OC ask meme w
answering these for all four beasts, so this is gonna be a little long!!!
(Answering questions from this ask meme! if anyone would like, feel free to send in more questions!!)
🧠 - What do you like most about the OC?
RGB - she's my beloved fursona!!!!! a single quality is hard to pick... but i'll say her personality is very fun to write because it lets me flip between RGB Is An 8 Foot Tall Furry Thing who loves enrichment (jumping straight into highly dangerous situations for fun and causing trouble on purpose) and RGB is in REAL danger she can't just escape conveniently from and has a far more nervous, cautious side underneath the very intense confidence.......
Gear - my baby boy angel sweet boy i love him i'm grabbing him with my teeth and shaking him around violently. it's kind of the personality again (even though i adore his design and i'm so proud of him as a whole) my favorite thing about him is 100% the fact i somehow combined four decently different favorite characters into one guy, and that makes him INCREDIBLY fun to write.
the bold and daring recklessness + being wildly overpowered from sonic, the knack for inventing and being the little brother from tails, the jadedness and charisma + voice & some other traits from barney calhoun, and also inventing but unhinged about it a bit from The Engineer TF2... he is the guy of all time to me
Source - oh they are just an absolute goddamn blast to write. i think my favorite part about him though is just the tonal dissonance between his personality and his backstory, and similarly to RGB- the change in behavior when things have flipped from danger for fun to real danger. funny mushroom in a fursuit (tragic, miserable, so soggy and sad)
DC - DC's like my least developed dimension cross member and i feel bad about it!!!!! i LOVE their design to pieces.. but i think if i had to choose a trait about them so far- it's the fact they come across as the most anxious and shy member of the D/C crew, but they may be the most unhinged. (y'know. the whole uh. surgically installing their own cyborg enhancements thing.) they care a lot about the crew and ensure they're healthy in a safe manner- i wouldn't QUITE put them in the bracket of being like the Medic TF2, but. concerning. sometimes.
💀 - Does your OC have any phobias?
RGB - Insectophobia, arachnophobia, (but this really only applies to small normal bugs and not big or anthropomorphic ones, amusingly) and mild claustrophobia. She doesn't mind cramming herself into small cozy spaces voluntarily (like a cat) but involuntarily is a different story (hates smaller ships and small rooms)
Gear - Way worse claustrophobia- Some small spaces are OK voluntarily (especially if he's making repairs in the walls of the ship), but he gets nervous in very close quarters. also mildly afraid of deep water (though unlike sonic, he can swim, at least)
Source - Doesn't have any phobias per se- But has a healthy fear of fire, and a general fear of rain. (i wonder why)
DC - this worm can fit so much anxiety...... Extreme phobia of deep water (can't swim) and ironically kind of afraid of like. regular worms. like earth worms. they have so many fears otherwise though <3 and a tendency to faint
❤️ - What is one of your OC’s best memories?
RGB - The day she met Gear.
Gear - The day he and RGB finally bought the cargo ship they'd been saving for, changing the course of their lives forever.
Source - When an act of kindness cut through the curtain of heavy rain, offering a hand to a lonely creature. Or, uh- that time he ate a bug that RGB was hiding from. Either one.
DC - The day they finished medical school... What, that's boring? (and RGB's isn't?) Okay, okay. The day they completed their thesis- proving that cybernetic limbs could work, and that the nervous system of their species could absolutely be compatible with artificial limbs and the brain would take to it like a charm with little issue. (of course, they immediately were kicked out and not given a medical license, but that's okay, the achievement was way more important. if their species, a bunch of fuzzy worms off the string with arms, couldn't handle the scientific advancement of legs- then that was their loss!)
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ohnohetaliasues · 1 year
Milky Way (APH OC)
At the request of @ilovemaryland345 I’ll be taking a look at a few OCs that they recommended to me. This is one of them. The other is the Confederate States, which I just hope is not as racist as it sounds.
Anyway, let’s get funky. 
Milky Way is a small loli-like girl in the universe. 
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Reservations aside about making an OC for the entire fucking galaxy, why on earth would she be child sized? She’s literally billions of years old. I think a being that is chronologically that old would at least be adult sized.
Her mother would be Galaxy, 
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Isn’t she the galaxy? She’s her own mother? Excuse me?
and her closest friend, Time. 
I don’t even have a proper reaction for that. All I can say is that an OC in Hetalia that is the very concept of time is utterly absurd. She’s her own mother and she is also best friends with Time. Right, got it.
Milky Way is the representation of the Milky Way. Another name for her is Dreamland.
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She-- HUH?
Like I genuinely don’t know what the fuck to say to that. She, who is also the fucking galaxy, is also dreamland? What? How does that work? HOW? 
Milky Way has dark purple hair with magenta ends. Her eyes are a magenta-pinkish colour, with little hearts in her eyes. Dreamland (It's a nickname, she is often called perfection and perfection can only be achieved in dreams hence the name Dreamland.) 
Wow, okay so just. A blatant Mary Sue. Also, no. I’m setting aside the absurdity of this OC for a few seconds to think logically, if that’s possible here. 
No Hetalia characters have unnaturally colored hair. They look like the country they represent, as in, what the largest population of people from that nation look like. They can’t even dye their hair. I just-- My brain is hurting. This is not an OC that works in Hetalia.
has her hair in bunches, most like Nyo!Canada's. Her magenta fringe hides most of her forehead. On top, she has a heartlike curl on the side of her head.
Milky Way normally wears pastel goth clothing, mostly like this:[1] (Credit to artist, it's really pretty!)
There was a link there, and the art linked to it is very good, but I removed it, because I’m unsure if that is stolen art or not, and I don’t promote stolen art here on this blog.
Milky Way is happy and optimistic person, who can be seen as annoying. Not many people are able to see her, and therefore is a dandere. 
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Okay so that’s just not what a dandere is. A dandere is an antisocial, timid, and shy character who doesn’t express emotions very much. Think Hinata Hyuuga from Naruto or Shigeo Kageyama from Mob Psycho 100. Sure, Mob is cheerful enough, but he’s also not really an expressive person. The personality described above is an oxymoron, is all I’m saying.
She has no social experience outside of the magic trio. Since Italy (Galileo Galilei discovered the Milky Way, and he was from Italy.) had been the one to discover her, she has many traits from him such as being an optimistic person. Her salty side is never really shown, because she isn't fond if being savage like one of her founders. (Romano~).
Um, okay. That’s all I can say. Because I genuinely don’t know how to react to that. Galileo was indeed the first to see the Milky Way through a telescope, so I guess that could be a connection to Italy. However, as far as we know, billions of undiscovered worlds could be somewhere off in the galaxy, and I don’t know if us humans would’ve been the first to observe the galaxy. It just feels odd to me that she’d be so connected to Italy. I guess since he’s one of the main characters in Hetalia, but I dunno, something just bothers me about that.
Milky Way used to be a depressed little ball of feelings. Her mother Galaxy never really had time for her, and so Milky Way was alone.
 (Her appearance at the time: short magenta-pink hair, with emotionless eyes. She was always so dull.)
Wait why the fuck would her appearance change?
One day, she saw the Earth. A small person was smiling up at her, with his telescope. That man was later known as Galileo Galilei. He ran to tell Italy, so was ecstatic. Romano, on the other hand, was not as excited.
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Why? Why wouldn’t he think that was cool? 
When they came to see, Milky Way felt happy. She felt noticed. It was a nice feeling for her, and the first time she'd ever felt it. The Italies welcomed her with open arms, though she felt a little wistful in the country of Italy. Upon talking to her, the Italies realised she was not of Italia origin and wondered. They took her to the next World Meeting, asking anyone and everyone if they knew her. No one knew her of course, but they were intruiged by her.
Okay so that just doesn’t make any sense. She was discovered by Galileo, and Italy and Romano just assumed she was a part of Italy or of Italian origin? Why? Did Galileo just not tell them anything and let them assume he just found a piece of Italy floating off in space? Are they stupid? Did they physically go into space to speak to her? How did they get a message to her? 
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This is fucking absurd, and I have so many questions.
Granted that not all of them trusted her or welcomed her with open arms like the Italies, she always loved the countries.
I thought Romano didn’t, but sure, okay.
Now she lives with her mother Galaxy, and comes to visit her good friends.
So the OC creator just is under the impression that the galaxy isn’t the same thing as the Milky Way. Did they mean to make this an OC for the Solar System? Because that would make so much more sense. It would still be silly, but less egregious. 
 (Italy & Romano, although Southern Italy never really grew found of her...)
But didn’t it just say they welcomed her with open arms? Did Romano just decide to lie about that?
She tries to make friends, but it never really works out.
With who? I mean, there could be some cool things done with this, if she was an OC for just the solar system. She could be acquainted with America, Russia, China, etc, because of the international space station. 
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Dreamland's 2P is a blonde haired gothic girl. Her pale blonde hair was in a short pixie cut, with electric blue eyes. She normally wears black clothing. Here's an example... [2]
That link actually led to nothing, just a grey image of nothing with an error message. I removed the link regardless.
She is extra salty, and rarely shows her sweet side. Being a kuudere character, she's quite popular with other countries because she is quite the mysterious character.
This entire thing makes my head hurt.
Dreamland's Cardverse is non-existent for now. She dwells where the Wasteland of Cardverse is: [3]
That led to a broken Deviantart link. I think the upload was deleted. I’m also not familiar with Hetalia’s Cardverse, I haven’t interacted with the fandom as much as I used to in quite some time. 
Dreamland's Nyotalia has pale pink hair dip-dyed into blue. He wears something similar to this: [4]
His personality is cute, and very, very modest when it comes to praise.
Link deleted again, because I’m not sure if that’s stolen art or not. Even if it isn’t and the OC creator drew it, I don’t want to repost anyone’s art without permission.
Dreamland's 2P!Nyotalia looks like this: [5]
Another broken Deviantart link.
Milky Way has no comfirmed religion/ethnicity. (Although, I like to think of her as a Scientologist, believing in the Big Bang Theory etc.)
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That... That isn’t what Scientology is. I also believe in the Big Bang Theory, but that doesn’t make me a Scientologist. Scientology is an actual cult. It isn’t just a religion based on facts and logic because it has ‘science’ in the name. 
Her relationship with Galaxy is kind of tattered.
Guess she needs to work on self love.
Dreamland is a panromantic asexual.
Another few people she knows are Romania, Norway & England mainly because of their magic. America & Canada are also some acquaintances. Even though she has not spent that much time with France, she takes SOME of her personality from him.
Why? Just... Why? Like, what logical reason is there for that?
Milky Way is a dandere.
I’ve lost the will to fight.
She looks around 11 years old, but is actually 31.
What? Just... huh? Why? I reiterate my point from the beginning, the Milky Way is a galaxy that is billions of years old. I have no idea why she would look 11 years old, but the fact that it says she’s 31 is even more baffling. Where the fuck did that number come from?
Her birthdate is 2nd December, being a Sagittarius. (The Milky Way's constellation is Sagittarius.)
The-- Okay. Sure. But there are also so many more constellations aside from that one in the Milky Way. Because the Milky Way is a galaxy. Full of stars. 
Her full name is Daphne (Italian spelling is: Dafne) Dreamland. Her origin/ethnicity is unknown for the moment~ Dreamland knows all the countries; it's just that they don't know her.
~ The end, for now ~
I have no words. I just... I don’t. I don’t even know how I can be constructive here. I have so many questions. 
How would this even work in canon Hetalia? I am left with a blank. I genuinely have nothing to say. I’m left with so many unanswered questions.
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mochidreambubble · 1 year
Scarlet Hollow ask game
Tagged by @cymatile AND @georgiedoesntfloat 🖤TYSM for always including me in these haha
I'll offer up two variants for some of the answers, using my main OC file (Ashe my beloved) and my 2nd one that I use to mess around (Atlas who I have mentioned like... Once-)
Your "canon" trait combination? Ashe: Mystical/Hot. I will take any chance I get to use my attractive OC son- (2nd best to go option tho via) Atlas (maybe I just like 'A' names lol): Mystical/Street Smarts. Let me break all the rules and lie my way thru everything pls- (basically, I like it if it can help me socially and Street Smarts has its perks there too haha)
What third trait would you add for hardcore mode? For Ashe I'm tied between Talk to Animals and Street Smart. Animals to go down the full something is definitely up with him kind of vibe vs the one he'll actually likely have due to his personality/bad boy roots lmao. Atlas gets Book Smart, to be deceptively like the type where he doesn't look it.
What trait are you least drawn to? Powerful Build. Strong? My vain bb Ashe who would never chip a nail? I promise you if he looks like he has muscle it's purely for show lol. And Atlas is a stick. Aside from achievement hunting, I'm also just not down to throwing hands/go for physical strength to solve my problems haha. Nice if you want your MC to lean more to himbo if you pair w/ hot, but if not for that then nah :p
Coolest trait? Mystical. I know I'm not alone on this haha. Aside from enjoying lore and slapping it on almost all my runs for my OC army, I feel like it fits best for SH's setting.
Who are you romancing? Reese for Ashe and Wayne for Atlas (me slapping the two Monster Lover achievements like DO YOU SEE THESE)
What romance are you least interested in? Dr Kelly. I do not hate her per say, I am just emotionally reactive to the *motions to the whole revelations of Episode 4*
Who would you romance if every single character was eligible? Isaacs or Harrison, likely? Like, I know Bo is a popular choice and I do like him, but considering it's 50/50 if he loses his dad, I wanna give the poor guys space to grieve first cause he's a sweet fellow.
What character would hurt you the most if something bad happened to them? Not including Reese who I am deeply hoping is ok on the endings where he's still breathing, I gotta say Kaneeka and Tabitha. For Tabby, I'd put my MC thru hell if I have to (and I legit yelled when she choose to take on those years the first time I played Episode 3 like Tabby NO I'LL DO IT PLS); for Kaneeka, god her whole situation is just shitty I just want the best from her and someplace that she can go very far from her mom p l s I will cry if something happens to her-
Would you stay in Scarlet Hollow when the week is over? It's too early to say. Very likely no because SH rn doesn't strike me like it will let you burn the root of whatever looms and haunts over the holler. If anything, I wanna drag people OUT of Scarlet Hollow by week's end.
Who would you vote for dog mayor? Scraps. I trust Gretchen and I just think Scraps is cool.
Tagging: no one, my SH Tumblr circle is so small anyone I would have thought of tagging has already been tagged on another person's post 😂
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Oddly enough my biggest struggle as a writer whether I'm operating in fanfic or original works is simply.....that I'm afraid people will judge my characters the same way they judge me in day-to-day life.
I'm not a person who feels emotions by halves. Everything I feel - happiness, anger, fear, hurt, despair, apathy, love - I feel deeply, intensely, and for a long time. I find value and meaning and joy in small simple things most people overlook or disregard (like a particularly pretty flower growing by a sidewalk, or the way a person smiled when I complimented their tattoo or shirt or whatever). And I've been told I'm overreacting to things my whole life- my brother is the worst about it and at least subconsciously looks down on me for being so delighted or so angered by things he (and society in general) deems inconsequential, but I've also been told this by friends, parents, councilors.... On the flip side, I am often unbothered by things that others lose their minds about such as traffic, someone driving slow, or some stranger/cashier/clerk/whatever being less than nice but not outright rude.
In other words, I have no frigging clue what's a "normal" emotional response to something. My ability to gauge it is absolutely busted, if I was ever able to accurately gauge such things to begin with.
When I make a character, more often than not they inherit my intense emotions (e.g., Marian Shepard, Brynja Ryder, and O'ravi Soltholia, among others). And there are some non-OC characters, such as Jaal, Nero from Devil May Cry, Haurchefant, and G'raha Tia, that canonically exhibit this trait as well.
And the nature of stories is that Bad Things Happen. More often than not in these stories the bad things are apocalyptic or otherwise deeply traumatizing, such as Ryder's heart stopping, finding the corpses of people who were vivisected, Shepard dying and waking up in a Cerberus base, the Warrior of Light watching their best friend (and possible lover) die to save them out of nowhere or having to fight an enemy that's possessed one of their dearest friends. More often than not, the fate of the whole damn world rests on the protagonists; if Shepard and WoL were to fail in their respective missions, all life in their galaxies would be wiped out, and if Ryder fails theirs, then that's (to their knowledge) all that remains of the Milky Way civilizations gone and exterminated along with the angara in one fell swoop.
As bad as these things are, as justifiable as it would be for someone to lose their minds about it....when I write about these things and the characters' responses to them, I am consumed by the fear of coming across as melodramatic. I am terrified that people will think my characters (or the characters I'm writing) are WAY overreacting, being overemotional, and for the life of me, I just can't shake this fear. Even if it's irrational, even if it's stupid. I just......good lord.
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aquadestinyswriting · 2 years
Mozart and Rhapsody for any!
I'll actually answer these for Dwena, she desperately needs some love.
mozart: which animal fits your oc best? do they have any pets?
I think the animal that fits her best is probably a little jack russel terrier. She's small, but incredibly persistent and can be very noisy and annoying when it suits her. She doesn't have any pets, per se, but she does have a familiar in the form of a small wind elemental.
rhapsody: write a short scene that showcases three or more of your character’s traits.
Have an excerpt from a piece I've had sat in my wip folder for... at least 5 years. Probably doesn't showcase all her traits, but it does give a general gist as to how she is as a character:
"Dwena Diamonddust at your service.” she replied with a short bow, “I specialise in Planar magic and have recently qualified as a fully-fledged Plane Shifter.” she added, taking out a heavy-looking piece of parchment. Selene took the parchment and quickly glanced at it, though Alexis could already tell that her old friend was beyond excited at this revelation. The woodling cocked her head to the side as both other women sat down,
“A specialist in Planar magic, huh?” she asked, “What’s the deal with that then?” Dwen turned to the rogue, her blue eyes alight with the same excitement as Selene’s,
“It’s a little complicated, but basically I’m able to utilise the basic principles of magic to do things like bend time and space around things and people and even create my own little pocket dimensions. That comes in very handy for getting access to your personal library when you’re travelling.” she explained. Selene leaned on the table,
“I really need to learn how to do that.” she muttered, “While I’m certainly adept with most schools of magic, Abjuration is one of my weaker areas.” she admitted, a slight flush of embarrassment spreading over her cheeks. Dwena chuckled, taking a sip of her cider,
“I’ll be more than happy to help you brush up on that.” she said, “We’ve all got our weaknesses, I mean I’m pretty hopeless at Evocations. And that’s even after managing to convince old Nicodemus to teach me a thing or two.” Alexis, who had been looking between the two wizards blankly, frowned a little at the mention of the name,
“Why do I get the feeling I should at least know about him?” she muttered as Selene’s eyes widened,
“Wait you don’t mean Arakor Nicodemus?” she asked in a hushed voice. Dwena grinned broadly,
“The one and same. I’m still surprised the old hermit didn’t Polymorph me into a goldfish and throw me out into the port as sharkbait.”
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azalea-bee · 1 year
FOR THE UNCOMMON OC QUESTIONS BTW!! pick any oc, do em all, whatever you want! i wanna know more abt your guys :D 2, 3, 17+18, 28, B, D :3c!!!
HII tysm for asking!!! :D ok ok i want to do all of them for at least a few of the questions but that’s five whole people so i’ll put this under a cut because it might get long lol
2. How easy is it for your character to laugh?
winnie laughs allll the time, she’s super easygoing and giggly so not hard to make laugh! emrys is very quiet and doesn’t laugh out loud easily, but he does smile instead. dove has a very loud and easy laugh! cassia doesn’t laugh as easily or loudly but he does laugh when someone is being particularly funny, esp if it’s winnie when she’s small. and micah laughs a lot but it tends to be sarcastic, you have to surprise it out of them if you want a genuine laugh :]
3. How do they put themselves to bed at night (reading, singing, thinking?)
emrys sleeps a lot bc he’s a lion, so it doesn’t take much as long as he feels safe. winnie likes to put on their coziest pajamas and get comfy with a million pillows. cassia tends to sleep in short stretches and wakes up a lot, so she tends to listen to music or a podcast and just resumes it whenever she wakes up again (and he also sleeps better with other people nearby). micah has a whole complicated skincare and wind-down routine before bed but tends to lie in bed awake for a while despite their best efforts oops. and dove likes to read before bed, usually obscure magic tomes or niche spellbooks to look for tips!
17. Are they easily embarrassed?
not particularly any of them? i think emrys would be the easiest to embarrass though.
18. What embarrasses them?
for emrys, he gets embarrassed when he gets stuck as a lion for a bit. his lion shifting is connected to his emotions so it sometimes forces him to be vulnerable and obvious about his feelings when he doesn’t want to be, which he REALLY does not appreciate lol
28. Would they prefer a lie over an unpleasant truth? 
i’ll do micah and dove for this one: micah would prefer the unpleasant truth always, no exceptions, and assumes the same is true for others. dove hates conflict so she’d prefer the lie but she can also usually tell when people are lying so it doesn’t matter much either way.
B) What inspired you to create them?
long story short, i was bored and just really wanted to make up a group of fun guys, and i had already had a vague story brewing for a while that wouldn’t leave my head hehe. so i made them all a pinterest board to figure out their vibes and went from there :P
D) Have they always had the same physical appearance, or have you had to edit how they look?
mostly they’ve stayed the same, cassia and emrys have changed the most i think? but that’s just because for a while i couldn’t decide if i wanted to include obviously nonhuman traits in their world or not. so i went back and forth on the lion thing and cassia’s horns, but eventually i decided these ocs were already self-indulgent and they were too much fun for me not to include so lion shifting and horns it is hehehe
thank you for the ask!! this was very fun to answer :D
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OC Questions:
5. If you could make only one of your OCs popular/known, who would it be?
19. Introduce an OC that means a lot to you (and explain why)
28. Your most dangerous OC?
31. Pick one OC of yours and explain what their tumblr blog would be like (what they reblog, layout, anything really)
33. Your shyest OC?
41. Has anyone drawn fanart of your OCs? If yes, maybe show a picture or two here (remember sources & permissions!)
43. Do you have any certain type when you create your OCs? Do you tend to favour some certain traits or looks? It’s time to confess
Have fun :D (also this tab has been sitting open for a hot minute and I forgot to send it, crow brain at minimum power)
5. oh that's. really tough one. Probably a tie between Shyshie and Kwet with maybe Lily and Serpens tied for second place. Shyshie just has such an energy, but Kwet is so personal. For a long time Lily was a top favorite and I feel like she represents a very richly creative time of my life. and Serpens just feels like. He deserves to be well known for some reason.
19. Nickaia. I don't talk about her a lot but she was a very early oc, who was just a borderline Lego Ninjago self insert, who turned into an actual oc in an original story and she really represented a lot of my fears about growing up and puberty especially, i came up with this whole story about some illness she caught that turned her skin gray and prevented her from developing (physically at least) into an adult. Then for a long time I forgot about her, then a few years ago remembered she existed and kinda overhauled her into an alien cause I no longer had a story for her to fit into as a human. She and I have changed a lot and no longer really resemble each other any more, but she's still very dear to me.
28. Most dangerous oc
.... a lot of my ocs probably wouldn't be all that safe to hang out around. But at the same time I feel like a lot of them wouldn't be too awful unprovoked. On terms of just like sheer power, the Wyvern who is an antagonist, but not strictly a villain, in my fantasy story. She's an immortal dragon who enjoys meddling in the lives of mortal as relief from the intense boredom of living for thousands of years
31. Pick one OC of yours and explain what their tumblr blog would be like lets see. I did shyshie for the last one, so lets do Kwet for this one. I feel like he'd had a photography blog that Aveth talked him into running so he would have a hobby aside from obsessively working on his scientific projects. The blog would be pretty bland and utilitarian and the pictures probably wouldn't be very interesting. He'd have 1 follower and it's just Aveth.
33. Your shyest OC?
uh well. Originally it was supposed to be Shyshie but she refused and turned into a feral child who is loud and causes all the problems. I'm not sure now. maybe Blue? he is a shy lil bby lizard who just wants to sit on his dad's shoulder and eat soup.
uh well i mean maybe a few times I've gotten gift art from friends if that's what you mean. but most of the character art i have is either drawn by me, I ordered it, or got it from an art trade/artfight. And Im struggling to remember the last time I got gift art aside from a physical drawing a friend gave me years ago that I have but don't have pictures of right now. Actually now I'm not sure if i've ever gotten art just cause someone felt like it lol. So im gonna have to pass aha
43. oh yes! Lots! I love gold and silver duo characters s o much. I know like, red and blue is the most popular but I'm a s ucker for gold and silver/sun and moon esque characters. Also I love quiet stern emotionally reserved male characters who are like the analytical thoughtful type and usually trying to keep the rest of the character group from rushing into anything. Bonus points if they rarely emote aside from the small warm smile they spare for their friends during a time when the friend needs reassurance most.
also like. idk I call them 'unbreakable child' characters. Shyshie is the most easy one to point out but its just a kid character that is waAAAAY more op than they should be and no matter what they go through or what the villain throws at them they recover and keep going. (I think this is part of why I like Gregory from Security Breach so much lol, he totally fits the bill)
ty for the questions crow :D
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timetravelingshark · 2 years
Okay so I'm not super familiar with your OCs, but I wanted to send emojis, so....pick who you want to talk about for each? Or pick one(s) you don't talk about often that you want to flesh out more? 👁️EYE💥COLLISON🍧SHAVED ICE🌙MOON🙈SEE-NO-EVIL🌌MILKY WAY🌪️TORNADO💚GREEN HEART
Thank you so much for the ask!! I'll do the mains just because it's fun to tinker with them and more development can't hurt. 👁️ EYE - what colour are their eyes? do people notice their eyes? is there anything special about them (shows emotion easily, literally magical…)?
oooo okay this is a great question because eye color actually is a BIG thing in my story!! There's two main schools of magic that humans use- light and dark magic. Neither is inherently good or bad, and it's kind of like a yin and yang thing. The ability to use magic in any safe and meaningful capacity is somewhat rare, and it's determined by birth. Those who have a natural affinity for light magic have eyes the color of cut emeralds, and those who have a natural affinity have eyes that are the color of orange flames. Ori, being a dark mage, has orange eyes, and Darius, being a light mage, has emerald eyes. Elves are also a thing in this story and one of their most iconic traits is their eyes that come in unnatural, startling shades of blue- ranging from the exact color of ice to the inkiest midnight blue. Nero and Chrion, the major elven characters, both have blue eyes. Nero's eyes are more in the icy range, while Chiron's eyes look more like the sea. aight lads this post has gotten a lot longer than I intended (this is actually a lot of questions orz) so I'll put everything else under the read more so my followers don't hate me lmfao
💥 COLLISON - what emotions do they have trouble dealing with?
Ori- Feelings of inadequacy and uselessness. It's what spurred her to try to master each Art and be listed as one of the true greats in magical history. She wants to learn, she wants to do, she wants to be of use. If she can't help or be needed or of use she feels lost, wilts, and retreats into herself.
Darius- Anger. He doesn't look like it, and it's pretty difficult to rouse his anger, certainly, but if someone manages to truly piss him off he tends to do some highly unethical shit and it's very hard for him to cool down afterwards. He gets all shaky and restless for a while and has to pace and then meditate to calm himself down. He holds a lot of grudges and it's hard for him to forgive. It's a part of his personality that he's deeply ashamed of and he hates it when people see that side of him.
Nero- Resentment. Boy is a petty, salty bitch (not that I blame him) and it affects pretty much every facet of his character. He's been treated like shit for a good chunk of his life and so it completely colors his worldview and influences the things he does and says throughout the story. Chiron- Ooooo, this one's hard! Chiron is probably the least developed out of the main four, which I hope to remedy soon. For now, I would say it's arrogance. The man is good at magic- more than most humans, by virute of being an elf, and he's pretty good for an elf. He's extremely confident in his abilities and it gets to his head sometimes. 🍧 SHAVED ICE - do they still have any objects from their childhood? what significance does it have to them? what would their reaction be if they lost it?
Ori- A small doll that Isra, her mentor at the abbey, made for her when she was a little girl. When she got a little bit older, her friend Asar put tiny little bracelets on it made out of bronze and glamoured them to look gold, to match the bracelets that the people at the temple wore. They were her two dearest (and kind of only) friends at the monastery so she treasures it a lot. If she ever lost it, she'd be absolutely distraught, and probably bawl like a baby. Darius- A handwritten book of prayers that was given to him by his nonnus, Evander- the monk that was his surrogate father and main teacher at the temple that he grew up in. He got it when he turned ten and he still carries it around with him to this day, flipping through it to find the right prayer to ease his mind. If he ever lost it or it got irreparably destroyed, he'd be pretty out of sorts for a good while, and then he'd probably write to Evander and apologize for losing it because he loves his dad v much and feels like he's dishonoring him by losing his hard work. :( Nero- A sword and scabbard that his father gave him before he was sent to live at the Lucerian royal court at age 13. It's a piece of his Elven cultural heritage (one of the few he still has) and a sign that his father truly viewed him as a proper elven man. If he ever lost it, he'd be genuinely inconsolable. Man would still be mourning that sword a hundred years later. Chiron- A silver and carved moonstone necklace given to him at 13. Traditionally, necklaces like this are given to youths once they turn sixteen, but since he was also sent to live at the Lucerian royal court alongside Nero, his parents gave it to him earlier. It's a beautiful peice and Chiron wears it near constantly. If he ever somehow lost it or it was irreparably destroyed, he'd certainly be upset by it, but would eventually come to terms with it. If he ever got his hands on moonstone, he might try to make a replacement, similar to the one that he lost but different enough to show how he's changed in the 52 years since he got the original necklace. 🌙 MOON - what is your oc’s greatest wish? how far are they willing to go for it?
Ori- To be the very best mage there ever was and to help people from all over any ways that she can. She literally raised a man from the dead solely to make him to teach her light magic because light magic is a lot more conducive to directly helping people, so I'd say she's ready to do just about anything. Darius- Currently, it's to regain his lost memories from the last seven years, and to find out who murdered him and why. He is fully willing to go across the continent and break into some rather secure places to figure it out. He is usually pretty hard lawful except when it comes to this stuff, lmao. Nero- To be back among his people instead of at the human Lucerian court. He'd genuinely be down for murder if it got him home, but the knowledge that a very tense geopolitical situation that could put his people in jeparody rests upon his shoulders prevents him from ever actually doing anything meaningful to acheive this goal. Chiron- To become genuinely respected in his field. He knows that he isn't fully taken seriously due to his elven nature, youthful appearance, and status as a hostage, and while it doesn't make him seethe like how it does to Nero, his ass is a tad bit chapped over it. People in the court recognize that he's certainly talented, but don't seem to realize that he's worked extremely hard to get to the level of precise skill in magic that he has and that it's not due to elven genetics like many who dismiss him claim- especially when he's practicing a human school of magic, which is much harder for elves to do. He generally lets that stuff roll off his back like water on a duck, but occasionally he'll show off more than he needs to to prove his worth to the naysayers. 🙈 SEE-NO-EVIL - whats a side of your oc that they don’t want to show other people?
Ori- She doesn't like to show off her insecurities or feelings of inadequacy. It makes her feel lame, and Ori wants to be the diametric opposite of lame at all times (by virtue of being a teenager, she fails in the "be cool as fuck at all times" category. repeatedly. bless her heart.) Darius- As mentioned earlier, he hates it when he gets into a rage, especially around other people. It's very shameful for people to see him lose control like that, particularly because it's normally really hard to get him worked up. Nero- Man actually has a heart under his jaded exterior, but only about three people (including a certain princess 👀👀👀) actually know that, and he would like it to stay that way. Chiron- He's made kind of a reputation of his "go with the flow" and "it is what it is" nature, so he doesn't like it if someone can tell if something is seriously affecting him. He has a brand to uphold, after all. 🌌 MILKY WAY - what was the inspiration behind your oc? what was the first thing you decided about them? Ori and Darius came to me in a dream, actually. I dreamt I was a young mage who found a dude dead in a ditch and I brought him back to life with woo-woo magic necromancy powers. So that's where the very spark of inspiration came from! I would also say that Ori initially took some inspo from Megumin, lol. The first thing that I decided for both of them were their color palettes, as well as their hair and eye colors! Nero was based lowkey off of a character from a very old and very abandoned fantasy story of mine. I loved him as a character too much to throw away with the rest of what was a kind of unsalvageable story, so I adapted him and made him his own thing. I think one of the first things that I decided about him was that he was going to have incredibly short hair for an elf, which would end up becoming pretty symbolic since it showed his ironic disconnect with his birth culture. Chrion's inspiration was HIGHKEY inspired by Mathis Quigley from the wonderful webcomic Unsounded. (Absolutely read that if you get the chance, btw). The pale pretty boy looks, the arrogance, the skill at magic, the fondness for dark blue... man takes a lot after Quigs, I fully admit. He's diverged a lot from Quigley, though, since his inception, and I think that he stands as his own character. The first thing that I decided about him was that he'd be a magic user, to compliment Nero's very martially oriented build, and to give Ori and Darius someone to have cool magic duels with. 🌪️ TORNADO - what is the biggest change you’ve ever made to them? how have they changed from their original version?
Ori- She was a LOT more morally fucked, I would say, and she's already pretty morally fucked so you can imagine how bad she was. Originally dark and light magic were a lot more black and white but I found that kind of boring so I ditched it within like a month of the story's creation, and Ori's original, significantly darker characterization went with that. Darius- He used to not have a background as a solider- went straight from the Monastery to [REDACTED]. I decided that that was kind of boring and that he needed some more development to make certain aspects of his personality make sense, and to better connect him with people to help facilitate the search for his memories, so I decided to have him join the Lucerian army in the mage division. This ended up being great for his character development and it gave us his CO, Marcus, who is one of my favorite characters because he's just fucking funny and also Darius' bestie.
Nero- His original-original characterization from the first abandoned story was that he was an older brother tracking down his younger sister who he viewed as a traitor to their people and their kind for helping two human princes escape death. That all has gone clear out the window in this new story, but a lot of fundamental personality traits remain. Chiron- He's more ambitious than he was originally, and he's a little less nice to humans than he was originally- he's kind of ambivalent towards them now compared to his initial positivity. 💚 GREEN HEART - what things make your oc feel comforted? hugs, kisses, food?
Ori- Girl loves cuddles and hugs. Having someone's arms around her helps her feel safe, grounded, and most importantly, loved. Naturally, she craves this like how a cat craves sunlight and will bask in the cuddles and affection if you give it to her. Darius- A good bowl of soup is always a nice comfort for him. He doesn't mind hugs and cuddles, though, but it has to be from the right person. If he gets them from the right person, this man will literally melt in their arms. Just goes boneless. Nero- He'd literally die before admitting this, but he loves it when someone runs their hands through his hair, and especially so if they kind of gently scritch his scalp while doing so. The man may be an elf but he's a doggo at heart.
Chiron- A steady hand on his shoulder and some kind, appreciative words can rally Chiron from an emotional, mental, or physical low. Just knowing you appreciate him or trust him can make him go from :( to :)
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