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Sammy|21|Feb 27|They/She/He|Pan,Demi,&Poly18+ CONTENT PRESENT|MINORS DNIDoodle, Ramble, kink art, and slight vent accountEnjoy the absolute dumpster fire of brainrot
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moonlight-coffeebean-147 · 22 hours ago
Practice Headshots and New Characters ✨
So I wanted to test out colors for some of my twst ocs as well as introduce some new ones.
First: The Fearsome Five Gang
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I honestly love how they all turned out. Castella loos like a dork (as he should). Jax has heterochromia. Tino my precious flower boy… mind the Venus flytrap though, that thing’s alive. Beck looks ho *gets smacked*. And Sterling…. Scares the shit out of me 💀 But yea really like how they turned out
I’ll put reminders for who they’re supposed to be
Castella Sparkvolt - Megavolt
Tino Rosebush - Bushroot
Jax Harlequin - Quackerjack
Beck Loman - The Liquidator
Sterling Doppelt - Negaduck
Next is the Ramshackle Gang (Minus Grim 💀)
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…I did not intend for them to all have black hair but I think it’s funny. Of course we have the one and only Usagi. We got Jim.. who to be honest, I might change his age to be older (late twenties, maybe early thirties), because thinking more about his story… this mf in my opinion would not be in his early twenties. Maurice…. Anyways, Clancy’s hat was a nightmare to figure out but I think I like how it turned out. Also, new boi! His name is Jules Allis, based on Julius from the Runaway Brain short with a hint of Julius the Cat from the Alice Comedies.
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He’s an experiment that escaped from his creator and would find his way to Night Raven College. I feel like while bunking at Ramshackle he was disguised in makeup around the others to look more “alive”, because Jules is absolutely terrified of being sent back to his creator. He’s overall a big cuddle gentle giant… with an equally big appetite, take that how you will ; )
Usagi Yoshinari - Oswald the Lucky Rabbit
Jim Percival - Peg-Leg Pete
Maurice Slicker - Mortimer Mouse
Clancy Wolfram - The Big Bad Wolf
Jules Allis - Julius
Miscellaneous & 3 More Newbies
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I intentionally made front-facing Alex look uncanny because this man can’t human lol. It’s also the reason he has two differently designed eyes, .Giffard stares into your soul.. it comforts him to know you’re still here : ). And now… three more because 12 twst ocs wasn’t enough 💀 Camille, Cedar, and Reynard
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Camille Dreadfox is based on Don Karnage from Talespin… I love him dearly. Camille is Hispanic (like meeee lol) , because that’s what his 2017 Ducktales iteration leaned towards, but like his Talespin counterpart, Camille’s got some French and Italian in him. He’s just as egotistical as Don Karnage… and as much as a goof as him too lol. He’s also got bushy ass eyebrows (He just like me fr 😭😭😭)
Cedar Goodwyn is based on Mr. Cedric from Sofia the First. He’s been held back and is put under a lot of stress by his family. To the point where he actually started getting grey hairs. Like this man is 20 yet he looks like he’s 40 😭. He’s a lot more cocky than he lets on and being put in Diasomnia was his worst nightmare incarnate. (Because yes put the one who messes up his spells frequently in the same dorm as one of the most powerful mages 💀💀💀)
Reynard Raposa’s based on Foxy Loxy from the 2005 Chicken Little…. Yes really. It was a part of my life growing up and it’s a guilty pleasure movie of mine. Reynard being sorted into Pomefiore is a play on Foxy Loxy’s fate in the movie. Plus I thought it’d be super funny if Reynard was the type to constantly get on Vil’s nerves since he (Reynard) is not afraid to openly show a slight rebellion to Pomefiore’s ways. Him being a more chill, nice bully came from Foxy Loxy’s promotional video, how Foxy feels about Chicken Little is the same as how Reynard feels toward Usagi/The MC. To quote one of her lines but to fit Reynard “Bless their heart they’re such a loser that you just love em, okay? It’s a big zero but I put a one ahead of it so I give em a ten~” Like, he’ll tease you but it’s all in good fun and he won’t really go too far with it. Also… don’t talk to him about his braces.
Alex Goldeye - Bill Cipher
.GIFfard Heartcable - .GIFfany
Camille Dreadfox - Don Karnage
Cedar Goodwyn - Mr Cedric
Reynard Raposa - Foxy Loxy
And finally
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Headshots of @twistedtummies2 ‘s ocs.
He was actually the one who helped me settle on Reynard’s last name since I was dissatisfied with the old one. Once again dude ty so much ^^. Now this… is actually practice for a bigger project I’m working on, I’ll keep that to myself for now ; )
As for the characters.
Nakoda’s always fun to draw, and now I think I’ve finally settled on how I draw his face scales. Billy is also, as usual, a joy to draw. Elias… I’ve drawn him so many times that I can do it in my sleep 😂. The perks of being the favorite. I FINALLY FIGURED OUT HOW TO DRAW RENO’S HAIR HOLY SHIT 😭🎊 I am not kidding, that’s how not used to drawing short hair I am 💀 James is finally in something normal for once since the two times I’ve featured him was for a meme and a shitpost 😭. Now he can look like his regular handsome self. Smitty is adorable and I care him very much ^^. Maelstrom was a character where I felt intimidated to draw him but slowly got the hand of. I think it was the hair but it was mostly the combed back bangs or whatever that style’s called. Theodore is another case where the two times I’ve drawn him… were for silly stuff 😭, figured to draw him in his natural glory before he curses my ass lol…. Grit… that look I drew him with, idk how I pulled it off but I really like it
That’s to for now, hope you guys enjoyed
- Moon
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moonlight-coffeebean-147 · 5 days ago
Doodle Requests
Opening this along with the asks.
Tbh, the last doodle dump got a bit too… real for me so it might be a while until I’m in a good mindset to draw angst stuff again. That probably doesn’t make sense but a lot of my feelings don’t make sense ha…
But anyways, I’m accepting doodle requests now to do for fun in between my personal projects
They can be Twst related, or they can be something else.
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moonlight-coffeebean-147 · 6 days ago
Angst… this is legit just Usagi Angst. Particularly revolving around the aftermath of their overblotting.
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First these two sketches which encapsulates Usagi’s mindset when in their Overblot. Some of those things I don’t know if I want to go into right now because… it gets dark and extremely depressing. As well as the fact that as I believe I’ve mentioned in a past post, a lot of Usagi’s inner turmoil is based on my own mental struggles in my high school years. Without getting too into it, just know that my mental health was at an all time low, my mind went to some dark places, and it was during a time where I could not afford counseling. That and Usagi and I have the same problem of letting the negative things pile up and pretending everything’s fine for the sake of not worrying others.
I’m currently at that stage where I’m fleshing out Usagi’s background a bit more because I do not want it to come across as just me venting and because Usagi is not a self insert. The mental struggle stuff and them being an artist is real, everything else isn’t. So overtime I hope to eventually find that balance. But until then, we got ideas.
So with that said
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- It’s pretty obvious now that I love using Madoka related poses for references. Like when it comes to its themes surrounding grief, I think they match Usagi pretty well.
- One thing they would mention in their flashback is that whenever the Nights Raven guys would threaten or insult them they would mostly take it in stride…. because it wasn’t anything they haven’t heard before. Both from their human world classmates and their own stepmother. The saddest part being that they’ve actually been told and called worse from those people. I think it would horrify some of the guys that no amount of insults or vore threats would ever compare to what they’ve heard in the past.
- Usagi has been through so much shit in the past that they cannot comprehend how people are nice to them. Like in Book 1 when Ace punches Riddle after insulting Usagi (mc in game), they were legit shocked… because those kinds of comments were normalized to them.
- They’re bleeding from their mouth and nose because I believe that a human going through Overblot would take a massive toll on their body. Usagi has survived many things but this is the thing that almost kills them. Like I imagine they don’t wake up immediately after the flashback stuff like the others have. It legitimately makes the others believe that they died but then they wake up (maybe through the power of love or something).
- Usagi in their flashbacks sharing one last moment with their father it’s just… I legit started crying when making that one hah…. I’m not joking
Extra note I forgot:
- I always imagine that Usagi loses the heart hairclip they always wear after they overblotted but one of the guys managed to save it. Doesn’t change have after Usagi turns back to normal they legitimately freak out because they think they lost it for good. That hairclip is one of the last things they got from their dad before he passed away. So anything happening to it would be devastating to them.
In conclusion
Usagi for as much cute stuff as I draw them in, is a very tragic character, and is definitely one of my twst ocs with the most tragic backstory…. There are others but we’ll get there when we get there.
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moonlight-coffeebean-147 · 8 days ago
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…This trend was going on on Twitter. I had to 😂😭
The reference image:
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Elias of course belongs to @twistedtummies2
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moonlight-coffeebean-147 · 12 days ago
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A funny ft. Billy
Based on this:
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Usagi in a nutshell:
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moonlight-coffeebean-147 · 13 days ago
How does ‘Sagi dress for winter and summer? :3c
…So I decided to draw this out. All of em are based on outfits on Pinterest
The Winter:
Usagi has a thing where unless it’s freezing cold they don’t wear pants. They instead wear tights. A big note is how Usagi shares an opinion a clothes with me. That being only wearing skirts and dresses… if it’s something that I and they actually like. Usagi likes a lot of frilly, cutecore type stuff. And of course… rabbit themed coats and hats.
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Summer Outfits:
I drew up a bathing suit concept for Usagi. They’d definitely wear a one piece bathing suit. Other than that, short sleeves, long sleeves if it’s chilly. The point is, Usagi’s goal in clothes is to look cute above all else.
Oh and one last fun fact… Usagi sews half of the clothes themselves… what no money does to a person 😭
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moonlight-coffeebean-147 · 16 days ago
Moon’s Late Night Ramblings: Oc Edition
I honestly want to start posting more oc art onto here. I don’t want to just post twst stuff in here, especially because it might attract people who are not interested or do not want to see the… other stuff I like here 😭.
So during my Spring Break, I’m gonna doodle a bunch of my original ocs and put em all into a big post.
They’re all part of my monster fantasy series (they’re basically all humanoid monsters).
And guess what nearly all of them are in a relationship of some form because I’m a hopeless romantic and love lovey dovey shit 😂
Though there are some character designs I did for a class that I’m super into and want to introduce… mostly because I have ideas for them : 3
Oh for those wondering, the world that all my non-twst ocs live in is called Fantasia (Yes I named it after the Disney movie 💀)… which has its own lore that I won’t get into. Not right now at least.
Anyways, Moon signing out for now. Have a good one : >
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moonlight-coffeebean-147 · 17 days ago
Accepting Asks : 3
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So I’m gonna officially say that my ask box is open and I’m willing to answer any question : ) (As long as it’s not too personal obvi).
This is basically something fun for me to do on the side because art stuff is delayed for a bit… at least until Spring Break 🥲.
But anyways, ask me stuff …. only if you want to.
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moonlight-coffeebean-147 · 21 days ago
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“How’s the weather up there ☺️ ?”
Who’s Usagi looking up at? You decide : 3 . Practically anyone who’s taller than 4’11” counts 😭
A sketch that’s too cute not to share
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moonlight-coffeebean-147 · 24 days ago
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Usagi “Yuu” Yoshinari Ref
The Ramshackle Prefect themselves. My rabbit child : 3
- Usagi to me just feels like a very cutecore, frills and bows kind of person when it comes to their regular wear.
- Usagi is nonbinary afab, they also don’t really care what pronouns people use for them.
- They are also demisexual
- They’re the oc that gets shipped with everyone/hj
- They got the death stare down packed
I love them
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moonlight-coffeebean-147 · 24 days ago
When your procreate crashes and doesn’t save any of the coloring work you did
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So anyways Usagi ref coming soon. Maybe later tonight if time and procreate cooperates with me 😊😊😊🫠
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moonlight-coffeebean-147 · 26 days ago
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I’m now officially 21 years old yippee yippee
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An extra doodle.
Birthday wishes appreciated but not obligated
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moonlight-coffeebean-147 · 29 days ago
Break Stuff Wonderland
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moonlight-coffeebean-147 · 1 month ago
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…I wanted to do a light hearted thing after the Overblot post…. And my mind thought this. Cursed emojis with @twistedtummies2 ocs… I might actually do this with the other Twst characters this was fun 😂
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Case in point, Usagi, Grim and the ADeuce duo.
….Expect more in the future : 3
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moonlight-coffeebean-147 · 1 month ago
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Sketches with Overblot Usagi… they legitimately creep me out in this state 😭
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Idk what the hell would lead them into being like… this. But this brings the point how Usagi’s body is basically going overdrive while Overblotting. The ref context is from Magia Record (a Spin-off of Madoka Magica). Since Magical Girls can’t die unless their soul gems are destroyed which leads to…. A magical girl getting beat the shit out of… every bone broken… and somehow surviving. Which leads to said Magical girl cracking her bones back in place….. horrifying I know 😭😂
The clip in question: (Spoilers for Magia Record Be warned)
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Usagi’s Overblot really is their point of just calling the guys out on their bullshit
And finally….
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Another pose reference thing. Ft. Elias.
In other words… Overblot Usagi is the type of Overblot to mentally play with those around them. Which leads into mentally breaking them. It’s easier to turn folks into stone when they aren’t willing to fight back in Usagi’s mind. Yea their Overblot’s kind of fucked up.
Usagi - La Creatura (Me)
Elias - @twistedtummies2
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moonlight-coffeebean-147 · 1 month ago
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For my Valentines Day I went on a date with Malleus lol get on my level scrubs 😂👌 /lh
Anyways… Happy Valentine’s Day friends
….maybe I’ll doodle something later, idk.
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moonlight-coffeebean-147 · 1 month ago
I finally sketched up my Twst ocs. I consider these “prototype designs before their official refs.
First up, the guys that inspired me to do this. My Fearsome Five gang.
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As well as…. these mfs ☺️
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In order…
Castella Sparkvolt
Age: 19
Height: 5’6”
Dorm: Ignihyde
Species: Rat Beastman
Basic Description: Is somehow both smart and stupid at the same time. Has the ability to control electricity. Can electrocute people so watch out. An absolute freak but in the affectionate way. A bit loony. Believes that all lightbulbs are alive and wants to protect them. Constantly on the mission to prove himself. His abilities are controlled through his emotions. Wears gloves to help prevent from accidentally shocking someone. It’s also why he wears a giant battery pack.
Tino Rosebush
Age: 22
Height: 6’6”
Dorm: Pomefiore
Species: Duck Beastman & Living Plant Hybrid
Basic Description: The most intelligent out of the “Fearsome Five” friend group. Massive inferiority complex and majorly insecure. Was raised to believe that he could never be pretty and thus, was ugly. Extremely shy. A botanist and has the ability to control nature. Finds comfort in his plants and garden, he says they’re truly beautiful as they do not judge each other (according to him). His plant form was the result of an experiment gone wrong. Once you get past his walls, he is fairly friendly.
Jax Harlequin
Age: 20
Height: 5’9”
Dorm: Heartslabyul
Basic Description: A toymaker and clown for hire. His family owns a toy shop that sells hand made toys. Has a slight disdain for modern technology as he believes they negatively affected the toy market. Has the ability to control inanimate objects. Extremely acrobatic, he took both ballet and gymnastics growing up. His most prized toy is his stuffed duck Mr. Quackers. He believes that Mr. Quackers is alive and talks to him constantly. He loves making people laugh and pulling pranks on people.
Beck Loman
Age: 25
Height: 6’11” (Human Form), 8’0” (Water Form)
Dorm: Octavinelle
Species: Dog Beastman & Living Water Hybrid
Basic Description: Son of a businessman, the family business is a water manufacturer company. Very much the dad friend of the group. Yet he also tries his best to sell people his family products. His father has forced him to do shady business sabotages to rivals in the past, would back then do anything to impress him. His water form is his natural form. He uses magic in order to maintain his human form. He has the ability to control water. He can heat himself up to boiling point and can turn into ice through lowering his body temperature. Loves puns and talking like he’s making a sales pitch.
Sterling Doppelt
Age: 18
Height: 5’4”
Dorm: Diasomnia
Species: Duck Beastman
Basic Description: Watch your back around him. Puts up the facade of a sweet loving man, but in actuality has slight homicidal tendencies. Is also rumored to be a possible sadomasochist. A master manipulator. His ability to steal others unique magic is powerful but is nerfed by how the ability requires direct contact. Somehow managed to sneak a whole ass chainsaw with him into his dorm room. The one who causes the most trouble. Is rumored to have been a child star actor... where it all went wrong, Sterling doesn't like talking about it.
Alex Goldeye
Age: ??? (Physically in twenties)
Height: 6’10”
Dorm: Diasomnia
Species: Dream Demon
Basic Description: What is essentially a being that only wants to cause chaos within the dimensions he travels to. He loves causing disorder simply because it's fun. Sees most mortals as just toys put there for his own amusement, unless he gets close to them that is. One of his rumored abilities is to grant one's desires as long as they do something for him in return... usually something dangerous. It is currently unknown is he can even overblot as he's done every sort of magic spell in the book yet has never shown signs of blotting out. Has mellowed out since his stay at Nights Ravens College but still causes trouble every now and then.
.GIFfard Heartcable
Age: 18
Height: 6’2”
Dorm: Ignihyde
Species: Sentient AI
Basic Description: Originally an AI given sentience trapped within a romance game. Tends to grow obsessive over whoever plays the game. Gets easily jealous of other boys the player gets close with. Has the ability to control inanimate objects as long as they run on electricity. Can also travel within the computer world through other screens and monitors. Was eventually given a true humanoid body (cyborg) in order to keep him in line. Is very cutesy, sweet, and slightly unhinged. Is essentially programmed to act like the perfect boyfriend who is willing to do anything for the person who plays his game.
Maurice Slicker
Age: 18
Height: 6’8”
Dorm: Ramshackle
Species: Mouse Beastman
Basic Description: A dick.... like seriously an absolute asshole. Has a massive yet fragile ego. Holds himself on a high pedestal and believes that he is better at magic than everyone else. Though promptly backs off whenever he's either proven wrong or makes a complete fool of himself. His main magic is shrinking people or objects and storing them within glass balls. Yes, he does have the catchphrase "Ha cha cha". Eventually learns to get off his high horse a little during his time at Ramshackle.
Jim Percival
Age: 21
Height: 7’2”
Dorm: Ramshackle
Species: Cat Beastman
Basic Description: Has magic but doesn't seem to have a unique magic... or at least he wants to keep it a secret for now. He entered school fairly late into his life due to his obligations working various jobs to support his family. Smokes. A bit rough around the edges but doesn't directly bother people unless they're bothering him. Has a slight schemer flair to him. Extremely strong. Can be seen as a sort of "jerk with a heart of gold" archetype. Does genuinely care for the people he gets close to. Wants to have more friends but feels his intimidating exterior prevents him from doing so and he must act accordingly.
Clancy Wolfram
Age: 19
Height: 6’11”
Dorm: Ramshackle
Species: Wolf Beastman
Basic Description: A slight fashion diva. Loves wearing different outfits he finds appealing. Is also a huge fan of jazz music. Tends to be very particular about his wants and needs. Also tends to come up with grandiose ideas that often end up blowing up in his face. Has the ability to blow air out strong enough to blow down a house. A huge carnivore. While he does tend to get caught up in his plans, when it comes to people, he cares about, he will stop and pull the breaks if his idea ends up hurting that person he cares about. He likes being "bad" in a different kind of way... the empowering badass way lol.
Jim, Maurice, and Clancy I feel would be Usagi's next step in proving themselves as a dorm leader. (Though the best I got for how is that the mirror purposefully sorted them to Ramshackle... or everyone just got tired of their shit and Crowley just basically said "Here they're your problem now" and dumped them with Usagi 💀)
My Fearsome Five lads have all been in whatever equivalent to juvie and jail exist in this world. They've basically all been released on good behavior and were sent to Nights Raven to better themselves.
Alex is essentially the "Discord" (from MLP) of Twst, at least my version is.
Giffard is textbook yandere but is held back because of people like Malleus lol
Anyways that's all of them...for now. Hope ya'll enjoyed : >
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