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a-lonely-dunedain · 8 months ago
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Tossdir's other birds are named like this btw. Tweethedis is the only one that doesn't bully him
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a-lonely-dunedain · 2 years ago
I’m in this post and…. Well, you’re not wrong but I don’t like it
I love my OC!
*puts him through the horrors* *puts him through the horrors* *puts him through the horrors* *puts him through the horrors* *puts him through the horrors* *puts him through the horrors* *puts him through the horrors* *puts him through the hor
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drpumpkins · 11 months ago
This is the BOOP#02 game! You've been BOOPED. Now you gotta Boop someone else's ask box too 🐾 🐾 🐾
Cat!Tossdir has chosen violence (affectionate)
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OBSESSED WITH THIS LITTLE DOODLE thank yuo SO much for the boop i am going to Lovingly Smack My Followers
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elfroot-and-laurels-moved · 7 months ago
never gonna pass up a request to infodump about my lotro blorbo hehe. I feel like you probably already know a bit about Ethedis' backstory, but idk how much lol (I never posted a proper bio for her on tumblr but I keep meaning to do that)
Anyway Ethedis is the daughter of everyone's favorite Elf Who Dies In The First 5 Minutes Of The Game, Talagan Silvertongue!
She was just a baby when he died in the fall of Edhelion, (making her just around 350 years old in present time. baby.) and years after that her mother became too consumed by grief and had to sail while Ethedis was still very young. Elrond took her under his wing after that, and under his guidance she became a loremaster. Her story follows the epic line pretty closely after that point, and she gets embroiled in The War very quickly while trying to avenge her father (idk how much more I should say on that front, I'm trying to avoid too many spoilers for any new players who might see this)
Anyway she's generally very bright and cheerful (canonically being one of the tra-la-la-lally elves from The Hobbit), but the epic line inflicts some Big Trauma™ on her pretty quickly, and it only gets worse from there. Soon enough her sunshine-y demeanor becomes less of a natural expression, and more of a mask she has to maintain to keep herself and her allies from falling into despair. She's told that she has an ability to inspire hope in those around her, which becomes a great burden to bear. She gets it into her head that, because fear and despair are weapons of the Enemy, openly expressing her doubts is something she Absolutely Cannot Do. She's told that she is a light in the darkness, a warmth amidst the cold, and she feels that she's not allowed to be anything else.
She has to eventually learn to open up to her friends about her feelings, learn that she's allowed to be sad around them and that her sorrow isn't some malevolent force that will drag down everyone around her, that she's allowed to need help too, and her friends want to help her. Also she's best friends with my other PC and Traumatized Ranger, Tossdir! (thought about sending in his backstory, but I don't know if you've played Before the Shadow yet and his backstory like, entirely consists of spoilers for that lmao)
And some Miscellaneous Facts about her:
She was friends with Corunir before he went to Angmar and the assumed dead, pestering him with questions about Dunedain history and generally dragging him into her shenanigans whenever he was in Rivendell. it was... not very pleasant for her to hear the other Rangers eventually start referring to him in the past-tense whenever she asked about him.
her in-game surname, Silverspring, comes from both of her parents' names (Silver from "Silvertongue" and spring from her mother's name Ethuilas, "spring leaf")
Will Not Stop Befriending Rangers (even though they keep dying and breaking her heart)
she's not a half-elf or anyone who would otherwise be granted Luthien's Choice™. Despite this, I'm going to find some way for her to get into the human afterlife. She and her best friend Tossdir are a set, you see, I cannot separate them. the Power of Friendship can break the rules, as a treat.
She's also friends with Arwen! There's uh, a lot of internal angst with her about that. Wishing she had the same choice Arwen has, then guilt over that jealously, sorrow at the prospect of losing another friend to a mortal fate, all that fun stuff. (because for most of her story she doesn't believe she can achieve a mortality, and only gets that option after Tossdir and Corunir are dead)
consequently, the knowledge that her friends will eventually die is slowly eating her alive <3 (I promised to give her story a happy ending, never said I'd be nice with how I got there)
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Ethedis I care you 🩵
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hallothere · 2 years ago
26 for someone who hasn't been in the plinko recently?
26. Helpless/Motionless/Paralyzed what do we consider recently...... hmm......
One moment, his boots had been dodging fallen foes and allies alike. He'd found that melancholy man of Rohan, Horn, and joined in his search for allies. Aragorn had been moving steadily through the ranks of foes, and the rest of the Grey Company with him. Bregadir had been separated from the fighting, and that had proved a costly mistake.
Now, his boots were lodged as if in amber. Like an insect held suspended in sap. Or, maybe- the idea flashed across his mind as the man of Mordor stepped into view- a trophy fish. Taxidermy bird.
His weapons were lowered and he was without defense. Horn, too, seemed unable to move, but he couldn't really see. The sounds of battle had to pierce through a layer of the enchantment like a fog. All his senses were dulled, and with man and sword looming above him, he wasn't sure that was a kindness.
The fighting was far from over but here, in what were likely his last moments, he could practically see the birds descend. Neither good nor evil, acting only from what master or nature had instructed, thinking not of war but only of their next meal. Well, maybe not wholly neutral. He thought of Rockbeak, answerable to mischief matching with his own intelligence, and the almost shamefaced look when he was caught stealing jacks from Bree children.
He thought of Wastrel and stolen scones. Not wholly neutral.
Bregadir was slapped back into the present as the sword came up over the man's head. To cleave him in two, presumably. The end was here and he couldn't blink.
But then a gauntlet of gold burst from the side of the road. Helmeted heads rocked and the enchantment that held him frozen wavered. Bregadir was able to dive and roll to relative safety while the blur of red and gold and grey pummeled with the might of long learning.
Tossdir was here once again. In his darkest hour, his cousin shone.
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a-lonely-dunedain · 2 years ago
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reblog to give a plushie to the person you reblogged this from
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ao3feed-tolkien · 2 years ago
Collection of Angst and Hurt-Comfort Prompts
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/0O21KQj
by A_Lonely_Dunadan
did a little angst/hurt-comfort ask game on Tumblr, decided to post a ficlets here. a lotta these are short and/or not up to my normal standards but hey it was a fun way to get some practice in :>
the prompt list I revived the asks from here --> https://ift.tt/jTeYClV
Words: 5843, Chapters: 6/7, Language: English
Fandoms: The Lord of the Rings Online
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M, Gen
Characters: yeah it's mostly OCs here lol, Margim, Celeair, Ethedis, Tossdir, Corunir (Lord of the Rings Online), Meneldir (Lord of the Rings Online), Gorwen (Lord of the Rings Online), Golodir (Lord of the Rings Online)
Relationships: Tossdir & Meneldir, Ethedis & Tossdir, Tossdir & Gorwen, OC & Meneldir, OC & Gorwen, Celeair/Margim, OC & OC, OC/OC, Ethedis/Corunir, actually not sure if I should tag it as Ethedis/Corunir or Ethedis&Corunir, I'm not sure what I would define their relationship as during the time their ficlet takes place lol, I mean it'll be Ethedis/Corunir Eventually so we'll go with that for now
Additional Tags: Implied/Referenced Torture, it's pretty vague tho, Hurt/Comfort, One Shot Collection
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/0O21KQj
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poetry-draws · 2 years ago
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for @a-lonely-dunedain, her lovely ocs Ethedis and Tossdir, protecting the road south for the Grey Company!
i'm love them
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a-lonely-dunedain · 7 months ago
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Meneldir slips away. He is gone.
so. I finally remade this old thing in all the heart-wrenching detail it deserves. I'm sorry, in my defense- I actually don't have a defense.
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a-lonely-dunedain · 1 year ago
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Tossdir would throw the fight. he doesn't have it in him to hurt a little kitty cat. can't participate in ginger on ginger violence
(if you don't know the character just go off of vibes)
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a-lonely-dunedain · 2 months ago
No thoughts today, head full of love for my silly little guys (Ethedis and Tossdir)
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a-lonely-dunedain · 2 months ago
y'know what I love about having transparent PNGs of my OCs is that you can just put them in various locations. it's quick, it's easy, and it's free! examples:
peaceful beach
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alligator swamp
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waffle house
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precociously dangling over a pit of lava
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safely tucked in2 bed
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a-lonely-dunedain · 2 months ago
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y'know what @hallothere you're right. perhaps he should be a cowboy (and also Meneldir is there). The Arizona Eriador Ranger with the big iron on his hip...
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Meneldir is trying SO hard to pull off the "mysterious drifter with no name and no past" bit, but Tossdir's overly-friendly self is making things Difficult
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the-journey-was-the-point · 21 days ago
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@a-lonely-dunedain 's Ethedis and Tossdir were so kind to invite Linnéa to their teacup fort! Linnéa brought cheese to share <3
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Random Thumbelinnéa doodle (AU where Linnéa is tiny) ^^"
Please don't take her cheese away!! She disarmed that mouse trap fair and square!
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a-lonely-dunedain · 6 months ago
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"oh that guy? that's our roommate Kro- I mean Kevin. They're a normal human man."
(their strategy to keep Krobus hidden is just to gaslight the town into thinking they're a Normal Guy) (shockingly it's been working)
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a-lonely-dunedain · 4 months ago
it's the first day of yule fest, you know what that means! (Angmar Tossdir finally got his scarf)
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