#I don't gate keep
liliallowed · 2 months
okay that may sound mean but again. I've made IT PRETTY clear I can't donate.
you guys are really starting to piss me off posing as victims.
there's a fine line with the audacity.
get tf out of my blog.
just because I support Palestine doesn't mean I'm a door mat and you can use my emotions for personal gain.
kindly fuck off if you're a copy pasta bot acc. I WILL check your account and activity days and all your posts before answering.
and if I see an ask repeated? I'm going to block you. because you don't even take the time to friking READ my blogs first few words.
stop trying to benefit from the suffering of people you two faced scums. 🤬
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lazylittledragon · 12 days
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what could go wrong
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I have all the time in the world. How about you?
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There is a theme to Aylin's threats and vows of vengeance that I've noticed and that I want to share.
Do what you will. I cannot prevent you. But you know as well as I, I will come for you. One day.
That one, for example, is for Balthazar, while she is imprisoned.
I cannot prevent you. But I can advise you. Be careful to whom you yoke your fate. One day, when he is severed from me, Ketheric will die. I will not. And when I am freed, I will remember whose recompense to claim.
Did you expect me to beg? To cry? To plead? For what. I accept my fate - for now. But the life of a divine is longer than you can fathom, Sharran. And this cold chapter will close, one day.
And those are for you, when you've yet to harm her, when she's still only warning you off. But then, if you choose to try to kill her, like so many before you:
Was it everything you hoped for? Was it sweet, Sharran, to murder a paladin of Selûne - her daughter - her sword? Congratulations - your mistress Shar will write your name on her hand. And I? I will come for you. When the time is right.
The next bit depends on your character's gender:
When your sons are grown and your beard is long and wiry; when you cannot hold your nightly water and your nose grows as long as your weary, weary days… When your daughters are grown and your chin sprouts whiskers dark - when your teeth are yellow as corn and your sleep grows short and your days are long and weary, so weary… When your children are grown and your eyes are weak; when your nose grows as long as your weary, weary days…
Ultimately, your fate will be the same:
That is when this immortal will visit you, Sharran. That is when I will show you what it is to be afraid.
All these long-term promises of one day, coupled with inevitability.
I find it so striking that most of Aylin's threats include her flaunting and flexing her immortality (as well as her flawless, long memory) over whoever has wronged her.
Present your weapon, soldier. Plunge it into the Nightsong. I cannot stop you. But know this: I never forget a face. HAH! Are you afraid, Sharran? Do you rattle and jump at the realisation that an immortal has your face emblazoned in her mind forevermore?
Everything is but a passing inconvenience to her, she claims, even a century of imprisonment and torment. Outlasting, outliving - that is simply what she does and what she chooses to intimidate with. Promising to wait until you are old and decrepit, until after you've experienced all the vagaries of age that she never will, leaving her sword hanging over your head throughout the entire miserable lifespan that she has permitted you to have.
Then, if you wrong her in a very heinous way, there's the extreme one of outliving not only you, but killing and extinguishing your entire bloodline in order to obliterate every trace of you from existence:
WHEN I AM FREE, I WILL DESTROY YOU! I WILL MURDER YOU, AND YOUR CHILDREN, AND THEIR CHILDREN BESIDE! I will rip this world apart, plank and beam, until every iota of your being is scalded by my light. This is my promise. This is my vow.
Over and over, Aylin builds her oaths of vengeance on the foundations of an utter, even proud, certainty that she will see her foe end, one way or another, due to her nature and the simple fact of her own endlessness. This is the well she keeps coming back to.
And I find all of this, this consistent insistence on it, so striking and ironic, because one of her other main emotional threads is being thoroughly enraptured by and devoted to and just so completely in love with a mortal. One who will age and die and pass into memory just like all the targets of her rage - if I think of Isobel when I re-read all of that dialogue up there, it seems to cut both ways so deeply. But then there's the extra element that every single one of these is spoken when she either knows or is (incorrectly) convinced that Isobel is dead. Isobel, who didn't get to grow old, and who is both an anchor to humanity and a very painful reminder of the truth of Aylin's situation being twofold.
Aylin will outlast what she hates, yes, but she will outlast what she loves as well.
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beezhive · 1 year
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he's got insufferable cunt disorder. and it's INCURABLE!!!
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a2zillustration · 6 months
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We lived.
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reyth0rii · 5 months
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I did this just because I wanted a match icon of these two with my gf lol
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jeeaark · 5 months
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final showdown pt2.
This was one of those battles where I survived it without a single reload. So. This entire scene? Accurate. Embarrassingly Accurate. (except the healy dealy. that's Greygold flair)
Wanted to get to the crown as fast as possible, but had to fly by Emps. Literally stopped next to bud to personally yell/reassure the fool I was gonna save their ass and then risked the opportunity attack.
(which. I forgot to bring my dex 18 gloves and discovered illithidism had shit dex, so....IS FINE. GG IS ALL FOR STARTING A NEW COLLECTION OF FRIENDSHIP SCARS)
BUT SQUID BUDDY MISSED. so. I like to think Enthralled Emps had put some effort into jumping through some rather large logic hoops to miss. Unlike Greygold who put JACK effort into dodging.
I originally intended to leave Emps completely alone, risk the attacks. But. Brain tentacle surprise happened. Right next to the squid. Emps rolled high in initiative.... But not as high as Lae'zel. Game-wise, ✨I panicked✨. Story-wise? I don't think this could have been any more in-character. Albeit, I found myself quadruple checking to make sure knockout mode was ABSOLUTELY on
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nobigneil · 4 months
Neil was on full 100% Mayhem Mode tonight wtf
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grey-wardens · 2 months
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faarkas · 1 year
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BALDUR'S GATE 3 Wyll's Devil Form in the Wavemother's Robe
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smallnico · 1 month
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art trade with @quacaserous of their durge, cerys!! they described how cerys had a music box back in the temple of bhaal that brought some comfort, so she carried around a music box she found for the whole game. it was such a nice mental image, i had to draw it.
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queen-rhaenyras · 10 months
With my time away, I almost forgot how toxic fandom is. The Misogyny in this fandom does not surprise me. People giving flack to female players for playing female tavs to romance male companions? WHAT? Tell me this is a joke and that my eyes have betrayed me? I'm gay so I only romance the ladies, but damn this makes me angry for my girlies. Like how dare WOMEN who like MEN romance MEN with a FEMALE character? Like what an outlandish thing to do?
I'm a Lesbian and I'm sorry on behalf of the queer community (and some straight girls with internalized misogyny) for making you feel as if enjoying m/f romance is wrong or boring. It's not. It's just as valid. You know why? Because WOMEN are valid and any ship with a woman whether it be m/f or f/f is not boring because women are amazing. Baby girl go enjoy your female tav and you romance the hell out of that man with her. You know what. Download the poly mod and you romance all of them men at once with your hot fem Tav. Love you.
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tee-dohrnii · 5 months
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So I got hooked on the idea of Gale as Pierre from Great Comet of 1812 and the Gale brainrot is now leading me to trying out a more painterly style - starting with greyscale then adding color. I am, once again, cooking. Please have this WIP thank you
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mamawasatesttube · 7 months
i do think that despite being the squad's designated nerds, kon and bart struggle to watch lotr together because kon physically CANNOT stop infodumping through any of the movies (and of course they have to watch the extended editions only), but bart's like. you want me to sit in one place and watch one screen for 12 fucking hours. and on top of that you WON'T SHUT UP the ENTIRE TIME? i already can't focus on movies and you TALK THROUGH THE WHOLE THING? im going to fucking bite you--
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rexcaliburechoes · 9 months
looks at the fandom.
looks at gale/astarion.
looks at this video by sideways about the musical identity of avatar the last airbender and how that related to zuko and aang's dichotomy of their internal/external wants/needs.
puts on my writing hat.
you guys it's the same exact principle just expanded upon in when you play either as origin. gale has an external want of being validated but an internal need to validate himself and his skill outside of mystra, and astarion has an internal want of revenge go prove himself but an external need for others to see him for himself.
zuko and aang do literally the same thing. zuko and aang are literally made for each other in a meta/technical writing sense. same with gale and astarion.
lae'zel and shadowheart are foils made for each other. karlach and wyll are foils made for each other. astarion and gale are foils made for each other. all of this is in a technical writing sense. good writing makes effective use of foils and mirrors to explore characters. it's simply Good Writing TM.
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a2zillustration · 1 year
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We're all supposed to die by squid brain anyway what's another imminent disaster among friends.
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