#I don’t hate Steve in this fic :D
paul-ster · 3 months
Hated by Life Itself 🧸
Aka a fic I was SUPPOSED to finish and post after The Calm Before the Storm 😭 Plans changed yall. But I still wanted to put out the first chapter here at least so that I can be reminded that this fic exists :3
This fic mentions self harm and covers sensitive subjects. It gets graphic in this small excerpt, so if you are weary about those kinds of subjects, please scroll. I don’t want anyone to get hurt by anything I write :(
Ponyboy was only five when he first saw his dad doing it. He had needed to use the bathroom, and being five, he didn’t have the best patience skills. So, instead of knocking and waiting, he threw open the door. Mr.Curtis was on the toilet seat, except, he wasn’t using the bathroom.
He came face to face with Mr.Curtis, who seemed to have been crying. Eyes wide, Mr.Curtis grabbed Ponyboy's arm and shoved him in. He slammed the door shut, looking at Ponyboy as if Ponyboy was a threat to him. Ponyboy's eyes were also wide and his breathing stopped. On the toilet seat, Mr.Curtis had a razor to his thigh as blood dripped from a straight line. The blood beaded before gently falling to the side, almost sickening Ponyboy.
Ponyboy tried to avert his eyes from the grotesque scene in front of him. The sight of Mr.Curtis’s blood falling to the floor seemed to embed itself in his head. But, he couldn’t deny his need to use the bathroom any longer. “Daddy… potty,” Ponyboy said, kicking his legs a bit. Mr.Curtis still looked shell-shocked, but nodded, picking himself up and letting Ponyboy use the bathroom.
“Now you don’t tell anyone ‘bout this, okay little colt?” Mr.Curtis said as he ruffled Ponyboy's hair. The tears had seemed to magically disappear on Mr.Curtis’s face, but the blood on the floor hadn't disappeared. Ponyboy nodded, more so happy that he was able to use the restroom. Still, even when he had finished, he looked at his dad.
“Why do you do that?” His voice was barely audible and squeaky. Mr.Curtis felt a pang of regret as he tried to explain. Knowing that if he kept it a secret from Ponyboy, then Pony would tell his mom about it. And Mr.Curtis had already lied to her and told her that he quit…
“Sometimes daddy gets real stressed,” Mr.Curtis explained. “It’s something that only adults do, okay?” Ponyboy nodded, starting to fear the day that he got older and real stressed. Mr.Curtis drilled it into his head to never tell anyone about it. And Ponyboy knew what would happen if he did tell anyone… Still, he promised to Mr.Curtis that he would never do anything like that, and was sent on his way.
Ponyboy would’ve never said it was a main memory of his childhood. He would prefer to say that the main thing he remembered was spending time with the gang and trying to be older than what he was. Still, the memory hung in the back of his mind, and he still remembered the other times he had caught his dad.
It didn't help when Ponyboy thought to act older. He would catch himself thinking about doing the same thing Mr.Curtis would do when he was stressed. After all, only adults did it- right? But every time he thought that he would remember the blood and having to help his dad. Not to mention the constant secretary that he had to keep up. Something that he was only barely able to hide from the gang and even his own mother.
He couldn’t forget the amount of times he saw his dad run out of the bathroom, without even flushing the toilet. Ponyboy knew that every time he had done that, it was because he was real stressed. But, he also knew that what Mr.Curtis was doing wasn’t okay for him.
It carried on for what felt like forever, up until Ponyboy was 12 when something else had happened. Ponyboy tried to sit on the couch to forget what he had seen. This time his dad messed up badly and had to use an unusual amount of gauze. The sight had sickened Ponyboy to the core, just about every time he had tried to forget and close his eyes, the images would pop up. Knowing that he couldn’t do anything about it, he just looked at the ceiling.
Sodapop and Steve came into the house, calling a greeting as the door slammed behind them. Ponyboy's mind was still in a daze, confused as to why his dad would do that. Mrs.Curtis followed in behind Steve, carrying many bags. She dropped them off before going over to Ponyboy.
“Where’s your father?” Mrs.Curtis asked. Ponyboy swallowed thickly, unsure if he should even answer. Yet, he found his mouth speaking before he could think. “In the bathroom.”
Mrs.Curtis nodded, her face making a weird expression as she walked to the bathroom. A twisting feeling came to Ponyboy, causing him to start to feel anxious. His dad had drilled it into him that he couldn’t tell anyone, not even his mom, about what he had saw. Ponyboy listened as his mom knocked on the bathroom door, and how his dad answered.
“Hey Pony,” Sodapop greeted as he walked to the couch. Ponyboy nodded a reply, his ears straining to hear the rest of his parents’ conversation. Yet, Sodapop was adamant about talking to Ponyboy. “Do anything fun?” Soda asked. Ponyboy shrugged, “No.”
Before Sodapop could ask anything else, Steve called out. “Soda, we goin’ to the races or what?” Soda looked at Ponyboy worriedly. “Go Soda,” Ponyboy encouraged, still trying to listen to his parents. All he could make out was that his mom was now angry. A sick feeling came to Ponyboy’s throat as he listened.
Sodapop walked out with Steve, not before ruffling Ponyboy's hair. As he left, he watched as Ponyboy continued to stare at the ceiling, as if listening for something.
“Ya good Soda?” Steve asked as they started walking to Bucks. Sodapop looked back at his house, watching as Darry drove by in their father's truck. “Didya think that there's somethin’ botherin’ Pony?” Sodapop asked. Before he could get an answer, Darry slowed down near the duo, rolling down a window.
“Need a ride?” Darry asked. Steve nodded for both Sodapop and himself. They got into the truck, with Sodapop beating his own record for the longest he’d been silent. Steve and Darry shared worried looks as Darry drove. “Is there somethin’ wrong little buddy?” Darry asked, finally breaking Sodapop out of his trance.
“There was somethin’ botherin’ Pony when I and Steve went home…” Sodapop finally admitted. Darry's eyebrows furrowed, “Did he tell ya what it was?” Sodapop shook his head, glancing over to Steve. Steve shrugged.
“He was quiet but more quiet than usual,” Sodapop added. He looked out to the road, “It ain't like him to be that quiet.” Darry set a firm hand on Sodapops shoulders, trying to reassure him. “Maybe his head just got lost in a good book?”
Sodapop nodded, knowing that it wasn't the reason. But, he knew Steve wasn't going to like it if the reason he couldn't enjoy watching the races all because of his worry for Ponyboy. Pushing the fear aside, Sodapop plastered on a smile, pretending to think that Ponyboy was okay. After all- what did he have to be so worried about?
Ponyboy continued to sit on the couch until his mom and dad rushed past him. He stood up expectantly as his mom ushered his dad out of the house. Mr.Curtis seemed to be losing his balance, something that Ponyboy had never seen before.
He looked up to Mr.Curtis in an idolistic way. Seeing him weak sent an unknown pang of fear through Ponyboy. Mrs.Curtis tried to give him a reassuring smile but it fell short. Ponyboy watched as they both left the house leaving in their other car. The silence afterward felt like needles prickling under Ponyboy's skin as he sat back down on the couch.
For a moment he tried to understand what he saw. Did his mom know now? Was Mr.Curtis angry with the fact that she knew now? Or was he okay with it, thinking that maybe it was what was best? The thoughts swirled in Ponyboy's head as he shakily made his way to the kitchen. Before he could fully make it, he tripped on the bags.
With a “plan,” Ponyboy started to distract himself. He didn't want to think about his dad or anything in general. The earlier sight had still stuck with Ponyboy, embedding itself in his head to the point that he couldn't think of anything else. In easier terms, he was stressed.
And what do self-proclaimed adults do when stressed?
Ponyboy found himself in the same position his dad was in. The razor was pressed to his skin, something that he’d never thought he’d do. He felt his breath start to fasten as the razor slowly dragged-
“Is anyone home?” A voice yelled out through the house. Ponyboy froze, flinching at the pain and the sound of the voice. He heard as the voice kept calling out, but kept getting closer to the bathroom. A simple knock on the door was all he needed to quickly hide the evidence and open the bathroom door.
Two-Bit just looked at Ponyboy shocked when he came out. “Well I’ll be, I ain't never think ya to hide in the bathroom when your buddy comes!” Two-Bit exclaimed as he followed Ponyboy. Ponyboy made his way to the living room again, almost ashamed of what he did. The stinging pain in part of his thigh burned along his jeans as he walked.
He almost wanted to call himself weak for not being able to handle the small bout of pain. A part of him was surprised that his dad was able to do it easily without even flinching when his mom touched his thigh. But, he knew that he had to ignore it for now, at least until Two-Bit left. Yet, as time went on, it seemed as if Two-Bit was never going to leave.
“Kid?” Two-Bit's voice finally cut through Ponyboy's thoughts. He looked up, watching as Two-Bit walked up to him. “Wheres your mom and dad?” Two-Bit finally asked. Time felt as if it slowed down right then. All Ponyboy could think about was the sight he saw before with Mr.Curtis and the one that included Mrs.Curtis ushering Mr.Curtis out of the house. All because Ponyboy didn't tell anyone.
Ponyboy bit his lip, he didn't want to tell Two-Bit, mostly because of his loyalty to his dad. So, he found himself shrugging and getting up to make dinner. Two-Bit watched him carefully, almost as if Ponyboy was going to simply pass out on the floor. Ponyboy couldn't deny that he did feel like that. But, there was something else weighing on him to make him feel like that…
The familiar cheer of the crowd excited Sodapop. He loved every moment of it, the sounds, the conversations, and even the random fights that would happen. Darry and Steve stood nearby him, with Johnny making an appearance. Sodapop felt a pang of worry hit him as Johnny settled with the other three.
Dallas was racing, something that he was excellent at. Steve joked around, talking about how Dally probably rigged his horse on coke or something. It was enough to make the small group laugh for a moment before the gun went off. When it did, they watched in anticipation until finally, Dally's horse went through first.
Yells erupted in the crowd as people passed over lost money. The excitement should've been enough to push Sodapops mind off of his baby brother but it wasn't. He found himself starting to panic, thinking about what Ponyboy was stressed about. When the time finally came to go home, Sodapop never felt better.
“Two-Bit’s here?” Darry asked as he parked the truck. Everyone was in there, even Dally and Johnny. Sodapop felt a pang of relief go through him as he thought about Two-Bit watching over Ponyboy. However, he also noticed that his parents weren't there.
Quickly Sodapop ran into the house. He looked around and quickly saw Two-Bit and Ponyboy just having dinner. Relief washed over him as he walked up to Ponyboy. Ponyboy seemed different still, almost as if he wasn't fully there in the moment. Darry gave Sodapop a concerned look as Sodapop tried to talk to Ponyboy.
After a few futile attempts at conversation, Sodapop just decided to eat some dinner with Ponyboy. Darry looked around for a moment, catching the sight of their parents being gone. “Wheres mom and dad?” Darry asked, settling down with his own serving of food. Once again the fear seemed to build up in Ponyboy as he looked to Two-Bit for help.
Two-Bit just shrugged, “They were gone ‘fore I got ‘ere.” Darry nodded, catching a look as Ponyboy put his head lower. He refused to meet anyones eyes, something not too peculiar…
Once they were finished with dinner, they all started to mess around in the living room. Somehow Steve had gotten Ponyboy to talk, mostly to give rude retorts. Darry found himself feeling relieved as his baby brother seemed to start acting more and more like himself. Then, the front door opened.
Mr and Mrs.Curtis walked in, with Mrs.Curtis carefully holding up Mr.Curtis. Instantly Darry and Sodapop were trying to help them, careful with how they spoke. Ponyboy followed along, trying to see what had happened with his dad. Yet, Mrs.Curtis ushred them away, only asking for Ponyboy to stay.
Mr.Curtis sat on his bed as Mrs.Curtis went to make sure no one broke anything in her living room. Ponyboy shifted his weight on his feet as he looked at his dad. His dad looked tired, but also the familiar glint in his eyes stayed. It made Ponyboy feel uneasy though.
Usually, Ponyboy never got in trouble. And if he did, it was usually petty crimes. Yet, he felt as if he had just committed the worst crime. In a way- he did. He had betrayed his father's trust. Before Ponyboy could get any words out, Mr.Curtis just shook his head.
“Remember what I said Ponyboy,” Mr.Curtis said as he patted his lap. Ponyboy knew what was coming and so he put his head down and walked over. “You know what happens when you betray someone's trust?” Mr.Curtis asked, his voice booming in a way that only Ponyboy could hear. It scared Ponyboy to his very bone as he nodded…
It wasn't fun for Ponyboy but- he did learn something. Never to tell anyone what happened, or what he saw. Another thing he learned: was how to “deal” with stress, the Curtis way.
But he’d never do it.
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lovebugism · 3 months
What if reader's friends convince her to go on a date with another guy, and this guy is an absolute jerk? I think reader would call Eddie and ask her to come pick her up - why is every guy an asshole? Except Eddie of course 🖤
ty for requesting :D — grumpy!eddie rescues you from a bad date then offers to take you on a better one (friends to lovers, hurt/comfort ish | 1k)
bug's summer fic fest (⁠ꈍ⁠ᴗ⁠ꈍ⁠)
The sunset matches the color of your Slurpee. A fiery red and orange hue, like the mango and strawberry concoction in your cup. You sip from the plastic straw and pretend to taste the sky in your mouth — pretending not to notice the pounding bass of Eddie’s van as he peals into the parking lot. 
You sit on the curb and keep your eyes trained on the cracked pavement under your feet. All cool. Like you hadn’t called him for help at all.
“You could’ve been more specific about where you were, you know?” Eddie shouts, punctuating his question with the slam of the car door. His worn sneakers scuff the concrete with each of his rushed strides. You’d almost think he was actually worried about you.
“I told you I was at the payphone by the Seven-Eleven,” you shrug, tilting your chin to look up at the boy when he stands ahead of you.
“There’s four of those,” he argues, with his lanky figure looming over you. He pushes his leather jacket off his sides (which he wears in spite of the summer heat) to put his hands on his hips. “Seriously. I counted ‘em all in the half hour it took me to find you.”
You squint up at him, hardly apologetic after the shit day you’ve had. “Well, sorry for not being more clear,” you spit in a cynical monotone.
“Apology accepted,” Eddie shrugs. He huffs and sits on the curb next to you while you slurp audibly at the slushie in your fist. He leans over to knock your shoulders with his. “What happened?”
“I don’t wanna talk about it.”
“Figured… Can I have some, at least?”
He’s only partly surprised when you hand over the drink without protest. He takes it in his ringed fist, looks inside to observe its content, then sips at the red straw (trying to ignore the nagging thought that your lips have been where his are now). The strawberry-mango mixture melts quickly on his tongue, foreign and sweet. “’S nice.”
You scoff like you’re owed the compliment. “Right? I let Josh try some earlier, and he said it tasted like shit. I was like, you know what, this is my final fucking straw.”
Eddie’s face screws. He wipes dramatically at his mouth with the back of his hand, hopelessly trying to erase the other asshole’s DNA. “Are you serious?” he mumbles, all annoyed ‘cause you hadn’t thought to warn him beforehand. You don’t seem to understand his meaning, though, as you shrug lazily in response.
“Well, him trying to feel me up in his car was my actual final straw. But then he hated my all-time favorite Slurpee, and I didn’t even want to look at him anymore. I just told him to leave me here.”
The only thing Eddie hates more than putting his mouth where Josh’s has been — other than the thought of Josh taking you on a date at all — is the idea of Josh not treating you right. His chest burns with a withheld rage.
“Are you talking about fucking Josh O.?” he scoffs and passes the styrofoam cup back to you. “Like, the moron from Mr. Mundy’s, Josh O.? That’s who Steve set you up with?”
“Unfortunately,” you grumble and take another sip, more casual about the subtle spit-swapping than the boy beside you had been.
“He was basically setting you up for failure, then. You know that, right?”
“I just wanted a free meal,” you confess quietly.
Eddie squints. His eyes flit from your profile, to your fidgeting hand punching holes in the ice with your straw, and back to your profile again. “Well, did you get one?”
“Yep. We split one burger at the diner.”
A laugh sputters from his pink mouth.
Your head whips to glare at him. “It’s not funny.”
Eddie props his elbow on his knee to hide his smile behind his ringed hand. “I mean… It kinda is, though. ‘Cause even I could buy two meals for us, and I’m basically the brokest fucker in this town.”
“Are you offering?”
His brows pinch. “Offering what?”
“To buy me a burger,” you say in a mousy voice, pretending to be innocent as you peer at him beneath your lashes, all doe-eyed.
“What?” Eddie scoffs through the sparkling in his chest. As a self-proclaimed metalhead, there was absolutely nothing metal about confessing to stupid crushes. “No.”
“Well, it sounds a lot like you’re offering,” you tease before wrapping your lips around the straw of your drink.
“Well, this sounds a lot like talking for someone who doesn’t wanna talk about it,” he mocks.
Your eyes narrow in annoyance. You part from your Slurpee and mumble through the ice on your tongue. “I wasted my quarters on you,” you deadpan.
Eddie rolls his eyes. He rises from the curb with a huff, wincing at the distant ache in his long legs. “C’mon, weirdo. Let’s go,” he urges, towering over you again.
You shake your head, gaze averted, suddenly shy. “I’m okay here.”
“Let’s go.”
“I’m serious, Eds. I don’t feel like going home right now—”
“I’m not taking you home,” he scoffs like it’s obvious. Your eyes flit back to his, suddenly hopeful again, and he tries not to cower. “I’m taking you to the diner. So I can get you a real meal.”
You seem particularly moved by the uncharacteristic act of kindness. “Really?”
“Yes, really— I don’t want you to starve to death,” he grouses, feigning annoyance ‘cause it’s easier than facing his real feelings in the face. “Now, let’s go before I change my mind.”
He walks off ahead of you on long legs, leaving you behind to catch up. But, because he isn’t a total asshole, he opens the squeaking passenger side door for you.
“Can I get a milkshake, too?” you wonder with a scrunched nose, helping yourself onto the cracked pleather seat.
“Don’t push it,” Eddie squints. He goes to shut the door, then catches the pretty pout pinching your features. “Fine,” he groans before slamming it shut.
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delicatebarness · 2 months
the Red Rooms | prologue
Summary: In the gritty underground, the Red Rooms is a notorious establishment, in which, you must navigate a perilous hierarchy and prove your worth amidst a world of seduction and power.
Warning: Prostitution/Sex Work. Sexual Harassment/Assault. Violence/Threats. Power Dynamics/Control. Emotional Distress.
Word Count: 1579
Spotify Playlist | Support: Ko-FI
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A/N: A lot of you asked for this one so here it is. Also, this is a part of 'Prologue Season' so if you do want more, you gotta let me know :D - Please feel free to leave feedback or let me know where and how you want the story to continue, this is just as much yours as mine. - B
The Red Rooms: I have tagged everyone from the OG post about this fic, but please let me know if you'd like to be added/removed - @scott-loki-barnes | @bo0mccc | @zuri-767-666 | @buggy14 | @curlycow01 | @waywardhunter95 | @saranghaey | @scoonsalicious | @thezombieprostitute | @crazyunsexycool | @startcarvingdarling | @jae0515
Everything: @hallecarey1 | @pattiemac1 | @uhmellamoanna | @scraftsku35 | @ozwriterchick | @sapphirebarnes | @rach2602 | @thetorturedbuckydepartment | @mrsnikstan | @lanabuckybarnes
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Pulsing like a heartbeat, the city’s neon glow cast long shadows across the grime-slicked streets of the underground district. Among the towering spires of steel and glass, you stood at the doorstep of the more notorious establishment in the district: The Red Rooms. Ran by Steve Rogers and Bucky Barnes, the sprawling brothel was a labyrinthine for those to seek pleasure and escape. For you, it was neither. You were here out of desperation. 
Inside, an unspoken hierarchy governs the world, symbolized by the height of a girl’s heel. The higher the heel, the more power and influence the girl wields. And, at the pinnacle of this ladder stood Natasha Romanoff. Clawing her way to the top, she proved her worth through years of cunning strength, and an unwavering will. Now, Steve and Bucky entrusted her with an immense responsibility– overseer of the girls, she would recruit, assign, and train the girls in the art of seduction. 
Natasha knew every girl under her command, she understood their strengths and weaknesses, and with sharp eyes and that knowledge, she maintained order and efficiency. So when you, a lost soul, bedraggled and tired, appeared on the doorstep of The Red Rooms, Natasha’s skepticism was palpable. 
You were different from the other girls, too innocent, too fragile– Natasha could tell in your pleading eyes. 
“Please,” you begged, your voice small and trembling. “I need a chance. I’ll do anything.” 
Narrowing her eyes, Natasha’s lips curled, a mix of amusement and disbelief. “Anything, you say?” she mused, tapping her manicured fingers against the back of her clipboard. “Alright,” she finally said, her voice firm. “But, you need to prove yourself or you’re out. And, you’ll start from the bottom, in flats.” 
“Thank you,” you beamed up at her, your gratitude boundless. “I won’t let you down.” 
Her tone left no room for failure as Natasha replied. “See that you don’t.” 
Swelling within you, your gratitude was overshadowed quickly by the reality of your situation. The world you were thrown into was as foreign as it was ruthless. Eyes mixed with curiosity and disdain followed you, towering heels clicked against the grime, and sticky floors as they passed. You were a lamb among wolves, out of place.
The menial tasks were assigned to you at first– scrubbing the floors, fetching drinks, and running errands. “Here,” Natasha said, handing you a mop and bucket, “the VIP lounge needs cleaning. Make it quick; clients hate waiting.” 
Nodding, you got straight to work, knowing that each task you completed was one step closer to proving yourself. Slowly, Natasha began to see glimpses of your strength as she watched you closely, her sharp eyes never missing anything. 
The girls in The Red Rooms rarely saw their bosses, Steve Rogers and Bucky Barnes– preferring to remain in the shadows, the men oversaw their empire from their office. They were only known to descend when they were bored and in need of entertainment themselves. 
One night, as the red hue of the lights flickered and the floor buzzed the murmurs of secrets and transactions, the men stood observing the floor from their office, taking in every detail. That was when you caught Steve’s gaze. 
“Why the fuck is there a lost puppy on the floor?” He muttered to Bucky, annoyance and curiosity laced in his tone. Bucky stood with an inscrutable expression as his gaze followed Steve’s, landing on you. “What is Romanoff thinking?” 
The men continued to watch you, for a moment longer, Steve’s eyes narrowing as he assessed your movements. You could sense the intensity of their stares, the weight of Steve’s scrutiny, even from the floor below, and it made you nervous. A heat rose within you, flushing your cheeks. You tried to focus on your tasks and ignore them.
Later, Steve called Natasha up to the office. “Romanoff, what’s the deal with the new girl?” he demanded in a low but firm voice. “She’s not even in heels. We have a reputation to uphold.” 
Meeting his gaze, Natasha never flinched. “She’s different, Rogers. She needs a little time… but she has spirit and is an eager learner.” 
Steve’s eyes darkened as they bore into hers, he searched for any sign of doubt. “She better be worth it. We can’t afford any liabilities.” 
“She will be,” Natasha assured him, her tone unwavering. “Just trust me on this.” 
With a grunt, Steve dismissed Natasha. He was not entirely convinced, yet he knew better than to question her judgment. After all, she had earned her position through intelligent decisions. Meanwhile, Bucky’s intrigue grew. He stayed stood at the window, watching you more closely. An instinct coursed through him– he had to ensure you were safe from the predatory patrons. 
As the nights went on, the pressure mounted. Now and then, you’d catch a glimpse of Bucky observing from above, his presence felt like a warning but yet, a strange comfort. On this particular night, Natasha handed you a tray of drinks. 
“Serve them,” she instructed, nodding and pushing you by the small of your back toward a table of upstaters in the VIP lounge. “And remember; confidence.” 
Taking a deep breath, you approached the table. Keeping your hands steady despite the growing flutter in your stomach, you served them quickly and efficiently. The clients barely looked up at you, engrossed in their conversation, except for one. A taller man, with a gleam in his eyes, took an interest in you. His gaze lingered as you bent to place the drinks on the table. Suddenly, you felt his hand start to slide up the back of your leg. 
“Well, aren’t you a sweet little thing,” he murmured, his fingers tracing patterns along your inner thigh. “How much for you?” 
Fear and discomfort flooded your senses, causing you to freeze in the moment. Remember Natasha’s advice, you tried to remain composed. “Confidence,” her voice echoed in your mind. Straightening up, you forced a polite smile as you began moving away from his reach. 
His grip tightened against your skin before you could escape. “Don’t be shy, baby,” he cooed, a smirk played on his lips. “I don’t bite… hard.” 
“I-I’m not available t-tonight,” you stuttered, your voice betraying you. The fear gnawed at you. “An-another time, p-perhaps?” You tried to retreat again, but he wasn’t having it. His hand only tightened, and before you knew it, he pulled you closer.
“Come on,” he said, his smirk growing as he dragged you onto his lap. “Let’s have a little fun.”
Your heart began to race as you struggled against his hold, panic surging through you. “Please, I–” 
Just then, a shadow detached itself from the darkness. Emerging with a swift and decisive stride, Bucky’s expression was a mask of controlled fury. His presence commanded the attention in an instant. 
“Let her go,” he was cold, authoritative. The man flinched under the carried weight of Bucky’s tone. With an intensity, promising trouble, his eyes locked onto the man’s.
The man’s confidence wavered, faltering his grip as he met Bucky’s gaze. “Hey, I was just–”
“Not interested,” Bucky cut him off, no argument brooked in his tone. Reaching out, he firmly but calmly pulled you away from the man’s lap. “If you have any more questions, you can take them up with me.” 
Realizing he was outmatched, the man grumbled and slunk back, he was deflated. Guiding you away from the table, Bucky’s touch was gentle. He led you out of the immediate fray, to a quieter corner. 
“Are you alright, little pup?” Bucky softly asked, his voice laced with concern.
You nodded, trying to steady your breathing. Once you looked up at him, your eyes were wide and tear-filled, and your lower lip trembled slightly. “T-thank you, M-Mr Barnes, I didn’t t-think–”
Bucky’s expression softened, and for a moment there was a rare flicker of empathy in his eyes. “No need to thank me,” he interrupted, his gaze steady and reassuring. “Just doing my job.” 
Your voice was barely above a whisper, shaking your head. “I just… I don’t want to get in trouble.” 
“You’re not in trouble,” Bucky said firmly, his hand reaching to cup your cheek, his thumb reassuringly wiping a stray tear away. “You’re doing your best, and that’s enough. If anyone gives you trouble, you come straight to me. Is that understood, pup?”
Biting your lip to hold back more tears, you nodded again. “I understand, Mr Barnes.” 
“Good girl,” he replied gently, his protective gaze lingered on you a moment longer before he took a step back. His hand slipped away from your cheek as he straightened up, but his eyes never left yours. “Now, get back out there, there are drinks to be served.” 
“Y-yes, sir,” you whispered, wiping away the last of your tears, your resolve strengthening. 
With a final nod, Bucky turned on his heel and disappeared back into the shadows. Taking a deep breath, you squared your shoulders and stepped back onto the floor. The crowd murmured, swelling around you. 
As you moved through the floor, you couldn’t help but feel the eyes of the patrons on you, you held your head high this time. Balancing your tray of drinks with newfound confidence and a determination to push forward. 
You caught sight of Natasha, giving you a slight nod of approval before her eyes flickered briefly toward the shadows, where Bucky stood watching. And, with each tray you served, your fear and hesitation diminished. 
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the girl next door 9
Warnings: this fic will include elements, some dark, such as age gap, manipulation, chronic illness, noncon/dubcon, coercion, and other untagged triggers. Please take this into account before proceeding. It is up to curate your online consumption safely.
Summary: A new neighbour moves in and upends your already disarrayed life.
Author’s Note: Please feel free to leave some feedback, reblog, and jump into my asks. I’m always happy to discuss with you and riff on idea. As always, you are cherished and adored! Stay safe, be kind, and treat yourself.
This lewk but silverfox
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You don’t go straight home. You don’t want to upset your mom. So, you wander the suburbs, walking around cul-de-sacs, some you’ve never been down, and circling around the avenues. You pass mothers and fathers with strollers and children running and yelling on green lawns. It’s as if you’re walking through a utopia, floating by like a cursed wraith. 
You glance down at the book in your hand. Maybe you should try some lighter reading. Your mind tends to go to dark places. 
When at last you let yourself go back to the house, you do so cautiously. You don’t see Steve or your mom. As you come to the front door, you wonder if you should knock. You quietly let yourself in, gently closing the door as you stand on the mat. You leave your shoes on the low rack and tiptoe down the hall. Your mom can’t be mad if she doesn’t know you’re there. 
“Hey, kiddo,” Steve’s voice as you tripping over your own feet. You turn to the archway as you pass and peer in. Your mother’s in her recliner, her eyes closed. Is she sleeping? You watch her warily. “How was your walk?” 
“Um,” you blink and shrug, “fine.” 
He stands by the window, his hand on the wall beside it. Did he see you come up? You hadn’t noticed him behind the curtain. 
“Breakfast for you in the oven. Won’t be very warm but if it’s no good, I can start a new batch,” he offers. 
“Don’t bother with all that,” your mother grumbles and shifts in her chair, groaning as she shakily rubs her cheek. Her eyes open only slightly. “She can warm ‘em up.” 
“Always better fresh,” Steve stands straight and faces you fully. 
You leave them with the single word. You feel like an intruder. You stop by your bedroom and hover in indecision. You just want to hide but you would hate to be rude. Steve went to all that trouble and you know, even as your mother says he’s already done too much, she’d be even more upset if you wasted his effort. 
You put your book on the foot of your bed and go down to the kitchen. You take out the pancakes, content enough to have them cold. There’s a bottle of real maple syrup. Steve must’ve supplied that; you can’t afford the pure stuff. You don’t use very much, mindful of the expense of the sugary nectar. 
You grab cutlery and bring the plate to the table. You sit alone. You can hear the hum of the ceiling fan from the front room and the dulcet song of birds floating in through the windows. Steve’s low tone rolls through the din but you can’t make out his words. You mother answers his with short mutters. She’s not having a very good day. You're surprised he stayed this long. 
The pancakes are good, even at room temperature. They’re fluffy and taste richer than the frozen ones you get a bargain on. Is that blueberry too? With each bite, your hunger clenches your stomach tighter, mulching down the food greedily. When you finish, your body growls and aches. 
You wash off your plate and put it in the tray. The lull of the house thickens as you pad down to your room. You slow as you near the door frame. Had you closed it? You can’t recall. 
You turn into the room and let out a noise of surprise. Steve looks over as he stands over the folding table, his hand on your sketchbook, a page half-turned. Your heart drops as you clasp your hands together. 
“Sorry, er, didn’t mean to...” he rescinds his hand and lets the page flutter down, “It was open and...” you don’t know whether he means the door or the book. “You’re really talented.” 
Your forehead crinkles and you charge towards him. You step around him and shut the book, swiping it up. He leans back on his heel. 
“I didn’t... I wasn’t trying to...” he sputters, “I just wanted to pass something by you.” 
You hug your sketchbook at you face him. You stare at this chest. You feel violated. Not just that he’s in your space but he touched your stuff. The one thing that’s really yours; your drawings. 
“Me and your mom were talking, you know, and she said it would be good for you to get out, maybe make some extra money,” he explains, “and I’ll be around so you won’t need to worry about her so much.” 
You frown. You and your mother have had this talk a billion times. Get off your ass and get a job. It’s not like you haven’t tried. 
“So, I got some work you can do. Like I said, I gotta get that pool open,” he continues, “and there’s little things around the house. You got a good hand so maybe some painting here and there.” 
You push your shoulders up. You don’t think you can say no, especially if he’s already said as much to your mom. You half-suspect this is her doing. 
“Complementary milkshakes?” He offers breezily. 
You’re quiet. You have no choice. You know as much. 
“You know,” he softens his tone, “if I’m gonna... hang around with your mom, we should get to know each other. It’s a good opportunity for us.” 
“Fine,” you answer. 
“Fine? So that’s a yes?” He asks. 
You close your eyes and flick them open, “yes.” 
“Great. Well, when can you start? How about tomorrow? Supposed to be another sunny day.” 
“Okay,” you agree, “tomorrow.” 
He doesn’t move. You want him to leave. The conversation is over. He got what he wants and your mom too. He’ll pay you dimes to clean the pool and your mom will reap the profit. 
“You know, I draw a little too,” he points to your sketchbook, “maybe if we have time tomorrow, I can show you.” 
“Maybe,” you mutter. 
“Ah, uh,” he chuckles bashfully and rubs his neck, “right, I'm in your way. Well, er, I’ll leave ya be.” He turns and struts to the door. He stops just inside the frame and looks back, “oh, how were the pancakes?” 
You take a breath and stay staring at the wall, “good.” 
“Great, did you have some of the syrup? It’s Canadian.” 
“Yeah,” you turn and tuck your sketchbook into your dresser draw. “Thanks.” 
“No problem, sweetie,” he taps the wall and the door closes with a click. 
You sit on your bed and hunch over to hold your head. It’s still heavy from the night before and now you’re even more tired than before. You don’t know if it’s from being out in the sun or all the walking you did, but your eyelids feel dry and seem to cling with each blink. You yawn and bring your legs up, curling your body up near the edge of the bed. 
You know you shouldn’t sleep in the middle of the day, but you just can’t help yourself. 
You wake up in the haze of the late afternoon. Your eyes hurt and your limbs are achy. You lay on your back as the curtains stir with the lazy breeze. You look over to find them open but you don’t remember pulling them apart. You barely remember anything past your awkward morning stroll. 
It takes you a while to push through the stiffness. You never sleep on your back; it leaves it racked and your ribcage hurts. As you stand, you notice the door. It’s slightly open. 
You get up and go to it, pull it inch by inch. The house is quiet but for a soft rumble, rhythmic and rocky. You putter down the hall and look into the front room. Your mom’s asleep in her chair. She’s almost peaceful as she snores in the recliner. 
The scene strikes you as odd, almost dreamlike. Your mom’s never been much of a napper. In fact, she always nagged you about the habit. You think of waking her but think better of it. She won’t be happy to be awoken, even if she might be irritated later to know she slept away the day. 
Steve is gone. You search each room to be sure then go to the kitchen. It’s clean and everything is put away, even the dishes you left in the tray. The large bottle of syrup is gone as well. 
You mutter and go back to your room. Another soft wind drifts in. You stumble over to your bed and fall back onto it. You yawn again. Gosh, you’re so tired. 
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barnesafterglow · 2 years
three's a party
summary: you and steve aren't very good at keeping secrets
pairing: stucky x reader
word count: 2.7k
warnings: mmf threesome, fingering, unprotected sex, dvp, surprisingly soft for this kind of content, we support poly relationships in this house
a/n: hiii omg this has been the fic i've been most excited for since i started kinktober and i finally managed to finish it. it's a part two to this fic but can be read as a stand alone as well. i really really hope you all love this as much as i loved writing it, so reblog and comment to let me know!
you can join my kinktober taglist or follow @theafterglowlibrary to stay updated on when i post 🤍
kinktober masterlist ─ main masterlist
read part one here
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It was the same routine as usual - Steve’s hands all over you before you even had a chance to get into the apartment.
“Bucky home?” you asked, out of breath from how long he had held you in place to kiss you.
“Nope.” He fumbled behind your back, reaching to open the door.
Neither of you stopped to question the fact that it was already unlocked. Or that the lights were on. You were too wrapped up in each other to notice much of anything until Steve finally picked you up to carry you to his room and saw Bucky in the kitchen.
Steve dropped you immediately, taking a step away, as if that would make things better. As if Bucky hadn’t seen you with your shirt halfway off, your legs wrapped tightly around his waist. His jeans were still unbuttoned, for Christ’s sake.
You expected Bucky to be furious, to yell at the two of you and tell you hated you. Instead, he said nothing, and you took in his posture - casually leaning against the counter, a smirk on his face. Almost like he had been waiting for you.
“Well don’t stop on my account.”
You looked over to Steve and met his eye. Then you looked back at Bucky, who was just staring at the two of you intently; you looked down at your shoes to avoid it.
“I’m serious.” Your head snapped up, and suddenly you caught something else in his eyes - dark, pupils blown, and the gleam of cockiness. “Keep going.”
When neither of you moved, he started towards… Steve’s room? He looked back at you, and gestured his head for you to follow. Having no clue what else to do, wanting to appease him so there was a possibility you could maintain your friendship, you followed.
“Sit,” he ordered when the three of you were in the room. You both did as you were told, and your eyes followed his movements as he shut the door.
You stayed silent, still having no idea what to think of the whole situation. You also sat as far away from Steve as was possible for the same reason.
“Touch her like you usually would,” he said to Steve, gesturing to you. Steve stared at him terrified. “Don’t act shy now. Like you haven’t been doing it a wall away for weeks.”
The room was silent, save for the sharp gasps of surprise from you and Steve. You couldn’t believe it - that Bucky even knew in the first place, but also that he wasn’t mad. Instead he just looked… interested.
“What are you doing?” Your voice cracked asking the question, a healthy dose of confusion combined with a dash of fear and a sprinkle of arousal. No, that couldn’t be right. There’s no way you could be getting hot over Bucky telling you he wanted to watch.
“If you don’t do it, Stevie, I will.” The look on his face was absolutely dripping with cockiness - dominance. You’d never heard Bucky talk like that, in the whole time you were dating. Sure, he had liked to throw you around and spank you every once in a while, but nothing like the hold that Steve had over you. And what’s more, Steve listened.
He turned towards you and you hesitantly did the same. Your knees touched, finally truly facing each other for the first time since you had walked into the apartment and seen Bucky.
When he put a hand on your bare knee, he looked at Bucky, who nodded, then back to you. And you nodded too. Wherever this was going - good or bad - you had to find out.
Steve took a deep breath, putting his other hand on your and sliding them up your thighs. Finally, he brought his mouth to yours, kissing you timidly at first, but when you heard a quiet encouragement from Bucky, he deepened it. 
It was easy to get lost in Steve. He was something otherworldly - his mouth, his hands, his everything. The spark you felt for him was something entirely different from the way you felt - had felt, you had to remind yourself - about Bucky.
Except, with his eyes on you like that, it was easy to forget why you even ended things in the first place.
Steve moved his hand towards your core, resting a hand against the wet patch that was apparent in your tight shorts. His thumb found your clit through the fabric and he pressed harshly, pulling a needy moan from you. When you realized what you did, you pulled back, immediately looking at Bucky.
You weren’t sure what to expect anymore. So when you saw he was sporting an impressive bulge in his grey sweatpants, it turned you on more than it surprised you.
He was leaning back against the bedroom door, just watching. You couldn’t help but just stare until Steve took your attention away by tugging on your shirt - a shirt that was Bucky’s, you realized as it hit the floor. You saw the flash of hunger as he realized it too, but your eyes fell closed when Steve pushed you back onto the bed, latching his mouth to your nipple, sucking and biting as he rolled the other one between his fingers.
The most unusual thing about this was how little Steve was talking. Usually, he had the filthiest mouth you had ever heard, but he was relishing in your body. And in the audience he had. Maybe you shouldn’t have been surprised that he was okay putting on a show, considering all the other things he had done to you - and you to him - but the realization that he was enjoying this as much as Bucky clearly was, made you clench around nothing.
He must have felt it, because then he was pulling away and tugging your shorts down your legs. Suddenly, you were naked in front of the two most gorgeous men you had even seen in your life, and they stared at you - fully clothed, no less - like they would worship at your altar.
They glanced at each other, and Steve finally spoke for the first time.
“I’m assuming you’re not going to just stand there and watch?” And that was the only permission needed.
You expected him to put his hands on you, kiss you and touch and give you what you clearly wanted. Instead, he reached for Steve, pressing his lips desperately to the other man’s. If Steve was surprised, he didn’t show it, giving his all into the kiss just as much.
Watching in amazement, a moan slipped from your lips.
“You like that, baby?” There was Steve’s filthy mouth.
“We better let her in on the fun, Stevie.”
Bucky reached for the hem of Steve’s shirt, pulling it from his body. Then, he leaned down to kiss you.
For the first time in over a year, sparks flew between you and Bucky. It was like for a moment, you were the only two people in the world. The only thing that could draw you out of it was Steve’s hands spreading your thighs. 
He placed a light slap to each of them, then manhandled you to the center of the bed. With one hand slowly creeping towards your center, he kissed Bucky again, pulling off his shirt too. When they separated, Bucky tugged his sweatpants down, and you were both bare. The only stitch of clothing left in the room was Steve jeans.
“C’mon Stevie,” you teased. “You can’t be comfortable in those jeans.”
A smirk spread across his face, and he slid his body from the bed. As he stripped down, Bucky took his place between your legs. Content to share, he let a finally naked Steve settle next to him, and they both looked down at you with a glint of pure need in their eyes.
Bucky reached down, running his hands gently along your thighs - everywhere except the spot you needed him. You tried to maneuver your hips so that he was where you wanted, but a large hand pressed down on your stomach, keeping you pinned to the bed.
“Be good,” Steve tsked, and your wide eyes met his as Bucky finally slid two fingers through your folds. Your hips tried to buck up instinctively, but Steve kept you in place while his best friend sunk his fingers into you.
You threw your head back into the pillows, the feeling already overwhelming. Steve was big, but you had always had a weakness for Bucky’s hands. You were so wound up that you thought you may come from just that, then Bucky crooked his fingers just right, and you did.
Steve lifted his hand and let you rock your hips against Bucky to ride out your orgasm. Your eyes finally fluttered open to see Steve sucking on Bucky’s fingers, tasting you.
It was a wonder you didn’t come again, especially when they were both looking at you like you were the only thing they could see.
Bucky leaned forward, kissing you gently, a contrast from how he had just been. He looked into your eyes like he was seeing into you, could see you into your soul and again you wondered how you could have ever let a man like him get away.
The spell was broken by Steve maneuvering you, moving on the bed until he was behind you, his strong thighs caging you in on either side. And Bucky - oh, Bucky - wasted no time in settling in between both of you, taking no time to tease, and sunk into you in one thrust.
The moan you let out was borderline pornographic, not used to the way he stretched you out. It was different than Steve, so much different, and you had missed Bucky more than you let yourself admit.
He grinded against you, not pulling out, just rolling his hips. You knew what he was trying to do, knew he wanted you to beg, and you weren’t too proud to do it.
“Please, Buck,” you whined, high and needy. “Need you to move, please.”
He leaned down and bit harshly on your bottom lip at the same time he pulled out and thrust back into you. An ungodly sound left you, something between a scream and a moan. On top of it all, Steve reached around you, pinching both nipples harshly.
Overstimulated, you came around Bucky’s cock. You’d never come from so little, and despite the fact that both men - separately - had given you many more orgasms in a single night, you were already exhausted.
But not exhaustion could keep Bucky from pounding into you, hard and fast. Steve grabbed your tits, squeezing them as they bounced from the force of Bucky’s thrusts. You threw your head back, resting on his shoulder, and you turned your head to see both of them entranced in each other before finally marrying their lips together.
Seeing them, seeing the love that was clearly there, gave you a funny feeling. It was definitely something you all would have to talk about once your brain was working again.
You whined when Bucky pulled out, but he grabbed your chin and made you look at him before you could beg him to keep fucking you.
“Do you trust me?” he asked, eyes searching yours.
“Of course.”
His eyes flicked to Steve’s for a moment, and you felt the connection they had, somehow always knowing what the other was thinking.
“Turn around, baby.” Steve’s voice was low and heavy in your ear. His and Bucky’s hands both turned you so you were straddling him, and he laid his back down on the bed.
Bucky took hold of your hips lifting you as he allowed one hand to move down and grasp Steve’s cock. He gave it a few pumps before helping you sink down on him.
Yours and Steve’s moans were complementary, twining together and spindling throughout the room. And Bucky’s hot breaths behind you was a perfect chorus.
“Gonna get you open now, sweetheart,” Bucky said, pressing a smattering of kisses to your shoulder before he pushed you down so that your chest was pressed against Steve’s. You didn’t know exactly what he was doing, but you had an idea, and you trusted him completely.
You felt his fingers drawing gentle patterns on the inside of your thighs, Steve still unmoving inside you. Then, he slipped a finger in beside Steve’s cock, drawing a sharp gasp from your lips. You made a move to sit up, but Steve’s hand pressed into your back, keeping you close to him.
Once you relaxed, Bucky added a second finger, then a third. The stretch was amazing and, if it was going where you thought it was going, it would only get better.
“It feel good, baby?” You opened your eyes - you hadn’t even realized you had closed them - and looked at Steve. There was something in his stare that was different, like he was seeing you differently. You were almost tempted to say something about it, but Bucky was moving behind you, and you had to look away. Over your shoulder, Bucky smiled softly at you.
“Do you trust me?” he asked again, and you nodded your head.
He ran his hand down your back, drawing an unknown pattern along your spine, before he pushed into you, his cock sliding against Steve’s to split you open.
It knocked the breath out of you, and you didn’t know if you could take it, but Steve and Bucky both recognized the sliver of panic creeping into you, and they placed sweet kisses and gave you words of encouragement.
You’re doing great, baby.
Look how well you’re taking us, sweetheart.
I love -
You had to stop yourself from saying the words. You didn’t know who you were even saying it to. Or it was to both of them. Yeah, it was definitely both of them. Shit.
It felt like you were losing your mind, in more ways than one. Thoughts and emotions were flying through your head then suddenly they were punched out by the feeling of Steve and Bucky beginning to move.
They were so gentle, letting you get used to the pace, to the stretch, to the intense feeling of everything you had ever felt being magnified by ten. One hundred. One thousand.
Slowly, as your breathing evened out and your whimpers turned to moans, they sped up. 
It was dizzying, the feel of two massive men taking you like that. You didn’t think you would ever feel anything so good again. When they both thrust deep into you at the same time, the orgasm that had been building since Bucky slid inside you snapped, and you came all over their cocks, in tears from the intense pleasure of it all.
The feel of your tightness was enough to set both Steve and Bucky off, both of them spilling into you and you could already feel their releases leaking down your thighs, onto Steve, onto the sheets.
When they both slipped out, you collapsed into Steve’s chest, feeling so fucked out that your limbs wouldn’t cooperate, and you slowly slipped out of consciousness. 
When you came to, you were still in Steve’s bed, Bucky on one side of you and Steve on the other. From what you could tell, they had cleaned you up and put you back in the shirt of Bucky’s you had been wearing, then tucked you in between them.
They were talking in hushed voices - nothing you could make out - but stopped once they noticed you were awake.
“Hey, sweetheart,” Bucky said, running a finger across your cheekbone while Steve placed a kiss on your temple. “You feeling okay?”
You nodded, still too groggy to talk. It felt like you were hungover. A sex hangover, that’s what you had.
“You did amazing, baby,” Steve whispered into your hair.
You felt the love radiate between the three of you, and you knew that this wouldn’t be a one time thing, or only a sex thing. 
And it could be figured out in the morning, because right then you were content to be held by your boys, drifting off to sleep again.
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kinktober taglist *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
@treatbuckywkisses @sgt-barnesveins @bucky-barmes @opheliastark @sweetascanbee @writing-for-marvel @christywantspizza @hi-sarahh @highlyintelligentblonde @jjbunny14 @buckysfavoritereader 
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kittenofdoomage · 11 months
In case you missed it...
I'm currently posting a fic a day over on Ao3 for my Tropetober A-Z event on Patreon last year. It's a different character every day from different fandoms, mostly smutty (you know me). All red underlined links lead to AO3, please read the warnings on individual stories 😘
The fics:
A: Alpha/Beta/Omega - Winter Nights
(Geralt Of Rivia x fem!reader) You’re an Omega who lives at Kaer Morhen, unmated but belonging, almost like a pack Omega to the Alpha Witchers; Geralt, Coen, Lambert and Vesemir, though the elder Witcher is long past any need for you. Geralt is close to rut when he returns, and seeks you out.
B: Bodyswap - Worth The Wait
(John Winchester x fem!reader) Some supernatural beings don’t want to hurt anyone, they just want to prove a point.
C: Character Death - The One Good Thing
(Negan x fem!reader) You waited so long to have him back, and he’s waited so long to get back to you, now you can be happy again… right?
D: Dark fic - On Our Terms
(Geralt Of Rivia x fem!reader) A sorcerer out for revenge leaves you in a dangerous position, and you’re not sure you’re going to make it out of this one.
E: Enemies To Lovers - Trapped
(Bucky Barnes x fem!reader) An incident on a mission leaves you and Bucky trapped in a vault. Being sealed in a relatively small space is a problem on its own, but you’re faced with another dilemma; you absolutely hate Bucky Barnes.
F: Fake Dating - Keeping Up Appearances
(John Winchester x fem!reader) You haven’t heard from John in three months, after he abandoned you, but now he needs your help on a case. Are you willing to ignore your feelings to help him?
G: Glad To Be Alive - All Is Not Lost
(Negan x fem!reader) A sequel to "The One Good Thing" which was letter C of Tropetober.
H: High School Sweethearts - Bittersweet
(Steve Rogers x fem!reader) In any time or place, she'd love him.
I: I Don't Want To Ruin Our Friendship - Mistakes
(Bucky Barnes x fem!reader) She took a chance and it broke her heart - can Bucky fix the mistake he made?
J: Just Friends - Nightcap
(John Winchester x fem!reader) She’s sick of correcting everyone, and alcohol loosens the tongue.
K: Kiss Of Life - Near Miss
(Geralt Of Rivia x fem!reader) Geralt saves your life, then reminds you to never nearly die again.
L: Love Potion - A Wee Favor
(Dean Winchester x fem!reader x Sam Winchester) Dreams can come true.
M: Mates - Crossed Paths
(Alpha!Geralt Of Rivia x Omega!fem!reader) Destiny put them in each other's way for a reason.
N: New Old Flame - Always Yes
(John Winchester x fem!reader) They came so close to something special, only to have it torn away; is there any hope left for them now?
O: One True Love - Backseat Lover
(Dean Winchester x fem!reader) He's been keeping a secret from her, and when they're stranded alone for hours, he finally has to come clean.
P: Please Don't Leave Me - Vigil
(Bucky Barnes x fem!reader) He's halfway through a mission when something he can't fight happens.
Q: Queen Size Bed - Never Have I Ever
(John Winchester x fem!reader x Dean Winchester) Drinking can lead to all sorts of decisions, luckily, these are good ones.
R: Roommates - Sleepless
(Bucky Barnes x fem!reader) Turns out, the solution to the problem was there all along.
S: Soulmates - Runaway
(Geralt Of Rivia x fem!reader) You run away from the life your parents want for you, and finally find your soulmate in the most unlikely of places.
T: Time Travel - Time Breaks All Things
(John Winchester x fem!reader) - A misstep on a case puts them somewhere they didn't expect to be, and they're not sure if there's a way home again.
U: Unresolved Sexual Tension - Seize The Sam
(Sam Winchester x fem!reader) Dean "Matchmaker" Winchester strikes again.
V: Virgin - Life Lessons
(Geralt Of Rivia x fem!reader) The night that Geralt learned his most valuable life lessons…
W: Werewolf - The Wolf Moon
(Henry Cavill x fem!reader) A night of camping leads her right into the arms of fate.
X: Xenafication - Rough
(Geralt Of Rivia x fem!reader) Something changes you, and Geralt isn't sure it's a good thing.
Y: You Can't Fight Fate - Ships In The Night
(Dean Winchester x fem!reader) She keeps running to avoid heartbreak but she's breaking all the same.
Z: Zombies - Full
(Negan Smith x fem!reader) She knows she shouldn't, but the problem is, she wants to, real bad.
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If you do check any of the fics out, please let me know what you think 😊
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steddieunderdogfics · 3 months
The recent summer exchange has SO much great fic but I didn’t expect the dnd part of this one to work the way it did and I love being actually surprised by a story, plus the love story part of it is also done in a kinda surprising way too? 
hitlikehammers’ if you can’t write your own necronomicon, store-bought is fine
On ao3: archiveofourown.org/works/56414623/
And here on tumblr: www.tumblr.com/hitlikehammers/753765626924924928/if-you-cant-write-your-own-necronomicon
if you can't write your own necromicon, store-bought is fine by hitlikehammers
Rating: Mature
14,421 words, 3/3 chapters
Archive Warning: No Warnings
Tags: Temporary Character Death, (TEMPORARY being the important part; I mean: that IS the orienting concept of the story), Pre-Relationship, (but won't stay 'pre' if these crazy kids succeed in their crazy plot!), Angst with a Happy Ending, Hurt/Comfort, Angst, Necromancy, Dungeons & Dragons References, (as in: HEAVY Dungeon & Dragons References), Grief/Mourning, But Then: What If You Interrupted Your Strange Process of Grieving/Feelings Realization, By Putting All Your Eggs In The ‘What If It All DOES Match D&D?’ Basket, Including but Not Limited To The 'Raise Dead' Spell?, The Adventures of Platonic Soulmates Trying to Understand the Nerd Game, Specifically to Try and Resurrect a Certain Dingus' More-Than-A-Crush, Resurrection, (and its consequences), The Dungeons & Dragons References Work With About As Much Leeway as Show v Game Demogorgons, So: Stretchy Like Gumbo, And Then All Of A Sudden:, confessions of feelings, Feelings Realization, Developing Relationship, First Kiss, Happy Ending
Steve gets stuck in his head about it: the fucking gravestone they’re putting up. He hates the idea of it being installed over nothing, just plopped on grass and dirt and just, just…nothing. Almost like they’re saying Eddie was somehow nothing, and when the overall notion hits on that thought specifically, Steve has the simultaneous urge to break a window and vomit, and it’s just, it’s not— He needs to find a way to curb that feeling. He hates it enough to mention it to the others, who don’t get it. At all. Maybe because it’s Steve, and they don’t think he knew Eddie enough to be this…this. If Steve was in a clearer frame of mind, maybe he’d be able to wonder, too. But he’s not. In a clearer frame of mind. He can’t process all that much beyond the all-consuming need to not bury nothing under Eddie Munson’s name. Which doesn't even touch yet on the way it also sticks in his head that, if they were going to name half of the Upside Down bullshit after the nerd game, if the parallels were gonna be just, accepted as a rule? Then why shouldn't the existence of a spell in the nerd game called 'RAISE DEAD' be accepted, too?
Thanks for the rec!
This rec is a part of Challenge Monday. The challenge this week was Fics from fandom challenges.
Know a fic that deserves extra love? Submit through our asks or the submission box!
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thecapricunt1616 · 3 months
The Bear S3 Capri Live React
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WARNING! Spoilers for each episode below the cut!
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EP 1 - “Tomorrow”
Oh your poor hand I wanna kiss it, my sweet baby :((
Omg it’s filmed so differenttttt AAAAAA!!!!
Zaddy walked in meaning business lets gOOO
Like I said in TB&HH and many of my one shots this is a STUNNING restaurant - like FUCK!!! Carmy is BRILLIANT !!
Carmen RELAX!! Jesus! With punting the chair!
Omg his notebook from The French Laundry!!! Cute
New Yorks got everything :( OH this seeaaason is gonna rip my heart to shreeeeeds New York destroyed him.
Oh I think we are getting loads of baby chef Carmy FUCK 
Oh god oh god 'subtract'??? Fuuuuck
I would hate how perfect he always is HAHAHAHA I would haaaate working with him!!!!
Cousin Steve took care of him, I'm glad someone did 🥺
Oh fucking for Carmy to kiss me like that 
The kiss on the nose is everything I want to do in life 
“It’s never gonna happen again” he will die before it happens 
Good apologize to Richie you FUCKING IDIOT and good for saying I’m sorry good for saying I love you. Good boy. Good boy. 
He is about to make everyone miserable.  
“I know you are, honey” that is his real mother figure. 
While Mikey was dying Richie was destroying his marriage trying to save him and Carmy was getting verbally abused in New York. I am…gutted! 
I have thought about Carmy finding out about Mike. I never. Fucking. Thought. They. Would. Show it.
Like a mother Nat snuck the money in his pocket. I’m fuckin CRYYYING BRO THIS SEASON IS GONNA GUT ME 
The best meal Syd has ever had 🥹
The fennel makes him think of Syd because she has an allergy I’m gonna stroke out. 
EP1 ; Final Thoughts - SydCarmy is SO happening if it doesn’t what the fuck are they doing. Baby Carmy is gutting me. I hope Luca doesn’t go away after this episode. Mikey. Oh, Mikey :(((. Natalie? The cinematography - oh I’m about to EAT w these fics. Oh my god.I am fucking GUUTTTEEDDD THIS SEASON IS GOING TO DESTROY ME
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EP2 - “Next”
the AirPod falling out is so real
Lmaoooo her dad !! She is absolutely moving out as soon as she can 
Awww the ‘love you chef’ <3
See this music like shut up SydCarmy or bust!!! lmaooooo
Why is the fourth wall being broken???
His anxiety is so insane he is acting cracked out LMAO
CICERO OH NO - this is gonna be INSANE
Carmy needs to step off Syds dick and give her some control lmfaooo - like ? you don’t even own this place little man.
“Technique is spelt wrong but OK” BYE THIS IDIOTTTTTTTTTTTTTT 
“You know buddy, I tried to call in and get you an order but they says you was back in the fridge yelling at yourself” LMFOAAOAOAO VJKFDNVLAKNLKVN I AM CRYING HE IS I LOVE UNC SO MUCH
everyone is asking him why the fuck he’s doing this and he cant say “because i cant stick my dick in syd” so he doesn’t know what to say.
He’s quitting smoking not for his health but to save … time. Alright then.
“The computer drafted the agreement so make sure you have a lawyer look at it” CAAAACKLING 
Carmen shut the fuck up you are in no position for fuck yous.
“I commend your bravery from inside a locked vault” IM DRFNDJSNENN HAHAHAHA GET HIM RICH
“Oh my god am I finally having a stroke?” “Am I having a stroke?” These POOR WOMEN SOMEONE PUT CARMEN ON A FUCKING LEASH
“I insist that you get fucked my good man” BYEEEEE HAHAHAHAHAHA RICHIE IS TOO FUNNY 
They are bickering like BITCHES 
his ego needs to be stroked lmaoooo he’s asking Syd to stroke his ego 
“I know sweetheart, don’t be scared” NATALIEEEE HAHAHAH It's ok Fak I'M scared of Carmy rn lmao.
holy fucking shit Carmen you are driving me CRRAAAAZYY SHUT UP 
“Every day Jeffery-Ballet?” TINA HAHAHAHA I LOVE THAT 
This IS banana town sweetheart Fak
“He was gonna tell us what he said to Claire”- Richie: “classic behavior dysregulation” PLLLEEASE
“Then I actually take it back, fuck you” i love Richie down
The gum chewing is sexy 
“Is that what you did” “no i’m just here if you need anything” oh, Carmy :(
Oh, Marcus :((((((. “Take us there bear” “yes chef” oh my god I’m crying again 
EP2 ; Final Thoughts - Carmen needs to fucking relax and I’m gonna say this probably a lot. Omg the fighting with Richie in this episode was pissing me off they are fighting like catty brothers!!! The moment with Marcus at the end really got to me. This was overall though a hilarious episode
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EP3 - “Doors”
Marcus mom funeral!! Awww I’m glad they all are there for him. Thiiis is the moms funeral, ok, so they did it all in one day the shooting for both funerals so we wouldn’t know!!!
I wonder how Carm feels he’s there for Marcus’ mom but wasn’t for his brother 
Wow this speech must be so impactful for Carmy to get a glimpse into someone else’s life like this 
Look alive lizards we are OPENN
Richie is so goooodddd at his job 🥹🫶
For the bear and his honey fans princess cake is 100% going in there hahahah
Hmm things are going a bit too well 
Carmy throwing so much good decent edible food away makes me twitch. 
Carmy and his little edible flowers hahaha I love it
“The rare Transylvanian 5 titted goat?!” CICEROOO HAHAHAH
“Joy” “this is a waste of time, give it to sugar” HAHAHAHA
Fak not putting it ON THE TABLE and Richie being like “keep my mans name out of your mouth “ PLLLELEEEASEE
Something abt Carmy cleaning is so hot
They’re being so too hard on tina :((
Richie is bringing patrons to the kitchen and Carmy is just violently bitching Syd out I am dead also, someone get the belt i’m gonna beat him.
This goes out to everyone who said there’s no chance the bear could fail and that it was a stupid idea it could? (cough- ex moots, cough) ; please tell me why they don’t even have a star and they’re already doing poorly with funds
I can’t- Carmen and Richie are fully going at each others throats and physically fighting.
Please Fak just grilling customers for info.
Carmy is SO little brother and I wanna choke him “we’ll figure it out” “ME?” “I’m trying to use less shiiittt >:(“ like a winey bitch - YOU ARE AN ADULT SHE IS THERE TO HELP YOU YOU LITTLE COCKSUCKER DO YOUR GOD DAMN JOB EFFICIENTLY
Carmy is losing it he needs to be medicated ASAP
Thank GOD Syd is putting her foot down and telling him to shut up
Syd looks fed the fuck up, rightfully
EP3 ; Final Thoughts - Holy shit Carmen is going nuts. Sydcarmy is going so hard rn he needs to finish shit with Claire so he can admit his feelings to himself about Syd. He needs to stop being so mean to her, he is going to cause her to panic. Whats so funny is I drafted Carmy bitching Syd out in my OC fic in the most recent chapter before this even came out (but in my world (in girl world) winnie is behind him chewing his ass out and literally told him he’s acting like his old boss) But it’s funny because hes literally telling her abusive ass shit his boss told him.
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EP4 - “Violet”
Ohhhhh to kiss Carmy that way. A dream
The nose kiss oh my god oh my god 
He’s such a good listener 
He is so fucking - oh my god this man. This man. I need him astronomically 
Marcus :(((
I love Syd’s scarf but also lmao the stress of that docu - I get you girl hahah
Yaaaay she’s moving! 
This apartment is stunning!!!
Him laying with her is so cute. 
“He’s not my uncle like Carmy” 🥹PLS SO CUTE
This is so good such kid convo omgggg kids are just like thissss!! He’s such a good dad omfg playing her handdddd fuckFUCKCJCKCJC expect more Richie content soon
“Maybe you’ve reached as far as your talent can go” makes MY stomach hurt, dawg 
“I feel like Bear is starting to respect me” please the way they look up to him I cantttt lmao
TAYLOR SWIFT!!!!!!!!!!
This Frank guy is weird- they made a great job at making this feel awkward as fuck.
that’s my girl! 
Oh is she about to get poached
Oooo like not Carmy??? Oooooo hes trying to poach her
Marcus has such nicely manicured hands
The way they just stuff snacks in faks mouth to make him go away hahaha love it
Mmhmm this season will make me fall more in love with Richie then ever before
Richie. Richie. Richie. Richie. Richie. Oh my god. My heart is being ripped out 
Wait they’re being reviewed for a star?! Already? They JUST opened! 
EP4 ; Final Thoughts - This was SUCH a Richie episode! I loved it alot :))) <3!!! So many Dad!Richie moments that made me smile. He also almost made me cry with his whole being alone thing. I will remedy my sadness with writing Richie fics literally probably tomorrow because holy holy holy this man I need to give him kissesssssss
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EP5 - “Children”
So do the Bears all have the same alarm clocks?
Marcus speech really touched Natalie :((
Carmen doing the boxes by himself HAHAHA its what he deserves!! BAD BOY! 
Syd the ultimate good friend helping Marcus with his moms stuff 
Syd looks so cute her outfit is adorable 
Lmaooo Syd with her dead mom club jokes she’s too funny I see why Carmy is so whipped 
The Bear and His Honey is going to fucking SLAP with this new Carmy content WOW
Him throwing away more food that is perfect literally perfect. *sarcasm*
I wanna leave hickeys on Richie’s neck so bad - it’s so pretty 
Omg Carmys mentor closing the restaurant- he’s spiraling and looking at the every second counts she instilled in him- oh god.. Oh god-
Richie has grown so much im so so proud of him! 
He is crushing on this girl from Ever so hard
Carmy is gonna get his legs broken if he doesn’t cut it out hahahaha
Fak drinking a Capri-sun LOL
Omgggg him saying to fire Marcus you are CRAZY 
Lmaooo Jimmy venting to syd and saying that carmy has a tree up his ass
Carmy finding baby pics I’m SICK
EP5 ; Final Thoughts - WOWOWOWOW This is the last ep. I am watching tonight I need to digest. This was such a cute Richie ep. I am so in love with Dad!Richie. He is such a good, good dad. I also am dead- John Cena as a Fak? And having a mikey esc. Haircut???? And smoking in the restaurant- and then them saying it smells like smoke I am dead as fuck. Richie really really wants this review to go well, I hope it does:((
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EP6 - “Napkins”
Good morning! time for e6 It is Directed by Ayo so i fear it is gonna kill me :) !
Well at least Tina has a normal clock 
Oooo get down on it!!!! Let’s go Tina!!! Get in that groove mama! 
Tina is so Puerto Rican mom I love it so so much 
Tina’s married?! I love it!! how sweet 
If Mikey’s in here- I’m gonna fucking die 
Baker tina!! Oh- customer service Tina? No! Books Tina!!! Smart girl!! that’s my lady :))
Oh Tina I’ve been there mama you’ll land on your feet :((( That’s right baby everything will be ok 
One thing about this show is all of the characters need routine 
The degree thing pisses me off to no end because of how real it is. Like shes been doing this 15 years and knows it better then someone right out of school with a stupid degree.
Awww Tina and hubs been together so long!! So sweet I love it her husband is good to her. 
I sooo love Tina is getting her moment the actress is so kind and amazing 
Woah I thought the big interview would be at the beef LOLLLL like not that it’s big but that they really need her lolll 
Oh my god. They hired someone ??? What the fuck and didnt tell her?!! RUDEEEE 
This little fucking prick oh my god yes Tina fuck him
Aw baby I wanna hug her it’ll be fine mama I know it doesn’t feel like it
“Maam you can’t smoke in here anymore” I can’t hahaha
Everyone calling him handsome I can’t hahah he is! But still hahaha
Omggg richieeee I love him he’s always been so sociallll!! Get ready to eat with the beef Richie oh. Wow. This whole scene is so chef kiss i cant wait to write more the beef!richie
“She can’t be crying in here” I am done LMAO
I fear I’m seeing the Mikey crush AAA “sandwich really that bad??” Stop being funny !! I also see how he got Carmy out of his panic attacks what a brother stop Mikey!! Why would you do that Mikey everyone loved you so muchhh 🥺💔
Gosh Mikey IS so handsome
oh my god Carmy takes after him SO SO SO MUCH oh my god Carmy takes after him so much 
Oh my gosh I didn’t realize she was older then Richie!! 46 means something in this show- did Mikey…at 46? If he did I will fucking sue 
OMG SHOWING HER THE PIC OH ANS TELLING ABOUT CARMY SHUT UP HE “hes the shit” he wasn’t allowed to work at the beef because mikey knew that he’s better then the beef. He sees so much in him I knew that was the case!!! I’m sick 
My god !! Carmy!! Takes!!! After Mikey so fucking MUCH!!! 
Oh Mikey- oh. Mikey. Oh Mikey. Oh Mikey. Oh Michael Berzatto. Hit me while I’m down PAL kick me why don’t you?! “I knew I was gonna get skipped because I had people to take care of” I knew this episode would make me sick. 
oh my god when Tina said she loved Mikey she loved Mikey like a good friend and I am so gutted when Carmy says everyone loved Mikey and he just lit a room up and could make anyone comfortable oh my god I’m so gutted!!!!!!!!!!! 
EP6 ; Final Thoughts - This episode let us truly meet Michael & oh my god it’s almost painful to watch these back to back like- this is a lot to digest holy fuck. When Carmen talked about a temp in a room and how Mikey could feel it then lean into it and manipulate it however he wanted. He did such a good job portraying that. I’d give anything for him to have just called Carmy when he was on that bridge and for him to have answered and for Carmy to change his mind. Oh my god I’m so- like oh my god? This show. I can’t.
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EP7 - “Legacy”
Carmy so pretty :)
Oh Richie. Thinking about :((( everything. 
Syd thinking of Carmy 
good Carmy is back at AI-ANON 
so much fucking family hahahah god I love Italians hey uncle Gary! 
*sighs* good morning, Syd. 
Oh. Ok he’s opening his own place ok…and he’s asking her I KNEW IT POACHER!! POACHER!!!!!
oh my god he’s offering her a real CDC job - with a real good salary,  it would be healthier for her sadly!!!!!!
How’d I headcanon Carmy knew French PUUUURRIODD 😌
“You look nice” ha. Ha. Ha.  Shoot me in the FUCKING FACE
“That sounds legendary pal” I WANT TO KISS HIM ON HIS STUPID MOUTH 
“Matter of fak supply” LOL
Richie is taking this so seriously which makes me more mad how Carmy treats him like he really is so good at the job and loves it.
Aw he really misses Tiff. :( he’s so different now and wishes he could go back so bad but he’s gonna find someone that I’ll be very jealous of bc I need this man SO BAD
Oh him crying abt Mikey- no stop I can’t 
“Hey grandpa” “hey grandma” I love Ebra and Tina sm lol and her mimicking his accent they’re adorable 
“Maybe you can go fuck, Ted” hahahaha I love telling people to go fuck now 
Eva’s drawing in Richie’s host book 🥹🫶
Carmen I wanna choke you out so bad!  Can you take a single suggestion ???
EP7 ; Final Thoughts - Another good episode!! Very balanced which I like, the character centered episodes feel very heavy but I still love them. I'm just happy that we got a little bit of a second to breathe!! I think it’s cool how they’re doing the beef on the side, like so cool! I never thought of that as an option. Because it’s true the neighborhood would probably miss their local sandwich spot! I liked this episode a lot :) Carmy can go fuck this episode, though he’s in the dog house and I hope Syd leaves to teach him a lesson! (& it makes him realize he loves her!!!)
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EP8 - “Ice Chips”
I’m guessing before we start Nat is gonna find comfort not in her brother, but in Syd! 
oh my god Donna SUGAR oh my god sugar snapping on Donna I can’t 
someone get someone here other then Donna 
My Scorpio sissy Natalie !!! 11/10/88 (this confirms to me carmy is still in his 20s theres no way hes 33 when nat is 34)
Donna needs to leave this is the worst she’s the worst birth partner ever 
At least Donna is being nice 
She never told her mom she was pregnant??? Wow!
Donna’s labor with Carmy being so incredibly hard is honestly canon! That is so funny actually. Yeah that kid makes everything hard for himself! 
lol you get that epidural queen!!!
I’m glad Donna is hearing that she scared them as children. 
Donna is an alcoholic because her mother had problems
Ok I’m feeling Donna sympathy 
EP8 ; Final Thoughts - wow. Wowowowowowowowow 0 Carmy and 0 Richie basically but this was nats episode and Donna’s! I am happy we were able to see the sweet side of Donna, I think (and hope !!) she is on the right path to sobriety!!! This episode was very tender , I loved hearing about their childhoods more <3 Nat is gonna be a good mommy!!!
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EP9 - “Apologies”
Magic? Ok sick, ok Marcus!! That’s who was watching this ok then wonder what thats about?
“Claire is peace” please- the thought of her gives you a panic attack. 
He’s gonna apologize this episode Jesus we wasted a whole season still no sydcarmykiss. It’s ok guys stay strong we’ll be there next season 
Yes Syd leave him 
Carmen you are nuts!!! 
Richie and Carmy staring at eachother through the window like bears about to kill eachother is freaking me out.
Syd say it -
Oh wait it’s the funeral for ever lol! I forgot that’s the funeral. Ok not worried 
He goes to the walk in to try to make it in his mind like he hasn’t waited all this time to apologize hahahaha 
“Missing one, that wouldn’t the the thing happened to be wedged up your ass the last few weeks is it?” JIMMYYYYY HAHAHAHAHAHA
Jesus this man’s eyes literally glow blue 
He owes him sooo much money wow 
Tina and Marcus are so cute
Carmy and his drawings are adorable 
Ten minutes left and Carmy hasn’t said sorry lol 
His little smile at the farm AAAA
Syd ls bringing them food before Carmy 
No she’s right Carmy I’m sorry why wouldn’t it be immediate insurance what is … wrong with you?
Oh my god fak going to see Claire Fak leave now no no no no no no no no oh my god this is so bad 
Mommy Nat 🥹💖
Aw Carmy looking at mikes funeral card 😭💔
EP9 ; Final Thoughts - Why does this season not feel done?! Well prob because they’re gonna do a season 4. But still there’s no way they can finish all of this in one episode. Holy moly the Faks need to stop interfering this is so bad!!!! Too many Faks!! Ok I can’t last episode time AAA
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E10 - “Forever” !!!!!!
This mentor I like very much 
He took the popes nose thing from this mentor hahaha
This man who mentored Carmy it’s understandable why he was so driven or like, inspired to keep going
Richie is crushing on Jess hard 
Luca oh baby I wanna kiss himmm oh him 
oh my fid oh my god oh my god oh my god his boss his his oh my god 
Oh my god oh m y god “working for a bad boss is the worst because the culture you’re a part of is the culture you create” Carmen is spiraling rn (the next chapter of my oc fic is gonna go crazy)
Syd being more sociable then Carmy bc Carmy is panicking 
This smug bastard loves that he makes Carmen squirm I wanna punch him
“This is why you’re alone you can’t handle this” I’m going to fucking stab something
Carmy finds 0 joy in cooking anymore. 
Richie is so lovable the boss loves him and knew him for less then a week hahahahah
Carmy OH CARMY CARMY CARMY OH CARMY  “generally being you” my jaw is my jaw my jaw my jaw my jaw my jaw on THE FLOOOOORRRRRRRRRR. Oh my god. He’s such this asshole boss I hope he dies holy fuck HOW DARE HE HOW DARE HE HOW DARE HE HOW DARE HE. I WANT TO PEEL OFF HIS SKIN
Luca and Syd??? Ok- I say go for it queen
My mind is blown so far this is so amazing but also how the fuck hasn’t he sorted with Claire and S3 is closing???
Omg after party at SYDS?! Where is Carmy??? literally Marcus and Tina are there and the Faks?? He has to be seeing Claire there’s no way why would he miss out on this!!!!
If only Carmy got to be apart of something fun. Of course he’d deprive himself. OF COURSE
He is… giving Syd ptsd like his boss did to him. She is having done to her what was done to him.
Oh Syd. Oh Syd. Oh you need to get out of there baby it’s killing you. I hate seeing her upset its hurting me.
Their review was bad…. :((((((((((((
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EP10/S3 ; Overall Final Thoughts -
IM CRYING omggggg omg omg omg omg omg omg the whole thing with the boss had me in actual tears. TB&HH is about to eat so hard so so hard oh I have so many ideas AAAA and I’m so in love w Richie even more then last season he is totally crushing on Jess. Oh my god syd needs to get out of the bear Carmy is actually killing her. He is doing to her what his boss did to him and that’s evil!!! Evil evil. Oh my god so many thoughts I have but wow just wow. I can’t most of all wait to read the rest of the fandoms thoughts WOW my fics are about to eat I’m so inspired ALSO SydCarmy fics are about to be so angsty and eeeeeaaaatttttt!! He is slowly killing his girl, also - him being able to say sorry to syd but not claire??? I’m mad that the Faks had so much screentime like they were funny sometimes sure, but waywaaay too much faks. Not enough Nat, not enough MARCUS!! The most powerful touching scene or at least most inspiring of the season for me was the one with carmy & his old boss the sack of shit, that scene is gonna propel tb&hh so farrrr also this whole season is going to! Im so excited to keep writing that. I see people are not liking this season in my peeks on my home page (i didnt want to taint my thoughts) but im kinda surprised - like yes we didn’t wrap everything up & there were too many faks and not enough syd BUT the cinematography was stunning, and we got to see in carmys head which is what i predicted - this season was to get in his head to see 2 main things 1) how he does what he does 2) why he is how he is - and we got both of those answers, I think everyone was expecting this to be the last season and it was never going to be! In order to wrap this up we had to fully understand why carmen is how he is, are you all catching my drift here? I cant wait for S4!!! I feel it that SydCarmy will happen, I know that chefkids will put it in to words because their brain is much bigger then mine - but wow wow and wow. I’m gonna have to watch each episode 10 more times to digest it but wow. Loved it! MOST OF ALL I CANT WAIT FOR S4!!!!!! AAAAA
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19 notes · View notes
blackenedsnow · 4 months
Hi, I haven't sent in a request in a while, so I hope this is fine! I don't have a super specific idea, but I was wondering if you could write something for like Steve or Jonathan from Stranger Things having an older brother/sibling figure as the reader, since they usually are the ones who take on that role in the show, so I'm interested to see your take on if they had someone like that for themselves! Thank you!
roll the dice
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PAIRING: Steve Harrington & Brother!Reader
NOTE: Omg first fic on here... hi guys. Also I have no idea if you wanted headcanons or not but I dont write headcanons (i suck at them but i'll probably do them eventually) so take this instead!
SUMMARY: Steve Harrington always seemed to be the one looking out for others. But before he became the "babysitter" of hawkins, he had someone looking out for him. Someone who taught him more than just how to throw a punch or charm his way out of trouble.
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The summer heat was almost unbearable as Steve pulled up to the house, his BMW screeching to a halt in the driveway. He was frustrated—frustrated with work, with the endless Hawkins drama, and mostly with himself. He slammed the car door and stormed inside, his eyes narrowing as he saw you lounging on the couch, some random drink in hand and a smirk on your face.
"Rough day?" you asked, not looking up from the TV.
"That's an understatement," Steve muttered, flopping down on the chair opposite you. "Henderson won't stop bugging me about some stupid D&D thing, and I had to cover a shift for Keith. Again."
You chuckled, setting your beer down. "Well, look who’s Mr. Responsibility now. Remember when you used to sneak out to meet Nancy and I had to cover for you?"
Steve rolled his eyes. "Yeah, and you made me do your chores for a week as payback."
"Hey, fair is fair," you replied with a grin. "Speaking of fair, I think it's time for a rematch."
"A rematch? Of what?" Steve asked, raising an eyebrow.
Your grin widened as you pulled out an old, battered board game from behind the couch. "Of this. You still owe me a game of Monopoly from last time."
Steve groaned, but a smile tugged at the corners of his mouth. "I hate Monopoly.... with you. You cheat every time."
"That's because you suck at it," you shot back. "Come on, Steve. Or are you scared you’ll lose again?"
"Oh, it's on," Steve said, his competitive spirit ignited. "But don’t think I’ll go easy on you."
As you set up the board, the banter continued, each of you throwing playful jabs. The game started, and within minutes, the living room was filled with the sounds of dice rolling, exaggerated sighs, and triumphant shouts.
"Seriously, Park Place again?!" Steve exclaimed as you landed on the prized property and promptly bought it.
"Face it. You’re destined to be poor in Monopoly," you teased, collecting the colorful bills with a flourish.
Steve retaliated by making absurd trade offers and accusing you of hiding extra money under your butt.
Two hours later, the board was a battlefield of properties and paper money. Steve leaned back, crossing his arms. "This is rigged. No way you’re this good."
"Admit it, man, you’ve been hustled," you said, pretending to blow on imaginary dice for luck. "Wanna make it interesting? Loser has to cook dinner for a week."
Steve smirked. "You’re on. But when I win, you’re doing my laundry."
"You wish," you retorted, moving your piece with exaggerated confidence.
Hours later, with Steve grudgingly admitting defeat and you basking in your victory, the two of you collapsed on the couch.
"I’ll get you next time," Steve said, poking you in the ribs.
"In your dreams," you replied, nudging him back. "Now, about that dinner…"
"Fine, fine," Steve groaned, but there was a smile on his face. "But I’m picking the menu."
"Deal," you said, raising your glass of water in a mock toast. "To you being a shitty monopoly player."
Steve laughed, clinking his glass against yours. "Yeah, yeah. To that."
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ladykailitha · 2 months
WIP Wednesday Game
It’s WIP Wednesday, time for a little accountability, sharing your work, and getting a kick in the pants.
Here’s how it works:
In a reblog (or new post w/ rules attached), post up to five (5) filenames of your WIPs; not titles, file names.
Post a snippet from one of them. Snippet must be words you wrote in the last 7 days. We’re posting progress here. If you haven’t made any, go make some and come back to post!
After you’ve posted, people can send you an ask with one of your file names. You must then write at least 3 sentences in that file. If the filename is one you can't share from (for example, an event fic), write 3 sentences on it anyway, and then 3 more on another to share.
That’s it! You can invite others to join in, or just post. If you tag me in your post, I will send you an ask request!
If you’re reading this, you’re invited!
If you see someone posting a WIP Wednesday Game snippet, send them an ask! Make them write.
My only problem is that I tend to file name what the title is so I can find it easier, so...here’s what they were called before I titled them.
“File” Names
Sugar B@by/Sugar D@ddy AU (I don't usually censor shit, but tumblr hates me)
Boy w/a Bat
Metal Band AU
It's not from a WIP because I finished it yesterday, but I'm proud of it, so: Season 1 AU
“You want to put your money where your mouth is punk?!” Larry shouted, trying to get out of his restraints.
Steve looked him up and down. “You’re on. One on one in the outdoor basketball court. First one to twenty points wins. We need an unbiased ref...” he looked around until he found a black sophomore standing off the side. “You, you tried out for JV this year, right?”
The kid pointed to himself and looked around but Steve nodded. “Yeah, I mean, I didn’t make it, but yeah I play.”
Steve turned to Larry. “That okay with you?”
Larry nodded. “If I win, you quit the team and stop this fucking crusade you’re on.”
The crowd oohed and ahhed.
“And if I win,” Steve said with a knowing smirk, “you stepped down as captain and make me captain instead. And if you lay a single finger on anyone again, and you know what I mean, I’ll be sure to spill every dirty secret you ever uttered in the locker room. Don’t think that I won’t.”
Larry gulped heavily. The sound loud in the now dead silent hallway.
Steve stuck out his hand and Larry eyed it for a moment. He looked up into Steve’s steely gaze, then at the gathered crowd. He shook the offered hand and pumped it once.
“Saturday 10am,” Steve said with a grin. Larry nodded and Steve walked over to the kid who was going to be their ref and slung an arm around his shoulder. “Hey, kid, what’s your name?”
“Patrick,” the kid mumbled shyly.
It's that great and wonderful time of the week again! WIP Wednesday!
We are sadly back to our regularly scheduled programing of just one day this week.
The game runs from 8am-11pm EST.
Send in as many asks as you want as often as you want.
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disappearinginq · 6 months
I’m so excited you like Steve Crain too! He’s been a favorite character of mine for years at this point, and doesn’t deserve the hate he gets.
It bothers me when people don’t recognize the responsibility that weighs on characters. They essentially lost both of their parents at the same time, and you know Steve had to be the one to step up.
This isn’t just applicable to Haunting of Hill House, of course. But I’ve noticed that fans vilify the characters that aren’t victimized as obviously / aren’t the main character.
Anyways, just wanted to share with a fellow Steve-enjoyed lol
New Bestie - same. I got into a very heated discussion about how if the Crain siblings are supposed to represent the 5 stages of grief, the fandom has Steve and Shirley switched around, because everyone says that Steve is Denial and Shirley is Bargaining.
Meanwhile, in the show, Steve spends his adult life going around not necessarily trying to debunk ghosts, but hoping that maybe this time, it will be ghosts, because then maybe his family will just be a different kind of crazy. He says his mom and his sister are sick, and they needed help. He reminds me more of Fox Mulder - the "I want to believe" vibe. But he also is in the unique position of seeing ghosts and not knowing about it. All of his ghosts are people with jobs, moving around the house like normal people. Everyone hears the dogs at night, not just him. He doesn't hear banging on the walls, he doesn't see creepy zombies in the basement, he doesn't have his future self freaking the hell out of him his entire life. He sees his mom - and as far as he's concerned (because this is a horror show, not supernatural, the world he occupies is the one we're in - no vampires and ghosts, etc, and that is Understood) it's just the mental illness that has gone through his whole family finally catching up with him. Anyone in this world who has a family member swear they're being stalked by a faceless ghost while they're high on drugs is going to come to same conclusion Steve does, which is that they're nuts. BUT - he looks for any signs that he is wrong. And I'm still mad that they cut out part of the first episode that has Steve refusing to write about his family anymore, no matter the price, while driving by an accident where he sees multiple people standing around, but when he turns away and the camera is the only one on the accident, you only see the firefighters/first responders.
Meanwhile, Shirley is 100% in denial about everything, including what her own ghosts were. In her House Nightmare at the end, she even denies what actually happened - in her version, she doesn't have an affair. The House actually calls her out on "But that's not what happened, is it?" When Steve is doing CPR on his dying brother, Shirley's first words are "This isn't real". She denies Luke from going to Nell's wedding. She denies that their mother had anything wrong with her, she's in denial that she's running her own business into the ground, she's in denial about the death of the kittens, she's in denial about ghosts too - even though she has much more explicit contact with them with the knocking, and with a witness both times (Theo). She's in denial about the night that they had to flee Hill House. Like if she says it often enough, then it will be true that her family is fine and nothing is wrong.
Sorry. Long rant. But I love this character and this show so much and no one ever wants to talk about it (except @amandagaelic, and she has listened to me for literally hours at this point). One of these days, I will actually finish the Haunting of Hill House fic I have, and it will be posted.
We might all be dead from old age, or so senile we don't even remember the source material, but I'll stipulate in my will that it has to be posted. :-D
AND YES - people have a weird habit of like...picking one character to defend and that's the end of it. No one else can do any right and that character can do no wrong. I see it in Yellowstone fandom a lot. Or in Marvel (the Steve/Tony argument made me leave it altogether). I don't know if it's because fandoms are now predominantly younger, louder/more obnoxious from the safety net of internet anonymity or what, but Seeing Things from Someone Else's Point of View seems to be a lost art in both media and reality.
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lovebugism · 2 months
hi!! could I possibly request something with Eddie or Steve with their chronically ill gf? I have POTS and although I don't full on faint, I get super fainty often and can lose my vision a little sometimes from that, and I think it would be cute to see how either boys would be with a partner like that (IF NOT THAT'S TOTALLY OKAY, THIS IS A VERY SELF INDULGENT REQUEST)
i tried to make this more general since i don't personally have pots, but it ended up being very self-indulgent bc i do get fainting spells quite often so enjoy hahah :D — the one where eddie munson is a very panicky caregiver (established relationship, hurt/comfort | 1.2k)
bug's summer fic fest (⁠ꈍ⁠ᴗ⁠ꈍ⁠)
The hottest day of the season weighs heavily upon you. The golden hour sunlight and sticky summer air seep into your bones, sucking all the energy from your already tired body. You feel a bit like a vampire now — a withering thing wasting away in the center of Eddie Munson’s bed, with nothing but a clicking fan beside you blowing hot air around the room.
Eddie seems largely unfazed by the summer weather despite his metalhead qualities, which should otherwise clash with the heat. 
He’s shed his leather jacket for the first time all year. The thrifted t-shirt he wears below it leaves his pale, tattoed arms on display. You can see the tendons in them pulsing every time he strums lazily at his acoustic guitar. His wild curls, more untamed than usual in such humidity, are pulled out of his face with one of your hair ties. A few stubborn strands stick to his face still — now a darker shade of brown, going damp from the sweat beading on his jaw and forehead.
You watch him tilt his head back to shake his bangs from his eyes, then smile to yourself when the attempt proves fruitless. His hair’s grown much too long now — enough to be perpetually frustrating. Not that Eddie cares to acknowledge it, anyway.
“I think it’s time for a haircut, Eds,” you try to tease, though the words come out strangely heavy on your tongue. They sound lightyears away as they spill from your mouth, and the thought alone makes you dizzy. Dizzier.
Eddie’s face, glimmering and softly flushed, screws in a boyish pout. “Don’t say that. You know I hate that word.”
“Look at your bangs, Eds! They’re way too long—”
The mattress squeaks softly under your weight when you go to reach for him. You’re barely able to sit upright without your head spinning. It’s like you blink once, and suddenly you’re underwater — vision blurry, ears ringing, the world swimming with various indistinct shapes. 
You squeeze your eyes shut and sit back again.
It takes Eddie a moment too long to notice.
“No, they’re not— See?” He pauses his strumming to muss at his curls. His ringed fingers tousle his already frizzy bangs to get them out of his eyes. He smiles all cheeky at you then, as he glances at you over his shoulder. His smile ebbs at the twisted look on your face. “Hey… You okay?”
“Yeah,” you answer immediately, though the pinched look to your features never wavers. 
“Okay. Yeah,” Eddie nods. “But… Are you?”
You squeeze your eyes shut until it hurts — until blue and white stars start to twinkle in the nothingness. But even in the quote-unquote nothingness, you can still feel the world spinning around you. It’s like you’re on a sailboat in the middle of the ocean, swaying in time with the rocky tides even though you’re sitting still. The notion makes your swimmy head spin. 
“Yeah,” you repeat, pitched higher this time as you dig your palms into your eye sockets. A feeble attempt to ease the dizziness. “I just— I just got a little dizzy all of a sudden. But I’m fine.”
Eddie starts reeling immediately. “Shit. Are you… Are you gonna pass out?” he stammers and rises suddenly from the bed. He leaves his guitar at his feet as he rushes to you. The mattress bounces under you and makes you feel sicker. His panicking makes you feel sicker, too.
“I don’t think so,” you answer, voice quiet and faraway.
“You don’t think so?” Eddie echoes as he looms at your side. 
You can’t see him, but you know he’s there. You can feel his shadow and the heat radiating from his lanky form. His ringed hands sit awkwardly out in front of him, aching to comfort you but frightened of making it worse. 
“Do you— Do you want me to do something? Do you need me to get you anything? Like… Like a glass of water or—”
“Eds. I’m fine,” you interject a bit too firmly for your poorly state. “It’ll pass, just… Just sit down.”
“I can’t,” he squirms. “You’re makin’ me nervous, babe.”
“Standing on top of me isn’t helping, Eds.”
The boy sits gingerly at your side, then. He doesn’t move a muscle as he waits for you to tell him what to do. Obedient but hardly patient. He tries not to fidget too much, lest he add to your unease, but he buzzes with worry in the meantime. He watches with his heart in his throat as you finally take your hands from your face.
His wide, chocolate eyes dart over your pallid features. “You okay?” he whispers.
“Mhm,” you hum in the affirmative, though you haven’t yet tried to open your eyes. 
The mattress feels less like a wobbling water bed now, but you’re still scared of what the world will look like — if everything will be slightly askew or flipped upside down entirely.
“Can you try to look at me?” the boy presses gently.
You peek one eye open and turn your chin to look at him. The subtle movement ends up being an obvious mistake. “Fuck,” you curse in a quiet murmur, shutting your eyes when the world goes staticky again.
“Don’t move so fast, babe. You’ll pass out,” Eddie chuckles despite the panicked ache in his chest. 
He moves slowly so as not to jostle you too much — lifting his arm to rest over your shoulder and pulling you very carefully to his chest. His free hand covers your eyes and rests over your temple. He squishes his cheek against your hair.
The humidity doesn’t often allow for such contact, but the heat isn’t nearly as strong as Eddie Munson’s love for you. He holds you close in spite of the slightly agonizing way your skin sticks together, fully content to melt with you completely.
“‘M not gonna pass out,” you murmur, words sitting heavy in your mouth.
“Yeah,” Eddie scoffs. “‘Cause slurring your words like you’re drunk all of a sudden is real convincing, sweetheart.”
“M fine,” you insist anyway.
“Well, the world’s not spinning anymore, at least.”
“Good,” Eddie hums, smacking a chaste kiss to your head. “Lay down for me, alright? I wanna get you some water. And maybe something salty. That shit’s supposed to help, isn’t it?”
You whine in protest when he starts to move. Less because of how faint you are, and more because of how little you want him to leave. 
“No. Later. Don’t move,” you grouse.
“I gotta make sure you’re alright, babe,” the boy laughs through the warmth blooming in his chest, a sparkling sort of pride perhaps, as you curl further into his side.
“I’m fine right now,” you mumble tiredly. “But if you stop holdin’ me like this, I won’t be.”
“Ah, right…” Eddie sighs in defeat. “Guess I’m stuck here then, huh?”
You nod slowly, cheek rubbing along the cotton fabric of his shirt. “Mhm.”
He smiles softly to himself, wider than he usually allows, ‘cause there’s nothing metal about being a lovesick puppy. But, in truth, he’s happy to be stuck here with you — even with your swimmy head and humid air and clicking desk fan that’s hardly working now. The circumstances a mildly inconvenient, sure, but he’d take a billion inconvenient circumstances if it meant getting to be with you.
Lovesick puppy, indeed.
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runraerun · 16 days
are you still talking prompts? I’m not sure what you’re into but can I give you a few just in case some aren’t your thing?? 1. Fem!harringrove 2. Daemon harringrove au 3. Cat boy!steve 😍😍 it’s up to you what billy would be… 4. I keep seeing artwork of Spider-Man!steve so maybe??? 👀👀👀 and venom!billy perhaps??? I love your fics!
*kicks in your door* 🦶💥🚪
Now, idk if I have a whole fic in me for this prompt but I love the idea of a Harringrove Cat!Boys AU. :3
Picture it with me anon; Billy moving to Indiana with his sandy blond cat!boy ears out, maybe he’s got a little earring in one. Maybe he’s got a chunk missing out of the other because Billy’s a scraper/or Neil is a monster, dealers choice.
But it’s a shock to the rest of Hawkin’s High when he shows up without his ears pinned down.
Because in Indiana, hell, in most of the civilized world, you didn’t just walk around with your ears out. It was downright obscene!
But Billy’s from California, a place full of liberals and hippies, and Billy’s mom was a big “nature knows best!” kind of gal—always barefoot, with her hair down and her ears out. So Billy sort of carries that with him.
Billy’s ears flatten to his head when he’s playing basketball/when he’s taunting Steve. Maybe they perk up when Steve walks by. Twitch when he hears someone mention Steve’s name.
They give up the game entirely—which is why most people have their ears pinned down. But Billy hates the idea of conforming. Plus it just sucks having your ears pinned down all of the time. That shit hurts!
When Billy finally convinces Steve to show him his ears, it’s a moment of vulnerability for Steve. He’s never shown anyone his ears. Not even Nancy when they were dating. It’s like seeing into someone’s soul or something—it’s a big deal!
But when Steve’s dark brown ears are free, they don’t spring up like they’re meant to. They’ve been trained to lay flat, so it takes a few ear rub sessions from Billy to get them to stand up to their full height. And they’re big ears. Bigger than Billy’s. And once they’re not so sore, they’re quite expressive. They’re a little twitchier than Billy’s too—more sensitive, just from being pinned down for so long. Billy’s mildly obsessed with them and how cute they make Steve look. Can’t keep his hands off of them.
Steve doesn’t wear his ears out in public like Billy does, but now when they’re alone, he unpins them and lets them out around Billy. Hell, there may even be some purring when nightly ear rubs occur. :3
And they lived happily ever after—the end!
ALSO I’m a little confused about the Daemon!AU prompt. Like Daemons from His Dark Materials (like animal familiars?) or like Daemon Targaryen? Please tell me anon, I’m very curious!
Also the Spidey!Steve x Billy!Venom has me in an absolute CHOKEHOLD wow. I may need to work on that one before I have any real ideas other than I adore it. <3
Fem!Harringrove has never really been my thing but it is very sexy and wonderful and who knows I may come around eventually!
THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THE PROMPTS ANON! I love you I love you I love you. Thank you for reading and submitting. <3
Want more? Submit a prompt today!:D
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rogueddie · 1 year
NSFW Steddie Fic Rec, Part 2: Bottom / Sub Eddie
Important: READ THE TAGS! Also, leave a comment and kudos! These fics are amazing and I love them and I hope y'all do too 💦
And for this one too, heavy emphasis on 'read the tags'. 🔞
Screw Todd, Steve's Her (His) Daddy Now
Steve keeps calling himself Daddy "unintentionally" and Eddie...well, Eddie's about to lose it and do something he might (probably won't) regret.
Words : 5,087 Chapters : 1/1 ❗ : Light BDSM
AO3 : x
When You Sweat That Toxic Haze, I Love Your Smell
“I’m sorry, shit ‘m sorry,” he whines, desperately needing to rabidly thrust into Steve’s cunt, to hold him down, fuck him until he’s cock stupid, drooling, only being able to beg for release, and Eddie’s dick.
“You better fucking be, don’t do it again,” he begins moving, propping himself up, just to work back onto his dick, doing this a few times, each drawing delicious noises from both of them.
Steve settles in, rocking against Eddie, the most pornographic sounds tumbling from his lips as he arches his back, burying Eddie’s cock in him deeper. His thighs burn as he fucks himself on Eddie, clenching around him, causing Eddie to groan, faltering in the stance he had sitting up. Their sweaty skin slaps together softly as Steve methodically uses Eddie, slowly working Eddie up.
Words : 3,661 Chapters : 1/1 ❗ : FTM Steve
AO3 : x
In My Boxers, Half Stoned
"You can," Eddie said, almost sounding like he was nodding along to his words. The image was too pure for Steve. "You could say anything you want to me and I'd- I think I'd be into it. Because I saw your pics and like, I know your face isn't in them but- but I really like them. Is it okay that I liked them?"
Words : 12,338 Chapters : 2/2 ❗
AO3 : x
Melt Me On Your Tongue
“This okay?”
“Yeah it’s— shit, it’s more than okay, Steve.”
“… you’re crying, Eds.”
Eddie can’t hold back a choked off noise then, somewhere between an overwhelmed laugh and a sob.
“No one’s ever done this to me before.”
He doesn’t know if he means no one’s ever given him a bath, or braided his hair, or just any of the things Steve does for him, really.
Eddie's never had a Steve before.
Words : 5,879 Chapters : 1/1 ❗ : Mild Painplay
AO3 : x
Done Deal
“I’m sorry, your royal highness, but I don’t accept trades, or favours, or IOUs, or promises, or anything relating. I accept cash. That’s it. End of story.”
“Are you sure?” Steve stepped forward into Eddie’s personal space and was pleased to see the other man’s round eyes grow impossibly larger. “I feel like I could offer you something that you want, that isn’t cash.”
Words : 3,644 Chapters : 1/1 ❗ : D/S
AO3 : x
The Bartender Was A Trap
Wouldn’t it be hilarious if Steve was just naturally amazing at DND?
Like he can see the strategy clear as day and can’t understand why the other players are taking so long to decide on their next move. He’s never caught by surprise by the story. He built his nearly flawless absolute weapon of a character in less than twenty minutes.
Eddie fucking hates it but oh boy does it turn him on
Words : 2,889 Chapters : 1/1 ❗
AO3 : x
Ozzy sucks
And the pièce de résistance comes when Eddie tells him, "You could cover my mouth."
That one scares him most.
Because, well, "How are you going to use your safeword?"
"I'm not."
"What if you need to?"
"I won't."
"How do you know?"
"I'll never need to. Just trust me."
Words : 14,465 Chapters : 1/1 ❗ : Non-Con
AO3 : x
Emphasis: Major Trigger Warning for Rape Obviously I'm recommending this fic, but I do want to be clear; the content, what actually happens, in this fic? It's tagged Dead Dove for a reason. Heed the tags!
Open Up Baby
Eddie calls him mommy one time, one fucking time, as a joke, he swears just a joke but then Steve looks at him, expression stern, hands on his fucking hips of course, and says, “Behave,” before snapping at Robin that she wasn’t putting this album on again and if she puts it on again he’s gonna destroy her and then she puts it on and he’s chasing her across the house and it’s funny and he should be laughing but instead he’s a little bit stricken over the fact that he’s fucking hard.
Words : 5,008 Chapters : 1/1 ❗ : Mommy Kink
AO3 : x
Whatever you want, Birthday Boy.
The club is fucking crowded when they arrive. Robin announces to the security man at the door that it's his best friend's birthday, and to Steve's dismay, she starts telling everyone who's listening that it's actually Steve's twentieth five birthday.
Fuck. Steve wishes to have twenty five years again.
"There you are, birthday boy!" He announces with a pretty smile that makes Steve go hot all over. Maybe he should take off his jacket.
Steve looks at his drink, the glass decorated with a silly pink umbrella, and smiles, reaching for his wallet and opening over the bar to pay.
“This one it’s on the house, handsome!” The bartender yells at him, putting his hand over Steve’s, stopping him. "Happy birthday!"
Words : 15,783 Chapters : 4/4 ❗
AO3 : x
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stray-kaz · 2 years
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Fandom works! So much here...
All reader inserts are female.
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Bucky Barnes
Girl Dad
Reds and Whites
Not Even a Candle
Reparations - 18+
Prologue   One   Two   Three   Four
Snow & Ice - 18+
One   Two   Three   Four   Five   Six   Seven   Eight   Nine   Ten   Eleven   Twelve   Thirteen
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Frank Castle
Kiss Cam
A Touch of Crazy
Brothers In Arms
Frank Castle x Family headcanons
Nobody Puts Baby in a Corner
Time and Time and Time Again - 18+
A Baby Shower for Frankie
Two Pink Lines
Two to Tango - 18+
Baby Talk
Paper Ring
The Opposite of Soft - 18+
Gone Off Half Cocked - 18+
Butterflies On Fire
A Stitch in Time
Look Where You’re Going
I Do
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Matt Murdock
On Blind Faith - 18+
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Steve Rogers
I Love You, But... - 18+
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Shadow and Bone
Jesper Fahey
A Better Distraction - 18+ - Completed
One   Two   Three   Four   Five   Six   Seven   Eight   Nine   Ten   Eleven Twelve
Kiss & Tell
A Good Shot
Little Lantsov
An Unexpected Prince - sequel to Little Lantsov
Swap With Me - 18+
He’s A Criminal and He’s Mine
Safe Inside, Out of the Rain
Laundry Day
The Law of Loss
You’re The Reason I Hate Champagne
There Goes My Life - An Assortment
One Two Three Four Five Six
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Mal Oretsev
Twice Wounded - sorta 18+
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Nikolai Lantsov
Patched - 18+
All Patched Up - 18+ - sequel to Patched
Monkey in the Air
Daddy and The Fox
To Be His Queen - 18+
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Kaz Brekker
Stray - request prompt
A Murder of Crows - Miniseries
Part One Part Two
Memento Mori - request prompt
Green - request prompt
Love is a Battlefield
Set, Charge, Boom
The Magpie Verses - Completed
Take Off The Mask , Caught , The Crow and The Magpie , Unmasked
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Aleksander Morozova
Trouble Just Walked In - sorta 18+
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Matthias Helvar
Scrubbed Clean
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Tolya Yul-Bataar
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Top Gun: Maverick
Bob Floyd
A Soft Landing - 18+
Red Flag Week
Baby. On. Board.
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Jake Seresin
Out of Bounds I, II, III, IV, V, VI - 18+
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Bradley Bradshaw
Jukebox Jive
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Lockwood and Co.
George Karim
Death and Doughnuts
A Personal Experiment - 18+
Stuck in the Middle With You - 18+ - requested
Oh Dear Baby - fic idea from @the-biscuit-agreement​
Oh How Time Flies - sequel to Oh Dear Baby​
Ghosts I Get, People Are Crazy
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Anthony Lockwood
Between a Tree and a Lockwood - sorta 18+
Honey, I’m Home - 18+
His Mistake
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The Invitation
Walt de Ville
The Flower and The Serpent - 18+
one    two   three   four   five   six   seven   eight   nine   ten
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Little Women (2019)
Sugar & Spice - 18+
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Zombies (Disney)
Zed Necrodopolis
Awkward Question
Midnight Resolution - 18+
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Leo Grande
Three Day Hire - 18+
One   Two   Three   Four   Five   Six   Seven
A Very Grande Christmas
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Sky High
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The School for Good and Evil
Rafal Mistral
The Sky Is Falling
Mirror, Mirror, On The Wall
Under The Blood Moon - 18+
The Heirloom and The Heir
Evil, Be Mine
You Shall Be Loved
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Rhian Mistral
The Storian’s Favour
Back from the Brink
To Sleep and Not To Wake
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Ben Hardy Characters
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Billy / Four
Hold Me Close, Don’t Let Go - 18+
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The Witcher
Chasing Fire - 18+
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One Piece Live Action
Roronoa Zoro
A Book and A Nap
Starless - 18+
First Kiss, Last Kiss
Keeping Watch - 18+
Double The Bounty - 18+ - Part One  Part Two
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Tall Blond Pacifier
Sand and Stars
Wind and Rain - 18+
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Monkey D. Luffy
First Blushes
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In The Moment
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Dance With Me
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Christmas Drabbles 2023
Scent of Pine - Shanks
Neatly Tied With A Bow - Mihawk
Sugar, Spice and Everything Nice - Sanji
The Perfect Excuse - Zoro
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Fullmetal Alchemist
Edward Elric
Happy Birthday To You
Rest and Recuperation - 18+
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Tale of the Nine Tailed
Lee Yeon
Need - 18+
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Sweet Home
Cha Hyun-su
Sunshine Part One - 17+
Let Me Do It
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A Shop For Killers
Jeong Jin-man
Time - 18+
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Ready or Not - 18+
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Original Writing
Top Drawer
Quiet Peace
The Hat - 18+
Pirate Intro
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The Uncanny Counter
So Mun
Love & Pragmatism
To Spar or Not to Spar
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Wong Yeok
Illicit - 18+
375 notes · View notes
stevetonyweekly · 6 months
SteveTony Weekly - March 17 - Week 11
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So. I’ve been kicking this around for a bit, and here’s the truth: I’m exhausted and overwhelmed. With my current work load and grad school commitments, I can’t commit to what I usually read and I need to limit that so I’m not trying to meet some arbitrary goal I set for myself. I like to have 15 fics for y’all every week and that’s…not happening lately. I thought briefly about pausing the blog, or finding someone to help with weekly posts, and wasn’t loving either option, so here’s the new structure: 
Weekly Posts - 5 Recs 
Monthly Posts - 1st - Podfic Recs / 15th - Trope Specific Recs 
I think that’ll take some overall pressure off of me, and will keep the blog running while I’m crazy busy, so--hopefully y’all don’t mind a shorter list every week. 
Ok, that’s the updates--here’s this week’s fics: 
Phil Coulson Knows Tony Stark's Super Villain Name by scifigrl47
The only thing really stopping Tony Stark from attempting to conquer the world is that he wouldn't know what to do with it once he conquered it. He's still pretty sure he could do it, though.
SHIELD's pretty sure he could do it, too, and SHIELD is pretty uncomfortable with that. There's a plan in place, in case Tony makes a try for world domination, or any sort of caped super villainy. It involves Steve. No one is surprised.
This is not that plan. This is a training exercise, involving paint balls.
It might end with world domination, anyway.
A Furious Vexation by Annie D (scaramouche)
Tony gets an intruder. A post-apocalypse AU.
subject to change by eleadore 
Steve draws everyone but Tony. It’s nothing personal, really.
Lesson Two: Penalties of Cheating by 27dragons, sara_holmes
The first rule of Avengers Poker Night is: don’t talk about poker night. (Actually, it’s not. The first rule of poker night is to never let Natasha play.) Bucky thinks he might regret accepting Clint's invitation to join the game, because he's pretty sure there aren’t any other rules. He thought things couldn’t get much crazier than mealtimes with the Avengers. He was wrong.
Being Stubborn by Potrix
Tony is no stranger to people disliking him on sight, hating him with or without reason, but with Steve it’s different. There’s something about Steve, an invisible pull that draws Tony in, makes it impossible for Tony to take the easy way out.
He craves the confrontations with Steve, looks forward to them with an almost perverse glee, his head heavy and foggy with want. Tony wants, he needs. Wants it from Steve, needs it from Steve.
Whatever it is. Tony isn’t sure yet, but he’s determined to find out, no matter what. No backing down.
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