#I do study this professionally
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lizzyscribbles · 5 months ago
Okay but can we talk about the amount of electrolytes (sodium specifically) that Bakugo must need to consume to exist??
Weird thing to fixate on, I know, blame my degree, but think about this: His quirk relies on his ability to sweat, which means the more he sweats the more he can use it. The main thing you lose when you sweat is water and sodium, the longer you sweat, the more those leave your body, that's common sense. Sodium helps you retain water and maintain the fluid balance inside and outside your body, which is why you see it hanging out with water so much and why it's such an important electrolyte that gets lost easily. Yes, technically, you also lose magnesium and potassium, but you lose less of those in sweat than sodium.
Most people don't actually need to supplement electrolytes, even those who exercise regularly, (this is excluding those with illnesses, just considering the average person here), you can get what you need from plain water. Even some athletes don't necessarily need to, it tends to depend heavily on how long you exercise, which is why you see people who do ultramarathons or ironmans downing them. There's ways to test whether or not you actually need them, but suffice it to say, more often than not, just drinking normal water is perfectly fine.
But Bakugo?? There's no way that boy doesn't burn through sodium like it's a fucking competition.
See, the key to whether or not electrolyte supplementation is needed is often found in how long you exercise for, as well as the environmental conditions. Say, if you're exercising outside in the spring for like, thirty minutes to an hours, just water is going to be all you need. Contrast that with a hero course student who likely exercises excessively, multiple times a day, every day, and has a quirk that relies on sweat. That is a recipe for ✨disaster✨ and you know what I don't see on his, or LITERALLY ANY OTHER HERO'S, costume??
I don't care if it ruins the aesthetic you're going for, dude, get a freaking water bottle and some little electrolyte packets before you pass out. How have any of these kids not thought of having some form of water on them while hero-ing?? Like y'all gonna be out on patrol for HOURS without any source of hydration? What a great way to die!
Honestly though, how many times do you think Bakugo just keeled over as a kid? Like dehydration can be a sneaky little shit, and with a quirk like that I'm sure they became besties.
Honestly, I wonder if he does actually carry electrolyte drinks and packets around with him because of that. Like, Izuku had to drag his ass back home too many times while they were out playing as kids and he got tired of it so he spent forever researching different electrolyte brands and sleuthing out which had the best water to sodium to sugar ratio (because you do want some sugar in your electrolyte drinks, the sodium uses it as a quick transport to get where it needs to go) for optimal rehydration. And now he's like, hyperaware of the symptoms and anytime his classmates look even a tiny bit like they might be dehydrated he just storms up and starts throwing electrolytes at their face like:
All while violently shaking a water bottle with the electrolyte powder to shove down their throat.
Aggressive love, yk? At least he's trying.
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hoofpeet · 2 months ago
do u have any ti[ps for coloring n rendering? ur art is so scrumptious whenever i look at it i wanna lick it like icecream :3
Do a million billion photo studies... And whenever you like the colors of a photo rip the palette and break it down into darks/mids/lights --> Do some coloring experiments with those basic colors to see what looks nice
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malacandrax · 11 months ago
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tosteur-gluteal · 6 months ago
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Again, gouache painting I made to relax
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birdyverdie · 25 days ago
Was in class and we were talking about whether theology/philosophy should be a part of the conversation with medicine and I really wanted to attack the girls behind me who said so many callous comments under their breath yet didn't even participate in the conversation.
Like shut the fuck up!!! If you can't speak out loud to this (very chill) classroom then don't say antitheistic bullshit and giggle like hyenas afterward
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subsequentibis · 8 months ago
i've had this thing for a little while where i'm like. fuck! a lot of the artists i look up to have really thin, precise lineart. i need to start using thinner lines so i can get the accuracy and detail and realistic, correct anatomy, and it makes you have to get better at colors because the color has to carry the piece more when the lines give them more space between, and it's made me a lot more critical with my work because i instinctively go for big thick linework, and my usual strokes look sloppy and disconnected when i use thin lines.
and then i realized it was also making me miserable and not want to work on anything, which was really getting in the way of doing art in the first place. so i cranked that brush size back up and it just feels good and easy and flowing again, and like. yknow. there's working towards improvement and then there's stalling yourself out because you're too focused on arbitrary measures. i think i'm gonna be happy with my thick lines for a bit.
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losver07 · 2 months ago
"Sirius," I hear, and return to the room, where I left Remus alone, with the apparently simple task of taking his clothes off.
"What is it?" I ask, leaning into the doorframe.
"My boot... 's not comin' off."
He's plastered. And, even so, with a mess for hair, a face decorated with lipstick smudges from my lips, and a stupid smile, the litres of Vodka he's downed don't seem to matter.
"I see," I nod, taking in the image of him. If my mind were a gallery, it'd be filled to the brim with pictures of his eyes and lips and hands, with the morning sun shining on his hair right after we'd woken up in the same bed and got to see each other, his boots meeting my platforms under the dinner table, and his handwriting on a paper tucked behind my phone case, I love you, Pads on blue ink. "Have you tried untying them?"
"Ah," he opens his eyes, suddenly illuminated. "No. Wait."
"I will."
I always will.
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scriptfails · 4 months ago
Finally ordering all my college equipment and I'm so nervous but so happy and also pretending this isn't an excuse to buy a bunch of things I've been yearning after for years
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idontmindifuforgetme · 1 year ago
I think there’s something to be said for the fact that I used to dread presentations when I was younger but now plan to go out of my way to sign myself up for them so I can improve my public speaking. Me from not even two years ago would’ve never. But now ?? The more the merrier let me at them
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beguilingcorpse · 5 months ago
What are your thoughts on Muir's approach to plurality in TLT? I'm in therapy for DID and something I realized lately is that this book series has been instrumental in me understanding and accepting myself (and in explaining my relationship with my alters to others who have read the book).
Especially with the Paul thing. Especially with Pyrrha and G1deon after the latter's death. Especially with Nona feeling brand-new and still at the mercy of everyone's expectations of Harrow. It's not a 1:1 but I could seriously write essays about the two-people-in-one-body phenomenon you see so often in these books.
i should say up front that i am by no means a professional and that i do not have a dissociative identity disorder. but based on what i know about the lived experiences of folks with DID it seems like muir put a lot of care into depicting plurality and situations that are analogous to the real phenomenon of living with alters. i agree that i doubt anything is really intended to be a 1-to-1 match-up (as in, i don’t think muir set out to write a story ABOUT living with DID) but she’s spoken before about her own personal experience with psychiatric disorders and how that’s echoed in harrowhark, and i think that she recognized how much people with DID would relate to her characters and it seems clear to me that she really put the research into making sure that the experiences were accurate. the memory loss, switching, navigating a host body as a new alter, and paul’s ‘integrating’ especially seem like they were written with care and compassion in mind and it’s very refreshing to see media that treats DID as a lived experience that real people navigate as opposed to the common way that it’s treated in pop culture (i.e. split) which just sensationalizes and stigmatizes it
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too-many-rooks · 10 months ago
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Thomas Levin as Jannick in 'Baby Fever' (2022)
Continuing my whistle-stop tour of Thomas Levin's career for gif making practice, this time where he appears as the manager/owner(?) of a sperm bank.
(He hates his incompetent coworkers so much)
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cloudstarcats · 9 months ago
ajsdkashdkjahsdkja yeah lol, I love ur post and thinking about ratio's love for humanity/life vs his desire to be recognized for his genius makes me sentimental af about him,,,
the push and pull of wanting to test the limits of the universe that he holds back not because he doesn't think he could accomplish it but because to do so would shatter the line he has drawn between his own self and the life he wants to keep out of harms way. Is is so much of a doctor, knowing that he could push past the boundaries of humanity yet to do so would discard the very thing he swore back when he first learned medicine, "Practice two things in your dealings with disease: either help or do not harm the patient"
And he is such a man of principle, a man who sticks to what he believes to be true, to himself, that to cross that line and break that oath would render him the greatest fool in the universe.
And it must weigh on him some nights, like all choices weigh on a person, when he thinks of a way to solve a problem but knows that to do so would cost him his entire sense of self. To wonder why he can not be like the other geniuses, who create so much, but then to almost be upset with himself for even thinking that to be like them would be better, to disregard the feelings of others, to put yourself on a pedestal above the crowd in a way that is done not to be a leader but to be separated, divorced, from the public-
Herta does not teach on her space ship, she leaves her scientists to think of her as their own god, to worship her- Ruan Mei leaves her sentient creations behind, she tests them with knives when she knows they can feel pain-
Ratio could never do such a thing. Ratio spends his time as a teacher, though he is seen as the professor many want to avoid- there is no doubt that he teaches. He shares his knowledge, he provides a space for growing minds- he is not harsh because he does not care, he is not harsh because he sees his students as beneath him- he is harsh because they are students, and to learn is to struggle; to not be hard, to not push them, he sees that as his failure.
How could I ever hate him? How could I hate a man who does a job that perhaps harder then just spending his days on trips and researching in a lab- how could I hate a man who years to cure ignorance because he truly wants to improve the world, how could I hate a man who loves so deeply that it is the sole reason he will never be recognized by Nous; the being who has no room for caring in it, who will never cast his gaze on Veritas Ratio, though the man has done enough to deserve it.
How could I ever hate him? He who welcomes anyone willing to learn, who encourages thought, who cares. So much. And who suffers for it, in his mind, unaware that what he lacks is minimal to what he has; his burning love for life.
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ruvviks · 2 months ago
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fun art comparison for you
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iknowwhereyousleepatnight · 4 months ago
i shouldve been an art history major.........
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baepsays · 2 months ago
I might have to make a masterlist hmm I am writing more and more and I am planing a full blown satoru fic which I'm gonna start working on today and publish after theory exams soooo late jan ig
can someone help me with the masterlist? I just need like some guidance
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hypokeimena · 10 months ago
being a jewish ancient religion (post-temple judaism / hb+LXX+rabbinics) studyer is so funny because people will say stuff about the bible and i'll be like "well that's simply just not true" and then i remember about. like. christianity
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