#I carried my backpack like that all the time but then I got back problems so now I don't as often
4ce160-art · 4 months
I completely forgot what I was actually going to write, and I debated putting it on my personal blog, but I figured it's a drawing I put (some) effort into so it should probably go on the art blog. Either way, I realized a bit ago that I"ve actually drawn myself properly before.
I'm not going to go too much into details, but I'm finally going on t in two days (ish) if everything goes well after actively trying to achieve that for a couple of years at this point, and I wanted to actually try to draw myself for once before then. I've never really been able to draw myself in the first place for the longest time, mostly because of gender dysphoria etc. but also because I suck at drawing humans lmao
I tried to stay as accurate to my appearance as possible but it still ended up being a bit more cartoony than I'd like because I seriously need to practice drawing humans/poses, but the outfit and expression are fairly accurate
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leviathxn · 6 months
So I have a request for a Miguel fic, if you are willing to do it. 😊🤗
So...Miguel has a family but he hasn't told the other Spiders. One day he has to take his baby to work to look after him for a while. But then, in his office, bang the Spiders and see Miguel with a baby in his arms/or in a baby carrier. Later Miguel's wife comes in the picture too to take the baby in their universe.
So I know people were asking me for a part 2 on my other one so I’m gonna work on it but obviously it’s these requests firsttt
Thank you all so much for the support 💕
“”Are you infected??”
You were typically the one to watch the kids, the double trouble twins. Miguel was a busy man, protecting the spider-verse and all, so you would work from home and play with the twins. It wasn’t so bad, of course Miguel felt bad that he couldn’t have as close of a relationship with them but they still very much knew who their daddy was ((and you did too 😳)). But overall it was a good system and you would get to take things slow at home while being a fun mother.
However, every so often there was days you would need to go into work, very rare but still at least a semiannual occurrence. Sometimes you would even take them into work and they would end up bothering coworkers, but most times you were able to get a family member or close friend to watch them but as they’ve gotten older, spider powers started to shine through. Not only was it hard to control them but it would be too revealing.
Obviously nobody knew Miguel was spider-man, but if two twins started to hang on ceilings, people would eventually put two and two together. This meant you couldn’t leave them with family, resulting in Miguel carrying them around in double baby backpacks. One would be on his chest, the other in him back.
Miguel, in typical fashion, stayed in his office. Nobody assumed anything by his yelling, the man was weird, what would be surprising if he was schizo? Although every now and then people would look at each other, it didn’t sound like typical frustration or talking to himself, it was almost a back and forth. They were in no way heavy, but oh my, they were annoying. How did you get a grip on these two? They’re animals. Halfway through the day, the twins got out of the carriers and there was no going back.
“Put that down! Ay- I’m sorry don’t cry- HEY”. Miguel was struggling, because he loved the kids and he felt so bad for yelling but they wouldn’t listen. He thought to himself about the teens. You’d think as they get older they’d be better, but he saw himself comparing them to his 1 year old twins.
Disgusted at the thought, he grabbed them and webbed their hands. They giggled, struggling to get it off. It was a good distraction….. for like 3 minutes, then they were back to running around. He tried playing fetch with the twins but that didn’t go very well. They were just.. confused. Why did he throw the toy the just got. Although he appreciated their thinking skills, he really had no idea what to do. He held both of his kids, they hung from his arms and were climbing around him like a jungle gym.
Completely lost in thought about his children dilemma, the doors to his office opened, and the lovely teen band walked in. What a sight for them to see. Miguel standing completely disheveled and staring into space, a kid on his shoulder grabbing his ear, and another kid gorilla hugging his ((massive)) leg and trying to bite the suit.
Panic bells went off, everybody rushing over to Miguel. Was this an attack, was Miguel okay? Oh my gosh he’s being attacked by alien morphing baby things. As they all got ready to ready for the babies, Miguel jumped back, making sure to grab hold of his kids, and getting defensive.
“What the hell is your guys problem?!!” He shouted, sheltering both of his kids, who were now on high alert and looking fearful.
“Are those Aliena??? What happened to you, what did they do?? Why do you look like that!” Miles replied back to him, pointing his fingers at both babies. “Are you infected??”
Hobie, naturally didn’t look concerned, and stop back. “Mate, they look just like him”
“They bit him and took his DNA!! That’s why he’s protecting him”, Pavitr shouted while getting in an offensive position. Hobie almost lost is as he hurled over. Gwen looked over for a moment, then back to Miguel. “Wait… those are your kids”
“WHAT”. Miles and Pavitr shouted, looking at the very tired Miguel. “By that doesn’t make sense- you’re not- are you married??”. Questions flew right and left, chaos ensued as the babies ran around again. Miguel was done, SO DONE with babysitting the actual babies and now the teens.
Suddenly the door opened again, a very sweaty you running through. “Oh Miggy- I’m sorry I’m late I just got so lost in this place, but I’m here for the twins”. Miguel looked over at you in panic, the teen’s immediately stopped in their tracks. As the kids ran to you, so did the teens…. and what was supposed to be Miguel’s saving grace, ended up in having everybody over for dinner.
Ahh I’m sorry if this isn’t exactly what you asked for, I traveled today to see a college and I’m writing this very late so I hope you don’t mind that it’s rushed. I’ll get more writing done this week since I’m on break, I promise!
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russellsppttemplates · 7 months
Carrying it all on your shoulders (Daniel Ricciardo)
Juggling two kids without Daniel proved to be harder than you thought
Note: english is not my first language. I don't get requests for Daniel that often, and dad!Daniel is very fun and cute to write!
Thank you so much to everyone who likes and reblogs, your feedback is appreciated 🤍 and I'm taking requests so if you have any ideas or concepts you want to share, feel free to do so as I'll try to get to them the best I can!
my masterlist
Tw: reader's self-doubt and low self esteem associated with motherhood and parenting, exhaustion, curse words
Tag list: @myloverjk-blog
"Y/N, are you sure you want to do it? I'll do it no problem", your colleague assured you, "even one of the interns can do it, Y/N! Seriously, go home earlier!", she offered.
"I can do it", you added, crossing over the task you had completed on your post it note and writing two more down, "Sophia just started her ballet class and Alice's nursery had a pantomime today so they're keeping the kids for a little longer", you winked at her, gathering the documents and getting ready to complete the task.
Lately, this was your routine. Drop the girls at school and nursery, head up to work, pick the girls up and drive home before homework, playtime, dinner time and then the bedtime routine. When Daniel was still home, it was usually him doing the school and nursery runs so it wasn't like it added a lot to your routine, but it requires more juggling than you initially thought.
By the time you finished the tasks, you were the only one left, shutting down your laptop and closing all of the doors once you had your belongings all packed into your bag, finally calling it a day and heading to your car.
Picking a very sleepy Alice from nursery and then a pouty Sophia from her ballet class, you tried your best to not bother the youngest one, "how was your class today, princess?", you wondered once you stopped at a red light, turning around slightly so you could look at your daughter's face.
"It was okay", she stated, remaining unusually quiet all the way back home as she looked outside the window.
"I'm going to put Alice down for a little nap and then I'll go and help you with your homework, okay?", you said to Sophia as she set her backpack down near her desk, "I don't have any today", she said, closing the door behind her as you walked to Alice's room, laying her down on the mattress and kissing the top of her head, feeling it warmer than usual.
"Oh, babygirl", you cooed, grabbing the thermometer from the medicine cubby and putting it on her ear, silently hoping it was just you.
A minute later, the result showed she was beggining to develop a fever. Sighing, you stored the thermometer in its box and got the medicine from your bathroom, grabbing the syringe to put it in her mouth when you managed to waker her up without a big fuss.
"I know you don't want this, baby", you cooed as Alice stirred in her sleep, big brown eyes looking up at you with tears welling up on them, "take this for mummy, okay?", you pleaded, "you'll feel better, my love", you said, holding her on your arms so she could fall asleep again.
The tiredness came over you pretty quickly, making you sit on the rocking chair, closing your eyes for a little bit and taking a deep breath. Because she was your second child, you didn't feel like the first time Sophia got sick. While in the first time, you ran around like a headless chicken, ready to bring her to the emergency room and messaging her pediatrician until both your parents' and Daniel's parents assured you and your husband you were doing just fine. So far, she didn't seem to bothered by it, just sleep, so you allowed yourself the moment to rest with her, rubbing her back and showering her with kisses and a good cuddle.
"Mummy?", Sophia asked, knocking on the door of her sister's room to announce she was coming in, "what are we having for dinner?", she asked, taking in the sight of you and her sister.
"Oh", you noted, not having given it much thought until that moment, "we can have spaghetti bolognese, I'll just have to boil some pasta - I think we still have some of those heart shapes pastas daddy brought home the other day -, or we could have some chicken nuggets and rice if you prefer that", you offered, thinking of the meal plan meals you had in the fridge as you didn't feel like cooking everything from scratch tonight.
"The spaghetti bolognese is fine", she whispered, coming closer to you and kissing her sister's hand, "is Alice sick?", she questioned.
"She has a bit of a fever, it's probably something she picked up from in nursery, you used to get these every now and again, too", you explained, brushing the curls away from her eyes, "she'll be fine though. Are you feeling okay, beautiful girl?", you checked with her, wanting to be prepared in case both kids came down with this bug.
"I feel fine", she assured you, kissing your cheek before she saw you get up and grabbing the sling, wrapping her sister against you, "do you want to help me with the pasta then?", you smiled, stretching your hand so she could grab it and you both could head to the kitchen.
"I'll set the plates", Sophias offered, making you kiss the top of her head as a thank you and going back to stirring the pasta while the sauce warmed up in another pot.
You ate the food in a quieter environment that usual, and while the reasonable voice in your head told you that it was due to the fact that everyone was a little tired, the snarky and mean one made you feel guilty.
As you washed up the pots and plates from dinner while Sophia spent some time watching cartoons on TV, your mind took you to the mom guilt feelings, rewinding back to all of the times in the last two weeks where you didn't spend time with either of them separately, all of the times where you had to rush to get out of the house all in one piece and all of the things you weren't doing well.
"Soph", you called, "I'm going upstairs to put Alice down, is there anything I can do for you before I go?", you wondered.
"Can I have your phone so I speak to daddy, please?", she asked, "he hasn't called today", she reasoned, "take it from my pocket, bub", you said, tuning your back to her slightly so she could retrieve the device from the denim material, "call me if you need anything, okay?", you checked with her, "okay, mummy! Night night, Alice, I love you", she waved at her sister who blew her a sloppy kiss.
Sitting down on the sofa, Sophia pressed Daniel's contact, smiling at the love heart on the contact despite having seen it many times before, "hey!", Daniel said, a little surprised to see the little girl's face instead of yours.
"Hi daddy!", she smiled, "mummy is putting Alice to sleep so I thought I'd talk to you for a bit", she said, "I have something to tell you".
"Oh, okay, tell me then", Daniel concerned, sensing that what your daughter wanted to tell him was something troubling her.
"I'm confused", she began, "do you remember that book you and mummy read to me and Alice? The one with the monster who is now doctor?", she tried as Daniel nodded.
Anna Llenas was one of your favourite authors for kids' stories and you always read them to your family. The way they spoke about their emotions and how to deal with them became a great tool to get them to talk openly about how they felt and Sophia seemed to be getting it.
"Yes, baby, what about it?", Daniel asked.
"I feel confused, because today I didn't really want to go to the ballet practice but I did it anyway", she said, "so I was really quiet and my friends noticed it, the teacher, too. And mummy, I think she's upset with me, too", she admitted.
"Well, do you remember what the turtle nurse did in the book?", Daniel questioned, "she had her first aid box full of things that make her heart feell warm and good", Sophia mumbled, "go and get it then, princess", Daniel urged.
Sophia pulled the box from under the sofa. The premise of the activity on the book as simple: the kids had to make a box full of things that helped them regulate their emotions and feelings when they felt confused, sad or anxious. While Alice was still too little to make one, Sophia loved the arts and crafts aspect of it and spent the whole afternoon with Daniel making her perfect first aid kit.
"Do you remember what we do with the bee drawing?", Daniel guided, "we take a big breath in, and then a big breath out", he exemplified, doing it three more times with her before speaking up again, "do you feel better?".
"I do, daddy", she said, fishing out something out of the box, "this is the pillow we made with mummy, she sewed it with my favourite soft fabrics", she smiled at the memory, rubbing it on her cheek, "and a picture of us, look!", she showed Daniel the frame with the picture of the first race Alice attended, the four of you in front of the motorhome with big smiles.
"That's right baby, we can also dance it out a little if you want", Daniel offered but she shook her head, showing him the empty bottle of medicine, "this is the 'No medicine', right?", she checked with him. The bottle was of course empty, but the idea was there.
"That's right! Sometimes we have to say no when we don't want to do some things", Daniel advised, remembering the story well enough without having the actual book in front of him, "to adults, we have to be more careful because there are things that we can't run from, but for your ballet classes, for example, you can say you don't want to go if you don't want to, sweetie", he told her earnestly.
"Okay daddy", she whispered, taking another deep breath with her finger following the wavy bee line on the drawing.
"Promise you'll tell me or mummy whenever that happens?", he asked, "I promise, daddy", she smiled, seeming calmer and happier now.
"That's great, Soph. I'm very proud of you for telling me that", he complimented, "Can I ask you about mummy, princess? Is she still upstairs?", he checked with her, not wanting her to think he didn't care about her anymore.
"Yes, daddy", Sophia smiled before pouting, "she's a little tired, and yesterday I think she was crying. I know I wasn't supposed to be up, but I forgot Snuggles by the door", she explained, mentioning her stuffed teddy that she loved to sleep with, "and when I went to pick it up, I heard mummy sniffling, she was doing it quietly but I heard it still", she told him.
Your daughter confirmed his suspicions. Before he left, you spoke about how you were going to handle two kids and your job, and while at the time it seemed good, the practical side of the conversation looked to be otherwise. He called everyday and he noticed you looking more tired each day, but he justified it on the adjustment. Eventually, there would be a day that you finally adapted to the routine, but that was wishful thinking.
"Soph, are you still on the phone with daddy?", you called from the corridor, loud enough for her to hear but quiet enough that it wouldn't disturb Alice in the sleep you worked so hard in getting her to.
"Hey, gorgeous", Daniel said as you appeared on the screen as Sophia handed you your phone back, "I'm going to get ready for bed, mummy, I'll wait for you when you can read my bedtime story", she smiled, kissing you cheek and saying goodbye to Daniel.
"How was your day?", he asked, "busy busy, but it's over now. Things are going at full speed. Sophia was a bit quieter when she arrived, but she seemed better - no need to rub it in that she's a daddy's girl -, and Alice has caught the bug that has been going around", you shrugged your shoulders, "her temperature is slowly cooling down, and other than that, she's fine", you sighed, "and yours?".
Daniel told you about his meetings, not wanting to pester you too much as he could sense the tiredness you felt, "I'll let you go rest, though. Have a good night, gorgeous", he blew you a kiss before your face disappeared.
Opening his laptop, he looked for a flight that would make him arrive just in time for school pick up, "I can't stay for the rest of the week", Daniel said to the members of the team on the meeting room, "Y/N and the girls need me back home, so if that's okay with you, we'll do these remotely", he half stated, looking for any signs of discontentment or disagreement.
As soon as he got the green light, he couldn't wait to finish that sponsorship content meeting, filming everything he needed to as quickly as possible before bidding goodbye to everyone, going back to the hotel room and pack everything up so he could go to the airport. A long flight away from his wife and kids and all would be well.
Alice didn't sleep all that well, and in turn neither did you, so you called in to work to let them know that you would be working from home as best as you could since your little girl was staying home for the day. Sophia seemed well that morning when you dropped her off at school, soothing your heart from the worries that had plagued you.
"It's me and you, baby girl", you said, kissing the top of her head as she slept on the sling, her fist grasping the fabric of your cardigan as you walked around the house, hoping to really settle her when you heard a car outside.
"Why does that look like daddy?", you mumbled out loud as if Alice could give you her opinion, focusing on the man walking up to the front door and giving you enough time to open it.
"Before you say anything, I had to do it and I won't go back", Daniel raised his hands once he set his luggage inside, closing the door behind him and kissing the top of your head and then Alice's as you stood there surprised.
"Danny, we didn't- I-", you tried, and as if your mouth wouldn't let you lie, the words didn't seem to come out of you.
"I came as soon as I could, and I should've come sooner", he said, "I want to be here for you as much as I can and I need to make sure my girls are okay - all three of them", he looked at you, "Soph told me she heard you crying", he stated as he got you to sit on the sofa in the living room.
"Another point for the greatest mother of the year award", you chastised yourself, taking a deep breath to level out your emotions.
"No, none of that", Daniel offered sternly, "you have been juggling everything on your own and it's harder that we originally thought it would be. I'm sorry it took me so long to come", he apoligised, hands undoing the sling so he could get Alice to rest against his chest instead.
"It's been a lot - and frankly, I haven't been very good at delegating at work", you chuckled, smiling at the delicious sight of a sleeping child on Daniel's chest.
"You also need the 'No medicine' Soph has in her box", he giggled despite the seriousness of the conversation, "I can see that you haven't slept all that much, so why don't you go and have a good sleep?", he suggested, "we'll talk a little bit more about this afterwards, but you need to rest first", he said, "I'll go and pick up Sophia, so you just stay here and take care of yourself, okay?", he said, tapping your butt playfully to get you to get up and head to your bedroom.
While you caught up on sleep, Daniel tidied the house as much as he could before picking up Sophia, who excitedly ran up to her father when she saw him and his sister on the parking lot, "Is mummy with you, too?", she wondered, "no, mummy is resting at home. We are going to get some food for dinner so we can all have a cosy night in, how does that sound?", he questioned, earning cheers from her and her sister who qas thankfully feeling much better, giggling in delight as she clapped her hands.
"Who's that? That's mummy, isn't she looking pretty today, Alice? Yes, she is!", Daniel said as you walked into the kitchen, Sophia's notebook open on the table as she wrote on it, "she didn't want to leave the kitchen and I wanted to make pancakes for their snacks, so we found a middle ground", your husband justified himself.
"It's okay", you smiled, kissing everyone's cheeks and tapping Alice's nose, "well, I'm glad you're feeling better, little miss", you said.
"Also, I'm in charge of dinner. I spoke to the people on your team - I'm their boss' husband so I sort of have some power too", he joked, "and they're going to delegate the work these next few days so you can stay home to rest and just work a teeny tiny little bit. I also plan on doing the school pick ups and cooking", he smiled, proud of his plans.
"I'm okay to help, too, Daniel, really", you tried, "no need for that, like I said! I'm going to take charge of the next few days, there's no reason why I can't and it's going to be great", he giggled, "we're in this together, darling, and there's no way you're carrying this all on your shoulders".
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jinjeriffic · 8 months
DCxDP Prophecy Universe Part 4
Part 3
Aaaah, Tim had missed undercover work! There was just something thrilling about becoming a whole new person by making a few small tweaks here and there. He had combed his hair in a side-part, carefully applied make-up to make his skin look paler and his eyes bigger and put on a pair of thick rimmed glasses. Worn sneakers, baggy jeans, a loose plaid flannel shirt with a hoodie tied around his waist hid his lean, muscular frame. A slight slouch and his old high-school backpack completed the look. Goodbye Tim Drake-Wayne, Gotham socialite. Hello Adam Taylor, college freshman.
Jason took one look at him and practically fell over laughing.
“Oh my God, you look like a total dork! Would you like some braces to go with that?” he heckled, catching himself against the side of the car.
“I’ll have you know that this is the height of broke college student chic,” Tim sniffed in mock offence, “It’s called ‘blending in’ Jason. Maybe you should try it!” He walked past his snickering brother to get in the passenger’s seat of the beat-up Ford they used for travelling incognito.
“No thanks, I’ll leave the theatre performance to you,” Jason drawled, tossing the keys in one hand before getting behind the wheel. “I’ll just hang back and keep an eye out in case things go tits up.”
“I don’t even know why you insisted on coming along. I’m just going to question a civilian!”
Jason gave him a Look before starting the engine. “A civilian raised by mad scientists. The way our lives work, we’ll find her building Kryptonite powered robots in the janitor’s closet or something.”
“And the fact that she’s a cute red-head has nothing to do with it?” Tim teased.
The drive to Metropolis passed in a mix of mutual ribbing, arguing over radio stations and discussion of recent cases. They carefully avoided the elephant in the room - the reason for their current investigation. The sullen anger of their youngest brother, the quiet grief in Bruce’s eyes whenever he thought no one was watching and the mounting tension within the family. Tim doubted that this excursion would be all that fruitful, but he needed to get out and do something for the sake of his own sanity. The last thing he wanted was to watch Bruce emotionally implode over what may or may not be another dead son.
Getting onto the university campus was no problem. Tim had a fake student ID on him just in case, but it looked like he needn’t have bothered. His hacking had revealed that Jasmine Fenton checked into the university library after her last class almost every day, so it was just a matter of biding his time. He sat at one of the carrel desks, idly flipping through the latest issue of Forbes. I wonder if Luthor’s new tech acquisition means he’s up to something? Hm…
“Heads up, target at your 10,” came Jason’s murmur through Tim’s earpiece. Tim turned another page then sat up and stretched, glancing around casually. He instantly recognized the red-head from his earlier research. Tall and light build, long hair held back by a head-band, wearing skinny jeans and a dark grey sweater. She made her way over to the row of desks, carrying a small stack of books and a pencil case. She walked past Tim, only sparing him a glance and eventually settled down at the table farthest from the entrance and away from the other students. Perfect.
Tim got up and returned his magazine to the periodicals section before meandering over to Jasmine’s desk. He put on his best impression of a nervous smile. Showtime.
“Hey, is this seat taken?”
She only glanced up from her work briefly then went right back to taking notes. “No, knock yourself out,” she said in a bored tone.
Tim pulled out the chair next to hers and turned it slightly to face her. He sat down and cleared his throat.
“Hi, sorry to bother you. I’m Adam. Adam Taylor,” he lied, offering his hand to her. She gave him a tight, polite smile and shook hands with him.
“Jazz Fenton,” Her tone was light, but her body language screamed ‘please go away’. Tim filed the nickname away for later, “Look, it’s really nice to meet you but I have this project I need to work on, so…”
Ah, she probably thinks I’m trying to hit on her, Tim thought.
“Oh, I understand completely! I don’t wanna take up too much of your time, I just… I was just wondering if you could tell me about… you know,” he whispered with affected hesitation, “...ghosts.”
The smile dropped from her face and her gaze sharpened. “Excuse me?”
“Sorry! It’s just… your parents run Fenton Works, right? The ecto-biologists?” Tim rushed out, “I just wanted to hear your opinion on their work…” he trailed off at the look of tightly controlled anger on her face. She turned and scanned the room around them.
“Alright. Where’s the camera?”
Tim was caught completely wrong footed. Was she onto them?
“Camera? What camera?” he hedged. She slammed her notebook shut and glared at him.
“I get it. Lets pretend to interview the girl with the crazy ghost hunter parents and have a good laugh at her on social media later. Very funny, har har,” Jazz stuffed her pen back in its case with sharp movements, “Well I have better things to do than make you TikTok famous, so if you’ll excuse me,” she gathered up her books and stood.
Tim winced. He really needed to salvage this situation and quickly. He held up his hands in a placating gesture.
“I’m not filming you, honest! I just read some of your parents’ papers and wanted a second opinion on their research! They, ah… they seem pretty biased,” he said apologetically.
Jazz narrowed her eyes at him suspiciously. “Why are you researching ghosts, then?”
The best lies are built on truth.
“Because…” Tim took a deep breath, “I think my brother might be one,” he forced out, then swallowed hard and looked away.
“Oh,” the anger had drained from her voice, “I’m sorry for your loss.”
Tim glanced at her as she sat back down. “Thanks,” he croaked and blinked away fake tears. They sat in silence for a few minutes.
“Adam, what makes you think your brother might have come back as a ghost?” Jazz asked gently.
Tim collected himself for a moment, thinking about how to score the most sympathy points.
“It’s hard to explain. My younger brother… he saw something strange and now my whole family is freaking out. Dad is putting on a brave face but I can tell this is eating him up inside but he refuses to talk about it. I just… I need to know if there’s a scientific explanation to all this. I need to make sense of this whole mess!” he looked up at her through his lashes with his best puppy-dog expression, “Please, can you help me?”
Tim could practically hear her heart melting.
“And the Oscar goes to… Timbird!” Jason teased over the comms.
“Alright. But not here,” Jazz said, standing up again, “This is gonna take some time. And diagrams.”
Oh goodie.
Part 5
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disneyprincemuke · 9 months
kiss all your tears away
alternatively: we haven’t talked in almost 4 days (next)
in which she and logan don't walk into the paddocks together for the first time all season and sends everyone speculating about the status of their relationship friendship
(series masterlist)
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she hikes her bag up her shoulder, pushing the sunglasses up her nose. she taps her card against the reader before she can step into the paddocks.
when she'd woken up this morning, she laid in bed with two packs of ice over her eyes to try and reduce the swelling of her eye area. when she’s gotten up to look at herself in the mirror, it did depuff but didn’t entirely erase the evidence of all the crying she did.
she dropped george a text message early this morning, asking if it was okay to be wearing sunglasses everywhere on the paddocks without looking like a complete fool — it’s just a rehearsal, after all.
george simply assumed she’s hungover or something of the sort, so he didn’t ask questions. he just told her he does it all the time.
so, here she is walking into the paddocks by herself. with her stupid bag on her stupid shoulder and a pair of sunglasses over her eyes to hide away from everyone.
oscar, who comes in right after her, almost walks right past her before he realised who she is. he just almost barely recognises her entering the paddocks with a bag on her shoulder and logan next to her.
oscar taps her on the shoulder gently, flashing her a bright smile. “alone today?”
“yeah,” she answers simply, a smile of gratitude stretching her lips when oscar slows his pace down to walk with her.
“oh,” oscar nods to himself. while he’s been slightly out of touch with her out of respect of their relationship, he still did grow up with her. he still knows her telltales when she’s got a problem. “fought?”
“that bad?”
“pretty bad.”
“i won’t ask about it. but are you okay?”
“i guess.”
“i’m sure it’ll be okay.”
“let me carry your stuff,” oscar mutters, circling around her to her other side. he doesn’t wait for an answer — he just slides her backpack off her shoulder and throws it over his shoulder on top of his bag.
she opens her mouth to protest, but oscar is quick to shut her down. “i used to do it before logan. don’t act like it’s so new to you,” oscar laughs, shaking his head. “and it’s weird seeing you with a bag in the paddocks.”
“that’s true. i haven’t walked into the paddocks with my bag on my shoulder since i joined you guys in f2,” she grins shyly.
“let’s put your stuff down then come and hang at mclaren? lily’s just got a taxi to arrive from the airport.”
“oh, she’s here this weekend? she didn’t tell me that…”
“she was going to surprise you after the rehearsal,” oscar giggles. “so, what do you say?”
“okay, but only if lando makes me a cup of coffee.”
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george tilts his head at the empty seat alex has left in the corner. “move to the corner, we’re going to hog the space and be shat on for acting like boyfriends.”
“logan’s sitting with us tonight,” alex answers simply with a shrug. “can’t fully commit to being your boyfriend tonight, mate, i’m sorry.”
“oh, how come?” george asks, furrowing his eyebrows. typically, logan would sit in the middle rows with his girlfriend. “doesn’t he usually sit with (y/n) or oscar?”
alex shrugs, bottom lip pouted out. “think they had a friendly squabble a couple days ago. he’s been weird since he arrived in vegas the other day.”
george surprisingly held on to the unspoken agreement he has with them. he hasn’t told a soul about seeing her in the gap between his door that one time. nor has told alex about it.
but he does talk to lando, which wasn’t a great conversation to start when he came up to him with a 50 pound bill in his hand. they danced around the information of knowing something particularly specific, and lando eventually blurted excitedly that he saw them on a date a few days back.
so maybe they fought. or worse, have they broken up?
logan arrives literally a second after the worst thought passes his mind. he takes the empty seat next to alex, greeting george with a small smile before leaning in to start a conversation.
he watches the door, curious at what’s exactly going on. he completely tunes out from the conversation, feigning intelligent answers and short reponses. his eyes dart over to the door whenever it’s pulled open, and sighing when it’s not the driver he expects.
he looks down at his watch. there’s about 10 minutes before the briefing starts for them. and, vegas is a race that had them come in a couple days prior to be briefed and conduct a short rehearsal for the opening ceremony.
luckily, there’s not much media around today, which would make tiptoeing around this issue a whole lot easier.
when the door is pulled open again, george lifts his head quickly, as he’s genuinely quite invested now. he raises an eyebrow and is taken aback by the girl holding the door open with a pair of sunglasses resting on her nose.
he’s absolutely forgotten the fact that she had texted him this morning about this issue.
she takes a step forward, but then takes two back. instead of walking in, she stays back outside the room with the door in her hand. pierre and charles walk in, thanking her softly before returning to their conversation.
there’s a momentary pause as she looks inside, where they’re seated, before she looks at somebody who’s in the hallway with her. oscar appears, motioning for her to walk in, but she shakes her head and simply points inwards to the room.
alex has chosen to settle for the wrong seats today, obviously. having logan sit right next to the door might be a bit more detrimental than he thought. but what would alex know? he doesn’t even know of their relationship.
oscar tries to fight with her, but she simply purses her lips. the australian slumps his shoulder before sharply turning on his heel and just walking into the room, followed by a distressed looking lando.
lando looks around, catching george’s curious eyes, so the man in orange simply shrugs tiredly at him.
she beckons for someone else in the hallway to walk in, but it seems that it’s a losing fight by the way that she’s continually waving her hands in the air to persuade them.
sighing, she just visibly sighs and winds her hand back to act out a punch. she drops her hands before finally turning around to take a step forward again.
if there’s any way that she announces her arrival, it’s typically by the scent of her strong perfume. her floral scent fills his nose, and it’s obvious that logan finally takes notice of her arrival.
because logan turns around, eyes trained on her as she walks in with an orange paper cup in her hand. what’s made everything stranger is that she simply walks ahead: she doesn’t spare logan another look as she walks down the side aisle to join max, oscar and lando who unfortunately only landed the front row seats.
george watches logan’s eyebrows furrow and press his lips together. logan shifts in his seat uncomfortably before turning back to continue their conversation.
“did you catch that, mate?” alex asks, nudging george’s arm with his elbow.
“what?” george tears his eyes away from the girl in front to look at the two men next to him. “sorry, i didn’t catch what you were saying.”
“right, so basically…”
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she looks up at the giant yellow circle in front of her. she momentarily lifts her sunglasses to gawk at the ever changing expressions of the emoji face being projected.
“that’s so adorable!” she points out, reaching out to roughly pat max’s shoulder to get his attention. “look, it’s looking at us!”
“hey, your hands are not as light as you think!” max scolds, his arm darting out to catch her wrist in his hands. “you’ve got to make up with logan.”
she pouts, retracting her hand roughly from the older man’s grip. she drops her sunglasses back down to her nose and folds her arms over her chest. “what do you mean? you don’t like hanging out with me?”
“i do. trust me, i have the time of my life annoying the shit out of you,” max laughs dryly down at her. “but you are all over my hater hours. gawk at this… thing,” he points at the sphere, “with your boyfriend.”
“no,” she scoffs, simply shaking her head. she huffs and tries to walk past him. “forget it — i’ll just go and find yuki and hang out with him. he doesn’t try and push me away when i try.”
max sighs, rolling his eyes. he grabs her elbow and drags her back to him. he puts her in front of him, hands on her shoulders.
max reaches out and takes off the sunglasses, clipping it to the collar of his shirt. “you’ve got to talk this whole fight out with logan. stop ignoring him.”
“i’m not ignoring him. he’s ignoring me,” she insists, throwing a hand into the air.
“no, he’s not!” max cries, pinching the bridge of his nose. honestly, he didn’t want to enjoy this race in vegas. in fact, all he’s done leading up to this grand prix has been openly hate on the thought of even being here.
he didn’t factor in that he’d have to suddenly play the part of being an older brother and a therapist to the girl standing in front of him.
he has grown to be fond of her, yes, but he very much preferred not being put in the middle of all this.
“yeah! he was literally boring holes into you when you walked into the rehearsal briefing earlier,” max points out. “and then he only left the room after you left; after you just walked right past him again without a flinch!”
“okay, listen! if you had the fight that we had, you wouldn’t make up so easily either, okay?” she rambles, hands on her hips in frustration. her puffy eyes are finally nowhere in sight. “you don’t even know what we fought about.”
“fine, then enlighten me.”
“we fought about this,” she circles her hands around them, motioning to the track setup around them. “about all of this! formula 1! it’s caught up to us!”
max furrows his eyebrows. “what do you mean?”
“i mean like i literally had the sebastian vettel vouching for me to get a seat this season,” she sighs, shaking her head as she recalls the fight they had before flying to vegas. “i mean like i’ve been in the points consistently since i crashed in baku and he’s struggling to even be on par with alex!
“how is that my fault, max? it’s not my fault!”
“you’re right: it’s not.”
“why does it feel like it is? i hate that this is happening to him, of all people! but how is it my fault that i’m delivering and meeting everyone’s expectations of me entering the sport?”
tears rush into her eyes. she presses the bottom of her palms into her eyes as her voice cracks, shaking her head hopelessly. “like, it’s not my fault we’re performing differently. i’m literally driving for my reputation and seat — i’m on probation with my team just as much as he is.”
max suddenly regrets poking her button. from what oscar tells him, they’re not typically the couple to have very big fights. it seems that he has misread the severity of the situation.
“oh, (y/n),” max frowns, stepping forward to wrap his arms around her. he puts his hand on the back of her head, gently letting her nuzzle his face into his arm. “i’m sorry. i didn’t know.”
“it just gets increasingly difficult to comfort him weekend after weekend. i’m at a high, and he’s just-“
“i’m sure it’s not easy for him either,” max cooes, swaying side to side in an attempt to comfort her. “i am sure that it is not his intention to… make you ‘feel bad’ of what you’ve achieved thus far.”
“it’s just so hard,” she cries harder into his chest. “i want to be there for him, really. but it’s hard! it’s hard when my team is out celebrating after every race because of my points finish and he’s down with what’s happened with his race.”
max looks up at the sound of footsteps against the gravel, catching lando and george trying to make their way towards them.
he holds up a thumbs up to them, nodding gently enough for her not to feel it, to send them the other way. it’s bad enough she’s crying at the f1 track four days before a race with majority of the teams still in the paddocks.
he turns his head to the side, by the grandstands, catching oscar and sebastian’s stare of concern. he simply flashes them a smile and a reassuring nod. in return, he gets a firm nod from the race engineer and a thankful smile from the young driver.
from what he knows, she hasn’t told anyone about this issue. perhaps that’s why she’s stuck to him all evening?
“i don’t think we’ll get past this, max. that’s the worst part,” she sobs, pulling away to rub her eyes. she heaves as tears flow out of her eyes, lips quivering and voice cracking with every word she speaks. “how can we even? i don’t know what to do.”
max frowns. he pushes her head into his chest again, this time, resting his chin on the top of hers. he doesn’t exactly know what to say.
their situation is so unique, that even he — with as much trauma as he carries around — does not know anything he can say that would make her feel better. so, he just rubs circles on her back as he sways.
“i’m sorry this happened to you,” he sighs, readjusting to now press his cheek on the top of her head. “i really don’t know what to say. there wouldn’t be any words i can string together to make you feel better about this.”
from the distance, he can see alex walking out of the pitlane. the bright blue shirt didn’t really make him hard to spot in the first place.
alex is the least of his problems. because behind alex is logan trailing behind him quietly, completely taken a step away from the conversation alex holds with some of their team members.
“do you want to go somewhere more private? teams are coming out to scout the track, i think,” max whispers, moving his head to look at her face. “let’s go?”
“okay. it’s kinda weird i’m crying here anyway,” she manages to mutter a joke. “my sunglasses.”
max almost wants to laugh when she cries even harder, reaching out for the sunglasses he’s confiscated from her a while ago. she removes it from his shirt, then replaces it on her face.
while she had paraded about with her chin in the air all evening, now she walks with her head down. her hair is out of the braids that blythe had styled her with, now falling to her cheeks to hide her away from everyone else.
if max could have continued walking the other way to simply avoid the williams racing team, he would. but if he did that, they’d have made a complete round of the track on foot. which doesn’t seem like a good idea at all with her state.
max slings a protective arm around her shoulders, walking around her body to hold her away from the prying eyes of those that walk past them.
as they slowly approach the team in blue, alex grows mildly concerned at the weirdly silent girl. “is sh- oh, okay.” alex nods understandingly, holding a hand up to wave max for an apology. all because she’s heaving silently in her sob in max’s arm that immediately told alex to not intervene. “sorry.”
and max just knows they’d eventually find a way out of this fight they’re in. because he turns around to gauge logan’s expression: he’s stopped dead on the tracks with a lingering stare on the crying girl.
max just gives him a small smile, to which logan forces a grin before turning away to catch up with alex who calls out for him.
surely, there’s a way around this. right?
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lavender-romancer · 5 months
Push it Down
Astarion x GN Reader
Everyday it got worse, the longing stares interrupted when La’zel would curiously catch your eyeline always straying to Astarion. Or how you would always inextricably walk next to him regardless of the goal ahead. Shadowheart would often question if Astarion had to open “every lock we find” at your request. But you couldn't help it, being near him, with him was all you would think about
AN: Astarion brainrot is a real condition people. Lots of lovely fluff.
You're a squishy wizard
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“Do you have to make your feelings so obvious that it's painful?” Shadowheart asked as you looked through some random boxes you found in what remained of moonhaven.
“Do you have to bring this up again?” You jabbed back with a smile. “I'm not ashamed of it, but I will never outright admit it.”
“Lady of Sorrows guide you, I don't know how you're able to stand with your debilitating lack of a spine.” She raised her eyebrow and you simply rolled your eyes “Here, go give these to your boy-toy.” Handing you a few thieves' tools Shadowheart walked to another side of the room and continued looting.
You scampered outside, only realising when you were in front of Astarion how desperate it must have looked to run up to him like a dog wagging its tail excitedly. He was unlocking a chest that was one in a big group La'zel and Karlach had put together for him to deal with.
“Here,” you held out the tools with a smile that was much too big for such a small token.
“Thank you, darling.” He smiled up at you. “You're looking particularly overjoyed, what's got you so energetic?”
“Uh… looting.” You never were good at lying.
“Thank the Gods you never became a politician because your inability to deceive is one of your greatest qualities.” He opened the chest he had been working on.
“I suppose. But I wish I was better at more things like that, it just makes me so nervous to not be honest.” You fidgeted with your hands.
“Well, for starters you need to be better at improvising, it is adorable to see you try and lie to anyone and fail miserably. I'm convinced you should just be completely honest and people might not believe you.” Standing up he brushed the dust off his trousers and you were now face to face. Given, a few steps apart but it still made you smile and your feet shuffle anxiously.
“The tadpole has definitely made me better at lying, you have to at least admit that.” You were practically beaming, staring at him in awe.
“Still, you carry most of your emotions in your eyes and your inability to stop smiling. You'll get there eventually my friend, probably, I mean probably not but it's very sweet that you continue to try. Anyways, we should head back to camp for the evening I am positively spent.” Astarion walked past you to pick up his backpack and you internally groaned.
It was so deeply embarrassing when you couldn't keep your emotions hidden. A problem you had usually put down to anxiousness, but realistically it was just something you had to learn to live with. You were an open book with almost no air of mystique about you. Maybe that was why Astarion seemed so utterly uninterested in seeking anything but friendship or a quick night of passion.
As you lay in your tent, you conjured a mage hand to throw books at you to try and practice your telekinesis but it was going dreadfully. Whilst your magic was growing back to it's former strength before the tadpole you were still plagued by poor reaction times to basically anything. One quite powerful throw from the conjured hand hit your arm and you yelped, sure that it would leave a bruise.
“What mischief are you up too now?” A voice suddenly asked, distracting you from the task at hand as a book hit you square in the face.
“Fuck!” You exclaimed, dismissing the mage hand and rubbing your nose.
“Are you trying to be agile again? You know how that ended up last time.” Astarion joked as he entered your tent and sat down opposite you.
A funny but painful memory entered your mind when you had tried to climb over a very small wall to surprise some goblins and had instead ended up on your back in front of them. If falling over in front of some goblins wasn't bad enough, you had also slipped in grease that was extremely easy to avoid alerting the whole horde to your party's location. The bollocking you got from La'zel after that encounter made you promise to work on your ability to not be “such a fucking Wizard” whatever that meant.
“No, surprisingly I was failing at something else.” You quipped back at him, “anyways, did you want to feed or-”
“No, well yes but, I wanted to talk to you.” He licked his lips absentmindedly and seeing the slight glint of his fangs off the light of your candle made your eyes grow wider. You never knew you'd have a thing for vampires…
“Oh! Do uhm, talk away.” You cringed at your inability to string a sentence together.
“I- look. I know that I am beautiful and wonderful darling, but have you been looking at me slightly differently lately?” he asked, you could almost sense that he was nervous but you weren't sure why.
“What do you mean?” You responded with your eyes fixated on your bedroll on the floor as the alarm bells rang in your head.
“With more longing behind your eyes?” You hadn't noticed that same longing in his eyes which was often present in your gaze.
“Who- I- why did you get that impression?” You fumbled through your words and began fiddling with your robe.
“Oh, I…” he trailed off and you finally looked up, sensing his dejected tone you cocked your head.
“You sound disappointed.” Your tone was soft in an attempt to stop him from running away from the conversation.
“Disappointed? Darling if I wanted you I could most certainly have you.” Having returned to his snarky sense of security you frowned.
“Is that why you seem so annoyed? Because I rejected you before?” Your mind went back to drinking red wine with him, the sour taste filling your nose all over again. It wasn't that you didn't want him, you just didn't want the first time you could spend the night with him to be clouded with alcohol and regret. Maybe it had bruised his ego but there were so many reasons to try to let your bond grow overtime.
“You think that wounded me? I have laid with thousands and I'll lay with thousands more before I am hurt by that!” He exclaimed but you could see the hurt in his eyes that he struggled to hide.
“I didn't want it to be like that. Something that you might feel like was a mistake, a drunken mishap you'd rather forget. I didn't- I don't want you to think I did it because I did not want it. Under different circumstances things would have been different for me.” Clasping your hands together you tried to reach his gaze but it was so accusatory that it was making your heart pound.
“I- I don't think I've ever been rejected as tactfully as you did.” Astarion almost laughed with a far-away look in his eyes.
“It didn't feel genuine and I couldn't allow myself to be swept up in all of it knowing that we weren't on the same page with our feelings about one another.” Smiling sadly you looked at the book that had previously hit you in the face, pushing it to the side you moved a bit closer to him. “I'm sorry that you felt like you had to do that, that night I mean. Correct me if I'm wrong, please.”
“I'm not sure how you know me so well that it's almost concerning.” His voice sounded strained as he departed from his snarky performative notes.
“You've become my favourite distraction through all of this shit we've dealt with. I really like being around you, it will be a shame when it all comes to an end when we get to Baldurs Gate.” your voice didn't show your true sadness but your eyes certainly did and Astarion could tell.
“I was hidden for so many years within those city walls, imprisoned and kept as a loyal pet before the nautiloid. A grim reality was the only way to escape the even worse life I was living and… I never thought I'd make friends let alone feel connected to someone. But you, you're thoughtful and sweet and respectful and too perceptive for your own good but so silly and honestly so bad as hiding that it's hilarious. Finding someone who understands you is a great gift and I would not like to squander it.” Astarion reached out his hand and it shook slightly as he showed his true vulnerability. You looked from his hand to his face, it was genuine and really from everything you could gather, it seemed like he was being the most honest he'd ever been with you.
“You want to stay together?” Your voice was so hopeful as your head told you that you were an idiot.
“Yes. You fool. Was that not clear. Now hold my hand so we're not both fools.” He rolled his eyes and you hurriedly held his hand. Your clamminess was immediately obvious given his hand was ridiculously cold. “God you mortals are always sweaty aren't you.” He gave you a cheeky smile and you had to laugh or you'd descend into an anxiety ridden madness.
“Do you want to stay here tonight? I would enjoy a cuddle.” You asked.
“Just a cuddle Darling?” He flirted but there was still that look behind his eyes that was there after the tiefling party. The look you had come to understand was the dogma drilled into him to seduce, sleep with and then sacrifice all his conquests. Sex wasn't the same in Astarion's head as it was in yours but you didn't mind, it wasn't important to you.
“Just a cuddle.” You smiled in a way that you hoped was supportive and whilst he looked surprised he didn't seem disappointed. “Come here,” you lay down on the pillows and invited him to chest.
Whilst tentative he rested his head on your chest and slowly placed his hand on your arm. You without warning wrapped your arms around him in a squeeze of a hug that would probably suffocate someone who wasn't already dead. But he seemed to appreciate it as he nuzzled under your chin and his body began to relax. You stayed like that for a while until you began to snore and Astarion peeled himself from your embrace. He sat up and started to read, every so often glancing down at you. How an earth had he allowed himself to fall for a Wizard?
Astarion Taglist:
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megalony · 5 months
Flight Plan
This is my newest Evan x reader x Eddie fic which includes Autistic! reader. I hope you will all like this little holiday fic, let me know what you think.
Taglist: @justagirlthatlovedtoread @musicistheway @avada-kedavra-bitch-187 @luula @missdreamofendless @bradleybeachbabe @woderfulkawaii @amberpanda99 @daggersquadphantom @marvel-and-chicago-fan @angryknightstatesmantrash @minjix @lyjen @kmc1989 @itsmytimetoodream @noonenuts @hiireadstuff @ashie-babie @classyunknownlover @jayyeahthatsme @sp1ritssz @dumb-fawkin-bitch @oliverstarksbae @gimatida @heart-35 @supernaturalstilinski @stefansalvatoresgf @kyky9103 @wutheringhearts2275 @gay4hotmilfs @itshamleth @chaoticnosleepinfluencer @gs29 @wh0reforsmutstuff @mel-vaz @natashamea18 @chrisevansdaughter @alexandra8484 @deena-beena-weena @targaryenluvs @shelbygeek @kpoplover-19 @marvelmenarebeautiful @gillybear17 @zoeybennett @mrspeacem1nusone
Eddie Diaz Masterlist
Evan Buckley Masterlist
Summary: Evan, (Y/n) and Eddie are taking Chris on holiday for the first time together. And it takes a bit of love and comfort to get them all through customs and safely on the plane. (Autistic! reader)
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"Thanks for the ride." Leaning forward against the front seats, Evan gave Hen's shoulder a tight squeeze and gave her an awkward hug between the seats. She couldn't get out and see them off, she was in the drop-off zone.
"No problem, don't forget to call us when you get there."
"Will do. Don't burn down the station while we're away, yeah?" Evan clambered out the car before she could smack him for that last comment.
A grin spread across his lips and he climbed out, stretching his arms high above his head so he could click his neck and spine into place. It felt good to be up and moving about after nearly half an hour in the car. He grabbed his backpack from the back seat and slid it on his shoulders before he turned to face his little family.
The four of them turned and waved as Hen pulled away and started her drive back home. She had been gracious enough to drop them at the airport so they didn't have to book a taxi. Neither Eddie or Evan wanted to drive and park their car here for two weeks.
"Are we ready?"
Evan held out Chris's dinosaur bag and helped him slip it onto his shoulders, before he turned to look over at (Y/n) and Eddie.
She had her hands wrapped around Eddie's bicep and she was pushing up on her toes so she could perch her chin on his shoulder. She gave his arm a little shake and pressed her lips to his neck before she moved to hover her lips over his ear.
"Can I have my meds now?"
Her eyes followed Eddie as he shook his wrist to look down at his watch with pursed lips that made his nose scrunch up.
"Not yet, mi amor." He kissed her temple even as she groaned into his neck and started to fidget.
"Please… they need time to work, I don't wanna be awake on the plane."
"Baby if you have them now and you get drowsy during check-in they'll think we've drugged you. They won't let me carry you on that plane, you know."
Eddie knew she was nervous. He knew (Y/n) wanted the new sleeping medication the doctors had given her for the flight. The meds were supposed to relax (Y/n) and make her fall asleep on the plane so she wouldn't sit and panic or have a meltdown. But they would take time to kick in. (Y/n) was nervous that if she didn't take them now, she would have to take them on the plane and wait a few hours for them to kick in.
She wanted to feel drowsy the moment they got on the plane and fall asleep around take off so she didn't have to deal with the flight.
But Eddie couldn't let her take the meds now. She had never taken them before and if they worked a little too well, they would be in trouble. Security would be worried if (Y/n) started to get drowsy or she fell asleep before they got on the plane. And they might think Eddie or Evan had drugged her or were trying to hurt her. She had to be alert until they got on the plane, whether that made her nervous or not. It killed Eddie, but she couldn't have her meds yet.
"Okay, come here buddy." Evan reached out and picked Chris up so he could sit Chris down on his suitcase that was jet black with light green and aqua blue game controllers painted around it.
Evan made sure the handle bar was up and it was wedged between Chris's back and his bag so if Chris tried to jump off suddenly, the suitcase would move and topple with him.
It would be much easier for him to sit on the case and for Evan to push it rather than risk people pushing into them. It let Chris rest too because they would be doing a lot of moving around before they got on the plane.
"Spin round, baby." Eddie murmured against (Y/n)'s ear and waited patiently until she unhooked herself from his arm and turned to the side.
He delved into her backpack and found the familiar green lanyard dotted with bright yellow sunflowers. Once he hooked it around his wrist, he noticed Evan grin and look in Chris's backpack for the matching lanyard.
Eddie slipped it around (Y/n)'s neck and kissed the junction just behind her ear which made her shiver. Neither he or Evan wanted anyone to start being rude or judgemental if (Y/n) had a meltdown or screamed or got overwhelmed. At least if she and Chris wore their lanyards, people would read that they were both autistic.
People could move out their way and know not to approach and ask if they were okay or if they needed help.
Evan had almost had a fit when one lady saw (Y/n) have a meltdown in public and she had the nerve to ask (Y/n) if the boys were trying to hurt her.
"You want these?" Eddie held out the small grey box that contained (Y/n)'s earphones. While Chris had noise-cancelling headphones in a bright shade of blue, (Y/n) had small grey earphones that looked like cordless music earphones. She didn't like the large headphones and if she wore these, no one noticed or stared.
And they didn't make her ears hurt like the headphones did. They felt comfortable and she could still hear people talking to her, it just sounded very soft and faraway.
(Y/n) nodded with a small smile and took the earphones, slipping them in her ears before she looked up at the doors in front of them.
She wanted to go on holiday.
She had never been away with the boys on holiday before. She hadn't been on holiday in a few years. It would be amazing to go away with her boys and spend time with them without either of them having to go on shift and leave (Y/n) worrying if they were okay or if they were going to get hurt. And they could all spend time with Chris together.
(Y/n) had been prepping herself for months to come on holiday, to be away from home where she felt safe. To be in a new environment, a new bed. With different smells and food and temperatures and new surroundings and no familiar places were she could go to if she felt uncomfortable.
It was just annoying that (Y/n) couldn't fast-forward through all the pain and panic of getting through customs, getting on the plane and through the long seven hour flight.
"Okay, off we go."
Reaching behind her, (Y/n) grabbed her suitcase in her left hand and curled her right hand back around Eddie's arm. She held him in a death grip, pressed her head onto his bicep and glued up against him as they started to walk. She felt better when Evan walked on her left side with his suitcase trailing behind him while he pushed Chris on his own suitcase in front of him.
When she looked at how busy it was, (Y/n) felt a shudder run down her spine and she adverted her eyes down to the floor.
Her thumbs moved to press against the knuckles of her index fingers and she bent her left wrist at a different angle to keep hold of her suitcase. The stim and the odd angle made her hand burn, but the sensation was somewhat familiar and it felt good. While her other fingers pierced into Eddie's arm.
She closed her eyes and tried to take deep breaths, letting Eddie steer her in the right direction.
Evan smiled when a quiet hum vibrated against (Y/n)'s lips and he turned to the right, looking down at her with a fondness burning in his eyes. His lips parted but he only smiled when (Y/n) leaned forward as they walked and every now and then, she tilted her head into Eddie's arm or clicked her tongue.
Those were all normal stims. She wasn't getting too overwhelmed, yet.
When they reached the queue for the baggage drop off, they got in line and Eddie turned his back towards Evan. "Grab the passports, would you?"
With Evan being a mix between disorganised and his own little organised chaos, he couldn't be in charge of tickets or passports or anything vital. He would put them somewhere safe and forget about them or lose them or have a fluster about them. (Y/n) was much the same, her autism kept her in strict routines and made her overly anxious about keeping things safe, whereas her ADHD made her lax about remembering to bring them or where she put them.
Eddie was the one out of the three of them with the least amount of panic and the most organisation skills. So he took control of booking the holiday, looking after the passports, tickets, flight information and his and Chris's wallets.
Although he didn't feel great about Evan being in control of his own wallet with the amount of times Evan seemed to lose it.
Evan dug all four passports out and handed them out between them as they all slowly shuffled along in line.
It didn't take long for them to get to the front and Eddie plastered a smile on his face as he put his bag on the scales and handed over his passport. He moved so Evan could do the same before Evan turned to (Y/n) and gently nudged her with his elbow.
"Baby, your bag."
(Y/n) shuffled forward and put her bag on the scale, shaking her hands at her sides while she waited to be handed back her passport and get her flight ticket. She handed her passport straight back to Eddie while Evan scooped Chris up off the suitcase.
"I don't think you class as baggage." He mumbled, keeping hold of Chris's hand while he handed over his bag.
He felt (Y/n) glue up against his back and when her hands found his hips, Evan smiled softly to himself. Although they both flinched when the woman practically threw all the cases onto the conveyer belt behind her. It was a good job they were going on holiday and not coming back. Any souvenirs they collected would have been broken by now.
(Y/n) refrained from rolling her eyes at the woman's callous nature and how she didn't seem to care she was throwing their personal belongings around like they were pillows or toys to be discarded.
"I had a box of cookies once that came back as crumbs." She murmured to herself, not realising how loud she spoke until she felt Evan belt out a laugh and look over his shoulder at her.
"Toy Story two, right?"
He got that reference quick.
Both boys were used to (Y/n) coming out with random phrases and one-liners that she had heard from movies and tv shows. Sometimes it was as a joke, sometimes she said them because they matched the situation and that was her way of starting a conversation or joining in.
But other times it was just (Y/n) doing echolalia. She couldn't help repeating things she had heard, mainly because of the way someone had spoke or the tone or accent they used. Whereas Chris had echolalia too but started up at night when he couldn't sleep or when he was over-excited.
"Where now?" Chris tugged on Evan's hand and grinned up at him. He hadn't been able to sleep last night, he was so excited to go away on holiday.
He shifted round so he was stood between Evan and (Y/n) and he held one of their hands each and swayed back and forth between them. It was enough to make (Y/n) smile and feel a bit calmer. She felt a little uneasy now she wasn't carrying her suitcase, it was almost as if she had forgotten something or left something behind.
But she felt better with Chris holding her hand and stealing her attention, taking her mind off her panic. And Eddie was gripping her right hand like it was his lifeline.
"Through customs, round that corner and up some stairs I think."
This was the part none of them liked.
All the hassle and faffing about just to prove they weren't trying to sneak anything illegal into the plane or taking a bomb on board with them. They knew it was necessary, but it was still a hassle, especially with how overwhelming it was.
The four of them climbed the stairs, making sure to go slow and stick together to keep out the way of everyone else. It was busier than they had hoped for. But then again, in a perfect situation, the airport would be empty and they could get through this all alone with no one else nearby.
"Let's go in this queue, it doesn't seem too long." Eddie held out his hands for Chris and held onto Chris's shoulders, moving the ten year old in front of him.
They stood single file together and Eddie smiled softly when he felt (Y/n)'s fingers tracing over his back. He wasn't sure what she was writing on his skin, but whatever it was felt very soft and lulling. Eddie always told (Y/n) she could stim or mess around on him, he had a thing for her tracing his tattoos and drawing with her finger like this because the sensation was something he enjoyed.
"Okay baby?" Evan leaned forward and looped his arms loosely around (Y/n)'s neck and kissed the side of her head.
He stooped over so his cheek was leant on the side of her temple and his chest pressed down into his shoulders. He didn't care if anyone stared, he knew attaching himself to (Y/n) like this would make her feel calmer. And he knew it was working when (Y/n) moved her free hand to grip his arm.
When they got close enough, Eddie shrugged off his backpack and put it in a plastic tub. He handed a tub to Chris and put them on the conveyer belt.
"Alright bud, anything electronic, take it out your bag and put it in a separate tub. Glasses and shoes off too, please."
Eddie stripped his own bag of his phone and charger, that was the only electronics he had. And he watched Chris take out his music and his noise-cancelling headphones, his phone and his Nintendo.
The ten year old did not look impressed to have to take off his glasses and his shoes, but when he looked over his shoulder, he realised Eddie wasn't exactly happy either. He watched his dad kick off his shoes and toss them in the box, and he smiled when Eddie whipped his belt through his trouser loops and tossed it in as well.
"Here we go." Evan murmured as he sorted out his bag into a plastic tub and watched (Y/n) do the same. Just as he removed his shoes and went to take his belt off, he paused when (Y/n) tapped his arm. She pointed to her ears. "No baby, they're plastic. You're fine."
Her earphones were completely plastic, she could keep them in as long as she liked, they wouldn't flag up when they went through the metal scanner.
Both Evan's hands moved to hold (Y/n)'s shoulders and he kissed the back of her head when they slowly followed after Eddie. Both of them leaned to the left and looked around Eddie when Chris suddenly squealed, but they could tell immediately it was a happy sound.
He'd gone through the metal scanner.
He clapped his hands and nodded his head while he walked through and turned to the side to wait for Eddie to go through.
(Y/n) shuffled forward, feeling very awkward in her socks against the laminate floor. She felt like a penguin on ice, about to slip and fall on her behind. But just as Eddie walked through the scanner, the one on their left in the next queue came to life.
Red lights beamed from every angle of the rectangle scanner that resembled a doorway and a high pitch whirring sound rung through the air. Someone walked through with something metal still on their person.
A scream tore through (Y/n)'s lips and she dropped down to her knees, reaching her hands up to dig her nails into Evan's wrists to make sure he didn't let go of her. Her eyes snapped closed and she pressed her chin down into her chest as she began to sway back and forth.
"Baby, baby it's okay." Evan crouched down behind her with his knees pressing comfortably into her hips, keeping her pinned between his legs. He smoothed his hands up and down her arms and pressed his lips to the side of her head to try and calm her down. The lights had already stopped flashing and the high-pitch alarm had been turned off. As long as no one else walked through with any metal, they would be alright.
His eyes darted up and he nodded at Eddie to carry on, (Y/n) would get up in a second. And he could see Eddie and Chris were re-packing his and (Y/n)'s bags so they didn't have to do it when they walked through.
"Excuse me, what is she doing?"
Evan sucked in a deep breath and glanced over his shoulder at the man behind him who was standing far too close and leering over his shoulder. What did he think she was doing? Praying for strength to get through the scanner? It was pretty clear to everyone else that the scanner had panicked her. Even the security guard wasn't saying or doing anything.
Both guards on either scanner just nodded at Evan with a smile and Evan figured they had either seen (Y/n)'s lanyard or Eddie had said something. They weren't forcing them to move, they knew (Y/n) would get up in a second when she was ready.
"If you can't wait one minute then go round us." He didn't bother to look behind him.
He didn't care whether the people behind them overtook them and went ahead through the scanner or not. If they were too rude and impatient to wait for a minute or two for someone with a disability then Evan couldn't be bothered to speak to them.
"Out. Out."
"Yeah, let's go then baby." Evan pecked her temple again when she let go of his wrist to point ahead. He moved his hands from her arms down to hold her hips and he gently pulled her up to her feet.
He didn't want to let go of (Y/n) but he had to so she could walk through the scanner first. He watched her carefully as she pinned her arms around her waist and started to nod her head back and forth as she hurried through the scanner. As soon as she was through, she barrelled into Eddie with her head on his shoulder and her arms bound around his torso.
"Alright, mi amor. All done." Eddie smiled softly and pecked her temple with his hand cupping the back of her neck.
Evan pinned his belt back through his trousers and shrugged his feet back into his shoes. He grabbed his bag and reached out for Chris's hand so the four of them could walk through and find their way to the right waiting bay.
As soon as they were in the right waiting bay, Eddie guided them over towards a row of seats near the window. It was somewhere out the way where they didn't have to sit too close to strangers and Chris could bide his time staring out the window and watching the planes take off and line up at the doors.
Both (Y/n) and Eddie sat down while Evan started to rummage through his bag, making sure everything was still there. And Chris knelt up on his seat and stared out the window with glee.
(Y/n) glanced over her shoulder and tried to smile at Chris. He looked very happy, in his element, watching the planes slowly turn around and line up with the correct gates. But watching the planes move only made (Y/n) feel uneasy. She didn't like them. She didn't want to go on a plane. They were cramped, there were too many strangers on board. There were uncertain possibilities.
It didn't feel safer being in a plane. Even though statistically speaking, planes were safer than cars, it did not feel that way and (Y/n) felt safer in a car. She had Eddie or Evan driving for a start, that was a sense of control no one had on the plane. They didn't know or trust the pilots.
Eddie leaned back in his seat and his lips curved into a sympathetic smile when (Y/n) dropped down to her knees in front of him.
Without saying anything, Eddie spread his knees apart to let (Y/n) wedge herself between his thighs. He liked the feeling of her fingers gliding up and down the back of his leg as she wrapped her right arm around his leg. Her cheek rested on his thigh and he moved his hands to her shoulders, squeezing gently as (Y/n) started to rock back and forth between his thighs.
He didn't care that a few people were now looking in his direction. If (Y/n) felt safer sitting on the floor like this and and wanted comfort, Eddie was more than happy to help her.
"Okay?" Eddie glanced over to the right and looked up at Evan.
He hadn't sat down yet. He was stood tall like an omen with his shoulders squared and his arms tense as he looked at the tickets pinned in each of their passports.
"I will be in a minute."
Eddie's eyes narrowed and he leaned over, unsure what Evan was referring to when he started pointing at the tickets. But then it dawned on him. The seat numbers didn't add up. None of them were sitting together.
Before Eddie could say anything, Evan swung his bag on his shoulder, clenched all the passports tightly in his hand and stormed over to the desk near the departure gate.
"Can I help you?"
A calm but somewhat tense smile flooded Evan's face and he folded his arms on the desk he was leaning over. He laid out the tickets for the lady to see and tried to hold his breath for a moment to stay calm. This wasn't her fault. She hadn't set this up, but she needed to rectify this.
There was no way in Hell (Y/n) would get on that plane if she was going to be sat next to strangers. Evan wouldn't cope well either sat next to someone he didn't know; he would end up babbling to them. And he wouldn't sit and worry about (Y/n) having a meltdown.
And they couldn't expect Chris to sit next to strangers and be parted from his family. At least one of them needed to be next to Chris.
"Hi, we're a family of four on this flight and none of us are sitting together. Can you change the seats please?"
"Oh… if you didn't choose your seats beforehand, the system just finds you any seat on the plane so we can get as many people on board-"
"Okay, I get that some people don't care where or who they sit with, but you need to check your notes. Two of the people in our group are autistic, if you sit my partner with strangers she will have a meltdown and that flight will not take off. And you can't seriously expect a ten year old to be calm and happy to sit alone, without a parent on a seven hour flight. Fix it please."
Evan wasn't here for a lecture.
He didn't care if everyone else thought it was normal for a flight to split families apart like this. Evan could understand if they were split so two were sitting together and another two were somewhere else on the plane. But doing this mismatched system practically split everyone up on the plane and no one booked a flight in order to sit with strangers and make friends.
And Evan and Eddie had booked this holiday. They made notes on their booking confirmations for everything that (Y/n) had autism and so did Chris. He was ten, they couldn't think it was normal to sit a ten year old with strangers on a long flight. What child would be happy with that?
This needed fixing or none of them were getting on that plane.
A soft grin spread across Evan's face the moment he lifted up the armrest that was pinned between his and (Y/n)'s seats. As soon as he flipped it up, he lifted his left arm when (Y/n) wriggled closer.
The seating arrangement had worked out rather well. After Evan had a slight argument with the receptionist, she changed the seats so Eddie and Chris were together, and (Y/n) and Evan were seated next to each other. It had worked out a lot better because their seats were all next to each other. There was just a two foot aisle separating Evan and Eddie's seats.
There were three sections of seats, all with three seats in each row.
And (Y/n) and Evan were the only ones in their little row meaning they had a spare seat next to them. (Y/n) didn't want to sit next to the window, she didn't want to see take off. If someone had been in the window seat, Evan would have sat in the middle so (Y/n) wasn't sitting next to a stranger. But since it was empty, it meant she could sit in the middle and feel safer.
She felt safe penned in the middle with room on her left and Evan on her right. And Evan could stretch his legs out in the aisle because he was too tall for the seats and his knees bumped into the chair in front.
"You okay?" He whispered softly against the top of (Y/n)'s head, rubbing his hand up and down her arm while he rested his head on his right hand.
"Hm." (Y/n) closed her eyes and nuzzled her face into Evan's chest. She had her right arm pinned around her chest and her left arm was wrapped around Evan's waist so she could glue herself as close to him as she could manage. It felt better to be sat in the middle seat because no one could see her.
No one could stare or whisper or roll their eyes when they saw her stimming or murmuring or watching Evan comfort her.
She was starting to feel a little drowsy, which was a good sign. Eddie had helped her take her meds as soon as they got in the waiting area. Now they should be taking effect and (Y/n) could hopefully fall asleep soon and this flight would pass her by quickly.
Evan looked to the right and his lips curved into a smirk behind his hand when he looked at his partner.
Eddie was sat on the end seat on the aisle which was so small the boys were both touching. He had Chris next to him in the middle seat and an elderly woman on the end next to Chris.
Eddie had both hands gripping the armrests and he was sat straight in his chair like he was made of wood. But it was the look of panic on his face that made Evan smile. Eddie was all smooth sailing and calm as ever until the plane was about to take off. Now his nerves were rattling him and making him feel almost as uneasy as (Y/n). Eddie didn't like take off, he felt okay once they were in the air.
"Oh Dios."
"You called?" Evan spoke quietly and looked across at Eddie who frowned and cracked one eye open to look over at him.
"What? You're God now, are you?" He hadn't realised he murmured that loud enough for Evan to hear. Eddie wasn't one to pray, no matter how devout his family had brought him up. But when he panicked, he always found himself muttering things to or about God, whether it was cursing or praying for a smooth flight like this.
"I am in the bedroom. Isn't that what you kept calling me-"
"Buck." Reaching across the aisle, Eddie slapped his hand against Evan's shoulder and gave him a certain look before he went back to gripping the arm rests again. He wasn't having that conversation now when everyone could hear them and more to the point, Chris might hear them.
He was happily stimming and waiting for take off, but he could still be listening in to his surroundings.
Evan pushed up straight in his seat, keeping one arm around (Y/n) who was quietly humming into his chest. While he reached his right hand out and held Eddie's wrist when the plane started to move.
He looked out the window for a few seconds. Evan rather liked watching the take off and landing. It always made him feel a rush of adrenaline when the runway disappeared and they could see the trees turn into clouds. And when the plane tilted from side to side it made Evan feel like he was on a rollercoaster.
He looked back towards the boys when he heard Chris begin to clap and a quiet but nevertheless excited squeal passed his lips. He was pushing back and forth in his seat and he kept sneaking glances out the window beside (Y/n).
Evan thought for a moment that Eddie was about to shake his touch off his wrist. But instead, Eddie slipped his wrist from Evan's grasp and moved to grip his hand tightly instead. He now had his eyes open but he was looking at Chris rather than staring out the window or looking at the seat in front of him.
Seeing Chris look so excited and happy made Eddie feel a little calmer.
He pulled Evan's hand close to his chest and held his breath when the plane rattled through some turbulence as they continued to ascend.
When (Y/n) sat forward and pulled off of Evan's chest, he removed his arm from her shoulders and switched to gently squeeze her thigh instead.
He observed the way she stayed hunched forward with her eyes closed and both her hands were stimming. Her thumbs were bent back and her index fingers were curled down into her palms. She was shaking her hands on her lap, but she didn't pull away from Evan's touch.
He figured it was better to leave her be for now, he stayed silent, one hand on each partner while he listened to the quiet murmurs of the other passengers. And Chris's excited squeals every now and then. He tilted his head back into the headrest and started humming quietly. He couldn't wait for the seatbelt sign to go off. He wanted the tension to ease and he could see whether (Y/n) wanted to read a book or if she wanted to watch a movie or listen to some music.
Evan wanted to look through the music and see what he could listen to. He already knew Chris would soon ask for his Nintendo out of his bag and Eddie would likely watch a movie.
A jolt surged through Eddie and he snapped his head to the left when he heard a loud thud and the sound of metal creaking.
His eyes widened and he gripped Evan's hand tightly when he realised it was (Y/n). She slammed herself back in her seat, causing it to push back and creak as her body surged forward from the force. He hoped for a few seconds that she was trying to stim, but when she screamed, Eddie winced and let go of Evan's hand.
She was getting upset.
Another quiet but shrill screech left her lips and she slammed herself back in her seat, more forcefully this time which made Evan jolt beside her.
"Baby, don't do that please, you'll hurt yourself. Sit forward." When she slammed back for a third time, Evan pressed his palm flat against her back between her shoulders. He leaned over her and pressed his lips against the back of her head, pressing her forward so she couldn't try and slam back again.
He didn't want her to hurt herself or for the chair to tilt back and have (Y/n) jolt back further than she expected. It wouldn't be a nice surprise for the people behind them if (Y/n)'s chair reclined and she slammed back against it.
"What's up, hm? What's wrong?" Evan spoke quietly against her temple and curved his arm around her back so he could rub his hand up and down her arm. He held his other hand out in front of her and was relieved when she clenched her fingers around his palm and started shaking it up and down to stim.
Eddie clicked his spine into place and managed a smile when Chris leaned on his arm and started humming. And when he glanced down the aisle, Eddie held his hand out towards the stewardess who was about to walk over. He shook his head with a smile, mumbling "We're fine," to which she nodded.
The flight attendants had all been lovely, indulging in Chris's hundred and one questions to which Evan kept adding in more questions too. And they had been more than understanding when they explained (Y/n) had autism and if she had a meltdown, she would be okay and they just needed to leave her be and let the boys look after her.
A deep breath sucked into Evan's lungs and he bit down on his lip when he leaned over to look down at (Y/n).
She had her eyes screwed shut, she was shaking his hand very, very harshly, but it was her stimming that concerned him. She was moving her jaw from side to side and opening her mouth wide like she needed her jaw to click. She wasn't making any noise or screaming or even clicking her tongue, she just kept moving her jaw in a wide circle and shook her head every other second.
"Is it your ears?"
When she gripped his hand tighter and pulled it into her chest, Evan knew he was right.
Her ears had popped and she didn't like the sensation.
"Okay, baby… stop trying to click your jaw, that won't help. Take a deep breath, really big, breathe through your mouth. You need the same pressure in your mouth as your ears so they level out."
Evan knew everyone's ears popped when the air pressure changed and if she didn't have enough air or the right pressure in her mouth, it would mess with the connecting tubes from her ears that went to her mouth. Popping her ears back to normal was something (Y/n) was going to have to keep doing for the duration of their flight and Evan knew she hated the sensation.
He watched her try and take long breaths that ended in panting when it didn't seem to work. Her eyes stayed screwed closed and she doubled over until her head was almost pressing into her knees.
She shook her hand free from his grip but Evan reacted quicker. He knew what she was going to do.
"No, no don't do that. Thank you." He confiscated both her hands and pinned them into his chest so she couldn't hit the chair in front. She would only hurt herself and Evan wouldn't let her do that. She could scratch or hit him if she wanted, it wouldn't hurt him and it would stop her from splitting her knuckles like he had seen her do before.
He felt her take a deep breath and she froze when he leaned over her and hooked an arm beneath her legs.
(Y/n) had no idea what he was doing and her attention shifted from her ears to focus on Evan when he lifted her legs and steered them towards the spare seat next to her. She let him lay her legs on the chair and she felt her heart flutter in her chest when Evan laid her on his lap. He kept hold of her hands and started to glide his other hand up and down her arm.
"Do you have her earbuds?"
"Yeah," Eddie rummaged around in his pocket for the noise-cancelling earbuds (Y/n) had taken out just before they got on the plane.
He handed them over to Evan who carefully helped put them in (Y/n)'s ears. Wearing them would soften the noises on the plane and it might just make (Y/n) forget about her ears popping.
As soon as the seatbelt sign flashed off, Evan unclipped both their belts so (Y/n) could wriggle around and get comfy. He began carding his fingers through her hair while he held his right arm out on his knees in front of (Y/n)'s eyesight. He knew she couldn't resist. A few seconds later, she had one hand gripping his wrist and the other hand was tracing one of his tattoos like she was drawing over it and colouring it in.
"There we go, good girl."
With any luck, (Y/n)'s tablets would kick in soon, the boys could both see she had felt drowsy when they got on the plane. If she started to fall asleep, the flight would be much easier for her and she wouldn't feel so panicked. Then when they landed, they would start their holiday.
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explosionkatsu · 2 years
“Age doesn't matter” 2
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Dad!Bakugou x F!Babysitter!Teacher!Reader
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It was now 6 am in the morning and usually, at this hour, Katsuki would be carrying his snoozing son in his arms while he got his things to drop him off to his parents and left for work. But today is different.
“I’m dropping you off at school tomorrow,” Katsuki said turning his back to his son and proceeding with cooking.
“Really!?” His son excitedly said, eyes gleaming with joy. “My classmates get to see you!”
“Yeah, yeah. Make sure you got the things you needed for school so there won't be a problem tomorrow morning.” Katsuki said.
Once he was done cooking, he took two small bowls from the kitchen cabinet and a pair of chopsticks before placing them all down on the dining table. He then moved back to the kitchen and grab the dish he made and place it on the table as well. “Oi. Time to eat.” He called out. But as soon as he went to check the living room, he saw no one.
“Tch.” He tched. “Kazui!! Get down here and eat!”
“Yes! I’m coming, i’m coming!” His son yelled and arrived, running downstairs from his room. “I was just packing the stuff I need as you said!”
“Don’t run down the stairs, brat!” Katsuki crossed his arms as he watched his son make himself comfortable. Hearing a small sorry from him made Katsuki ruffle his child’s hair before sitting down beside him.
Katsuki was taking his time preparing their breakfast. A simple egg and fried rice in the morning would be healthy enough for both of them. Once breakfast is done, he searches for his son’s school lunch bag before grabbing the bento box from its drying shelf. Settling the bento box on the kitchen counter, he made his way to his fridge where he grab three pieces of strawberries and sliced them into bite sizes, two pieces of bread pudding, and an orange juice box. He brought out the sausages he prepared earlier from the microwave to keep them hot and place all his son’s lunch in his bento box and put it inside the bag along with the chopsticks.
Katsuki was used to this manner by now, especially since he is convinced that him, preparing his son’s lunch would be so much better rather than his mother who he was a hundred percent convinced that Mitsuki would give Kazui sweets that were unhealthy. The only difference today is he’ll be dropping him off at school.
Thanks to Kirishima taking an early shift, he manages to fit this into his schedule.
Once everything was completed, Katsuki made his way to his son’s room. Knocking oh so quietly before inviting himself in.
“Oi. It's time to wake up.” Katsuki said as he stood by the bed. Although, seeing his son didn't move an inch made him raise his voice a bit. “Brat. Time to go to school.” His second attempt at waking him up seems to work when he saw him shift under his blanket before slowly sitting up, hair disheveled.
“Papa..” Kazuo mumbled rubbing his eyes.
Katsuki's gaze softened. Boy, he was glad that his son looks exactly like him. The only difference he can see was Kazui’s hair looking a bit smooth due to his ex-wife's straight ones unlike his spiky ones, and no permanent scowl.
“Come on. Breakfast’s ready.” Katsuki said. He saw his son raise his arms asking to be lifted up which Katsuki did without breaking a sweat. “And there I thought you were a big boy now,” he mumbled. He exited the room and went down to the kitchen where he seated his son on his chair.
An hour and a half passed and both father and son were now ready to leave. Kazui has his backpack on and Katsuki was now wearing his work clothes. He got everything ready before they both depart their home and directed straight to their garage where his auto was waiting.
While Katsuki was arranging his son’s car seat, he felt Kazui tug his pants from outside the car. “What is it?” He asked while concentrating on what he was doing.
“Why aren't you in your hero costume?” Kazui asked a bit sad that his classmate won't be able to witness his dad wearing his hero suit.
“My suit remains inside my office where I change. Plus wearing my suit while dropping you off at school would be risky. I don't want any villain striking your school just because they saw me drop you off.” Katsuki said. “Get in.” He added and secure the belt around Kazui who was now seated and closed the car door once the belt was secured. He then gets into the driver’s seat and fastened his seatbelt before he starts the engine and drove off.
The drive was peaceful and quiet. Katsuki is focusing on the road while his son watches everything pass by. Although, this quietness of his son sometimes makes him wonder where he got it from. Not from him, nor his mother that's for sure.
His train of thought was cut off when the school was within his eyesight. Katsuki slightly stepped on the gas and reached the front of the school where he saw a lot of kids being dropped off by their parents. Once he saw where he could park, he turned off the engine. But as soon as he exited his car, people around him started looking.
"Oh, my god. It's Dynamight."
"Mommy look! A hero!"
"Dynamight is here!"
Katsuki tched at this, especially when he saw they started coming closer. But he paid them no mind and went to the back passenger seat where Kazui was waiting for him.
Katsuki open the car door, unfastened his seatbelt, and then helped him get off the car. When Kazui was off, Katsuki slam the car door shut. It was loud enough to let the people around him hear.
"Didn't know there would be a lot of people around here at this hour. Should've fucking gotten my disguise." Katsuki mumble.
"Papa, language." His son scowled at him grabbing his papa's hand.
"Shut it," Katsuki answered and grasp his hand as they both crossed the road.
Once they get to the other side, Katsuki saw a woman that seems to be younger than him exit the building. Her (Hair Length) (Hair color) hair swayed with the wind as she greeted every parent with a smile.
"Look, papa! It's Ms. Y/n!"
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itsascreambaby96 · 1 year
Summer Camp
Warnings: SMUT! 18+ mdni!!! Mentions of blood, death and stabbing, double penetration. Name calling. A little bit of somnophilia. Oral (m on f) . Pet names. Choking. Slapping. If I missed anything please let me know.
Pairings: Stu Macher x fem!reader x Billy Loomis
Word count: 5k
A/N: This technically wasn't a request. It can be read as a second part of this fic. But mainly it is its own fic no need to read the other one to understand this one. I also have no idea if the camp really exists, I made the name up. Please enjoy and leave feedback.
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"You've never been to summer camp when you were a wee kid?!"
Stu couldn't believe it, neither could Billy but he didn't make a big deal out of it, other than Stu. 
You just shrugged. "I didn't. Why is that such a problem?"
"It's not." Billy said, giving Stu a look. 
"Well it kinda is! I mean every child went to summer camp so their parents could have some time off of them right?"
That did leave a little peng in your heart. Poor Stu, he always had a rather complicated relationship with his parents. 
"You really should see a therapist because of that." Billy spoke again. Stu gave him a look.
"Yeah well if I should then you should too, because of your unresolved mommy problems!" Stu was not amused and now he was dragging Billy down too. 
You had to do something quick, or your boys would definitely kill each other. 
"So what did I miss while not going to a summer camp?" That got Stu's attention back to you. He went into great detail on all the things he had to do, shooting arrows, canoeing, even making friendship bracelets, the horror stories they told in their little cabin. How he was the master of horror stories, which earned him a snort from Billy.
"You went there together?"
"Jup, I always snuck into Billy's cabin cause it was more fun there." Stu gave you a wink. "Especially when we were older."
"And I clearly remember I got the badge for best Horror Story teller." Billy grinned.
"Pf in your dreams!"
"No no I clearly remember! How you almost pooped your pants when I told the story of the guy who slaughtered every kid in summer camp." 
"First, that was just your wishful thinking. Second, it is the plot of Friday the 13th." 
"So? Not my fault those kids didn't watch the movie."
"Yeah cause we were kids!"
"I watched it."
"Because you are not normal."
You laughed softly at their banter. You were so used to it by now. 
"What else did you guys do?" And so they went on with their stories. 
You thought with that the topic would end. And you were right. But a few weeks before you guys left for college, your boys came up with a camping trip. You weren't a big fan of camping but they were persistent. You couldn't really say no to their ideas. So you agreed. Maybe it could be fun. If only you knew how much fun it would be. 
You drove 3 hours to a big forest. Billy assigned you to make a mixtape for the journey and also let you drive shotgun. 
Stu was pouty for an hour, before his good mood returned. You might have given him one too many sweets. When you arrived you parked the car at the destined spot and got out. Both Billy and Stu had packed a big backpack making sure you didn't have to carry too much. Aren't they the sweetest? Then you three were off into the woods. It was very hot and you were glad for the shorts you were wearing, though you were sure your legs would be littered with insect bites. Oh well, the fun of going camping. What you failed to notice was that neither Stu nor Billy had packed a tent. They had a much different plan. It also seemed like they knew exactly where they were going, well at least Billy because Stu was next to you talking. It wasn't as bad as you expected it to go actually. 
After 3 hours though you were getting slower, your energy was dwindling. 
"Are we almost there?" You were whining at this point.
"Yeah, there should only be another hour." Billy was still as motivated as when you started. How, you didn't know. 
You were groaning at his reply, displeasure setting in. For the next hour you were grumbling about how "this better be worth it" and how "you were going to plan the next vacation". The whole time Stu only chuckled next to you at your attitude. 
"Don't worry it will all be worth it."
"You better be right."
After another half hour, thanks to you demanding a break, you saw a big clearing, cabins littered everywhere, and a big sign welcoming you to "Camp Silver Lake." The whole place seemed to be abandoned though.
"You are kidding." You looked at Billy who, like Stu, was grinning. 
"Nope. We thought it would be fun to show you what you missed." Stu was so excited about the whole thing. It makes you question how he didn't spoil the surprise at all beforehand. 
"So is this the one where you two went?" You were not going to ruin the fun. You actually believed this could be a great few days. 
"Pf no. We were at a more … luxurious camp. Though they are all the same anyway." Billy was making his way to a cabin, assuming you two would follow him.
"The place hasn't been closed for long. Only one or two years. So everything should still be in a rather good condition." Opening the door and going in you could see he was right. But you still didn't think it would be a good idea to sleep in those beds. Sure they were infested with bugs.
"We will put the mattresses down and sleep in sleeping bags on them." Billy saw your sceptical look. You gave him a grateful smile. 
"Enough talking. Last one in the lake is a stink bug!" Stu had already taken off his shirt running outside. Billy and you gave each other a look before darting out of the cabin. Laughing you took off your shirt while running, and somehow your shorts too. You almost fell over trying to undo your boots, giving a triumphant grunt as they slipped off. Billy wasn't far behind and Stu was a few feet in front of you struggling with his second boot. You were squealing, running past him. 
"Who is going to be the stink bug now Macher?!" Laughing you didn't notice him being done with his shoe and running after you. He's almost got you but you somehow slipped from his grasp. He was laughing too and you two almost stumbled over each other. Billy used that to his advantage and ran past the two of you onto the dock and jumped into the lake. You and Stu weren't far behind jumping in. 
Emerging from the depths of the lake you saw that Stu was dunking Billy, laughing. 
You enjoyed the mild temperatures of the water on your skin, floating on your back a little. You didn't see Stu staring at your glistening skin that was revealed from the water. He was subtly liking his lips. You were effortlessly beautiful. Suddenly two arms wrapped around your middle, pulling you under. You were trashing and swam up again looking at a grinning Billy. You pushed at his chest, huffing but not being mad. When he only laughed you splashed water at him and into his open mouth. He was gagging and coughing. 
"Serves you right." It was your turn to grin. 
"Oh you will be sorry for that!" 
Squealing and laughing, you swam away from him as fast as possible.
"Stu save me!" You were climbing onto his back.
"Oh of course princess." He swam away with you on his back, Billy hot on his tail. 
The three of you spend the rest of the day like this, mostly in the water, laughing and just having a good time. 
As the sun was slowly beginning to vanish behind the trees, Billy and Stu took care of gathering wood for a campfire, while you arranged the sleeping arrangement. You made sure you were going to sleep in between them. After getting dressed, you grabbed the food and went outside, seeing Stu and Billy fighting each other with sticks. You watched them with an amused look. 
"You can't win, old man!" It was Billy talking to Stu, trying to hit him. 
Stu blocked the attack, grinning.
"If you strike me down I will become more powerful than you could possibly imagine!"
"You should not have come back!"
They continued fighting. After a little more of this you stepped into their view, distracting Stu. This was Billy's chance to strike and he did. Stu let out a painful hiss and went down. You knew your part and screamed a dramatic "No!"
That made Stu laugh full heartedly. Billy was chuckling. "Oscar worthy performance sweetheart." You bowed, laughing sweetly. 
"Thank you. Thank you. You can get autographs later." As Stu got up and dusted off, Billy gave you a loving kiss, making you hum.
"Now can we please eat? I am starving."
"Of course." 
They were going back to their task, you sitting down on a log watching them. The soft pushes and the banter they shared made you smile. The good mood stayed for the rest of the evening. After eating you guys talked and talked for hours. You were leaning with your back against Stu, the night colder than you thought it would be, but Stu kept you plenty warm. Especially after Billy denied you his sweater that he was wearing. Stu was more than glad to jump in and be your hero, making Billy roll his eyes playfully. Your eyes were closed and you were already half asleep. You couldn't really make out the words they were speaking, and you didn't really care. You knew you were safe with them.
"Do you wanna do it tonight?"
"No, she's exhausted, let's give her some rest. Tomorrow will be better."
You would have wondered what they were actually talking about but sleep pulled you in. 
When you woke up you were in your sleeping bag, Billy and Stu snoring away on either side of you. Giving them both a soft kiss you carefully stood up, getting ready for the day. While you prepared breakfast a sleepy Billy emerged. His hair stood in all directions and his eyes were barely open. You offered him a cup of coffee which he took gratefully. You turned back to your task, Billy sipping his coffee and watching you like a hawk. His eyes moving over your every curve. The swell of your ass, resisting the urge to slap it like he so often does, playful or not. Your thighs which he loves to grab and squeeze and have his head between. He was getting worked up watching you be a cute little housewife in the middle of the woods. Wanting nothing more to bend you over and fuck you silly. He put his cup down and snug up behind you. Wrapping an arm around your middle and pulling you in, a soft gasp leaving your lips. Billy nuzzled at your neck inhaling your smell. A low hum left him as the beguiling smell of you hit his nostrils. You closed your eyes, enjoying the soft moment between the two of you. He was softly squeezing your hip as he gently placed kisses over your neck. Your head lulled to the side as he bit your neck like he so often does. 
"Billy…" his name was nothing more than a whisper on your lips. He only grunted in acknowledgement not parting from your neck though. 
The moment was ruined when Stu emerged from the cabin with a more than shrill "Good morning!" 
With a sigh Billy dropped his head onto your shoulder, you softly patted his cheek.
"Morning Stu." He gave you a big sloppy kiss, making you laugh as he slapped Billy's bubble butt. "Oi! Watch it!" Stu just grinned at him. 
The three of you ate your breakfast, Stu filling the silence with unimportant chatter. 
The rest of the day was spent exploring. You saw many squirrels and got excited every single time. How could you not with their cute little faces and their fluffy tail. 
It was almost dark when you got back to the camp. You were exhausted and hungry. Stu took care of preparing something, meaning hot dogs. After scarfing down your meal you enjoyed a bit of quiet. Billy started to tell some horror stories, to give you more of the summer camp feeling. You appreciated it but some of the stories were really terrifying and you wondered where he got them from. The one about a haunted doll freaked you out the most. You were never a fan of dolls. Stu chimed in here and there because he could see how stiff you were and wanted to lighten your mood a little, but it didn't help much. That's why you stayed even closer to them while sleeping tonight. You didn't mind horror stories usually but something about being in the middle of the woods alone, only with your boyfriends made you more jumpy than usual. 
It was no surprise that you woke up when you heard something outside, noticing that Stu was not next to you, Billy snoring on your other side. Stu was probably using the bathroom. But then you heard something again right outside the cabin. You jumped and woke Billy, who gave a grunt. 
"Billy, wake up! I think something's outside!"
"That's probably just the wind. Go back to sleep." He kept mumbling, not even opening his eyes. 
"It is not. It sounded like footsteps and groaning."
"That's probably just Stu trying to scare you."
"What if not? What if someone has already killed him and now he is coming for us?!"
"I am never telling you horror stories again before sleeping." You could hear the annoyance in his voice.
"Can we please just go check?"
"Can we please go check? Are you serious? Have you never watched a horror movie in your life? That's basically a death wish."
"I know! But I don't want our boyfriend to die!" You stood up and looked around for some kind of weapon. You found an old crowbar in the room and looked at Billy expectantly. He let out another groan and got up. 
"If I die I will haunt your ass."
"I can live with that. Now let's go."
"Give me the crowbar first."
"No. Get your own weapon. This is mine." You held the crowbar close to your chest.
"Are you serious?"
Billy rolled his eyes and went outside without anything to protect himself. You were following close behind. 
The both of you looked around carefully. 
"Stu!" Calling for him as loud as you could.
"Shut up! Are you insane? This will lead the killer right to us!"
"I thought there wasn't one!" You whisper yelled.
"There probably isn't but you don't have to shout either!" Billy hissed.
The two of you kept sneaking around looking for Stu. That was until you bumped into something, assuming it was Billy you went to apologise but when you looked behind you, you saw a white mask with big black eyes and a wide open black mouth. You let out a loud scream as the person lunged at you with a knife missing you only by a few inches as you ran away.
"Billy!" You were running for your life, looking behind you to see if the killer was chasing you, but he was gone. Frantically you were looking for Billy. Turning around the corner you bumped into him, clinging to him. 
"There's a killer! There's a killer here! We need to find Stu and leave!"
Billy looked at you with big eyes and nodded, taking the crowbar, that you've completely forgotten about, from your hand. His eyes widened when he saw the masked killer show up behind you. As quickly as he could he pushed you behind him and went to hit the killer with his weapon. But the guy wasn't stupid and saw Billy's attack coming, taking a hold of the crowbar. Billy tried to get him to loosen his grip but there was no chance. The killer pulled Billy closer and stabbed him into his stomach. You led out a scream as you heard Billy groan. The killer then went on to stab Billy multiple times. Over and over again. You started to cry. Billy's legs gave out and he fell to the ground. Your hand flew to cover your mouth, tears streaming down your face.
You looked back at the killer who was looking at you, wiping his knife off of Billy's blood with one hand. Then he came stalking over to you. Your legs felt like jelly as you stumbled back, your back hitting the cabin. The killer was right in front of you, lifting his knife to strike you down too, just like he did with Billy. You closed your eyes and looked to the side. But after waiting several moments nothing happened. So you opened your eyes only for them to widen. The mask was lifted and sat atop of Stu's head. 
"Stu?" Your voice was shaking.
"Surprise princess." He was grinning.
Coming back to your senses you started pushing him. "What the fuck is wrong with you Stu?! Are you insane?! You killed Billy!" 
Just as you said that Billy jumped out from behind Stu, scaring you half to death. You didn't understand a single thing. His shirt was stained with his blood but he looked as alive as ever wearing the same grin that Stu wore.
"How are you alive?" You felt stupid asking him that.
Billy licked some 'blood' off of his fingers. 
"Corn Syrup. Same stuff they used as pig's blood in Carrie."
You were in utter disbelief.
"Are you two fucking kidding me?! I thought you were dead! I was scared for my life! I thought I was going to die!"
"Awww babes we are sorry. But a prank is always played during summer camp." Stu got a sheepish look.
"That was some fucking prank Stu!" You were getting more angry by the second. 
They gave each other a look. Pushing past the two you stormed back to your cabin. The two boys are hot on your heels. 
"Sweetheart, come on, it was just a prank." But you didn't respond to Billy, way too furious.
"Don't be mad at us. We love you."
"If you'd love me you wouldn't have done this fucked up shit." 
"Ok ok we are sorry ok?" Billy got a hold of your wrist making you stop. He turned you around putting his hands on your cheeks, making you look at him. "We really are sorry." 
"I don't know if I believe you. I was so scared. I thought I lost you." Tears were welling up in your eyes at the image of Billy laying in his own blood. Dead. Stu's head popped up over Billy's shoulder. Giving you his best puppy dog eyes. 
"Please forgive us. We swear we will never do that again."
"You better not." 
"So are we forgiven?" They looked at you hopeful. 
"Ask me again tomorrow…" With that you went into the cabin and back into your sleeping bag. You laid there for a while, eyes closed. Stu and Billy took a little while to come inside. You could hear them talking outside. You pretended to sleep when they came in, laying down beside you. They didn't know if you wanted to be close to them so they refrained from their usual cuddly positions. You didn't fall asleep until dawn, when exhaustion finally took you over. 
You don't know how long you've been sleeping for but a very pleasurable feeling between your legs was waking you from your slumber. A soft moan left your lips and you fluttered your eyes open. Between your legs you could make out a tuft of blonde curls. Stu was eating you out lazily and softly. So different from his usual pace. Your hand crept into his hair pulling softly but it only made him release your clit from between his lips.
"Good morning princess." He gave you a soft kiss. 
"Morning Stu. What are you doing?" 
"What does it look like? I am apologising." He grinned at you and went back to work, making you arch your back softly.
"If this is the apology for last night you will have to do much better."
"Oh princess, this is only the start. We plan to properly apologise, don't you worry. If you let us of course." Billy spoke up beside you. You looked at him, nodding. 
"Of course." Realising that they took off your clothes completely. Billy was playing with your boobs. 
Stu continued to play your pussy like he so often did before. Two of his fingers already buried deep inside you, fucking you open for them both. His lips were wrapped around your clit, the tip of his tongue flipping your little bud of nerves in his mouth. He loved being messy even  when things were going slower than normal. 
Billy's lips wrapped around one of your nipples, his teeth gazing softly. Your other  hand that wasn't in Stu's hair went into Billy's, pulling them both closer to you. It was so easy to forgive them like this but you wouldn't tell them that. Stu slowly added a third finger, scissoring them to fuck you more, curling them to find your gspot. He was so attune with your body, that it didn't take him long to find the spot that made your toes curl and an almost pornographic moan to leave your lips. Billy pulled at your nipple with his lips, making you clench around Stu's fingers. When you looked down you saw Stu was humping the ground while eating you out. This puts a lazy grin on your face.  
"Stu… Billy please." You wanted them both desperately.
"What do you want, pretty girl?" Billy looked at you with his intense eyes. Stu's mouth never leaving your wet cunt as he looked up at the both of you. 
"Need you. Need you both. Please." You were begging a little. But you truly needed to be filled by them. 
"Where do you need us?" Stu pulled at your clit letting it pop out of his mouth. 
"Inside me. Need you both inside of me. Please." You were looking at them pleadingly.
"Think you can handle us both?" Stu asked teasingly. You nodded quickly. Stu gave your dripping pussy another kiss before standing up and undressing. Billy doing the same. You kept staring at them both. The both of them started to make out, Billy pulling Stu closer, biting his lip harshly. They got lost in their little make out session. You cleared your throat.
"I thought this was my apology here." 
They parted and looked at you, both grinning. 
"Of course."
"Sorry sweetheart we got a little lost." Billy came over to you first, laying down beside you and pulling you on top of him, your boobs pressed against his chest. He started to kiss you passionately as he entered you. You moaned against his lips. Taking the opportunity Billy slipped his tongue into your mouth playing with your own. He started to thrust into you. Slow but hard. Deliberately. Making you feel every inch of him. Your gummy walls stretch around him. Billy continued his thrusting for a moment before he stopped.
Stu got into position behind you. Getting ready to push into your tight cunt too. Slowly and carefully he pushed in. Your eyes squeezed shut, the stretch almost unbearable. Both Billy and Stu groaned at the feeling, both being in your tight cunt while having their dicks rub together at the same time. They gave you time to adjust to being filled to the brim. You were panting. Billy gave you a soft kiss. 
"Are you ok?" 
You nodded. "Yeah I'm good."
They both started to move slowly. Working in tandem. You couldn't keep your moans in. It felt so good. How they knew how to play your body. Stu was gripping your hips so hard, definitely leaving bruises. Your eyebrows were knit together. Billy was groaning underneath you, Stu moaning behind you.
The slick sound of your juices mixing with your guys' moans. It was so lewd but it turned you on all the more. Billy kissed you again, sloppily. He kept sucking on your tongue. When he let go of your tongue you felt Stu leaning over your back, down, his head next to yours. He gave you a particular hard thrust making you scream in pleasure. Stu and Billy kissed again, just as sloppily as you two did. You were moving against Billy with every hard thrust. 
Somehow they managed to roll around, a squeal leaving your lips. Stu now under you. Your back on his chest, Billy on top of you. Billy gave your tits a hard squeez, now more in control of his thrusts. You felt like a rag doll how they handled you, and you loved every second of it. 
Billy laid a few quick slaps to your tits making you moan loudly. Your head fell onto Stu's shoulder. One of his hands wrapped around your throat. 
"You looked so cute being all scared last night. Really wanted to fuck you there." Stu's voice was deep, laced with lust. You whimpered at his words, his hand squeezing around your throat, cutting off the bloodstream, slowly becoming lightheaded. It only added to your pleasure. 
Billy's thumb gazed over the little scars you had on your hips, where you let them carve in their initials, while angling his hips a little differently. His thrusts only became harder. 
"You know we would never let anything happen to you princess." Billy's voice was equally as deep as Stu's. The same ounce of lust in them. 
"You are ours. And we protect what's ours." 
You looked at him with glossy eyes, the pleasure almost too much. They fluttered close when Stu's other hand went between your body's and he started to rub your clit deliberately. You didn't keep your eyes closed for long, because Billy took hold of your face, squeezing your cheeks together. 
"Do you understand sweetheart?"
You nodded dumbly, way too fucked out.
"Say it."
Stu's hand left your throat making you take in a deep breath, your head clearing up a little. Stu's thrusts got faster, your eyes rolling back. Billy gripped your cheeks harder, matching his thrusts into your soaking pussy.
"Say. It." His words were harsh, his thrusts emphasised his words, but you knew it was because he wanted his anwer.
"I'm yours. I'm all your Billy, Stu. Only yours." Your words were slurred. Partially from pleasure and partially from still having your cheeks pressed together.
"You protect what's yours. You protect me." You were so close. But you knew better than to come without permission even if this was meant as your apology. 
"And we take such good care of you don't we?" 
You nodded, tears now streaming down your face all from the pleasure of their cocks inside of you and Stu's relentless pace on your clit. 
"You take such good care of me."
"Good girl. Isn't she Stu?" Billy looked a little behind you, directly at Stu who, in return, gave him a shit eating grin.
"Oh she is the best girl. Aren't you, pretty thing?" He gave your cheek, that Billy finally released from his grip, an exaggerated kiss. 
Billy's hand wrapped around your throat now making you gasp. Both their pace is becoming faster. Sloppier. Stu gave your nipples a hard pinch making you sob in pleasure. You were clenching around them so hard trying not to come without their permission. 
"Aw I think she is close Stu."
"Mh you think we should let her come?"
"I don't know. What do you think sweetheart? Do you think you should come?" Both their voices were teasing, condescending even. Billy gave your throat a squeez after you didn't answer immediately. 
"Please what?" Billy's tone got harsher.
"Lemme come…" Your voice was hoarse from the moaning and screaming.
Billy looked at Stu again.
"You think we should let her?"
"I don't know man. Seems like she doesn't really want to." 
"Yeah I was thinking the same thing. But it is our apology after all."
"You are right. I think we should give her that."
They talked about you like you weren't even there. It should be embarrassing but it only got you more wet. 
"Go ahead doll. Come for us."
"Yeah, soak us in your juices."
It only took a few short moments of their hard, precise thrusts, Stu's thumb rubbing your clit the right way and Billy squeezing your throats not too tight, for you to finally come. It was earth shattering. Your legs started to shake uncontrollably and your eyes rolled back so far into your skull, your ears started ringing. You were clenching so hard around Billy and Stu that it didn't take them long to come right after you. Both groaning in unison, shooting their seed right into you without a care. They rode out their orgasms before Billy collapsed on top of you. You weren't completely back to your senses yet. 
You didn't really notice how they carefully slipped out of you, some of their joined load dripping out of you. Your thighs slick with your own arousal. 
Billy took a good look at your dripping pussy. 
"Damn. Still the most pretty pussy even all fucked out." 
You only came back to reality when the both of them started to clean you up, already dressed again after cleaning up themselves. 
"You back with us sweetheart?" Billy's voice had nothing of the harshness from earlier. 
"Yeah. That was mind-blowing. We should do this more often." Your voice was still hoarse but you kept smiling at them, utterly satisfied. 
"Sure thing, pretty girl."
"So does this mean we are forgiven?" Stu plopped down next to you, offering you something to drink. You thankfully took it and gulped it down.
"Mh I will consider forgiving you after some more mind-blowing orgasms."
You gave them a cheeky smile. 
They grinned at you in return. 
"That can be arranged."
They were on you again in seconds. You didn't leave the cabin the whole day. They really made you forgive them wholeheartedly. To be fair though you think there wasn't much of your brain left after they fucked you stupif all day
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aayakashii · 22 days
Can I please get a 29❤️ and 33❤️ fluffy for Haku please?
29❤️ A kiss to the back of the hand
33❤️ A kiss to a scar, birthmark, injury, or other marking
I got to use the cute gif I wanted!! >:D *rubs hands together*
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I am being stalked!
What?? Are you okay, Haku???
Who's stalking you??
Come meet me at the courtyard and I'll show you
... you'll show me? Your stalker?
Save me please?
... okay...? I'm going
My hero <3
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As you hurriedly walk towards the courtyard, your head turn left and right, looking for Haku. The heavy bag on your back slams against you as you jog back and forth, frantically searching for Hotarubi's vice-captain. After all, even though his messages had been a little weird, you didn't want to risk not taking something as dangerous as a possible stalker seriously.
You stop in your tracks once you hear a nearby voice call out your name, and, quickly turning around on your feet, you manage to see Haku's yellow eyes peeking from behind a tree.
Maybe he was trying to hide from someone, you thought.
Swallowing hard, you try to walk quietly towards him in order to avoid any unwanted attention.
"Thank you for coming to save me" Haku say nonchalantly, smiling at you from his seat on the ground and against the tall tree.
You look left and right and wipe the sweat off your forehead, your eyes wide and alert.
“Where are they? Your stalker?” you whisper anxiously while you sit beside him, and Haku’s lips form an ‘o’ before he chuckles as if he had just remembered a hilarious joke.
“Right, the stalker. There it is” he points to the space in front of him.
“What? Where?” you crane your neck, trying to look at whatever was in the distance.
“No, no” he taps your shoulder “It isn't far away. It's really right there. There. Look.” he wiggles his finger, as if it would make you see better.
You squint, looking at the grass. That was all that was in front of him at that moment. Until you see a flash of dark brown jump up and down on the spot, and finally you manage to make out the so-called ‘stalker.’
“That's... a tanuki?” you widen your eyes in surprise after you manage to properly make out the silhouette of the little animal that rolled around between the blades of grass, almost unnoticeable with a little leaf on its head. 
It is a tiny little thing. And very round too. Is every cute anomaly round like that?, you think. But then you turn around to face Haku and raise one eyebrow, looking at him in disbelief. 
“THAT'S your stalker?”
Haku shrugs.
“It's been following me everywhere the past few days, you know? It’s even trying to sleep on my pillow at night and now I have to be careful not to roll around so I won’t smush it to death. It’s a serious problem, believe it or not.”
You roll your eyes at how Haku smirks while he explains his ‘terrible’ predicament to you.
“Well, why don't you take it to Jabberwock?” you ask. He hisses, as if you had just asked a hard question, and bashfully scratches his cheek
“It wasn’t a lack of trying” Haku then shows you the back of his left hand, where you could see a long and nasty red cut opening the skin. You gasp loudly.
“That tiny thing did this?!”
Haku sighs, nodding as if he also didn’t believe what had happened to him.
“It's a feisty little guy.”
“I can definitely see that” you gaze at the small tanuki with a bit more caution, brows scrunched up in surprise. “Well, first let’s take care of this awful wound and then we think of the rest. Can’t have you dying of tetanus because of a 10cm tall tanuki.” you say, opening your backpack and pulling out a medkit from its confines.
Haku whistles.
“You always carry that with you?”
“Of course. Have you ever spent more than a minute with the other ghouls? I literally need to be prepared for anything.”
This time, Haku laughs genuinely.
“Fair enough.”
You take your time to carefully disinfect his cut, apply one of the many anomalous anointments you had picked up at the general store and then you wait for it to dry before bandaging his hand.
After a few moments of silence, with Haku most definitely basking in the feeling of your hands cradling his, you can't control your curiosity anymore.
“Okay but uh…” you stutter, lightly touching the ointment and then grabbing a clean bandage once you noticed it was dry. “Why did you ask me for my help? I’m just a human.”
Haku looks up, in thought.
“Well, I know you have a way with these little guys. Peekaboo loves you, doesn’t he?”
You hum, not fully convinced.
“But what if it scratches me too?” 
Haku leans towards you, suddenly looking serious.
“Then I'll kill it” he murmurs, with a tinge of darkness in his voice.
You gasp loudly, startling the tanuki that had began to take a nap under the sun and in front of you.
“No!!!! Dont!!! It's cute!! Don't kill it!!!” you almost yell, clutching Haku’s hand tightly while you stare at him, eyes wide as saucers.
“Pffftt! Hahaha! It's okay, I was joking. I won't kill it.” he laughs, leaning back against the tree.
You scrunch your brows, looking at him with suspicion, not completely sure that he was just joking right there. You then tap his now bandaged hand lightly and sigh.
“Okay, it's done.”
Haku tilts his head to the side and pouts.
“Aw. Can’t I have a little kiss on my wound to make it better?”
You glare at him for a moment, before pulling his hand towards your lips and kissing his fingers, avoiding the bandage for safety.
You turn your head away quickly so he wouldn’t see you flustered by your own actions. You end up missing the way his jaw hangs low, completely taken aback by you. 
Haku clears his throat and scratches his cheek again, embarrassed.
“Well, now I really can't kill it. It got me a kiss. Maybe it's my new lucky charm.”
“Stop it.” you gently slap his shoulder. "Okay now... The anomaly." you mutter, more to yourself than to him.
You shift your position, sitting on your feet while you lean towards the lazy tanuki in front of you. The little thing was having the time of its life, warming his round belly under one of the sun rays that peeked through the large tree’s foliage. You stretch your arm towards it, the palm of your hand facing up so it’d climb on its own. You were just guessing what would be the right way to deal with that anomaly, but, much to your surprise, it slowly got up on its stubby little legs and walked towards you, quickly plopping on your hand and resuming its nap.
You get up from your seat carefully, mouth open wide in pure awe while you frantically motion for Haku to get up too. He snorts at the sight of your enthusiasm, also getting up.
“Let's take this guy to a place where he'll be safe.” you murmur, staring at the anomaly that was fully relaxed in your hands.
“Oh, it's okay, no need to take me anywhere. I'm safe with you” Haku said, smirking. 
You finally snapped your head towards the man beside you, feeling your cheeks tingle at his teasing.
“Hahahaha! Sorry.” he chuckles, raising his arms in defeat. “Yes, let's give it a place to live.”
As you two make your way to Jabberwock, Haku suddenly pouts, feigning hurt while he looks at the creature you were so carefully holding.
“I can’t believe a tanuki managed to take a nap on you before me. You really have a way with conquering us, monsters.” 
You sigh. There was absolutely no end to this man's teasing and his flirting, you think.
“Yeah, yeah, whatever you say” you mumble, exasperated. He just laughs, pleased at your reactions.
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I tried to make parallels between the smol tanuki and Haku, basically like: they're both lazy and they both quickly like you ;w; I hope it was easy to notice that lmao
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observeowl · 1 month
Second Chance | Chapter 4 - Strangers Now
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You missed drawing the string back to your face and seeing the arrow hit the yellow centre; what you didn’t miss was having to wake up at 5 am in the morning to travel to school and set up the boards. You remember selling your bow immediately after graduating, there’s no time to shoot, and places to shoot aren’t as common as a basketball court or football field. You took an arrow from the quiver and loaded it once more before releasing your breath with it. Once you saw the arrow hitting the centre, you placed your bow down. 
Clint stared at your grouping from next to you. “You’ve improved over the week.” He clapped in shock before nudging your side. “Tell me, who is the new coach you got outside?” 
Clint was the captain of the Archery team, and he often coached new members up to a certain standard before the actual coach came in. Thanks to his teaching, you learnt a lot more about Archery. You never knew that to shoot competitively, you’d have to own so much equipment. He was kind enough to teach you what each of them is for when other members approach you for certain things since you were the logistics director. Truthfully, you only took up this role because you wanted to be able to put something in your resume. 
“So, what did you and Nat talk about?” Clint asked as you were pulling your arrow out of the board. 
“What? We didn’t talk at all.” 
“Nat asked me where you were two days ago. Did you guys miss each other?” 
“I have nothing to talk to her about.” You collected all your arrows and returned to the shooting line to prepare. 
“What happened? I thought you were always happy to hear anything about Nat?” 
“Well, now I don’t. Is there a problem?” You glared at him. “I’m shooting now. Could you not bother me?” Clint was shocked at your words. You were usually so non-confrontational and soft, never daring to say no to others. 
“Did Nat make you angry?” 
Just then, an evil plan hatched in your head. “Why don’t you ask her?” 
After you were done with training, you lugged your heavy backpack and waited for Andrew. He was bringing you on a date to a cafe nearby within walking distance, but when he heard you were going for training, he offered to bring his car along so you didn’t have to carry the heavy backpack. 
After the party, Andrew started texting you, and he revealed that he was in the same Management Accounting class as you. He was sitting behind you all along, and you didn’t really notice him because you were always on your phone once you found your seat until the class started. Camellia and Diana were always the ones who did the interacting while you sat there like a loner.  
When you saw his notification from your home screen, you immediately went to text Camellia. You were freaking out that someone actually asked you on a date. After not being in the dating game for so long, you kinda lost touch with what you’re supposed to do. In actual fact, Camellia had no experience in dating as well, so she was worse than you. But she’s the one you would rely on to cheer you on. You had other friends throughout middle and high school, but she was the only one you opened up to within a year. She took care of you and showed you many things that opened your world. You had her to thank for making you more confident in trying new things. 
“Hi, sorry for making you wait. I was a bit nervous, so I left the dorm late.” Andrew helped me put my back in the trunk before opening the passenger side door for me. 
“That makes both of us.” You all started chuckling before making a move. He turned on the radio, and Taylor Swift happened to be playing. You learned that he had been to a Taylor Swift concert and admitted there was explosive energy all around. Seeing people’s Instagram videos of concerts made you dream of attending some sort of concert and experiencing it yourself, but you were too shy to go alone, and all your friends have different tastes from you. 
“We should go together one day.” He said. 
“What?” You asked, confused. 
“To a concert. Whichever one you want. From your question, I can tell that you’ve never been to one. Do you want to go?” You nodded your head and smiled. You’ll take this chance to experience all the things you never did. 
“We’re here.” He parked the car by the roadside before entering the cafe. It has a very vintage decor inside and a clear theme of typewriter here. “Apparently, we can use the typewriter here too. I can ask the owner for the papers.” 
He found a place to sit, and you looked through the menu for something to eat before settling for some aglio olio. You continued the conversation from earlier, and he was really relaxing to be with.
After learning what you said to Clint, Nat was furious that you decided to taunt her despite being in this situation. Clint was none the wiser and continued asking for answers about what happened between you two that Natasha couldn’t provide. The sudden switch between you and Nat has left him very confused. He didn’t know you two had gotten close enough to hate each other. He was about to get a headache from watching the two of you interacting with him as a messenger. 
Thanks to Clint, she knows where you’re headed, and after much searching like a mad woman looking through the windows of all the cafes nearby, she finally found you chatting with Andrew. Rage filled her eyes when she saw you so happy with him.
She opened the door harshly, and the windchime alerted everyone inside of her arrival. You watched her storm closer and didn’t get to say anything as she pulled your arm. “Get up!” She was stronger than you and was making her way out with you as fast as she came in. 
“Hey! What are you doing?” Andrew rushed out behind you after seeing you getting dragged out by Natasha. “Let her go!” 
“This is between me and her, you don’t interrupt.” Natasha glared at Andrew, who was grabbing her wrist. “Let go while I’m asking nicely.” 
“No! You’re the one that is forcefully taking away my date.” Andrew didn’t heed her advice, and she expertly flipped him onto the ground while still having one arm on you. He didn’t know that Natasha had a black belt in Judo and Taekwondo. 
“Natasha, stop it! Andrew, Andrew, it’s okay. I’ll come and find you later.” You tried to prevent the situation from getting worse than it is. Natasha pulled you away when you tried to check that he was alright. She dragged you quite a few streets down, and you were sick of her leading the way without telling you anything. She always thought that whatever she said goes because she was earning more between you two. “Enough!” You released your hands from her grip. “Just say what you want and get over it!” Your shouting has caused people around to look at the commotion. 
“Why did you tell Clint to find me for answers?” 
“I don’t know what kind of story to tell him, so I figured you could do the talking.” You shrugged your shoulders. “You always make the decision.” 
“I do not!” She insisted. 
“So then, why did you drag me away from Andrew? Couldn’t you find me another time?” You argued and pointed to the street where you were dragged from. 
“Don’t change the subject! What do you expect me to tell Clint?”
“I don’t know! Anything! That we don’t see eye to eye?“ You snapped. You were getting more frustrated talking to her. “I’m trying to live my life here without you. Stop bothering me, and don’t look for me. We are just strangers.” You told her with conviction and left her there to deal with everything. 
After texting Andrew, you realised he was still waiting at the cafe and picked up your pace a little. You couldn’t be more apologetic when you arrived for causing such trouble and embarrassment for him. 
“It’s okay.” He shook his head. “I have to ask, though, who is she?” He was surprisingly understanding. 
“She just, she used to be a friend.” You struggled to come up with an answer. “Let me pay for the food. That’s the least I can do to repay you.”
“No, it’s alright. I brought you here today, so I’ll pay. But I guess I’ll allow you to pay for the next one.” 
“That’s a promise.” 
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@gemz5 @natsxwife
@dyslexic-dreamer @unexpected-character @eternalnight410
@leenasayeed @oh-thats-sad @skz-xii @gay-frogs-dancing-around
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Jjk drabbles as things my crush has done to me
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Characters: Nanami,Geto,Gojo x reader (civilian university au ig)
Themes: SFW.Dancing!!Acts of service, good and cute things in general , I won’t spill too much to not ruin the story.
𖤐Gojo <3
There were 2 things that you hated most in the world, the fact that you always wanted to look cute and stairs.
Both of these things were coming back to bite you in the ass right now. You rubbed your heeled boots on the rough ground as you looked up at the 4 flights of stairs that you need to get up to so you could get to class.
You cursed at your vain self for choosing such foot wear, knowing that you had to be at uni the whole day. And if the day couldn’t get any worst, the imposing sun above you started to burn your skin , shining brighter than before.
It was all a mess , the heat , the heavy backpack ,and your soles aching.
As you started to mindlessly complain about the before mentioned pesky problems to your friend and gojo; the tall standing figure looked down at you with a small smile that decorated his scratched face.
He owed his beaten face to the fact that 6 drunks decided to pick a fight with him on his way to the bus stop, he was generally a peaceful guy unless provoked so he just decided to ignore the ordeal ,but one of the drunks got really annoying and started to throw ripped beer cans at him, naturally he wasn’t just gonna tolerate this disrespect ;so he clocked the guy back with the can to his face with all his might.
Fully prepared to fight Gojo had his guard up , but then he noticed all the 6 guys started to pull out pocket daggers he did what was most wise and manly which was to run for the hills.
So to make a long story short home boy was a bit tired and beaten. As you sighed and decided to push through the pain to head up the stairs, he calls your name.
-“If you want I can give you a piggy back ride.”- He suggests as he starts to stretch his arms.
-“Oh don’t worry about it, I wouldn’t want to bother you in your state.”-You said as you returned a shy smile.
-“Don’t worry about it , I’m not as weak as you think.”-He said as he adorns a concerned look on his face.
You look over to your friend who suggested he could carry Gojos backpack as he carried you as his backpack.
-“My backpacks heavy.”- You commented trying to get him to back out.
-“You’re serious?.”
-“Dead serious.”
You gave him an untrusting gaze as he turned his back to you and crouched down so you could jump on him.Your backpack was weighing you down so you grabbed on to dear life to his neck in hopes you wouldn’t slide down with every step he took.
-“You’re choking me.”- He grumbles dryly.
All 3 of you bust out in laughter, but mostly your laughter was powered by embarrassment.
He promptly hops to adjust you higher on his back so you both could be more comfortable ,then continues his way up the stairs while making comments on how you feel like a monkey.
Geto <3
Time passed slowly as you and your friend group wait for the next class.
All of you were at the cafeteria but the only ones awake were Geto and you.
To make time pass by faster you decided to tune in on a soccer game he was watching, promptly you became entertained and as soon as he noticed the smallest bit of interest in your eyes ;he started to explain all the plays in the game.
-“If I’m not mistaken, isn’t that guy lewandowski?”-You called out as you pointed to a player on his phone screen.
-“You’re correct, im surprised a geek like you would know a thing or two about soccer.” - He blurted out in a teasing tone as he passed a hand through his long black hair.He always found a thing to tease you about, today it was your guilty pleasure: watching anime.
-“Fuck off, I don’t sit around and watch anime all day. I do productive things, unlike others”-You retorted as you gave him the side eye.-“I’m not totally ignorant, I know some basics.”
He giggled at you as he placed his hand on his cheek so he could lean on the table while looking at you.
-“I don’t believe a word you’re saying, you probably heard him on blue lock or some shit. Time to touch some grass weirdo. Aren’t you embarrassed?.”- He chuckled out with an accusing tone in his brassed tone.
Tired of his shit, you raised your palm to smack him on the head, knowing there was no way you could exit this conversation with a drop of patience left in you.
To your surprise (not) he nonchalantly grabbed your wrist before you could hit him, getting progressively more annoyed you swung your other hand to smack him which he also swiftly catched.He looked at you through his smug black eyes as he watched you struggle to be set loose under his grasp.
Irritated, you started to push your still captive wrist to him in hopes he looses balance and hopefully cracks his skull on the floor or something.
But before you knew it he resisted your attempts with a cocky grin letting you know that your strength didn’t hold a candle to his and that you two could pass the whole afternoon in this playful exchange.
As soon as you hit him with a death glare ,he shut his eyes and laughed as he let go of your wrist.
-“I’m sorry , i didn’t mean anything I said, I’m not being rude,I’m just playing with ya. You just look so cute while your angry, teasing you is inevitable.”-He concludes as he ruffles your hair.”-
Nanami <3
It was Friday night and your parents were out of town , so inviting your friends and drinking cheap whisky with loud music was inevitable.
You found yourself in the kitchen whipping up a cocktail for your friend so he could pass the whisky down easier, while the quiet nanami in front of you gulped down the whiskey pure as if it was water , his Adam’s apples bobbed as he gulped.You we’re entranced by his jawline as he finishes drinking maintaining the most neutral expression.
Ngl it was doing something to you , there was nothing more attractive than a man who could hold his liquor while maintaining a calm conversation.
Soon came your other friend bursting through the kitchen door to chug down the cocktail you just prepared.
-“Do you guys know how to dance, I really want to dance right now.”- yelled out your friend as he started to tune the music up.
So the two of you got up and danced by yourself respectively to the beat of the different genres of music that played.In the meanwhile Nanami sat down and crossed his thick arms as he watched you two make a fool of yourself.
Soon a romantic Latin slow song started playing, truth be told you loved to dance but none of your ex knew how to so you just resigned and learned how to dance by yourself.
As the liquor discarded any embarrassment you may experience, you only focused on the tempo , careful of the moment you marked a step with your hip, the music inebriated your ears and your hips moved to the careful notes of the song. You hugged yourself so you’d have something to do with your arms as you stepped side to side.
You look over to your friend who’s sitting down while extending your arms to them with the hopes they’d maybe considering dancing with you , they just politely decline stating they don’t know how to dance this type of music.
Your eyes glance over to nanami, jokingly making
a :( face at him to then continue dancing by yourself with closed eyelids.
Soon you were once again lost in the beautiful guitar notes until you felt a breeze pass you.
You opened you eyes to see nanami in front of you with both his hands extended to you as a clear invitation to dance.
You have never seen nanami do anything even remotely close to dancing so this comes as a big shock to you.
As you accept his invitation to dance by holding his big, rough hands , you asume you’ll dance at a holy safe distance but to your surprise he finds a way to sneak his legs between yours as he pulls you close by snaking his hands around your waist, your eyes open in awe, since you now understand he means business by dancing the traditional way.
You decided to follow your instincts by wrapping your hands at the base of his neck ( not in a choking way). You rest your head on his shoulder and you let your senses be hypnotized by his cologne.
You feel his hips move like you would your own and your steps start to sync with his. You nervously look around looking for a sign of discomfort due to the proximity of your bodies, but all he seems to care about is holding you close and dancing the night away..
Context: I think this guy is kinda cute but I’m not invested emotionally to care too much about him and I also think that he’s playing me or he’s just super friendly but I hope you guys enjoy the short stories , I was as truthful as possible except where I describe the guys feelings cause idk what he was think at the moment tbh. But what do you guys think , do you think he may have feelings for me?
A/n: I’ve created these short drabbles in the meanwhile I write the new chapter for the gojo fanfic. Thank u guys so much for your patience love you ♥️ Not spell checked btw I’ll do it tomorrow.
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finnsbubblegum · 1 year
Yes, Maybe, No (Joel Miller X Reader)
Pairing: no-outbreak!joel miller x f!reader
Warnings: 18+, fluff, sweet joel, domestic joel, rom-com, smut
Summary (Series): reader as Joel’s neighbor. Joel’s wife left him so Joel asked his neighbor for help in babysitting Sarah. 
Summary: 2.3k
Words count: Pov: Sarah asked you and Joel for a sibling.
A/N: I’m trying to make this as a rom-com, hope you like my new series! This is part 13 of Where It All Starts. But it can also be read as a standalone. I'm so grateful for all of you! Thank you for your comments, reblogs, and likes ❤️ There are still more chapters for this series so stay tuned! Love you!
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Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11 Part 12 Part 13 Part 14 Part 15 Part 16 Part 17 Part 18 Part 19 Part 20
There were not many changes to your life since you got married to Joel because you had lived with him before the two of you got married anyway. The differences were probably that you were now Mrs. Miller, Sarah’s legally your daughter, she called you mommy now, your house was sold, and the walls were full of your wedding and family pictures. You asked for a big frame for the picture of you with your wedding dress, Joel with his tux, and Sarah in the middle with a flower crown. She was your flower girl for your wedding. You hang the picture in the living room.
“Let’s go babygirl, you’re gonna be late for school.” Joel waited for you and Sarah at the door.
It was Sarah’s first day of preschool and she was so excited and asked you to help her dress up like a princess. On the other hand, you were nervous. She had never made any friends before so you were worried she might have some problems in school. You loved her so much that you didn’t want anyone to hurt her. 
“Pretty.” You finished tying her hair and kissed her forehead.
“You look beautiful, princess.” Joel held his daughter’s hand and walked her to the car.
You followed them from behind and sat in the passenger seat. 
“You excited, babygirl?” Joel looked at the rear view mirror to see his daughter.
“Yes! Yes!” She bounced on her seat excitedly.
You turned your head to look at her and smiled when you were actually trying to hide your worries. Joel recognized you being anxious but he didn’t want to talk about it in front of his daughter. So he just looked at you, held your hand and kept driving.
“We’re here.” Joel parked his car.
“Yay! Yay!” Sarah was so excited for her first day of school.
You got out of the car and helped Sarah out of the car. Joel grabbed her purple backpack and helped her carry it. You and Joel walked Sarah to her class and met her homeroom teacher.
“Good morning, I’m Ms. Andrews.” She shook Joel’s and your hand.
“Good morning, I’m Joel Miller and this is my wife. This is our daughter Sarah.” Joel rested both of his hands on Sarah’s shoulder.
“It’s her first day, please take good care of our daughter.” You smiled at her. 
“I will. Don’t worry.” She assured you.
“Come one Sarah, class is starting.” She invited Sarah inside the class.
After you and Joel waved Sarah goodbye, both of you walked back to the car. You sighed as you closed the car door.
“You okay, darlin’?” Joel asked you as he put on his seatbelt.
“She’ll be okay, right?” You looked at Joel.
“Hey, she’ll be fine. I’m sure she’s gonna make a lot of friends.” Joel put his hand on top of yours that was resting on your lap.
“Okay.” You nodded. 
“She’ll be fine. Don’t worry.” Joel reassured you and rubbed your hand with his thumb.
Joel drove you to the cafe then he went to work. Joel promised to pick you up earlier to pick up Sarah from school together. The day felt long as you were worried about how Sarah was doing at school. Your mind was full of thoughts thinking what you should do to comfort Sarah if she went home from school sad. You tried to distract yourself by helping to bake and decorating the cakes. It was finally time to pick Sarah up from school. Joel’s car was in front of your cafe so you took your purse and said bye to your employees. 
“Where is she?” You tip-toed to get a clearer view behind all of the other parents. 
“There she is.” Joel pointed at Sarah who just got out of her class. 
“She looks happy. You have nothing to be worried about.” Joel rubbed your back in circles as he assured you.
You couldn’t see Sarah because you were too short and Joel was tall enough to see what was in front of him. 
“Daddy! Mommy!” You heard Sarah’s voice.
She ran through the adults and jumped to hug your legs. 
“How was your day?” You crouched and stroked her hair.
“I made lots of lots of friends. I met Emma, Lily, Katie, ..” She went on and on.
You nodded and smiled at her. You were relieved she had a good day and made some new friends. Joel chuckled as he saw his daughter so happy. He was proud that her daughter made it through her first day of school.
“You wanna get some ice cream, babygirl?” Joel lifted his daughter and kissed her cheek.
“I get ice cream?” She squealed.
“Yeah, baby. You did well on your first day of school.” Joel chuckled.
“Yay!” Sarah raised her hand to the air.
You chuckled and followed them to the car. Joel drove you and Sarah to the regular ice cream place that the three of you always went to. 
“Stwabewwy!!” Sarah loved strawberry ice cream.
“I’ll get chocolate as usual.” You ordered.
“Coffee, please.” Joel ordered coffee flavored ice cream. 
You loved chocolate, he loved coffee, Sarah loved strawberry. Each of you had your own favorite and the three of you always shared a spoon for a taste with each other.  Any family that saw the three of you were definitely jealous of how harmonized your family was. 
"Can I have a little sister or little brother?" Sarah suddenly asked. 
"Hmm?" You raised your eyebrows with the ice cream spoon still in your mouth.
Joel didn't expect his daughter to ask for a sibling so he was shocked too.
"Emma has a baby sister, Katie has a baby brother. I want to have one too." Sarah ate her ice cream and bounced on her seat. 
"Well, that's uh.." Joel didn't know what to say because he needed your consent because you would be the one carrying a baby inside you for 9 whole months.
You just stared at Joel because you also didn't know what to say. You hadn't had the time to talk about having another baby with Joel since you got married because you were too focused on putting Sarah to school, expanding your cafe, and Joel also got another big project. So the two of you were super busy. 
"What do you think mama?" Joel passed the question to you.
You widened your eyes.
"Hmm." You just hummed and chuckled. 
Sarah pouted and finished her ice cream. The three of you went home after.
"I'm happy she had an amazing first day, Joel." You sighed as you sat on the couch after putting Sarah to bed.
"Me too, baby." Joel sat across from you on the armchair.
You and Joel enjoyed your night in the living room with a glass of wine. Talking about his day, your day, Sarah and what she asked you and Joel earlier. Suddenly, Joel stared at you. 
"Can we have one more?" Joel suddenly asked.
"What do you mean?" You sipped on your wine. 
"You'll look so beautiful pregnant, baby. And it would be nice to see our little one with a mix of you and me running around, playing with Sarah." Joel chuckled.
"All of sudden?" You raised your eyebrows.
"Can we have one more? Pretty please." Joel begged you with his brown puppy eyes.
You just gave him a smirk and shrugged.
"Is that a yes, maybe or a no?" Joel didn't understand your reaction.
You smirked and shrugged again.
"Just so you know, I'm ovulating today which means.." Joel cut you.
"Oohh I'm sooo gonna make you pregnant." Joel put his wine glass on the table and crawled his way to you and started kissing you.
You chuckled as you put your wine glass on the table then leaned back to get a comfortable position. You knew you and Joel were gonna make babies tonight. And yes, on your couch.
"We can't let Sarah see us." You whispered. 
"She's sleeping, don't worry. We just have to be quiet." Joel whispered to your ear. 
"Okay. We gotta stay quiet." You giggled.
Joel pressed his lips to yours as you wrapped your arms around his shoulders, caressing his back. He put his hands on your waist and snaked his way to the back of your thigh. Pulling and lifting you suddenly to sit on him. Your legs were now locking his waist. You started feeling aroused and you grinded on his hard cock under his pants. He groaned at your movements and his hands moved its way to your breast under your tank top squeezing it gently. You moaned in his mouth. 
You couldn’t wait to feel him so you slipped your fingers to his pants trying to pull his pants off. He understood what you wanted and took off his pants and shirt. You pulled your shorts then he helped you take off your tank top. The two of you went back to position on the couch kissing, touching, and moaning. Joel’s hand cupped your cunt and he felt you so wet.
“So wet for me darlin’.” He mumbled while kissing you.
“Uhm-hmm.” You were so aroused and you couldn’t speak any words.
Joel smirked as he brushed his tip to your clit making you moan loud.
“Shh..” Joel covered your mouth.
You squeezed your eyes shut trying not to make any sound as much as possible. Then Joel brushed his tip again on your clit, teasing it before he slid himself inside you. Both of you moaned softly. You clenched your hand on Joel’s shoulder and he buried his face to your chest. Taking your breast to his mouth, sucking your nipple, biting it gently, arousing you. He started to move his hips and thrusted inside you. You wanted to scream his name but you couldn’t wake Sarah so you clenched your jaw and buried your face to his shoulder. Joel too was trying so hard not to make any loud noise because he didn’t want his daughter to see their parents doing it. 
Joel kissed the inside of your breast before he raised his head needing to kiss your lips. His hand cupped your jaw and kissed you, licking your lips and tongue. Swallowing each other moans. Your hand caressing his back and he did the same to you. 
His moves suddenly got faster and the sound of his skin bumping on your skin were louder. You bounced on him and lost your balance. So you flew your hand to the couch instinctively for balance. Joel’s arm wrapped around you and kept his pace. You whimpered as you felt close. 
“Fuck.” Joel groaned.
“J-joel..” You called his name feeling so close to your climax.
Joel knew you were coming so he quickened his pace and he was close to coming too. You suddenly felt vibrations throughout your body and you shook. You clenched your hand that was resting on the couch and squeezed your eyes shut panting. You came. Joel groaned as he came inside you, releasing his seed to grow a baby inside you. He buried his face to your chest as he caught his breath. You rested your chin on top of his head and chuckled. Joel put his hand behind your head, laid you on your back, and rested your head on the couch's arm. He kissed your lips, then your cheek to your right jaw, and your chin. 
“Hope that works.” Joel chuckled and kissed your lips again.
“I can’t wait to be pregnant.” You chuckled and caressed his bearded jaw.
“Another round?” Joel bumped his forehead to yours and you nodded.
*door creaking*
"What was that?" You gasped.
Joel froze and looked towards the stairs. 
"I think that's our cue." You whispered and giggled softly. 
“Wait, let me finish.” Joel kept thrusting inside you.
"Mommy! Daddy!" You heard Sarah scream and cry.
"Shit! Joel!" You pushed Joel and he groaned softly as he pulled out from you.
You grabbed your clothes and hurriedly dressed up ignoring the dripping cum on your thigh then ran upstairs to check on Sarah. Joel followed you behind.
 "Hey, sweetie. Why are you awake?" You crouched to her and stroked her head.
"What's wrong babygirl?" Joel panted. 
"I had a nightmare." She buried her face in your chest.
"Oh baby, come on, mommy and daddy’s here. You’re okay." You lifted her and brought her to your bedroom.
Joel looked at you and made a cross with both of his arms. He was giving you a sign to put Sarah back to her bedroom because both of you weren’t done with your night. You chuckled softly and shook your head. Joel pressed his palms together and mouthed “Please”. He begged you. You mouthed back at him, “Tomorrow, I promise.” He put his hand on his waist and the other rubbed his face in frustration.
“You’re sleeping with mommy and daddy tonight.” You laid her on the bed.
Joel climbed to his side of the bed. And Sarah was now lying between you and Joel. 
“Daddy’s here.” Joel patted his daughter’s tummy gently to help her sleep. 
After a few pats, Sarah was already back in her dreams. She was probably having a sweet dream now because you could see a smile on her face.
“I think she’s asleep.” You whispered and giggled.
“But I’m not.” Joel smirked and snaked his hand to cup your breast.
“Joel!” You yelled but in a whisper. 
You slapped his hand and he pulled back his hand rubbing it. 
“Ouch!” He whispered.
“So Sarah’s your number one?” He asked you with a  soft voice so he didn’t wake Sarah.
You smirked and shrugged. Just like he did to you last time.
“I guess I’m number two then.” Joel chuckled, moved closer, and extended his arms wrapping you and Sarah. 
To be continued…
@lovelyygirl8 @skysmiller @moonlightdivine @crocodiile @angie2274 @pulchritudinousrogers @peqchsoup @msecho19 @happinessinthebeing @nyotamalfoy @nakedmoondiaries @dzaga890 @pa1g3-t0mm0 @prettysbliss @wanniiieeee @one-sweet-gubler @x-ap0llo-x @feministfanboi @ordinarylokix @afterglowsb-tch13 @padgraysonssram8re @tomorrowseverything @hummusxx @iranispunk @mrsyixingunicorn10 @likeanimagepassingby2 @mediocrewallflow3r @pedr0swh0r3 @mxtokko @dorck26 @cascactus28 @cheyxfu @stupidthoughtsinwriting @undermoonlightwalk @bigmoodyjoody @humanbug @sarahhxx03 @krisviciousx @quixscentsposts @dgct2 @dgraysonss @heybabyshae @fluffyspaceprincess @toottmblr @avengersfan25 @xixxala @dianaffddz @onzayhe @violetwitchmcu @welcometomyworldwithoutrules @kelh27
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russellsppttemplates · 6 months
hi I love your writing so much
can u write a blurb of max and Julia and fin where they got in trouble at school and reader and max got called called for a parent’s meeting
Cw: kid being bullied
Note: thank you ✨️
"Did you notice anything weird lately?", you asked Max as he parked the car, "nope, they have been fine, they don't complain about anything, I'm not sure why they did this", he said, holding your hand once you were out of the car and walking into the school. After a quick chat with the secretary at the front to let the principal know you were there, you were welcomed to the office, Julia and Finn sitting in the chairs, feet swinging since they couldn't reach the floor.
"Thank you for coming", the principal said, shaking your and Max's hand, "I think it's best if they explains why I called you here", he said, sitting down as you did the same, facing your kids.
"We were in the playground, and we noticed there was a group of boys being mean to Lyla - she's the new girl I told you about, mama -, and they were calling her those words you told us were mean and bad", Julia said, "so I went up to Finn and his friends because I thought they could help since the boys calling her names were from the year behind them", your daughter reasoned.
"I went there with my friends to talk and then they took our football", Finn continued, "because of that, I tried to go get the ball back and when the other boy wad dribbling away from me, I ran and I nudged the ball as he was kicking it so the ball went on the window and it shattered", Finn said.
By the way your husband was closing his fists, you figured he was thinking about the same things and worried about the same issue as you, a different worry from the principal it seemed.
"I know I shouldn't have done that, and I'm sorry that I broke the window", Finn turned to the principal, "and I'm sorry if we disappointed you, but we wasn't going to let them carry on!", Julia reasoned as you and Max looked at both of them.
"We have also spoken to the other kids' parents, you were the last ones. Fortunately, it was the cleaning supplies' closet and no ine was there, so no one got hurt", the principal attempted to gain your attention as you both kept looking at your kids.
"Both me and my wife appreciate you telling us, but the only issue here is that you're allowing this in your school. We can pay for the window if that is your problem, but I'd like you to reflect on the whole situation", Max stated calmly.
"As you can imagine, we don't always have control of everything", the principal excused himself.
"Me or my husband won't apologise for what happened. Like you said, no one was harmed, but you should look into paying more attention to Lyla, it's not the first time it was brought to my attention that the little girl is being bullied and no adult seems to be worried about it, when that is in fact where your worry should be", you followed, tone stern and convict.
Leaving the money they asked for the repair, you and Max split up to go with each kid to their classrooms and get their backpacks, "I'm sorry they were mean Lyla, my love, but you did well in defending hour friend, it's a shame they didn't listen to you", you said as you looked at Finn towards the end of the sentence.
"It's not fair", Finn complained, "this principal isn't nice, I don't like him", he pouted.
"Finn, sometimes things don't go our way, and we shouldn't say that about people, okay?", Max lectured as he drove home, squeezing your thigh ans whispering, "as much as I believe what I just said, I have to agree. Since they changed principal, the priorities have been a bit all over tha place", he commented, "might be a good time to reconsider schools", you noted.
(Thank you for submitting an ask ✨️)
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zepskies · 2 years
Never Say Goodbye - Part 1
Pairing: Dean W. x Female Reader
Summary: The first time you and Dean sensed each other’s thoughts and feelings, you were just kids. It would take years to realize that you both were bonded for life, and even longer to finally meet. [Soulmate AU] (Rated M for eventual scenes – 18+)
Word Count: 2,000 Warnings: Some angst
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Part 1: Proximity
You’ve grown up watching your parents. At fourteen, you already understood how rare their relationship was—high school sweethearts, married for sixteen years, and certified soulmates.
Apparently it was even more rare to find your soulmate so early in life, but as Mom said, Sometimes the universe helps you out.
But you just started high school, and after surveying the pool of guys you have to work with, you really hope that “universe” stuff is just wishful thinking.
Because just this morning, Danny Schmitt got his hand stuck in the automatic stapler during Math class. Meanwhile, his friends were collecting bets on how many stitches he was going to need once they finally pried his fingers out.
Dad would call those guys dumbasses. You were inclined to agree.
You looked away from the scene (there was a lot of blood, and now your teacher was trying to free Danny with the only tool in the utility closet: a large hammer). But you couldn’t focus on your busy work like your teacher instructed either.
Sometimes, you still found it hard to believe your parents had met in high school. They had such an easy way between them, and not just because they could hear one another’s thoughts.
Mom was a kindergarten teacher, patient, kind, and encouraging. She came from a family of professors and school administrators, who frankly thought she could’ve done more with her life than “wipe five year olds’ noses.” Last Thanksgiving, she smiled and told Great Aunt Janet, “At least my five year olds can wipe their own asses.”
Smirking, Dad had followed up with, “How’s the incontinence, Jan? Ain’t lettin’ up at all?”     
Dad was a cop, though he wasn’t as strict as he could've been. Or as dumb as cops seemed to be in the movies.
No, your dad could be stern, but he was always fair, even if you…didn’t really hang out with him much. Mom was basically your best friend, while Dad was often too busy to know what was going on in your life.
Really, you just couldn’t see what your parents had in common, other than the dusty, midwestern town where they’d grown up. (Speaking of which, you shivered and zipped your coat higher up on your neck. Even indoors, winter in South Dakota was nothing to sneeze at.)
But your parents would share a look sometimes. Your mom would smile, and your dad’s mouth would quirk up at the corner, his eyes softening in a way they only did for her. And then you’d remember that they had their own world that you couldn’t really understand just yet.
“All right,” your teacher said. He wiped sweat from his brow while Danny’s friends carried him off to the nurse’s office. The stapler was in pieces on the floor, but poor Danny still had two huge staples in his index and ring fingers. “I think we’re done for the day. Just finish workbook pages for chapter three and we’ll cover it tomorrow.”
Yes! Math was not your strongest subject, but even you could finish four more square root problems. The teacher’s desk phone rang while you gathered your backpack and books. You were about to leave the classroom when your teacher called you back. You didn’t like the somber look on his face.
“You need to get to the principal’s office,” he said. “Your dad is there waiting for you.”
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You didn’t know it then, but today was the day your childhood died—after Dad sat you down and told you what happened to your mom.
Winter in South Dakota was harsh. It could even be dangerous, especially on icy roads shared with grocery truck haulers.
They buried Mom in the same cemetery as your grandparents and your aunt (not Janet, by the way. You didn’t really remember your Aunt Karen, but your dad always avoided talking about his sister). The cemetery was small, but you guessed that made sense for a smallish town like Sioux Falls.
You stayed there until everyone else who loved your mom was gone, and it was just you and your dad left.
You didn’t bother to wipe your tears—not until your dad set a hand on your shoulder. You tried to wipe them away quickly, even though you didn’t really know why you didn’t want him to see you crying. He just gave you this look. In his eyes, you could see every fathom of his heartbreak. In a way, it told you everything you needed to know about your dad.
So you leaned into his side, and he held you close while the icy winds whipped at both of you.
Snow crunched beneath someone’s feet, and you turned to see a man walking down the row of headstones. He looked kind of familiar…
He had a thick beard and wore a baseball cap, but he took it off once he got close enough to pay his respects—first to Mom…then to Aunt Karen.
“Jack,” he greeted with a nod of respect.
You looked up at your dad, and the free emotions he’d been wearing clammed up behind a more familiar stern expression.
“Bobby,” he said, nodding back. Realization finally dawned on you. Oh, Uncle Bobby?
You hadn’t seen your uncle since you were…ten? Probably since Aunt Karen’s funeral.
“I’m real sorry about Christine,” Uncle Bobby said. He sounded a bit gruff, but his eyes were kind when they met yours sympathetically. “About your mom.”
Another tear fell down your cheek, but you nodded and wiped it away, sniffling.
“Thank you,” your dad said eventually. There was a brief, but awkward pause. Then Bobby nodded to himself and walked away, setting that faded blue baseball cap back on his head. You watched him go curiously.
“You remember your uncle,” Dad said. He didn’t seem happy about it.
“Yeah,” you replied. “Why didn’t he stay?”
He was family, after all.
Dad shook his head. There was a wry downturn to his lips. “He’s got a junk heap to look after.”
You frowned in confusion. But he didn’t explain what he meant. He just steered you back toward the car to go home.
Just as you both crossed under the iron arch to leave the cemetery, Dad reached into his pocket and gave you something. Your mom’s wedding ring.
“You can wear it if you want,” he said. “Or just keep it safe. Either way, just remember…she’s still with you. And I’m always gonna watch over you.”
The thought made you feel the slightest bit better, and also worse. Still, you took the ring and held it between your fingers. It was simple sterling silver, but beautiful all the same.
You got into his pick-up truck and he started the drive home. Just as you turned the corner, you hit a red light. You stared out the window as snow started a light fall, flurrying down to the damp pavement. Soon the ground would be icy and wet, and that reminded you of grocery trucks. Tears welled up in your eyes, but you were sick of it. Sick of crying.
It actually annoyed you…or…did it?
A feeling fluttered in your chest. It felt like anxiety and irritation all wrapped up into one. And another feeling, this time attached to a thought. It felt hot in your throat, and a lot like—
It’s not fair!
The thought startled you. Because somehow (and you didn’t know why), it didn’t feel like you were the one that thought it.   
Finally, the street light turned green. It flashed in the corner of your eyes, and then you noticed a sleek, black car coming in the opposite direction. You watched it pass by for a moment, until your dad distracted you with a question.
“Are you hungry?” he asked. You blinked, trying to register what he said while you shook off the weird things you were feeling. Once your brain caught up to your mouth, you were finally able to answer.
“Not really.”
“Come on. I’ll get us a burger.”
You shrugged, but for once you really weren’t hungry.
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“Dad, come on,” Dean said in frustration. On one hand, he didn’t want to argue with his dad.
On the other hand, this really wasn’t fair!
He was seventeen already. He’d gone on a handful of hunts with John before, so why not this one?
“Too dangerous,” John said. He looked over at Dean from the Impala’s driver’s seat. His tone boded no further argument. “Djinn are tricky. Even seasoned hunters have trouble with ‘em.”
Dean frowned. “I’m ready, Dad.”
“Do we have to go to Bobby’s house?” Sam piped up from the back seat. At thirteen, he was getting more and more lippy.
“Cheaper than a motel.” John smiled, then glanced at his younger son through the rear-view mirror. “Besides, why not Bobby’s?”
Sam sighed. “His heater doesn’t always work.”  
“Well, I’ll help him take a look before I go,” John replied. Dean stared at the side of his dad’s face for a while, but he knew a lost argument when he saw one.
…Still, he couldn’t help but try.
“Dad,” Dean pressed.
John’s gaze stayed on the road. “Not this time, son. You and Sam’ll be okay at Bobby’s.”
Dean resisted the urge to roll his eyes. Yeah, bored at Bobby’s. But he knew it was better than being left at a crusty motel room. He was annoyed, but he could deal with it.
Until something else began to creep up in his chest. Something he hadn’t felt since…since his mom died.
It was this ball of lead in his chest, weighing him down and constricting his throat. It felt a lot like…like fear, and sadness. And finally confusion. He was confused?
Sad? Afraid? Not really, no. At least, he didn’t think so. He hadn’t thought about his mom like that in a while…
So what the hell?
Those sensations only lasted for a moment—the time it took them to finally cross the street at the red light and pass a pick-up truck going the opposite way.
But that moment seemed to drag on for minutes. Now he really was confused.
He sat still, hesitating, until the feeling eventually passed.
“Hey, Dean, where’s the Batman comic?” Sam leaned up by his ear to ask.
Dean almost flinched. He played it off though, and turned to look back at his brother.
“It’s in my bag, but wait ‘til we get to Bobby’s.”
“Why? That’s like, a whole ten minutes away,” Sam pointed out.
“Because my bag’s under a ton of stuff back there. Just leave it for a few minutes,” Dean said. He sensed that Sam was about to get all bitchy and not let it go, but then John cut in.
“He’s right, Sam. Just cool it until we get there.”
Sam frowned, slumping into his seat with an annoyed huff. Wanting to tease him out of his kid funk, Dean smirked, reached back and playfully tapped his knee. “Yeah, cool it.”
Sam slapped his hand away. “Stop.”
“Make me, dork.” Accompanied by another teasing flick to his ear. Sam hit him back, and it would’ve devolved into an immature, but not uncommon free-for-all, if not for John’s heavy sigh and a sharp warning.
“Boys, enough!”
Then the car was silent. Sam huffed again and settled back into his seat. Dean tapered down his smile and sat back in his too. He looked out the window and saw the snow beginning to fall. Without meaning to, his mind drifted back to that weird feeling in his chest.
He rubbed his chest absently. But soon enough, he forgot about it. Just like you did.
Neither of you realized exactly what happened that day.
It was the first tug of a lifelong bond, seared into your souls.
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AN: Okay, this is my first soulmate AU! Maybe the end was a little melodramatic there lol.
Let me know in the comments what you think! Then keep reading. ;)
Here it is: Part 2.
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unmotivatedwrit3r · 1 year
One in Eleven Million (ch. 3)
damian wayne x reader x jonathan kent
(A/N): Can you tell my ADHD brain has no sense of time? I was fully like 'oh yeah it's been a week' and it's actually been 3, I am so sorry. Thank you to everyone following this series; it is complete so I swear you will get the full story! (Also shoutout to @glorified-red for body doubling w/ me and being overall amazing; I appreciate you.)
Previous chapters linked here and here.
wc: ~1050
warnings: mentions of non-graphic injury
Damian’s bicep throbbed and he switched his rolling carry-on to his other hand. He’d disinfected, stitched, and wrapped the bullet graze, but that was hours ago now and he hadn’t kept any painkillers in his backpack. Even if they weren’t in his carry-on, he wouldn’t have pulled them out on the plane. As much as he’d learned about the stranger he and Jon were sitting with, he didn’t trust you enough for that. 
Jon’s carry-on bag was loud, wheels clattering against the floor and echoing in the mostly empty airport. It was a small bag and a cheap one, bought mostly for appearances and convenience. Damian’s, on the other hand, was from a safe house 90 minutes away from the airport. It was the only reason he hadn’t been stopped at security with Batman WE technology in the hidden compartment. Jon’s suit—sans the belt in Damian’s suitcase—got through security with no problems. 
He may not trust them farther than Jon could presently throw them, but Damian could at least admit that the stranger on the plane was an unexpected boon. With Jon already on edge from the solar flare and subsequent stranding and Damian himself running on not enough sleep and an even smaller social battery, having a gruff, immoveable asshole in between them would have made the flight more torturous than it was destined to be. With these delays, even more so. A childish part of Damian wanted to call Richard back and say that they did need a pick-up, actually. Some combination of pride and exhaustion stopped him. A few steps ahead, Jon’s laugh rang out, joined quickly by a laugh made familiar by only the last few hours. 
Fine so it was pride, exhaustion, and seeing Jon happy. Sue him. 
While Jon followed your—yes he knew your name, he just didn’t know you enough to use it yet—guidance through the airport, Damian watched the signs. The literal ones and the body language ones. Nothing on the plane ride had given him reason to think the stranger meant any harm, but Damian was raised with extreme paranoia on all sides of his family. Jon was his family too, though, and with his super senses compromised, Damian’s instinct would have to do. 
“Okay so since this is a shuttle, I think it’s this door.” Damian looked up at the sign you were pointing to. Zone 8, it read, Airport Shuttles. Jon shrugged.
“Looks right.”
He took the lead this time and you followed. Damian stayed behind, eyes catching on your backpack. You don’t have clothes with you, he remembered. By the looks of it, you didn’t have much with you at all. 
There was a shuttle leaving by the time the three of you reached the platform. 
“Excuse me,” you asked a woman standing nearby. Damian vaguely recognized her from the boarding line. “Are you here for the hotel shuttles?” The woman turned around, launching into a tirade.
Damian took the distraction for a chance to talk to Jon. 
“No change right?” Jon shook his head, hands rubbing up and down his arms. 
“None. I didn’t really expect any this early. Maybe tomorrow if I’m lucky? Or the day after.” 
Damian swung his backpack off of his shoulder to pull his jacket off. 
“You’re not regulating temperature properly—” 
Jon’s hand on his arm stopped him. 
“Your arm.” Damian cursed under his breath and pulled the jacket back on. 
“How long’s it been since you changed that?” Jon asked. 
“I’ll change it at the hotel, it’s fine.” 
“It’s not.” 
In the corner of his eye, Damian watched you extricate yourself from the tirade. 
“You’re not one to talk, currently,” he said. “It’s barely chilly out and you’re shivering.” Jon’s response was curtailed by your return. 
“Oh but the Metropolis folks aren’t built for this kind of weather, don’t you know? It’s clear skies with a chance of red cape sightings over there.” Your own jacket was still on, though unzipped. 
A snort of laughter escaped Damian before he could hold it back. Damian blamed it on the fatigue. He blamed the spark of gratification he got when you delighted in his reaction on that too. Jon rolled his eyes. 
“Yeah yeah, very funny.”
Your eyes locked onto something behind Jon and Damian tracked your gaze to the shuttle. Jon took a step back as it parked right beside him. 
“Bluiett, Archanza, Helioz!” Yelled the driver. 
Jon extended his arm, ushering you inside. 
“After you.” 
Damian clambered on after Jon. He’d taken a seat across from you. Damian sat next to him. 
The shuttle ride was, for the most part, quiet until the first stop. 
“I don’t have any pajamas,” you lamented, head dropping back against the window behind you. “Or toiletries.” 
Damian wasn’t sure if you were expecting an answer, even if he did know what to say. Jon’s eyebrows wrinkled. Damian thought his thinking face was adorable. Jon thought it was embarrassing.
“You can borrow something of mine if you want?” Jon offered. Damian held back a smile. Jon had very little clothes-wise in his carry on—just sweatpants, an extra set of jeans, a t-shirt or two, and underwear. And a Superman suit. But still, he offered. You smiled awkwardly, eyes dipping down to where your own backpack rested on your lap. 
“Um, no I’m good. But thanks.” 
Damian’s eyes tracked your face. For the first time all evening, he found what he was looking for. You didn’t quite trust them either, not yet. You were wary of them. Not afraid, not like you were when you got on the plane, but wary. Jon and he were strangers and you knew it. 
“Even hotels as bad as these should provide some sort of soap,” Damian offered. 
For the first time all night, your hopeful smile was directed at him. 
“Yeah, I forgot about that, thanks.” The relief in your voice told him you were being genuine. Damian nodded in return, giving into the smile tugging at the corner of his lips. 
“I think I’m taking sleep over a shower anyway,” Jon added. 
“Easy for you to say when there’s options,” you teased back at him. Damian might not have laughed the way Jon did, but he cracked a smile nonetheless.When the three of you parted in the hotel elevator—you on your own on the second floor and he and Jon together on the third—Damian might not have known everything there was to know about you, but his instincts whispered trust. Good enough for him.
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