#tokyo debunker haku kusanagi
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pinkaditty · 6 hours ago
snippet bc im so tired (perv!haku x reader)
ok i wanted 2 finish it 2day butttttt my body is screaming at me 2 go 2 bed. and i need 2 pack 4 a beach trip so. yea. i should go 2 bed.
anyways i hope i post it 2mrw or the day after but in the meantime please consume and enjoy this little snippet of the perv!haku fic im writing bc my mutual aya filled my dashboard with his recent perverted activities.
context is that u and haku were caught in the rain as he was walking u back 2 ur dorm. enjoy!
“I hope you don’t invite just any guy over when you’ve got your clothes lying around like that.” Haku jokes, scuffing his shoes against the wooden floor. A wry smile twists his face again, and his gaze flickers from you to where you hid the hamper. “Some of them might get the wrong idea, you know.” With the way his gaze fixates on you as he says that, you are almost inclined to believe that was a warning against him specifically. You suppress a shiver and blink at him curiously instead, smiling amusedly.
“Well, I know I can trust you!” You turn away, heading towards a closet to collect some towels for the two of you. “You’re my favorite ghoul.”
You grab two white towels and shuffle back to Haku, noticing he seems rather stiff and wide-eyed. He clicks his tongue as he regains his relaxed composure, smirking at you as though he were fine moments ago. “You say that to all the ghouls I bet.” He chuckles.
“No, just you.” You’re standing rather close to Haku, using your own towel to dry off your hair. You’re uncomfortably aware of how your uniform sticks to your body. It makes you shiver, holding the towel tight against your neck. When you look up again, Haku’s gaze snaps upwards to meet yours. You were sure he’d been looking at your chest just now, but maybe you’re overthinking it. “I know I’m technically not allowed favorites,” you start, a teasing smile growing on your face, “but you’ve been so kind. How could you not be my favorite?” You smile cheerily at him before stepping back and focusing on drying your hair, relieving yourself from some of the stagnant chill of the rapidly cooling water. 
Instead of painstakingly attempting to dry your uniform blazer, you decide to try and peel it off. You’ve barely managed to shrug it off your shoulders before you turn back to Haku. He jumps slightly, his gaze flickering to your face, as though he’d been in a trance. “You should take off your wet blazer, too. You’ll still catch a cold if you keep wet clothes on.” 
You turn away and struggle with your blazer a bit more, the sleeves and back insistently stuck to your skin thanks to the rain. Haku laughs behind you, and you hear approaching footsteps. “You know princess, I am always down to help you undress.” His voice lowers in tone by a few notes. You shiver as a warm hand settles on your shoulder. Even warmer breath curls around your ear and you fight the urge to shiver again. “All you have to do is ask.” You can almost feel his lips brushing against the shell of your ear, but choose to ignore it, letting him take hold of one of the sleeves of your blazer.
yea its short i knowwwwwwwwww im disappointed in myself too. i promise im working on it. please feel free 2 motivate me orsomething. writing this has been cathartic i feel rejuvenated and sucked dry at the same time. ok goodnight
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aayakashii · 4 months ago
Finally managed to finish this fic 🧘🏻‍♀️ this one is for the members of Haku Gfs Club™️ @ghoulspaw @kusanagihaku and @pinkaditty
I just gave it a read so it's not properly edited – I apologize if there are too many mistakes in it ;-; I'm not super satisfied with this one, but I hope you guys like it <3 Also, it's a standalone, so there will be no continuation!
The title comes from a Florence+ The Machine song, Addicted to Love.
might as well face it
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You never really knew why Haku didn't frequent Rui's bar. And honestly, you never thought of asking either. Among the thousands of secrets every ghoul always kept from you, that one seemed innocuous enough for you to ignore.
So, when Rui called you at 3am on a weekday, you would never guess he would ask you to escort Haku back to Hotarubi.
“Sorry, doll, you're the only one I can ask to help me with this.” Rui's voice sounded sincerely apologetic. “There's no one else here in the bar, I promised Lyca I'd help him with his homework – and you know how he gets when he's expecting something – and Subaru isn't answering his phone.”
You shrugged, as you changed out of your pajamas.
“I mean, it IS late at night and he’s way more responsible than us. But what happened to him?”
“Oh, you know.” You imagined Rui waving his hand dismissively. “Hakucchi can't hold his liquor very well. He's wasted.”
You pursed your lips, trying hard not to laugh. The thought of the most nonchalant and aloof man you knew tripping on his own feet amused you more than it probably should.
“And why can't he stay in one of the rooms like Haru does sometimes?”
Rui sighed loudly.
“He's adamant on going back to Hotarubi. I'm trying to keep him here for a little longer because I'm worried about him just crashing and sleeping in the middle of Obscuary's woods. Who knows, he could legit die on his way back.”
It was your turn to sigh loudly. A dull headache was slowly forming in the back of your head.
“Okay… I'm going.” You grumbled as you made your way outside of your dorm and into the chilly night. “He's lucky I wasn't asleep yet.”
“Thank you, cutie, I owe you one and Haku will owe you his life~” Rui made a sharp kissing sound on his end of the line, quickly hanging up before you could have any change of heart.
And after a hurried walk towards Obscuary and sincere apologies from Rui, you ended up trudging through the campus with a very much inebriated, heavy, limp-bodied Haku leaning on your shoulder – his sultry voice murmuring nonsensical things in your ear as you suppressed a shiver from going down your spine.
His breath smelled like one of Rui's sweet, sparkly drinks – the ones you drank when you didn't want to wake up the next day with a mean hangover.
Haku really was extremely lightweight, it seemed.
“You smell so good” Haku murmured, nuzzling your head as he leaned all his weight onto your body, feet dragging clumsily on the ground.
Not only were you struggling not to trip and fall headfirst onto the asphalt, bringing a grown man down with you; said grown man made the task all the more difficult as he kept on shamelessly flirting with you.
“Haku, please, can't you help me a little bit here? Try to walk a bit too, come on.” You grunted, pushing him away from you, only to have him throw his arms around your shoulders once more.
“But it feels so good like this.” He murmured way too close to your ear and you gritted your teeth, shutting your eyes tightly in order to keep your thoughts from going to places you really didn't want to visit.
Haku's breathy, silky voice had always been your worst and weakest point. Sometimes you wondered if he knew it, consciously or not. If he did, it would definitely explain how he always sounded just a little bit more husky, just a little bit more sultry whenever you two were alone.
“I can't carry you properly like this, though?! Look, we're already at Hotarubi. Try to walk just a little bit longer, please?” You huffed and puffed, the exertion and the warmth of his body overpowering the cold night and causing you to break a sweat.
“Hmm…” he hummed before rubbing his cheek against your hair, then sighed. “Okay… but just because it's you who's asking.”
Haku straightened his back as much as he could, slinging just one arm around your shoulder, and stumbled inside his dorm. You finally managed to breathe properly, relieved of all the dead weight he had been putting on your shoulder.
Still, you navigated through Hotarubi's slippery corridors quite poorly as Haku's head hung low and he blinked slowly, fading in and out of a drunken sleep while you dragged him to his room.
Once inside, you watched with an amused and exasperated look as Haku stumbled towards his futon, letting himself fall heavily onto it, face down, with a loud groan of someone who subconsciously knew he'd very much regret his choice to drink afterwards.
You wiped the sweat off of your forehead while you walked towards him.
“Sit up just a little bit. You can't sleep with your uniform like this.”
He shuffled on his bed, slowly propping himself on his elbows.
“Trying to get me out of my clothes, are you, Honor Student? How bold you are. Thought you'd ask me out for dinner first.” He murmured with a smirk and half-lidded eyes.
You sighed, pinching the bridge of your nose and pushing all of your confusing emotions away. You would not deal with your feelings right then and there. Not when Haku was so obviously out of his mind.
“You can't sleep with your blazer otherwise you'll wrinkle it. Unless you're a Frostheim bourgeois who has a whole collection of these expensive ass blazers. If not, you need to take it off.” you said, exasperated. You held out your hand, motioning for him to give you his clothes.
He raised his eyebrows and nodded slowly, as if you had said something incredibly wise. You very much knew how expensive those blazers were after seeing how careful Kaito was with his. You wouldn’t let Haku just ruin his uniform.
He clumsily took off his blazer and handed it to you.
“You know, rumor has it that I might have been, in fact, a Frostheim bourgeois.”
You were trying so very hard not to notice the scent of sandalwood that clung in his blazer as you hung it on a nearby chair, that you almost didn't pay attention to the little gem of information he seemed to be offering to you. Almost.
“Well... Were you?” you asked with one eyebrow raised.
He grinned mischievously, putting a finger on his lips and shushing loudly. You rolled your eyes at his drunken antics as you scooted closer to help him out of his vest and tie.
“Sit properly so I can help you out of this vest and necktie.”
He pouted, rolling his head back. The sharp pops of his neck made him grimace.
“I think… That you’re enjoying undressing me.” he smirked as his head hung to the side. “You can always do this, you know, you just have to ask.”
You fidgeted in your position and pressed the heels of your hands on your eyes. You rubbed your face, trying hard to erase the tingling feeling on your cheeks and ignore his unabashed flirting.
‘He’s drunk. He’s just fucking drunk’ you chanted in your mind and took a deep breath.
“I’m just trying to help you not ruin the most expensive parts of your uniform, you dumbass.” you muttered, avoiding eye contact.
Haku threw his head to the other side, placing a hand over his heart as if you had just physically hurt him.
“Oh, how cold, Honor Student.” he sighed, head still limp as if he couldn’t hold it upright, but began to shuffle in place as he sat properly on his futon.
You held your breath while you opened his vest as fast as you possibly could, ignoring the heaviness of his gaze. He blinked lazily, eyes scanning your face and your hands as you fiddled with his buttons and then moved to loosen his tie.
You tried not to notice how he licked his lips when you pushed the vest out of his shoulders, but the gooseflesh that pricked your skin was proof that you failed.
“Hey.” He called out to you, voice hoarse and low - the type of voice you had always imagined he would have during early mornings, right after waking up, when his golden eyes would still be glossy with sleepiness.
You shook your head, pushing the thought away, and got up to place his vest and tie on the chair, right on top of his blazer.
“Yes?” you asked, straightening imaginary wrinkles on his clothes only to avoid his eyes.
Haku paused for a moment, as if waiting for you to turn around to look at him. When you didn’t, he took a deep breath and leaned back on his elbows once again.
“I'm so in love with you.” He murmured with a lazy smile on his face and his eyes closed, as if he had just told you the most obvious thing in the world.
You closed your eyes as your breath hitched and your hands curled into fists, gripping the fabric of his uniform tightly and undoing all your efforts of keeping it pristine and straightened.
Despite yourself, you felt a giddiness bubble inside your stomach. You wondered how many nights you’ve spent imagining scenarios in which he would say that exact thing.
Scenarios in which you actually deserved him saying such things while sober and not an overly-affectionate drunk.
You were quiet when you kneeled besides his feet to untie his laces and take off his shoes and socks.
“You hear? I'm in love with you.” He repeated as he nudged you with his knee, opening his eyes for a moment to check if you were actually paying attention. You gritted your teeth, jaw visibly flexing.
“Huh. Is that so.” You answered, bitter and cold, but your dismissal seemed to have gone over his head as he closed his eyes and sighed with a dreamy look on his face.
“Yeah. I love you. So much.”
You shot up to your feet, as if his words shocked you like an electric current, and walked towards his desk to grab his water bottle. You placed it right beside him with a heavy, tired sigh. You really didn't need that at that moment.
“Do you have paracetamol so you can take it if you need it during the morning?”
Haku furrowed his eyebrows in confusion, nose scrunching in a way that he never did while sober. You cursed yourself for thinking he looked adorable.
“Aren't you gonna say anything?” He asked.
“I love you.”
You closed your eyes, trying to ignore the leaps of your heart whenever he said those words.
“You're drunk, Haku.” You breathed out, looking at him with exasperation in your voice.
“You're spewing nonsense.” You muttered, dusting yourself off only to avoid his gaze and to keep your hands occupied. “Go to sleep and you'll feel better tomorrow.”
“You don't believe me?” Haku widened his eyes, a tinge of hurt audible in his honeyed voice.
“The alcohol is making you say things you don't mean. Go to sleep.”
“You don't believe me.” Hurt quickly changed to incredulity.
“Good night, Haku. If you need anything, you can send me a message.”
“No, wa-wait.”
Haku quickly tried to get on his feet, but the dizziness still clouded his movements and he ended up tripping, falling on his knees. You gasped and kneeled beside him, eyes trained on his knees that had hit the tatami floor with an uncomfortable thud.
“Are you okay?” You asked, hand hovering over his back.
Haku slowly turned his head towards you. His golden slitted eyes glinted with something you couldn't quite understand.
“Why don't you believe me?” He murmured.
You opened your mouth, then closed it – no words made their way out of your lips.
God fucking dammit.
How could you even begin to explain to him all the reasons why you couldn't believe in him – but mostly how you couldn't believe in yourself – no matter how much you wanted to?
“Do you think I would lie about something like that?” He narrowed his eyes, looking at you as if you had broken his heart.
“I don't.” You found your voice after long, uncomfortable seconds. “I just think you're letting the alcohol make you believe things that aren't true.”
He shook his head vigorously and you couldn't help but think that it probably made his dizziness a lot worse.
“I wouldn't let some alcohol make me confess my love for anyone else.” he grasped your hand with a lot more force than you were expecting him to have. You tried to pull it away, but his grip was that of steel.
“Please… go to sleep.” you felt your throat tightening and a pressure behind your eyes.
“I've thought of you every single moment of my days ever since I saw you. You don't get to dictate how I feel just because you don't feel the same way as I do.” his brows furrowed again, sudden aggravation taking up his features.
You almost gasped. Haku never got angry at you, not even when you were a lot to handle, nor when you made his life a bit harder. What an irony it was that the first time would be while he was confessing.
“That's not what this is about.” you shook your head.
“Then what is it?”
You felt your bottom lip quiver slightly. You quickly bit it hard, in order to keep your emotions at bay, ducking your hand down and shutting your eyes tightly.
You briefly regretted taking Rui's call. Opening the can of worms that was your feelings for Haku was probably one of the last things you wanted to do late at night, in the middle of the week. You had spent too much time closing that can very tightly, vacuum sealing it and stashing it in the depths of your mind, only to have all your effort ruined in mere minutes.
Haku placed his other hand on your cheek, gently tilting your head back up. You kept your eyes shut.
“It's okay if you don't love me.” He murmured, the same tinge of sorrowful acceptance in his voice as the one you usually heard when he talked about his family. “It won't change how I feel. I just want to know from your mouth.”
“Haku…” your eyelids fluttered.
“Just say you don't like me. Look me in the eyes and say it. And I promise I'll leave you be.”
You opened your eyes, meeting his gaze. His pupils were blown out and you could barely make out the golden ring of his irises. He looked at you with an adoration that could genuinely make you sick.
“I can't.” you whispered and leaned into his touch.
“I can't just doom you, Haku. I can't take you down with me. You can find someone better, someone who deserves you. Someone who isn't cursed.” you blurted out, the words flowing freely from your lips now that the dam had been broken.
“Don't say that.”
“But it's true. I would… I would love to let you love me.” At that, his eyes opened wide and you could almost see hope forming deep inside them. “But I can't, in good conscience.”
Haku leaned in, resting his forehead against yours.
“It would be selfish of me. What if I die from my curse? You'd be hurt.” You gulped, shaking your head and backing away from him. “And worse, what if I hurt you if I become a monster?”
His hand, still gripping yours tightly, pulled you back close to him. His eyes were wide, wild, searching yours.
“And why would any of this matter?”
You blinked, confused.
Haku scoffed, as if you were being absolutely stupid. As if you were the drunk one.
“I already love you. I don't need your permission to feel my feelings. Even if you kept me at arm's length, it wouldn't change how I feel.”
You were quiet as he grabbed your other hand and held both of them tightly against his chest. You could feel the loud and fast thump of his heart against your skin.
“And if you let me, we can look for a solution together. Worst case scenario, we'd be together for less time than I wished for. But any time with you would already be perfect.” He rested his forehead against yours once again. “Even if it was just a second.”
God. Zenji was right when he said Haku was a charmer. Your breath hitched in your throat.
“I wouldn't say this kind of thing to just anyone, though. Not sober, nor drunk. I can only say it to you.” he added, finally.
Your shuddering breath was the only sound between the two of you as you allowed his words to sink into your brain.
Deep down, you knew your hesitancy was never because of his drunken state, although it still kept you on your toes. As much as you were aware that your fears were the main source of your insecurity, a small part of you was still terribly afraid of him forgetting it all in the morning.
You felt his breath get heavier and deeper for a few seconds before Haku hurriedly shuffled onto his feet and stumbled fast towards the balcony of his room, which hovered just a few inches over Hotarubi's lake. You winced when you heard the muffled sounds of him throwing up.
After a few minutes, he dragged his feet back to his room, looking ashamed and terribly disheveled.
“Are you okay?” You asked, handing him his water bottle.
“I'm sorry.” He said, voice raspy after the strain. He took long, big gulps of water before sighing loudly.
“It's okay.” You chuckled, leading him towards his futon. “Go lie down and sleep. Please?”
Haku eyed you with utter indignation.
“We will continue our conversation tomorrow.” he stated, seriously, but finally relenting to your request. You nodded, sighing.
“Yes, yes, we will. Now go lie down, okay?” You pushed him gently, helping him as he tried to get on top of his bed.
“And I will repeat every word I said to you in the morning when I'm completely sober just so you can't say I'm lying.” He continued while you fluffed his pillow and helped him get under his covers.
“Even if I have a huge headache and feel like shit, I will repeat everything.” He muttered, eyes quickly getting heavy as you finished tucking him neatly into his bed.
You couldn't help but smile as his eyes so quickly grew heavy with sleep, while still mumbling incoherent things.
“Good night, Haku” you whispered.
Between long, heavy blinks, he turned his head towards you.
“I love you.” He whispered one last time, before finally letting sleep wash over his body.
Your heart twisted inside your chest – a mix of fear, apprehension and excitement bubbling in your chest and your stomach, that could make you scream. Instead, you watched as his breathing got deep and even, before gently pushing his hair away from his forehead.
You leaned in, placing a faint kiss on his forehead, inhaling the comforting scent of incense that followed him wherever he went.
Against his skin, you confessed.
“I love you too.”
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lemongrasstea1677 · 2 months ago
tokyo debunker character interactions I'd pay to see and what scene i imagine them to be in:
Haku and Leo
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Scene: probably one that will involve mc and Haku has to shield her from Leo
Jiro and Ren
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scene: probably joint mission and Jiro just saying outlandish things about human anatomy and Ren will be nust flabbergasted at what he says OR it could ne the opposite and they actually bond about human anatomy accuracies in horror movies
Rui and Jin
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scene: probably backstory about how Rui used to hear how great Jin is from Haku and how he sees him now (could also involve jealous Jin scene whenever Rui tries to flirt with mc)
Sho and Zenji
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scene: Zenji calling him a nickname or something, and how good he is at cooking and how he's a perfect boyfriend material and when Sho finally sees Zenji he gets weirded out at how eccentric he is
Towa and Taiga
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scene: PLEASE PLEASE ANY SCENE THESE TWO INTERACT PLUS IF LORE DROP PLEASEE (some flower nickname about Taiga probably Spider lily because how red his hair is and how violent he is, and idk any lore drop maybe?? I'll eat anything at this point)
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otomemer · 4 months ago
TKDB NSFW Alphabet - Haku Kusanagi
Note: Haku's been living rent free in my mind for days now. Like he's such a green flag, it's turning me on!! What the hell, man, you can't do this to me.
A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
A true king of aftercare! He always puts you first before himself so before sex, expect that he already has stuff prepared for once it's all done - snacks, water, towels, etc., anything you might just need right after your lovemaking. And once you're all cleaned up and comfy, he will make sure to cuddle you and just hold you close while whispering sweet nothings in your ear until you fall asleep.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
I think Haku likes his hands. How they're strong after training and fighting anomalies, yet still gentle enough to hold his loved ones and play beautiful tunes with his flute. He also loves how he can get them nasty with you, slipping his thumb past your lips, or when he buries his fingers deep inside of your pussy to feel you clench around him while crying his name.
Haku finds your face fascinating. Like he could literally spend hours just staring, admiring your beauty. He's already got every little detail in your face memorized with how many hours he spends staring.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
Ohoho Haku definitely loves having his cum on and in you. There will be times when he'd want to blow his load on your face, boobs, tummy or thighs, but when things get hot and heavy and he couldn't be bothered to pull out, he would happily fill you up while deep inside you BUT only if you're ok with it. This man is big on asking for consent so things like this will be discussed prior to having sex.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
Your regular, non-sexy selfies are his favorite pictures to masturbate to. There's just something about you smiling so innocently that really turns him on, especially if it's been a while since you two last saw each other. That's not to say that he doesn't enjoy jacking off to your sexy photos too, of course.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
He's probably had a relationship or two in the past based on how smooth he is with handling you. He's had some experience, so he knows exactly the things to say and just how to touch you to get you wet and eager to have him.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
He likes any position where he can see your body before him. If he'd take you from the back, there has to be a mirror in front of you so he could still admire your body moving along his thrusts.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
Sometimes, he likes to let out little, flirty remarks even while doing the deed. Which is 100% guaranteed to elicit a giggle out of you.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
Not entirely hairless down there but he trims them well to look clean enough for his girl.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
VERYYY ROMANTIC. Makes sure you're completely in the mood before you even begin taking off your clothes. Showers you with compliments, kisses and touches you gently to truly get you
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
I mentioned in D = Dirty Secret that the favorite thing he masturbates to are your innocent selfies. Though I must say that he's also got a high sex drive so he often jacks off.. probably at least once a day. Though if you're not busy, he'll just come and visit you and probably just have sex with you instead of masturbate.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
I think he's kinda into bondage. Shibari ropes, to be exact. He loves seeing your helpless, shaking form all bound up and beautiful for him. The sight of the ropes gently squeezing your skin just makes his cock harder.
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
In his or your room. Though he'd much prefer to do it in your room where anyone would less likely hear your activities going on.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
He loves it when you're so determined and hardworking. Other than that, he also loves it when you wear sexy outfits and lingerie for him. He's just a man weak to his girl's charm, after all.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
He wouldn't do anything that would hurt you no matter how much you ask for it. It's just not his thing to inflict pain upon his love :(
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
HE IS A PUSSY EATER!!! HE'S A GIVER!! He'd much rather eat you out than have you suck his dick. Though if you insist on sucking him off, he wouldn't deny you of it either. He loves receiving blowjobs from you, but he just enjoys treating you more.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
This all depends on his mood. Sometimes it's slow, passionate and sensual and just filled with "I love yous", but sometimes, when both you and he (or just him) are exhausted and stressed, it can get a little rough.. though not rough enough to hurt you because, like i said, he doesn't like inflicting pain on you.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
Quickies between you and Haku probably often happen before you have meetings with the rest of the Hotarubi ghouls. When Subaru is still not around and you two are feeling horny, he might as well just shoot his shot and asked if you wanna do it before Subaru arrives.
(As for Zenji, whenever he hears Haku saying stuff like this to you, he would immediately skedaddle out of the room)
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
I think the most risk he's ever taken is whenever he'd ask you to have a quickie before Subaru comes to the common room for an important meeting, but that's about it. So far, you're lucky both of you had finished before Subaru appeared lol.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
2-3 rounds, at most? He's got an ok stamina and it really depends on how turned on and needy you both are. He's happy to do more than his usual rounds if you're up for it though.. just give him a little break then he'll be up and ready again.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
He keeps toys that he wants to use on you as long as you're ok with it. IDK if it counts as a toy but he's got a secret stash of shibari ropes.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
We all know he's a tease even outside the bedroom, it's canon! He teases you here and there when things are getting sexy between you two, but it only serves to make your panties even wetter than they already are.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
Haku is good at controlling his noises especially when you are having sex in his room in Hotarubi. However, he wouldn't hold back with his moans and grunts if you happen to be fucking in a place where no one else could hear you. He loves hearing the noises you make for him, so he also does his best to let you know just how good you're making him feel.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
He's probably considered getting some of those aphrodisiac chocolates for you two just to spice things up the next time you get intimate. Though, of course, he lets you know about it beforehand because as I've said, consent is very important to this man. He can't get turned on if you aren't enjoying.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
Pretty average length and girth, about 6" when hard, honestly. His hair down there is neatly trimmed to not get in the way.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
Kinda high, especially when the two of you began dating. He can get hard just with you showering him compliments (especially about his looks).
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
He always makes sure you're taken care off properly before he could even get comfortable and fall asleep. He will definitely wait for you to fall asleep first.
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tomatoxpoet · 8 months ago
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happy birthday haku!!
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tsuutarr · 8 months ago
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Pairing: Tokyo Debunker Ghouls x Reader
Word count: 12K
Content: angst, pining, loss
Your potential death due to your curse was no secret, yet there was still a promise of time – time for you (and those who’re willing to help you) to find a cure, a solution to your plight. 
No one expected your death to come so suddenly.
(Or, a look into how the Darkwick Academy ghouls may react to your passing)
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You’re no stranger to tragedy, but your death still comes as a surprise to you. Perhaps you should’ve expected it, what with your luck continuing its downward spiral to misfortune. Maybe you should’ve expected someone who despised you to take matters into their own hands, deciding to rid this world of your existence before you became a disastrous anomaly – before you even had a chance to fight your fate.
Regret upon regret builds a castle inside your bleeding body. Apologies, confessions – all of them slowly die in your throat.
You should’ve expected it all.
But you didn’t.
So now you lay, your blood a perfect canvas to frame your loss of life.
Your sage’s ring glows dimly on your finger.
“The Honor Student has passed away,” the Masterpiece Newscasters proclaim, their monotone voice ringing clearly throughout Darkwick Academy. “The culprit is yet to be found. All residents are forbidden to leave the premises until the criminal is found.”
As the Masterpiece Newscasters continue to prattle on about the false information of the Honor Student’s – your – passing, Yuri can feel a headache erupt from behind his eyelids. He’s already slept less than the recommended amount today, he doesn’t need this added stress! There’s no way you’re gone, it’s just not possible. You so bravely faced that immortal anomaly after all, so how could you be dead?
Yuri Isami is only heading to your place of residence to put these bizarre rumors to a rest.
Even when he sees your crumpled body on the floor, Yuri doesn’t believe it – you must have chosen to sleep oddly!
Even when he feels the coldness of your skin, he doesn’t believe it – you just need a blanket!
Even when he doesn’t hear your heartbeat, he doesn’t believe it – you must be acting!
No, no, he has to be realistic. You’re definitely sick. He has to help you. He has to save you! He can save you! He’s the greatest doctor, after all! He can think of so many ways to save you. He can, if you just enhance his stigma, so why don’t you do it? Yuri clutches your hand in his, hands trembling.
“Why won’t you enhance my stigma, worm?” he mumbles. “You can do at least this much, can’t you? You have the opportunity to help the great Yuri Isami! It’s an honor!”
“Yes, it’s an honor to help you,” you had said, laughing. Yuri could be quite particular about laughs, but he didn’t mind yours because there wasn’t anything patronizing about it. “You’re amazing, Yuri.”
“Hmph, well, it’s good that you know your place,” he had responded haughtily. He wishes he could’ve told you how grateful he was that you believed in him. That you were interested in him and his research. That you cared for him.
Yuri’s grip on your hand gets firmer, the coldness of your skin seeping into his. He looks at your eyes, thinking of the way your eyes would light up when he would showcase his scientific discoveries.
He looks at your lips, remembering how you’d smile so grandly at him whenever you two would talk. He remembers how you’d learn what song he was humming just to hum with him.
He looks at your hand, recalling the warmth and strength he felt when he first held it. The way your hand shook due to your own fear remains engraved in his brain – the way that you supported him despite looking like you’d fall. You’ve been able to stand so long, haven’t you? You can’t be gone now.
“Jiro!” he calls, voice cracking. This surgery needs to be a success. He can’t – he won’t – hand you over to another researcher. “Bring the Honor Student to Mortkranken! They need treatment immediately!”
At Yuri’s call, Jiro immediately reaches for you, cradling you in his arms as he lifts you up. He’s never really been one to be gentle, especially in regards to corpses. As long as the corpse is intact, is there any reason to be “gentle”? Jiro doesn’t really think so. But, even so, Jiro can’t bring himself to manhandle you, tossing you around like he would anyone else.
As soon as he saw you on the floor, he wanted to gather you in his arms and carry you back to bed. He wanted to open up his suitcase and conduct your weekly health checkup. He wanted to ensure that you weren’t dead.
Unfortunately, Jiro is cursed with objectivity and he knows – knows – that there’s no way you’re still alive. He also knows that there’s no way to bring you back. Maybe if they had found you faster. Maybe if you were a ghoul. Maybe, maybe, maybe…
But it’s too late now, isn’t it?
He thinks about how you reacted whenever you saw blood and gore. He thinks about how much you fret over him and his injuries, even though he reassures you constantly. He thinks about the warmth of your palms.
He thinks about the ridiculous care you put into everyone.
“What’s this packet? I can’t eat solids,” Jiro had stated bluntly when you passed him a box. It was pink and cutesy, decorated with ribbons.
“It’s not a solid,” you said, grinning cheekily. “Look inside!”
Jiro looked at you blankly, but still did as you instructed. Yuri was strange, but you could be quite strange, too. “...Oh.”
“It’s chocolate milk! It should hopefully be easier to eat,” you beam at him. “Happy Valentine's Day, Jiro!”
Jiro cradles you closer to his chest, like you’re made of glass. You’re so cold, your skin feeling like his. He never thought that someone who was as warm-hearted as you could ever feel so desolate. “...I told you it’d be a problem for me if you died,” he murmured, softly, as he quietly trailed behind Yuri to head to Mortkraken.
When Rui hears the news of your passing, he’s pretty sure the world just stopped moving around him. He has to hear the news several more times to really come to terms with it. It’s unfair, he thinks, it’s so unfair.
You were fighting so hard. You were working so hard.
How could that come crashing down so suddenly?
It’s not fair. You of all people should’ve been able to live a long life. You of all people should’ve been able to be happy. 
He tried so hard to stay away from you, to prevent him from accidentally killing you with his curse. You tried so hard to bring him comfort, despite the looming danger of his power. He’s flirted with plenty of people, but you’re the only person he’s ever thought he’d actually love to spend forever with. He cursed himself for those thoughts, knowing that longing for something that can’t be will only hurt him more. But there isn’t an easy end to longing.
“Sometimes, I wish I could’ve met you as a regular guy,” Rui had confided in you, one day, as the two of you sat in his bar. He swirled his wine, his cheeks slightly ruddy from the alcohol. “I guess you wouldn’t have given me the time of day if we had, though.” His laugh left his lips, hollowly bouncing around his glass as he took another sip.
“You’re drunk, Rui,” you had said, though your tone didn’t hold any malice. “...But sometimes, I wish I could’ve met you before our curses, too.”
This is why he couldn’t get over you, no matter how much he tried. This is why he couldn’t distance himself from you, no matter how much he tried. You drew him in closer and closer like a trap, and he was more than okay with being ensnared, even if he was scared of being hurt.
Rui blinked, surprised, as a cute teddy bear smooches him on the cheek.
“Sorry, you seemed distracted,” you hummed, making Rui laugh.
“Ah, yeah– yeah! Sorry about that,” he responded, “I def wasn’t trying to be.”
“I know,” you replied. “But you got to pay attention now, okay? I want you to meet someone!” You waved the teddy bear’s paw. “This is Honor Student Teddy!” Through your puppeteering, Honor Student Teddy offered Rui a hand, which Rui took with an amused look.
“You’re so cute.”
“Beep! Incorrect! The one that’s cute is Honor Student Teddy!” you said, looking away bashfully. Cute. “...So, I was thinking. Since we can’t touch, maybe we could use Honor Student Teddy as my replacement?” You grabbed Honor Student Teddy’s other hand, the one not in Rui’s grasp. “See? Doesn’t it kind of seem like we’re holding hands?”
Honor Student Teddy remains in Rui’s room, pampered and loved as it should be. As you should’ve been. A dry laugh escapes Rui. 
“...Maybe this time, we can really hold hands.”
Blearily, Lyca opens his eyes, the sound of his phone buzzing waking him up. He sees that the message is from the blonde gigolo, which initially makes him annoyed. But Lyca has good instincts – his gut feeling is telling him to pay attention. So, instead of ignoring Rui, Lyca sleepily reads Rui’s texts.
His sleep soon evaporates from his being.
“It’s a lie!” he yells, jumping out of his bed and running to his bedroom’s door. There’s no way you’re gone. There’s no way he’ll never be able to smell your sweet scent ever again. There’s no way you won’t lay down with him and gently thread your fingers through his hair. There’s no way you won’t be able to draw together again. There’s just no way. There’s no way!
But even if Lyca wants to burst out of his bedroom, following your scent to find you, he can’t open the door. He can’t open the door to confirm if you’re really gone. He doesn’t want to go downstairs to see that you’re not waiting for him. He doesn’t want to go to the balcony where you’ll no longer be able to eat with him.
Lyca doesn’t want to lose you. Opening the door to the bedroom feels like he’ll lose you. Carefully, he goes back to his bed, where the blanket from Neros and the blanket from you lay side by side.
“Lyca!” you beammed, making Lyca tilt his head. You had a sweeter scent than usual today. Something that indicated that you were quite happy.
“What’re you so egg-cited about?”
“Heh.” You gave him a big grin. It was something he’d come to like seeing, especially since so many on campus gave him a grimace. “Ta-dah!” With a flourish, you presented Lyca with a soft blanket. “I got you a gift!”
Lyca frowned, looking at the blanket in confusion. “I already got one.”
“Yeah, I know,” you responded, not at all discouraged by the bite in Lyca’s tone. “It’s an extra one! I thought it’d be nice if you could have some more blankets. You can be twice as warm and cozy now!” There was a hint of hesitation as you say your next words, “I can take it back, though. Sorry, I guess I got ahead of myself.”
“...S’okay.” Lyca took the blanket from you, feeling cozier as soon as he touched the soft fabric. It smelt like you. He liked how you smelled – in some ways, it reminded him of home.
Lyca looks at the blanket on his bed, the one that you got him. He grabs it, softly, in his palms. He remembers your encouragement when he had told you that he’d work hard so that he could live with humans. You said he could do it and when you said it, he really did feel like he could. So, you can’t be gone yet. He needs you.
With a deep inhale, Lyca snuggles the blanket that smells like you because maybe, just maybe, he’ll be able to chase you and tell you not to leave him if he memorizes your scent.
Rui’s message about your death comes as a surprise to Ed even though he knows that human lives are fleeting – they’re fragile and easily broken. In some ways, that is why Ed has always thought that human life is so beautiful. 
Still, he thinks your life would’ve been so much more beautiful if you had lived it to its full extent. If you could’ve continued to laugh like you had, if you could’ve continued to shine bright like you had – he thinks you’d have made the world a better place. 
He’s lived for many years, yet the loss of someone he considers dear somehow still stings. He thought he managed to rid himself of such stinging emotions, yet it appears that even age does not make you immune to loss. 
Or perhaps you're just one of those humans – one of those humans that make a lasting impact on those around them. But how could you not make an impact? After all, you were so hardworking, both for your sake and for others. 
Who wouldn’t find you precious?
“Okay, Ed! Let’s watch some sad movies!”
Ed had texted you a few minutes ago, bemoaning his exhaustion. He hadn’t expected you to barrel into his room, a bag of snacks in your hand.
“My, my. What brought this on? Not that I am opposed, of course.”
“Well, you said you were tired, right? And you also said you drink tears, right? Well, I brought over some movies I’ll definitely cry to!” you gave him a confident grin. “Don’t worry, Ed. You’ll feel better really soon!”
“How reassuring,” he mused, welcoming you into his messy room. Rui had cleaned it up a few days ago, but Ed found it quite difficult to maintain cleanliness. You didn’t comment on it as you made your way over to him, settling yourself by his side. It was quite cozy.
Laying in his bed isn’t quite as cozy if you’re not there, he realizes. He scrolls through the videos you’ve sent him, imagining how you reacted to these videos. It is reassuring in some ways to have remnants of you left behind, but the pain that he can now only reach you through the remnants of your memory leaves him feeling vacant.
“Being with you really does bring up old, old memories,” he muses. “Perhaps it’s because you remind me a little of her.”
He wonders if there’ll be anyone who reminds him of you.
Not everyone who dies becomes a ghost. Yet, deep inside, Zenji had hoped that you’d have turned into one like him. He had hoped that you’d be able to spend time together, finally being able to hold your hand in his. However, he knows that it’s a selfish desire, one that cannot come true. He scoured the entire campus for any sign of your soul, after all, and came up empty handed.
He wishes that you could’ve been alive instead, then.
He’d rather live by your side, unable to touch you, than not be able to see you at all.
He’d rather you live your life like you want to, happily.
He wishes he could’ve done something more for you – after all, you’ve done so much for him. He’s a ghost, someone that most don’t know the existence of. Yet you made sure to greet him and spend time with him whenever you had time. You’ve been a source of his inspiration, his muse, because of how much you make his heart swell with joy.
He is an artist, so creating is in his blood. However, how do you create when you lose a piece of your hope? How do you create when you lose your source of inspiration?
“My dear, what do you think about this piece?” Zenji had asked, flourishing his biwa with grandeur. 
“It’s great!” you said, earnestly. “I especially like how it felt like a full narrative – I got so tense when the biwa’s sound got deeper in the middle, just like the climax of a story!”
“Astute observation, my dear! That is indeed what I was aiming for.” Zenji couldn’t express the unexplainable joy that blossomed inside his heart when he heard your praise. You were a beacon of light that shined in the desolate lands. You were the purple wisteria that danced from the tree branches over the Hotarubi lake. Your beauty, your kindness – it was all so beautiful to him. He felt like the moon to your sun. “I really am the luckiest fella around.”
And now, he’s the unluckiest fella around, Zenji thinks. You’re no longer by his side. You’ll never be by his side, at least, not in this lifetime. The thought makes Zenji’s heart throb painfully. “Maybe we really did meet too late,” Zenji murmurs, watching wisteria petals float around the lake. “But it’s all right. I promise I’ll find you in the next life.”
 Haku can’t say he’s ever been too happy to be able to see ghosts. Sure, Zenji’s fun to be around and it’s not like his ability really harmed him in any way, but he can’t really think of many times he’s been glad to have his ability. When he hears of your death, denial is the first thing that settles in his brain. Then, the grief follows. But hope blossoms in a corner of his mind. He can see ghosts – maybe he’ll be able to see you? Hope glimmers in the corner of Haku’s heart as he tries to find you.
The glimmer soon dies out, however, because it’s all for naught. Not everyone becomes a ghost. It was foolish of him to think that you’d have become one.
But then what’s the point of his power – his stupid ability to see ghosts? What’s the point of it if he can’t even see the one he wants to see?
Haku feels like it’s all a big practical joke from the universe, and he wants to be in on it because he’s failing to see what’s so funny.
Living an ordinary life, dying an ordinary death – that’s something you deserved to experience, and now you’re gone. It’s an inexplicably painful feeling that stabs at his heart. How is he supposed to fill the hole you left behind?
“I don’t know if this is a good idea…” you murmured, looking shy.
“You look beautiful,” Haku said, easily, a teasing grin on his face at how flustered you looked. His words were far from teasing, though. They were filled with an earnest praise of how gorgeous you looked decorated in white. Just seeing you in wedding attire made him think that it’d be a shame if anyone else got to see how beautiful you looked, but also a shame if no one else got to see. A weird balance of wanting to show you off, yet wanting to keep you to himself lingered inside him.
“Sure, sure,” you grumbled without any bite. “Let’s just get this over with.”
“Thanks for agreeing to help, by the way,” Haku said, offering you his hand to take. You took it gratefully, before you shook your head with a laugh.
“It’s nothing. I’m glad I can help your junior in some way, though.”
“Yeah, she really appreciates your help.”
“Good.” The satisfaction on your face made you glow with a sort of shine one could only find in gold. It was precious, it was soft, it was so darling that Haku wanted to make sure that you continued to glow and shine forever. Even if it meant that you weren’t by his side (even though he so desperately wanted you by his side).
“...I know I’m being selfish – but sometimes, I wish you’d forget about me…” he murmured, low enough that he hoped you wouldn’t hear it. You gave him a glance, only squeezing his hand in response. He wasn’t sure how to interpret your reaction, but a part of him wants it to indicate that you wouldn’t ever forget him, even if forgetting him would most likely make you happier.
It’s hard to balance the desire of being remembered and the desire of being forgotten.
He wasn’t sure what he was feeling.
“But I guess that doesn’t really matter now, does it?” Haku muses, looking at the skies above. Stars sprinkle the navy-colored sky like diamonds. He can only hope you’re out there, shining.
From the age of four, Subaru was molded to perfect the performing arts. A child star, a prodigy – those are the titles given to him. He never feels like he deserves that praise – he’s not sure if he’ll ever feel like he deserves that praise. After all, growing up, anxiety was his most reliable companion, following him everywhere he went. How can he not doubt himself?
Yet while he breathed the performing arts, he’s developed mannerisms most around him find peculiar and odd. It’s hard not to think of himself as a bother when he can’t seem to blend into society as well as he’d like.
Because of his oddities, he never thought he’d ever be able to have a normal school life. Somehow, however, he's able to come to Darkwick Academy, experiencing pleasant social interactions due to the kindness of the people around him – people like yourself. You’re someone who Subaru can find a semblance of comfort in, despite his anxiety.
He knows he’s probably annoying you, but you’re always there, always so patient. You don’t make fun of him for his discomfort, nor do you push him beyond his boundaries. Instead, you patiently wait for him, allowing him to walk alongside you at his pace.
So when Subaru hears the news that you’re no longer with the living – no longer with him, he can't stop his mind from spinning. You’ve always been someone that waited for him patiently, yet now you’ve gone off by yourself to somewhere he can’t reach.
Emptily, he looks at the sakura mochi on the shelf – he had bought it for you. You’d eat his meager offerings with gusto, even if not all of them suited your palette.
He’s not sure how he’ll stomach some of the food he’s eaten with you from this point onwards. You’re not here physically, only your memories lingering in the ingredients of his meals. He’s not sure if he’ll be able to stomach the food you’ve made for him if someone else makes it, either.
“I’m sorry,” he had said, running up to you, out of breath.“I didn’t mean to be late.”
“You’re not!” you responded cheerily, patting the spot next to you. “Come, sit!”
“Thank you.” Gingerly, Subaru took the spot next to you, placing his hands on his lap. You peered at him curiously.
“Where’s your lunch, Subaru?”
“Ah.” Subaru ducked his head in embarrassment. “I ended up not being able to get anything.” Despite making you wait, despite his best efforts, he just wasn’t able to secure anything. How shameful. “But it’s all right. I can drink water for lunch.”
“No, don’t do that,” you chastised, lightly. “I actually packed my own lunch today because I thought it’d be busy everywhere. I packed a lot, so why don’t we share?”
“Ah–” Subaru looked at the delectable way your lunch box was crafted. “No, I’d hate to intrude.”
“You aren’t intruding, Subaru.” You nudged one of your lunchboxes into his hand along with some chopsticks. “I’m offering! I’m actually pretty happy with how some of these came out. Won’t you try some?”
At the delicious smell of your lunchbox, Subaru’s stomach let out an embarrassing growl. His face flushed, mortified, but you made no comment on it, instead offering your lunch again. “Well, if you insist,” he murmured, finally taking a box from you. 
Once he took you up on your offer, you dug into your own lunch. Though, Subaru couldn’t help but notice how you’d glance at him nervously. It was kind of cute.
Not wanting to waste your kindness, Subaru took a bite of the lunch, before his eyes widened with glee. “This is delicious!”
“Whew– I mean, great! I’m so glad,” you beamed. “If you tell me some of your favorite food, I can try to make it for you! I can’t guarantee it’ll be as good as Sho’s, but I can try!”
“I couldn’t ask you to,” Subaru responded, bashfully. The thought that you cared for him was enough to satisfy him. “I would hate to be a bother.”
“You’re never a bother, Subaru.” Your voice was so kind, so soft and genuine that Subaru didn’t really know how to react.
“Really?” Disbelief laced his voice. He hated being a bother but always felt like he was. He knew that you were already spending your precious lunch with him when you could spend it with anyone else. There wasn’t any way you’d care about him to that extent, right? 
“Subaru?” you asked, concerned.
“I just can’t believe it – why…” Subaru paused, suddenly hit with a bout of embarrassment. “Ah– I don’t want to seem like I’m testing you, I just… I get really anxious sometimes… I’m sorry. I’m being weird, aren’t I?”
“You’re not.” Your voice rang clear inside the storm in Subaru’s head, letting sunshine stream through the clouds. “I’ve never thought you were a bother. I actually really enjoy my lunches with you.”
“Yup! So if I’m not too much of a bother, let’s eat more lunches together!”
Subaru had promised, promised that he would. He promised that you’d always eat your lunches together because that’s what he sincerely believed. He believed that you two would be able to bask underneath the sunrays, seated on your favorite bench, laughing.
He wants to believe that you’ll still be able to eat together. He wants to believe so desperately. Because who else could bring him the comfort you did? Who else will patiently wait for him to catch up, gently guiding him when he needs it?
But now you’re gone – you’re gone. You won’t be able to come back. It tears at Subaru because his anxiety and inferiority complex tell him that it’s his fault – that he could’ve done something, anything, to save you. 
Why couldn’t he save you?
Why couldn’t you have been saved?
The room that Subaru is in feels too big for him as it slowly fills with his grief.
According to Article 230 in the Japanese penal code, “a person who defames another by publicly alleging facts shall, regardless of whether such facts are true or false, be punished with penal servitude or imprisonment not to exceed three years or a fine of not more than 500,000 yen.” Doesn’t Darkwick know that? Why would Darkwick allege such odd things like your death, Ritsu wonders. Still, he’ll record what the Masterpiece Newscasters are saying – after all, it’ll be useful to leverage against Darkwick when he takes you to argue his cases.
There is little he finds more important than being able to argue his cases, which indicate his proficiency. He needs to be proficient in order to be able to become a fantastic lawyer like his father – this has always been his goal. Even after meeting you, it’s been his goal.
Some may have thought that you would’ve been a distraction for Ritsu, but he’s certain that your presence in his life has been for the better. You’re a fantastic business partner, being perfect to bounce his ideas off of. It’s admirable that you’ve taken on the mantle of ridding yourself of your curse, too. Ritsu finds that most people aren’t that hard working or really worth his time (unless they’re clients), but you’re different. You’re worth his time.
“Could I ask you to accompany me a little longer?” he had asked one day as you’re about to leave the diner. “I realize it’s outside of business hours, but… I would appreciate it if you could make a special exception.”
“Oh?” you looked surprised, though it was soon replaced with a smile. Your smile was something Ritsu appreciated seeing nowadays – something that felt like visible proof of Ritsu’s hard work. “Yeah, sure! I have time. What do you need?”
“I have to go over a few notes,” Ritsu responded, passing a notebook over to you. “I’ve already gone through these once, but I’d appreciate it if you could go through it, too. It’ll prove beneficial for you.”
“Yeah, sure, leave it to me!”
Your eagerness to help Ritsu cemented the fact that you were the right choice for his business partner. As the hour slowly trailed on, the both of you focused on your respective reading, Ritsu found that he didn’t quite mind spending time with you like this, outside of business hours. He found your presence calming, yet also helpful – he found it easier to focus when you were around.
It was nice. Even as the two of you began to wrap up, Ritsu wasn’t in as much of a hurry to disappear. 
“I’ll take your thoughts into consideration,” Ritsu said as you two left the diner. The night sky stretched out beautifully above you two. Ritsu had never noticed it before.
“Sounds good!”
Ritsu cleared his throat, offering you a hand to shake. You shook his hand without much preamble. He appreciated it. “It seems we make better business partners than I would have expected. I look forward to a long and prosperous relationship with you.”
He still thought about the smile you’d given him that night, bright like the moon. It was a smile that made it obvious that he had someone by his side to support him – someone that he can support in return. 
So, there’s no way you’re gone. Not when you have him as a business partner. That’s a ludicrous thought.
Still, he can’t seem to shake the ill feeling from his body. Why aren’t you responding to your texts? You’re usually quite timely unless something has come up. Something…
No, there’s no way you’re gone. There’s just no way.
Ritsu’s grip on his briefcase tightens.
He feels like he’s going to be sick.
Romeo wants to scream, so he does. “Everyone, leave!” His voice echoes in his room, his workers trying to scramble out of Romeo’s wrath. With a frustrated string of curses, Romeo collapses on his expensive chair, the one encrusted with diamond – the one that you’d complimented.
Romeo truly, utterly, feels sick. He feels annoyed. He feels disgusting. His perfect porcelain skin is marred with wrinkles, a frown deep set in his face. How dare you – how dare you have the audacity to leave him. He never gave you permission to do things like this, so how could you go away? He’s always known you were bad at following directions, but this is too much, even for you.
What’s too much is that someone, someone, thought that they could come in and take you from him. How dare they! They didn’t even get permission from him! They didn’t… So why would they? They can’t take you away from him, not when you’re the only one that listens to him. Not when you’re the only one who seems to care about not making wrinkles appear on his face. Not when you’ve been doing your best.
It’s not fair. It’s just not fair.
“Why are you carrying that?! What if you drop it and it breaks?” Romeo exclaimed, watching you carry a very expensive vase.
“Ah – I heard you say that the guys who’re supposed to move this haven’t done their job, so I thought I could help!”
Help?! Romeo couldn’t help but look at the way your arms trembled with the weight of a price that far exceeded your budget, doubt coloring his face. “I’ll get one of our young guys to do it, so put it down already!”
You huffed, putting the vase down carefully, with a defeated sigh. “Sorry, I just wanted to help.”
“Help where you’re actually useful,” Romeo grumbled, crossing his arms. If those idiots that he’d asked to move the vase actually moved the vase, then he wouldn’t be in this predicament. “Those WTWUT make my life much harder.”
“Wall-to-wall useless trash, huh?” you mused. Romeo thought that amusement looked good on you – it gave you a cocky look that suited you. If only everyone else could be like you, then he wouldn’t be as stressed as he was. 
“I need a face pack,” he muttered.
“Do you want me to get it for you?”
“Hm. Sure.” Romeo paused. “Get one for yourself while you’re at it.”
“Me?” you looked at him with curiosity and shock written across the apples of your cheeks.
“Who else?”
“I just… I dunno. Do you think it’s okay?”
“Of course. What could you possibly be afraid of?” Romeo asked. “You’re one of my people! Who’s going to say anything?”
You looked contemplative, before a light smile crossed your features. “That’s true. I guess no one can really say anything to you.”
Your words make him feel powerful. Your actions do, too. When he’s with you, he feels like the world is in his palms. But now he’s without you. Now, he’ll always be without you.
Anger thrums through his veins. 
You’re one of his people. How dare they take you away from him? Romeo won’t stand for it. He’ll snipe down the bastard that did this to him – that did this to you.
“You BTH!” Romeo yells, storming into Taiga’s room with the fury of a thousand bulls. “You’re still lazing around?”
Taiga doesn’t respond, twirling a gun in his hand. He’s not entirely in his right mind right now, but he can still pick up “revenge” and “snipe” among the various words Romeo spews.
“You better do your part,” Romeo hisses, finally deciding to leave Taiga alone. Maybe Romeo would’ve stayed longer to nag at Taiga if Romeo were in a better state of mind. Taiga can’t really bring himself to care at the moment, though, his own state of mind is a jumbled mess.
Flashes of memories, flashes of thoughts – they alternate inside his head, before phasing out of existence. He’s not sure when it started, but his mind has been deteriorating, memories floating in and out of his head. What most would consider “common sense” is also something Taiga has been losing grasp of.
Even in spite of that, somehow, you’ve made your way into his brain, like a little parasite that burrows into his thoughts. He didn’t think he could remember someone – not in his current state of mind, anyway. He didn’t think he could form an attachment to you either, not with how he just doesn’t want to care anymore. The world’s going to burn, everything unfurling into a messy pile of futures that could be and won't be. It’s all messed up, it’s all gonna be messed up. Yet, somehow, despite all that, Taiga can’t help but think of you as some source of light, a beacon of hope that he kept around to stop him from completely drowning in the dark murkiness of the future.
“That’s it, kitty-cat,” he had said, placing you in his lap as he prepared to play another round of blackjack. “I feel like my luck’ll change if you’re around.”
“I don’t know about that,” you responded, watching as the dealer handed out everyone’s cards. You fidgeted in his lap like a cute little cat, clearly trying to break your discomfort.
“Quit failing around,” Taiga said, looking at his cards. To Taiga’s amusement, you settled in his lap to the best of your abilities, leaning into his chest. He pulled you closer, as he continued to play blackjack. 
The longer he played, the more he felt some odd sense of peace with you snuggled in his lap. Your smell and warmth wrapped around him like a little security blanket. In some ways, it made him want to consume you wholly until you couldn’t think of anything else that wasn’t him. It made him hungry.
But now, there’s a hollow feeling inside of him, something that bypasses physical hunger. He hungers for your soul that’s now no longer here. The pitch-black murkiness of the future spreads even further across his eyelids, being the only thing he can see. Fate has dealt him a bad hand that he had tried to win against.
He never could win, though, could he?
“Tell me something, would you?” Taiga laughs in his empty room, eyes staring at the ceiling. He searches and searches, but can’t find any sight of you. “What could I have done different to change this outcome?”
Ren has always thought that coming to Darkwick Academy was a mistake. His experience didn’t exactly start off nicely, what with him being sorted into Jabberwock and having to deal with the annoying Jabberwock captain. All those stupid anomalous animals made it so that he rarely had time to himself, even if he tried his best to lock himself in his room.
Still, there’s a silver lining to everything. Sure, Towa keeps trying to feed some odd looking porridge. Sure, Haru is still meddlesome and annoying. But they’re… not bad. And you’re here, so it’s kind of okay. 
He’s always thought that people doing annoying things for the sake of friends or whatever were delusional – frankly speaking, he could care less. Yet, when he looks at you, he thinks that maybe there are people out there who do things because they want to. Initially, you’d been somewhat of a doormat to him, but then he realized that your voluntary help came because you care about others – about him.
He can’t count the number of times you’ve come to help him out, whether it’s with the anomalous animals or a raid in his new game. You’ve just… always been there. He didn’t think it was possible, but your constant presence had carved out a you-shaped hole in his life, a place only you could fit.
So how’s he supposed to fill that emptiness now? It’s all your fault, Ren thinks. If only he hadn’t met you… but then, if he hadn’t met you, he doesn’t think he could’ve survived.
“Well done me for surviving another day…” Ren had grumbled, dusting his jumpsuit off. He hated getting dirty, but it wasn’t like he could avoid it in Jabberwock, especially if Haru was going to hound him continuously. 
“Good job, Ren!”
He looked up, seeing how you still looked cute despite the mud and disheveled hair. He found it kind of unfair. “Oh, same to you,” he said. “I don’t know how you can do this stuff voluntarily.”
“The animals are cute and you guys need the help,” you replied, waving at him to bend down. “Ren, there’s some mud on your face. Do you mind if I wipe it off?”
“Huh? You’re the type who does this kind of stuff, huh?”
“Ah, sorry–”
“No, you can,” Ren said. It wasn’t like he gave you permission to help him because he wanted to feel your touch, though. It was because he couldn’t stand the mud on him. Yup. That was definitely the reason. Still, even then, he couldn’t help the way his heart thudded against his chest as you gently wiped the grime off of his face. “It’s from that stupid bull anomaly kicking dirt in my face, isn’t it?”
“I think that’s when it happened, yeah,” you responded with a laugh. “But I’m here if you need me, so I can help you.”
Ren didn’t know what to say to your honest desire to help him, it was oddly sweet of you. You had been his only real source of comfort, what with everyone else wanting so much from him. You were the only one who watched his B-horror movies with him – the only one who’d game with him.
“There, all done! Let’s go back to the dorms. I’m sure you’ll feel better after a shower.”
“...Thanks,” he muttered, walking with you back to the Jabberwock dorms. The skies were painted shades of pink and purple, the sun ready to head to bed.
“Even though it’s hard work, it’s nice to be able to see the sunset, huh?” you hummed. Ren liked the sound of your voice – not too loud like Haru’s and not too incomprehensible like Towa’s.
“Yeah.” He breathed in deeply, feeling the fresh air purify his lungs. “Every day here is a fresh hell, though.”
“Aw, Ren,” you laughed. “Yeah, it’s pretty hard work, huh?”
“...Yeah. But, you’re suffering through it with me, so I guess I’ll stick it out for a little longer…”
But how’s he supposed to stick it out now? You’re not here anymore. You’re not going to be there to help him. You’re not going to be there when he wants to watch his B-horror movies or play games. You’re not going to be there when he buys you a drink as he walks you home.
You’re not going to be here. And he didn’t even get to say goodbye…
Ren’s always been bad at goodbyes – he couldn’t even wish Calamari farewell. But he’d have rather been able to say something to you since he’s not going to be able to say anything to you ever again now. Never, ever again.
Ren doesn’t know how he’s going to survive.
Ever since Towa found out about your death, the skies in Jabberwock have been marred with thick clouds and thunder. His precious, precious Dandelion – how can you be gone? You can’t be gone yet. You haven’t told him all the love stories you had in your arsenal. You haven’t tried all the flowers Towa wants to offer you. You haven’t shown him all the reactions you’ve stored away for him to slowly bring to the surface.
You can’t be gone just yet, he won’t allow it.
Murkiness swims inside Towa’s heart as he grapples with the anger and sadness that fight and merge into an incomprehensible seed of emotion that is planted deeply within Towa’s heart. Should he just strike everyone down? You’re not here, so as long as he avoids Haru, it doesn’t matter who he hurts. It’s not like he particularly cares about anyone else on campus anyway. 
But he can’t allow his emotions to explode out of him just yet, not when the tree on the hill is dying. You care about that tree as well, after all. 
But then where is he supposed to spill his anger? His grief? Where does it all go?
Is this what love is? This agony?
Towa hasn’t ever really been certain about what “love” is. 
“Well, love can be a lot of things,” you had said, laying by his side on the hill with the tree. You were enraptured with the stars, but Towa couldn’t help but look at you. You were so much like a dandelion, your resilience and strength shining through despite your troubles. And you were cute like a Dandelion. Your voice was nice, too, like the wind that carried dandelion seeds across the world. “Like… there’s romantic love, platonic love, familial love, and all of that, you know? Even within romantic love, it can be a lot of different things.”
“Like what?” Towa asked, making you hum in thought.
“Uh… like soulmates, I guess? Some people meet their soulmates, some don’t. But even if you don’t meet your soulmate, you can still find someone you romantically love. Maybe you’ll meet your soulmate but not realize they’re your soulmate too. It’d be hard to tell, right?”
“When you meet your soulmate, it feels like getting struck by lightning. Did you know that? Have you felt it, Dandelion?” Towa’s words made you turn your head towards him, finally paying attention to him instead of the stars. Towa liked the way you looked at him.
“I don’t think I have,” you responded, truthfully. “But I’m not in a rush. I’m sure I’ll find the person I love, even if they’re not my soulmate. Hell, maybe anyone can be your soulmate. Maybe soulmates are made when you love and grow with each other. Who knows?” A yawn escaped your mouth as you finished your thought.
“Heh heh.” Towa’s eyes crinkled at the sight. “Are you tired, Dandelion? You’re so weak. It’s cute.”
“Hey!” you laughed. “I’m getting stronger, y’know.” Flexing your arm, you show off a small bit of the muscle you’ve been building up. Towa couldn’t help but be amused at your little display of strength, miniscule in front of his own power. It was hard not to find it cute that you tried to carry so many burdens on your shoulders despite your own weaknesses. Towa could only surmise that your resilience came from the love within you. He hoped that he could be a part of that love inside of you.
“Do you like me, Dandelion?” Towa inquired, smile bright. “Because I love you!”
Towa doesn’t fully know what love is – it’s an idea he’s always been in love with, but has no experience and understanding of. You’re the closest he’s ever gotten to potentially finding the answer he’s been looking for. But now you’re gone. He doesn’t know how he’ll understand love now.
He hugs the great tree on the hill, tears trickling down his face.
 When the little mermaid turned into seafoam, did she feel this way too?
Haru is always busy. He wakes up busy and sleeps busy. Nothing ever seems to stop for him, time constantly slipping through his fingers like sand no matter how fast he runs.
So why did time have to stop for you?
Even as Haru makes his rounds, Towa’s lightning in the backdrop as he works, he can’t seem to keep his mind busy enough to not think of you. Thoughts and memories of you run around his head again and again and again. They run so fast that he can’t seem to catch up.
So Haru does what he can do to maintain routine. At the very least, maintaining routine should help him adjust, shouldn’t it? But as he carries out his daily chores, all he can think about is how you’d help him around Jabberwock. How you would give him sweets to amp up his energy. How you loved Peekaboo like it was your own.
“Boo…” Peekaboo says, aware of the tenseness and wariness on Haru’s shoulders – aware of the fact you’re no longer there. Peekaboo’s tears make your death weigh even heavier on Haru’s heart as he cuddles the small beast in his arms.
“You sure are fond of the Honor Student, aren’t you, Peekaboo?” Haru had asked, looking at how Peekaboo cuddled up against your chest as you fed it. “You did nothing but bite me for the first three days after we met.”
You laughed brightly, releasing a sound that Haru was quite fond of. “The only reason Peekaboo’s not biting me is because it’s used to you, you know.”
“You reckon?” Haru responded, reaching out to pet Peekaboo who welcomed the touch.
“See? Look at that. Peekaboo loves you so much.” You gave Peekaboo a kiss on its cute fluffy forward, making the small anomalous animal make happy little squeaks. “You like your dad quite a bit, don’t you?”
The sight of you and Peekaboo together made Haru’s heart warm. He was constantly managing things by himself that he never really expected to find a stable support system. Towa, while competent, could be quite moody. Ren, too, while able bodied, refused to do a lot of the work. So, of course, work always fell on Haru’s weary shoulders. He never expected to find someone that could provide him the support he needed – like the other parent of Jabberwock. “Then you’re a bit like Peekaboo’s mother, eh?”
“I wouldn’t mind – not when my child is as cute as Peekaboo!” you replied brightly, patting Peekaboo’s back to allow it to burp. After releasing a burp too large for such a small animal, Peekaboo cuddled into you, satisfied. You hummed out a little tune as you rocked the little anomalous animal to sleep. Seeing you made a smile stretch across Haru’s face.
“Really learned the ropes here, haven’t you?” he said, gently ruffling Peekaboo’s fur. “Once we have a little cash to spare, I’ll buy you your own Jabberwock uniform!”
You’d no longer need it, though, Haru thinks, thumb brushing against the fabric of the Jabberwock uniform he had gotten for you. While you aren’t officially a part of the Jabberwock House, it’s hard not to feel like you belonged. 
But you’re no longer here – you no longer belong to the living, so how could you belong to Jabberwock? Haru wishes that you were still here, though. It hasn’t even been a day, but he already misses you. Even if you couldn’t help him out every day, just getting a text message boosted his spirits. Just thinking about the fact that you’d help him with Jabberwock duties and his personal issues helped him get through his cumbersome day.
You were someone he could depend on and he wanted to be someone you could depend on. But, in the end, he couldn’t protect you.
His responsibilities sit heavily on his shoulders.
Sho has always kept himself busy. Whether it’s cooking, playing sports, training, or something else, Sho has always liked to do something. Maybe that’s why he’s in the kitchen, cooking your favorite meal, while he tries to process what the Masterpiece Newscasters had prattled on about earlier.
You’re dead?
There’s no way. You can’t be.
He thinks back to the first case you worked on together, the one with Takeru. He had failed to protect you then and vowed he wouldn’t put you in the way of danger like that again. So how? Why?
Who killed you?
Sho slams a fist on the kitchen counter, lips pressed in a thin line. Frustration bubbles inside him as curses leave his lips in rapid succession.
You can’t be dead. You can’t. Not when you’ve been working so hard. Not when you’ve been doing everything in your power to survive. Not when you’ve inspired and helped him to the point that he still feels like he has to repay you. Not when he hasn’t done or told you everything he wants to.
“Fuck!” he yells, slamming his fists on the kitchen counter once more.
You jolted when he yelled a curse, slamming a fist on the wall.
“Shit, sorry. Didn’t mean to scare you,” Sho said, sheepishly rubbing the nape of his neck. You were fun to tease and get reactions out of, but that didn’t mean he wanted to scare you.
“What’s the matter, Sho?” you asked, putting down your knife. “Tell me. I might be able to help you.”
“It’s nothing,” Sho started to say, before the look on your face made him stop. He snorted at how displeased you looked. “It’s just that some back order stuff got delayed. I won’t have enough forks for tomorrow.”
“Oh, is that it?” you asked, looking relieved. “I have a bunch of plastic forks back at the cathedral, actually. Do you want me to get them?”
“Huh? Why do you have a bunch of plastic forks laying around?”
“Uh… let’s just say that I had some ordering issues.” You waved a hand to dismiss the question. “Anyway! I can go get them.”
“Nah, let’s go together.” He shuffled around, before pulling out a helmet and tossing it to you. “Here, this helmet’s for you.”
“Oh, this one looks awesome!” you beamed, turning the helmet around in your hands. It was in your favorite color with your favorite patterns. Sho huffed out a laugh at your response. You were so cute sometimes.
“Glad you like it. C’mon.” He pushed the door to the food truck open with his foot. “Let’s go.”
“After this,” he began, closing and locking the door once you were both out of the food truck, “I got some time today, so I’ll take you somewhere. Anywhere you wanna go.”
He still remembers the way your arms felt around his waist as you clung to him while he drove. He still remembers the way your eyes sparkled watching your favorite scenery. He still remembers how his heart pounded in his chest, the feeling of liberation lifting his spirits, as he drove through the streets with you clinging to him.
Your determination has always felt like freedom to Sho – it’s what inspired him to put more effort into his life at Darkwick. It’s what inspired him to take things more seriously. 
But maybe he should’ve taken things more seriously when he had the chance. Now that you’re gone, so is his chance to prove himself to you. You've gone somewhere too far, somewhere no one else can reach. 
This isn’t the freedom he had envisioned for you.
Whenever Sho gets too emotional, Leo is quick to make fun of him. It's stupid to get too riled up, Leo thinks. The world is boring and easy to manipulate, after all. Why should he get upset? 
Leo has always been able to get what he wants – he even became vice-captain, for fuck's sake. He basically solved Takeru’s case by himself while also trying to get rid of you because your stupid stigma enhancement might overshadow him. Sure, he couldn't get rid of you then but it's not like he can't try again, especially when you keep sticking your nose where it doesn't belong.
But this isn’t how he wanted to get rid of you. Who said you could just die? It’s so stupid. It’s so dumb that it makes Leo feel angry. You stupidly kept going despite his scathing remarks, despite people walking all over you and disrespecting you, so why are you dead? You’re not allowed to be dead.
You still need to help him use Haxs. You still need to be there so he can get a sense of validation when he watches your reactions. You still need to be here because out of everyone on campus, your presence is somewhat tolerable. Who’s he gonna comfortably boss around now?
“Ha ha. You were photobombing one of my pics so I uploaded it and said I had a new girlfriend,” Leo snickered as you brushed his hair. He didn’t think you’d be so good at it, but he found that his hair was smoother when you brushed it. “10K interacts in less than an hour. Suckers.”
“Is that okay?” you asked, making Leo roll his eyes.
“It’s fine, Honor Roll. In fact, shouldn’t you be grateful?”
“That’s not what I meant.” you huffed, tugging his hair lightly as you untangled a knot. It felt nice. “I mean, are you okay? Don’t influencers get harassed if they post about their significant others?”
Leo hated this whole goody-two-shoes act you had going on. Why were you so concerned about him? It wasn’t like he was particularly nice to you and it wasn’t like you necessarily treated him better than you would anyone else. Were you just stupidly nice in general? “Being an influencer means you get hate mail anyway,” he responded, closing out of his social media app. It wasn’t really all that interesting anymore.
“Hm… I see.” You became silent, which made Leo feel oddly annoyed. “People can really suck sometimes.”
Leo snorted. He had been anything but kind to you, really, so he thought you’d have already come to that conclusion a while ago. “It’s whatever. They’re all basic.”
He knew that this was the point where you could say something about him coming to you to talk (which he would never do, barf), but you don’t. Instead, you continue to thread your fingers through his hair gently.
He hated to admit it, but it was relaxing.
“Okay, I think I’m done,” you hummed, removing your hands from him. He noted that it was slightly colder when you left, but chalked it up to the poor heat regulation in Vagastrom. “Oh, and Happy Valentine’s Day, Leo! I got you something.”
Leo turned to you curiously as he combed his fingers through his hair, which definitely felt softer. He gingerly took your offering, before his eyes widened. “This is that ultra-spicy chocolate they only sell this time of year… I’m actually genuinely stoked right now.”
“I’m glad!” you beamed. It was a smile that Leo thought was slightly less ugly than usual. In general, you had been looking slightly less ugly lately, actually. That thought made him feel nauseous.
“Wanna make a bet, Honor Roll?”
You blinked at him, suddenly looking wary. He used to think that expression was so stupid, but now he thought it was kind of cute in a dumb kind of way. “What type of bet…?”
“A bet over which will come first – me falling for you, or you getting hooked on me.”
There’s no conclusive way to find out the end to this bet now, not with you gone. But he thinks you probably got hooked on him first – after all, it’s not like he’s thinks about your stupid laugh or dumb words of encouragement when he feels down or anything. Besides, as far as the internet’s concerned, you’re already dating him.
He briefly thinks about uploading a post about your death. Those suckers online would eat it up, sending him pity and sympathy. But the thought is so unappealing that he drops it. It’s not like your death is gonna matter to other people.
After all, life sucks and then you die, right? It’s just a part of living and he’s not pathetic enough to suddenly miss you. But there’s a disgustingly hollow feeling in his chest as his thoughts ring too loudly. You’re just an NPC – aren’t NPCs supposed to live quietly in the background while the main characters get their character development or whatever? 
Why couldn’t you just quietly live your life like that?
You’re so stupid.
Alan has always felt like a monster. His hands – his stigma – have crushed so many things until they’ve become nothing but dust. He’s never been proud of this strength, not when he causes so many to cower. 
He had expected you to cower, too, especially after he ripped Takeru’s ghost apart in front of you, so lost in the bloodlust. But you hadn’t. You stood by his side with as much care and compassion you could muster. When he wanted to keep looking into the case of Takeru’s ghost even after it was considered “finished” by Darkwick, you offered to help him even though you didn’t need to.
Alan’s never really been a conversationalist, so he didn’t expect you to spend time with him unless it was necessary. Still, he can’t say he dislikes having you around. Even when he’s tinkering with his car, it’s nice to have you sitting nearby, talking about your day.
You’re someone he appreciates – someone who does their best no matter how dire the situation is, someone who strives to do better. How could he not grow fond of how hard you work on a daily basis?
“I pat people on the head a lot? Didn’t notice,” Alan had said, after placing his hand on your hair. He really hadn’t realized – it was a force of habit, especially when you had done such a good job. “I’m doing it again?” he murmured, removing his hand, “...Sorry.”
“It’s nothing you have to be sorry for,” you responded, honestly. “It was just an observation.”
Despite knowing that his hands were akin to weapons, Alan couldn’t help but be drawn to touching you. Unlike him, you were soft and sweet. Still, he felt guilty. He hadn’t ever wanted you to feel uncomfortable, after all. 
“I actually kind of like it when you pat my head,” you said. “You’re really gentle with it, so it makes it feel like I did a good job!”
Alan would never describe his touch as gentle, but he felt like he could believe it if it came from you.“You’re doing a good job.”
“Thanks!” you responded, giving him a big smile that he couldn’t say he had seen from other people. Most other people here had cunning smiles or looked fearful of him. He liked how genuine yours looked. “I can keep trying my best because of you and the others, you know? Thanks a lot.”
Alan couldn’t really recall if he had done anything to receive this type of praise from you, but your words made him feel relaxed. He felt like you helped him feel more human. “I’m lucky I’ve got you,” he said, trying to express his gratitude. “As long as you’re with me, I feel like I won’t lose sight of who I am.”
But now you’re no longer here. It makes Alan scared of himself in a way that he’s never felt before. He had treated you gently, like you were made of glass, because he was scared he’d break you. Yet you weren’t ever scared of him breaking you. Being with you softened up his edges and made him feel more human than monster.
You’re no longer here, though.
Perhaps it has always been his fate to become a monster.
Kaito hasn’t stopped crying since he’s heard the Masterpiece Newscasters relay the news of your death. It hurts so bad. 
Kaito doesn’t think he’s ever been so badly hurt in his life. 
Kaito’s never been one to like pain, which is why he avoids training and going on missions. He wants to be normal and being a ghoul is abnormal. The non-ghouls around him cement that on a daily basis. Yet you’re one of the only non-ghouls who has always treated him kindly no matter what.
Even when he’s a pathetic idiot or a stupid coward, you’ve always been so patient and kind to him. Kaito has liked a lot of girls on a surface level, but his feelings towards you have evolved beyond that. He thinks you’re pretty and lovely and all of that, of course, but more than that, he thinks you’re an amazing person. Amazingly strong, amazingly hard working – you’re someone he values so deeply. Even when he knows he’s being foolish, you’re there by his side because you care about him, aren’t you? So how could he not grow to care about you? You’re the few people that he feels he can truly be close to.
“Whoa, when did it get so late?!” Kaito gasped, looking at the window outside. You two had been baking since noon, but ended up goofing off at some point, delaying the baking process. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to keep you…”
“I’m still good!” you responded, before taking a big bite out of your cookie. While chewing your sweet treat, you offered Kaito a piece, too.
“Really?” Kaito asked, taking the cookie you offered him.
“Yeah, I like spending time with you.”
Your words made Kaito’s heart swell with so much gratitude and affection that he wasn’t entirely sure what to do with himself. He always considered himself lackluster in practically everything, but he felt like he could do better and try to be better because you were there. He couldn’t help the cheesy grin that came onto his face.
“Oh, look, Kaito! The stars look so pretty!”
Kaito looked over at the large window in the kitchen, watching as the stars twinkled in the night sky.
“It kind of looks like granulated sugar if you squint, don’t you think?”
“Yeah, I can see it!” Kaito responded, before tentatively asking, “...Do you like stars?”
“I do,” you replied, taking another bite of your cookie. “Why d’you ask?”
“Oh, um,” Kaito hesitated, feeling a little bashful all of a sudden. You weren’t the type to just reject him harshly, but sometimes Kaito felt nervous in more intimate moments. When you genuinely seemed to return his affections (romantic or not) it made him feel valued as a human being, but it also made him nervous. “I was just wondering ‘cause there’s this place where you can see them really well, so I thought you’d want to go some time…”
“I would love to!” you beamed at him with a smile that could rival the sun. Kaito didn’t think the sun needed to shine if you were around. “You always do find the best places.”
Your words of validation made Kaito feel teary. You’d always been by his side, no matter what. You didn’t have to be his princess or anything like that. In fact, you’d saved him a lot of times before. Still… “I know I’m weak, and a coward,” he began, “But I really do want to become your knight in shining armor.”
In the end, Kaito never could become your knight in shining armor. Not when you’re gone like this. He couldn’t protect you and it tears him up inside. If he had trained and went on missions, would things be different? If so, why couldn’t the other ghouls help you instead? You deserve to be alive – you deserve it so much more than anyone else.
Kaito continues to wail inside his room, frustrated that he’s upset at other people not saving you – it’s him that couldn’t save you. It’s his fault. It’s all his fault and he’ll never be able to make it up to you.
He’ll never become your knight in shining armor.
For the first time since coming to Darkwick, Luca feels numb. He’s not sure how to cope with the fact that your death has come so suddenly. He had promised you that he’d help you absolve your curse, just like you promised him you’d help him subjugate a demon. Yet… you’re gone. You’re not here. You cannot keep your promise to him and he cannot keep his promise to you. It makes him feel hollow.
Luca has always felt that honesty was the best policy, which contributed to his straightlaced nature. He’s been called inconsiderate because of this and he’s lost people who could’ve been his friend. Him being a ghoul hadn’t helped, either, since he was the only ghoul back in Emrys Academy. When he came to Darkwick Academy, all he expected was to learn ways to subjugate a demon. Sure, it would’ve been nice to make friends, but Luca wasn’t going to get his hopes up. Not when he was so set on his goal to find his brother, at least.
Most aren’t understanding of Luca’s honesty and desire to bring back his brother, thinking his one track mind is a hassle. But you’ve never treated him like he was a nuisance. You’ve always greeted him brightly and worked with him. Whether you guys looked for information on curses and demons or practiced meditation for a clearer mind, you’ve been there.
But you’re not going to be there anymore, are you? Not when he’s meditating, not when he’s looking things up in the library, not when he needs the encouragement – you’re not going to be there.
He at least has hope that he’ll be able to bring his brother back. With you, he knows he can never bring you back. You’re gone, forever. You’ll never be there to experience anything with him anymore.
“We have experienced many joys and sorrows together since becoming friends. I’m very glad we met. I look forward to walking the road ahead with you,” Luca had said one day, while you two were meditating. While meditating, Luca couldn’t seem to clear his mind from thinking about you and all you’d done for him, so he thought it was only right for him to express it.
“Me too,” you responded, earnestly. Luca liked talking with you because you were candid with him, but patient. Even when he interrupted your meditation. “You’ve been a great ally to me, so thanks a lot, Luca.” You stretched your arms over your head, before staring at the setting sun. Sometimes, Luca wasn’t sure what went through your head.
“You’ve been a great ally to me as well.” Luca could scarcely remember people who tried as hard as you. He was duty-bound to a fault that he had trouble abandoning his mission, so he had trouble understanding people who wanted to run away. You were one of the few that came back despite wanting to run away. How could he not be impressed with you?
“That makes me glad to hear!” you replied, beaming brightly. Luca liked your smile. It radiated a warmth that reminded him of home. “Let’s keep doing our best!”
“Yes, let’s.” Luca watched as you kept your gaze on the setting sun. The soft colors of the sky were quite a sight to behold, but Luca wasn’t sure why it was distracting you.
“You know, Luca?” you called, as if you could read his mind. “They say that as long as you’re on Earth, you’ll see the same sun as the people you love. Isn’t that nice?”
Luca could be slow to pick up on things sometimes, but he wasn’t stupid. He could tell that those words were meant to console you after you’d been stripped from your family so suddenly (he’d come to understand the reasons for your desire to leave that day when you were working on your first case after many conversations with you). Yet, your words carried an undertone that implied that you told him about the sun to console him as well. Him, who was far from his family. Him, whose brother had gone missing. Him.
Those words were meant for him, but he cannot see the value in them now. Not when you’re no longer on this Earth. Not when you’re no longer alive. The sun still shines so brightly over Darkwick as if undeterred by your death. It pains Luca because time feels like it’s stopped for him, yet the world seems to move on. 
Luca closes his eyes, heart throbbing.
“I’m sorry… Yet again I have failed to protect the people most important to me…”
The first thing Tohma does when he hears of your death is smoke to calm his nerves. He’s counting down the minutes until Jin calls him, but Tohma can’t seem to shake the sudden burst of numbness that shoots through his veins.
He hates to admit it, but your death has shaken him up more than he’d like. Of course, he’ll have to hide it. He’ll have to get a hold of himself – especially since everyone else will be in a tizzy. But even though he knows this, he’s having a hard time controlling his own emotions.
You’re the only one who is stupidly earnest in everything you do, allowing him bits of amusement in his life. You’re the only one that’s helped him feel like he could forget everything he’s got to do and be. You’re the only one who tries to lift the burden on his shoulders. You’re the only one and it makes Tohma’s lungs feel empty.
What vermin had killed someone as lovely as you?
“Welcome to high society,” Tohma had said, taking your hand in his for a dance. “That outfit suits you well. With that poise, you’ll have no trouble fitting in here.” And he was right, you looked beautiful, like the belle of the ball.
“Aha, sure,” you murmured, wincing as you stepped on his foot. “Oh god, I’m so sorry! I’m still so bad at this…”
“Inexperience is not a crime,” Tohma responded, twirling you in his arms. “The important thing is choosing to not remain ignorant when you don’t know something.” While most would assume Tohma was talking about your dancing capabilities, you knew that he meant something beyond that, too. You were smart like that, after all, and so hardworking. You chose to not remain ignorant.
“You’re right.” You nodded. “I’m gonna do my best.”
“I look forward to your efforts,” he hummed. “And in times of difficulty, I hope you’ll turn to those around you for help. I will be there to keep you safe.”
Tohma takes another drag of his cigarette, watching as the smoke fills the room. He told you he’d protect you. He told you, didn’t he? And yet he couldn’t.
Perhaps a lowly servant like him could never have protected you in the first place.
At the news of your death, Jin’s first move is to slash though the expensive furniture in his room, unsure of where else to let his emotions explode. His hand tightens around his sword as he stabs his sword in the ground, visualizing whoever had the audacity to touch what is his.
How dare they hurt you? How dare they take you away from him?
You, who’s been so stupidly obedient to him without any expectation of riches or glory. You, who’s been stupidly kind to him despite his terse nature. You, who’s been by his side without complaint as long as he ordered it. 
“...I was too active yesterday. Massage me, servant,” Jin muttered, rolling onto his stomach to give access to his back. Without a word of complaint, you do as you’re told, though Jin couldn’t say you could be a masseuse anytime soon. “...What the hell was that? Put some muscle into it.”
“What? I’ve been told I give really good massages, though.”
Jin frowned. “From?”
“My dad.”
Jin snorted out a laugh. “Try harder.”
“Fine, fine,” you muttered, stretching your arms in front of you. “I’m gonna put my back into it!” Jin wondered if you’d actually be able to give him a proper massage, but the effort in itself was amusing (cute, even). Still, regardless of your massages, it was nice to have your hands on his back. He liked being close to you. “How was that?”
“It was fine.”
“What!” you exclaimed, incredulous, before grumbling, “You give a guy a massage and all he does is say it’s bad. Not even a word of thanks.”
With how you were yapping, you must’ve gotten quite comfortable with him. Jin couldn’t say he disliked it. “Never learn, do you?” he asked, rolling onto his back so that he can pull you on to the bed next to him. “I don’t take you being here for granted. I know it won’t last forever.”
Your eyes widened. “Huh?”
“That’s all I’m going to say.”
“Wha– you’re so–” you huffed, before shaking your head, seemingly pleased. “Fine, you win, your majesty. I suppose it's time for this servant to leave.” You made a move to get up, but Jin stopped you.
“I’ve got plans early tomorrow. Your house is too far. Stay here tonight.”
He still can’t forget the way you looked that night – bashful, sweet. He wanted to lock you in with him so that he could have you for as long as possible. Maybe he should’ve. He never took your existence for granted, valuing every second he’s spent with you, but when he said that he knew that your relationship wouldn’t last forever, he never thought it’d be because someone killed you. The thought makes hot rage course through his veins again.
He’s going to kill whatever bastard took you from him.
Faintly, your sage’s ring glows on your finger. 
It asks you a question it’s asked you many times before: “What do you desire?”
You answer the question exactly as you’ve answered it before: “I want to go back.”
The sage ring glows brighter in response.
You wake up on a train.
Your phone beeps.
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aayakashii · 9 months ago
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reminds me of this campus dialogue 💀💀💀 haku honey......... are you okay......
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My reaction :
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I’m sorry what the fuck, I remained silent and speechless even when he kept talking. How can he say that so casually 😭 Even MC stayed silent LMAO PLS
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aardelea · 6 months ago
How He Handles Jealousy
Thank you so much for the request for this headcanon! It turned out to be longer than I initially anticipated, but I hope you find it enjoyable to read. Happy reading!
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Being fresh in a relationship often means confronting one's own insecurities. One of these is the question of whether one can fully trust their partner and how to deal with it when the partner themselves is plagued by the question of whether they are truly enough. So what about the ghouls: How do they handle this in both directions? In this scenario, we assume that you are in a relationship and that you, of course, never pursue any ill intentions when creating a situation that makes your loved one jealous, and vice versa. We are always talking about a healthy level of jealousy.
Jin does not strike you as a man who becomes jealous easily. He has rank, status, outrageously good looks, and charisma. Who would dare to even consider getting too close to his beloved? And what could lead him to think that you might have an interest in someone other than him? Exactly: nothing.
Nevertheless, even the king of Frostheim occasionally experiences a strange feeling in his chest when he sees you showing a little too much interest in another person. There's nothing wrong with playing it safe, right? He will be quite open about his jealousy, though he wouldn't label it as such. Instead, he will explicitly ask you what you have going on with the other person. Depending on your answer, he will either allow you to continue interacting with them undisturbed or he will ask you to keep your distance. If you disagree, he will accept it but will become noticeably clingy and unusually touchy in the presence of that person in the future.
Conversely, Jin cannot imagine that you could ever be jealous of anyone. Aside from the fact that you are his everything, which he always shows you in his own way, he considers you superior to all other people. How could you possibly think that anyone could measure up to you? Since he can't stand most other people anyway, he would never deliberately get too close to someone else.
He won't notice your jealousy unless you communicate it clearly. Initially, he will stare at you in disbelief and will need to process what you just said. Once he has absorbed the information, he will suddenly start laughing heartily. He'll begin to grin devilishly, cup your chin, and gently pull you a bit closer to his face. "Come to my room after the event tonight. I'll show you enough good reasons why you don't need to worry."
Tohma is a true gentleman with far too good manners for you to ever suspect that he feels jealousy. However, in the early stages of your relationship, this feeling is anything but foreign to him, as your time together is limited, and he is careful to keep your relationship a secret for as long as possible. Who wouldn't feel negative emotions when they see the person they desire getting close to other people, even if it's just a fleeting touch of their hand?
Without the chains he has bound himself with by moving to Frostheim, he would certainly be the type to charmingly but firmly put any rivals in their place. Depending on how far the rival has gone with you, it could even be imaginable that he would elegantly beat him to a pulp in an alley. Otherwise, a public display of your connection through physical contact would suffice to remind the audacious guy who he’s messing with. However, in Frostheim, Tohma is forced to use different means. If your new clingy acquaintance suddenly starts keeping their distance from you, it will likely be because they received an anonymous and highly convincing threatening letter. Everyone has skeletons in their closets, and Tohma knows exactly how to find and leverage them.
Although he is rather distant, Tohma has a seductive way of conversing with others, so it's highly likely that one or two women may have cast an eye on him. Since you are suffering as much as he is from the secrecy of your relationship, you will, sooner or later, inevitably find yourself ensnared in the burning arms of jealousy.
Even if Tohma can empathize with your feelings because he knows them as well as you do, he will want to maintain the façade at all costs and will earnestly ask you to be patient and hold back just a little longer. Sooner or later, everything will fall into place, and you can be together whenever you want. But whatever happens, don't act too rashly, as Tohma's goals for his service to the Frost King will always take precedence. By letting you into his life, he is undoubtedly risking a lot, so cut him some slack if he can't change his public behavior for now. The silver lining is that you'll receive more messages asking you to bring him "special documents" to the vault room. Reviewing those together will always take a bit more time.
Luca sees you as an honorable person and won't easily entertain the thought that anyone could take you from him, unless it’s death itself. Some situations may seem strange to him in the early days of your relationship when he sees you getting close to other men, with whom you're building a tighter (albeit genuinely platonic) relationship. Even Luca is not immune to feeling a bit uneasy.
Assuming that everything must be as it should, he will swallow that uncomfortable feeling for a long time and won’t let on. Unfortunately, he will do this until it boils over, and his feelings overwhelm him. In the next situation he observes – even if it’s just lunch at Sho's food truck – he will come directly to you and confront you both. Since by that point you likely won't have known anything about Luca's emotional state (how could you?), you'll be utterly incredulous and shocked as you watch Luca throw all his pride overboard, take your hands in his, look deep into your eyes, and seriously ask whether you still love him and want to stay with him, or if you've decided to be happier with another man. The shame reflected on his face when you tell him he couldn't be more wrong will remain a topic of conversation on campus for a long time. He won't stop apologizing to both you and your friend, promising that such behavior won't happen again. It might be best to take the poor man along to your meetings so he feels better.
Luca is an old-fashioned gentleman, inherently friendly and courteous to everyone. Unfortunately, he can quickly lose sight of his surroundings when he believes he is doing the right thing, leading to situations that may push others too far and evoke jealousy without him ever intending to.
If you react to your jealousy with a corresponding mood, Luca will quickly notice and address it. However, he won't pick up on any subtle hints you might drop that aren't blatantly obvious, as he won’t be aware of any inappropriate behavior. Once he knows how you feel, he won't stop apologizing and will be overwhelmed with guilt, culminating in showering you with attention and gifts. He promises you that he won't make such a mistake again, and he means it.
Unfortunately, Kaito suffers from extremely low self-esteem, which also reflects the intensity of his feelings. Any tiny bit of attention you give to another man will immediately be interpreted as a sign of disinterest in him. At first, he will try to calm himself down. "Come on, Kaito, that's perfectly normal! Everyone has friends of the opposite sex! It doesn't mean anything." Despite all his efforts, his insecurity will eventually overwhelm him, and he will try to speak to you privately during a quiet moment, trying to subtly inquire about the person he is feeling envious of. "What exactly do you two discuss all the time?" "Where do you know him from?" "Does he have a girlfriend?"
Depending on the nature of your response, it will either calm him down for a while or bring him to tears. However, he would never bring it up in public. His crying will, at worst, only be noticed by his neighbors (who probably aren't surprised). Have some compassion for the poor man. He is so happy with you and still can't fathom that an angel like you chose him as her boyfriend of all people. Him, who feels like he has nothing to offer. Thus, the fear of losing you becomes even more pronounced because you might realize that he is really worthless. This, of course, is not true, and you've likely told him enough times. However, words alone won’t help him in this case. Involve him in your outings with friends and communicate or show publicly that Kaito is your boyfriend. Besides making him the happiest person on the planet, it will help calm him down.
If you, on the other hand, become jealous of someone Kaito is interacting with, you can assume that he won't pick up on it at first. After all, he wouldn’t know what there is to be jealous about. Sure, Kaito didn’t pass up any chance to flirt with other women on campus before your relationship, but that was, as stated, before you got together. Meanwhile, he would never risk making you feel unloved. If you initially don’t communicate your jealousy directly and react with a worse mood instead, the last thing he will suspect is jealousy.
So if you can’t shake off those feelings, communicate them. He may respond with confusion and even shock, but secretly he will be flattered. This will be an opportunity for you to boost his self-esteem, which can only benefit Kaito. He will cease any activities that lead to your jealousy and will make it clear in public (as long as you both agree on how to appear in public) that it is only you by his side.
It’s relatively hard to imagine Alan becoming quickly jealous in the classic sense. Since he’s already unsure in the early stages of the relationship whether it was the right decision to enter it on his part, he wouldn’t really hold it against you if you got closer to other people. Not that you yourself would ever have such thoughts, but Alan might interpret even the slightest closeness to someone else as you reconsidering your relationship with him.
Just because he won’t actively bring it up doesn’t mean he won’t feel uncomfortable when he sees you (in his view) getting too familiar with another person. When his chest tightens, and he feels the urge to step in, hold you in his arms, and never let go to ensure that you belong to him alone, he would never act on that feeling.
On the other hand, he would never assume that you might be jealous of another woman he interacts with. Let alone that he would ever give another woman enough attention for you to even consider it. So, if you want to clear things up, you’ll need to bring it up directly with him.
Knowing that you're jealous would simply break his heart, and he would wonder where he went wrong. Did he give you the impression that you’ve become unimportant to him? Did he not give you enough attention? Did he actually get too close to someone else? He would apologize a thousand times and reassure you that you are his everything and that there’s really nothing to worry about. He would avoid the other person as much as possible from then on, or at least behave much more distantly. He would never want to give the wrong impression or hurt you in any way.
Sho is a very easy-going and uncomplicated guy when it comes to relationships. He gives you all the freedom in the world and fully trusts that you’d never let anyone cross the line. The only thing that could trigger jealousy in Sho is his highly developed protective instinct. Thanks to his friendship with Leo and their excessive clubbing, he knows the dark sides of human nature all too well, and he wants to shield you from them at all costs.
So, if he notices another guy leaving his hand on your shoulder for just a millisecond too long, the good man’s protective instinct kicks in, and he feels the need to set that guy straight by joining in and adding some physical contact with you. He will throw the rival a few unmistakable looks. Once the boundaries are established and Sho has made it clear with his body language what happens if the guy gets too close to his beloved girlfriend, Sho will disappear just as quickly as he came. Have fun with the rest of your evening!
In the case that you are jealous when Sho interacts with certain people, he’ll notice it from your body language right away, unless you outright tell him. Sho is, after all, an extremely attentive and surprisingly empathetic man who doesn’t miss a single one of your glances. Even though he would expect the same trust from you that he gives you, he doesn’t react with disappointment or rejection, but with loving teasing. “What, seriously, you’re jealous of her?” He simply finds your jealousy too cute to be genuinely angry.
Sho also belongs to the type of guy who would take you along to meetings with the respective person to make things more obvious and help ease your insecurities. From now on, he’ll also be a little more careful to ensure that his actions toward others don’t provoke any negative feelings in you.
Leo would never admit that he’s jealous of someone who (in his eyes) is getting too close to you. Absolutely not. If he feels anything, it’s anger because you’re risking being seen together, and his followers might think there’s trouble between you and the influencer. Yeah, that’s definitely the only thing that comes to his mind when he sees you with a supposed rival. It’s the same when he sees overly nice comments from men about you under his videos and promptly deletes them. Don’t let it go to your head or get any silly ideas.
So, don’t think too much of it when he grumbles at you to be careful how you interact with other guys because it could give off the wrong impression. Don’t read too much into it either if he starts marking his territory when you don’t listen and still let that boring guy (allegedly) get too close. For Leo, the smallest form of physical contact is enough to trigger his jealous attentive radar. He’ll then quickly start pushing himself between you two, showering you with physical (and surely inappropriate for the situation) attention. Additionally, in his usual cruel style, he’ll subtly insult and try to humiliate his supposed rival. If you’re in a relationship with Leo, you’ll have to love him very much to deal with his behavior.
In Leo’s eyes, it’s obviously nooooo problem at all if other girls get too close to him. After all, he’s a popular influencer and can’t neglect his fans. Why would you even think he’d start anything with one of those airheads? If you do somehow let your jealousy show, you can expect to be met with plenty of scorn and mockery on his part.
Leo won’t be able to stop laughing and will call you “stupid” in the most creative ways more than once. Of course, he’ll never show outwardly how cute he actually finds your jealousy. And he certainly won’t change his behavior toward his fans. Bad for business.
However, he’ll now start including you in his videos much more frequently to make you feel better. It’s definitely not because he enjoys showing off his cute girlfriend to everyone and bragging about you. Now, he just has a really good excuse to hide his true intentions behind.
Haru is usually too busy to worry about something like jealousy. Just like you, he also has his tasks and his daily life, which you can arrange however you like, with whomever you like. Things only get critical if you start spending time with someone else (for whatever reason) that’s meant for the both of you. The first couple of times, he would take it as normal, but by the third rejection, his attention would be caught. Do you have someone else?
Haru isn’t really the type to want to take away anyone’s freedom. And certainly not yours. But sooner or later, he won’t be able to bear that uncomfortable, gnawing feeling in his chest anymore and will ask you, more or less casually, what’s going on. Are you lacking something? Did he do something wrong? If you ask him more specifically why he’s asking, he’ll calmly explain that he finds it strange that you have less time for him and that he’s worried you’re dissatisfied with him. Since you certainly aren’t (and if you are, please bring it up directly – communication is everything in a relationship!), you’ll reassure him that there’s a very good reason for your absence and he doesn’t need to worry. He’ll accept any explanation you give with relief because he fully trusts you.
In the reverse situation, Haru will quickly sense your discomfort if you somehow develop jealousy. He may not invest as much time in a relationship as others, but the time he does take for the both of you is used to its fullest. As a result, he gets to know you very well, very quickly, and senses right away when something is wrong. He’ll immediately ask you about it and want to know exactly what’s bothering you.
If it’s his light flirting with female guests at the Safari Park, he’ll do his best to cut it out, even though it’s completely meaningless to him. However, he won’t always succeed entirely because it’s just part of his nature, so please don’t hold it against him too much. Whatever else has triggered your jealousy, he’ll try to stop doing it from now on, as long as it’s within his control (some circumstances just don’t allow certain behaviors to change). At the same time, he’ll encourage you to have a bit more self-confidence and stop doubting his feelings for you because they’re more than genuine. To be sure, though, he’ll conspicuously and practically tell everyone just how fantastic his girlfriend is. Absolutely everyone. In every situation. Ren will get tired of hearing it. Towa, on the other hand, will love it. Eventually, everyone on campus will know that you are the great love of the ranger. You’ll also soon read this fact on the new brochures for the Safari Park. Still have doubts?
Once you enter a relationship with Towa, you are completely devoted to him. You are his dandelion, and he is your Prince Charming. Your love is pure and true, making it unthinkable for anyone to come between you. While Towa wouldn’t dream of restricting your time with friends, he won’t tolerate anyone who seems to have more than friendship on their mind.
Towa feels his emotions intensely and is quickly overwhelmed by jealousy once it arises. You'll notice his mood shift instantly—where sunshine was, storm clouds now linger when you and a friend are too close. He’ll wait for you to approach him, but if you bring it up, his anger will flare. Why would you let anyone come so close? Explanations won’t suffice here, and actions must follow to calm him. A little more physical distance between you and your friend will be necessary from now on. Towa dreams of a fairytale romance with his soulmate, and that includes avoiding any outward appearances that could be misunderstood.
On the flip side, it’s rare for Towa to get close to someone else, as he tends to keep people at a distance. Besides, it’s almost unthinkable for him to give much attention to anyone other than his beloved dandelion. His love for you is deep and genuine.
Should the impossible happen, and you feel jealous of someone else, Towa would drop that person in a heartbeat. Everyone besides you (and maybe Haru) is practically irrelevant to him. He’ll have no problem acting in a way that reassures you. “You’re being silly, dandelion. You’re the most beautiful flower of them all!”
Poor guy. Wasn’t it painful enough for him to realize his feelings for you and act on them? Now he must also admit that you mean so much to him that even the thought of you leaving him for some brainless dullard drives him insane? Even though you likely wouldn’t give him such reason to worry, the thought is hard to avoid. Ren has healthy self-confidence, but at the beginning of your relationship, he can’t shake the fear that you might be one of those girls who’d ditch him for a macho guy at the first chance.
Ren’s jealousy is noticeable by how harshly he insults his supposed rival. “Why are you hanging out with a guy who looks like he sleeps at the gorilla enclosure?” or “Are you sure you’re actually texting with him and not an AI? No way that guy learned how to write.” These are just some of the quips you’ll hear. It won’t take much to figure out how Ren is feeling. He wouldn’t ask to join you at these meetups or accompany you if you asked. Nor would he ever demand you stop seeing this person; it’s still your life, after all. However, showering him with extra affection won’t hurt, and though it won’t make his mood improve immediately, he’ll deeply enjoy your attention. He knows he has to handle his feelings himself, and with time, he will.
You’re unlikely to feel jealous of anyone in Ren’s life, as he tends to avoid most people. If anything, you might get jealous of an online acquaintance he chats with often. Should you bring it up, he’ll likely be annoyed since he can’t comprehend how someone can feel threatened by a person who isn’t physically present.
He’s not the type to change his behavior just because you’re uncomfortable. He expects the same freedom he gives you. However, he’ll (grudgingly and indirectly) assure you that you never need to worry about him being interested in anyone else. After all, you’re his fellow inmate in the prison called Darkwick, and no one could replace you.
Romeo is a territorial type who hates when someone tries to intrude on his kingdom. It’s not pure jealousy driving him to chase off his so-called rival but more so his outrage at someone daring to approach what belongs to him (yes, you belong to him).
However, how he reacts depends heavily on who you’re spending time with. If you’re hanging out with Kaito, Romeo won’t care much since he doesn’t see him as a threat. But if your “rival” is more elegant and even remotely comparable to Romeo’s beauty, things get dangerous. First, he’ll start appearing around you more often, publicly wrapping his arms around you and giving you tender kisses on the cheek. While you’re still trying to figure out what’s happening, he’ll brush your flushed cheek and whisper in your ear about how stunning you look today, all while shooting a triumphant glance at his rival. Not only does he publicly claim you, but he also secures a romantic interlude in his office—unless, of course, you can resist a jealous Romeo. This scenario could repeat endlessly, but it wouldn’t be wise to test Romeo’s patience. One day, your rival might mysteriously disappear. Strange how things happen…
Conversely, Romeo expects you to have enough self-confidence to not let such a petty feeling as jealousy control you (easy for him to say). There will likely be plenty of occasions to make even the most confident person sweat with anxiety. After all, Romeo is incredibly attractive and knows how to use his charm to get what he wants. Who wouldn’t be tempted?
If you can’t hold back and express your discomfort over his behavior with someone else, you’ll initially be met with disbelief and disappointment. Did he really choose a partner so insecure that she thinks the infallible Romeo would ever be in a relationship with someone replaceable? Nonsense. His words might make you feel like he’s dismissing your feelings, telling you to pull yourself together, but his actions will tell a different story. From then on, he’ll bring you along to meetings with that person, showing you subtle yet unmistakable affection for everyone to see.
It won’t be easy to provoke jealousy in Taiga. Not because he’s incapable of such feelings or because he doesn’t care about you, but simply because he hardly takes his eyes off you. He’s quite the clingy type and takes you practically everywhere he goes. Where would be the time to connect with someone else well enough for Taiga to have any wrong ideas?
However, if you do have enough time to become close friends with another guy, such that you have some (purely platonic) physical contact (a hand on the shoulder is enough), Taiga will quickly become dangerously jealous. Who dares to touch his beloved lucky charm?! This friendship won’t last long, as Taiga will swiftly come up to you, casually drape an arm around you, and with the other, draw his weapon and shamelessly aim it at his rival. “I think it’s time for you to leave.” Even though he says this calmly with a smile on his lips, hardly anyone will miss the seriousness of the situation. He’ll tolerate your complaints about his behavior and wave them off with boredom. But he will do it again if anyone approaches you in that way. His jealousy only flares up with charismatic types; the only exception might be Romeo. With people he perceives as losers, you can remain friends as you like. Don’t look at him like that. You chose this relationship for yourself.
In the very unlikely event that you become jealous of someone in Taiga’s vicinity, an (extremely uncomfortable) solution will also quickly present itself. Taiga will notice your jealousy if you react to him in a particular mood. When you tell him the reason, he will laugh loudly and pat your head, visibly amused as he asks if he means so much to you that you become jealous so quickly.
“No reason to worry, kitty cat, look.” Without hesitation, he pulls out a weapon and aims it at the person who triggered your jealousy. You should really react quickly at this point to prevent something worse. He truly doesn’t care about anything except you, and unfortunately, he has no qualms about showing that.
To provoke someone like Ritsu into such a base feeling as jealousy would take quite a lot. He is an extremely pragmatic man who has his own way of handling feelings, which he keeps quite well under control. Moreover, as his chosen one, you must possess certain qualities to even be considered at his side, including loyalty.
So why should Mr. Shinjo even worry that you might fall for another man? After all, you entered into a relationship, and that comes with rules—like an invisible contract that you both signed with a kiss. If he has doubts about you, they are likely to be well-founded—like obviously more than purely platonic physical contact with another man or blatantly ignoring Ritsu in the presence of certain people. In this case, he will immediately address it and ask for clarification of the matter.
Conversely, it will also be difficult for him to develop jealousy towards someone Ritsu associates with. You know his professional nature too well. So unless you yourself tend toward strong jealousy over trivial matters, you will only be overwhelmed by your feelings in absolutely justified situations.
Ritsu is a good observer and will quickly notice if something is wrong with you. He will directly address it to inquire about the reason for your mood swing. However, he would be a bit disappointed if you didn’t bring it up yourself. He will address the problem directly and won’t waste time on the fact that he cannot comprehend your feelings, because the fact is, you have them, and he doesn’t want you to feel uncomfortable. Whatever behavior led to your jealousy: he will cease it immediately.
Haku is not someone who becomes jealous easily, which is why he grants you a lot of freedom. You would have to give someone an unusually large amount of attention to evoke that feeling in Haku. However, he isn’t the type of person to directly express his discomfort. Instead, he will endure the feeling and the sight of the two of you for quite some time until he can no longer help but take action.
Nevertheless, he won’t directly address it; instead, he will take care of the problem himself, activating his hunting instinct and increasingly joining you whenever you’re with that particular someone. In doing so, he will try to more or less subtly solidify his status as your boyfriend. A spontaneous kiss on the cheek, his arm around your waist throughout the meeting, the casual question of when he can expect you tonight… Yep, he’ll manage his emotional chaos on his own. So you can sit back and enjoy this extra attention.
If you are the one who becomes jealous (which is more than understandable considering Haku’s naturally flirtatious nature), he will quickly notice regardless of how you communicate. Not that he would want to hurt you intentionally, but he will likely find your jealousy quite adorable and will playfully tease you about it. He certainly won’t pass up the chance to annoy you. “Watch out, I’m meeting a certain lady today who is quite pretty, but she can’t even begin to compare to the princess in front of me,” or “I don’t know if you’re ready for this, but I’m seeing that one person today to whom I recently told her hairstyle looks good. But don’t worry: I won’t take her home.” He’ll ride that horse for a long time.
But rest assured, Haku only wants what’s best for you. So to take away any uncertainty, he will present you even more obviously as his beloved girlfriend in public. He won’t suggest it himself, but if you express a desire to meet those individuals who triggered your jealousy, he won’t refuse. After all, he has nothing to hide. However, you’d need to be pretty thick-skinned to endure that meeting, during which Haku will naturally be all over you the whole time to show you that you needn’t worry about anyone taking his flirting seriously, as everyone should already know he’s taken.
The former Kabuki actor suffers from many insecurities regarding himself. This is likely connected to his somewhat impractical ability that can activate without his active involvement, showing him things that were never meant for his eyes. Despite all circumstances, he has entered into a relationship with you and, given the physical contact you’ve likely had, knows pretty much everything about you there is to know. This includes knowing your sincere feelings for him.
Because of this, there’s hardly any reason for Subaru to develop jealousy. You have your friends and handle them your way. That’s absolutely okay for him. The only exception might be strangers who have just appeared and are still difficult for Subaru to assess. In this case, especially charismatic individuals who are also very friendly toward you could provoke some jealousy in him, but he would never show it openly or address it, because, as mentioned: he knows you and trusts you completely. However, you might notice a change in his suddenly much more self-confident and assertive demeanor towards the strangers, indicating what has triggered this character change.
Conversely, Subaru will notice even the slightest change in your mood or behavior and interpret it correctly, so your jealousy won’t remain hidden for long. Being who he is, he won’t stop apologizing, sincerely assuring you that he never intended to evoke those feelings in you. The situation is visibly uncomfortable for him.
Since he takes your feelings very seriously and feels them himself through your physical contact, he will take all necessary measures to nip them in the bud. This includes, of course, assuring you thousands of times that you never have to worry. He’s far too polite to simply dismiss other people, but he will still behave a bit more distantly towards those individuals.
Given his circumstances, Zenji was likely quite difficult to convince to enter into a relationship, so he probably gives you a lot of freedom in how you interact with others—even though he, too, can reach his limits. However, he would never expect you to completely devote yourself to him when you still have your whole life ahead of you.
When it comes to the feeling of jealousy in general, he knows it all too well, as he practically feels that biting sensation towards anyone who has the privilege of being physically close to you and feeling your warmth. However, assume that he would never communicate this feeling under any circumstances. He loves you too much and is too at peace with himself and his situation.
We can probably skip the reverse scenario, as besides a few chosen ones, no one can see him anyway. But if Zenji was already that kind of person in life, it stands to reason that someone with the right disposition could quickly become envious of his admirers, with whom he interacts very openly and invitingly, even if he never has any ulterior motives.
Zenji is the definition of a pure soul. If for any reason you were ever in a situation where you became jealous of someone who interacted with him, he would notice—whether you show it or not. Without ever bringing it up himself, he would simply cease the behavior that led to your jealousy. For you should never even entertain the idea that anyone could be more interesting to him than his dearly beloved muse.
Since Rui is someone who could easily steal a girlfriend from one or two guys, he is even more wary of guys of his caliber. It’s not that he doesn’t trust you per se, but he just knows how quickly someone can be tempted when the right buttons are pressed. To make matters worse, Rui isn’t really able to defend himself. He can’t just take you in his arms to present you as his or stand up to a guy to show dominance. Your relationship is, at best, only known through hearsay. Of course, he will feel unbearably burning jealousy when he sees someone who can touch you so easily while Rui stays in the background. And this type of jealousy is a thousand times worse than the one he literally feels toward anyone who has the privilege of touching you.
In a relationship with Rui, you should be quite careful about how you interact with other men, as Rui finds himself in an extremely vulnerable position that has been exacerbated by your relationship since he suddenly has even more to lose than before. Since he already feels guilty about being in a relationship with you when you should ideally be with someone who can offer you more than he can, he will never openly reveal his feelings to spare you what he considers an inappropriate guilty conscience. Nevertheless, his jealousy will inevitably reflect in his mood and won’t escape your trained eye. When confronted about it, Rui will admit his jealousy but assure you that you don’t need to worry about him because you haven’t done anything wrong, and it’s solely his problem. At this point, it doesn’t really matter how you react, whether you change your behavior towards the person involved or not. Unfortunately, the damage is already done for Rui.
On the other hand, Rui makes a tremendous effort not to give the impression that he’s still acting the same way as before your relationship or even before his curse. However, flirting is just too natural for him, so he can’t always suppress it, even if he doesn’t really think anything of it. He will quickly realize if he has crossed a line in your eyes and immediately backtrack. He would never hold your jealousy against you, as he’s self-aware enough to admit that it is absolutely justified, even if he would never go too far.
As far as it’s in his power, he will unobtrusively try to communicate to every woman that he is more than happily taken. So, never be too angry with him. He really is doing his best.
The elegant vampire is not so easily made jealous, especially since you certainly know what kind of dangerous man you’ve gotten yourself into. He’s also a bit too old and experienced to be overwhelmed by such feelings. However, he absolutely will not tolerate attention-seeking and obvious rivals who come a little too close to you.
Let’s be honest: Ed is a drama queen and has no sense of shame. So brace yourself for a performance worthy of an Oscar. “So you want to abandon your poor, sick lover? You would just leave me to certain death?” While speaking in a dramatic tone, he physically pushes his rival away with his back and throws himself around your neck after letting out some truly serious coughs. “Haven’t I given you all my attention and love? Haven’t I satisfied you to your utmost delight every single time? What have I done wrong?” Before you can even sink into the ground out of embarrassment, he begins passionately kissing along your neck until he eventually reaches your mouth. If you don’t push him away, he will continue this act until you both find yourselves in a rather compromising position in front of everyone present, while he gains access to your mouth with his tongue. If that’s not one of your kinks, you should definitely reject him and dramatically declare that he is your great love and has absolutely nothing to fear. He will only be satisfied once you’ve embarrassed yourselves so thoroughly in front of everyone that no one would ever think of getting too close to his prey girlfriend again. But if we’re being more honest, that’s definitely better than the scenario where your supposed rival suddenly disappears from campus and is never seen again.
Conversely, Ed loves to flirt for his life. It’s in his nature to wrap his prey around his finger so they willingly give him whatever he desires. Fortunately, his interest in other people is quite limited, so you will rarely see him interacting with anyone else besides Lyca and Rui. However, if situations do arise that provoke jealousy in you, Ed will definitely notice it immediately. And he will exploit it.
He loves you fiercely. You can be assured of this when he enters into a relationship with you. However, he remains a man who loves exaggeration. So, if he observes changes in your behavior that indicate jealousy, he will ride that feeling until he pushes your patience to the limit, leaving you with no choice but to explode and confront him. Just as in the case where you “made him jealous,” he will fairly pull the reverse show and swear his sincere love to you in the most emotional way you can imagine, immediately sending the lady (?) he was just with to hell. He will then hope that you will throw yourself around him, just the way he loves it.
For Lyca, the concept of a relationship is quite new, and he must first learn to cope with the new emotions that have opened up to him since then and learn to assign individual feelings. This also includes jealousy. However, it is unlikely that it will quickly become a part of his portfolio, as physical contact is something natural for him and merely a sign of affection. He must first understand that this affection can indeed go deeper before he begins to worry about other guys.
Once he learns what distinguishes a relationship from a good friendship, he will indeed feel that uncomfortable tightness in his chest when he sees you with someone (like Ed) who develops in his new definition of appropriateness. Instead of observing or addressing you about it, he will impulsively take action and confront your perceived rival. “Hey, why are you so close to her? She already has a boyfriend, got it?!” Despite Lyca’s heated mood, the situation can quickly and calmly be resolved, as he will listen to your explanations and apologize if he has indeed overreacted (which is quite likely at the beginning). After all, he is still learning, and everything takes time.
In the unlikely event that Lyca interacts with girls that provoke jealousy in you, he will only acknowledge your feelings if you openly communicate them. A changed mood will otherwise simply be dismissed as “women are just unnecessarily complicated.”
“Huh, why are you thinking such silly thoughts? Look.” He will immediately wrap his arms around you and give you an unexpected kiss on the mouth. “Do you think I would want to do that with someone else?” However, Lyca takes your feelings seriously enough that he will adjust his behavior toward the individuals involved in the future. Whatever has caused your jealousy will now be stamped as “inappropriate in a relationship.”
The great and exalted Yuri Isami would never feel such a base emotion as jealousy. Where do you think you’re going?! It’s not as if he has no experience with relationships and therefore cannot assess what behavior toward others is normal and what isn’t. No, no. He has much more important things to do than pay attention to your leisure activities. As if he would care how close that one guy gets to you, how casually he places his hand on your shoulder, or the way he looks at you. As if Yuri would even give a thought to whether he’s coming so close that the guy can smell your delicately fragrant perfume, which Yuri loves, or whether you give that guy the same charming smile you give Yuri every time you finally see each other again after a long, work-filled day. Really. Completely beneath his dignity.
So if he asks you who that dishonorable worm is that you’ve been spending so much time with lately or about whom you’ve mentioned one too many times in Yuri’s eyes, he only wants to comply with your alleged request that you should get to know each other better and participate more in each other’s lives. Even the biggest idiot on the planet wouldn’t miss the intentions behind his questions, and it’s certainly incredibly tempting to mention that he is definitely the epitome of the jealous boyfriend. But do you really want to do that to this proud man? He would deny it anyway, and dwelling on his obvious questions would probably only lead to a bad atmosphere. Just assure him that the worm is just a worm you like and that no one can compare to your knight in shining armor. But go ahead and enjoy the feeling of having completely captured this man’s heart.
If you ever feel jealous of someone Yuri is involved with, you will need to communicate it directly, as Yuri won’t quickly come to the idea that you are jealous, even if you react to him with obviously poor mood and irritation.
Even though he will feel very flattered when you confess that you are jealous, he unfortunately belongs to the type of person whose self-confidence should not be stroked too much. He will give you a lecture on how silly it is to give in to such a lowly feeling as jealousy and remind you that there is no reason for it. However, if you insist on it, he will pay more attention in the future to how he interacts with other people so that it doesn’t provoke negative feelings in you. The positive side of the story is that Yuri will then give you even more attention and become even more romantic. Because in truth, despite all his strictness, he would never want you to feel bad.
Many of the feelings that develop in Jiro during your relationship are completely new to him. The fluttering in his chest when you’re together, the goosebumps your touch gives him, the need to feel your whole body against his skin, and also this new discomfort he feels when he sees you with another man. Generally, he doesn't mind if you spend a lot of time with other men, so it takes quite a bit of physical closeness to evoke feelings of jealousy in him.
Jiro is a pragmatic and very straightforward man. When he observes a situation where you get close enough to another person to provoke jealousy in him, he will first carefully watch both you and himself until he is sure that he can't dispel his insecurity on his own. So be prepared for questions later like, “Is there a special reason why you’re so close?”, “Am I no longer evoking romantic feelings in you, so you've reconsidered our relationship?”, “Is it normal to have multiple lovers?”
Since Jiro is quite an attractive man who works with numerous patients, it won’t be uncommon for him to interact closely with them, and some examinations may take a while. He will never think anything of it and will never come to the idea that you might think something of it either. It’s his job to take care of his patients. Nothing more, nothing less.
The only exception might be if he has experienced jealousy himself beforehand. In that case, he will have taken note of the trigger and will make sure to avoid giving you the same feeling. Therefore, he will closely observe you in this scenario, and at the slightest hint that you might be jealous, he will come to you and directly remind you that you don’t need to worry. Even if you’re not actually jealous. If he hasn't experienced jealousy yet, you will need to directly address your feelings with him and probably explain them in detail so that he can understand, which will likely result in a very awkward conversation for you. And no, he won’t really be able to understand it, as he will never see a reason for jealousy from his perspective. Nevertheless, he will then try to avoid the behavior that triggers those uncomfortable feelings in you.
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0rxcle · 3 months ago
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zomboivex · 7 months ago
Cuddling the Tokyo Debunker guys?
Please I beg-
With extra bullying, Romeo to top it off
Cuddle Sessions
What cuddling is like with each of the boys.
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Jin - You had expected your cuddle session with Jin to be forceful. For you to be held close against his side. But said expectations were dashed. Instead, he lay on his bed with an exhausted stare. Another day of depression as his stigma didn’t seem to work. He had called you and demanded you to come over and when you did, you were greeted by him already lying on the bed. “Lay on me.” The words a demand. But he wouldn’t move. So you’d go to comply, pressing your chests together as the subtle ride and fall of his own would lull you into comfort. His hands moved to hold your hips- but not firm, so you could leave if you so desired. Odd… You had expected him to refuse to let you move at all. But you would subtly shift on top of him and he would remain still.
Tohma - Tohma would let you cuddle on his lap while he works. A hand occasionally reaching down to pat your head or run his fingers through your hair. He would continue with whatever task he had been working on prior, only opting to give you attention if you behaved. When he finished his work, Tohma will instruct you to move to the bed and wait for him. He’ll join you shortly, having you lay flat on your back as he goes to rest atop of you, placing a well-deserved kiss to your temple. “You behaved well today.” The words leave him with a breathless chuckle.
Kaito - You can tell Kaito is nervous. He had never expected to be in this situation! His hands are a bit clammy as he’s not really sure where it’s okay to put them. After all, he doesn’t want you to think he’s copping for a feel! Oh god- and the actual terror on his face when he realizes that he’s just a bit too excited to be this close to you. But you don’t seem to mind- nor do you make any comments. So, eventually, he eases up and lets his arms rigidly rest around you. Your head resting back against his chest as you can hear the marathon his heart seems to be racing.
Lucas - From how he holds himself, you had assumed Luca was used to cuddling. But you found him to be oddly stiff. Occasionally, he would shift around and make sure you were comfortable but he wouldn’t know quite what to do with his hands. Should he wrap them around you? What if that was too much? But it would be awkward to keep them beside himself. Eventually, he’d settle to simply ask if you were okay with him holding you. Which you found charming and obliged. You would lay facing one another and Luca would whisper to you about how enchanting you are, eventually going to softly brush some strands of hair from your face. A kiss would make this all the more perfect.
Alan - Big and strong arms wrapped around you. It feels warm and somehow soft all at the same time despite Alan being quite muscular. He smells a bit like car oil but it’s not entirely off-putting either. A sense of security and safeness as you fit snuggly against him. Alan rests his chin atop your head and is mostly quiet- aside from the occasional, “Is this okay?” Or “Are you comfortable?” Even if he claims to be a monster, you can’t help but to think he’s the safest person you could be with right now.
Leo - Leo was surprisingly comfortable to cuddle. He smells nice- fresh from the bath. And he was warm. You moving to press your back against his chest and an arm casually wrapped around you. The other mindlessly scrolling through TikTok so you both could watch reels together. He’d occasionally watch a few trends, debating out loud if he should do those or not. Your opinion being weighed into consideration. Though, all good things must come to an end and he eventually tells you that he needs his beauty sleep and turns away to get his rest, uncaring if you stayed or left. But don’t expect much attention from him after he decides it’s time for sleep.
Sho - Cuddling with Sho feels natural. You rest snug against him as one arm is casually flung over your body and the other taking a resting place under his head. You had situated yourself so you were laying atop of him, soaking in his warmth. He smelled vaguely of fried foods covered up with some soap- but it just felt comfortable and relaxing. There’s no real silence between the two of you as you both shoot the shit and crack jokes. Then deeper and more meaningful topics fill the time. There’s just something about being around him that lets you feel like you can just be yourself.
Haru - Haru is definitely restless when it comes to cuddling. So expect tickling sessions and goofing around more than actually lying still. If he has showered beforehand, he certainly doesn’t smell terrible. But if you’re cuddling pre-shower, Haru smells like a barnyard at best. He will typically only try to cuddle post-shower for your sake. But if, for some reason, you don’t mind the smell, he’ll gladly hold you in his arms and shower you with affection a million miles a minute.
Towa - You will be held still and in position for as long as Towa desires. His hold is firm and forceful. But there’s still soft nuzzling and gentle hums. He smells faintly of plant life. Not flowers, per se. Just- plants. It’s not off-putting by any means and you find yourself growing accustomed and comfortable in Towa’s rather forceful grip. The happy hums fill any silence between you and you eventually allow yourself to doze off. You wake up just as the sun is sinking in the sky and you’re met with, “Did you sleep well, Dandelion?”
Ren - Lazy cuddles are his preference. Ren preferring to sit upright with your back against his between his legs. Arms wrapped loosely around and chin atop your head. He has some B horror film playing, occasionally letting out a breathy laugh at the horrible and overdramatic scenes. If he’s not watching a film, he’s playing a game, content to have you snug against him. If you’re hungry? Don’t worry, there’s a bag of crisps nearby. Thirsty? He has that covered, too. There’s no reason to move just yet. But he won’t fight it if you absolutely do need to get up. Just expect some lightweight complaints about being cold without you there to keep him warm.
Taiga - Taiga is hard to cuddle with. He’s rough and moved how he wants to with little consideration of your comfort. He tends to play with your hair- running his fingers through it and giving it some brief tugs. He will also nibble on your skin from time to time, mumbling some gruff words that you can’t quite make out. His hands exploring your body before abruptly pushing you away as soon as he’s done. He does things on his terms and only his terms, after all. And who the fuck are you, anyways? He certainly doesn’t remember inviting you into his room. Better get out quick before he pulls out his gun!
Romeo - When in Rome. Or however the saying goes. Romeo would take some convincing to cuddle. After all, why would he want to with a BB like you? Ugh… fine. Just don’t make that ugly scrunched up expression that you always made before crying. It was gross. He’d open his arms and expect you to come to him. Once you did, he’d hold you, a hand moving to pet your head and brush his fingers through your hair. He’d definitely mention that you need to exfoliate your scalp. It’s fucking disgusting. And he’d remind you that it’s a privilege to be held by him like this. But he’s also secretly enjoying this and when the cuddle session ends, he finds any excuse he can for you to stay. “Let me show you a good scalp exfoliator”. That would definitely be his go-to.
Ritsu - It feels almost like you’re laying against a plank of wood with how rigid and stiff Ritsu is. Has he ever cuddled before? With how he’s acting, you somehow doubt it. Despite the almost awkward posture, you still find a comfort in it. You rest your head against his chest and a hand flits up to brush through your hair. Briefly. He tried to be subtle about it but with how unnecessarily still he was, any movement made was immediately noticeable. You don’t call him out on it, though. And you enjoy the fingers brushing through your hair. He smells nice, too. Clean.
Subaru - Cuddling is considered a rather intimate act for Subaru. He’d make sure you were absolutely okay with the fact that he’d be able to see every aspect of your life if his bare hands make contact. You reassure him that it’s okay and he still frets. Cuddles with him are followed with breathy and nervous chuckles. But he does his best to ensure that you’re comfortable. That you feel safe with him. And quiet, soft-spoken conversations would flow between the two of you.
Haku - Always the type for a casual cuddle session, Haku would happily and lazily have one arm around your waist. The other running along your arm or brushing against your cheek. Expect him to lay down some flirts for you. Tell you how you’re utterly perfect you look and how you’re the most breathtaking person he’s ever laid eyes upon. He’ll want to play with your hair, planting soft kisses to the top of your head. Or just enjoy a lazy afternoon together. But whatever you do, expect to be comfortable.
Zenji - Were he not dead, Zenji would wrap you up in his arms and simply never let go. Unless you needed something or wanted to go elsewhere. He would keep you company and recite you only the most romantic poetry, playing with your hair as you had your back to his chest. Expect loving kisses to the top of your head and enthusiastic reminders of your beauty, darling. With Zenji in your life, you’ll never forget how much of a diamond you are- glistening beautifully.
Ed - Being the equivalent to an icebox, Ed can be a hit or miss when it comes to cuddling. If you prefer colder environments, then you’re welcome to lay with him as much as you want. Especially on particularly hot days. His cuddles come across as relaxed but there’s still a part of you that feels a bit on edge. As if waiting for something to happen. Instead, you hear the mindless drabble from whatever YouTube video Ed has playing in the background.
Rui - Cuddling was one of Rui’s favorite pastimes before he was cursed. The way he enjoyed having a cutie in his arms and playing with their hair and peppering them with kisses and laying them up with endless flirtatious compliments. Ahh…. That was the life. Now? Well… Rui sticks to his daydreams of days long past. Even if you pestered him, he would decline and jokingly say that his heart might explode from so much love. If you continued to ask and offer up carefully considered solutions, he might just give you a sad and tired smile. “Maybe in the future.” Whatever that held.l for you both.
Lyca - Lyca would happily cuddle and share warmth with you. His favorite blanket wrapped around the both of you as he’d take a blissful nap. Don’t expect much romantics from him. Cuddling is more of a built in tactic for him- a way to stave off cold nights. If you express it to be romantic, he might just blink at you and ask you if you’re stupid. This is normal? Nothing weird about it at all, in his mind. Ah- until that blond gigolo explained to him that cuddling was what you did with an intimate partner. Lyca promptly refusing to cuddle after that. Sorry. He doesn’t dislike you but you’re not dating. But when you do start dating? Well, he’ll be happy to cuddle and keep you warm then.
Yuri - Another awkward cuddler. Yuri is usually too wrapped up in his research for such things! But, somehow, you managed to pull him from his lab and get him to sleep in an actual bed for once. His hands go to stay placed on your shoulders- resting there as you bury your face into the crook of his neck. You find the connection warm as Yuri’s hands eventually slide down your shoulders to rest on your arms. That’s as much as he dares to explore for now! Even being this close to someone was not something he ever thought was a possibility. Not because he couldn’t get cuddles if he wanted! Oh, no! He just has way more important things to attend to! And this is such a waste of his time-! But- it does feel really nice.
Jiro - When you cuddle Jiro, don’t expect too much movement. He likes to lay very still. So much so that you check to make sure he’s still breathing. An arm may go around your shoulders and he’d love to have your head tucked against his chest. This is reassuring because you can listen to his heart beat and insure he’s okay. Or- okay enough. He feels stiff, at times. But you’ve grown accustomed to this. Don’t expect much, though. Not unless you directly tell him what you want. Otherwise, he’ll remain still and stoic.
Sorry it took an age and a half! But hope you enjoy it!
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lilpenpen · 3 months ago
Aaaaand finally: TD stickers <3
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Translation: Taiga: Violence! Ritsu: Objection! Subaru: sluuuuurp
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pinkaditty · 22 days ago
Starstruck Coral Part 2 (Romeo Lucci x Reader; Tokyo Debunker)
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*tiptoes back on2 my blog only 2 trip and slide over a comically placed banana peel and alert the entirety of my waiting readers*
well. here’s part 2 LMFAOOOOOO i was inspired i guess! let me apologize for… my usual shenanigans… there’s always more than 1 ghoul involved, i fear! its bc im insane. yea.
a/n: sorry i disappeared and have just been reposting or giving out occasional queued posts. idk man i went off grid 4 a minute bc i had a break off of work and spent that entire 4 day weekend playing otome games and relaxing. then it was back 2 work and i just felt tired all the time 😭 BUT i finally managed 2 lock it down and finish it. thank god. hopefully my inspiration comes back full throttle soon. 
also this may or may not have a part 3. i have a soft idea 4 it but honestly it might just be me dragging it out idk… ill think abt it. 
summary: pt 2 of starstruck coral series. romeo can't get you out of his head. neither can the other ghouls.
cw: mc kinda gets around. sorry. guilty pleasure u can pelt me with stones all u want its how i like it! warning 4 lots of making out and graphic descriptions of it, as well as some petting in some scenes. NOT PROOFREAD sorry :(
Looking for Part 1? Click here!
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Romeo knows from the first time you kiss him that he’s not the only one. 
Peach-flavored gloss smears across his lips as he hurriedly wipes them with the back of his hand, rushing away from the chapel for the third time that week. He can feel the sticky residue clinging to the edge of his lips and he knows there’s no way he’s gonna be able to get it off of his face without a mirror. Maybe he’ll get lucky and nobody at Sinostra will ask questions. He’d barely managed to salvage his reputation (and yours, by proxy) after that rather suggestive picture Kurosagi had made sure was all over WickHive. Though, he might be digging his own grave with how often he slips away to visit you, now that he thinks of it. He’s not one for pink or peach colors due to how it clashes quite terribly with his hair, and much prefers darker colors, like reds or purples. However, he can’t say he minds the lighter, more refreshing taste of peach lining his lips for once. If he flicks his tongue out to taste the edge of his lips, it’ll be like he’s kissing you all over again. 
That’s gross though, so he’s not doing that. He’s not so low that he’ll let his urges get the best of him yet. 
He does, however, absentmindedly flick his tongue along his lips, wetting them as they’re exposed to the cool night air. He’s wasted a lot of lip gloss today, and he doesn’t want to arrive at Sinostra with dry lips. 
He can almost still feel your lips moving against his, your hands curling into the collar of his uniform, wrinkling it like hell. He sure does mind you wrinkling it, and makes a point to fist his hands into your collar as well. He should've seen it coming when that only spurs you on, further creasing his perfectly ironed blazer. He'd soon find his neck covered in kiss marks, his crisp white collar stained with salmon-colored gloss, a forget-me-not that felt quite flirty for someone like you. 
The way you pulled at his hair, sighed against his lips, and brought him in closer immortalizes itself in his mind. He couldn’t believe what he had done, for the third time that week. He may as well have been referring to himself when he warned everyone at the bar to keep their hands off of you. He tries to tell himself again that it was an accident, a fluke, he wasn’t thinking right and something about the night air made him crave closeness in any form. And yet, despite knowing he has a number of women and men to choose from on campus, his feet always lead him to your door, like he can’t bring himself to go elsewhere. He figures it must be that damn lipgloss or the way you hold him or the way you smile, gloss smeared across your lips and your teeth peeking through a teasing smirk. Whatever it was, he’d found himself there again tonight, seeking heat, or tension, or something else he couldn’t name. 
But he could tell from the first time. Despite how he can't get enough of it, despite the sweet taste of your lips, despite the surprisingly perfect way your lips slotted against his, he knew for a fact he wasn't the only one. 
He can't explain why, but that bothers him. No matter how many times he gets to sign his name on your molars with his tongue, he wouldn't be the only one doing that. A burning curiosity seems to eat at him. Who was first? Who came before him? Would that person come again? And why was he so worked up about this, anyway?
He wipes his lips with the back of his gloved hand again absentmindedly, further spreading the sticky salmon-colored peach-flavored gloss. He shivers as he feels the residue stick to his chin, knowing this would be a pain to wash off. 
When he finally reaches Sinostra, he’s rather unpleasantly greeted by Ritsu, who’s dissatisfied expression makes Romeo want to blow his face right off with his pistol. Unfortunately, said pistol was resting in his room, and Ritsu would just harden his body with his stigma anyway. 
“Why are you back so late? The more time you spend drinking at that bar, the more you potentially ruin Sinsostra’s reputation! Need I remind you it’s already strained?” The emphasis Ritsu puts on the word ‘strained’ makes Romeo want to strain his windpipe. He can’t decide if Ritsu is a daddy’s boy, what with how much he loves law, or a momma’s boy, what with how much nagging he does on a daily basis. Perhaps he’s both. “And what is that all over your face, anyway?” Ritsu’s expression crinkles in disgust as Romeo breezes past him on his way to board the cruise ship that housed Sinostra’s dorms. Ritsu follows after him, and Romeo wonders how to shake him off. “If you’re going to be sleeping around, the least you could do is remove the evidence from your face. It would help you save face, you know—” At the mention of ‘saving face’, Romeo feels his eye twitch. He didn’t need a reminder of that damn picture anymore. 
Ritsu doesn’t get to finish his sentence before Romeo whirls around, pointing a finger directly into Ritsu’s chest, his face contorted in anger. He already has the perfect retort in mind, meant to embarrass Ritsu and keep him off his tail the rest of the night. “You want to protect Sinostra’s reputation so bad? Tell your assistant to stop leaving kiss marks where they’re visible.” Romeo’s smirk cracks into a teasing grin when the color drains from Ritsu’s face, only for it to promptly rise again, coloring him as red as his Sinostra brooch. 
He sputters for a moment, tripping over his own words before spitting out a desperate defense. “Wh-What are you even talking about?!” He practically spits the words out, backing away hurriedly from Romeo. “MC wouldn’t—!” He appears to be desperately searching for an excuse or way to defend you, but he quickly falters, probably realizing he doesn’t know nearly as much about the honor student as much as Romeo would, having been lip-locked with you only half an hour earlier. 
Before he can come up with any other excuses, Romeo turns on his heel and storms deeper into the halls of Sinostra, not even turning to observe the distress on Ritsu’s face. He smiles, however, when he hears a perplexed groan behind him. 
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He’s grumbling to himself, out late again and headed straight back to his dorm. Dealing with Professor Hyde on Taiga’s behalf could not possibly be more frustrating. All he wanted was to go back to his dorm, take his daily luxury bubble bath, and curl up in his bed, ignoring the endless noise coming from the casino down below. As he’s on his way back, however, he comes across two familiar figures. One of the figures had a shock of red hair, was stumbling quite a bit, and leaning most of his weight onto the other figure, who seemed to be able to hold him relatively well. Romeo watches for a moment, furrowing his brow in confusion. Haru’s never been one to need help making his own way back, and if he did, he’d usually stay at Obscuary. Of course, not that it was any of his business. He’d happily turn the other way and continue on his way to Sinostra, plans for the evening orchestrating themselves in his mind. 
It wasn’t until he heard a familiar laugh that he took further interest. It sounded quite a bit like yours whenever you’d open your door to find him on your doorstep again. A knowing, teasing laugh. Romeo stills as he hears it, turning his gaze back to the walking couple. He didn’t know if Haru was doing this for show or not, but him leaning all over you did an excellent job of stoking Romeo’s jealousy. Romeo didn’t know why he was jealous or angered at this, but just knew he had to put a stop to it. He finds himself rushing to you, veering off his path just slightly. His steps pound against the stone pathway, and before he can think better of it, he hoists Haru’s free side onto his shoulder, removing most of his weight from your side. 
Romeo glances at you, thankful his assumption was correct, and notices the look of surprise flitting across your face before your Starstruck Coral-colored lips pull into a pleased smile. “Oh, thank you Romeo!”
“Whatever.” Romeo scowls, turning the other direction so you wouldn’t notice his flush, ignoring a laugh from Haru. “Let’s get this idiot back to Jabberwock.”
Most of the walk there is silent, save for Haru’s mindless drunken humming and equally mindless rambling, and your chuckling at it every now and again. Romeo’s mood progressively sours as the walk continues, peeved at the noise coming from Haru, at the added weight of his body, and at the way he seemed to soak up your attention like a sponge. Romeo knew he hardly had room to complain, considering all the times he had employed a monopoly on your attention, but still. After all the time spent monopolizing your attention, he couldn’t lie and say that he didn’t feel occasionally entitled to it. He always wants more of it, and that’s proved in how his feet drag himself against common sense to your dorm at least once a week. Every time Haru exhales, Romeo can smell the anomalous drinks on his breath. It makes him gag. Leave it to Haru to completely overdo it, like he does every time. 
When you get to the Jabberwock dorm's entrance, Romeo wastes no time in wrestling himself from Haru's side, leaving him to lean into you before he can regret it. He watches as Haru sags into you again, and he has to bite back a rude comment as Haru's head knocks into yours, and the two of you giggle with amusement. Nausea wells up in his throat at the sickening display. He covers his mouth with a hand and turns away, waving the two of you off. He had to get away from you two before he could taste bile. 
“I'm leaving. Leave him at the door, he'll find his way in." Romeo's words had a hint of experience, having dealt with a drunken Haru before. He doesn't think much of it when you don't immediately shrug Haru off, nor when you call after him to thank him. He hardly acknowledges you and simply waves his hand behind his back, unwilling to subject himself to another glimpse of Haru burying his nose into your neck and you nearly buckling under his weight.
As he trots off, he can't help overhearing your small giggles and Haru's satisfied hums. He’s tempted to tell the two of you to knock it off and make up some excuse about disturbing people this late, but it’s not like anyone hangs near Jabberwock’s corner of the campus regularly anyway. He feels ridiculous, coming up with excuses to deflect and absolve himself from any involvement. Usually, he’s not one to steer clear of letting everyone know what his opinion is on any given thing, but for some reason, he didn’t want to reveal his discomfort with Haru literally all over you. And he had been, quite literally, all over you—it was ridiculous, the way he leaned his body into yours, his lips hovering near your ear and his hair tickling your forehead. The vision makes Romeo shiver; it left an unpleasant taste in his mouth and a crease in his brow. He didn't want to think about Haru invading your personal space, even if that was exactly what he was doing as Romeo walked away. Romeo hears you giggle again, a sound that sounded suspiciously similar to the smacking of lips, and then Haru's satisfied hums again. He wonders what's going on when his dilemma from a few days ago resurfaces: He's not the only one, is he? 
A sickening feeling settles within him. His trot slows to a halt. Of course it'd be Haru. Of course, of all people, it'd be Haru. He’s willing to bet that if you didn’t fear death, it’d be Rui too. Every time he sees the two of you, it’s quite obvious both of you have roaming eyes and wavering resolve. He’s more often than not awkwardly inserted himself into the conversation, trying to find any kind of reasonable excuse for pulling you away from him. But of course, of course it was Haru. He should’ve known from the way you calmly sat in front of him a few weeks ago, letting his fingers trace the side of your face until they reached your lips. For you to be so comfortable with such intimate physical contact, clearly Haru’s been… touching you for some time now. Romeo grates his teeth together at the thought. Before he could think better of it, he whirls around and heads back towards you and Haru, hiding behind a nearby wall and peering around the edge, watching the two of you. 
He doesn’t know what he expected, but what he sees sickens him anyway. 
There you are, in a liplock with Haru. Your hands are holding his cheeks and pulling him towards you; not that that’s needed considering how he’s leaning into you, his arms wrapped around your waist. Romeo shivers uncomfortably as he watches Haru’s hands roam, his fingers pressing insistently into your ass, getting rather close to lifting your skirt. Romeo sighs, more out of relief than disappointment, when you shoo his hands away and break the kiss, though his discomfort bubbles back up when you giggle at Haru’s pouty expression. 
“Not here.” You wag a finger in Haru’s face, playfully poking his nose. Haru’s face falls, his hands moving to settle on your hips instead as he continued to lean into you. Romeo felt his own hands twitch as he imagined holding you the same way. 
“But whyyyy?” Haru whines, still pouting as he looks at you. Romeo can’t see your expression, but assumes it must be one that implies you aren’t budging as Haru groans and plops his forehead into your neck with a small “hmph”. When you stiffen shortly after, Romeo tries not to let his imagination run wild with what Haru could possibly be doing with his tongue or teeth right then. “You could stay, y’know…” Romeo figures he’s lucky Haru’s whining so loud, or else he wouldn’t be able to hear that, what with how Haru’s face seemed glued to your neck. 
You giggle and stroke Haru’s back. “Hah, no can do, sorry! I’ve got class early tomorrow.”
Haru lifts his face from your neck and pulls you into him further, pushy as ever. Romeo finds himself gripping the wall he’s hiding behind as a way to stifle his sudden urge to pull you from Haru’s grasp. “Then skip with me.” Haru’s words are interrupted by drunken hiccups, which makes it hard to take him seriously, but his expression turns determined. “If they’d let anyone get away with it, it’d be you, y’know.” He moves to press his forehead against yours. The volume of his voice lowers considerably, and Romeo has to strain to hear him. “I could just say I pushed you into helping me at Jabberwock. ‘S not like anybody would know…”
Romeo stiffens. Go figure. 
Romeo’s surprised (and relieved) when you shake your head, turning Haru down. “Maybe next time. I need to learn as much about anomalies as I can.”
Haru groans, pulling you in even closer. “Come onnn,” his words are drawn out and increased in volume. He hiccups again. He pulls your hips flush against his, letting out a throaty exhale and pressing his forehead further into yours. Romeo’s grip on the wall turns knuckle-white. His hands slide over your ass again, holding you against him. “I still haven’t kissed your other pair of lips yet…” Haru’s voice drops to a dejected whine and a pout forms on his face.
Romeo retches and turns away, hiding himself behind the wall in case he was heard. That line wasn’t just cheesy, it was also gross. Perfectly in line with what he’d expect from Haru. He must be more drunk than Romeo had initially thought, considering how he was being more physical and pushy than usual. Sure, that was it. That had to be it. Romeo finds himself beginning to stagger away, one hand covering his mouth as though he could spew chunks any minute now. Haru being super drunk and too far out of his mind was the only excuse he could come up with that made sense. It just wouldn’t have made sense if Haru had said that because he’d done that before. That couldn’t be possible, right? Haru couldn’t have gone further than Romeo already, right?
Romeo pauses and finds himself chewing on his thumbnail through his glove. He was already a fair distance from the wall he had been hiding behind. He couldn’t even see the two of you anymore, but he knew you were still there. He gnaws harder at his thumb and turns away, shaking his head. He had to get a grip. Why did he even care? It doesn’t even matter. So what if Haru got ahead of him? So what? Romeo hadn’t spent the past few weeks dubbing every visit he made to your place a complete mistake for nothing. He’d done it to avoid you, to get over you, to get to a point where he would feel okay going more than a few days without your sticky lipgloss smeared across his face and neck. It would be fine. Surely, it would be fine. 
He pulls his thumbnail away from his mouth and licks his lips. There is a very distinct lack of the taste of peach-flavored gloss on his lips. 
He couldn’t help the envy that welled up within him when he reminded himself that Haru has tasted more.
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The following afternoon, Romeo has made it his mission to confront you. He wasn’t sure what he hoped to gain from that, if he hoped to gain anything at all. Hell, for all he knew, there might be nothing to gain. Maybe he was sending himself on a wild goose chase as an excuse to see you again and hash out his residual complicated feelings from the previous night by forcing his tongue down your throat. The mere thought of losing himself in you again has him gulping down saliva and his body rapidly warming up. He shakes his head, groaning at the unwelcome sensation. What was happening to him?
As he rounds the corner towards the chapel, his pace slowly quickening, he catches sight of green hair ducking into view, exiting the chapel. The figure waves at an unseen figure inside the chapel, before turning away and heading down the stairs at a relaxed pace. Romeo tries not to immediately go on high alert, but finds his heartbeat rising anyway. He manages to prevent himself from immediately halting out of shock. Kusanagi notices him as he approaches, and waves, heading towards him.
Romeo groans internally. Great, the campus heartthrob wanted to speak to him. And right after he’d seen him exiting your dorm, no less. Romeo swallows down as much negativity as possible and puts on a neutral, if not irritated face. 
“Hey, Lucci.” Kusanagi seems completely at ease, his pace slow and his posture relaxed. He has an easy smile on his face in tandem with his greeting. Romeo can’t shake it, but something feels uncanny about his appearance. His gaze flickers to Kusanagi’s lips. No sign of lipgloss. Romeo feels some tension leave his shoulders. 
“Kusanagi.” Romeo greets him stiffly in return. “Did you have something to say to me?”
“Yeah. It’s about Hoshibami still eating all the anomalies he comes across.” Kusanagi’s smile turns lopsided, and his eyebrows crease in something between annoyance and resignation. He reaches for his neck without thinking about it, rubbing the back of it absentmindedly before flinching and moving his arm to his hip instead. Romeo could only sigh, feeling himself groan internally. He’d been trying to get him to stop eating everything with reckless abandon, but hadn’t had much luck. If Taiga was going to do anything, it was his own thing. 
He nods to Kusanagi, a sign for him to continue. “I’m considering putting him in a muzzle,” Romeo grumbles in response. Kusanagi lets out a sudden laugh, before shaking his head. 
“I’m sure there’s a more tame solution to that. Why don’t you try…”
Romeo logs out of the conversation, nodding along with Kusanagi’s words but failing to absorb anything of value. While he would like to consider muzzles for Taiga, his thoughts wander to Kusanagi’s appearance. Something still rubbed him as uncanny. He wasn’t wearing his tie, and his sleeves were rolled up, which was normal. Kusanagi tended to value comfort over elegance, anyway. His clothes didn’t appear any more mussed than usual, at least from the spare glances Romeo was able to catch without awkwardly seeming like he was observing Kusanagi. Something was wrong, but he couldn’t place it. Well, whatever. Maybe it didn’t have anything to do with you and Romeo was just being paranoid. 
“...And if you do try that, I hope it ends up working for you.” Romeo tunes back into the conversation just as Kusanagi’s ending it. Maybe his luck had marginally improved. Kusanagi nods at Romeo before moving around him, clapping a hand on his shoulder. “Gotta get going now, but keep me updated if that muzzle ends up working.” Kusanagi’s eyes glimmer with mirth before he continues walking past, shoving his hands in his pockets. Romeo rolls his shoulder uncomfortably, turning to watch Kusanagi as he left. He wondered for a moment if asking him why he’d stopped by here at all would be worth it, or if it would end up giving Kusanagi too much of a glance at what preoccupied his mind. 
Romeo watches as Kusanagi walks away and reaches up to rub the back of his neck again. He frowns when Kusanagi flinches again, pulling his hand back to his side and quickly wiping the tips of his fingers on the front of his jacket. The tips of his ears turn pink. And that’s when Romeo notices: Kusanagi’s left earring is missing. Immediately he grates his teeth, closing his hands into fists, trying not to jump to conclusions. This would be one hell of an assumption—assuming Kusanagi’s earring is gone because of you, and in turn, assuming you’ve left something on the back of his neck—as a reminder. Romeo knew that—if what he was assuming was true—you didn’t leave that there just because you could. 
Kusanagi is oblivious to Romeo’s turmoil as he finally turns the corner, and Romeo remains watching him, feeling his face burn with anger and envy. He swiftly turns his gaze back to the chapel, staring up at its dilapidated glory. He wonders if, the last time he’d been by, he should have left something of his. Something flashy, something loud, something unmistakably his so that anyone who came by would know. Hell, he wonders if it would’ve been better to leave a hickey on the side of your neck. Curse him for getting so enamored with the way your skin glistened with perspiration that he hadn’t thought of defiling such supple scapes with a bruise. Not to mention the entire campus would’ve caught on to it much sooner if he had dared. But now, it was different. He’d do anything to do it now—kiss you harshly like he’d done before and swallow any protests you’d have and leave a mark. A reminder. That’d show Haru. And Leo. And Rui. And Haku. All of them. 
He’s too far gone to wonder if he’s getting ahead of himself now. It doesn’t matter. In his head, he knows why you’re leaving marks. And it’s to rile him up. Or, so he assumes—or wants to, at least. Part of him hopes he’s important enough for you to go to such lengths. 
But, of course he was. 
Scowling, he stalks off, passing by the front of the chapel, slowing his pace as though hoping to be seen through a window, and hoping to catch a glimpse of Kusanagi’s earring on the steps to prove him wrong. His eyes flicker towards the steps and back each step, checking as thoroughly as he could.
No red earring. 
Romeo clenches his jaw. It’s definitely inside the house. He mentally postpones his confrontation of you until tomorrow. He couldn’t do it today, not when he’d learned he had more than one competitor. 
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Romeo is making it a point to avoid the chapel until the later hours of the day. And he wishes he could call himself successful.
The wind picks up as he finds his footsteps lingering longer than they should before a turn that would take him directly towards the chapel. He can see it’s peak, the cross shadowy against the sanguine sunset, like a warning. An omen, even. The day’s been getting colder, and the piercing wind says so, whispering warnings and pushing him away from the chapel, away from you. 
He curses himself and takes a step forward anyway, the call of destruction far more alluring than the safety in biding his time. 
With every soft click of his shoes against the paved stone path, something in him twists and writhes. The red of the sky should be a warning. The direction of the wind should be a warning. The way he can feel himself preemptively fill with dread should be a warning. So why does he not heed these warnings? Why does he continue straight forward, eyes still set on that damned cross, his heart thrumming in his chest like he’ll find salvation in all the wrong ways? Maybe it’s the desire that couples with the dread filling his stomach. Maybe it’s the remnant glitter from days past left on his chin. Maybe it’s the inevitability of it all. He would have to come here, eventually. He had planned to when it was dark, but maybe a red sky would have to do. It wasn’t like he could turn on his heel now. …Well, he could. But he didn’t want to. And he wasn’t going to. 
As he approaches the corner on which the chapel lies, he allows his gaze to drop from the cross at last, surveying his surroundings. Not many students lingered outside at this time. usually getting dinner or slinking back to their rooms, letting night fall slowly and peacefully. The only sounds around were the whistling of the wind through the trees and the clicking of his shoes on the stones. The eerie silence leaves him with his thoughts as he turns to gaze at the jagged stone wall of the chapel. His mind flashes with memories, each one more concupiscent than the last. Romeo feels heat crawl up his neck as he remembers the traces you left on his skin. He wishes he held you tighter those nights, enough to leave a bruising grip. There was no guarantee it’d show, but maybe it’d have been a better reminder to you that he was the reason for all the attention you received. In his mind, you owed it to him anyway. Or, at least, that’s how he haphazardly chose to justify his anger, pushing the thought from his mind. 
He arrives on the corner, at last, feeling saliva collect in his mouth and his breathing pick up as he gazed seemingly longingly at the door. It was now or never. He wipes at his lips absentmindedly and swallows down his collecting saliva, feeling shame and arousal build within him as he walks to the door.
He only takes about two steps before a familiar figure rushes out, quickly slamming the door behind himself and looking around frantically, only for his panicked eyes to fall on Romeo. 
It takes mere moments for the shock to pass and give way to anger, and he notes the same emotion flashing on Kurosagi’s face as well. What luck he had, truly.
Romeo found himself at a standstill, facing Kurosagi, but not daring to approach him, Kurosagi doing the same. Kurosagi’s face was flushed, reflective of his rush, and potentially indicative of the activities he’d been up to only moments earlier, if Romeo dared to go that far. Though, further examining Kurosagi, it seemed he wouldn’t have to. The smears of sparkling gloss across his face, missing tie, and long, thin bruise on his neck were enough for Romeo to connect the dots. He scowls, heading up the stairs and fisting a hand in Kurosagi’s uniform before he could react. 
“What the hell are you doing here?” Romeo speaks lowly, his voice bordering on a growl. The hostility in his voice surprises even him, but he can’t be bothered to wonder what he’s so angry for. 
“Woah, the hell’s your problem?” Kurosagi shoves himself out of Romeo’s grasp, smoothing out his uniform where Romeo had carelessly wrinkled it. His expression pinches into a frown, and he crosses his arms, looking Romeo up and down. “Sorry your girlfriend’s not loyal, but I don’t see how that’s my problem.” 
Romeo has to stifle the urge to punch Kurosagi as his face curls into a smirk at his own remark. “She is not my—”
“Whatever.” Kurosagi blows him off, rolling his eyes and absentmindedly licking at the glossy residue on the corner of his lips. “Say what you will, but I doubt anyone would believe you.” 
Romeo huffs, turning away. “That’s a lot of talk considering you’re the one who started that abhorrent rumor.”
Kurosagi laughs, pride seeming to leak from his pores. “I did! But I also started a rumor that she was my girlfriend a while ago!” Romeo’s eyes flutter open in shock for a moment, before he remembers that old post. Kurosagi had, indeed, “jokingly” laid claim to you some time ago. “If anything, all these rumors paint me as the broken-hearted lover, trying to win his girlfriend back!” Kurosagi flutters his lashes and smiles cheekily, his eyes narrowing with mirth at Romeo. 
Romeo’s hands curl into fists as Kurosagi struggles to keep his giggles under control. “Not to mention—” Kurosagi starts, his voice shaky with laughter. “I don’t think it helps your case that only one of us looks ‘lucky’ right now, Ro-Ro.” He pulls out his phone, brandishing it like a threat. “I’m tempted to commemorate this moment.” 
Romeo knows he’s overreacting when he reaches a hand towards Kurosagi’s phone and murmurs, “Tiris—”
Kurosagi immediately shoves his phone back in his pocket, scowling at Romeo. “Damn. No need to go nuclear.” Kurosagi bites his tongue before a smile spreads on his face again, clearly having thought of another remark to get under Romeo’s skin. “If anyone saw how you’re acting now, they’d think you’re quite the jealous boyfriend!”
Romeo stiffens and crosses his arms, turning away as Kurosagi blows a kiss towards him. “That one’s from your girlfriend~!” He trots down the stairs before Romeo can react, laughing to himself. Romeo boils with anger, wondering if it’s even worth it to retaliate. 
“Does it not even bother you?” He calls after Kurosagi anyway, watching him turn around with a bored look on his face.
“Does it not bother you that you’re actively in competition with nearly every other ghoul on campus?” Romeo knows he’s overexaggerating, but still. Regardless, the comment seems to get under Kurosagi’s skin. His expression darkens for a moment before he looks back up at Romeo, his jaw clenched unusually tight. 
“It’s fine…” Kurosagi’s gaze shifts off to the side, staring at the stone path instead of at Romeo, a frustrated look on his face.
“Liar,” Romeo calls out before he can think about it, feeling his face curl into a triumphant smile.
“You didn’t let me finish.” Kurosagi’s eyebrows twitch downwards in momentary irritation. He looks away again, his entire face stuck in a frown. “I don’t care. So long as I’m her favorite, I don’t care.”
‘Liar,’ Romeo echoes in his head again, watching as Kurosagi turns his back, ending the conversation and walking at a hurried pace away from the chapel. He’s one pathetic liar, and it’s written all over his face. Romeo ignores the parallels that has with his refusal to admit his own infatuation. 
Finally, he was alone, at your door. He could only hope you hadn’t heard all that had transpired. Romeo feels his head swim with indecisiveness at the last minute. He faces your door, feeling the sun burn his back. He felt laden with the weight of a thousand sins, which was probably underestimating all he had committed at this rate. He’s never been one to linger too long, however, and he doesn’t want the last light of sunset to feel like a burden. He curls his hand around the doorknob, not really caring what state he finds you in, and pushes in the door. 
He hears a comically loud groan as soon as he opens the door, and assumes it’s you. He scoffs in mock response, closing the door behind him, as you stumble into the room, holding a black and yellow tie. Kurosagi’s tie. 
“Kurosagi,” you start, wagging your finger in the air and holding your head in your other hand. “I told you, don’t come back here until—” You look up, making eye contact with Romeo. He stiffens, analyzing the look on your face, which appears blank, until curling into a knowing smile. He notices your lipgloss has been recently fixed, small clusters of telltale glitter sticking to your chin and cheeks. “Oh?” He watches as you wipe your hand against your chin, as though attempting to hide evidence. As though that would be possible. “It’s you.” 
He tries to ignore the teasing lilt to your voice, his eyes dropping to the tie you held. “Yes, it’s me.” His voice comes out rougher than intended, but he can’t be bothered to fix his words. He notices the tie is tied in an odd fashion, almost like… a collar?
He notes how you shift, hiding your hands behind your back and smiling at him. Your smile almost seems suspiciously genuine, your eyes seeming too earnest and soft to be true. “I’ve missed you.”
‘How crude,’ Romeo thinks. He feels like a fool for being drawn in regardless, wanting to slide his lips against yours again and forget the past week in its entirety. Instead, the images of all he’d witnessed and suspected in the past week come flooding back. He’s tempted to believe your display, but he knows he can’t. Not when it’s only partially true. 
“Me, specifically?” He asks, feeling his residual anger broil forth. He couldn’t tell if this was anger at himself for not claiming you earlier, anger at you for breaking a nonexistent promise, or a mixture of both. It made no sense to be angry at you. There had been very little communication and neither of you had made any effort to show affections outside of those sporadic nights, regardless of their intensity. But, at the same time, how could he be mad at himself? Why claim you earlier on, anyway? He’d had little interest in holding you close, he was sure, it was only mere infatuation. He wasn’t sure when his mere infatuation had turned into heated ardor, but the transformation had occurred nonetheless. He didn’t know what to be angry at, or angry for. He just knew he was angry. “...Or did you simply miss having a hookup?” His words don’t sting, but he says them with enough seething resentment to get the point across, he thinks. His face drops into a frown as he says it, no longer willing to save face by keeping himself neutral.
He watches as you roll your eyes, and can’t help but feel somewhat put off by that. You seem to drop your earlier earnestness, that quickly replaced by an exasperated expression. “You know better than that. Kurosagi himself just walked out.” You gesture vaguely to the door, Kurosagi’s tie still in your hand. Romeo bites his tongue. Fair enough, but that only served to confirm his suspicions. He still can’t pinpoint why this bothers him. It should hardly be a problem. It’s not like either of you had made a promise. So why? Why did this bother him?
“You know,” he starts before he can think to stop, the words tasting bitter on his tongue before he spat them at you like scathing attacks, “I should be getting far more thanks from you than just this.” Romeo’s expression drops further into a scowl. “You have me to thank for all the attention you’re getting now, anyway!” That’s right. You owed it to him. Right?
With the way your expression progressively darkens, Romeo almost regrets his wording. Your eyes flash with a unique anger, your jaw hard set. There’s a moment of heavy silence in which Romeo’s words linger in the air, before you respond, souring the mood even further. “So, what? You feel entitled?” You look up at him, and despite himself, Romeo flinches. 
“That’s not—” he starts, but his words die in his throat when you take a step towards him.
“You feel like I owe it to you, in some part?” You step towards him again. Despite himself, he instinctively backs away, replacing the distance between you as you close it. 
Romeo swallows, beginning to realize the hypocrisy in his own words. It wasn’t like him to falter or wilt in the face of blame. Normally he would deflect, and he wasn’t above deflecting onto the objects of his affections. Yet, there was nothing to deflect here. He’d been caught in his own hypocrisy. All he could think to do was hide from you. But there was nowhere to hide here. 
He can’t back away from you fast enough before you catch him, his perfectly ironed blazer caught between your nails again. This felt eerily similar to your last meeting, but in starkly different contexts. He feels his breath catch in his throat, feeling himself at a loss for what to do. Your fingers crawl from his blazer to his buttoned shirt, and he feels helpless to stop your advances as you force one of the buttons open. “What do you want from me, Romeo?”
Your question feels honest and expectant at the same time, as though you’re curious but you know the answer anyway. And yet, he himself can’t settle on one particular answer. To be yours? To be your favorite? To collect his due? To feel like he can put all his swirling anxieties from the past week to rest? Perhaps a mixture of these, or none of them at all?
As you force open another button, he wonders if he’s on a time limit. He realizes this is completely unlike him. He feels frozen like a deer in headlights, waiting for the inevitable crash that would scatter his truths all over your wooden floors and leave a shell of himself to be picked apart by you. This all felt completely unreal. He had to get ahold of himself before this went any further. 
He grips your wrist, forcing his resentment to bubble up again. He glares down at you, feeling heat rise in his cheeks as reality comes crashing down on him. He tosses your hand away carelessly, scoffing at you. He takes a step back, replacing the distance, and reaching up for his buttons to put them back in place. “Nothing you could ever hope to give—”
He’s not sure what his heel hit, but before he knows it, he’s tumbling backwards, losing his balance and falling flat on his back. He blinks, staring up at your ceiling before he sees you. You hardly miss a beat, kneeling over him and caging him in with your arms before he can even let the shock wash over him. 
He growls in frustration, feeling somewhat defeated when you only smirk at him. He looks away from you indignantly, his cheek touching the floor, only to notice something glinting at him from under the nearby couch. He strains to look at it for a moment before its shape finally clears, red string and glinting metal hook winking at him from just behind the leg of the sofa. Kusanagi’s earring. 
He can’t bring himself to feel a mixture of disbelief, disappointment, and anger for long. You grab his chin and turn his gaze back towards you. He doesn’t bother resisting, but he does glower at you. If he’s going to be humiliated, he figures the least he can do is resist via emotion. Not that his front would last long, anyway. 
“Let me remind you of something, Romeo.” Something about the gentle tone of your voice and the ease of your smile sends unwelcome shivers down his spine. He raises his shoulders, on high alert, despite knowing you aren’t much of a threat.
He feels your fingers carefully start to undo his tie, and he can only sigh internally, figuring he’s in for it. He cannot deny the way his heart accelerates in his chest all the same, or the way saliva gathers in his mouth again. He’s excited, but hell will freeze over before he admits that to himself. 
“I’m about to die.”
The reminder feels like a slap to the face, and for a moment, he almost confuses your words for a slap to the face. He looks up at you incredulously, wondering what motive you could possibly have for bringing that up now. As though noticing his internal questioning, you smile, tilting your head at him. You successfully loosen his tie, slowly untying it.
“I am also very greedy.”
“I am a very greedy person who’s about to die soon.” Your smile seems to cut into your cheeks a little too wide. Romeo begins to connect the dots. His confused expression melts into understanding.
“One would never be enough.” You hold the two loose ends of his tie in front of him, pulling him closer to you. He follows, holding himself up by his elbows. 
“You alone would never be enough.”
Somehow, the words hurt so much more than he expected and so much less than he wanted. 
Of course. He wouldn’t be enough for a dying girl with a hunger for life. Who could?
“Kiss me?” You smile at him plain and true, as though your own words hardly have any effect on you. He’s wholly tempted to smile back.
How could he deny you?
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a/n: well. idk i hope this was good. im a little too sleep deprived 2 tell. i fear i genuinely cannot tell if this is total trash or total heat so regardless. i hope u enjoy.
shameless reminder that i love likes, comments, asks, and reblogs!!!!! please please lmk what you think!!!!!!!!! im always excited 2 see how u guys respond 2 my writing <3
I ALMOST 4GOT the way leo's tie is tied and the bruise around his neck are indeed a reference 2 pavlov's ghoul yea <3
ok my head hurts gn
also tagging @aayakashii ur man makes a guest appearance here
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lemongrasstea1677 · 3 months ago
TKDB Characters and their clothing brand irl with total prices (inaccurate)
Frostenheim • Vagastrom • Jabberwock • Sinostra • Hotarubi • Obscuary • Mortkranken
Subaru Kagami:
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Haku Kusanagi:
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Zenji Kotodama:
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(i am headcanoning that what he's wearing is a premade outfit is from a magazine so imma assume its around 50 to 100 usd :3)
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otomemer · 4 months ago
Just sum r18 thoughts about Haku Kusanagi
I'm pretty sure that man will worship the fuck out of his girl. Touch her all over, making sure she feels good as his lips, tongue and hands feel every inch of her body.. and he's definitely a pussy eater too. That man will eat pussy for his own pleasure and would probably even cum from having her orgasm in his mouth. He'll eat her out like she's his last meal and he would just stay there between her legs forever if he could.
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tomatoxpoet · 6 months ago
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EA-2 ‘Blue Rose’ ID: RGBBL59
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td-art-storage · 4 months ago
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"Enjoying the view ?"
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