#I am so sorry for the huge wait
occasionallyprosie · 3 months
A Thousand Ways
Chapter 13: "The Hero's Sister"
The chain gets to meet one of their own's sister… Hyrule and Legend also get adopted and neither is complaining.
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The next shift, which arrived before they could reach Hyrule Castle, took them to Warriors' era.
It seemed whatever was throwing them from era to era only brought them to Legend's for him to arrive just when it was too late to save his grandparents.
Legend took about a week to get a hold of himself, then he was able to act as normal again, throwing off most of the group.
He didn't care if it confused some of them, or if they may have thought him heartless for not mourning his grandparents longer. Frankly he let their deaths affect him longer than usual... yeah, he was shoving the pain down until the quest eventually ended so he could break down and adjust himself to all the pain, but... He couldn't risk remaining compromised, emotionally or otherwise.
Epona couldn't cross through the portal, though Legend had anticipated that, and in the few hours between leaving the remnants of his grandparents’ farm and coming to the next portal. In that time, He enchanted an old flute of his with the three whistles from Holodrum as inspiration.
Epona assured him that it was as if the flute rang in her mind and his location was a homing beacon when they tested it. She promised to come find him when he called.
They went through the portal, and on the other side, Warriors claimed the land as his own. Soon enough, they were wandering some small town filled with people who clearly knew their resident hero.
Legend hadn't paid that much mind, his own era's towns were always filled with people who knew him, it came from helping them out all the time.
He lingered at a stall with some magic items, Hyrule pointing to one and asking the merchant about it. They received a decent sales pitch and description of the item. An ancient ring forged in dragon fire with the power to protect the wearer from flames.
Legend noted the magic itself was just basic flame protection and made a comment that it must be expensive if it was so rare, asking if he could see it. He was allowed to hold it, and then they were told it was a thousand rupees.
Hyrule frowned. "You know, that's so odd... See, we're something of magic users ourselves, and that's..."
"That's a basic fire protection charm on a... plain gold ring and those rubies have several visible imperfections," Legend finished. "I'm also a bit of an artisan, so between the two of us, we know our stuff."
Hyrule smiled sharply. "Sorry, give me your name again?"
"Uhh, Ar--"
"Arthur, right!" Hyrule's grin sharpened even more. "Why don't you put some time and effort into being honest and not selling fakes."
Legend snorted as the man tripped over himself to remove the fakes from his stall, and he nodded Hyrule to move on.
"Not bad, Rulie."
"Thanks. I hate liars, there's no way you could even forge anything short of steel in Dragonfire, unenchanted gold would turn to ash!" Hyrule huffed.
Legend snorted. "Not wrong there--"
"Hey! You!" Legend knew that voice. He turned and Linkle was there. "I didn't think you'd be back here! You look a lot better than last time I met you."
"I was half dead last time you met me," Legend deadpanned. Hyrule glanced between them. "Oh! This is Piyoko!"
Piyoko happily let Linkle pick her up.
Link! Link! She's like you! Piyoko declared. Hello, miss!
Linkle grinned. "Hi there!"
Hyrule tapped Legend's shoulder and he looked over. "Oh, this is Linkle. I ran into her last time I was in this era... I didn't actually know it was the captain's but yeah. She helped me out."
"Kid showed up half dead on my doorstep," Linkle said, cradling Piyoko in one arm as she held out her other hand to Hyrule. "You must be one of his time-traveling brothers then?"
Hyrule smiled and nodded. "Yep! Well--We're not brothers, but that's the easiest to say."
"Hey, brothers-in-arms is a term, it's not lying if you don’t specify," she responded. "I'm glad this guy actually has some gear now. Don’t you take after him, kiddo, he showed up on our doorstep covered in blood with only a knife--a single knife--as his defense."
Hyrule snorted. "His magic too, actually. And I'll take after him as much as I want, thank you, ma'am."
Legend rolled his eyes. "First of all, it was mostly monster blood, and secondly, I slaughtered two whole hordes of monsters with that knife and my magic. Also, don't tell him what to do--and you, don't copy me."
Hyrule just had this blinding grin while Linkle rolled her eyes.
"Hordes? Yeah right, gimme numbers over twenty and we can chat--"
"Fifty-seven with horde one, I remember somewhere around three times that, mass wise, with the second, but I also had some help there and I got my hands on a sword part way through."
Linkle whistled appreciatively. "We could've used your help with the war, and if this brother of yours--" Hyrule glowed a bit brighter, Legend noted that his successor definitely liked being connected to him, "--is anything similar, he would've been an asset too. Shameful of y'all not to show up back then."
"Ah, we've been busy."
"Time travel ain't restrictive, now, is it?"
Legend had to give that to her. However, before he could respond, he heard a familiar whistle. Wild was calling them to regroup.
"Ah, we have to go," Hyrule said. "Nice to meet you, miss Linkle."
"Nah, I'll tag along. Can't hurt to meet the rest of the time travelers, Lana would kill me if I didn't," Linkle waved them off. Legend swore he heard that name before, but he shrugged.
Hyrule frowned and looked at Legend, but he shrugged. "Piyoko likes her, and I trust her." As much as he could trust someone he didn't actually know. "Worst comes to worse, we meet with the others and Pretty Boy tries to kill her, so we help."
"One of your brothers are gonna try to kill me?" she asked bluntly.
"If he knows you and you're an enemy, then yeah, and we'd side with him," Legend admitted easily as Piyoko squirmed from Linkle's arms and landed on Legend's shoulder. "But I think you’re a good person so by all means you should be fine."
Linkle sighed. "And here I go, doing the one thing I told Momma I wouldn't do: risk being killed."
Hyrule snorted as they headed off toward in the direction Wild had whistled from. "Okay, no, I like her too. Can we keep her?"
"Eh, sadly she doesn't fit the whole Triforce of Courage, Master Sword, killed Ganon, or is a reincarnation of Sky's previous incarnation, and she wasn't dragged to join us by the goddess, so I don’t think so. Unless she is?" Legend raised an eyebrow at her.
She blinked. "Wait--If those are your "brothers-in-arms" group's requirements then--"
"Vet! Traveler!" Warriors called as they reached a market street. "What took you-- Linkle?!"
"Link! You absolute bastard! You told Ma you were on a sanctioned mission out west! Not some goddess-driven quest!"
Warriors tried to backpedal but Linkle was fast. She grabbed his collar and threw him into a nearby merchant's stall. The merchant, though startled, saw who it was and just sighed heavily... as if this was normal.
"Hey!" Sky reached for his sword.
"No! No--It's fine!" Warriors said quickly, getting up fast. His nose was bleeding, and he was holding it with one hand while his other rapidly waved Sky off. "She's my sister!"
"The sister you lied to!" She screeched. "Oh, Ma is gonna be so pissed! You lied to her! Yer out here time travelin' again an' recruitin' actual children?!" Linkle gestured to Legend and Hyrule, the former of which scooped Piyoko up from where Linkle had dropped her. "You told us it was a damned political venture to re-negotiate borders!"
Legend shared a wide-eyed glance with Hyrule. Then the others seemed equally shaken, yet most of the townsfolk seemed unsurprised, guards included and just gave them a wide berth.
"It was!" Warriors argued. "I just... Got portal-napped on the way and didn't tell you in the letters."
"You said the negotiations were going well in those letters!"
"They might've been! I didn't know!"
"Oh, you--!"
Legend stared with wide eyes as they fought. He leaned toward Wind.
"Is this what having siblings is like?"
Wind snorted. "Oh yeah, only when one of you fucks up."
Legend nodded slowly. Maybe he shouldn't tell Fable...
They watched as Warriors and Linkle argued, fought--bruised and bit arms-- and hurled insults 'til they turned blue. Then at some point their... altercation paused, and Legend decided to put all his bravery to the test to intervene, despite Twilight's and Wind's verbal protests to not.
"Linkle?" Legend entered the five-foot radius everyone gave the siblings.
"What?" She whirled onto him.
He held out Piyoko. "She didn't want to yell."
Link wants you to stop beating up the blue one! Piyoko chirped.
"Hey, snitch," Legend hissed.
"Vet, please put the psycho poultry away--"
"Psycho?! Piyoko is not psycho!" Linkle snarled. "She is an angel!"
"She actually tried to pluck the eyes out of Ganon," Legend admitted.
"Yeah! She actually... she what?" Linkle looked at him confusedly.
Legend grinned. "You heard me. But uhh, it is getting kinda late and I'd rather not be bothering the locals, despite how clearly used to this they are. So, inn and food?
He looked over at Time, who nodded. He seemed a bit surprised but mostly amused.
"Yeah, to the inn and get dinner," Legend repeated then held up Piyoko again, "or I'll sic' her on you and I promise you, she'll win."
Linkle blinked while Warriors just stared. Then the woman grinned. "I like this kid, Link. You found some good ones, but I claim these two."
"You had Mask and Tune! I'm claiming these two!"
"You’re not even on this quest!"
"I am now, bitch!"
You know? Legend liked Linkle, she was great.
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egophiliac · 8 months
I hear you on brave but I think Mr. CEO man could be woz
Which I’m all here for tbh
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anon you sent this over 9 hours before the reveal, h...HOW DID YOU KNOW
(I am also all here for it honestly) (I kind of hope they lean really hard into the overworked-CEO bit...how is he supposed to fight evil when there's all this paperwork that he has to get in by Friday, ugh)
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Besties give me a diplomatic phrasing to communicate "if I leave for the evening and tell you roughly when I'll be back and text 20 minutes before I'm home on your request, please be done having screaming sex by the time I'm home"
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More dnd writing because it's all I have but I here's a snippet from a vignette I did of Rook's past (from Zara's POV), because Rook and his mentors never fails to make me sick (/pos).
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[transcript under the cut]
Taking a coin out of her pocket, she rolled it across her knuckles, back and forth. It gave her hands something to do, and prevented the urge to bite her nails, something she hadn’t done in years. Ten minutes passed, then twenty. Zara began to pace as Rook’s breathing grew shakier and the color drained from his skin. Where the hells is Jay? she wondered. The room was so quiet that she could hear every tick of the small clock on her bedside table, and each one echoed in her head. How many ticks does he have left? She didn’t want to think about it.  She’d had crew members die before, of course. You don’t go as many years as a captain as she had and never lose a soul. But all the others who had died had died quickly, in combat. She’d mourned for all of them, even shed tears in private, but there was something different about watching the life drain out of a person right in front of your eyes.
#morrigan.text#my writing#dnd#dnd writing#morrigan plays dnd#oc: Rook#oc: Zara#(Rook's first captain and mentor)#literally no one else but me would know this but the fact that he learned that coin-rolling trick from watching her#(and after a lot of practice and embarrassing failures in his free time)#and he also does it when he's nervous/anxious/bored/fidgety... augh I can't take it.#this takes place when he'd been with her crew for about a year so he was roughly 18 in this. BABY boy.#He gets to see her again for the first time in 3 years VERY SOON in-campaign and I can't stop thinking about it.#I've been waiting for this moment since I joined this campaign so like a year and a half now.#YES I KNOW ALL MY WRITING LATELY HAS BEEN TORMENTING ROOK PHYSICALLY.#I'M SORRY. IT'S THE EASIEST THING FOR ME TO WRITE#I am UNWELL over my boy and his mentors#also poor Rook... he can't escape the snake motifs.#he gets bitten by a snake-like sea monster and nearly dies. he's a prisoner on a ship called the sea snake. Twice.#the second time he's rescued by a person with snake tattoos all over their body because they used to belong to a gang called#the horned serpents. And because they helped destroy that gang said person was supposed to never go back to the town Rook needs to go to.#but when they get there turns out they needn't have worried because all criminal activity has been stopped by a HUGE FUCKING SNAKE#with a very twisted sense of morality that may or may not be a god and has appointed itself High Judge of the town#and ofc because Zara is the mayor of that town and the snake is her problem Rook will do ANYTHING to get rid of it for her#but um yeah. lots of snakes for Rook. And most of this was accidental.#I swear I didn't plan it this way on purpose.
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throwaway-yandere · 10 months
Maybe I'll change my tumblr aesthetic to ayato to appease him. Maybe he's mad that I was eager to replace him as a DPS when Wriothesley came out that's why I got C4 Qiqi. Maybe Dainsleif isn't my husband all along. Maybe Ayato really is my true lord. I'll be back. I'm going back to Inazuma. I'm going to go back to being a retainer. I shall appease my master.
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dirt-str1der · 8 months
I still get scared when i remember kiryu is canonically quite lean and not a fatty at all
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scarletttbitch · 6 months
how did u get into sewing!!
omg this somehow got totally buried in my notes (thanks tumblr mobile) but!!
Imma be real i dont Actually remember Why i got into sewing haha it was just something that my family thought i should know (and a way to keep my little autistic hands busy) but my mom was a big sewer when i was a kid, would make my halloween costumes every year and i started helping her with that when i was like 8, so my mom taught me hand-sewing when i was old enough to safely hold a needle (like 10?? i think??) and then my great-aunt taught me to use a machine when i was about 14. i would go to her condo for 'lessons' since she had a sewing room in her basement and she taught me how to read patterns and such :) I started making my own clothes very soon after, and by 16 I was either making or altering all my dresses for school dances 😂 and now [redacted] years later, I do it professionally!
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pepprs · 1 year
doing really bad in ways i can’t talk about which is making it worse
#just cancelled a meeting so i could cry in the office LMAOOOOOOO 🥰👍#purrs#the mortifying ordeal of my therapist being on her honeymoon rn 😹😹😹😹😹#i think i am just a bad person and my needs hurt people who need me. and it’s not fair to them and idont know what to do with that.#i think i may have to move out sooner than i am ready to and not listen to anyone telling me to keep waiting. this is not sustainable. it’s#not sustainable for my family because i hurt them with my needs. and it’s not sustainable for me to be unable to need and get what i need#without hurting them. i think what’s so hard about this is that i have to do it alone and everyone is against me doing it but i have to do#it anyway. i don’t know. i don’t want my sister to see this and get hurt. if you do see this im sorry i can’t be what you need. im sorry my#needs hurt you. but they’re needs. i have to be selfish even though my brain is screaming at me in your voice that i don’t. i just need to#escape it all. i am allowed to need independence and alone time and im sorry i was cruel about asserting it but i need to assert it and no#one at home understands why but I need to. im not talking coherently i just feel so wretched and sick to my stomach with guilt and grief and#frustration and shame and i have to facilitate a huge session in an hour and a half.#delete later#like my friends / mutuals / mentors / etc can tell me until they’re blue in the face that i am not a bad person and i deserve to live an#independent Life etc etc but none of you are actually in my house and you don’t see how it is and how i am the cause of all of it and how im#stuck and making things worse. and i can’t summon my strength or calm down or anything. i don’t know. i have to get ready for the session i#just can’t even think straight. my family is right and i am also right and i can’t assert my rightness over theirs. so im stuck forever.#if i could i would leave work early and go home but there’s no one to take me home and home is actually the worst possible place to be#right now LOLLLLL. i just need to curl into a bed and cry. also im about to get my period so thats probably why im like this lol
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ehlnofay · 6 months
in the midst of a little depressive episode at the moment I fear and it's causing me to Ponder... in a weird way I'm almost grateful. like this is UNBELIEVABLY better than it used to be, even as much as it sucks in the moment. I wish I could go back to find myself at twelve years old hiding out in the school toilets and tell them that as long as we stick it out for long enough then one day the outsize bad emotions will be triggered by actual definable events and they'll be a noticeable change from our baseline. I'm not ✨recovered✨ and I don't know if I ever will be - I think I might have spent too many developmental years creating terrible patterns and associations to be able to straighten it all out - but it's Better and I'm able to know that it can continue to get better, too. and that's fucking huge.
#fay gets uncomfortably personal on her video game blog. NOT SORRY.#idk it's just crazy to think about#I really struggle to tap into this space enough to remember when I'm not actively in it#but I was SO FUCKING SICK back then. I was a child. and I was so fucking ill. I didn't know how young I was and I didn't realise how#disturbing it would feel down the line#(obviously. you don't lie down on the road in the middle of the night thinking 'I can't wait to suddenly remember this moment#in several years so it can become a sticking point in my psyche')#but like. that's my brother's age that's my sister's age I work with kids that age and it's so fucking young! and I'm so young now!#and I bet in five years I'll be going 'what a small little child... crazy' all over again#but like. idk. I was SO ILL. and I don't think it's like people say they thought they'd be dead by a certain age#it was a possibility for me but not an inevitability#but I don't think that I could have foreseen being better#in such a material way. you know. like I can't imagine myself ever fully healthy#or as close as anyone can get. I've had all this shit for so long. the idea of not carrying it anymore is honestly unappealing#like what would I even do without it. who would I be. how could that possibly happen#but this shit is BELIEVABLE. it's not gone it's just better and when it crops up I can deal#and I wish I could take the me of back then by the shoulders and say THIS IS NOT FOREVER!!!!!!!#ride it out long enough and you'll learn to live with it!!!!!!!!#it's just. really fucking huge. and I am so grateful#peace and love on planet earth!!!!
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furashuban · 11 months
So at first I was struggling to plan out and find inspiration for fics I wanna write for Sketchbook Ship Week, and suddenly I remembered wait, I DO HAVE SOMETHING FUN AND PERFECT I COULD WORK ON FOR SKETCHBOOK SHIP WEEK
It's the perfect time for me to bring this AU back from the dead...
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hoodieseasoned · 1 year
I've had this hermitcraft au idea absolutely infesting my brain for about a week now and normally with these things i just let them pass NOT because i don't want to write them but i just never have the energy for it
today, i sat down for the first time in like, maybe a year and wrote for like almost three hours straight,, tbh it was mostly just bullet points to frame out how i want to do this but i also ?? managed some short ??? scenes and dialogue ???????
i dont want to be overconfident bc there's still a big big chance I'll abadon this thing soon after i run out of energy but man,, it is pretty damn nice to be writing again
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astrxealis · 1 year
gn i'll wake up more normal maybe even if later today is also not a normal day (/pos) ^_^ <3 !! wishing u all well hehe
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blkwag · 2 years
happy friday!!!!! what are ur plans for today? 💖☺️
happy friday!! ☺️💗 i plan on doing a bunch of work today 😭 i have a lot of stuff that i need to tackle before next week so i'm gonna have a busy weekend
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vaugarde · 2 years
god im so conflicted on my coworker bc i cant tell if she dislikes me or not
#LIKE its that sort of thing where its a lot of very tiny things and nothing huge that make u wonder if they dont like you#idk i cant put it into words but i remember like. with my last roommate she did a few small things that at the time were weird#like skating really close to me and nearly knocking me over as a joke or using my phone charger without asking bc ''i needed it more sorry''#but like nothing i wouldve held against her. then she ended up being a jackass to me#this is sorta less than that bc its obviously a less personal setting but here its like trying to take over the entire thing?#like not letting me grab the packages on my own and getting weird when i assumed it was a gesture and tried to do the same for her#and then my shift ended at like 4:00 but it was a little slow and my replacement wasnt there yet#and i was almost done with my assignment so i just tried to wrap up what i was doing quickly#and at like 4:01 she kinda snaps at me like ''UM shouldnt you be leaving right now? your shift is over you can leave''#and like the way she said it was annoyed almost. she got nicer again when i said i was just waiting on the other person and finishing up#but it was like. that combined with other stuff makes me wonder if she doesnt like me?#but then i cant see why she wouldnt bc we've had nothing but nice conversations i thought about pets#and she literally doesnt know who i am outside of that so i dont know why she'd be all friendly one day and really passive aggressive next#like im holding out that maybe im misreading everything and maybe shes just faster at the job#but then shes not like this at all with other coworkers so its like. hm?#echoed voice
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patronsaintofgirls · 2 years
i think i may be too sick to go to my college graduation tomorrow :,)
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psikind · 2 years
I beat pokemon scarlet today hi for the love of god hello
#I'm gonna wait to rb spoiler stuff til like next friday and when I do they'll be tagged under 'spoilers' BUT#I Will rb new pokemon designs now tho#still tagged with 'spoilers' but yeah#GENUINELY. GENUINELY HAD AN AMAZING TIME WITH IT HONEST TO GOD IT'S UP THERE WITH BW FOR ME THAT'S A HUGE DEAL#it has so so many graphical/mechanical issues yes I'd write a whole fucking essay about how gf needs to give it's employees-#-better work conditions and more time and pay and Yeah#but oh my god. oh my God oh my fucking god#the pokemon designs are SO inventive and interesting and good the flavor on these lil guys is so peak#THE CHARACTERS ARE SO!!!!! THEY ARE SO I LOVE THE FRIEND GROUP AND TEACHERS AND TEAM STAR AND GYM LEADERS AND YEAH#they way all the story paths and challenges are set up is very intuitive and fun!!!! you don't feel pushed to go a certain order#but if you feel like where you are is too strong then it's easy to gather yourself and figure out what to do#and it almost seems like the leveling accounts for the player wanting to fuck around and find out I did that a Lot#and was only a few levels higher then the final fight by the end#don't even get me started on the story I'm not gonna say shit here but I cried like 5 times and wanted to a few others even still it's so.#god I haven't fallen for a pokemon game this hard in awhile if you don't wanna get it full price please like#get if second hand or watch a cutscene movie at Least and make sure you get one with all the area zero dialogue#I'm sorry for all the tags I'm just. listen special interest became good again in a few aspects I am living#risk.txt#pokemon#also I got 7 shiny pokemon before even beating the game so that's how my infamous luck with that in this game went DSFKVHBFV#the first one I got after only beat the first titan and nothing else! she's a litleo/pyroar named rhea and I love her so much
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