#I am literally sitting here with a big grin I love this so much
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fuckingfinwions · 5 months ago
hallo your au has inspired me to write a short fic of my own c: it's sort of fluff of geode au fingon/sold as pet maedhros. can i have your permission to post this on ao3 at some point?
"You want to what?" Fingolfin stared at his eldest as if he grew a second head, momentarily untangling his fingers from Maedhros' curls.
"I– I said I want to marry Maedhros," Fingon repeated.
"That's... Fingon are you– Why??"
A good question. Fingon didn't really know why. He barely understood his growing feelings for Maedhros let alone considered marrying him. He always thought he'd marry someone from a more respectable family not the biggest whore in all of Arda, but the sight of his father's hands all over the elf who showed him so much trust and love in the past few weeks urged a sense of chivalry in Fingon that he thought he was no longer capable of.
"Why does anyone marry anyone? For love, of course."
"Not true, you could always marry someone for politics or even tax benefits. Marrying this harlot will only break your heart."
"Not as much you're breaking mine right now. Maitimo loves me father, if he didn't I think I'd have lived my days not thinking much of him either. But I find that I have become infatuated with him as of late and would like get to know him more outside the bonds of servitude."
Fingolfin studied him as Fingon steeled his gaze, Maedhros the only thing between them shaking like a leaf. He made little effort to stop the king's molestation but it was clear from Maitimo's big wet eyes he still wanted Fingon's approval first. It took all of Fingon not to run to him and embrace him and tell him everything would be okay.
"So be it."
Fingon sighed out air he didn't realize he was holding.
Fingolfin for his part was not entirely convinced of his son's declaration. Sure he has noticed Maedhros had been acting a little strange as of late and he did see the appeal in it but Fingon's attention never stayed in one place too long and he'd probably grow bored of Maedhros' shtick eventually. Fingolfin had other pretty Feanorians to fuck in the meantime.
Besides this might be an opportunity for his reckless son to learn a thing or two about responsibility.
"Try not to damage him Findekano." His father stood and brushed away the crease in his robes just as easily as he shoved Maitimo away. "If he is to be your betrothed I expect him to act like one. You'll feed him, wash him, and teach him all the ways of court. And since you're engaged people need to see that you're actually taking the whole thing seriously, so no fucking anyone else for at least a year. Am I clear?"
"Of course! I'll be the most well-behaved husband in all of Arda!" Fingon promised as Fingolfin left the two newly betrothed alone.
This is amazing! And yes, you can definitely post it on ao3, you wrote it! I'd appreciate it if you link either this blog or my ao3 (also called fuckingfinwions) as inspiring it, and also then I can stop by to leave a comment.
Fingon is so sweet, and yay for sticking up for Maedhros! Not actually consulting Maedhros as an equal partner, but maybe they'll get there in time. And Fingon obviously cares about what makes Maedhros happy, not just jealousy of other people using Maedhros.
Fingolfin doesn't believe that the wedding will actually take place, but I have faith in them! In other timelines Fingon is known for his faithfulness, and he's not going to drop Maedhros once he's made up his mind to keep him. And Maedhros is extremely devoted to Fingon, he's definitely going to be trying to make this engagement work. Maedhros isn't stupid either; he doesn't know how a prince is supposed to behave but he can learn, and if that's what his master fiance wants from him, he'll dedicate just as much energy as he does to any of Fingon's other orders.
(Also, was Fingolfin literally about to get a blowjob from Maedhros when Fingon "proposed"? Am I reading the "crease in his robes" and "untangling his fingers from Maedhros' curls" right? Because that sure is some timing on Fingon's part!)
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all-purpose-dish-soap · 10 months ago
I don't think you understand
The mer price fic is absolute perfection.
Like I'm talking a literal masterpiece
This fic will stay engraved in my brain forever. You're an absolutely amazing writer. Thank you ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️
anon, THANK you. i am actually thrilled to see other people enjoying mer Price and remora reader as much as i do. please please please let me brain dump more about Price taking remora reader back to his home reef to meet the rest of shark mer 141:
SOAP is enamored instantly because you're so fucking grabbable.
within moments of seeing you peek out from behind Price's tail, he darts around and snatches you up with greedy hands. you're so small!! so tiny and cute when you squirm. and you make noises. 
he handles you like a toy until Price barks at him to cut it out. he does (and Price makes him promise not to be so rough with you; you're fragile, he claims) but Soap is incorrigible.
he follows you for days afterward. just obsessed. he loves chasing your silver tail as you dart around the reef, trying to hide from him. when he catches up to you, you have little choice but to give in and let him manhandle you. he certainly toes the line of whatever Price meant when he said no rough play, you little shit, i mean it.
he pushes the limits of your docile nature. when you do eventually reach the end of your patience and dart out of his hands just to get a break from his grabby claws, guess what? you've triggered his prey drive and he gives chase. he catches you, of course, and then before he can stop himself, he bites you.
your squeal brings Price out into the open instantly and Soap gets an earful again. he grins at you the whole time as you hide over Price's shoulder.
after that, Soap gets a little craftier about it. he eases up just enough to figure out exactly how playful (rough) he can be before you can't take any more. he learns how to stop just shy of making you shriek again. Price is aware, but he's a little too indulgent to stop it. he's happy to let Soap have his fun as long as he doesn't break you. you just have to suck it up. that indulgent nature is how you ended up with Price in the first place, after all.
goes without saying, but Soap is the first one to use you as a sex toy.
GHOST seems to take zero interest in you at first. you're not the sharpest urchin in the tide pool, are you? you can't be if you're here willingly. he figures you won't stick around long, and if you do, you won't stay intact.
you attempt to take up grooming his skin and tail and teeth as you do with the others. he moves away from you without a word, lashing his scarred tail to re-settle himself several feet away.
if you follow and try to groom him again, you earn a deep growl.
you dart off the moment he voices that rumbling displeasure. he notes your skittishness around him and uses it to make you leave him alone.
you, however, have a job to do. you won't be scared off that easily.
after he chases you off that way a few times, you begin to find him and simply sit near him. mirroring him. no big deal. instead of grooming him, you use the time to groom yourself. can't keep everyone else clean if you're grimy, after all.
he notices you and growls to warn you off again. you pretend not to hear.
he flicks his tail in irritation, considers cuffing you over the head to teach you a lesson, but you're too far away to reach without kicking his whole big self up into the water to move several feet. so he elects instead to turn over and ignore you. you keep this up for several days. you sit a little closer every time.
one day, you finish cleaning your own tail fin and casually begin to clean his. he growls. you pause. when he stops and does nothing further, you resume your work. he growls again, and you continue grooming him as if you don't hear him. he keeps growling, but once you begin to run your claws over a stubborn patch of skin to dislodge some stuck grit that's been bothering him, his growling fades into grumbling. and then silence. he lets you keep at it. victory.
this becomes a habit. you seek him out (never the other way around) and typically find him lazing on the floor of some cave or sunning in the reef's shallows. you set to work grooming him thoroughly. all business. he grumbles and growls occasionally when you move his arm or tug your fingers through his hair, but he never stops you.
one day, Soap comes looking for you and finds you in the middle of this little cleaning ritual. Soap nudges you away, insisting you instead let him chase you around the reef. but the moment your hands leave Ghost's rough skin and he hears you protest, he opens his eyes and snaps his teeth at Soap.
Soap pulls back (and so do you) until Ghost grasps your lil wrist and drags you back down wordlessly to where you were sitting and cleaning his shoulder.
Soap smirks at him. Ghost glares back.
"you got something to say, then say it."
"here i thought you were toleratin' it for her sake. seems i misjudged the situation."
"there is no situation."
"whatever you say."
Soap leaves with a flick of his tail. you're so pleased that, when you're finished grooming Ghost, you burrow yourself between his arms as he lays on his side. you nuzzle into his neck and bunt your head up against him, practically purring now that you know you've apparently won him over.
he grabs you, pretending to be disgruntled, but then instead of releasing you he crushes you against his chest again and settles in for a nap. no, you don't get to leave.
GAZ wonders what exactly is going on inside your head. it doesn't escape his notice that your """instincts""" seem to have you by the throat in this situation. but he suspects you're leaning a bit more into that whole brainless servant thing than you're letting on.
he's perfectly happy to let you groom him, flatter him, fetch him whatever baubles or snacks he'd like at the moment; he's perfectly polite to you, too. really likes it when you butter him up. tell him he's got the sharpest teeth and the strongest muscles and the fastest tail in the reef and he'll listen to you for hours, preening in the sunlight as you clean the grime off his fins.
plus, he praises you too, and you love that. that's why it takes you so long to notice he's watching you much more closely than anyone else is.
see, you've already disarmed Price. Soap sees you as a toy more than a fellow mer. Ghost cares more about finding the best places to lurk around than understanding the little mer that shares their reef now. it's fascinating--how you've successfully passed yourself off as a silly, stupid little fish. the more he watches you, analyzes you, the more he wonders what exactly you're getting out of this.
when you groom him each day, he asks you questions. casual ones. are you enjoying the reef? what games do you like to play? how fast can you swim? how many other mer have you met? are you eating enough? what's your favorite food?
it's enough to make you wary, but then, he seems harmless. you're honest with him. it pays off, because when you tell him how much you like the taste of those little brown seabirds that dip into the reef from time to time, you're shocked the next day to find one of those very seabirds sitting dead--neck cleanly snapped--just for you in the shallow alcove next to where Price sleeps (and you by extension).
you find Gaz that instant and insist it's too kind a gift; you can't accept it. what you can't tell him is that it's not a good idea for you to eat in front of them. you eat scraps, and you eat them where of them can see. that's the deal--obviously you do what you do for these four sharks in exchange for protection and ostensibly for food, but you need to avoid looking like you're taking more than your fair share. and to sharks, a species that is notoriously food-aggressive, your fair share must be vanishingly small.
he just smiles at you--so disarmingly that you flounder for a moment. somehow he convinces you to keep the kill.
he begins to turn up--looking amused but not surprised--when you steal scraps of food after the group has had its fill of a fresh kill. it makes you nervous for him to see you with food in hand (much less to watch you eat) but he scoffs at the idea of holding it against you. 
at some point, he begins to bring you fresh meat himself. this is-- it's unacceptable. you're supposed to be the one working while he rests. he's not allowed to give you that kind of comfort. if you're not earning your keep, after all, you don't have a place here. you push his gifts away, busying yourself with some other task. he insists. you decline.
"you're refusing me?" he asks, feigning surprise. "i thought that went against your instincts."
you fluster, ruffling up in what he assumes is a pout. he's trapped you in a catch-22. ultimately, you have to accept the stupid meat-gift because it's what he wants. you find this makes you more irritable than it should. he smirks at you, which serves to irritate you more.
he pulls you into his lap as you eat. and he thinks it's so cute the way you scowl the whole time.
from then on, whenever you act a little too stupid for his liking, he pries and pokes and prods until he draws out that other, haughtier side of you. he has a knack for frustrating you. he loves to sass you, and when you finally drop the act and sass him back, he falls a little bit more in love with you every time.
more mer au / masterlist tag
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gilbertscurls · 7 days ago
more than this — matt sturniolo
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Matt had never questioned his relationship with you.
You had been a constant in his life for as long as he could remember—his best friend, his partner-in-crime, the one person who never made him feel like he had to be anything other than himself.
He didn’t have a single memory that didn’t include you in some way.
You were there for his first day of school, clutching his hand with a nervous but determined look as you both stepped into the classroom.
You were there for his first bike ride, laughing when he wiped out on the pavement but helping him up anyway.
You were there for his first heartbreak, sitting beside him on his bed with a pint of ice cream, threatening to throw rocks at his ex’s house to make him feel better.
Every milestone, every moment—you were there.
Matt had always thought that was just the way things were. That you were meant to be a permanent part of his life, but in a best friend kind of way.
Until now.
Until this summer day, with you walking beside him on your way to the beach, the warm sun painting golden streaks in your hair, the salty air making your skin glow.
Until you laughed at something dumb he said, tilting your head back, eyes shining, like the whole world was just a little brighter because you were in it.
Until he looked at you and felt something shift inside him.
Like all the puzzle pieces of his life had rearranged themselves into a picture he hadn’t seen before.
A picture that looked a lot like love.
And suddenly, Matt wasn’t sure how he had gone so long without realizing it.
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The waves crashed against the shore, the water stretching endlessly in front of you as you kicked off your sandals and stepped into the sand.
Matt followed, watching as you twirled in the sun, arms outstretched, looking happier than he’d seen you in a while.
“You’re weird,” he teased, stuffing his hands in his pockets.
You turned to face him, smirking. “And you’re boring.”
He scoffed. “I am not boring.”
“You literally refused to go in the water last time because you said, and I quote, ‘I don’t trust the ocean. It’s too big.’”
“I stand by that.”
You rolled your eyes. “Well, you’re getting in today.”
Matt raised a brow. “Oh, am I?”
“And what if I refuse?”
You grinned, eyes gleaming with mischief. “Then I guess I’ll just have to drag you in myself.”
He smirked. “I’d like to see you try.”
And that was definitely the wrong thing to say, because the next thing he knew, you were lunging at him.
You tackled him, both of you toppling into the sand in a mess of tangled limbs and breathless laughter.
Matt groaned, trying to prop himself up on his elbows, but you were already scrambling to your feet, grabbing his wrist.
“Come on, coward,” you teased, tugging him toward the water.
But he didn’t really try to stop you.
Because the truth was, he liked the way your fingers curled around his wrist, liked the way you didn’t hesitate to pull him toward adventure.
Liked the way being around you made everything feel a little more exciting.
The water was cold when it lapped at his ankles, but he barely noticed.
All he could focus on was you.
The way you grinned triumphantly as the waves hit your legs.
The way the sun lit up your features, making you look like you belonged here, like you belonged everywhere.
The way his heart clenched so suddenly, so completely, that it nearly took his breath away.
He was so screwed.
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Later, after hours of splashing in the water, after drying off and collapsing onto a beach towel beside each other, Matt found himself staring at the sky.
The sun was beginning to set, the sky turning soft shades of pink and orange.
You let out a content sigh, stretching your arms above your head. “I love it here.”
Matt turned his head, watching as you closed your eyes, your expression peaceful.
And just like that, it hit him all over again.
How much he loved you.
Not in the way he always had, not in the casual, comfortable best-friend way.
But in the real way. The terrifying, life-altering, this person owns my entire heart kind of way.
And suddenly, he couldn’t hold it in anymore.
“Hey,” he said quietly.
You opened your eyes, looking over at him. “Yeah?”
His heart pounded.
This was it.
The moment he changed everything.
He swallowed hard, then finally—finally—said the words he had been too blind to see before now.
“I think I’m in love with you.”
A beat.
You smiled.
Slow and sweet and certain.
“Yeah,” you murmured. “I know.”
Matt blinked. “You—wait, what?”
You laughed softly, shaking your head. “Matt, I’ve always known.”
His mouth opened and closed. “Then why didn’t you—”
“Because I was waiting for you to figure it out.”
He groaned, dropping his head into his hands. “You knew this whole time?”
You grinned. “Yup.”
“You let me suffer?”
“Pretty much.”
Matt lifted his head, giving you a flat look. “I hate you.”
You just laughed, leaning in until your face was inches from his. “No, you don’t.”
And he didn’t.
God, he really didn’t.
Especially not when you closed the space between you, pressing the softest, sweetest kiss to his lips.
And just like that—
The puzzle pieces finally clicked into place.
tag list: @stuwniolo, @sturnobsessedwh0re, @matts-myloverboy, @imjusthereforthesturniolosmut, @lizzymacdonald06, @asherrisrandom, @sturniolowhore69, @faith5drpepper, @emely9274, @psychologyloverfr, @lovetaylorrussellgrr, @conspiracy-ash, @helpimateenagerinlove, @ghostlythinggoingaround, @sturmatt, @chris-hallelujah, @goingtojohnkramershouseee, @wurlibydominicfike, @straw8berry, @shadowthesim237, @courta13, @frankdelreyy, @evansturn, @bamsblooming
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riordanness · 1 year ago
sweet nothing - [w.wonka]
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wordcount: 1.1K
warnings: willy freaking wonka’s curls
requested: no
Something about this laundry place was giving me the creeps, but I’m sure if it’s the scary man who’d brought us here, the overly cheery lady with the awful teeth, or the much-too-convenient cheap as chips room.
Willy seems to be completely trusting in these people, though, and I trust him with anything, so I decide to just take it as it comes, and keep my eyes open for anything else strange.
We’re lead upstairs by Bleacher, with Mrs Scrubbit following from behind. She chatters the whole way up, bombarding us with information about the place and our room and how much impact this laundry business has had on the town itself.
Bleacher pushes open a door, and lets us pass. I step inside after Willy, and glance quickly around the simplistic room. It’s pretty, very white, and has little daisies on the wallpaper.
“There you two are,” Mrs Scrubbit says happily. I wonder to myself if her name, or Bleacher’s for that matter, are actually their real names, or if they just made them up for the glamour of it all. They are pretty catchy names.
“Thank you, Mrs Scrubbit,” I say, and Willy chimes in after me.
“Thank you both.”
Mrs Scrubbit, flustered, grins at us both and waves her hand in the air vigorously. “There’s a bar of soap and a washing cloth on the sink, and fresh linens in the cupboard over there.”
I give her a smile, and my worries from earlier are almost forgotten. This place truly is a miracle.
After they leave, and the door has closed, I realise how exhausted I am. I collapse onto the floor, leaning my head against the wall and closing my eyes. I let out a sigh. “Who knew one single day could be so busy, huh?”
I can hear Willy dropping his coat to the floor, and laughing quietly to himself. “Yes indeed, y/n.”
I open my eyes to the sight of him sitting on the edge of the bed, and it is only then I notice the most obvious of facts. There is only one bed in this room.
Willy seems to realise this at the same moment I do. “Oh,” he says.
“Oh,” I echo.
There’s a heat beat of silence, then Willy quickly gets to his feet. “I’ll sleep on the floor. You take the bed.”
“What?” I’m almost annoyed. My best friend is my favourite person, and I love him dearly, but he is almost too kind sometimes. Kindness is a virtue, but in Willy, it often hurts himself in the process.
“You take the bed,” Willy repeats.
“Don't be ridiculous,” I say, still on the floor. “It’s a big enough bed for us both. I won’t have the best chocolate maker in the universe sleeping on this cold stone floor. It’s uncomfortable.”
He raises an eyebrow at me. “You’re literally sitting on the ground right now.”
I shrug. “Floor time is fun for me. Not for sleeping though. That would be kinda awful.”
Willy smiles softly. “Alright, bean. We can share.”
I have no idea why he calls me that, but I’ve long since given up on asking. He always just grins his wicked little smile and says something like, ‘I’ll tell you one day’.
I close my eyes again, and yawn. “I’m so tired, Will.”
“Don’t call me that.”
I laugh, and open my eyes again. “Sorry not sorry. Help me up.” I hold both my hands out to him.
Willy walks over, rolls his eyes at my antics, and pulls me to my feet.
“Come on,” he says softly, his fingers lingering near my unbrushed, unruly hair. “Let’s get you to bed, bean.”
“Okay,” I mumble, suddenly even sleepier. His quiet tone and gentle touch are pulling me even closer to the darkness of sleep. I let Willy pull off my jacket, and I slide out of my dress, leaving just my petticoat and undergarments on. I crawl under the covers, shimmying as close to the wall as I can to allow room for Willy.
He shrugs off his vest and shoes, switches off the light above us, and climbs in after me, lying as far away as possible on the other side of the bed. I understand the politeness in his gesture, but my tiredness is fogging my brain up, and I want him to be close.
“Willy?” I almost whine.
“Yeah, love?” he whispers.
“Can you hold me?” I mutter, my eyes shut tightly. I barely register his reply, but I do feel his strong arms as they tighten around my waist, and pull me close to him. Then, the darkness takes me.
I wake up slowly the next morning, my senses taking longer than usual to begin working. Smell is first. Chocolate and mint and rain. Then sound. The familiar sound of my best friend’s breathing. Then touch. Warm blankets, warm arms, my cheek pressed against a warm, moving, yet somewhat hard surface. Then, finally, sight.
My eyes clear, and I blink the sleep away, and I’m met with something extremely unexpected, but also very pleasant.
Willy’s sleeping face, only inches from my own, his dark curls spread across his forehead and the pillow we share. His arms are around me, holding me tightly even in his sleep. My head is resting on his chest, which is slowly rising and falling with his gentle breathing.
I myself try not to breathe, not daring to even move. I want nothing more than to extend this moment for as long as possible, maybe even forever.
Willy’s eyes flutter open, and their soft chocolate gaze lands on mine.
He smiles, and I’m almost certain it’s the prettiest thing in the world.
“Good morning, bean.”
“Hi,” I whisper. “You still owe me the reason behind that nickname.”
Willy smiles, his eyes flitting all over my face, as if he’s relishing the closeness between us as much as I am.
“Because,” he says slowly, drawing out the word. “You are as important to me as a cocoa bean is to chocolate.”
I let that fact sink in. “Oh,” I manage, my chest filling with all the love I have for this boy beside me.
“What’s wrong?” Willy tilts his head down to look at me properly, concern filling his features.
“Nothing,” I answer. “I just… love you, Willy Wonka. I really love you.”
He smiles again, wider this time. “And I love you, my little cocoa bean.”
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sturnalsm · 9 months ago
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summary: you and Matt dont like eachother, you hang all the time, only because of his brothers tho. Chris and Nick went out to pick Chris's girlfriend and left you and Matt alone. you are in the living room on your phones and Matt completely ignores you
!! WARNINGS !! : make out, smut, choking, biting, pet names, swearing
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it was like 11pm or something, you didnt even knew the time, Chris and Nick went to pick uo Chris's girlfriend for god knows what reason why, its not like you hated her but you didnt liked her either, she was annoying you, nothing more, nothing less. but the worst part is that they left you and Matt alone. right now you were doing nothing but sitting on the couch in the living room on your phones.
Matt was literally ignoring you, 10 minutes ago you asked him if he can give you his charger, silence. he just kept scrolling on tik tok do you got up and got it. not a big deal tho. you were scrolling on tik tok as well when an edit of him pops up, but you didnt scrolled and you kept watching it and watching it when.. "what is that video that you're staying on for the past 5 minutes can you fucking scroll or something, its pissing me off" Matt finally spoke complaining about the video, he didnt knew it was an edit of him..
"what are you watching anyway? let me see" and thats when you didnt knew what to say so you immediately scrolled down. "oh uh i' nothing.." he looks at your and grabs your phone scrolling to the upper video. "is that me?!" he says in shock "MATT GIVE ME MY PHONE C'M ONNNN" he laughs as he holds your phone oht of reach "why are you watching edits of me huh" "it just poped up, please give me my phone Matthew" he kept your phone still out of reach speaking again "you like me or sum'?" he asked with a smirk "ME?! LIKE YOU?" you say like its not obvious.. "are you sure about that, sweetheart?" "100%" you say as you start blushing. He takes a seat next to you, your thighs touching each other. He leans closer to you, his breath warm on your ear "You're a bad liar, you know that?" "im not lying now give me my phone" He doesn’t move, his body remaining close to yours, the proximity between you increasing "You’ll just go back to watching edits of me, right?" you roll your eyes at his words. "dont act like you dont watch my Instagram posts all day, tough guy" He rolls his eyes at your comment, a slight blush appearing on his cheeks "You’re one to talk, you never stop thinking about me." awhhh is someone blushing" you say jokingly making him a little mad. He rolls his eyes again, his cheeks still a bit red "Stop talking, I swear to god" you look him in the eyes "or what?" he moves closer to you, his body practically pressing against yours "Or I'll make you stop talking" you smirk at his comment he grins mischievously, placing his hands on your waist, pulling you even closer to him "I have my ways." you smirk at him "show me then"
he suddenly lifts you up, placing you in his lap, completely straddling him. His hands move to the small of your back as he gazes at you "Now you're trapped." you instantly blush "too bad" he smirks"You say that as if you don’t secretly like it." he laughs, one of his hands tracing circles on the skin of your waist, just underneath the edge of your shirt "Don’t lie to me. We both know you love being this close to me." "who said that i love it?" you keep teasing him he rolls his eyes again, growing more and more impatient. His hand on your hip is gripping tighter, his fingers pressing into your skin "You’re a terrible liar. Your body language gives you away. You're enjoying this just as much as I am." "mm...no im not" you love teasing him, you know he is going insane by it and you're here for it. he moves his face closer to yours, his breath warm on your ear again "So if I started kissing your neck right now, you wouldn’t like it at all?" "oh fuck.." you said to your self. he chuckles, his lips grazing against your neck. he places a soft kiss just below your ear, his tongue tracing a slow, torturous trail down to your collarbone “You were saying something?” "shut up.." he lets out a low chuckle, his lips still on your neck, leaving a trail of kisses across your skin "Why should I? I like hearing the cute little noises you make." you bite your lip at the feeling of his lips on your neck which drove you crazy and you wanted more.."Matt.." she moans
he grins against your neck, his lips moving lower towards your collarbone, leaving marks as he goes "Hearing you moan my name is such a turn on, you know that?" "oh look who's turned on" he pulls back for a moment, his eyes locking with yours, a slight smirk on his lips* "Yes, I am. Your little moans are driving me crazy." you smirk "stop teasing me then" you take a deep breath "please.." he chuckles, his hands gripping your thighs a little tighter "Please what? Use your words, darling." "please matt i want you so bad.." he laughs softly, a sense of satisfaction in his voice "Beg for me? You really are desperate for me, aren’t you? Tell me you need me, darling. Say it and I’ll give you whatever you want." "i need you so bad.." he moans softly, pulling you even closer to him, your bodies pressed together, so close there’s only centimeters of space between you, he looks at you for a few seconds befire grabbing you by the waist and slamming his lips on yours in a passionate kiss. Matt immediately deepens the kiss, his hands gripping your thighs tightly, his fingers digging into the skin. he grabs your neck as he starts kissing you once again his tounge sliding into your mouth exploring every inch of it.
she slowly starts moving her hips on his lap. he moans against your lips, his hands moving from your thighs to your hips, holding you even closer to him. He can feel you moving against his lap, the sensation driving him wild* "Mm, you’re teasing me again, aren’t you? You know what that does to me?" "hm, i dont know, what does it do to you baby" he moans as you call him baby, he pulls back slightly, his lips hovering against yours "Seeing you move against me like this? It makes me want to do so many things to you." you smirk at him, you know exactlywhat youre doing and you love the way he loses control "what things? he looks at you "Mmm, I could show you..." he moves his lips to your ear, his teeth gently tugging on your lobe "You sure you want me to show you? Once I start, I don’t think I’ll be able to stop myself." "dont stop." you say as you look him in the eyes. "you think you can take me huh?" he slowly slides his hands under your skirt sliding his hands slowly to the inside of your thighs "please dont tease me Matt.." you roll your head back moaning quietly. he looks at you with a smirk sliding one of his hands under your panties doing circles on your clit. "fuck.." you moan. he looks at your as he slowly pushes his middle finger inside of you causing you to moan even louder. he starts moving his fingers faster. before you could think he puts a second finger stretching you out. "matt ohmygod.." he smirks "if you cznt take my fingers how are you going to take my cock whore?" his fingers going deeper you hitting that one spot which made you go wild. "matt i nee- *moans* i need your cock please" you get the sentence out of your mouth in one go. "so needy huh?" he looks up at you still with his fingers in you going faster and faster. he stops and gets them out of you "open your mouth" you obey as he puts his fingers in your mouth "suck, doll" you start sucking his fingers. "youre going to listen to me and youre going to listen to me good." he gets his fingers out of your mouth grabbing your waist and making you stand infront of him as he gets up as well. "on all fours doll"
you go down infront of him on your knees and hands. he starts unbuttoning his jeans taking them off as well as his boxers till his knees. "suck." you look up at him and get his cock in your hands stroking him a few times before taking him into your mouth "oh fuck.." he sahs as his breat hitches. "kee..keep going" you starts sucking him faster making him go wild. "shit..im going to cum.." as you hear those words you go faster again knowing how good you make him feel. soon he cums in your mouth making you shallow every drop. "good girl, you can get up now." you get up, he grabs your hand and pushes you against the wall facing him. he starts taking off you tshirt, your pants then your panties leaving you completely naked. he looks at you "turn around baby" you obey again. "now tell me..do you want my cock inside you huh?" he says, his breath on your ear, his hands on your waist.. "matt please..fuck me already you're teasing me too much please i need it bad.." he smirks at your response spanking your ass before slamming aggressively into you. "MATTHEW" you scream his name making him go crazy. he doesn't say anything he just goes deeper and faster inside of you, your eyes bluring with every thrust. he grabbed you waist "bend over" you put your hands on the wall and bend over for him. "fuck yes.." he starts going even faster than before making you scream and moan his name. he puts his hands on your neck choking you.
you were going insane, his cock felt so good inside of you. you were going literally insane from every thrust. he knew what he was doing and he knew you loved it. "you are..so thigh.." he puts his both hands on your back making you bend over ven harder, causing you to moan. "im..g- goin to c..cum Matt..fuck" he puts his hands on your hips now "go ahead baby" your legs start shaking you barley can stand on them. after a few seconds you make a mess on his cock. your cum going down by your thighs and on the floor.. "you're such a good girl ma'." he says grabbing your waist and turning you around. he kisses your lips picking you up, you wrapping your legs around his waist. he puts you on the sofa gently going down to your neck leaving red marks, he sucks and botes onto your neck causing you to moan. "you're a moaning mess" he looks up at you. "lets clean you up sweetheart "....
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db0xtae · 2 months ago
Winning the Breakup | Chapter 3
- Minho (Xo Kitty) X Reader
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⋆˚࿔ Summary : Y/N, a talented and athletic after an intense breakup, Y/N reluctantly agrees to fake date Minho, to make their exes jealous. What begins as a mutual arrangement soon turns complicated when their fake relationship starts to feel all too real. With humor, bickering, and tender moments, Minho and Y/N's journey proves that sometimes the best way to heal from heartbreak is to allow yourself to fall in love.
⋆˚࿔ Warnings : None
⋆˚࿔ WC : 975
⋆˚࿔ Previous Chapter : 2
⋆˚࿔ A/N : Hope you enjoy!!!
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Chapter 3: The First Date
Sunday arrived far too quickly for Y/N’s liking. She’d spent the better part of the morning pacing around her dorm room, second-guessing her outfit for what Minho had so helpfully dubbed their “first date.”
“I can’t believe I agreed to this,” Y/N muttered, staring at herself in the mirror. She’d settled on a simple yet cute outfit: a cream cardigan over a fitted tank top, high-waisted jeans, and white sneakers. It was casual enough not to scream “I’m trying too hard,” but still flattering enough to fit the fake girlfriend image.
Her roommate, Hana, raised an eyebrow from her bed. “You’re talking to yourself again. What’s the big deal? It’s just Minho.”
“Exactly,” Y/N said, throwing her hands in the air. “It’s Minho! The most insufferable guy at KISS. And now I have to spend the entire afternoon pretending I don’t want to strangle him.”
Hana smirked. “You’ll survive. Besides, isn’t he, like, ridiculously hot?”
“Hotness doesn’t make up for his personality,” Y/N retorted, grabbing her bag. “Wish me luck. Or don’t. I’m doomed either way.”
Minho was already waiting for her at the park, leaning casually against a bench like he’d just stepped out of a photoshoot. He was wearing a black turtleneck, tailored jeans, and a designer jacket, his hair perfectly styled.
Y/N approached him with a sigh. “You’re overdressed. This isn’t a K-drama.”
“And you’re underdressed,” he shot back, smirking. “This is supposed to be a date, Y/N. Put some effort in.”
“I look fine,” she said, crossing her arms. “Let’s just get this over with.”
“Wow, your enthusiasm is overwhelming,” Minho said, rolling his eyes. “Come on, we’re going for a walk.”
The two of them strolled through the park, trying to look like a couple while keeping as much distance between them as possible. Minho, apparently noticing the gap, grabbed her hand without warning.
“What are you doing?” Y/N hissed, yanking her hand back.
“People are watching,” he said simply, nodding toward a group of students from KISS sitting nearby. “You want them to believe us, right?”
Reluctantly, Y/N let him take her hand again. “This is the worst idea ever.”
Minho grinned. “You say that now, but by the end of the day, you’ll be thanking me.”
After walking for a while, Minho led her to an ice cream stand.
“I’ll take vanilla,” he told the vendor, then glanced at Y/N. “What about you?”
“Chocolate,” she said.
Minho paid for both, handing her the chocolate cone. “See? I’m a great fake boyfriend. Generous and thoughtful.”
“You’re literally just doing the bare minimum,” Y/N replied, taking a bite of her ice cream.
“Details,” he said with a shrug.
As they sat down on a nearby bench, a little girl walked up to them, staring at Minho with wide eyes.
“Are you a model?” she asked shyly.
Minho beamed. “Why, yes, I am.”
Y/N burst out laughing. “Oh my god, you’re ridiculous.”
“What?” Minho said defensively. “She asked!”
The girl giggled, then ran back to her parents, leaving Minho looking oddly pleased with himself.
“You really can’t help yourself, can you?” Y/N said, shaking her head.
“I’m just giving the people what they want,” he replied, flashing her a wink.
As they continued their “date,” Y/N couldn’t help but notice how many KISS students they kept running into. It was almost suspicious.
“Did you tell the entire school to hang out here today?” she asked as another group of students waved at them.
“Of course not,” Minho said innocently. “But if people happen to see us together, who am I to stop them?”
Y/N rolled her eyes. “You’re unbelievable.”
“Unbelievably charming,” he corrected.
She ignored him, but when they passed Alex and his new girlfriend, her heart skipped a beat. Alex froze when he saw them, his expression shifting from surprise to something that looked suspiciously like jealousy.
“Y/N?” Alex said, his tone laced with disbelief.
“Alex,” she replied coolly, tightening her grip on Minho’s hand.
Minho, ever the opportunist, pulled her closer, slipping an arm around her waist. “Hey, man,” he said casually. “You doing okay?”
Alex’s jaw tightened. “Fine. You two are…together?”
“Yep,” Minho said, smirking. “Crazy, right? Guess we were meant to be.”
Y/N resisted the urge to roll her eyes. “Well, we should get going. See you around.”
As they walked away, she glanced back to see Alex watching them, his expression unreadable.
“You’re welcome,” Minho whispered, clearly pleased with himself.
“For what?” she asked, raising an eyebrow.
“For making your ex jealous, obviously,” he said. “Did you see his face? Priceless.”
“Don’t get cocky,” Y/N muttered, but she couldn’t deny that it felt oddly satisfying.
Later that evening, after their “date” was officially over, Y/N found herself sitting on the steps of her dorm, reflecting on the day.
To her surprise, Minho appeared, holding two cans of soda.
“What are you doing here?” she asked.
“Thought you might want a drink,” he said, handing her a can.
She took it, eyeing him suspiciously. “What’s the catch?”
“No catch,” he said, sitting down beside her. “I’m just being nice. Shocking, I know.”
Y/N snorted. “You, nice? That’s a first.”
“Hey, I can be nice when I want to be,” he said, opening his can.
They sat in silence for a moment, the awkwardness of the day fading into something almost comfortable.
“Do you think this is actually going to work?” Y/N asked finally.
Minho glanced at her, his expression uncharacteristically serious. “Yeah, I do. But only if we’re both all in.”
“All in,” she repeated, nodding slowly. “Okay.”
He smirked, his usual cockiness returning. “Just don’t fall for me, darling.”
Y/N laughed, shaking her head. “Don’t worry. That’s not going to happen.”
But as she looked at him, she couldn’t help but wonder if she’d just made a promise she couldn’t keep.
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wheeboo · 1 year ago
big spoon, little spoon | boo seungkwan
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SYNOPSIS. in which ask your boyfriend if he wants to be big spoon or little spoon. PAIRING. boo seungkwan x gn!reader GENRE. fluff, established relationship WARNINGS. kissing (in the dark lmao), one curse word, terms of endearment, just boo being rlly affectionate :< WORD COUNT. 1.2k
requested from anon: congrats on 2k lovely!!! ❤️❤️❤️ for ur event may i please req seungkwan + #6 list one? thank u ahhhhh and congrats again - #6: "I don't think I have ever felt safer than in your arms."
notes: thank u my love !! i hope u enjoy <3 i had too much fun writing this pls 😭😭
join the 2k celebration!
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"Okay, so big spoon or little spoon tonight?"
Seungkwan just freezes from where he stood in the bathroom doorway, toothbrush still dangling at his lips with bits of foam at the corners of his mouth. You're literally staring at him like you're waiting for him to answer and that it wasn't actually a rhetorical question.
"Are you asking me𑁋okay, wait." He marches back into the bathroom to hastily spit and rinse out his mouth, before coming back out with determination in his step. "Are you asking me if I want to be big spoon or little spoon?"
There's a playful lift to your lips as you sit down on the edge of his bed, and Seungkwan can very much see that slight mischievous look to your features. He can already feel the heat of the moment shoot up towards his ears, and he prays that the room is dark enough to hide it.
"Yeah, I am. Since, you know, we always sorta switch around every day," You say, nodding with a teasing grin. "And, well... I'm being considerate, as your partner and all. I gotta know all your preferences..."
God, Seungkwan feels like he's sinking into quicksand at his feet. Are you really at his place every day? He hardly ever thought about how often you were here, like how these nightly rituals had practically become routine now. He swears his heart does a little happy flip-flop at the thought.
It all started with movie night dates that bled into you two eating breakfast together, dinner dates that turned into you helping wash dishes at three in the morning, and then that particular comfortable silence that settled completely at this point. Every day, there always seems to be another reason for you to stay a little longer, another excuse to linger until the streetlights cast an orange glow through his curtains.
And Seungkwan knows he won't ever get tired of it𑁋he won't ever get tired of having you around. Not now. Not anytime soon. Not ever.
He runs a hand through his hair, feeling whatever embarrassment he had in his chest start to dissipate and replaced by a rush of warmth.
"Okay, well, as your very considerate and caring boyfriend..." He crosses his arms together. "what do you prefer?"
You purse your lips together, as if deep in thought. You didn't mind being either little or big spoon, but the thought of Seungkwan having his arms around you right now𑁋if you could describe it𑁋felt like being wrapped by a warm cloud, a feeling of pure, weightless security that chases away all possible worries.
But it isn't just about the comfort, although it's certainly a big part of it. It was the feeling of being safe and cherished, completely enveloped in his embrace. It was the feeling of home.
A slow smile graces across your face.
"I'll take little spoon," You answer gleefully, already crawling more onto his bed and tucking yourself under the covers with a little wiggle. Whatever façade Seungkwan had been putting up crumbles completely at the sight. A blush creeps up his neck, barely visible in the dim light, but his smile widens.
He chuckles softly as he joins you on the bed, slipping under the covers beside you. After flicking the lampshade off, he carefully maneuvers himself right beside you until he feels your warmth hit his skin. Then he slowly circles his arms around your waist and pulls you closer to his body, with your back meeting his chest. A low, contented hum leaves his lips as he simply holds you.
You wriggle in slightly, and he adjusts his hold, letting an arm curve over your stomach and the other one under your body to pull you even closer, fingers momentarily brushing against the hem of your shirt. You feel your legs entangle together under the blanket, and you swear the world gets smaller, quieter.
Seungkwan thinks you fit perfectly in his arms; it's like you've always belonged there.
"Comfortable?" he asks, voice muffled against you.
Your chest rises up and down with a soft sigh. "Mhm..."
The moments that pass are purely silence as he continues to hold you. You could probably fall asleep at this second, yet you feel the way Seungkwan's hand drifts lower from your waist, tracing gentle circles on the fabric of your shirt above your stomach. It's light, just barely there, but it sends a shiver down your spine nonetheless.
And then you feel him moving around behind you, breath tickling your skin, before his lips press a brief, tender kiss to the nape of your neck.
Maybe you can sense the small smile to his face right afterwards, too.
"You're so soft," he mutters, but there's a bit of tentativeness to his tone.
Your heart squeezes tightly in your chest. "I𑁋Aren't we supposed to be trying to sleep?"
"Sorry," Seungkwan apologises, but you can still hear the smile in his voice. He presses another gentle kiss to your neck, then draws back, his hold on you tightening ever so slightly. "Just like holding you like this."
The giggle that leaves you is shaky, nervous, as if there's a small, timid butterfly trapped in your ribcage struggling to take flight. He can probably hear the way your heart is pounding like a damn drum right now, but he doesn't comment on it. Thank goodness.
A thought crosses your mind, and it takes you a minute to cave into flipping yourself over to face him. A groan escapes him from the sudden change in position, but he quickly settles. The two of you can't really see each other that well since the room was basically suspended in darkness, but you can clearly feel his presence beside you, all comforting and familiar.
"I like being held by you too," You confess quietly, each syllable laced with your own hesitancy. "I... I don't think I have ever felt safer than in your arms, to be honest."
The sound of Seungkwan's breath hitching echoes throughout the room. Are the walls closing in? He's not hallucinating or imagining any of this, right? He wishes he could pinch himself, but he's busy holding you, and you're the only thought filling his mind right now.
He leans in closer, ever so slowly. He can see the faint outline of your face thanks to the sliver of moonlight cutting through the curtains.
But just as his lips are about to meet yours, you feel a sudden contact at the tip of your nose. You flinch a little, scrunching your nose up for a second, and Seungkwan pulls back immediately with a gasp.
"Oh my go𑁋did I just𑁋" He stammers frantically, cheeks heating up with embarrassment. "I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to, uh..."
"Baby," You call out affirmingly, aimlessly bringing a hand up to cup his face through the darkness. Then you lean in to press a kiss to his lips, or specifically... the corner of his mouth. Close enough, anyway. "There we go."
Seungkwan just blinks, eyelashes batting furiously as he feels you shrink back into his hold. This time, you place your head at the crook of his neck, breathing fanning against his skin and making him shiver in your hold, even though he's supposed to be the big spoon.
"Let's go to sleep," You murmur lowly, and if he wasn't used to how pretty your voice sounds when you're tired by now, he should really get his shit together.
And so, Seungkwan just secures his hold around you, but not before mouthing a set of three words that he knows you can't see in the darkness, but hopes you can feel in his embrace.
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taglist (open) ʚɞ @enhazen @haowrld @icyminghao @slytherinshua @jeonride @lockburn-castle @vrnism @weird-bookworm @mhlsymlysn @ryuwonieebae @yeonjuns-redhair @wonwooz1 @woohaeyo @mark-geolli @caramyisabitchforsvtandbts @aaniag @wootify @carlesscat-thinklogic23 @phenomenalgirl9 @roziesmei @mirxzii @bookyeom @parkjennykim @melodicrabbit @bewoyewo @honglynights @bananabubble @treehouse-mouse @tanya596carat @starshuas @etherealyoungk
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justabeewithapen · 1 month ago
Sniling so widely at the critters
What’s the dynamic when Doey, Lucas, and Bella are together?
GRINNING SO BIG BACK AT YOU!!! I have so much I am so sorry here, have a doodle before I throw you into the read more:
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Their dynamic is very much like siblings. There is definitely a reason they usually only use one at a time as being in a group together emboldens all three of them. It is hard to fully describe the change, but when they are all together you can actually tell they are kids, they act like kids. Being put together is generally a reward for particularly good behavior (conditioning always works better if you mix both positive and negative reinforcement, even if they lean negative) and VERY OCCASIONALLY they are allowed things like crayons or books. Lucas has self proclaimed himself the older brother of their squad which he takes very seriously, which really doesn't mean very much besides the fact he is very loud, loves to "older sibling" brag (make stuff up haha), and thinks he is really funny. He is the one that gets the energy going in a room, and if there is a tussle it's probably his fault. Bella is a very obvious contrast to that, she is quiet and would much rather go with the flow of whatever is happening than take charge like Lucas. However, I think she is hiding a sneaky side under there that doesn't come out very often, but if given the chance to grow up normally she would probably enjoy pranks and get away with them. She likes to draw and she likes listening to stories. She's much stronger than she looks, Lucas knows this first hand (if Doey was in a normal situation/environment he would probably know her "wrath" too.) Doey has the most noticeable shift, and it would be even more if he wasn't in his current circumstances. (I wrote a ton a ton here but I think I'll save it for a second post). It's kinda hard to explain? Big ole' "it depends" I suppose? Sometimes he is more in-line with Lucas, more mischievous and playful, liberally using his abilities to make up for their lack of playthings. Sometimes it is more like a contented air where he will just sit and listen while the other two do their own thing, but he'll still be an active part of conversation. They talk a lot, all three of them, there aren't many occasions where they can talk and feel listened to. Even Bella who is more quiet. It's the only opportunity for play they ever get, unlike some of the experiments in other sections of the building. Obviously if things are not great(tm) for one of them the energy mellows out more, but even if it isn't acknowledged they treat these opportunities like it will be the last time it ever happens. I don't even know if I answered the question right at this point T-T I have been typing and retyping this for hours at this point. It's like, I know it but I don't know how to say it. They act like siblings, sibling who are keenly aware they are all each other has, while still being themselves as much as they can while they have the chance. Being able to all be together without having to worry if anyone is alright genuinely is a reward for them, and it just makes punishments more effective. I think they used to be more reserved, especially Doey who is very keenly aware of being observed like 24/7, but it wasn't worth caring about, they didn't have that luxury. It probably freaked the hell out of several scientists observing him who are generally more used to "Perpetual glower", or "intentionally trying to push your buttons", and on good days "quiet compliance". He got along with critters in places like the courtyard, but he was generally avoided by other toys because he is massive and scary looking, when he walks the ground literally shakes in game. It would be worth looking into more to find a less volatile way to control him, if he wasn't considered such a liability and didn't already have a body count pre-HOJ Man I hope this doesn't suck to read TwT sorry for the messy word vomit here!!
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aphroditeinthesea · 1 month ago
hi there~ I'd like to request a Jason Grace x Dionysus!Reader inspired by the song "Wish you were Sober" by Conan Gray , but instead of the usual Lively and extroverted kind, the reader keeps to herself.. and Jason has been courting her for a long time, but all his confessions and acts of service were met with what others might say "indifference"
Then, one day, there's a party, and the reader is drunk, but instead of a happy drunk or emotional drunk, She's a chatty one.. a big contrast to her usual quiet demeanour. When she finds Jason, she starts drunkily confessing what he wants to hear ( her actually returning his feelings but was just too scared to admit). But Jason wished she was sober when she said it
“ wish you were sober ”
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jason grace x dionysus!reader ⚡️
⚠️ drinking, swearing
a/n i saw conan perform this song in boston a couple months ago 😛
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You hated parties. Which felt silly given your cabin. But here you were, sitting against a tree, watching everyone laugh and drink and talk and whatever.
“Hey,” you looked up to see the blond son of Jupiter. He wore his usual smile as he approached you.
“Hi,” you responded, “what’s up?”
“I was just wondering how you were, you don't usually come out to these things.”
You nodded, “yeah, my sisters dragged me, said I need to get out more.” You sighed, “here I am.”
He smiled, awkwardly slushing his drink around, “I was actually gonna ask if maybe you would wanna dance?”
You looked down, a grin on your face, “Jason, I-”
You looked over, two of your sisters were running over to you, stumbling really, “Y/N,” they sang.
“Hey, guys,” you spoke.
They both grabbed one of your arms, “you are not gonna sit in this corner for the rest of this party, come on!”
The other one looked up at Jason, “oh, sorry, unless you were busy talking to hottie over here.”
You looked up at Jason, “I mean, we were talking but, uh,” you bit your lip, anxiously.
“Oh, uhm, it’s okay.”
“Thanks. We’ll be stealing her, hottie.”
They dragged you away as you turned to look at Jason, “sorry!” you called over.
He just swayed slightly, “I’ll see you later!” he called back, backing away in embarrassment.
As the hours passed, you were shoved down with various shots, drink mixtures that made your stomach almost come up through your throat, and a cup of some wine one of your siblings made.
You had stumbled around and finally made your way to be sitting by the water. You looked at the way the stars reflected on the water, making it sparkle.
“Hey,” you heard a timid voice behind you.
You looked up, “Jason! Hi!” You grabbed his hand, pulling him over, “come sit!”
He raised his eyebrows as he almost fell over, “hey, hey, are you okay?”
“Oh, oh, I’m fine, Jase,” the nickname made his heart flutter, “how about you?”
“Good, thanks,” he sat next to you, criss cross applesauce.
“I was hoping I would see you again,” you said, looking up at him.
“Really?” His voice slightly cracked over the vowels, causing you to giggle.
You nodded, accidentally nearly tipping over, “I love when I see you, you’re all pretty and stuff.”
He quietly laughed, “thanks, so are you.”
“Not really,” you mentioned, before he could protest, you were continuing, “I know I don't really act like I like you all that much but it just confuses me.”
“You liking me,” you added, “you are the most sought after guy at camp and you like me?”
“Of course I like you back, you’re perfect.” You looked down, “you look like an angel and you act like an angel, but you like me? Like you're insane or something.”
“I do like you.”
You looked up at him, your eyes pulling to his lips, “why?”
“You're you.”
Without a thought, although there has not exactly been a thought this whole encounter, your hand cupped his cheek.
“You’re hot.”
He blushed even more, “uhm thanks.”
“Literally, your face is burning.”
“Oh,” he laughed.
You kissed him. Your lips collided with his. He fell back slightly before he could comprehend what was happening.
But once he could taste the liquor of your lips, he felt his heart shatter. Was a single word you said even true? Were you just joking? Was it a drunk hallucination?
“Y/N,” he gently separated the two of you, “you're drunk.”
“I know.”
He sighed, trying to hold himself together from breaking down, “here,” he helped you up, “you should get some rest.”
You nodded, “Okay,” you rested your head on his arm as he guided you, “oh my gods, I saw the biggest spider in my cabin earlier.”
He softly smiled, “yeah?”
“It was fucking huge, like it was all creepy crawly. But I grabbed a shoe to try and kill it, but guess what?
You two stepped on the grass and he helped you steady yourself on the ground, “it jumped! Like literally leaped, and landed right in my sister's hair.”
He chuckled, “what did she do?”
“She literally stuck her head under the shower, fully clothed, too,” you laughed.
You finally arrived at your cabin, “this is you.” he spoke, quietly. He turned the doorknob, caustous to make sure you didn't fall up the steps, “where’s your bed?”
“Over here, Jase,” you dragged him over to your bed. You plopped down, “I’m so tired.”
You dragged him down with you, as you laughed.
He quickly sat up, “here,” he put some blankets over your body, “I’ll check on you tomorrow.”
He began getting up until you reached out to grab his hand, “wait,”
He turned around, “yeah?”
“I love you.”
That was it for him, he thanked the gods for the darkness in your cabin right now as tears began to well in his eyes. He tried to find a response without you knowing how he was slowly breaking in front of you.
He tucked some of your ahri behind your ear, “I wish you were sober.” He then walked over to your door, “goodnight.”
“Night,” you responded as you watched the light from the door fade away.
The pain you felt right now was indescribable. Your head ached like never before, and the sight of light made you want to throw up. You looked around as you woke up, all of your siblings must have been out for breakfast by now. Ew, breakfast. But also, oh breakfast?
They all had a higher tolerance than you by how used they are to drinking. You, however, never wanna do that again.
You heard a knock at the door and shoved your face further into the pillow, “what?”
The door creaked open, “hey.”
You peaked your eye up, seeing a blur of blond hair, “hi, Jason.”
“Hey, I didn't know if you were hungry, so I brought you some food,” you sat up more as he made his way toward you, placing the plate on your nightstand, “here.”
You couldn't place it, but you felt your heart twinging at the sight of him. “Thanks,” you smiled.
He sat at the end of your bed, handing you a glass of water, “how do you feel?”
“Like someone hit me with their car, and then pulled over, got out of their car, and punched me in the gut.”
“So good?”
You laughed, taking a bite of a piece of toast, “gods, I needed this.”
“Glad I could help,” he added, “by the way, uhm, do you remember last night, at all?”
You sighed, “last I remember , you were there, and then my sisters were suddenly drowning me.”
He nodded, looking slightly disappointed, “right.”
You took another bite of toast, “I never thought I could love toast this much.” Love. Love? Why is that ringing a bell?
“I should get going,” he stood up.
Ring! Ring!
This feels so familiar.
“Get some rest.”
Fuck. Gods. Fuck.
The car that ran over you? Yeah, it just backed over you now. I love you.
“Jason,” he turned to look at you, “I’m sorry.”
He nodded, “I figured.” He solemnly began walking once again.
“Sorry for everything, I guess.”
“It’s okay.”
“It’s okay,”
“No, asshole, sit!”
He turned around, wide eyed. He walked back over, sitting on your bed, “what?”
“I meant it,” you confessed, “every word.”
He stayed silent, looking at you. His eyebrows were raised over his glasses.
“I was serious, when I said I didn't understand why you liked me.”
“I do like you, though, all of you.”
“I can’t explain it,” he responded, “your personality, your mannerisms, your hair, your heart, everything.”
You shook your head, “I’m sorry.”
“I love you, too.”
You smiled, “I would kiss you if I didn't feel like I would throw up on you.”
“I’ll take that risk.”
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puppy-isms · 26 days ago
if uu write for misty quigley, i am humbly begging for headcanons on being her butch… love her so much
ohh nonnie i definitely got carried away with this lol but i hope it’s to your liking!!! i love her so much i want to take care of her forever
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notes: 18+, reader is butch, a bit of unhealthy behavior since this is misty, after all. one usage of the pet name ‘pretty boy.’ fingering (with misty receiving)
Nobody’s ever made Misty feel seen before. Nor understood. She’s a rollercoaster of unhealthy behaviors your first few months of seeing each other. Pushing and pressing, sometimes even crossing your boundaries because she’s desperately trying to prove she’s worth sticking around for.
Yet between all of that. Misty is kind. And so, so giving. One of — if not thee smartest person you’ve ever met. She retains so much information in that fascinating head of hers, you learn something new every time you’re with her. That and she’s caring to a near smothering degree: always making sure you’ve eaten, are keeping yourself hydrated, getting sleep that actually makes you feel rested (and giving you surprisingly helpful tips on how to get yourself relaxed enough to do so), showing up at your place when you tell her you’ve had a hard day with an overnight bag and a lighthearted film with your choice of snacks.
The first time she had done so, she had tried to turn it sexual not even ten minutes into the movie you’d been watching. Her kisses quickly turned deeper, the weight of her body settled atop your lap and her hips gave the subtlest buck up, motion having brought you fully into the moment. You’d not fucked her yet, though not without her lack of trying —
for example, she had quite literally shoved her hand right down your pants on your second date while you’d gotten carried away kissing her outside of her front door. The genuine confusion and insecurity that had come over her face as she let out a quiet,”Don’t you want me?” Had filled you with nothing but concern and something … protective.
The feeling grew worse as you explained,”Not like this, sweetheart.”
Only to get met with those big, pretty, eyes blinking up at you, something wild and desperate having taken over them, startling quick. “What is it? My breath? I can brush my teeth. Or — or my glasses — I can take those off if you—“
“—Misty. It isn’t any of those things. I just want to take my time with you. Is that alright?” It was because of her reaction to that specifically, that solidified your belief that this woman was indeed worth going down the long road for, especially because nobody else had clearly ever been brave enough to bother, if the way she searched your face for deception she wouldn’t find was anything to go by.
“You … really want to see me again?”
“Definitely. So long as you don’t go doing that to me without permission again.” —
“Misty,” your hands gripped her hips, head pressed back against the cushions while you put a halt to her affections,”doll, what are you doing?”
She tilted her head at you, nose scrunched softly in her confusion, and her hands squeezed your shoulders,”What do you mean silly?” Her grin was tempting as she shook her head,”Isn’t this what you wanted?”
You shook your head and watched as her insecurity revealed itself in those eyes, touched wirh panic,”I just want your company, pretty girl. Sit down and let me enjoy what it feels like to hold you.”
Her breath gave a hitch, her features softened, a light pink kissed her cheeks as she stared at you with something close to awe,”You think I’m pretty?”
You squeezed her hips, kissed her nose, received that shy, quiet, oh-so-girly giggle in response that you adore,”I think you’re the prettiest.” She’s made progress since then.
Now she’s all soft lap rubs and warm murmurs of,”Come here, handsome,”’s. Her fingertips feeling like bliss as they stroke through your hair, as they rub at your back and shoulders every few moments. She picks out clothes for you to sleep in, helps you dress and undress, hands caressing at every bit of your skin she can touch. Respectful of not going near your chest, nor the space between your thighs. She lets you use her boobs as pillows once she’s gotten settled in for the night, always letting out this small noise of satisfaction when your body settles on top of her, never minding the times she’s the one doing the holding.
She starts cooking dinner for you during the weekdays, bringing it over for you both to enjoy in each others company. When you get scheduled to work weekends, she’ll drop by on your lunch break with homemade sweets and coffee. It had taken her seemingly no time at all to get your food + drink preferences down pat, nor for her refrigerator and pantry to begin housing the ingredients to your favorite meals.
The first time you show up at her work with a simple lunch prepared for the both of you to share outside at one of the tables beside the facility with a vanilla lavender chai to boot, you quickly get your suspicions that nobody had ever done this with her before, confirmed. She’s practically buzzing from head to toe the entire time you’re together, giddy disbelief consuming her features, especially when she realizes you’ve put arugula on her sandwich in place of lettuce and used her favorite kind of whole wheat bread. “I can’t believe you remembered my order!” She pushes her glasses up her nose,”Nobody ever seems to remember the things I like.”
You do. With ease. As much as she’s absorbed everything she’s learned and continues to learn about you, you’ve done the same. Every time Misty is presented with that, with the proof that someone actually listens to her and hears the things she says, who goes out of their way to bring even a slice of joy to her days not because of a manipulation or a guilt trip she’s puppeteered, but out of genuine want and affection — she falls apart. Crumbles into a million pieces. The first couple of times it happens, she kicks you out, or she leaves, all the while in hysterics, belittling herself as she does because of the (not so) simple act of crying.
You don’t let it slide for long. You can’t. The sounds of her sobs and the way her face crumples up as she cries haunt you each and every time, make you feel wrong walking about the world until she’s in your sights again. That and you can’t take how much she panics afterward, how she’ll blow up your phone begging for you not to hate her for being such a cry-baby, promising you it won’t ever happen again, and apologizing for you having to deal with her being such a freak. All it does is make you ache to look after her, to wrap her up and show her what it’s like to have someone be steady as she falls apart at the seams, to stitch her back together again when the tears have stopped.
“Why’re you still here?” She asks, her eyes red rimmed and puffy, her cheeks wet and streaked from tears. All you’d done is bring her a bouquet of her favorite flowers; asters. She’s in your arms, head tilted back to look at you, the look in her eyes something heart breaking to behold, as she shakes her head at you,”Why aren’t you …”
Your index finger loosely wraps around one of her curls before you set it free once more, your palm finding her face as you cup her cheek, thumb growing damp from what wetness is left there,”Because I care about you, Misty. The thought of you going through something alone, its unacceptable to me.” You press a kiss between her brows, bringing your other hand up in order to hold her face in your hands, fingertips thrumming at the feel of her hair,”I’m here for you, sweetheart. Whether you like it or not.”
Sometimes she’ll wake up with flailing limbs and desperate, panicked gasps for air. Her fingertips always finding her throat as though she expects something to be there, her entire body shaking where she sits beside you in the bed. It is during these times that you give her breathing room in order to run her a bath. You fill the tub with hot water and soothing oils, light up the candles on the counter in order to keep the atmosphere calm, and make your way back to her once the water is ready. She’ll trail after you quietly, sniffling as she does, back of your tee-shirt pinched between her fingertips due to her lack of glasses. She has learned not to expect you removing her from her pajamas to turn into sex, nor to try and start anything while in emotional distress, and that simple bit of realization alone is enough to make you think … soon. You help her get settled into the tub, not minding the way the tile floor is cold against your bare legs as you kneel beside it. You stroke your fingers through her unruly curls, gently working out knots and tangles, not relenting on your petting even as she relaxes fully into the water.
When you help her take care of Caligula’s cage, the bird always greets you with,”Hi handsome,” something that never fails to make Misty’s face burn bright red, because he’s mimicking the way she nearly always greets you.
Misty’s a pretty little thing. Her grandma-lite style something you cannot get enough of. Especially this one baby pink cat sweater that she’s got. The one she’s wearing when you decide that you can’t make it another moment without getting your hands on her. Five and a half months of relying on your hand and your imagination evidently all you’re able to take.
She’s such an eager, sloppy, hungry, kisser. Has no trouble moving her tongue along yours something obscene. Has no trouble sucking on your bottom lip, or sinking her teeth into the thick of it with enough force to blur the line of pain and pleasure. Letting out soft moans in response to your low, husky, ones. Ever vocal. Ever aiming to drive you completely mad.
There’s nothing more delicious than her blinking up at you, chest rising and falling rapidly, face flushed, lips kiss swollen, her irises not quite completely swallowed by pupil. Her fingertips flex and unflex around the material of your flannel, thighs spread on either side of your own, the cats on her sweater staring up at you.
“Sit up,” you tell her as you maneuver yourself to your knees, your fingertips tugging at her sweater. “I want this off.”
She’s all pale skin with random beauty marks decorating the flesh, her tits filling up your palms as you hold them in your hands, her rosy pink nipples occupying the space between your parted fingers. It is easy to shift your grip in order to swipe your thumbs over them, the corner of your mouth twitching at the way Misty whimpers, her eyelids fluttering shut. She’s so easy to wind up. Soft kisses to her throat, a teasing nip just below her earlobe, a particularly rough tug at her nipples here and there, the sounds that are escaping her throat so adorably pathetic, as is the way she’s rutting up against your abdomen.
“God, look at you, girl. You want something?” Misty’s eyes open up, just barely, lips parted though no words come out as she merely gives you a nod. “And what would that be?”
That earns you a whine, her grip on your shirt tightening as she lifts her chin up enough to catch you in a kiss. It’s slow and wanting, Misty panting out a,”Please,” kissing at your chin,”get inside me.” You give her a peck before moving down her body, your hand palming her pussy through her jeans as your mouth wraps around one of her nipples, able to feel the dampness that lies beneath thin denim. She must be fucking ruined.
She is. When you get her jeans off and tossed to the floor, her panties are so wet you can see how they’re clinging to her pussy, the sight having you let out a,”Fuck,” below your breath as you rub your palms up her knees. Misty hears it, fucking fondles her tits immediately after it leaves your lips, moaning as she does, her thighs spreading just that little bit wider.
When you get your fingers crooked beneath her panties and tug, you watch in fascination how stubbornly they cling to her cunt, a quiet groan escaping you at the sight of her in full view. All neatly groomed pubic hair and pink, glistening slick, pretty little hole clenching around nothing, releasing another bout of slick that drips down the seam of her ass as you get her panties all the way off. “God, baby,” you caress at her ankles, tongue licking at your bottom lip as you watch her give her own tits another squeeze,”You always get this wet?”
“Mm,” she confirms, as she swipes the sides of her thumbs against her nipples,”Like it, pretty boy?”
“That’s one word for it,” you mutter as you steady yourself over top of her once more, letting your breath ghost across her lips before capturing her mouth with your own. Your dominant hand traces along every bit of her body you can reach, purposely avoiding where she wants you most so you can feel her shake and tremble, sigh and whine, against you. Into you.
The sound her pussy makes as you slip your middle finger inside of it for the first time is fucking obscene, her walls clenching down hard for a moment at the sensation, a tremble running through Misty’s thighs. “Oh,” she moans out, her hands finding the sheets,”more,“ she breathes out as her body relaxes. More she gets. You meet absolutely no resistance as you thrust back into her with your ring finger now in the mix, unable to help kissing along the line of her jaw, nipping here and there as you start a steady pace.
From then on it’s all wet sounds and not so gentle teeth from both parties, Misty’s nails scratching down your back as you finally add your thumb into the mix, so wet that it slips right off her clit. “Fuck,” she preens as you suck a mark into her throat, your thumb finding actual claim on her clit, matching the pace of your fingers with ease, her walls tightening and fluttering around them, slick dripping down your palm,”fuck, please, please, baby, I’m gonna—“ You smother the rest of her sentence with a kiss full to the brim with tongue and desire, only parting from her once she’s reached her peak, her back arched off the bed as she gushes against your hand with one of the most pathetic, loveliest sounding moans you’ve ever heard.
Afterward, once she’s settled enough for you to part from her, you shed yourself of your outer layer of clothes and fall back onto the bed with ease. Misty’s curled into your side immediately, arm flinging over your waist as she settles her head above your heart, pressing a kiss there through your shirt. She falls asleep within moments and you?
You think you might be in love.
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b4mpyre-k1zz3s · 5 months ago
First of all: I AM IN LOVE WITH YOUR BLOG literally can't stop reading yours posts!!!!
now, i want to know if you could do a headcanon with Jhonny or Bam, about their girlfriend doing a sex photoshot with all the jackass guys (something that involved a halloween special ep + playboy idk), and he GET REALLY JEAlous
anyways i love your blog. just it.💕
Playboy Photoshoot HC’s!
Johnny Knoxville X Fem!Y/N, Bam Margera X Fem!Y/N (slight Steve-O X Fem!Reader X Chris Pontius)
Warnings: Extremely suggestive content, pornography, flirting, jealousy, awkward boners, taunting, possessiveness, leather, choking kink, praise kink, minimal plot, fighting
An: Thank you so much for the request and all the love!! What a start to my Halloween special ;) The costumes in this fic were inspired by the convict stunt that Johnny did, and fun fact: since the first movie was released arround a week before Halloween, this is all totally feasible! Ps. I completed more than one request for these HC’s , so see attached! ;)
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That halloween photoshoot looked more like a frat party held in a Toys R Us than a legitimate operate run by Playboy, what with all the props and bizarre costumes
Not a typical set up, but they wernt exactly dealing with typical subjects…
You were dressed up in this sexy little leather number that was supposed to be a police officer’s uniform judging by the hat,
On the other hand, your boyfriend and his buddies dressed as convicts clad in orange jumpsuits, no tiny skirts or egregious heels to be found
You thought to call sexism on that, but part of you knew that if you did Chris would offer to wear the outfit too and match with you and he’d probably be able to pull that off.
While the others were fucking arround on the faux prison set, Johnny wandered over to one of the photographers, “Hey, anybody know where-?”
Coincidentally, that’s right about when you walked on set,
The second he saw you all dressed up, Knoxville got those big cartoon heart eyes and stuck out his wrists in a ‘cuff me’ gesture. Your heart melted
“Ah! You are just too much!” Giggling, you pulled him in for a hug, incidentally squishing his face in your boobs (thanks, egregious heels),
Not that he minded, nor the other guys, who were very not sneakily watching you two.
The cameras started flashing, and while you didn’t exactly know what to expect out of a porno photo shot, it certainly wasn’t this-
Sandwiching you him and Chris, Steve chuckled lowly in your ear, “You gonna frisk me, officer?”
Despite the obvious suggestive tone, he really only said it to be funny.
What else are you supposed to say when you’ve got your hands all on your buddy’s chick?
And while innocent as well, Pontius didn’t make the situation any better when he leaned over his shoulder from where he was squished up behind you and asked,
“Y’think I could try that on next? It looks great on you!”
Any guy would get pissed at this. Especially Johnny, who wants exactly the most open to you gettin’ felt up by his buddies
Sitting just off to the side, Knoxville was quietly fuming. I mean, there’s a fine line here, and those two idiots were getting pretty damn close to it.
Bam was about to nonchalantly kick flip over that line.
Given the setup and the leather and handcuffs and whatnot, things got, for lack of a better word, dominatrixy
Pulling Bam into an armhold with a prop baton for a couple shots, you really had no clue he would get hard before you sat down to straddle his hips
He didn’t seem like the choking type but hell, who are you to speculate?
Those orange jumpsuits did nothing to hide the obvious.
While making full on eye contact with Knoxville, he flashed him a shit eating grin and let out a taunting little groan, “Fuck…”
He knew he was screwed. Or more aptly, you were screwed
Like the discrete man he was, Johnny quietly pulled you away from the action and into a dressing room. Shutting the door behind you, he stood far too close,
“Y/N,” Knoxville leaned in and put his big hands on your shoulders, trying to keep his voice down as he explained, “I don’t like the way the guys’ve been lookin’ at you.”
Grinning, you poked fun at his sudden hesitance, “Cmon- It’s a Playboy shoot.”
This was your chance, Eyes glinting, you provoked him a bit, “What? You jealous or somethin’?” His lips straightened into a stiff line.
The sound of his resolve cracking, then breaking was nearly audible as he snapped, “Yeah, I’m jealous!”
Before you could spit out that he’s the one that asked you to do this, Knoxville pounced on you.
Wrapping you up in those gangly arms, his hands searched for any skin to find purchase on
It was brutal. Animalistic and angry and drenched in hormones; even you were a little surprised by it. Not in a million years would you think a guy like him had it in him
Not that you didn’t enjoy it. In fact, you enjoyed it a lot more than you’d care to admit.
Here you were in some dressing room, tugging at eachother’s clothes like you couldn’t get them off fast enough.
In the fervor, the two of you tumbled onto a couch, your hands fisting orange as Knoxville made his little bid for territory,
Burying his face in your neck, the air between your bodies was thick. Hands working at costume pleather, Johnny couldn’t fight off a grin at himself.
With a murmur, his natural ability to goad a reaction slipped through, “Yeah? Cmon- y’think Bam could do this?”
You knew it as well as he did- if Bam was in his shoes, looking down at you like this, that dipshit would’ve glued his boxers to his left leg the minute he walked in the room.
Shaking your head no, you let out a little gasp as Johnny roughly hiked your leg up on his hip
He chuckled to himself, eyes glinting as he murmured, “Atta girl…”
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inmyheaddd · 7 months ago
golden - jameson hawthorne’s birthday
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a/n: two posts in one day because it’s our husbands bday!!! lots of averyjameson just for u liv 🙈 wc: 1.3k taglist: @heartwithsimplenotes @thecircularlibrary @x-liv25-jamieswife @whatsamongus
@anintellectualintellectual @wish-i-were-heather @littlemissmentallyunstable masterlist
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this year was jameson’s golden birthday, turning 22 years old on the 22nd of august.
avery wasn’t even sure if he even knew what a golden birthday was, but she decorated accordingly to it nonetheless.
for him, another birthday was a subtle reminder that nothing was permanent, and everything changes, no matter how much you don’t want it to. 
knowing this, his only plan for the next day as he went to sleep was to spend as much time with the people he truly loved. not some big event with hundreds of people coming, mostly just because of the hawthorne last name attached, like he had done years before. 
“jameson, wake up.” avery smiled as she nudged his shoulder, sitting on the edge of the bed. she had been up for 3 hours now, preparing everything. 
he didn’t wake up, so she resulted to peppering kisses on his face. 
as his eyelids fluttered open, avery pulled back and her smile grew.
jameson’s brows furrowed momentarily as he sat up, leaning against the headboard and stretching. 
he looked around the room, seeing golden glitter roses, balloons, and other decorations all around the room. his eyes found their way back to avery, who had a gentle smile on her face. 
“good morning, birthday boy.” avery whispered, and jameson leaned in to kiss her. 
as he pulled back, he couldn’t help but be mesmerized by the way their room looked.“heiress, how— why did you do all this?” 
she let out a small chuckle, “why wouldn’t i?” 
jameson had a million thoughts swarming though his head, half of them on how much he loved avery, the other half on how much he didn’t deserve her. 
he deflected his inner thoughts by leaning in so that his lips barely grazed avery’s, “well, do i get a birthday present?” 
“oh, you have no idea,” there was a hint of playfulness in her voice, she lingered for a moment, but then she pulled back, standing up and holding her hand out for jameson. 
“what? let’s go.” she said in a fake cheery voice, trying to not laugh at the way jameson’s jaw was slack. 
his lips turned up in amusement, before taking ahold of her hand with a sigh and letting her lead the way. 
his eyes were wide as he took in the whole place. she decorated the whole house, flower trails, food, she had even made a riddle game for him to solve. 
he quite literally stopped in his tracks, “heiress.” 
her head turned, “yeah?” 
he took a step forward, “do you know how inlove with you i am?” 
avery smiled, her head slightly tilting to the side as she hummed for a second, “hm, i have a pretty good idea.” 
they spent hours together, but it felt like mere minutes. 
jameson was now on top of avery, pressing lights kisses to her neck that left her laughing and squirming underneath him. her phone went off, again, and again, until it finally registered in her mind. 
“oh shit, it’s 4:30. we have to go!” she got up from the couch, then started scrambling for something in the drawers. 
jameson got up behind her quickly, “what’s going on?” he asked curiously, slightly breathless. 
after repeated mumbles of “where is it” and other swears, avery pulled a blindfold out. “here, wear this.” 
jameson grinned at her and chuckled, “isn’t this bedroom use only?” 
avery rolled her eyes jokingly, before reaching up to tie it on him herself.
“bossy, i like it.” he muttered, and when avery hit his shoulder in response, his grin only widened.  
“and here i thought getting older meant becoming more mature.” she murmured, slightly thankful jameson couldn’t see the flush on her face. 
somehow, he seemed to know anyway based on the way his tongue poked the inside of his cheek. 
“come on, let’s go.” avery dragged him outside to the car. 
5 minutes into the drive, jameson recognized the routes they were taking. 
“we’re going to the House.” he didn’t phrase it as a question. 
“yes, we are.” avery hadn’t expected otherwise, “just wait and see. patience is a virtue, jameson.” she remarked sarcastically.
“well, the thing is, avery. i can’t wait and see, can i? because my vision is currently obstructed by—“ 
“ugh, you’re impossible,” avery groaned, as she hit his shoulder once again. his nerves lit on fire as he felt her hand settle on his leg, a smile finding his face. 
there were lights all around the exterior of the hawthorne house, some rainbow, some white, some golden, and balloons everywhere. there was even a car out front with a large bow on it. 
the second avery and jameson came through the door, there was a chorus of “happy birthday!”s.
jameson laughed out loud as he took off his blindfold.
nash was holding his twins, cheering, and xander popped a party popper. max was there too, and she blew one of the party whistles with libby. avery moved to stand with them, clapping and cheering along with everyone with a smile never leaving her face.
grayson walked up to him, placing a hand on his shoulder, “happy birthday jameson.” there was a faint echo of the little kids they once were; grayson solemnly congratulating jameson, silently wishing him good luck before he met with their grandfather for his next project, and knowing he was next. 
jameson pulled him into a side hug, patting his back hard twice, “thankyou, gray.” they would never be those kids again, and jameson wasn’t sure too if he was happy or sad about that. 
3 hours later, too many drinks to count, and one very interesting group karaoke of taylor swifts “22” later, everyone had decided it was time to cut the cake. 
“you see, we’re the same age now, so i don’t have to listen to you anymore.” jameson yelled atop the music that was still blasting, 
“jameson, i’m still older than you.” grayson’s voice was more leveled.
“you’re 22, i’m 22. we’re equals, gray.”
“i turn 23 in 4 hours.” he deadpanned. 
“are you 23 though?” jameson questioned as he poked at his shoulder.  
xander was watching the interaction between them, surprisingly, silently, placing another snack in his mouth.
“jameson. i’m telling you again, go and cut your birthday cake, and put the glass down. people are waiting.” grayson took a step away from jameson’s
he couldn’t help but mess with his older brother longer. he wouldn’t take this singular day where they were the same age for granted, he never did. 
hes done this every single year, ever since he could remember.  
“everyone’s having fun!. i know you’re dying for the cake, but be patient, grayson, you’ll get your owncake soon enough. don’t worry!” grayson rose an eyebrow, and jameson continued. 
“i respect my elders, but you, my dear brother,” he pointed at grayson, “are not my elder. besides, you haven’t said please yet.” he said as took another sip of his champagne.
grayson took a deep inhale, pinching his nose bridge. 
before he had the chance to speak again, avery approached and jameson’s attention clearly diverted as she placed a gentle hand on his shoulder.
“the twins want to try the cake, and nash just found the camera we were looking for! let’s go and cut it now, yeah?”
“oh, of course, heiress. let’s go.” he smiled down at her and took her hand. 
grayson stood there silently, almost in disbelief, and xander snorted.
avery’s brows furrowed as she looked between the three of them, jameson simply shrugged. “i don’t know what their problem is.” 
as they walked off, jameson turned around briefly to shoot grayson a grin. 
by the end of the night, they’d taken around 70 polaroids, used 4 different digital cameras, and xander tried (and failed) to use grayson’s camera.
jameson and avery were back home, curled up in bed. he kissed her forehead softly as she snuggled closer. “thankyou you for today,” he whispered.
“you don’t have to thank me.” 
“i do, though. i think…” he trailed off, trying to find the right words “maybe without realizing, all the birthday wishes i had made before were all about you.” he paused, “they all led me to you.”  
avery lifted her head to meet his eyes with a light laugh, “i never took you as the sappy type, but i kind of like it on you.”
jameson chuckled and turned his head to the side before turning back to her, “it’s a special occasion, don’t get used to it.” 
she let out a giggle before pressing a kiss to his lips, “happy birthday, jameson.” 
jameson smiled, his arm wrapped around avery’s waist as he pulled her closer. “with you here, it truly is,” he murmured.
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webslingingslasher · 1 year ago
is trouble ever frat!peter’s lock screen? Either before or after the whole situationship thing or secretly during both eras? If so, what picture?
yes! relationship!peter does it proudly, situationship!peter is a bit more stealth. iphones have a wallpaper feature where if you hold the screen down you can swap between photos and i imagine that’s how it is.
peter went home for a week and really missed you and went through his photos and he saw that picture he snapped of you at a party. the background is blurred, proof that the liquor was flowing heavily. you’ve got a smile that shows off almost every tooth and a vice grip on a liter of rum. he doesn’t know why, but he made it his wallpaper for the week and would pick up his phone every five minutes just to look at it.
relationship!peter has a picture of the both of you. something he looks at and is reminded of what he has and how much he truly loves you. it was from a double date night you both had a few months into being official, your friend pressured peter for the photo, he rolled his eyes and gave in. he’s glad he did. it’s his favorite.
you’re wrapped around him in a side hug, peters got a grip on your shoulder. he’s laughing at something your friends date said, he’s wearing the grin you tell him you love. but the reason he has such adornment for the photo is because of the way you’re looking at him.
your eyes are bright and shining, your smile matches his, not because you found anything funny, but because peter’s joy was contagious for you. each time he looks at it he feels warmth radiate, a visual reminder of how much you love him.
(you know i had to add a bonus of trouble finding peter’s wallpaper!! -situationship!peter obv)
‘just sit here and look pretty, i’ll be thirty minutes tops.’
peter had pulled you away from date night with the promise of stopping at his chapter meeting. he had negotiated the first hour, trent, the chapter president, wouldn’t break on the last thirty minutes and demanded peter be there. or else.
you wouldn’t mind but peter didn’t tell you until last minute and now you’re sitting down at an empty table at the library while they fill up a rented room across from you.
‘it’ll be longer than that and you know it.’
‘you’ll be fine. give me a kiss.’ you meet him with one, you grumble down at your phone. ‘my phones about to die, what am i supposed to do?’
peter feigns shock, ‘oh no!’ he looks around, ‘i hope you’ll find something to do in this big, empty library. it might be hard.’
your eyes narrow, you hate his sarcasm. ‘the library doesn’t have instagram reels, peter. how am i supposed to entertain myself while you’re talking numbers and business?’
there’s a miniature battle of silence, you win when peter groans and hands over his phone from his back pocket. ‘here. use mine.’ you reach forward, peter’s giving you unbridled access to his phone, you’d be dumb to say no.
‘nuh uh. you promise me right now you won’t fuck up my algorithm, i spent months perfecting it.’ you make grabby hands, ‘promise.’
the sleek, black screen is in your hold in seconds. your thumbs fly over the screen, you’re in and on instagram in a second. peter looks back once more, ‘thirty minutes.’ you nod, the first video already playing, you wish you could send it to peter. you send it to yourself to send back to him when you’re at a full charge.
ten minutes and you need a refresher, wandering around towards the bathroom you grab a water from a vending machine. cracking the cap, your left thumb pressed into peter’s home screen and his wallpaper separated, another photo right next to it.
you can recognize the edge, you swipe and feel your heart melt into a puddle. it’s you and only you. smiling and posing just for peter. he snapped the pic and saved it, he even went one step further and put it as his screensaver. a backup one, but something tells you he doesn’t want you knowing it exists.
you can keep a secret.
you can’t stop smiling at his phone and the short videos playing aren’t even that funny. you perk at a kiss on the top of your head. ‘told you i’d only be thirty minutes… what? why are you looking at me like that?’
‘no reason. it was very nice of you to offer me your phone, thank you.’
another kiss, you can’t wait til you get him alone. you might be the only one in on the secret, but he was going to be treated very nicely for it.
‘no problem, trouble. what’s mine is yours.’ your heart thumps louder. ‘and now,’ peter gently pulls you up with him, you’re along for the ride.
‘i owe you dessert, let’s go.’ you don’t walk with him, you stay until his hand tugs yours, peter looks back at you confused. ‘i wanna have dessert at yours.’
peter pouts, ‘tarrent polished off the ice cream.’
‘i know.’ peter knows that tone, now he’s standing straighter and acting casually. ‘oh? alright, yeah, let’s go home.’
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here4kpopfics · 2 years ago
Good To Me | Seungcheol
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Pairing: Seungcheol x (f)reader Genre: smut & fluff AU: established relationship Wordcount: 2.4k Summary: Two weeks is too long without spending time with your boyfriend. Warnings: Language, smut, oral, she does some fun stuff, unprotected sex (wrap it pls), creampie, cum eating. Rating: M/18+ AN: It's been a minute, huh? Last time I posted something, I was still here4btsfics. 🥲 Life's been getting in the way, and I haven't been motivated to write. Thankfully p0rn is a thing and I saw something and thought "That's Seungcheol" and now here we are. Thank you to my soulmate @playmetheclassics for beta-reading, and @classicscreations for the banner/divider. Enjoy!!! 💜 Masterlist | Taglist | AskBox | Coffee?
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It’s only been two weeks. There’s no reason why you should be this needy right now. 
You’ve both been busy. You mostly work evenings, and you’re part of a big project at work, so you need to have all your focus there. But Seungcheol has been busy every night, leaving you at home most nights alone and bored. And it’s driving you crazy. You’re not usually this clingy or this desperate for his touch, but tonight feels like a breaking point. 
So when you get home around midnight after a night out celebrating with your team on the success of the project, and find your boyfriend passed out on the couch in just shorts…? You feel your resolve break.
“Baby?” You question lightly, placing your bag on the dining room table and tiptoeing over to the couch. He’s flat on his stomach, his hair a mess and just barely starting to cover the tattoo on his back, just below his neck. 
It’s unfair how broad his shoulders are yet how small his waist is. And then his ass. A literal cake. One of the first things you said to him when you first met was a ridiculous comment about how much cake he walks around with every day. You’d both been drinking. It sounded a lot better with a tipsy brain. 
But he’s perfectly fine with your obsession with his ass. He’s the same with yours, always needing to have a giant palm on a cheek, gripping or smacking it as you walk by. You love it. You love him and the way he loves you. The way he’s just as into you as you are him. 
He doesn’t respond to your call. So you gently crawl over him, legs straddling either side of his legs as you sit just below his ass. The skirt of your dress almost completely rides up, but you don’t care. It’ll come off in a few moments, anyway. You’re sure of it. 
“Cheeeeooooollllllie,” you whisper, your hands pressed flat against his back as they slide up to his shoulders, digging your thumbs into the blades. You grin when he groans at the touch, rolling his shoulders ever so slightly. 
“Mmmph.” You continue your massage, finding all the tight spaces in his back that need loosening. “What time is it?” 
“Midnight, baby.” You whisper, wandering hands switching between massaging and using the tip of your nails to glide across his skin, small goosebumps trailing after. “I’ve missed you.”
“Missed you, too.” He mumbles into his arm. 
“Mmm, I don’t think you miss me as much as I miss you, baby.” Your hands slide down to his ass, groping him through his shorts and giggling when he lets out a whine. 
“Jagiyaaaa, I’m sleeping.” 
“And I’m needy, baby. If you really miss me, you’d be the same way.”
“I am.” He grumbles. You scoff, pinching his side and making him jump. 
“Why do you think I’m out here instead of in bed?” The groan he lets out when you press down on his lower back is enough for you to feel soaked. You let out a yelp mixed with a giggle when he’s suddenly flipping over underneath you, his giant hands finding your thighs. You hum quietly at the soothing feeling of grip sliding up and down your thighs, trailing close to your ass. 
“Fair. But why out here when there’s a big giant bed we can enjoy?” You smile, leaning down to finally press your lips to his. Your hands slide up his chest, carefully holding his face as you deepen the kiss, moaning against him when his tongue parts your lips. 
You could get lost in time and space when kissing Seungcheol. His plump lips combined with his evil tongue feel like magic against you. Whether it’s against your own lips, your skin, or your pussy, you feel like you could drown in the euphoria they bring you. 
You roll your hips against his, earning a moan from the both of you at the feel of his hardened cock against your center. Suddenly, you’re being pushed up into a seating position briefly before you’re lifted up by Seungcheol, standing and wrapping your legs around his waist. 
“You have a point. I need all the room possible with you.” You snicker against his kiss as he brings you to the bedroom. You quickly whisper the word sit to him before he can lay you down, and he quickly obeys, sitting at the edge of the bed with you straddling him. 
“Let me take care of you.” You murmur, lips trailing down his neck. 
“Hmm? And how are you gonna do that?” He grabs a handful of your ass, pushing your dress further up your sides. “You didn’t wear this out tonight, did you?” 
“I did.” You gently bite down on his shoulder, trying not to groan when his hold on you tightens. 
“To work?”
“No. I changed after, when we decided to go out to celebrate the project being launched.” 
“Did Seokjin see you?” You roll your eyes behind closed lids, nipping your way back up and along his jawline. 
“He’s part of the team, baby. So yes, he did. He even said it looked nice. You should’ve seen me. I had those cute shoes you picked out and everything.”
You meant to make him only a little jealous, enough to make him more handsy with you. Instead, you earned yourself a spank that makes you jolt forward and stutter his name. 
“I don’t like him looking at you.” His palms return to kneading your flesh, soothing where he just spanked. 
“I know, baby. But you know the only man I’m ever thinking about and wanting to look at me is you.” You sit back up, helping him move up further on the bed before grabbing his hands and putting them above his head. 
“Now let me take care of you. No touching.” 
You enjoy the view of him pouting but still obeying. There’s nothing holding his hands above his head, and yet he keeps them there as if you’ve tied them up in impossible knots, whining when you remove your dress, revealing the lack of a bra and just a lace thong. 
“Fuck, you’re my everything.” He chokes out at the sight of you, your hands wandering his torso seemingly aimlessly until they land on the waistband of his shorts. 
You instruct him to lift his hips, and he does so without hesitation, allowing you to quickly pull his shorts off, delighted that he wasn’t wearing any underwear underneath. His cock standing proud against his stomach, already glistening with precum.  
“I could say the same about you, my love.” You push your thong to the side, revealing your soaked center to your boyfriend, who lets out a soft whine, hands still held above his head. 
You gently wrap your fingers around his cock, giving it a few firm and slow pumps before positioning yourself over him. You let your arousal do the work of coating his cock as you slide it between your folds, teasing his tip against your clit. 
“Y/n, please don’t tease.”
“I’m not teasing. I want you to come just like this.” You roll your hips, guiding yourself along the length of his cock. 
“More, jagi.” Seungcheol’s hands grip one another above his head, burying underneath the pillows to further keep himself from touching you. 
You speed up your rolls, both of you quickly turning into moaning messes every time your clit slides along his frenulum. 
“Jagiya, I’m not gonna last long.” 
“Me either. Come for me, baby. Please come for me.”
“Let me touch you.”
“Jagi.” You can see him growing more annoyed, his eyebrows furrowing and his lips turned into a frown, bottom lip tucked into his teeth. And yet, his hands stay above his head, the pillows now in between his death grip. 
That death grip that could be on your hips. That should be on your hips. But you’re enjoying watching him like this too much. You press down a little more on the next few rolls of your hips, your own hands holding on tight to his waist. 
“Come, baby. Come, and you can touch me.” 
There’s a sudden thud as the pillow is tossed to the ground at the same time as Seungcheol groans, white ropes shooting out onto his stomach. You roll forward just enough to catch some of it between your folds, rolling back to smear it along his length. 
The feeling of his cock twitching is enough to make you want to come, but you don’t get to as those large hands you love so much are roughly grabbing your hips and pulling you to sit on his face. 
“Fuck!” You yell at the sudden contact of his tongue diving between your folds, prodding your entrance. One hand covers your mouth to stop yourself from screaming while the other wraps your fingers in his blonde hair, tugging him closer as you roll your hips against him, squirming when his nose hits your clit. 
The sounds he’s making against your center are obnoxious and wet, and the thought of him tasting himself as well makes you dizzy. A few seconds later, when his lips wrap around your clit and his tongue flicks just right, you’re leaning over him, both hands pulling at his hair as you shake in his grasp. 
His tongue slowly guides you out of your orgasm, licking long and slow stripes along your folds. Giant hands caress your thighs as you lessen your grip on his hair and the muscles in your legs relax. 
“Jagiya,” he murmurs against the inside of your thigh, pulling you back to reality as you lean back, giving him space to breathe. “You okay, y/n?”
“Mmm,” you nod, a shy grin crossing your lips, “I will never get over that mouth of yours.” You both giggle as you scoot further back to where you were originally, hovering over his cock that’s still hard. You look back at your boyfriend, an eyebrow raised.
“What?” You shrug, fingers dancing along his shaft and delicately circling his tip, enjoying the way his cock twitches towards the touch. 
“Nothing. We just have two weeks to make up for, and I’m just wondering if you’re still sleepy.” 
“For you? Never.”
“Then we wouldn't have gone two weeks without touching one another.” You frown, ignoring his hisses as you continue to tease him. 
“Sit on my dick, Jagi.” Your gaze snaps up to his, dark and full of lust. 
“Hmm?” You feign innocence as you sit up on your knees, adjusting his cock at your entrance. 
“Fucking sit. I need to be inside yo— oh fuck.” You grin as his eyes roll back, sitting down on him and taking him all in one go. The stretch is almost painful, but you know you’ll adjust quickly. You keep him fully sheathed inside you, grabbing his hands and sitting them on your waist. Your own hands roaming across his abs to his sides as you start to roll your hips again. 
“Shit, you’re so tight, y/n. So fucking tight.” He groans, fingers gripping your hips roughly as he assists your hips to start bouncing on him. You quickly follow his guidance, starting to bounce more and more as his hands find your ass, switching between spanking and rough gropes. His own hips start to lift off the bed to meet yours before your bounces land. 
“Baby– Baby, please,” you whine, his hold on you making you stay suspended in the air as his hips snap up at a rough pace.
“Please what, jagi? Tell me what you want.” He growls, eyes darting between your fucked out gaze, your tits bouncing without shame, and the sight of his cock slamming up into your cunt and you just taking it. 
“Just you,” you cry out, hands holding onto his thighs for dear life. “Only you.”
“You have me, y/n. Only me. Just like I have you and only you.” 
You’re not sure what sounds you’re making, only aware of the feeling inside of you as he continues to fuck you from below. You think you say the word lips because you vaguely hear him say “whatever you want” before pulling you down by your forearms and capturing your lips with his. 
“Close,” you whimper against his lips, hands barely keeping you up while his own are back on your ass. Seungcheol nods, sliding one hand between you two, thumb rubbing circles on your clit until you’re crying out again, walls clenching around him. Seconds later, he’s coming with you, not stopping his thrusts until you both feel the oversensitivity. 
You lift yourself a little higher, letting his softening cock slide out along with his cum. Neither of you care about the mess. It’s a later problem. He gently rolls you both to the side, leaving small kisses across your face as you both come down from the high. 
“I’m sorry I’ve been so busy.” He whispers against your forehead, but you shake your head, looking up at his beautiful face. 
“We’ve both been busy. I know you’re still going to be busy, but now that my project is launched, I’ll have more free time to spend with you when you do have time.”
“Or, you can come to the studio with me.”
“Hmm, bad idea.”
“How so?” His silly pout returns, and you have to force yourself not to grin too wide.
“Because we both know nothing will get done if I’m there.” You snicker, fingers getting lost in the blonde locks as he hums at your reasoning. 
“We’ll make it work, baby. It’s okay.” You reassure him, kissing his nose and making his face scrunch up momentarily. “I love you, no matter how busy we are.”
“I love you, too, jagi.” 
“Now, I need to shower…we have to wash the sheets…and we have two weeks of not seeing one another to make up for…” you let your words trail off, watching the realization of what you’re saying dawn on his face before he’s a blur, standing you up and rushing you to the bathroom. 
“You get started. I’ll throw the sheets in the washer, and be right back.” 
You full body laugh as he shuts the door in your face, turning away to rip the sheets off the bed.
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luckyboki · 8 days ago
Secret Service Bucky! Loki hiring assassins just because Bucky looks hot when stopping/killing the would-be attackers. Bucky kneeling before the President with the weapon from the assassins he defeats like a loyal guard dog
okay okay but President Loki not only sending these assassins after Bucky just to watch him fight, but also rewarding him exponentially afterwards. Pulling Bucky’s hair the way the soldier likes it, getting him on his knees in the best way (wink wink nudge nudge), letting him know just how good a job he did in protecting Loki. A bit of toxic yaoi going on here and I am HERE FOR IT.
Bucky being such a good loyal guard dog to Loki, obeying every order and protecting him with his life. Loki had always had his eyes set on the Winter Soldier and now that he has him by his side, he will never let him go. He’s definitely a much better caretaker than anyone in Hydra tho, let’s be real.
Even if he IS sending assassins after him wknfkgkkg It’s just fun foreplay <3
Also Loki having the collection of weapons on his Oval Office walls. He hangs them up like prizes, reminders of what Bucky is capable of doing to ensure Loki’s safety.
Bucky gives scary dog privileges in this scenario tbh. Always standing on guard anywhere Loki goes, waiting to step up when necessary and take out anyone who threatens him. Loki always knows when an attack is coming and he feigns being frightened by the encounters only to sit back and watch as Bucky pummels them. Dude is just kicking his feet and grinning, probably eating popcorn and cheering Bucky on.
After every assassination attempt is stopped, Bucky returns to Loki’s side, offering the weapon his would be assailants wielded and Loki takes them with pride each and every time. He tells Bucky he’s such a good boy and lifts his chin with his fingers, meeting those big blue eyes that are so full of admiration. Loki rewards him with a kiss for always saving his life.
Also wanted to add on: articles and tabloids start headlining with sightings and photos of President Loki taking his top secret service agent out for cute little lunch dates and it baffles literally everyone.
There’s so many photos taken of Loki looking at Bucky with googly eyes and grinning like a fool as he watches his top agent eat a little pastry or drink some tea.
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sunraies · 2 years ago
my request is kook!reader who gets along with Camerons very well. tutores to Wheez, gives her old study notes to Sarah, chit chats with Rose etc. and Rafe is adoring her. but they have some problems lately like Rafe's friends behaviours or Rafe's addiction or something about her idk really. and all these little problems becomes a big one and they finally have a fight. BIG. at Camerons. Wheez worrying, Rose is confused and Sarah is like 'finally, Rafe dont deserve you.' idk end however you want.
actually to me FULL ANGST. but however you want to end it honey. whether fluff or angst i am sure id love it. love you.
Oh my god! You are gotta make me cry 😭😭😭🥰. I love you too x
I hope this does your request justice. I tried to make it angst filled, but I'm such a fluff girl!
Rafe Cameron x Kook!Reader
Warnings - Angst. Some fluff. Drug, alcohol and addict behaviour.
Your lifelong friendship with Rafe started to break slowly, but when he learns that you are leaving, it hits breaking point.
You spent as much time at the Cameron's as you did your own home, if not more. Your family lived next door, having moved there when you were young. Being neighbours meant growing up closely together and having Rafe Cameron as a best friend was a rollercoaster.
From the moment you first met Rafe, he adored you. The little blue-eyed boy with a wicked smile didn't know what hit him, literally. One minute, he was pulling your hair, and the next, you were punching him in the stomach. When questioned what happened, neither ratted the other out. It was you and Rafe against the world.
As you grew, you were always there for each other. He was there for you when Hank Harrison broke your heart and you were there for him when his mother left, leaving behind a broken Rafe, a small Sarah and baby Wheezie.
Your lives were tangled and waver together so tightly that you never thought it would break.
It started to fray after senior year. With the pressure of the future, you noticed a change in Rafe.
He had always loved partying hard, the girls and the booze, but no matter how far he took it, it never affected his daily life or how he treated you. You were his VIP guest to every party. It wasn't until he met Barry and a friend in the form of white powder that you had your first small fight.
You had been dancing with Sarah most of the night, having a good time until you became tired. You found Rafe surrounded by people, some you knew like Topper and Kelce but others you didn't. He was trying to convince Topper to take his first bump.
"Rafe," you called over the pounding music. He frowned before giving you a lopsided smile and pulling you into his lap, earning a few glares from the girls sitting around him.
"There's my girl." He grinned and wrapped you in his arms. "I missed you,"
With you, he didn't care if people saw him soft. You were his sweet other half. You brought out the softer side in him. He never admitted it to you, but he was sure he had loved you since the age of 5.
"I have been here all night," you said softly, seeing his pupils blown so wide, broke your heart a little. "I was coming to say goodbye,"
"Goodbye?" He frowned as you ran your hand through his hair, making him sigh. "The party's just started,"
"It's 3am."
"Stay, have some of the good stuff." He offered you a sip of his beer before grabbing a rolled up bill for you.
"Rafe, I don't want that,"
He groaned and loosened his grip on you, rolling his eyes and throwing his head back "Don't be so fucking boring"
"Good night, Rafe," you whispered, moving out of his lap and heading for the door. You heard him calling after you, but you didn't go back.
The next slightly bigger argument you had was when you and Wheezie found him, drunk and high in the kitchen. You had been over to help Wheeze with her French homework. Being completely flunt, you were the best person to help.
You had gone to the kitchen for snacks, finding Rafe stumbling, slamming cabinet doors as he muttered away to himself. Something about hidden money, that his dad must have a stash hidden in the kitchen.
Ward had stashes in every room of the house, and you were sure of it but never thought of looking into the theory.
"Rafe?" Wheezie asked softly. He span around to her and sighed.
"Have you seen any of the money, dad hides?" He asked but Wheeze shook her head "Fuck"
"Why do you need it?"
"Cause, I fucked up Wheeze" He groaned "I fucked up big time!" He took a swig of the open whiskey bottle from the counter top before offering her some.
"Did you really just offer me, booze?" Wheezie frowned. "I'm 13"
"Shit, god. I'm sorry, Wheeze." He covered his eyes with his hands and groaned again. "I'm so fucked, but I'm gonna fix it"
"Go upstairs, Wheeze. I'll be up in a minute. " You fixed one of her braids, and you watched as she hurried up the stairs before turning back to Rafe.
"What you do this time?" You asked, arms folded as he looked over at you. It was like he had just noticed you were there.
"Why does it have to be something I did?" He asked, frowning as he took a drink again
"Is it Barry again?"
He laughed "No it's not fucking Barry. Just get off my case"
"Rafe, you just told your 13 year old sister, that you need money and offered her whiskey" You pointed out "Now tell me what the fuck the problem is"
He looked you up and down. "My sister. Exactly. It's a family problem. Don't worry yourself over something that isn't your business"
You tried not to take it to heart. He was hiding the fact that he was in trouble by cutting you out. It wasn't the first time he'd been in debt to Barry, but it was the first time he didn't admit it to you.
"Rafe" Wheezie whispered from the door way. She had a small bundle of dollar bills in her hand "Will this help? It's all I've got for now"
She received a small allowance from Ward, something all the Cameron kids had. Being the youngest, she didn't get as much, but she saved it all, claiming she wanted to buy her own first car.
"Shit," Rafe muttered as he suddenly broke down in front of you both.
You hurried over to him and cradled his head to your chest as he sobbed. Poor Wheezie stood helpless as she watched her big brother crumble in your arms.
Later, you found out that all the money Rafe paid Barry back had been stolen by Sarah. You hoped that day would be a wake-up call to make him stop, but it only got worse.
You hadn't seen Rafe for a few weeks when you sat in the Cameron's kitchen, munching grapes as you sat on the kitchen island, speaking to Rose as she made a pot of coffee.
"I'm so proud of you." She smiled. "I can't believe our girl is going to Paris!"
You smiled back. You had come round to pick up Sarah for a shopping spree and told Rose the news that you had been accepted to a collage in Paris.
"I can't believe it either." You popped a grape in your mouth. "I honestly didn't think I would get in."
"Of course you would. I mean, look at you. They would have been stupid, not too. "
"Not to, what?" Rafe stumbled into the kitchen, his hair messy from sleep as he wore only sweatpants, he smelt strongly of the night before and had a light sweat on his brow, clearing in the middle of a come down.
"Not accept her to their collage." Rose smiled as the kettle boiled.
Rafe nodded and grunted as he grabbed a cup before he paused. "Collage? What fucking collage?"
You had told him a million times that your dream was to go to Paris. Collage was the perfect way to have the chance to live there.
"Paris," Rose answered, slightly oblivious to the tension building in the room. You flinched as Rafe dropped his cup down, harder than needed on the side.
"Yes, Rafe. Paris, " You muttered. It was meant to be the most exciting news to share with him, but with the way things had been, you hadn't got the chance.
He stared at you as you stared back. He was waiting for the punch line. It had to be a joke. You were leaving him.
"Rose? Have you seen my white Converse?" Wheezie asked as she entered the kitchen before looking between you and Rafe.
"No, honey. Maybe in the sunroom?" Rose suggested before going to look with her.
"Fucking Paris?" Rafe frowned
"Yes, Rafe fucking Paris" You said back, in a even tone.
"So you were just going to up and leave me?"
"No, I told you about this before. Not that I'd been accepted, but I've been wanting to go all year"
Soon, you were yelling at each other so loudly everyone in the house could hear.
"Just fuck off to Paris, then!" He yelled "I don't fucking need you anymore! Always dragging me down!"
"Oh, I'm planning too!" You snapped back. "Sorry to have been such a downer. I'll be gone in no time!"
"Good! I'll be fucking free!"
"So free! Have fun fucking the girl you have up stairs!"
"Wow. Jealous?!"
"Nothing to be jealous of," you said calmly. You never insulted him back before. Normally ending the arguments quickly but this time you were done "Just a drunk, drugged up dickhead"
He stared at you, "Fuck off" He muttered
"That's the plan." You didn't want to leave him behind, but you needed to go after your own future.
"Ready to go?" Sarah asked, looking between you. The looks you were throwing it each were deadly.
"Yeah. I'm done here." You pushed yourself off the island and left Rafe to watch you go, smashing the cup against the countertop after you left.
You checked your passport, ticket, and flight number three times as you stood with your family and the Camerons, minus Rafe. Everyone hugged you goodbye. You subconsciously glanced around as you had the heavy feeling of something missing.
"You don't need him here," Sarah said softly as she pulled back from a long hug. "I'm sorry, I know you want him here. But you don't need him."
You nodded, knowing she was right. You didn't need the Rafe you'd seen recently, but part of you wished you had your Rafe there.
The one who gave your first kiss when you were worried you would never get one. The one who snuck into your room with your favourite ice cream after punching Hank Harrison and spent hours holding you. The one who checked in on you at parties. The one who took you to prom, claiming he was the only date worthy of you. You knew he'd threatened anyone who tried asking you, but at the time, you didn't care. You had your Rafe.
After a long goodbye and a final call for your flight, you made your way to the gate when you heard him calling your name over the sound of the music in your earphones.
You frowned, turning around slowly as Rafe Cameron ran towards you. He was completely out of breath when he made it to you, but he looked different.
His eyes were clearer, those gorgeous ocean blue again. He smelt of his cologne and not of the night before.
"Don't you dare tell me not to go." As a part of you was happy to see him, another was worried.
He shook his head and gently grabbed your arms. "No, no. I would never"
You raised an eyebrow at him. "I'm going to miss my flight."
"I'll make it quick. I promise." He moved his hands to your cheeks when you didn't move away from his touch.
"What is it?"
"I couldn't let you go without saying goodbye," He whispered before slowly moving closer to you. "I'm so sorry, baby."
You sighed softly and nodded. Your heart rapidly beating in your chest.
"I have to go," you whispered, but you made no move to leave as they announced your flight again.
"I know, I know." He breathed as his lips made contact with yours.
You whimpered against him, unable to control it before deepening the kiss. The airline announcing they were on last check-in broke you apart.
"I love you," He whispered against your lips
"I know, I know." You breathed, pulled back. "I love you too."
"Go on, baby." He smiled, nodding towards your gate as the last few people walked through the doors.
You gave him a quick kiss again before hurrying away. Leaving him to watch you go with a smile on his face.
Just as you were setting your phone to airplane mode, you received a message:
'I'm getting clean. I mean it this time. I love you, I'm sorry I didn't say it before. I promise you, baby. I'll see you in week' Rafe sent a picture of a plane ticket he just purchased.
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