#I am going to treasure it forever
shifuaang · 7 months
I saw Avatar: The Last Airbender In Concert yesterday, and it was truly one of the most joyous and overwhelmingly emotional experiences. The venue was sold out, which meant that there were 3000 ATLA fans there. We all laughed during the humorous moments. We all cried during Leaves from the Vine and Appa's Lost Days and The Final Agni Kai. We all cheered when Toph came on screen, when Zuko joined up with the Gaang, when Katara and Aang kissed during the finale. We all sang Secret Tunnel at the end of the concert. How beautiful is it that a show that aired nearly two decades ago still has such an electric pull on us and brought us together in solidarity? ATLA is so beloved by so many people, and yesterday was an excellent reminder of that. 🧡
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hellenhighwater · 8 months
Have you taken any pottery classes or were you entirely self taught? I REALLY want to get into it but classes are quite expensive
I took some sculpting in undergrad, but it was in the context of casting and mold-making, not ceramics. So I'm fairly comfortable with clay as a medium but not so much with clay as an end product--not being able to do armatures and having to think about firing is weird. (If I had the opportunity to do bronze casting again, though, I would, no hesitation.) That puts me in the minority of my current pottery peers, who are largely self-taught or only learned in our studio.
I do pottery now at a co-op studio space, and technically that means that I'm taking classes there--but the classes are more like guided lab time? There's not really assignments or anything, and there's only a couple other people who sculpt, none of whom are in my class. Mostly the class just means that the person in charge demonstrates a technique or two once a week and then lets us do our thing.
Personally I think that shared studio space is the absolute best way to go. You spend less in startup costs (kilns are EXPENSIVE, running kilns is expensive, glaze is expensive) and it plugs you directly in to a group of fellow artists who can help and support you at whatever skill level you're at. Yes, classes are expensive--my class is $250 per season. But for me that includes lab space, 50 lbs of clay per season, almost all of the glaze I use, kiln time, and other people doing all the maintenance and kiln loading/unloading etc. Very much money well spent.
Artist-run shared spaces are often not turning a profit on anything with studio fees, just covering operations costs, so while it's pricey, it generally is just...what it costs to do that hobby. And it is sooooo much easier to be motivated when you're going to what is, basically, Grown-Up Art Club.
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But if costs are prohibitive for you to do pottery via classes, and you want to learn to sculpt, then get some polymer clay and see what you can do. It's a different game than actual clay, but form is form, and the medium is secondary to figuring out how to translate an idea into reality.
Polymer clay is relatively affordable and doesn't require nearly the infrastructure of ceramics. If you can't spend the money on classes or a shared studio, then polymer clay is a great way to develop technique and an eye so that when you're in a position to spend the money, you already have the skills to make it worth what you're spending.
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lousylemonseminar · 4 months
No no no the “wow I’m so hungry “ meme is such a stupid fucking joke everyone’s gonna kill you for reblogging it on horrific undead chip cannabilism fic
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Head in hands I was giggling so much…………
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softquietsteadylove · 2 months
I know you said you don’t love writing thenamesh as actual biological parents (totally respect that and agree, I especially agree that Thena probably wouldn’t be the most willing mother (although I live and die for TMTL AU)) ANYWAY! would you possibly be interesting in writing something where Thenamesh accidentally stumble into parenthood without meaning to?? Maybe a little orphan child in ancient times won’t leave them alone and they end up raising them? (probably begrudgingly on Thena’s part to begin with but she’s a secret softie especially when Gil is smitten and we all know it). No worries if you don’t wanna write something like that, just something I was thinking about!
Thena sighed, "I know you're there."
She didn't receive a reply, and she knew she wouldn't. She stood from where she had been - entirely against her wishes but at Ajak's behest - reviewing some of the senate's requests. The various war orders and border reports were draining her.
She stepped down towards the door of the room, the skirts of her white toga trailing behind her. She spoke again, "orphan."
He responded to more than that, of course. Sersi thought it was cruel of her to address a child that way, but he responded to it. A small head of blonde peeked out from behind one of the larger vases.
"What are you doing here?" she asked him with an expectant tone. She raised her chin to further look down upon the boy, "you know better than to enter the temple of Athena without permission."
Usually, she was loath to bring up the title of Athena in any way. But if she need be stuck with it, she could make use of it.
The boy shuffled out, his hands clasped in front of the brown burlap of his tunic. "I was looking for Gilgamesh."
The boy was positively enchanted by her Champion. Plenty were, of course, but this boy idolised Gilgamesh and the very ground upon which he walked. And Gil was equally charmed by the small child. She thought he entertained his obsession entirely too much.
But the boy enjoyed trailing behind Gilgamesh when he was walking between the forge and the acropolis, or watching him train fighters in the arenas, or even when he was in the orchards gathering fruit.
"Why do you think he is here?" Thena fixed her eyes on the boy. Most grown men would be sensible enough to cower, but the child stepped even closer to her.
He glanced behind him a few times.
Thena let out another breath. She was not a caretaker, she had no business with the boy steps away from clinging to her. But she unfolded her arms and knelt down to see him better. Children's heads were so small. "Speak."
"The guards," the child twisted his lips. "They tell me not to bother the gods."
They also were no gods of old, at least not how Athens imagined them to be. But Thena had no qualms letting them think that if it meant them keeping their distance, either.
"And if they are correct to tell you these things?" she raised her eyebrows. But the boy shuffled even closer to her. She sighed, "what did you do?"
This child was no angel, just like they were no gods. He liked getting into trouble, challenging those twice his size, proclaiming that he would be a fierce warrior someday. And sometimes that 'challenge' was him running up to someone and whacking them with his only possession: a toy sword, fashioned from wood (clumsily, by his own hand).
"They were being cruel," he spoke in defense of himself. His hands left his tunic to clench into tiny little righteous fists. "They were laughing at old man Socrates! One even threw his apple at him!"
Thena felt her hackles raise. She had no business policing humans; they were of no concern to her. But what did bother her was senseless cruelty to those more vulnerable than the strong. "And you decided to do something about this."
The boy's small shoulders fell again, though. "I told them I challenged them to a duel."
Thena tilted her head. His tunic was still fastened above his trousers with a rope, but there was no toy sword. "Where is-"
He sniffled, trying not to let his tears fall, "they took it and broke it in half."
That was why he had run to her. Well, he had been seeking Gilgamesh's comfort, foremost. But he had also known that if the authorities of Athens were the ones committing an injustice, only the gods would correct them.
Thena frowned at the child's tears dropping onto the stone floor. He wasn't her child; he was no one's. He was, like many others, a result of the many wars Athens had waged before, and were attempting to continue waging. It was exactly that which she was opposing, despite her title as their figurehead for war.
Footsteps approached, heavily and loudly. The boy nearly leapt in fear and scurried to hide himself behind her, even tugging at her dress like a tapestry to hide his feet.
She glanced somewhat over her shoulder in the direction of the little head of blonde hair, getting tears and snot all over her pure white robes.
"Goddess Athena!" the guards greeted her before all else. Their heavy armour and leather skirts made sound with every breath they took. "Forgive our intrusion."
She said nothing.
"We were pursuing a street urchin, and we fear he may have run in here." The captain of their group stepped forward, the adornment on his helmet distinguishing him from the others. "We wish not to disturb you. But we cannot let a stray mutt wander into the hall of gods."
Thena looked at each of them. She owed them no words, and they had no right to ask them. Her lips twitched. "You have a splinter."
The guard seemed embarrassed, rubbing at his arm. "Forgive me, O-Warrior. I was struck with a splintering old board."
A child's toy, now no doubt sitting broken in the streets. Thena looked at the others. "Which of you ate the apple?"
They looked between themselves, confused. "My Lady?"
"One of you was eating an apple," she continued, raising her empty palm. They knew what that meant, stepping back. "And threw it at a harmless old philosopher."
Their faces went pale. It brought some joy to her, but she kept her face even. Their fear was the best part of her day. Rather than deny the wisdom of the Goddess of War, they knelt. "We beg your forgiveness, great Athena."
She drew back, her blade in her hand in a second. She took a harmless swipe over their heads, although the tops of their helmets fell unceremoniously to her floor like feathers from a startled bird.
The men trembled.
Satisfied that her message was received, she retracted her powers like a cat closing its paws. "Be gone from my sight."
The men obeyed, scurrying away, abandoning the remains of their rank, leaving them to explain what had happened to their uniform. If she ever did see them again, she would not be so kind as to let them go with their dignity.
"They will not bother you again," she said more quietly. The boy was strong; he had stopped trembling. And he had, at the very least, the wisdom to let her face his multiple foes.
He sniffled one last time before stepping away from her protection. "They always do, eventually."
Then next time, she would have them begging her for their lives. She kept her eyes looking out the door as she patted the boy's head. She wouldn't have been able to read the expression on his face regardless. "Gilgamesh should be done in the forge by now. He may even take you to the great hall. I believe they are making the baklava today."
The child's eyes lit at the promise of sweets. "Can I have some?"
She did her best not to smile, lest she encourage his youthful impertinence. But she may not have been entirely capable of suppressing it. "Tell them Athena herself demands it."
The boy didn't even look twice at her, running towards the door and nearly slipping in his old, worn sandals.
"Heracles," she called after him. He turned at the sound of his name. "Return with Gilgamesh. We will show you how to strike someone properly."
The boy beamed. His cheeks were ruddy and his teeth were small and uneven, and yet they fit his cherubic face. "Yes, Thena!"
He had heard Gil address her casually too often. If he called her that, what if others thought it acceptable? But she couldn't bring herself to be angry with the boy. It was far too difficult to hold a grudge against something so sweet and innocent.
Technically, the senate decrees still needed seeing to. But she had more important things to think about. And before young Heracles returned with Gilgamesh in hand, she had some whittling to do. She wasn't Phastos, or Sersi, by any means, but even she could carve a sword out of some spare wood.
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chloelouygo · 9 months
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My @resuri-art order arrived the other day and I just 🥹🥹💜💜💜 look how cute!!!! I'm so happy to have physical copies of art I've loved seeing on tumblr and I can't wait to put the print on my wall! The trash lighting in my room does not show well enough how pretty the charms are on my pinboard, they're so sparkly 😭 thank you so much Resuri, I'm so happy I got to order from you! 💜💜
Order some wonderful goodies yourself here!
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canongf · 7 months
Send this to your favorite blogs! Remember your f/os love you! 💜 We all need some love and positivity 🫶✨
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THIS IS SOOO CUTE!!! THANK YOU, THANK YOU!!! i am smiling and twirling my hair!!! his soulmate!!! his cinnamon apple!!! AND one of your mutuals!!! i am the luckiest girl in the UNIVERSE!!!!! 🖤
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rainswolfs · 2 years
no piece of media will say "this is a tragedy. it starts in tragedy. it ends in tragedy. but at least we had hope." more than the drakengard/nier games
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heymacy · 11 months
hi macy :) I read about your personal experience with finding yourself too invested in the gallavich fandom to the point of feeling upset about it and I have to say... that happened to me too. the compulsory need to engage even when there's no good feeling at the end of it, the constantly thinking about it to the detriment of other activities... I don't know if it's maybe because shameless and gallavich deal with heavy topics, or just one of the ways online engagement and hyperfixations can evolve, but I felt so much better once I removed myself from it, able to find joy in numerous other activities, and fandoms too! just wanted to share this - the fact that I had the same experience - and wanted to say I'm glad you're doing better now :)
hello my love! thank you for reaching out! i'm very glad that you were able to find solidarity in what i shared. re: heavy topics - i know that for myself, not being faced with content regarding my own disease on a daily basis has been a nice change of pace for me. i haven't felt as consumed by it since i took a step back. i think sometimes the content we engage with colors our real-world experiences and that was definitely the case for me. i've never been a casual viewer of media or a casual enjoyer of things so it doesn't surprise me that what happened to me, happened. i love having the capacity now to enjoy other things - and hey, i still engage with fandom here and there! i'm loving RWRB content right now (i have just a tiny bit of brain rot regarding those two) along with some jane austen adaptations and other such things! media is beautiful and transformative and i love putting stickers on the scrapbook that is my blog! thank you for your kind words - i'm glad i'm doing better now, too. it feels good. it feels healthy and normal. and i really hope everyone can find a balance if they're feeling off-kilter. also, i love you. did you know that? thank you for popping in 💛 feel free to do it any time you please, i'm always hanging around somewhere!
#i'm really happy that my experience doesn't seem to be this unusual isolated thing and it makes me feel better knowing others like. get it!#i've been reading a lot of books and watching a lot of movies and writing my book and it just feels GOOD#and i guarantee if the gallavich/shameless spark ever reignites for me i would be able to engage in a far healthier and more casual way#it just didn't go that way the first time around#and i'm glad i was able to recognize that and make that distinction and work through it and come out the other side more clear-headed#also i feel like i should say this bc i got a message about it the other day:#i am not speaking negatively about the fandom whatsoever when i share bits and pieces of my experience#i love the fandom. i love the people and the characters and the content and the fics and the art and everything about it#it's just how MY BRAIN decided to handle things#it is not a reflection on anyone or anything else#i don't want anyone to think i'm shit-talking the fandom or shit-talking fandom in general or anything like that bc i promise i'm not#i just had an experience and i felt compelled to share it in case anyone else could relate#and also so i could maybe not feel so alone and isolated in my experience#and it seems like i succeeded which feels really good#i love you fandom i love you anon i love everyone and everything that the gallavich/shameless fandom gave me#i will treasure it forever#always in my heart etc etc etc#macy babbles#anons
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angryborzois · 11 months
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mothbug · 2 years
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i thought it was cool that we both have plant name ocs so i drew artemisia and perovskia hanging out :]
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drew this to keep The Horrors (finals stress) at bay. anyways this is what you look like in my head, but also this is a completely unrelated to any existing person mouse who lives in a little library
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michael!!!!!!!! ohhhhh my god??????? 😭😭😭😭 this is so sweet I am going to weep and also you have captured the vibe perfectly like this is literally what I am wearing right now?????
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I'm folding this image up into a little origami bird and putting it into my pocket omg
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skittlewaffle · 2 years
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Christmas gift for @madame-mongoose !!! ✨
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cassandralexxx · 1 year
Signed shirt from Everybody’s Worried About Owen!!!
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From the 07/17/23 show :D
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Hi! I finally got around to reading your story in the Hurt and Comfort anthology and it was SO good!!! It absolutely drew me in and had me on the edge of my seat! Amazing writing!!
Oh?? My god??? THANK YOU SO MUCH?!! 😭
Waking up to this ask this morning made my week tbh <3 <3 <3
I do have more of this story posted if you're interested! Ngl this ask might be what finally gets me to update my pinned masterlist lol
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impishtubist · 2 years
shana tova 🍎🍯🥰 i don’t have fic but i do have some jewish wolfstarbucks raising harry HCs! i feel like james and sirius are usually the ones who cook because remus cannot, at all. he once tried to make rugelach from his mom’s recipe (which tbf was probably just three lines scrawled on a piece of paper like ‘knead dough add sugar then apricots bake as long as you feel like’) with harry and then the dough exploded in his face and james and sirius were like okay how about you just put yourself in charge of making sure we get to services on time and also you may cut One Apple but please do not touch the pomegranates. the funny thing is harry thinks cooking with remus is much more fun bc with james and sirius and his bubbe and zayde food decidedly does Not explode. however sirius was the one who bought and gave harry a tiny shofar that he will not. stop. blowing. he takes it everywhere. james is about as unimpressed with this as he was with the broomstick and ends up dropping him off at his parents for a few hours before sundown so he can finish cooking in peace but harry does not forget the shofar at monty and effie’s house like james had hoped. he’s very like Baba Why :( and monty is like are you kidding me this is my grandchild. i bought him a second one that’s even louder
shana tova, dearest anon 💜💜💜
This. This is everything. Thank you for giving me so many wonderful Jewish Wolfstarbucks headcanons! I'm obsessed with this and obsessed with them. The tiny shofar? Harry preferring to cook with Remus because Remus's food explodes? The second shofar? Bubbe and Zayde being the best grandparents ever? I'm weeping on the ground. I am a puddle. I love this so much. Please feel free to stop by anytime with Jewish Wolfstarbucks (or Wolfstar, or whatever) headcanons 🥺🥺🥺
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cursedthing · 2 years
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[points at it excitedly] HOLY SHIT IT'S THE THANG
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