#I also wanted it to be as close to the original as possible
terukotime · 1 day
allow me to be super delulu for a second
if either Eden or Ace are the actual killer, that would mean one of them would be saying their secret quotes in the next coming episodes. but...do we really feel like the situation warrants them saying what their quotes are?
Ace's is: "I don't know what to do with myself anymore."
Eden's is: "You can't go back, no matter how hard you try."
Ace's feels a little strange to say in the trial. we're very close to unearthing the real culprit, and if Ace really is the killer, when would he say that? immediately upon being found out? the quote itself has their air of melancholy and defeatism, and even at his lowest, we know Ace isn't someone to concede or go down without a fight. and if he knows he's about to die, what's the point in saying "I don't know what to do with myself anymore" when he's not even going go be alive in the next few moments? He WON'T be doing anything with himself anymore, he'll be dead.
Eden's, while not as strange of a thing to say as Ace, is also kind of peculiar. when would she say it? while she's admitting to the murder? if Eden did it, sure, it's believable that she'd feel some regret, but the setup to her being the killer feels very odd now that we've gone through this big emotional moment between her and Teruko. honestly, after all that, if Eden really is the killer, i'd be more inclined to believe she WOULDN'T regret killing Arei. it'd seem like her crying and pleading was all just emotional manipulation. it also seems strange to me that Eden would have already had it in mind to kill Arei when she and Teruko found Ace, and took the opportunity to steal the tape to carry it out. i could definitely be wrong, and please correct me if i am, but i think the attempted murder was the same day as what happened with Eden and Arturo? honestly, even if it wasn't, it just feels weird to me that Eden would find some way to disguise her handwriting, set up a murder method even more elaborate than Nico's original version, and then do the whole trial pleading and sobbing for people to believe she didn't kill her and actually have regretted her actions. that shit is so premeditated that everything Eden has done thus far feels like immense emotional manipulation. while that could still be possible...it's not really that satisfying, i'd say. who knows, maybe i'm in severe denial, but i just think this characterization of Eden would be really weird. it would feel less like a betrayal of "man, this character i liked turned out to be awful", and more like a betrayal of "man, this character i liked has made a 180° in their personality without any foreshadowing of having a darker side to them".
and i'm just still really hung up on Hu. her secret quote, "I want to pay for what I've done. But even then, I still want to live." makes total sense in the context of this trial, especially after her secret reveal. and while it's pretty unlikely she took the tape from the gym, there's no guarantee that the person who took the tape at the time HAS to be the murderer. i'm just still hung up on the fact that it feels like there needs to be one last, big twist before the true killer is revealed. a moment where Teruko comes to her realization and the culprit is selected before she makes any actual accusation against them. we already knew Eden and Ace would be the ones Teruko was going to interrogate in the selection because of her explanation. just given how drdt has been written thus far, i feel like they wouldn't hand the potential answer to us like that so easily. like we wouldn't get to the point of selecting the culprit with the story already telling us it can only be one of two suspects.
it's entirely possible that i'm just coping and am refusing to accept that one of my favorite characters is actually the culprit. or that drdt could have a trial that isn't greatly written. it's totally fine if i'm wrong and Eden or Ace really is the killer, i definitely won't enjoy it much but it's not my story, nor would it completely make me drop drdt.
i honestly just needed to rant LMAO. this episode left me with a LOT of feelings.
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wings-of-ink · 3 days
I was thinking about an ask I wrote some time ago where MC asked Duri to teach them, if possible, to also be able to turn into a wolf. And Duri, in your answer, used the opportunity to make fun of MC.
But here is a funny scenario: What if against everyone's expectations, MC did end up turning into a wolf after following Duri's instructions. After all, we don't know MC's true origins. By all we know, MC may have some God blood in them, and may possibly be able to turn into an animal and just didn't know.
If you want it would be lovely if, like the original ask, both Oswin and Duri were present. But I understand if you want to limit the scenario to just Duri.
Hilarity and chaos would ensue. This is a fun one, lol. ^_^
Link to the first post:
Picking up where we left off:
You feel the burn of embarrassment as you turn your back on the laughing god and start to follow Oswin. You can't help but pout too...you wanted it so badly. Duri may have made a fool of you, but it doesn't stop you from admiring their wolf-form. You want that for yourself, it calls to your spirit. There's a pull, an unspoken link with your soul.
As you make it through the trees, Oswin sighs heavily. "I should have interrupted sooner...I shouldn't have left you alone with that idiot..."
"It's fine. Maybe I was silly to ask such a thing." You shrink in on yourself.
Oswin stops. "I don't think it's silly. This world is more fantastic than either of us thought...it's not wrong to want to play a bigger part in that."
You can't help but smile a bit. "You really think so?"
"Yeah. Yeah, I do. You're already fantastic in other ways - you don't need to be a magic wolf or anything to be great." He turns to you with a wide and sweet smile, his eyes shining with something unspoken.
The humiliation you feel slowly drifts away as you match his gaze...until his brow begins to furrow. "What's wrong?" you ask.
"Your...well, your eyes..."
"What about them?" You touch the side of your face, perhaps you have dirt near your eyes.
"They're...um, they're glowing." Oswin looks a mix of fright and wonder as he stares at you.
You can barely register what he says before the light bursts from your eyes and surrounds you. You see Oswin flinch from the brightness as you feel a sudden warm sensation in all your limbs. And then, it's over. You look around, and nothing seems unusual...except...now you feel shorter. Why am I shorter? And your clothes...are on the ground. Why am I naked!?
Oswin looks down at you, mouth agape.
You make to speak, but it comes out as a yip. Oh...oooooh.
Duri rushes through the brush behind you. "What was that? I felt..." They spot you.
As you meet Duri's eyes you feel a flood or warmth - a connection - and your heart pulls in excitement. Whatever feelings you had for Duri before are amplified and a whine leaves your throat without your realization.
Duri cups a hand over their mouth and looks from you to Oswin and then back. "They're so cute..."
You growl.
Oswin kneels. "I don't know what to say..."
You watch him closely and notice he's smiling. He's giving you the same look he gets when he sees puppies and seems to be resisting reaching out to pat you. I think he likes this...
Gently, Duri turns your attention back to them. "I had a feeling you had secrets, lambchop, but nothing like this...I hope we're not related..."
You show your teeth - are you smiling or snarling - that's a gamble Duri will need to take.
"What a pretty coat too." Duri guffaws.
I wonder what I look like...
The demigod grins. "Difficult to describe, but your face is black and so are your ears, but the rest of you is a lovely mottled silver. Your eyes are the same color but much lighter than normal - they sort of glow."
You tilt your head.
"And, yes, I can hear you...in a way."
Oswin scoots into your line of sight. "Would you...would you permit me to pat your head? Please?"
Your tail wags.
Oswin gently rubs your head and ears - it feels spectacular. Duri joins in and scritches your chin. No wonder wolves and dogs scramble for this.
Humming in thought, Duri looks you over. "I wonder why you are normal wolf size...maybe you'll grow into it - I was really small when I started. You should get as big as me and we can terrorize the forest together...scare the shit out of the locals." A wicked grin plasters across their face.
Oswin is cupping your furry cheeks, smiling as he gazes at you. "This is wonderful, but I do hope you know how to change back..."
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elden-hicks · 16 hours
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So, I moved in (almost) all Maxis-made families in the same neighborhood for myself and then decided to share this UserData folder with you as well!
I added the extra Maxis families like The Hatfield, The Maximus, The Mashuga, The Snooty and The Jones families to the Neighborhood 1. Some of them I had to recreate in the Create-A-Family and then tune with SimEnchancer 3D (giving them their personalities, biographies and jobs they intended to have) since they couldn't be installed properly in TS1 Complete Collection ver. The only people that I did not add on purpose were that weird Agent household, since I kinda deemed them unsuitable for my personal gameplay.
I had also moved in the Pleasants, Michael Bachelor and the Roomies into the the vacant houses. (3 Sim Lane for the Pleasants, 6 Sim Lane for Michael and 10 Sim Lane for the Roomies Household). I kinda added a little bit too much money for the Pleasants 😅, so they could afford this house in the first place, feel free to tune their wealth in SimEnchancer! Oh, and I also had to rebuild the Hatfield house by myself entirely, since the Mashugas occupy the same lot which was intended for the Hatfield family as well, so it's not 1-by-1 replica but I made sure to make it as close as it possible to the original house! Unfortunately, there's also no iconic house with the red roof in Sim Lane 2, since the Snooty Patooty family occupy this lot.
1. Download the UserData folder 2. Go into the C:\Program Files\Maxis\The Sims folder, or wherever you installed the game. (If you have a 64-bit system, it might be located in C:\Program Files (x86)\Maxis\The Sims instead) 3. Delete the "UserData" folder if you don't want it, or move it somewhere else if you want to make a backup. 4. Unzip the UserData folder you downloaded. Copy and paste it into the C:\Program Files\Maxis\The Sims folder.
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tseliius · 2 days
this a public service announcement
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ok ok. since we got the devil may cry netflix trailer today i’ve seen my close friends getting worried over what’s gonna happen to the fanbase after it releases and if viewership increases.
buckle in because this is a sorta long post
for those of you who don’t know, the devil may cry anime is apparently in the same extended universe (of sorts) as netflix’s castlevania.
in the past, when castlevania got big, new fans began to flock to the fandoms and get to posting, as fans do. all was well.
except it kinda wasn’t.
some newer fans were not as kind to fans of the castlevania video games, and instead of- i dunno, playing the games themselves and experiencing the reason why we have a castlevania show in the first place, they decided to completely disregard and ignore them and the fans, and essentially substitute the games’ canon with the show’s canon.
these fans, sometimes, were very disrespectful towards the older fans and the love they held for the original video games. my friends were there to see it happen (on this very site, no less) and it was incredibly disheartening for them to see.
i would also be hurt if someone, who is a fan of a newer installment in my favorite franchise that has a new continuity, completely disregard the previous canon and the love that older fans like me have for it and just substitute it with the new one without once acknowledging or engaging with us in the first place.
if this sounds nitpicky, it’s just because i’m bad at words — if you understand what i’m getting at so far, then great!! now let me get to the main point.
there is a good possibility of new fans coming in when the anime comes out next spring, and if you originally knew nothing about devil may cry and you will be watching the anime for yourself, then:
1. welcome to the crew. we have pizza!
2. this message is for you!!!
i will also be watching the new anime! i’m always excited to have new people to talk about something i love with. however, i am also a fan of the original video games. i may not be good at them, but i love them.
if you decide to engage with us in any way, we welcome you, but we humbly ask this of you:
be kind.
it is okay if you like the show’s canon more than the games’ canon! if you haven’t given the games a try and you want to, then please do!!! don’t let the difficulty spike fool you — there’s good shit in there, we promise.
however, we ask that you don’t completely disregard or ignore the original games, or be disrespectful to older fans in any way. that can be disheartening to a lot of people, and a little exhausting considering how i’ve detailed that this has happened before.
tl;dr, be kind and civil to your fellow devil hunters, people. we love this just as much as you do, and we want to share that love with all of you as a community.
but y’know, i’m just a strange gal on the internet. i’m not your mom.
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hope this reaches the right people. don’t forget: i love you! 🩷
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theoneandonlysemla · 2 days
WIP Wednesday
Tagged by @thequeenofthewinter and @skyrim-forever
Tagging: @ladytanithia @ladytanithia @tiredela @dirty-bosmer and anyone else, I'm tired and can't really think.
So, I'm back from my vacation in Denmark with renewed loathing for my work ( @did3lphis knows what I'm talking about). I'm so awfully tired, could do nothing but sleep and can't find any motivation to write on my chapter or anything else. Also, vibes are off.
Totally unrelated: Does anyone have recommendations for music to write an assassination scene (like witnessing one) to?
Anyway, I did fabricate something in Denmark and have a longer part (because we need context) for you to read. Little info on that: Morotar has arrived at an Inn in Shore's Stone (that I totally made up) and is glad to get a bed after over a week of camping. The inkeeper is not that glad to have a Thalmor in his tavern. Anyway, great chance for Morotar to show that he is, in fact, an ass:
This taproom too was deserted, not a sign of guest or even the innkeeper. A bar stood on the gable end of the dwelling, so he crossed the room, spying into the darkness and strained his ears for any possible sounds. Nothing, only a child’s doll, lay in a corner. Reaching the counter, he peeked around the corner. Light filtered through the gap in an ajar door, a sign of life.
“Hello?” he spoke into the silence, hearing nothing in return.
His hands rested on the countertop, the fingers of his right drumming with impatience. Unconsciously, he lowered his eyebrows and wrinkled his mouth. He wanted nothing more than a warm bed and having to wait now was driving him mad. “Someone there?” His voice echoed in the emptiness of the taproom. A chair scratched over the floorboards; steps sounded. The light strip between door and frame disappeared for a brief moment, then the door swung open. A man stepped out, his hair thinning and his nose the form of a misshaped potato. As his view found his new customer, he stopped and eyed the Altmer before him, eyes narrowed in animosity. “We don’t serve vermin like you here,” he uttered hoarse, mucus stuck in his throat. Morotar closed his eyes and inhaled a deep breath. Was he going to have to have the same discussion in the east of Skyrim every time he wanted to rent a room? Long ago he had given up trying to reason with the tavern owners and explain his situation to them. Only clear words were of any use with those kinds of people. Instead of reacting to the man’s offence, he pulled up a barstool and sat down. From under his hood, he glanced at the man. It was difficult to put a finger on, but he may be Imperial of origin. Too short for a Nord, the tone of his skin a touch to much of an olive undertone. “I’d like an ale, if you don’t mind,” he said, his voice bordering on monotony but still housing a friendly undertone. “Piss of to Riften and see if the thieves will give you any,” the man spat, still standing in the frame of the door. “Careful,” he warned him, turning his head to stare directly in his eyes. “How’s the wife? The girl?” All colour left the man’s face and he became as pale as a ghost, staring aghast at the Altmer. It had been easy to make that guess; the doll was a clear indication. But that, the man did not know, and he now thought Morotar knew things about him. That the Thalmor knew about him and his family. “Good,” he breathed and finally got going. He rummaged under the bar, pulled out a bottle of ale and placed it in front of Morotar. As he did so, he kept his distance, his hand trembling. “My, thank you!” He flicked the cork out of the bottle and took a sip. Bitterness and the flavour of hops caressed his palate and he looked at the bottle with satisfaction.          “Anything to add?” he continued, piercing the Imperial with his glare.
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opmangaedits · 1 year
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My attempt at redesigning Rebecca. I made her waist wider, removed those weird hip bone things and moved her belly button down to make it appear her pants are higher up than they are. I tried to use Viola to change her skin tone but it ended up looking purple so until I find a better skin color this is it.
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msfcatlover · 12 days
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Commissioned the amazing @magua-vida to draw my original Princesses, The Dancer & The Dream! I'm absolutely delighted with how they came out, they both look so pretty and bursting with personality!
For anyone who doesn't want to click through, you get the Dancer if you unlock the Princess's cuff & die of a heart attack, making her flighty but concerned, fussing over your health & safety. The Dream is Dancer's unique Chapter 3, who you get if you fall asleep in the cabin with Dancer fussing over you, and is smotheringly protective to the point of aggression & possessiveness while acting manipulatively sweet & fragile.
She just wants to take care of you... even (or especially) if it means chaining you up to keep you safe.
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maulfucker · 4 months
thiunking about Maul in the clone wars finale and I think. I think he should've given Ahsoka and Rex a ride. like his whole thing at that moment was trying to play nice to prove he's right and they should totally go kill Anakin (and the emperor). Ahsoka did him a favor by freeing him, he's paying her back by not leaving them behind. now they're even. can we go kill the emperor now.
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moonpaw · 2 years
if i remember right, the Nefertari family was originally one of the 20 kings that would later set up residence in mariejois and would later become the celestial dragons, but for whatever reason, the Nefertari’s refused their residency and continued to rule their own country
i’d love to know their reasoning why they choose to do this, especially considering that the royal family has been protecting a poneglyph for centuries, something I don’t think the other original kingdoms are doing/have done
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jayswing101 · 2 years
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astranauticus · 8 months
ok i like rushed through the whole orv webtoon way too fast so now i have thoughts going in like 5 different directions but ep121-123 drive me so fucking insane actually. every time i think about those two conversations i have to sit down
#orv#orv liveblog#like i feel like depictions of childhood abuse in fiction tend to depiction the relationship as some version of#'the one evil violent parent and the one good parent trying their best (it wasnt good enough)'#see: the twins parents from lc s2 is the obvious one but also like#going back to my roots lol but enji and rei todoroki? or hell even fire lord ozai and ursa#yknow theres this idea of like theres the one who was trying! and the one who fucked it all up#well yeah rei's the one who scarred her sons face but thats so obviously framed as like a trauma response outside of her control#like its not something youre reeaally meant to blame her for yknow#the WHOLE idea with kim dokja's conversation with yoo sangah is whether he's supposed to blame/forgive lee sookyung#wait ok those conversations drive me so insane like im feeling the alevel literature urge to fuckin close read quotes#that one line where he thinks like this is the vilest form of violence he can use against sangah goes by SO fast but it hit me SO hard#the idea of asking her to put herself in this nightmare situation she has no frame of reference for understanding or empathising with#and then asking her as someone who she rly cares about! to be the judge in this situation she cannot possibly fully grasp#and all of that being framed as an act of violence towards her. like asking her to do this knowing she cant possibly do it#but also 'did you want me to seem pleased to see you' 'a little (lie)' and 'do you think of me as a mother' 'a little (lie)'#like the pretense of a normal relationship over the yeah we know our relationships fucked over the#unfortunately we still talk and think in the same way and we understand each other way too well#ok wait but circling back to the original point. i saw this fucking incredible fanart on twitter that sort of goes into the like#how do you?? handle?? not knowing if youre supposed to blame your parent for something that they did that hurt you#like its this little animation thing thats all in kdj's internal monologue except for one line where its him saying#'im terrible. i deserved what she did to me'#and its like. yeah that would be easier huh. like the self loathing is easier to handle than the confusion and cognitive dissonance#full disclosure i saw that fanart literally a year ago before i knew jack shit about orv and the sentiment hit me SO HARD i just#havent been able to stop thinking about it for a whole year. like as soon as i finished 123 i immediately went to look for it in my archive#i checked the artist has a tumblr but that art is not on it and it bugs me so much i want them to know that they somehow like#managed to make art so painful it defeated both my non-orv reading self and my lifelong severe memory problems#i mean in comparison that line (that also went by alarmingly fast) about how without twsa back then like kdj would not be here today#like not so much to dig into just. Yikes#and him telling ysa all of this with that fucking smile on his face like thats the part that really gets to me just his *fucking expression
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bmpmp3 · 3 months
the villainess flips the script is a really fun manhwa with gorgeous art and my wonderful son luca who is a little bitch who i love so much BUT i will say. the family tree situation as the story has gone on makes my head hurt
#luca buddy im sorry ur family tree has at least one circle in it#somehow the most. ethical? incest? his parents were unknowing um. second cousins? hold on i need to work this out#are they second cousins or are they first cousins once removed. i need to consult charts#I THINK they were second cousins. lets go with that. okay so they were second cousins who didnt know they were second cousins#accidentally having a drunken one night stand and thats how luca came to be. no personal relation and apparently risk of like#genetic issues goes down with second cousins. so i guess its like. the most um. 'ethical'? it could possible be. but still :(#but also luca love interest is his second cousin too maybe? the kid of his blond great uncle???? i dont know man#all so the main character can turn out to be secretly royalty orz TOO COMPLICATED too complicated#although i guess this is how a lot of historical royal and noble families were tho. a bit circular.#that is something i would change tho if i wrote this. first of all i would make judith his bio mom instead of pretending#because i think a fl who had a drunken one night stand the dead playboy brother of her LI is just really interesting LOL#but also i would just like. remove her relation to the royal family entirely#but thats me personally. i find the main character finding out about secret royal blood trope suuuuper boring LOL#but it is common in stories like this so i deal. but in this case i would absolute strike out that plotline. maybe give it to#luca instead like make him look oddly like his great grandma and make the former king obsess over him instead#we'd still get a lot of the same plot beats because of judiths relation to him but just without the loopy family tree JKSDJHDKs#ALSO also i would make lucas relationship with rudiger stronger. NOT SAPPIER like the original in universe novel i like the difference#but i would make them closer in like a shitty uncle who sucks that you hang out with anyway and the shitty nephew u lovingly bully#sort of way. if that makes sense. one problem i have with a lot of villianess stories that have a kid in it is when the love interest like#doesn't have much of a relationship with the kid. i think its lame. i want them to be CLOSE not just like mild coworkers#but thats just me. thats just me#despite all i just said i still really like it. rudiger is cute luca is my baby boy who i love so much and judith is so silly and i love he#great characters even if i would personally alter their relationships
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the-lost-class · 4 months
"the bidding" -- scrapped of animatic
thought i might dump this here since i just remembered it's existence. so more liliana angst for you guys:
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tama1313 · 1 year
If I had to create a gem species like in Steven Universe and Houseki No Kuni (I know, I know. But as a MADD, a mineralogy nerd and a huge fan of both series, I want for once to pacify this little whimp of mine), I'd probably make them live in a cave/underground enviroment. Their cities would be build underground an their houses/room, inside cave corners.
A town of Minerals (the species' actual name) is called a Colony and it's not lead by the ones whos "gem-core" (the irl gem who matches their biology/appearences) has the strongest hardness on Moth's scale. They are chosen on reliability and empathy/simpathy and other factors.
A baby mineral is called a geode and a group of minerals is called a cluster
While I still like this species to look a bit more humanoid, they wouldn't look just like colorful people! I want to give them some features that distances them a bit from our fav gems: what about something like horns (perhaps made out of crystals??) And crystal grows over their bodies? Maybe a tail??
These mineral-people aren't actually made out of pure gemstone. They are called "rock elementals" for their biological structure: their blood, flesh and other bodly parts share the same chemical composition of IRL gems (a citrine quartz have both silicius and steel in their body).
This determines a few factors: the blood/flesh/skin/irises and other features' colors who are very close to match the irl gem, and also some health-related things (Mineral whose "gem-core" is colorless such as phantom quartz or goshenite would be very sensitive to the sun-light, like albino creatures, because there are not impurities that colors their skin. For example, a "Sapphire-person" would get bluer if they get a sunburn).
Also, there can be metal-cores too but they are rare. Metals can be born from two minerals who have a gem-core (and this usually happens because the metallic impurities in their body are commoner than the other rock impurities), or can be born from a metal and gem couple
Also Minerals are not immortals!!
Their life lenght depends on many factors, but they get old and die like any other living being (I'd like to think that the type of gem-core is a factor on the duration of the mineral)
Speaking about gem-core, Minerals are not named after that ofc (it can works as a nickname such as Dora for a Labradorite, but most of the time the name is not linked to the irl gem)
And that's it prettu much...
What do you think about it? Feel free to let your questions in the ask box
And any suggestion is more than welcome!
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monster-noises · 1 year
I started writing another post that did More Details but I lost steam on it but I also don't Don't wanna post about it so I'm gunna talk about some silly Vile things in the Tags that I just spent like 40 mins in front of the mirror coming up with
#monster noises#for those who don't know or have forgotten#Vile is the current title for my ongoing attempt to write/re-create Flesh and Hot Iron as an original work as closely as possible#without simply being resi8 but with fancy new shoes on#I've made some headway#trying to focus more on the things I can be Excited about changing than worrying over what I may Loose in the process#and hoping that will reveal to me ways I can Preserve the things I'm worried about loosing#but long story short the main thing I want to talk about is I think#while no one Else is gunna be 'Related'#(the Mother part of the Mother Miranda narrative is no more here.. I mean generally that whole narrative is gone#but Specifically the 'lords' aren't Siblings anymore)#I Do think Karl and Donna are gunna be Actually related#I just think that would be Fun and Complicated#and I love Fun and Complicated#also think her Re-name is gunna be Dahlia..#Dahlia the Horticulturalist...#though That's one of those things that i feel is going to Immediately give away the source material here if I leave her like#Plant Lady#Alcina (Marian? possibly?) is getting morphed and maneuvered into being a Biologist cause I think that's a reasonable fit#but even with that throwing things off I think#Engineer Artist Doctor Horticulturalist Biologist is Still gunna read as Village to someone with a Keen eye but who knows...#long way to go still... long way to go#and still No idea what I'm gunna call Karl because not calling him Karl and putting him next to Lazarus feels So so wrong#but I'm sure we'll stumble into something#anyway I'm sure this reads only as total nonsense cause it's like#ten pieces I've put together of a 10000 piece puzzle but heY
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thefage · 2 months
I'm trying to learn Japanese right now because I'm agressively mad at MAPPA about the Yuuri!!! On Ice Movie being cancelled and I just went through the same process that led me from being mad at MAPPA to learning Japanese in the first place again, and it was an interesting experience.
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