#I already have 2 and one I barely use AUGH
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chelstory · 2 years ago
I will not let elemental take over this blog I will not let elemental take over this blog I will not let elemental take over this blog I will not let elemental take over this blog I will not let elemental take over this blog I wi—
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fluffypinkpillows · 11 months ago
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One Last Cup of Coffee
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Part 1
Synopsis: You and Lucifer meet up for coffee at a café weekly. Characters: Lucifer, Reader, and various OCs/NPCs Warnings: Reader is an OC, and this is just fun banter. Very short! A/N: I wanted my first Luci fic to be an OC fic before writing everything androgynously. I wanted to get used to writing again after a full year so I went with an OC instead. Future fics will be a pure reader insert, not including part 2 and 3 of "One Last Cup of Coffee"!
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Tump-tump— tump-tump—
Lucifer tapped his fingers against the mosaic table, a teacup of coffee sitting in front of him. The coffee, once having steam waft from its surface, now lays lukewarm. Though, since we're currently in 'aytch-ee-double hockey sticks, it's still relatively warm.
Lucifer was stuck waiting for someone at this shabby-looking coffee shop. Though, others would say that it's just completely dilapidated instead. Lucifer didn't mind waiting, in fact the two of you never established a set time for your weekly coffee meet-up, but recently you've been arriving much later than the usual time you arrive.
Yes, the person that Lucifer, the King of all Hell, was waiting for was, in fact, you! Look at you, being all friendly with the scariest person in all of existence!
Lucifer checked his watch, it was approaching a full hour past your usual show up time. Actually, Lucifer realized, you've been showing up much later every week. His eyebrows scrunched in confusion. Maybe something's been preventing you from showing up? Or maybe you're just scatterbrained? From how the two of you interacted he didn't think you're much of an absent-minded person.
"Oh, goodness!" A heavenly voice interjected Lucifer's thoughts, "I was sure that you would've left already!"
A light giggle escaped the lips of his expected friend who quickly sat down at the patterned table, hanging your comically large hat on the back of your chair, straightening your cute bunny ears that rest atop your head before turing towards Lucifer.
"Thanks so much for waiting, your Majesty!" You smiled at Lucifer wholeheartedly, putting a hand over your heart.
Lucifer coughed into his fist, hiding the fact that his face had become slightly flushed, "It's quite alright. I'm sure that you had an important matter to attend to."
"Yes…" You replied, trailing off. Lucifer found it odd. It wasn't quite like you to give a non-answer like that, but he also only sees you once a week and it's barely been a year since he's met you, so he brushes it off.
You flag down one of the wait staff and order your usual coffee. Lucifer chuckles as the waitress jokes about your usual coffee being mostly sugar with a splash of coffee, which causes a denying exclamation to erupt from your cute voice.
"Augh! It's not like that, Tiff! You know that the coffee down here is practically charcoal!" The waitress gives a knowing smirk to you before walking off with the order. You turn back to Lucifer, eyes glazed over with tears. You were a bit too easy to tease. "You don't think the same, do you?"
"I dunno," Lucifer ragged, "I think you just like to have some coffee with your sugar."
"Whaat? Not you too, your Majesty!"
Lucifer laughed at your reaction but a pang went through him as you addressed him formally. Yes, that was the appropraite way to speak to him, but he didn't want you to use a stuffy title. He would rather you call him by his actual name. Besides, the two of you already act familiar, why is the title even needed?
"I told you to call me by my name," Lucifer said, remnants of his laughter still in his voice.
"But I can't do that, your Majesty!" You protested, standing up from your seat. "That would be improper!"
"What we're doing is already improper, so what other reason d'ya got?"
"I um…" You voiced, trying to think of anything as an answer. You, ultimately, could not. "I… Okay… Lu… Lucifer."
"See? Isn't it much easier to just call me by my name?" Lucifer teased, causing a blush to form on your face.
"Oh, shush it, you!" You snapped back, face turning fully red from embarassment at this point. Lucifer laughed at the look on your face, it reminded him of how the two of you met a year ago.
"C'mon! It's not as bad as when you spilled coffee on my white suit." The mention of how you two met made your face glow even redder.
"Wha—!?" You reacted, causing the smile on Lucifer's face to widen more. He loved your reactions. "I told you I was sorry! And that I would pay for it!"
"And don't you remember how expensive it actually was?" Lucifer put his elbow on the table and leaned his head against his hand, crossing his legs.
"I—!" You stammered, making squeaking sounds as you tried to formulate the words. "… Yes…"
"That's why…" Lucifer goaded you on, his smile plastered across his face like a sparkling trophy. You leaned back in your chair and crossed your arms in defeat.
"That's why I'm taking you out for coffee instead," you relented. Lucifer snickered at your tone. It was as if you had just got caught with your hand in the cookie jar.
Thankfully, the waitress came by with your coffee, asking you to enjoy your sugar with your coffee. This made you groan in disbelief and throw your hands up in the air.
"I said it's not like that!" The remark made Lucifer crack, laughing wholeheartledly. "ShhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhUSH!" You squeak in response to Lucifer's laughing before grabbing the steaming hot cup and putting it to your lips and taking a sip before immediately recoiling in pain, sticking your tongue out. This made Lucifer start to laugh even more.
"You do that every time!" Lucifer manages to get out as he wipes tears from his eyes. "What makes you think you wouldn't immediately burn your tongue after just recieving your drink?" He asks genuinely between bouts of laughter from you waving your hand at your poor burnt tongue.
"It's the best way to drink it," you say. "That's when the taste is the most flavorful."
"I don't think you can even taste it at this point," Lucifer jests. "I'm pretty sure you have a cat's tongue from how sensitive you are to heat."
"I am NOT a cat, I'm a rabbit!" You retort, slapping your hand on the table, causing the cups and their respective spoons inside of them to clatter. "Is it not obvious? I have rabbit ears right here!"
Lucifer puts his fits in front of his mouth to try and stop himself from laughing at your taking the saying seriously.
"… Maybe I'm part cat?" You ask yourself, pulling a small mirror out of your shoulder sling bag and sticking out your tongue, trying to see if your tongue has any similarities to a cat's.
Neddless to say, that putting his fist in front of his mouth was not working and Lucifer ended up cracking again.
"What? What was it I said?" You asked Lucifer seriously, setting the mirror down on the table. It took Lucifer a good minute before he could answer properly.
"It's… Ahem It's just a saying. Having a cat's tongue just means that you're more sensitive to heat than other people."
"Oh…" you realize, your whole face turning a bright shade a pink. Why did it go over your head so easily? It was such a common phrase! You picked up your cup of coffee, hiding part of your face and looking away as Lucifer snorted at your reaction.
This was how your meetings usually went nowadays. With Lucifer and the waitress making fun of your oddities and you defending yourself. Of course, it was all in good fun, you knew that, but sometimes you just wanted to hide away in embarrassment. It wasn't exactly your fault that you didn't know these common things.
After a few moments you set your cup back down onto the table, looking out into the street with a melancholic smile. It was like you were seeing far off in the distance, a past that Lucifer couldn't see nor understand. The sudden shift in your mood made Lucifer's smile drop in concern for a moment before picking it back up with a teasing grin.
"What's got your tongue caught, bunny-rabbit?" Lucifer teased. You turned back to face him but your eyes never met his face, staying pointed downwards, this time at the coffee in your cup.
"Oh, I was just thinking about all of our meetings. I'd hate to miss one." You giggled before continuing: "In fact, I was pretty close to missing today's meeting entirely."
"Oh? What happened?"
"Oh, just the usual things that sinners do to cause a ruckus: killing sprees, general robberies, and the like. I just got caught up in one is all," you smiled to Lucifer a reassuring smile. Something about it make him worry though. Yes, it was often that sinners caused mayhem frequently, but you were a powerful sinner. Powerful enough for other sinners to stay off of your back. For something like a "general robbery" to keep you up meant that there was something that you weren't letting on.
But, Lucifer wasn't going to pry into something you didn't want to tell. It wasn't his place to.
"Well… Just be careful in the future," Lucifer stated, his worried look quickly turining into a teasing tone: "After all, you still have to pay for at least two more years' worth of coffee dates before my fancy tuxedo has been paid off~"
You spat your coffee out of your mouth and onto the road, causing dribbles of the hot drink to spill down your face and onto your clothes, looking at Lucifer with a very surprised expression.
"Duh… DATES??" You blurted out, loudly, causing Lucifer to be taken aback.
"Wh.. What, did I say 'dates'? Woah-ho-ho-ho! No-no! That— uh— What I mean, um… What I… TOTALLY meant to say— is 'meetups'! Yeah, coffee meetups! That's totally what I meant!" Lucifer babbled, your gaze transfixed on his stuttering form. "Why did I say "dates"? Ha ha.. That's totally NOT what this is! Totally not a date!"
Lucifer pulled at his collar, coughing from the spit getting caught in his throat from the sudden nervousness and babbling. A moment passed between the two of you as you cleaned up the spilled coffee from your mouth and clothes with napkins and Lucifer taking a sip from his cold coffee before he addended: "… Right?"
"… Right," you responded plainly, "This isn't… a date."
Was that disappointment that Lucifer heard? That had to be sarcasm. Maybe you were playing a joke on him? You had to be. Lucifer laughed, thinking that was certainly what you were trying to get at, trying to poke fun at him like he does to you at every one of these coffee dates.
No, stop it, it's not a date, Lucifer thought.
It wasn't a great silence that befell the two of you. You, silently drinking your coffee, and Lucifer tracing the rim of his cup with his gloved finger. Why did he have to flub so hard? It was the stupidest thing he's ever done.
You suddenly set you cup down, realization dawning your face before getting out of your seat and grabbing your hat from the back of the chair. Lucifer's face turned to one of confusion, just watching you suddenly rush to grab your stuff.
"I'm so sorry, your majest— I mean, Lucifer," you said as you put your large hat back on, "but I just realized that I have an important matter regarding my business that I need to tend to. I hope you understand!"
Lucifer's gaze looked down at the table, confused. His face quickly changed back into his usual smile, but his voice didn't match his expression: "Right, yeah. You take care of what you need to. I'll see you next week."
Lucifer sat at the table, staring at his coffee cup that is definitely ice cold now. Well, you most likely hated his guts now after that catastrophe. Why did he call it a date? None of these were dates. That stupid slip up was gonna cost him his only normal friendship and now you were gonna look at him weirdly and things were just gonna be super awkward.
The demon waitress, Tiff, Lucifer recalled you calling her, came by with a tray and picked up the cups left on the table. The waitress sighed after taking a look at Lucifer's face, rolling her eyes.
"You look like a drowned puppy, your Majesty," Tiff stated.
"Wh-what? No!" Lucifer cleared his throat before continuing: "… You really think so?"
"It's all over your face." Tiff left to go back into the café before Lucifer could say anything else in response, leaving him a stuttering mess. He had the look of a drowned puppy all over his face? Was he that pathetic looking?
Lucifer got up himself and made his way down the street back towards his palace home before any other sinner could point and laugh at the King of Hell. He was not a drowned puppy!
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To be continued...
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boynarcing · 3 months ago
thinking of sappy dadson w leon gr00ming reader since a very young age.... "homeschooling" you bc he doesnt wanna let his little boy go and let anyone see or corrupt him..... but all the lessons r just how 2 b a good sex toy and housewife for him.... y would u need school when you're gonna stay together forever and he'll take care of you... potty training you to only piss when and where he says you can (bc he's still gross ♡ and loves seeing ur desperate face when ur holding it in and the relief when you let it all over where he said u could ...)
he teaches you how to makeout with him and jerk him off b4 you've even hit the double digits.... says its how you show family that u love them very much but it has to stay private bc its very intimate so they're only allowed to do it to each other.... and he keeps "prepping" you to take his dick (he's careful bc you're his precious boy) but you insist you can "make love" already bc you're a big boy!!! not a little kid who cant even show how much he loves his daddy..... so he finally snaps and r4pes you and then it becomes a daily occurrence and he doesn't have to be so gentle anymore bc you've proven you can take it..... spending most of the day fucking e/o all over the house.... waking up to him already balls-deep in you and falling asleep with him still fucking into you (you never know how much longer after you fell asleep he kept using your body.... its so hot being loved sm by ur dad ♡)
you both keep only noticing there's no groceries too late bc you're both too wrapped up in e/o.... ur teenage rebellion phase barely lasts bc if ur good u get to come and he makes u feel so good ..... augh. when u hit 16 he's even nore strict with when u can leave the house bc those gross men and boys outside will think they can claim you.... so he makes sure to fuck you even more..... nghnnn
whether its trans or cis reader its just so good. waughhh i want him to do that to me so bad.... maybe in another life
- 💫
everyone is in my head omg!! I always think about having a codependent relationship w dad leon … straight out the womb he was all over u like that one guy from twilight with bella’s baby LMAOOO that’s him!!! He’s like “ever since my son was born I knew he was gonna be my wifey my sweet househusband❤️❤️” and everyone else is like??? Uhm… okay Leon … get a grip old man !!
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time-to-write-and-suffer · 2 years ago
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Gee, this would've been really nice to have seen, instead of it just being told to us.
The amount of "evidence" we collect before this infodump is pretty bare, with multiple characters even saying how bare it is and how hard it's gonna be figuring anything out. So what exactly are these guys doing for two entire days that makes them seem so efficient but also doesn't actually move the investigation forward?
Because we, the reader, know that UB knows what's going on from the very start, so this basically strongly implies they're faking it to seem cool and/or competent in front of the Detective.
So to me the question becomes: Is this intentional? Are we meant to believe UB are a scarily competent unit, like the Detective believes? Or are we meant to believe they're deliberately putting on a show for the Detective, because we as the reader know something the Detective doesn't? Because if this is intentional, then it's brilliant to write it this way, because the narrative is literally putting on a show for the reader while UB put on a show for the Detective.
But that would mean that we as readers aren't meant to take UB's competence and efficacy at face value, which, as a gaggle of romantic interests and a unit the player character later joins and becomes a part of, means that these characters aren't as competent as they pretend to be. That they're faking it 'til they're making it. And I doubt that was the point, because it would certainly paint UB in a bad -- or at least a deeply silly light, and M!shka doesn't seem like the author to vibe with that sort of portrayal.
Personally, I think we're meant to take this seriously. There is a section in Book 2 that's explicitly meant to show how the Detective has become a part of the team and how well they work together, in contrast to how the Detective initially was an outsider and jealous of UB's effectiveness. Implying that they're faking it would also go against the characterization of several UB members, particularly N, who is all about telling the truth from the very start.
But if we're meant to take this seriously, then what the fuck are they doing? What are they doing with the few pieces of evidence/clues we have that's so mindblowing? What are they doing that's so cool but not cool enough to advance the plot? How do they work like a well-oiled machine while essentially rotating on the spot on square one lest the Detective realizes they actually know everything already? How are they doing this for two full work days when going over the collected evidence would take a few hours, tops?
And, assuming we're meant to believe it, this whole section is just a blatant lie, anyway. Not only do we see how UB constantly bicker, disagree, and fail to communicate with each other, but several characters mention how the Detective makes them work better and has made them into a true team, but here we see how they're very competent from the start? Is that just the author manipulating events to make the Detective seem more like a sad sack who gets to join the cool guys later on?
The least charitable interpretation is that M!shka wants us to believe UB are amazing and competent and attractive, and that the Detective (and by extension the player) should want to join them, but simply doesn't know what they would do to show us this or what they'd be doing with what evidence to support this portrayal, so she had to just say they are super cool and awesome and competent in the vaguest possible terms and just use her authority to force this to be true in-universe, thus forcing the player to believe it, too.
Sorry I've been replaying the first book for fic outline purposes and I am losing my mind. Also s/o to @ribbonsandfeathers for helping me put these points together and being my sibling in arms in the T/W/C trenches.
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ninjagirlstar5 · 2 years ago
Protag Teruya AU - Prologue Part 1 - The Beach Episode
Wrapping up part 1 of the Prologue, wooo.
No TWs apply to this current post.
The Beach (The Beginning) | The Mart (Part 2) | The Park (Part 3) | The Tower (Part 4) | The Cottage (Part 5) | The Boardwalk (Part 6)
Prologue Part 2 Beginning
Disclaimer: While Sannotori is problematic, it’s a thing in this AU/fic and the dynamic is not the same as it is in canon.
The Protag Teruya AU was inspired by @/anotherprofessional’s post! Beware of Void spoilers though!
It didn’t take long for them to reach their destination, his shoes hitting the warm sands of a beach. He was shaking badly from the impromptu flight but he managed to hold his ground.
“Hmm…it seems we explored everywhere we could.” Mikado then huffed, crossing his arms. “Augh, to think the Kagarin heir would be so slimy. If punching him didn’t result in being blacklisted in future companies, I’d have done it in a heartbeat.”
“K-Kagarin heir…?” He asked, trying to catch his breath. Mikado looked at him.
“The Kagarins are a conglomerate that specializes in technological advancements, specifically for astronomy. I did some freelance work for them in the past before coming here. I didn’t think the heir would be here though…” The mask frowns. “But that’s besides the point. Why don’t we go over everything we know to organize our thoughts?”
“Yeah, sure…Just, haaa…let me calm down.” He said, taking deep breaths to calm his racing heart. The moment he calmed down, he stood up straighter and spoke. “There are…a lot of different people around. And there’s at least fifteen of us, right?”
“Right. But unfortunately, we couldn’t find any clues that could narrow down our hypotheses. All we have are guesses to what’s going on…” Mikado said, lifting his hand up to his mouth in thought.
“Yeah…and almost everyone is calm about this…” He hesitates before turning to his friend. “Do you…Do you think we’re taking this too seriously?”
“A decent dose of skepticism has kept me safe for years, my dear. There’s nothing wrong with being too serious.” Mikado crosses his arms with a sigh. “And if I’m wrong, I’m wrong and we can simply move on.” He remains quiet for a while before slowly nodding his head.
He still had a bad feeling nagging at his gut, but he tried to push it down as he checked his watch.
“…Wow, it’s been two hours already. Maybe now is the time to gather everyone?” Mikado tilts his head before nodding his head.
“Yes, I believe so. It’ll be good to discuss everything as a group.” Mikado said as he started to float away. “I’ll go east, you go west. We’ll be able to cover more ground that way.” He gave the wizard a thumbs up before turning on his heel and jogging onto the pathway. He barely heard Mikado fly off, the flap of his cape disappearing in the blink of an eye.
It didn’t take long to gather everyone. While some of them needed convincing (mostly Yuri and the guy that refused to give them his name, if the displeased look on Mikado’s face was any indication), they were all there. Not a single person is missing from the group.
It was somehow relieving to know that.
“So, we’re all here now…” Yuki was the first to speak up. He looks around the group of teenagers, all very different in personality and talents. Except for the one amnesiac that didn’t have any memory of who he is, let alone his own talent and name.
He can’t help but feel like he stands out in the group. It makes him feel a little anxious...
“Hey, hey, why’d we all have to gather? I wanna explore the island some moooore….” Hibiki complained barely a second later. He tried to ignore her.
“Well, there are a couple of reasons why we called you all here.” Mikado starts, raising his hand. He can already see one of the students, the unnamed guy, dozing off underneath a palm tree. The wizard starts counting on his fingers. “The first is so we could all gather together and get to know each other better. And the second reason is-”
“Regarding our current situation, I presume.” Kokoro interrupted. Mikado’s mask flattens its expression.
“Yes, that.” Mikado huffs as he scratches the back of his head. “We need to discuss the possibilities of what’s going on and how that could affect us as a group.”
“Yeah, we need to talk about that.” Yoruko spoke up with a smile, playing with her scarf. “Glad to see we have at least some regular people here.”
“Wait, so you’re telling me the fucking wizard is one of the normal ones?” Nikei said with a hand on his hips. He seems to have taken some mild offense to that.
“What situation? What are you guys talking about?” Shinji sweats as his eyebrows rise. He put a hand on his hip as he raised his other. “Isn’t this just the entrance ceremony?”
“I, uh, wouldn’t call waking up on an island with no memory of where we are or how we got here an entrance ceremony…” He said, if only because he really didn’t think now was the time to be all relaxed about this. For all they knew, they were kidnapped and brought to this island for nefarious reasons.
“Thank you.” Yoruko waves her hand, closing her eyes in annoyance. “At least someone is proving my point here.”
“After speaking with all of you…” Mikado quickly moves the topic back on course. “…it feels like there’s something suspicious about this.”
“I agree.” He chimes in, pressing his hand against his chest. “I’ve been getting a really bad feeling since I woke up on this island, and I’m just…waiting for the other shoe to drop.” No one responded to his words, almost as if half of them were finally realizing how wrong this all feels.
“…I’m honestly more amazed that there are people like you who are perfectly calm about waking up on a random island.” Yoruko turns her attention to Setsuka, who immediately raises her hands with a shrug.
“Now, now…No need to be so serious, Pinkie Pie.” The billiards player said with a tease. Yoruko sighs as she looks away.
“It’s Yoruko Kabuya. Please get it right, Setsuka.”
“Okie dokie, I guess you didn’t like that one, Yuko.” Setsuka puts her hand on her hip and points upwards while Yoruko gaps at the sudden change in nickname. “But what’s the point in getting all worked up? It’s probably just a school event.”
“Uh…maybe?” It was Hajime this time, having his own hand on his hip. “I have heard that Hope’s Peak has done some crazy shit from time to time, since it’s so huge.” Somehow, he found himself agreeing. It did feel like a famous place like Hope’s Peak would pull off a crazy stunt just for their Ultimate students.
It still didn’t make it right. They should’ve at least told them about this island field trip in advance before whisking them away without warning.
“Well, they do say that this school randomly has stuff like puppies growing ten stories tall, or buildings suddenly exploding…” Iroha said with an awkward laugh. He blinked at her with wide eyes, not really expecting that kind of response.
“What is the deal with this school…?” Shinji asked, dropping his arms while sweating. Honestly, he took the words right out of his mouth.
“But if those stories are true, then it’s possible that this is also some kind of event.” Emma chimed in, before closing her eyes and basking in the breeze with open arms. “A beautiful, tropical island…a once-in-a-lifetime opening ceremony caressed by a warm breeze…An image forever engraved in your memories!” He presses his lips together into a tight line, hesitating.
The more they talked about it, the more this situation started to feel less abnormal and more…typical? As if his gut was telling him that what they’re saying wasn’t wrong and that the school was probably just as eccentric as they think it is.
Maybe his suspicion is wrong then…?
“Let’s not be too relaxed.” Mikado cuts in, almost as if he was on edge. “Even if that’s true, that still leaves the issue that there isn’t anyone else but us on the island. And the school has yet to contact us in any way.”
“Honestly, I’m like eighty percent sure that this is a kidnapping.” Yuri said, subtly agreeing even if he wouldn’t say it out loud with Mikado being a guy.
“Ehhh?! A kidnapping?!” Iroha yelled out, immediately becoming scared at the thought of the situation being a lot more serious than she thought. She wasn’t full blown panicking just yet but it looked like she was on the edge of it.
“My kidnapping sense is tingling.” Yuri raises his hands with a big smile, talking like this was a normal thing. He was probably happier to turn his attention to a girl, being the misandrist he is. “As a veteran of being kidnapped, I’ve got a feeling that this must be a kidnapping on a grand scale!”
“The hell do you mean, ‘kidnapping sense?!’” Shinji put his hands on his hips. It looks like he’s also growing nervous as well. Emma crosses her arms and looks to the side, still relatively calm but considering now.
“Hmmm…If this is a kidnapping, the culprit must be quite daring if they chose to target all of Hope’s Peak’s freshmen.”
“Wait a sec!” Hibiki cuts in with a point of her finger. “If we have been kidnapped, shouldn’t we be tied up or have somebody guarding us or something? I’ve never heard of a kidnapping where the kidnapper just let their victims run around an island willy-nilly!”
“I…don’t know about that. Just because we aren’t locked up doesn’t mean that the situation is any better.” He speaks up, trying to calm himself down as he recalled Mikado’s words from before. “If our kidnappers are allowing us to roam freely, they might be confident enough to think we won’t be able to escape that easily.”
“Except there’s a boat sitting on the shore.” Setsuka steps in with a raise of her hand. He opens his mouth to retort but the billiards player stops him. “Sure, the door is locked, but it does mean we have a way to leave.”
“Well, I guess that is very different from your average kidnapping.” Yuri said, almost stepping down from his idea instantly.
“I don’t think it’s that serious.” Hajime said, who is a lot more composed than everyone else in the group. He almost felt a little jealous for his calmness. “The world ain’t all that bad, and it’s not easy kidnapping all of the new students of a government-run high school.”
“Oooh, this is gold. ‘Nefarious Crime or Scholastic Event?’ Yeah, that would definitely be today’s headline.” He can hear Nikei from here and turns to see him writing something down in his notepad. He licks his lips, feeling as though everyone was starting to lose the seriousness of the situation.
“But, um, even if this was just a school event, it’s not…There’s a lot of issues with it. They never told us about this field trip and none of us remember how we got here. It’s just…so suspicious!” He felt his voice raise a little bit, nearly cracking at his own tone. Everyone turns to stare at him, which only makes him feel even more tense. “It’s been several hours since I’ve woken up on this island. Shouldn’t something have happened by now?!”
“...It is a bit disorganized, I admit.” Setsuka rubs the back of her head awkwardly. “Like they have no idea what they’re doing…”
“But, like, what should we be doing…? It’s not like we can stay on the boat right now…” Hibiki said, looking a bit more worried now. Mikado’s mask slowly blinks before rubbing his chin.
“We don’t know enough about what’s going on right now, so why don’t we stick together instead of splitting up?” Mikado suggested and everyone started to nod in agreement.
“I think that’s a good idea. We’ll be able to look out for each other if we stay close!” Yuki said. Shinji smiles as well with his hand on his hip.
“Yeah, I agree. Sitting around bickering isn’t going to solve anything.” He chimes in.
“Roger. So we stay here until something else happens.” Nikei raises his hand with a grin. Iroha holds her sketchbook against her chest, seemingly cheering up now that the situation is starting to lighten up.
“Oooh, how about we talk to each other some more! I’d love to get to know you all.” Iroha happily walked up to the nearest person, who happened to be Setsuka. Before anyone could say anything else, though, the unnamed man seemed to have woken up at some point and started chuckling. Even from here, he can see the arrogant smirk on his face.
“Huh? What’s up with that look?” Shinji asked, narrowing his eyebrows but still having a genial smile.
“So you dragged me here just to talk about this shit. Ugh. Precious seconds of my life, down the drain.” The guy said, cleaning out his ear with his finger. He felt himself become defensive but Hajime was the first to reply.
“Hey, no need to be a jerk. It’s true that we haven’t solved anything yet, but we’re at least trying to figure out the situation.” The boxer said with a raised eyebrow. The messy guy only shrugged his shoulders, uncaring but still having that smarmy grin.
“Whatever. Only reason I showed up is ‘cause I was morbidly curious about you brats.” He then drops his smile and puts his hands in his pockets, turning away. “Can’t see what I’d gain out of getting chummy with you people, so I’m just gonna pass.” He feels his heart sink a little at the casual admittance.
“Wh-What?! Hold it! You can’t just talk trash out of the blue and leave!” Yoruko yells out as she clenches her fists. Her voice falls on deaf ears, though, as the guy walks away without another word.
“....Aaaand he’s gone. That guy has some kinda grudge against the world or something?” Nikei asked, although he suspects it was more a rhetorical question than anything else.
“When I tried to introduce myself to him, he’s the only one who didn’t tell me anything…” Iroha said. It barely made him feel better, knowing that he and Mikado weren’t the only ones that got rudely dismissed.
“Ewww, I have to go to school with a guy like that?! No way! He looks like an old fart!” Despite Hibiki’s loud complaints, he couldn’t help but snort at the way she worded herself.
“Well, like Iroha said, it can’t hurt to get to know each other, at least.” Emma said, calm and maybe a bit hopeful.
“Ooh, since we’re all sticking together, I have a great idea.” Setsuka speaks up with a smile, pointing as she puts her hand on her hip. “We’ve got sun, sand, and surf. Why not go for a swim?”
“What?” He said without a second thought. Setsuka just gives him a nonchalant grin as she shrugs.
“That store over there has some swimsuits. I didn’t see anyone working there, so I’m sure they wouldn’t mind if we borrowed a few for a bit.” Setsuka said, looking like she wanted to go and do it, regardless of what anyone said. Yuki, however, seemed to be against the idea.
“But that’s not what we’re here for!!! We’re supposed to be figuring things out, not messing around!” Yuki raises his hands, curling his eyebrows as he gapes at Setsuka.
“I agree. Even if this is a school event, what are we gonna do if the teachers show up?!” Yoruko said, once again being the voice of reason amongst the group. However, the moment Setsuka dropped the idea into everyone’s heads, it seemed like most of them had taken to it like a fish to water.
“Let’s hurry up and swim!” Yuri said, jumping onto the bandwagon with a huge grin on his face.
“Wooooo! Swimming is awesome! Can’t remember the last time I had a beach day!” Shinji yelled out, his energy suddenly skyrocketing once again as he raises his fists. Mikado cringed at the yelling, nearly taking a step closer to him again.
“Wait-” Yuki was still resisting the idea but Iroha steamrolls him with her words without a thought.
“Oooh! That’s totally what they’d do at a school event!” Her eyes shined like gemstones, excitement radiating off of her. “Come on, let’s all go pick out swimsuits!”
“No way I’m gonna miss out on swimming! Let’s go, Kanade!” Hibiki cheerily joined in, but her sister seemed to be a bit more apprehensive.
“U-Uh…?! S-Sis, I don’t really want to swim…” Kanade tries to resist but her sister is already dragging her by the hand.
“Oh, whatever. What’s the worst that could happen? Count me in.” Hajime chimed in with a shrug and a hand behind his head.
“Let’s go!” Nikei said, almost taking the lead as the group leaves. Only Emma, Kokoro, Yoruko, Yuki, Mikado and himself were left in the dust. They all just stand there, either accepting the outcome or simply being dumbfounded.
“They all just…left.” He said, unsure of what else he could say. Mikado merely nodded. Yuki just stood there for one more second before finally snapping.
“Ugh, I give up! These Ultimates are used to doing things their own way!” Yuki tosses his hands up in the air before lowering himself close to the ground. He wasn’t sitting down, exactly, but he might as well be hugging his legs. Emma simply laughs but makes no move to join the others. It seems Kokoro was too busy with her tablet to care at all. Yoruko just sighs, also giving up. On the other hand, he…was a bit more hesitant. Should they really move on from their discussion of the situation? The lack of information was really driving him up the wall.
But when he glances at Mikado, he seems to have caught his eye and shook his head.
“There’s not much else we can do, my dear.” Mikado said, seemingly calmer than he was before. He wavers before finally caving in and nodding. He couldn’t think of any better ideas and it’s not like they can break into the ship anyway.
“I’m…I’m gonna go join them!” He exclaimed, deciding to commit to this decision. He didn’t want to keep worrying about the situation. If he can have fun and make new friends, then why not? It’s not like they had any other information to work with and it’ll help pass some time before they have to seek shelter for the night. The pier with the lodge houses would take care of that easily if the cruise ship doesn’t open up by the time they're done. But that does leave the question of food…No, no, he didn’t want to worry about it so he shouldn’t!
“What?!” Yuki shot to his feet with his jaw nearly dropping. “Not you too! We could be in a dangerous situation!”
“A-And you’re right! We could be!” He raises his hands, trying to placate his fellow student. “But maybe we are worrying over nothing. Maybe the staff and teachers are just…hiding out on the ship, which is why it’s locked. Maybe they’re just letting us…do our own thing, to see if we can develop our talents…?” He was just spitballing random ideas to wave away the suspicion. But it was clear that everyone nearby wasn’t buying it, not even Emma who was the most easy-going out of their current group. He slumps over. “...I know that���s just an excuse. But I just…don’t want to be anxious about this whole thing. Especially if it turns out to be nothing after all.”
“...Well, constantly worrying isn’t good for your health.” Emma said with her arms crossed. Her tone was amicable and she was giving him a gentle smile. “If you think joining everyone with swimming will help calm yourself down, I say go for it!”
“I still think everyone is too relaxed about this whole situation.” Yoruko closed her eyes in exasperation, but she had dropped her arms like she didn’t want to try and stop him.
“...Go on ahead. It’ll help you alleviate some stress.” Was Kokoro’s response, tapping away on her tablet. Yuki pouted at him, seemingly pleading with him through his eyes. When he glances at Mikado though, his mask has gone back to its big normal smile.
“I’m afraid our only option right now is to wait and see. If you wish to have some fun in the meantime, I will not stop you.” Mikado said, almost shrugging his shoulders. Yuki stared at him as if he’d been betrayed but his words were enough to give him a boost of confidence in his choice.
“Yeah, okay…I’ll be right back with the others!” He said, and before anyone could convince him otherwise, he ran off towards the store.
It didn’t take long for him to enter the store and just in time, too. It looked like everyone was finished picking out their swimsuits. They all turned to look at him, and it was Hajime who had spoken up first.
“Hey, joining us at the last minute?” Hajime called out. He takes a few breaths to regain his stamina before straightening himself out.
“Y-Yeah…Where are the swimsuits?” He asked. Setsuka immediately waves him over.
“Over here! There should be one in your size, big guy!” She said, lowering her voice in a sort of playful way. He just rolled his eyes before walking over to the shelf where almost everyone was at. It seems like some of them were starting to leave, though. Probably to find a place to change in private. There were a few rows of some decent swimsuits for both guys and girls. Bikinis, one-piece suits, tankinis to name some for the women but he brings his gaze over to the men’s wear. Swim trunks, board shorts, leggings…none of these caught his eye until his eyes landed on one that was hidden away between two other pieces of swimwear. The only reason he managed to notice it was thanks to the bright colors it had and he pulled it out to see it.
It was a rainbow speedo and he couldn't help but immediately gravitate towards it.
“Whoa, looks like someone is confident in his body.” Hajime said, raising an eyebrow at the choice of swimwear. He sputters a little, feeling his face blush.
“I-I mean…I really like the rainbow…and I don’t mind showing a lot of skin.” He said, holding the piece close to himself.
“Hoho, I look forward to seeing you in that piece.” Setsuka freely admits, which only made him even more embarrassed.
Which was exactly the moment Iroha noticed the swimsuit in his hand and decided to make her thoughts known.
“Wh-Why did you choose a speedo!? Are you a pervert??” Iroha said, her face turning red as she gapes at him. If his face wasn’t red before, it certainly was now. Hajime cringed at the painter’s words while Setsuka laughed, albeit slightly awkwardly.
“I-I am not!” At least, he hopes he wasn’t before coming here. “I just…thought it looked nice!”
“Yeah, come on, Iroha. Just because he’d be wearing a speedo doesn’t mean he’s a pervert or anything.” Hajime said, dropping his arms with a small frown. “...although I didn’t expect you to choose a speedo. I was thinking you’d choose swim trunks or something…”
“Er…sorry.” Iroha pulls her sketchbook up to her mouth, clearly embarrassed now. “I just…I’m having a hard time imagining you wearing that, is all…!”
“...Are you?” Hajime raised an eyebrow. Setsuka whistled, her smile growing a bit wider as if she put together something a lot more interesting. Iroha sputters, looking like she was going to try and defend herself when-
“H-Hey, there’s nothing wrong with a speedo! He probably just…liked the design.” It was Shinji, who looked a bit embarrassed but was approaching them cautiously. Huh, it’s weird that he seems to be getting all shy now. He looked at his arms…
…and realized he also had a speedo.
“Same swimwear?” He said without thinking. Shinji gave him a bigger grin.
“Same swimwear.” The firefighter showed off the black and yellow speedo in his hand. Which only made Iroha’s face turn a brighter shade of red. Even with his sunglasses on, he could tell that Hajime was giving her a stern stare with the way he crossed his arms while looking at her. The painter just turned her back on them.
“...I’m going to die.” He barely caught her mutter before she ran out of the store with the rest of the group. He watched her go with wide eyes.
“Don’t worry about her. She’s being dramatic.” Hajime said, rubbing his head.
“Oooh, I feel bad for her. It seems Ro-Ro can’t handle herself around some hot guys and girls.” The billiards player giggles and it was only then that Iroha’s reaction started to make sense. And it seemed like Shinji also connected the dots as his face immediately turned as red as his hair again.
“S-Stop…Can we focus on getting r-ready for our beach trip?” Shinji grips his shoulder and waist, embarrassment flooding his face. “Th-There’s changing rooms behind the store. We can use those.”
“O-Oh, great! Let’s go, then!” He immediately backs up Shinji, wanting to move on from the idea of Iroha’s indecent thoughts.
“Fine by me! I should check on how the girls are doing anyway.” Setsuka said, taking her own black bikini with her as she left. That left the only three guys left in the store, and none of them had anything else to say on the matter of their choice of swimwear.
“...Well, let’s not stay here any longer. We got what we need, right?” Hajime asked, pulling up a red pair of board shorts with a white star on it. He gave a thumbs up while Shinji immediately led the way to the changing rooms, which were split between the women’s and the men’s. It wasn’t very hard to find as it was right around the back of the building. Which made sense since the pathway to the beach wasn’t very far either. Surprisingly, Yuri was already finished changing and was sitting on a bench outside. He was wearing a space pattern button up with short sleeves and a few buttons undone to his sternum and camo board shorts. He was wearing teal sandals and had a bag on his lap, crossing his arms as if he was waiting for something. Hajime let out a sigh before leaning over to whisper to him. “Oh boy, do you think we can walk on by without him noticing?”
“I heard that.” Yuri snapped with a pout, his gray eyes locking onto them like a sniper’s lens. He can’t help but flinch at the stare. “The ladies sure are taking their time. You best not have any vulgar ideas, as detestable males.”
“We were not-!” Hajime started defensively, only for another voice to call out from the women’s side of the changing rooms.
“Yeah, right! Like you weren’t thinking of it by standing right outside!” It was Hibiki who spoke, which immediately made Yuri flustered.
“I was not! I was just asking if you ladies need anything.” Yuri protested, which only made him suspicious in his eyes. Even Shinji was raising an eyebrow at him.
“Y-Yeah…no thanks.” It was Kanade this time around, and her words alone were enough to make the astronaut slump over. He decided it was time to move on from this slightly flustering conversation.
“We’re just going to get changed now.” He said, walking past Yuri. He didn’t even bother to respond to him, probably because he decided to give him the cold shoulder. Which was fine by the rest of them, as he, Shinji, and Hajime enter the changing room. Just in time to meet face to face with Nikei, who was carrying his own bag filled with clothes.
“Oh, hey! You three definitely took your time getting here.” Nikei grinned at them, wearing a blue and black swim jammer with, somehow, a pencil logo on it. “I’m gonna go on ahead. I’ll meet you there?”
“Yeah, sure. Oh, and try to take Yuri with you? Before he earns the ire of the girls…” Hajime asked with a cross of his arms. Nikei just gave him a flat stare but Yuri spoke before he could give his own opinion.
“No way. Like I’d let a man move me from my spot!” Yuri snapped, clinging to his bag. Nikei twitched at the comment.
“...I’ll try my best but I make no promises.” He grunts before stepping out of the changing room.
“...Let’s hope they don’t try to kill each other while we’re changing.” Shinji said it as if it was a joke but he couldn’t help but feel a little bit uncomfortable at the thought of murder.
It was probably just his paranoia.
“Then maybe we should be quick?” He offered and the two of them agreed without another word. They all took changing rooms for themselves and locked the doors.
“Hey, is Mikado not joining us?” Hajime called out to him. He sets his backpack down, slipping off his flats as he puts down his swimsuit.
“Apparently not. I don’t think he was interested in swimming.” Mikado didn’t give him a reason, but perhaps he was simply content to stand on the sidelines and watch. Or maybe he was still worrying over the situation but choosing not to burden him with his thoughts. Either way, the wizard didn’t have to give him a reason if he didn’t want to say.
“That’s a shame! Everyone should have a good swim every now and then.” Shinji said, the sounds of clothes hitting the floor reaching his ears. He snorts before taking off his accessories and putting them into his backpack. He might as well use it to store the clothes he has.
“I’ll say. You can’t always have a nice swim like this unless there’s a pool around.” Hajime replied, the sound of a door unlocking nearby. It seems the boxer had already finished, which made sense since he was wearing the least amount of clothes in comparison to himself and Shinji. “You guys ready?”
“Hold on, I’m still changing!” He called out, folding his jacket into the backpack. He pulled off the rest of his clothing (which included rainbow briefs apparently) and folded them up, that way there was still plenty of room in the backpack. Once he was done with that, he took his speedo and put it on, just in time to hear another door unlock to signal that Shinji was already done. There wasn’t a mirror in the changing room, so he couldn’t check to see if it looked good or not. He’ll have to ask Shinji and Hajime their own opinions.
Still…Shinji had complimented him on his athletic skills earlier that day, but he didn’t realize how toned he really was. Despite how thin he was, he had pretty large muscles and even a six pack to go long with it. He must’ve been one hell of an athlete if his body was any indication. However…
What’s with this strange star-shaped scar on his side? It was just above the pelvis, almost looking like it was somewhere around his kidney but with no signs of a surgery. At least, not one that was very deep anyway. He almost didn’t notice it if it weren’t for the fact that he was changing into a swimsuit.
And now that he was examining his body a bit closely…it looked like he had other scars too. Most of them were thin and hard to notice but they were definitely there if you knew where to look. Most of them seem to be cuts, a few on his side and stomach but otherwise old and faded. Others might be from surgery as well with how thick some of them were. There was even one on his leg too.
…Just what kind of situations did he land himself in?
“Hey, are you coming or what?” He jolts upon hearing Hajime’s voice.
“Uh, yeah, I am!” He took off his goggles and tossed them into the backpack, closing it up. He can worry about what kind of past he had later. Right now, he was here to relax and have some fun. Carrying the backpack by the handle, he unlocked the door to the changing room and stepped out. Both Hajime and Shinji were wearing their swimsuits, with the former having put away his coat and bandages but still wearing his sunglasses. Their swimsuits definitely suit the both of them and he can’t help but blush a little at the amount of skin they were showing, especially Shinji. “Um, how’d I look…?”
“Pretty great, not gonna lie.” Hajime said with a whistle. He gave him a grin. “You definitely look like you’ve been in some scuffles. Did you get into trouble a lot?”
“Who knows? Certainly not me, haha…” He laughs a little as he rubs the back of his neck. At this point, he might as well joke about his amnesia. It’s not like he can do much about it anyways. All he can do is wait until his memories come back to him or he gets back to the mainland to investigate where he came from. He starts to turn towards the exit. “Let’s catch up with the others-”
“Whoa!! What happened to your back!?”
“Huh??” He tries to turn his head at the sound of Hajime’s voice. But it was near impossible to see what he was talking about. “What’s wrong with my back??”
“There’s…There’s a really big scar on your back. It…It looks bad.” Hajime explained, gripping the side of his head as he pointed at him. He gulps, feeling his anxiety spike up a little as he silently turns his back towards Shinji to get his opinion on it. His eyes immediately go wide at the sight.
“Oh…that’s…Yeah, that looks pretty nasty.” Shinji lifts up his hand to touch him but he steps away. He didn’t feel comfortable with touch at the moment. Thankfully, he gets the message and drops his hand. “Looks pretty fresh, too.”
“Really…?” He tries to crane his neck behind him one more time but to no avail. “I can’t really see it for myself.”
“Hold on. There’s phones in the store. Let me go grab one so I can take a picture to show you.” Hajime then left the changing room before either of them could say anything. It was awkwardly quiet between the both of them, Shinji seemingly at a loss of words while he…didn’t know what to do. Nor did he know why he had so many scars.
“...Fuck. I guess I really was in some kind of accident.” He said, if only to say something to break the silence. Shinji stared at him before glancing down at the floor. He laughed, empty and distraught as he rubbed his head. “I mean…of course I was. You don’t…you don’t just wake up with amnesia for no reason, right? But I…I can’t remember anything before coming here. Not a hospital or…or anything. Just nothing, you know? What am I…what am I supposed to do?”
“...I don’t know.” Shinji replied, a lot quieter than he usually was for the short amount of time he knew him. But then he put his hands on his hips with a smile. “But what I can tell you is this: keep moving forward. Your memories may be gone now, but you’re not alone. Your Big Bro won’t allow it!” The firefighter’s voice rose but it wasn’t distressing. If anything, it only made him snort.
“Thanks, Shinji. I…I guess I’m more worried about what I’ve been up to before losing my memories.” He rubs the back of his neck, averting his gaze. “I don’t even know where I got these scars. Let alone the one on my back. It makes me a little worried.”
“...If it makes you feel any better, you’re not alone in having scars.” Shinji said, and before he could respond, he suddenly turned around. His eyes go wide upon seeing Shinji’s own scar on his back. It was clearly an old scar, but it was chaotic and red, stretching over his back and shoulder blades and stopping right above his tailbone. He can’t help but hiss upon thinking of how painful it must’ve been to get a scar like that. “Remember when I mentioned an injury?”
“Y-Yeah, I remember. Does it still bother you?” He couldn’t help but ask. Shinji turns around, his grin only growing wider.
“Not anymore. I mean, I still have to be careful with it in case it gets worse from overworking. But I went back to work no problem.” Shinji said, crossing his arms. “Being a firefighter is one of the most dangerous jobs out there. Sometimes you get injured for trying to save as many people as possible. But I love this job! I’m proud to work as a firefighter, and I will do everything in my power to save people!!” He takes a moment to pause in his yelling before leaning over. “And maybe, the scars you have aren't as bad as you think it is. It’s possible you just had a job that put you in a lot of danger in exchange for protecting the innocent. And if that’s true, I’d say that’s something to be proud of.”
“...Wow, um…” He gulps, moved by his classmate’s words. He can’t help but smile. “Thanks, Shinji. You’re right, maybe I was doing something good before getting injured. I mean, I still lost my memories…but I’m here now, right?” Shinji’s smile becomes smaller but he can tell that he was still happy. His energy just lessened a bit. A thought suddenly hits him and he hesitates. His smile falters as he decides to take a plunge anyway. “If…you don’t mind me asking…What happened to get you that scar, Shinji? Obviously a fire, but…”
“Oh, uh…” Shinji sweats, the bravado he had mere seconds ago suddenly disappearing. He looks down at the floor. He suddenly feels bad for asking. “Well-”
“I’m back!” It was Hajime, who thankfully had the perfect timing to interrupt the depressing topic before it could get started. They both sigh in relief as the boxer enters the changing rooms. He waved the phone in his hand. “I found one that is working. I mean, considering Kokoro got herself a tablet from here, it really shouldn’t be a surprise.”
“That’s great! Uh, I guess. Take a picture and show me.” He immediately turns around to show his back, glad to drop the subject of Shinji’s scar. Shinji took a step back to let Hajime get a clear view before the three of them heard the snap of the camera going off. “How does it look?”
“I don’t usually take pictures but I’d say this is probably one of the better ones I’ve taken.” Hajime said, and the amnesiac turned back around. “Take a look for yourself.” He inhales before setting his backpack down and taking the phone from him.
Like the two of them said, the scar looked bad. It was clearly fresh as Shinji said, with how bright in color it was. It was also just as chaotic in shape as Shinji’s scar, but this one stretched as far as to his neck, down below his tailbone and almost reaching his shoulders, with thick lines of surgery keeping the skin together. When he reached behind himself to feel it out, it felt a little flat but still hard to the touch and he shivered at how sensitive it was. It wasn’t too painful, thankfully, which explains why he never noticed something was wrong despite wearing clothes. If Hajime hadn’t pointed it out, he likely wouldn’t have noticed he had such a scar.
“Holy shit…” Was all he could say upon staring at the photo.
“Yeah.” Hajime rubs the side of his head, unsure of what to say. “Like I said, it’s bad.”
“Does it still hurt? It looks like it hasn’t ‘matured’ yet.” Shinji asked, which he shakes his head on. It felt like his nerves were tickling but it wasn’t that bad. He can pretty much ignore it. “Well, alright. Let me know if it gets worse, though. Actually, I should share some tips on how to manage your scar.”
“Thanks, Shinji.” He turns the phone off. “...What do you guys think happened?”
“Professionally speaking, it was probably a fire. Only burn scars can look as chaotic as that.” The firefighter pauses before raising his hand and putting his hand on his hip. “Although…There seems to be other bits that look a bit too sharp to be from a fire. Maybe from shrapnel? There’s even lines of surgery so there must have been some broken bones…”
“Hard to say. I’ve never heard of anyone getting amnesia from a fire but I’m just a boxer. I wouldn’t know much about the medical stuff.” Hajime said, grimacing. “But enough talk about all of this. Why don’t we head down to the beach? Everyone already went on ahead.”
“Y-Yeah, sure…” He hesitates before opening his bag and putting the phone inside. “Before we do, are there any shirts I can use? I don’t think I’m comfortable showing off this scar…”
“If you like Hawaiian shirts, they’re right around the corner of the swimsuits.” Shinji said, looking like he completely empathized with his feelings. He smiled and thanked him before leaving the changing rooms with his bag in tow. Yuri and Nikei were nowhere to be found, which made sense if they had already left to play at the beach. It didn’t take him long to find where the Hawaiian shirts were and there were even fake flower necklaces next to them, a name that was unfortunately escaping his mind. He didn’t let that bother him though as he took a pale yellow shirt with orange and magenta floral pattern and a pink, red, and yellow flower necklace and tossed both on. Once he was ready, he put his backpack on and left the store to catch up with both Shinji and Hajime.
And so, he joined his classmates at the beach.
Almost everyone was hanging near the sand of the beach, none of them going too deep to swim out just yet. But that didn’t stop them from having fun: they were all splashing each other with water, or chasing each other around the beach. Setsuka was in the middle of splashing Iroha, who laughed as she tried to cover her face. Shinji was chasing Nikei with the plan of tossing him into the deep end, much to the journalist’s fear. But he was laughing with a big smile on his face, so he knew that Nikei was taking this all in jest. Hibiki and Kanade are the only ones who stayed on the edge of the shore, with the older twin looking down on her younger twin as she sat and played with a crab that was scuttling by. Hajime was trying to get Yuri to talk about his workout routine, but it was obviously going nowhere thanks to his misandry and lack of interest in general. Hell, he heard that the astronaut said that he usually uses an escalator as “training,” which clearly disappointed the boxer.
As for him, well…
“GAH?!” Hajime jumped just when the amnesiac poured cold water onto his back. The boxer turns around to try and splash him but he just manages to get out of reach. “Oh, you’re on! Come here, you!” Yuri immediately gets out of the way, seemingly happy to be out of a man’s reach.
“Nope! Can’t catch me, haha!” He runs off, managing to avoid Iroha as she tries to take down Setsuka into the water with her. The billiards player laughs before suddenly pulling the small painter into her arms and starts giving her a noogie.
“Aaaack! Nooo!” Iroha struggles but is unable to get out of the young girl’s reach. She immediately caves in and reaches out for the nearest person, which was… “Hajime!! Hajime, help me!”
“Oh, for the love of - I’m coming, Iroha!” The boxer immediately switches tactics, deciding to help out the painter instead of getting revenge. He stuck his tongue out at him, which only seems to motivate him as he tugs Iroha out of Setsuka’s reach. She raises her hand placatingly before running off to join Hibiki and Kanade. Before Iroha could thank him, Hajime suddenly picks her up and puts her on his shoulders and she squeals. “Come on, Iroha! Help me push this guy into the water.”
“Oh, hehe! Okay!” Iroha agrees without a second thought, raising her hands in what she thought was a threatening gesture. Really, she was just wiggling her fingers around as if she was going to tickle him instead. “Come here, come here!”
“Uhh, nope! Pretty sure two against one isn’t fair.” He said, backing up but the smile didn’t fall off of his face. Before he could try to run off, he accidentally bumps into someone and he yelps. He was about to apologize when two big pairs of hands grab a hold of his sides and suddenly lift him up with ease. “Ahh?! Wha - Shinji?!”
“Don’t worry! Your Big Bro won’t let you get taken down that easily!” Shinji’s yell was practically heard by the entire class and he was lifted onto his shoulders, his long legs dangling over them. When he looks behind him, he sees Nikei floating in the water on his back, resigned and yet content. Looks like Shinji managed to toss him into the water after all. “Come at us, Hajime, I-Iroha!! SHOW US WHAT YOU GOT!”
“Is that a challenge?! Cause you’re definitely getting taken down!” Hajime immediately took the challenge like a fish to water. Iroha, on the other hand, looked a little bit apprehensive.
“O-Oh boy…Uh, I mean, yeah! You can’t take us d-down!!” Iroha said, trying to fire herself up even though the poor girl was sweating bullets. He can feel Shinji falter underneath him, which he quickly gives a pat on his hand. As determined as both of them were to take the other challenger down, they knew they should be careful with Iroha as she was the smallest and probably frailest compared to the rest of them. Let alone the entire class.
“Geez, look at them go.” He can hear Hibiki comment on their two-against-two swim wrestling. Or whatever the heck this is called. “I guess boys will be boys no matter where we go.”
“W-Well, they definitely look like they’re having fun, Sis…” He barely caught Kanade’s words as he tried to push Iroha off Hajime’s back. But his grip was tight and the painter was surprisingly fast with the way she tries to (weakly) jab him.
“Bwahaha! I don’t know about you, but I’m certainly enjoying the view!” Setsuka called out very loudly, which was enough to make Shinji trip over his own two feet and almost make the both of them fall. Thankfully, he manages to right himself before Iroha could try and take advantage of it and push him off of the firefighter’s shoulders.
“Ha…” Yuki’s sigh was carried across the wind and reached his ears. He tries to perk up at the conversation to try and listen in, even as most of his focus was on the game before him.
“There’s no talking to them when they’re like this…How can they be so relaxed?” He glances at Yoruko for a moment, which was enough for Iroha to try and push him hard. It nearly catches him off guard and he was only able to stay on Shinji’s shoulders thanks to his tight grip. It wasn’t enough to pull him out of his eavesdropping and decided to make it known.
“Hey!! Are you sure you guys want to sit out on this?” He calls out to them and waves his hand. Both Yuki and Yoruko pull their gazes over to him. “If you want to swim now, you better grab a swimsuit!” He can see Yuki hesitate before turning to Yoruko. They seemed to lower their voices for the time being before Yoruko replied.
“Nah, I’m fine. I’m not a fan of noisy stuff anyway. Honestly, I’m feeling a bit dizzy, so I’m gonna sit down for a bit.” Yoruko said with a sigh, finding a rock and sitting down on it. That was when Iroha tried to push him one more time. This time, he was prepared and retaliated with a shove of his own. Iroha tips back so far that Hajime had no choice but to drop her lest he falls over as well. The painter sputters and flounders before getting to her feet before Hajime could help her up.
“Augh, bleh!! I think I got salt water in my mouth!!” Iroha spat out, trying to get rid of the taste. Hajime pats her back comfortingly and that was enough of a signal for the rest of them to stop. Shinji sets him down and decides to run off somewhere to do some swimming. His face was red again and he can’t help but raise an eyebrow at how much the firefighter has blushed throughout the day.
“Ah, forget it!” Yuki’s voice calls out among the group. He turns to see his fellow classmate clench his fists as he steps forward. “Guys! Count me in!” He immediately grins while Setsuka turns around with her own smile.
“Great, the more the merrier I say!” She said and he walked over onto the beach. He still felt uncomfortable around Yuki but he was also happy to have him join them. He wanted to get to know him better and this is probably one of the best ways to do it.
“I’ll go with you, Yuki. We can swim some laps together once we get you a swimsuit!” He said, which somehow embarrasses the shorter boy.
“I-I can pick out a swimsuit on my own!” Yuki exclaimed, which only made him laugh.
He can’t remember anything. And yet, there was still a feeling of nostalgia in his chest. Classmates running around on the beach, laughing and playing like the carefree teenagers they were. Spending time together and having fun as they get to know each other. It made a warm fuzzy feeling form in his chest, almost washing away the anxiety he’s been dealing with all day. It almost felt like he had longed for days like these.
For a moment, he felt as though there was nothing to worry about at all.
And in just that moment, the normalcy shattered like glass.
Ding dong bing bong!
They all freeze, the sounds of laughter and casual conversations coming to a grinding halt. The strange bell-like noise made him froze up, the smile falling off his face instantly as alarm bells rang in his head. It felt as though someone had dunked him into cold water and screamed at him, ‘This is wrong, this is wrong, this is wrong.’
“Is…that an announcement?” Nikei was the first to speak as static can be heard throughout the island. He tried to breathe but he felt as though he had choked on air.
“I-I did see a speaker pole, but I couldn’t find where it came from…” Kanade spoke up, her stuttering voice being much too loud in his ears even though she was only a few feet away. He gulps, managing to take in a deep breath this time, and was about to give out his own thoughts. Perhaps it was a teacher from the Monocruise. Perhaps it was a staff member of the island. Perhaps it was just nothing at all.
Except it wasn’t nothing.
It was something far, far worse.
“A body has been discovered!”
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hetaari · 2 years ago
2, 3, 5, 6, 8, 11, 13, 15, 17, 20, 21,22 and 24 for that writing ask game :)
Fun fact it took me ten thousand years to answer this bc this ask was apparently long enough to crash the app multiple times whilst I was answering it lmao
*cracks knuckles, cracks neck, cracks spine*
2: Tell us about what you’re most looking forward to writing – in your current project, or a future project
Augh I want to. Hurry to get to the interesting bits of An Unconventional Sort Of Enployment quickly!!! I’m editing the chapters that were already published bc I must’ve gotten so excited to publish them that they came out rushed :/// what I’m looking forward to most is developing relationships! I plan for everything to remain non-romantic bc I’m not good at writing romance lmao but that doesn’t make it any less fulfilling! Developing platonic relationships is actually one of my favorite things to write so I’m really looking forward to it
3: What is that one scene that you’ve always wanted to write but can’t be arsed to write all of the set-up and context it would need? (consider this permission to write it and/or share it anyway)
It’s actually a whole fic idea and also it’s vocaloid so maybe you wouldn’t find it very interesting but anyway. It’s like:
Kaito: have you ever wondered what it’s be like to be someone else
Len: ???? Are you depressed again
Kaito: no I was just thinking about it
Len: I can help you with that
So Kaito changes his name (well, barely, it’s only one letter off) and pretends to be a girl but! He’s inadvertently committing identity theft bc the lady he’s pretending to be already exists and is actually related to him but he somehow completely forgot, and all his friends know her but either they actually thought he was her or they also forgot that she exists too
5: What character that you’re writing do you most identify with?
(Previously answered) Do ocs count? Madeleine wasn’t supposed to be a self-insert at all but at some point whilst I was drafting I was like “ah fuck that’s me innit” bc I realized her personality was far too similar to mine lol
6: What character do you have the most fun writing?
(Previously answered) Germany. I love making him miserable in particular. Also Japan, the way he speaks is so satisfying, same with Russia
8: Is what you like to write the same as what you like to read?
Generally yes, but—and I don’t mean to come off as someone who doesn’t read books—why is smut in fanfiction often better written than smut in published books? Is it censorship? A stylistic choice? Published smut often feels so weird and cringe in the way it’s written and I don’t understand why…In fact, fanfiction and standard published books really hit different in general, for better or for worse
11: What do you envy in other writers?
I feel a bit like I’ve stagnated. I’m writing the same things over and over again so I see someone else has written something radical I’m like “damn why didn’t I think of that” so I should really try doing something different…and while I know that the worth of written works is not in their length, I see so many writers put so much emphasis on the length of their works and it’s a bit discouraging as someone more used to brevity
13: Do you share your writing online? (Drop a link!) Do you have projects you’ve kept just for yourself?
Yeah lol. My ao3 is here lol. But yeah I’ve been playing around with an original work for a bit actually. Might consider talking about it more. Anything else I’ve kept to myself are just things that I couldn’t finish
15: Which is harder: titles or summaries (or tags)?
It depends but mainly titles. Summaries I have the least problems with because if all else fails, I can simply make the summary a phrase that’s connected to the title, but that may become a problem if I don’t have a title lmao. In the case of gore however, that’s when I struggle a bit with tags, like “this isn’t extreme to me, but would other people find it too much?” because if it is extreme, I don’t want to want to have people let their guard down, but if it isn’t extreme, I don’t want to falsely advertise
17: Do you think readers perceive your work - or you - differently to you? What do you think would surprise your readers about your writing or your motivations?
Yeah, I believe art looks a bit different depending on the eye of the beholder, no matter how slightly. I don’t think my motivations are very surprising or complicated—they’re pretty much along the lines of “hey you know what would be interesting?”
20: Tell us the meta about your writing that you really want to ramble to people about (symbolism you’ve included, character or relationship development that you love, hidden references, callbacks or clues for future scenes?)
Okay first of all I’m sorry for talking about Welcome Back again, it’s my first completed multi chapter work so I’m a bit proud it, like it’s my firstborn child lol.
The way I went about it is actually something I want to repeat—taking a canon moment (in this case, Vene getting kicked out and later being sent back to Germany in a box) and going in a wildly different direction with it. It was supposed to remain a one shot but I suddenly decided to continue it, which is why the transition between the first and second chapter may seem a little odd.
Vene did kind of turn out to be kind of the antagonist though, not that he meant it. But it was a lose-lose situation i think, because he effectively fucked Germany up by telling him he was a country in the first place, but at the same time, it was really fucking weird that Germany would just live his life not knowing about a crucial part of his existence! Not really knowing what else to do, Vene just decided to wipe Germany’s memory just to put him out of his misery. Of course, that may not last forever—even though everyone was sworn to secrecy, somebody is bound to slip up, or Germany may become concerned as to why he hasn’t looked a day past 20 in years (though, knowing how he lived his life before, not once questioning it at all, this is kind of unlikely) but mark his words, Vene would wipe Germany’s memories as many times as he’d have to, even if it does hurt to do so
Also a big fan of how vene and Germany telling each other welcome back for different yet similar reasons—Germany when vene kept showing up at his house after being thrown out, even when he came back quite literally dead; and Vene, even though Germany didn’t technically leave, but he seemed alive again after being put back in the dark about his true nature
21: What other medium do you think your story would work well as? (film, webcomic, animated series?)
Probably comics? I might just be saying this since my paragraphs and dialogue don’t tend to be very long most of the time, which would fit well in a comic strip
22: Do you reread your old works? How do you feel about them?
(Previously answered) Occasionally. Some of them still hold up, but others? I Can Tell They’re Old.
24: Would you say your writing has changed over time?
Absolutely. I’ve gained a wider vocabulary, and just the general way I structure sentences has changed a bit since I started writing seriously again two years ago. They also increased in length somewhat and are just less sloppy in general
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vonlipvig · 3 months ago
ah wait, i forgot to mention that i already started soj! i was so enthralled with just how Pretty everything is with this game. i just finished case 1 and barely started case 2. i have to get used to the insight gimmick, but i am very intrigued by it. knowing ahlbi is only like, 9 years old, the exploration of his personality throughout this case really reminded me of pearl's introduction way back at khurain village. i want to see more of him! and rayfa............ augh, so mysterious. i've seen official art of here before, but man, i didn't know she's still a teenager until phoenix says so in his monologue. i wonder what the deal with her and her family is :0
and the jesus guy (can't be fucked to type his name) is one of the funniest witnesses i've ever encountered in an aa game so far, hands down. the beeps changing in pitch when he's singing, that one animation where he unties the audio cable from his hair, him breaking down right at the end..... perfection. rip pees'lubn, you would've loved rocking with klavier 😔
and yeah. the only negative thing i have to say about the foreign turnabout is that it's So fucking long, especially for an introductory case. i kinda get it, since they introduce things exclusive to this game and setting, but a recess in the middle or something to let the player breathe would be nice :P also... early judgement maybe; i could be very wrong, but i think the game is doing a colonialism with how the khura'inese citizens and phoenix interact, and i don't think it realizes it lmfao
SOJ TIME! admittedly, i don't remember much of Anything about it, since i only played it once around the time it came out, but still lmao. the game does look a lot more polished compared to aa5, truly an improvement there! the 3d models here actually look Good, great job guys.
AAAAAA HEAVY METAL JESUS DKDJDJDKD what a random character they threw at us, but honestly, so fun for an intro case.
but yeah, khura'in is a pretty...interesting setting, i'll say. i'm a bit mixed on it, but it was definitely a cool idea to take the game out of japanifornia for once. excited to see what you think of it!
and oooh case 2 is FUN 👀
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six-improbable-things · 5 months ago
Mmmm, the Demon mythic path is tasty. I'm loving it so far, and I've barely even started! I just did the little "escape from the Ivory Labyrinth" quest, and boy do I love this shit. It's so wild that I got a mini preview of a later dungeon because I got kidnapped in my dreams by the daughter of a demon lord. Honestly, "kidnapped, tortured for info, and replaced by a doppleganger" is such a whumpy fanfic plot, but I really do love it. Genuinely, I do. It's exactly the kind of thing I would write myself to be self-indulgent and have fun. So I'm certainly having fun with it in the game.
Daeran's personal quest is also tasty, and I'm very excited to see where it goes. I've only done the initial party at Heaven's Edge, but I'm so intrigued already. I can't believe I didn't bring him with me the first time. He's really really growing on me. And seeing the visions of his past... 🥺 I'm too attached to this fucker. (As I am with all of the characters in this game, tbh. I adore all of them.)
And Wenduag!! I love her so much. Her starting a fight and killing people in the tavern... augh, exactly my kind of woman. Killing Lann did hurt though, since he was my romance choice in my first save, and I do love him a lot. But c'est la vie for a demon, I suppose... Especially a demon who's trying to win over Wenduag. (The demonic mongrels calling Wenduag "Wendu" because they'd been spending time with Lann made me so sad though. Like, you just ordered these people to murder your former friend, and now they're calling you by the nickname he used for you. Augh. The tragedy of the two of them... It hurts and I love it.)
Oh, and Meatloaf update: His AC is 36 now... (It should be more, but for some reason when swapping from bracers of armor +1 to bracers of armor +3, his AC only went up by 1... Idk what's up with that. Maybe it has to do with the fact that he's wearing barding?? Daeran has two pieces of equipment that give him a +2 armor bonus (so they shouldn't stack at all, I only have him wearing both for the extra benefits of one of them), but when I take one of them off his AC goes down by 1. If it's a bug, I'm not mad about it, lmao. I always need higher ACs in this game.)
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wangbotam · 10 months ago
couple of things
1: the ocean dragon and emerald golem were meta with carrot in the 2019/2020 crob breakout metas, and they both were meta when the mid 2021 rebalance hit. aside from that though I can’t remember the last time they meta at all; they fell off pretty quickly once legendary cookies started getting combi pets of their own (also the ocean dragon saw some use with fire spirit in a few breakouts)
2: devsis have actually nerfed jelly cookies in crob by…a lot, lmao. White choco was nerfed a few times and the scroll fireworks were nerfed as well when she was out scoring legendaries at the time of the rebalance (think it was late 2019), and the carpet was made completely useless until shining glitter’s update when the devs made it useful albeit in a very limited way. Crazy how scoring 500mil was once considered “excessive”, augh.
i quite honestly dont remember dragon/golem + carrot meta at all and i was playing back then, but not only is my memory bad that was already a point where i stopped keeping up with the meta so by all accounts i was probably just using her combi pet instead of a legendary pet. (also my elemental legendary pets all suck, and still do, so i couldnt really use them even if i wanted to). 0 recollection about anything from the 2021 balance patch! i stopped playing for a while during that time i think. (i only saw the invocation card fiasco from a distance lol)
also like yeah 500m is basically like, the average nowadays. i remember when 100m was the biggest high score you could achieve while i was only scoring a measly 30m on land 6, and even then just barely! the only other thing i remember is when i found out (among my group anyway, there may have been people who found out this combi too) lollipop on that one sugarteara stage with the falling bear jellies could score 700m if you positioned her just right. now 700m is just a normal score.
chat i want another balance patch so bad..................
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totaldramamovies · 1 year ago
Total Drama Movies- Episode 3- Total Drama FC
*Cabins, Morning time*
Charlotte: Francesca, love, I’ve been thinking. Do you want to form an alliance? Taniyah is in on it too. Fangxiu, Cece & Fredrick have been annoying so if we get 3 voting the same person, we’ll likely prevail.
Taniyah: Mhm!
Francesca: Oh, alright, sure! Maybe can we invite Leo? I didn’t tell you guys yet but we’re going on a date!
Charlotte: Oh my, How wondrous! Sure, we can invite him if you want!
*Next cabin over*
Rajiv: Yoo, Kenny bro, what are you gonna do with the million dollars?
Kenny: Ultimate sound studio.. And a diamond ring for Dominique… 😏 I’ll hafta propose by then. How about you?
Rajiv: How expensive is infinite money? Can I get it for one mil?
Eddy: Erm… that’s scientifically inaccurate…
Sigita: *From room over* SHUT UP! 
*Eddy sadly sits back down, and Wyatt laughs*
*Loud airhorn sounds off*
Dominique: Thanks Chris… Great way to wake up…
Fredrick: Yeah!🍷🗿 Take… this! *Farts directly at Chris*
Chris: Luckily I got this electric fan. *Blows it right back at Fredrick*
Fredrick: Augh!-🍷🗿😱😱😱🤢🤮
Chris: Phew, it’s hot out.. I got my fan, but for you guys, you’re gonna be outside all day! We are playing… SOCCER! Or football for any brits out there…
Pietro: Aw yeah bro! Its our time to finally shine!
Roman: Yeah man! *High fives Pietro*
Boris: Yes!
Ines: Finally, a challenge to show off strength!
Chris: The Mighty Wizards will be against the Fearless Warriors, and the Ferocious Monsters will be againt 4th Thing! The team to get to 3 goals on both fields will be safe! The 2 losing teams will go up against eachother and whichever team loses that will be up for elimination! GO!
Leopold: Let’s crush them!
Cece: Let’s not lose please..
Andres: We could take down these punks easily!
Pietro: Hell yeah! Let’s get em!
Boris: I’ll be goalie.
*The Wizards barely beat the Warriors, 3-2*
Jamil: I’ve been thinking, if we intentionally lose this, then we can vote off Bailey! What do you think guys?
Eliza: Sure! I’ll be a terrible goalie!
Maxim: I’m down!
Ines: Worth a shot, wanted to show my strength though.
Jamil: We can win one but then miraculously fail, alright?
*4th Thing crushes Ferocious Monsters, 3-1*
Wyatt: Haha! Boi.. 😂 What da flip.. 😂😂🤣🤣
Sigita: Oh, Wyatt! You’re such a great goalie!
Chris: Alright, 4th Thing & Wizards, you two teams are safe from elimination! Monsters & Warriors, you two will be in a final round of soccer. Leopold and Eliza stay goalies! Whichever one scores a point first wins. Go!
Ines: I’m starting to think that maybe we should try to win… We’d be smallest team by far, 2 less people than both the Warriors & Wizards… They can still help, just don’t let them take advantage of us!
Jamil: We’ve already initiated the plan! It’s gotta go through!
Ines: You know what, No! I’m not doing the plan! I’m going to win this!
*Ines kicks soccer ball towards goal, and it reaches the net, but Leopold throws the ball back* 
Leopold: Oh yeah? Well how about this!
*Leopold kicks ball into net, Eliza misses, Wizards are safe*
Jamil: Phew!
Ines: NOO!!
Chris: Monsters, I’ll see you tonight, AGAIN!
*After challenge* 
Francesca: Charlotte!! I’m so excited, I’ve never been on a date before! Can you help me get ready?
Charlotte: Darling, you don’t need help, you’re perfect already!
Taniyah: Yeah girl, he’ll like you for sure!
Francesca: Thank you, alright, I’m ready! We were gonna meet by the dock at 4pm!
*At the dock*
*Francesca gets there early, and waits on a bench*
Francesca: Its 10 past 4 and he still isn’t here…
*Francesca waits 10 more minutes till she decides to go to his cabin. She knocks on the door and there’s a bit of a wait before Fredrick opens the door*
Fredrick: Francesca, inferior woman, what happened? 🗿
Francesca: Uh… don’t call me that… but Leo, where is he?
Fredrick: Oh… You must come in…
(The room is dingy, yet spaceous since it’s only shared by 2 contestants. The room lingers of Fredrick’s underwear.)
(Leopold Lays in his bed with cast on his foot)
Francesca: Oh no!! What happened?!
Leopold: I think I kicked the ball too hard… My foot is too injured… I just need… some… rest…
Francesca: Please do!! Feel better Leo! We can have our date whenever you feel better!
(Elimination Ceremony. The six up for elimination are:
Bailey, the Compulsive Liar,
Eliza, the Theatre Kid,
Grace, the Preppy,
Ines, the Tough One,
Jamil, the Army Cadet and
Maxim, the Bookworm)
Chris: Okay, the six of you have casted your votes! 
Jamil: Hey, Ines, I’m sorry for making you do something you didn’t want to do… It’s just I really wanted Bailey out.
Ines: Yeah, it’s okay. Don’t get me wrong she is annoying as hell!
Chris: STOP INTERRUPTING! If I call your name, you will be safe, and you will get a “Golden Chris Award”!
Ines: Phew!
Grace: It’s so preppy in here 🥰🥰😘
Maxim: Nice!
Eliza: Woohoo!
Chris: The final two… Army Cadet and Liar… The last one safe is…
Jamil. Bailey, you little liar, you gotta go! Get out!
Grace: NOO 🥺🥺 my only ally 🥺🥺 you’re the only one besides me that’s not like the other girls 😝 oh well… See you Bailey..
Bailey: Oh well, I already have a mansion!
Chris: Yeah, mhm.. Sure.
*Bailey screams as she flies off*
Chris: Heheh, what an annoying human being. Glad she wasn’t staying any longer! There are only 25 left. Who will go next? Maybe you’ll just have to see the next episode in a few days! See you in Episode 4!
Hey everyone! Hope yall enjoyed the third episode! I'll see you in the fourth episode coming Friday! I'll start viewer voting in episode five cuz I have a character arc i wanna do lol SEE YOU THEN!
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sporadically-writing · 2 years ago
Stranger Things Season 4 Notes Part [1/?]: Featuring Wendy Deakins and the Twins!
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Wendy’s Bio, Connie’s Bio, Kenny’s Bio, Previous Season Notes: S1, S2, S3
Strap in folks! This one’s gonna be a long one! I might have to break it into parts but I wanted to include all three of them this time so bare with me!
Part 1: Episodes 1, 2, and 3
In the meantime between Season 3 and Season 4, Steve and Wendy have started their lives outside of high school, Robin being only a year behind them. Robin and Steve still work at Family Video and Wendy’s Dad’s auto shop is just across the street. The three of them, despite Steve and Wendy both having their own cars, have started car pooling everywhere. The happy couple and their best friend.
Wendy and Steve’s relationship is a bit weird, they’re a bit in the awkward stage going from friends to sorta dating but they appear to be doing alright. They’re still fumbling their way around PDA, not sure where the other’s boundaries are. Also, the two of them are hellbent on finding Robin a girlfriend. Vickie looks promising.
In the scene’s leading up to lunch the day of the pep rally, we are introduced to the twins! Connie and Kenny are walking through the halls as they usually do. The two, despite their familial similarities, could not look more different. Kenny is dressed in pretty much all black or dark blue, nothing flashy about anything on him, trying to make himself look as unremarkable as possible. Meanwhile, Connie is talking animatedly to him, she has her hair up in a hot pink scrunchie. She is also wearing a hellfire club t-shirt. Kids passing the two of them look at the strangely, whether it be because of Connie’s shirt or Kenny’s awkwardness neither can be sure.
Connie tries in vain to get Kenny to sit at lunch with the club. “I really think you’d like them!” “I don’t need your help making friends, Con.” “Right... If you aren’t gonna sit with us at least play the game this time, I’m sure Eddie can find a way to squeeze you in.” “I already told you, I’ve gotta fix the stage lights. Ya know, for the show you’re a part of. You don’t want the spotlight going out on you during your big solo.” “Fine. Next time then.”
As the twins separate, Connie heading to the hellfire table, Kenny to eat lunch by himself, Connie bumps into Chrissy Cunningham. The two apologize to each other, Connie being only a little bit awkward at being in such a pretty girl’s presence. Connie notices something a bit off and is about to ask about it when Chrissy finds an excuse to leave.
Connie informs the Hellfire Club that they can still use the theater tonight and Dustin and Mike let them know, reluctantly, that Lucas can’t make it.
“Ms. Clarke?” “Mr. Munson.” “Don’t you have a brother that can be called upon to fill the spot of our basketball wielding betrayer?” “Tried already. He’ll be in the theater tonight but he said no.” “Boooo...” “Maybe next time guys.”
Steve and Wendy go to the basketball game together to support their son Lucas and their buddy Robin, sharing some popcorn, enjoying each other’s company and making fun of Tammy Thompson’s awful singing voice. 
Prior to the Hellfire meeting, the Clarke twins and Eddie are the first ones there. Connie heads to the dressing room to have a private place to practice some lines in the show leaving Eddie and Kenny alone.
“So this is the knave who thinks he’s too good for Dungeons and Dragons.” Not expecting to have been spoken to, Eddie’s voice nearly startles Kenny off the ladder. “Augh- uh... Did, did Connie say that?” “No. Your sister has spoken rather highly of you, actually. I just want to know why you don’t want to play.” Kenny gestures with the tool in his hands, “I’m working.” “You have to fix one light.” “Yeah well, I’ve never really played anything like it before.” “I could teach you. It’s not a difficult game to learn.” “It’s also creative though, right?” “Yeah?” Eddie says, “And?” “That’s more Connie’s department.” Eddie is quiet for a moment (shocking really from what Kenny knows about the other boy), weighing what he wants to say, “We are wrapping up a campaign tonight but when we start the next one, there’ll be a place at the table for you, should you chose to accept it.”
The Hellfire Club, with the addition of Erica, sits down to play pretty much right when Kenny finishes fixing his light. Stuck there until his sister wraps up, Kenny tries his best to keep busy but eventually does end up invested in the fight against Vecna. He watches from afar, occasionally locking eyes with the Dungeon Master.
Thanks to the Sinclair’s both teams win their respective games and everyone, except for maybe Lucas goes home from school happy that night.
The following day, while working with her father, Wendy discusses her frustration at the lack of response she’s received in her application to vet schools. She’s put the work in, she has the grades, why won’t they let her in? In the midst of her father’s comforting, there is a news report on the tv in her father’s office. A Hawkins High School student’s body has been found.
The Clarke’s also watch the newscast at home, all three of them wondering if the student is someone they knew. Either being in their grade or having been a student of his a few years ago.
At Family Video, Wendy has come over to discuss the news with Steve and Robin when Dustin and Max come in. The two explain the situation and yet another Hawkins mystery begins. Steve wants to go to the police but Wendy adamantly refuses, with Hopper gone, the best people in charge of this case, whether it has to do with the Upside Down or not, is them. 
Dustin uses the phone to call the Clarke’s and informs Connie, who answers the phone, that Eddie is in trouble and they should meet him at an address they found. The twins have a hushed argument while their father is painting minis in the garage. Eventually Connie wins and they quickly inform their father that they both will be going out to run some errands (safety in numbers, to make their Dad feel better about them leaving) and that they’d be back soon.
At Reefer Rick’s Cabin, the large assembly of young adults check the house. The Clarkes are formally introduced to Max and the Scoops Troop. Connie and Robin look at each other for maybe a little too long. Prompting some surprised but knowing looks between Steve and Wendy. Also, Max notices a light on in the nearby boathouse
Inside, Eddie attacks Steve leading Wendy and Connie to step in. Wendy is a bit confrontational in this situation as the Russian torture memories still haven’t healed over well. Connie attempts to calm Eddie down, being a much older friend to him. Kenny also tries to help but is a bit awkward about it for a handful of reasons.
One thing leads to another and Dustin reluctantly spills the beans to Eddie and the twins.
The next day, the team of seven return to Reefer Rick’s with food and the Clarkes also brought a nicer blanket and a pillow. Kenny also gives Eddie a Rubik's Cube as something to fidget with. In addition, they also offer him news that while the police are looking for him, they haven’t released his name yet. 
When police cars are heard in the distance, the twins decide that Kenny will stay behind with Eddie at the moment to help him, while everyone else piles into Steve’s car. Kenny wants to argue that maybe Connie should stay, she is adamant that she wants to find out what’s going on and what the police are doing when it concerns her friend. She’s not going to hear it from anyone else. Someone has to stay with Eddie but Connie wants in on the investigation. 
When the six of them find Nancy at the sight of yet another grizzly ‘murder’ a conclusion is made. The Upside Down is definitely involved.
The gang swaps information with Nancy, trying to cross reference some kind of correlation between Chrissy and Fred. When Nancy goes to investigate things at the library, Connie is delegated to go with her. “Aren’t you Mr. Clarke’s kid? You’re smart.” “I’m really no-” Then Robin speaks up, “I’ll go with! Too, I mean. I would like to go too.”
Wendy and Steve, staying behind as the pseudo parents for Max and Dustin smile at each other. They know. The decision is made and as most of the girls head to the library, the family unit heads to the guidance counselor’s house. 
While waiting for Max outside Dustin says, “Well don’t you too look awfully cozy” “What?” Wendy looks down to see their hands are subconsciously close to each other. The two stare at each other with wide eyes before they separate. Simultaneously saying, “Shut up.”
Lucas calls over the radio once Max is back with some stolen keys and Wendy tells him that they are going to the school. She hangs up before Lucas can warn them about the basketball team.
The research at the library goes well despite the awkwardness of the three’s relationships. All three girls are in the same graduating class but they have very different experiences in regards to Upside Down stuff. Nancy has been doing this for the longest amount of time, Robin has only been at it for a few days a year or so ago and Connie’s been doing it for about twenty four hours. Connie and Robin both ask Nancy a lot of questions, Robin a little more frequently. They do however work well together finding the information that they need. Nancy even manages to catch Connie and Robin stealing looks at each other when they think no one is looking. 
Robin radios the school team with their findings but they are busy breaking in. 
Steve and Wendy probably have something to say about wandering the halls of a school they haven’t gone to in a year as they find Ms. Kelley’s office. Wendy is quick to point out the similarities in the files between Chrissy and Fred’s cases. Max seems to realize something too...
[To be continued...]
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ranboo5 · 3 years ago
whats 'the clip' and knifetrick?
Augh. Under the cut for shipping discourse and p/dophilia ment (nothing graphic or specific). Gets long bc I discuss my thoughts on DSMP shipping in general. You are setting me up fr anon
Some quick vocab -
intimacy here is used to refer to. Well. Any kind of intimacy between characters, of any sort, as an umbrella term /r, /p, and /qp here are used as shorteners to denote "romantic," "platonic," and "queerplatonic," both as adjectives And as verbs ("to /r" = "to portray romantically") shipping here is used to refer to any focused examination of intimacy between characters
And some clarity that Should follow from the essay next but may not - """anti-antis"""" and RPF writers delete forever
The Clip is from one of if not the? most recent Discord stage(s) Mr Live has done (which I missed when it was live RIP) wherein he issues a hard ban on shipping him ("do not ship me, in any way, with anyone!") which would less influence c!beeduo (which has been portrayed/stated to be romantic AND nonromantic both conflictingly for a while until being confirmed unconfirmed several months ago, that being the last was heard) without its direct invocation if he hadn't also cited for the reason as being underage ("'Cause, one, it's straight up pedophilia") which is! a) immediately applicable to At Least his DSMP character, Partially and b) while not Strictly True (should b obvious that portraying a relationship within the bounds of what it is in canon and in a nonsexual way is not That, and /r-ing c!beeduo etc was possible to do Appropriately again by remaining w/in the bounds of canon) is Clearly Indicative of the fact that baggage-wise it IS associated with people being fucking creeps
This Really complicates things bc like okay the apparent solution is "lol just don't /r it" but it's really like. A Worse issue than that bc like.
Okay the reason shipping in terms of fictional characters is a Different Bar is bc it's an examination of Intimacy and certain lines exist in certain dynamics of intimacy that Isn't Shown (which is the whole Within The Bounds Of Canon thing) which is important in a medium like DSMP because of the smaller gap + more personal relationship b/w character and streamer. Examining intimacy beyond th bounds of the consent that has been established in that regard is Weird at best and Violating And Creepy more often and, As Mentioned In Ranb's Stage, Literally Evil at worst
Which is why writing abt like. QPR or platonically intimate Techno and Philza (characters) is smth that is fine because that's smth that has been shown and repeatedly stated onscreen; it's in the bounds of canon n thus within th bounds of what the streamers've consented 2 be done with their characters. But writing T3chza making out or whatever is fucked up because it's smth that's beyond those consent barriers
And the thing is right
Slapping a /p on T3chza makeout doesn't. Make it less violating
Like what you CALL romantic is not the measure or whether it's past those barriers yk? And if it's indistinguishable, if it's in extrapolative territory that is Past The Bounds, it Does Not Matter how much you /p it EVEN IF IT IS TECHNICALLY PLATONIC y feel? Like at the end of the day placing a moratorium on some/all forms of shipping is placing a moratorium on certain examinings of intimacy
And okay 2 go back to Mr Live and his character. What it implies taken in context w/ older portrayals of c!beeduo and said by invoking smth that both evokes Really fucked up baggage (that does unfortunately exist btw I'm sorry if you didn't know that but People Really Do B Fucked Up Abt Beeduo) AND applies to his character is a revocation of consent to examining deep intimacies:tm: with his character, which is gonna apply regardless of the nature of that intimacy (even if nonromantic)
Like I don't /r c!beeduo myself, do not, never have, but I talk to people who have and have consumed content where they r background /r; I also don't think it matters. Like I don't Actively /r it and I don't Actively Not /r it because imho w/ the intimacy regarding c!beeduo that is plot relevant and character important whether that intimacy is /p /qp or /r doesn't really matter. I don't consider myself Less of a c!beeduo shipper than someone who /rs them because that would be dumb as hell and while none of the content I've made* is Intrinsically or Intentionally /r it certainly can be read tht way as much as it can be read /qp or /p. It's be dumb and hypocritical of me to like, dunk on ppl for /r-ing c!beeduo when I'm also invested in these two and my tonetags r not gonna suddenly Delete the picking apart I've done of the dynamic @ hand
Which Has Been. Within Bounds Of Canon. It's been what's been shown (sometimes to my great distress. There is a reason that the :canon_beeduo: emote looks the way it does) Directly Onscreen and in general keeping with the tone n intensity/directions of what they've Done With The Characters
As mentioned up there. Revocation of consent
It makes. Full sense 2 me that Mr Live wants to place a moratorium or fullon ban on shipping his characters perhaps where he wouldn't have before because of the Unfortunately Very Extant trends of people being Fucking Weird about shipping his characters AND of using them as a Thinly Veiled Excuse to ship HIM, which. I should not have to explain why shipping real people is fucking abhorrent
THIS creates a problem which is a. Bit of a vacuum in interacting with what is a facet of c!Ranboo's arc, decision making, and character. Like you CAN have c!Ranboo w/o cbeeduo but you Can't Really have his plotline without examining c!beeduo. And as I mentioned earlier: even if your examination of c!beeduo is fully platonic, the significance of it To the plotline means that any examination of it and its relevance to the plotline and characters IS gonna be an examination of intimacy, which. Regardless of it's platonic, Is Still Shipping
Unless some HARD retconning happens it leaves this like. Hole in an aspect of c!Ranboo's arc and decisionmaking and it's very. Uncertain? God. Fucking months ago I was already kind of :huh. Does he know what the fuck he's doing: irt c!beeduo and desperately wishing for things to be cleared up and now it's only That Much Stronger
Knifetrick (or, as it’s actually listed, Bishop’s Knife Trick) is a fic about "Ran and Jackie from The Pit TFTSMP" in a "canon-typical ambiguously romantic relationship." As you can tell from the scare quotes, especially if you've seen me vague, both of these are, to put it politely, Doubtful. I've read the fic; I will not be sharing my opinions because that would be neither productive nor responsible (I will just say I can't recommend it and leave it at that) but I WILL say the following that Is relevant to the conversation:
Ran's and Jackie's characterizations respectively have very little to do with characterizations from The Pit, and bear a dollar-store-version resemblance to tropes and personality motifs found in ESPECIALLY fanon c!beeduo, especially later in the fic. I would not go so far as to say they are Intentionally Literally Ranboo and Tubbo but they are transparent expies and were clearly written at LEAST unintentionally w/ c!beeduo in mind (esp since. Ran and Jackie barely interacted in The Pit), and for a readerbase that, as far as I can tell, is HUGELY dominated by /r c!beeduo shippers. Like. Sorry. This is off-brand c!beeduo.
The dynamic between the two is pretty unambiguously romantic, also; despite what the fic's white knights claim, romantic tropes and implications/motifs/imagery from at LEAST chapter two, and is very much explicitly romantic by the most recent chapter.
"And now, with raised eyebrows and a pursed lip, the newly named General Jackie observes Ran in such a way that makes the enderman’s skin crawl. Ran reminds himself that this kid, as short and harmless as he may look, is trained to kill. [...] Jackie narrows his eyes and tilts his head a little, as if he’s trying to read in between every one of Ran’s imperfect scales."
"It makes Ran’s skin itch with discomfort. [...] 'That actually doesn’t explain much of anything at all,' complains Jackie, and he pops a few croutons into his mouth with one hand. 'Tell me what you’re thinking, pretty-boy.'
"Ran feels his face flush, no doubt mildly glowing green.
"Yes, that was the other thing. The unnecessary compliments to his physical appearance.
"They don’t happen very often, and don’t seem to have very much meaning or intention behind them— Jackie often speaks like an unthinking kid— but when they do happen… they’re embarrassing. [...] It’s annoying how the rug is pulled out from under his feet in these moments when he’s 'embarrassed'. Like the conversation see-saw has temporarily shifted weight in the general’s favor."
I am not going to include excerpts from Chapter 6 because it's just the entire chapter.
I WILL SAY, HOWEVER, STEPPING ON THIS SCORPION BEFORE IT STINGS: they are not written in an RPFy manner and I don't think there's any grounds, including Vibes, of accusing Knifetrick of being like. Closet truthing or whatever. Also, while I think there's certainly Some Weirdness ESPECIALLY around the reaction, the romance itself is Not written in any way I'd call weird or problematic pre-clip; it's nothing inappropriate or like Weirdly Fetishy or whatever. Knifetrick is not #problematic or anything and I don't have beef with like the concept of liking it intrinsically; if I thought it was like. Abhorrent I wouldn't be sharing excerpts lmao dhjfnhdsbvdnfjh. Hence: if anyone uses this post or anyth like it to send harassment or bad faith ANYTHING to anyone involved with Knifetrick I will hunt you down in the fucking night even if it WAS #problematic that'd be the LITERAL OPPOSITE of productive and as it stands it's Literally Not. Essentially: Knifetrick is a (questionably-written /mean) fic using Ran and Jackie from The Pit as a vessel for a large chunk of the dynamics and headcanons of fanon /r c!beeduo in particular
And again, I would not call it problematic in any way (aside from the disingenuity of the insistence that it's TOTALLY UNRELATED TO BEEDUO and TOOOTALLY WASN'T INTENDED TO BE ROMANTIC GUYS like own your shit please)... IF it weren't for the advent of The Clip, which is calling in2 question the Entirety of the problem of /r-ing any variant of c!beeduo or any of Ranboo's characters at all
I really do not have an answer for this tbh. I genuinely wanna hear from the streamer on this more specifically because I like,,, I got no clue where 2 go from here? Do I just consider an arc retconned? Was it an issue of speaking abt a troubling subject kneejerk wise and I'm reading too much in2 it?
I just. I dunno
- The Clip is a clip of a Discord stage where Ranboo (streamer) loudly explicitly decried shipping in a way that implicitly applies to characters he plays - This would be all well and good but is rendered complicated by the plot relevance of c!beeduo, which does not stop being shipping if it's /p'd due to it still necessarily being an examination of a particular intimacy in a way that is in canon hard to distinguish the /p, /qp, or /r nature of - Bishop's Knife Trick is an AO3 fic centered around using TFTSMP characters as /r c!beeduo expies which is not a bad thing in and of itself unless it also is covered under this moratorium - Things remain unclear until and unless we get clearer word from streamer, but considering Mr Live seems to be allergic to clarifying anything abt c!beeduo this is doubtful
*very little if any of the content I personally have made 4 c!beeduo has been posted publicly, for related reasons. You May have seen it if you're in servers w/ me, depending on Which Ones
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Escaping the Blaze.
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*Shuichi does his best to break through the burning timber, as the High Roller starts to collapse, desperately searching for Kokichi.
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Hup! Hup! W-Wah!
*He jumps over the burning wood, but accidently gets his foot caught, and stumbles. He catches himself by grabbing the nearby wall.
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*The wall he grabbed however is lined with hot metal and his hand gets slightly burned.
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*He shakes it off and continues looking.
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*He screams through the heavy wall of flames, hoping to hear a response.
Kokichi: *COUGH!* Shui...chi...!
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*Hearing a faint voice through the roaring embers, Shuichi rushes in that direction.
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*However, he comes across a wall of debris that he can’t climb over, at least not at his own peril.
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*He calms himself, despite the situation, and takes a moment to examine the debris.
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It’s not well held together...some good force will do the trick...!
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Hold on Kokichi! I’m coming!
*Shuichi reels back and slams his body straight into the debris.
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*He clutches his shoulder, but shakes the pain off.
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*Suddenly noticing an eerie sound above him, Shuichi drops and rolls in time to avoid being crushed underneath falling timber.
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Kokichi: *COUGH!* H-Hey...!
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*Shuichi suddenly hears the voice to his left and turns.
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Fancy...*SPLUTTER!* meeting you here...!
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*Kokichi, already heavily wounded, sits upright against the stage. Shuichi rushes over and lends him an arm to support him.
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Can you stand?
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Sort of...I-It’s ok, you go on ahead. I’ll *COUGH* catch up!
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Nope, not happening. I came in here to get you, and that’s what I’m gonna do.
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Let’s go.
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*Accompanied by Kokichi at last, Shuichi now searches for an escape.
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*He’s so intense that he fails to notice the floor in front of him give way when he tries to step on it. Using his remaining strength, Kokichi catches Shuichi and hoists him back up.
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Don’t mention it. But we’re gonna have to jump this!
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*Shuichi and Kokichi take a few steps back and prepare for a run up.
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*Kokichi is light and nimble and jumps the gap with ease. Shuichi however...isn’t so lucky...
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*He manages to make it to the other side of the hole as Kokichi does, but he lands right on the edge in a horribly bad spot. The floor beneath him crumbles and he goes crashing underneath the boards.
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*Shuichi tries to shove the debris off him, but...
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*The boards suddenly catch fire, and he badly burns his hands.
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*Initially hesitant, Kokichi rushes off.
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This is bad...
*Realizing the hopelessness of the situation, Shuichi breaks out into a different kind of sweat.
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Fuck it...!
*With everything to lose, Shuichi places his hands against the burning debris.
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*Forcing his way through the intense pain, he uses all his strength to get the debris off him, but his hands start to burn...
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???: *Panting*
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*As he starts to lose power, Shuichi suddenly hears hurried footsteps approaching.
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Son of a...! GRRRGH!
*Kokichi suddenly comes rushing back, now under the boards along with Shuichi, and grabs the burning debris, using all HIS strength to aid Shuichi.
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I-I told you to run!
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Yeah, well, you know me! No one tells me what to do!
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*With combined effort and all the power they can muster, Kokichi and Shuichi free Shuichi from the rubble.
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*panting* *COUGH!*
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*Shuichi’s hands now bare horrible burns from staying in the fire too long.
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Forget that...let’s just...get out of here...Come on-
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*Out of completely nowhere, a shining black boot suddenly shoots out and nails Shuichi in the face, knocking him back.
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*Kokichi looks up and sees a horrifying sight...
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So there you are...
*Munakata leers over Kokichi, his expression being one of complete killing intent.
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*Kokichi attempts to run and grab Shuichi for a quick getaway, but Munakata lifts his foot and stamps on Kokichi’s head, pinning him down.
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*Shuichi attempts to move, but is expended of all strength, as the ash and dust starts to fill his lungs and drain the air out of him.
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*Munakata looks around at the violent flames and then unsheathes his sword. He then holds it out to the side so that the blade stays in the embers, and starts to get heated.
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I’ll have you know, Kokichi Ouma. It’s of zero consequence to me if you die...
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So I’ll ask you this only one time...Where...Is...Makoto...Naegi...
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He’s not here you dumbass! And even if he was, why would I tell you the truth!?
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*COUGH!* You’re just here so you can cash him in to Shirogane for that stupid killing game of hers! Ain’t no way I’m telling you shit!
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...Wrong answer...
*Munakata retracts the blade, then lightly touches it with his hand. Feeling the intense heat, he retracts, and the raises it above his head.
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For a prolonged service life, such as 20 years, plain carbon steels are usually limited to a maximum operating temperature of 750°F or 399°C. That’s the metal that my sword is made of, so it can withstand this heat...
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Human bodies though...? Not so much...
*As he says this cold line, he throws down his sword and pierces Kokichi straight through his abdomen!
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*Shuichi tries desperately to move as Munakata continues to push his blade through Kokichi, moving it around a little as well. If the pain of the sharp steel wasn’t enough to torture him, the superheated steel was.
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I imagine your insides are crying out for help...Good...For you to suffer a painless death would be ill suited.
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*Munakata yanks the sword out of Kokichi, who somehow is still alive, but writhes on the ground in agony, clutching his stomach.
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*Munakata lifts his sword once again...and goes for Kokichi’s neck...
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*However, before the sword can make contact, a lot reverberating metal noise sounds out throughout the building.
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*Kuripa rushes in out of nowhere and blocks Munakata’s sword with his own. He then kicks him in the stomach and knocks him back into the fire.
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Shuichi! Get your stupid ass up and out of this building! Kokichi needs medical attention and it seems so do you!
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...R-Right! Nrgh!
*Shuichi finally forces himself to his feet. Still exhausted and slowly losing consciousness, he picks up Kokichi and holds his wound closed with his burnt hands.
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Kuripa...! Wh-What about you?
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You don’t need to worry about me, I’ll be fine. Get a move on already!
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*Munakata rushes back, brandishing his sword, which Kuripa retaliates with his own.
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*Dizzy and fatigued, Kokichi and Shuichi exaunt.
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*To shake Munakata off him, Kuripa dances his blade around his opponents, but in an attempt to retaliate, both Munakata and Kuripa’s swords go flying out of their hands, and disappear into the fire!
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*Munakata leaps back and also disappears into the flames!
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*Enraged, Kuripa runs through the flames looking for Munakata.
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*Shuichi finally bursts out of the other side, back to the outside of the building.
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*Shuichi lies face down on the ground, with viciously charred hands, while Kokichi lands on his back, with a practically opened stomach.
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Don’t you dare fuckin’ die Shit-hara!
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Wait..can you hear that?
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*When all hope seems lost, the sudden sound of approaching sirens starts to ring out, and within moments, several Future Foundation branded emergency vehicles, including fire engine’s and ambulances, come screeching in. One of the ambulances opens up at the back, and a few people step out.
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Quick! Get them in!
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What are you waiting for!? Get Shuichi and Kokichi inside the vehicle! They need emergency attention!
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*Kaito picks up Kokichi, being careful of his wound. Maki does the same to Shuichi.
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*Shuichi and Kokichi are placed safely inside the ambulance, and are immediately tended to...
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*and before he completely loses consciousness, Shuichi takes one more look at Kokichi and smiles...
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skenpiel · 3 years ago
not rlly a vent im just ramblin about how shitty my trips been but im puttin it under a cut anyway. for courtesy
this was honestly the most failed con ive ever been to. had to cancel one of the cosplays, spent both days alone and bored, wasted 600kr on shit i barely even wanted, didnt even GO the last 2 days cause i was so sad and shitty, then there was a huge FIRE in the city next to us so our trains were delayed and delayed and then cancelled, we waited for the replacement bus for like 2 hours, and now were finally on it but well have to get off in 20 minutes, get on ANOTHER bus thatll take who knows how long, to FINALLY get to our train which will then take 6 hours more. augh. im supposed to white lie to my mama about how shitty ive had it cause shes already spent so much time and effort and money to make this nice for me but im so sad idk if i can. aughhhhhgggg
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tigerdrop · 4 years ago
dogboy gordon rutting against benreys leg in the same way that benrey did it in the reverse. benrey encouraging him and also making fun of him in the same breath. yummy brain thoughts. i am rotating this
jesus christ i started thinking about dogboy gordon and have not stopped thinking. theres 7k words of dogboy stuff under here im going insane
how in the. help. Help. dog boy. how does he become dogboy. i cant keep giving these idiots potions but i guess thats what ive been reduced to
gman turns him into a dog boy. walks thru a portal and comes out in nintendogs but hes the dog and when he comes back out again hes still a little bit dogy. this is fucking stupid
THE TAIL WAGGING im going to pass away
> i think he would have such fucking issues with the fact that his tail and ears are expressing his emotions so much
trying to act angry towards benrey but hes given away by his tail wagging like crazy......and he never even knows its happening until somebody points it out
it would be cool if. um. he got a little more into roughhousing and rough play afterward. you know. like a . hes already really handsy......physical. . .. .
> okay like the anger turning into somewhat-serious jostling and pushing which turns into roughhousing
its not even horny at first it just gives him the weirdest fucking endorphins. like. its fucking fun man
> and by the time theyre roughhousing his tail is wagging furiously and like thumping on the floor when he gets pinned haha
> YES its about the exhilaration ......he gets this rush from flipping benrey over after he's pinning him, baring his teeth triumphantly
benrey pinning him by his wrists and half-laughing at him like "what the fuck is wrong with you??" and the rest of the science team chimes in like YEAH WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU GUYS WHAT WAS THAT
> gordon comes back to himself and turns red immediately and splutters like "i dont know! what - im just - benrey started it!” so like he refuses to do it again but then benrey pushes his buttons and he gets in his face, ears pinned back a bit and shoves him and benreys like oh...so its this again huh...
GOD......PUSHING HIS BUTTONS.......its sooo much fun now that gordons so physically reactive too
> what if he manages to get an honest to god growl out of gordon at one point and it makes something ugly twist in benrey's gut and he wants to make it happen again
and its probably really gratifying for him to see just how often gordons tail wags when gordon looks at him or snorts at one of his jokes
> the duality of their relationship....gordons tail wagging just a bit when hes looking at benrey though im
> im thinking about the growling though like...benrey gets fixated on how he fucking sounds, all deep and rumbly and this intensity just focused on benrey only....makes him think about how that would look in other contexts....
> benrey riling him up while their roughousing so he can feel that growl travel through his chest and like...getting gordon to that point makes him SO determined to win the "fight" over benrey hes almost a bit out of his mind with it......pins benrey and subconsciously ruts against him a bit as a sign of dominance....please stop me now goodbye....
prodding gordon further and further and riling him up until gordon pins him to the floor, hard, an arm jammed behind his back and his HEV suit jammed up against benreys ass and rutting subconsciously as gordon. h. gordon. clamps down on the back of his neck and growls
benrey sucks in a rattling gasp and is like "what? ow" in a weirdly shocked yet distanced way
he cant feel where gordons hard b/c of the HEV suit but he can feel the metal awkwardly bumping against his ass Like That. and inwardly benreys on a loop of "what the fuck what the fuck" but not in a bad way in the slightest. just utterly cannot believe this is whats happening, right now, gordon freeman dry humping his ass behind a bunch of crates, not 100 feet from the rest of the science team
> gordon snapping out of it and being like...what the fuck am i doing... or....maybe the gasp makes gordon bite down harder in response...not sure
> gordon not even realizing hes doing it until that moment is so great....i dont know but....maybe he lets go and pushes off benrey, panting and wild eyed, and the image of benrey on his stomach, his bite mark in his neck, is burned into his brain
> he just doesnt say fucking anything and just dips to get jacked off by the suit maybe.... cant stop thinking about how it felt to see benrey with his teeth marks....hates himself for feeling that sick satisfaction in his chest
benrey......touching the back of his neck afterwrds, kind of dream-like, both consciously and subconsciously.......
i like making gordon freeman suffer so i want him to just angrily try to rut against his arm in private later trying desperately to get off thru this stupid busted HEV suit that he cant get out of. pathetic. gordon freeman humping his own fucking arm in a bathroom stall. like a dog
and he thinks about how benrey smelled when he had his teeth clamped on the back of benreys neck, his nose buried right against benreys jaw and neck, smelling the sweat and the hormones and feeling benreys rapid heartbeat, and his whole fucking head throbs with how bad he wants to get off
> and he just cant get off....has to deal with going back the team tense and a bit sweaty and just move on when they ask what happened. benrey doesnt say anything just stares at him and gordon cant meet his eyes. gordon tries not to fucking let benrey get under his skin cause i think hes probably mad upset and embarassed that he reverted to his like,,,more base instincts because of BENREY of all people.....
> but he still thinks about it sometimes and....he tries to distance himself from him but hes still a pretty touchy guy and he find himself around benrey still....laughing at his jokes and getting in his space once in a while. always pulls himself away when he notices but not before he takes in a deep breath of benrey's scent...
> meanwhile benreys trying to think of how to make gordon do that shit again LOL
ohmy god. oh my god.....before this.....before he tries to stop getting in benreys business and before he even recognizes what hes doing.......he like.....hes so touchy feely that he subconsciously tries to mark benrey a lot. like just doing everything in his power to rub the inside of his wrists somewhere on him. even if its barely gonna do anything b/c of the suit. its just instinct
> NOW HE ...now he realizes that he was doing that the whole time..jesus,...
> AUGH....in the buildup before this he didnt realize that he was doing it........but now he realizes he fucking misses doing that shit and kind of berates himself for doing it in the first place....like what the fuck....be Normal gordon...you cant want to fuck him....do you..?
i want him to. grrgohg i dont even know how or why this would happen but i want gordon freeman to lie supine on the ground with his hands up like paws like hes a big pupy looking for tummy rubs OKAY! BYE. I HAVE TO GO. im going to fucking sob why am i like this why is this the cutest possible thing for a man to do. i cant even think of a fucking reason why he would do this so im so fucking embarrassed
i want to fucking. i want to rub his fucking tumy and make him pop a boner from it im literally so sick of this earth
> i was literally Just typing: i just think it would be cool . To pet his tummy and keep telling him "good boy" in a Certain kind of Tone that just totally fucks him up about it . maybe flushed and tongue starting to wanna hang out of his mouth as he goes from laying flat on his back to kinda twisted to one side, breathing heavy, tail thumping hard against the floor cause hes a big dog so that thing is like a lethal weapon
> petting the fuzzy lower belly while hes already hard & needy just to make him whine Very high pitched and desperate-sounding bc its so close to what he wants but that just makes it worse 8)
> What if. Benrey pinning Gordon, maybe scritches behind his ear, as a "joke", he's a dog haha good boy wants ear scritches?? And Gordon immediately squirming and whining. Maybe even kicking his leg just a little bit
> i think it would be cool for a post-black mesa puby gordon pinned benrey to the floor with his whole body weight and humped the life out of benrey's leg while panting and drooling in benrey's ear. a total lack of regard for benrey, (of course he's into it tho) just using him like an object that's conveniently there for him to furiously get off on
> i'm thinking.... this happening after a period of prolonged teasing, like you said. rubbing his tummy and ignoring his dick
> Man ok combined with the suit edging huh? I love that, but i also kinda want gordon to sneak off to get off and discover his uh. k. kn. knot
> he sneaks off and if in this situation he can.  idk. get at his dick in a bathroom or whatever. and well, he gets caught up so easily in his 'head empty' instincts mode that when he cums he's kneading that thang for like 2 minutes before he even becomes cognizant enough to notice. and then immediately panic. so idk maybe he cant get at himself for a while, right, so he didnt notice this
> i just think gordon being in the suit would not let him get at his dick and he would only be able to get off in really convoluted ways so like...he wouldnt fucking Know he had a knot he would just feel a weird pressure at the base that he doesnt know what its about. but he starts getting these fantasies of holding benrey down and staying in him when he comes and he doesnt know where the hell thats coming from.....yet. until after everything is over and he can get out of it, and the first time he jacks off again he realizes HOLY FUCK? like what the hell....but it makes sense in retrospect where those fantasies came from. but hes just super embarassed about those fantasies and pushes them down until benrey comes back into his life and activates him again
> in addition to embarassment i think he has a lot of complicated feelings about benrey and definitely feels a guilty about wanting to fuck him into the ground and fill him with cum....but GOD if benrey doesnt get to him just as much as he did in black mesa
> i think that something like this would be so unplanned and shit but like......theyve probably hung out a few times before this or more like maybe benrey has dropped into his house just to annoy him and gordon finds his ears pricking when he hears heavy footsteps around his house cause he recognizes them as benrey's...
> little rush of exhilaration maybe. cause it means they'll spend some time together and he has just all these emotions under his skin when they do. i dont know how this would happen but maybe gordon forgets to keep himself in check when benrey makes him laugh so hard he's snorting and his tail is wagging furiously.benrey tries to touch/catch his tail cause he's kinda curious about it and it never got to mess with it in black mesa. but it turns into roughhousing as gordon shoves him away a little bit but benrey keeps trying to get at it and then get at his ears
> "cmon man just let me touch them whats the big deal-" "NO!" but like hes still laughing a bit until they start really getting into it and he gets breathless and a little irritated at having to roll around and try to pin benrey's hands to the floor
hell on earth......the way his tails wagging and hes grinning and drooling a little once he gets benrey pinned.......
> little triumphant smile when he finally does.....got benrey on his stomach and he's subconsciously rutting against benrey's ass like in black mesa but hes just not noticing while he's berating benrey for losing
> talking right into his ear, and benrey lets out a little gasp when he does a particularly hard thrust and then hes like oh. fuck. he takes in a deep breath and can smell benrey's sweat and realizes hes just as horny about this as he is. cant help but bury his face in the back of his neck and lick. and benrey starts pushing back into him and talking the worst dirty talk and it makes him growl right against his neck and put his teeth there again as a warning not to move but benrey doesnt still, he just keeps talking. so gordon bites down, hard, cutting him off mid sentence with a yelp
f. fucking. benrey......arching his back into it.......pressing his hips up as high as theyll go......the angles bro.....the angles
> also: gordon popping boners more easily, even when he's just platonically excited w/ benrey..... yeah... :)
> like the thing about this is just that he got so excited from the wrasslin that he popped a boner....wasnt even thinking of horny.....
> not until benrey started gasping and arching back into him. then hes immediately aware of how this looks...like hes already basically in the position in his fantasies hes just rutting against him in the imitation of fucking
> gordon getting more frenzied by the little sounds benrey is making as he clamps down on his neck, drool dripping down his chin. benrey braces himself with one hand and gets the other to pull his pants down and then tug on the leg of gordon's down a bit because gordon is kind of. not thinking straight right now. gordon gets the message and fumbles with the buttons to get it down and like. haha i thinnk it would be fun if benrey prepped himself before this and gordon notices like. you really managed to prep urself this time? god, you really wanted this to happen. but maybe benrey had been doing it the last few times cause gordon would get in his space again sometimes and things were tense
NO GOD THIS IS GOOD. LIKE. oh my god gordon just like bitching at him and getting up in his face and Growling a couple times before while his pants are all tented from the inadvertent excitement boners that he doesnt even realize hes having.....and benrey might not be smart but hes not stupid
theres like a 50% chance theyre gonna fuck at any given time he realizes so like. why not......
even if it doesnt work out in the moment benrey still spends the whole time hopped up on the knowledge that they could have, that he was the little fucking pervert who got himself all prepped just in case gordon decided todays the day hes just gonna mount him, and honestly the way he beats his meat and fucks himself afterwards might be nearly as good as the real deal, just from that little bit of self-inflicted degradation
like u said...........he really wanted it to happen
> hhh.... maybe gordon ruts a bit against his ass and benrey guides him in and. he makes a deep growling rumble when he bottoms out. benrey feels it through his chest and gets a full body shiver as he's filled. i dont think hes fully developed his knot yet but its a tight fit. he starts fucking hard and fast into him while open mouthed panting, he cant keep his face away from the benrey's neck, licking up the sweat and burying his face there to breathe in his scent
the fucking . the desperation......every instinct in his body has been telling him to fuck benrey - yes, that benrey, fucking benrey - into the ground for......weeks now? months??
dudes probably tried everything he can think of to overcome it and to think about literally anything else when he gets off but nobody he fucks even comes close to smelling as good as benrey did when gordon had him pinned and gasping and sweating and he could smell the want rolling off him in waves.....and it sucks massive dick and he hates it
> hes been driven crazy by this thought for so long.....cant fucking control himself. wh. what if gordon managed to get a hold of a piece of benrey's clothes that he left and held it up to his face when he let himself jack off to this particular thought so he could get the scent but it jsut wasnt the same without his warm, panting body below him . he always nuts the hardest when he has it though
huffing benreys undershirt and desperately rutting into a pillow on his hands and knees with his ass fully up and hes just utterly debased right now
sad and pathetic gordon freeman humping his pillow like a dog and whining thinking about fucking benrey. if his past self could see himself like this right now he would be disgusted
> !!!!!!!!1 HIM GETTING INTO THE MOUNTING POSITION ON INSTINCT WHEN HE DOES IT...YOUR BRAIN ! i think that gordon would definitely give everything hes got to benrey when he finally gets to fuck him.
> now that hes actually doing it he's just out of his goddamn mind. benrey already being ready for him, slick and hot, just letting him push in .....i think he would definitely go insane
dudes never fucked so hard or so mindlessly in his life......for once all the neuroses just fly out the window. overcome by instinct
> letting out all these whines and moans, not even caring for how loud hes being... benrey's wanted this so fucking bad hes just eating it up, pushing back on him like an animal and getting a power trip that he made gordon this unhinged
thinking about him just being utterly shocked when benrey guides him in and he can just bury himself all the way to the hilt so easily and it makes something in his brain snap
> gordon doesnt even tell benrey when hes close, benrey can just start to feel his knot swell inside him and how it stretches him a bit past what he prepared for...but he wants it in him so fucking bad, he just lets gordon keep fucking into him
like. oh my god. does benrey even know about the knot or is this a brand new and fun surprise for him
> being caught off guard by it but being so turned on by the feeling of it filling him that he lets out this really high, needy sound. which goes straight to gordon's dick and he just pushes into him harder and jolts his whole body with it. maybe he h....he bites down on the other side of his neck again and thrusts in one more time before coming deep in him. just shuddering from it, eyes squeezed shut and jaw locked around benrey
benrey just fuckin. face down ass up and arching his back as high as he can
(mumbling very quietly) it might be cool also if. gordon maybe.....started growling some things as he got close. a certain something. a word
you know......just......bent over benreys back......arms wrapped around benreys chest and fingers digging into the soft flesh (maybe even his titties, if youre feeling spicy).......pistoning his hips in staccato bursts while he growls.........u bh hhhhh......"mine". over and over not even realizing hes doing it b/c his brain is so fogged out on the sheer delight of rawing benrey after having thought about it non-stop
(mumbling so quietly im speaking at a pitch below the human hearing threshold) benrey hoarsely saying "'m yours, 'm yours" while hes got one hand jammed underneath himself to tug at his dick is the thing that sets gordon off and makes him come, perhaps. perhaps
and gordon just.....slumps over him, leaning his full body weight on him, panting weakly into his ear while his hips subconsciously rut just a little bit, arms still wrapped around benrey but otherwise as useless as a bump on a log while benreys jerking himself off to the wild new feeling of having that knot stretch him open and tug at him every time gordon shifts his hips
gordon nuts and becomes utterly useless but at least his knots still fat as hell so benreys still got something to work with
(sobbing) i just want to see men acting like animals leave me olone..... its about the submission to instinct......the degradation and dehumanization......and also the scent kink its all about the fucking scent kink. its about wanting to huff a guy you pretend you hate like hes a fucking magic marker and its about wanting to make him smell like u
> for scent kink, Gordon's boners due to sweaty benrey hehehehe. this is narsty -> Benrey is like "yeesh that was a lot of exertion" after their first almost-sex wrasslin match, and gets embarassed, so next time he like, wears a bunch of old spice.... but gordon doesn't get as excited. like yeah he can feel him against his back and yeah he's not soft but.. he's not panting or as hard. benrey thinks real hard when he gets home
> Maybe next time He doesn't bother with the old spice at all, and he gets real into the wrasslin... hell maybe he even uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh gets gordon's head under his arm im just saying
think about......dogboy gordon roughhousing and getting pinned down himself and snapping his teeth up at benrey like joking but not joking. you know
they both start just getting really into roughhousing b/c sometimes gordons brain gets Stressed The Fuck Out by all the added stimulation to the senses of being pupy......theres too many sounds and smells sometimes and it makes him even more neurotic and makes him start acting up and getting irritable and trying to start shit until he exerts himself enough to tire his brain out and make it shut up
maybe even like.....in the interim after black mesa but before he runs into benrey again, gordon becomes a fucking hot mess b/c he doesnt know how to deal with it all and the only way he got thru black mesa without his brainstem snapping in half was b/c he and benrey would start shit and start fighting and wrestling and the rest of the science team eventually shrugged and accepted this as a (very weird) part of their life now. he looks like hes one minor inconvenience away from a panic attack and its so sad
any kind of physical exercise would help (he takes up jogging when hes feeling stressed out, which is a lot, and hes gotten some really nice legs by this point) but theres just something different about the roughhousing. its a mental exercise as well as a physical one, so it exhausts his brain more, and unbeknownst to him, he just gets fucking endorphins from the way benrey smells and from being able to mark him with all the up-close physical contact theyre getting. so. hence the wrestling and roughhousing and gordons occasional tendency to just pounce the guy in public and start fighting him with his tail wagging and thumping like crazy
it might be even better if gordon attempts to roughhouse with just about the whole science crew at some point, just for a point of comparison
like.....its usually good, its satisfying, and it wears him out and lets him function like a human being......but theres just something about roughhousing with benrey thats really satisfying and he doesnt have the emotional intelligence to figure out what it is
gordon freeman is an idiot, is what im saying
> tommy indulges him and probably lets him win a few times, coomer soundly wins out every time and bubby probably...loses some before getting pissy LOL. i think that its fun for him to get the most Good Feelings out of roughhousing with benrey.....
g gbfbhhh god im obsessed with the way benrey laughs at him and asks "what the fuck is wrong  with you?" in the act 3 commentary and thats the exact kind of vibe im feeling from him about like. everything gordon does in pupymode
> Okay, before I go to bed, I shall leave you with a Dog Thought™. Gordon probably wouldn’t be the “best trained” dog in the world because, well, he doesn’t have anyone to make him listen or obey. Heck, given his need to be in control, he probably thinks he’s the leader of the proverbial pack and nobody can tell him what to do. He’d probably slip and do quite a few “rude” and obnoxious dog things, including but not limited to being all over Benrey.
> Trying to goad him into roughhousing. Licking his face. Being in his space to the point that it even starts to make Benrey raise an eyebrow. Inappropriate marking and whatnot. [cough] And what if Benrey--in a weird reversal of the roles we usually give--is stuck with the task of… training Gordon… to behave…
> YOU KNOOOOW. Because pitting alpha dog Gordon against Benrey, who is trying to get him to be “good”...
> … Well, that could be interesting.
> Imagine if you will: Benrey realizing he needs to get Gordon under control. As much as he likes the attention, it's becoming too much. Relentless. Tables have been turned and now he's the one that's a little overwhelmed by the situation because, well, Gordon is running on pure instinct half the time. Making it hard to do things. Making it hard to live his life. Always in his bubble which was, like, fine at first but now he can't do anything without feeling a wet tongue on his face or having Gordon trying to goad him into rough housing.
> He needs so much attention. Has so much energy. It's too much.
> So, he decides he's going to try to "train" Gordon to not... do that. Benrey trying to assert dominance over Gordon, as if he were just a normal dog. Gordon, who has already marked Benrey and decided that Benrey belongs to him does not take to this very well. This is not how the chain of command works. This isn't how the chain of command works at all.
> Benrey, struggling to curb him through praise and admonitions--"good boy," "bad boy," tossing him ~treats~ if he does something right--is now facing off with Gordon, who is both enamored with the attention he's getting but utterly pissed off by the fact Benrey is trying to stop him from doing what he wants.
losing it at the tables being turned and now gordons the annoying fucker getting up in benreys business all the time and never leaving him alone. he deserves this
> They're basically both unmovable objects and unstoppable forces. Benrey is stubborn and isn't going to give up all his sweet PS3 time because Gordon won't stop humping his leg, and Gordon is not going to give up his God given right to make Benrey his property. But Benrey isn't completely averse to the idea of being Gordon's bitch. He just wants to be his bitch on his own terms.
> So, in a surprising show of... well, intelligence on Benrey's behalf, he starts redirecting Gordon's energy towards what HE wants Gordon to do.
> That's how you handle misbehaving dogs anyway. You redirect their energy. That's what all the books on dog training says anyway, and Benrey's inclined to believe it because he's read it in all two books on the subject he casually flipped through.
> So, when Gordon starts getting in his space, he starts redirecting him to touch where he wants touched. "Good boy." When Gordon starts getting a little rough, he purposefully positions himself so he gets the most out of it. "Good boy." When Gordon's licking his face, he starts trying to guide that tongue down to his neck. Feels better there. "Good boy."
> Because he's not a complete idiot. Him and Gordon both know this is sexually charged at this point. And Gordon... Gordon can bend his behaviors a little bit as he's being directed if he still gets to do what he wants (in a way), and Benrey still gets to be fondled by the nerd.
> "But part of the problem is that he is in Benrey's space all the time!" Yeah, but Benrey figured that out, too. You know what shuts up Gordon real fast? Pushing him back down on the other end of the couch and telling him to stay. And if he listens, he slowly, carefully hand feeds Gordon a treat as a reward. Pushing it into his mouth, making sure it goes all the way in. Letting Gordon lick the last bits of taste off of his fingers. He usually sits still after that. "Good boy."
i have a thought thats almost unrelated but im so desperate to give this scenario the proper context
thinking about......gordon getting out of black mesa and hes still dogboy.....and hes attempting to go back to life as normal now that benreys out of his hair for ever but one day his pupy nose catches That Fucking Smell on the air and he realizes that benreys not fucking dead. he thought benrey was fucking dead, b/c he killed him
gordon freeman losing his mind for a solid week or two trying to hunt that smell down (why?? to prove a point?? to try to kill benrey again??? uh huh.) and then when he does hunt benrey down, its like.....well, what was the plan, bud? you found him, and now youre having a staredown outside a 7/11 while benreys frozen halfway through his big gulp
i literally forgot what i was typing b/c dogy gordon tum y rub b gtfhgbb ggfabgbbg
and.....well......he doesnt know exactly what his game plan was, but he does know that benrey cant be trusted as far as u can throw him, and hes not about to let benrey wreak havoc on new mexico if he can help it, so now his new hobby is......tracking benrey across the city to keep an eye on him
and thats how they keep ending up in close proximity
and thats how u start looping in the whole role reversal thing.....suddenly gordons the one that benrey cant shake......hes a bloodhound and hes got the scent
SORRY im SORRY i crave context with the same ferocity that i crave, like, air
and then they start roughhousing when gordon tackles him to the ground one day to stop him from doing.....something......and gordon snaps being to being a normal person so quickly afterwards that its dizzying. turns out a solid 80% of what he really wanted was a sparring buddy
> good afternoon everyone this is not horny in the slightest but i just wanted to say- you know that thing dogs do where they get REALLY excited and playful when you come home from a long day at work? well i’m just thinking about. y’know how benrey has a tendency to just, vanish for a while and come back like nothing happened? think it’d be cute if he were gone for a particularly long stretch of time b4 catching up with the science team again and gordon RESPONDS in his typical annoyed, bratty fashion while his body language is saying something completely different (he still hasn’t mastered the art of puby)
> like, u know, tail wagging a hundred miles a minute, ears perked up and attentive, subconsciously getting all up in benrey’s space
Im going to Cry thats so fucking cute wtf wtf  wt ff
still going insane thinking about the “good boy” thing......like...... its all fun and games until hes grappling his best friend benrey and hes got benrey in a headlock and hes plastered against benreys back from head to toe and his tails thumping excitedly against the floor and hes panting hot and harsh right against benreys ear and benrey takes that moment, right there, to choke out "good boy"
its half outright horny and half power play b/c benreys banking that either theyre gonna fuck or gordons gonna let go and be like "what the fuck, man" and then benrey can get the drop on him again
the way gordon just goes stiff after he says it.....breath getting shaky.....dick twitching once against benreys ass and the guy can fucking feel it clear as day......Augh
his tail slows.....and then fires right back up again when he tentatively rocks his hips against benreys ass and feels the sound benrey makes more than he hears it......and like for fucks sake theyve been dancing around how horny their roughhousing sessions are for weeks, this guy deserves to finally get his rocks off by dry humping benreys ass while benreys getting spots in his vision from how tightly gordons got his arm wrapped around his neck. he deserves this
gordons free hand slowly opening up and pressing flat against benreys shirt, then crawling under it so that he can feel the bare skin of his stomach......rocking his hips against the dip between benreys cheeks and whimpering when benrey says it again, breathless and hoarse. "good boy." his tongue poking out to lick a broad, wet stripe up the side of benreys neck to taste the salt and sweat and the hormones, jesus christ, hes never been able to taste if somebodys horny before but its rolling off of him in waves.......and gordons breath comes out so loud and harsh and desperate when benreys leg lifts up a little bit for him to slot his own between them more easily
just mumbling stupid horny shit like "fuck benrey, you taste so good" while his tongue lolls out of his mouth and he licks the curve of benreys ear and rolls benrey onto his stomach b/c something in the back of his brain is whispering to him that it would be a really, really good idea, and hes originally got benrey just crushed flat against the floor with his full body weight but benrey takes a rattling breath and tells him to ease up, get up offa him.....
and gordons confused at this point b/c he was pretty sure this was where this was going, he was being a good boy, but that thought doesnt last very long b/c benreys shuffling into position under him, raising his hips and pushing gordons up with him while his face and torso are flat against the floor, and, Oh. hes. hes doing that. this is what theyre fucking doing now
> gordon taking the collar of benrey’s shirt in his mouth in an crude imitation of scruffing him
every fucking bone in gordons body is telling him to move his hips, fuck benrey stupid, bury himself to the hilt, but he cant do that when theyre both still clothed so he does the next best thing and ruts against benrey like he fucking means it and like if he just tries hard enough, gets enough friction, itll be just like fucking him for real......
hes so dizzied by looping thoughts of he wants this, he wants you to mount him, like youre a filthy fucking animal, arent you? you sick fuck, you wanna mark him and breed him and hed let you, hed beg you for it, look, hes doing it right now and when he comes back down to earth, yeah, benrey is begging right now, isnt he. while hes palming at the front of his sweatpants and whimpering and calling gordon a good boy, attempting to tug his pants down to his knees so gordon can rut against bare flesh, and gordon slows down just enough to let him do it and to fumble open his own zipper to ease some of the agonizing pressure
gordon fumbling his dick out of his underwear to line it up between benreys fat cheeks and god, the feeling of skin against skin is so much fucking better than chafing against his jeans that it makes him growl against benreys neck and benrey cant pump his fucking dick fast enough. hes so encouraging, what with all those little sounds hes making and the way hes arching his back and pressing his hips up as high as theyll go, groaning into the crook of his arm "fuckin, fuck me, bro, j-just like that"
> thinking...... they both get so lost in it, they both can’t hold back long enough to fuck for real. this is too hot, benrey feels something hot and wet on his ass and gordon is curling into him. benrey’s never felt so simultaneous turned on and frustrated that he’s still empty, he’s still gonna have to wait, snd ironically that denial pushes him over too
GOD yes fuckin. coming on his ass b/c gordons so frantic and desperate that he cant wait...... but seeing his cum all over benreys ass is deeply satisfying in its own way. he smears it deep into benreys skin to mark him like that
> oh hey imma be nasty sorry but Gordon all cum-high just sort of manouvering Benrey until he can start licking his cock clean bc he likes to uh. i mean benrey's all wet and you know. he likes it. and benrey comes from that, before he can even think about sucking him off properly
> he doesnt have a thought left in his head at the moment... and can u blame him? so he just uh follows he nose.......  and benrey's brain is deleted except for "GORDON FREEMAN ON MY DICK????????" bouncing around like a screensaver yes
> yeah he's not even trying to suck him off really, hes not gotten that far yet cuz hes so cumbrained, gone stupid, etc
im gonna be gross here too okay......and like. fucking. huffing and burying his nose into the crook of benreys thighs b/c he smells so intensely like sex and sweat and it makes gordon lightheaded
> YEAAH maybe he starts licking there before he gets up to his dick. it's not like he's dragging it out really so it's not long but benrey's gaping like a fish. he's trying to say something sorta but he can't get any words out and isn't even sure what he himself is trying to say
maybe he cant help himself and he just starts licking and biting on impulse b/c its your resident fuckin thigh guy here and i think benrey deserves to get em chomped like a drumstick
> and then that's gordon's tongue on his dick, bro and this neurotic mf looking so pleased and blissed out as he sloppily licks him all over is a sight he couldn't have even cooked up in his imagination before now
> benrey not coherently enough to warn him he’s like right there, his babbling incoherently at the tease of gordon’s nose and lips is gonna make him- and then his Tounge darts out and it’s over, the start of the end and he’s spurting all over gordon’s completely surprised face without even being jerked or licked through it
> maybe since gordon's been so stressed and keyed up for so long that benrey coming is a surprise but still doesn't shock him enough to clear the cumbrain, so he licks ben clean after that too, while he's twitching and whimpering etc
> think that benrey massive meat being useless and barely even touched is hip and rad even in the context of him technically being in the higher position of power
> then rests his head on beny's belly for a while, feeling very accomplished and tired. he'll panic later, don't worry
god im still thinking about. pillow humping/voyeurism
gordon freemans a bad fucking dog and sometimes he cant help himself and just starts rutting into a pillow with his ass up and his face buried in one of benreys undershirts while hes just panting and mumbling shit the whole time about benrey, benrey, benrey, why is he so fucking obsessed with benrey and with thinking about mounting him just like hes doing to his poor abused pillow every week
and. you know. maybe one day......benrey kind of.....catches him in the act. i think that would be cool. just coming home one day and cracking open his bedroom door and seeing gordon freeman on all fours, his teeth sunk deep into one pillow and another pillow between his thighs, desperately fucking it while hes groaning benreys name b/c he sure as shit was not expecting him back that early, which is why his cumbrain made him feel confident enough to crawl into benreys bed and roll around in it and mainline benreys scent from his clothes and nut on his pillow (and then feel fucking bad about it and frantically try to clean it off)
and benrey just slooowly steps back with his heart pounding out of his chest for possibly the first time in his whole life b/c he did not think gordon freeman ever wanted to fuck him, but here he is, using benreys pillow as an imitation of the real thing and jerking off in his bed
just turns right the fuck back around and goes into the bathroom and splashes some water on his face and stares down at his sudden boner
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lesbians4scully · 1 year ago
ive been thinking abt this, so my ranking of bands ive seen (inc openers):
14-pale waves (opened for the 1975)- their sound guy was shit i couldn’t hear anything but Thrash. probably would have enjoyed if i was in the pit, but i Wasn’t. so.
13-tøp- they were good !! id just grown out of them by the time the concert rolled around LOL
12-no rome (opened for the 1975)- feel bad for putting him so low. he was Fantastic !! just don’t hold him as close to my heart as tge other artists ive seen
11-teskey brothers (opened for hozier)- had no idea who these guys were. they SLAPPED though
10-rationale (opened for bastille)- he has a fucking Fantastic voice man solid performance
9-victoria canal (opened for hozier)- again, had no idea who she was but she came out and fucking SMASHED it, especially on the crowd interaction front. she had the whole audience singing along to shape and she just seemed so sweet Augh
8-momma (opened for alex g)- i was SO fucking excited when i realised we were gonna get to see them !! unfortunately i only knew biohazard (which they didn’t play) and double dare, but they went HARD nonetheless. shafted by their sound guy though could barely hear vocals :(
7-bastille- my first concert, the first band i Got Into <333 of the night was amazing live
6-beabadoobee (opened for the 1975)- again an opener i was Very excited for. music slaps, felt bad bc the crowd was giving her absolutely Nothing back. are you sure live was SIIICK and apple cider
5-mo troper (opened for slaughter beach, dog) another one where i had no idea who these guys were and they came out and had me HOOKED ?? they just make GREAT fuckin music, guitars were great, vocals went crazy, im in love w their bassist
4-hozier- You Already Know. its fucking Hozier man. amazing live no other words Solid gig
3-the 1975- have seen them a couple of times, always put on such a good show. ik matty healy is a Polarising figure lmaooo but hes a fantastic frontman their music means a lot to me and they sound phenomenal live
2-slaughter beach, dog- didn’t realise how close to my heart i hold their music i just cried for like the entire set. crowd was lovely they sounded amazing their guitarist had my jaw on the floor. im not convinced jake ewald is like a human being though. maybe its just that he was visibly american. also (and tbf, nobody queued for more than like. an hr. but still.) no littol waters ?? someone had to get pulled out p late in the set and the fuckin guitarist literally offered them his bottle of water LOL. do better o2 academy 2
1-alex g- anyone who’s ever slagged off his live vocals is Wrong. he was way better w the crowd than i was expecting, gretel live changed me as a person and nothing will ever make me feel like it did. also bassist looked like andrew garfield and that made me Giggle. crowd was sick gig was sick setlist was amazing couldnt fault the gig at all. apart from whoever was behind us who kept Stepping on my sister LOL
i think alex g is easily the best live artist ive seen
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