#wendy deakins
Stranger Things Season 4 Notes Part [1/?]: Featuring Wendy Deakins and the Twins!
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Wendy’s Bio, Connie’s Bio, Kenny’s Bio, Previous Season Notes: S1, S2, S3
Strap in folks! This one’s gonna be a long one! I might have to break it into parts but I wanted to include all three of them this time so bare with me!
Part 1: Episodes 1, 2, and 3
In the meantime between Season 3 and Season 4, Steve and Wendy have started their lives outside of high school, Robin being only a year behind them. Robin and Steve still work at Family Video and Wendy’s Dad’s auto shop is just across the street. The three of them, despite Steve and Wendy both having their own cars, have started car pooling everywhere. The happy couple and their best friend.
Wendy and Steve’s relationship is a bit weird, they’re a bit in the awkward stage going from friends to sorta dating but they appear to be doing alright. They’re still fumbling their way around PDA, not sure where the other’s boundaries are. Also, the two of them are hellbent on finding Robin a girlfriend. Vickie looks promising.
In the scene’s leading up to lunch the day of the pep rally, we are introduced to the twins! Connie and Kenny are walking through the halls as they usually do. The two, despite their familial similarities, could not look more different. Kenny is dressed in pretty much all black or dark blue, nothing flashy about anything on him, trying to make himself look as unremarkable as possible. Meanwhile, Connie is talking animatedly to him, she has her hair up in a hot pink scrunchie. She is also wearing a hellfire club t-shirt. Kids passing the two of them look at the strangely, whether it be because of Connie’s shirt or Kenny’s awkwardness neither can be sure.
Connie tries in vain to get Kenny to sit at lunch with the club. “I really think you’d like them!” “I don’t need your help making friends, Con.” “Right... If you aren’t gonna sit with us at least play the game this time, I’m sure Eddie can find a way to squeeze you in.” “I already told you, I’ve gotta fix the stage lights. Ya know, for the show you’re a part of. You don’t want the spotlight going out on you during your big solo.” “Fine. Next time then.”
As the twins separate, Connie heading to the hellfire table, Kenny to eat lunch by himself, Connie bumps into Chrissy Cunningham. The two apologize to each other, Connie being only a little bit awkward at being in such a pretty girl’s presence. Connie notices something a bit off and is about to ask about it when Chrissy finds an excuse to leave.
Connie informs the Hellfire Club that they can still use the theater tonight and Dustin and Mike let them know, reluctantly, that Lucas can’t make it.
“Ms. Clarke?” “Mr. Munson.” “Don’t you have a brother that can be called upon to fill the spot of our basketball wielding betrayer?” “Tried already. He’ll be in the theater tonight but he said no.” “Boooo...” “Maybe next time guys.”
Steve and Wendy go to the basketball game together to support their son Lucas and their buddy Robin, sharing some popcorn, enjoying each other’s company and making fun of Tammy Thompson’s awful singing voice. 
Prior to the Hellfire meeting, the Clarke twins and Eddie are the first ones there. Connie heads to the dressing room to have a private place to practice some lines in the show leaving Eddie and Kenny alone.
“So this is the knave who thinks he’s too good for Dungeons and Dragons.” Not expecting to have been spoken to, Eddie’s voice nearly startles Kenny off the ladder. “Augh- uh... Did, did Connie say that?” “No. Your sister has spoken rather highly of you, actually. I just want to know why you don’t want to play.” Kenny gestures with the tool in his hands, “I’m working.” “You have to fix one light.” “Yeah well, I’ve never really played anything like it before.” “I could teach you. It’s not a difficult game to learn.” “It’s also creative though, right?” “Yeah?” Eddie says, “And?” “That’s more Connie’s department.” Eddie is quiet for a moment (shocking really from what Kenny knows about the other boy), weighing what he wants to say, “We are wrapping up a campaign tonight but when we start the next one, there’ll be a place at the table for you, should you chose to accept it.”
The Hellfire Club, with the addition of Erica, sits down to play pretty much right when Kenny finishes fixing his light. Stuck there until his sister wraps up, Kenny tries his best to keep busy but eventually does end up invested in the fight against Vecna. He watches from afar, occasionally locking eyes with the Dungeon Master.
Thanks to the Sinclair’s both teams win their respective games and everyone, except for maybe Lucas goes home from school happy that night.
The following day, while working with her father, Wendy discusses her frustration at the lack of response she’s received in her application to vet schools. She’s put the work in, she has the grades, why won’t they let her in? In the midst of her father’s comforting, there is a news report on the tv in her father’s office. A Hawkins High School student’s body has been found.
The Clarke’s also watch the newscast at home, all three of them wondering if the student is someone they knew. Either being in their grade or having been a student of his a few years ago.
At Family Video, Wendy has come over to discuss the news with Steve and Robin when Dustin and Max come in. The two explain the situation and yet another Hawkins mystery begins. Steve wants to go to the police but Wendy adamantly refuses, with Hopper gone, the best people in charge of this case, whether it has to do with the Upside Down or not, is them. 
Dustin uses the phone to call the Clarke’s and informs Connie, who answers the phone, that Eddie is in trouble and they should meet him at an address they found. The twins have a hushed argument while their father is painting minis in the garage. Eventually Connie wins and they quickly inform their father that they both will be going out to run some errands (safety in numbers, to make their Dad feel better about them leaving) and that they’d be back soon.
At Reefer Rick’s Cabin, the large assembly of young adults check the house. The Clarkes are formally introduced to Max and the Scoops Troop. Connie and Robin look at each other for maybe a little too long. Prompting some surprised but knowing looks between Steve and Wendy. Also, Max notices a light on in the nearby boathouse
Inside, Eddie attacks Steve leading Wendy and Connie to step in. Wendy is a bit confrontational in this situation as the Russian torture memories still haven’t healed over well. Connie attempts to calm Eddie down, being a much older friend to him. Kenny also tries to help but is a bit awkward about it for a handful of reasons.
One thing leads to another and Dustin reluctantly spills the beans to Eddie and the twins.
The next day, the team of seven return to Reefer Rick’s with food and the Clarkes also brought a nicer blanket and a pillow. Kenny also gives Eddie a Rubik's Cube as something to fidget with. In addition, they also offer him news that while the police are looking for him, they haven’t released his name yet. 
When police cars are heard in the distance, the twins decide that Kenny will stay behind with Eddie at the moment to help him, while everyone else piles into Steve’s car. Kenny wants to argue that maybe Connie should stay, she is adamant that she wants to find out what’s going on and what the police are doing when it concerns her friend. She’s not going to hear it from anyone else. Someone has to stay with Eddie but Connie wants in on the investigation. 
When the six of them find Nancy at the sight of yet another grizzly ‘murder’ a conclusion is made. The Upside Down is definitely involved.
The gang swaps information with Nancy, trying to cross reference some kind of correlation between Chrissy and Fred. When Nancy goes to investigate things at the library, Connie is delegated to go with her. “Aren’t you Mr. Clarke’s kid? You’re smart.” “I’m really no-” Then Robin speaks up, “I’ll go with! Too, I mean. I would like to go too.”
Wendy and Steve, staying behind as the pseudo parents for Max and Dustin smile at each other. They know. The decision is made and as most of the girls head to the library, the family unit heads to the guidance counselor’s house. 
While waiting for Max outside Dustin says, “Well don’t you too look awfully cozy” “What?” Wendy looks down to see their hands are subconsciously close to each other. The two stare at each other with wide eyes before they separate. Simultaneously saying, “Shut up.”
Lucas calls over the radio once Max is back with some stolen keys and Wendy tells him that they are going to the school. She hangs up before Lucas can warn them about the basketball team.
The research at the library goes well despite the awkwardness of the three’s relationships. All three girls are in the same graduating class but they have very different experiences in regards to Upside Down stuff. Nancy has been doing this for the longest amount of time, Robin has only been at it for a few days a year or so ago and Connie’s been doing it for about twenty four hours. Connie and Robin both ask Nancy a lot of questions, Robin a little more frequently. They do however work well together finding the information that they need. Nancy even manages to catch Connie and Robin stealing looks at each other when they think no one is looking. 
Robin radios the school team with their findings but they are busy breaking in. 
Steve and Wendy probably have something to say about wandering the halls of a school they haven’t gone to in a year as they find Ms. Kelley’s office. Wendy is quick to point out the similarities in the files between Chrissy and Fred’s cases. Max seems to realize something too...
[To be continued...]
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ivors20 · 2 years
World Poetry Day
This evening I celebrated “World Poetry Day” at a special event sponsored by Deakin University and Geelong Regional Library, which was held in the magnificent Geelong Library Building, featuring recitals from six exceptional poets, John Bartlett, Wendy Fleming, Rosemary Blake, Maria Takolander, Rachel Baxter, and Anne Elvey. For World Poetry Day I am presenting a poem from my new book…
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larryfanfiction · 4 years
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Disney AU
🌹 Elysian by wonderlou (81k) Beauty and the Beast AU
“What could be it, Niall?” Harry asks gently with a sigh. He slouches down further into his chair, crossing his arms lazily across his chest. He is bored. He has been bored for five years straight, but even more so now that his one interest has shut himself out entirely. Harry had not even heard from Louis, not since last night, not since he had gotten on his nerves so much that he was torn between knocking him out and smiling in surrender to the slight awe he felt. Louis is opinionated like no one he’s ever seen, but his voice is honeyed; high-pitched and indignant. Harry is nothing short of entranced.
Or, Harry is running out of time to fall in love, but with Louis, it seems as if there’s all the time in the world.
🧜🏻‍♂️ The Importance of Body Language by zimriya (11k) The Little Mermaid AU
Harry really has no idea how he’s going to get out of this one. After the little incident with the fishing wire, he’d been told that under no circumstances was he to visit the surface of the water, as he is the heir to the throne and his safety is essential to the continued existence of their underwater society. Or something. Harry loves his mum, but there’s really only so much talk of royal duty a prince can take before he does something drastic. Like purposefully disobey her strict instructions to stay under the sea for the rest of his natural life, and instead swim too close to a human ship and get himself spotted by none other than the unfairly attractive Prince Louis Tomlinson, for example.
Needless to say, Harry is fucked.
🧜🏻‍♂️ Hey baby won't you look my way by larrysbitchx (10k) The Little Mermaid AU
Louis want’s a prince charming. Harry might just be him. But what happens when a human and a merman fall in love?
🐶🐱 We Could Live This Life Forever by dearmrsawyer (31k) Lady and the Tramp AU
When Harry’s adoptive parents bring home a brand new baby of their own, he fears they won’t want him anymore.
A Lady and the Tramp AU where everyone’s human
⚓️ Drowning In Your Eyes by smittenwithlouis (45k) Pirates of the Caribbean AU
“Capt’n Styles, are you certain of this? They be attracted to man-made light.” “What is? Sharks?” The young blonde asks in terror. “Worse than sharks, lad. There’ll be flesh eating mermaids upon us in minutes, mark my words!” Paul huffs as he continues to wave the bright lantern in front of him, “And Captain Styles here, has us bait!” Or: The Pirates of the Caribbean inspired au where Harry is a fierce pirate who holds the heart of a beautiful merman.
👑 Because You Saw Me When I Was Invisible by supernope (32k) Princess Diaries AU
A (not so) loosely-based Princess Diaries AU, in which Harry finds out he’s the heir to the throne of a country he’s never even heard of.
🏹 Not in Nottingham by UserFromPluto (11k) Robin Hood AU
“Love him?” The prince repeated, “and does this prisoner return your love?” Harry did not answer but stood looking at Louis, trembling and heaving breaths. Louis met his gaze, hair falling over his eyes, arms gripped roughly by two guards. “Harry,” he said simply, “I love you more than life itself.”
(Robin Hood au in which Harry and Niall steal the show, Liam’s big heart gets him in trouble, and Zayn and Louis really should stop being arrow magnets)
👠 a dream is a wish your heart makes by theneverending (22k) Cinderella AU
Fairytale retelling of Cinderella, where Harry is a servant boy who’s too kind, Louis is a prince in an arranged marriage, Liam is Harry’s step brother, and Niall is Louis’ dutiful grand duke.
👠 your rainbow will come smiling through by hazkaban (17k) Cinderella Story AU
when harry isn’t working at his stepfather’s cafe, he’s trying to make swim captain and trying to finish all his coursework on time. when he’s not doing any of those things, he’s talking to the boy he met on the oxford hopefuls subreddit. when they decide to meet, he’s elated. he finally gets the chance to meet the boy he’s been crushing on! when the day comes to meet his prince, he learns that his online crush is none other than louis tomlinson, captain of the football team and friend of his terrible stepbrothers. now harry has to decide whether telling louis the truth is the right choice or if it’s better to just let sleeping dogs lie.
🦎 long hair don't care by ballsdeepinjesus (20k) Tangled AU
He catches his breath and stands, brushing dirt off of his breeches when he hears a scared peep behind him. Louis spins around, startled, and is greeted by the sight of an extremely pale boy with extremely luscious dark brown curls. His hand starts to reach out involuntarily to try and pet his hair, but he stops it quickly and tries to smooth it into a bow. He glances up, fluttering his lashes, and levels the trembling boy with a charming smile.
“Hi,” he drawls. He doesn’t see the frying pan until it’s too late. Everything goes black.
[harry is sheltered and louis is a thief. or, a tangled au.]
🦎  You Were My New Dream by larryshares (48k) Tangled AU
Prince Harry has spent the majority of his life trapped within the castle walls, forced to hide from the kingdom he never asked to be born into. He doesn’t want to be the next King of Eroda, because according to his father, kings don’t wear dresses, paint their nails, or braid flowers into their magical hair. And Harry happens to love those things about himself, almost as much as he thinks he could love the new combat instructor his father has summoned to mold him into a more acceptable man, just in time for his impending coronation.
🧚🏻‍♀️ no place to call home by suspendrs (21k) Peter Pan AU
“What are you smiling about, Harrison,” the boy spits, body language suddenly getting defensive. “I’ll have you know that I’m-”
“Harry,” Harry interrupts, giggling. “My name is Harry. And if you’re not called Peter, then what are you called?”
The boy tilts his chin up slightly, surveying Harry like he’s checking if he’s worthy of knowing something as important as his name. “Well, Herschel, it’s nice to meet you. I’m Louis.”
Or, Louis isn’t Peter Pan and Harry isn’t Wendy and Neverland is nothing like Harry thought it would be, but it’s perfect anyway.
🧚🏻‍♀️ Tell Every Lost Boy (that you're my man) by LittleLostPieces (17k) Peter Pan AU
A modern-day Peter Pan AU, wherein Harry struggles with his overwhelming jealousy when Louis brings a new mate into their makeshift family.
Starring Louis as Peter Pan (obviously), Harry as Tinker Bell, the others as the Lost Boys, and Greg as Wendy
🧚🏻‍♀️ faith, trust and pixie dust (and a little bit of something else too) Peter Pan AU
“Are you seriously apologizing for taking out a bullet that was lodged in my shoulder and saving my life?” he asks slowly. “Y—yes?” the boy looks unsure of himself now.
“Marry me—”
For once, the boy isn’t the only one blushing and Louis silently curses Earthen terminology for making its way into his vocabulary.
Taking a deep breath to regain his composure, he coughs out, “I mean thanks. That was very nice of you…?”
“Harry,” the boy fills in quietly, flashing Louis a tentative smile. Louis thinks it suits him well and he mouths the name to himself, liking the way it rolls off his tongue. He watches as Harry hesitates before asking his own question, albeit doubtfully.
“And you’re—you’re P—Peter Pan, right?”
Or, the one in which Louis is a punk Peter Pan and Harry is an insecure flower child.
❄️ The Cold Never Bothered Me Anyway by timefornothing (17k) Frozen AU
“Lou! Give me my glove!” Louis held it back away from him, blue eyes glittering with desperation. “No, Zayn. Please, I can’t live like this anymore! We can’t keep the entire world shut out! I can’t live like this!” His words rung out shrilly, making the crowd go silent. Zayn stared at Louis, eyes wide with unimaginable pain. Finally, he swallowed hard, whispering quietly, “Then leave.” He took one more look at Louis before it was too much, then he turned away, stalking towards the back of the room. or the one where One Direction are the characters in Frozen. Starring Louis as Anna, Zayn as Elsa, Harry as Kristoff, Niall as Olaf, and Liam as that stone troll that always knows what to do.
♣️♟ like cabbages and kings by you_explode (60k) Alice in Wonderland AU
When Louis was a kid, he had a series of very vivid dreams about a place called Wonderland. There were rabbits wearing waistcoats and talking cats and ridiculous tea parties, and amidst all the absurdity, there was a boy. A boy with dimples, big green eyes and the sweetest soul Louis has ever known. Louis has always kept a place in his heart for that boy and for his funny dreamworld, and when he’s twenty-five and his life falls apart, it turns out Wonderland might not be so imaginary after all.
🌿 Let's Fall in Love in a Place You Want to Stay by embro (134k) Tarzan AU
A George of the Jungle / Tarzan AU where Louis is a model who meets Wild Man Harry in the Congo. He was raised by apes and barely speaks a word of English and turns Louis' life upside down.
🗡 Dirty secret by iilarryii (122k) Mulan AU
"Dad, you can't go!" Louis yells to his father as he watches him pull out his sword.
"Louis, you know that I have to. It's the pack leaders orders," Dan says calmly. "I need you to promise me that you'll take care of the family if I die."
"So what? You'll just give up?"
"Of course not. I am just willing to die for my family's safety."
"So am I."
The Zoely pack is attacked by rogue alphas and the pack leader orders all alphas over the age of eighteen to protect their pack. Dan Deakin is one of the strongest alphas in the pack, but there is one problem. He has a wife and six kids to feed and look after. Louis is the oldest child and the one who wants to protect their family.
Or a Mulan AU where Louis is an omega who takes his father's place in the war.
📕 You Bring Me Home by reminiscingintherain (22k) Saving Mr. Banks AU
"Are you willing to fly to LA to meet with Tomlinson?" "I suppose I don't really have much of a choice, do I?" Harry grumped. "I'm assuming he's paying?" "Business class all the way," Liam nodded. "And he's kindly arranged for me to accompany you. So at least you're not going to be on your own." "Please do tell how that's a good thing."
Or, the one where Louis wants to turn Harry's book into a film, and Harry's very picky about what happens.
[Saving Mr Banks AU]
☂ Harry Poppins by jacaranda_bloom (32k) Mary Poppins AU
When Louis’ best friends pass away he finds himself with an instant family. Maddie and Thomas are wonderful children but take an immediate dislike to every nanny that sets foot inside their house. After nanny number six is summarily dismissed Louis is at his wit’s end, that is until an unusual man arrives on their doorstep. Harry Styles is like nothing any of them have ever encountered before, and perhaps, exactly what they’ve been looking for all along.
🐎 It's the Climb by lululawrence (25k) Hannah Montana AU
Louis stretched out his back and turned around, startled to see the most beautiful man he’d ever encountered in his life riding towards him on a horse.
He had to still be asleep. This was one of those super weird dreams people had where the knight in shining armor (or in this case, red sleeveless flannel) literally rode up to them calling their name. - The Hannah Montana AU where Louis is a world famous punk rock singer with a stage name of William and Jay drags him back to Tennessee for the summer. In her attempt for Louis to get back to his roots, he just so happens to reconnect with Harry, and things never go quite as Louis expects them to.
🎬 Supposed to Be by kikikryslee (26k) Geek Charming AU
“I’m making a movie for a film competition, and I want you to be in it,” Harry told Louis. “I think you would be a great leading actor in it.” “Why?” “Because it’s you. I mean, who wouldn’t want to know all about the amazing Louis Tomlinson? It would be a great movie.” “You don’t have some weird crush or, like, secret obsession with me, do you?” Louis asked. Harry bit his tongue so he didn’t say “Ew, I have standards.” He didn’t think that would go over well. Of course, that was assuming Louis understood what that meant. — Or, the Geek Charming AU where Harry’s a film geek, Louis’ a popular jock, and they both need each other to get what they want.
🐮  Love and Other Antidotes by haztobegood (16k) Emperor's New Groove AU
Arrogant pop star Harry Styles is transformed into a cow by his bandmate Amy Z after a heated argument. Left in the back of a truck, Harry finds himself at a rural farm hours away from his band. Harry has three days to make it back to London and turn back into a human before his next show. His only chance to reclaim his glamorous life rests with a kind farmer named Louis. They must work together to find the antidote before Amy Z finishes him off and takes over the band.
⚽️ The Game Plan by Justalittlelouislove (5k) Game Plan AU
Louis's life is exactly how he likes it: all about him. When it suddenly gets turned on its head and one little lady makes a huge impact, will he learn to handle it or run for the hills?
🎈 Up by Thingssicant (26k) Up! AU
Louis Tomlinson thought he had everything he wanted. He had a wife and daughter, a good job, a house with a white picket fence, and even a few pets along the way
It’s only when he turned 71 that a load of balloons and poorly timed knock on the door changed his life forever
🏰  Teacups by sincehewaseighteen (25k) Disneyland AU
"Looks like your attraction is not any body’s cup of tea today,” he puns cheekily. Harry rolls his eyes and lifts the box onto the counter easily, dusting his hands off without a blink of an eye to Louis. “I think it might be your costume.”
“Alright, babe, you listen here.” Harry comes forward and makes sure he’s close to Louis’ ear. Louis swallows carefully when Harry speaks. “Cut this shit out, you’re no Peter Pan in my eyes. You’re a fucking twit. I know what you’re like, and that’s all you need to worry about.”
or the au where louis works as peter pan at paris’ eurodisney while harry’s the mad-hatter who works at the teacup ride, and just so happens to be the annoyingly gorgeous man louis is in love with.
🏰  Unbelievable sights, indescribable feelings by serenityandtea (8k) Disneyland AU
Louis and Harry spend a pre-Christmas weekend at Disneyland Paris with their three kids. Lots of fluff, rides and a meeting with Santa.
Everyone says that Disneyland is utter magic.
Louis definitely thinks so when he catches the look on his husband’s face; Harry looks completely ecstatic. Never mind their three children; Louis would go through all this hassle again just to have his husband beam at everything around him once more.
🏰  Acorns and Thimbles by izetta (12k) Disneyland AU
There is a startling amount of Disney films where the couple falls in love after just one day. Louis isn't entirely too convinced of how realistic that is, but he thinks he is starting to understand how they all felt.
Or an AU where Louis is Peter Pan at Disney World and Harry is a park guest.
🏰  Magic by dolce_piccante (3k) Disneyland AU
AU. Girl!Direction. Harry and Louis go to Disney for a wonderful holiday filled with familiar characters, fireworks, and some Magic Kingdom magic.
🏰  Faith and Trust and Pixie Dust by kotabear24 (10k) Disneyland AU
Harry Styles and his son, Lucas, are spending four days at Disneyland for Lucas' sixth birthday. Louis Tomlinson is Peter Pan there, and takes a shine to both the boys. He gives them tickets to a Peter Pan show that night, and spends the evening with the two before spending the night with Harry. Lucas and Harry both find themselves getting attachd to Louis, and Louis finds the same himself.
🏰  Once Upon a Dream by objectlesson (26k) Disneyland AU
“M’not gonna half-ass our fake relationship,” Louis almost snaps, voice sharp with a defensive edge, like Harry wandered too close to a bruise with needy fingers. “Now kiss me again. We’re gonna make every shitty tourist here wish they had stayed in the Midwest. We’re gonna burn Disneyland down with our gay. ”
Harry shuts his eyes and opens his mouth, because he can’t fucking say noto Louis.
Or, a fake dating AU where everyone is lying and they happen to be at the Happiest Place on Earth.
🏰  The Way You Make Me Feel by MiniMangaFan (6k) Disneyland AU
“You couldn’t last a damn day without trying to sleep with me.”
“I can last a whole fucking week,” Harry says, rising to Louis’ challenge.
“Wanna make a bet on that, Styles?”
“You’re on,” Harry grins.
Or, Disney AU where Louis and Harry try not to fuck in public places.
Deleted fics we have a copy of (just send us an ask):
⚪️ Bittersweet and Strange by Keep_Calm_And_Read_Fic Beauty and the Beast AU
He agreed to stay so his sister could go free, but he never signed up for this. Beauty and the Beast AU in which Harry is taken prisoner in King Louis 'The Beast' Tomlinson's castle, Master Liam Payne may or may not be a torture specialist, Master Zayn Malik may or may not be the Master of War, and no one will tell him what the hell Niall does around here. Basically, Harry hates his enemy with a passion. Then he kind of has a passion for hisenemy. Then he wonders if he and Louis are enemies at all.
⚪️ The Dreams That You Wish by Keep_Calm_And_Read_Fic Cinderella AU
Cinderella/Ever After AU in which Louis is the world’s sassiest servant, Harry is a closeted prince with a deadline, Zayn is Harry’s chaperone, Liam is given the unenviable task of trying to distract Zayn long enough that his sister, Druscilla, can seduce Prince Harry (hint: doomed to failure) and Niall is the worlds most inappropriate fairy godfather. Destiny, romance, mistaken identity, sexcapades and oblivious!everybody abound in this gross bastardization of one of my all time favourite fairy tales.
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edsonlnoe · 3 years
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MG Awards 2020 Fotografía 1917 Roger Deakins And Then We Danced Lisabi Fridell The Last Black Man in San Francisco Adam Newport-Berra The Lighthouse Jarin Blaschke Mano de Obra Carolina Costa Portrait de la Jeune Fille en Feu Claire Mathon Diseño de Producción El Baile de los 41 Daniela Schneider, Angela Leyton, Mary Ann Smith Black Is King Hannah Beachler, Carlos Laszlo, Susan Linss, Miranda Lorenz, Brandon Mendez, Rika Nakanishi, Ethan Tobman, Christopher Beltran, Virginia Berg, Melissa N. Broker, Linn Gelert The Last Black Man in San Francisco Jona Tochet, Olivia Kanz, Elena Nommensen The Lighthouse Craig Lathrop, Matt Likely, Ian Greig Portrait de la Jeune Fille en Feu Thomas Grézaud, Thomas Grézaud Rebecca Sarah Greenwood, Nick Gottschalk, Katie Spencer Diseño de Vestuario El Baile de los 41 Kika Lopes Black Is King Zerina Akers Emma. Alexandra Byrne Little Women Jacqueline Durran Portrait de la Jeune Fille en Feu Dorothée Guiraud Sylvie’s Love Phoenix Mellow Make-Up & Hairstyling El Baile de los 41 Alfredo Mora, Alejandra Vale Birds of Prey: And the Fantabulous Emancipation of One Harley Quinn Deborah La Mia Denaver, Adruitha Lee Black Is King John Barnett, DaRico Jackson, Rokael Lizama, Wendy Miyake, Francesca Tolot Busanhaeng 2: Bando Hyo-kyun Hwang, Hyun-Jeong Kim, Tae-Yong Kwak, Hee Eun Lee The Lighthouse Traci Loader, Adrien Morot Sylvie’s Love Carla Farmer, Linda Villalobos, Angie Wells
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sweetlykissedadora · 3 years
Hi, it's me looking for rp partners again!
I have 2 muses that I would really love to use, so let me know if you're interested I guess?
Name: Ashling Briggs
Faceclaim: Lyndsy Fonseca 
Age: 27
Sexuality: Bisexual
Occupation: Librarian/Aspiring Children's Author 
 Likes: Journaling, cats, and reading trashy novels. 
 Dislikes: Critics, those who wear heels but cannot walk in them, and hot weather.  
(Loosely based on Wendy Darling and how I imagine her in a modern AU.)
Name: Brigitte Deakin
Faceclaim: Halima Aden
Age: 25
Occupation: Publicist
 Likes: Holding others accountable, weapons, and chai tea.
 Dislikes: Mansplaining, lazy co-workers, and cold weather.
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jeremystrele · 5 years
Announcing… The Design Files Design Awards!
Announcing… The Design Files Design Awards!
TDF Design Awards
by Lucy Feagins, Editor
Bricks by Brickworks. Custom corrugated terracotta pieces by Ella Waimarie Reweti. Photo –  Eve Wilson. Art Direction – Annie Portelli.
Bricks by Brickworks. Custom corrugated terracotta pieces by Ella Waimarie Reweti. Photo –  Eve Wilson. Art Direction – Annie Portelli.
Bricks, including glass brick, from Brickworks. Tile and carpet sample supplied by Flack Studio. Photo –  Eve Wilson. Art Direction – Annie Portelli.
Flowers supplied by Cecilia Fox. Stone slate from Eco Outdoor. Photo –  Eve Wilson. Art Direction – Annie Portelli.
Terracotta strips by Pip Byrne. Ceramic halfmoon shape by Hearth Collective. Photo –  Eve Wilson. Art Direction – Annie Portelli.
Fizi light globe by Articolo. Glass pink vase by Lope Home. Custom corrugated terracotta pieces by Ella Waimarie Reweti. Flowers supplied by Cecilia Fox. Terrazzo vase by Tantri Mustika. Photo –  Eve Wilson. Art Direction – Annie Portelli.
  Bricks by Brickworks. Wooden pieces by Bern Chandley. Photo –  Eve Wilson. Art Direction – Annie Portelli.
Bricks by Brickworks. Metal paper weight by Milligram. Light by Articolo.  Photo –  Eve Wilson. Art Direction – Annie Portelli.
Bricks by Brickworks. Wooden piece and shavings from Bern Chandley. Photo –  Eve Wilson. Art Direction – Annie Portelli.
Reusable coffee cups by Huskee. Cork pieces by Milligram. Photo –  Eve Wilson. Art Direction – Annie Portelli.
Bricks by Brickworks. Custom terracotta staircases by Oh Hey Grace. Photo –  Eve Wilson. Art Direction – Annie Portelli.
Wool spools supplied by Wendy Voon Knits. Photo –  Eve Wilson. Art Direction – Annie Portelli.
Bricks by Brickworks. Cork sphere by Milligram.  Ceramic halfmoon shape by Hearth Collective.  Photo –  Eve Wilson. Art Direction – Annie Portelli.
After more than 10 years profiling local creatives, documenting beautiful Australian architecture and homes, oohing and ahh-ing over the most enviable interiors, uncovering and championing Australia’s talented designers and makers… we’re SUPER EXCITED to take things up a notch, with the launch of The Design Files Design Awards.
We’ve created this awards program to formally acknowledge the designers, architects and makers who contribute to Australia’s vibrant creative community…. and whilst we know there’s no shortage of amazing awards programs out there, this one aims to be a little different.
The Design Files Awards cover 12 different creative categories, we have 31 (!) esteemed judges, and there’s $30,000 in prize money up for grabs.
We wanted to create an awards program which celebrates the breadth of design and creativity we celebrate here on The Design Files  – from small scale, handcrafted practices, to complex, collaborative projects. That’s why this is the only awards program which brings together residential architecture and interior design, alongside innovative new work by Australia’s most talented furniture designers, craft practitioners, floral designers, textile designers, stylists + art directors and more.
ALL the info, prizes, judging criteria and eligibility can be found on a very swish new Design Awards website (thankyou Annie Portelli and PDA – legends!)… but here’s a breakdown of the categories we’ll be awarding :
Residential Architecture
This category seeks to award one standout Australian residential architecture Project. Ground-up builds, renovations and additions are all eligible within this category.
Judges : Clare Cousins (Clare Cousins Architects), Graham Burrows (JCB) and Albert Mo (Architects EAT)
The Residential Architecture award is supported by Brickworks.
Interior Design
This category seeks to award one distinctive Australian residential interior design Project created by an individual or studio.
Judges : David Flack (Flack Studio) Yasmin Ghoniem (Amber Road) and Adriana Hanna (Kennedy Nolan)
The Interior Design award is supported by Miele.
Landscape Design
This category seeks to award one standout Australian Landscape Design project. Residential, public and community gardens are all eligible within this category.
Judges : Paul Bangay (Paul Bangay Garden Design), Rick Eckersley (Eckersley Garden Architecture) and Georgina Reid (The Planthunter)
The Landscape Design award is sponsored by Eco Outdoor.
Lighting Design
This category seeks to award one distinctive Australian lighting design project. Individual products or product ranges developed within Australia, bespoke designs, one-off lighting projects and installations will be considered in this category.
Judges : Christopher Boots (Christopher Boots) and Kate Stokes (Coco Flip).
Furniture Design
This category seeks to award one distinctive Australian furniture design project. Individual products and/or product ranges developed within Australia, bespoke pieces, fixed and freestanding furniture designs will be considered in this category.
Judges : Richard Munao (Cult Design and NAU), Adam Goodrum, and Grazia Materia (Grazia & Co).
The Furniture Design award is sponsored by NAU.
Textile Design
This category seeks to award one distinctive Australian textile design project. One-off textile designs, textile collections and textile-based fashion or homewares products will be considered in this category.
Judges : Bonnie Ashley (Bonnie and Neil) and Lisa Gorman (Gorman).
Floral Design
This category seeks to award one outstanding Australian floral design project completed by any practising floral designer, group or organisation. Commercial commissions, including small floral arrangements, larger floral schemes, installations, botanical-based sculptures and art projects will be considered in this category.
Judges : Cherrie Miriklis-Pavlou (Flowers Vasette) and Joost Bakker.
The Floral Design Awards is sponsored by Interflora.
Styling + Art Direction
This category seeks to award one outstanding Australian styling or art direction project completed by either an individual, group or organisation. A single photograph or photographic series, advertising campaign, editorial project or personal styling project will be considered in this category.
Judges : Glen Proebstel and Megan Morton. 
The Styling & Art Direction Award is sponsored by Cult.
This category seeks to award one outstanding Australian handcrafted project, completed by either an individual, group or organisation. A single handcrafted functional, decorative or wearable item, or a handcrafted product range will be considered in this category. Practitioners of any handcrafted discipline are eligible to enter.
Judges : Louse Olsen (Dinosaur Designs), Maree Clarke and Chloë Powell (Craft Victoria).
The Handcrafted Award is sponsored by Jansz Tasmania.
Sustainable Design
This category seeks to award one outstanding Australian sustainable design project, completed by either an individual, group or organisation. Any project which is exemplary of sustainable innovation is eligible, including, but not limited to, architectural projects, industrial design projects, functional products, furniture and lighting.
Judges : Jeremy McLeod (Breathe Architecture, Nightingale Housing) and Abigail Forsyth (KeepCup).
The Sustainable Design award is sponsored by Mercedes me.
Emerging Designer
This category seeks to award one designer, architect or independent creative, working in any creative discipline, who has launched their professional practice within the last three years.
Judges : Lucy Feagins (The Design Files), Anne-Maree Sargeant (Authentic Design Alliance) and Henry Wilson (Studio Henry Wilson).
The Emerging Designer Award is supported by Phoenix Tapware.
This category seeks to award one collaborative design project, where two or more separate creative practitioners, businesses or entities have come together to create one collaborative product, product range, installation, built structure or other creative project.
Judges : Ken Done, Jeremy Wortsman (The Jacky Winter Group), and Amanda Henderson (Gloss Creative).
Entries are open NOW – until June 7th.
Winners will be announced in a fancy awards ceremony at Deakin Edge, Federation Square in Melbourne on Thursday September 19th 2019!
We’re incredibly grateful to our sponsors for throwing their incredible support behind this brand new awards program – THANKYOU Brickworks, Miele, Cult, NAU, Interflora, Mercedes me, Eco Outdoor, Jansz Tasmania and Phoenix Tapware.
Massive thanks also to our supporters and collaborators – including all our brilliant judges, photographer  Eve Wilson for capturing our campaign imagery so beautifully,  our official hotel partner, Adelphi Hotel, our publicist Esther Navarro-Orejon of The Project Agency, Anne-Maree Sargeant and Authentic Design Alliance for helping us advocate for original Australian design, and to Sample, CAPI and Cookes Food for future festivities!
ALL the info, prizes, judging criteria and eligibility can be found over at the TDF Design Awards website.
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johnaculbreath · 6 years
Suit says Jones Day’s ‘black box’ compensation system hides pay bias
Daily News
Suit says Jones Day's 'black box' compensation…
Law Firms
Suit says Jones Day's 'black box' compensation system hides pay bias
By Debra Cassens Weiss
Posted June 20, 2018, 7:05 am CDT
Kang Hyejin/Shutterstock.com.
A former Jones Day partner in California has filed a lawsuit claiming the firm’s secretive compensation system and subjective performance reviews are designed to hide pay discrimination against women.
Fired partner Wendy Moore claims Jones Day violated California equal-pay and labor laws in the suit filed Tuesday in state court in San Francisco. Moore is currently a partner at Perkins Coie, the Recorder reports. The suit was filed on behalf of Moore and other female lawyers currently and formerly at Jones Day in California.
The suit alleges that Jones Day undervalues female lawyers as a result of a “black box” compensation system in which a small group of influential partners sets associate compensation without sufficient controls, transparency and oversight. Partner pay is even more subjective because it is set by managing partner Steve Brogan, with input from small groups of partners, the suit says.
The suit claims there was “an enforced code of silence” regarding associate pay and productivity, and a requirement that partners maintain confidentiality about compensation. As a result, female lawyers were unable to discover and try to equalize their pay. Over the past few months, Jones Day changed its guidelines so that associates are discouraged—but not forbidden—to discuss pay, according to the suit.
The firm offers fewer opportunities for female lawyers because male partners mentor male associates and pass business to them through male-centered social events focusing on athletics, the suit says.
“This male-dominated environment fosters a fraternity culture that centers on male attorneys, their clients, their relationships, and their female conquests,” the suit says. “Male partners often initiate happy hours and pub nights, where conversations center around sporting events, sports stories, and tales of bad-boy behavior at Jones Day’s offices.
“As part of the firm’s fraternity culture, the firm’s male leaders often make sexist comments and rate the attractiveness of female attorneys, paralegals, staff and officers of the firm’s clients. Business development events, too, often center on degrading stereotypes of femininity and cater to a preference for sports and alcohol. Within this environment, female attorneys are undervalued and marginalized.”
Moore alleges she was paid less than male partners performing substantially similar work during her four years at the firm. For several years, the suit says, Moore earned less than a sixth-year associate, James Burnham, who left to work with the Trump administration. A public disclosure revealed that Burnham made $810,000 at Jones Day in a single year, according to the Recorder.
In addition, Moore was told she had to decide whether to join Jones Day as a lateral partner without knowing what her compensation would be, the suit says. She wouldn’t learn the amount until she accepted the offer, and she was told she should not negotiate for money, according to the suit. It took four years of work at Jones Day before Moore reached the pay she had left behind at her former firm.
The suit says Moore raised concerns about the firm’s “misogynist culture” and its support for Donald Trump, and the complaints led to her termination on Feb. 28.
The suit was filed by Sanford Heisler Sharp, which has sued other large law firms for alleged gender bias. Sanford Heisler is currently litigating class action cases against Morrison & Foerster and Ogletree Deakins.
A Jones Day spokesperson did not immediately respond to the ABA Journal’s request for comment.
Suit says Jones Day’s ‘black box’ compensation system hides pay bias republished via ABA Journal Daily News - Business of Law
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fairplayforwomen · 7 years
Dear Labour Party
Several Labour Party women have written that they support the inclusion of males in programmes intended to advance female leadership, if they identify as women (see below). They’ve already benefited from such a scheme, but we feel that organisations are deaf to the majority concerns of women. Should much-needed opportunities for females be offered instead to males? We ask the Labour Party to reconsider.
Our letter has 121 signatures, plus over 200 agreements on this Mumsnet thread.
Trans-identifying male, 19, applies to Jo Cox Women In Leadership Programme. The Times, 25 Nov 2017
New Labour Party Women’s Officer is a teenage boy who identifies as transgender. The Times, 20 Nov 2017
Dear Labour Party,
We are ordinary women, some of us Labour Party members, the rest of us potential Labour Party voters. We know that sexism and sexist messages received from birth mean we are less likely to push ourselves forward, to be listened to, to take the lead and have belief in our abilities, especially in a male-dominated sphere such as politics. Whatever our differences, this is an experience that unites women in society and is exactly why the Jo Cox Women in Leadership programme is needed – to bolster self-esteem and confidence and work towards building a toolkit in preparation for political life.
The Labour Party and Labour Women’s Network, in association with the Jo Cox Foundation, have decided not to invoke Equality Act 2010 exemptions which would permit the Jo Cox Women in Leadership Programme to offer the programme to female participants only. We understand that graduates will feel a loyalty to the programme and its decisions. We hope they also feel a responsibility to reflect the diversity of women’s opinions in the party and wider society, and will use their leadership roles to ensure women are consulted about the things that affect us, whether Conservative Party proposals to review the Gender Recognition Act or Labour Party mechanisms to increase women’s participation in political life.
Emma Salmon – Fair Play for Women /ex Vice Chair Bexhill and Battle CLP Judith Green – Woman’s Place UK/ Cambridge CLP / RCM rep Jacky Holyoake – Women’s Officer Halesowen and Regis CLP Dr Nic Williams – Fair Play for Women Stephanie Davies-Arai – Transgender Trend Cherry Austin – Fair Play for Women founder / Unite/ North Herefordshire CLP Jane Galloway – Fair Play for Women / Sidcup CLP / Unison Anne Ruzylo – ex Women’s Officer Bexhill and Battle CLP Jill Murphy – Tiverton and Honiton CLP Ruth Cherry – Unite Venice Allen – Lewisham & Deptford CLP Kellie-Jay Keen-Minshull – Lowri Daniels – Streatham CLP Jo Green – UCU Karen Kruzycha – Romford CLP Jen Donkin Gourley – Labour member Jan Oliver – Enfield North CLP Gina Richardson – Bexhill and Battle CLP Julia Richards-Davies – Hornsey and Wood Green CLP Sarah Haughey – Stretford Branch Kirsty O’Hara – Stockton North CLP Alex Porter – Dulwich and South Norwood CLP Amanda Gosling – Canterbury and Whitstable CLP Kay Green – Hastings and Rye CLP E. Parker – Labour member Catherine Dawson – Exeter CLP Joanne Jonathan – Cardif North CLP and RCN rep Emma Flynn – Labour member Maggie Wellington – Stretford and Urmston CLP Bronwyn Davies – Cardif North CLP Helena Wojtczac – Hastings and Rye CLP Matesa McKeefery – Rossendale and Darwin CLP Jo Bartosch – Gloucester CLP Sinead Connolly – Gosport CLP Dr Laura Noszlopy – Shrewsbury and Atcham CLP Eleanor Hill – Cardiff West CLP Steph Cosson – Rochdale CLP Melissa Mallows – Wantage CLP Josephine Liptrott – Ealing Central and Action CLP Jess Goldie – ex officio – Bury North CLP Kate Meller Beaumont – Sutton Coldfield CLP Hannah Carter – NUJ Diane Vine – Bournemouth West CLP Beth Aze – Women’s officer Stretford and Urmston CLP Louise Brown – Labour Cathy Love – Ilford South CLP Katherine Brierly – Adur and Worthing CLP Kiri Tunks – Walthamstow Central Jackie Mearns – Unison Cathy Boardman – Labour member Marion Calder – Unison Julia Clare – NUS Natalie Holland – NUS Caroline Barnard ex Mid-Norfolk CLP Emma Wilkes Stalybridge and Hyde CLP Sarah Johnson – Cambridge CLP Paula Lamont – Hackney South and Shoreditch CLP / BECTU Beth Millar Lucy Brown Chloe Reed, Durham C.M Slavidou C. Williams Nicola Gallie Jean Hogan, Hertfordshire Jeni England Kelly Power, London Roz Hathaway, Oxford Linda O’Sullivan Hannah Tahir Sheena Best Sarah Westbury Jemma Louise Rhonda Thompson Amanda Whyte Charlotte Edwards Tamsin Meriel Claire Russel Cushla Brennan Mary Mulligan Louise Robinson Katheryn Congdon Clare Kerr Sarah Cummings Ali Ceesay Wendy Lisa Gibbons Darleen Jones Anna Fisher Jennifer Wilson Natasha Parys, Kent Jeni Harvey Maggi Gibson Grace O’Malley Rachael Rowe Sarah Bellabarba Jessica Eaton Helen Saxby Claire Fenner Julie Deakin Suzie Ivins Lily Floyd Kath Ball Karen Goode Angela.c.Wild Susan Perry Frances Gillard Rebecca Harrison Jenny Nicholas Knaggs Kim Harding D Fielder Sarah Ferguson Nicola Kerry Andrea Thomas Jillian McCormick Felicity Thorpe-Tracey Rebecca Lush In solidarity:
Miranda Yardley Andy Cooper, Essex Julian Vigo Ophelia Benson Jennifer Chavez Michael Murphey – Tiverton and Honiton CLP Imogen Saiz
And the many other women who have added their support via Mumsnet: https://www.mumsnet.com/Talk/womens_rights/3101669-A-Spartacus-letter-re-Jo-Cox-Leadership
The letter welcoming trans-identified males in schemes for women:
Alumni of the first Jo Cox Women In Leadership course wrote in support of trans-identified males joining the programme. Pink News, 29 Nov 2017
Signatories to the letter supporting the inclusion of trans-identified males on a programme for women. Pink News, 29 Nov 2017
Dear Labour Party: Please consult ordinary women Dear Labour Party Several Labour Party women have written that they support the inclusion of males in programmes intended to advance female leadership, if they identify as women (see below).
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Wendy: Hey, Robin, are you free on Friday? Like around eight?
Robin: Yeah.
Wendy: And you, Connie?
Connie: Umm... yes?
Wendy: Great! Because I'm not. You two go out without me. Enjoy your date!
Connie: Did she just-
Steve, in the distance: *proud*
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Wendy: Can I have two straws with that milkshake?
Steve: Aww-
Wendy: With two straws, I can drink it twice as fast!
Steve: *looks down*
Wendy: No, Steve, sweetie, I was kidding-
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Wendy Deakins
A/N: (I have only just started binging Stranger Things so I am very behind. I'm in Season 2 right now so I will update as I continue watching.)
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Full Name: Wendy Ann Deakins
Nickname(s): Wenny, Wendz, Dee Dee, Annie, Darling (because of Peter Pan), Geek, Freak, Grease Monkey
Age: 16 in Season 1 of Stranger Things
Sexual Orientation: Straight Romantic Asexual
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Skin Tone: Fair
Eye Color: Hazel
Hair Color: Golden Brown
Hairstyle: Side braided, occasionally messy
Build: She's a small girl, her arms are the only really built things about her, but when you help your mechanic father out, you end up lifting a lot of heavy things
Height: 5' 5"
Style: She typically wears old button down shirts, either with sleeves rolled up or cut short/off. She really likes browns, blacks and oranges. Autumn is her favorite season for a lot of reasons but one of the big ones is the colors. She also wears overalls a lot with one of her dad's old t-shirts or one of her sweaters.
General Personality Traits: Spirited, Curious, Kind
Strengths: Adroit, Astute, Resourceful
Flaws: Provocable, Can be snide, Competitive
Habits and Mannerisms: When she gets excited about something, she talks really fast, people have to tell her to slow down sometimes. The same happens when she gets nervous; Sometimes she fidgets with her braid, smoothing the end of it down, or running her hand through her hair and messing it up; She rolls her head before getting to work on something; When given a reasonable opportunity, she will sit on a counter with her legs crossed; She constantly does the rubber pencil trick/fiddles with her pencils
Secrets: She doesn't have a great relationship with her mom, that is not a secret but the backstory to it is. Wendy has never really run with the pack so to speak. She's more interested in working with her dad and her biology class than she is with certain other things. Her mom wants her to find a nice boy to settle down with and while Wendy does find certain boys cute every once and a while, she's never really liked them like that if you catch my drift. She also does not really want a nuclear family either. Why should she have to give up her dreams just because society says she should?
Regrets: She regrets not talking things through with her mom, not trying to explain that she doesn't appreciate being compared to other girls her age.
Skills/Talents: Fixing things; Figuring out how things work; Understanding animal behavior; Biology; Hiking; Explaining/Teaching others
Likes: Animals, Feminism, Candy Cigarettes (she thinks they're funny)
Dislikes: Being compared, Animal Cruelty (nature is violent, that's just the way it is but humans shouldn't treat animals poorly), Folks who are uneducated and refuse to learn
Sense of Humor: Wendy has a very Laugh-At-Life view of the world (at least pre-series). She is smart and loves learning and the way the world works. More often than not, everything is beautiful and happens for a reason so, when something happens it's best not to take things so seriously, whatever is going on in your life has a solution, all you have to do is find it. So in the moment, it's best to laugh at what you can and work your way towards a solution. That's not to say that she can't turn things serious on a dime when the situation calls for it, because she can definitely take charge of a dangerous situation if the need arises. (And it definitely will).
Guilty Pleasure: Popcorn and cute stuffed animals are her greatest weaknesses
Defining Moment: Piecing the Demodogs' behavior together while she and Steve essentially join the party
Friends: Dustin Henderson, Lucas Sinclair, Will Byers, Mike Wheeler, Steve Harrington (eventually), Joyce Byers, Jonathan Byers, Nancy Wheeler, Jim Hopper, Eleven, Max Hargrove, Robin Buckley
Family: Martin "Marty" Deakins (Father), Dorothy Deakins (Mother), Doc (Wendy's trusted Abyssinian cat companion)
Enemies: Hawkins Lab, Creatures from The Upside Down, Billy Hargrove
Lovers: Steve Harrington (eventually)
Relationship Status: Single
Reputation: She's a very intelligent and nice girl, she just strays slightly out of the social norms
Current Residence: Hawkins, Indiana
Collections: Biology/Animal books, Cat toys, Mechanic Equipment (including welding equipment), A walkman and headphones, Her dad's old truck
Accent: Midwestern
Voice: Spunky
Signature Quote: "Wicked... How's it work?"
Song: I’ve been looking for an early 80′s song that matches her vibe but I haven’t quite found it yet. However, her favorite song is Be My Baby by the Ronettes
Wendy Deakins is a smart girl, always has been. She enjoys learning about the world and its many objects and what makes them work. When she was younger she had a knack for tearing things apart to see how it functioned before putting it back together. This skill followed her into her academic life when she became fascinated with animals and ecosystems. She wanted to be a veterinarian when she grew up and dressed up like one for several Halloweens as a child. Her mother was not necessarily enthused by this. Didn't she want to dress up like a princess or something like that? Like what other little girls did? Her father however, could not have been more proud of his little girl. She's smart and has a passion for learning, not to mention she had goals in mind at such a young age. Something she wanted more than a white fence. He even let her into his shop at a young age, to see what he did for work. She thought what he did was amazing. Like a car doctor!
So, as soon as she was old enough, her dad got her some coveralls and offered her a job helping him around the shop. She did smaller stuff at the beginning. She was still learning what she needed to know for the job but she could fix smaller things and point people to the parts they needed while Martin was busy with bigger repairs. It made things more efficient and was excellent for getting things done. Not to mention, Wendy has always been a kind girl, so people were more than happy to take advice from the sweet girl who seemed to know what she was doing, rather than argue with her father. Not that Martin didn't know what he was doing, it's just sometimes people think they know better.
That doesn't mean that Wendy was immune to teasing though, her peers saw a girl their age that just didn't quite fit. She was a tomboy when that kind of thing wasn't necessarily the social norm in rural America. Her mother tried to steer her down the "right" path but Wendy always did her best to ignore it. She knew who she was, what she liked and what she wanted out of life. Her dad supported her and there was nothing that was going to make her change. She got along fine with other kids, she might not have been popular but that's okay. She didn't need to be, and besides, if some idiot wanted to waste their breath making fun of her for being herself, screw them. Some comments sting, but that's life, you file it away and you move on.
Wendy made contact with The Party while working in her Dad's shop. The boys had been riding around on their bikes and Dustin's chain broke, so they had to bring their bikes in. Smiling, Martin delegated the fix to Wendy and she did so faster than the boys thought was physically possible. They were amazed that a girl could do all that and Wendy thought the four of them were funny. She sent them on their way after teaching them a thing or two about bikes, already a little endeared by the kids.
That wasn't the last time she saw them however. She actually saw them rather regularly outside of the shop. She had a study hall around the time that the boys were in Mr. Clark's science class (not that she knew that at the time), she had been one of Mr. Clark's favorite students when she was in middle school and he her favorite teacher. She, frankly, wasn't really using the study hall anyway and decided she would ask if she could pop over to the middle school during the study hall and TA for Mr. Clark's science class, especially for harder lessons like labs. She even offered for him to call over to the High School to let them know that she had showed up for the class, just to make sure everything was above board.
So through these interactions, she made a semi-friendship with the kids, becoming a beloved NPC to their party if you will.
Then, of course, things got more than a little weird...
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Wendy: I trust Steve.
Lucas: Do you think he knows what he's doing?
Wendy: I wouldn't go that far.
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Robin: Ooh, somebody has a crush
Steve: Pfft, I don't have a crush on Wendy I just think she's cool, it's not like I stay up at night thinking about her.
*Later that night*
Steve, very much awake: Uh oh.
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Wendy: Wait, who's saying shit about you?
Steve: Why, do you want a list?
Wendy: [perfectly serious and holding a wrench] Yes.
Steve: ...
Steve: Only if you give me a list of yours
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Robin: Don't worry man, Wendy likes your jokes and fancy hair. I know, I read her diary.
Steve: She thinks it's fancy?
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Stranger Things has invaded my brain, specifically Steve and Wendy
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If you’ve got some asks or requests for them, I would be delighted to answer them
Wendy’s Bio
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