failyaoi · 1 month
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made a Johnny Cake now I must kill him and eat him
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multifariousqueer · 1 year
hii, can you please write like a short fic where reader gives miles a spanky for being a bad boy but miles instead takes control and spanks her but reader is turned on by it?😳
Uhhh surebabes! Ngl this req took me by surprise
A/n: Requests are now closed until further notice. If you have anything nice you want to say, my inbox is open for short sweet messages ONLY. As always, enjoy the story!❤️
Warnings: spanking, fluff, baking, Miles being cocky and adorable, language, suggestiveness
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It was about 4AM when you saw the recipe on your timeline. It was for a chiffon cake with whipped cream icing and cute strawberry hearts. You rolled over to Miles and saw he was out cold so you got up and got the ingredients and started the recipe.
Miles tossed a bit and turned when he realized you weren’t next to him or jammed in his ribcage. His eyes shot open when he felt you weren’t even close so he got up and checked the bathroom since that’s more logical
You were straining the flour and prepping the ingredients when he walked in:
“Que te pasa, mami?” he asked groggily rubbing his eyes
“Hm?” you asked with big eyes and flour on your nose
Miles shook his head and bit back a smile before walking over and grabbing your waist
“Couldn’t sleep?” he asked
“I saw a recipe I just HAD to make” you smiled
“Mmm at 4AM?” he asked because it truly seemed so outlandish but you just couldn’t sleep knowing that you had all the ingredients to make it just sitting in your cabinet.
“Yep” you said, closing your eyes and grinning before looking at the recipe
He chuckled before coming over to “help”.
He grabbed you from behind and watched as you sifted flour before he stuck his finger in the flour and threw it on your face.
You closed your eyes and sniffed:
“you bitch” you chuckled before throwing flour on him
He threw flour on your face again and soon it was an all out flour war before you ran out.
“Shit Miles, we ran out” you laughed
“damn, I guess we should stop huh?” he feigned surrender
“Yea- OH” you started before Miles threw sugar on you
“We are NOT about to waste sugar Miles” you said before you threw a pinch at him
He threw another pinch at you and you crept up behind him and smacked him on the ass. Suddenly everything stopped and he went quiet. Worry started to set in until he said:
“oh so you wanna do this huh?"
“huh?” you asked before he bent you over the table and spanked you back, only this time, he did it thrice and applied more pressure; it was less a “fun” spanking and more of a “payback/don’t do that shit again” spanking.
You yelped a bit and felt your cheeks heat up. Surely you didn’t like this feeling, right?
The next day came and you managed to make the cake, this time without losing too much flour. You went to serve Miles who gave you a proud smile:
“see I knew you could do it, Mami. Te lo dije” he said
You smiled and chuckled
“whatever Miles"
You remembered the events of the previous night and after dinner, you slipped into the conversation:
“hey remember last night when you spanked me?’
“yeah? why?” Miles asked with a puzzled expression on his face
“Umm, I was wondering if we could do it again?” you asked with a shy smile on your face
Miles smirked and said
“I mean, if you enjoyed it, who am I to deny my princesa of her pleasures?"
Miles got up and grabbed you so that you were straddling him. He picked you up and took you to the bedroom where you got your fill.
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sitp-recs · 1 year
Hi Liv, do you have a list for short fics (5k)? I’m looking for some bed time fics that won’t keep me up until 4am. Thank you, i love your blog.
Hi anon! I think I did a shorts reclist before but they were probably over 5k so this was a great opportunity to highlight even shorter fics (and also a great way to decompress last night, ty!)
Boy, do I have recs for you 🤣 I’m listing below 50 fics within 5k - you’ll notice that 2-4k is my sweet spot but I did my best to include all kinds of lengths and tropes - sure, there may be some contemplative angst but nothing too sad I hope after all this is BED TIME. Personally, I think all these make for excellent bedtime reads. Enjoy!
Semiplume by @tackytigerfic (M, 1k)
Without Sunshine by @sweet-s0rr0w (T, 1k)
with the lights off, i see you by teatrolley (NR, 1k)
Tidings of Comfort by @blamebrampton (G, 1.5k)
The Game by rillalicious (G, 1.5k)
Take That Ride by @andithiel (T, 1.5k)
Windy City by @cavendishbutterfly (T, 1.5k)
Meet You In the Middle by toomuchplor (E, 1.5k)
magic in the making by @getawayfox (G, 2k)
Willing Blood by @lqtraintracks and @the-starryknight (E, 2k)
I, Ferret by curiouslyfic (T, 2k)
You Either Fuck or You Get Fucked by @fw00shy (E, 2k)
This Time Again (Next Year) by @gryffindorhearts (T, 2k)
Receipts by @moonflower-rose (M, 2k)
Bright Side by @floydig (T, 2k)
10:47 am by fw00shy (T, 2k)
Light Years Away by @lettersbyelise (M, 2.5k)
"I'll Figure It Out." by @vukovich (E, 2.5k)
the other harry's happiness by thestarryknight (T, 3k)
Still Life, orphaned (M, 3k)
Secretly, between the shadow and the soul by @teacup-tai (T, 3k)
Between the Power Lines by tackytiger (M, 3k)
On The Shore by @skeptiquewrites (T, 3k)
Nothing compares by @maesterchill (T, 3k)
Mad Blood Stirring by provocative_envy (E, 3k)
Enjoy the Silence by @shealwaysreads (M, 3.5k)
Half Awake by @academicdisasterfic (E, 3.5k)
The Mating Habits of Snidgets by @shealynn88 (G, 3.5k)
Is This Love? by @phdmama (E, 3.5k)
The Long Fall by tackytiger (M, 3.5k)
Sun Stroke by @peachpety (E, 4k)
Limits of Earth and Sky by Jackvbriefs (E, 4k)
Waiting for that Feeling by @sorrybutblog (T, 4k)
Oxygen by maesterchill (T, 4k)
Cupboard Love by shealwaysreads (G, 4k)
The Notion of Attention by thestarryknight (T, 4k)
Interlude by dynamic (E, 4k)
Cake by astolat (M, 4k)
Lucid by @dracoladon (E, 4.5k)
Want by SilentAuror (M, 4.5k)
Five Years by @shiftylinguini (M, 4.5k)
Tastes Like Soap by InnerLilith (E, 4.5k)
Garden War by Cibee (T, 5k)
Game On by @pennygalleon (T, 5k)
Blue Sky Is Living Here Today by ignatiustrout (G, 5k)
Nothing Left to Burn by skeptique (E, 5k)
He Whose Hand and Eye Are Gentle by khalulu (G, 5k)
A Midsummer Affair by @lazywonderlvnd (E, 5k)
light as the sky above by @candybarrnerd (E, 5k)
Hourglass Heart by @bixgirl1 (E, 5k)
198 notes · View notes
AITA for the way this friendship ended?
It's over and done now but I still feel guilty. I met this person on tumblr years ago, like ten, and we got close, sort of big sister/little sister sort of thing since we had a bit of an age gap, I would try to give advice, we sent each other parcels, that sort of thing. Last summer, I even flew to visit them for quite a few days and we had a really good time. They confided in me about being nonbinary and after I went home, I spent more and more time every day sort of fielding...their drama. About their family and their mental illness and their gender identity, they sort of just spouted it all out and I tried my best to be really supportive and not put them down even when it was complaining about how their parents got takeout from the wrong place. (Yes, a rant that I received at least once a week.)
It got worse from there. I ended up staying up until 3am, 4am, having these long text conversations about the problems in their life, and since they talked about suicidal (and I talked them down SEVERAL times during the course of our correspondence) I never disagreed with what they were complaining about, even if I did think they were actually in the wrong. I didn't want to upset someone who seemed in a very delicate place.
Anyway, one morning I wake up and they're telling me they want to make a cake to reveal their gender identity to their parents. Specifically a blue and white and pink cake. I asked why they wouldn't use the colors for the nonbinary flag, since that was, until that moment, what they had always told me they identified as, and they got really mad, said I was transphobic, didn't message me until later to inform me that after telling their therapist what I had done, they could move on. So I was a little confused since it seemed that they had decided they weren't nonbinary anymore, and this argument started over a hypothetical cake. Also I was a little frustrated that they had--the night before--given me the list of things they were going to talk about with their therapist and instead spent that time complaining about me, who at that point was so sleep-deprived from staying up late every single night just trying to keep them from feeling suicidal...idk I was frustrated.
Anyway, after a few days, they contacted me, and I told them that I couldn't keep doing the whole sounding board thing. I couldn't just be the person they complained at, and it wasn't fair to me that they were placing so much stress on me every time they would talk about being suicidal and use me as a way to come down instead of someone in their house who could actually physically be there. I also admitted that I would lie to them and say I agreed with their complaints because I wanted them to stay happy with me and not feel attacked. They replied that I was obviously very untrustworthy and we could no longer have any sort of relationship because of what I had done. And we basically cut all contact. They deleted all their social media and I was forbidden from texting/emailing them so I literally have no idea if someone I cared enough about a year ago to spend the money to fly to visit is still alive.
I just don't know. I feel super guilty about it all and AITA for this? I thought I was doing my best to be supportive but I just screwed everything up and lost a ten year friendship because of a make-believe cake.
What are these acronyms?
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afpwestcoast · 10 months
The Observatory North Park, San Diego, 12/9/23
Though we were in a different city the setup for this show was very similar to last night in LA: large, ornate theater with a barricade keeping people back from the stage. But this was no impediment to the band torching through a stellar set.
Amanda calls me Tom the Critic because after shows I have a tendency to skip over the OMYGOD THAT WAS AWESOME part and pick nits over minor issues. It’s a character flaw; I’m working on it.
After this show I took Amanda’s face in my hand, looked her in the eye, and said, “Amanda, you know I love you, but I am about to tell you something that you probably thought you’d never hear me say.”
“Oh god,” she replied, bracing for the worst. “What is it?”
I leaned in close and whispered, “Perfect show. No notes.”
“AWWWW!” she said as she melted into my arms for a big hug.
And it really was a truly stupendous show, but even so it came close to being overshadowed by the after party.
Amanda’s sister Alyson (of forced wedding / gross cake fame) was in town for a hematology conference, and her “book doula” Jamy Ian Swiss lives in San Diego, so they were both there.
I convinced them - and Amanda’s brilliant long-time sound guy Dave - to join us for drinks at Part Time Lover, a nearby combination bar and vinyl record store. As we headed out I snuck up behind Amanda and said, “I think I just convinced your sister to come out drinking.” She said, “Yeah, that tracks.”
The place was jammed with a boisterous young crowd when we arrived, but we closed the place down and there hardly was anyone left by 2am.
I got to learn about Alyson’s efforts to cure cancer with targeted drugs and Dave’s work training the next generation of sound engineers. That was lovely, but Jamy stole the show. Or rather, put one on.
Knowing him primarily from his work with Amanda on her book, I thought the magic was a bit of a side hustle. When I asked, “Are you any good?” his look said, ‘I will tolerate that because you are buying me drinks,’ but his mouth said, “I am much better than good.” And then he pulled out a deck of cards and proved it.
I had never actually seen close magic up close, like literally standing next to the magician. Let me tell you, it is quite an experience. You know it’s a trick, you know he’s doing something, but you cannot see anything, which makes you start questioning your sanity. He really is much better than good.
After we closed the bar Dave and Alyson bailed but Jamy soldiered on and we went to an all-night diner where the spirited (pardon the pun) conversation continued until we finally parted ways around 4am. This was one for the annals.
Annotated Set List:
Good Day
Sex Changes
My Alcoholic Friends
Shores of California
Delilah (featuring Veronica Swift) Welcome to the Internet (Bo Burnham cover)
Another lengthy intro before launching into a set of new songs, although this didn’t feel like the angsty delay tactic of the previous night but just bringing the audience up to speed on what was about to happen. Mister God
By way of introduction to the next song Amanda said that the friend who was the first person she sent it to when it was finished was in the audience.
“A really dear friend of mine is in the audience tonight … his name is Jamy Ian Swiss and he’s a man of many talents, among them: he’s an incredible professional magician. But he also helped me write a book called “The Art of Asking,” which was kind of a magic trick itself. Over the course of working on this book together he got to know me very very very well.”
And I thought, ‘Oh yeah I need to party with this guy.’
Believe it or not, as Amanda was telling the background story of the next song, there was another medical emergency that necessitated bringing up the house lights, same as the previous night in LA. Once again the staff was on it and the band and the crowd were very respectful.
Afterwards Brian said, “It is actually really amazingly rad to have venue after venue’s staff come up to us after shows and go, ‘Your crowd is really awesome; they’re really good people!’”
Whakenewha Amsterdam (Jacques Brel cover)
Another Christmas
Boyfriend in a Coma
The Runner
The Nail (Amanda on synthesizer)
Coin-Operated Boy
“We don’t take for granted that we’ve been a band for 23 years now and without a record out since fucking 2008 and like a thousand people still came to see us play. That does not necessarily have to happen when you’re a band. And so we want to thank every single one of you for just like loving us and believing in us.”
Merch commercial
Astronaut (A Brief History of Nearly Nothing) (Amanda Palmer cover)
War Pigs (Black Sabbath cover)
Girl Anachronism
Photo Gallery:
The scene of the crime.
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Ready to Rock! (photo by Deanna Aliano)
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The Dresden Dolls!
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Amanda is WAY up on the balcony for Amsterdam
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The many faces of Brian Viglione
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Merry Christmas motherfuckers
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Technicolor Dolls
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Beautiful shot of Brian by Deanna Aliano
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Big finish!
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2-m0use · 7 months
Tw mentions of b!nging and $h
So last night I was violently uncomfortable given I have a sensory disorder (I'm autistic) and chronic pain, both of which were worsened by it being the first night of my period. So I'm up at ungodly hours tossing, turning, having meltdowns, cramping, the whole nine yards.
So, I got so frustrated that my blankets were sliding that I had to throw myself out of bed and take a break. I went down to the kitchen at 4am with the intention of eating some foods high in tryptophan to help me sleep.
I had a piece of bread with mustard and a slice of cheddar cheese, and a baby pickle on the side. Then I ate some leftover cake, maybe 4 bites, then I sat on the ground and ate several fistfuls of goldfish while crying. I then had a few bites of some incredibly freezerburned coffee ice cream, a spoonful of peanut butter, and a pack of dipping caramel.
I washed it down with half a glass of water and marched back to bed, where I grabbed a safety pin and scratched up my stomach before turning in for the night.
Today my family got Qdoba for lunch so I had nachos since I skipped breakfast and will skip dinner too. I actually have some ice cream I want to eat after work that I accidentally left in the work freezer yesterday though. I will get back to fasting And cal counting tomorrow, but I'm going to stick to 16 hour minimums and 900 cal maximums and not try to be any harder on myself than that until my period ends. I will also not be weighing myself until then.
If I don't make it to 120 by April I will live. It's nbd. But I have to make it to 115 by July. That should be PLENTY of time.
Anyways, I got like 3 hours of sleep and I work in 2 hours so I'm gonna take a little nap and then get ready.
0 notes
sometimesanalice · 2 years
⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚✮ ゚。⋆ ☁︎⋆
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𝙱𝚛𝚊𝚍𝚕𝚎𝚢 '𝚁𝚘𝚘𝚜𝚝𝚎𝚛' 𝙱𝚛𝚊𝚍𝚜𝚑𝚊𝚠
𝙻𝚒𝚔𝚎 𝙸 𝙲𝚊𝚗 𝚄𝚗𝚒𝚟𝚎𝚛𝚜𝚎
Like I Can | Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3
After yet another bad date and tired of swiping on apps, the Dagger Squad steps in to help you out. Much to Rooster’s dismay.
Give Me Your Hand / Here Is My Heart (2 Part Series) (✫)
You and Bradley have been dating for a couple of months, and you’re tired of wondering what it would be like to be in his bed. You want to know.
That’s My Girl
Bradley has been looking after you for longer than he can remember. You’ve always been his favorite person. So when some guy makes an unwelcomed move on you, that last thing he’s going to do is just sit back and watch it happen.
I Like Your Cinema (✫)
Bradley wasn’t sure why you wanted to see the movie again, but when you’re tugging down his zipper things start to make a lot more sense.
What’s in a Name? (✫)
Bradley really loves the way you say his name. At the grocery store. At the bar. In his bed.
Sweetest Devotion
Loving Bradley is the easiest thing you've ever done, but a slight mixup at the bakery leads to the sweetest of promises.
Days Like This
When your day goes from bad to terrible to worse, Bradley is there to help pick you back up.
In a Place Just Right
It's your first year hosting Thanksgiving and Bradley can tell you're a little nervous. He knows it's going to be great because any holiday spent with you is already better than anything he could have imagined.
California Dreaming (a prequel to 'Like I Can')
At sometime past 4am, the last thing you would have ever expected was to receive a call from Bradley Bradshaw. But time is a funny thing it feels like it might be running out.
Sun Stroke (a prequel to 'Like I Can') (✫)
It’s been a few months since you’ve broken up with your boyfriend and moved to San Diego. When Rooster and his teammates introduce you to Dogfight football, you know you’ll never be the same again.
Between Friends (a ‘Like I Can’ AU) (✫)
Bradley and you don’t talk about that Spring Break. But a single question asked during a night out at the Hard Deck might just change things between the two of you forever.
I Find Myself Wanting || Delicate Sensibilities || Picture Perfect (a ‘Like I Can’ AU)
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𝙾𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚛 𝚂𝚝𝚘𝚛𝚒𝚎𝚜
Bad Idea (✫)
All Bradley wanted was a fun night out, until he sees his ex. At his bar. With another man. Then he’s in the mood to make some bad decisions.
Hey, Sailor (✫)
It’s Fleet Week and Rooster would rather be anywhere else. That’s is until a pretty thing in a sundress catches his eye and then suddenly things are looking up.
Wildest Dreams (✫) | Part 1 | Part 2 (complete, prequel to Hey, Sailor)
Never in your wildest dreams would you have expected to be waiting at a Naval hangar for a man you’d met two months ago during Fleet Week. Yet here you are.
Have Your Cake and Eat it T(w)o (✫)
It may be his birthday, but Bradley is set on making all of your fantasies come true.
Leave A Light On | vol. i | vol. ii (complete, 2 Part Series)
When Bradley had given you a key to his place, what he probably didn’t expect was to find you there at 2 am sitting at the piano you’d helped him find.
Up the Ante (✫) (rooster x reader x hangman)
Rooster had heard the whispers that had followed him and Hangman around for years. You, however, are more than happy to find out for yourself if all the rumors were true.
Call My Bluff (✫) (rooster x reader x hangman, a follow up to Up the Ante)
Rooster and Hangman have always attracted attention wherever they went, only now you're starting to have a hard time ignoring it. You weren't jealous, you couldn't be. After all, they're yours- at least for now.
Bedside Manner
Your golden afternoon with the Daggers takes a turn for the worst when a game of dogfight football leaves you with a bleeding head and an aching heart.
Oh Christmas Tree
Bradley’s never been one to celebrate the holidays, that is until he met you. He’s excited to do everything, including getting his first very real Christmas tree.
Make You Mine This Season (sequel to Oh Christmas Tree)
After the perfect day out, you come home with a new accessory- just not the one you were hoping for.
Seeing Double (prequel to Oh Christmas Tree)
Costumeless and in a panic less than a couple of hours before you’re supposed to be meeting your boyfriend’s closest friends. You’re ready to call it quits when you’re suddenly hit with a burst of inspiration.
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𝚁𝚘𝚋𝚎𝚛𝚝 ‘𝙱𝚘𝚋’ 𝙵𝚕𝚘𝚢𝚍
Make Me Your Masterpiece (✫)
Bob credits you for helping him find his new hobby. And when he asks if he can paint you, you find you quite like the idea of being his muse.
Top Gun: Maverick Collage Wallpapers
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(✫)- 𝚜𝚖𝚞𝚝
I do not consent to my work being copied, translated or published elsewhere.
Ageless and blank blogs will be blocked.
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ranhaitanisgf · 3 years
❝ three answers ❞ jyugo
[𖤐] it's 4am rn what did i just write....sorry about that LMAO if you want someone to blame blame sammy their the one who started all this. its all her fault. blame. them. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! anyways, i hope you guys enjoy this all the same, for my nonexistent nanbaka fans <333
[𖤐] this does contain a mention or a pretty major manga spoiler, so read with caution!!
❧ masterlist
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jyugo has never been one to want anything; it’s a fact that deep down, he’s always known. it was never something that bothered him too much, (maybe because he never wanted to think about it) and so he never really took the time to ask himself, ‘what do i want?’.
he answered this question for the first time when he almost lost everything he didn’t even know he wanted.
even when it was all dangling right in front of his face, even when he was about to lose the one thing he had wanted, his thoughts were still jumbled with confused thoughts and questions that didn’t clear up until he saw his chance walking away. his chance. a chance. i want…
“please!! give me a chance!!”
“...took you long enough…”
in that moment, when his number plate clanked against the stone floor, he suddenly knew how it felt to have the most important thing to oneself be almost taken away. in that moment, when he was given a chance, he swore that he would never let it happen again; that he would never let anything important to him be in danger, he never wants to lose the people close to him. he doesn’t want to be the monster that he was in the past, so he’s decided that he’ll do everything he can to protect the people he could never stand to lose.
the second time he answered this question is when he fell in love.
this feeling makes him feel like every other emotion he’s ever felt was fake; they all paled in comparison to this sensation. he still isn’t able to decide whether it’s a good or a bad thing, hell, he doesn’t even know what he should do with this feeling in the first place, (should he tell you? how does he handle it? it’s times like these when he wishes he knew his parents.).
he has never needed anything so badly that he would be willing to do anything to have it, that he would reach out for it so desperately that he forgets everything around him. he never thought that he would be able to experience such a vivid emotion such as this, and now that he’s feeling it, it almost feels like an amazing ride that he never wants to get off of.
i mean, how could he not fall in love with you? everything about you was just...amazing, (he wishes that there was a better word to describe you, but he doesn’t think there’s any words he knows that would be enough to do so). you had the kindest soul he had ever seen, always there for others and putting other people’s needs above your own, (he thinks you should worry more about yourself). he admired everything about you, and yet, what was holding him back? why would he avoid your gaze whenever you would glance over at him?
you can’t have them, you know that. you’re a monster.
oh, that’s right.
he almost forgot about it for a moment there, but how could he? the little voice in the back of his head was there to help him remember it; that little voice that sounded exactly like him, (he said that he would be able to control the elf inside him, but this was the sacrifice he made to have that control in the first place).
“hey, jyugo, is everything alright?”
“oh, sorry! you just seemed kind of down, like something’s weighing down on your mind...you probably wouldn’t want to, but you can always talk to me if you need anything, alright?”
just like that, you had saved him yet again, and you didn’t even know it. each time he was drowning in his own thoughts, you would pull him back out with just a few simple words. he would cling to them every time, holding onto them with such a grip that he didn’t even know was possible; you were truly something else, and he was forever grateful for it.
when he had finally managed to confess his feelings for you, (it was by accident, and it was caused by uno, nico, & rock) his world was turned upside down. he had surely thought that there was no way you could would like him back, there was no way somebody like you could love somebody like him, and yet, the words coming out of your mouth seemed to say something different.
“I-i really like you too jyugo!”
for a while, everything was perfect. now, he had everything he could ever want, and there was nothing that could take this away from him. sure, there was still the occasional incident, but as long as you were near, surely nothing would happen, right?
he’ll be able to grow up and go to an ice cream parlor with you and experience all the wonderful things in life with you, and he’s giving you a promise ring for now, but he swears that one day he’ll take you to a pretty spot with cherry blossoms and he’ll get down on one knee and ask you to marry him, and then the two of you would get married and you would yell at rock for trying to eat the cake before he was supposed to, and then he would take you to go do everything you’ve ever wanted to do and the two of you would buy a house and you would yell at him for trying to paint the walls himself, and it would all be perfect. for now though, he was going to savor every single moment with you; every late night that he spent having whispered conversations with you, every smile that you would flash his way, every time you would lace your fingers with his, he was going to have it for the rest of his life.
oh, how stupid he was to think that it could last forever.
he’s been left alone more times that he can count, so why was he so surprised when it happened again? maybe it was because it was his fault, or maybe it was because you didn’t want to leave him, you didn’t want to go just yet. maybe it was because you were slowly dying and there was nothing he could do about it.
“h-hey, stay with me, (y/n)! you can’t go yet, i-i have so much to tell you!!” he hurriedly pulled you into his arms, his eyes frantically looking over your body, only to find the color red slowly seeping through your shirt.
“you shouldn’t...cry, i think you look prettier when you’re smiling.” how could he smile in a situation like this?!
“w-we’re going to take you to okina-sensei, and he’s going to-”
“no, he’s not. jyugo, you have to keep going, alright?” don’t say that, it’s like you’re saying you’re gonna...
“stop talking like that, y-you’re not going to…”
“there’s...so much you can do with what you have...you’re special that way, so don’t go thinking that you need me to do what...i know you’ve always been able to do.” i need you though…!
“(y/n), p-please-!” no, stop looking at him with that smile on your face.
“ever since i saw you...i knew that you were different...thank you for letting me partake in a dream...even if it was for just a little bit…” stop talking like that, you’re not going to die.
“s-someone get okina!!!” you’re going to survive this; you have to.
“jyugo...hehe, are you going to...keep your promise…?”
“what? (y/n) please…”
“you said that you...were going to marry me, right?” please don’t do this to me.
“(y/n), w-will you marry me?”
“of course...i’ll marry you jyugo. hehe, i’m so happy right now...” even with the tears sliding down the side of your face, you were gently smiling up at him, almost like you hadn’t been coughing up blood just a moment ago.
“we’re gonna get married soon, and, and we’ll have a nice wedding and…”
“i know…” your hand shakily reached up to cup his cheek, the metal of the promise ring he had given you cool on his skin. he leaned into your touch, the tears in his eyes falling rapidly down his cheeks and over your hand. there was no way this was happening, not now, not to you...
“please don’t cry...can you please smile, one more time…?” it took everything in him, but because it was you asking, he was somehow able to turn the corners of his lips up just a bit, giving you a small smile despite the flood of tears pouring from his eyes. your gentle touch against his skin brushed his bangs from his eyes, a fond look in your eyes that were also flooded with tears.
“i’m so...happy right now...thank you for everything, jyugo, i love you...so...much…” the panic that was set aflame in his heart when he felt your hand drop from his cheek and when he saw your eyes flutter closed was akin to nothing that he’s ever felt before.
“(y/n)...? (y/n)!! don’t close your eyes, please wake up!! t-there’s so much i have to tell you, you can’t go yet! p-please…!”
why was it that everytime he found something that made him happy, it would get snatched away from him? was it these shackles? was that the reason why? if only he could have rid himself of this curse, then maybe he would finally be normal, maybe he would have been able to marry you.
the third time he answered this question, it was when he lost everything, and it was the final time he answered it.
howd i do 😃
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kanmom51 · 3 years
Which of these things that jimin said do you think is the most significant, as jimin seems to be the most verbal regarding their relationship
1. Jimin instantly thinking of Jungkook and sincerely saying he would bring Jungkook to feel “comfortable” when asked what OBJECT he would bring to an island.
2. Bringing up being with Jungkook at 4am while smiling to himself like he was thinking about it and giving the side eye to Namjoon right before he said Jungkooks name like he knew what he was gonna say could get a reaction from him
3. Jimin saying the most enjoyable thing for him these days is waking up and seeing Jungkook coyly with a grin and blowing a kiss when the members starting interjecting
Like they all insinuate something and their closeness but which one hits the most
Interesting question anon.
I will go at it by order of elimination.
JM taking JK to a deserted island would be the least significant. I know some may disagree, but bare with me on this one. I adore JM's reaction to the cm's laughter at his answer, being all defiant and confident in his response. But, if memory serves me right, this question came after another one that had the members say JK would be the one most likely to survive on a deserted island. So, logically, bringing him with you to a deserted island makes sense for your survival, no? I'm not saying that was JM's reasoning for saying what he did, but it could be explained as such.
The last two are debatable. Both resonate with me. Both are JM going big and going bold. Both are more or less around the same timeframe, around mid to end of 2020. In one Jimin is more hesitant and subtle, while in the other he is louder, straight forward and totally uncaring of how it looks.
Which one is more significant to me? I struggle to answer this question.
We have JK interviewing JM, asking him if there is something that makes him happy these days (I've seen several translations to this: something that makes him happy, or something funny/exciting you've been doing these days). JM's answer here is outright outrageous: "to wake and and see Jungkookie..." (here too there are those that translate it different ways, but however you go the gist is the same). I think no explanation is needed here to understand the implication in what JM just said.
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From the reactions we learn, even more so, just how outright clear and outrageous what he said was.
JK, not lifting his eyes off the page and only releasing a grunt "ohh", while nodding his head. Jin straight faced. Camera pans out to the other members, when RM, Suga & Tae all booing, Suga adding "that sounds made up" and Tae shouting "that's nonsense", but Hobi just sitting there with an enormous grin on his face.
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And JM's whole attitude towards their booing is the cake's topping. Not giving an actual f**k, no apology, no shame, no denial, no giggly shyness or laughing. He, so very seriously, turns to them, sends them a kiss while saying "it's fine".
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So, big moment here. JM being super loud, super clear. I love it to bits.
Then we have the "I was with Jungkook" at 4 am. It was JK's birthday. I cannot look at this separately from the fact that it wasn't something that came up in their live, even when JM & Tae were sharing about themselves that night. That only in the interview the next day it is mentioned.
They are all good friends and it could be explained away as a friendly thing, spending time together as friends, I mean it's not like Tae didn't say he invited JM over to his place, so if JM was there, would that mean they were together?
But it was JK's birthday. JM chose to stay with him and not go to Tae. And yet, when JM & Tae were all mumbley about that night during the live, for some strange reason neither mentioned JK's presence with JM.
The lack of mention and more so JK's reaction to the lack of mention, in retrospect, had me raise an eyebrow, especially within the context of JM words during the interview the next day.
JM told us they were together all night. They were together at 3-4am, and they were together until the morning crying together, talking to the other members together.
We can't disconnect what JM said to how he said it, how he managed to insert it into an answer when this piece of information was not even necessary as far as the question he was asked.
And the way he looked over to RM the minute he mentioned being with JK.
JM starts by saying he got the news, the time he got it and how he was crying all night until morning. He could have ended there. Starting and ending the answer with "I" - "I heard...", "I cried", "I fell asleep..."
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Most everyone would have been happy with that answer.
But no, he doesn't end there.
He then goes on to say "at first I was shocked", and goes on with "I was with Jungkookie", while diverting his eyes towards RM for a swift second.
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If you listen to the interview you will see that the moment he says he was Jungkook is when he turns to look at RM, the translation lags here.
And then everything turns into "we" instead of the initial "I".
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Do you notice the change of his facial features the minute he starts talking about "we"?
He continues with "we started to talk with the other members", "we had this conversation...", "I think what we talked about the most..."
JM changing from "I" to "we" was a conscious decision. He managed to insert their "we" into the answer, even when not required, in such a slick way, to some it would not even be noticeable, while to others, especially JK, it's the whole world.
JK's reaction here. Most enlightening.
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So, this was a subtly quiet-loud moment.
Unlike the prior outrageously loud moment it takes some reading between the lines.
Both are huge in my books, but so different from each other, and that is one of the reasons why I find it so hard to choose between them.
Both just scream Jimin, his intelligence, his duality, him being true to himself, finding the way to convey his message to us. I wish more would actually listen to him, what he is actually saying, and understand what he is trying to tell us.
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sequinsmile-x · 3 years
Emily is the glue that holds the family together, aka five times the Hotchner family needed Emily.
A story in the “5 times + 1″ format.  
Part of the Whatever Tomorrow Brings universe.
Chapter 1 - Amelia. 
Read on AO3 via this link, or below the cut
March 2010
Aaron wakes to his bed being empty. He rubs his eyes, trying to remove the last remnants of sleep, and he turns to check the alarm clock, groaning when he sees it’s 3am. He touches the other side of the bed and feels that the sheets are cold, indicating that his wife had been gone for some time. Amelia had been off the evening before, their usually happy baby grouchy and sleepy. Which was always the first sign that she was coming down with something. Theo had been ill the week before, a bug he’d picked up from school, and Aaron had naively hoped they’d managed to avoid it being passed on to the youngest Hotchner.
He sits on the side of the bed and spots light filtering out from under the ensuite door. He walks over, opening the door to find his wife laying back in the bath, Amelia dozing on her chest. Emily looks tired, a small smile on her face when she spots him. “Hey.” She rasps out, staying quiet so she doesn't wake their daughter.
“Hey, sweetheart.” Aaron walks in and kneels on the floor next to the bath. “Everything ok?”
“She woke up about an hour ago, she had a fever. I thought a lukewarm bath might bring it down, but she started to cry every time I tried to put her in here herself.” Emily says gently, placing a hand on Amelia’s forehead. “It’s come down a bit.”
“You should have woken me up.” He says, placing a hand on their daughter's back. “I’d have helped.”
“It’s ok, honey.” She says placing her hand over his. “You need your sleep, work has been rough on you lately.”
“Right.” He says, with a raised eyebrow. “Because your job is a piece of cake.” Aaron links their fingers and runs a thumb over her knuckles. “You don’t have to do it all on your own anymore, Em. I’m here now. We’re all here.”
She purses her lips together and nods at him. It was still her instinct sometimes to try and do it all by herself, especially anything to do with the kids. Memories of those months spent alone waiting for Foyet to be stopped were sharp, and sometimes it still took her breath away. How close they had come to losing everything.
“Can you take her?” She asks softly. “She should be fine for now.”
“Of course.” He lifts the toddler off of his wife's chest and wraps her in a towel. Amelia wakes almost immediately, grumbling at being removed from her mother. “Let’s go get you dressed sweetie.”
He takes Amelia to the nursery and puts a fresh diaper on her, and a thin sleepsuit. He frowns at the warmth still on her skin, and soothes her when she starts to cry again. “I know what you want, you want Mommy.” He lifts Amelia into his arms and kisses her forehead. “I don’t blame you, I always want her when I feel sick too.”
Emily is already in bed dressed in one of his shirts when he walks back into their bedroom. Amelia immediately reaches out for Emily, the little girl's face already scrunched up as she cries. He passes Amelia over, lets his wife take him into her arms. “Mama.”
“You’re ok, sweet girl.” Emily says, running a hand over the back of her daughter’s head. She kisses her forehead and frowns. “It’s gone down, but she’s still warm.”
“We’ll call the doctor if she’s still got a temperature in the morning.” He says. Emily nods, settling Amelia so she is resting against her chest. The little girl's favorite place to sleep when she was sick or sad. “Sweetheart, you aren’t going to get any sleep if she’s in here.”
“I know.” She replies, soothing the small coughs coming out of Amelia by rubbing her back. “I’ll get someone to drop some case files and paperwork here tomorrow, work from here until she’s better.”
“And if you get a case?”
She glares at him. “Then I’m sure the team can handle it without me. It’s not like they haven’t before.”
“I’m not leaving her if she’s sick, Aaron.” She says, her voice firm. “She only settles for me if she’s sick and I’m not putting either of you through that.”
He knew his wife somehow felt responsible for his delicate relationship with his daughter. Things were better now, so much better, but he couldn’t say it didn’t hurt when Ameila, or any of their kids, immediately reached for Emily when something was wrong. The six months they had spent alone together had formed a bond he loved, but that he was also, in his worst moments, jealous of.
He wants to argue, wants to say that eventually something would happen with one of the kids when she wasn’t there, but he knows this isn’t the time. That it can wait until it isn’t almost 4am and she has their feverish daughter pressed against her.
“It’s a good thing your boss is so understanding.”
Emily smiles at him. “Well, I do repay his understanding with blow jobs so I think it’s earned.” _________________
May 2024
Ameila was Emily through and through. It was something Aaron, and just about everyone they knew, said frequently. She looked like Emily. She had her nose, her dark eyes and hair, and the same smile that had always been able to convince Aaron to do just about anything. Amelia had inherited her fathers jawline and his seriousness, her frown, a pure ‘Hotch’ look that Penelope had often joked would serve her well in whatever she decided to do in the future.
She also had Emily’s attitude. A need to know everything, to push all the boundaries around her, that often drove Aaron to the edge of his sanity in a way neither of his sons ever had. Elizabeth often commented on how similar Amelia and Emily were, and he never missed the way she smirked at him when she said it.
Emily was fiercely protective of Amelia. Aaron knew it was because their daughter was the only one of their kids who didn’t remember the incident with Foyet. She was so small when it happened, only a few months old when her family was torn apart by the actions of a psychopath, and they were grateful for it. Jack and Theo still bore the scars of what happened, years of therapy had done them wonders, but it still surfaced at times, almost unexpectedly. Leading to Theo calling in the middle of the night, the now 21 year old plagued by nightmares that his mother was dead, only calmed down by the sound of her tired voice over the phone.
The first time Amelia really pushes the boundaries with her parents is when she comes home one day with her nose pierced. The ring in her nose was massive, big enough to allow for the swelling that would follow, drawing her parents attention to it immediately.
“What the hell is that in your nose?” Aaron asks, annoyance clear in his tone.
“It’s a nose ring, Dad.” Amelia answers, her eyes rolling as she hangs her keys up. “I got it done after school.”
“And who said you could do that?”
“It’s my nose. I didn’t realise I needed permission.”
“Ok.” Emily interrupts, placing a hand on her husband's arm to try and diffuse the situation. “I think what your dad is trying to say is that you should run this stuff past us, ok?”
Amelia scoffs. “Well it’s your nose I inherited, surely you understand why I wanted to do something to it.” She walks past her parents and goes up the stairs before the conversation can go any further. “I have homework.”
Aaron walks into their en-suite later that night to find Emily standing in front of the mirror scrutinising her appearance. He leant against the doorframe and watched as she turned her head side to side, running her finger down the slope of her nose. Her eyebrows furrowed as she looked at herself straight on again, her finger pressed into the tip.
She turns to look at him, taking her hand away from her nose as she does. He doesn’t miss the shy look on her face as she wrung her hands together. “Do you think my nose is weird?”
He frowns at her. “What? No.”
“I know it’s ridiculous. I’m 53 for fuck sake.” She mutters to herself.
He kisses the tip of her nose and she smiles at him. “You’re beautiful.”
“And you’re ridiculous.” She wraps her arms around him anyway, pulling him in for a kiss. “It will look better when she can switch to a smaller ring.”
“It will look better when she just takes it out.”
Emily laughs, shaking her head at him. “Come on, let's go to bed. Some of us have work in the morning.”
He raises an eyebrow at her as he always did when she referred to his early retirement, even though it had been years since he left the FBI. “Whatever you want, sweetheart.”
The casual mention of a boyfriend, a boy from Amelia’s art class called Chase, almost sends Aaron orbital. He manages to keep his opinions to himself until Amelia has gone to bed and he’s just in the kitchen with his wife, helping her with the dishes even though it was long ago established as her chore since she never cooked.
“She’s not that bad, Aaron.”
He scoffs at his wife. “She’s going to make me go grey.”
“Honey. Amelia is a teenage girl. A pretty well behaved one in comparison to what I was like.”
“Suddenly I feel a lot more sympathy for Elizabeth than I ever have before.” He mutters as he continues to put dishes away.
“What was that?” She raises an eyebrow at him.
“Nothing, sweetheart.”
She narrows her eyes at him as she passes him another plate, patting his cheek with her spare hand. “You’re already grey, Aaron. It’s got nothing to do with the fact our daughter has a boyfriend. Or a nose ring.” _________________
Emily finally loses her cool two weeks later. They are eating dinner, just her, Amelia and Aaron, when she spots something on her daughter's wrist as she reaches for more salad. Emily grabs Amelia’s arm and pulls her sleeve back slightly to reveal a, admittedly very small, heart tattoo onto her daughter’s wrist. It was crude, slightly wonky and clearly not a professional one.
“What the hell is this?” She asks, staring her daughter down.
Amelia tears her arm out of her mother’s grasp and pulls her sleeve back down. “It’s a tattoo, Mom.”
“A tattoo? When did that happen?” Emily looks over at Aaron, who to her annoyance looked slightly amused that she was finally reacting like he had been all along.
“We did them at school.” Amelia answers, taking another bite of her dinner.
Emily’s initial reaction of telling her daughter how dangerous that was, how stupid, was drowned out by her overriding fear of who exactly had done this. “What do you mean ‘we’?”
“Chase and I did them. We have matching ones.” Amelia says, looking at her mother with a challenge on her face. “I don’t see what the big deal is Mom, you have tattoos.”
Emily glares at her husband when he chokes out a laugh at that, and he quickly excuses himself from the table. She turns back to her daughter. “Amelia, it really wasn’t very safe to do that. You have to let professionals do this kind of thing.”
Amelia rolls her eyes as she takes the final bite of her dinner. “Whatever.” She gets up from the table, already half out of the dining room before she speaks again. “I need to go FaceTime Chase.”
Emily puts her head in her hands as soon as she is alone. Her daughter was too much like her for her own good, independent and wilful almost to a fault. Emily loved that Amelia was like that, that she was so sure of herself in a way that Emily certainly hadn’t been at her age. She took it as a testament to her and Aaron’s parenting, but right now she was struggling with it. She just wanted to sit Amelia down and tell her that not everyone in the world had her best intentions at heart, and Emily had an increasingly sinking feeling that Chase was one of those people.
She blows out a breath and stands up, starting to collect the dishes from the evening meal. Emily hears her husband re-enter the room. “I’m going to get her some antiseptic cream to put on it. Who the hell knows where they got the needle they did it with from.”
“She gave herself a matching tattoo with her boyfriend, Aaron.” She says, putting the dishes she had been holding back down on the dining room table. “They’ve been together for 8 weeks.”
He steps towards her and places his hands on her hips. “What was it you told me last week? That it will work itself out eventually.”
“She thinks she loves him, honey.” Emily lamented, allowing her husband to pull her into his arms. “And I know he’s going to break her heart.”
Aaron kisses her. “Sweetheart, we can’t protect her from that.” He kisses her again, cupping her cheek with his hand. “All we can do is be here for her if it happens.”
Emily rests her forehead on his chest. “Now who's being annoying ok about all of this?”
“This is where I found out I was pregnant with you.” Emily says offhandedly, a wistful smile on her face. It was so long ago now, but she still remembered the joy she had felt when she first saw Amelia on screen. The baby she had always been told she couldn’t have was now this amazing person she couldn’t imagine her life without.
Emily looks at her daughter when she doesn’t get a response, and she stops herself from laughing when she sees how pointedly Amelia is ignoring her. “Oh really, Mom?” She says to herself. “That’s so interesting.”
“Mom, I cannot believe you are doing this.” Amelia seethes, looking at the floor of the clinic they were in. Embarrassment coming off of her in waves. “This is so embarrassing.”
Emily rolls her eyes, and bites back a comment about how if she found birth control embarrassing then she should think twice about having sex. “I just want you to be safe, ok? You’ve got a boyfriend now and whilst I am not exactly delighted at the idea of you having sex.” She says, not missing how her daughter grimaces. “I don’t want you to take any chances.”
“Amelia Hotchner?”
Emily and Amelia look up to see Joanne standing at the door to her office looking expectantly at them. Emily smiles at her, Amelia does not, and the latter sighs as she stands up. She takes a few steps towards Joanne, only pausing when she realises her mother isn’t following her.
“Well you may as well come in. This was your idea after all.” Amelia says, annoyance colouring her tone. Emily sees past it, spotting the way her daughter nervously wrings her hands, fingers digging at her cuticles in a way she had picked up from her.
“Of course, sweetie.” She stands and walks up to her daughter, and guides her into Joanne’s office with a gentle hand on her back.
“You did what??” Aaron asks, seething, as they get ready for bed side by side in their ensuite. He turns to her, a disbelieving look on his face.
“I took her to get birth control.” Emily answers around her toothbrush, spitting into the sink. She rinses it and places it next to his in the holder.
“Why?” He is glaring at her, and she's suddenly more glad than ever that she hadn’t broached this subject with him until after Amelia had a packet of pills sitting in her bathroom cabinet, with very explicit instructions on the importance of taking it correctly from both Emily and Joanne. “Is she sleeping with him?”
“I don’t even know if she is having sex yet. But you know these things happen. I bought the boys condoms when they were teenagers.” She purposely misses out that she had also bought Amelia condoms, thinking that admission might make her husband's head explode. “I wanted to make sure she takes precautions if she takes that step.”
“She’s 15, Emily.”
“Yeah, and so was I.” She closes her eyes and sighs, turning to look at her husband as she crosses her arms across her chest. She looks at him and bites her lip, trying to figure out what she’s been wanting to say. “Aaron, I just don’t want what happened to me to happen to her.”
Emily can see the moment it registers in his head. The way his brow unfurls, his whole body unclenching as the anger seeps out of him, replaced by concern for her. He takes a step towards her. “Sweetheart…”
She shakes her head at herself, wiping a stray tear away that had fallen at the admission. “She deserves better than that.”
He sighs as he drags her into a hug, one she gladly returns, wrapping her arms around his back. “You deserved better than that too.”
Emily buries her face into his neck, breathes in the scent of him that had comforted her for more than half her life. “I love you.”
“I love you too.” _________________
Three days later it becomes a non issue. Amelia is out with friends, and Chase, leaving Aaron and Emily with the house to themselves.
Emily is sitting in her husband's lap on their couch. His hands up her shirt and his tongue in her mouth, when she hears it. A car door slamming on edge of her consciousness, someone running up the steps of their porch. She pulls back from Aaron, the dazed look on his face surely matching the one on her own. “Did you hear that?” She breathes out.
They hear a key in the door and break apart like they’ve burnt each other, both standing as the front door opens.
Amelia bursts in, tears streaming down her face. She drops her bag at the front door, her school things abandoned in the foyer of their home, and as soon as her eyes land on Emily her face crumbles. The steady stream of tears turning into sobs. “Mom.”
“Amelia?” She closes the gap between them, concern for her daughter overriding anything else, any lingering hopes she had of alone time with her husband gone in an instant. Amelia is in her arms in seconds, clawing at her shirt to try and get as close as possible. She buries her face into Emily’s shoulder and weeps. Emily cups the back of her daughter’s head, and runs her other hand up and down her back. “Oh sweetheart, it’s ok.” She soothes. “You’ll be ok.”
Emily exchanges a concerned look with Aaron over the top of their daughter's head and she shakes her head at him slightly when he takes a step towards them, silently asking him to leave it to her. He understands, just like he always had, and leaves them to it despite wanting to know exactly what has upset Amelia this much.
“Mia, honey.” She says gently, hand still tangled in her daughter's dark hair. She tries to pull back slightly, cupping Amelia’s cheek, but she holds on to her tighter, sobs still tearing out of her throat. “Let’s move over to the couch, ok?”
Amelia nods against her but doesn’t separate herself from her mother at all. Emily carefully guides her over to the couch and sits down. Amelia curls into her, wrapping herself around her in a way she hadn’t done in years. Emily wraps her arms around her, and whispers random words of comfort into her daughter's hair.
“Sweetheart.” She says gently, pulling away enough that she can cup Amelia’s face in her hands. She wipes tears away from her cheeks with her thumbs. “You don’t have to tell me what’s wrong, not until you’re ready, but I need to know if you’re hurt.”
Amelia shakes her head. “Not hurt.” She says, her words choked by her tears. She leans back into Emily, pressing her face into her neck.
“Ok, sweet girl.” Emily says the old nickname, one she hadn’t used since Amelia was 9 and turned her nose up at it, slipping out without thinking. She presses a kiss on her daughter's head. “I’m right here.”
It takes almost 30 minutes for Amelia to calm down, for her sobs to dissipate into sniffs and a hoarseness in her throat as she takes in ragged breaths. “He broke up with me.”
Emily frowns, holding her daughter impossibly tighter. “What?”
“Chase broke up with me.” Amelia says, pulling back so she could look at Emily properly. “He said I was boring.”
Emily covers her reaction to that, keeping her surprise away from her face. Boring was not a word she would have ever used to describe Amelia. She tucks some of Amelia’s hair behind her ear. “I’m so sorry, baby. I know you really liked him.”
Amelia snuggles back down into her, sniffing as she lays her head on Emily's shoulder. Emily runs her hand through her daughter's hair, soothing her as she finishes calming down. “What do you want to do?” Emily asks. “We could get Dad to go out and get Taco Bell.”
Amelia chokes out a laugh but shakes her head. “I think I just want to go to bed.”
“Whatever you want.” _________________
Aaron is pacing their bedroom when she enters it, softly closing the door behind her. He stops and looks at her, an expectant look on his face.
“He broke up with her.” Emily says. “She is heartbroken.” She hears how her own voice breaks as she tells him. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen her like that.” She shakes her head at herself. “The worst thing is when she told me what happened I felt relieved. She’s sitting there absolutely hysterical and I’m relieved?”
Aaron closes the distance between them and hugs her. “You’re a fantastic mom, Em. I won’t let you believe anything other than that.”
She chokes out a laugh, somehow still surprised after all these years that he was able to guess what was really bothering her without her saying it outloud. “You’re a pretty great dad yourself, Mr Hotchner.” Emily lets herself relax in her husband’s embrace for a little longer, she pulls back and looks up at him. “I’m going to go in and sleep with her tonight.”
“Ok, sweetheart.” He kisses her quickly before letting her go so she can get ready for bed. He watches as she pulls on pyjama pants and a soft t-shirt that once belonged to him.
Aaron admires his wife as she takes off her makeup from the day and puts her dark hair up, smiling as he catches sight of some grey flecks that she hates as she twists it into a bun. She never believes him when he says it, but he thinks she's more beautiful now than she was when they first met all those years ago. Emily had always been beautiful, from the 22 year old she was when they first met. Teasing smiles and flirty comments as she coaxed him out to a bar with her.
Emily always lamented aging, wondering where the time had gone. More self conscious now than she had been the entire time he had known her. All he saw in lines on her face that she thought made her look old was all the laughter and joy they’d had over the years. She was softer now, her hips wider, evidence that she had given him two of their children that made him find her even more attractive. The grey flecks in her hair, that he knew she’d get dyed again soon, that showed him just how long they had loved each other.
They had been together 31 years and sometimes Aaron felt every moment of it, every single thing that had happened to them since she kissed him at one of her mother’s events. It somehow also had passed in the blink of an eye, decades gone in seconds and he was still somehow lucky enough to have her by his side.
“You’re staring.” She says, pulling him out of his thoughts with an amused look on her face and a teasing tone to her voice.
He pulls her into his arms again, kisses her cheek, then her nose. Making her laugh as she tries to squirm away from him. “You’re beautiful.”
Emily rolls her eyes at him. “You’re ridiculous.” _________________
Ameila smiles shakily at her mother as she walks into her room. Emily walks over to her bed and climbs in on the spare side, settling down for the night. She lays on her side and looks at Amelia, tucking some hair behind her ear. “How are you doing, sweetie?”
Amelia sniffs, suppressing a sarcastic laugh. “I’ve been better.” She settles into her mother’s side, resting her head on her shoulder. In the darkness of her bedroom, with Emily’s arms wrapped tightly around her, she finally feels like she can admit the truth. “It’s because I wouldn’t have sex with him.”
“What do you mean?”
Amelia closes her eyes as she catches the tone in her mother’s voice, the dangerous edge to it that she was so rarely on the receiving end of. She had only ever really overheard it when she was talking to someone about work over the phone, or one the rare occasion her parents had a full blown row, their angry voices soon turning into other noises that Amelia thanked whoever was listening for the invention of noise cancelling headphones.
“That’s why he broke up with me.” Amela says, feeling tears build back up in her eyes. “Because I wouldn’t sleep with him.”
She feels her mother’s hold on her tighten, and the sharp intake of breath that she takes beneath her head. Emily kisses the top of her head. “You’re ok, sweetheart. Go to sleep.”
Amelia drifts off to the feel of her mother stroking her hair, something she hadn’t had happen since she was younger. She was surprised to realise how much she had missed it, regret for how she had started to rebuff her mother’s affection a few years back building in her chest. “I love you, Mom.”
“I love you too.” Another kiss to the top of her head. “Now get some sleep.”
She falls asleep, completely unaware of how Emily laid awake for hours, anger for a teenage boy she had only met once burning through her veins until she came up with a plan. _________________
Emily wakes in the morning to the sound of Amelia’s door opening. She opens her eyes to see her husband standing there, a takeout coffee holder in his hand, and an unsure look on his face.
She smiles at him as she sits up in bed and beckons him in. He switches the light on, which immediately wakes Amelia, her groans the first indication that she was up.
“Morning, sweetheart.” Aaron says kissing his wife before sitting on the edge of the bed.
“Morning.” She murmurs against his lips, before lifting the coffee she knew was intended for her. Cold brew with enough sweetener in it to rot your teeth.
“You guys suck.” Amelia groans from below the comforter, voice still thick with sleep.
Emily chuckles. “I think you’ll change your mind when you see what your dad has brought you.”
Amelia lifts the comforter from off of her face and shoots up when she sees her favourite frappuccino in her fathers hands. “Dad, you are the best.” She takes a sip and moans, the sugar hitting her tongue. “No wonder Mom has put up with you so long.”
Aaron laughs, glad to see that she seemed her usual self after how devastated she had been the night before. “Are you ok, Mia?”
She smiles at her dad, a shaky thing that was always the first indicator from his wife and daughter that tears were on the horizon. “I will be.” ______________
Emily’s first thought is to set Penelope on Chase. Let her hack into his social media accounts and digitally ruin his life for upsetting her little girl. For trying to pressure her into something she didn’t want to do. She knew Penelope would do it without a second thought. She was the most trusted confidant of all of the younger Hotchner's outside of their parents. Jack had asked for her help planning his over the top proposal to his now wife. Theo had come out to her first, a nervous teenager in her office asking for help on how he could tell his parents. Amelia went to her for advice on everything from boys to elaborate hairstyles, and Penelope gently discouraged her from dying her hair bright purple when she was 13, knowing it would have given Aaron an aneurysm.
Emily was finishing getting ready for work, Amelia already on her way to school, as she started to formulate a text to her friend, a cryptic request to come see her as soon as she got to work, when Aaron snuck up on her in the kitchen.
“You can’t get Penelope to ruin his life.”
Emily jumps, cursing under her breath. “Damn it, Aaron.” She turns to look at him, a sheepish look on her face. “I wasn’t planning on doing anything of the sort.”
“Oh really?” He raises an eyebrow at her. “You weren’t thinking of having her hack all of his social media accounts and freeze his bank account?”
Emily flushes and puts her phone down on the counter. “I can’t just let him get away with it.”
Aaron smiles at her and pulls her towards him with his hands on her hips. “Baby, this is something we have to let her deal with ok?” He kisses her cheek, his smile deepening as she narrows her eyes at him. “No getting Penelope involved.”
Plan B it was. _________________
Emily is never happier than when she has all of her family in her house. The boys were coming round for dinner, Jack and his wife Sara and Theo and his new boyfriend Zach, someone he had met at college. Theo texted her that morning, a list of strict instructions of things that absolutely couldn’t happen the first time Zach was meeting the family.
She had just let them in, hugging her son fiercely as he walked in and feeling love bloom in her chest when he hugged her back just as tightly, no embarrassment at giving his mother this affection in front of Zach.
She lets him go and turns to the young man standing next to her son. “You must be Zach, I’m Emily.”
He shakes her hand, a nervous smile on his face. “Nice to meet you.”
Amelia bursts into the house, slamming the front door behind her, and immediately breaks the first rule on Theo’s list. “Мама, какого хрена?”
“Не сейчас, милая. У нас гости. И не ругайся.” Emily replies, tilting her head towards where Theo and Zach were standing.
“Ты должен был подумать об этом, прежде чем угрожать моему бывшему парню!”
Zach leans in to Theo, a confused look on his face. “Are they speaking Russian?”
Theo sighs, pinching the bridge of his nose as he did so, and looks at his boyfriend. “Yes.” He turns to his mother. “Ne pouvons-nous pas le faire? C'est la première fois que Zach rencontre tout le monde.”
Amelia rolls her eyes and Emily smiles at Theo. “Je suis désolé, chérie. On va bien se comporter.”
“Are you speaking French?” Zach asks, looking even more confused at the complete nonchalonce all of the Hotchner’s were showing at the multiple languages being thrown around as if it was nothing. The slight look of amusement on Aaron’s face as he walked into the room. “How many languages does your mom speak?”
Theo grabs his boyfriend's hand and leads him further into the house, away from the rest of the family. “Six. Seven if you include English.” _________________
Emily eyes Sara curiously when she turns down wine with her dinner, a small look passes between her and Jack when she asks for soda instead. Emily shares a similar look with her own husband, a look on his face saying he had spotted what she had too, and she gladly gets an alternative drink for her daughter-in-law.
Amelia sulks all the way through dinner. Rebuffing her brother’s questions about school, a glare fixed on her mother almost the entire time. It’s when she refuses her favourite dessert, cheesecake, that her brother’s interest is piqued.
“Mills.” Theo asks, amusement on his face at his sister’s behaviour. “What’s up with you?”
“Why don’t you ask Mom?” She said, pointedly looking at her mother. “Мама пытается разрушить мою жизнь, вот в чем дело.”
“I did not try and ruin your life, Amelia.” She says, rolling her eyes at her daughter's dramatics. She looks at her sons and their respective partners. “All I did was have a conversation with the boy who made Amelia cry herself to sleep a couple of days ago.”
“Yeah. By explaining that you’re a Section Chief at the FBI, whilst you had your gun and badge on display.” Amelia exclaims.
There was a moment of silence at the table before it descended into laughter, confusion all over Zach’s face on whatever he had walked into.
“Oh sweetheart.” Aaron says, looping his arm around the back of her chair to place a hand on her shoulder. “Not again.”
Amelia frowns, looking at her parents in shock. “Not again? What the hell does that mean?”
“Mom’s crazy, Millie.” Theo says, a laugh bursting out of him.
“Hey, I resent that.” Emily says, sinking back into her chair slightly, glaring at Aaron when he laughs at her and kisses the side of her head.
Jack gives Emily a look with his eyebrows raised before looking back at his sister. “My first ever girlfriend broke up with me the day before homecoming, Mom scared the absolute shit out of her by showing up at her cheerleading practise the following day. She somehow managed to mention that Dad once killed a guy with his bare hands.”
“Your dad did what?” Zach asks, leaning in to Theo who just shook his head. A silent promise that he’d explain later.
“In my defence.” Emily says, crossing her arms across her chest, a slight flush to her face. “This one was really sick at the time and I was pretty sleep deprived.” She says pointing at Amelia. “I wasn’t entirely in control of my emotions, and you were just so sad.”
“She also made me very aware of what she does for a living when Jack and I first moved in together.” Sara pipes up, nothing but amusement on her face when she looks at her mother-in-law. She turns back to Amelia. “I think it’s sweet.”
Amelia shakes her head at them all and turns to Zach. “Run whilst you still can.” __________________
Emily closes the door behind Jack and Sara as they leave, promises of getting together soon uttered in between lingering hugs.
Emily turns to see Amelia standing behind her, her hands in her pockets as she avoids her mother’s gaze. It’s the calmest she’s looked all evening, any frustration she had towards her and her actions having melted away.
“Look, I’m sorry, Amelia.” She says taking a step towards her daughter. “I know I probably shouldn’t have done that. But you were so upset, and he deserved to-”
Her ranting is cut off by Amelia throwing her arms around her waist and placing her head on her shoulder. “Thank you.”
Emily smiles and hugs her daughter back, kissing the top of her head as she pulls her closer. “You’re welcome, sweetie.”
“I always thought it would be Dad, or Theo or Jack who went after a boy for me.” She says against her mother’s shirt before she pulls away. “At least I can tell any future guys that my mom is crazy.” _________________
Emily turns to lay on her side as Aaron joins her in bed, she smiles at him and pushes some hair off of his forehead before running her blunt nails over his temples, the mix of dark and grey hair rasping as she goes. “When do you think Jack and Sara are going to tell us she’s pregnant?”
A laugh peels out of Aaron before he leans forward and kisses her, pulling back only to press his forehead against hers. “Whenever they are ready.”
Emily shifts so her back is against him and pulls his arm over her waist, sighing when he settles his chest against her. “You’d think they’d learn they can’t hide anything from us.”
He kisses the top of her head and holds her a little tighter. “We’ve got some pretty great kids.”
“We really do.”
“You have got to stop threatening anyone who hurts them though.”
“Sure, love.” She says, pulling his hand up to her lips to kiss his knuckles. “I’ll stop.”
They both know she won’t.
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potionsprefect · 4 years
One Birthday Wish
Ethan Ramsey x Victoria Clarke
Word count: 3.9k
Rating: Teen
Summary: It’s Victoria’s birthday but she’s not as happy as she should be
Category: angst (ish) fluff
Warnings: none (just mild language near the beginning)
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“So how was the conference? I bet you loved sitting in board meetings every day.”
“I wish I was anywhere else. I used to look forward to them when I first joined the Diagnostics team but now I loathe them. Don’t dream big otherwise you’ll end up hating what you do.” Ethan laughed.
“At least they’re over now. You can come back to me. The right hand side of the bed has been very cold without you.” Victoria smiled.
Ethan suddenly went silent and Victoria’s heart suddenly sank. “Yeah about that...”
“Ethan? What is it?”
“The organisers want another conference in order to push this deal forward. They said it’s vital that there are no mistakes. I don’t know how long it will last or when I’ll be able to fly back home.” Ethan sighed.
“So you won’t be back in time for my birthday?” Victoria said her voice cracking a little.
“I don’t think so. I’m so sorry sweetheart. If there was anything I could do, I would.”
“It’s ok. I understand.”
“No it’s ok Ethan, really I do. It just sucks.” Victoria sighed.
“I’ll make it up to you. I promise.” Ethan smiled even though she couldn’t see it.
“I know you will.” Victoria smiled back.
Victoria decided to end the call after that, not wanting to break down in front of Ethan because she knew he would feel helpless. She could feel hot tears rolling down her cheeks as she tried to compose herself.
Ethan had been in Washington D.C for a medical conference on behalf of the Diagnostic team and Edenbrook who were trying to push a deal through with a top pharma executive company on some new drugs for cancer patients. The conference was only meant to last a week and Ethan was meant to fly home tomorrow but now he was stuck there indefinitely. Victoria’s birthday was in two days time and it now looked like Ethan wasn’t going to be back to spend it with her.
Victoria’s eyes gazed towards the boxes that were sat on the other side of her room. They were birthday presents from her family and friends back home and it was just another reminder that Ethan wouldn’t be with her to watch her open them.
Victoria laid down on her bed and cried herself to sleep. She tried to hold the tears back as much as she could but they were freely flowing down her cheeks now. There was no stopping them.
All she wanted was Ethan by her side for her birthday. And that was the one wish she wasn’t able to make come true.
— — — — — — — — — —
17th February 2:17am
Sienna Trinh snuck out of her bedroom with a bag in hand, careful not to make a sound. Her other roommates, bar one should be joining her any minute. She carefully laid out four wrapped presents by the window. She heard the door to one of the bedrooms creak open and she whipped her head round hoping that the one person who didn’t know what was going on hadn’t just walked out of their bedroom.
She breathed a sigh of relief when it was only Jackie. “God Jackie you nearly gave me a heart attack!” Sienna whispered.
“Calm down Sienna. I don’t know why you’ve made us get up this early. We could’ve had at least an extra hour or two.” Jackie rubbed her eyes.
“Everything has to be perfect for Victoria! And we all agreed to set up early!” Sienna rolled her eyes.
“Yeah I seconded that if you remember. I voted for 4am.” Jackie sat on the sofa.
“I don’t know why I agreed to this time. I’ve barely slept.” Aurora said sleepily as Elijah followed behind her.
“You should’ve followed my lead and voted for a 4am start.” Jackie smirked.
“I’m wishing I did.” Elijah sighed.
“Guys this is important! We need Victoria’s birthday to be perfect! Ethan left us strict instructions whilst he sorts out her last present.” Sienna shushed them.
“She still thinks he’s stuck in D.C?” Aurora asked.
“Yes so we need to take her mind off that!”
“Well as long as he doesn’t end up being spotted by Victoria, I’m sure we’ll be fine.” Jackie replied.
The four roommates set up the living room with their presents. Just as they had laid out the last gift, Sienna’s phone buzzed.
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“Great! Bryce, Raf and Kyra are here.” Sienna grinned walking over to the apartment door and opening it slowly.
“About time, it’s so cold outside.” Bryce shivered walking into the apartment.
“Keep your voice down! Victoria is asleep!” Sienna shushed him.
“Yeah no shit. It’s the middle of the night.” Bryce rolled his eyes.
“Where do you need us Sienna?” Rafael asked.
“Lay your gifts next to ours and the food can go on the counter next to the cookies I’ve made. I’ll help Kyra with the balloons.”
For the next 20 minutes the group sorted out the last few bits ready for the morning. The apartment was looking very pink, the colour being Victoria’s favourite. There were balloons hanging from the ceiling, and some standing up by the presents, a big happy birthday banner was hanging up by the kitchen counter and there was a ton of food on the counter ready to be consumed. Sienna had made Victoria a cake and her favourite cookies, whilst Rafael’s grandmother had made enough food for everyone to eat for at least three days.
“Is that it?” Kyra asked admiring her handy work.
“There’s one more thing.” Sienna headed to her room and returned with a massive sign that read “HAPPY BIRTHDAY VICTORIA” in bright white letters against a pink back drop with small pink balloons attached to it.
“Blimey Sienna how long have you been planning this.” Bryce laughed.
“Not long. It’s easy when you have a great crew.” Sienna smiled.
“That looks heavy. How did you manage to get it up here?” Jackie raised an eyebrow.
“She didn’t. I did.” Rafael said.
“Yeah and I paid you ten bucks for your help so don’t complain.” Sienna laughed.
“So why did Ramsey tell her he was stuck in D.C?” Bryce asked as the group retreated to the sofas.
“He just told us that he has something to sort for Victoria and felt telling her that he was still in D.C would make her less suspicious.” Elijah shrugged.
“And it definitely did. I heard her crying the other night.” Jackie sighed.
“Just what on earth is he planning?” Kyra asked.
“I don’t know but whatever it is, it better be big and make her cry happy tears rather than sad tears.” Sienna replied.
The group dispersed into their own rooms for the night, Bryce and Rafael with Elijah and Kyra with Jackie. They knew they had to be awake before Victoria.
“I hope she likes it.” Sienna murmured.
“Sienna don’t be silly! She’s going to love it. This is just the pick me up she needs.” Aurora smiled.
“You’re right. She’s going to love it.” Sienna said retreating to her bedroom and setting her alarm for the morning.
— — — — — — — — — —
The laptop screen was giving him a headache but he needed to get this done before sunlight. He checked multiple tabs keeping an eye on all of them, seeing what deal was the best.
Ethan hated telling her that he wouldn’t see her on her birthday but it was the only way he could get this done without her noticing. It was anything but the truth as he had returned from D.C two days ago and the night he called her to tell her the news, he was sat in his apartment.
Ethan already had her presents in his apartment, all neatly wrapped up on his kitchen counter. This was just an extra treat for her, something he knew she’d enjoy. But finding flights was a lot more difficult than he anticipated.
He had already authorised the time off with Naveen and told him not to mention it to her. He could practically see him smiling down the phone.
He wasn’t sure why he had so many tabs open. It wasn’t like he couldn’t afford flying first class but trips to Crete in July were highly popular.
The plan today was he would surprise her at the end of her shift outside her apartment and then he’d bring her back here for a meal and other activities. He knew he’d have to apologise for keeping her in the dark but he knew it would all be worth it.
Ethan looked through one deal that caught his eye and he knew he had to go for it. If he wasted anymore time he’d lose the deals altogether. He proceeded with the booking, a smile on his face when it was complete.
Ever since that fateful night with the maitotoxin, Ethan had made it his mission to treat her as often as he could. She had talked about not travelling enough, dedicating her focus to her career more and how she wished she had taken more time to see the world. Ethan promised her he would help her fulfil her wishes when she recovered.
Pleased with himself, he shut his laptop lid and headed to the bed to try and get a few hours sleep.
15 hours. Just 15 hours Ethan until you can hold her in your arms and never let her go. Ethan thought as he drifted off to sleep.
— — — — — — — — — —
Victoria’s alarm woke her up and she sat up rubbing her eyes. Before she could even think about getting dressed there was a knock at her door and Sienna came in with a wide smile.
“Happy birthday!” Sienna beamed sitting on the bed and giving Victoria a hug.
“Thanks Si.” Victoria smiled a little.
“Are you ok? I know how upset you were when Ethan told you he wouldn’t be back in time.” Sienna gave her a sympathetic look.
“Yeah I’m ok. It is what it is. And besides I’ve got you and everyone else to keep me company.”
“Exactly! Now come with me. We’ve got a surprise for you.” Sienna said pulling Victoria up and covering her eyes with her hands.
Victoria walked slowly out of her room, Sienna’s hands not moving from her eyes. She knew she was in the living room because she was walking on hard floor compared to the carpet of her bedroom. Sienna removed her hands and Victoria opened her eyes.
“Surprise!” Jackie, Elijah, Aurora, Bryce, Rafael and Kyra cheered when she opened her eyes.
Victoria suddenly felt emotional. There were balloons and presents in the living room and a big sign that said happy birthday on it.
“You guys! You didn’t have to do all this.” Victoria smiled sitting down on the sofa.
“Yes we did it’s your birthday! We know you were upset when Ethan said he wouldn’t be back so we thought we’d surprise you.” Bryce said hugging Victoria.
“When did you do all this? The living room didn’t look like this last night.”
“We set this up early this morning. We had to be quiet so we wouldn’t wake you.” Bryce glared at Sienna who just shrugged.
“And by this morning we mean 2am.” Jackie rubbed her eyes.
“This is the best birthday ever. Thank you” Victoria smiled.
“Are you going to open your presents?” Aurora asked.
“I might wait until Ethan’s back. Whenever that is.” Victoria sighed.
“It won’t be long. He’d never stay away from you for long. He tried in our intern year and he couldn’t do it!” Elijah laughed.
“There is one present you could open.” Sienna said reaching for one in the pile and handing it to Victoria. “This is from all of us.”
Victoria opened the present carefully to reveal a photo album. As she opened it, her smile grew bigger as she saw pictures that dated back to their intern year.
“Do you like it?” Sienna asked.
“Seriously Sienna? I’ve never seen Victoria cry over a present before.” Kyra laughed.
“I love it! Thank you so much.” Victoria said looking at the pictures.
“I told you it was a good present idea.” Rafael said.
“Yes yes it was better than a BattleStar Galatica t shirt.” Elijah laughed.
“Or a coupon to an all you can eat sushi buffet.” Jackie said.
“Or packs of-“
“No Kyra!”
Victoria laughed at her friends. Knowing they all had shifts in less than an hour they all headed back to their rooms to get ready for the day. Sienna stayed behind, texting someone on her phone.
“Who are you texting?” Victoria asked.
“No one! Now are you sure about working today. Naveen did say you could have today off.” Sienna replied cheeks blushing a little.
Victoria gave her a puzzled look but didn’t press further. “Yes I’m sure. It’ll take my mind off of Ethan not being here.” Victoria said standing up and heading to her room to get ready. Making sure she was out of sight, Sienna fired off her last message before she headed to her room to get ready for her shift.
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— — — — — — — — — —
Victoria was only three hours into her shift and she had already dealt with four P.I.T.A’s. We’re the P.I.T.A Gods punishing her today?
As she headed out the lab door after delivering her blood sample her pager went off.
Admin desk, delivery.
Confused, Victoria headed to the admin desk where she saw her roommates stood around a large box.
“What’s this?” Victoria asked as she approached them.
“No idea! It’s got your name on it.” Elijah grinned gesturing to the open.
Victoria unsealed the box and pulled out what was inside. It was at least a dozen red roses.
“Wow Victoria! Who bought you those?” Sarah, one of the nurses noticed the bright red roses on the counter. It appeared the interns had noticed as well as they were staring.
“There’s a note there.” Sienna said handing it to her. Victoria took it and opened it.
Hope these brighten up your day like how you brighten up mine.
Happy birthday. I love you.
E x
Victoria didn’t notice her eyes glisten with tears as she read the note over and over again.
“Well I wonder who sent these. I’d never thought I’d see Victoria cry in the workplace.” Jackie laughed giving Victoria a one armed hug.
“It’s my birthday so make an exception.” Victoria said wiping her eyes.
“Would you like me to drop this back at the apartment for you?” Jackie asked.
“Are you due a break?”
“I’ve dealt with two P.I.T.A’s so far this morning. I think I’ve earned a break. I’ll only be 20 minutes.” Jackie smiled.
“That would be great thank you.” Victoria smiled.
“No problem.” Jackie said taking the box of roses and heading out towards the hospital car park.
“You ok?” Sienna asked standing next to Victoria.
“Yeah I’m fine. They were a nice surprise.” Victoria said grabbing a chart and heading off down the hall.
Once she was out of sight, Sienna whipped out her phone and fired off a quick text before she headed back to her patients.
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— — — — — — — — — —
Victoria was lost in her thoughts in the cafeteria when her phone buzzing in her pocket pulled her out of her thoughts.
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Her heart swelled at the text. Deciding to chance it, she called him, crossing her fingers that he wasn’t in a conference meeting. She wasn’t expecting him to pick up but he did.
“Hello birthday girl.” Ethan said when he answered.
“I took a chance ringing you. I thought you’d be in a conference.” Victoria smiled.
“We’re on a 20 minute break.” Ethan replied.
“Well that’s good. How is it?” Victoria asked.
“Boring as usual. It would be better if you were here.” Ethan replied.
“If only. Those roses really cheered me up so thank you.”
“You deserve to be happy on your birthday. I just wish I could be there with you.”
“Me too. I miss you.” Victoria said a tinge of sadness in her voice.
“I miss you too. I’ll be back soon I promise. And when I am, I’m locking you in my apartment for the foreseeable.” Ethan teased.
“Careful Dr Ramsey, someone might hear you.” Victoria grinned.
“Let them.” Ethan grinned. “I’ve got to go now but I’ll call you later, let me know when your shift ends.”
“Ok I will do. I love you.”
“I love you too.”
When the call ended, Victoria headed back to her patients. She missed Ethan terribly but knew he would be home soon. She couldn’t wait to see him again.
Little did she know Jackie and Ethan were preparing his apartment for her arrival.
— — — — — — — — — —
Hours later Victoria headed out of the hospital and onto the train with her roommates.
“Did you not bring your car back Jackie?” Victoria asked.
“No I decided to walk. It’s not far and I needed the exercise.” Jackie shrugged.
The journey on the train went fairly quickly and soon they were walking down the road to their apartment. Sienna however was texting.
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“You’ve been on your phone a lot today. Who are you texting?” Victoria asked. Behind her Aurora, Elijah and Jackie shot her a worried look but Sienna was as cool as a cucumber.
“No one. Just family. They want to know if they can visit at some point so we’re organising dates.” Sienna shrugged.
The group made it outside the apartment door when Sienna stepped in front of Victoria so her back was to the road.
“Before we go in I just wanted to know if you’ve had a good day. I know you’ve dealt with a few P.I.T.A’s today and I specifically told Zaid not to give you any tough cases.” Sienna said.
“I’m ok Sienna. I know you care about me and it’s really sweet. I’m really lucky to have you guys. You’ve made today bearable.” Victoria smiled.
“Well that’s good because we’ve got one last surprise for you.” Aurora smiled.
“Is it a sushi coupon?” Victoria grinned.
“No but that was one of my suggestions for the picture book. It’s something even better.” Jackie laughed.
“What could possibly be better than sushi at a low price?”
“Hopefully this.” Sienna said gesturing behind her.
Victoria turned round and her knees nearly buckled. No. No it couldn’t be.
There stood next to his car was the person who has told her two nights ago he wouldn’t be back for her birthday. All those feelings of being heartbroken and upset had evaporated the minute she saw him. Victoria could feel tears rolling down her cheeks as she ran down the steps and jumped into his arms. He held her tightly against him, kissing the side of her face, tears glistening in his eyes as well.
“Happy birthday Vic.” Ethan whispered pulling her in for a kiss.
Victoria eagerly kissed him back hugging him tighter. Her roommates smiled at the scene and then headed into the building, giving the couple much needed privacy.
“I thought you were still in D.C.” Victoria said through tears.
“I’ll explain everything back at my apartment.” Ethan said taking her hand and leading her towards the passenger side of his car.
Victoria climbed into the car and the journey to Ethan’s apartment was quick. Soon, they were walking through his apartment door.
“What’s this?” Victoria asked looking at the presents in his living room. “I thought they were the present in my apartment this morning.”
Ethan chuckled bringing her closer to him, running a hand through her hair. “They are. Dr Varma brought them over this afternoon.”
“I thought she was just taking the roses back.”
“She was but she grabbed the other presents and brought them round here. I thought you might like to open them here.” Ethan smiled.
“Speaking of here I need an explanation.” Victoria pretended to glare but her happiness broke through.
“And I’ll give you one. After I’ve given you something else.” Ethan grinned sliding his hands down her thighs and lifted her up. He’s sure he never moved to his bedroom so fast in his life as he threw Victoria onto his bed and proceeded to give her an evening she’d never forget.
— — — — — — — — — —
Four rounds later Victoria stirred and opened her eyes. Ethan was propped up on one elbow watching her with such content.
“That was incredible.” Ethan grinned.
“Indeed it was. Well worth the wait.” Victoria said turning to face him as he stroked her cheek with his thumb.
“Now I believe I owe you an explanation.” Ethan chuckled.
“Yes you do! I thought you were in D.C.” Victoria replied.
“The night I called you I was actually here. I had arrived back earlier that afternoon and was planning a surprise for you. I couldn’t do it with you here because I knew you’d catch me out, so I decided to tell you I was still in D.C. I know it was bad and I’m sorry if I upset you.” Ethan explained.
“Oh Ethan you could never upset me. I was just upset at the fact you wouldn’t be here. It wasn’t your fault I promise.” Victoria said hugging Ethan tightly. For the fourth time that day, Victoria felt tears rolling down her cheeks.
“I could hear how upset you were when I told you so I organised the flowers to be sent to you at work to cheer you up.” Ethan smiled.
“They definitely did, they were beautiful.”
“Now would you like your surprise?”
“Yes please!”
Ethan laughed as he reached over to his nightstand and pulled out an envelope and a Tiffany and Co bag. Victoria looked inside the bag and opened the box up to find a small necklace with two love hearts on it.
“Oh Ethan it’s beautiful.” Victoria said.
“Just like you.” Ethan said pressing a kiss to Victoria’s forehead.
“What’s in the envelope?”
“Open it and you’ll find out.” Ethan chuckled.
Victoria opened the envelope and gasped when she saw two first class plane tickets to Crete.
“You’ve been working so hard lately and I thought you deserved a break. So this is a treat for you in the summer. Also, this is holiday one of the many you’re going to experience in the future. I’m making it my mission to help you see the world as much as you can. Starting with Crete in July.” Ethan replied.
Victoria was speechless. She didn’t know if she could love Ethan any more than she already did. She wrapped her arms around him pulling him into a tight hug, kissing every inch of him she could reach when she pulled back to face him.
“Thank you. I love you.” Victoria smiled stroking his cheeks with her thumbs.
“I love you too.” Ethan smiled leaning in to kiss her deeply.
Victoria smiled into the kiss. She wasn’t sure if this was going to be a great birthday but it turns out this was the best birthday she’d ever had. Her one birthday wish has come true. And she couldn’t wait to experience many more with Ethan by her side.
— — —
A/N: I’ve written two fics in one day! Go me! I hope I find someone who loves me as much as Ethan and Victoria’s friends love her. Hope you enjoy this!
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smoochi-dazai · 4 years
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✿ “ Perfect Two ” ✿
—> Bungo Stray Dogs, Nakahara Chūya | reader / @soukokuwu​​
—> Sweet | Gift / Songfic
—> Description | It’s a surprise. Love you Rachel <3 feel better and remember to smile honey.
Note: I’m sorry if it’s bad, it’s really late and I didn’t have much energy to begin with. I just really wanted to make you smile today, you deserve so much. I don’t know what you’ve been through, but Chū and I are here for you. It’s pretty rushed sadly... I hope it’s tolerable still atleast. Ngl I feel sorta sick at the moment, but when there’s a friend in need- you are my priority. Probably a lot of mistakes too. 😭 it’s almost 4am-
Words 2.5
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When you first met, the last scenario to play in Chūya’s mind was for you to be standing in front of him with a beautiful white gown. Those adoring eyes of yours, leaking any emotions you tried to conceal in your heart— the same heart you’ve given to him since your first exchange of smiles.
But here he was, getting dressed in a expensive tuxedo, preparing to await for his beloved future wife in the wedding room.
Imagining you in a gorgeous wedding dress had him shiver in anticipation, trying to calm down his flustered heart.
You can be the peanut butter to my jelly
You can be the butterflies I feel in my belly
You can be the captain
And I can be your first mate
You can be the chills that I feel on our first date
“ Let go of me, Chūya! ” You growled, beginning to whine as Chūya reached over you for his wine glass which you rudely snatched from his grasp while his back had been turned. “ You’re heavy as hell, fuck off before I make you regret it! ” The frustration in your tone seemed to increase rapidly, trying to convince yourself to be genuinely angered with the hot headed boy leaning against you. He practically had you pinned on the couch while you held his wine glass in an outstretched arm. Chūya’s shorter arms unable to reach for it while cursing at you under his breath, attempting to keep himself composed for you. He never enjoyed yelling at women, but it was so incredibly hard with your proud smirk forming before his eyes.
“ Until you return what you fucking stole, I refuse. Now hand it over ” Chūya’s voice was rather composed aside from the curses, until you still refuse to budge. Losing all rational thoughts, he applied more of his weight ontop of your body, his lips grazed against your ear while muttering in an aggravated tone. “ I’d like to see you try and threaten me again, it won’t be pretty in a minute. Now hand over my wine so I don’t have to do something damn rash... ”
“ As if! You’re always rash, you don’t scare me Chūya.” You snicker, unfazed by his clear threat.
It was true, nothing he did was threatening to you.
He loved you so much, and that was his first date with you. Together you drank the night away, holding each other on the couch. He planned to go out to a restaurant but the weather had other plans. Drops of rain echoed in the room all night, adding to the atmosphere.
You can be the hero
And I can be your sidekick
“ Chuya, what happened?” You gasp at the sight of him outside in the rain, returning home from yet another Mafia business trip. “ Are you okay? ” Your concerned voice echoes throughout the darkened skies, observing your injured boyfriend.
“ I’ll be fine, just ran into a couple morons who really pissed me off. Fuckers were stronger then they look— huh? ” As he began to speak, you were already dragging him inside of the house. Running throughout the home in search of medical aid, he couldn’t help but smile. Watching you stumble over your own feet as you arrived back in front of him, a small chuckle escaped his throat. Catching your attention, you kneel down to tend to all his cuts and bruises, allowing your chin to lift a bit and stare at him for a moment in confusion.
You were always waiting at home, welcoming him with open arms. An uncontrolled warmth lit a flame in his heart, each and every time you’d aid him with any issues that would come up.
He loved you so much.
“ Take me with you next time, even if I’m not as flashy and powerful like you. I can’t stand you arriving home injured again. ” you mutter weakly against his skin, leaving small kisses on each bruise.
You can be the tear That I cry if we ever split
“ Why don’t you ever use your head, Chūya?! ” You shout will a pout by his grave mistake in eating the last of your food, this was your first argument. Silly really, it was all just a misunderstanding. Tears threatening to fall dramatically from your eyes, the puppy look was sickeningly cute to Chuya.
“ Hah?! How was I supposed to know that it was yours!? ” Chūya was incredibly frustrated, arguing with you over eating leftovers from the other day.
Even while you were angered, both of you were incredibly fond of the other.
You can be the rain from the cloud when it's stormin'
Or u can be the sun when it shines in the mornin'
Waking up at your side was always Chūya’s desire after your returned romantic feelings for one another.
“ Wake up, you’ll be late for a meeting again if you continue to cling on me like this— Chū? ” you desperately try to pry the fatigued red heads arms off your waist. His face nuzzled into your chest while keeping a firm grasp on your figure.
“ Hell to the meeting, I need you right now. ” Chūya grumbled, attempting to rest again peacefully without you nagging him about work he didn’t want to think about so early in the morning.
“ Come on Chū... please? I don’t want you to be late because of me. ”
Don't know if I could ever be without you
'Cause boy you complete me
And in time I know that we'll both see That we're all we need
Exchanging smiles, laughs and happiness felt like pure bliss. Hand in hand, you both walk out in public together- enjoying the cool breeze of a beautiful autumn damn.
“ Keep your head down. ” Chuya suddenly said, while you simply tilted your head in confusion. As he accepted the fact you wouldn’t listen to his direct order, suddenly he lifted his hat off his head and shoved it over your face. Blinding you temporarily-
“ Wha-“ man you were confused, receiving no response was rather frustrated too. Lifting the hat off, you glare at him. Softening when you see a couple other men across the street who you could only assume wouldnt be too fond of chuya being away from work for a date with you. He was only hiding you for your own safety—
Thanking him with a peck on the cheek was plenty for him to begin smiling again. A small blush flushed on his cheeks.
'Cause you're the apple to my pie
You're the straw to my berry
You're the smoke to my high
And you're the one I wanna marry
He loved you so goddamn much, and there you are. A blush adorned your cheeks as you stare at your feet shyly, walking down the isle for your wedding. Meeting his eyes as you lift your head. Both parties felt butterflies flap their wings in their stomachs.
Standing so vulnerably infront of him, all he could imagine was your future together. He was really marrying you here and now, it’s settled.
'Cause you're the one for me (for me)
And I'm the one for you (for you)
You take the both of us (of us)
And we're the perfect two
Did he deserve something so beautiful? An angel dating a Mafia executive was odd, but he accepted it. The thought rarely crossed his mind, to distracted by your utter beauty.
You were really his, and his alone.
Preparing his vows, your Chū complimented you smoothly before exchanging a loving, warm hearted look. His eyes were so warm and endearing, your heart began to melt.
We're the perfect two
We're the perfect two
Baby me and you
We're the perfect two
You were perfect for him, as he was perfect for you. The missing piece of the puzzle finally joined.
You can be the prince and I can be your princess
“ Why the hell did I agree to wear this. ” Chūya glared at himself in the mirror, a tiara placed on his instead of his typical hat. The same hat that you held over your own head happily, laughing at your cute prince in the shoes of a princess.
“ awe, stop complaining. You’re so cute, Chū~ “ Oh how he despises your teasing, growling as he rips off the tiara and chucks it to the side.
He looked ridiculous, wearing a cute frilly dress after losing a bet with you. Now he was forced to be a princess for his day off work, he’d complain more but atleast he could hear your cute laugh.
You can be the sweet tooth I can be the dentist
You can be the shoes and I can be the laces
You can be the heart that I spill on the pages
“ I bought something for you, I hope it’s to your tastes.” Chuya’s chilled voice meets your ears as he enters you home, a sudden smell of freshly made pastries hit your nose. Running over to greet him and the awaited snacks-
“ Is this from the bakery across town?! Chu!! You didn’t have to do this” you freaked out, wanting to repay him somehow. “ how much was it? I’ll get the money for you right now. ”
“ Not telling.”
“ I bought it of my own accord, a gift for my beautiful girlfriend. Accept it or I swear I’ll force you to eat it anyway. ”
Groaning, you were finally convinced to accept the gift. Opening the box he held onto, there was a bunch of little donuts freshly cake. They were decorated with tiny hearts sprinkled on them.
Taking the box, you set it aside. Whipping around, you immediately grasp onto his face— pulling the shorter male into a passionate kiss as thanks.
You can be the vodka and I can be the chaser
You can be the pencil and I can be the paper
You can be as cold as the winter weather
But I don't care as long as were together
“ You are covered in goosebumps, here- take my coat. ”
Before you could even refuse Chuyas offer, you felt a larger coat be thrown over your head. Smiling in the warmth, you can’t help but snuggle in the material of your boyfriends coat.
It was a snowy day out, sending chills throughout your body. The coat alone didn’t appear to work, so the normally hot headed boy wraps an arm around your waist, pulling your frame closer to his. Radiating heat, you can’t help but melt against him. A pleasant sigh escaped your cold lips
Don't know if I could ever be
Without you 'cause boy you complete me
And in time I know that we'll both see
That we're all we need
“ I love you. ” just those three words alone, were enough to tie chuyas heartstrings around your finger.
“ I love you too, Sweetheart. “ He muttered back, feeling as if he could faint in any moment.
'Cause you're the apple to my pie
You're the straw to my berry
You're the smoke to my high
And you're the one I wanna marry
Those same words never once lost their meaning, after your vows- both you and chuya leaned closer to each other.
“ I love you.” You both whisper in unison.
'Cause your the one for me (for me)
And I'm the one for you (for you)
You take the both of us (of us)
And we're the perfect two
A timid smile was exchanged before chuya pulled you into a kiss, everyone began to cheer. Tearing up as they sat up and clap.
You regan wrapping your warms around his neck, resting on his shoulders while a hand found its way in his hair. Tugging it gently as you feel the kiss becoming much more intimate, deeper and to say in in simple terms- hot. At the same time, his hands grip your hips firmly.
We're the perfect two
We're the perfect two
Baby me and you
We're the perfect two
God he loved you.
You know that I'll never doubt ya
And you know that I think about ya
And you know I can't live without ya
Marrying someone was always a tough decision, it was a lifelong dedication that may break. But you refused to let that happen with your beloved- even as a hot head, this bb would kiss every part of your body to let you understand how much he adores you.
Never once did Chūya have doubts for marrying you, he wanted this so badly it hurt. It was a dangerous game, to marry you even during his work at the mafia- but they all loved you. Mori and Elise insisted on arriving at the marriage to congratulate you.
I love the way that you smile
And maybe in just a while
I can see me walk down the aisle
“ Do you realize how hot you are? “ You randomly say out loud, not realizing your thoughts were brought to the real world.
“ Hah?” Chuya stared at you in utter shock. Not quite understanding if he heard you right.
“ I asked if you realize how Hot-headed you are, W-Why are you looking at me like that? “ you attempt to cover up your mistake, blushing bright red while turning your head away. Adverting you gaze from his to the wall-
Ah, the memories of your foolish coverups.
'Cause you're the apple to my pie
You're the straw to my berry
You're the smoke to my high
And you're the one I wanna marry
Pulling away from your passionate kiss, your eyes remain shut even after the connection. Chuya takes notice of this, leaving a gentle kiss on your forehead to catch your attention. Allowing you to meet eye to eyes once again—
'Cause your the one for me (for me)
And I'm the one for you (for u)
You take the both of us (of us)
And were the perfect two
The ring officially will be stuck to your finger for eternity, glittering beneath the moonlight as you lift a hand to the sky. Allowing your head to fall against Chūyas shoulder. Both of you sat comfortably at the doorstep of your home— hours after you became officially husband and wife. Absolutely carefree, you guys ignored the rest of the world for just this moment.
An arm was strapped around your waist, securing you from any dangers of the night. Chuya refuses to let you frown so long as he’s there at your side, he loves that smile of yours. Planting a gentle kiss on your head.
Were the perfect two
Were the perfect two
Baby me and you
We're the perfect two(yeah, yeah)
“ I love you. ”
“ I love you more.”
“ You sure about that?”
“Are you really going fight me on this?”
Oh how you two haven’t changed.
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I got another dumb idea. Can I request Jumin, Sayeoung, V and Saeran with a MC who accidentally woke them up at 4am by trying to make a cake for their birthday
Jumin is a heavy sleeper until it comes to sounds. He will get up if there is the smallest bit of ruckus. He didn’t know what to expect when he got up from bed and Elizabeth watching you from the table while you wiped some flour from your forehead and continued mixing something. He paused in the doorway and just watched you for a moment as he tried to discern what the heck you were doing at, and he glances at the clock, four in the morning. You should have been in bed with him at this hour, so he wonders what the excuse is going to be for this one. 
You yelp and immediately drop the whisk from your hand to look at him. “Jumin! it’s not what it looks like!” 
“...So, you aren’t baking at 4am?” he inquired, although his expression seemed rather humorous. “What are you doing, then? I’d love to hear this.” 
“I was trying to bake you a cake so you could wake up to a surprise in a little bit,” you admitted, cheeks blush. “I wanted it to be... sweet but I didn’t plan on waking you up.” 
Jumin just smiled at you. “Well, I’m awake now. Why don’t I help you finish this, then? I think it would be a lovely way to start the day with you.”
Okay. This man is either sleeping or he’s not. He isn’t a heavy sleeping because he trained himself not to be, and yet, sometimes if he’s worked for hours he will sleep like a log. You almost counted on that. He rolled over and couldn’t feel any heat coming from your spot, his fingers rolling through the sheets to find nothing at all. That worried him but he could hear sounds from the other room. It worried him, honestly. So he rose from bed to go and check on you. He was quiet as he walked through the bunker. 
“Hey, don’t shh me. It’s not like I wanted to help you. You’re the one that woke me up, Y/N.” 
“It was supposed to be a surprise for you too, Saeran. I can’t help that I’m not the best baker... thanks for helping me, though. I really did want to surprise you and Saeyoung. I know you guys... haven’t really celebrated your birthday together before so I really wanted to make it special. This would have been a disaster without you, Saeran.” 
“...Yeah, well, I saw how hard you were trying. Might as well.” 
That’s when Saeyoung sped into the room and threw his arms around you, mess and all, doting on you. “Y/N! Saeran! You’re both so sweet! I love you guys! Look at you! Getting along and baking! Why didn’t you wake me? This is the best surprise!” 
V is the lightest sleeper. He will wake up from just about anything but he can get back to sleep just as easy. However, it is a bit of a drawback for him at times when he is having a harsh night. When he woke up this time, he found that you were not in the bed and there was the smallest sound from the other room that was odd for this hour. He rose from his hair and ran his fingers through his messy locks, heading over to the doorway where he found you working up a storm in the kitchen. It was actually kind of cute to see you look so focused but he couldn’t piece together why. 
You nearly dropped the bowl you were holding when he spoke up, “Y/N? What are you doing this hour?” 
Looking back at him, you knew that you had been caught and there was no point in lying. “Oh.... well, I was trying to make you a cake, Jihyun. I figure you haven’t been able to properly celebrate your birthday... so I thought I could do this for you.” 
He was touched by your gesture. 
Falling in love with you even more than he already was. “You could have waited until the sun came up, though,” he murmured. 
“It’s not a morning surprise if I don’t have it all done before you get up! I would have done it last night but we stayed out with Jumin just a smidge later than I planned,”  you chuckled. 
“Why don’t I help you, then? It can still be a surprise.” 
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bluesfortheredj · 4 years
Hitsuzen - A naturally foreordained event. A state in which other outcomes are impossible.
Chapter 9.
Neither of you get any more sleep after your 4am wake up and you end up talking in hushed voices until you’re finally discharged at just after 10am. You realise the doctor wasn’t wrong when he said the effects of the gas you inhaled would linger for a while, and as you stand from the bed you quickly fall sideways into Charlie as your head spins.
“Woah there!” he chuckles as he takes a hold of you until you’re steady on your feet, “do you want me to get a wheelchair to take you to the car?”
“I’ll be fine,” you sigh, “you’ll just have to keep your eye on me, and if I start veering off course then just point me in the right direction.”
He narrows his eyes at you before tutting, “I’ll just carry you to the car.”
“Better bloody not!” you laugh, “could you do me a favour though?”
“Anything,” he nods.
“When we get to Sarah and John’s, could you make sure Evelyn doesn’t see me falling about the place? I don’t want to worry her and she’ll pick up on it straight away.”
“Of course. I’ll get you upstairs and in the spare room then she can come and see you. I’ve got to go to the station to sort some paperwork after what happened yesterday but Sarah’s taken today off to look after you.”
“Thanks. I hate a fuss,” you grimace.
“Well tough luck, because we’re all going to fuss over you until I get the bastard who did this.”
He almost spits the last part of the sentence as his rage bubbles to the surface over what had happened to you, and he was determined to find the person who tried to hurt you. His body ached with exhaustion but it was the need to hold you that was overwhelming him at this current moment and he wasn’t sure he could resist the urge much longer as he watched you steady yourself on the bed side table with one hand while you put items into a bag with your other one. He wordlessly steps towards you to place a hand on your back then as you straighten up while you wonder what he’s doing he turns your body to face his, and you gladly lean against his torso with your head turned to the side. Your hand lets go of the table to grip onto his jumper while his arms slide around your body a little tighter, and you feel yourself melt into him as relief floods your veins in such a rush that you almost faint.
“Let’s get you to a nice comfy bed,” he sighs as he begins to loosen his grip.
You loop your arm through his as you finally walk up the familiar path you never thought you’d miss this much and you can already hear Evie’s excited calls of ‘mummy!’ from inside; it’s enough to make you cry. Sarah opens the door as Evie stays in the living room eagerly hopping from one foot to the other, and Charlie rushes you past the doorway and up the stairs before she can catch a glimpse of your wobbles.
“Just need the loo darling!” you call out, “Charlie will bring you up in a minute!”
“Okay mummy!” she almost squeals, unable to contain her excitement.
You pop to the toilet with Charlie standing guard outside then he helps you to the spare bedroom where you quickly get into bed with a relieved sigh and prop the pillows up to get comfy. A quick nod to Charlie is all he needs to fly downstairs and sweep Evie up so she can invade the bed with you and get her much needed cuddles that she missed last night. She’s under the covers with you within seconds, squeezed up against your side as her tiny arms reach as far around your body as they’ll go, and you fight back tears as you wrap your arms around her and dip your head down to inhale her beautiful scent.
“I’ve missed you,” you whisper between kissing her hair.
“I had pasta for dinner!”
“You did?! Did you save any for me?”
“I ate it all.”
“So it’s in your belly?” you ask as one of your hands tickles her stomach.
“Ah!” she laughs, wriggling around next to you, “mummy! Stop! Charlie! Help!”
A laugh sounds out from the doorway and he shakes his head, “no one can stop mummy tickles!”
Charlie watches as your smile fades and your eyes flicker open and shut as you fight to stay conscious as another episode washes over your body thanks to the exertion of tickling and laughing, and he’s quick to scoop Evie up before she notices your now pale face.
“Right, why don’t you and Sarah make a tasty get well cake for mummy? I’m thinking lots of chocolate and lots of sweets as decoration, what do you think?” he grins as you give him a thankful nod as your head falls back onto the pillows.
“Yeah! Will you help?”
“I’ve got to go into work but I might be back to help eat all the sweets… I mean, decorate.”
Evelyn laughs and covers her face with her hands before dropping her forehead onto his shoulder and shaking her head from side to side.
“You’re so funny,” she giggles.
“Hear that?” he says, raising his eyebrows at you, “I’m hilarious, a complete catch!”
You form a weak smile and scoff before rolling your eyes playfully.
“Mummy looks tired,” Evie sighs as she turns to face you.
“Hmm, I think she needs a nice nap and then when she wakes there’ll be a huge chocolate cake waiting for her,” Charlie grins.
“Nap kiss for mummy.”
Charlie leans Evie down so she can peck your lips, then they turn towards the bedroom door.
“You forgot mummy’s nap kiss,” Evie frowns up at the man holding her.
“Oh, silly me! How could I forget to give mummy a nap kiss?!”
He walks back over and sits down on the edge of the bed with Evie still attached to his side then he leans in slowly, trying to figure out where would the best place to kiss you would be, and he soon settles on your forehead where he presses his lips to your skin softly. He gives you a warm smile as he sits back up then stand with your little one and the two of them leave in silence, allowing you to shut your eyes and drift off into an uncomfortable sleep.
“I’ll be back soon,” Charlie assures Sarah, “I’ll make sure to bring John with me as well. I sort of said that you’d make (Y/N) a get well cake, I’m sorry. She was looking so washed out and she’d already said she didn’t want Evie seeing her unwell, so I had to get her out of the room with the promise of cake.”
“Don’t worry,” Sarah chuckles, “that’s fine! Thank you for taking such good care of her Charlie, it really means a lot to John and I.”
Charlie shrugs nonchalantly, “no need to thank me, I’m just doing what anyone would do for the ones they love.”
“Oh,” Sarah gasps lightly, her eyes widening at the word ‘love’.
“Life’s too short to play it cool,” he laughs softly, “I haven’t said anything to (Y/N) though, so if you could keep it a secret for now...”
“Of course!” she whispers excitedly, “see you soon!”
Charlie heads out of the door completely unaware that both Evelyn and Betty had been listening in, and the two of them giggle excitedly about it even though they didn’t quite know what it meant apart from the fact that mummies and daddies love each other very much. Evie sneaks past Sarah and clambers up the stairs to find you staring up at the ceiling after only seeing the small cupboard you were trapped in when you closed your eyes, and she gets your attention as she jumps up onto the bed, tugging at the duvet for support.
“What are you doing little lady?” you ask as you slip a protective arm around her.
“Charlie loves you!” she grins happily, “is he my new daddy?”
“Wait a minute… back it up!” you laugh, “how do you know he loves me?”
“He said so!”
“So is he my new daddy?” she asks with pleading eyes.
“Evie,” you sigh, brushing her hair back from her face and squeezing her tightly, “your daddy will always be David, but sometimes people are lucky enough to have another daddy figure in their life; like your real daddy but a bit different.”
“Am I lucky?”
“Of course you are! You’ve got Auntie Sarah and Uncle John, and your best friend Betty!”
“Yeah,” she she exhales contentedly, “but I’d like Charlie as my other daddy.”
“Well, we’ll see what happens… Anyway, I thought you were meant to be making me a cake?!”
She gasps before jumping off the bed and running straight into Sarah who is now standing in the doorway, and she picks her up with a smile before taking her downstairs to begin the baking.
Charlie and John sit opposite one another at the station, looking from the board of suspects to their computer screens anxiously; awaiting the results of fingerprints found on the gas cannisters and tubing to see if there was a match. John was quiet, too quiet, and Charlie knew this was a bad sign as he was usually full of witty remarks and thoughts on the case.
“Do you want a drink Sir?” Charlie asks, finally plucking up the courage to speak.
“No… no I’m fine…” he sighs.
Charlie rises from his seat and slips his jacket on to head down to the canteen, but just as he steps out into the hallway an email comes through and John quickly opens it up to see the results from the forensics team.
“Nelson!” he calls out, “we’ve got a match!”
@lv7867 @lovemarvelousfics @fuckyou-imspiderman @aynsleywalker @timeandpixiedust @the-baby-bookworm @pink-lemo @chlobo6 @queenslandlover-93 @misslolasworld @killer-queen-87 @drivenbybri @itsametaphorgwil @what-wicked-delights
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lenniewip · 4 years
Unknown (A Sterek Wrong Number/Celebrity AU)
11.09 PM Unknown Number
>I’m writing songs about you again.
11.20 PM Unknown Number
>its stiles btw.
>in case you deleted my number
>I did.
>I mean I deleted yours.
>but I still remember it apparently
11:41 PM Unknown Number
>I only have 2 lines so far
11:57 PM Unknown Number
>I bleed you from my veins.
>I grieve you like I love you.
>its better with the chords.
>u were always better at writing lyrics than me
12:34 AM Unknown Number
>u were better everything than me
2:00 AM Unknown Number
>I hate that I miss you
2:07 AM Unknown Number
>do u want to hook up?
>I promise not to propose again
2:15 AM Unknown Number
>im sorry.
>ignore me.
>im drinking
Derek blinked bleary eyes. His phone screen was the only source of light in his room, as he read through the flurry text messages.
What the hell is a Stiles?
2:17 AM Unknown Number
<I think you have the wrong number
>oh thank fuck
>I mean
>I’m sorry
>for disturbing ur sleep
>but im just glad I didn’t drunk text my ex all of this
>bullet dodged right?
>is this what near death experiences feel like?
<I wouldn’t know.
>of course
>seeming as I have you here can I ask you a quick q?
>all my friends are asleep
<probably because its 3am
<everyone’s asleep
>and ur not
>asleep that is
>I’ll take your silence as a go ahead
>what do you think?
>of the lyrics
<im the wrong person to ask
>never experienced heartbreak?
<all song lyrics just look like bad poetry to me
>yeah I guess it does
>not everyone can be Rupi Kaur tho right?
<do you want to be rupi kaur?
>not to be dramatic or anything
>I want to be anyone but me
>think id rather be someone like regina spektor tho
<regina spektor?
>singer/song writer
>shes my fucking inspiration
>her lyrics are like poetry to me
>you should listen to her music
<I dont really listen to music
>what the fuck?
>are you an alien?
>nice fucking try ET
>thats exactly what an alien would say
<…you got me there
>is this you admitting I was right?
<but this is me going to bed
<because its now 4AM
>ive got an early start tomorrow
>good night random stranger
>and thanks
>for listening
>or reading ig
<good night
“You’re late.” Laura frowned, arms crossed.
“Are you going to let me in?” Derek grumbled, still feeling the affects of having stayed up until 4AM the previous night.
Laura didn’t argue she just stepped aside to let him through into her flat. “You’re grumpier than usual.” She noted.
“Didn’t sleep well.”
Derek hated the look she gave him then.
The look that said he was broken. The look that said she wanted to fix him.
“Is…Is it the nightmares again?” Laura’s voice dipped to a whisper, like the question alone would be enough to send him over the edge.
An awkward silence defended over the two of them, neither knowing what to say.
Derek clung to the silence like a blanket, wishing things could go back to how they used to be. Back to when they knew how to speak to one another.
But this was enough.
It was enough to know that they were both trying. Failing. But trying.
2:40 PM Laura
>I’m here if you need to talk.
Derek isn’t good at art, but sometimes it’s the only way he can express himself. Words had never been his forte.
So instead he doodles.
Shitty toddler level doodles that he never shows anyone.
Sometimes he thinks if he could bring himself to show Laura she would like it. Maybe she would even understand it.
But there was a bigger chance that she wouldn’t, and he would feel even more like a stranger to his own sister than he already was.
10:18 PM Unknown Number
>I don’t remember it anymore
<You have the wrong number again
>This is ‘not Lydia’ right?
>So here’s the thing.
>I always thought if I needed to text her I could
>And I thought maybe I got her number wrong because I was drunk
>But I can’t remember it anymore
>I have some of her things still
>I don’t think I’ll ever get to return it now
>Unless she messages me first
<When did you two break up?
>Last year
>and I know what you’re thinking
>’it’s October’
>and I should be over her by now
>Trust me I know
>So you don’t need to lecture me
<I wasn’t going to
>That’s weird
<what is?
>I forgot I told you my name
<You should throw away the stuff she left behind.
>you’re right
>I don’t like it.
>but you’re right
<What for?
>for listening
>my friends are pretty sick of hearing me complain
>so this is nice
>no take backsies
<am I going to regret this?
>for definite
>you’re stuck with me now
That night Derek saves Stiles’ number as ‘Bad Poet’.
Stiles keeps messaging after that.
Stiles messages like they’ve been friends for years, and Derek very determinedly does not analyse why it is he always responds.
Even when there are messages dated from Laura from three days ago that he hasn’t even been able to bring himself to open yet.
He also ignores how when he’s messaging Stiles the gaping pit that had made residence in his chest feels just a little less inescapable.
Derek can’t bring himself to tell Stiles his name. He can’t bring himself open up, even though there’s a large part of him that wants to.
He’s not above admitting he’s scared.
Derek draws Stiles sometimes.
More accurately he draws a vague pair hands texting on a phone, because he has no idea what Stiles actually looks like.
Derek refuses to let himself dwell on that though, because they are happy drawings.
The pictures of Stiles are pretty much his only happy drawings right now.
They don’t always talk about Lydia.
Sometimes Stiles messages Derek song lyrics he’s working on.
Other times it’s memes, or just a bunch of emojis.
Once Stiles had just messaged him what Derek could only assume was a list of everything he had eaten that day.
Sometimes Stiles messages in rambles - and Derek can’t always keep up with the boy’s run away thoughts, but even then he never feels lost the way he does when he’s trying to interact with literally anyone else.
And sometimes it’s 2AM. Those are simultaneously Derek’s favourite and least favourite texts.
2:02 AM Bad Poet
>sometimes I feel like too much
>and too little
>at the same time
>u ever feel like that ET?
<not really
>its like I’m infinite, and meaningless
>like a never ending echo
>or a recurring decimal
>I just stretch on and on forever but theres no point to it
>I have no depth
<youre not meaningless
<you’re a rhythm.
<like breathing
>was that a regina spektor reference?
<it might have been
>I thought you didn’t listen to music?
<well someone said her lyrics were like poetry
<so I thought I would check out a few songs
>well fuck
>what did you think?
<she’s good
>you spelt ‘amazing’ wrong
<I still prefer poetry
>of course you do
Derek stared at the texts an ache filling his chest.
Derek was the opposite of infinite. Everything he touched turned to flames.
10:30AM Bad Poet
<my sister bought me flower seeds
>I didn’t know you had a sister?
<she’s everything I have
<and I think she’s trying to trick me into therapy somehow
>…with flower seeds?
>you sound extremely paranoid
>maybe therapy wouldn’t be the worst thing in the world for you?
<shut up
>keep me posted on how your gardening goes
>as a side note
>you know you have me too right?
>if you ever need to talk or anything, I’m right here for you
On Derek’s birthday Laura insists the two of them spend the day together, and Derek knows better than to argue.
She buys him a cake and they spend hours sat next to one another silently. Two strangers desperately trying to keep hold of one another but with an ocean dividing them.
Once their family had been so alive.
And it was all Derek’s fault that was gone.
They both knew it.
Sometimes Derek wondered if Laura hated him as much as he did.
He was too scared to ask.
That night Derek chased the ache in his chest away with a drink.
And then several more followed.
1:14 AM Bad Poet
<seh haars me
>sorry bud, you’re going to have to try again
>try spell checking before hitting send
<she.hates mee
>are you drunk?
<tyongs ndrf
*Out Going Call: Bad Poet*
The phone rings twice before being picked up. “Sorry. Stupid keyboard is so small. Impossible to type.” Derek mumbled, his words slightly muffled by his cheek being pressed into the sofa cushion.
“Wow. You’re really sloshed huh?”
“No.” Derek denied. “Just tipsy.”
“Right. So what was it you were trying to tell me? Someone hates you?”
“Who’s Laura?”
“My sister.”
“She looks at me like she wishes she could fix me.”
“That doesn’t sound like she hates you, bud.”
“She should. I can’t be fixed.”
“You’re right, because you’re not broken.”
Hearing Stiles say that Derek could almost believe it to be true.
“I mean it. You’re not broken. You’re just a different shape than you used to be. But the shape you are now is beautiful.”
Derek closes his eyes and lets the words wash over him. “Do you sing?” He finds himself asking.
“I know you write songs, but do you ever sing?”
“Oh…” Stiles sounds uncomfortable. “I guess… Yeah. I do.”
Derek hummed in the back of his throat. “I bet you have a nice voice.”
Derek tried to say something else, but all that comes out is a yawn, which makes Stiles let out a jittery laugh.
Derek tries to memorise the sound of It, but it’s so fleeting, it’s already slipping away from him.
“I think you need to go sleep, ET.”
“Yeah.” Derek agrees.
“Goodnight bud.”
“Could you stay on the phone? Just for a bit longer.” Derek clutched on to the phone like if he could grip tightly enough it would make Stiles stay.
I don’t want to be alone. The words die on Derek’s tongue.
“Sure.” Stiles didn’t hesitate. “Of course.”
“Thank you.”
Sleep pulled at Derek’s consciousness, unravelling his grip on reality.
Stiles hummed in answer.
“Your shape is beautiful too.”
A small whimper came from the other end of the phone. “Thanks.”
7:50 AM Bad Poet
>how are you feeling today?
>good <3
Derek holds his phone tightly and wishes that he had more to say. Just to keep the conversation going.
He also wishes (not for the first time) that Stiles was more than a faceless entity on the other end of the phone.
But it’s the first time he feels the want like a physical ache in his chest.
Derek had never been good with words, but if Stiles was here in front of him Derek would probably give him a hug.
But everything Derek touches eventually dies, and a larger part of him is relieved for the distance.
Derek plants the seeds his sister got him that day.
9:48 PM Bad Poet
>would it totally weird you out if I wanted to do another phone call?
>don’t feel like you need to say yes
>I just enjoyed talking to you
>and hearing your voice
>why are words so hard?
<I wouldn’t be opposed to a phone call
*Incoming Call: Bad Poet*
“Hey.” Derek feels breathless as he answers the phone, anxious excitement clawing it’s way up his throat.
“Hey.” Stiles sounds equally out of breath, and that helps.
Derek chews on his lip, scrambling for something to say. “What did you want to talk about?”
“I don’t know.” Stiles admitted. “Anything.”
“Helpful.” Derek said sarcastically.
“I mean. There’s one thing. I didn’t want to ask when you were drunk because it felt a little like taking advantage. And I don’t want you to think you have to answer-”
“Stiles.” Derek interrupts before Stiles could break into a full blown ramble.
“Tell me your name.” Stiles breaks. “Please.”
Anxiety grips his heart. But… he couldn’t stay scared forever.
“It’s Derek.”
“Derek.” Stiles repeats his name in a reverent whisper, as if committing it to memory.
And hearing Stiles say his name makes everything worth it.
Phone calls become a regular thing between the two of them over the next month. Always between late in the evening and the early hours of the day.
The next time Derek spirals he doesn’t drink before he calls Stiles, but he does cry on the phone.
The next morning he wakes up to a text from Stiles.
6:42 AM Bad Poet
>you need to talk to your sister
And Derek knows he’s right.
It’s not easy confronting Laura. He has two separate anxiety attacks on the walk to her apartment alone.
But he forces himself to take the dive.
“It’s okay if you hate me.” He tells her, even though it’s not okay. Laura’s hate might be the only thing in the world that could break him beyond repair.
Laura looks horrified as she stares at him. “I don’t- Obviously I don’t hate you Derek.”
“It’s my fault that they’re gone.” Derek addresses the elephant in the room.
If he hadn’t fallen in love with Kate.
If he hadn’t broken up with her, just to try and prove a point when she refused to say ‘I love you’ back…
There never would have been a fire.
Their family would still be here if it wasn’t for him.
“Fuck that!” Laura let out a harsh noise. “Derek, none of this was ever your fault. You were a kid, and even if you weren’t… You never set the fire.”
“I might as well have.”
“No. If anyone… I was your big sister- am your big sister. But I was so fucking wrapped up in myself. I didn’t even know about Kate.”
The last time Derek had seen Laura cry it had been at the funeral, so it took a second to fully sink in what he was seeing.
He found himself crying to.
“I’m so sorry, Der.”
Derek stumbled forwards pulling Laura into a crushing hug. Laura hugs him back just as tight.
They spend hours refusing to let go of one another.
He realises he fell asleep on Laura’s sofa when he woke up to the sound of his phone ringing. But he had no idea where it was, and he was too tired to move.
He feels Laura moving and the sound of the phone ringing gets louder before cutting off abruptly.
“No - Derek’s asleep.”
“Maybe call at a more reasonable time?”
“Who is this?”
“Your voice sounds familiar.”
“Okay. Bye.”
Derek let sleep over take him once more.
2:29 AM Bad Poet
>sorry for calling so late
>you’re asleep so I’ll just take to you tomorrow
9:07 AM Bad Poet
<sorry, I was really tried
>no worries man
>you’re allowed to have a life outside of me
<was something wrong?
>no I was just bored, and didn’t realise how late it had gotten
>im fine
>how are you?
<im good actually
<I spoke to Laura
>I’m proud of you
>how’d that go?
<we both cried
<a lot
<and I ended up falling asleep on her couch
>look at you, opening up and shit.
>think I might cry now
<shut up
>literally never
>better men have tried and failed to silence me
2:40 PM Laura
>Want to see a movie on Friday?
One night Stiles calls Derek just to say his name in stupid ways, and laugh himself stupid after each one.
“Fuck. I’m getting a stitch from laughing.”
“You’re so fucking dumb.” Derek is smiling as he said it.
“Deeruk.” Stiles wheezes out.
Derek just closes hie eyes and listens.
“I’m so fucking glad I know you, Stiles.” The words fall out of Derek’s mouth without much thought.
He only realises the weight of his words when Stile’s laughter pulls to a stop.
“I uh-” Stiles stammered. “Me too. Fuck. You’re the best thing to happen to me in…so fucking long. I’m glad I know you too Derek.”
Derek finally admits to himself that night that he’d fallen at least a little in love with the stranger from the unknown number.
He keeps trying to draw Stiles, but he can’t. Vague shapes just don’t cut it anymore.
He wants to map Stiles out with his eyes and translate it onto the page.
He wants to be able to see the smile behind the laughter.
He wants.
1:58 AM Bad Poet
>do you think you day we’ll actually meet?
>maybe not intentionally
>maybe one day we’d pass each other in the streets and not even know
>maybe we already have
Derek couldn’t imagine a scenario where he wouldn’t notice Stiles.
<is there ever a moment when you’re not talking?
<I think id recognise your voice and know it was you
>maybe your face would make me speechless ;)
<I think id still know
<but if you want to be sure… I could send you a picture?
<of me
>for reals?
>you would do that?
<well…not for free
>there’s always a catch
>what do you want?
>my soul?
>a blood debt?
>you can have whatever it is
<I meant you’d have to send me a picture too
<geez stiles
The next text takes an unnervingly long time to come through.
>I could do that
>a photo for a photo
>I kind of look like shit rn
>so no judging me
Derek spends the next two minutes fussing and fidgeting to take a good photo. No matter what angle he took it from the bags under his eyes were noticeable, and so was the week’s worth of stubble he had yet to shave off.
And maybe this was a terrible, awful, idea.
But Derek would send one hundred bad pictures if it meant getting to see one of Stiles.
He forced himself to press send on the last picture he took.
As he pressed send another photo came in.
Derek’s fingers shook as he hit the button to download the image.
His heart stopped.
Stiles was beautiful in every sense of the word, and Derek found himself unable to look away. Even when he heard the small dings of incoming messages.
But he couldn’t ignore them for long, because it was Stiles. And when ever Stiles messaged Derek had to answer.
>Fucking hell
>are you for real?
>you gave me a heart attack
>am I being catfished right now?
>when do you think you were going to tell me you’re the most fucking beautiful man to exist ever?
>how the hell to you look like that as 2AM!?
>oh my god
>you gotta respond my dude because I’m freaking out a little bit
>still there?
>did my selfie scare you away?
>I would have tried harder for a nice photo if I knew I was talking to an adonis
<still here
>of thank fuck
>come on
>your going to give me a complex
>the selfie…was it okay?
>I know it’s not much
>but we can’t all be greek gods
<its beautiful
<you’re beautiful, stiles
Derek is so far gone that he makes the picture of Stiles the home screen on his phone.
9:49 AM Bad Poet
<Laura wants me to meet her boyfriend
<this is all your fault
>how is this my fault?
<because she never wanted to introduce us before
<and then you got me to talk to my sister
<and now she wants me to meet him
>…and this is a bad thing?
<I don’t make good first impressions
<it’s going to be awkward
>yeah probably
<you’re not helpful
>I wasn’t trying to be ;)
>have fun, Derek!
Meeting Laura’s boyfriend wasn’t as awkward as Derek thought it was going to be. But it was strange.
Derek hadn’t been expecting to meet someone so soft and kind. He was nothing like any one that Laura had dated before.
But he also wasn’t used to seeing Laura smile as much as she did around him.
Maybe not all change was bad.
Derek tells Laura about Stiles by accident. Or more accurately he mentions Stiles once by accident (not even by name) and Laura had badgered him until he admitted that he had made a friend through a wrong number.
“There’s a lot of weirdos out there.”
“I know.”
God did Derek ever know.
But Stiles is different.
“Just…be careful.”
“I am being. I promise.”
Laura reluctantly lets it go after that. “So…what’s he like?”
“He’s…he’s like bad poetry.”
“Oh god. You’re in love with him aren’t you?”
Derek can’t bring himself to deny it, but he does tell Laura to shut up.
Derek fully embraces being in love with Stiles on the day he tells Stiles about his drawings. He’d never told anyone about them before - not even Laura. But telling Stiles had been easy.
‘It reminds me of line art’ Stiles had said when Derek had sent him a photo of the doodle he had been working on. “I love it’.
A warmth flutters through Derek’s veins.
It all goes sideways on the day Laura goes on Derek’s phone to check the time.
She’d raised one eyebrow at him looking amused.
“I thought you didn’t listen to music?” She said, a teasing note to her voice.
“I don’t.” Derek shrugged.
“A huh. So why do you have a picture of Stiles Stilinski as your wallpaper?” She asks.
It’s so startling to hear Stiles name coming out of Laura’s mouth that Derek’s brain refuses to function properly. “How do you know Stiles?” He asks weakly.
Laura laughs. “He’s not exactly a niche celebrity Der. He was a really famous YouTuber before he started selling albums.”
Derek doesn’t know what to say to that. He blinks as his world slowly unravels before him.
She had to be wrong, because Derek couldn’t be in love with a celebrity. Stiles couldn’t be…
“Hey are you okay? You look really sick?”
“He’s famous?” His throat is dry.
“Yes? Are you okay? What’s wrong? You’ve got to speak to me Der. Use your words.”
Derek just shakes his head because he can’t.
“It’s him.” He manages to get out.
“What are you talking about?”
“Laura. It’s him.”
It takes a moment to click but Derek knows when it does because a look of thunderous wrath takes over Laura’s face.
“I’ll kill him.” She seethes, shaking with anger. “What kind of fucking punk thinks that this is a good prank to play?”
“No one is getting away with catfishing you, Der. I’m going to hunt this fucker down, and then I’ll rip him so many new ones that he going to look like SpongeBob when I’m done with him.”
And god, Derek hadn’t even considered the thought that Stiles might not even be Stiles. The thought of Stiles being a liar…
The gape in his heart grows a little bit bigger.
And it all falls apart.
It takes hours before Derek can convince himself to confront Stiles.
11:08 PM Bad Poet
<you’re stiles stilinki
(And yeah, it was really him).
>how did you find out?
>I was going to tell you
<Were you?
>I’ve wanted to for ages
>It just never felt like the right time to bring it up
<I wish you had decided on the right time was sooner
>Me too
>I’m sorry
>Please don’t hate me
Derek did not think it was possible for him to hate any part of Stiles.
<I don’t
>Thank fuck
>can I call you?
Derek closed his eyes after sending the text and waited for Stiles to ring. A heartbeat later his ringtone sounded off.
“You believe me right?” And Stiles sounds more frantic than Derek had ever heard him before.
“I believe you, Stiles.”
“Are you sure, because I can prove it if you want? I can do a video call? Or I can tweet literally anythi-”
“You don’t have to prove anything to me.”
Stiles lets out a small whine, that reaches through the phone line and yanks at Derek’s already tattered heart, unraveling him just a little more.
“Meet me.” Stiles said, taking Derek by surprise.
“Please. I meant to throw a please in there, I’m just really fucking nervous right now. Meet me please. In real life. I uh- I was going to ask when I finally told you about the whole being a celebrity thing. It’s still weird to say that out loud. That’s part of why it was so hard to tell you. But the point was you beat me to the punch with the whole reveal thing, but I still wanted to ask.”
“And it’s not that I was trying to use my influence or fame to pressure you into meeting me. I just wanted to be in a space where we were one hundred per cent honest with one another before I asked you. You can still say no. Of course you can, I don’t know why I’m- my point is I hope you don’t say no.”
Derek feels his heart break in two.
“Stiles…I can’t.”
He hadn’t fully realised just how many worlds apart the two of them were when he had fallen in love with Stiles. It felt even more impossible than it had before.
“I’m sorry.” The words leave him feeling hollow.
“No. Don’t apologise. This is just me getting carried away. It’s okay.”
I love you. The words never leave Derek. They can’t leave him.
There was no way this could work, and he was far too scared of breaking the tentative connection they had with his useless words.
It was better for him to just… fall out of love.
6:17AM Laura
<it’s really him
>are you sure
<I’m sure
>what are you going to do?
>Derek you’re in love with him
<I’m aware
<it doesn’t matter
<it wouldn’t ever work
>I’m sorry
<don’t be
<I’m going to be fine
>Im coming over with wine
That night Derek fills pages and pages of his notebook with drawings of Stiles.
When he gets a message from Stiles at 11PM- for the first time since they started messaging- Derek leaves it unopened.
He never ignores a message again after that, and life moves on. Stiles still messages him all the time, but he never asks to call anymore.
Derek misses his voice so much that he goes onto youtube and listens to his music.
He buys all three albums Stiles released and it still doesn’t feel like enough.
He fills an entire notebook with doodles of Stiles.
It’s still not enough.
1:11 PM Bad Poet
>I wrote you a song
>I know you don’t listen to music
>but it felt weird to not a least send you a link
>bad poetry at 2:00am
The link leads Derek to a youtube video of Stiles holding a ukulele and staring with a soft smile at the camera.
“Hey guys. It’s been a while, huh? But I guess I finally found inspiration. So here we go.”
The song is beautiful, but even more beautiful than that was Stiles.
When the song reached the end Derek doesn’t hesitate to hit replay.
He listens to the song ten times before he realises he’s crying - and he knows that he’s never going to ‘get over’ Stiles because he doesn’t want to.
3:00 PM Laura
>have you seen the video?
<he sent me a link
<he wrote a song for me Laura
<I love him so fucking much and he wrote a song for me
<what do I do?
>what do you want to do?
<I don’t know
>I think you should look at his twitter
>I wasn’t going to say anything because you said you wanted to get over him
>but I think you need to see it
I want to hug him
Get you a guy that will stay up with you until 4AM talking about literally anything
Why do I alway fall for people so far out of my league? rip me I guess.
He makes me want to write poetry
Derek spends hours scrolling through Stiles’ twitter.
He scrolls far enough back that he gets to the part of his timeline where his twitter is littered with pictures of Lydia, which causes the ache in Derek’s chest to grow. But he can’t stop looking because Stiles looks so happy.
And Derek falls impossibly more in love.
He lets himself acknowledge for the first time that Stiles might love him back.
And everything else?
It’s worth it.
Because Stiles is worth everything to Derek.
2:00 AM Bad Poet
<so I looked at your twitter
>how much did you see?
<all of it
>please excuse me while I go die now
<don’t leave yet
<I had something I wanted to ask you
>did you want me to delete the tweets?
>I can do that
>I’ll just delete the whole account
>I am my own worst enemy so this won’t be a problem
>actually Jackson Whittemore is my worst enemy
>but I’m a close second
<Will you go on a date with me?
>Ofc yes?
>are you being serious?
>because this would be a cruel prank if you’re not serious
<I’m serious
>yes. yes. yes. yes. yes. yes.
>holy shit
>theres no fucking universe where I say ‘no’ to that question from you
>im so fucking in love with you
>is it too soon to say that?
>I don’t even care
>I’m speaking my truth
>you obviously don’t have to say it back
>im going to woo you so hard Derek
>you’ll have to love me back eventually
>I’m going to write you poetry
>hell I’ll even read poetry for you
>ill give the whole fucking moon to you
<why would I want the moon?
<im not gru?
>despicable me
>that was a despicable me reference.
>you don’t listen to music, but you watch despicable me?
>you’re such an enigma to me Derek
>god I love you so much
>too much?
<I don’t think I could ever have too much of you
<I love you too stiles
<so much
<I just don’t want you to get your hopes up
<I might not be able to live up to it in real life
<seriously stiles
>I am being serious
>I’m already in love with you Der
>you don’t have to do anything more than you’ve already done
>you could wear a potato sack, and spend the whole night not saying anything at all
>and I would still be in love with you
>all you have to do now is show up
<…I can do that
Hey @JacksonWhittemore, remember when you told me I would die alone? Well I just got engaged to the love of my life. So checkmate fucker.
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loyalhorror · 4 years
also: 1, 2, 10, 14, 49 (RATWHALE??), 54, 55, 60, 61, 63, 65: "What is your favorite thing about FABIAN CORTEZ?"
90s i’d kill for you dnfkjfnjfn
1. Do you ever doubt the existence of others than you?
YEAHHHH but like way less than I used to. like when I was about 17-18 I just oscillated between thinking I was the devil or thinking nobody else existed, etc, like constantly, whereas now it’s sort of like... I have this weird thing of like. thinking that everyone else isn’t real, which means they can die, but I can’t??? IT’S WEIRD. but anyway tldr sometimes but not often
2. On a scale of 1-5, how afraid of the dark are you?
uhhh I’d say like a 3? it depends on the kind of dark though, and where I am. like when I’m in my flat I’m usually at a 2 but sometimes anxiety kicks in at a 4-5 and convinces me I have to turn all the lights on or there’ll be something/someone in my apartment etc, whereas if I’m outside at night I’m not really scared of the dark so much as being caught offguard by someone in it.
10. What were you doing at midnight last night? 
kdjfnskdjnf I was playing this little ... sushi tycoon game on the Switch, I’d gone to bed at like 10 but couldn’t sleep (and didn’t until like 4am whoops)
14. What is your current desktop picture? 
hcavs building a computer KJNSDSKFJNDSF
49. If you could breed two animals together to defy the laws of nature, what new animal would you create? 
see, a ratwhale sounds cool but doesn’t really interest me conceptually
whereas something like a rat-dog, rat-fox, or literally ANY kind of human/animal hybrid............... OH OH OR a deer/horse hybrid!
54. Have you ever baked your own cake? 
i don’t think so! like i don’t think i’ve even baked a box mix cake, just brownies/cupcakes/stuff like that
55. Can you do any accents other than your own? 
i only do accents for funsies kdfjnsdjkfn like some disgusting english accents and a mockery of a yeehaw accent. so, no, basically,
60. Do you believe in aliens?
i feel like it would be stupid not to sfkjsndkfjng like. the universe is so vast. i don’t really want to imagine a reality where earth is the ONLY place with creatures we might recognise as being Like Us(TM)
but also i like the thought of alien lifeforms that are just... completely unlike anything we could imagine or conceptualise
61. Do you often read your horoscope?
only on like, tumblr posts and shit. i always have a split second of a dilemma because i always think of myself as an aquarius-pisces cusp (because growing up the cut-off in the newspapers my gran read was always either feb 18-20 somewhere, it varied) so i always read both and then get annoyed when pisces is inevitably just “youre a sensitive cwybaby uwu”
63. Which is cooler: dinosaurs or dragons?
depends on your own personal dragon lore, babey!! but generally i like dinosaurs because i just like... love that these things fucking EXISTED???
but dragons are so fucking aesthetically pleasing AND they’re not real so you can make up whatever with them...
65. What is your favorite thing about FABIAN CORTEZ?
but also i love his over the top dialogue so much
and his ponytail, obvs
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