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red eyes
gn reader (i made sure there were no pronouns used. let me know if i somehow still managed to make a mistake, my brain is so weird)
minors and ageless blogs dni.
a/n: this inspiration behind this is insane. which is why it may look rushed, or not long enough. this was purely self-indulgent as wanda can save us all. proofread but i wrote this as i went so there might be mistakes left. enjoy reading leave any feedback if you have any lets gooo
w/c: 3.7 k ish
warnings: swearing, mentions of drinking, questions about drug consumption. gay reader. gay wanda. shuri and riri trying to play matchmakers. reader being a mess. makeout, reader and wanda match their freak. that’s about it i think? let me know if i missed anything!!

It starts below the cut :)
She was like a dream. Angel. Dream angel? You had no idea what she could be because your eyes were focused on hers. How they could lead you into a never ending forest that you’d gladly get lost into. Your legs nearly gave out when she tucked her hair behind her ear and fixed her suit. A simple action. And yet it was enough for you to act like a teenager all over again.
“Are you opening a tab or…?” The bartender asked, pointing towards your drink, interrupting any further thought your brain could conjure about the stranger.
“I’m…I think I’m good here. Thank you.” You mutter more than you speak, too entranced by the redhead who’s leaned against the wall, twirling a drink in her hand. Sliding a generous tip as an apology for the amount of zoning out you've been doing, you slide off the barstool and shake off your nerves.
Why were you even feeling like this?
The music was blasting so loud that you can feel the vibration of the bass traveling through your body, a pleasant distraction from the current shivers. You wonder where Shuri and Riri went off too but are slightly grateful that they lost you. You're not sure you could handle their teasing on top of your current state. Which would be painfully obvious that something was going on.
As you walk through the crowd of dancing bodies you allow yourself to relax, following the rhythm. For a minute it works. You ignore the stranger’s entracing presence. Or it could just be the alcohol traveling in your blood that’s making you think this way. Either way you’re successful at forgetting her, so much so that you don’t feel a pair of hands around your waist.
“I almost lost you.” It’s like time froze. You don’t know much what to say, much less think. What can you even do in this situation? It almost felt like an eternity before you take another drink of liquid courage and turn around, mentally steeling yourself. Right. It’s not like it’s the first time you’ve ever flirted with someone, right?
“Ah, there you are.” Shuri playfully pushes you away. You nearly choke, eyes widening to see that the mysterious woman you feared was in fact, your best friend.
“You can at least pretend you’re happy to see us.” Riri chuckles as she notices how lost you looked.
“It’s not that. You just caught me by surprise, that’s all.” You make another attempt to drink before Shuri stops you in midair.
“I hope it was a pleasant surprise.”
“Hey, you were the ones who abandoned me.”
“Uh, I thought you told us that you’d join us later on?” Riri furrows her brows. Shuri checks your temperature before leaning in to whisper closely in your ear. “Did you take anything else other than alcohol? Because seriously–”
“What? No, no, I didn’t, I’m just…”
And there she was again. This time she’s dancing with someone, with her hands around them. You can’t tell their exact gender but you know they’re lucky. You yearn to feel the heat of her body against yours, those hands to guide your movements and those eyes to devour you.
“Yeah, okay. We’re putting you on water from now on.”
You can hardly hear what Shuri is saying, your eyes trained on the redhead. You never wished you were someone else until now. She whispers something to them, making them laugh and you feel a swirl travel uncomfortably to the pit of your abdomen.
“I don’t know Shuri…I think it’s more of a girl problem than a high problem.”
“Look at what’s happening.” Riri points to you, who’s looking at the woman who is now looking at…you. She doesn’t even blink, instead pulling the person she’s with closer, staring at you, nearly challenging you to break your stare. And that seems to be enough to get you out of your trance because you shake your head, grounding back into reality.
“What is…what?” Your heart is racing uncontrollably, in all sorts of different patterns.
“Damn. I wish I could've filmed that. You were in another world.” Shuri snickers as she waves a hand in front of you. You hardly blink, making Riri look at you in concern.
“Okay, seriously what is going on with you? You sure you didn’t take anything?”
“I’m afraid Cupid shot that poor heart of yours.” At Shuri’s laughter you blink hard, turning away from the green eyed woman to your friends.
“Who?” Yeah. You definitely need a seat because your legs are completely giving out. That and you feel delusional, you think you’ve seen a hint of a smirk but that could be a trick of the light and your brain going hazy.
Your friends look at each other before guiding you to the bar, sitting you down. You appreciate their concern but it’s nothing big. You’re just being dramatic. Your ears barely register what they are saying. You hardly see the glass of water in front of you, her eyes still stuck in your mind, nearly enough to make your skin stick with sweat.
Downing the drink in one go, you take a deep breath, leaning into Shuri’s comforting touch.
“I did not expect to have to play matchmaker on my trip. Say Riri, are you down with me?
“Woah, woah, woah. No one is playing matchmaker. There is no match to be made. And we’re here to make you enjoy your vacation, not give you any work.” You interrupt, downing your glass of water in one go, choking miserably as the woman– stranger, angel? approaches you.
“Are you sure? Because right now you’re– Wanda?”
“Shuri. It’s a pleasant surprise to see you. What gives?” Wanda, you’ve learned, leans in and hugs Shuri, offering a polite handshake to Riri. You could listen to that husky voice and her accent all day on tape.
“I’ve been on vacation from Wakanda, and my good friend here offered me a place to stay.” She gestures to you, which you take as a cue to act normal. But how can you when you feel like you’re going to melt at any moment because right now Wanda is looking at you and offering her hand. God her hands are so soft.
“Wait, you all…know each other?”
You mirror Riri’s question in your mind, trying not to look too overly interested, you think you’ve already done enough with your staring.
“We go way back. Wanda was in a college exchange programme in Wakanda. A little before we met.”
“And how do you know each other?” This time Wanda turns to you and you nearly choke on air. You really needed to get a grip on yourself.
“Uh…college…volleyball?” You uncontrollably drop your voice to a whisper. Your whole body trembles under her gaze, a shiver trembling throughout your entire body. It’s uncomfortable, yet addictive.
“I’m sorry, what was that?” She leans her ear closer to your lips and it takes all the courage to not stumble on your words. Her scent invades your senses. It’s something sweet and floral, yet so heady that it’s entrapping.
“Volleyball. College.”
You were better than this. You don’t think out of all the people you’ve spoken to you were this miserable. Fortunately for you she doesn’t pay any mind. In fact she almost finds it amusing. It’s refreshing to most overly confident and shallow people she’s met. You were refreshing, in a way.
“It was a tie, if you’re asking.” Shuri nudges Wanda, trying to hold back her laugh from how absolutely of a mess you are right now. You wonder if she’s trying to put in good words in your honour.
“From what I heard it was pretty impressive.” Riri adds as she signals the bartender for another set of drinks.
“It was forever ago. Besides, with the internship at The Daily Bugle I don’t think I have much time.” You steal her drink, ignoring her look of indignation.
“But I heard you still play occasionally? Next week we’re going to train with other friends, just for the good memories. You can join us if you want, Wanda. Besides, we have lots of catching up to do.”
“How could I not?” And right now she was staring directly at you. This time, you choke on your drink.
“Shit, are you okay?” You feel your heart beating out of your chest at the way she rubs your back. Air. You need air.
“I think…outside. I need to go outside.”
“Do you need our help?”
“I’m fine, Shuri, I just need a quick breather…”
You need more than that.
“Why don’t we go outside? Is that okay with you?”
“Yeah, I think you two need to go outside. Riri and I will stay here and look over our things.”
“Is that okay with you?” Wanda turns to look at you for confirmation and you numbly nod your head. Honestly, you’d go anywhere she asks you to.
As you walk away they subtly shoot you a thumbs up, only replacing with a wave and a farewell when Wanda promises to get you back.
She leads you to a set of stairs, the sound of music slowly fading away. She has her hand on your back the whole time. Not too forceful but guiding. As you reach the final set of stairs she leads you to a balcony. The cold air is inviting, instantly cooling your nerves. Wanda lets go of you and you almost…no. Be honest with yourself. You miss her warmth.
“Feeling any better?”
If she keeps on talking with that accent and that voice you don’t think you’ll be.
“I’m alright. Just…y’know. Those evenings. One of those evenings. I mean I’m not always like this, I’m chill. I mean not chill chill, but…” You were rambling, waving your hand as you cleared your throat.
“I get you. Got too overwhelmed?”
“Yeah…” There is no way that a question could take that long to answer.
“Mhm. That happens. It felt like everything was closing in on you, right?”
“Yeah. Like I couldn’t escape.” You’re not sure how she can still hear you with how low you’re speaking. Maybe it’s because you’re missing how close you got.
“Well. I’m wishing that’s not the case for you right now.” How did basic human decency turn into a new standard for you? With the way she was smiling softly at you and keeping a careful eye, you think you have your answer.
“I’m alright, thanks…Wanda.” Saying her name felt so good. God you’re weird. She probably thinks you’re being weird right now.
“I’m glad you are…?” She trails off, waiting for you to finish her sentence. What could she want? Your name? Right. Your name.
After giving her your name she tries it out. You’ve never paid much attention to it up until now and you swear you only want to hear it out of her. In all the ways you can think of.
“It’s nice to officially meet you. Shuri’s never done a presentation for her friends before…looks like I’ve been missing out.”
“Oh, you didn’t miss out much. I mean I’m the least interesting out of the bunch. Really.”
This is not the coolest way to introduce yourself.
“Says who? In the little amount of time I got to know you, I know you’re a competitive volleyball player. And you’re interning for a company? I think that you’re more interesting than you let on.”
“That was a longtime ago. I don’t have any more of my reflexes anymore.”
“I think reflexes stay with us forever. The more you practice the more it stays. Muscle memory kind of thing.”
“Right. Right. I totally get that, I mean…it stays…but I’m not sure. I don’t think I am as good as I was before.”
“Really? But aren’t you going to play next week?”
How the hell did she remember that?
“The girls are just saying that. I’m not sure if I’ll even be there. I might be there to watch or coach, but that’s about it.”
“You coach?”
“Sometimes, yeah.”
“I could see that. You seem to be observant. And you were pretty much…observant back there.” She laughs, the sound echoing softly in the air. You almost forget what she said…something about you being observant? wait. Observant? Shit, you’ve been caught– “I was wondering what it would take for you to talk to me. Guess all you needed was the right incentive.”
Woah, woah…what exactly is happening?
“You’re making up too many ideas.” It was so nonsensical but her gaze darkened at your trembling tone, completely indifferent to your words. She hasn’t felt that chase in a while. Or a feeling so strong, so indescribable, that it’s almost hypnotising. She felt your stare on her. She felt your presence. It was so ridiculous but she needed to know you, to have you. Maybe she’ll ask Shuri questions about you. Or just skip the questions entirely.
“I’m never one to make up ideas or lie.”
“You’re…so impossible.” Your body feels a random wave of warmth. You’re not entirely sure if it’s the alcohol taking its effect if it’s just her.
“Most people like that about me.” She leans against the railing, smiling that same smirk you could’ve sworn you imagined. Just having her like this felt real. A gust of wind flew past her hair and you couldn’t stop yourself from staring. And it’s like she knows, because the minute you’re about to speak she steps closer to you.
“There you go with the staring again.”
“I’m sorry. I really am, I didn’t…I’m sorry. It’s just you’re so…”
You really are awful at this.
“So…what?” The redhead mock grins, her laughter making your stomach swirl with need. The air hardly even cools you anymore, your body is now at an all time heat. She held so much energy that you nearly felt intimidated. It felt like all oxygen was sucked in and she held you completely still. It’s a fate you’ll gladly accept. “There are so many things going on in that pretty head of yours.”
“You’re so pretty I can hardly even focus.” Your heart races so fast you’re nearly out of breath as you finish speaking. “And I don’t know what’s wrong with me but you’ve got something about you that’s making me forget everything I know. You’re the only one I ever really want to know about. I know how crazy I sound, I mean I…” You don’t even stop to think before you talk. You realised how fucked you are when she raises a hand to interrupt you.
“Slow down for me, alright?”
Yeah. You’re so fucked. She’s probably going to tell your friends how much of a fucking weirdo you are–
“Look, for some weird reason I feel…I feel the same way too. And this is going to sound so weird but I think it’s perfectly normal for you to feel that way. You’re going to think I’m insane but I’ve been thinking a lot that something like this’ll happen.”
Silence ensues. A thousand alarm bells ring through your mind. And through hers. She should just apologise and leave it as it is–
“I think it’s…more than just normal. I mean I’ve been feeling this weird energy too and I thought if I spoke about it to Shuri she’s probably going to overextend her stay.” You speak clearly, not out of breath. You hold her stare, feeling brave, and safe. It’s so unexplainable. Maybe one of those theories you’ve heard of, or something more.
“I take it we got each other under our spell.” The redhead sighs with relief, drawing even closer to you and tentatively taking your hand in hers. You allow it. For some reason the touch feels more electric than before. It’s a pleasant shock. One that you don’t want to find letting go anytime soon.
“I think you’re the one who’s got me more under a spell than anything. Totally threw me off.”
“Oh, I did?”
“You did.”
You find yourself stepping closer to her, reaching for her other hand, tracing her pulse. You miss her low murmur, how she’s silently encouraging you to do more. To say more.
“You just have this pull to you, Wanda. If…you want to, I’d like to know more about you. And take you out sometime, maybe. If that’s what you want?” You were deflating again, your voice wavering. Just when everything was going perfect…
“I’d like that.” Her touch is so slow and tender it feels like you’re not even here.
Her hands move to cup your cheeks, feeling the warmth of your skin. She doesn't say the words, not yet, but silently lets you know that you’ve got her right where she wants to. Just as you have her. Even then…just for you, she would repeat anything you need to hear.
“I said I’d like that. A lot, actually. I don’t know what this feeling is… But I want to find out more about it. With you, in our own time.” She speaks so softly that you can’t help but step closer, impossibly closer than what you already were. She truly has you under a spell.
“Then…good.” You smile, lifting her hands to your lips before gently kissing each knuckle.
“More than anything?” She leans in, her lips barely brushing against yours. Her hands let go of yours, wanting to feel your heartbeat
“I promise.” Your voice wavers as her eyes flit into yours, dropping down to gaze at your lips, before she gazes back at you again, silently asking you for permission to kiss you.
It’s a request you grant.
Her fingers tugs your shirt, your lips playfully brushing together as she smiles against them. She switches positions, tugging on your shirt as she walks backwards, leading you further away from the balcony, until her back hits the wall.
“Wait, Wanda…is this what you want? You know we don’t have to–”
“Kiss me, please.” It’s like your brain is wired to listen to her. You break the distance, your lips colliding. She’s aggressive. Carefully aggressively. Her lips taste of strawberries, making you hum softly. They’re so sweet you can hardly feel them against yours. Until she traps your bottom lip with her teeth, teasingly pulling back, keeping steady eye contact with you.
It’s like you forgot how to breathe entirely.
Her pupils are so blown you can hardly see the colour of her eyes. You try to resist the urge to stare at her heaving chest, wanting nothing more but to slowly take her apart right then and there. A swirling sensation at the pit of her abdomen, her hands itching to pull you impossibly closer to her, to feel you against her. It’s a feeling she’s rediscovering again. And it’s driving her mad with want, desire…and something more. She pulls you in again, her hands digging into your hips, making you groan into the kiss, completely unable to return it probably. You’re almost too drunk on her. It’s uncoordinated, messy, and yet…still so addictively intoxicating. Your hands move wherever you can touch, rapid and sporadic. It’s like you’ve known each other before, seemingly able to map out your sensitive areas.
Eventually, reluctantly, you’re both gasping for air, using each other as anchors. You laugh after a while, feeling your heart rate slow down to a normal rhythm.
“I’m taking you out on a real date, alright?” You press your forehead against hers, relishing in the way she wraps her arms around you.
“I know you will.” She whispers, kissing the tip of your nose before capturing your lips one last time. You lean against her, dropping your head to her shoulder. As you close your eyes images come wafting through her mind, images of realities that have yet to happen soon.
#marvel#wanda maximoff#wanda maximoff marvel#the scarlet witch#wanda x reader#lgbtq#queer#bisexual#wlw#wlw post#wlw yearning#wlw longing#wlw blog#wanda is such a sweetheart#shuri and riri are wingwomen#reader is loser coded#i actually have no idea what this is#please don't come for my neck im so scared this was written as self-indulgence#wanda is adorable#kind of a power bottom of you squint#reader being whipped#i think thats it?#taissaswifelowkey#taissaswifelowkeythings
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Almost forgot to share it but my gift for @druidbottles in four sword sanctuary winters exchange! I had a lot of fun with this! And it gave me an excuse to draw my post story guys again, this time it's a braid train! Blue knows what their doing, Shadows trying, Reds just happy to be their, and Vio's the amused experiment for what ever shadows doing to his hair
#also really hard to find screen caps of the inside of houses fron ordon#since thats where Vio lives#i needed refs and just ended up taking one of links house#used it as a very light over lay too to add texture#so if you see a ghost chest no you didn't#artists on tumblr#art#vio link#loz four swords#digital art#four swords#blue link#red link#shadow link#vidow#bluered#i think thats it?#i mean thats what this one was going for since thats what they said they liked in the doc#and Vidow is always implied in my art because thats my Forever otp#Blue is as fluid and changing as her gender#aka whatever the mood is or whatever strikes my fancy in the moment#for glue or bluered because i like both#art gift
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😔 enstars posting won so </3 my enstars silly…… my widdle boy atsu…. NOT MILGRAM VER. ENSTARS VER!!! WELCOME TO THE ASHIVERSE (there is 9. tehepero)
🫶 here is my boy who suffers w gramp issues. HES SO SILLIES. <3 he’s not a producer but a member of me and my friends’ group named plume!!! THEIR WHOLE THEME IS LIKE BIRDS. SHOWING OFF. FANSERVICE BASICALLY they’re fun

#it’s kinda just a lot of misc doodles#I YUME W KAORU!!!!! i’m a mama liker myself but. kaoru fits better w atsu#atsu is very silly he has grandpa issues#gramp issues???#I COULD INFODUMP??? IF ANYONE IS INTERESTED??????#I DUNNO.#kinda scared to do main tags wwww#we’ll see IG#enstars#ensemble stars#enstars yume#ensemble stars yume#enstarsu#kaoru hakaze#kaoru hakaze x oc#I AM NOT AN ENSTARRIE. BTW. YET. I THINK#all IK is undead and tbh what else do I need to know#so in love w the Kaoru i drew tbh……… crazy side profile#<3333 rendering skin and hair my beloved#kaoatsu#<- their tag#enstars oc#I THINK THATS IT?#ashipiko draws ♪#first one may be outdated I legit made that the first day I thought of him HAHAHA
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I'm too tired to scroll the tag to see if someone already talked about it so I will.
Here are the (non-rp) reasons Baghera gave for why she didn't interact with Forever as much as in the beginning:
- People saw them as a duo almost immediately and it stresses her out, she was afraid that people would expect them to do everything together
- At some point (not anymore) she decided to distance herself from some people with a big fanbase because of the harassment she faced at the beginning
- For the last few months, they've both spend a lot of time building alone so they didn't see each other
- They're not necessarily on the server at the same time (not sure what she meant? They're often there at the same time)
- She goes to see different people for different reasons
- People focus on the fact that they don't spend as much time together as before but they still do spend time together
#qsmp#i think thats it?#i may have forgotten a few things im very tired sorry#she talked about it like 2 hours ago#anyway thought some people might be interested#especially bc apparently some people think it's the end of the dramatrio?
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ughh i havent drawn these dudes in for eeveerr

anndd an extra doodle + new piñata colors

#postsfromthecontainmentcell#slendytubbies#slendytubbies 3#slendytubbies oc#containments ocs#tw body horror#tw blood#tw emetophobia#tw scopophobia#i think thats it?
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Question ( definitely not related to my prev asks )
Im assuming everything in this ref is up to date still, buut better safe than sorry so id just like to make sure

And is there any useful info not in this ref okay thank you :)
I think its mostly correct -except for Donnies scars post recovery (the marks on his arms are missing)
he also has a bit more vine action than i drew there, so much so that it disrupts his sillouette.
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i really like midshipping but especially in the context of jounouchi and honda both having crushes on yugi and knowing the other one does, so they're always just like "i cant act on it knowing you also have feelings for him, so you act on your feelings instead" to each other back and forth trying to be the bigger man until they both end up confessing to yugi and just asking him to either choose or reject them both so they can be put out of their misery finally
yugi, however, just says "well i like both of you so...why dont we just all date?" and jou & honda are like "THAT WAS AN OPTION THIS WHOLE TIME?!"
#and then they all lived happily ever after#eventually they probably also develop feelings for each other#but i do like the dynamic of them just having romantic feelings for yugi together too#midshipping#wishshipping#spikeshipping#i think thats it?#yugi mutou#hiroto honda#katsuya jounouchi#devo speaks#headcanons
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May the odds (chrumblr whumblr day two!)
When she blinked, she could see again. Nia almost sobbed in relief. The square room was concrete, small, about 6 feet across. There was no door and no window, just a lightbulb at the top. She stood up quickly, looking at the ceiling, inspecting the walls. As she turned around and around, trying to find something, a large thump echoed behind her. There lay Trixi, bruised and bloody. Nia rushed to her, trying to help her up.
“What happened? Are you ok?” She inspected her, looking for anything that would help them. It was then that she realized that her bag was gone, and her gun.
“My- my legs”
Nia looks down, and almost screamed. They were cut across the calves, openly bleeding. She watched the blood soak into her own dress, kneeling beside the girl. “How?”
“I- don’t remember.”
“Ok, you’ll be ok. You’ll be ok, ok?” She didn’t know what to do, but she knew Trixi couldn’t get up. A small sound across the room, and there was a med kit. They both looked at each other, eyes wide.
“You’ve-” Trixi gasped “-done this before. You can do it”
“I can’t move you, you're on them.”
“If I grab the wall, I can come up enough”
Nia nodded, trying to steel herself. This was worse then what hers were, and that had been so many years ago…
“Get the kit Nia.”
She nodded again. Why was she the one freaking out when Trixi was the one…hurt? Hurt wasn’t the word.
Walking across to grab the kit. Kneeling besides Trixi and helping her grab the wall. Taking a quick breath, and threading the needle. Listening intently to Venatrix’s gasp as she started stitching, pulling needle and thread through, again and again. Eventually the girl leaned on Nia, as blood soaked the knees of both their clothes. One leg done.
The other was worse, if that was possible. The muscle was- Nia gagged- nearly detached. She breathed, steady for Trixi. She could do that, she could be steady. Time passed slowly, her legs burned. She was trying to go fast, but she wasn’t a medic and this was hard. She knew it had to be harder on Trixi then, trying to keep herself upright.
“Done.” She tried to stop Venatrix from collapsing on her legs, but couldn't help before she screamed. Pulling her off, they just layed there, half in the pool of her blood, holding hands, trying to be brave for the other. They wouldn’t get up for a while.
#so i kinda took the prompt and went awry sorry#but heheh!#tw stitches#tw blood#i think thats it?#chrumblr whumblr#chrumblr rp shenanigans
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ok i think its time i make a proper intro post
HELLOO! my name is moon (she/her)
i am a minor (just turned 16!!)
muslim + indian
i am currently obsessed with atla+tlok but i have watched many animated cartoons if u ask me i have probably watched them
i usually just scream abt fandom stuff and my life here
oh! but i do have an instagram where i sometimes post my cringey angsty poetry
i LOVE asks and i love talking so ask me abt my opinion on any stupid thing and i will respond<3
and im very friendly so dont get intimidated!!! 🫶🏽
DNI: pro-israelis, racists, islamophobes, etc etc
i block generously so dont take offence pls 😁
pop into my askbox to chat whenever!!
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Hi! U h sorry about the notes spam :)) Got caught in the ffxiv rabbit hole and your tags are all so fun to read :]
ANYWAYS that aside, I have yet to see your cats so if you have any pictures you'd like to share, or a tag in which I can find them, I would pretty please like to see 🥺 💙
(And greatly appreciated, omg hi. 👉🏻👈🏻 My fiance and I were sending posts back and forth from your ffxiv blog this morning, I always need more content)
As for kittys! They should be posted under #Karma Kitties but also enjoy
Arthas, our 1st cat, our middle child:

Amara, our eldest, sweetest girl:

And Cheddar Cheese Sandwich, our stinky menace baby:

I have well over 1000 pics of them and am always willing to share my beloved children ❤️
#an ask! now i gotta remember my ask tag shit#karma answers#i think thats it?#karma kitties#and also friend I have scooped you up and placed you gently into a mutals basket#and also i will be so carefull with ff spoilers cuz I saw youre still in heavensward i think? and OH MAN it gets good
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Also picrews for andrew!
He's in the three stages of breaking.
Stage one: Stress.
He wants to be as perfect as he can be.
He's done his best to keep his head down and keep himself presentable to deter comments. He tries to smile and be polite at this stage, but he's hyperfocused on what people are thinking.
That's alright, though. He has his friends. His only friends. Why do they stay with him? There must be something wrong. Or are they just better than everyone else? More blessed to see the good in him? More loving? More... Holy than any of the others...?
Stage two: Unforgiven.
God hates him. He's always known this, it's inevitable. But it still stings. What does he need to do to be loved? How much does he need to hurt?
It's during a particularly rough repenting session he starts to hallucinate. Voices and mantras and hands and whispers. They're guiding him, he realises. They need blood.
Old wounds are reopened, but they're patched up the next day by the ever-patient Luca. There's a shimmering quality to his voice, and Andrew swears he could see a flicker of a halo for an ethereal second. How could he have been so blind before? Him and Emil could never have been just humans. They had to be divine. It's the only explanation.
Andrew lets the thought infect him for days. He moves the drawings he's done of them into a place that's more suitable for praying towards. He must repent for inconveniencing them, after all.
Stage three: ...happy?
It was Emil that made him realise how much he wanted love. It was a weird thing to think about before, but in the presence of his beloved angels, he felt like he couldn't get enough of their attention. Was that sinful?
It wasn't lust he wanted, or any of their things, and he certainly knew he didn't deserve that kind love, but it still felt wrong to want. Maybe he should remember what love for him should be.
He should be grateful for anything that's given to him.
Pain, stress, discomfort, safety, happiness, agony. It's all love to a monster like him. And he needs it. He'd do anything for even a brush of a finger. But of course, his angels give him more love than a demon like him should ever deem necessary.
He finds himself seeing things more often. Maybe this is just a wonderful dream. He talks to the miner about it, and doesn't know why they're so concerned. He feels more blessed than he's ever been in his life.
It only gets worse after that.
i have reread this twenty times i actually am chewing on it as we speak i genuonely have naught to add
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Brasil e Argentina sempre dá problema ein?
#rolou treta na ultima eliminatória tbm lol#anna watches fifa qualifiers#i think thats it?#if its not it will be lol#anna watches world cup qualifiers#maybe#?
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Love the art from the trans pride pokemon deskmat 😮

By starsalts
#pokemon#transgender#sylveon#togepi#ditto#marill#galarian ponyta#pachirisu#its... cute 🩷🩵🤍#oh! there's#ampharos#corsola#i think thats it?
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idk if you know either but why does everyone in dtblr hate jack? I know he was rude to hannah but other than that what did he do? /genq
He tried to mansplain misogyny when people got upset at him for calling all of George's fanbase teenage girls (which, let's be honest, never has a positive connotation) I don't quite remember what exactly he said, but he was just very defensive and like "It's your fault for thinking it was misogynistic, you need to self reflect, not me"
He is also just kinda really weird towards George in general and tries to act like a stereotypical obsessive fangirl. George and his fans are very common butts of the joke for him
Also, yes, the Hannah thing, which also was him making fun of a woman because she was a fan of something
It really just all comes down to him being misogynistic and contributing to the whole "teenage girls and women can't be a fan of anything without being made fun of" thing
#also hes just kinda annoying to a lot of people lmao#i think thats it?#i might be forgetting something#but pretty sure thats the jist of it#vix.asks#negative#just incase
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I'll do more raffles again! After I'm done with my trades/raffle prizes I'll get back on the requests.
Also I've been wanting to make a Filbo design , I've got half the crew done I gotta finish the rest! 💜
#hazey thoughts 💭 🤔#i need to still do Beffica/ Cromdo/ Clumby / Wambus / Triffany/ and mysterious grump#i think thats it?#bugsnax#AND WIGGLE HOW COULD I FORGET
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♬⋆.˚ Well it's a little bit dangerous, my friend˚.⋆♬
#epic the musical#epic the vengeance saga#dangerous#hermes#hermes epic#odysseus#odysseus epic#athena epic#athena#THats all i could think when I saw odysseus fighting for his life while hermes is busy twerking#my art
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