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(ignore the hearts in the second one ❤️)
(they're so adorable <3)
Plus... does anyone else think that they look even more gay when they're trying to look straight..? No? Just me?
Especially when they reunited like...
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i-am-a-fan · 2 months
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me rereading my own fanfic as if I didn’t write it to heal a very specific part of me
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thevims2 · 11 months
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I recently got a drawing tablet, so i'm trying it out and hopefully i'll draw more in the future! heres a little widow
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worked out did like 6 modified advanced sun salutations then like 10 mins of walk/jog cardio it was supposed to be 15 mins but i quit boohoo im literally in ovulation pain so i shld get an award for working out at all ok
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ohheyitsjustbear · 6 months
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You can have some thigh crush for your birthday 🎉 🥰 ily bestie
Ignore my messy room 😅
I am sososo v v v jealous of that stuffy rn 😭😭😵🤯😵‍💫 blowing out my candles and wishing I could swap places with it 🤭
Hehe thank youuuuu bestie ilysm! Mwah mwah! 🥰😘💜💜
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mar-the-magician · 1 year
Wtf (pos) is art fight someone pls explain
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Man I can't stand the way the political right talks around their actual views to make themselves sound better. Like Jordan Peterson flopping on about being a "free speech absolutist" when that's not even remotely true, not only would he never defend the rights of trans activists to say what they want, he actively pretends not using a pronoun is going to get him tossed in a Gulag.
Why even say you're a free speech absolutist when what you mean is you're a white supremacist racist who wants to say whatever fucked up shit about PoC and trans folks that he wants while receiving no criticism. Like last I checked "absolute" didn't come with an asterisk that said *unless you're a leftist then I hate you and your free speech is null* just say what you MEAN Jordan.
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dragonlights · 26 days
Taking my bio psych course, and it's just making me want to open up my skull and just fuckin' LAUNCH my brain into the trashcan more than i have in the past.
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onelittlespiral · 1 year
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From the moment I arrived, I felt like I stuck out like a sore thumb. I had come on vacation to kick back for a few days and get some action, but the resort had nearly no women and was instead populated with almost all men. They seemed like nice guys when I talked to them, certainly my kind of guys with how jacked they were. Or at least I thought so.
“Hey cutie, wanna come spend some time with daddy?”
“A newbie! Don’t worry, I’ll be gentle and sweet with you.”
“You looking to top or bottom?”
I realized I must have come on the Gay Days, and the men there were not shy about coming on to me. I tried to politely excuse myself whenever they turned the topic to sex. I spent a lot of time at the pool trying to just relax and have a good time, but it was starting to tick me off.
“Hey, I haven’t seen you here before.”
A man came and sat next to me. He was a scruffy guy, tanned and huge like most of the rest of them. The scent of sunscreen and BO rolled off him. His arms were wrapped in some nerdy tattoos but their size clearly showed he worked out hard. If he wasn’t here this week I would assume him to be a good pick for a gym bud.
“Yeah, first time. Didn’t realize I booked…uh…this week. Not really my scene.”
Something in his demeanor changed. It was hard to describe, but I felt a lot more at ease. He leaned over and began whisper to me,
“If I’m being honest. It isn’t much for me either. But fuck these gay guys know how to party. They’ve got just about anything you could want to take, and basically just pass the shit around. You ever actually tried poppers? I was fucked up bro.”
Maybe it was finally meeting another straight guy but I began relaxing.
He continued, “I got some stashed if you want to swing by and try some shit out.”
Maybe this vacation wouldn’t be such a wash.
I stopped by his room later that afternoon. He greeted me at the door and invited me in as he promised to show off the goods. The room was trashed. The floor was strewn with dirty shirts, shorts, and jockstraps. Shot glasses and beers were stuck to the tables. The bed was drenched in sweat. I stepped in and took a seat on the couch, cautions to avoid the mess. He sat down next to me.
“So, what have you got?”
“You now babe,” he said, throwing his arm in the air.
“Whaaaa…haaa” I started before my brain was afloat.
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I slowly leaned forward, drawn in by the thick musk that radiated from his pit. I tried to resist but soon my nose was pressed against it as his sweat filled my brain. I tried to pull back but he rested his arm against the back of my head, pinning me as my brain shut down on the fumes. It wasn’t long before my tongue lolled out of my mouth.
“There you go. Relax. Good boy.”
Good boy. It echoed in my brain, bouncing till it was the only thought left. I quivered in anticipation as I continued to drink in his scent and let his hair tickle my face.
“Yeah, lap it up big boy. This is right where you belong. It was designed just for you, to trap guys and help them fit in a bit more.”
What did he mean by that? But as he told me to lap it up, it was no longer good enough to just smell. I gave a hesitant lick. It only took one as his sweat swam across my mind. All functionality shut down as I worshipped that pit. As I did, I began to feel a change. Deep within an itch, a need developed. A need to be desired by this man… no. To be desired by men. Any who would have me. I felt a new power flow through me, a revitalized energy and strength. He pulled my dumbstruck face out of his pit and gave my hair a quick tousle. His hand glided down my cheek to my chin, and with a firm flick of his wrist pulled my lips to his. He pressed my face to his in a deep kiss as new memories filled my mind. Memories of long nights dancing and drinking at bars. Days working out getting shredded before hitting the sauna for some fun. Of pride parades and glitter in my beard. The longer he kissed me the more I felt myself grow completely comfortable in his arms. I belonged here, with all the hottest guys living it up for a week at the resort. I had been coming here for years to show off, party hard, and fuck into the early morning. My old self was being flushed away, leaking out of my cock, while the new personality filled in the gaps.
My body began to change where his hands brushed over my body. Arms swelled as biceps grew to mounds on my arms. Pecs hung heavy with muscle. Thighs and legs sent slow rips through my shorts until they had burst through, leaving my swelling cock to fight the jockstrap underneath. Feet inched across the floor as my toes curled from the strain. Every inch writhed beneath his touch. He pulled me back to inspect me.
“Damn you’re turning out well, some of my finest work.”
I mumbled in agreement, still stuck in a state of ecstasy as I felt new power surging through me. “Time to seal the deal.”
He slid his jock down, and the full force of his sweat and musk sent my brain swimming. I couldn’t resist as he slid his cock down my open throat, balls deep, and began face fucking me. As his bush filled my nostrils, pre slid down my throat in a steady stream. I felt warm all over, as a deep tan set in. I had come to this resort for years and loved sunbathing and showing off my muscles. The heat persisted, turning to a sweat, the sweat turning to a deep funk. It was the same smell invading my mind and body as he continued to thrust, deeper as my body adjusted to years of sucking men off. It felt like no surprise as a dusting of hair covered my pecs, then pushed down my stomach before my shaved down bush exploded. My pits filled in to better capture my own smell, and keep me just a little high on my own supply.
“Fuck yeah little bro, you’re gonna be so good out there.”
He slipped a hat over my head, and my mind filled with a new purpose. To kick back at this resort and fucking party. To feel pride in who I was and become one of the community. But, most importantly, to grow the tribe and bring more guys into the fold. I felt his cock tense in my mouth as my mind slowed down to accept my place as a gay god, to worship my bros and be worshiped. As thick ropes shot down my throat, I felt strong. I smelt rank. And I was fucking home.
The next day, a new guy showed up to the resort. Skinny, shy, out of place. I came over to talk with him.
“First time here, bro?”
“Yeah, not quite sure I belong.”
“Don’t worry,” I said. Throwing my arm behind my head. My musk caught his attention as his eyes began glazing over, “Why don’t I show you around?”
“Don’t worry,” his face was soon resting in my pit, and I saw his muscles twitch with anticipation, “you’re gonna fit right in bro.”
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arc-misadventures · 5 months
That Backfired, Sorta?
Salem standing over a bruised, and beaten, Jaune Arc bound to a chair. Preparing to interrogate him for information on the, Relic of Destruction.
Salem: I do find torture quite ineffective as a means of extracting information. So I choose to use more refined methods of information.
Jaune: Like… Grimm mind bugs that dig into my brain to get information?!
Salem: No.
Jaune: Oh that gods…
Salem: The shock from the bug going in kills them before anything can be extracted.
Jaune: Eh?!
Salem: Besides I have a far more effective means of getting information.
Jaune: Like what?
Salem: I can read minds.
Jaune: You can?!
Salem: I can.
Jaune: If you can do that, why did you beat, Oscar to a pulp instead of doing that?
Salem: Ozma.
Jaune: …
Jaune: Fuck that’s a good reason… B-But, you shouldn’t read my mind!
Salem: And, why shouldn’t I do that?
Jaune: You just shouldn’t. You really shouldn’t do that!
Salem: Oh~? Afraid I’ll find what I’m looking for if I do?
Jaune: I prefer if you did honestly…
Salem: Alright then. Let’ssee where your little friends have hidden my Relics!
Salem stared at, Jaune in the eyes, as a pearlescent screen covered her eyes as she stared into the depths of, Jaune’s.
Salem: “Now then, lets see what you’re trying to hide~!”
Jaune: P-Please … Stop!
Jaune could hear her voice in his head, he yelled in fear as she opened a door leading to that secret he was trying to keep away from her.
She smiled as she forced her way through the door, and as she entered the room in his mind her smile swiftly fell.
Salem: “W-What is this?”
Salem: “ … “
Salem: “Wait… i-i-is he kissing me?!”
Salem: “Why is he taking his shirt off?!”
Salem: “Ohh~! D-Did he just grab my b…?”
Salem: “Why is he taking his pants… Oh…? Oh my~!”
Jaune: What’s going on?!
Salem: “Really? Do you think you can so easily bed a, Queen with just that”
Jaune: B-Bed?
Salem: “Mmm~! So forceful~!”
Jaune: Get out of my head!
Salem: “What is this position?”
Jaune: The fuck are you talking about?!!
Salem: “You are so, so much bigger than, Ozma~!”
Jaune: Uhh…? Context?
Salem: “Inside? But, what if…? No… that’s precisely what you want, isn’t it?”
Jaune: What is it that I want?
Salem: “Oh you naughty boy~! Oh, what’s this? Aww… it’s over already?”
Jaune: What’s over already? Ahh?! What the hell are you looking at?!
Salem: “Oh? What’s this…?”
Jaune: What now?!
Salem: “My hand…? Is that… is that a ring? And, wait… my belly…”
Jaune: A ring, belly? Whaaaa?
Salem; “A boy…?”
Jaune: Eh?
Salem: “I never had a boy before…”
Salem: “Oh, what’s this? Your mother’s record?”
Jaune: What record…?
Salem: “I could beat that, easily~!”
Jaune: What?!
Salem: “Wait? W-Where’s my baby boy?! Where’s my child?! And, whose hand is this?! Wait… This is… this is your hand…”
Jaune: My hand?
Salem: “Why is it all so wrinkly? Wait, no! Nonononono! Don’t tell me! Not again?!”
Jaune: What are you talking about?
Salem: “Y-You’re not leaving me…? B-But… you’re dying…”
Jaune: I’m dying?!
Salem: “In my heart…? you’ll always be with me… even if it’s just as a beautiful memory in my heart…?”
Salem: “I won’t be alone? How is that… My children…? My grandchildren…”
Salem: “I won’t be alone… I will still be loved… I will have a family…?”
Jaune: Okay stop this! G-G-Get out of my head!
Salem red eyes came back into view. She stared at, Jaune as she stood up, unsealing the bands that bound him to the chair.
Jaune rubbed his wrists as he watched, Salem take a nervous step away from him as a shy blush spread across her face.
Salem: Y-You said your name was, Jaune right?
Jaune: Yeah…?
Salem: So… do you want to try beating your mother record now, or would you prefer if we waited till after you’re body has healed?
Jaune: What are you talking…?!
Jaune stopped talking as he noticed something peculiar.
Jaune: “Why is she rubbing her thighs like that? The last time I saw a woman do that was when, Terra ask me to…?! Oh… Ohhhhhhh!”
Jaune: …
Jaune: N-Now is good…
Salem: Wonderful~!
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billybob598 · 1 year
Consequences of Our Actions (Alexia Putellas x Reader)
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2 fics in one day whaaaa?????? Double whammy bitches. Anyways here's part 2! Next fic will be pt2 to How Many People? Again, any feedback good or bad welcomed! Enjoy reading!
Part 1 here
Word Count: 1.3K (kinda short but who cares? (me))
“And it’s another goal for Y/N Y/L/N! Wow! She has been blossoming here at Bayern Munich.” Alexia tries to ignore the game playing on the TV in the team's common area.
“Could you shut that off, gracias,” she calls out to her teammates.
“Oh, come one Ale. Just because she’s not our teammate anymore doesn’t mean we can’t support her,” Mapi says back as she watches Ingrid dance around happily at another one of your goals. You had transferred to Bayern a little over a month ago, breaking Alexia’s heart while simultaneously repairing yours. It didn’t help that you were performing better than you had ever at Barca. Everyone at Barca understood your decision, you were not getting the playing time you deserved and the few close to you knew that it was tearing you apart to be around Alexia every day. Moving was for the best, for everyone. Everyone except Alexia, it took her days, a lot of movies, and her mother’s home cooking before she recovered from walking into your bare apartment. While she had thought about contacting you numerous times, Ingrid and Keira had advised her not to, stating that it would only make things worse. The captain missed you. She missed how whenever she called you’d be there, she missed how happy you looked when you were playing football, she missed how you’d give her kisses on the forehead before she fell asleep, she missed everything about you. While you were out there, playing and looking better than ever, Alexia was kicking herself over how she let you slip through her fingers. Her teammates were starting to become concerned, they’d never seen Alexia so hung up on anyone, not even Jenni. 
Almost two months since moving to Germany and you were thriving. Everyone was so kind, the team welcomed you with open arms, the fans were already calling you an integral part of the team, everything was going perfectly. Yet, you still felt this emptiness in your heart. You knew what you were missing, but the whole point of moving was to get over her. You’d be damned if you let yourself fall down that rabbit hole again. So, you went on dates, sometimes they’d be mutual connections, sometimes they were from dating apps, and sometimes they were set up by your friends. None of them made you feel like Alexia did. None of them gave you that certain rush of adrenaline that she did. You were trying everything to get over her, but no matter what, at least once a day your thoughts would wander back to her. Reaching out to her was something you contemplated regularly however, the few friends you had made in Germany had told you not to. They said that you were there to heal. They were right, of course. But, everything just seemed off without her, Alexia gave you balance. As weird as it sounds, she was your everything even if you weren’t hers. 
Once again Alexia’s finger was hovering over your contact. Once again she sighed and turned her phone off. Instead, she decided to shoot her mom a quick text asking if she could come over. Ten minutes later, Alexia is settled on her mom’s couch with Eli sitting across from her with a concerned look on her face.
“You gonna tell me what’s wrong, carino,” Eli asks delicately. Alexia groans in frustration.
“I don’t know, mama. I thought I would be okay, but every damn thing reminds me of her. She just won’t get out of my head. I can’t believe I lost her!” She exclaims, her hands running down her face. Eli just looks sympathetically at her daughter.
“Maybe you haven’t lost her, bebe.”
“I mean, you could always go after her, eh? Don’t you have a few days off anyway? Go see her, tell her how you feel about her,” her mother tries to convince her. Alexia shakes her head,
“Mama, what makes you think she would want to see me? I broke her heart. I’m the reason she left! She probably wants nothing to do with me,” she mumbles out the last part sadly.
“You don’t know that. You won’t know that until you talk to her,” Eli reasons, trying everything to get her daughter to shoot her shot. Slowly nodding her head, Alexia starts to come around to the idea. Whipping out her phone, she quickly searches for flights to Munich.
The next day, Alexia walks through the streets of Munich. Surprisingly, your face is everywhere. Billboards, bus benches, store windows, apparently the people of Germany adored you. This doesn’t ease Alexia’s nerves at all. She had it all planned out, after reaching out to one of the Bayern coaches she had a connection with, she was able to discover what time your guys’ training ended and what coffee shop you frequently visited after. So, she waits inside the coffee shop for a few minutes until you walk in. You looked perfect, your hair was still damp from the shower, the Bayern Munich hoodie you donned fit you just right, and the veins on your hand popped ever so slightly when you removed your backpack from your shoulders. There was only one small problem. You weren’t alone. Accompanying you was Klara Bühl. She was standing a little too close to you, her hand a little too close to yours, her laugh a little too loud at your joke. Alexia wanted to sink into her seat. She wanted to disappear. You had moved on. God, she was stupid for thinking you would wait around for her, clearly you had not. She pushed the cap resting on her head further down. Now she had to get out of there. Taking one last sip of her coffee, she stood up as inconspicuously as she could. Her feet moved swiftly carrying her towards the exit, she was almost there, so close. 
“Alexia?” Your voice stopped her dead in her tracks. She did not want to turn around, she was begging that you would let her go. You did not. “Is that you?” Taking a deep breath, Alexia spun around on her heel with a forced smile on her face.
“Y/N? Hey!” Her voice was about two octaves higher than normal.
“What are you doing here?” You asked, Klara sitting behind you was smiling softly.
“Umm, nothing. We had a few days off,” she tries to work her way out of the situation. 
“So you came to Germany? Really?” Your eyebrow was raised slightly. You did not buy it. 
“Don’t worry about it, Y/N. Just enjoy your time with your girlfriend,” Alexia snapped, gesturing towards the German behind you. Your eyes widened at the insinuation that Klara was your girlfriend, but before you could say anything Alexia turned around and stormed out of the quiet cafe. You stood frozen to the spot, dumbfounded.
“Go get your girl, dumbass,” Klara, your friend, speaks up from her spot. Didn’t need to tell you twice, you shake out of your trance and sprint through the doors before searching down the sidewalks. Klara watches in amusement while sipping her coffee. Your neck was starting to ache from how quickly you were whipping it around looking for Alexia. Finally spotting her blonde streaked hair in the crowd. You push your way through many groups of people until you reach the Spanish player. Alexia jumps in surprise at your hand suddenly making its way onto her shoulder. 
“Y/N? Wha-” 
“Shut up and let me speak,” you cut her off. She immediately stops her question. “I’ve missed you, Ale. Like, a lot. I tried to move on, I did, but for some unfathomable reason, I can’t. I know you said ‘no’ before but if I’m right in thinking that you flew over here to see me then, I think I can ask again,” You take a deep breath, “Would you like to go on a date with me?” Alexia’s face breaks out into a blinding smile. She looks at you, her heart beating like crazy inside of her chest.
“I would love nothing more.”
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taes-kookie-blog · 4 months
POV you tell the characters you're pregnant as a prank...
Y/N: I'm pregnant...
Yoosung: WHAAAA?!?!??!!
Yoosung: Y/N we're too young to have a baby!!!! Yoosung: Ah, I mean, your body your choice! T_T I didn't mean it like that!!!!! Yoosung: We'll figure this outtogethre
Yoosung: Sorry playinf LOLOL hold on
Y/N: It's a prank ㅋㅋㅋ
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Y/N: I'm pregnant....
Jumin: Thank you for contacting Jumin Han. This is an automated response. He will get back to you shortly.
*17 hours later* Jumin: Y/N, I got the message.
Jumin: I've arranged for you to move in immediately, whether we share a room or not is up to you.
Jumin: My driver is on the way to you now, don't stress about packing your belongings. I can organize to have them delivered.
Jumin: We can discuss this further once you're here safe. In the meantime, I'll arrange a meeting with my father to discuss marriage arrangements.
Y/N: It was a prank....
Jumin: *read*
Jumin: *4 hours later* That wasn't funny, Y/N. Please stop hanging around Yoosung and 707.
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Y/N: I'm pregnant...
707: lolololol
707: really? what should we name it~
707: lolol how about a mix of our names? like renesmee in twilight
707: u think u can blend honey buddha chips to make baby food?~
Y/N: It was a prank...
707: i know. LOLOLOL
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Y/N: I'm pregnant...
*12 missed calls*
Zen: Y/N????
Zen: Y/N, are you serious? haha;;
Zen: I'll be in a scandal... aish...
Zen: Our child might break the internet with its good looks. lol
Zen: You keeping it?
Y/N: It was a prank....
Zen: Heol;; Y/N, I was about to text my publicist;;
Zen: I guess it's a good thing. Our child would be too beautiful for the world to handle~ lol
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Y/N: I'm pregnant...
Jaehee: What?
Jaehee: Hm.
Jaehee: Y/N, we never spoke about raising a child. Why so sudden?
Jaehee: My work hours are long these days, I'm not sure if I can handle a child so suddenly like this. Ah;;
Jaehee: Do you plan on being a stay at home mother? I don't see another way for this to work.
Y/N: It was a prank...
Jaehee: Ah..... Y/N, you shouldn't scare me like that... I'm so tired I thought I was imagining things..;;
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Y/N: I'm pregnant...
Saeran: HAH.... pregnant...
Saeran: Is that true, pet...?
Saeran: I'll have Rika bring in something to fix this.
Saeran: It's no good to have a pregnant toy, is it? This was supposed to be a last resort.. hah
Saeran: *comes in and kicks ur stomach to abort the baby*
Y/N: *coughs up blood* it.. it was a prank...
Saeran: A prank? HAH........ Hah... when did my toy get so mischevious.... I think I'll punish you for this... *locks the door*
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Enjoy dear please send requests in inbox ok thank you~
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amphibiahawks321 · 11 months
Kafka : Hmm? May I ask why you're staring at my thighs dear~?
[M!Reader surprise she notices and blushes]
M!Reader : W-Whaaaa?! I wasn't i-i mean I d-didn't-
Kafka : you're looking at them like you want to be between them~
[M!Reader blushes even harder]
Kafka : I can make that come true if you say please~
[Winks at Y/N]
M!Reader : .......R-really? 💧0/////0
[Kafka chuckles]
Kafka : I'm waiting cutie~
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abblegum · 2 months
Hi I really love your creativity and ideas!!😭💕💕💕 Your style is amazing and very cute😍 I was wondering how you met ssmy! How long have you been a fan of them? And do you also love kghr? Please answer if you want!🥰
WHAAAA!!! 😭😭😭💕💕TYYY!!!🥺🥺🥺💕💕💕💕
I met them a couple years ago (i can’t remember if it was through the anime or manga;;;;;) but recently (by recently i mean december) got into it
a lot.
so i’ve been a fan for awhile but now its taken main stage…
also i do love kghr!! i’ve read the manga and i have the novel but i havent gotten around to reading it yet;;;;; I wanna draw them more but i haven’t fully adapted them to my style so its hardT_T
anyway here, you can have one of my few kagi sketches as a gift:
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i hope this isnt offensive but one i hope to lose touch with reality n my existence in such a way tht it will truly allow me to look at my blog from an outsider's perspective
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pizza-crust7 · 2 months
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please forgive me, but I was already wildly wondering how the pizza crust characters would react to PeppiNoise :_)
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Peppino: You're always so calm! What's the secret?!
Melograno: There is no secret! Seriously, I don't know what you're talking about...
The Noise: And why the hell haven't you dumped your girlfriend yet?.. I would have beaten you for such behavior a long time ago!
The Silence: Are you absolutely sure that you love your mmm... Noisette?
The Noise: "Beats means loves", do you know such a saying?
The Silence: Whaaaa??..
The Noise: Not literally, you idiot! Although your girlfriend really needs to be beaten up...
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