#being shat all over like im not getting rich off my idiocy and grifting the FUCK
timeisacephalopod · 2 days
Man I can't stand the way the political right talks around their actual views to make themselves sound better. Like Jordan Peterson flopping on about being a "free speech absolutist" when that's not even remotely true, not only would he never defend the rights of trans activists to say what they want, he actively pretends not using a pronoun is going to get him tossed in a Gulag.
Why even say you're a free speech absolutist when what you mean is you're a white supremacist racist who wants to say whatever fucked up shit about PoC and trans folks that he wants while receiving no criticism. Like last I checked "absolute" didn't come with an asterisk that said *unless you're a leftist then I hate you and your free speech is null* just say what you MEAN Jordan.
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