hetaestoniahq · 1 year
Estswe bingo?
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Interpret this as whatever way you like, just know I love this ship and its among my top Estonia ships ever :'''D
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azulaaaaaaah · 6 months
atla/tlok characters that i think did *it* (but i just can’t prove it)
this is the most unserious post i’ve ever made. (AND I WANT TO PREFACE BY SAYING BY *IT* I MEAN KISSING)
Sozin and Roku
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and history will say that they were just great friends…
this is the only one where ill legitimately die on this hill
like i’m 90% sure roku just showed Aang their friendship in the flashbacks to prevent awkwardly explaining to a 12 year old monk that he was romantically and/or physically involved with the person who committed a g*nocide against his people
sozin i feel loved roku (to an obsessive level) and roku literally dgaf. king shit
Wan and Raava
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genuinely what the fuck was going on between these two. like i don’t even have any words
canonically at the very least it was a domestic partnership
S2 korra doesn’t make sense at the best of times. imagine trying to explain the intensity of this pair’s devotion to each other, to someone who hasn’t seen the show- all the while knowing raava is a disembodied spirit practically older than time
she’s the embodiment of everything good and light in the universe and he’s just wan. (and he’s wanough <3)
‘do you think we’re soulmates in every life?’
‘wait that’s not what i-‘
Cabbage Merchant and his cabbages (or at least a cabbage)
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yeah i’m not touching this one with a 10 foot pole
Every member of the red lotus squad
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ah yes it’s my favourite evil polycule
amidst plans to kidnap children and topple monarchies what else is there to do except… kiss.
let’s be real there’s something so inherently romantic about being apart of an elite, vaguely murderous anarchist squad
they all share one exact bed. it’s canon
(p’li somehow big spoons all of them)
The S2 Nomads
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these dudes are the textbook definition of anti-monogamy
like they’re obsessed with love so i fully believe that they think ‘it should be spread amongst others’ or some shit
oh to be a travelling communist nomad in a band, wandering the wilds with my wife, and our several partners
they’re somehow the opposite of the red lotus and yet the same. they all share a single bed/sleep area
The dangerous ladies (but all separately)
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i don’t ship any of these particularly and yet can still admit that it’s canon
ty-lee and azula have kissed bc azula probably made up a dumb excuse like ‘oh i don’t want my first kiss with a guy to be… erm… bad’
mai and ty-lee have kissed because they both probably have genuine, vaguely deep rooted romantic feelings for each other
mai and azula have kissed to purely spite zuko (and yknow what ty-lee too)
HOWEVER A KEY ASPECT TO THIS DYNAMIC: azula is completely unaware about the ty-lee and mai thing. it’s uh… better off that way.
Hakoda and Bato
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i ship this about 50% but like… it’s got to have happened once right? considering all that down time they spent together on a boat away from the repercussions of water tribe society…
also considering they were leaders i doubt the other warriors were in a position to ever call them out on it
like cmoooooooon what’s a little kiss between the homies every now and again?
hakoda is where sokka gets his rizz/flagrant bisexuality from and i can’t change that guys
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simplydnp · 6 months
idk why this matters to me but in the last few months they've been acknowledging so many things I never ever thought they would. pinof and the touching. the phude multiple times. dapc slime (ok they had merch to sell for that one but still)
no but actually. phil literally said 'i thought we weren't acknowledging it' about the phude and now they just bring it up all the time.
pinof reacts... i still can't believe we're in a post pinof-reacts universe. how did that happen. i was changed permanently--like something shuffled in my dna when i got the notif for pinof reacts 1. this is not a physical reaction but a chemical one that cannot be undone. for something that was so... sacred. and integral. to their existence and history. pinof wasn't generally talked about unless it was pinof time. and even then it was 'it'll be up soon' or 'we just posted it' and then Never talked about outside of that. especially not the first one! we freak out about the We Know You Know in the newsletter but it's Always been like that with pinof 1. so to see them--new (& natural 🥺) hair for them both, in a house they bought and built together, in the first few months of giving the gaming channel a second chance--reflect on how it all began? absolutely devastating. and to lean into moments and discuss them in new ways. in territory previously not breached! the 'they're toUching'?!?!? the '11 hour fuck session'!?!? the '£9000 champagne'?!?!? like hey we're not supposed to talk about that, dan and phil might see!! shhh!! but they're the ones saying it!! absolutely wild.
in a way, it had to happen. especially with where we're at now (them literally selling merch of them holding hands). in order for them to move beyond that... mindset? i guess? that a lot of fans had, they had to defang it. i really see it as one of the biggest walls they've broken down in the way they communicate with us. the 'hey. it's okay. we've seen it. it's not a big deal. we will absolutely make fun of you for it though. but we're good.'
i'm just really curious whose idea it was. (lbr it was probably phil given dans not a react kinda guy. but i'd be lying if i said i didn't want to be in the room where it happened when they talked about actually doing it or not, and what it would mean) (big ad revenue thats for sure 🤣 get it kings)
i will never be able to get phil's 'they touched' out of my head and at this point i wouldn't want to. it's absolutely earned. and i guess it makes me a masochist to enjoy the psychic damage it inflicts on me, but such is life i suppose.
the crafts mention really surprised me! i had contemplated a few different scenarios in how they'd go about it, and i'll be honest i feel like they could've committed to the bit a little more but they're forgiven. like what about glitchy interstitials! cuts to the merch website. found footage inserted between sections! i recognize they don't want to 'scare' their usual audience wirh sudden cuts to intense/graphic content but my immersionnn. absolutely shattered by 'oh we have new merch now btw'. cmon boys you love to lie to us. say theres merch up but you dont know where it came from. just that we should buy it 👀 or idk, something clever. and i recognize i may sound like a spoilt brat bc i just got a 14 minute long masterpiece of an unexpected dapc revival, but my immersion. i mean i already bought the merch before they shilled it anyways so it didn't influence me regardless 🤣
ultimately we really are in a new era. even beyond just the revival. i think they're really finding their stride--not only in their content (evidenced by a semi-regular schedule) but also creatively, in doing what they want to do, how they want to do it, and truly not giving that much of a fuck anymore. and i'm really happy for them. phil talked a bit about this in his 'rating my icons' video, where he's kind of decided he doesn't care what people on twitter think, and how it's been good for him, and i think we're seeing that reflected in not only his content, but also the gaming channel. they play what they want. they say what they want. and it's just fun. dan going on the record to say he's really enjoying it makes me so happy to hear, because literally december 2022 he believed he'd disappear after WAD. and now, instead, he gets to play games and make stupid jokes and smile and laugh multiple times a week, and he's really happy about it. he gets to be silly and goofy and crude without having to Stress about it. i keep saying it but they're so settled now. and as someone who's followed them through big changes and turbulent times, getting to see them happy after everything... it brings a lot of hope. and i know theyre millionaires. but there's something to looking at someone you fell in love with 15 years ago the same then as you do now. but instead of it being something scary, something you have to hide, something that feels like it can consume you and everything you have--it gets to be something beautiful. and regular. and embraced. you've read this far you get to listen to me wax poetic about them.
we've been thoroughly boiled and maybe, just maybe, it's warming our hearts too.
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bartxnhood · 1 year
love you need | s.h
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shawn hunter x fem!reader
summary: you notice shawn distancing himself from you and the group until one night she shows up at your door hoping to talk it out.
warnings: angst! both shawn and reader have some self doubt.
a/n: this is my first time writing for shawn, and tbh it’s been a hot minute since i’ve rewatched bmw so😭 but i really miss shawn and i relate to his character sm. so i might start writing for him now, this is just to test the waters. enjoy !
requests open
not proofread
Copyright © 2023 bartxnhood. All rights reserved. This original work is not allowed to be reposted on any platform in any format.
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you stand at your locker rummaging through your books searching for your history book. “hey!” topanga hollers, followed by cory. you push you locker door inwards revealing the couple. “have you seen shawn?” cory questions, you simply shake your head and close your locker. “no, why?” you ask, leaning against the metal. “i haven’t heard from him over the weekend. totally unusual, normally i csnt get rid of him” cory answers, your eyebrows raised. now that you think of it, he hasn’t called or stopped by to see you either.
shawn was the type of boyfriend to check in occasionally, even out of school. he’d often surprise you with small gifts just to lighten things up if you were having a bad day. so this was out of character for him, if he was sick or something came up he’d always tell you or cory. something wasn’t right.
“wel..” you trailed off, furrowing your brows. “we can call if he doesn’t show. surely he wouldn’t not show up and not have a reason or tell us” the other two agrees and decided to let it go for the rest of the day.
but a day turned into two, and next thing you knew he never showed that whole week. you tried desperately to call but each time it went to voicemail. you felt frustrated, why did he disappear all of a sudden? why didn’t he tell anybody? you were high strung for the remainder of that week. snapping at people when you didn’t mean to but, nothing was as important as shawn was to you.
“did i do something to upset him?” you’re laying on topangas bed. she invited you over to work on a project, but after you stayed for dinner. “what if he doesn’t want to be with me anymore? what if he found someone else.” your mind is racing, why else would shawn not come to school or return your calls?
you hear topanga sigh, and came to your aide. “y/n, look at me” you sit-up, looking at her. she puts her hands on your shoulder, “he loves you, y/n. i’m sure he has a reason for why he’s been gone.” you groan, she was probably right but it didn’t your heart from aching. “now, cmon. let’s go eat dinner, okay? get your mind off things.”
it wasn’t unusual for you to be home alone as your parents were typically on work trips. you had your own little routine after school. you’d come home, make a snack, do some homework, maybe read for a couple hours, shower, then go to bed. but today was different, after doing your homework you were pretty exhausted so you had just planned on laying down. thank god you we’re graduating in a few months, the work was beginning to run you down mentally.
it seemed no matter how hard yo supplied yourself, you always came in last. you were barely making the grades to pass your classes, but you were trying so hard.
as you were entering the bathroom, ready to brush your teeth and wash your face you heard banging at your door. of course, you didn’t want to answer because who would be banging on your door at this hour? but, something told you to answer it. you cursed at yourself mentally, you were too nice for your own good and your kindness would be your demise. but when you opened the door you didn’t expect to see him. “shawn?”
“i’m sorry for coming here so late but i just didn’t know where else to go.” shawn states as he runs his hand through his hair. your heart broke just looking at him. it looked like he hadn’t slept in days, his eyes were so dark, he looked beyond exhausted. “shawn, you don’t have to apologize. you know you’ll always have a place here.”
shawn took a seat at the edge of your bed he feels like his heart has been ripped out, all he wants to do is sleep and probably never wake up again. “i just” he rubs his eyes. “i got left alone again, dad went out. i just i didn’t have the guts to face you.” he feels so little, sitting in front of you like this on the verge of tears. “oh, shawn..” you cup his face making him look at you. “it’s okay, you know i’ll always be here. no judgement, shawn. it’s just you and me” you offer a smile.
you see the tears swell in his eyes. shawn wraps his arms around you and rests his head on your stomach. “i’m sorry” he says just above a whisper. “shawn, you didn't do anything wrong. there's nothing to apologize for." you feel him shake his head against your, “no, y/n. i’m sorry i’m not good enough for you.” tears begin to fall from his eyes and he hold on to you as if you were about to be ripped away from him.
“i live in a trailer park, i have nothing to offer you, you could do some much better than me..i don’t deserve you, y/n. you need someone who can provide and give you what you need..i don’t know if i can be that person for you, y/n” you can feel his tears staining your shirt. you remove his arms from your waist as you fall to your knees so you could be eye level with him. “shawn. listen to me” you wipe away his tears, smiling sadly. “you are good enough for me. in fact, i often think you’re too good for me because sometimes i think you could find someone better than me.” now you begin to tear up, confessing all of your bottled emotions.
“shawn, i have felt this toward someone as much as i have you. you’ve saved me so many times and you probably don’t even know it. i promise, you are good enough. you’ll always be good enough,okay? i’ll always be here for you, just let me be the love you need.” tears begin to fall from your eyes, so now the both of you are a crying mess.
“don’t cry, i hate seeing your cry” shawn hums, he wipes away your tears and rests his hand on your cheek. you nod, “i know..” sniffling.
there’s a moment of silence between you two, a comfortable silence. shawn is staring at you. admiring you, puffy eyes and all. he realizes how in love he is, that no matter what life throws at him that he will always have you. shawn softly rubs the pad of his thumb over your check.
“i love you.”
you blink, a few seconds of silence fills the room. he hadn’t said that to you yet, in your years of dating he hadn’t said he loved you, once. shawn was too afraid to love anybody. afraid that he’d ruin the person he wants to love. shawn was like that most of his life, until you changed his mind.
“what?” you feel all the air leave your lungs, your emotions were all over the place now. from crying to now feeling this warmth in your chest as you heard him say the words you had been waiting so long to hear. “say it again”
“i love you, y/n.”
instinctively you wrap your arms around his neck, embracing him in a tight hug. “i’ve been waiting to hear that for so long” you sniffle. shawn rubs you back, you feel him nod. “i know, i should’ve said it a long time ago.”
hours later, after the both of you had spilled your hearts to each other, you offered him dinner but he denied claiming he just wanted to lie down.
you rested comfortably on his chest, he drew circles on your spine. both of you enjoying the silent. “i want to spend the rest of my life with you.” you say. shawn is taken aback, looking down at you. “what?” you look up, smiling softly. “i know we’re still young, but there’s no one else in my life i’d want besides you. i want to be with you forever.” you see him smile, and he tightens his grip around you.
“i like the sound of that…y/n hunter…that has a nice ring to it”
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thedynamicworm · 9 months
Okay, so I just saw a post by @ozais-lobotomist about how lightning bending is sexy to firebenders, and while I liked the original post (I can’t find it at the moment) I want to take this theory a little to the left.
Let’s say there was a fire lord a couple centuries ago, who was such a huge lesbian that she basically became synonymous with the word. I’m bad at naming things without research so I’ll just call her fire!sappho for now.
Anyways, she could bend lightning extremely well, so that also became kind of a euphemism for being a lesbian, both because of fire!sapphos relationships and because the most proper lightning bending form is using two fingers, of course. So there’s a lot of “She’s more of a female lightning master, if you catch my drift”.
Fast forward back to the present and Azula is here, being a prodigy who can produce lightning. Now, since Sozin made homosexuality illegal (it’s because Roku rejected him. Cmon we were all thinking it), queer people have had to become a lot more discreet with euphemisms and such. Fire nation officials know what fire!sapphos name means, so that is off the table. However, female lightning master has not been caught onto yet.
When Mai, Ty Lee and Azula meet up, they’re about fourteen. For the sake of this, let’s say that Azula hasn’t seen them since before she learned how to lightning bend. Ty Lee only realized she’s lesbian a few months ago, and has been secretly researching queer people of history, so she ended up finding out about this particular euphemism.
When she meets back up with Azula, she is almost immediately taken again with the crush (she didn’t know it was a crush before) she has always had on Azula. So imagine her surprise when she sees azula lightning bend for the first time.
Ty Lee finds her ability incredibly funny, and for the life of her Azula cant figure out why. Ty Lee made it clear she wasn’t laughing at Azula’s skill, but it’s still confusing to her. Imagine at least one time when Ty Lee asks Azula if she considers herself a female lightning master, to which Azula responds yes, of course, because she is nothing if not perfect.
Eventually, after the war and after Azula recovers, (or during the war if you want a slight fix it) Ty Lee and her get into a relationship. Azula finally asks her what she had been laughing about back then, and Ty Lee tells her about fire!sappho and the female lightning master euphemism, which is the inspiration Azula needs to get back into lightning bending once again.
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freddie-77-ao3 · 5 months
Gonna use the ask box for this 🙃 ask 1/? (I have so many questions, though you have answered so many already)
What are your thoughts on Trials of Apollo, and the characters?
go ahead and keep asking!!! i love your questions!!
gonna start smaller with characters:
lavinia: the jewish thing wasn't handled completely correctly (just a couple of small things there) but overall 10/10 character. i think she's hilarious and her official artwork ROCKS.
meg: i love her. she seems a little immature for twelve years old TO ME but i also had a... rather abnormal upbringing so that might explain the differences. overall she was a great character and i LOVE the demeter rep (my thoughts on how riordan treated demeter take five pages to clarify so-- basically) love seeing it-- demeter was a kronide and her kids should be treated as such! great character development. peaches was also hilarious (as was crotch-kicker mccaffrey)
lester: calling him lester to separate between godly apollo and post toa apollo. again, fantastic character development. he's so fucking funny. like he does some really dumb stuff at the start of the series (swearing to not use a musical instrument and stuff?? LESTER MAN CMON) his and meg's relationship is so sweet-- and kayla and austin with him? chefs kiss. love apollo kids getting some time with their dad.
jason: absolutely got fridged. i've already touched on my suicide theory so i won't go into that here but basically i think we shoulda seen jason similar to percy (very minor, doing his own thing behind the scenes) but alas.
piper: the shel thing was a bit sudden. don't get me wrong, i'm ALL for queer rep (i think there should be more of it in the books actually) but-- going straight from breaking up with jason to jason sacrificing himself for her to a relationship seems really unhealthy. i think she should have a chance to grow outside of a relationship.
reyna: joining the hunt was a bad end for her. since when was that an ambition of hers? she seemed genuinely happy in new rome and called it her home multiple times in HoO and going from that to the hunt? idk seems like rick doesn't know how to write characters NOT be in a relationship (piper, reyna, leo... they all get squared away)
leo: oh leo baby he didn't get to see jason before he died??? so heartbreaking. didn't belong in a relationship with calypso. the punching thing was weird when he came back to camp-- esp with a character who has a history of physical abuse
frank: i love the frank deciding his own fate thing but also idk seems like a cop out.
hazel: shouldn't have just become praetor i mean cmon. i love her but she's what, 14 now? no way.
will: solangelo flirting is hilarious 10/10. "do you want to be my buddy?" "significant annoyance" i can't breathe. also poor will for putting up with apollo in the hidden oracle because i could not help my dad learn how to use the toilet i'm sorry but that shit is crazy.
malcolm: why is malcolm going to battle without pants on so funny to me i just-- 10/10 i love him.
connor: such a dumbass. the hair grafts 😭. i feel bad that travis isn't there and then communication lines go down like oh buddy :(
cecil: see me RUNNING with the knowledge cecil can cook
other small stuff:
love the waystation, always been my personal hc that there's more than just that one but that's for another post.
percabeth finally making it to college!!!
the jackson-blofis family warms my heart <3
thoughts on the series as a whole?
i love it. definitely top three riordan series (tied with pjo and mcga)
i like that (like mcga) toa was more mature? like we finally see demigods with ptsd, we get queer characters, just... everything
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mydollsaregay · 2 years
Last night, I was thinking about the twins and was able to put my finger on what was still bugging me about them.
Despite it making us feel old, the 90s IS history (hell, yesterday is history!). AG is saying it, but I’m not sure they… mean it?
From the hints of the girls’ stories I’ve seen so far, the only anchoring historical event seems to be y2k. Everything else is nice enough, but certainly not unique to the 90s, and could be given to a goty instead.
Honestly? Y2K is not enough. It’s a little too safe. Yes, it was a big deal to the people who lived through it. However, it was literally just New Years, but cooler (and with a lot of programming work in the background to change years to be stored as four digits). What are the lasting effects that kids can recognize today? Because I see very few that can’t just be chalked up to the passage of time.
There was a lot more to the 90s than fashion, pop culture, and the biggest new years ever, but it kinda seems like those are the only parts AG is interested in portraying. When you put y2k up against some of the other historical events that other American Girls live through, even just the ones from the 20th century, it seems pretty silly. Second wave feminism, the Great Depression, the civil rights movement, and now….. new years but the number changes a bit more than usual!!!!!! Like. Cmon.
Even if they were wedded to portraying y2k, columbine, the effects of which are VERY much felt by kids today, happened that same year. But I kinda doubt AG will have the guts to even discuss it in the girl’s stories, which is really sad (and honestly one of the biggest downsides to more modern historical dolls - the history they’re covering is still too touchy for a lot of parents to be comfortable with).
Also, by pushing the girls to be in the late 90s, I’m betting AG is trying to worm their way out of having the 2000s girl live through 9/11 (i.e. watching it on tv) and the start of the war on terror. Which like. I get WHY (still too touchy for parents) but it’s really frustrating. 9/11 and it’s aftermath is arguably one of the most impactful events in American history, it’s stupid to dance around it. Felicity gets to live through the actual revolution but god forbid a more modern girl actually live through recent historical events.
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34saveme34 · 8 months
Episode review I guess!!
After looking at today's episode I uh
god damn the references
like I've seen others talk about it and while I don't see all of them, it's definitely really interesting
so, spoilers, obviously
the Shrek dating sim was an interesting choice, especially for the hunky shirtless Shrek like cmon also combined with the clingy GF asmr we get the cringiest most hopeless bisexual to ever exist
might I add, as a crack theory to be funny since there's no real evidence for it, but as a funny headcanon, perhaps that is his type in men, and perhaps maybe kind of 3 aligns with his taste and maybe that's why he called him rizzless in his head in the elevator.... as someone who is trying to deeply understand 4, I think about that scene a lot. it's such an intimate thought since it's only in his head and he doesn't actually say it to anyone
Also the 3 related searches really have a vibe if you ask me. the vibe that they need to really up their communication skills. there's no way 3 just randomly threw toilet paper over his castle, there must be a reason
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this is like, top 10 worst communication skills moment in history, he is so... easily agitated, which is very noticable if you look more. Especially with the elevator. They have so much unresolved tension, I want them to sit down with a couple's psychologist or what is it called
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although based on this, he does care and he's trying, I can just feel him about to cry because 3 refuses to talk to him after hurting him and him doing his best to try and get 3 to forgive him, like... my god, beautiful, they should show more of that
like I wonder how it actually went here. what did he actually see to question whether 3 showers. he probably searched his stream to spam his chat about 3 not showering
like I know the supporting the homies is so real but based on that kind of search, he definitely went in there to call 3 stinky, like, I can't see it any other way
but he did at least regret it after wards, he definitely hurt 3's feelings and dignity with that, I think it would make a funny crack-esque fluff fic with the 2 about it. But yeah, I'm glad that 4 can actually get himself to apologise, although it is strange that he has to search how, it is an interesting touch. me personally wanting it to be him panicking so much about him losing his Friend over this that he doesn't know what to do so he has to search it vs the people who write him off as an asshole who would imply he did it because he doesn't know how to do it because he's a piece of shit like that
honestly, thinking about it, I'm likely the one right about it, he definitely cares about 3, that's for sure
now I'm trying to think what the shampoo and conditioner thing could possibly mean here. It's so specific so I can't really put it anywhere in my head. It doesn't fit the narrative set up before it
so I think it's best to write it off as being unrelated, although it would be funny if he searched it to roast 3 further in some way about how he also needs to wash his hair better or something like that. it does lightly fit
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also some that preceeds the 3 shenanigans, the addicted to pasta thing is crazy. I wonder how he could find something like that. Idea he may have searched it because he was wondering about Mario's addiction to pasta. caring about him in a weird way or something. not much else way to interpret it, besides it being a reference that means nothing but that's boring, we don't like doing that in this house
also it's not like 3 starts everything,
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I'm sure 3 wasn't happy about whatever this is implying......
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now this implications here, as unfortunately, this can be read in many ways
but regardless, we all know the crew knows the fans and we all know that regardless there's a layer of fruity slathered on top of this thing, especially since they're shown together like this
what the implications could mean: big event in june=pride month, I can't really think of anything else, besides them shittily teasing something big coming in june like this. which sounds stupid but kind of interesting at the same time
also his tsundere search baffles me. he used the word himself. he knows what it means. is this here just to cement the idea that 3 calling him and only him baka is meant to be recieved at least a little bit unironically? that it's not just stupid haha? did he need to check just in case? Is he affirming 3's love for him (<- getting into stupid brain territory) ? also this ep truly confirming 4 to rizzless, awesome
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now this. not going to lie, I'm having a hard time to believe he's 178 cm tall. I think he's lying. he is short to me forever and ever
also look at him lying about being a virgin, or maybe he thinks gay sex doesn't count
the religion: shrek makes me think Shrek was his bisexual awakening, it should be, it makes sense and it would fit him, especially with that dating sim, that's my headcanon now
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also him reaching acceptance about the toiler paper, truly, a fanfic was written right before our eyes, it would be a beautiful crack fic. we were shown a scenario with 3 and 4 without them even interacting directly in this episode. truly, the power of the gays <3
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that's a bit. too specific, why would he search it. what is he dying....
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beautiful amount of spam mail, canon compliant with how bad he is with computer security
however I'm quite stuck on the salsa dancing. now this may be a long shot, and you may call me crazy, I'll allow it, but what if that's what the sexy dance would've been in wotfi 2023? I know it's probably not but there's that tiny bit of possibility. I mean there's like... no way they would've made him pole dance or some shit on youtube, but salsa... yeah, it would've definitely been interesting, especially if he actually tried and dressed for the occasion (feminine style, we know he isn't 100% against dressing up like that) it would've been awesome, now I lament the gay it could've given us
I trailed off a bit, huh? well that's just how I get
you should've seen the way I went off about 3 in my head and how I think about him in general but I decided to spare the world of such burden
tbh congrats if you managed to read all this, Idk why I speak so much
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sketching-shark · 1 year
Man, zhu bajie n tang sanzang had to b up there w swk about their mischaracterization n hated in lmk fandom
I have never seen so much mishandling as i seen with those three characters 😭😭(like bro i get that the most noticeable arc that ppl retain is the white bone spirit arc bc of OSP BUT THEY DIDNT STUCK TO THAT CHARACTERISTICS IN THE LATER ARCS LIKE CMON NOW—bajie couldn’t even lie about the dragon piss medicine in a later arc, what makes yall think he’s always a fantastic liar. Theres some benefit to his lying but they also backfire. BAJIE DO END UP LIKING EVERYONE LIKE HE REFER TO SWK AS ELDER BROTHER!<- no man could ever live up to the wonder of zhu wuneng. He just sweet n he does get a fantastic arc in the novel!
Tang sanzang does have some(albeit rare moments where hes nice but his asshoole moments sometimes intertwined) where hes like “yea my disciples r greats but theyre mad ugly.” Or that he gets better at having more trust in his disciples besides zhu wuneng. Even if its followed by hella traumatizing moments that no human person would remain sane like that. <hes just barely holding on by his faith, his mission and his disciples. Not his horse bc he cant hold on to save his life but that character arc where he DIDNT FELL OFF THOO!>
Monkie Kid spoilers below
Hmmm I know about the Sun Wukong & Tang Sanzang dunking but is that happening with Zhu Bajie too? Have to say I find that a little surprising given that (if memory serves correctly) Monkie Kid did say Zhu Bajie's main fault (well besides the whole being a man-eating yaoguai thing) was being stubborn, but then lego Patriarch Subodhi said he became one of the hardest workers of the pilgrimage. I guess I was under the impression that people were more light on their criticisms and thoughts about Zhu Bajie, but maybe that's just because he doesn't seem to be a point of great interest in the lego show fandom lol.
Kind of funny story anon but I've been vicariously growing in awareness on how much Zhu Bajie is loved in China through @antidotefortheawkward's posts about the pigman. And yeah, I can see that being in large part because Xiyouji in its totality does give a very different impression of who these characters are and where they end up than a cartoony summary can provide. As a number of people on this site have noted for example, the White Bone Demon Arc can be understood in a much more complex light than "Tang Sanzang & Zhu Bajie hurt poor monkey for nothing" when placed in the context of it being more near the beginning of the journey when the pilgrims were still grating against each other a lot & it happening very soon after the whole debacle with the Ginseng fruit tree. Here after all you can see how the monk has a recent history of getting into serious trouble from the monkey lying and being quick to destruction, so he would be primed to not believe SWK, not to mention he does hesitate to use the headband against SWK more than many give him credit for here. And YEAH given all the things they go through together I am more willing to accept a Sun Wukong and Zhu Bajie enemies to friends arc than that put on many another character.
Also LMAOOOOO Tang Sanzang DOES seem to have quite a few lines where he tries to comfort terrified individuals by telling them that the pilgrims are good people even with their rancid looks (ugly pilgrim rights <3). And oh dang anon you are so right about how even if Tang Sanzang is much more of a static character in comparison to SWK it's kind of a shame more attention isn't given to the series of horrifying events he goes through and what effect that would have on him so that he gets a little more depth than "weepy monk who's mean to the Monkey King & falls off his dragon horse" in the popular western imagination. But then again I can understand why the monk's trauma is largely downplayed in western cartoony retellings, given that said lighthearted cartoony retellings probably wouldn't be the best medium to even touch on stuff like human butchery, death threats, sexual assault, and the consequences thereof.
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infectedhau · 3 months
So there's a new Dragon Age coming out, and as someone who's owned the first three for literal decades at this point without ever touching them, I figured I'd get caught up
My broad thoughts: this is the first time I've seen a franchise go through puberty (disclaimer, I don't actually know anything about the development history of Dragon Age, these are all just my impressions from my mostly blind playthrough. I didn't look up anything story wise, but I did do a little research into builds just to make sure the combat got a fair shake)
Starting Origins, you can clearly see that it wants to be an ARPG, but was realized by a bunch of guys that had only done CRPGs up to that point. You've got these flashy cinematic finishers, a camera that can technically be zoomed out to a more traditional top-down view but prefers to sit over your shoulder, and a tactics menu that basically means you don't have to micro your party at all if you don't want to (maybe you do on higher difficulties, idk, I went through on normal because the thing kept crashing and didn't wanna have to deal with constantly redoing fights). I can feel the Baldur's Gate energy in it, but I can also feel some guy saying "and we want it to be more dramatic and dynamic" while a copy of Dragon's Dogma floats over his shoulder like a stand. Lore-wise, it's a darker, lower-magic setting, which I honestly think works pretty well for it looking the way it does. You've got your occasional crazy armor or fantasy-ass sword, but everything else was pretty grounded, and I definitely got the feeling that I wasn't all that stronger than the enemies, despite being a diet witcher. That being said, it's an older game, so it's pretty easy to break. I played a Blood Mage/Arcane Knight build, and basically every single encounter was solved by stunlocking the entire room to death, which somewhat ruined the immersion of these guys being an actual problem. Maybe if the Templars weren't such dicks about it this would've all been solved sooner.
On to Dragon Age 2, and boy oh boy can you tell this game was made in the early 10s. Everything has gotten spkier and edgier, you've got more impractical armor and weapons, the opening shot is your sister's tits bouncing around as you run through a battlefield, and the game tries to start you as an unremarkable white guy with a goatee and a shitty haircut (I shut that shit down real fast, though I didn't really customize lady Hawke either since from what I understand the customization doesn't carry over). You also see it crawling a bit further towards ARPG territory, now even your auto attacks are flashy and stylish, especially if you're a Rogue, but the bones are still basically the same. You still attack on a timer, you can still click to move, and there's still a pause button. The AI has also improved, I don't think I even looked at the tactics menu and I still got through with minimal difficulty. Also, they retconned a wholeass race, with the Qunari graduating from "humans but bigger" to these cool gray horned dudes. Definitely an improvement, no I am not at all biased, don't look at my Qunari inquisitor lady and my Dranei Death Knight lady and my Au'ra Mahcinist Lady this ain't about her. Also turning the duelist trainer from Origins into a slutty pirate lady was... a choice, but honestly I liked her character, and her, Aveline, and Merrill were my core party members through most of it (still though, put some pants on girl, cmon). This is also where my first actual complaint comes in, that being that they seemed to think the best way to add difficulty was to just swarm you with guys. I don't mind big fights, but having to chew through two or three waves of enemies with every single combat encounter got a bit old by the end.
And now, Inquisition, where we're almost there, it's so close I can taste it. You finally click to attack, you have a jump button, the tactics menu is basically gone, but it's still clinging to its CRPG roots, the pause button haunting your hotbar like a ghost of real-time-with-pause past. I haven't noticed any dramatic changes lore-wise like I did with 2, but they did manage to find some (slightly) more reasonable armor designs and thus far none of my party members are running around half-naked. An overall improvement, and while I'm not done with this one yet I've been enjoying it so far. From what I hear, the new one is finally a proper ARPG, and all I can say is holy hell it took them long enough
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sleepy-achilles · 4 months
Not how I planned.
I had a version of this marriage purposal were it was all cute and cuddly. But, I think realistically this is how it'd happen. The alt is mentioned in this.
And that's when it hits him. It's a horrible time.
Taker smiles as the sun hits the land. A nice cold, special beer, in his hand.
"I just don't get it." Leon whispers staring at his special beer. "Its a beer. You drink it." Taker grunts. Leon looks at him. "You know that's not what I'm on about." Leon frowns. "I do love watching two demons discuss human emotions" Randy snickers from where him and John are perched on the loveseat.
Taker shakes his head as he rocks on the rocking chair. Rhea glances up from the steps. "What even caused it?" She asks. "I don't know. We were walking around town, I went to help someone and I came back and he was upset." Leon sighs slouching down as Cassie walks out. "You know. They are just sat in there in silence. Neither are saying anything" cassie confesses as she sits next to Rhea on the steps. "Its Pas magic touch. Gets through without speaking. You'll have that talk one day" John tells her.
Leon tilts his head back and groans. "I just wish I understood why. Someone must of said something." Leon sighs. "Which for you, with your history here, is not a good thing." Randy states. Leon glares at him. "Cmon, we've all seen the 18th birthday footage." Rhea giggles. "Tell me about it" Taker grumbles.
Leon jolts up as the door swings open, drew rushes past them all, putting his coat on as he walks down the path. "Drew? Drew!" Leon yells as he pushes out of his seat, dropping his beer that Taker thankfully catches as his son rushes after his lover. Taker glances as shawn sits in Leon's seat.
"Drew!" Leon yells catching up the man. He grabs his arm causing Drew to turn and slap his hand away. Leon's eyes widen at the tears building in those beautiful blues. (The irony of Leon being colourblind is missed here)
"You girls might want to come under." Shawn mutters watching the sunny blue sky turn cloudy. Rhea and cassie do so as it starts raining and starts raining hard. "The valley has accepted him." Taker mutters in awe, sitting forward to watch the pair.
"Dont. Do not touch me" Drew hisses pulling his hood up. He feels bad as Leon's tshirt starts to stick. "Please...please talk to me." Leon tries, unsure what to do with his hands as they hover. "No. I'm going back to the motel and then I'm getting the first ride home." Drew snaps. "Why? What happened, drew please!" Leon tries. "Im sick of trying so damn hard to just be told I'm not good enough. To be ignored. Put down. Felt unloved."
And boy that shatters Leon's heart. His eyes widen as drew goes to turn to leave. "I mean i feel like you brought me here just so i can how badly im not good for you." Drew whispers. "So I'm going. And whatever that means for us, so be it." Drew whispers. "Marry me."
Drew pauses. "What?" "Marry me drew."
Drew turns to look at the other. "I-I had this big plan, I was going to take you to my favourite diner and-and I was going to show you how beautiful the valley is at night. Before asking you." Leon rambles as his hand fiddles in his soaked jeans. Drews eyes follow to clearly see the outline of the box.
"What.." Drew whispers. He watches as Leon fumbles with the box before lowering to his knee. "Drew Mcintyre. I um..I'm not good at this stuff. You know that. But I.. I really really fucking love you and I would really appreciate it if you would be my husband. For like ever." Drew watches in awe as Leon's face turns red for blush. "Fuck." Drew gasps. "Will you?" Leon asks.
"Yes. Of course I will." Drew smiles as Leon slips the ring on. Leon stands and drew goes to pull him in. Leon steps back. "Im wet." Leon points out. Drew smirks. "Well, maybe wait till we are away from your family." Leon rolls his eyes and pulls Drew into a hug causing the bigger man to groan at the feeling of the wet tshirt.
Shawn smiles as they share a kiss, the rain clears. "Looks like we've got a wedding to plan my dear" Shawn pats takers thigh. "No. They have." Everyone looks at him. "Okay yes, I realise now...trusting Leon and drew to plan a wedding is a stupid idea. I'll phone goldust." Taker sighs. "Good boy." Shawn chuckles watches as drew pulls back, holding Leon's face with a big smile. Shawn smiles softly, squeezing takers thigh as Leon wears a smile on his face.
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timemachineyeah · 1 year
Huh…that’s a good rlly point! Each group really has something for everyone,and Hasunosora really is for the people who straight up wanted a more blatant Love Live yuri cndjdj I’ve seen those cards / scenes spread around some and it’s a little surprising how they seem to be GOING for it more than usual (also like I said it still wouldn’t be surprising if they just have two of the girls kiss or say that they’re dating at this point bc CMON)
Oh yeah, they’re making marketing decisions every time, but I think the results have largely worked (with maybe Liella being the closest to an exception- I get the feeling they’d really love for it to break into a younger more Disney channel type audience and it’s doing fine with core fans but not breaking into new audiences as much as they hoped. This is PURE speculation on my part. Just a vibe I get.)
I would be surprised if characters actually kissed or admitted to dating, but pleasantly so.
I feel like Hasunosora is tapping into that very uniquely Japanese history of yuri rep that is like…
It’s like how no one ever says it directly in a Victorian romance? Like there’s all kinds of mannered society stuff at play so everything needs to be allusion only. I mentioned from the very first whiff of Hasunosora that it gave me Maria-sama ga Miteru vibes just based on the pairing of upperclassmen with younger students and taking place in a girls boarding school
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But now they’ve confirmed that Hasunosora also has a long-standing mentor/mentee tradition (though far less codified than in MariMite, it seems) and I’m absolutely certain that this is one of their big influences. In fact I wouldn’t be surprised if that was basically the prompt they gave the writer (who is a writer of yuri light novels), “Do a Love Live story that’s been passed through a filter of MariMite.”
(I mean the series was hugely influential to yuri for years, a huge evolution point for the genre, so it makes sense).
But while it feels wrong to say the relationships in MariMite were only ever implied, because the romance between girls is the whole story, it is also true that the tradition and codification and “purity” and other themes served to keep them from ever using the words. This feels less like queerbaiting in the modern sense and more like… a genre choice? With its own rules and appeal? Especially given the era.
Like they weren’t hinting characters are gay without canonizing it. They were saying, “these characters are gay even if they never say so and you’re not imagining it (here let us put more lilies everywhere, the Japanese manga equivalent of flying a lesbian flag in the background every time the characters talk).”
On the surface for the era it just provides plausible deniability to the audience who want to be able to be seen in public reading it - no one looking over your shoulder is ever going to be scandalized no matter how homophobic they are. Queer coding that is so explicit that it’s not so much code as plain representation, but still just subtle enough that you wouldn’t be sure at a glance.
But like I said, I also feel like it plays into really classic old school romance. Romance that is 100% about romantic tension and not so much sexual tension. Lots of het romances also aren’t explicitly stated, but we still accept that they are romances, because what else would it be for these two people to be like this around each other? It’s not like het characters have to stand up and say “I am heterosexual! And this is my boyfriend! Let us kiss on screen!” before we accept the veracity of their relationships.
And yuri has a strong history of taking that kind of storyline and the strictures of gender or aristocratic social mores and replacing them with similar quiet rules that keep our characters talking around the subject and engaging in unlabeled intimacy. Religiosity, tradition, etc.
That being said if you wanna have a discussion about about the difference between making that choice in an original manga in the late 1990s versus making that choice as a massive money printing franchise in the 2020s - I think pointing out the difference in circumstances is warranted. Is it homage or is it a cop out? Is it queerbaiting or leaving things open ended?
After all, what Love Live! sells, above all else, what it has always sold, is the characters. They are supposed to belong to you. They’re dolls for your brain to play with. You have always been meant to get attached, to have the option but not the obligation to insert yourself. Relationships are left open ended because that’s up to you. They only want to give you a prompt, not a script. Love Live on its premise sets up a series of cozy compelling ideas and leaves them a little unfinished. The fun is very much designed to be in filling in those blanks yourself.
And you are supposed to love them. After all, it’s only a parasocial relationship if the person on the other end is real. Otherwise that’s an imaginary friend or a brain toy. Love Live! have made a very well oiled Singing Blorbo factory.
This isn’t a criticism by the way, it’s impressive as hell. Like yes capitalism bad etc etc but boy do they have a system and know what they’re doing.
But because of that I don’t expect the Hasunosora girls are gonna officially date. A kiss of some kind is slightly more likely imo, but I wouldn’t hold my breath for that either. I do fully expect art that looks like they’re just about to.
I do hope they get an anime in either case though because I love the character designs and art style
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And the Hasunosora music is my favorite to come from the franchise in a while
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silverteacups · 11 months
i got bored again so here you go
favourite comms for each character ( + favourite lyric in english from each )
ichika hoshino - With our sounds, we too can become one of those shooting stars.
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meteor pulse
this was my first shiho cover i heard and i LOVE the MV + lyrics
saki tenma - I don't want to begin hate, hate, hating / Neither myself, nor the world around me!
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almost said stella then i checked the wiki and FUCKING TERATERA. literally almost to it on my playlist
honami mochizuki - The wind'll calm down, as long as I keep on living.
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i don't think i've ever seen someone say anything negative about flyway. i am not surprised
shiho hinomori - There’s only one future that we can envision, so let’s see it with our own eyes.
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purpose? nuh-uh shiho sounded ever-so-slightly like blue paint i dont like it
i've heard voices and peaky peaky too much
but THIS SONG. i love 「1」 so fucking much
minori hanasato - Even if these wings are broken apart, if you’re there, then I can try my hardest once more!
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almost went for teammate but tenshi no clover gets it. the event story dear god
haruka kiritani - Even if this life is worthless, the world is beautiful.
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how could i give this to literally anything other than if
airi momoi - Even if it's rusty, its colors are unfading.
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absolutely love momoiro no kagi
shizuku hinomori - I'm sure I'll never be protected again; however, I've got everything I want to protect, so I'm not worried.
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i love i am, we are but the set. yeah no thanks this looks like one of the first birthday cards
kohane azusawa - What do you want to do after you end up all by yourself? (sobs loudly they gave the line to an and akito)
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vbs has almost been nothing but bangers lately (i'd include niigo but, excluding god-ish, it's probably been that way since meru, maybe earlier)
anyway yeah hitsuji ga ippiki
an shiraishi - Can I break apart? Go and break me apart.
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gekokujo 💔💔💔💔
akito shinonome (oh no) - What roars out is my own tune, my own tune - not someone else's.
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why do i have to pick one they're all amazing 💔💔💔 i was really close to saying kashika but then gekkou but then fucking CINEMA
but yeah
toya aoyagi - Not knowing the reason why, not needing the reason why I'm defying against fate’s rules.
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not a huge fan of toya comms but cmon RAD DOGS is great
tsukasa tenma - Aren't we just inevitably going around in circles? You ought to slip and fall in a panic in the final moment.
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on a scale of 1-88 how surprised are you that i picked this one (it's 88 isnt it i know it is you're so shocked)
emu otori - We'll always be one / The promise that we made, we'll keep it forever!
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i dont have anything to say tbh just hoshizora orchestra
nene kusanagi - And without ever having met you, the coral in the miniature garden will dazzle me one day / I'll sing this song and smile.
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hakoniwa no coral is so pretty
rui kamishiro - Would you call this a dream, that comes with such pain?
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still not ready to love wxs but dear god i love this song
kanade yoisaki (oh my god i have to pick a lyric now) - So don't say that you've given up on reality, Samsa! Okay?
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almost said kanadetomosusora but then i remembered samsa
and dear god the LYRICS??
mafuyu asahina - I was so delighted to see the pleased faces they made that I played my role desperately— so much that I have even forgotten to breathe.
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engeki 💔💔💔💔
ena shinonome - All life is ridiculously pretty, struggling and then it stops raining / t's an unprecedented brilliance in human history - that's what love is.
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no idea what the lyrics mean but i love ena's alt
mizuki akiyama - I'm sure that the lights that shine upon the shadows of the city seemed more gentle than yesterday, so today, I can sleep embraced in warmth.
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almost said kitty but the full ver of kimi no yoru wo kure stole it for me
AND now a ranking:
20. kimi no yoru wo kure - love it, just love the others more 19. hakoniwa no coral 18. engeki 17. gekokujo 16. RAD DOGS 15. hoshizora orchestra 14. i am, we are 13. pulse of the meteor 12. 88☆彡 11. hitsuji ga ippiki 10. momoiro no kagi 9. i nandesu 8. what sort of ending are you wishing for? 7. teratera 6. IF 5. flyway 4. samsa 3. 「1」 2. cinema 1. tenshi no clover
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klwl-truck · 1 year
2, 7, 9, 21, 25!! You can pick either kny or Haikyuu for this idm :))
I picked kny for this one, since I don’t talk about it as much 😁👍
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7. what character did you begin to hate not because of canon but because how how the fandom acts about them?
It’s hard to think of characters that I genuinely dislike in kny, since I can appreciate all of them, but I’d have to say it’s Douma for me. Idk I felt like he was over hyped, I never really liked him that much anyways and the way the fandom absolutely eviscerated his characterization dug his grave for me (SPECIFICALLY HIS RELATIONSHIP WITH AKAZA, DONT EVEN GET ME STARTED ON HOW THE FANDOM FUCKED THAT UP).
9. worst part of canon
Oooh this one’s a hard one, since I like the canon story of demon slayer a lot. But i think it’d have to be the way the characters felt a little,, shallow at times?? A lot of it was just fight after fight after fight and we don’t see much about a lot of characters besides one little exposition piece in the middle of one. I mean hell, a LOT of the info we get about characters isn’t from the main manga itself but from fanbooks made by the creator, so I’ve seen it can be hard for people who aren’t big fans of the show to get what I think can be pretty important information. This is mostly me saying that I wish we got more about each of the pillars individually, since some got a shit ton of backstory and exposition while others (cough himejima cough) got basically a conversation and that’s it.
21. part of canon you think is overhyped
I genuinely can’t think of anything besides maybe the animation on the part of the anime-only fandom?? And maybe mugen train (not saying it’s a bad arc, it’s just insanely overhyped oh my god)
25. common fandom complaint that you're sick of hearing
Oh my god I am so sick of hearing about the animation from inside and outside of the fandom. SICK. It’s either overhyped to the moon and back (sometimes for good reason I’ll give them that, the animation is good) OR it’s treated like the worst animation in the fucking world. ITS GOOD. ITS FINE. STOP COMPLAINING. NOTHING IS EVER ENOUGH FOR YOU PEOPLE SOMETIMES. They say it’s the best in anime history, but then there’s barely noticeable fish monster cgi and they think it’s the worst animation on the planet (we have the berserk anime, this ain’t nothing compared to that PLEASE). They just don’t stop complaining about every little imperfection in the animation, as if those animators aren’t likely living off a corn chip and diet soda and working 25 hours a day just to meet deadlines, like cmon you people need to be fucking nicer even when you don’t like something. (my point is, sometimes it’s good to shut up 😄)
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storiesofsvu · 2 years
happy thursday its l& o time
spoilers thoughts opinions and random ramblings under the cut
Okay, I know they’re undercover but OC seems to be shoving Jet & Jamie together and that gives me the ick because the actors are like, 13 years apart or something. And I get we can age up or down, but I always base of the actors ages so im uncomfortable here…. LOL.
Man… these guys are always SO obvious when they’re trailing, or like, staking someone out from a car, also, ive seen this chase scene already so I know what’s up, BUT, also ive gotta say, her little parkouring is literally just flashy, it’s not saving her ANY time than if she was just continuing to run. If she wasn’t showing off, she probably could’ve escaped.
Okay…does this case/jewelry shit have ANYTHING to do with the casino bitches?? Or are we now doing one BIG case/arc in the background for the entire season and smaller cases for each episode or two? Like the showrunners don’t know what they’re doing with OC….
Well that was some lazy explanation to cover stablers mom not being there and Eli’s in COLLEGE? Are we SURE? Is the math correct on that?
Yeah this Italian chick is annoying, I do not trust her, and she’s literally an olivia knockoff (again, no bensler shipping here…) BUT REALLY?? *sigh*
AYANNA!!!! FUCKKKK!!!! Dem HIPS girl!! I am looking *disrespectfully*
Okay…Jet clearly isn’t the same age of Ainsley if jet was married when she was 20 and it’s clearly been a while now. I don’t like that….
Is this…like..trafficked girl UC cop breaking cover to help her, has a kid back home… is this not the EXACT plot line from last season with elliot and that girl from the diner? This is lazy…just lazy…im literally only here for Ayanna and jet
Fuck AYANA is so pretty! (and also clearly divorced because no lesbian is doing their nails like that….)
Okay. I got bored during a commercial break and looked it up. Eli was born in s9 ep Paternity. That aired in 2007. It’s 2022. ELI IS FUCKIN 15 YEARS OLD AND HE LAZY WRITING/NOT CARING ABOUT SHIT LIKE THIS MEANS that he’s in college, in a different state, at 15. Not to mention… he was only 3 years old when he moved to Italy, he would’ve gone to Italian schools, he would have an Italian accent. Jfc. Why couldn’t they just say that he went to live with Kathleen??
 Okay…mothership time.
 Lets be honest, I’m not paying attention to this shit until Samantha’s on screen so I doubt I’ll have much to say LOL.
JFC there are SO many extras/guest stars that have been on a l&o show multiple times before. This is getting ridiculous. Can some more actors relocate to nyc pls?
Ugh can we stop bringing up covid please?? I know it’s all “pull from reality” but cmon…
Okay….okay…hear me out… if I end up writing power high femme sam x casual/bottom muncy….don’t come for me…..
“met the old fashioned way, drunk as hell in a biker bar in queens” fuck I love kate
Also there was a whole lot of shying away from terms of specific gender in that dating/partner talk…and tonights ep was directed by the person who played the og lesbian in this franchise… THAT’S SUSPICIOUS…
Okay…imma need WAY more background info on what sam’s story is… cause I just know there’s some shit that’s gone down, like I want that history…
Okay. SVU here we go!
Is amanda gonna fangirl tonight or is muncy gonna take that spot? Cause we all know molly loves sports and they do like to add/write in things of the personal actors lives…
I stand corrected… its joe… awe.. poor guy’s by himself?? You KNOW one of the girls would’ve gone with him!
What hotel did they film at? I need to know for fic reasons…wait…is this the homeland hotel…?? (s6 when they were in nyc)
Mothership ended with Sam saying she had a date, the perp in svu mentions having a date and you tell me why im expected sam to pop up over here LOL.
Yaaaasss molly coming in with the title card! A kween!  (truly did think we’d have to wait until after amanda was gone but I guess I was wrong about that)
Okay, called muncy being an American football fan, adore that they added that in there.
Octavio with the fucking *hand* thing again jesus
LOL fin… I love you… sweet talkin and bringing people food to get ahead in the case LOL
Muncy simply cannot be straight when she’s sitting on desks like that…. That IS A QUEER
“the vending machine was out of kale” LOL also lol to joe being all health conscious…
Omg grace fake fangirling, I love it
Where the fuck is carisi??
Dude…. You KNOW the cops are there..why the fuck are you now pulling a gun??
Okay so I will admit, I wasn’t paying too much attention to the case at hand, or the perp, like im literally just here to thirst over people at this point but that wasn’t a bad episode. Definitely the best out of the three for tonight. Still pissed that we don’t seem to get to go to court anymore. I also DESPERATELY miss the recurring guest stars that came along with court rooms, defence attorneys and judges and the like. *sigh* maybe next week. 2 more eps with amanda. Do we think they’ve been clowning us with those BTS pictures/videos or will that shit actually happen?
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quicksilverdaisyday · 2 years
Ya know i was about to do a whole bit on you about how your banner (the thing at the top of the blog is a banner right with the one person with an eyepatch? Im pretty sure thats a banner) i was gonna do a whole bit about how it reminded me of bobs burgers and if you liked burgers so much maybe you should marry them, but then youre literally out her putting that youre a big fan of bobs burgers on the damn description section like ok alright ive been beaten to my own punch, if this was a school function id be left with no choice but to become the spiker, im bringing in the hard liquor to get these irresponsible fucks drunker than a really drunk person i dont know whose the guy from mtv you know the guy, you probably dont actually i mean what are the odds like zero probably. Anyway bobs bazinga burger? Thoughts? I mean i hate burgers ok ive eaten more burgers than youve learned bug facts which if you dont know a lot of bug facts you should because bugs are cool and also terrifying and knowledge is power but long story short ive eaten more burgers than should be legal, like if you ever watch the movie supersize me i did that for two years straight except usually id only eat once a day because i was too poor to eat real food, this is the deep shoe fuck lore ok you might think im going at this from the pity party direction here but i assure you i am not i am merely validating my street cred when it comes to burgers ok i know burgers inside outside and possibly even inside-out. Anyway listen right he makes the bazinga burger, spicy pickles, mustard, smash burger, special ingredient? A healthy topping of pickled red onions and cabbage. Bam. Thats good eatin. If youre a believer in bobs bazinga burger gimme a bazinga back ya know its free youre not misleading nobody, nothing bad is gonna happen thats a shoe fuck guarantee, cmon you gotta say bazinga i dropped the hot and heavy lore on ya the loyal fans they gotta be appeased this is like a weekly thing now ok im like one of those guys the weekly comedy segment guys i get on i do my lines the crowd laughs we probably have a very charismatic instrumentalist who rarely speaks and when he does its about the trombone and everyone is like ah im so fascinated about the history of trombone. Ive got a good friend like that love that man holy shit though i dont care about the trombone but i just love him so much that im gonna listen with a smile anyway. Maybe you got a trombone enthusiast in your life i dont know but if you do ya know listen to them cause ya learn a lotta life lessons from trombone players. Probably cello players too. I mean chances are that theyre multi talented, people who are good at music stuff normally are, ya know its a passion thing, like youre out here doing art i bet youre real passionate about the art i bet you got lots of multi disciplinary shit going on behind the scenes like a regular pablo picasso or something ya know clay sculptures, get yourself a kiln man, id love to do pottery, make some pots, mugs, bowls, lil rabbits and the fucking special moments porcelain figures that everyones grandma owns, like do they just like them are they the pokemon of old people? Or are those beanie babies? My grandma does bells, weirdest shit ive ever seen woman just loves her bells i love you grandma but you dont even ring them ya know, theyre just little bells she doesnt want you to ring them. I dont know man. Anyway right, bazinga burger, from bob, bobs bazinga burger you know that shit would sell like hot cakes give it a consider in your mind space mull it over, hit me with a bazinga you wont regret it or your money back, its free though also. Just for the record.
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