qilinkisser · 9 months
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Some more art of our friend Dr. Webbs, featuring @seafoamselfships' amazing oc Chu Scendo! (Bonus doodles below the cut!)
Reblogs appreciated! Dr. Webbs (left) uses they/them! Chu (right) uses it/she!
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dearestro · 6 months
Knight in Plaid Boxers
Summary: James will always be there to save you from danger...big or small.
Warnings: Innuendos and crude language.
Wilson's Pov
I woke up upon hearing a scream.
"James, help!" Recognizing my wife's voice and the empty space next to me, I quickly got up, fearing the worse.
"Shit, shit! Where is it?" I whispered to myself as I searched through the closet looking for the baseball bat she had insisted on keeping 'just in case'. Finally finding it, I armed myself and ran out to the kitchen screaming. Not the smartest idea, but continuing to hear my wife's screams of fear I only had one thought: to scare the intruder. I reached the kitchen and swung blindly, still screaming and shouting only to be met with my wife's voice.
"What the hell are you doing?" I opened my eyes to see her standing on the counter, totally unharmed.
"I-I heard you screaming? I thought- I thought you were being hurt?" I asked as I tried to catch my breath, very confused with the situation. She looked at me like I was insane.
"Yeah, because of the spider!" She pointed to the floor. My eyes followed her finger to see the remains of a mug and a spider crawling around. My hands fell to my side, and I dropped the bat in disbelief.
"What?" I looked at her incredulously.
"Babe, kill the freaking spider!" She continued to point before shrieking when it started towards her. I rubbed my hand over my face and sighed before carefully kneeling beside the broken glass and picking it up.
“It’s only a daddy long leg. You know, I don’t think they’re even classified as spiders.” I picked it up and laughed, seeing how small it was. I started to walk closer to her to show her, but she screamed and pushed her back against the cupboard.
“James Evan Wilson! So help me! If you come any closer I-I…I’ll withhold sex for a month!” I stopped and frowned at her threat before looking back at the ‘spider’ struggling in my fingers.
“Sorry buddy. You heard the lady. It’s either you or me, and well…I’m sure there’s plenty of lady spiders outside.” I opened the sliding glass door and threw him out before coming back to my wife’s aide. “Will you come down now? As much as I enjoy the view, I don’t want you to get hurt.” I approached her as she nodded. I was careful to avoid the broken shards of glass on the floor.
Once I got to her side, I picked her up bridal style.
“My beautiful damsel in distress.” I rolled my eyes and kissed her cheek, and she snuggled closer.
“My handsome knight in plaid boxers.” She laid her hand on my cheek and stroked her thumb on my under eye. I smiled at her. She’s a handful, but she’s mine.
“You know usually the hero gets a reward for saving the princess…” I smirked at her.
“And what…reward…do you have in mind?” Her eyebrow raised even though she clearly knew what I had in mind. I kissed her as I took her out of the kitchen before wiggling my eyebrows at her suggestively. She laughed. "What about the broken mug?" I shrugged.
"We'll deal with it tomorrow."
"What if Sara hurts herself?" We entered the bedroom.
"She's a cat, I'm sure she'll be fine." I said sarcastically while rolling my eyes, I could tell her worry was just a way of teasing me. I set her on her side of the bed before going over to my own. She smirked up at me.
"Alright, if you insist." She feigned disinterest. I smiled before jumping onto the bed and attacking her neck and face with my lips. We continued making out for a little as things got more heated until Sara jumped up onto the bed and tried to wiggle between us. Suddenly, she pulled back. I tried to capture her lips again, but she put her hand on my chest. "As much as I love you and enjoy this babe, I'm not doing 'it' in front of the cat." I frowned, looking at the cat, who was now curled up on the bed sleeping.
"I can kick her out." I said a little too desperately. She shook her head.
"It’s like two in the morning. You have to get up for work tomorrow, sweetheart." She said before leaning over and kissing me. "Goodnight. I love you." And with that, she laid down and went to bed. I groaned and glared at Sara.
"Damn cat." I mumbled before laying down and turning to my side. I was still...calming down when I felt an arm wrap around me. I smiled.
This was nice, too.
Author's Note: I'm working on the requests! This was just a small/easy idea I had in my notes that I thought I could publish as a filler.
Also, is this any good, or is it like weird? idk I'm always worried when I write in his pov and the entire thing is in it.
When writing this, I imagined the mug to be one that House got them for their wedding that just has his face on it. I don't know. OH! And when he ran out with the bat, he was in his McGill sweatshirt and plaid boxers with white socks. Again, just the image I had when writing, lol.
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scarthefangirl · 1 year
Kiss me you moron!
Miguel O'Hara x fem!reader
Description: When you are injured during a mission Miguel waits in your room for you to wake up. After you do, there are some confessions made.
Warnings: Mentions of injuries, language
Story type: drabble
A/N: Bruh I wrote this in one night don't judge, and also I'm working on my requests I promise
Masterlist | REQUESTS OPEN
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The mission was simple. Some guy had disrupted this dimension and caused a bridge to collapse and some other havoc. You, Jess, Pavitr, and Hobie had been assigned to apprehend the man while Gwen, Peter B, and Miles helped get people to safety.
You were on a roll, until you weren't.
It all happened so fast, you didn't have a chance to move out of the way. Everyone was so engulfed with saving the people from the threat, even you. No one noticed the car flying towards you at full speed, the driver passed out with his foot on the gas.
At least, not until it was too late.
So there you laid, in the headquarters infirmary, still knocked out. You had a bandage on the right side of your forehead because of a stitched wound. There were stitches in your right arm as well where there had been shards of glass stuck in your arm. You had broken two ribs, and a fractured hip bone that luckily didn't need surgery because of your quickened healing process.
Meanwhile, your team stood outside Miguel's office with bated breath.
"How do we tell him?" Miles asked quietly, eyes filled with anxiety.
"What's the big deal?" Jess questions. Unlike her, the others new his infatuation with you. He always spared her from his glares and scowls, when he would scream at them for failures he never yelled directly at you, and he tried to send you out on as few missions as you'd allow. When you persisted to go, he'd always be extra persistent to the group about watching out for each other.
"Miguel is in love with her!" Pav whisper shouted. Jess just rolled her eyes, although it made a few things click.
"We're going to be professional and tell him that Y/N was involved in an accident and we'll explain it to him," Peter said, trying to be practical. But everyone's eyes widened and they shook their heads violently.
"No no no. Ask any spider person here if that is a good idea. Its not," Gwen said which surprised Jessica because Gwen is normally reasonable. The adult looked around at the teens fearful eyes, except Hobie of course who couldn't wait to see how things played out.
"Why is it a bad idea?" Jessica asked, mainly to humor the bunch.
"He'd freak. He'd probably kill us. No, he would. He will blame us and," Pavitr shivered, unable to finish his sentence. He loved you and everyone knew it. And you loved him, but they didn't know that. Although it could be assumed, and many did, you were better at hiding it then Miguel.
Jessica forced the group inside and they approached Miguel. He turned to them with a frown, one often plastered on his face. "How was the mission?" He asked dryly. His red eyes scowered the faces in his office but didn't see the one he was waiting for.
"We completed it, but there was a complication." Jessica informed him, causing his chest to tighten. If you weren't there, and there was a complication.... He raised an eyebrow, encouraging her to continue. "Y/N was, hurt."
They all saw it as clear as day. Anger crawled up his throat and spread across his face. His stomach felt nauseous and he couldn't catch his breath.
"How?" He growled. His hands shook. He hated that feeling. Feeling helpless and.... Scared. It only made him angrier.
"Well we were all just doing our jobs and a car came out of nowhere and hit her." Peter B. said.
"It full on slammed her, you could hear it!" Hobie gawked.
"Not helping Hobie." Miles warned but Hobie just said, "Good." The fury radiated off of Miguel and causes the whole team to cower back. He'd never been this angry.
But instead of screaming at them he just sprinted to the infirmary.
Your eyes fluttered open and you went to rub them but felt sharp pain everywhere. You blinked a few times to clear your vision and looked down at your wounded body.
"The heck?" You muttered under your breath. You couldn't remember what happened. You just remembered being on the mission. Suddenly you heard heavy breathing to your side and you looked over to see Miguel staring at you. You nearly jumped out of your skin, resulting in a groan from the pain. He hopped out of his seat and crouched by your head. He tucked some stray hair behind your ear but you gave him a confused look.
"Three questions," You began, "Number one: What happened? Number two: Why are you here? And most importantly, number three, why the fuck are you doing scaring the shit out of me like that?"
"Sorry for scaring you. You got hit by a car and fractured your hip bone, and had to get stitches in a few places because of glass. But the nurses said you'll be better in a few days because of your enhanced healing capabilities." Miguel said it blankly, but you sensed the tenderness behind it.
"That's kinda badass," You grinned. "I mean imagine telling our- shit, I mean, my future kids that I got whammed by a car. Wait- what kind of car?" You quickly tried to recover from saying 'our kids', hoping he didn't notice. He did, however, and completely lost focus, gaping at you. You felt your cheeks inflamed with scarlet humiliation.
"Huh? Oh um, I- I don't know. No pregunté, lo siento." [I didn't ask, sorry] He seemed to be in a trance of some sort, taken off guard.
"Well, that's okay. I just hope it was a cool car. I would rather be able to say 'I got hit by a brand new Corvette' than having to say 'Yeah I got ran over by a Kia soul.' You know?" You ranted awkwardly, truing to lighten the mood.
"Mhm." Was all he hummed in response, still staring off in a daze. You wished you could hide under the sheets until he left. He sat back down in the chair a few feet from the bed and watched you. You felt your stomach churning under his gaze.
"Miguel?" You asked.
"¿Sí?" [Yes?] He looked you in the eyes and you looked into his.
"You didn't answer question number 2." You stated. You wanted to turn your whole body but could only move your head without pain.
There was complete silence for what felt like eternity. You picked at the itchy white sheet over your legs and stared at your fumbling hands. Maybe you had overstepped, but you were sick of you and Miguel tip toeing around the subject of your feelings. He obviously liked you, at least, you hoped he did.
"When they told me you were hurt... I've never been so terrified in my life." He admitted, meeting your eyes once more. You were challenged to match his at first, but you forced yourself to stare back at his red eyes.
Miguel O'Hara terrified. For you no less.
You didn't know what to say. Thank you? I'm fine? You don't have to be here? Nothing seemed right. Before you knew it, words were slipping out of your mouth.
"I'm in love with you." You said then dropped your jaw, turning your red face forward and refusing to look at him. Did you really just say what he thinks you said? Did I really just say what I think I said?
Maybe it was because of his silence. Maybe it was because you wee hoping to admit your love somewhere more romantic. Maybe it was because he hadn't said anything to lead to this response. But you were mortified. You felt tears brimming in your eyes, the cause being a mixture of pain and embarrassment.
"I'm sorry, that just sorta slipped." You glance at him for a moment then quickly look forward again. He's so beautiful.
"Its okay." He immediately regretted saying that. It's okay? What does that even mean? Both of you thought in unison. He wanted to tell you he was in love with you too but while he was trying to think of how to say it, the others came in.
"Hey!! Great to see you awake Y/N, we were just coming to check on you." Jess said, then glanced at the looks on you and Miguel's faces and felt out of place. "Are we- interrupting?"
"No," You managed, not sparing Miguel a glance. Gwen gave you a side hug on your good side and the rest of the team stood at the end of the bed. Miguel shifted uncomfortably in his seat and let a scowl rest on his face. You swear he'd scowl no matter how happy he was,, only now he wasn't happy. He wasn't displeased with you, but with himself.
"We're so glad you're gonna be okay," Miles smiled sweetly.
"Thank you," You wanted desperately to get your mind of Miguel. 'I probably look like shit." You chuckled uneasily.
"You look fine." Miguel musters. You can't help the butterflies that erupt at his statement, much to your dismay.
"So, one question." You chose to ignore Miguel, scared to cry. Everyone looks at you, encouraging you to continue. "What kind of car was it?"
"A Honda civic." Hobie stifled a laugh.
"Damn, I was hoping for something cool." You rolled your eyes. Everyone chuckled but there was a looming tension in the room and they didn't need spider sense to feel it.
"Right well, we should head out. We'll check on you later Y/N," Peter smiled and patted your good leg.
"Sorry you got hurt, we'll be more careful next time!" Miles called on his way out, but you assumed it was more to please Miguel than you. The door shut and without missing a beat Miguel immediately stated,
"I'm in love with you too." You beamed after he said this, look over at him.
"I know this isn't the best time, but come kiss me you moron!" You laughed. He quickly obliged, walking to you and leaning over the bed to press a soft kiss on your lips. The corner of your mouth was cut but you couldn't care less, happy to finally kiss him. He deepened the kiss slightly, but you couldn't do much because if your injuries.
"MY EYES!!! I NEED TO BLEACH MY EYES!!!" Hobie screamed after having walked in on the scene. You laughed into the kiss and pulled away, breathless.
You watched Miguel's face, tracing every detail into memory. You weren't exactly sure where this left you guy's relationship, but you felt an ache in your chest from how happy you were.
You noticed the glimpse of sadness in Miguel eyes and ask him if he's alright. He just holds your hand, looking at your slightly swollen (but still beautiful) face. "For a second I thought I'd lost you, when they came in without you," he paused briefly before whispering, "I can't lose you."
"I'm not going anywhere. A few broken bones and some cuts aren't going to be enough to keep me away from you."
Tags: // @liliummz // @themarvelprince // @misselsbells06 // @american-sataness // @cr0ssoverf4n4tic // @depressednoob // @cerene-ciderr // @leighanne03 // @inluvwithfictionalwomen // @singhfae // @mythixmagic // @itsyourboymicheal // @Ravensinthedaylight //
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sapphicmsmarvel · 7 months
feysand vs spider
a little bit of fluff for this valentines day 💜
thank you for being my valentines for these past seven years and sticking by me during my random ass absences. 💜
You began the nice walk home from Ritas, you and Azriel had gone out to get him laid. Well to hang out but you had an ulterior motive for the evening. You knew there was a shadow trailing you home because you declined Azriel to walk (or fly) you there. You enjoyed the night time breeze. But he wouldn’t let you walk home without something even though he knew you could protect yourself. You were married to the literal rulers of the court, you knew damn well how to protect yourself. 
You got to the house, Feyre and Rhysand left the porchlight on for you. When you got to the door and walked in, you turned to the shadow trailing you. 
“Thank you.” You smiled sweetly and let the shadow twirl around your fingers before it took off to its master. 
You loved those things, they were just so cool. 
You took off your coat and shoes and that’s when you heard it. 
Your mates screamed from the bedroom, and it wasn’t out of pleasure, you quickly ran through the house. 
Can't be Nyx, he’s away at Nesta and Cassians was the first thought that went through your head. At least your son was okay. You would’ve heard if he wasn't by now. 
You barged into the bedroom and found your husband and wife snuggled into bed, well snuggled would be the word you used if they didn’t look so terrified. 
“What is it?” You asked, looking around with your dagger drawn. Yes, you went out to the club with a knife strapped to your thigh, so sue you. 
“Love, do not freak out.” Rhysand babbled, “It’s behind you!”
You spun, brandishing your dagger when all you saw was a blank wall behind the door.
“What?” You spun back around, looking at them with confusion. 
“The spider!” Feyre shouted. 
You turned back around slower in utter confusion (but love and support for your scaredy cat spouses) and that’s when you saw it. 
A tiny, fuzzy black spider that isn’t bigger than a coin. You smiled, “this is it?”
“Don’t mock us.” 
“She’s not mocking us, darling.” Rhysand, ever the sweetheart, began defending you. 
“Oh I am.” You admitted. Then you leaned down and used your hand to pick up the spider. It was very tiny, and yeah it’s a creepy little thing but your spouses were babies. 
“Open the window, Rhys.” He did so without question. Both of them looking at you with eyes wide, full of fear and amazement. 
You tossed the little guy out the window. 
You reached to crawl onto the bed to kiss them, when Feyre shoved you away with her foot. “No! Go wash your hands, heathen!” 
You rolled your eyes but got up nonetheless and went to the en-suite bathroom to wash them. While you were in there you changed from your dress into Rhysands shirt and Feyre’s sleep shorts. 
You came back out to see Rhysand smiling sweetly and Feyre was giving you a scowl. You leaned over and kissed her pouty lips. “I took care of it didn’t I?” 
“I know you well enough to know you were mocking us.” 
“Me? Never.” You gasped. She rolled her eyes but kissed you again. “Now scoot, I wanna go to bed.” 
She scooted over and Rhysand reached over to give you a kiss, “goodnight, love.” 
You fell asleep with all of your arms wrapped around each other, even though you’re going to wake up to someone hitting you in the face in the middle of the night, you couldn’t be happier.
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ambrozjas · 7 months
I feel like two-bit is the kind of guy to be scared of spiders and then he just atarta get mad and freaks out that the spider is there and starts crying because he's mad(I feel like he would cry when hes mad😭🙏🏻)so could you maybe please do two-bit with a fem reader helping him kill the spider or being scared about it with him please
(also I love writing so much and your theme is so cute💗💗)
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“f-fuck—!” two-bit said, drawing out the ‘f’ sound as his eyes widened. he hopped up onto the kitchen counter, knocking over a few bottles in the process as he let out a shrill cry.
you appeared from the hallway, eyes frantic as your head turned in every which way trying to find the threat. “what? what is it?” you screamed. all two-bit did was aggressively point at the floor, to which you squinted at it. and there you saw it. a small black spider. it looked harmless, maybe even cute, really. you bit your cheek to stop yourself from laughing when you heard your boyfriend screeching from on top of the counter for help.
“alright, alright! where are the paper towels?”
“you’ll need a flamethrower for that damn thing! there’s—there’s pro’ly more of ‘em all over this damn house!”
“yeah, ‘cause you don’t clean it, keith.” you snorted, your eyes landing on a small roll of paper towels near the kitchen sink. you sauntered over to them, making sure to go extra slow just to rile him up.
“can’t you go a little faster?! i’m dyin’ here!” he shrieked, extending his hands outwards in an exaggerated motion as his grey eyes widened to the size of saucers.
“are you fuckin’ crying?” you asked as you watched two-bit’s eyes glaze over with a sheen layer of tears.
“just get the damn spider!” he shouted, his voice cracked a bit on the ‘damn’ to which you laughed. all it took was one swift move and you scooped the small arachnid up, clenching it in your hand with the paper towel so it wouldn’t escape.
“y’done bein’ a baby, now?” you tilted your head, your free hand on your hip as you watched two-bit climb off the counter. he cringed at the sight of the paper towel and muttered incoherently as he saw you go to the bathroom to flush the spider down the toilet.
when you came back, you saw two bit pouting on the couch. once you had sat down on the arm of the sofa, you put your hand on his shoulder and asked about his worries. he simply flashed you a cheeky grin, his eyes crinkling at the corners before he asked.
“wanna get me a few more beers, pretty lady?”
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˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ this request was so cute!!! ughhh and youre so sweet thank you sm 💕
kiss kiss ˗ˏˋ꒰ 🍒 ꒱
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sleepingdayaway · 6 months
AAAAAAAH I LOVE YOUR WRITING !!! i saw your requests were open so im wondering if you could do Legend or warriors (whichever you prefer!) with a reader who's extremely afraid of butterflies like they see one and are already halfway across the forest! like immediate sprinting away
The crunching of leaves can be heard all around as the mindless chatter among the group can be heard in the room.
The Chain has allowed themselves to rest after Wild introduced them to the Great Deku Tree. Old man nature welcomed the various heroes and their companion to rest. He is slightly found of the young adult who interacts kindly to the children of the forest.
Speaking of the Koroks, they are currently giggling and flying about as they played with [Name]. They seemed to be playing a simpler version of hide-n-seek. The koroks are giggling behind their hands as they tried to quiet their laughter. [Name] pretends for a moment that they are unable to find, and loudly calls for their name.
Watching them for a moment as he smiles in content before focusing his attention on his inventory. [Name]'s laughter is heard and the following giggling and shrieking of the Koroks being found. Quickly rushing away, desperately trying not to be caught do the koroks move. [Name] laughing loudly; not moving from their spot since they found it too amusing.
The Hero moves his attention towards his pouch, making sure that none of his items are misplaced. Knowing that the young koroks are curious and mean no harm, he's content for the time being. Enjoying the moment of being able to relax and not being hunted down by malice blooded monsters.
A loud shriek is heard as Legend's ears twitch at the sound. A sound that came from the person who he thought was safe. He saw them play with the koroks just a second ago. Without hesitation he stands up from his place and moves his body to the sound.
The sight that greets Legend is comical. [Name] pushing themselves against a tree as they stare at the little creature on a koroks hand. it's giggling as it brings it closer them as they let out a small sound of fear. Legend walks over to see what made them scream, and taking a closer look at the creature is a small butterfly.
The butterfly calmly stands on the hand, and gently flaps it's wings in a calm motion. It's antennae would twitch here and there but it wasn't really moving.
This confuses Legend as he gently grabs [Name] and pulls them away from the tree. But they refuse to move from the spot as they make dead eye contact with the butterfly. "Are you alright? Do you want to move from this place?" He asked but [Name] just shook their head and refused to move an inch. Slowly moving his focus back onto the butterfly as he thought he saw movement. The korok inched closer to them which caused the butterfly to twitch and fly forward.
It was like a chain reaction when that happened.
The korok moves, then the butterfly moves forward. Which then causes [Name] to scream once more and quickly back away, but Legend was still holding onto them. It made the both of them fall onto the ground; both keeping an eye onto the butterfly. Legend blinks before shaking his lover, "Did you seriously react that negatively to a tiny fucking butterfly!?!"
"They just as bad as spiders, Legend!" They shouted back at him with a slight voice crack as the butterfly flies away from them. A harsh sigh escapes from his lips. As he rolled his eyes before grabbing them and dragging them away. The little korok giggling in the background/
Warriors looks down at the map that Twilight lent him. It's a miniature copy of the outside of Twilight's castle town; he asked Warriors for a favor and gave him the map to help him. It was to search for a certain bug that has a unique color that should be easy to spot because of it. Wars had no problem with it, so he agreed to go and look for it.
[Name] found out about his little exploration and decided that they wanted to go with him to keep him company. Warriors didn't mind and readily agreed; silently cheering since he wanted a bit of alone time with them.
Both of them rode together with rented horses from castle town as they neared an area on where the bug was supposed to be. Wars looked up from the map when they heard [Name] shuffled from behind; they gently got off and patted their horse to soothe them. They smiled up at him before speaking, "Just wanted to stretch my legs for a bit since I noticed us slowing down."
Wars returned their smile before sliding off himself, "No worries, we're already in the area on where it should be." [Name] nodded before walking around for a bit and resting underneath a tree. Beside the tree is a cliff that has a group of of flowers near the edge.
Warrior's steps forward and begins searching at the tree and the surrounding area. He remembers Twilight saying that this was an easy way to obtain money since the person who collects these bugs offer a huge sum or rupees. That caught his attention, someone who paid a a lot just for some bugs? Count him in.
[Name] joined in because they wanted to spend time with Wars. Plus have an in depth look at Twilight's Hyrule. They remember the land being big and having space as well as beautiful from their screen. And they were right, the graphics on the game didn't do the actual place justice. Just even exploring castle town itself was a shock! The game showed an always moving place, but actually experiencing it was different.
A small sound of jingle can be heard from which caught the attention of the two them. Wars noticing it because it was something that was told to him that he was near the bug, but [Name] slightly tensed up because they finally realized what that noise meant.
Warriors looked up at the cliff, squinting a bit he noticed that faint sparkle of color. It moved in between the flowers that are near the edge before it showed itself fully and slowly flew down gently near them. He perked up and stayed stilled but kept his focus on it; he wasn't going to scare it away and lose rupees.
Meanwhile [Name] eyed the butterfly as it came closer to them. Fuck, they should've told Warriors before hand. With zero hesitation they crawled away from Wars and the butterfly, and with a safe distance away from them did they sprinted away.
Wars to preoccupied on staying still so he wouldn't startle the golden bug. Before quickly snatching it once it was in reach for him. Grinning widely he turned towards [Name] to show them, but didn't see them near the tree.
Spinning around before he caught a glimpse of their [color] tunic a good feet away from him. "Oh wow! Did you catch it? Cool! Don't come near me with it in your hands" They exclaimed as they eyed his hands with slight fear. Wars staring for a moment before it clicked in his head, "Are you afraid of butterfly, [Name]?"
"Pfft- Whaat! No way I'm just- NO WARS STAY AWAY FROM ME"
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colemorrison · 1 year
Soilder 76, reaper, junkrat, lucio with a spider-man m s/o
Soldier 76 :
He kind of put two and two together at first before you came clean and told him but he literally thought you were the coolest guy he stumbled upon.
He often questions your safety but loves to see you on the news, it makes him feel like he isn’t the only guy being watched.
Hates keeping it a secret, he wants to show off the fact he’s dating someone as cool as you.
Freaks out in his head when he sees you in the suit because he knows how good you look.
Sometimes you’d grab him out of his apartment and swing around the city (he fell 10x more in love with you) was terrified but would do it again in a heartbeat.
You actually help him with his raging fear of spiders even if you hate them too.
Has a secret box of pictures of you around town because he finds it embarrassing he explicitly goes out when you’re saving people.
He admires you for being a hero
Will listen to you about your heroic journey for hours wether you’re upset or happy
“I’m.. spider man”
“yeah I know”
“you know?! What do you mean you know?”
“I mean I know.”
Reaper :
He acts like he isn’t amazed when you tell him
Think’s you’re cooler than all of the people he’s worked with
Will test the strength of your webs on many occasions wether that be in bed or just randomly during the day
Part of him wonders if he could recruit you to Talon while the other half of him wants you to stay a hero
Refuses to swing anywhere with you
Doesn’t want to tell anyone you’re spiderman for your safety and the fact he wants to keep you to himself
Wants to watch you in the suit, he thinks you’re more handsome than anyone else.
“i’m.. spiderman”
“…youre spiderman?”
“huh cool”
Junkrat :
He screamed and shouted accidentally yelling he was dating spiderman but quickly apologised
“I’m datin’ spiderman?”
“Yes and for the love of the gods don’t shout it again.”
whispers shouts ��I’m dating spiderman!!”
Freaks out everytime he sees you on tv or out in the city doing your job
Begs you to wear the suit just so he can remind himself you are spiderman and he is dating you
Wishes he could rant to everyone about how amazing you are but does his best to keep it a secret
Talks about it to himself all the time
You’ll find him muttering things about it when he’s working
“I’m dating spiderman”
“Junkrat scored himself a hero”
Makes upgrades for your suit
BEGS you to take him to swing with you and has a hard time not screaming in excitement when you do take him
Lucio :
Freaks out but in a calm way
His eyes widen and he squeaks but thats it
He immediately runs into your arms and smiles
“I knew you were cooler then everyone else”
Asks you dorky and mildly inappropriate questions
Keeps it a secret but you can find him randomly sketching spiderman on his notebooks
Everytime he finds a spider he has to call and tell you he’s found one of your siblings
Finds small ways to give you musical items to improve your suit
Makes you exclusive tracks that are only for you when you swing around
Won’t ask but does want you to take him with you
Smiles everytime he sees the suit sticking out of your bag or closet
“I love you, you hero”
Says this ^ everytime he sees you on tv
Sorry the last two are super short and this took me forever to get out I was super busy this weekend, thank you for requesting. Enjoy!
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poetpony6890 · 13 days
The twins
When Izzy told Simon she was pregnant, he freaked out. Of course as he always did, he tried to be cool about it, kept himself calm, waited until she went down for a nap, then ran over to Alec’s. Sobbing, panicking.
9 months later, the impending doom took place, and out came two blood covered babes. A girl and a boy. Phoebe and Levi. He watched as Catarina cut their cords, cleaned them, bundled them up, got a cloth for Simon so he could wipe the sticky sweat from Izzys forehead. Finally he got to hold one of them, Phoebe.
As babes do when born, she screamed, sobbed, yearned for her shared womb.
As Simon sat down in the rocking chair, held her in his arms, shushed her softly, her eyes opened. It was the eyes he had been staring into his whole life. The ones he glared at in the mirror, the chestnut glimmered.
“Hi, my baby.” He greeted, her crying subsided, then as she stared back at him, she giggled.
The constant worry he had been feeling for months suddenly cleared it self out in seconds.
Many, Many diapers later, Izzy finally had the chance to go on vacation. Leaving Simon alone with two year olds
Two two year olds. One of which was dealing with an ear infection and the other just plain trouble.
“stop!!” Levi shouts, pushing his twin sister off of him. Causing her to fall and sob dramatically.
“Phebs, if you keep putting your finger in his ear it’s never going to get any better.” Simon states.
“Pffft.” Pheobe blew, passing her empty juice box back to her father, then allowing her self to be picked up.
“Come on, Levi. You can finish your juice box tomorrow.” Simon soothes,grabbing the apple juice and placing it back on the door of the fridge. He then picks up his son and brings them into the bathroom.
“Teeth?” Levi asks, Simon nodded as he ran his Spider-Man toothbrush under the water, then handed it to him. Then his sisters strawberry shortcake one next, handing it to her as well. He then got his own and did the same. He grabbed the watermelon toothpaste and gave both twins a dolop, then his adult toothpaste from the drawer and did his as well. Aiming her toothpaste at her brother, Phoebe was stopped by Simon.
“In your mouth, not on your brother.” He scolded as she plopped it into her gums. Both twins sloppily brushed.
After reading green eggs and ham, the very hungry caterpillar, I love you forever and oh the places you’ll go, Phoebe and Levi were finally slumped out on Simon’s chest.
The thing that had caused Simon to worry the most, was that he wasn’t going to be a good father. No matter how many times his friend and family told him he would be great he never believed it.
He didn’t have a father of his own for very long, he wasn’t sure he knew what to do.
“I love you both.” Simon says as he kisses both twins on their soft foreheads.
“I wuv you too, dada.I no wish other dada, ever.” Levi says as he smiles. Most of that was babble, but Simon got the message, he brushed his hand over his back.His sister wiggled up to play with Simons hair.
“I wanna dragon. I give you to da dragon.” Phoebe declared.
“Oh, alright. I won’t take it personally.” Simon jokes, pulling up the fur blanket to cover them all.
“You should.” Phoebe replies, kissing his forehead before she lays down on his chest for the night.
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yo-yo-yeonkai · 1 year
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Genre: Crack / Fluff
Warning: Kai’s is suggestive! Bugs do die, so don’t read if that makes you uncomfortable. Not proof read!
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Ring…. ring… ring (it’s a phone guyssss)
“Hey sweetheart… what’s up?” He answers your call, and you are quick to explain, maybe a little too quick. “Jun- come home there is a bug in the kitchen, and you know I hate them, and I need you to kill it!” You slurred the words into one big sentence. “Didn’t know you were a rapper sweetheart, slow down and explain again” he suggests with a soft laugh. You take a deep breath and try slow down “THERE IS A BUG! IN THE KITCHEN! COME HOME AND KILL IT!” You pronounce every word, and he hums. “Okay I’ll be home shortly… see you soon my love, don’t freak out” he says then he hangs up after you say goodbye.
You watch the bug like a hawk until Yeonjun gets here. He stands behind you until he spots it, then he leaves and gets something. “Is that hairspray?” You ask and he tosses the can up and catches it swiftly like some type of action movie. “Yeah, I need to demobilise this fucker somehow, it’s fasttttt” he shivers, clearly hating this but pushing through for his claim at coolness.
He slowly approaches the bug and sprays it to hell and back until you are both practically choking on hairspray. He retreats and points at it “you do the rest…”. You shake your head “no, get back in there. You’ve done this much”. He snaps his head towards you with a sassy look “what gender roles are we pushing…. Go kill the bug (Y/N)!”. You laugh and enter the kitchen swinging a pan as you knew found weapon. The second you’d squashed the bug Yeonjun comes up to look at it “EWWWW, I can see it’s guts and blood on the counter”. You chuck the pan in the sink and point at it “you clean up, seeing as I killed it, Mr gender roles”.
You were only trying to mind your business in Soobin’s room whilst he went to the shop when suddenly you came across a bug, it startled you so badly you thought you heard the HEX bug theme tune start playing (you’ll get it if you do, you won’t if you won’t- live with it<3). How were you meant to fight of a bug until Soobin got back, that’s right, hurl abuse at it and hope it gives up. “You wriggly little thing” “gross”, “nobody loves you”, “if you don’t leave, I’ll cut off one of your four too many legs”, “(Y/N), who are you shouting at?”. That last one wasn’t you, it was your knight in shining armour. “SOOBIN! Thank God you are home. There is a bug. Do what you please with it, but please may it not be in here” you ask him, pouting and puppy dog eyes, anything to not be with the bug.
He nods and gets some tissue, to gently pick up the bug and place it outside. Once he returned you hugged him “MY HERO” you cheer, dragging Soobin onto his bed. You both fall down with a giggle, and he hums “I could get used to this. Bugs should enter more often” he jokes, and you release him from your arms. “Don’t say such dastardly things!” You whine. His arms wrap back around you and he kisses your forehead “ah, it’s alright now… I won’t let bugs in. I’ll save you next time as well”.
A deafening scream came from the bedroom as you try to wash you face only next door. What in the world was he up to now? You’d only left him for five seconds. You’d only just started washing your face, soap on you hand. When you entered the room, you saw Beomgyu on top of your set of drawers and pointing at the floor “KILL IT!” He screamed at you, completely giving up on any respect he had for his appearance.
You glance in the direction he was pointing and see a massive spider crawling along the floor. It was probably the size of your head! okay… being dramatic… it wasn’t. But it was big! You jumped up onto the bed, holding your face in your hands “FUCK NO, I’M NOT TAKING THAT THING ON!!! DO YOU WANT ME TO DIE?!” You shout, glancing off the bed to see if it was coming your way. Beomgyu huffs “AS LONG AS YOU TAKE IT TO THE AFTERLIFE WITH YOU!”. He was so quick to give you up… “top ten anime betrayals…” you mutter, rubbing your hands over your face, continuing to wash it the best you could. “NOW IS NOT THE TIME TO WASH YOUR FACE! STOP IT!” He shouts.
You were quick to point accusingly at him “AY, YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO TELL ME WHAT TO DO! YOU’RE ON YOUR PHONE PLAYING WHAT? SUBWAY SURFERS?”. He side eyes you for a split second and goes back to the game “My girlfriend (F, 22), won’t kill a bug for me, am i the asshole?”. It was then that a smart idea sprung onto you as you saw Beomgyu sat on the dresser, with his phone. “Beomgyu, just call Kai…”
“TAE” you shouted from the living room to your unsuspecting boyfriend. When he entered the room and saw you stood on the sofa, he was quick to join you “why are we stood on the sofa?” He says following your eyesight. “Big ass bug. It flys and shit” you whisper to him, almost scared that the bug may hear you and kill you. He hops off the back of the sofa and runs to get something. He comes back in with bug spray and decides that this is the smartest course of action to kill such an intruder. “All I’ve got to do is spray it and it’ll die right?” he asked, and you nod back. He shakes the can a bit then sprays what may he considered as a spritz on the bug, who in return takes of flying in anger.
“MOREEEEE. MOREEEE. IT’LL KILL US IF WE DON’T KILL IT” you shout hopping on Taehyun’s back as he attempts to chase after it. This could be considered as jousting if you had an opponent, oh wait, you do, MR BUG. If you have it your way, that bug will be defeated. Taehyun holds onto your leg with one hand and continues to spray unholy amounts of bug spray on this poor bug, all because it was in your living room. You’re just glad that Taehyun had learnt his lesson after the splash of bug spray, he tried to use, to kill a monster bug.
You were just trying to have a peaceful, lovely evening but no. A spider was roaming the room, invading yours and Kai’s time watching a movie. “KAI, OMG, THE SPIDER IS ON YOUR LEG” you practically scream, launching away from him. He looks down at the spider then back at you “it’s alright, I don’t mind bugs.” You do a double take and then your eyes threaten to bulge out your head “WOW, okay, I hate bugs. You are one brave guy” you giggle, only getting further away when he supposedly holds the spider his his hands. “Really? How much do you hate them?” He chuckles evilly, standing up and walking towards you. “Kai…. Stand back” you mutter, standing up and shuffling backwards as he approaches. “Would you beg for me to not bring this near you?” He questions innocently but continues his pursuit in your direction.
It was then that you realised his true plan, frighten you with the spider, he was going to chase you.
“I’m not a beggar Kai… you know this” you tell him, and he shrugs. “I think it’d be a fun experience to turn you into one though~” he teased, approaching you faster. “STAY BACK WENCH” you shout, running away and sprinting to the bathroom. You can hear him laughing behind the locked door and you think for a second about how you’ll get out of it now you have trapped yourself. “Should I send this spider under the door” he teases. You quickly snap your eyes to the bathroom floor and watch the shadow under the door. “No! Don’t do that…. I’m willing to make a deal if you put it down” you tell him. He nods, though you can’t see and responds, “I’m listening”. “You can join me for a shower?” You offer and Kai agrees in only milliseconds.
Little did you know, he never picked up the spider, nor chase you with the spider, he’d never do such a thing. But this outcome…. That would work.
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kokupuffs · 1 year
hello koku!!!
i saw you were wanting some requests!
may i pls request lee tanjiro with ler giyuu and rengoku? personal hc, they argue over who tanjiro likes best and playfully tickle him to get him to tell them who he likes but he never admits who he prefers since he sees both of them as his older brothers
feel free to decline if you don’t feel inspired. have a great day!🫶🏼💚
Hello! Ofc! And I love your hc! I'm definitely gonna use it for this fic! Also I've never even thought about Giyuu being a ler so this will be interesting :3
Note: freaking LOVE lee Tanjiro
He had just come back from yet another mission when he heard voices off in the distance. He thought that it was probably the other hashira and turned to leave, but as he did, he heard shouts and had to investigate. Upon arriving at the cause of the noise, Tanjiro found Rengoku and Giyuu, who appeared to be having an argument. Tanjiro crouched down behind a bush to see what they were talking about.
'He spends more time with me.'
'that doesn't mean anything..'
'Yes, it does. Come on, you know he likes me more!'
'No he doesn't.' Giyuu responded before then going on to say
'I've known him longer.'
'Are they talking about me?' Tanjiro thought to himself as he continued to watch them he realised that yes, yes they were talking about him. Well fighting over him it seemed like.. Tanjiro wasn't one to have favourites, ofc he liked some people more than others but that doesn't really count. He got up and was about to leave when a voice behind him made him jump.
It was Giyuu's voice. He spun around to look at the two men and said
'Do you need something..?'
'Yes young kamado! We'd like to know who you like better, me or Tomioka?'
'I already told you that I don't know, I like you both the same..' This was true. He really had no idea. He viewed both men equally. However, the others did not think so..
'He denies it every time'
'Well, that won't do, will it now? I guess we'll have to teach him a lesson~'
At first, Tanjiro didn't understand, but when Rengoku wiggled his fingers, a bright smile on his face, Tanjiro took off running. He was fast, but the others were faster, and he was easily captured by Giyuu, who wrapped an arm around his waist as he easily, but gently, pushed Tanjiro to the floor and sat on his arms to prevent him from escaping. Rengoku soon caught up and loomed over Tanjiro with a smirk on his face.
'Young kamado, you do know what happens to liars right?'
'I'm not a liar..'
'So you deny that too, huh? Tomioka you know what to do'
A shriek erupted from tanjiro along with a few giggles as Tomioka pressed down on his upper ribs. He didn't even press down very hard, but it was enough to get Tanjiro giggling. Remgoku then also decided to join in by spidering his fingers up and down his sides, which caused Tanjiro to let out a whine, followed by another stream of giggles while Tanjiro shook his head.
'Tanjiro, you shouldn't have lied to us.' Giyuu wasn't one to tease, but when it came to Tanjiro, he made an exception. Deciding to give up on his ribs, Giyuu gently fluttered his fingers against Tanjiro's neck, causing the latter to scrunch his neck in a way of trying to protect himself.
'Ahahahahaha! Gihihihihihiyu!' 'Rengohohohoku!'
'What's up, Young kamado? Is something funny? You're giggling an awful lot.'
'i- I'm Nahahahahat!' He replied, squealing as Rengoku found a sweet spot on his side.
'Still lying, I see?'
'There's no point in lying now. It will only make your punishment worse,' Giyuu said as he started digging into Tanjiro's hips, smirking slightly as his laughter increased in volume.
'So are you going to tell us what we want, or would you prefer to keep lying?'
Tanjiro couldn't respond, his laughter was almost starting to go silent, and he just begged them with his eyes to stop. For the next 3 minutes, he shrieked, squealed, screamed, and laughed until finally they let him go, and as soon as Giyuu got off of him he curled up into a ball, face slightly red as he sucked in much needed oxygen. (Idkkk what happened to the text here- I'm sorry 😭)
'So?' Rengoku asked, turning his head to a now recovered Tanjiro.
'I still can't decide. I view both of you equally. I like and dislike things about both of you and making a decision is just something that hasn't crossed my mind. So I'd say I like both of you, your like brothers to me I guess..'
I wanted to write more but my motivation has left me..
Hope this was good-
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detentiontrack · 2 months
I did not grow up with cats. I was solidly a dog person. I was never planning on getting a cat until CZ showed up and I fell in love with him. Here are some things I did not know about cats and freaked out about until I learned they were normal cat behaviors (shout out to all my friends with cats that I would panic message whenever my kitty did something unexpected like “IS THIS NORMAL???”)
I knew cats purred, but I did not know how LOUD it was. When CZ got comfortable with me and started purring, I got freaked out thinking he had a breathing problem and was wheezing, until I learned that some cats just sound like little motorcycles.
Cats randomly bite for no reason. CZ bites when I get out of the shower or just for funsies, and I thought he hated me.
Cats like to hide places. He constantly hid under the bed and I thought something was wrong with him.
Cats don’t often pant. For some reason I thought they panted as often as dogs and I thought CZ was constantly going to overheat because he wasn’t doing that
Cats shed like crazy. I thought they didn’t shed like dogs, and I thought CZ had a disease the first summer I had him and his hair started shedding.
Cats are really picky about food. One time I switched cat food brands and he refused to eat, and I thought he was sick and dying. But he ate fine when I bought his old food again.
Cats WILL find a way to entertain themselves even if they have designated cat toys. I learned the hard way that I had to hide my yarn and my rubber bands for bracelets or he would get into them and make a huge mess.
Cats don’t “go to bed” like humans and dogs. I was used to putting dogs in a crate or making them lay on their beds at night to go to sleep. CZ would just stay up all night catting around while I slept.
I didn’t know that cats usually don’t come when their names are called and you can’t teach them obedience like dogs (sit, down, stay, etc). I tried to train him like a dog, and he’s smart enough to know the commands, but he just doesn’t care about doing them.
Cats aren’t as food driven as dogs. He doesn’t like any cat treats, so teaching him tricks is difficult.
Cats don’t care about positive reinforcement in terms of training. No amount of petting and kind words would make him sit or down or do tricks for me.
Cats ATTACK when you touch them certain places. CZ would lay on his back like he wanted me to pet his tummy, but when I did he would bite and scratch and kick me. It is fun for him to trick people like that.
Cats aren’t as owner oriented. The dogs I grew up with (my mom is a professional dog trainer) will hang around you and cling to you, waiting for you to tell them to do something or pay attention to them. CZ would just do his own cat thing and ignore me most of the time, and only occasionally would approach me for cuddles or pets.
Cats will do shit just to see your reaction. CZ will climb up onto the shelf where I keep my pants, wait for me to look at him, and then make eye contact with me and knock all the clothes off the shelf.
Obsessed with eating bugs. Maybe this is just my kitty because he was a homeless feral cat for a year before I found him, but if there’s a spider or something in my room, he will hunt it for hours and then eat it LOUDLY.
Cats will attack anything that moves. Before I cut my hair and it was long, if he was in play mode and I wanted to play with him, I would have to put my hair up or he’d attack it (and usually scratch my face or neck in the process)
Cats are LOUD. The dogs I grew up with were trained not to bark unless it was for a good reason (like if they were a service dog who needed to alert their handler of something) so I wasn’t expecting for CZ to SCREAM meow at me if he ran out of food or if I was gone for too long. He will scream at the top of his kitty lungs if I’m gone for more than 10 minutes without filling up his food bowl.
Cats are dramatic. One time the guy setting up the internet had to come into my room to put something in there, and CZ hid for THREE hours.
Cats will wake you up for no reason. If I’m sleeping in, CZ will bite my toes very hard until I wake up. For no reason other than for funsies.
Cats don’t care about your personal space. I had to move my bed away from the window because he would use my stomach as a launching pad to get to the window to look at my stepdad leaving for work EVERY morning at 5am.
Cats have strange hiding places. CZ likes to wiggle his way into my dresser, and on MANY occasions, has climbed into the washer or dryer and bites and scratches anyone who tries to get him out so they can do laundry.
Cats hold grudges??? My mom and I had to syringe feed him for a while when he was sick and wouldn’t eat, and he gets angry and attacks my mom or hides if she walks into my room with any kind of thing resembling a syringe.
Cats DO NOT like car rides. CZ scream meows and complains every time we take him in the car to go to the vet.
Here’s is the famous Collector Zoloft:
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theodoradevlin · 1 year
Accio Pants
SUMMARY: That's right. Exactly what it sounds like.
In which - Ominis's theory about Accio is finally used on clothes. Inspired by: this beautiful fanart here (preview in the fic for reference- but pls give love to this most delicious work by @yoshitsuno)
Ominis, Theo, and Sebastian find ways to pass the time during a rainy day. Including some Ominis Fluff. Naughty Banter with Sebastian. Theo being a lady in the streets but a freak in the sheets like the Hufflepuff SHE IS.
Lots of banter, with hints of smut (that I may actually expand on later on when i'm feeling more determined), but in the mean time just got carried away with giving them a little banter moment :3 (ERM...esp since I'm working on more angsty one shots, and keep avoiding the hurt with more mindless goodness like the below but anywhooooo)
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It had been a rainy, uneventful, day at Hogwarts that spring afternoon.
Because of the storms happening outside, Theo, Ominis and Sebastian had found most of their usual activities had been cancelled. 
The usual ones…quidditch, beasts class …as well as the other extracurricular types they had been dabbling in recently..i.e hunting down poachers, killing spiders, trolls..fighting goblins... In other words, most of the things that cured them from insufferable boredom. 
So…they certainly had to find some other way to pass the time didn’t they? 
Theo had already been bothering Ominis all day to do something, until he finally convinced her to join him in the library. As much as Theo wanted to attempt to be responsible and catch up on their assignments for Professor Binn’s class, she was finding it near impossible not to nod off. 
They had hunkered down in the corner of the library just adjacent to the spiral staircase, and far away from the librarian - thank Merlin. Theo balanced her heavy head on her hands, casting annoyed looks in Ominis' direction. 
“You know…I don’t have to see you to know you’re not actually doing your work, Theo.” 
Ominis drawled as his hands continued to move along his own texts, not pausing even to scold her.  “Get back to work.” He commanded.
So she grumbled, but tried again…for the next few minutes. Until eventually, she became bored again. 
“Ominis..” She urged in a hush tone, with no reaction from him. She eyed the immediate vicinity for Scribner, and the old librarian was, luckily, still no where near their little corner.
“Ominis..” She hissed again. He had officially gotten into the zone, and was so focused on the way his fingers had trailed over the text that he, again, made no acknowledgment of her insistent pressing.
She rolled her eyes. She swore when Ominis got this focused on a subject, he might as well have been miles away. He had no sense of anything around him, especially his partner who was becoming increasingly unfocused. 
She reached over suddenly, her attacking fingers assailing a ticklish grab at his sides to get his attention.
The blonde’s body jerked in shock, falling against her and letting his book fly right out of his hands. 
His alarmed scream erupted across the room as his text landed with an unceremonious thump. 
Theo stifled a snort of laughter. She had forgotten that Ominis tended to startle easily, when in focus mode. But she hadn’t expect that to fly out of his mouth. 
 His shouts had echoed painfully through the library, with several students turning to look at them. 
He huffed briefly in frozen terror, before sliding a devastating glare towards Theo’s direction.
“People are staring ….aren’t they?” He hissed, as the color rose to his cheek. Theo felt instant remorse at her teasing, her own face flushing in shame. He was more apt in picking up sensitivities, lacking the one sense he didn't have…but he didn’t need it to know what was going on. 
“I do hope you have the decency to at least look ashamed, Devlin.” He hissed at her, knowing she was already feeling the need to make it up to him. 
She picked up his book for him, placing it back in his hand and leaning her head on his shoulder in attempt to get back in his good graces.
“OH. I am so sorry Ominis…I promise I’m very, very ashamed. Picture the absolute definition of shame and that is my face right now…but at least your glorious exclamation saved us all from the threat of falling asleep from the boredom of these assignments…” She teased gently with a more loving tone, attempting to make amends.
The silver haired boy’s face allowed a small smile at her jest, despite himself. He always seemed to have a most annoying soft spot for her, and Sebastian…. And Anne. 
When he was lost in thought, it was often about Anne. So, yes, he let himself get lost in his thoughts a lot, as if it was some pathetic attempt to get back at her. 
And no…he hadn’t cared too much about Binn’s assignment, but Theo had shocked him out of a rather long train of thought he had been lost in about when he might see Anne next. He missed her so much. And even Binn’s assignment couldn’t distract him from that. 
“It is is a rather tedious lesson isn’t it? The assignment?” He lamented finally. 
“Yes it is…” Theo confirmed, wondering curiously where else his mind had went at that moment.
“…But apparently not tedious enough for you to not even hear me trying to get your attention…?” 
Ominis poked her forehead with his finger, effectively throwing her off balance in retaliation. 
He deflected, naturally. 
“You can’t sit still for more than 10 minutes” He scolded. “I swear you’re worse than Sebastian. I’ve had to train myself to ignore you both out of necessity or else I would never get anything done.” 
Despite the jests, they both chuckled at in comfortable, quiet laughter. 
“Where is our dear old boy, by the way? Aren’t you the one that’s supposed to be keeping an eye on him this week, hm?.” 
Ominis said playfully, knowing very well that the reason there had been so much less angst between the three of them lately had been because his two friends were, essentially, banging out that angst every moment they could.
 Everything he knew, he knew against his will…but he had heard the tension in his friends voices, that were only to be replaced by senseless rambling after they had returned from a ‘session’ in the undercroft. He could tell in the way Theo lovingly called Sebastian a fool, or the way that Sebastian said her name... unnecessarily, and often, as if just to hear the sound of it. 
While he could do without the mental images- he was at least happy to no longer be their referee. 
Theo sat up suddenly. 
“Merlin’s Beard - I am such an idiot. I was supposed to meet him in the Undercroft 30 minutes ago.” 
Ominis made an exaggerated sigh. 
“Back to the Undercroft again? What a surprise.” He exclaimed, dryly…really not shocked at all. 
He sighed. “I���m sure in those 30 minutes he was alone, he probably has somehow found himself some other dark artifact to keep himself entertained, while also threatening all of our sanity in the imminent future.” 
Theo laughed nervously as she hastily gathered her books.
“Wouldn’t put it past him actually now that you mention it…he has been particularly infatuated with something called Pandora’s Box lately…?” She said breezily, pressing a quick his to her dear friend’s forehead.
Ominis stuttered. “Devlin! What did you say? Are you …hey..get back here! You BETTER be joking…” 
She just laughed as she called out. 
 “Don’t worry Ominis - like you said... my week to chaperone. I’ll send you an owl later to compare notes before Binn’s class?” 
Ominis grumbled as his friend went. They were going to exhaust him before he even graduated.
Reluctantly, he returned back to his books, but despite his best efforts, distraction never came, and his mind kept going back to that one thought.
That he wished so badly that he could be the one rushing late to meet someone. And that that someone was Anne. 
Instead, they were separated by hundreds of miles, and words left unsaid. 
So…he did all he could do. He turned to the book again for more useless reprieve.
Theo stumbled into the Undercroft to find a particularly annoyed Sebastian waiting for her.
“Forgotten about me already, have you?”  He sulked dully, his arms crossed and full lips pouting. Theo sighed. He could be so dramatic. 
“Sebastian - don’t be greedy. I was studying with Ominis and lost track of time.. I have things to do outside of being summoned here by you, you know.” 
“Well. …” He said, with false affront, “Now I’m definitely starting to feel left out….”
He came up to her suddenly, grabbing and pulling her to him. His mouth lifting at the corner in a way that made her want to kiss it. 
“You’re always welcome to join us...” She murmured as she settled in his embrace. He seemed to raise an eyebrow at that. 
“As much as I love spending time as the three of us…sometimes I want you all to myself.” He leaned forward, giving her a sharp nip on her ear. “Can you blame me?” 
She shivered, but pushed him off of her. 
“You’re incorrigible. Barely here five minutes and you’re already trying to leave more snake bites on me..” She teased him as he crossed his arms proudly. 
“It’s one of my favorite pass times, yes.” He confirmed smugly. 
She drew out her wand then, and he eyed her curiously. 
“I think it’s been making you slightly rusty on your other spell work, Sallow. You’re too…distracted…” She swished her wand, and the next thing he knew she had cast Leviosa and flipped him upside down. 
Despite the disgruntled sound of protest, Sebastian still kept his arms crossed as he glared at her in her hold. 
“You’re enjoying this aren’t you?” He mumbled, his hair askew and robes hanging down around him. She stifled another laugh. 
“Can you blame me? I am the school dueling champion after all…and it seems like that’s a title I won’t have to defend from you anytime soon.” She leaned closer to him, helpless in the hold, giving him a nip on his lips. Despite hanging in midair, he released a small groan. 
“Seems a rather confident claim, Devlin.” He growled, before drawing out his own wand, realizing himself from her cast. 
On his immediate reunion with the ground, his wand whipped out at attempt at Expelso, but not before Theo could beat him to it. 
She shouted as he shifted just slightly at the most inopportune moment. Her spell cast missed his wand, hitting Sebastian’s robes instead.
 Next thing she knew, he was shirtless, and she was holding his robes. 
His face looked up to her in shock, and all she could manage was a very dignified giggle.
She blushed suddenly, as she eyed his bared and muscled (and also gloriously freckled) abdomen. At the blush AND the giggle, he threw a dangerous look in her direction. 
That was it….
“Now, Devlin. Nothing you haven’t seen before…” He chided her lightly, prowling closer to her. 
“…Accio? On clothes? How original.” He continued towards her, knowing full well whose that idea might have been.
“Guess you and Ominis really have been spending time together…” He said as cornered Theo, who was still frozen with his clothes in her hand. He reached her suddenly, using her distraction to back her up against the wall, placing one of his arms above her as he peered down at her. “Remind me to thank him.” He muttered dryly as she let out a small squeak, eyeing the shifting of his muscles as he leaned towards her.
“…You can thank him for both of us.” She muttered as her eyes pointedly dragged down his abdomen. 
His eyebrow raised quizzically again, as his chest continued to rise and fall underneath her gaze, and despite it all, her eyes on him gave him a jolt of electric intensity. 
“Hm. Are you planning on giving those back to me, Devlin?” He asked, as smirk spreading across his lips.
Her blush turned even deeper at that gaze. She knew where that look usually led.
“You know…I don’t know if I will.” She mused, leaning back further from him, robes firmly clasped in her grasp.  She smirked giddily, not totally upset at the fact that she could currently admire a shirtless Sebastian Sallow, like she had many times before. She knew his body was surprisingly fit - his arms and chest toned from all the dueling he had been doing….but she never got tired of looking at it.  And…the smattering of freckles and fuzz that led south was very tempting to fixate on. She forced her eyes upwards to him again, those brown eyes glinting with amusement. 
 He seemed to know the effect he was having on her, with the way he let his trousers hang lower beneath his hips, where the indentations of his muscle directed her attention further to what was beneath them. He rocked his hips against hers, using them to pin her place.
“…Is that so?” He questioned.
“Mhm. You know in fact…I have been learning how to draw together constellations lately….perhaps I can practice on those freckles of yours…with my tongue.” 
Sebastian froze, before his mind reloaded and he managed to huff a laugh.
“Merlin’s Beard. You Hufflepuffs do like to surprise don’t you? You’re mind is becoming dirtier than mine, Devlin. I’ll have to be on the look out for you.”
“What gave that away?” She teased. 
He continued to press towards her, not expecting today’s lesson to be all about the ways Hufflepuffs were apparently horny deviants, but also always loving that she surprised him. And she was his horny deviant. So yes…he was enjoying this game immensely. And he wouldn’t be lying if his thoughts weren’t going down the same damn path hers were.
“Hm. So how do you intend to keep me from my robes, then, Devlin?” He said in warning. 
“Hmmm.. maybe I’ll just try them on for myself. I’ve been told I look good in green…” She pushed him away suddenly as he froze.
In the next second, her own robes dropped to the floor. Sebastian took a step forward, involuntarily, and for a split second, he drank in the site of her delicate body, unable to remove his eyes from it. 
Just as soon as he was loosing himself in it, he found himself even more intrigued by the picture of her slipping on his shirt and his robe. His tie and jacket were clearly too big for her...somehow it was a delicious site to see.
“You’re a devious little thing, you know that?”He smirked, a sly glint in his eye as he moved closer, leaning until he was inches from her lips. 
“Entertain me, Devlin... What must I do to ever get my clothing back?’ He mused sarcastically. 
She watched his muscles shift as he moved towards her, a rise now straining against his trousers - the only article of clothing he still had on. She swallowed. 
“Well… I suppose you could try and take them off of me yourself..” She whispered in delight at his face sparked in interest.
His smiled widened as he took in the sight of her, his eyes taking their time wandering around her body. The idea of being the one to take them back off of her, well…it was definitely something. As much as he enjoyed them on her, he’d enjoy them much more on the floor. 
He smirked right back at her as if accepting her challenge, slowly backing her further and further against the wall. 
”Hm. That shouldn’t be a problem…” He murmured.
She was slowly starting to lose the upper hand at the sight of those eyes, looking at her as if she was a meal and he was starving. 
“You’re quite something when you’re putting me right where you want me.” He murmured, as she allowed him to press her closer to the wall until they were a breath apart, and his hands had found hers again, slowly raising them above her head. 
“Well…”She breathed, raising her eyebrow. “Now you have me cornered, Sallow. You better hope I don’t cast Accio again and confiscate what’s left of your clothes.” She teased, her eyes darting down to his trousers threateningly. 
“That doesn’t sound like quite a bad plan to me.” He brought his lips to her ear and whispered. “Maybe I’ll just go ahead and take them off myself.” He rubbed his hardness against her thigh as if she didn’t know what was begging there for her already. 
The brush of his lips against her ear sent her into overdrive, as she whipped her eyes back to his. She was definitely breathing harder. 
“Mm..maybe I’ll take them off first.” She flicked her want back out, ready to cast the spell. 
He raised a brow at her, and his grin widened to a cocky smile as he almost went to still her hand again with his own. But instead, he lifted both of his hands up in surrender. 
 He glanced back down at her wand.
“Go on, then.”
His encouragement had her pulse fluttering, but she didn’t hesitate. 
In one decisive movement, his trousers and anything underneath them were now marvelously out of the way. 
She looked down and appreciated the gracious, and demanding,  sight.
“Hm. Mr. Sallow…you seem to be lacking in patience today.” She teased with an edge of wanting and curiosity in her voice, her mouth watering at exactly what waited so impatiently. 
He had no shame. He enjoyed her eyes on him as he stood there proudly, taunting her.
“On the contrary, Devlin, you made me wait 30 whole minutes…then proceeded to torture me with your spell casts…so remind me how I haven’t been patient?” His voice replied roughly, his arms still raised as his eyes roaming all down her body. “I’m quite at your mercy.” 
She huffed a small laugh.
“Mercy? Who said I had any of that? Incase you’ve forgotten…I’m still wearing all your robes. And you haven’t done much to try and get them back.” She teased him again, as she leaned forward to nip at his neck, as his arms still remained raised.
“Well..” He smirked, allowing his arms to slowly lower themselves and trail down her arms. He leaned into kiss her, but stopped barely a breadth away from her lips. “You know… I was thinking, why don’t we just forget about the spells for now, and see if there are some other, more fun, ways to get you out of your clothes?
She swore she had to fight back a small gasp at the way he teased her. Instead, she swallowed slowly and tried to remember how to breath. It was hard to do at his nearness. “I…like the way you think..” She said, her voice shaking. His robes were slightly…large on her…and the way she shifted, it suddenly slipped off her shoulders. She let it stay as she watched his lips.
“Oops..” She murmured.
 He smirked and brushed his thumb over her exposed shoulder in a gentle motion. 
“Oh, no. What a tragedy.” He huffed, sarcastically. 
She watched the way his thumb brushed against her skin, leaving goosebumps. She arched into him at the words he whispered alongside her ear. She had been effectively been melting under his touch for quite some time now. His hands were flitting over her abdomen now, his searching touches telling her how much more he wanted.
“Such a tragedy…” She murmured. “ I think the only way to fix the situation would definitely be for you to kiss me. Now. And good.” She gasped, pleading. 
He didn’t’t hesitate. He grabbed her waist, and pulled her against him. His kisses were hungry. As he held her, he brought one of his hands up to cusp her cheek, as if to tell her that he would always give into her, in any moment of weakness or strength. 
His other hand suddenly drifted down, and in the next instant his deft hands had pulled the robe off of her completely, revealing her bare figure to him. She gasped, and he gave her another devious grin, triumphant.
“Oh…look at that. I win…. Looks like you lost your title of dueling champion at last”  He deviously breathed into her lips as she huffed a laugh. 
“Damn you, Sallow.” She dragged him down to the floor then, despite his sounds of protest, showing him exactly what his prize would be. 
Later on, while still laying on the robes they had fought over earlier, they jumped at the sound of footsteps entering the Undercroft - followed by a quite disgruntled exclamation from none other than the third part of their trio: 
“MERLINS Beard. Why does it smell of sex every time I come in here now? You’re both savages…”
Theo begrudgingly noted she now had two things to make up to Ominis for…but at least her boredom was effectively cured for the day.
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illarian-rambling · 3 months
Thanks for the tag @mysticstarlightduck!
Writing Share Tag
Let's get a little MG3 action up in here! Featuring: Mashal being afraid of bugs
As the noise grew to near-unbearable levels, Mashal frowned and dropped his guard. That sounded like… crickets?
With all the bluster and fury of a storm at sea, a wall of hissing black swarmed out of the left passage. Mashal lept back in alarm. It was a cloud of all manner of subterranean vermin. Cave crickets and spiders, rats and snakes. All swimming and clawing their way into the central passage.
Astra yelped as she brushed dozens of swimming spiders off of her jacket, the little arachnids desperate for a perch away from the water. A blitz of gnats swirled over their heads and Mashal swore he caught sight of two rats riding a rotting log like a boat. Only, just then, a far more damning sight caught his attention.
He hadn’t been able to feel the spiders and cockroaches climbing onto him as well. Already, that alone set a shriek to building in his vocal output. It was when he saw a cave cricket wriggle its way into his chest plate that Mashal well and truly began to freak the fuck out.
The man screamed, clawing at his shirt as he tried to get the rest of the bugs off of him. He swore he could feel their needle-prick feet working up and down his arms, under his clothes, inside his chest. Oh gods, there were bugs crawling into him!
“Get it out, get it out!” Mashal flailed wildly as he tried to dance away from the insect swarm. In the corner of his awareness, he could hear Astra shouting for him to calm down, but he could barely hear her over the phantom blood rushing to his head.
Hardly thinking, Mashal ducked his head underwater, hoping it would wash away the bugs clinging to his clothes. When his imagined lungs began to ache, he surfaced with a splash and desperately checked himself for any more of the creepy things.
“Mashal!” Astra shouted. He felt the witch grab a hold of his arms. “Relax, it’s just bugs.”
“It went in my chest plate,” the man gasped, already wiggling out of his shirt and searching for the release switch. “My godsdamned chest plate. In my body!”
“Gods a’mighty,” his friend swore. Her hands found the release for his chest plate more quickly than his ever could have. “Just hold still, love.”
Mashal held as stock still as robotically possible while Astra pried open his chest plate. Images of nasty spiders with all their prickly little legs flashed through his mind, as did the sensation of a thousand pinprick steps running a riot over his insides. Almost, he could remember another time when he’d screamed bloody murder in a silent forest upon finding a centipede in his bedroll. It seemed Sir Darezsho hadn’t been terribly fond of bugs either.
Stay positive. At least you learned something new!
The man squeezed his eyes shut as Astra pulled a spider off his heart rune casing, utterly unperturbed by the unsettling thing. She patted around for anything more, though Mashal did his best not to look. After a very thorough search, the witch pulled his chest casing closed and gave him a pat on the shoulder.
“All clean,” she announced.
Mashal opened his eyes, only to squeeze them shut once more as a cricket hopped out of Astra’s hair.
“I think I maybe don’t like bugs so much,” he said shakily.
I just love badass characters with mundane fears :)
I'll tag @kaylinalexanderbooks @finickyfelix @phoenixradiant @the-golden-comet and anyone else who wants to play!
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i-writes-things · 1 year
I am requesting specifically bc you said it was okay!!! I would DIE for a Wanda or a Natasha x teen sister reader where r just wants to do normal fun teen things but bc Wanda or nat hadn’t done anything like it when they were teens they like freak out over anythinggggg (being 5 mins off curfew or missing one lesson at school automatically means being kidnapped by a villainous organization ofc ofc) idk if that idea makes sense but I have many thoughts and a bad way of saying them so if it doesn’t then please tell me and I can fix it!!!! Love you appreciate you stan you and your works theyre my silly little comfort scenarios ur so important to me n the world OKAY BYE LY
FunDeadly? Detours...
Omg this is so sweet WHAT! Thank you very much! I appreciate you for supporting me! :)
Second addition in the MARVEL EVENT
We started light today. Tomorrow not so much...
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"It's fine, they know where I am at all times anyway."
Joking around down the street with your backpack on you walk towards the arcade. And spend the afternoon there.
"JARVIS! Where is she?"
"Whom are you talking about?" His crackled from above. Like everyone assumes God would talk to them.
"Y/N! She- she said 3:15. That's when she would be home every day. By then I'll be snacking in the kitchen. That's what she said. I remember."
"Miss Y/n is currently at the MorrisHead Arcade."
"You need some back up?" The red head walked in.
"Let's go! Jarvis, where at this place is she?" Her loud footsteps echoed down the hall, mirroring her fast heartbeat.
"In the back, near the concession stand."
"No one takes my little sister." Her red powers flared in her eyes as her and Natasha left to get Y/n back. Little did they know.
Beep boop beep bop boop boop beep
"Hahhahah!" You leaned back, laughing at your friend, who was pointing out an Avengers poster on the wall. The artist had given Steve more nose than face.
"I am so taking a picture." Peter started to pull out his phone and walked over as a guy behind the counter with a yellow and red striped hat, came up with two paper plates and the smell of good pizza.
"Order for Spiderman!" He said, sounding like an ex-surfs up dude.
You took the plates as you heard a girl with the same striped hat yell out for Iron Man's order, which made a group of kids race around you toward the concession.
"Hey Pete, do you think that Wanda and them get paid for all the advertising they get legitimately everywhere." He was giggling at his phone as you shoved his slice of pizza into his hands. You had to talk over all the screams. Little kid screams with pizza in your mouth and cheese not wanting to stop you turn your head toward the front. Peter gave you a look. His spider-sense.
"Wah?" You said.
"Eat your pizza and get ready to save the day." He stood and started to cautiously walk around. Wiping your hand from crusty pizza bits, Peter jumped onto the ceiling. Just his spidy mask on. You froze. You had made it into the spotlight, and it blasted into your dark adjusted eyes.
"Y/n!" You heard her voice the second she said anything.
"Natasha? What's going on?"
"Where the hell have you been?"
"3:15? My ass!" Her voice turned into a shout.
"Put the gun away!" You whisper-yelled at her. "There's kids here, one, and two, what is going on?" You asked astonishingly confused.
"We came to..."
"To...? What?"
"To save you." Wanda finishes.
"Save me? From what? From King Kong? Or the Leap Frog? Or Wreck-It-Ralph? Maybe Mrs. Pac-Man was holding me hostage!" You were so stunned that they acted like everything was literally life or death.
"That's not funny."
"You could have died."
"How? I am 10x stronger than everyone here. Besides Peter."
"Peter's here?"
"Where is that spider monkey?" Natasha muttered, putting her gun away and realizing the laughter and safety of the place.
"Did you ask him yet-"
"Shhh! What are you talking about!"
"Ask Peter what?" Natasha took a step towards you.
"Nothing." You glared at Wanda.
"You want to ask Peter nothing?"
"Yes. Can we go?" You said.
"I want to try the Pac-Man game." She stepped up to it, getting her powers out and at the ready.
"Wands, no. Oh my gosh. This is gonna take forever..."
"Wait but what did you want to ask Peter?"
"Yeah?" Peter's high pitched voice came from the ceiling as she firstly was going to cheer Wanda on but also is wondering about Natasha's question.
"Aaaa! Peter you can't do that!"
"Do what?" He quickly flipped back on the ground, removing his mask and shaking his hair, like a scene from a movie.
"We're cheering Wanda on. Right. Right. Wanda go right. Not- You got it."
"What are you doing here?"
"Get out here now." Moving out of your seat, and having a pretty awkward walk to the hall as Natasha had told you off infront of everyone.
"Take me to Miss Jefferson. I want to know why she marked you absent," She checked her phone. "42 minutes ago."
"What? No. I have math class. I don't want to miss anything. It wasn't Miss J's fault."
"Where were you then. Y/n?"
"That's not a place I've heard of."
"I skipped, okay!"
"You could have died!"
"Not everything I do is going to be an apocalyptic event."
@ravensinthedaylight @may-z3 @youre-a-total--poser @betzabobababi @book-place @scarthefangirl @darkstar225
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sleeplyparks · 6 months
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— ⭒ Family Movie Night!
The slendermansion hosts a movie night, a whole bunch of family feels, banter and chaos happens! : this is not lore accurate, but I heart found family, so this happened.
“I got popcorn!” Lazari shouts over the talk in the living room, walking in with a big bowl of it — she leans over the couch, “what movie we watching?”
Natalie looks towards her, “I say we watch Scream, but—“
“It’s not accurate!” Jeff stresses, “we could watch Friday the Thirteenth instead!”
“And that’s accurate?” Lazari questions, before leaning forward a bit more. “I say we watch Ghostbusters, personally.” Her words are targeted towards — well, Ben: He shoots her a look.
Tim sighs, “we’re not watching ghostbusters, last time we did Sally freaked out.”
Lazari rolls her eyes, going around the couch to sit on it — shoving Ben out of her way to do so. He glares at her, she glares at him. It’s a lovely experience.
“But,” she starts, “is Sally here?”
Natalie moves to snatch up some popcorn from the bowl, “She left to go grab mister Charlie or whatever that fuckers name is.”
“Mister Death.” Jeff corrects without thinking, before stopping. “Wait, no. I don’t know what that stupid animal’s name is.” He coughs awkwardly.
Lazari rolls her eyes, “It’s okay to like tea parties, real men like tea parties.”
“I don’t—“
Footsteps come running down the hallway, a giggle following along. Ben grins, “Speak of the devil.”
“Sally,” Natalie calls from the side of the couch, “you’re an honest girl, right?” She starts — and Lazari holds back a laugh: Jeff looks to the ceiling, he must know where this is going.
She nods quick, “Mhm! The most honest ever ! One time my mama asked me if I ate two cookies, and I said I ate three! ‘Cause I did!”
Nat smiles. “That’s good, Sal. Now— how often does Jeff come to your tea parties?”
“Jeff is the best, ever! The super duper best! He comes when I ask! Which is a lot!” She says— eyes glowing, “one time he even helped me make little mini cakes for it!”
“Does he dress up?” Lazari asks, a suppressed laugh coming forwards— but Tim shoots them a look.
Sally kicks her feet and swings her hands together as she and her stuffed animal — now known as Mr. Death, sit down by the bottom of the couch.
Jeff is not looking at any of them as he speaks, “The kid pulls puppy eyes, what am I supposed to say, no?”
“Duh.” Ben states.
Sally perks up, “Ben? I can please play with your switch later?”
She looks at him. He looks at her.
Ben sighs, it’s fond. “Sure.”
“You guys have zero back bone.” Lazari teases, nearly jumping at the sudden popcorn that was thrown at her by Ben himself— “You bitch!”
“Bitch!” Sally echos.
“Guys!” Tim snaps, “Settle down, Jesus. We do not live in a farm, y’all are acting like animals.”
Lazari blinks, “Y’all? What are you a cowboy?”
She goes quiet at the look he gives her.
“ Thank you , was that hard?” He mutters, sorting through a book of CD’s. “We can watch Goosebumps, Spiderman or Fear Street.”
“Spider-man!” Sally says excitedly, “he’s so cool! He goes like — whoosh ! And beats bad guys!”
Ben nods, “I like when Spider-Man goes Whoosh.” He speaks, amused above all else.
Natalie shrugs, “ I just wann’ watch somethin’.”
Jeff goes to interrupt— but Tim claps his hands together, “Alright, Spider-Man it is.”
“Favouritism.” Jeff whispers, which gets ignored.
The move starts to play: and it’s nice, she thinks— Ben makes his side comments, Natalie and Jeff both point out the plot holes, Sally tries to copy what the hero’s do on screen— looking at the others in the living room, she gets a distant feeling of warmth.
She had never seen a family before, not a healthy one, and fuck they may be the most furthest thing away from being healthy in the slightest: but it was hers. She would clench onto with her blood ridden fingers until it can be tugged away from the fates themselves.
Family , is a thought that comes quietly, maybe that’s what family is about: loyal to a fault even if you’re own family is made out of maniacs.
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hxnryvxcna · 2 years
(This will only be a writing sample of sorts since I've never written for him before. Hope this does him justice. Let me know if I need to change anything! I'm willing to learn how to portray him accurately. ^^)
(Spoilers ahead for Stranger Things Season 4 Episode 1!)
Tick. Tick. Tick. Tick.
Four chimes. Four countdowns. The grandfather clock that decides one's fate. Ensures the end of their suffering. This.....little cheerleader who falsely throws around smiles. Making those around her believe that she was that cheerful "Queen of Hawkins High." That same "sweetheart" that was now at the house of the Town Freak. Munson was it? Doesn't matter. Just another pest that will disappear like the rest. Absolute foolishness to assume that these....drugs will exempt her from what's to come. From what's inevitable.
A mother that worries for reputation rather than her child. A father who turns a blind eye to it all. Exceptional circumstances for an exceptional target. Perfect factors to drive her into a corner, into madness. Using the girl's mother to reiterate her conflicts.....make her remember who she really is......a lost, pitiful child with no one to lean on. Show her how much her father truly "cared" for her. Such a pathetic child. Such "loving" parents.
Slow, agonizing steps down the flight of stairs, calling out the name of the terrified teen. Elongated hand armed with sharp talons. Fleeing past her distressed "father" into the dining room, table filled with bug-infested food. Spiders, flies, mold, all infesting the family-friendly "meal." Horrified beyond the limit, Chrissy flees to a set of doors, hope entering her being and leaving just as fast upon seeing the wooden barricade. Shouts of frustration and desperate cries for help. Perfect.
Stomp. Stomp. A groan. Stomp. Stomp. A silhouette approaches. Tall, lean, humanoid creature of flesh. Patches of wrinkly pale skin, decorated with a neck of slithery, slimy vines. The reigning features......a missing nose and misty eyes. Frightened whimpers emit from the high schooler, her impending death on the horizon.
"Don't cry...Chrissy." Clawed finger wipes a tear. "It's time...for your suffering...to end."
A scream and chilling chorus of snapping bones rings throughout the Munson trailer, indicating the tragic end of Hawkins High School's sweetheart, Chrissy Cunningham.
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