#been waiting for this one
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jungkookiexxx · 4 months ago
241111 - Ateez on TikTok
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theodoradevlin · 2 years ago
Accio Pants
SUMMARY: That's right. Exactly what it sounds like.
In which - Ominis's theory about Accio is finally used on clothes. Inspired by: this beautiful fanart here (preview in the fic for reference- but pls give love to this most delicious work by @yoshitsuno)
Ominis, Theo, and Sebastian find ways to pass the time during a rainy day. Including some Ominis Fluff. Naughty Banter with Sebastian. Theo being a lady in the streets but a freak in the sheets like the Hufflepuff SHE IS.
Lots of banter, with hints of smut (that I may actually expand on later on when i'm feeling more determined), but in the mean time just got carried away with giving them a little banter moment :3 (ERM...esp since I'm working on more angsty one shots, and keep avoiding the hurt with more mindless goodness like the below but anywhooooo)
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It had been a rainy, uneventful, day at Hogwarts that spring afternoon.
Because of the storms happening outside, Theo, Ominis and Sebastian had found most of their usual activities had been cancelled. 
The usual ones…quidditch, beasts class …as well as the other extracurricular types they had been dabbling in recently..i.e hunting down poachers, killing spiders, trolls..fighting goblins... In other words, most of the things that cured them from insufferable boredom. 
So…they certainly had to find some other way to pass the time didn’t they? 
Theo had already been bothering Ominis all day to do something, until he finally convinced her to join him in the library. As much as Theo wanted to attempt to be responsible and catch up on their assignments for Professor Binn’s class, she was finding it near impossible not to nod off. 
They had hunkered down in the corner of the library just adjacent to the spiral staircase, and far away from the librarian - thank Merlin. Theo balanced her heavy head on her hands, casting annoyed looks in Ominis' direction. 
“You know…I don’t have to see you to know you’re not actually doing your work, Theo.” 
Ominis drawled as his hands continued to move along his own texts, not pausing even to scold her.  “Get back to work.” He commanded.
So she grumbled, but tried again…for the next few minutes. Until eventually, she became bored again. 
“Ominis..” She urged in a hush tone, with no reaction from him. She eyed the immediate vicinity for Scribner, and the old librarian was, luckily, still no where near their little corner.
“Ominis..” She hissed again. He had officially gotten into the zone, and was so focused on the way his fingers had trailed over the text that he, again, made no acknowledgment of her insistent pressing.
She rolled her eyes. She swore when Ominis got this focused on a subject, he might as well have been miles away. He had no sense of anything around him, especially his partner who was becoming increasingly unfocused. 
She reached over suddenly, her attacking fingers assailing a ticklish grab at his sides to get his attention.
The blonde’s body jerked in shock, falling against her and letting his book fly right out of his hands. 
His alarmed scream erupted across the room as his text landed with an unceremonious thump. 
Theo stifled a snort of laughter. She had forgotten that Ominis tended to startle easily, when in focus mode. But she hadn’t expect that to fly out of his mouth. 
 His shouts had echoed painfully through the library, with several students turning to look at them. 
He huffed briefly in frozen terror, before sliding a devastating glare towards Theo’s direction.
“People are staring ….aren’t they?” He hissed, as the color rose to his cheek. Theo felt instant remorse at her teasing, her own face flushing in shame. He was more apt in picking up sensitivities, lacking the one sense he didn't have…but he didn’t need it to know what was going on. 
“I do hope you have the decency to at least look ashamed, Devlin.” He hissed at her, knowing she was already feeling the need to make it up to him. 
She picked up his book for him, placing it back in his hand and leaning her head on his shoulder in attempt to get back in his good graces.
“OH. I am so sorry Ominis…I promise I’m very, very ashamed. Picture the absolute definition of shame and that is my face right now…but at least your glorious exclamation saved us all from the threat of falling asleep from the boredom of these assignments…” She teased gently with a more loving tone, attempting to make amends.
The silver haired boy’s face allowed a small smile at her jest, despite himself. He always seemed to have a most annoying soft spot for her, and Sebastian…. And Anne. 
When he was lost in thought, it was often about Anne. So, yes, he let himself get lost in his thoughts a lot, as if it was some pathetic attempt to get back at her. 
And no…he hadn’t cared too much about Binn’s assignment, but Theo had shocked him out of a rather long train of thought he had been lost in about when he might see Anne next. He missed her so much. And even Binn’s assignment couldn’t distract him from that. 
“It is is a rather tedious lesson isn’t it? The assignment?” He lamented finally. 
“Yes it is…” Theo confirmed, wondering curiously where else his mind had went at that moment.
“…But apparently not tedious enough for you to not even hear me trying to get your attention…?” 
Ominis poked her forehead with his finger, effectively throwing her off balance in retaliation. 
He deflected, naturally. 
“You can’t sit still for more than 10 minutes” He scolded. “I swear you’re worse than Sebastian. I’ve had to train myself to ignore you both out of necessity or else I would never get anything done.” 
Despite the jests, they both chuckled at in comfortable, quiet laughter. 
“Where is our dear old boy, by the way? Aren’t you the one that’s supposed to be keeping an eye on him this week, hm?.” 
Ominis said playfully, knowing very well that the reason there had been so much less angst between the three of them lately had been because his two friends were, essentially, banging out that angst every moment they could.
 Everything he knew, he knew against his will…but he had heard the tension in his friends voices, that were only to be replaced by senseless rambling after they had returned from a ‘session’ in the undercroft. He could tell in the way Theo lovingly called Sebastian a fool, or the way that Sebastian said her name... unnecessarily, and often, as if just to hear the sound of it. 
While he could do without the mental images- he was at least happy to no longer be their referee. 
Theo sat up suddenly. 
“Merlin’s Beard - I am such an idiot. I was supposed to meet him in the Undercroft 30 minutes ago.” 
Ominis made an exaggerated sigh. 
“Back to the Undercroft again? What a surprise.” He exclaimed, dryly…really not shocked at all. 
He sighed. “I’m sure in those 30 minutes he was alone, he probably has somehow found himself some other dark artifact to keep himself entertained, while also threatening all of our sanity in the imminent future.” 
Theo laughed nervously as she hastily gathered her books.
“Wouldn’t put it past him actually now that you mention it…he has been particularly infatuated with something called Pandora’s Box lately…?” She said breezily, pressing a quick his to her dear friend’s forehead.
Ominis stuttered. “Devlin! What did you say? Are you …hey..get back here! You BETTER be joking…” 
She just laughed as she called out. 
 “Don’t worry Ominis - like you said... my week to chaperone. I’ll send you an owl later to compare notes before Binn’s class?” 
Ominis grumbled as his friend went. They were going to exhaust him before he even graduated.
Reluctantly, he returned back to his books, but despite his best efforts, distraction never came, and his mind kept going back to that one thought.
That he wished so badly that he could be the one rushing late to meet someone. And that that someone was Anne. 
Instead, they were separated by hundreds of miles, and words left unsaid. 
So…he did all he could do. He turned to the book again for more useless reprieve.
Theo stumbled into the Undercroft to find a particularly annoyed Sebastian waiting for her.
“Forgotten about me already, have you?”  He sulked dully, his arms crossed and full lips pouting. Theo sighed. He could be so dramatic. 
“Sebastian - don’t be greedy. I was studying with Ominis and lost track of time.. I have things to do outside of being summoned here by you, you know.” 
“Well. …” He said, with false affront, “Now I’m definitely starting to feel left out….”
He came up to her suddenly, grabbing and pulling her to him. His mouth lifting at the corner in a way that made her want to kiss it. 
“You’re always welcome to join us...” She murmured as she settled in his embrace. He seemed to raise an eyebrow at that. 
“As much as I love spending time as the three of us…sometimes I want you all to myself.” He leaned forward, giving her a sharp nip on her ear. “Can you blame me?” 
She shivered, but pushed him off of her. 
“You’re incorrigible. Barely here five minutes and you’re already trying to leave more snake bites on me..” She teased him as he crossed his arms proudly. 
“It’s one of my favorite pass times, yes.” He confirmed smugly. 
She drew out her wand then, and he eyed her curiously. 
“I think it’s been making you slightly rusty on your other spell work, Sallow. You’re too…distracted…” She swished her wand, and the next thing he knew she had cast Leviosa and flipped him upside down. 
Despite the disgruntled sound of protest, Sebastian still kept his arms crossed as he glared at her in her hold. 
“You’re enjoying this aren’t you?” He mumbled, his hair askew and robes hanging down around him. She stifled another laugh. 
“Can you blame me? I am the school dueling champion after all…and it seems like that’s a title I won’t have to defend from you anytime soon.” She leaned closer to him, helpless in the hold, giving him a nip on his lips. Despite hanging in midair, he released a small groan. 
“Seems a rather confident claim, Devlin.” He growled, before drawing out his own wand, realizing himself from her cast. 
On his immediate reunion with the ground, his wand whipped out at attempt at Expelso, but not before Theo could beat him to it. 
She shouted as he shifted just slightly at the most inopportune moment. Her spell cast missed his wand, hitting Sebastian’s robes instead.
 Next thing she knew, he was shirtless, and she was holding his robes. 
His face looked up to her in shock, and all she could manage was a very dignified giggle.
She blushed suddenly, as she eyed his bared and muscled (and also gloriously freckled) abdomen. At the blush AND the giggle, he threw a dangerous look in her direction. 
That was it….
“Now, Devlin. Nothing you haven’t seen before…” He chided her lightly, prowling closer to her. 
“…Accio? On clothes? How original.” He continued towards her, knowing full well whose that idea might have been.
“Guess you and Ominis really have been spending time together…” He said as cornered Theo, who was still frozen with his clothes in her hand. He reached her suddenly, using her distraction to back her up against the wall, placing one of his arms above her as he peered down at her. “Remind me to thank him.” He muttered dryly as she let out a small squeak, eyeing the shifting of his muscles as he leaned towards her.
“…You can thank him for both of us.” She muttered as her eyes pointedly dragged down his abdomen. 
His eyebrow raised quizzically again, as his chest continued to rise and fall underneath her gaze, and despite it all, her eyes on him gave him a jolt of electric intensity. 
“Hm. Are you planning on giving those back to me, Devlin?” He asked, as smirk spreading across his lips.
Her blush turned even deeper at that gaze. She knew where that look usually led.
“You know…I don’t know if I will.” She mused, leaning back further from him, robes firmly clasped in her grasp.  She smirked giddily, not totally upset at the fact that she could currently admire a shirtless Sebastian Sallow, like she had many times before. She knew his body was surprisingly fit - his arms and chest toned from all the dueling he had been doing….but she never got tired of looking at it.  And…the smattering of freckles and fuzz that led south was very tempting to fixate on. She forced her eyes upwards to him again, those brown eyes glinting with amusement. 
 He seemed to know the effect he was having on her, with the way he let his trousers hang lower beneath his hips, where the indentations of his muscle directed her attention further to what was beneath them. He rocked his hips against hers, using them to pin her place.
“…Is that so?” He questioned.
“Mhm. You know in fact…I have been learning how to draw together constellations lately….perhaps I can practice on those freckles of yours…with my tongue.” 
Sebastian froze, before his mind reloaded and he managed to huff a laugh.
“Merlin’s Beard. You Hufflepuffs do like to surprise don’t you? You’re mind is becoming dirtier than mine, Devlin. I’ll have to be on the look out for you.”
“What gave that away?” She teased. 
He continued to press towards her, not expecting today’s lesson to be all about the ways Hufflepuffs were apparently horny deviants, but also always loving that she surprised him. And she was his horny deviant. So yes…he was enjoying this game immensely. And he wouldn’t be lying if his thoughts weren’t going down the same damn path hers were.
“Hm. So how do you intend to keep me from my robes, then, Devlin?” He said in warning. 
“Hmmm.. maybe I’ll just try them on for myself. I’ve been told I look good in green…” She pushed him away suddenly as he froze.
In the next second, her own robes dropped to the floor. Sebastian took a step forward, involuntarily, and for a split second, he drank in the site of her delicate body, unable to remove his eyes from it. 
Just as soon as he was loosing himself in it, he found himself even more intrigued by the picture of her slipping on his shirt and his robe. His tie and jacket were clearly too big for her...somehow it was a delicious site to see.
“You’re a devious little thing, you know that?”He smirked, a sly glint in his eye as he moved closer, leaning until he was inches from her lips. 
“Entertain me, Devlin... What must I do to ever get my clothing back?’ He mused sarcastically. 
She watched his muscles shift as he moved towards her, a rise now straining against his trousers - the only article of clothing he still had on. She swallowed. 
“Well… I suppose you could try and take them off of me yourself..” She whispered in delight at his face sparked in interest.
His smiled widened as he took in the sight of her, his eyes taking their time wandering around her body. The idea of being the one to take them back off of her, well…it was definitely something. As much as he enjoyed them on her, he’d enjoy them much more on the floor. 
He smirked right back at her as if accepting her challenge, slowly backing her further and further against the wall. 
”Hm. That shouldn’t be a problem…” He murmured.
She was slowly starting to lose the upper hand at the sight of those eyes, looking at her as if she was a meal and he was starving. 
“You’re quite something when you’re putting me right where you want me.” He murmured, as she allowed him to press her closer to the wall until they were a breath apart, and his hands had found hers again, slowly raising them above her head. 
“Well…”She breathed, raising her eyebrow. “Now you have me cornered, Sallow. You better hope I don’t cast Accio again and confiscate what’s left of your clothes.” She teased, her eyes darting down to his trousers threateningly. 
“That doesn’t sound like quite a bad plan to me.” He brought his lips to her ear and whispered. “Maybe I’ll just go ahead and take them off myself.” He rubbed his hardness against her thigh as if she didn’t know what was begging there for her already. 
The brush of his lips against her ear sent her into overdrive, as she whipped her eyes back to his. She was definitely breathing harder. 
“Mm..maybe I’ll take them off first.” She flicked her want back out, ready to cast the spell. 
He raised a brow at her, and his grin widened to a cocky smile as he almost went to still her hand again with his own. But instead, he lifted both of his hands up in surrender. 
 He glanced back down at her wand.
“Go on, then.”
His encouragement had her pulse fluttering, but she didn’t hesitate. 
In one decisive movement, his trousers and anything underneath them were now marvelously out of the way. 
She looked down and appreciated the gracious, and demanding,  sight.
“Hm. Mr. Sallow…you seem to be lacking in patience today.” She teased with an edge of wanting and curiosity in her voice, her mouth watering at exactly what waited so impatiently. 
He had no shame. He enjoyed her eyes on him as he stood there proudly, taunting her.
“On the contrary, Devlin, you made me wait 30 whole minutes…then proceeded to torture me with your spell casts…so remind me how I haven’t been patient?” His voice replied roughly, his arms still raised as his eyes roaming all down her body. “I’m quite at your mercy.” 
She huffed a small laugh.
“Mercy? Who said I had any of that? Incase you’ve forgotten…I’m still wearing all your robes. And you haven’t done much to try and get them back.” She teased him again, as she leaned forward to nip at his neck, as his arms still remained raised.
“Well..” He smirked, allowing his arms to slowly lower themselves and trail down her arms. He leaned into kiss her, but stopped barely a breadth away from her lips. “You know… I was thinking, why don’t we just forget about the spells for now, and see if there are some other, more fun, ways to get you out of your clothes?
She swore she had to fight back a small gasp at the way he teased her. Instead, she swallowed slowly and tried to remember how to breath. It was hard to do at his nearness. “I…like the way you think..” She said, her voice shaking. His robes were slightly…large on her…and the way she shifted, it suddenly slipped off her shoulders. She let it stay as she watched his lips.
“Oops..” She murmured.
 He smirked and brushed his thumb over her exposed shoulder in a gentle motion. 
“Oh, no. What a tragedy.” He huffed, sarcastically. 
She watched the way his thumb brushed against her skin, leaving goosebumps. She arched into him at the words he whispered alongside her ear. She had been effectively been melting under his touch for quite some time now. His hands were flitting over her abdomen now, his searching touches telling her how much more he wanted.
“Such a tragedy…” She murmured. “ I think the only way to fix the situation would definitely be for you to kiss me. Now. And good.” She gasped, pleading. 
He didn’t’t hesitate. He grabbed her waist, and pulled her against him. His kisses were hungry. As he held her, he brought one of his hands up to cusp her cheek, as if to tell her that he would always give into her, in any moment of weakness or strength. 
His other hand suddenly drifted down, and in the next instant his deft hands had pulled the robe off of her completely, revealing her bare figure to him. She gasped, and he gave her another devious grin, triumphant.
“Oh…look at that. I win…. Looks like you lost your title of dueling champion at last”  He deviously breathed into her lips as she huffed a laugh. 
“Damn you, Sallow.” She dragged him down to the floor then, despite his sounds of protest, showing him exactly what his prize would be. 
Later on, while still laying on the robes they had fought over earlier, they jumped at the sound of footsteps entering the Undercroft - followed by a quite disgruntled exclamation from none other than the third part of their trio: 
“MERLINS Beard. Why does it smell of sex every time I come in here now? You’re both savages…”
Theo begrudgingly noted she now had two things to make up to Ominis for…but at least her boredom was effectively cured for the day.
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artemisandhersilverbow · 3 months ago
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Clearly hyped because the best present I got this holiday was the preorder I forgot I had sent to my parents’ house and was waiting for me this AM!
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bitchlessdino · 1 year ago
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Do you ship...
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im-yn-suckers · 1 year ago
why are u calling niki fine? thats disgusting
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cocopufffss · 2 months ago
thank you adelaide for giving us a jessmaria match to settle the 5-5 h2h
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jobrrr · 11 months ago
It begins
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implixetdawn · 4 months ago
At least we finally have Cocktail Molotov full song if nothing else
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npdlangley · 4 months ago
the depressive episode is here 😏
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filmbyjy · 1 year ago
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chownkie · 1 year ago
You have a wife?
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atinylittlepain · 10 months ago
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one last purchase at the bookstore here before i leave colorado tomorrow :')
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orbitfalls · 1 year ago
Merry Christmas!!! Chapter 3 of East of Eden is out now<333
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midnight-in-paris9 · 1 year ago
So Hart is likely getting indicted, in case this tuesday wasn’t getting any weirder
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kero-verdade · 2 years ago
I'm seeing Past Lives tomorrow yee haw
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