joocomics · 8 months
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I’M PANICKING 🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️
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rebelcaptain4life · 1 year
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crunchy-criss-1 · 11 hours
i can't take it anymore i can't take it anymore i can't take it anymore i can't take it anymore i can't take it anymore i can't take it anymore i can't take it anymore i can't take it anymore i can't take it anymore i can't take it anymore i can't take it anymore i can't take it anymore i can't take it anymore i can't take it anymore i can't take it anymore i can't take it anymore i can't take it anymore i can't take it anymore get out of my head get out of my head get out of my head get out of my head get out of my head get out of my head get out of my head get out of my head get out of my head get out of my head get out of my head get out of my head get out of my head get out of my head get out of my head get out of my head get out of my head get out of my head get out of my head
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another little barn for us all while we Anticipate <3
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nestedfeathers · 7 months
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Huggy and Catnap! there getting along for the sake of their friends... or well. Huggy is at least.
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or... this happens. they always end up fighting
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kyrup · 10 months
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brennan. hey. brennan i
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imnotzuza · 3 months
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deletedelight · 3 months
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bluehairedspidey · 3 months
"boone would hate gannon because he talks too much lol"
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wildmelon · 19 days
oof. it's been a long time since i felt this depressed this many days in a row.
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chilledmac · 1 year
hmm why is the last stage of the dennis system to seperate entirely from the woman but the last stage of the sinned system is to form a closer connection to the man (by asking about his mother, the first person a man forms a bond with)
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rg11 · 4 months
Do u think Karkat and Jade share some sense of loneliness? With both of them not really being able to connect with other people for the first 13 years of their lives because of outsides forces (Being a mutant in Alternia and living in an island alone)
i like to imagine they connect like that, just a small detail. its nice and really depressing, they turned out very differently.
though yes jades isolation is a bit more important (plot wise-ish) than karkats, but its still a very interesting parallel
With both of them not really being able to connect with other people for the first 13 years of their lives
i mean for karkat it was probably a nightmare, not being able to connect with anybody physically for years and just having to deal with yourself and just... with self loathing a part of it? yeah probably really lonely. though karkats life pre-sgrub is a bit more vague than jades, its kind of obvious that he didnt have any physical interactions (other than crabdad) due to the fact that he needed to be protected by well, alternias whole.. everything system. i think about karkats life pre-sgrub a lot, actually
and jade? loneliest girl on earth. she didnt really have anybody (except for her grandpa but .. You know. Dead. taxidermized. or after she was a toddler. i say 2 years old) and she was left on prospit wondering and the only time she was with another person was with a sleeping john in the other tower. and all the prospitians. but that was her main physical interactions (were not using bec because .. Dog. woof bark woof bark)
because of outsides forces (Being a mutant in Alternia and living in an island alone)
and thats the saddest part, it really isnt either of their faults for any form of isolation.
anyways sorry if i got anything incorrect or just kind of got things straight up wrong. its 1:20 am (as im currently re-vising) and i am too tired to correct myself
now i know this is more of a fully canon analysis. but i do want to give my opinions on how it would effect them after the game
using the fact in the credits that they do live together (with d*ve. why am i even censoring his name? because its funny) i think they would prefer to be close to each other. for karkat its more of the fact that i think he still would feel a bit sorry (not in the sense that he didnt feel all that sorry during the game when he was harassing jade, but i mean that the feeling still lingers from time to time) and would try to just stay near her to make sure shes alright
and jade would be near karkat because of the fact of their relationship during the game. i feel like after she did forgive him during the game she did get more curious. like the reactions he had with the passwords. probably just wanting to have someone around that was talking to her for so long and was bothering her while she was still alone, just the concept of someone who was bullying you for maybe.. MONTHS (i.e "CG: HI AGAIN, IDIOT.") (emphasis on again) .. YEARS?? (or on her part) is just.. near you. physically. it brings an awkwardness between them. from how they were isolated and bothering each other and now just... together ??? physically?? it probably is so strange to them . strange to me mostly but it is a strange concept in itself
but i digress this part, i just started rambling about it
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critterofthenight · 2 months
it genuinely vexes me how some people survive 40+ years with literally zero common sense
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kitonmitons · 1 year
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she helps him sleep :)
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artsyannierose · 11 months
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Do you honestly expect me TO ACT OKAY
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brb gonna jump off a cliff and try to retain my sanity 🏃‍♀️💨
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elftwink · 1 year
title: precipice pairing: caleb/fjord tags: fake/pretend relationship, costume parties & masquerades, implied sexual content, slow burn, not exactly canon compliant but canon adjacent, containing vague allusions to canon with no specific timeframe or setting word count: 46, 533 summary:
“So is this… worth attempting? Pretending we were invited inside and trying to sneak off to find the artifact? Especially since only one person can go inside.” “Two,” corrects Caduceus. “No plus ones,” says Nott. “Except in the case of spouses,” says Caduceus, “If you’re married, the invitation admits two.” “Caduceus!” Jester gives an overdramatic scandalized gasp. “Are you suggesting we lie about our martial status?” “I’m not suggesting anything. I’m pointing out the wording of the invitation.”
[read on ao3]
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