Rambling Thoughts of A Stoner Witch
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the-high-gemini · 3 years ago
Thoughts on Anaximander's Apiron. 
Everything is born of nothing. Born of the void. We come from nothing and return to nothing. Every thing happens in balance and in accordance to universal law. No life without death. No ending without a beginning.
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the-high-gemini · 4 years ago
I want Alice's Adventures in Wonderland but filmed like Romeo & Juliet a la Leo & Clara circa 1996.
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the-high-gemini · 4 years ago
One day I'll be able to get this damned thought written down some what intelligently.
It feels like I've started a thousand times. It's said that if you can't explain it plainly, you don't really understand it. And perhaps I don't.
It's still only a partially formed thought. Shifting, changing, shimmering in and out of existence. It swirls and reforms with ever piece of new information.
One day, I'll be able to write it down.
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the-high-gemini · 4 years ago
Mother Moon,
Mother Moon,
Full of beauty and grace,
Help me, please,
Put my life into place
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the-high-gemini · 4 years ago
And tonight is brought to you by "Oh Fuck, I Have Surgery Tomorrow"™, a subsidiary of The Anxiety Group. Go ahead and tell them what they've won!
Well Brain, how about some randomly clean surfaces?! And I don't just mean clean, I mean obsessively spick and span! So far she's completed the kitchen counters, the coffee table and one end table. Just 1 more surface and she'll have them all!
Can she do it? Tune in next time to Crippling Anxiety, a game that'll have you going out of your mind!
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the-high-gemini · 4 years ago
There's a creature somewhere. She lurks the dark corners looking for the loathsome, untrustworthy, and (). Her dark red lips, inviting. The brillant colour entices; it draws her prize in close. They never know what's coming. When she leaves, she takes the bottle of cologne from his nightstand dresser.
In her lavish home is a beautiful vanity. It houses many bottles of scents. Dark musks. Sweet perfumes. Each bottle unique unto itself.
Each bottle labeled with nothing more than a name and a date.
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the-high-gemini · 4 years ago
My obsessive need to be the best, even if it's at being the worse, is a serious character flaw. I always have to have an answer or a solution or a "wise" word. It's arrogant. I mean well but it's ludicrous to think I can solve anything and everything, by myself, at the drop of a hat.
Truely a description of the insanity.
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the-high-gemini · 4 years ago
Regarding Meditation. I think one should look at it as an exercise in mindful thought, rather than an emptying of the brain. To sit and mindfully and review thoughts or to lay outside and listen to the breeze is to meditate. A brain is never truely quiet.
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the-high-gemini · 4 years ago
Anything here that sounds like philosophy is by no means original thoughts. While the words are mine, the concepts come from those much more qualified. This blog allows me space to pull thoughts apart, learn how they work, and put them back together. It gives me a canvas to blend schools of thought, like so many colours of paint, into a whole picture. It serves as a repository of lessons that can be gone back to for reminders and reinforcement.
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the-high-gemini · 4 years ago
In the moments between stimulus and reaction the possibilities are absolutely infinite. All reactions could happen. Regardless of how minute the chance is, there is still a chance. I think in those moments, when only the cat knows, is where true magic happens.
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the-high-gemini · 4 years ago
Do you remember that night?
That night we walked home.
It was cold.
I wore your coat.
We stole in to the dark.
The dark of the car lot.
And we danced
Like Fools in the moonlight.
We were fools all along.
Fooling each other
And fooling ourselves.
Prending like forever was meant to be.
We were fools, you and me.
Do you remember the times,
The times we'd slip away?
Steal a moment.
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the-high-gemini · 4 years ago
The peaceful patter of the occasional drop is the only sound to disturb the otherwise silent night. A deep fog sits heavy over the neighborhood, the surrounding houses hardly visible. It presses heavy, condensing the world and giving the impression of being in a small box with a lid. It's what I've always imagined a vacant sound stage would feel like. There is a quality of unreality in the air. Like anything could happen. Not in an endless possibilities way, but in a wild and unscripted way.
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the-high-gemini · 4 years ago
I will forever be awed
By the peace found
In the silence
Between the moments
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the-high-gemini · 4 years ago
We all die. We all disappear back in to the whole, with nothing. Nothing of what we've collected and sat upon like great, greedy dragons. Whether that horde is of money or prestige, it will still be left behind.
If we know that to be true, what is the point in extravagant desires? Should we not live our lives simply instead? We should strive for enough to be happy and well. Enough that we can be secure and happy. While it is a subjective goal, it's one that should be considered when traveling through life.
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the-high-gemini · 4 years ago
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I like to have white or ambient noise playing while I study, so I thought I’d share a list of my favourite websites in case anyone else was interested.
Rainymood - Allows you to play rain, with suggestions of ambient music to play at the same time. Has an iOS and Android app, my personal favourite.
Calm - A visually beautiful website. Provides moving backgrounds and an option for guided calm which allows you to immerse yourself in the music and to relax. Has a free app for iPhone. Another one of my favourites.
Showertime - The experience of taking a shower without the water. Allows you to control features such as length of shower, size of room, water pressure, etc.
Coffitivity - The background noise of a coffee shop. Allows you to choose between different locations such as lunchtime lounge, morning murmur  etc. Has an app for iOS and Android as well as a desktop app for OS X.
Soundrown - A website with a sleek minimalist design, allows you to choose between rain, coffee shop, ocean, fire, bird noises, or a combination of the five.
Relaxing Snow - Visually beautiful falling snow, the website gives you the opinion to play music with the scenery, or to choose your own.
Raining.Fm - This website gives you the ability to adjust the rain to exactly how you’d like it, with options to tweak thunder, rain and storm noises. Has an app for iOS and Android, as well as a timer and snooze option.
Rain For Me - Simple rain effects with the option to download the audio files for offline listening.
Snowy Mood - Inspired by Rainy Mood, this website really makes you feel like it’s winter. Perfect for playing while snuggled up in a warm bed.
Rainy Cafe - Combines the sounds of a bustling cafe setting with the sounds of drizzling rain. Allows you to select the volume of each setting, or turn one off completely.
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the-high-gemini · 4 years ago
Pain is a sensation. I will not be ruled by it.
To allow a sensation, a feeling to control me is to be an animal.
I am a logical being. I am in control of my perceptions and reactions to stimuli.
I will not allow my body to dictate to my higher mind what can and cannot be done.
I have persevered though much worse.
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the-high-gemini · 4 years ago
When conversing, you do not need to answer immediately.
A quick reply is rarely a complete thought.
Take time to formulate your answers.
Be thoughtful and be impeccable with your words.
Not every silence must be filed.
You do not have to have all the answers.
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