#Human Existence
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dzjadzja · 1 day ago
This is reality, only say "sleeping" instead of "teleporting".
Like, I'm not trying to alarm anyone, but we are all the Ship of Theseus. Not just physically, in the sense that our cells die and are replaced, but mentally as well. We cast off old beliefs and habits and form new ones instead. We forget things that happened to us, or remember them differently than they actually happened. And sleep is kind of the hard reset for that. Every day we wake up as a slightly different person.
had a nightmare that i lived in a futuristic scifi city where teleportation had become the norm and replaced all other forms of transportation and one day i suddenly became aware that teleportation kills people and just creates a clone of them that thinks it's the same person and that if i ever teleported again i would die, and that every time one of my friends or family teleports they die, that i'm not even the original me, that all newborn babies live a few hours at most, until their first teleportation. but no one would believe me and treated me like i was crazy and my life was almost impossible without teleportation because there were no more roads connecting cities and all stairs and elevators had been removed so i couldnt get to my job or the grocery store or do pretty much anything. in the end i had to gaslight myself into just pretending the people around me weren't dying and the copies were really them because after all it's stupid to mourn someone standing right next to you isn't it? if you only spend a few hours with each iteration what meaning does it have?
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argonautsoul · 2 months ago
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b0bthebuilder35 · 9 months ago
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ofruinsandmyth · 1 month ago
A myth is a way of making sense in a senseless world. Myths are narrative patterns that give significance to our existence.
— Rollo May
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eialectric · 9 months ago
irl me (aka tired med school student) works in clinical neurology and i began working with an ALS case today which COULD be an “the galaxy is endless (i thought we were too)” reference but really it’s just the ever present reminder of the fragility of human existence
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aoloieruarchive · 3 months ago
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Mother, 2020
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As far as we can discern, the sole purpose of human existence is to kindle a light in the darkness of mere being.
Carl Jung
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"We privileged few, who won the lottery of birth against all odds, how dare we whine at our inevitable return to that prior state from which the vast majority have never stirred?" -- Richard Dawkins
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papillondusublime · 1 month ago
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13 haïkus (dans le même ordre que les photos auxquelles ils correspondent):
1) L’Homme est l’animal Qui raisonne? Non, résonne… Vents, portez ma voix!
2) Le vent carnassier Mord mes os, chasseur sans tir… Trop froid pour sentir
3) La nage? Interdite… Je nage à contre-courant Dans le bleu du ciel
4) L’humain graffe ponts… Et les canards, de leurs pattes, L’onde frémissante
5) Décornant les bœufs, Souffleuse d’idées blancs d’œufs… Il vente, il s’en vante
6) Les arbres se penchent Sur le banc des tourtereaux… Qu’un vent chasse au Sud
7) Le ciel, aux nuages Pelletés par en avant… Dégage un futur
8) Bichon havanais, Antithèse des snowbirds… Bitch on, have an eh!
9) La laine, l’haleine… Le lac enfile pelures, La brise filant
10) T’as des caries? Price… Peaux de lièvre, poils de lièvre, Tombez, dents, Poilievre!
11) Sur la neige, colle De bottes, substance blanche… J’vais névroglisser
12) Les joies de l’hiver : Remplacer bancs de poissons… Par un banc de neige
13) Je perds du poids, perds La tête par guillotine… Ouste, Ancien Régime!
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mirrorworld12 · 2 months ago
Love becomes useless until one decides to hold it in front of him like a book . It is read thoroughly , slowly like the words or verses that can change one's soul . People touch it and look for magic . They want to float without leaving the earth. Till the time they understand that shackles aren't the heart of others but their own self , it is gone . The source went missing with no loose ends. The more they hold the harder it slips away . They become a vessel , a never ending way , the ultimate hunger that has no end . Love becomes something that needs to be caught . Lovers become more of a sensory feed ,like animals they chew till it ends for all of them .
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marydarkblacknoir · 1 year ago
The mystery of human existence lies not in just staying alive, but in finding something to live for.
Fyodor Dostoyevsky, The Brothers Karamazov
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argonautsoul · 2 months ago
When does life begin?
– At birth or conception?
Scientist have studied the sperm and egg at conception. Guess what happens?
A burst of immense light. A kind of mini “Big Bang.”
This makes me think that the Big Bang Theory applies to life and not how the universe was created.
“Human life begins in bright flash of light as a sperm meets an egg,[...] An explosion of tiny sparks erupts from the egg at the exact moment of conception.”
And what's even more incredible is the fact that some eggs burn brighter than others, which is a direct indication of their ability to develop into a healthy embryo, a team from Northwestern University found.
Well, LIFE is life doesn't go or come. It's the soul (vibrating energy field/awareness energy field/spirit) or whatever you call it.
When does it decide to take the plunge and descend to a low density physical realm by choosing a dharma (purpose/life path) or start to project onto a human form/vessel/avatar is the question, I suppose.
A simple explanation can be:
Energy beings ›››› Emotional/Mental Beings ››››› Physical beings at birth
Physical beings ›››› Mental/Emotional beings ›››› Energy beings at death
You do not have a life. You are infinite and eternal LIFE having a temporary experience in time and space.
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artbynestor · 5 months ago
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"Shared Illusion" by Nestor
This striking pencil drawing portrays humanoids intricately connected with numerous cables and machines, illustrating a shared illusion of reality. Ships sink into a swirling vortex, while a landscape featuring pyramids and crystals looms in the background. The artwork serves as a critique of technological dependence and invites viewers to reflect on the complexities of human existence and perception.
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#Humanoids, #TechnologicalDependence, #SharedIllusion, #Reality, #IntricateConnections, #PencilDrawing, #SurrealArt, #ConceptualArt, #ArtByNestor
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ahb-writes · 7 months ago
"I do exist, don't I? It often feels as if I'm not here, that I'm a figment of my own imagination."
(Eleanor Oliphant is Completely Fine by Gail Honeyman)
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sovengardeswag · 2 years ago
You know what’s wild to consider?
That I as a modern person, who has an understanding of electricity and electron exchange, probably experience static shock in the exact same way people of the past did. Cause what the fuck am I gonna do about it?
Some medieval seamstress probably got static shock from her wool thread, didn’t know why it happened, but it didn’t really matter, cause what the devil was she gonna do about her string biting her?
That’s just kinda beautiful in a stupid way
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oracleportal · 9 months ago
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On Creativity.
Imagination, Doubt, Purpose.
Not everyone is going to resonate with what you have to create but it doesn’t matter. What you’re creating isn’t for the ones who aren’t attracted to it - it’s for the ones who are. You have no business comparing yourself to other people and what anyone else thinks of you is also none of your business. Your business is about being yourself as fully as you can - that’s your purpose in life. If you’re not willing to be yourself, all the people that would be attracted to and inspired by what you have to give are being deprived of your gift. Why hold yourself back from people that are looking for you and your creations? You might be keeping your gift away from people who might need to see it. Relax into what you are inspired to create with no insistence on the outcome. You would not be where you are, you would not have the gift you have, if there wasn’t someone who needed to receive it. 
The fact that you have something to give defines the reality that there must, by definition, be someone in reality who needs to receive it or you wouldn’t be excited by it, you would be excited by something else. Don’t hold back the gift that you are. Someone is waiting to receive it. Don’t make them wait. When you don’t make them wait, you won’t be waiting to be yourself. Channel more of yourself. Stop arguing with creation about your value. If you weren’t valuable, you wouldn’t even exist.
Haux, haux. 🪶
Inspired by the principles of Bashar.
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