#How To Find Freemason Members
The Grand Lodge of Massachusetts welcomes those qualified men who are interested in the possibility of joining our ranks — to become a member of a Fraternity whose members and principles have shaped our country and our history. Men age 18 and older who believe in a Supreme Being and meet the qualifications and standards for membership are eligible to petition a Lodge. We welcome men of every…
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women-of-malevolent · 3 months
All references to women in Part 29 - The Train
I hate John and Arthur's ~quirky~ new dynamic here /queasy
below the cut: a departure from my usual style, a long rant about the shift in tone from season to season
John is stuck inside Arthur's body and clearly feeling trapped in there. Arthur keeps dismissing John as yammering and nagging, John keeps mocking Arthur's happiness and relaxation. Finally we get to the root of whatever this argument is: John wants to see a film, he can't take himself to, and Arthur won't take him. Which. That sucks. You're the asshole, Arthur. John can't take himself, and he was just tortured for a thousand years and then helped you kill Uncle even though he really didn't want to. Jesus christ arthur pisses me off this season and I hate the quirky music trying to convince me his shit is cute :/
John is also gross here, mocking Arthur for eating, which is uncomfortably vicious. Arthur is really skinny, this comes up a lot, and he has a lot of trauma around food. In addition to the constant little jabs and corrections...
I think it's uncomfortable and bummery for John, a trying-to-do-good fragment of King In Yellow, be reduced to a petulant nag at this point in the story. Why now? Why does John now need to be taken down a peg, after being tortured for a thousand years by KIY and Kayne and then being made complicit in murder with Arthur? This sucks!
It's so sad, this line where he's like, "After all we've been through, you treat me like a passenger! I feel degraded and hurt!" And the music is like, silly and quirky, and Arthur is harried and ignoring John and talking to all the other people he's encountering in the world. HUMOR! Literally, who in the audience wanted this??? (no one did, this scene exists to shake off the dirty jarthur shippers who really liked when these two guys talked about love and finding each other in hell a couple episodes ago. This is a PLATONIC story, and platonic love means treating your friends like they're annoying nags for begging you to take them to a movie, something they can't do without you) (to spell it out I think canon!jarthur is not queerplatonic. It's not romantic. It's not anything; it's just here, every week, because that way there's a show. Arthur treats John like he's an annoying burden, and John is literally trapped inside of Arthur.)
I thought the weird John stuff was going to lead to a commentary or themes about misogyny. Like I thought they were intentionally (dysfunctional) husband and wife coded here and structural misogyny as a product of inertia, very real survival and safety concerns, and individual human fallibility was going to be explored. Now I doubt it
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Arthur asks John if he's allowed to talk openly in the traincar. John says there's a woman who's been here the whole time, listening, and she looks offended. It's me I'm the woman (jk no I'm the cackling harpy they released in Part 38)
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Just a random thought. I wonder how easy or hard it would be for a woman (or trans man, or enby) to get into the Freemasons 🤔 or any other all-male group, when they have to be invited and indoctrinated in. I think it'd probably be very hard. Like it was designed to make it impossible.
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Hey but yknow it's okay Arthur can get inside, he does know a member! "Faroe's mother. Err, Bella. Her father was a Freemason."
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Arthur tells Percival, a stranger he meets on the train, a story to calm Percival's nerves. A man named Mat Rullen trudges through the wilderness of the frozen North, at the mercy of a disregarding universe. His mother had died, his wife had died, the men he loved had died. He was working towards something... and it's revealed to be a cabin, one he'd shared with a friend years back. And the friend is there! The fire is warm. His friend asks, why are you here? Mat says, he killed a man, so he needed to leave. Charlie tells him, he can't stay, Charlie is here with a woman. Mat pleads with Charlie, but Charlie says no, Mat must leave. The end (he's interrupted and can't continue)
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Eughhhhhhh ew John gets excited about having daring chases, and Arthur says "Well, you are my eyes, best be training them to think like me." He's not Arthur's eyes, he's John, and he's providing Arthur with exhausting accessibility labor that Arthur relies on.
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sovaghoul · 8 months
This is the history of Wicca as I have learned it from my Gardnerian Elders. I’m including this in a Wicca 101 series, because I feel that knowing where your beliefs and pratices come from is important.
🔮 Beginnings in England
Gerald Brosseau Gardner, a British civil servant, claimed that at some time in the 1930s, he came upon a Witchcraft Family Tradition (or FamTrad) practicing in the New Forest area of England. He was later granted admittance to this Coven, having proved to the High Priestess’ satisfaction that he had “Witch Blood,” that a blood ancestor of his was a Witch of some kind or another (he did not claim a direct, unbroken lineage of parent-to-child teachings of Witchcraft from this ancestor, however, simply that this ancestor existed and was a Witch). This was necessary because, at that time, Witchcraft was not only illegal in England, but also closed off to those not “of the Blood.”
As time passed, Gardner saw his Covenmates growing older, and their children uninterested in taking up the practices. He didn’t want to see these beliefs die out, so with permission from his High Priestess, he began to write fiction inspired by his beliefs and experiences (“High Magick’s Aid” and “A Goddess Arrives”).
In order to teach others, though, Gardner needed a different way to say what his path taught; as was a requirement of his Coven, he had taken an Oath not to reveal certain specifics of the Coven’s practices. Additionally, Gardner also said he did not receive complete materials, being that much of the FamTrad was oral and performed by rote and from memory, as opposed to being written down. As such, parts of it were, unfortunately, naturally lost over time. So, passing down his learnings as they stood would have been impossible at worst, and impractical at best.
But how to avoid breaking his Oaths and still teach the Witchcraft he knew? First, Gardner again obtained permission from his High Priestess to move forward with this endeavor, and then he set about finding new ways and words to express the same ideas. He did this by reading the works of other Occultists (and in some cases, joining other Occult orders, such as the Freemasons and the Order of the Golden Dawn), researching cultural anthropology and other related subjects, drawing from his many travels to India and Malaysia, and reading poetry, especially that of Rudyard Kipling. In short, he started constructing new Lesser Mysteries.
(An aside, Gardner always called the religion “Witchcraft” or "the Witch-cult" in his writings, never using the word “Wicca.” Additionally, he called the practitioners, “the Wica” (yes, one C) or simply “Witches.”)
When the British anti-Witchcraft laws were finally repealed in 1951 and replaced with the Fraudulent Mediums Act, he published non-fiction books on the subject (“The Meaning of Witchcraft” and “Witchcraft Today”). He used these books as a way to get the word out, to attract the right sorts of people to him so that they could become his students.
Gardner may also have based what are now the Gardnerian Tradition’s rituals on what he’d already been practicing, but unless a very unethical member of his FamTrad comes forward, we won’t know exactly (and if we think about it, we couldn’t trust that information anyway, because they have already proved themselves a liar, either by passing off a fabrication as truth, or by breaking their Oath). However, I do feel safe in saying that his intention was retain the same feel, evoke the same emotions and experiences, and impart the lessons in similar fashion as his FamTrad, and that he would not have began teaching what we now know as Wicca unless he felt his work had in fact achieved those aims.
With these changes to rituals, wording, etc., Gardner was able to begin teaching non-hereditary seekers, and his body of works eventually became known as the Gardnerian Tradition of Wicca. Others he worked with added more information and writings, and this Tradition has in turn inspired other Traditions, and become the foundation of all of modern Wicca as it is known today, as well as influencing other forms of modern Paganism. After a decade or so, Gardner’s Witchcraft made it’s way to America, through Raymond and Rosemary Buckland, who came to New York in the early 1960s and began teaching and Initiating Americans into Wicca.
(Another aside, the term “Gardnerian” came from other English Witches who disapproved of this venture, and was meant to be insulting or derogatory. Over time, it has become accepted as a way to distinguish between what Gardner put forth and those other, perhaps older, practices, now often referred to as Traditional Initiatory Witchcraft, or TIW. It reminds me a lot of the debate between using Wicca or Neo-Wicca that was addressed before, but I digress.)
🔮 Progression in America
Gardner set out certain rules for this path, but there has been much deviation in the last decades. This is due, in part, to a group that formed in 1970, who called themselves The Pagan Way. There was much excitement around these teachings, but at the time, Covens were even harder to find and contact than today, especially in the United States. Additionally, interest was so great that Covens couldn't accommodate it all, and new ones couldn't form fast enough. The Pagan Way put together an introductory packet of sorts, with limited Outer Court (as opposed to the “Inner Court” of Coven Initiates) information, as a sort of “teaser” to give people a way to practice “in the mean time” until they could be Initiated into a Coven. It was not a complete system in the same way Traditions are, nor did it contain Oathbound information.
Somehow, either this intention was misunderstood, or some in the general populace disregarded it, and the Pagan Way materials began to be treated as a complete religious system. Authors and publishers ran with it, and the idea of Solitary Wicca was born. This also, in fact, led to the necessity of Eclecticism, since the system these Solitary Practitioners were using was missing key elements, and they needed supplementary material to fill in the gaps.
The first popular book to espouse the idea that one didn't need a Coven to practice Wicca, was "Wicca: A Guide for the Solitary Practitioner" by Scott Cunningham, first published in 1988. To be clear, Cunningham was never an Initiate of any Wiccan Tradition (the only way to be considered Wiccan at the time), but he did similar work as The Pagan Way, putting forth a way to practice without such an Initiation. The difference being, his work was intended as a complete system, rather than a place-holder for later study with a Coven.
Over the last near-century, other Traditions have formed, as was alluded to previously. There are also a large number of Solitary, often Eclectic, "un-affliated" Wiccans, practicing on their own, or perhaps with a small group of friends, and/or sometimes attending open public rituals. Traditions do still thrive, proving the point that there is no one set of Lesser Mysteries that is correct for everyone.
So, as to the debate about Wicca’s age, it depends on if one defines a religion by its beliefs, or its practices. If one means the forms practiced today, then no, Wicca is not ancient, it has only existed since about the 1950s, with the perhaps more prolific Eclectic forms being even more recent. But if one means Witchcraft, and the beliefs our modern practices are built around, then those reach back to time immemorial.
Next post: Ethics
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nekoewen · 1 year
Comedy Fiction Podcasts!
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Lately I’ve been stressed about finding a new job, which has led me to stop listening to a lot of my usual podcasts (and maybe I should rethink what I listen to??? 🤷‍♂️), so I’ve been on a comedy fiction podcast kick. 
Two Flat Earthers Kidnap a Freemason is about the thing in the title, and a funny and well-made story about conspiracy theorists and secret society members being weirdos.
In Bloodthirsty Hearts fangirls of a trashy vampire series are having a bit of drama as head into the big fan convention in Cleveland when it comes under attack by real vampires who are pissed off about how they’ve been portrayed. The girls have to gather the courage to fight back and survive.
The Perfectly Circular Rock is about a small town where the titular enormous rock suddenly appeared, and how people react to it. The result is a bit Twin Peaks and a bit Welcome to Night Vale, and comes in primarily through the lends of the town’s two rival DJs.
Alba Salix, Royal Physician is the story of a doctor and her assistants in a fantasy world.
Georgie Romero is Done For concerns a girl who wakes up as a zombie with most of her memories missing, and as the story unfolds she tries to adjust to being part of the local monster society while trying to uncover her own past.
Less is Morgue is about a shut-in ghoul and the oddly cheerful ghost that haunts her. They rarely leave the basement, and often annoy other supernatural beings that stop by.
In Roommate From Hell, an atheist and a literal demon are roommates.
Any recs for more?
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msclaritea · 9 months
Jay-Z Joins Stars LaKeith Stanfield, David Oyelowo & More at ‘The Book of Clarence’ Premiere | Anna Diop, Babs Olusanmokun, Caleb McLaughlin, David Oyelowo, Eric Kofi-Abrefa, James McAvoy, Jay Z, Lakeith Stanfield, Micheal Ward, Movies, Nicholas Pinnock, Omar Sy, Teyana Taylor
Tons of celebrities are coming together to celebrate the premiere of The Book of Clarence!
The event took place on Friday (January 5) at the Academy Museum of Motion Pictures in Los Angeles.
Jay-Z, who served as a producer for the project, was one of the biggest stars to arrive!
Among the film's cast members in attendance were: LaKeith Stanfield, David Oyelowo, Omar Sy, James McAvoy, Teyana Taylor, Caleb McLaughlin, Anna Diop, Babs Olusanmokun, Micheal Ward, Nicholas Pinnock, and Eric Kofi-Abrefa.
The Book of Clarence is directed by Jeymes Samuel.
Here's the official synopsis: The Book of Clarence is a bold new take on the timeless Hollywood era Biblical epic. Streetwise but struggling, Clarence (Stanfield) is trying to find a better life for himself and his family, make himself worthy to the woman he loves, and prove that he’s not a nobody. Captivated by the power and glory of the rising Messiah and His apostles, he risks everything to carve his own path to a divine life, a journey through which he finds redemption and faith, power and knowledge."
I keep forgetting that Jay Z produced that pile of shit, The Book of Clarence. So, it's official then. Jay Z is nothing more than another backstabbing bro ON THE DOWN LOW (likely every person in the film are) a member of the Cult of Scientology, which crosses over into Freemasons. Besides the fact that evidence is increasing that Beyonce is not a free agent under Jay Z and is in fact a prisoner, he's been openly involved with Satanic practices, the NFL for some reason, only trusted Jay Z to do business with, and there's also the fact that he got black folks to jump up and down, to his tune dedicated to the Cray Brothers. Yeah, they were British thugs, who regularly abused young boys. David Oyelowo turns up everywhere suspicious, is attached at the HIP to Oprah, a known abuse enabler, and has a direct tie to Sophie Hunter. The truly disgusting part of all of this was their misuse and mistreatment of A lister' Benedict Cumberbatch in their films and I have little doubts, on the set. He was specifically instructed to use the Happy Days character, Fonzie, as a humorous template. The CIA MKULTRA program embedded many pieces of pop culture into the system. I found out recently that Fonzie is one of those pieces. Now, we know why Henry Winkler's cheesy old self keeps being embedded into current pop culture.
"..In 'Dandy in the Underworld', Sebastian wrote: “A lifetime of neglect had left me seething with a lust for revenge.” It was our grandfather who introduced my brother to the Glaswegian ex-gangster Jimmy Boyle. Alec had arranged for some of Boyle's sculptures to be exhibited in Hull. With his staunch liberal values about reform, he was impressed by Boyle, a celebrity after his book A Sense of Freedom was turned into a BBC film. Boyle was first imprisoned for murder in 1967, and was released in 1982. In his heyday, he was an enforcer and debt collector for the Glasgow mafia, known as “Scotland's most violent man.” Despite this, his sentence was reduced, and it seems reasonable to suppose my grandfather's support had something to do with it. In 1983, Boyle and his wife Sarah Trevelyan teamed up with my brother and his partner and started the Gateway Exchange, a reform center for drug addicts, sex offenders, and ex-convicts in which my brother professed to be “well-camouflaged.” In his memoir, he writes how Boyle “allowed [him] to express forbidden impulses, secret wishes and fantasies” (S. Horsley, 2007, p. 119).1 My brother's fascination for criminality was something he shared with Alec and that included writing letters to the Kray twins and the notorious Moors murderer, Myra Hindley. A 1999 Guardian article about Jimmy Boyle mentions how, in 1967 (just before he was arrested), Boyle “was on the run in London and under the protection of the Krays”. According to my brother, Boyle worked with the Krays during the Sixties and possibly earlier. Jimmy Savile was connected to the Krays, and Savile was from Yorkshire, where my brother and I grew up and where Peter Sutcliffe, the Yorkshire Ripper (whom Savile also knew), allegedly stalked his victims during my teen years. (During that period, Savile was questioned by police about the murders and briefly considered to be a suspect.) As described in Seen and Not Seen, Savile's early days as a dance-club manager meant rubbing shoulders with gangsters, maybe even as a teenager. He and the Krays worked and played together in the Sixties, and were likely involved with the sex trafficking of children to members of the British elite, including via care homes where children were allegedly tortured, even killed (see Chapter 14). Myra Hindley and Ian Brady frequented the same dance halls where Savile DJ-ed, in Manchester in the 1960s, and Savile talked about being friends with Ian Brady. Brady (who grew up in Glasgow before moving to Manchester), bragged about his associations with the Glasgow mafia and the Kray twins. Glasgow was also where the Paedophile Information Exchange (PIE) was founded, in 1975. It was affiliated with the National Council for Civil Liberties, a cause my family would almost certainly have actively supported. PIE's aim was to lower the age of consent to four, or to abolish it altogether. It wasn't until I was writing Seen and Not Seen that I began to try to put all of these pieces together. It was like a first flyover of the scorched earth of my childhood. Since then I have touched down and begun to explore it more directly. The present work is like the first draft of a charred map.
“It is a tragic paradox that the very qualities that lead to a man's extraordinary capacity for success are also those most likely to destroy him.” —Sebastian Horsley, private correspondence with the author
Harriet Harman has described Margaret Hodge as her best friend in Parliament. Hodge's late husband, Henry Hodge, was also an Islington Labour councilor, and a former chairman of the National Council for Civil Liberties. In 1985, Margaret Hodge “announced that Islington Council would positively discriminate in favour of gay staff. It exempted self-declared gay men from background checks, and paedophiles pretending to be decent gay men cynically exploited this.” Rightonmeanwhile had founded a training course for residential workers. Pedophilia, he declared in one essay, was “no more bizarre than a penchant for redheads” (ibid.). The article quotes a “whistleblower” called Dr. Davies: “I think there could be more than one home with Savile connections. Children from Islington's home at 114 Grosvenor Avenue were taken to Jersey by Rabet, and Savile visited Jersey's Haut de la Garenne home. Survivors of abuse there have described being taken to an Islington children's home” (ibid.). Haut de la Garenne was visited by the Kray twins and Lord Boothby. The crimes that allegedly occurred there were considerably more severe than “mere” pedophilia, involving as they did the violent rape, torture, and murder of children. In February 2015, the independent journalism site Exaro alleged that Righton was involved in the sadistic murder of a boy at Lord Henniker's estate (Wood, 2015; unfortunately, Exaro no longer exists and the site has been taken down). Although much of this seems almost unthinkable when written down in black and white, all of these crimes appear to be sourced in roughly—or exactly—the same social circles and value set as those of my own family.
How many of the individuals (men and women, but mostly men) who can be identified as “players” at varying levels within the grand game of social engineering either betray a tendency for child molestation or have been victims of it—or both? If we can believe the accounts at all, it's a truly alarming number. Can we hypothesize from this that “situational” child molestation (taken to sometimes unimaginable extremes) is the unconscious (and in some cases conscious) drive behind the many, myriad master plans of the elite? Perhaps not, but it's at least consistent with what we know about human individuals, which is that the sex drive is one of the strongest motivating factors there is for human beings. It's also consistent with the way the sexual element of criminal and conspiratorial networks, such as the Krays or Jimmy Savile, while well-concealed, eventually turns out to be the most remarkable thing about them. My suspicion is that there's a narrowing of sexual (and therefore all other) interests as an individual ascends the social hierarchy and has his or her sexual neuroses inflamed and indulged, into a fine diamond point of pathology. To know what a man or woman is made of, look into his or her sexual drives; it is the drives that are the most carefully hidden that run the deepest. This is my own particular bias, and the evidence I have cited for it is that sexual deviancy and social status seem to be inextricably intertwined in our present society, and to increase in tandem..."
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Speaking of Down Low, I AM DONE watching Oprah Winfrey lackey, David Oyelowo, a British, Gay man, linked w/every shady fucker in Hollywood of getting cast to play historical black figures. @ParamountMovies is shit for pulling this with Bass Reeves. This is because of Redstone.
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wordsofapanda · 1 year
Yesterday was fun as hell but tiring and kind of awkward. I don’t go to my dads Freemason functions often because they can be boring but I had to show up since he was winning an award. I was vibing with his best friend and he escorted me inside. After the ceremony, we snacked together and gossiped the entire time. It was unexpected but cute af. He was bugging me about when I was going to get married and then when I fished out about my ex he said “he doesn’t deserve you”. Then he suggested for me to travel to France to find a French man to marry. We got into so many random topics. He admitted that someone upset him because when he escorted me inside, some of the attendees asked him who I was because they thought I was (not a kind word) and he ripped into them. He acted bitchy to them because they never bothered to get to know me even though I’m the only kid that cleans, helps, stays late, and donate a bunch of free labor to their lodge. He told them I was the daughter of the person that everyone showed up to celebrate. I loved how nasty he got for me. He’s always been spicy but I mean it’s true, I’ve been around for years helping everyone out. I usually keep to myself but this time I decided to be bold and enjoy myself and let my personality (and looks) shine. I thanked him for having my back and he discussed that he really hates that some of the members are cliquey and never bothered to try to get to know me unless they were out in a position they had to. I agreed but let him know that before I liked to be lowkey so I could overhear all the shit talking people did behind my parents back and clapback at the ungrateful attendees. Also to prevent these old ass Filipino members from stealing vases, saucers, and fancy decorations. He laughed and we just spent so much time enjoying each others company. We got deep into several topics. And then we got into the topic of weed and he’s like “ I’m got some strong stuff in my car. I’m giving it to you but we can’t let anyone see or they’ll want some”. My dad comes back ten minutes later and hands me 2 joints underneath the table. This was after he got up and got a margarita for me. He’s so wild but it’s nice to have his company because due to the nature of Freemason brotherhood, I’m supposed to see other members like their my dad. And he’s one of them that I can say is like an extra father to me. I just didn’t expect my extra father to give me alcohol and weed but hey I’ll fucking cheers to that.
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randomclam24 · 1 year
Silent Hill 3
Every other Silent Hill game by the members of the original Team Silent has the combat, even on the hardest difficulty, so that as long as you take care to take the enemies one at a time, the most you have to learn is some precise timing. In Silent Hill 3, if you wanted to take that completionist approach, every little thing would have to be perfect.
Well, based on how women are chameleons who will mold to whoever they're attached to at any given point in time, to the point that even a strong man that gets divorced will be called a racist bigot etc. and accused of raping the kids possibly, there's no meaningful source of will to go on but to admit that existence is not just ruled by but was literally generated from the darkness.
Any other way just doesn't make sense.
The overcoming of laziness is limited to evil, selfish intentions.
The updating of posts is limited to the most recent post. That sucks
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fwrz0-dnZIA - Imgur
That poll on whether people want shitposting is shadowbanned just like my imgur account was, and the Minecraft servers.
This is what you get when I drink even a little. Also, who honestly drinks light beer, for any purpose? That shit is basically backwash. It doesn't do anything.
You actually have to pay out of pocket for that. It isn't any cheaper.
Mountain Dew probably has a stronger effect by itself.
No, I'm going to avoid alcohol for a while, now that all that's gone.
So, now that that happened, what was it like? That was last night. There really is a sort of kaleidoscope vision overlay. It's many different round shapes of different shadings on top of each other. It was really heavy. Also, it's only just then, at that state, that I finally see exactly what they're talking about with the popping bubbles effect used to imply drunken cartoon characters. It wasn't really that bad, but I also wasn't moving.
Also, I have to disclaim that artist, because he's been called out as a Freemason now.
I don't have much to live for? Imagine things popping up here and there to get pushed back down underthumb. That might happen afresh now, but in the meantime, all that's going to proceed beyond conception stage is the steady collapse of the U.S. dollar and so forth.
I don't have much as a result of the alcohol experiment, but I know there are sweet spots that require more than any form of light beer. Look at that like drinking diet soda.
I have to come up with an estimate, because I know the highest sweet spot was somewhere close before the point of seeing color overlays. The latest batch was Captain Morgans, at 100 proof, 750mL each. I got it wrong before and thought it was 1L. 375mL raw alcohol
Basically, you can sum it up as, one of these sucked all the way down will get you to that point. (One of these is about $20)
Literally, 750mL of vodka won't do this.
It was honestly an active process keeping it down without vomiting.
The math shows Plantation overproof rum, which is all I could find overproof at only one of the Walmarts, is barely any cheaper per raw alcohol volume than a 30-pack of regular beer.
What I haven't done is the calorie total.
1 Captain Morgan - 17 servings at 122 calories = 2,074 calories
Busch at the same amount of raw alcohol at 150 calories per can = 3,686 calories
Plantation at the same amount of raw alcohol at 349 calories per 100 mL = 1,897 calories
I know I'm shadowbanned on the Internet, not from people directly linking, but from people leaving behind likes and comments in real life. But even then, I think the psychological effect of having curated amounts of likes and dislikes is absolutely working.
It's true it might not be curated per se, but that anyone redirected to there from here would be shadowbanned in that their viewcounts and responses wouldn't be recorded.
I'm actually just going to try to sleep as much as possible.
I did
I made it past the difficulty spike at the start of Doom episode four on Man and a Half in Project Brutality, with the Chaotic Random spawning preset, but I have a feeling about this mod. From past playthroughs with earlier versions, there are zoom features on a lot of the weapons which provide for better accuracy, and unless you're playing on the highest three difficulties, there isn't much reason to rely on these new functions.
It's one thing to prove something as an individual. But then proceeding to get up, each morning, and repeat said action with absolute certainty every single time is something completely outlandish in comparison. Trying to teach other people to do something right is completely unrelated to the original act of proving, because in that case you have *psychological* issues to deal with to get past, and I frankly don't deal in those. They're perpetual, the only part of this that is.
If the world really was a global village like everyone online likes to think it is, the world's problems could be solved by the means of simply proving things. But the only things that will make it on the scale of the world stage are the things that can be mass-produced to the lowest common denominator.
And I'm just thinking, at that point, who really cares? That's not what proving things is about.
Be realistic: the billions are going to drink light beer and be basic today. "Go fuck yourself" is what they tell me. They say if I don't, they'll call the police promptly, and they all have top-level sanpaku eyes to go with it.
I've been gangstalked for at least the majority of my life, building up to the point it's currently at. So I don't think those are "organic" expressions. Something artificially-rooted pulled them up to the surface like that, to be having them so consistently that you would be thinking top-level sanpaku eyes are a natural state of everyday living, which in my life it certainly is. Actually, I don't think I'm supposed to be saying that out where people can listen to it.
But even so, the modern philosophy is about self-pleasuring and reaching self-satisfaction. I am technically entitled to preconclusions that satisfy me pettily. I don't like these people.
Also, although there was the Biblical verse "render unto Caesar that which is Caesar's", when it comes down to the morality as universal laws, I just find that it's unclear whether people, be it today or in the original times because I just don't know, actually believe that "the Lord", as in landlords in the feudal times, is just providing petty-scale morality by which to stave off the hardships of greater nature. That seems to be the nature of moral guidelines which people today have, because they're holding their top-level sanpaku eyes expressions inside for that moment when you start to let slip their assumption believed to be held simply in common, it's such common knowledge, that the greater reality is just savagery plus meaninglessness superimposed, no less where it's objectively not applicable, just for its own sake.
This basically implies that the entire concept of "Lord" Biblically just renders a small creature protecting his lands from the higher powers that actually be in this universe, or whatever it is.
I always thought that the belief that human nature is inherently evil is what Satanists believe, in that they rely on this, when it's only applicable to people at their lowest, which is why that all comes down to what was referred to in the Bible as suffering the "lying in wait of the Jews". Common people today believe in the image of man at his lowest as the image of man in and of itself.
What I get for the nature of surveying I do on the Internet is fridge horror: every time a figure jumps ship, it happens in the form of expressing that *everyone* is jumping ship because it's so long overdue it hurts. This plays out when it's based on a falsehood.
The Bible tries - *tried* - stating this: There is no power in Hell
The modern world holds just this religiously: There's no power in *God* - we're just looking past - in this emptiness, just what actually motivates this? There's no power in God.
I know. Just everyone looks past Christians. [This is the two paragraphs that got shadowban-deleted]
And then there's the endless self-powering rant about how they deserve this when they're so lukewarm and so people can't be blamed for that
There's no point in fame, when it comes down to it. When someone makes assumptions, that's it. What you get is *artificial.* It may as well not be a living thing. Leave the actual living thing to itself so it can actually live life instead of this box. This is fucking junk.
I guess I just have to sit here complaining about the fact that Qabbalah is the reason everyone has the most meaningful decisions in their life as a half-assed side measure. Because I fuck the Qabbalah up by being a spastic or whatever the real problem is, I can't stay out of the mental institution except by living in the mind of other people - correction: *and I *hate* that!*
Would I be less harmful if I just killed myself? The book of revelation references how this is destined to make people believe they're serving God, and it *is*, to the common person. I think you're wrong, but that doesn't make a difference, and here's the proof in the pudding: you have to *mass produce* to stimulate the actual whole world, and that means absolute garbage at the end of the line. You can't afford effortposting at every level. Not even remotely possible.
If I try saying something, the entire Biblical phrase "pearls before swine" I don't think suffices it - I don't think.
The way I talk is so sublimated, it's trannies who are finding me empowering, for all I know. Done.
I don't know what I'm doing.
God doesn't *love* us. He didn't make us with minds that would process. This platform is borderline meaningless.
For that, a lot of people today would just say there is no God and move on. Haven't I ever considered that?
Honestly my current presiding reason for religion: I talked about how you can't seriously talk about why Jesus rebuked the Pharisees and such. When you experience it, you know personally what is meant by "the lying in wait of the Jews" - that's not something that comes as reconcilable to our everyday lives - and you don't talk about that.
*That* issue is a matter of on or off - you *won't* see people talking about it in religious institutions.
I don't know why we *make* religious institutions - you do realize that takes a lot of money, right?
I guess human effort, like human lives, are considered disposable.
It comes down to the way every thing the religious leaders were saying to Jesus was, explicitly mentioned, intended to entrap him in his own words. That's part of the lying in wait of the Jews.
In fact I find it unrealistic that that went and happened, because when it comes down to it, there are plenty more situations where one can be entrapped in their own words without any of that being in truth, and yet this magically worked out. It's not a human set of matters, but ones magically strung together by "sky daddy". That's what everyone says.
It could have easily not worked out just by nature of the flawed medium of back-and-forth speaking, but instead they just said to hell with it and flipped the chess board and said here, let's just hard-rig this conversation up so it'll be cool, just like those Marvel comic books
I don't think anyone out there really preaches
The only "morality" I have, in common with these people whose worship is good feels, is that this platform isn't worth anything in that I have to still not get arrested, as usual - it's brutalistic, plain and simple, and then everyone is just going to nod it away like it's agreed when it is because it is - what the fuck?
I have to disavow Project Brutality against my own will because *some people* are interpreting it like that's pro-law-enforcement when it's *not*. People are obviously too stupid to see the light and will cheer for more kids in cages
Okay, so at this point I'm sold that my original take averting me from Halo is - at least in public perception, the reason I'm going to hate id software now as a whole. It's pro-police-state as its only veritable function, so that's bad
I can't send a message without at least telling the viewer to off themselves "ironically". There are simply no words to work through this.
Even with this platform, there's nothing that can be done except empower the already-in-power establishment. I refuse to do this for such a corrupt establishment. I'm going to be spending as much time sleeping as possible as a counter-statement to the hooligans owning up to this situation before I can even get a word in edgewise, like I'm not even here.
Update after dinner
No matter how much you think it goes without saying, "I" am not "Republicans", or "religious people" - I am a completely separate entity. All of those labels are do-nothing monsters in that they unconsciously call the Masonic police on people. Without me, the timeline would be severed. Maybe that doesn't matter *now*, but it's true. This would have never come out of them. I am a foreigner.
Is it because my family line moves from country to country based on catastrophic war events breaking out? I'm just assuming, the bloodlines of people who just live stationary would have never produced one of me, like those are a different breed. I hate being conflated with Republicans because as far as I'm concerned, they don't actually *produce* anything? They just sit as servile dogs to their masters.
I don't claim to understand them.
Okay, so anything I say from my personal perspective will bite me in the ass in this political environment, since tensions have escalated so very high.
But, if you take the route of imitating exactly what the elites are supposedly already doing, you can't go wrong. I'm not saying I'm all for - I'm saying a depopulation agenda done selectively might just be an imperative for basic survival. It's so bad.
Today was my birthday. I convinced my mom to get a Captain Morgan for between me and my dad instead of the beers she proposed to him before. I found out from them that only mixing Coke as soda with this substance actually works flavor-wise.
Idiots appealing to religion over Project Brutality, it's the same thing as saying Back the Blue
This is the basis for my now supporting eugenics
For a review, I'm going to watch 300 for the first time
Somehow, I see a connection between the the place I just naturally stopped at in Doom II's run of Project Brutality, which is Dead Simple, and the fact that George Soros's son, appointed as his legacy, just announced he's 100 times worse than his dad.
It was being taken as a very irresponsible statement, because it was really just being received by itself, as just in and of itself.
But in this context, it sounds less like a threat and more like a passive observation that if you proceed any further like this, you will make things a lot worse for yourself. Being an address to the forefront of the culture, it's more likely that's what it's talking about. They don't expect to do things aggressively; they expect right-wingers to take the first shot so they can do everything under the guise of defense.
I recommend I Am the Painkiller difficulty
I'm still reviewing the different difficulties, but I decided that if a hub structure for the full intermission map of the shareware episode was made, it should be restricted to the highest difficulty. It has to have that tension for the atmosphere.
There was a thing with Quake's difficulties where people claim Hard is harder than Nightmare because it catches you off-guard. That may be the reasoning with why 12 / 10 difficulty feels harder.
They hid the Captain Morgan after the amount my dad and I had for my birthday night. I eventually found it anyway.
Honestly, between the effects on voting, effectively diminishing the suffrage of our own for good, and the dating market, if it weren't for the women question, would Anonymous hate society as much? Serious question.
There are people advocating for monarchy just because they can't shake the assumption that Republics are going to be dominated by women's suffrage, like no matter what system you make to try to salvage, in *this* social climate, it's going to turn out the same. Really, really, really really makes you want to think, because if no one does, further extremism, down the line, is eventually going to be justified.
Also, quoting
"Prices go up when demand exceeds supply, I don’t know what anyone was thinking when they imported a bunch of demand..." (slur implied)
Also, Joe Biden's still in office
Before I had a great audience, I did a thing every day, imitating someone doing this for the eventual release of MGS V: The Phantom Pain, where if Obama wasn't out of office, I would give the daily countdown of how many were left
Also around 60% of the college population is now female, relevant as of 2021
I'm just saying, back in Roman times, which were ancient Biblical times compared to our times, people could just snap in that they could walk out en masse of working. Also, there was no gay standing around with signs. They just physically did it en masse.
Allegedly Super Monkey Ball will turn you into a man. I played it on Gameboy Advance.
And this just happened, posted to the main website
Sprinter on Twitter: "Military activity noted in the United States, the Internet is jammed everywhere footage of heavy military equipment driving through the streets of American cities, and swarms of drones flying in the sky. In 11 states of the country, serious interruptions in the Internet… https://t.co/SMMuOJUDgW" / Twitter
I think I know what I really wanted out of this state of mild drunkenness that I couldn't figure out beforehand. Just hear me out real quick. When it comes down to events like this happening, that means the wheels are greased, or at least it appears in my mind, and I really don't want to think about the alternative to this. If things really happened as a regular occurrence, I would have love in my heart, and I do. But, comparing to Silent Hill 4 which got brought up from the YouTube influencing days, a situation where in truth there's no viable hope, no visible future, that makes way for unabashed hatred. What I felt that one time I got drunk and noted the Kanye lyric as relatable, "no one blames the plaintiff", underneath, *that's* how I meant it. That's why a bit later I had to come down saying I don't want to have to live making rabble-rousing for its own sake anymore. That's what I'm trying to refer to. That is something bottomless.
The episode four run on Man and a Half is finally done, and the run on Last Man on Earth has finally made it to the second episode.
I thought only Hoover1979's Ultra HD textures for Doom looked good as replacements to the original textures. That only works on an outdated version of GZDoom, while Project Brutality only works on a more recent version.
Well, I still think the West is doomed.
Most of the situation I think comes down to what I've heard about from Common Filth about how people in less densely populated areas have nothing to do and will just turn to drugs.
I didn't know what else to do, so I threw in some Warioland II in its black-and-white form.
Now I shifted back to the 12 / 10 difficulty run.
The Man and a Half run is probably the more important - that is already in Doom II
Today, out of nowhere, I have energy to support myself into standing position without it feeling unnecessarily painful. But life is boring.
I wish I could actually be mature. I also wish I had my own thing going, that was an active process.
Wait, never mind. I don't want to be forced to do anything
As a matter of fact, don't carry on with that Man and a Half run.
Now that I'm intent on actually playing it, I wanted to say that the map House of Pain in Doom episode three, especially in this format, brings back not just a reminder but memories of a relatively profound dream, that I want somebody to interpret, somehow - in some capacity. The difficulty right now is I Am the Painkiller. This is the furthest map I've made it to on the highest difficulties.
I might not want to recount the dream because it's overly personal or weird.
But I've been testing these different difficulties, and if you want a continual run of the classic Doom series, I Am the Painkiller is what you want. I think.
Now doing Hell on Earth Starter Pack instead. I guess do it on Painkiller difficulty.
Where there's a will, there's a way. There's the problem.
People just assume the will to do anything just comes out of a can, and in reality that's anal compulsion. I don't want to promote what tumblr and the rest of the paid web sites are promoting, so
The alternative is to do things the way you would see most people doing them, which with difficult things just means being really lazy.
Basically what I heard from Common Filth, which you would have heard if you regulared, was that people in the workforce all have their own individualized ideas of what works the best and what doesn't, and none of it integrates, so nothing is really, in that sense, upward mobility.
"God is Dead" doesn't gives the specifics of the facts of the FBI and Central Intelligence Agency doing the bidding of the enemies of those in Anonymous who are actually gathering the most important central intelligence that can work to benefit this world. Of course, that's invalid because no one likes white people.
I just finished Warioland II again. Actually, as soon as I started the first stage that wasn't part of the main path as part of the game's replatability, I felt the weight of that one song.
Even then, now I'm going to start Wario Land 3. This is the game in the series that got great critical acclaim as a platformer.
I was thinking, with that last event involving the big cities, if things are getting off the ground now, I might actually work on IBM Skillsbuild, as opposed to just playing video games. Even though there was a lot of information involved in the post, no one's talking about it, so it's as if it didn't happen.
Trying Hell on Earth Starter Pack again, this time on Man and a Half difficulty
It just hit me, the reason Doom's software lighting has such an extreme jump in brightness only in close quarters with a surface is because it reflects the shininess of some surfaces.
Alright, so that's the best we've got. We're entirely too weak a people to actually get up and do anything about the rich jew sponsored world order, and, as it stands, not only is our only publicly-recognized motivation for doing so merely obstructionist because we're jealous or something to the exact same effect as this, the rich jew sponsored world order is still the underdogs
I really wish this span of time since I was born in history had never existed. It's been garbage.
Imgur: The magic of the Internet
8H3xGiy.jpg (1024×664) (imgur.com) (zoomed in)
I found out the collection of data discs with media on them that my dad has is playable - or at least I got something to play - on the PS Triple, which I have set up to an old screen, which is appropriate for DVD quality, like on these discs
One of the movies stored is Toy Story 2, which was actually very highly rated
There's also some Spongebob and Bugs Bunny - I'll probably do that first since it's shorter
There are still days coming off the conveyor line
I have Toy Story 2 running while my parents are shopping, and if nothing else, I'll play Minecraft on Hard, recreating the server from scratch until I get a starting location that's halfway workable
I found the Captain Morgan again. It was in my dad's office, totally drained. It's just, what do we have to do with this much alcohol in this household? None, we just dump it out.
I've been thinking a bit about personal definitive favorite game series of all time. You have your Silent Hill (by Team Silent - so technically Siren also), MOTHER, and Wario Land. Come to think of it, is Mario even this definitive? What I always heard with Mario is that you can't go wrong. With these series, it may be more subjective.
Finding a common interest with my parents was kind of hard in itself. We just watched the first episodes of Futurama on hulu. After episode 2, already there was a breakoff with me, because while I'm just barely able to sit still getting ready for a break, mom apparently was just getting in the mindset that we were "binge-watching."
I don't think we're really compatible.
The worse part is what could come down to the fact that I'm being gangstalked, with people close to me bugged to go through with the worst-case scenarios of these little things I come up with to worry about - but those things are overly specific and gone like water under the bridge. My parents are actually like this, ever since before I could ever confirm narrowly that gangstalking was present. It's as if they're reacting to a mutiny breaking out, but it's not just that. It's as if a mutiny they're reacting to breaking out, not meant to result in much because they're being the better person anyway, gets just *too* out of hand, and all of a sudden, everything flips over to where there's a mutiny that's gotten so out of hand, all reason has gone out the window for all parties, and they just act as rashly as they want. Virtually every last time this has happened, which is easy to set off in all situations, not just the exceptions, it didn't become apparent that anything was going wrong until the moment they exploded, and they're always in the right because they're the parents.
I can't get into casual anything because that underlying pressurization is always there.
I failed at Hard Minecraft. I can try harder, but it's like spinning tires in a rut.
For some reason, this jogged my memory and made me finally realize, things like D. Curry "The Game" and the leftist slogan "It's not rigged, you're just losing" don't have to come out, because it's what everybody's already thinking before anything even happens. It's just how conservatards, which is what they are, are perceived. I don't really know how the description of screaming that they "game" has to do with conservatism, but the only people who actually advocate for how it was in the old days are doing this, undoubtedly.
I guess what people actually get wrong is not that set of sayings I just put out there, but this assumption people have that their talking about "conservatism" is quite literally talking about modern-day conservatives. It may be worth laughing at us for, but that is not true. These are liberals, died-in-the-wool.
That reference to having sex with a girl with a good vibe, in reality, just has to do with the effective customs process you have to go through in order to become accustomed to the prevailing social norms of the time. Really, the argument ought to be framed as Old Age-ism, because the only thing that's being said is at the door with these things, saying it's outright dead, and you need to move on, QED by evidence of feelings of self-evidence in assertion, as with everything else in life, which is all consciousness constitutes. It really is.
I'm not going to take the patient route in Minecraft. At that point you may as well just turn in your theoretical license as a hardcore gamer. If there's no way to do Hard mode proactively, then you may as well quit.
I always wanted to be able to have a setup in Minecraft - and this might be something autistic because it's the same deal I had with a favorite Lego set when I was still in middle school - where I knew more or less exactly what to go to for all the initial essential resources. Doing this approach works, and on console, it works up through hard mode, but on PC, hard mode is harder than what they would have ever intended for console.
I don't know why it gets to me so deep. But I do know, all my other playthroughs of Minecraft on different setups were trying to establish this method of getting a safe zone started and then building up to having the enchantments available in the most timely fashion possible. Playing on hard and failing proves I don't really have the survival guide.
There are certain questions, like is it even worth it to make farming wheat a first priority? It takes too long. Find your initial food elsewhere.
Okay. The first thing is virtually always to punch your first tree, to gather at least three log blocks. These convert to wooden plank blocks which themselves convert when combined vertically into sticks. The first log block should be converted into four planks which will be combined in a square to create the crafting table. The other two log blocks should be converted into plank blocks, and using those, create only four sticks to begin with. Use these resources to craft a wooden axe and a wooden pickaxe.
The next step is to use the wooden axe to gather some more wood. Since it can be converted into charcoal later, leave it in log form.
Then go digging underground until you hit cobblestone and mine that. This is how you build your real initial tools made of stone.
If it's on Hard mode, this is actually making me think about it.
In this server, I didn't find any sheep, so I ended up stealing a bed from a village. If you can't find either, then I guess you're screwed.
Ideally, have one on your home base and one on you to use wherever whenever night falls.
Yes. Use some of the log blocks, create a furnace out of cobblestone, and cook them to produce charcoal, assuming you don't immediately find coal. This will be used to craft torches.
Usually I keep pickaxe, basic stepping-stone blocks, shovel, and torches all clumped together on the item selection with the tools in the middle for easier selection.
From what I've found, wheat farming is the most straightforward way to produce a ridiculous surplus of food items, but to bypass the amount of time required to get this surplus, you need a significant amount of bone meal, which is typically only acquired by killing Skeletons. The problem with that is that these are the most difficult and annoying to defeat of the common enemies because they constantly shoot arrows. If it's the newer versions of Minecraft, they have sped up these Skeletons so that you essentially will rely on the new Shield item, which requires iron, mined from the earth, and it's usually not found near the surface.
What I have right here is a contradiction. I expect to have enough food in supply to take on these skeletons because they're just a common enemy in the caves.
I haven't even estimated how much actual food would be enough for that initial trek to hunt down enough skeletons for the bone meal.
What I tried doing was quickly getting enough iron for an iron suit, and on Hard on PC that just isn't working.
In theory I would want the iron suit before anything, because those skeletons take a toll. There is a method where you gather a surplus of log blocks to craft a surplus of sticks in order to craft a lot of ladders and then you use this to rappel down to the level that you'll find lots of pools of lava.
Realistically you find caves just by creating the hole to do this, so getting cooked meat would be good.
Have a stone sword and a separate crafting table as well. All you need for basic tools is sticks and the cobblestone you will find in great abundance in the caves.
Also, a thing I do is create manually-constructed beacons so that you can tell where your base is from far away. It usually takes two entire spaces filled with 64 blocks to make this thing high enough, because once you're at the top, you have to dig your way back down on one of the block spires. Jump and put the blocks up underneath, and do that until you can tell the thing is visible from above at least most of the treetops, or something, and then put a torch on top before digging back down.
I actually underestimated how much wood it would take to do this, because I normally make a cramped spiral staircase, which eats up the least resources, but that's also boring.
When mining straight down, you want to stand on more than just one block at a time so that you don't fall directly through in the case of a large hole in the earth, or lava.
Which is the best level to mine iron in Minecraft 1.19? (sportskeeda.com)
"Other than that, another sweet spot is underground, at Y level 16. Since players spend most of their time underground as compared to in the mountains, this is also a good easy-to-access location."
Okay, press the F3 key to display coordinate stats
I'm used to mining with at least three blocks vertically to make it more roomy, so I'm going to mine at the levels above and below Y = 16
This is taking way too long.
Literally, just finding enough iron to make an iron suit of armor would be enough to be considered success in getting started in this game, but there just isn't enough. I have enough for a few new tools. That's it.
They didn't make Wario Land 2 so that the secret ending opens up once you complete the map from the level end games and find a shiny spot on it - it only opens up when you get every bonus game treasure and the map.
If they didn't make it so you can save and quit once you have the treasure, this would be unbearable.
At this point, I'm a bit afraid I'm going to go stir-crazy no matter what I do.
When you combine rum and root beer, it doesn't make a nice blend; it tastes horrible. I feel a bit betrayed by that.
The point was made online, and I'm basically expanding on it: we have the American revolution as our example - do you need drill sergeants barking down your neck if you're already motivated to fight and die for your country? How long until we recognize this as evil whoremongering? No more brother wars, right? World War I *and* II.
The more excited I get, the more the Internet connection gets uppity.
Honestly, wouldn't that be the first logical step in establishing a theoretical white identity, acknowledging the gross injustices of the world wars fought over petty alliances?
There are some things that can be known like witnessing (hopefully not in full) the tranny surgery in action, where you then know there are doctors who would carry something like this out no different than any other surgery.
Ironically, there isn't a lot of acknowledgement of the world wars as gross injustices in and of themselves. Usually, it's made all about the fascism of the 1900s, and not so much about the centralization of power granted but the cult of personality of it.
For those who haven't heard the quote before
"You must understand, the leading Bolsheviks who took over Russia were not Russians. They hated Russians. They hated Christians. Driven by ethnic hatred they tortured and slaughtered millions of Russians without a shred of human remorse. It cannot be overstated. Bolshevism committed the greatest human slaughter of all time. The fact that most of the world is ignorant and uncaring about this enormous crime is proof that the global media is in the hands of the perpetrators." - Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
The human toll of Bolshevism, which I have to stop and think about just to type out myself, makes the Holocaust pale by direct comparison, and that's monumentally more so if you don't believe the official numbers which aren't even backed by census data.
I think it goes by the wayside for most people, that quote is genuinely appealing to media as something being run by people who truly care about mankind. That's assuming an ideal world for us to live in.
This man is very quotable, and to him, this statement comes as a shock to him, whereas to most of us it wouldn't.
So I notice most of our own don't really think like that, not necessarily, not really. Those of these "Nazis" that actually own up to the fictional ideology drummed up in propaganda are just taking what has been called the "red suppository" - a lot of them are fags.
Hint: There's no help coming
Is that dismissing the whole thing? Well - technically Anonymous was mostly made up of edgy libertarians who then grew out of that phase and now don't identify explicitly as one thing or another.
The way these fantasies like the Holocaust come into being is from what has been documented of reality as the wartime abusiveness of fags, running prisons with solitary confinements.
Is that saying these fags identifying as Nazis are the real thing?
According to census data, at least 1/3 of modern jews are at least bisexual. This is according to a year before identifying with LGBTQ was as easy as signing your name.
I don't know why, but I'm of the mentality that we're in the years specified by science fiction from the 70's and so on. Where is our excuse, other than the points of diminishing returns...
A direct case can be made with the way there used to be quality content coming out of media like Disney, until they were bought out by a soulless corporation.
Unless you want to revamp the whole thing, which at that point would be more well-suited to an original company, individual efforts will just be appropriated into the corporate agenda, which is directly baited along by Blackrock.
The situation with trying to start new business based on work that just crops up organically is something dire which I haven't tried diving into to talk about.
It's, you got a license for that, you got a license for that, you got a license for that?
The reason I'm too intimidated to research it seriously is because I'm afraid that might prove too much and be touchy, when it comes to who comes out of the woodworks.
So, the perspective of the past, which is where boomers are coming from, may be "where is your excuse?", but young people today are looking at things like, what am I supposed to do?
It seems like boomers really would take Blackrock running things from behind the scenes as a reason not to work as an excuse. That's where i'm more certain actually going into the details of how the need for licenses etc. is destroying people's ability to start businesses is going to start this artificial danger for myself from people coming out of the woodwork.
Ironically, in theory, I could personally take on the challenge of all the licensing needs and fees etc., but then people in personal settings tell me all the time, constantly, about the way I do things just generally, you're trying way, way, WAY too hard.
So if you want business to be able to crop up organically, it doesn't matter if I can do it - it would be completely impersonal, by the point you actually push it through all of the corporate bookwork.
I think that's why I consider what happened to the media the best example, because you can't force that.
If anything, even if it's going to be a mockery of one, why don't we try taking "groyping" to the next phase by, openly, spontaneously debating blue checkmarks
Yes, there are inferior feelings to be felt from this. But also, who is taking them seriously?
I'm not going to personally do it because I don't want to dignify anyone in particular with a response. I'm just advocating for it to be done.
Clearly, the masses of people don't actually see the soulless corporations as soulless corporations but more like a cult of personality that they're, actually, personally a part of - what you see when you see people being busy having all the right opinions.
No one is going to take the soulless corporation stance and run with it - that's just a fantasy.
So things are just going to remain in the stagnating and breaking-down state that they are because too many people just want things to just be. The thing is, with all the people having their own personal take on advice on how things work in their own sphere that conflicts with everyone else's at some point or another, if there was an attempt at genuinely unifying this workable knowledge into something definitive - it would be a lot easier in theory just to let new people get into it and not have to make all these little things the focus.
Probably the next game I buy will be Super Monkey Ball, as opposed to Skyrim on PC when I have the PS3 version already.
I finally got enough iron in Minecraft to build a full suit of armor along with the full set of iron tools, and that is because I dug and hit a cave.
Then I realized I still don't want to go in to the caves proper on hard because realistically, for food, you want steaks, and that means gathering cattle. Literally just build a fence and guide more than one in with wheat, then feed them to make them reproduce.
And since mining for the iron takes so long, that should be done first.
The post that got everyone to leave
Who lives in a pineapple under the sea?
Bocchi the Rock Johnson
I didn't want to go out with less than 36 steaks, going by multiples of 12, and then I didn't want to go out because that was too valuable.
For some reason, the thought of achieving success by resorting to the new version of the game's deeper caves that go down to -64 blocks where it's claustrophobic to dig for diamonds gave a flashback to the way the face was used for the stalker in Lacey's games, like this is what we're encouraging for success, becoming a complete recluse.
In Minecraft, we're going with 30 steaks and 60 watermelons.
6/25 night
It takes being drunk to a certain extent to think I could stomach being a schoolboy all over again like I'm going through before-school shopping.
I think the fact that I can't has more to do with the current political climate.
Now here's a hopeful thought. I think what I wanted was to try to recreate that setting from grade school where things were simple enough where, if there was a formula direly needed to be known, it would be explicitly written out on the board and discussed. It was made the main focus. What I've heard since dropping out of college - with a General Transfer Studies degree in tow though - is that once you get past the introductory levels, which is where I did drop out, the majority of professors aren't even articulate enough at it to sum up courses like that from grade school. The hopeful thought from that was that, then, I know all I have to do is find a way to personally garner that articulateness. But then how do you do that? There's no one to tell you what the vital points are.
My optimistic worldview that led to the side production of my dream project sketchup was based around this idea that all things could be reduced to that understanding of vital points and thereby compartmentalized in a way that couldn't be easily exploited, even by ulterior motives from outside. Here, I just have to acknowledge, from the point I was at, at the near end of the introductory portions of college, that was the opposite of the reality.
I don't want to go crazy before I can peak. I think that's the idea.
Is this even an accurate paranoia? If I take the time out to go through course material beforehand to review it before even starting to memorize the contents in order to identify what the vitals are, and I mean to my own personal extent, that would be enough to make people view my approach to the courses as an invader.
Okay, it's true that, having a higher IQ than the professors, I have a self-image that rubs off on my expectations for other people, being way too high.
Like I told my mom today, I don't talk about that much, but you could hold me to militaristically high standards; I'm so glad you don't. She said they would *never* do that, but I said that's what I'm saying: I'm glad you don't
There was some quote from Ghost in the Shell 2 that I took personally which isn't really originating from it, "God forever geometrizes" - I took that to heart because in college after introductory courses, professors, what are you doing - this is exactly what I just talked about
I thought if the professors are just going to do nothing from now on but give the runaround, it might be time to rely solely on the book, but with the human element of the classroom removed, I just didn't care enough anymore.
I'm sure 8th-gen gaming becoming the norm for the industry played a part in discouragement. In the end, there was no sense of competition. I was just spending my time alone.
I wish I could read a book without my own thought tangents becoming an issue.
I wish it was possible to cite these things in isolation from where they came from - too bad that's cheating
Find Me (Intro) - YouTube
Update much later
Why not
▶[Dubstep] ★ Koke Rutter - Valley - YouTube
May remove it before the morning
It was right when I was deciding there really isn't anything in Minecraft interesting enough to keep me playing that hasn't already on console before that the first message representing the fags appeared in the game's starting menu.
6/26 night
Man, I really want to introduce fifth-columns as part of my daily routine
Sometimes it feels like there's absolutely nothing to do. My computer system is booked up trying to transfer items to a flash drive in a way that is really inefficient, and other than that there is IBM Skillsbuild, there posing as the education into the job market that was always going to be the end-all-be-all.
It's like there is no reality except for what can be gotten out of significant efforts, and we're just here scraping away at the surface.
I can't just go out and have a job that isn't from home. I'm getting severely, severely gangstalked.
Is there any mindset in which information can be retained? Because every time I try to read through new information ever since failing out of college multiple times, now it's traumatic, and I just feel like I'm digging through someone's trash.
Real talk, was it a waste of time to worry about humanity? It just seems like all of their thoughts are wasting their time. And I mean people from other cultures like Haiti just killed off the white people living there, lived wearing the clothes the white people were wearing at that time, and then starved afterward and blamed the white people. Yes, there are injustices that go on there led by politicians like Hillary Clinton to exploit funding and so forth, but are they deserving of sympathy?
6/27 night
One thing that was mentioned, which is something found when the phenomenon of reuploading footage of the old beta showcases happened, was that Mother 3's design was intended to follow in the footsteps of Mother 2, with Belch being part of the main advertising, by being an experience that actually creates a sense of disgust, being attributed to all of the things happening. That's something I think they should have pursued even in the final game. Still, how would you do that on Gameboy Advance? It doesn't sound like you can.
I should write it down in case I forget after today. What Larry Fink said about distancing himself - socially? - from ESG, notably his own damn creation - that comes at a direct coincidence with the fact that I just then had taken that stance on videogames if what Minecraft's new version just pulled was going to be across the board from now on in some swoop of agenda. In the back of my mind, I know something's up.
I've had pop-up news of George Soros with targeted expressions in these past years since summer 2021. That's why I don't think of these actors as independent anymore. Like gangstalking bugging that happens with people in person, there's no stimulation that would be causing these reactions as things play out in real time. It's thoughts being directly ported, in a way that's not even conscious to them.
The way "pride" is presented in context with our modern world, you would think it is part and parcel of being a Christian in the classic Biblical sense, that the Sexual Revolution is just now reviving.
I've been thinking for the past day or so, if people in general have this manner of thinking, does it really matter that these particular agendas have been playing out? We've been of the mindset that the Sexual Revolution is 21st Century Christianity since the 21st century.
Where were you when you realized "pride", as an reminder of how far we've come, is an adage to this fact and this fact alone? "Always has been"
To liberals, that would seem obvious.
That *was* what they were saying, wasn't it?
The fact that the current state of public discussion is tolerated shows that it's been over for many, many years, let alone any Agenda 2030. We can't just get up and walk it back. For reasons that exist in the minds of modern contemporary people, it's justified or something. I don't know what they're talking about. I've never seen their arguments stand on their own, but they come from a different reality.
Thinking that has less to do with failure so much as the fact that this is just dealing with a very mediocre people.
And yet here they are, with their savior complex, when they continue to not know shit from Shinola
I just meant to say Republicans.
Well yeah, isn't that what everyone's thinking? Yeah!
Life doesn't have a meaning. We're just going to sit here and hog the podium belligerating Republicans, and being self-projecting in that respect
Every day sucks worse than the last, and that's because you can't get off your ugly ass. Yeah, that's right.
The last major shill post, which is where the Larry Fink story was introduced, was this bizarre low-quality post by a office shill worker posing as a Satanist insider where they took up what I said and was thinking about the military and said you can do nothing but go off and join their military, meaning if you so much as take up work, it's for them unequivocally.
This is what I mean with paranoia, the paranoia I have - it's not the literal subjective interpretation in and of itself but the actual inroads that are then going to be created, having used that as a greenlight and a stimulus, with new narratives across the board, because of me.
From now on, let's just do the honest thing and have a segment of "you know you've lost when..."
When the most meaning you can get out of doing anything that doesn't directly translate into serving the tax farm complex is the equivalent of that psyop with Nazis smearing shit on the bathroom stalls
We're trapped in one particular point in time. There's no getting out
Well, you can say that when I act like liberals are of a different universe, that's not even valid because any of us could make any given argument and have it logically stand, and then declare "the time has come to be reasonable" and realize everyone else is in a different reality.
There are no gears intermeshing between white nationalists or whatever they're supposed to be called and the human population.
Literally, it was my *intended message* that got called out as "grifting", as merely a *proxy* message, for whatever severity it is in "*consensus* reality". Otherwise, the meme wouldn't have had the steam that it did to have initially happened.
So - why don't I understand - consensus reality?
Because it's fake, and up a man's ass.
Okay but by coming out with that real, you're doing pride's favor by denouncing Republicans, as is said bodily function. You act like that's a joke, but no, it's not
The fact that people like Larry Fink make public statements shows that there is a significant enough amount of the population to eat up this bullshit.
The United States is a broken people. I may have inherited this, but I'm not going to pick up the pieces. It's customary to just expect you people to by yourselves, when that's what's never going to happen. Why? Because you live in an alternate reality where everything is just through the TV hobby
I think the problem with that is I don't have anything better to do. Apparently the enjoyability of anything is actually contingent on a real world situation mirroring it, in some way or fashion. Now there isn't. I'm just going to sit here and eat ass.
You suck and are also gay
I don't know why I just thought of this, but Silent Hill 4 made a supposed big thing out of Walter Sullivan having his "mother" at the center of his secret universe. That never really pans out, but that happens to be the name of the final boss of Siren 2.
I remember Common Filth went to some length about the psychology of "mommy worship" - I don't *know*
It seems like no matter what context you're in, if you're a white nationalist, all you have to do is come out saying just forget everything because I'm already despairing, and everyone will come out of the woodwork in unison and this hilarity that comes suspended in euphoric ecstasy over the stated facts that you're just now coming to grips with the conclusions everyone else's already made thousands of years ago, only just today, and now it shows, whatever they're making out of it that makes them act so much, like this.
In reality my state is more like the Family Guy episode name "If I'm Dyin', I'm Lyin'"
But in reality everyone is out of control. I don't know what to do with them
So that is true, I'm legitimately giving up
Reality is a consensus. You can augment it with any little motion of expression.
Life is boring.
The best argument for making this debacle of taking back the West spiritual and not simply racial is the angle Common Filth gave about how early Christians were almost always made up of peoples of multiple ethnicities. That works because that's granting that the early Christians would have actually adhered to the Biblical teachings against racemixing.
Is the real reason everyone bashes conservatives that it really does keep coming down to, we just need to kick out the niggers? "Oh, well what makes *you* so important?" Dumbasses
And of course they think by taking up that route I'm bashing *conservatives*, in their footsteps, like they can't envision logically anything else, and that stands - I'm literally like a fish out of water
And, then, that one song "Small D*ck" by Filthy Frank referencing the meme makes it sound like it's a warning to this when they say "their dicks are much bigger" - that's been disproven; in fact they're smaller. That can't be what it is they're getting so big talking about. They say, in the capacity of the liberals' "listen and believe" - so *not* listening - you have to "listen". "*Listen*"
That event that got the "Propertarian" movement to quietly break up where one of the leaders got confronted by a black activist and just pissed his pants - was that a psyop? There doesn't seem to be any organic reason for him to do that.
It's things like this - when something like Kyle Rittenhouse happens, it's like it's inevitable that something like his cucking out crying on live camera was going to autonomously happen. He crossed the line of, muh sacred *blacks*
My Internet locked up for a bit for this. Forget who's *advocating* for violence - things like Kyle Rittenhouse are what's *organic* - isolate the people getting all uppity - what makes them so special?
In its current state, it's easy to just dismiss or distance Christian religion as a motivator. The racial issue is closer to what it is: calling a spade a spade.
Honestly, if religion pertains to this as a conflict, it would apply *to jews.* That is Biblical.
Well, there's no disputing that with the industry in its current state, the remake of Silent Hill 2 was exclusively with defending the eternal metrosexual in mind, where MGS3 and anything else would just be icing on the cake *after* the fact. Anyone who disputes this is an invalid, says a liberal.
I've never actually mentioned this angle on it before, even though I brought it up too much - Denzel Curry's "The Game" would apply to the way people who are still doing the stuff of Silent Hill 1 and 2 aren't actually up to speed with where the culture is at and are basically there to just be fetishizing.
In reality, Silent Hill is supposed to be an intellectual series. That's why in Whitopia its status as liberal is undisputed.
Actually, that's where I actually understand where people are coming from blowing up, saying the Republicans *aren't intellectual!*
Yep, they just won. And I'm just going to sit there like a dumbass.
You have right-wingers doing "you'd think it's a typo with these red lines and periods", and then they just go off and keep grifting some more I guess
Yeah, that's right - these people who will just be blowing out the gates with "in the name of the Loard!!!" are stupid *idiots* - we have PTSD from doing with this
Basically, Silent Hill 2 nu-version will just be hand-having what the movement is - and they're going to *keep* doing it
Saying we just want to make sure - we just want to make sure
Right. We can't deal with these Christians anymore. We've had too many terror attacks.
Jeeze, we *literally cannot stop* these people from blowing through our gates saying "we want freedom! We want freedom!" Jesus Christ, do you even know what liberty means? Freedom and the pursuit of happiness! That's what open sexuality means
*Freedom of expression*
I don't know what this means, but I just know that this is what it feels like
Bottom line.
The Christians are going to destroy everything.
Honestly I don't think they're gonna do anythi- no.
Until we destroy the right-wingers, we'll never be free of our anxiety
0 notes
alarmjust · 2 years
Skull and bones freemason
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The demand was passed on to a member of the Southern Star Lodge. "Tell them be as fast as possible as the person with it will destroy it and dispose of it if he doesn't get 7 gram," one message read. He sent messages over several days, claiming he was acting on behalf of someone who had the stolen goods, but was willing to negotiate their safe return. The value of the items was estimated to be between $1000 and $1500.Īlmost two weeks later, Minto made contact with a member of a fellow Freemasons Lodge in Nelson via Facebook. Even though Yale University has admitted women since 1969, females were not granted membership into Skull and Bones until 1992.Once inside, he took a human skull, assorted human bones, cutlery and books, as well as ceremonial knives, robes and marbles. Some new members are high-achieving students, while others are descendants of socially prominent families. The society has always kept its affairs secret, but for many years it publicized its membership roster. Juniors are notified of their selection by a society member who ritually claps them on the shoulder. Like most of the others, it chooses 15 new members every spring at a ceremony called “tap day” (or “tap night”). Skull and Bones is the oldest of several secret societies on the Yale campus. Originally built in 1856, the Tomb was doubled in size in 1903 and has since been further enlarged. The society’s clubhouse is a monumental brownstone building in New Haven called the Tomb. The number is generally taken to refer to the year (322 bce) of the death of the Greek orator Demosthenes, a turning point in the transformation of ancient Athens from democracy to plutocracy. The emblem of the society is a skull and crossbones with the number “322” beneath it. It was incorporated in 1856 as the Russell Trust Association. The society’s original name was the Eulogian Club. Other sources conjecture that Russell modeled the society after European groups he encountered while studying in Germany. According to some accounts, the society was formed after a dispute over elections to Phi Beta Kappa. Skull and Bones was formed in 1832 by William Huntington Russell and Alphonso Taft. Three of them- William Howard Taft, George H.W. Male society members are called Bonesmen, and many have ascended after graduation to positions of prominence in business or government. Skull and Bones, secret society of senior (fourth-year undergraduate) students at Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut, that was founded in 1832.
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papirouge · 2 years
I’m kinda confused on reptilians in general. You said they are demons or hybrids of demons? Are they literal reptiles? Because inbreeding reptiles isn’t as terrible as with mammals. There are bad outcomes with defects becoming dominant but with snakes that you want a certain color pattern, that’s how it’s done. If they are, it could explain why they could inbreed without major deformities. Can a hybrid still be able to turn to God? Do they eat people?
Also I’ve seen that the elites use numerology for all their plans. Is studying numerology also anti biblical?
Reptilians are demons so they can shape shift into whatever form but I think they take the shape of reptiles to mislead humans into this whole "alien" thing. Demons are on a whole different "dimension" and can't properly materialize in the one we -humans- do live in. This explains why the CERN is trying so hard to find ways to open the gates of these dimensions so that demons can access to ours.
What I meant by inbreeding is bloodlines of demons channelling. They summon demon for knowledge and power and initiate their members so that power stays confined to their lineage, hence the inbreeding of all satanic bloodlines. IDK if you ever seen "Rosemary's Baby" that's all about it (I'm 100% positive Polanski is a satanist himself and sacrificed his own wife -Sharon Tate- and their unborn baby for fame. The way he's being protected in the movie industry is not normal).
Bill Schnobelen (former freemason & satanist) said he had to have sex with a fallen angel during his initiation as a warlock. Fallen angels are talked about in the Bible in Genesis 6 where it's said that the "sons of God" have seen how pretty female humans were and bred with them.
When human beings began to increase in number on the earth and daughters were born to them, the sons of God saw that the daughters of humans were beautiful, and they married any of them they chose
The "sons of God" are the fallen angels who got kicked out of heaven along with satan. They are said to be the origin of giants and "mythical" creatures such as centaurs or the minotaur.
Fallen angels are different from demons because they could actually have the capability to materialize in the physical form into our dimension and then engage in sex with humans. Those hybrid born from this abominable act cannot be saved bc they aren't humans. I already talked several times about that church sermon where the pastor told that he met a young woman who was seeking to be helped bc she was a siren and couldn't help but have a very messy life. Her mom "sold her" to demons bc she was desperate to get pregnant, but in return this girl would belong to the marine kindgom (demons). That girl wasn't even human bc her mom got pregnant because of Mami wata - her whole 'impregnation' was cursed/demonic. She couldn't be saved bc God can only save humans - not demons. That's why cross breeding with fallen angels are so serious.
In the end times, when most of humanity will have taken the mark of the beast, they too won't be fully human anymore, that's why the Bible is warning us to not take it in any way bc there's no turning back. That's also why the 2 witnesses will have the authorization to use their power to kill anyone attempting to harm them. Because God told us to not kill humans - not shell of humans who are half demons who've been marked by the beast
Revelation 11:3-5
And I will appoint my two witnesses, and they will prophesy for 1,260 days, clothed in sackcloth.” They are “the two olive trees” and the two lampstands, and “they stand before the Lord of the earth.” If anyone tries to harm them, fire comes from their mouths and devours their enemies. This is how anyone who wants to harm them must die.
And numerology too is condemned by the Bible because this is yet another forecast of the future. Numerology also works as an omen over someone's life/destiny (with the whole "number of destiny" thing). Anon, you can be sure that anything the elites are into (such as cannibalism, greed, sexual immortality, witchcraft, etc.) you definitely should avoid....
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unwelcome-ozian · 3 years
are the 13 bloodlines true? is it true that bloodliners dont have scars/missing digits/tattoos?
The Bloodlines are through people’s research. There is some validity to them. A vast majority of the writings about them are steeped in anti-semitic, and racist beliefs. (Illuminati programming)
I have not met anyone from the Illuminati so I can’t answer the second part of your question.
Below the cut off is a lot of information regarding the Illuminati. Sources are at the end.
The term Illuminati belongs to two different groups: the original Illuminati, formed more than two centuries ago as a secret society aimed at undermining corrupt governments and the religious intolerance that dominated society at the time.
The other is the belief in the New World Order, an alleged underground totalitarian global government that some believe is controlling the world.
The Illuminati started out as a reading group in 1776, where Weishaupt’s best students would meet in secret so as not to attract the attention of the authorities. Weishaupt (a former Jesuit) had a hard time finding acceptance for his secular and liberal thinking. He wanted to connect with like-minded free-thinkers. Originally, Weishaupt called his group the “Perfectibilists.” However, the founder quickly realised how silly that sounded and tried out a few other names, including The Bee Order (yes, really), before eventually landing on The Order of the Illuminati.
The Illuminati were an exclusive group of rich, successful men; recruitment focused on candidates who were rich, had an interest to advance through education, and those who had influence or positions in society and other Masonic lodges. Christians of good character were actively sought, but Jews, pagans, monks, and women were excluded from membership.
Weishaupt started recruiting from his current and former students in Bavaria, who in turn suggested other potential new members. After this he set about trying to change society by infiltrating senior positions of power.
Members were given code names like Spartacus (Weishaupt), Ajax, and Tiberius, and older members were required to help younger ones into positions of power, where they could go on to exert influence on society.
Weishaupt hit gold, however, when he recruited the well-connected Adolph Freiherr Knigge, a nobleman from Lower Saxony, who was code-named “Philo”, after the Alexandrian philosopher.
Already a member of the Freemasons, Knigge swelled the group’s membership to 2,000, even bringing in arguably Germany’s most loved writer: Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, code-named “Abaris”.
Many powerful princes, high-ranking officials, and professors were recruited. But many of them were also already enlightened or members of a much larger secret organisation, the Freemasons, who had similar aims to the Illuminati.
The Illuminati came up against fierce opposition when the plot was discovered. The Order of the Golden and Rosy Cross – a group which was based around alchemy, spirituality, and mysticism, and which had connections to Bavarian authorities – led a campaign against the Illuminati and managed to persuade the King of Bavaria to outlaw the organisation.
The Illuminati grew quickly, gaining some 2,000 members from countries throughout Europe, including France, Poland, Hungary and Italy. This rapid expansion was largely due to the prominent German diplomat Baron Adolf Franz Friederich Knigge, who restructured the order in 1780 and helped spread Illuminism by recruiting from Freemason lodges.
Members were initially recruited from within Masonic lodges but later expanded to include anyone whose ideals were aligned with the Illuminati’s goals of equality and social justice. At their peak, they controlled Masonic lodges and many other groups across Europe, Asia, and America.
After the suppression of Weishaupt’s order, the title illuminati was given to the French Martinists, founded in 1754 by Martinez Pasqualis and propagated by Louis-Claude de Saint-Martin. By 1790 Martinism had been spread to Russia by Johann Georg Schwarz and Nikolay Novikov. Both strains of “illuminated” Martinism included elements of Kabbalism and Christian mysticism, imbibing ideas from Jakob Böhme and Emanuel Swedenborg.
When faced with inevitable persecution, the original Illuminati abandoned their name to take refuge within a myriad of other societies, so as to continue their work from the shadows.
In Spain and Italy in the 15th and 16th cents. the term Illuminati, or Alumbrado, referred to persons claiming direct communion with the Holy Spirit, so asserting that outward forms of religious life are unnecessary. Their claims led to persecution by the Inquisition. Other groups using the name have included the Rosicrucians.
The new world order/deep state illuminati blood lines are believed to be:
The 13 Bloodlines
The Rothschild Bloodline.
The Rockefeller Bloodline
The Bundy Bloodline
The Collins Bloodline
The DuPont Bloodline
The Freeman Bloodline
The Kennedy Bloodline
The Astor Bloodline
The Li Bloodline
The Onassis Bloodline
The Reynolds Bloodline
The Russell Bloodline
The Van Duyn Bloodline
This is due to quotes such as:
"We are grateful to The Washington Post, The New York Times, Time Magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost forty years. It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subject to the bright lights of publicity during those years. But, the work is now much more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government. The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national autodetermination practised in past centuries." David Rockefeller, ( founder of the Trilateral Commission), in an address to a meeting of The Trilateral Commission, in June, 1991.
“Some even believe we (the Rockefeller family) are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterising my family and me as 'internationalists' and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure - one world, if you will. If that's the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it.”
-- David Rockefeller
“Enormous effort has gone into developing automated systems to support filing collected information into one of these types such that it can be queried, retrieved, and disseminated using existing (circa 1980) indexing and database technology. The "New World Order" and the emergence of new database types such as analog and digital video, voice, and new National collection capabilities are generating a need for tools and techniques for dealing with extremely large data vaults.” Information Warfare - Defense
Deep State quotes
“One observer who is in strong agreement with such an interpretation of Russian foreign policy is Michel Gurfinkiel, who argues that the Soviet “deep state” survived the collapse of the Soviet Union and that Russia’s “primary strategic goal [today] is to bring together all the Russian-speaking peoples into a single nation-state” (2018). Additionally, Gurfinkiel
Sees the reestablishment of a single geopolitical unity, if not a single state, for the “Eurasian community, with Russia as first among equals.” This is perhaps more pernicious of an interpretation than Starr and Cornell foresee, but it has strong parallels.” Russian Strategic Intentions A Strategic Multilayer Assessment (SMA) White Paper May 2019
“Turkey is a country with a strong so-called “deep state” controlled by a nonaccountable or minimally accountable military, and Turkey is a member of NATO, a neighbor of Iraq, a site for important American air bases, and a regional strategic ally of the United States.
“Further, the deep state controlled by the Turkish military supported the effort to join the EU, as does the United States. Beyond this, the AKP leadership was Human Rights After 9/11 sensitive about its own legitimacy. The AKP wanted to demonstrate the compatibility between its presumed soft Islamic identity and its commitment to pluralistic democracy and the rights of individuals to pursue their own beliefs.” Achieving Human Rights-Richard Falk
Furthermore, politicians have been accused of being in the Illuminati since Thomas Jefferson.
“Rumors spread that Jefferson was part of a world-wide conspiracy to destroy governments, private property, and Christianity. According to those believing in this conspiracy, Jefferson was in league with an elitist group of Europeans known as the Illuminati”
10 Things You Might Not Know About the Illuminati
Overview Illuminati
The history of the Illuminati
A Bavarian Illuminati primer
BRIA 11 4 c Conspiracy Theories: Attacks on Jefferson Set the Pattern
20 US presidents who belonged to secret societies
From Thomas Jefferson to Bishop James Madison, 31 January 1800
Conspiracy Theories and the Jews
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Everything You Need To Know About The Illuminati: The History, The Hilarious Theories, And Their (Alleged) Hopes For The Future
A single dollar bill.
Could be paying rent that month. Could be buying a sandwich from the gas station for the homeless person outside. Could be down the back of your Ikea couch.
It’s the basic item every American probably has on them right now and it unites hundreds of millions of people. But there is something about the one dollar bill which has raised many questions.
Like most currencies, it champions its political and social history, with various founding fathers, presidents, and people of note teamed up with historic locations. You can tell a lot about a country from its cash.
So, why is this proudly stamped onto the dollar bill?
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This is the Eye of Providence.
At the top of a pyramid sits a floating eye that appears to have shafts of light beaming at its surroundings. To many, this is simply interpreted as the ‘all seeing eye of God’. But to some it is a sign of a much graver threat.
The New World Order.
Or, the ultimate goal of the secret society, the Illuminati.
(So secret that everyone knows about them.)
Incorporated as the reverse of the Great Seal of the United States in 1782, it was used to represent the ‘benevolent oversight’ of God. But the presence of the mysterious, occult-like symbol on the most used currency in the world still has us guessing whether there really is a hidden, elite group playing puppet-master.
From Bavaria to the Battle of Waterloo, today we delve into the who, why, and what-the-f*ck of the Illuminati.
Who Are The Illuminati?
I mean, who isn’t the Illuminati?
A number of groups today have adopted the term either as a way to bait-them-clicks, or simply out of admiration for the elusive society.
But the most famous group to lay claim to the name was a secret society named the Bavarian Illuminati. They existed for a brief nine years in late 18th century Germany and were inspired by the Enlightenment values sweeping Europe at the time. It started as a small group of lads determined to limit the role of the Church in public life and effectively find the true ‘Illumination’ referenced in Enlightenment. One of their core desires was benevolent despotism (an authoritarian despot that followed the principles of the Enlightenment).
The society was based on the Freemasons and was known more for having a mysterious secret society hierarchy as opposed to the liberal values it celebrated. The Order of Illuminati, as it was also known, was entrenched in mysterious rituals and followed a structure that mirrored (or mocked, I suppose) organised religion.
The Bavarian Illuminati were outlawed in the mid-1780s in one of the many attacks on groups spreading such anti-clerical and anti-monarchy values. But the final blows to the Bavarian Illuminati were in 1787 when the bloke that set it all up - Adam Weishaupt - ran for the hills and the group's internal documents were published.
According to the conspiracy theory, the history of the Illuminati goes as far as the present day. You can’t check the comments of a Beyoncé ‘gram post without curious claims detailing how Mrs Carter is hell-bent on bringing in a global, tyrannical government via persuasive beats and catchy lyrics.
But the history of the Illuminati goes a lot further and deeper than first appears.
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A Brief History Of The Illuminati
Before Adam Weisphaut brought together his besties to take down Christian hegemony in Western Europe, a number of different groups were inspired by the metaphorical concept of Illumination. There were the Alumbrados of Spain - a movement of the 16th century - which claimed the human soul could enter communication with the Holy Spirit, the most notable member of which believing she could converse with Jesus and the Virgin Mary. And then there were the Illuminés of France who were militant defenders against the prosecution of Protestants.
The light of God illuminated many. But in the same year that the Americans split off from the British Empire, Adam Weisphaut came together with other republicans to celebrate the Illumination of reason. Effectively, they created a religion that worshipped this. They followed Jesuit lines to formulate their structure, and Weisphaut started to recruit his students. He then looked further afield, moving on to other German cities for more young, wealthy, and intelligent men of social importance.
It soon grew to major European countries including France, Italy, and Poland. But it is estimated that it never breached the 2000 member mark. This membership was constantly put under strain by internal conflict and the edict of 1785 finally banned their existence. It wasn’t long after this that Weisphaut was put behind bars and the Illuminati (we can only assume) disbanded.
And yet, only 4 years later, rumours of the group leveraging their secretive power to control global events were being whispered through the alleyways of Paris. Mhmm, the French Revolution was tied down to the no-longer-officially-existing Illuminati. It was the first of many events linked to their mysterious master plan.
In 1797, Augustin Barruel produced Memoirs Illustrating the History of Jacobinism. This was the first book detailing the theory that the Illuminati had survived persecution and used their power to cause the entire French Revolution.
If you aren’t an academic like me *hair flip*, this was one of the most significant moments in history. It heralded a new era - the modern era. From the get-go of the Illuminati conspiracy theory, it was tied to a moment of significant social and political change. And, much like the other events they were attributed to, it shaped our world.
John Robisons’s Proofs of a Conspiracy (1798) followed up this theory, as did several other books confirming that the conspiracy was not going anywhere. It wouldn’t be long before these theories took hold over in the US. And there they entered political discourse.
Yep, 200 years ago, American presidential candidates were chatting sh*t ‘bout the Illuminati. Anxiety regarding slavery rebellions and migration from areas like the Caribbean fuelled fears about this group of conspirators, mirroring the way other theories take hold.
Since the Bavarian Illuminati was disbanded, every major historical event that followed in its wake was pinned on them. Every moment that shaped modernity up until now is associated in some way with a small group that barely managed to amass 2k followers.
You ain't getting on Love Island with that.
For 160 years the Illuminati were mentioned here and there.
But it was in the 1960s that a group of pranksters in adoration of a fake religious text, Principia Discordia, started sending letters to Playboy claiming to be part of the Illuminati. And then, in the following decade, Robert Anton Wilson’s The Illuminatus Trilogy hit the shops and immortalised the legacy of the countercultural meme. Banking on the hippie, fuck-the-system vibe, it mixed the actual history of the Bavarian Illuminati with fantasy tropes. Fact and fiction became muddled and then fused with the surging tide of conspiracy theories during the thick of the Cold War. It gave a new lease of life to something that in reality probably died a long, long time ago.
As the Cold War ended, the theory evolved yet again: this time, there was a belief that this secret group was puppeteering these new events by championing a New World Order.
And so, we arrive at the present day.
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The 5 Most Famous Theories About The Illuminati
Confession time.
No, I’m not part of the Illuminati.
I actually found it really difficult to find any specific theories about the Illuminati. That’s because followers of the theory believe everything is controlled by the secret society. But I gathered together a few of the prominent claims that weave closely with the theory that a New World Order is in the making.
#1 - The US Presidents were in on it
Take any conspiracy theory - no, any conspiracy theory - and you can bet every US president is supposedly linked to it. They’re all the antichrist, they all eat aborted fetuses, and some of them were even involved in staged terrorist attacks.
But the first president to be pinned to the secret society was Thomas Jefferson. I’ve already mentioned that the 1800 election was influenced by beliefs regarding the theory, but his opposition quite literally claimed he was part of an evil secret society.
220 years later and it looks like our political tactics haven’t moved on.
The role of the Eye of Providence on the dollar bill only stoked the fire. If it is linked to a secret society, it is most likely to refer to a Masonic symbol as many of the presidents were Freemasons.
#2 - They were in on the Battle of Waterloo
The Napoleonic Wars, like most battles, were destructive. Dead men fell before the Emperor of France. From 1800 to 1815, various wars surged across Europe - and all were supposedly initiated by the Illuminati to weaken the governments of Europe.
One of the results of these wars and the eventual exile of Napoleon was the Congress of Vienna (the 19th century version of a European UN).
It aimed to bring long-term peace to Europe and redrew state lines in an open discussion with European leaders. It was, in simple terms, a Europe-wide government. It played directly into the alleged desires of the Illuminati: that notion of a global government.
#3 - They wrote the Communist Manifesto
Move over Karl Marx.
According to some, after Vienna they then took control of the European economy via communist thought. But they didn’t just influence Marx’s most famous thesis: they also directed Karl Ritter’s oppositional piece, taking control of both sides of the debate.
Some allege that by having control of both sides of the argument, they could divide the human race into separate camps and have their wicked ways with the world.
*villain laugh*
#4 - They orchestrated both world wars
The Illuminati have control of the European politicians and the European economy. Now it's time to destroy both.
After they collabed with Karl Marx, they swiftly started drawing up plans to spark three world wars in the 20th century and create a worldwide government as the millenium came.
*looks around*
In WW1, theorists claim their aim was to squash Tsarism in Russia and make this vast nation the home of communism. But this was more personal than political - Russia prevented the end of the Napoleonic Wars bringing in their desired one-world government.
They then set about bringing in WW2. This time, they wanted to use fascists and the forces opposing them to strengthen international communism until it was ready to be pitted against Christendom.
But their plans don’t stop there.
#5 - They’re planning a Third World War
Apparently, the Illuminati planned a third world war to occur between political Zionists and the Muslim world. This alleged battle was to force the international community to form a one world government.
Whether these plans have been delayed or simply didn’t go down as thought, ultimately they seem to have failed.
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Who Is Part Of The Illuminati (Allegedly)?
A number of famous musicians believed to be spreading Illuminati music by chart-topping hits are supposedly members of the group. Are we being brainwashed by these famous faces?
Lindsay Lohan
Michael Jackson
Lady Gaga
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23% of American voters believe the Illuminati exists. Do you?
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What is Freemasonry?
What is Freemasonry? Freemasonry, sometimes just called Masonry, is the world’s oldest and largest Fraternity. It aims to promote Friendship, Morality, and Brotherly Love among its members — men from every race, religion, opinion, and background — who are brought together as Brothers to develop and strengthen the bonds of friendship. There are more than 3 million members meeting in nearly every…
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the-empress-7 · 3 years
What is left for Meghan?
* Miscarriage/stillbirth/death of child stories, with the BRF made out as the villain
* Complete betrayal of the BRF, spilling all the secrets she knows, thinks she knows, or can make up about them. For example, A Netflix series, Secrets of the BRF, where each episode she and Harry say something awful about the BRf and back it up with twisted truths and repeated lies (They drugged my food with contraceptives so I couldn't get pregnant, because they didn't want black heirs! It's only because I am a gourmet cook that I escaped their evil plan!). No truth, just every conspiracy theory they can find or invent, and it's all true because they were in the BRF and they said so
* Release 'inside information' on Prince Andrew and how the BRF covers up for him - lots of underage sex encounters (real or made up), and throw in him molesting the young daughters of family friends for good measure
* Go down the Jimmy Saville route and say Prince Charles is a paedophile, and Camilla knows and covers for him, as does Prince William
* Reveal overheard conversations that 'prove' that Catherine had all her children by surrogates
* Money laundering - the BRF is involved in a big way, and no one knows because they aren't transparent in their money matters
* Prince Edward is gay, Sophie is a beard, the kids are adopted/by surrogate/by IVF
* The BRF 'secretly' interfering with politics in the UK and in other countries
* The BRF having to make blood vows never to betray each other as part of a secret initiation ceremony (can throw in some child cannibalism if you want, and definitely include links to and supported by the Freemasons/Illuminati/Black Nobility etc)
* If you can get away with it, Prince Charles is infertile and William is actually the child of Prince Andrew (swapped grooms on the wedding night and drugged Princess Di so she didn't notice etc).
It doesn't matter what she and Harry say, people will believe it as "inside information" because they were members of the BRF, especially if it speaks to current narratives/beliefs in American culture. If the BRF deny it, well, they are just covering things up, aren't they?
Impressive list anon. Here is the thing though, Meghan hasn't exactly established herself as a credible person, just a discontent one.
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runawayballista · 3 years
fe13 wawa au keeps sprawling and most of it is in scattered twitter threads or just floating around my brain. time 2 put it all in one place before i start forgetting the good stuff. i love to hyperfixate
this started out as a morgan-centric AU for the purpose of cute & funny morgain/owain (and eventually also cynigowaingan) and then ofc i got WAY invested in the backstory of robin & morgan being escapees from a modern-day wellness spirituality cult who only recently lost their memories. when i tried to figure out what all the adults were doing tama suggested "chrom is robins work buddy from the 7/11" and then i decided Everyone Works At Wawa. thank you tama for that big-brained seed of an idea it is growing into a beautiful and unwieldy tree
*just to be clear this is called "wawa AU" but they work at a super wawa. ok. thanks
MORGAN & ROBIN are escapees from the modern day cult of grima, which is a fringe religious cult wrapped in a vaguely synanon-esque wellness cult wrapped in an herbal supplement MLM a la herbalife and YES it is called grimalife. the deeper you go, the weirder and more controlling and isolating it gets. it started out as a weird religious cult in the southwest US, but fueled by the sheer power of "well, no one's stopped me so far", validar starts grooming his only child into a protege he can eventually manipulate to gain further influence beyond the cult. folks, that's programming
the grima family's surname is grimason. rhymes with "freemason"
robin has her major "ah fuck, i really was raised in a cult" breakthrough and escapes with morgan when he's around 9, and with the help of some old friends, flees to the other side of the country and starts a new life for them under new identities as robin and morgan jones. they're able to live their lives in relative peace, uninterrupted by validar or anyone from the cult. it seems like they've actually escaped for good. fast forward several years when they are in a car accident and wind up with identical presentations of near-total amnesia: they can't remember anything about their lives except each other. they're only able to learn so much about themselves from the available information and can't explain why they don't have any photos from before when morgan is 9. robin finds out she's a faculty member of a local university of moderate prestige (field: game theory) where she started working around the time they apparently moved here, but when she tries to research how she got the job she winds up with mostly dead ends. the university is like hey… you should take a sabbatical… take some time off to be with your family and recover. also, you can’t remember your own syllabus so how are you going to teach right now anyway
as far as they can tell robin’s been homeschooling morgan his entire life, and he’s 16 now, so robin’s like hmmmm. i think maybe you should start going to a regular school this fall. it’s important that you get a good education and i’m not sure an amnesiac academic should be responsible for your curriculum and you should probably uh. be around kids your age? morgan is fine with this! the idea of going to school is actually really exciting. ALL of this is so exciting. in fact he really wants to try going to the summer camp they found a brochure for in the kitchen! robin is so immensely relieved to have a kid with this outlook because she is Struggling with the existential implications of not remembering anything from before you were 40.
unfortunately you can't just tell people like robin and morgan to "take it easy and relax", and eventually robin gets so bored and stir crazy that the third saturday in a row morgan emerges from his room to find that his mother has turned the den into an escape room he's like "mom this is so cool but i think you really need to get a job" so. while morgan is off at summer camp, robin gets a job at the super wawa
uhhh fuck i have no idea how to organize the rest of my thoughts on this. morgan goes to summer camp with owain where they become insta buddies, they spend a lot of time larping in the woods and then on the last day of camp they kiss in a tree, and owain falls out of the tree and breaks his arm. Classic camp experience. when he gets home from camp he will NOT shut up about the new friend he made, who inigo is convinced doesn't actually exist. what, you mean like your girlfriend in canada
smash cut to the first day of school and guess who is in their home room class!! haha it's wild owain and morgan spent so much time coordinating playing an online game together that neither of them thought to ask where the other one lived
i have not figured out everyone's Deals yet but most of the shepherds work at the wawa. chrom is like, technically the general manager here but let's be real, frederick is the one running the show. sully & sumia work the food and drink bar, sumia makes your milkshakes with a smile and sully glares at you when you ask if shes SURE theyre out of bacon (theyre married). cordelia also works there bc despite getting her masters degree she follows chrom to every customer service job he works. lissa also works there but her wife maribelle is currently working on her law degree. maribelle has never worked at the wawa and she never will. her wife has nothing but respect for her for dealing with the unwashed masses all day and still coming home with a smile, but there simply is not enough money in the world to convince maribelle to put on a mass-produced polo and visor
cordelia is married to gaius, who is constantly getting people caught up in little scams, just for fun, but also, there isn't enough good dental insurance in the world. he has been up in MULTIPLE MLM schemes because he knows how to work them and get out. he absolutely sells some GrimaLife brain pills for a while and even gets hooked on the kids gummy supplements until he realizes how many of these contain lead. severa learned to shoplift from watching you, dad
virion does NOT work at the wawa. he is inigo's dad and some kind of rich dude, its not important what kind, its only important that that cherche is the head of his legal counsel department and she represented olivia in the divorce :)
THE REGNA FEROX CIRCLE K is simply my new favorite combination of words to say. the shepherds are the wawa, and regna ferox is the lone, weirdly displaced circle K in the murky PA/NJ realm this takes place in. olivia has worked for basilio & flavia since she was a teenager after they were kind enough to give her a hand when she really needed it!! she quit when she married virion. she was rehired immediately after the divorce
lon'qu also works at the regna ferox circle K, similarly got a job there as a Troubled Youth and basilio kind of took him in, although for a while he wandered off on his own to go somewhere no one knew him. that's where he met robin! they're married! were married? he's morgan's dad but hasn't seen his wife OR kid in over 10 years. i think that may be a separate post because this is getting so long. lon'qu's only hobbies are working out & woodworking
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napoleondidthat · 3 years
What Happened to Michel Ney?
So maybe you don't want to read the book, let's talk about this crazy situation in Napoleonic history. I've gotten a few inquries through the years on here that occasionally bring up P.S. Ney and the possibility that it could have been Marshal Ney. So let's delve a bit.
This whole event is like, to quote Churchill, a mystery wrapped inside a riddle, wrapped inside an engima.
Let's not get too bogged down in the life of Michel Ney. Most will have a working knowledge of the man. He was the last man out of Russia. He lead out the rear guard from Russia, encountering hellish conditions, Cossack attacks and every other type of FUBAR event that he could. He helped with Napoleon's first abdication and then famously said he would bring Napoleon back in an iron cage when he escaped from Elba (spoiler alert: he didn't). He fought at Waterloo, though by this time his relationship with Napoleon had grown colder. He practically went nuts on the Waterloo battlefield, fighting until the bloody end and until his sword had broken in two. Still he carried on, one of the last to leave the battlefield.
He was later arrested, tried for treason, found guilty and shot.
Other things to know in order to piece Michel Ney with P.S. Ney, would be that Ney was gruff in manner, but kind-hearted. Had a "plain way" of speaking. Shied away from notoriety, money and promotions. Married to Aglae (whom he called Louise) with whom he shared four sons. It is known he spoke both French and German and apparently a bit of English as well. He played the flute.
Trial of Ney:
Ney's trial was a bit of a mess and to abbreviate it down, let's say that he cooperated, gave answers in his interrogations, and his lawyers tried to argue that he (Ney) was protected by Article 2 of a treaty that was drawn up after Waterloo and when that didn't work, argued that Ney wasn't beholden to French law, because he really wasn't French but German, because of the part of France he hailed from. This did not sit well with Ney, who shouted out at the trial that was French and would die French. He also gave a different and incorrect(?) birthdate at the start and in a strange twist told his lawyers to stand down in the middle of the trial.
Ney was found guilty, something Ney seemed to know was going to be the conclusion, and his death was voted on in the House of Peers. Strangely, most of the men who voted on it, then immediately went to Richelieu and let it be known that even though they voted for his death, they didn't want to see the sentence carried out. This leads to people from Richelieu and maybe even Wellington seeing if the sentence could be commuted. The King had no interest in doing so.
During his trial, Ney was jailed first at the Concergerie and then the Luxembourg, back to the Conceergerie, back to the Luxembourg where he had a huge security detail surrounding him at all times. The government had heard word of the various plots out there hoping to rescue Ney and became paranoid to keep him jailed.
Instructions were sent on how the execution was to take place, and in a change of plans, Ney would be executed outside the Luxembourg and not in a military ground where executions usually took place. The deceased was to be shot, then lie there for those to see for a quarter of an hour at least. Ney met his fate calmly when the news was read to him and was driven out a few feet to the firing squad. Here eyewitness accounts vary on what was said and how he died. He was to be blindfolded and put on his knees, something he declined to do. Instead, he faced the squad, upright, hand on his heart, proclaiming his innocence and saying to "aim high". Shots were fired, Ney dropped face first and a pool of blood was on the ground under him.
Ney was dead. Or was he?
P.S. Ney Reporting:
In the United States, a man who roughly fit the description of Michel Ney appeared in the Alabama, North Carolina, South Carolina, Virginia area as a school teacher. He had reddish hair, balding. He was a plain spoken man but kind hearted and imposing. He said he was a French refugee and had served under Napoleon. He wasn't prone to drinking, but when he did and took too much, he let it slip that he was indeed the one and only Marshal Ney who had not died, but escaped. Who helped him? He didn't really say but did mention to a few people Wellington. Others heard the Freemasons, who Ney was a member of, did the work.
Peter Stuart Ney never spoke of his father but did often speak of his mother who he said was Scottish. He said his wife and children were in France and he hoped to return to them one day. He claimed his wife was close to Josephine and Hortense (this is true). He said he had four sons, never spoke of daughters. Others said he said he had two daughters and a son. What they all agreed on was that this P.S. Ney was the best teacher they ever had. He was kind, fair, tough but just. He was the best swordsmen they had ever seen. He was an accomplished horsemen, a good marksmen.
He taught language: English, Latin, Greek. Was reluctant to speak French but could. Also spoke a bit of Polish and Hebrew (?). Some said he had a Scottish brogue, others said a German brogue, others said it just sounded foreign.
He also played the flute. But was also a poet and artist. Drew a wonderful portrait of Napoleon. He was a fierce Bonapartist. When he heard of Napoleon's death, he fainted and later slit his throat in a suicide attempt. It failed and he was doctored. Later when he found out Reichstadt had died and wouldn't be placed on the throne, he despaired and said he'd never return to France or his family now.
He had a portrait of Napoleon and Napoleon's grave on St. Helena in his classroom.
A few who knew him thought he wasn't Marshal Ney, some thought maybe a relation. Some later changed their mind, yes, he was Marshal Ney, some never doubted.
Stories abounded that Ney was spotted by French refugees who served in the Grand Army and would see P.S. Ney and immediately say "It's Marshal Ney!"
P.S. Ney had war wounds. Some of the very same wounds that Ney had had. A wound in the thigh, a wound in the shoulder, the foot. A scar on his face that he said he got at Waterloo.
P.S. Ney never returned to France, died in Virigina of typhus fever but made the deathbed confession that he was indeed Marshal Ney. He escaped. He was given a bladder full of red fluid to hold under his shirt and when he fell he was to crush that bladder so he would look like he had been shot. The firing squad was made up of his old commrades an they recognized his order "Aim high" because Ney in battle would say the opposite, aim low. When they shot, he collapsed and the bullets went over him. Barely. It was a risk, but one that paid off. He sunk into a coma but his last words were akin to "Bessieres is dead. Let me die"
Oddities of the execution:
Ney was shot point-blank range with heavy bullets. According to the official reports, 10 bullets hit Ney, one hit the wall behind him, and the blank. Three hit his head, one is arm, the rest into his chest. The power of the gunblasts should have thrown him backwards, not forwards onto his stomach. There should have been blood spray on the wall, but only one official report says Ney's blood was on the wall and only one says he fell back. Eyewitness accounts say he fell forward and that the only blood was from under him. Ballistic experts haven't been able to answer the question of why on this.
Ney's body was taken to the Maternity Hospital where it was claimed by his brother-in-law and secretary. According to some reports, as many as 500 people saw his body while at the hospital. However, there doesn't seem to be any accounts or mentions by people in power or memoirs that they went to view Ney's body. Not that this proves there was none. Only a few eyewitness accounts do claim to have seen him, one being Ida St. Elme, and there it is mentioned that Ney had his vest buttoned to his throat and there were bullet holes, but no evidence of them hitting the chest. One said that the body was lain in a dark room that made it hard to discern features. Another said he looked peaceful and slumber and no obvious damage had been done from the bullets. Yet...he was shot three times in the head with heavy ammunition and no damage?
He was buried the following morning and no one attended in the family except for his brother in law and secretary again. His wife never once came to see the body or claim it. He was placed in a lead coffin and then an oak coffin, a practice usually only done for royalty. Or could it be because there would be no body and the weight of the lead would hide it? His grave became a bit of a place to leave anti-royalist propaganda and they government decided to move Ney to a vault that would be nameless so people couldn't find it. This was done. Later Ney would be removed from that vault and placed back at the gravesite. At this time, his coffins were opened and his grandson said there was a body with three bullet holes in the forehead proving Ney did die and was there. Later, during the reign of Napoleon III, it was a common telling that Ney escaped his execution that Napoleon III had the grave opened and there eyewitnesses said there was no body in the coffins. However, as big as a revelation this would be, the papers are mysteriously quiet on this new discovery at the time.
There are no records of who made up the firing squad. To this day, we don't know who the people were or having any of their testimonies.
Ney's wife never would visit the grave and would later remarry but the marriage would be on the quiet side and only immediate family seems to have known she re-married. When she dies, she is not laid in the Ney grave, but in a church crypt with her sisters.
On the other hand, the Ney family never stopped trying to clear their father's name and worked at it, lost their money and Ney's sons were all under survellience due to their hostilities to the new government. One even challenged Wellington to a duel. All odd behavior if Ney wasn't dead. Or did they not know?
P.S Ney did seem to have the general look and enough in common with Michel Ney to pass as him. The wounds match up, except the the facial wound. Michel Ney wasn't documented of having a facial wound, not to say that he couldn't have gotten one at Waterloo. Ida St Elme claimed to see him on the field of battle with a bloodied face. On the other hand, there was no mention of a wound when he was on trial. P.S. Ney could speak the multiple languages, and though we know Michel Ney spoke more than French, there is no proof he ever spoke Greek or Hebrew. He could have picked up some Polish being stationed with the Army. He could have had an understanding of Latin from his studies and maybe he did learn Hebrew and Greek after. P.S.Ney was also very good at maths, Michel Ney has no documentation that he was a mathematician. P.S Ney was a poet and artist, no documentation Michel Ney was, except for the flute playing. However, all of Ney's sons were quite artistic. Could have Michel Ney become more artistic when he no longer was in the military? Maybe. P.S. Ney seemed to know some intimate details of the life of M. Ney, namely he called his wife Louise and not Agale. He also said she was dark eyed with black hair which seemed true. Could he have seen a picture of her? Michel Ney also also a very quiet man about his personal life, maybe he was these things and it just went undocumented. Michel Ney was with Bessieres when he was killed in battle, right next to him. P.S. Ney's last words harkened back to Bessieres being dead. If P.S. Ney wasn't Michel Ney it seems he certainly believed rightly or wrongly he was.
P.S. Ney didn't get everything right. Namely his mother whom he said was Isabel Stuart, who is not the mother of Michel Ney.
I don't know. Though I am not convinced P.S. Ney was Michel Ney, I'm not convinced that Ney's execution was completely legit either. There is definitely weirdness abounding here.
If you want to delve into this more I strongly recommend Empire's Eagles by Thomas Crockner. I just gave the briefest of the evidence, but the book goes more into depth in other evidence that both points to things not being right and reasons they are also right.
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frenchly-anxious · 3 years
If James Bond was French, she would be a 54 years old woman working as a business coach, and there would be no movie because all the villains would be insanely bad at their job
Or: if we French people can’t make good spy/mercenary movies, it’s simply because our real spies/mercenaries absolutely suck.
Story time.
A few months ago, I stumbled upon the craziest news report of my life so far. It started small: an assassination attempt last July, just outside of Paris. Like, wow, that sucks, but okay. Yet as I’m watching the news, I realized they made a full documentary on that. Weird, I thought.
Except no, it made perfect sense to make a big deal out of it because seriously, that story just keeps on giving to the point I'm still waiting to be told it was a joke. Let me share this masterpiece.
The story starts unexpectedly with... a father driving his son to daycare. And as he’s driving, he spots a car haphazardly parked, with 2 men inside. As soon as he meets their eyes, they seem to panic: one feigns to sleep, while the other ducks forward to hide his face. They’re both dressed in black and are wearing gloves in the middle of July. The father drives on, stops a few streets away and call the police.
At this point, I was like “Who are those 2 buffoon? They reacted the way a child does when he knows he stayed up past his bedtime”.
The police arrived and searched them. They found out the car had fake license plates but more than that, they found a bag containing a loaded gun and its makeshift silencer, as well as 2 army knifes. The men were obviously arrested on the spot.
The police, expecting some kind of burglars, was in for quite the ride.
Very quickly, one of them started talking. He told the police he was a member of the DGSE (= kinda the French equivalent of CIA, in less popular), and they were on an official mission. In what I can only assume was an amazing show of self-control, an officer succeeded in not laughing out loud and instead asked him to elaborate. Which he did. He calmly explained they were on a mission to assassinate a woman who was actually working as a spy for Mossad.
I imagine the officers politely nodded as they were taking notes and then after leaving the room they started laughing hysterically while filing papers for a transfer to a psychiatric ward.
Except than when they checked, the 2 men were indeed working for the DGSE.
The what the fuck intensified, but not in the expected direction.
The police obviously turned to the woman they said they were about to assassinate. The victim indeed lived right where the DGSE agents were waiting. She was a successful “business coach”, living a quiet life and was absolutely not expecting to see police show up at her doorstep saying “hey, so, you basically almost got killed by two men waiting in front of your house, who had been following you for a few days and had also put a tracker on your car, and, well, they’re saying you’re actually working for Mossad. Can we come in?”
I can’t imagine how baffling that conversation must have been.
That 54 years old woman, Marie-Hélène Dini, had obviously no link with the Mossad. At all.
In this story of ridiculously bad mercenaries, the only one who acted correctly was her: after answering to the police, who probably told her “well that was unexpected. Better be extra careful from now on. Have a great day, ma’am!”, she turned off her phone, packed a few things and left her home, not telling anyone where she was going, and kept moving from place to place every couple of days to make sure no one could find her.
She was scared and confused, because who could want her dead?
The answer to that question is as baffling as the rest of the story: it was another “business coach”, who didn’t appreciated the fact she wanted to regulate their profession and thought the appropriate solution to that what to eliminate her.
But that’s not all! How did this guy found mercenaries to begin with? Well that’s easy: he had contacts because he was part of masonic lodge, just like our two stupid mercenaries.
Yes, freemasonry has entered the chat.
The story just shifted from mercenaries to secret organization.
One of the suspect, who was seriously talkative for a secret agent from a secret organization, explained they had other contracts like that. Only one resulted in an assassination so far: Laurent Pasquali, an ex-driver of the 24 Hours of Le Mans. He had indeed suddenly disappeared in 2018, his squeleton only found a year later without much clues of what had happened. Well, he apparently scammed the wrong sponsor, who decided to engage someone to bring back their money... and that someone apparently failed spectacularly because “the contract went wrong” and they killed him. Talk about going wrong.
The police linked a few other cases to these guys and a few of their “friends”: arson, violence, assassination attempts,...
All eyes obviously turned to the DGSE. Who went: “We can’t deny a few of those lunatics were working for us, but we don’t have ANYTHING to do with their mercenary/freemason job on the side!”
And if it looks like they’re not lying, it still isn’t very reassuring to see who is working for our foreign intelligence agency (granted, they were apparently just security guards for a DGSE site, but still)
So anyway. As I was saying:
James Bond isn’t French and there is a reason for that.
(because if she was, she would be a 54 years old woman working as a business coach, and there would be no movie because all the villains would be insanely bad at their job)
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