#Horse Recovery
market-insider · 1 year
Evolving Equine Healthcare Practices - From Stable to Clinic
The global equine healthcare market size is anticipated to reach USD 4.37 billion by 2030. Increasing product R&D, demand for equine diagnostics, investments by key industry stakeholders, and the rising prevalence of diseases in horses are some of the major factors contributing to the market growth. For instance, in September 2021, the U.S. Department of Agriculture invested around USD 3.0 billion in the animal nutrition and health sector.
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Gain deeper insights on the market and receive your free copy with TOC now @: Equine Healthcare Market Report
The Covid-19 pandemic had a notable impact, particularly on the horse racing/ sports sector. It led to reduced access to equine care services and the cancelation of equine shows. Teaching, training, competitions, events, tourism-related activities, and recreational activities were all discontinued as a result of COVID-19. Horse racing was adversely impacted across the world, along with the demand for horse boarding. Only Sweden continued to hold races within the EU. According to a survey conducted by Hippolia, French Equine Industry Cluster, 68.8% of respondents believed the recovery of the shortfall is impossible, and all equine competitions have been discontinued. A total of USD 385.89 million in sport horse losses were incurred as per estimates. However, the market recovered in 2021 owing to easing lockdown measures and improved access to equine healthcare.
Growing technological advancement, R&D, and initiatives by market players in equine diagnostics are key factors driving the market. For instance, according to a July 2022 article published by the American Veterinary Medical Association, a study was carried out to assess the diagnostic performance of a unique helical fan beam-based CT utilized for imaging horses with clinical head and neck complications. A total of over 120 horses were involved, and the medical records of those who had undergone head or neck CT scans at two university hospitals were examined. Age, sex, breed, the primary complaint, the amount of sedation utilized, the length of the operation, the use of any further diagnostic imaging techniques, the imaging diagnosis, the clinical diagnosis, and any imaging-related problems were all noted. The CT system proved to have short scanning times and reliable utility for regular imaging of horses' teeth and sinuses. 
Furthermore, the rising prevalence of diseases in horses is another factor propelling the market growth. West Nile Virus, for instance, was positively identified in a 10-year-old unvaccinated Quarter Horse stallion in Nevada County who was exhibiting transient fever and neurological symptoms by the California Department of Food and Agriculture in September 2022. This was the 8th confirmed case of the equine WNV in California in 2022. Other positive cases were identified in six counties: three in Kern, one in Nevada, one in Sacramento, one in San Luis Obispo, one in Tehama, and three in Tulare. This is expected to promote awareness regarding equine diseases while fueling demand for timely vaccination of horses.
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hushedhippie · 2 months
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Beyond proud to say I am now the proudly leasing Ruger. I lost my heart horse in 2014 which was the tipping point in my self destruction and riding really never felt the same again until I gave it up for boys and partying in 2016. Inspired by a book simply called “Horse” at the start of 2024, I found my trainer and quickly bonded with Ruger who was being boarded there. His owner agreed to only let me ride him and since then, I knew the universe sent Ruger for a reason. And once again, horses became my tipping point…but this time in a good way. I took my recovery more serious for real, knowing I needed to be healthy to ride. My Ruger, God knows my prayers for you. I am so so happy.
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whumpdoyoumean · 19 days
The fic is up! It’s a tag to season 3 and therefore has spoilers (: Everyone who sees this, go watch Slow Horses! It’s a genuinely excellent show, and River Cartwright is just a little guy. And the new season starts today!
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canonkiller · 2 years
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trying to communicate in the only kind of metaphor my family can understand; the poetic subtlety of a kick to the head.
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zeebreezin · 2 months
taps chin.... how does Bev feel about animals?
“Animals? Well, I’ll admit that I’m not the most knowledgeable about them…” He pauses, clearly considering the question. “I quite like fish- my goldfish Sprocket is one of my oldest friends back home! Otherwise, though… I suppose I think I prefer them to be smaller than people.” Bev’s smile is unreadable. What the fuck did he mean by that.
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drafthorsemath · 4 months
After my hysterectomy in March I told both my husband and the nurse that Tech lives. I don't remember saying it but anesthesia Rachel isn't wrong.
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having arfid is like if someone diagnosed you with "hates poop disorder" then told you that you either have to start eating bowls of horse diarrhea with human nail clippings in it or you die. that would fucking suck now wouldn't it
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luckyspike · 7 days
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Well ma’am if you don’t like the ice boots maybe you should think twice before eating disease ridden dead bugs carrying pathogens unknown to your foreign immune system
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blueiscoool · 1 year
Kentucky Derby winner Mage enjoys a bath after a workout.
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system-of-a-feather · 10 months
Man, I'm (Fei, final fused state) listening to the Loki Season 2 Part 2 Soundtrack and the line "Purpose is often more burden than glory" really sticks with me cause man 0 if there is anything to summarize the core locus that defines the "Riku Part" in relation to the rest of the system, the thing that makes the basis for every elaborate dynamic and role they have with the other parts, it would be best summarized as "Purpose and/or Passion". Everything about their role in the system boils down to them being the sole carrier and center of purpose and passion and that they are functionally there to provide that not only for themselves but the entire system - and ever since our childhood / original host situation got fucked up around age 7-10 they've been living that on full drive as a host / one of the hosts / one of the most frequent fronters since then.
And honestly, having to be responsible for giving, providing, and generating a sense of purpose for the system - a genuine "why" to keep going - when growing up being abused, being targetted for MC-related stuff from a snake of a sister that was our "only non-abusive older person in our life" who gave us up to predators and left us for daring to be hurt by that, being disabled and having multiple mental health issues, being otherwise a lone, and having almost every friendship we invested to end with no closure (moved without goodbyes) or turned abusive - was both an insane pressure and a mammoth of a task, especially when you consider that save for the first and last two years, they were the ONLY host and they lived through MOST of the last half of our childhood
They had to experience and endure the garbage of life as a teen and then the climb out and survival in college as the main person experiencing it, and still - despite it all - keep their head up and never waver in their purpose because if THEY lost sight of it, if they stopped believing in it, if they wavered, the system as a whole would collapse beneath them. And that sounds like a catastophization, but as a fused state of all our parts, I can say for certain that - especially during any point before we graduated college - if they ever did genuinely stay down for more too long, we would have imploded. Most other parts don't have any motivation to heal, recovery, or keep trying. Most don't have motivation to try to do better or even really live on their own. Some parts - even with Riku's radiating vision - barely managed to hold faith in them to not just off and kill themselves or go off and commit crimes that would end in a rather short life.
And thats what XIV - hell most of the parts that are otherwise headstrong, angry and closed off and/or smarter, wiser, and more capable than Riku on their own - respected the most out of them despite the fact that they're fucking idiots 95% of the time. Out of context, Riku is really nothing special - they're stupid, they've got shitty stamina and are completely whiny about any level of physical discomfort, they are the worlds largest hypocrites because they know whats right and struggle A LOT to actually do what they suggest, they are control freaks and particular as fuck and there are alters here that can do almost everything way better than they can and yet a lot of the time they are stubborn and even though they CAN easily switch with any of the other parts, they choose to make themselves suffer. In our trauma therapist's words that Riku agreed to - they are addicted to their own misery. (Which probably comes from the fact that they find it easier to find and see their purpose better when they are suffering than when they aren't suffering)
All in all, Riku out of context is a very mediocre and an average normal person (a generalist, which isn't bad, but as a stubborn control freak it is very frustrating from the specialist views) in relevance to the rest of the frequent fronters (a lot of us being a lot more specialists in that we have very specific extreme skills and huge deficiencies elsewhere), but within the context - Riku is beyond a specialist in their sheer resilience and ability to always see something worthwhile in the garbage of everything.
In a similar but very very different way than XIV, they never loose because they never see an end to the "why" and more than anything else, thats what really got us to our place in life. Thats why I am able to sit here and be me, a fused whole for the time being, writing the genuine insight to the host of 15 or so years that somehow always kept their head up and kept trudging through.
It's why Riku as a part is known in this system for being the part that no part can genuinely hate for long. There are so many reasons a lot of parts have to hate them, or be frustrated with them, or want to usurp their central role to the system, but in the end of the day - they really believe in the most for all parts of our system, in the world, and others. They see the most potential in others and look at the most dismal situations and "give up on it" situations and both internally as a part, internally as a system, and to those around them, really dedicate to wanting to see people reach where they belong. To them, those they come to know have a place to be, a great thing to become - maybe for the world, maybe for society, maybe for their close peers, maybe just for themselves - and they just really genuinely like to see all that potential grow and flourish against all preconsceived notions of what is possible.
It's not anything "special" for them, it's just their way of existence because its their extreme that they got from our childhood, our trauma, and our disorder. They see potential - a why - in almost everything and anyone they spend enough time with and they love to see that why be realized.
I dunno, I feel like Riku and XIV have spent time trying to pinpoint and explain the nature of Riku and how - despite being considerably average to the other parts in the system - Riku is by far the most respected and loved parts in our system. Perhaps its cause they're so average as well that they are the best.
You know, "Sometimes the best horse is the worst horse, and the worst horse is best horse, because the best horse learns too easily and misses the marrow of the practice where as the worst horse will fail and struggle and yet persevere to deeply understand the practice and when that worst horse learns the practice, he will have a much deeper, much more full understanding and appreciation of the practice" - the allegory(?) from Shunryu Suzuki that our system loves, I think best summarizes the nature of Riku.
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positiveupwardspiral · 3 months
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~ Wild Horses in Placitas, New Mexico
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hushedhippie · 4 months
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Thank you for reminding me how to properly love myself🍀
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werewolfsmile · 5 months
I wanna work on my werewolf!Eliot fic sooo bad but my shoulder is sore today. Typing on a keyboard is not my friend.
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wienervulture · 6 months
balancing that tight rope of gathering evidence abt a potential mental health condition to bring up with my doctors and avoiding going too deep into mental health communities online
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totalshockwaves · 2 years
mikey winking at the camera? he did that for ME.
also him tripping over one of the cords in the background, he also did that for me.
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