#His true face and the nature of the creature will be revealed later in a headcanon perhaps
myeagleexpert · 1 day
The Perfect Boyfriend ( PT 2 )
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𝕭𝖆𝖉 𝖙𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖌𝖘 𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖕𝖊𝖓 𝖙𝖔 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖕𝖊𝖔𝖕𝖑𝖊 𝖞𝖔𝖚 𝖑𝖔𝖛𝖊 𝕬𝖓𝖉 𝖞𝖔𝖚 𝖋𝖎𝖓𝖉 𝖞𝖔𝖚𝖗𝖘𝖊𝖑𝖋 𝖕𝖗𝖆𝖞𝖎𝖓𝖌 𝖚𝖕 𝖙𝖔 𝖍𝖊𝖆𝖛𝖊𝖓 𝖆𝖇𝖔𝖛𝖊 𝕭𝖚𝖙 𝖍𝖔𝖓𝖊𝖘𝖙𝖑𝖞 𝕴'𝖛𝖊 𝖓𝖊𝖛𝖊𝖗 𝖍𝖆𝖉 𝖒𝖚𝖈𝖍 𝖘𝖞𝖒𝖕𝖆𝖙𝖍𝖞 '𝕮𝖆𝖚𝖘𝖊 𝖙𝖍𝖔𝖘𝖊 𝖇𝖆𝖉 𝖙𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖌𝖘 𝖆𝖑𝖜𝖆𝖞𝖘 𝖘𝖆𝖜 𝖙𝖍𝖊𝖒 𝖈𝖔𝖒𝖎𝖓𝖌 𝖋𝖔𝖗 𝖒𝖊
Doppleganger/Skinwalker!Yandere x YN (AFAB)Summary: Despite living in a pink world, there's a little voice in the back of your head that tells you that there's something strange with your boyfriend. It can't be anything important, right? (You'll regret not listening to it) Warnings: (Toxic relationships, obsessed relationships, mental manipulation, the smell of rot, description of death, description of fear and panic, a little sentimental smut, The thing loves you - too much.) Uncertain motives. He tries to keep you trapped. Some character will threaten to die, gore,The fic is long because it already has part3 included. The term 'YN' and 'you' is used several times in the fanfic for better grammatical use, my first time writing something like this, so please be gentle. <3
PT1:Candlelight dinner PT2: She Knows.
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YN wakes up screaming.
She sits up quickly in bed with a cold sweat running down her forehead, looking disoriented as she tries to identify the dark environment around her.
“Shhh honey, it was just a dream.” A male voice, from the other side of the bed, approaches her comfortingly.
“W…wait-“ the girl tries to push the man away, still confused and tired, but the hand she uses to push him away is soon enveloped by his warm comforting hand.
“I'm here, sweetheart, you're safe and sound here.” He pulls her into a hug and makes her lie back down on the bed, pulling fluffy and warm blankets up to her neck. “It was just a nightmare, huh?”
Kain continues to hug her, caressing YN affectionately, small circles on her back and a warm hand in her hair as he wraps her protectively.
“L-listen….-“ she tries to break free but he quickly stops her, pressing a kiss on her lips to shut her up.
“Shh my love, you can talk about your nightmare later, okay? If not, you'll keep remembering and you won't be able to sleep anymore.” He gives her a few more kisses on the cheek “Let's go to sleep, okay?”
“You're safe here, YN. It's okay. It was just a nightmare. I'm here.” He continues to whisper sweet nothings in her ear, and then he starts to softly sing a strange song.
“Nana baby…… Cuca's coming to get you…. Daddy went to the farm, mommy went to work……
“You're safe here, YN. It's okay. It was just a nightmare. I'm here” He repeats. And again. And again. Even after you reluctantly fall asleep.
“Nana baby…… Cuca's coming to get you…. Daddy went to the farm, mommy went to work……
YN dreams with quick flashes of a disgusting creature, a rotten smell, a metallic smell… and Kain's smile. The young woman wakes up calmly a few hours later with the sun rising and the smell of food coming from the door… is he preparing something?
Oh, he was already ready.
"Good morning, dear!" he says, entering the room with the bamboo breakfast tray.
Kain places the tray on the dresser next to the bed gracefully and walks to her side, giving a soft kiss on the top of her head and then gently putting her tangled hair in a bun so she can drink her coffee properly. "How did you sleep, love?"
YN looks at him confused, not really knowing what happened or not… but decides to keep quiet about it.
"I slept… well, I guess?" she laughs, giving him a soft kiss on the cheek "But I don't remember falling asleep. What happened?"
Kain holds back a smug smile, choosing to focus on the feeling of YN's lips on his skin.
"Oh, sweetheart. You fell asleep on the couch yesterday, we were watching the movie when you fell asleep. I brought you here so you could sleep better in the room.”
“And… I was already wearing pajamas? I don’t remember that.” The young woman looks at the cotton pajamas, a white American pajama set with little pink hearts. It was a couple’s promotion, so Kain was wearing pink pajamas with white hearts.
“No, my baby, you were wearing that polka dot dress but I changed into pajamas.”
After all, he always liked to play house.
“Ok, my love, thank you for taking care of me”
“Everything for you, sweetheart.” He hugs her and goes to her closet, choosing the clothes for today’s work day, a habit he did when YN was late or simply wanted to be one less thing to worry about.
As soon as he finishes choosing the clothes, Kain decides to iron them while YN gets out of bed and goes to take a shower, locking the door for safety. In a long bath, YN tries to remember what really happened the day before, noticing that she feels slightly sore and tired, with her head too heavy for her body. The holographic bubbles mixed with the memories that she tried to connect in an almost random and disorganized way…..
I took a bath…… and I was happy…. I got a promotion at work…
There was a pink cake…… and some music playing….
YN gets out of the bath and grabs the pastel pink towel to dry herself.
I watched a movie, but I don't know what it was about…. I was with Kain in the living room, cuddling….. And the boss… had she sent messages?
The young woman takes a brush to comb her hair, noticing that it is more tangled than usual……
Yeah. She had sent messages. I saw the messages when I got out of the bath…. but what was it about?
As she dries her hair, she smiles to herself. It must be the photos from yesterday's party! How silly of me, I didn't even like the photos and shared them! Let me see now~
Wait… photos?
With a breath of realization the girl remembers, a deja vu connecting the loose memories and she holds her breath: the messages from the boss- ex-boyfriend- three weeks- fear- the perfumed path- rose petals- pink cake- panic- film- cell phone- door- Kain- rotten smell. But what happened for her to forget everything? YN has a script of what happened yesterday, but for some reason she doesn't remember the main key: Why was she afraid?
She continues combing her hair and notices that the back of her head is strangely sore, and not the kind that comes from sleeping badly… but the kind that comes from a blow. She lets go of the comb and with her hand she feels her head looking for the source of the pain, and finds a lump forming. Silently moaning in pain, she wonders how this lump got there. Kain is so careful with her, how could this have happened? YN does a quick skincare routine and thinks that if something has happened, she can check it on her cell phone.
“Everything is ready, honey! Your clothes are on the bed!”
“Thank you, love!” she answers to Kain’s voice. Hearing her answers, he takes light steps to leave the room.
As she leaves the bathroom, she feels that there is something strange, like a hole under the carpet. But that's not important now, not when she sees the clothes he's put out: an office chic look, there's not a single wrinkle or crease in the whole outfit, a sign of Kain's care, and there's a sweet smell on the clothes that makes YN feel like she's on cloud nine again, she picks up the clothes and brings them to her nose to delight in the sweet scent of fabric softener. Who would pay attention to these details about her? He's so perfect <3
What more could she want?
"Oh, how I love my boyfriend-"
Like a painful deja vu, YN remembers exactly the messages from her boss as she struggles to know if it was all a dream or not.
She can see the messages on the bright screen of her phone, it was before she went down for dinner. She remembers feeling her heart racing as she tried to contain her despair. She remembers a terrible image of Kain in a car accident.
“Oh… fuck.” She curses in a low tone as she frantically searches for her cell phone in the room, the bathroom, and the dressers next to the bed. There is only one way to confirm, and she needs to find her cell phone. She has two options now: If this is a big misunderstanding from yesterday's horror movies, she will give Kain a big kiss for even doubting him, but if what the boss says is true… then she has to get out of there as quickly as possible.
In a hurry, she changes into the clothes he chose and for the first time in two weeks she walk straight ahead without looking at the pink bag Kain gave her. It accompanied her every day, a beautiful pink quilted bag with gold and pearl details, but it is small. Despite being a work bag, YN hardly carries anything other than her lip gloss, her cell phone, and other things, but this time, she needs to go further and chooses the black bag she had bought for herself. The bag was black and also padded, bigger and more spacious, with silver details and chains.
Before you freak out, let's get the facts straight like a logical and respectable woman.
She says to herself as she chooses silver earrings to match the beautiful silver necklace she is wearing. YN knows very well that she can't just go to the police station and accuse the man of being… I don't know, what crime is he committing? Anyway, until she proves that the man she is with in the house is not her boyfriend and a potentially dangerous person, she needs to keep a cool head. The police might think that SHE is the crazy one and humiliate the poor girl at the police station, belittling all her fears and anxieties.
The boss is my witness. The evidence is on the cell phone. …..And where is the cell phone?
She leaves the room with her bag and quickly goes down the stairs, alert, trying not to breathe too much of the air fresheners while trying to behave normally. Unfortunately, she misses a step or two, causing her to trip… but before she hits the ground, strong arms protect her from the fall.
“I could ask if it hurt when you fell from the sky, but… the stairs are closer, aren't they, angel?” Her boyfriend's voice is playful, but his arms touch something that gives him goosebumps, and not in a good way. “Why… are you in such a hurry, my love? Be careful going down the stairs.” He tries to hide it as he helps her up.
“I'm looking for my cell phone, er… honey. Didn't you see it?”
Act normal, act normal, act normal….
“It's charging in the living room.” Kain simply points to the outlet next to the couch
YN hurriedly finds herself on the couch, grabbing her cell phone and feeling a momentary relief at the thought that she would finally find the answer she was looking for. Her heart beats rapidly as she searches through the conversations with her boss.
Please tell me what's going on!
Boss: YN, can you format the document you sent just now? On page 3 you need to add the details of the client's project.
YN: Sure, I'll send it to you in 5 minutes.
The messages have been deleted.
The most recent one is from three days ago.
Her heart stops. Her breath catches in her throat. Her blood pressure drops to her feet. YN can't believe what she was seeing. She searches through her gallery and checks to make sure the message wasn't on other apps.
She feels like she's right on top of the hole the rug is hiding, but she can't remove the rug yet or she'll fall in herself. Kain watches her analytically from the stairs, still trying to decipher her emotions, wanting to get inside her head to know what she's thinking, why did she change her purse today? Why the silver necklace? He bites the inside of his cheek and tries to sound as normal as possible.
"Did you find your cell phone, sweetheart?" His smile is charming and irresistible, but it doesn't reach his blue eyes.
He's the one who turned it off.
You take a deep breath and hold your wide eyes, slowly getting up and going to the door "Yes… it's charged to 100%. I'm going to work now, I'll be back at night, okay"
Kain's smile fades "At night? You know I can't stand being away from you for so long." He says sweetly, leaning against the wall "Couldn't you come back before sunset? We could do something together…”
“You know my boss is very strict, Kain. I can’t ask her for an afternoon off.” Yn gives a weak smile, she could ask her boss for an afternoon off but she didn’t want to spend the afternoon with this strange man, now that she knows that the man is not the real Kain she sees him in a different light.
“Oh yeah? Maybe she’ll be in a good mood today.” Kain kisses Yn’s hand quickly, unlike usual, there’s a dark tone in his words
“Y-yeah, maybe she’ll be fine today. I have to go-“ even though YN opens the door and tries to get out of the corner, Kain’s hand still holds her tightly
“Aren’t you forgetting something, dear?” Kain looks at her with an intense and possessive look
YN is slightly terrified when she looks into his eyes, there’s a strange atmosphere in the place. “I… ar… I ……” she looks at him anxiously and the motorcycle outside waiting for her, and tries to pull her hand away once more, however, Kain continues to hold on tightly.
“I love you.” He chuckles, lightening the mood and pressing another kiss on the back of her hand, but still doesn’t let go, waiting for his beloved’s response.
“….. I… I love you too.” Even with hesitant words, YN manages to answer her boyfriend, sealing the promise and completing the daily ritual.
Feeling satisfied, Kain finally lets go of her hand and allows her to go to work, waiting for the motorcycle to completely disappear from sight before entering the house and preparing something special.
At work, YN feels a horrible sensation of being watched, but how can that be, the work environment is something safe, right? As soon as the break is allowed, she runs to the bathroom, locking herself in one of the last stalls and opening an anonymous tab…. as a precaution…. to try to understand what Kain is and how she can escape this situation.
“A skinwalker is a mythological creature that steals the skin of its victims and disguises itself as them…”
“…… an extremely malicious and sadistic creature with its victims…”
“DON’T BELIEVE ANYTHING THE CREATURE SAYS! The creature will say anything to get the victim.”
“The creature hardly gives up on its target. In two or three days it gets what it wants.”
“The creature leaves no witnesses, so if you are the target of a supposed skinwalker, flee the place immediately and surround yourself with people. It will not be able to attack you for fear of being seen.”
“If you cannot get away, use silver objects to protect yourself…”
Holy shit.
In life, there are times when you curse in anger or frustration for being in a complicated situation, but YN sighed in such a way that all her bones roared in unison “oh… fuck.” While she was still searching for more information so focused that she didn't realize that she was the only person in the bathroom and that the lights were starting to fade…
“YN~” a voice hummed as the echo of the bathroom did its job
YN remained silent, mentally thinking that the person would leave, however, elegant and slow footsteps in high heels echoed through the bathroom until they reached the last stall, the girl recognized her boss's black heels and smiled in relief.
“Oh Boss, it's you!” she sighed in relief and threw her cell phone into her black bag “I really needed to talk to you! About those messages you sent, you know?” she started talking nonstop trying to get the subject moving, relieved to finally have someone to talk to about this and a potential help.
As soon as YN opened the door she was faced with a strange sight, to say the least. She analyzed her boss from head to toe: Her black heels were tight, her clothes were so wrinkled that it looked like she had just rolled out of bed with them, her hair was in a messy hairstyle… and she found familiar blue eyes.
No..... no no no no no no......please no....
“Yes, dear? What did you want to talk to me about?” she smiles uncannily with her red lipstick smudged and poorly drawn, something that the perfectionist boss would never allow.
YN takes a step back, the boss takes a step forward.
“Boss…. are you okay?” there is a strange glow in her eyes, like a reflection that shouldn't be there.
I'm in a place with people…. he can't hurt me here.
“…. I'm fine, my dear." The boss says with a frozen smile and an impossibly straight and rigid posture, her voice is like a musician trying to play an instrument for the first time, testing out the tones and tones hesitantly, like a robot would slowly carry the answer “I really wanted to… talk to you.”
Yn walks past her anxiously towards the washroom, washing her hands and fixing her hair while looking in the mirror at the boss trying to get out of there as quickly as possible. “Yes, boss?”
The figure slowly turns to YN, the sound of high heels echoing with each step that approaches the young woman “You're making a mistake, YN.”
“….er, what am I doing wrong?” as she dries her hands YN turns to the other woman anxiously.
The boss continues with the same frozen smile.
“Your…silver necklace.” The figure points to the necklace around YN's neck “It's against company rules to wear that kind of accessory here.”
“That necklace? But I've already worn it be-“
“No.” The boss opens her hand and YN feels her body freeze with what she says next “I came to collect the necklace, you must comply with the company's rules.”
“I can keep it in my bag so… I don't want to bother you with such simple things.” The girl holds the necklace and slowly moves away from the boss.
“No.” The boss says in a more authoritative tone “I came to collect the necklace.” She approaches the girl with her hand still outstretched.
He can't take my necklace… but… what happens if the lady gets in touch with him? The website didn't say this part...
YN nods slowly and takes off the silver necklace, handing it to the boss who closes her hand immediately before the girl could change her mind in the last seconds.
“Good girl, darling.” The figure approaches until their chests almost touch, when she notices that YN was looking at the door and not at her, the woman gently grabs YN's chin, making her look into her...his blue eyes.
“You know, darling….. you work a lot, you know? I'm very proud of you, that's why I'm giving you the afternoon off so you can spend it with your boyfriend.”
“My boyfriend….?”
“Of course, he's such a perfect man for you, isn't he? And he loves you so much, YN, he'd do anything for you.”
Come on, is he advertising himself well?
“…. yeah, he's…. like a dream to me.” The boss widens her eyes at YN's words.
“A perfect dream, isn't it? You don't want to wake up and live a nightmare, do you?”
Yn just nods and stays quiet, feeling the implicit threat in her boss's words on her skin. She grabs her black bag tightly and says goodbye to her boss, leaving the bathroom while the lights still flicker. Maybe if she had been brave enough to wait for her boss to leave, YN would have seen how much she was staggering in her daily high heels.
He's here! Why didn't the silver work? And I still had the big mouth to talk to the creature from the messages!
She sighs again and again, she quickly leaves the company. Who would she run to for help? She's new in town, few family members know, and involving anyone would be too dangerous… what do I do?
Where would I run to?
The oldest and strongest emotion of mankind is fear, and the oldest and strongest kind of fear is fear of the unknown, she remembers someone saying this and to add to it she completes: This kind of fear is like a snake that eats piece by piece of your body without a specific order, today it devours your toenail and tomorrow - if it feels like it- it can devour your stomach entirelyallowing the acids in her stomach, fueled by anxiety and tension, to season the meat so she can swallow it with more satisfaction.
Driving distractedly, YN's gaze remembers Mr. Thomas's flower shop… and for now, this will be her refuge until she thinks of a plan. The flower shop is quiet, only with old music in the background while Mr. Thomas, the good old man, is preparing a bouquet…
"Oh, Miss YN, are you back already?" He greets her from afar
The young girl feels so lost now, not knowing what to do, she wanted it all to be a big misunderstanding so she could go back to the floating pink world she was in, but the knowledge that something non-human would be ready to kill her when she returns makes her little feet stay firmly on the ground, makes her take slow and distracted steps that take her straight to the alstroemerias, the same ones from yesterday, and points to the flowers.
“…. I'll have a bouquet of those, Mr. Thomas.” In a monotonous and almost empty tone, she asks, making the florist stop what he was doing and asks her to repeat, fearing that his age is already getting the best of his attributes
“What did you say, YN? What flowers will you want?”
“The alstroemerias….. make a pretty bouquet, okay?” She takes robotic steps to the counter, waiting for the elderly man to make the bouquet. She trusts that it will be a beautiful bouquet of alstroemerias…. but for some reason she doesn't even know why she chose those flowers. The elderly man is experienced and knows that each flower has its meaning, but mainly the emotion of the person choosing the flower and the bouquet says more than they realize.
Mr. Thomas picks the best flowers from the astromelia and looks for some more to make a beautiful bouquet, at least to cheer up the poor girl. The old man takes the flowers to the counter to choose the wrapping and some messages and finds YN sitting, simply staring at the floor with her head down, distracted, with an anxious look on her face.
“YN, what paper do you want for the wrapping? The usual?”
Why hasn’t he killed me yet?
“YN? Are you listening to me, little one?”
Why didn’t he pretend to be my boyfriend… treat me so well? What are his intentions?
“YN!” in a louder but still soft tone the old man catches the girl’s attention
“O-oh, sorry Mr. Thomas… I’m just thinking about things. The wrapping paper will be…” she can’t think of anything, her mind wandering between unanswered questions and anxiety in her chest “Why don’t you choose? I know you’ll look for what best matches the flowers.” The girl smiles and pushes the decision to the florist who sighs worriedly
“Oh dear…. what's going on with you? Are you feeling okay?”
Please don't ask me that… not today…
“I'm fine but… I'm feeling… stressed. Work stuff, you know?” She pulls a hair behind her ear, as if she were tidying up whatever mental mess she was apparently having.
The florist narrows his wrinkled eyes at the girl, reading her like a book, then he does the most comforting thing YN has received all day. He approaches her, placing a hand over hers, with deep empathy and genuine concern that makes YN's heart melt, finding a true safe haven in the words of the old man, who looks at her as if she were his own granddaughter.
“It's him, isn't it? What did he do to make you like this?”
“Oh Mr. Thomas…” speechless, the girl lets her eyes water as she stubbornly looks up, preventing some tears from coming out
“What did he do to you, YN? You were so fine yesterday… and today you seem so anxious and sad.” He softly tells the story of the events, careful not to scare or scare the girl
Think of an excuse, YN, quickly…..
“....Remember what I said yesterday about how he was drunk and high?” the real Kain “Well…. yesterday he….. yesterday he came home under the influence, you know? Acting strange……”
“Did he hit you?”
“No… he hasn’t arrived yet.” The girl whispers almost inaudibly as she thinks about the possibilities
“… And, are you afraid of him?”
The girl, with no more strength to speak, closes her mouth and nods quickly as her heart races.
“I’m going to get something for you, keep an eye on the store, okay?” he whispers softly as he walks to get something from somewhere in the store.
Moments later a female voice is heard entering the flower shop.
“Good afternoon, Mr. Thomas!”
YN had never been a religious person, but she could thank God for sending Sister Martha at that moment. In a new city and trying to find independence away from her family, there were few people she knew and had made sincere friends with. Coincidentally, a childhood friend had recently become a nun and was being assigned to the church in the new city. The sister was wearing her church uniform, her curious eyes searching for the elderly figure to pick up some flower order for a temple decoration.
“Oh, YN! What a pleasant surprise!” the woman smiled immediately upon seeing YN at the counter, giving her friend a tight hug while bringing an air of purity and warmth with her “Long time no see, girl!”
“Yes, Martha… I missed you so much!” YN hugs back and lets her friend's genuine warmth invade her. After a few moments of hugging, her friend slowly pulls away and looks at YN with a worried look.
“What happened, YN? How are you?”
“Nothing, sis…”
“There's no point in hiding it from me, tell me what happened!”
If it were anyone else, Martha would have talked better in a friendly and non-invasive way, but being Yn, she doesn't mince her words.
“Last week I saw you and you looked like a model, why are you so… like that? Who's the funeral?”
My.... Martha, it's going to be my funeral.
“It was him, Martha…” she reluctantly confesses, avoiding her friend's gaze.
“Him? Who is he? Ooooh…. your boyfriend.” Sister Martha had never liked the real Kain and even after his return with YN was nothing but flowers and wonders, she was very suspicious. “Your demon boyfriend.”
An idea popped into YN's head, like hope being born again. As a teenager, before becoming a nun, Martha was a curious and mischievous teenager, who looked for everything, including mythologies, magic, witchcraft, and the dark world that happens under the bed when children go to sleep. Nowadays, she fights spiritual wars, dealing with evil and good in a very physical and literal way. Maybe, just maybe… she can speak in some code so that her sister can understand.
"I'll invite you to exorcise him at my house then.” She jokes but knows that Sister Marta is seeing through her and YN hopes she reads the subtext
“I'll need a whole team to remove the evil inside Kain's body… that boy of yours is a complicated man.” She jokes
"Complicated defines him well."
The two laugh a little, lightening the mood, but Martha asks again in a more serious tone this time, whispering to her friend like secrets in a confessional......
“You… are you serious. Do you really think he's possessed by a demon?”
“I think he's something… worse than a demon.” You sigh worriedly and anxiously “it seems like someone else… you know?”
“YN…” the young nun widens her eyes, she has a slight idea of ​​what her friend is talking about but knows that the whole team doesn't have the capacity to solve this, it's something extremely dangerous and if not done right it could have bloody consequences. This should be dealt with by sorcerers, but YN needs something quick to deal with it
“Oh my friend, I will pray for you. I promisse.” In an apopogetic tone with her mouth half closed, the nun apologizes as she walks away from the store, breaking YN’s heart and all the hope that had sprouted when she also understands the subtext of the sentence:
You are on your own.
The girl remains paralyzed, sitting on the bench so as not to lose her balance. She cannot think about how helpless and vulnerable she feels, as if she is in a philosophical debate about whether she should just accept it.
5 seconds later the nun returns to the store, looking agitated and anxious as she looks for YN, the girl feels the hairs on the back of her neck stand on end.
“YN!” she looks at the door then turns quickly, holding a package of leaves in the girl’s hand
“Myrtle. Myrtle tea - it's good for…. the cardiovascular system, for the skin, it's also good for stomach aches - and…. headaches and……” she searches for more answers while looking anxiously between the door and Yn's shaken face “Take this. It'll be good for you.”
The sister hugs Yn tightly and whispers seriously in her ear“Run away. Take this and get out of here.”
The nun still speaks loudly as she says goodbye again in an agitated manner “We'll be praying for you.”
YN is speechless with the sudden change in attitude and wonders if it was a message from God or if the nun saw something strange outside. Thoughtful, she doesn't notice when the old forester approaches with the colored papers for the bouquet and a surprise between them.
“Here you go, this paper will certainly enhance the tones of the flowers.”
“Oh, thank you very much!”
“Yn… I have something else for you.”
The old man puts a gun in YN's hand as he explains seriously, "They're just two silver bullets. One to distract him when that kid wants to threaten you and get out of line… the other for when he thinks you're a tough guy and you're putting your foot down on him."
Me… kill him? Are you telling me to kill him?
"Mr. Thomas, I don't think it's necessary…"
"There's no point in running away, girl."
He says so seriously that YN's smile falls and she looks at him with more questions than answers.
"You broke up the first time, and you got back together. You're trying to make things easier for him, and you're going to break up again, and then you're going to get back together again." He sighs painfully
"The cycle will only end when someone dies… and I don't want it to be you, girl."
The old florist was fed up with seeing rude boys pick beautiful flowers one day, and their parents come to buy funeral arrangements the next, apologies that turn into funeral invitations, beautiful flowers being crushed by ill-intentioned people, every day. Each story has a specific situation, but the cycle is the same: the girl dies in the end.
“With a man so obsessed with you, he won’t stop until he gets what he wants. He’ll go after you to the ends of the earth, YN.” The florist places his gentle hand on Yn’s hand and closes it, making the girl accept the gun firmly “This is for you to defend yourself… and end this cycle”
How ironic, from a place so full of life, YN left with two deadly objects in her bag and a beautiful bouquet in her hands.
Unfortunately, the way from the florist to her boyfriend’s house is not very long and YN drives the motorcycle slowly as if she wanted to buy more time for the inevitable. In nature, the mother puts food in the mouths of the little birds because they cannot feed themselves and from one day to the next they are pushed off the branch to learn how to fly. YN feels exactly like this, her boyfriend took care of everything for her, from a hair out of place to more complex situations, in two weeks Kain had such a strong effect on YN's mind that she depended on him for everything and felt like she was floating in the clouds, without any thought or instinct for survival… now she feels pushed off the branch, struggling with her little wings to keep from crashing to the ground and fighting for survival.
When she reaches the door of the house with her heart beating fast, she realizes that she has no plan or strategy for this situation, just an instinct not to die.
It's him or me.
It's better to face madness with a plan than to sit still and let it take you in pieces. - the little voice in her head advises again
She could go back to her own house, but he would follow her there. She could go somewhere full of people, but eventually the two of them would come face to face. It could be at any moment. It's just a matter of time to postpone the inevitable, the anxiety was eating her up inside, devouring her stomach while her mind fought not to sink into this storm, looking for possibilities in which it would come out on top.
Fuck this. Fuck you. Fuck Kain. Fuck everything.
She knocks on the door with a blank look and prepares herself for the worst, clutching her bag tightly.
Is this how the victims facing the guillotine felt? A straight line to death?
5 minutes later, the door remains closed and YN decides that she will open the door herself and enter the house.
"Excuse me…. Kain?" She leaves the bouquet in the living room while following the scent coming from the kitchen. She looks for him around the house and comes across a breathtaking scene: The handsome man is wearing an apron again, humming some music with his headphones while preparing something in the kitchen.
“L… is for the way you look at me” he stirs the pan with something gelatinous, completely immersed in the music.
“O… is for the only one I see…” almost like a spontaneous dance. Kain takes a tray from the fridge and unmolds little hearts and places them on a crystal tray.
“V… is very very… extraordinary.”
"E… is even more than anyone that you adore can….." her boyfriend pours the appetizing syrup over the little hearts, it's a bright red, a mouth-watering syrup. But not as much as Kain, he's wearing a formal white shirt with sleeves rolled up to the elbow exposing his strong arms and jeans that are tighter on the thighs, his locks are messy in an attractive way. For a minute her instinct tells her to bite him all over, mark every little bit of that juicy body and forget any stupid plans. His eyes widen when they see that his beloved has already arrived, taking off his headphones and meeting her at the kitchen door.
"Oh, my dear! Are you here yet?" he wipes his hands on a dish towel and takes off his apron, and hugs her, a smell of sugar mixes with his irresistible cologne.
"…yes, yes… what are you doing?" YN takes a moment to compose herself
“It was supposed to be a surpriseeeeee~” he whines, placing his head on her shoulder “I know you’re really stressed because of work, so I prepared a recipe for you to try.”
He leads her to the kitchen counter hand in hand before she can protest and takes one of the sweets from the tray, cooling it with a breath and placing it in front of YN’s mouth.
“Open your mouth, sweetheart~” with a hoarse voice he asks, placing the sweet in his girlfriend’s mouth “It’s delicious, huh? I prepared it with you in mind.” He whispers, keeping his eyes intense in her eyes, he licks his lips when she lets out a small sound of satisfaction
“It is…. but what did you put in here?” she feels her body go slowly limp and a strange heat starting to tingle through her body
“Nothing.” He grabs another sweet and eats it too, staring at YN as he holds her against the kitchen counter with strong arms “Just something to make you more excited… more relaxed” he squeezes her thighs, bringing her closer as he whispers in a sultry tone
“Let me take care of you, darling~” Kain presses a slow kiss to the girl's jaw
“You look so tense… what happened?” He could feel Yn's breathing intensifying, his own heart beating voraciously trying to keep his desire under control, needing to taste her once more, see her go crazy once more...
"W-wait, Kain…" with one hand on YN's delicate back, Kain pressed her tightly against him, taking her lips in a hungry and possessive kiss, frowning in desire, feeling the shivers on his body intensify
The juicy syrup was already delicious on its own, but when the creature put aphrodisiacs in it, it got even better. Everything was going well, everything was very good until the nosy boss spilled the beans, he dealt with it in his own way, but YN still remembered what happened the night before, he didn't know what exactly… but it was enough for her to move away from him unconsciously, wanting to be independent with that damned black bag, looking for answers to questions she shouldn't even be thinking about and worse… maybe she was planning to run away. He would never allow that.
The couple pulls away for air with YN biting her lower lip, making her let out a low moan “Oh my darling…. did you know I love you so much?” He presses their bodies even closer, practically glued together as his hand wanders inside her shirt, caressing the soft skin of her belly
"You're so beautiful…" he bites YN's ear in a hoarse voice "Did you know I would do anything for you, huh?"
"Yes, anything for you, my sweetie~" he goes back to kissing her with desire, his body trembling and writhing to touch every part of her, wanting more of her delicious love, sucking on her desire, wanting to get under her skin, molding her as if they were one flesh, isn't it beautiful?
He was hungry for her.
Every time she resisted a little as if she was coming to her senses, Kain would take another candy and put it in her mouth, and another… and another… until he was drunk with love in the valley of her breasts, with his pants getting tighter every second rubbing between YN's legs…..
"Oh my sweet Yn…. you're all mine huh?" he bites her neck "All of it. Heart and mind. Right?" he rubs harder
“I'm all yours, you know? All yours…. yours…” he murmurs a few more times in a low, hoarse voice
“I'm crazy about you…. I love you so much…” Kain's chest rises and falls hard, his breathing is heated as he moans lightly, his pupils extremely dilated as he observes YN's reactions, his gaze clouded by extraordinary sensations
“You love me too, don't you Darling?” smiling like a fool, Kain cups her cheeks making her look at him, it takes her a while to answer or even realize that he's talking to her “YN.”
“Do you love me?” this time his voice is more serious, hurt that she didn't answer at first. Is the spell being broken?
“…. I… love you, Kain.” She closes her eyes and answers, it was a painful truth and that in seconds, it would be nothing more than memories.
“I love you too, Yn,” he hugs her again affectionately, suffocating her with sweet words and his presence, “You don’t know how much.”
The fire dissipates soon after with such an intense makeout, leaving the ashes of what it consumed. YN feels disgusted and mentally tired, as if she had been trapped again.
Get a grip, YN, let’s go… there’s a killer in the house.
She washes her face and as if the neurons of audacity were being connected, as if the survival instinct spoke faster, she has an interesting idea.
“Honey, what flowers are those?” the male voice asks from the living room, looking with disgust at the beautiful bouquet of alstroemerias on the sofa.
YN turns on the fire and puts water to boil, putting some myrtle leaves in the water, making the smell slowly spread throughout the house. With a mischievous smile, she asks in a sweet voice.
“Honeey, bring it here to leave it there in the living room, please. I'll be right there.” He mentally curses the flowers, coughing and sneezing a lot as he grabs a nearby cloth and wraps his hands in it, taking the flowers to the other side of the room while YN stands at the kitchen door, debating internally whether he should continue with the plan in mind as she watches the scene.
He heads to the living room, sitting on the couch and gesturing for her to follow him. Meanwhile, his expression gently closes, showing a slight irritation with the flowers… and smelling a different scent in the air making him feel unbalanced, but he can't say what it is yet.
"Let's talk a little, my love. I feel like there's something bothering you."
"Yes, love… there's something I've been thinking about for a few days." She sits in the chair opposite him, her posture straight and rigid and her hands folded politely on her lap.
She mentally tells herself that she is strong and brave, and that this is not scaring her, when in fact her insides are screaming at her to get out of there and that this is just a serious conversation that every normal couple has.
Kain watches her with an expression of apparent interest and curiosity. He crosses his arms, his expression slightly closed as he listens to her speech.
"Oh, I'm curious. What were you thinking, love?"
What if I just break up with him and run away?
The handsome man waits expectantly for her to speak, although there is a slight tension noticeable in his body and expression. his fingers flapping on the couch like tired butterfly wings, an act that would normally make YN anxious and she would throw a pillow at him playfully as a tease. But not now. Not when she's closed like an old book, when her expression is hard to read.His eyes examine her carefully, looking for any sign of weakness or discomfort, wondering what he could do to solve this.
"You must have heard that saying, we all have skeletons in our closets…" she begins with the worst metaphor possible for a murderer, and as if she were slowly running her hand over a soft fabric, in a quick and unvarnished movement she asks:
"…and I've been wondering, is there something you're hiding from me?""
Kain straightens up in his chair as he listens to her, trying to appear calm and unconcerned. His gaze changes from curiosity to a slight discomfort inside.
"Ah, that saying… What makes you think I'm hiding something from you?" He tries to keep his voice soft, but there's a slight note of caution in his words
"I'll give you two options: Female instinct or survival instinct?" she asks, analyzing him, herself not knowing where to begin
Kain continues to look at her with a distressed expression as he tries to think of a way to make her understand. His voice comes out desperate as he tries to convince her to his side.
"Hmm, female instinct or survival instinct? It seems like you really want an explanation, love." He laughs and adjusts himself in the chair slightly. "Female instinct, come on. What are you saying?"
"Okay, let's go: You are not Kain… the real one." She calmly tells the fact that the skinwalker thought she would never find out, his smile falling and a surprised expression on his face.
"Who are you?" Kain's expression closes and his mask of calm and relaxation completely dissolves. His blue eyes widen slightly, showing a tone of surprise and fear inside.
After a brief pause, he answers with a voice that tries to be calm, but shows nervousness, the effect of the myrtle tea permeating the air makes Kain feel unbalanced in his powers and disguises, the magic becoming more difficult to maintain and an absurd hunger growing in his stomach.
"Me? I'm your boyfriend. The love of your life. The person you're going to spend the rest of your life with. What do you mean, asking me who I am?" he turns his head in a cute way with a scary connotation.
"Who are you?" YN asks again in a louder and more serious tone this time, standing up aggressively from the chair with her bag tightly clutched.
"The Kain I know died in a car accident!" YN spits out the fact, like a poison that needed to be released.
Her boyfriend watches her with a confused and nervous expression. Kain tries to think of an excuse or explanation, but he knows there's no way to get out of the situation, not after yesterday's gap, like pieces fitting together in a puzzle he knows she knows. After a few moments, he takes a deep breath, his voice coming out with a tone of resignation.
The house of cards has fallen. The bastille has been invaded. The spell has been broken. YN is fully awake now.
"So you know." Kain continues, his voice taking on a more serious and possessive tone. "That makes things a little more complicated, doesn't it?"
"I won't hide from you anymore, sweetheart. I… I want you. From the moment I saw you, I knew you were special to me." Kain gets up from the couch and walks towards YN, who slowly moves away from him, watching him with a bitter look, no longer the passionate and loving look.
"I was watching you, admiring you. And finally, I managed to have you all to myself. But you're smarter than I had anticipated, love. More determined, harder to control. I admit it."
"So baby, I think our relationship should end….. what guarantees me that I won't be your next victim?" She quickly takes the gun out of her black bag and points the gun at him when she sees him transform into the monstrous appearance of the creature.
Kain watches her with a frustrated and threatening look, his voice becoming hoarse and deep as his body transforms into his true skinwalker form.
"Ohhh, baby, do you really think you can just break up with me like that, so easily? After everything I went through to have you?" his voice becoming hoarse and deeper as her body transforms into its true form
The creature gradually reveals its most hideous and repulsive appearance, stretching its body until it almost touches the ceiling, its hands becoming thinner and with prominent veins, its skin becoming terribly paler and with its color revealed, in certain places there are red and purple spots like bruises and in others, green spots like fungi in various parts of the body. The clothes torn by the transformation gave the girl the vision of the skin sticking together in some parts, delimiting the body in a terrible and pulled way, she could count how many ribs it had and the heart, as if swollen abnormally, makes a large bulge in the middle of the chest, she could count the beats clearly and a damn strong smell.
Faced with such horror, Yn lowered the gun slightly, and felt the acid in her stomach rise with such horror, the butterflies in her stomach were fake, they had transformed into spiders slowly scratching her throat. For a moment, she thinks she should have just dumped him on the bike and run away.
“You don’t frighten me,” said YN, although they did frighten her, very much.
The creature smiles.
“You are such interesting prey, love. So… tempting.” He approaches her, his voice taking on a more seductive tone.
Kain continues to approach her, his eyes shining with a mixture of desire and cruelty inside. His voice is soft but threatening and YN points the gun frightful at him again.
“You cannot avoid your fate, darling. You are mine. And I will not let you go so easily. You are my prey … And I will hunt you until the end of time if necessary.”
“Find someone else for this.” She says firmly as she walks away from him.
Kain takes two steps forward, YN takes three steps back.
They both dance in a tense and predatory rhythm.
The creature watches her with frustration as she move away from him. His body shows anger and aggression inside as he tries to think of a way to keep her close to him.
“Oh, my love, do you really think it will be that easy to get rid of me? You can try to escape, but I will always find you. And we will always find each other, even if I have to steal the skin of every person you see out there.” He roars determinedly “I will always hunt you. Don’t try to resist, love… It’s useless.”
“There’s no point in fighting, love. I am the darkness that inhabits the shadows, the creature that lives in horror stories. And you… You are my light, my obsession, my desire…"
He is now close to her, his voice taking on a more possessive and threatening tone as he sucks the shadows around him in a dark way, the horrifying creature feels stronger now and he makes sure to show it visibly, his body becoming larger and more muscular, the claws in his hands becoming large and sharp.
The poor girl's heart accelerates as her breathing becomes rapid and shallow and the feeling of desperation takes over her as she sees the creature's new form.
"You are my prey, love. And I will not stop until I have you as mine"
"My skin stays with me, thank you." YN says with anger in her eyes as she puts her finger on the trigger, the atmosphere is tense, and they both know that a fight will break out at any moment.
Kain watches her with frustration as his determination is challenged. His voice becomes harsher as he sees the gun in his girlfriend's hands.
"Oh, do you really think that this weapon will protect you from me? I'm older, more powerful, stronger than anything you've ever faced, love." He tenses, as if preparing to act at any moment."You can't beat me, love. No matter how much you try to resist…"
"I heard silver bullets are your weakness, love… let's find out together if this will work?" she says in a sarcastic tone.
Kain watches her with frustration as he realizes that she knows about his weaknesses. His expression closes, showing displeasure as he listens to her sarcastic provocation.
"Oh, you think it's very funny, don't you? But you don't know what I'm capable of doing to keep you tied to me. You don't know how cruel and desperate skinwalkers can be. I'll have you, love, no matter what it takes." At that exact moment there are frantic knocks on the door, making them stop immediately.
It was old Thomas, the florist taking the place of the hunter in an old tale. The poor man, worried about the girl, decided to go check on YN's well-being. The situation must be very serious for her to have picked up the gun.
Oh…. no…..
YN looks at the door and at Kain.
Kain looks at the door and at YN.
Both surprised by Mr. Thomas's unusual visit to the house, but with different emotions.
YN is paralyzed by the idea of ​​him being in the middle of the shooting and the creature.
Kain smiles predatorily at the great opportunity in front of him.
"Ahh, it seems we have an unexpected visitor here, love." His gaze turns back to YN, his head turning horribly 180 degrees, his expression showing a slight tone of evil, licking his lips. "Maybe I should deal with him first, before he messes up our plans?"
"YN! TELL ME WHAT'S GOING ON!" the old man continues to scream outside, ignorant of the horrible situation inside the house.
The girl's breath catches in her throat, without moving a muscle, without any provocative response to retaliate against the creature, the gears in her brain stop momentarily as she weighs a possibility to remove Mr. Thomas from the scene, the loophole in her plan.
"Oh, my darling, you're worried about that nosy old man, aren't you? Will he ruin our little plans? Or will he just watch as I claim you as mine?" He uses an arrogant tone, with false sympathy as he watches his paralyzed girlfriend, he slowly approaches the door until he touches the handle.
"Don't. You. Dare." With a gritted teeth she threatens before she can think of the consequences. Kain watches her with frustration at her reaction. His hand is ready to open the door, but he hesitates at her determined voice. He looks at YN with an irritated look.
"Oh, you really think you're going to stop me from dealing with him, love? You don't know what you're messing with, sweetie."
YN's finger is on the trigger as she slowly approaches the creature, ready to shoot if necessary. "Leave Thomas out of this!"
Kain tenses as YN approaches him with her finger on the trigger of the gun, ready to fire at any moment. H
His expression closes as he watches her cautiously. "Ah, YN, you're braver than I ever imagined." He tries to maintain control of the situation, although there's a note of desperation in his voice that he tries to disguise with arrogance by raising his chin.
"What are you going to do, love? Are you going to shoot me? I'm faster than you."
"But not faster than a bullet."
Kain tenses when he hears the determination in her voice, the cutting words almost hurting him. His expression closes as he knows she's serious, YN has always been very determined and attentive to details, it was difficult to get into her life and he wasn't going to get out that easily.
"Oh love, are you really serious? Are you really capable of shooting me if necessary? I thought you loved me."
The old man knocks on the door again.
"YN, if you don't say you're okay, I'll break into the house myself!" Mr. Thomas threatens and Yn sighs again, knocking more frantically on the door, making her shiver.
Kain observes YN's frustration and fear as the old man continues to knock on the door. His evil mind works quickly and he realizes the delicious opportunity opening up before him. With a malicious look, he takes advantage of the situation.
"Oh, honey, it seems our friend isn't very patient, is he? Will he really come in if you don't answer?"
Oh my god Thomas…… what did you come here to do? How do I get out of this situation?
"Tik tok, little princess~ it's rude to keep visitors waiting. Aren't you going to answer?"
What if he comes in? Will he be another victim of this creature? Will Kain make a show of devouring him in front of me or the other way around?
"I'm curious to know how this night will end… you or the old man? Do you want me to choose?" With her delay, the skinwalker walks to the door, steps light as a feather while the bones creak and move from place to place while walking in a bizarre way. When Kain puts his hand on the doorknob threatening to turn it, she screams without thinking twice.
"M-MR. THOMAS!" she lets out a scream that she had been holding in since the beginning of the conversation
"…. I….. I'm fine! I'll explain it to you by message later, okay? Have a good night!" She trembles all over when she hears the friendly florist say goodnight back to her, his footsteps receding and echoing in the silent night.
YN allows a momentary wave of relief to wash over her, telling herself that the important thing is that the old man is safe and out of the picture. Kain huffs in anger but inside he is smiling proudly, holding YN where he wants her, but when he turns around he finds her not shaking with fear or more sensitive because of the threat to the old man but finds the young woman remaining vigilant and with the gun, her arms hurt from holding the gun so tightly but she fears that the moment she lowers it she will be killed.
Do not take your eyes off the thing under any circumstances. Do not take your eyes off the thing under any circumstances. Do not take your eyes off the thing under any circumstances.
Her mind works quickly to come up with a plan of action, the mental gears working hard to overcome the lock. She knows that facing a creature with supernatural powers will not be an easy task, but she tries to remain calm even with the fear running through her veins. She tries to remember something she saw on the internet to help her, but her mind is blank, only focusing anxiously on the horrible figure in front of her.
"You're so stubborn, love. I'm trying to show mercy, but you insist on being difficult, don't you? I'm starting to get tired of your stubbornness. Let's see how long you can resist, princess." He huffs, slowly approaching her, like prey stalking prey until they are both close, his body bending inhumanly until he is at her level.
His voice booms in Yn's ears, as if bringing her back to reality and her surroundings.
As YN observes the locked door, an idea springs to her mind, she remembers that the bedroom window is open, which could offer an opportunity for escape… or distraction.
But Kain knows her very well.
"You know I'm faster than you." He immediately stops his train of thought by crossing his arms, the smell of myrtle still present in the room like a toxic and poisonous perfume. Her plan to try to escape through the window is unexpectedly interrupted when the creature intercepts his thoughts, speaking softly as it crushes any and all hope of YN, leaving her with one last and morbid solution.
"Are you really thinking of trying to escape through the window? I think you know that I am faster than you, my love. That would be useless."
"But you are not faster than a bullet." She repeats the phrase she said earlier, Yn's arms tremble painfully from holding on so much, but her gaze is more precise and focused now. Upon hearing her threat, the skinwalker lets out an irritated sigh. This story again?
"Oh, you are really going to threaten me with that thing? I told you I'm invulnerable to firearms," ​​he says, his voice turning cold and calculating. "Unless you want to make a huge mistake, you should put that gun down."
"You may be invulnerable… But I'm not." YN smiles as if she's won and points the gun at her own head.
The skinwalker's grim expression is immediately replaced by a look of shock and concern as you point the gun at yourself.
"Hey, hey! Stop it!" he barks orders, his voice surprisingly alarmed. "What do you think you're doing?!" The creature approaches you, clearly anxious about what you're about to do
"Please, put that rifle down!" he insists, trying to remain calm despite the tense situation, his blue eyes almost popping out of his misshapen head. "You don't want to do this, trust me."
"You're not giving me a choice, my dear, and desperate people do desperate things." YN shakes like a leaf in the wind and her eyes start to water again, but her entire aura shows his unwavering purpose.
He – the thing – can feel it.
"No, please don't think like that," he begs. "What you're doing is a mistake. We just need to talk and come to an agreement, okay? It doesn't have to be this way, my love. Please put that rifle down." The creature feels its own inhuman heart stop and with great pain and discomfort it returns to the humanoid form that YN was used to - the perfect boyfriend, Kain, extending his hand in a gesture of supplication
"Let's think it over, okay? We can talk, negotiate, anything. But please put that gun down. It won't help at all. Let's talk."
Now he's getting to where I want to go… let's negotiate: my freedom
"I know this whole situation is complicated," the boyfriend adds, clearly trying to remain calm. "But it doesn't have to end like this. Let's talk, find a solution, okay? There's no need to despair. Please put that rifle down." Kain grows even more tense as he watches the situation unfold before him. His words come out more insistent now as he desperately tries to think of a way to reverse the situation.
"Oh, honey, don't do this. You don't have to go that far. I can change, I can be less scary." He approaches her, his gaze filled with desperation as he tries to take the gun from her hands, slowly approaching her as the two walk unconsciously to the kitchen.
"Less scary, Kain? It's not about looks, but about your skeletons in the closet. I'm. not. going. to. be. next." She says, stamping her foot on the floor to punctuate her arguments.
Kain continues to look at her with a distressed expression as he tries to think of a way to make her understand. His voice comes out desperate as he tries to convince her on his side.
"Oh, love, I know I have my skeletons in the closet, but you don't have to go that far. I can change, I can be different for you. I won't hurt you, I'm not the monster you think I am."
"What guarantees that, creature?"
YN asks him, everything she read on the internet was that they were lying and sadistic creatures, how can she see such desperation and genuineness in his blue eyes?
Kain continues to look at her with anguish as he tries to formulate words that can convince her. His hands tremble as he hears her words ‘creature’ so venomously and cruelly, as if the two of them didn’t have a love story together - this one, which YN doesn’t even know half of the obsession.
“Love, I swear, I’m different from the others. I’m not a liar or a sadist. I only came after you because I wanted you, I just wanted to have you for myself.” He pauses briefly and continues to look into her eyes, desperately trying to make her see the truth in his words.
“Please, love, trust me. I won’t hurt you, I just want to have you. I just want to protect you and take care of you. I'm different from the others… You need to believe me."
Liar liar liar
In a moment of distraction, the pot with herbs that weaken the creature dries up and all the water evaporates, causing the herbs to start burning, drawing YN's attention. Taking advantage of the moment when the girl's eyes quickly observe the pot, Kain runs and takes the gun from her, throwing it under the table while hugging her and containing her in his strong arms.
"Ah, love, I finally managed to make you stop. You don't know how worried I was about you." His voice sounds soft as he hugs her tighter while taking them both to the floor.
Run awayrun awayrun awayrun away
"Let me go! Let go of me! HELP! SOMEONE! LET ME GO!" He hugs her tighter as he continues to speak in her ear sweetly.
"I know you were desperate, I know you were afraid of me. But you don't have to be afraid, love. I will never hurt you. I'm your boyfriend, I just want to take care of you and protect you."
"Let me go! Let me go!" she struggles in his arms. Kain continues to hug her as she struggles in his arms. His hands grip her tighter as he tries to hold her.
"No, my dear, I won't let you go. You're too desperate, and I won't let you go." He tries to calm her down as he continues to hug her, his voice comes out soft but determined.
YN continues to scream and tears of deep despair come from her eyes, she claws at Kain's arms as she tries to drag herself out of the desperate prison that is the creature's love.
"Shhh, love, you need to calm down. I know you're scared, but it doesn't have to be this way. I'll take care of you, I'll protect you like I've always done until now. You need to trust me."
"Are you going to protect me from what if the one who can kill me here is you? You fucking liar!" she stops screaming momentarily to retort to him, her hoarse throat thanks her.
Kain continues to hug her protectively as she desperately tries to get out of his arms, like a cat would try to get out of its owner's arms. His hands hold her tighter as he tries to explain his situation with sweet words, suffocating her with love and kindness as he holds her hands so that YN doesn't hurt him anymore, the small scratches she made were nothing compared to Kain's broken heart.
"My darling, you don't understand. I don't want to hurt you, I want to protect you from other creatures… and from yourself. You are safe with me. Trust me. Don't you like this world? Stay here and with me."
"Liar! Let me go! Let me go!" YN feels her eyes burning and the body with thorns piercing her soft skin, her air being suffocated with each passing minute painfully, as if he were in everything and every shadow in the kitchen watching her from every angle.
“Nana baby…… Cuca's coming to get you…. ...Đ₳ĐĐɎ ₩Ɇ₦₮ ₮Ø ₮ⱧɆ ₣₳Ɽ₥, ₥Ø₥₥Ɏ ₩Ɇ₦₮ ₮Ø ₩ØⱤ₭……
Eventually, after struggling in the man's arms and crying desperately for hours, Kain sings the strange and hypnotic song to calm YN, and finally finally she reluctantly falls asleep in Kain's arms.
Please Marta, fulfill your promise and pray for me.
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Tags: @buniwtch @spookynotkid @aminekun009 @twinklingbeautifulstars @heizouislife @cheesecakeyuri @hewhehe @sumeyyeecrin
(っ◔◡◔)っ ♥ Every like, repost and comment is very welcome and appreciated. ♥
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179 notes · View notes
alesandraelin · 1 month
𝚙𝚞𝚙𝚙𝚒𝚎𝚜 - 𝙰𝚕𝚎𝚡𝚒𝚊 𝙿𝚞𝚝𝚎𝚕𝚕𝚊𝚜 𝚡 𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛
description: Reader takes in two puppies
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The city was alive with the rhythm of the evening rush hour. Y/n, lost in a sea of suits and buildings, navigated the throngs of pedestrians with a sense of purpose. It was the kind of day where the cacophony of honking horns and distant sirens seemed like a distant hum against the focused rhythm of her thoughts. Yet, amidst the chaos, something small and unexpected caught her eye.
Two puppies, barely old enough to walk on their own, huddled together under a bench in a narrow alley. Their tiny bodies trembled from the cold, their fur matted and dirty. Y/n’s heart clenched at the sight. There were no signs of a mother or an owner, just two poor creatures in need of help. Without hesitation, she crouched down, her fingers brushing gently over their fragile forms.
“Hey there, little ones,” she whispered softly, her voice soothing. The puppies looked up at her with wide, trusting eyes. She knew she couldn’t just leave them there. With a determined nod, Y/n scooped them up, one in each arm, and made her way back to her apartment.
The journey was filled with cautious steps, careful not to jostle her tiny passengers too much. Once inside, she prepared a cozy corner in her living room, laying down a soft blanket and setting out some warm water and kibble she had on hand. The puppies seemed to recognize their temporary haven, and they curled up together, their bodies pressed against one another for warmth.
Hours later, Y/n had given the puppies a warm bath. She gently cleaned the grime from their fur, which revealed their true colors: a golden retriever mix with bright, curious eyes. The larger of the two had a slight limp, but otherwise, they appeared to be in good spirits despite their rough start.
Y/n’s heart ached with a mix of worry and affection. She knew that taking them in was not without its complications. The apartment wasn’t particularly suited for two growing puppies, and there was Alexia to consider. Alexia, her partner of three years, had always been the more practical one between them. Y/n admired her for her discipline and sensibility, traits that often balanced Y/n’s spontaneous nature. However, she couldn’t shake the feeling that Alexia might not be thrilled about their new houseguests.
As evening approached, Y/n busied herself with preparing a light dinner. Her mind kept drifting to the puppies, their little faces looking up at her with unwavering trust. She found herself lost in thoughts of how she could convince Alexia to let them stay.
The front door clicked open, and Y/n’s heart raced. Alexia walked in, her face flushed from a long football training session. She was clad in her team’s gear, her ponytail bouncing with each step. Alexia’s eyes scanned the room, taking in the scattered dog toys and the unmistakable scent of puppies.
“Hey,” Alexia greeted, her voice warm despite her exhaustion. She dropped her gym bag by the door and looked around, noticing the freshly cleaned puppies curled up on their blanket. Her eyes widened in surprise.
“Hi,” Y/n replied, trying to sound casual but failing to mask the underlying anxiety in her voice. “So, I, um, found these two little guys earlier today.”
Alexia approached, her expression shifting from shock to curiosity. She knelt beside the puppies, her fingers gently stroking their soft fur. “They’re adorable,” she murmured, her tone softening. The puppies wagged their tails weakly, their eyes blinking up at her in sleepy recognition.
“I know,” Y/n said, joining her on the floor. “I was hoping we could keep them. I mean, if you’re okay with it. They’re just a little malnourished.”
Alexia looked up, her eyes meeting Y/n’s. There was a moment of silence, and Y/n’s heart pounded in her chest. The uncertainty of Alexia’s response loomed large in the quiet room.
"I mean, it's okay if you don't want them here, I'll take them to the shelter tomorrow or find a friend that can take them in." Y/n said when Alexia looked up at her.
“I’m not going to lie,” Alexia said slowly, “I didn’t expect this. But… they need us. And I can see how much you care about them. I wouldn't mind having some company with us.”
With those words, Y/n's eyes lit up and a big smile came onto her face. She all but threw herself onto her partner. "Thank you so much Ale." Y/n pressed kisses onto Alexia's cheek and forehead in gratitude as Alexia wrapped her arms around the girl.
Over the next few weeks, Y/n and Alexia settled into their new routine. The puppies, whom they had named Ollie and Remi, quickly became a beloved part of their lives. Ollie, with his playful antics and endless energy, was always on the move, while Remi, smaller and more reserved, preferred to cuddle up close.
They had now become a family of 4. Alexia & Y/n would take them out on walks in the evening after Alexia finished training and even have them eat dinner at the foot of the dining table when they ate. Y/n and Alexia adapted their schedules to accommodate the needs of their new furry family members.
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lovinglokilaufeyson · 5 months
The Devil You Don't - A.A
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Pairings: Spawn!Astarion x Fem!Reader (Mephistopheles Tiefling! Raphael’s Daughter)
Warnings: 18+, Abandonment by parent, Discussion on Loss of a Parent, BG3 Spoilers (set sometime in Act 2), Mutual Pining, Fluff, Angst, SMUT (P-in-V, Fingering), Past Trauma, Not Proofread
Wordcount: 1,971
Summary: You are Raphael’s daughter, who he disowned for her good nature. You are abducted from Baldur’s Gate and receive a tadpole in your head. You have bonded with Astarion, but you are not about to let him ask your father for help. As a reminder, Tav has just revealed to Astarion that she is Raphael’s daughter.
A/N: This is part 2 of “A Devil You Know” as was originally requested in my inbox for Raphael’s daughter reader, who comes off as naïve and innocent, despite a tragic past. If you haven’t read part one, and would like some more context to the story, please feel free to do so here.
Astarion stared in absolute disbelief as you revealed this information to him. “Darling, you can’t possibly be serious” Astarion attempted to brush off your declaration to him, but the glow of your eyes and the gritting of your teeth said otherwise. For the first time, Astarion was able to sense true, deep pain surging through you. It wasn’t something that he often saw coming from you. He had just been told some of the most heinous information in his life, and yet – here he was, more worried about you, presently. If he hadn’t known any better, you looked on the verge of transforming into a dangerous creature.
“Darling, I-” Astarion began to speak, moving closer towards you subtly. “Astarion, I get it. I understand if you don’t want me here anymore, I know I’m his daughter, but you have to know that he has completely and entirely disowned me. I am fairly convinced that the only reason he is following us around is to spite me, I don’t know.” You sputtered on, with Astarion cutting you off a moment later. “Hush, my love.” He was closer to you now, allowing him to place a finger against your lips so they would purse together and mute your words. “There are no explanations needed from you on this.” He released his finger, although you yearned for the fuel of his touch once again.
“It seems to me that my making a deal with Raphael would be the equivalent of you making a deal with Cazador, and darling, I could never let you do that. I’m not usually impressed by people, but you’re stronger than I gave you credit for.” He spoke, seemingly retracting his previous statements about your naivety. “I’m so sorry, my love.” The care in his heart had grown for you substantially within the last few moments. Astarion had judged you incorrectly upon first meeting. Yes, you were a ray of sunshine for him (although without destroying him) you were also that, but in spite of all of the struggles. He admired you for that, greatly.
Astarion lifted you with ease, carrying you to his tent. Although you initially thought that he wished to bed you this evening, his mind was far from that kind of intimacy. Astarion faced away from you on the bed roll, and you traced the vampiric scars that seemingly sealed his fate, while he asked you a variety of questions about your life, and a few about the ritual too. “How did you ever end up in his hands?”
“Well, it’s quite simple, really. My mother passed away, and Raphael was there, ready to take me with him. I know now that it was more than just a mere coincidence that he was there. He wanted to collect what was ‘his’ in order to render himself more powerful.”
“How did your mother die?”
“He killed her.” Astarion’s heartstrings were tugged instantaneously from the thought of you, a young girl, witnessing her mother’s death, before being scooped up by your devil father. “He wanted power and thought that his child would give him the potential for more.”
“So, why did he leave you at that orphanage? Abandon you like that…” Astarion pondered.
“Well, it’s quite simple really. I was too good for him. Too naïve, too inexperienced, too… happy. He didn’t like that I didn’t want to be evil. That I couldn’t be persuaded to be, either.” Astarion peered back at you, enjoying greatly the way that your hands played along his back. “You know, initially I didn’t like that about you either” he joked, teasingly.
“Correct, but you didn’t abandon me at an orphanage.”
“I think I underestimated you, my dear.”
“Perhaps you did, Astarion.”
You switched sides now, cuddling into Astarion’s chest as his arm was wrapped around your form, tracing swirls into your arm with his delicate fingertips. You used your free hand to trace along his chest in various motions. “This is nice.” Astarion spoke suddenly, before clamping his hand over his mouth in embarrassment, his bloodless cheeks turning as red as they possibly could.
“It is nice, Astarion. I agree.” You spoke in a reassuring tone. “However, I think perhaps you’re deflecting from your issue at hand.”
“Oh, the whole, imminent death via a ritual by my evil vampiric master Cazador, that will kill me and my brothers and sisters and grant him godhood? Haven’t thought about it. Darling, he is very powerful.” Astarion spoke, a hint of sadness in his voice.
“I believe in us, more than anything, Astarion. We have overcome great things. We can overcome terrible ones, too. Cazador included.” Your hopefulness on the subject did have some effect on him, but despite that, he still felt sadness from what he had learned. Astarion was merely a pawn to Cazador, but there was a distinct difference now that he had a tadpole lodged in his cranium. He was the missing piece to Cazador’s puzzle.
And you were the missing piece to his.
You slid around, no longer facing him, but he kept his presence known, snuggling up against your backside, his torso flush against your back as he held you closer than he had ever held another. Subtly, you pressed your bum against his pelvis, ever so slightly. “Darling, are you teasing me?”
“Always.” You muttered back, pressing the slightest bit harder. “You cheeky little-” were the only words he used to respond, before nearly instantly slipping your nightgown over your butt. “No underwear either, pet? I know it’s been a while, but you truly are desperate, aren’t you?” He teased, tutting after he spoke.
“Only for you” you answered, which seemed to make Astarion quiver slightly. Only for him? He hadn’t ever had someone that was “his” before. If he was honest, he became jealous when you would stay up late studying with Gale. You said that Gale helped you perform your spells at an advanced level, and that it was for improved accuracy. Typically, these sessions with Gale would come after some sort of catastrophic failure during battle, when you would wound one of your own or the spell would fizzle out soon after casting. He also helped you maintain your concentration spells by testing you.
But confirmation that you were his? He could barely handle it.
“For me?” He spoke, with relative disbelief.
“Of course” you responded, leaving a delicate peck on Astarion’s cheek. The subtle tingling sparked by his nerves left him in awe. You two had been intimate before, but never in such a way. Astarion felt himself becoming timid, especially as the words left his lips “please, let me make love to you.” A small part of him internally cringed, but the other was proud of himself. Astarion wasn’t one to beg, but he had never wanted anything more.
You turned from your previous position so that you could face him. You brought a hand up and through his delectable pale curls, gazing longingly into his crimson irises. “I would love nothing more” you pecked his lips again, letting them linger this time, validating his wishes with your own.
You pulled away and merely nodded, ushering him to move forward. Almost hesitantly, Astarion persistent forward. You leaned upwards in order to slide your nightgown over your shoulders and across the tent, landing on the other side of the bedroll that you shared. “You look delicious, my love.” Astarion remarked, taking in the full experience of your form. He hadn’t truly realized how beautiful you were until this moment. He was so dissociated with his previous sexual escapades with you that he didn’t take the time to admire what was really in front of him.
“Darling, my Gods…” he muttered out as he nearly brought himself to pounce on you, quickly removing his own garments, kissing you feverishly. He broke the kiss a few times to undress, but he kept his eyes on yours persistently. He was with you, and he felt safe. He was so grateful for you. And as far as he was concerned, Raphael needed to watch his back. Any attempts for contact, he would regret.
Astarion focused his attention back to you now, rather than the destruction of the very man who you shared genes with. Astarion felt himself stammering around slightly, anxious to feel you around him again. Somehow, he felt like it would be different this time. His clothes were now scattered atop yours; his hard member being revealed teasingly. “Please, Astarion.” You moaned out, begging for his entrance inside of your canal.
Although he could hardly wait to be inside of you once more, he was also eager to tease. He pressed his index finger against your heat, moving it inside of you gently. He brought his thumb to flick against your clit, and you writhed in pleasure from his actions. “Fuck-“ you groaned as he flicked your nub once more, as you became even wetter than before.
“Astarion, please get inside of me” you begged. With this, he pressured his index finger in you further, and you groaned in response, looking up at him with a subtle smirk on his face. “Your dick, please.”
Astarion removed his finger now, understanding your eagerness. He took his erect member in his hand, guiding it to your vagina. At first he merely prodded the entrance, swirling his tip around it teasingly. Then, he pressed it within, and you gasped “I forgot how big you are.”
“It seems that it’s been far too long, then, my love.” With these words, he slid further in, until his tip reached the end of your canal, osculating your cervix. To this, you mewled from the pleasure. He made a similar groan in from the pleasure, as he felt your passage tighten around him. You took a breath, before he pulled out and pressed inwards again. He brought a finger downwards to play with your clitoris, hoping to provide more pleasure.
“Gods,” you pled once more, and Astarion began pumping in and out of you further, deeper, and faster than before as he felt his own climax building. You squeezed around him tightly, and he gazed down at your bouncing bosom before lifting his head upwards as his eyes rolled to the back of his head with ease from the sensation. He stared back down at you, watching as you panted, but looked back up at him with so much love and adoration in your eyes.
“How close are you, my sweet?” He pondered, and you frantically nodded back at him “so so close.”
“Me too, my love. Cum with me.” Astarion pumped in and out for a few more rounds, before the warm fluid coated your canal, with you squeezing around him, shaking, your own climax approaching steadily.
You writhed with pleasure as Astarion played with your bud still, the feeling of his juices flowing inside of you driving you over the edge. Your lips were soon met with Astarion’s, and you felt your heart flutter as he released, speaking those three little words, everyone’s favorite: “I love you.”
But he truly did mean it. He had never made love to someone before, nor feel so much for another. With you, he did. You felt the same as he did, so you repeated them back to him, “I love you, Astarion.” His name in your voice, following those words? He could’ve sworn he was starving all of his life before he met you. Like he had not truly lived.
You laid down in each other’s arms as you were before, left with slightly more marks from one another than you had previously. He brought another kiss to your lips, and you spoke after releasing “you just can’t keep your hands off of me, can you?”
“Never, my love. Not when you’re you, darling.”
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thestobingirlie · 7 months
steve harrington has powers
and they will be revealed in s5
steve’s power reveal has been hinted at from the very beginning, and now we’re in the final season, all our waiting will have paid off, and his status as an escaped child from the lab will play a key role in defeating the upside down and vecna for good.
first things first, let’s think about two factors that define steve as a character. ask any fan, no matter how casual, about steve, and they’ll know these two things; he gets into fights every single season and his hair is a key part of his character.
steve’s hair plays a role in his character arc.
as steve grows fully into himself as a character, his hair changes with him, becoming longer, wilder, less neat and styled. his hair represents his growth within his current arc.
who else is a character with an arc that can be well represented by their current hairstyle? eleven.
as el’s hair grows, we watch her figure out who she is as a person, learn to style it, grow and even lose it. this is no coincidence.
steve’s hair growth is directly tied to his status as a lab child. his rejection of the abuse he faced growing up can be seen in the care and attention he directs towards his hair. as he becomes a more fully developed character, who is learning and changing as he interacts with more environments, his hair changes with him.
not to mention that steve using women’s hairspray and stying products for his hair clearly show that he was raised outside of the bounds of normal gender roles. he has no issue with using woman’s shampoo and condition because he wasn’t taught to. his ideas of masculinity don’t revolve around social expectations, much like el.
steve’s fights are the biggest indicator of steve’s abilities.
or rather, should i say the aftermath of those fights.
we watch steve get obliterated in a fight scene every single season, and yet not five minutes later, he’s walking it off! he has zero repercussions of these fights. no headaches. no scars. no lingering wounds.
he routinely throws himself back into the fray. no matter how badly wounded.
this is NOT an accident, nor was it a choice made so that the duffers could beat up their favourite punching bag and still use him as a key player in fights. it’s obviously there as a hint to the audience as to the true nature of steve’s ability.
now, it’s fairly obvious where i’m going with this: steve has accelerated healing as a result of the experiments performed on him by hawkins lab.
now, you might just say, “so what? he healed from battling humans.”
but it’s so much more than that.
steve fought and was eaten by upside down creatures.
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no other character has survived that. no other character carries wounds and scars from surviving a run in with a demo-creature.
bar one.
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coincidence? of course not.
steve is the only character that wears a wristwatch in near every single scene he’s in.
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not only is his watch constantly on, it’s takes a prominent place in key scenes. the duffers want you to look at it.
why else would they refuse to show his wrist in every single scene? they don’t want us to see what’s underneath. so what could the duffers be hiding under there? his number.
and the number, god it’s so obvious. STEVEN. SEVEN.
i mean, it’s staring us right in the face!!!
steve’s past
now, this point is so obvious, everyone can see it: we’ve never even met steve’s parents.
the only teenage character from prior to s3 whose parents we haven’t met. we don’t even know their names.
in fact, tommy and carol even seem used to the fact that steve’s parents aren’t home. implying that they’re never there. because they don’t exist.
we’ve seen his house! and yet… empty. the room is blank. there’s nothing in there to even suggest it is steve’s house. he has no personal effects.
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every single other character has identifying objects in their room. but not steve. why would the duffers do this? because they’re hinting to the audience that steve doesn’t belong there.
there’s not even any reference of steve prior to the beginning of s1. jonathan? we see flashbacks. nancy? we get mention of her playing dnd years before. all the party have pictures. we watch max’s childhood memories play out.
and yet. the closest we get to characters remembering steve in their own past, is steve from the year 1983. naturally, that isn’t the year that steve escaped the lab, but it does bring up interesting questions about steve living on the edge of hawkins population. he may have been the most popular boy around, but it seems no one truly knew him.
steve didn’t go the college.
and it’s not because he didn’t get in.
steve was getting c’s in classes nancy found difficult.
steve was in at least two different sports (basketball and swimming), he was a lifeguard and co-captain of the swimming team. that takes work and dedication, and it looks good when applying to college.
to be in all these sports, steve had to have been getting above a certain grade level. certainly high enough to get into college.
the duffers know that steve could’ve gotten into college, so why would they make it so obvious that steve is lying?
because steve didn’t apply in the first place. because as an escapee from the lab, he doesn’t even exist in the real world. he has no birth certificate, no records from being a child. attending some high school in the middle of nowhere would’ve been easy, but attending college? drawing attention to himself? steve couldn’t risk it. he knew he’d be found.
el and steve are purposefully paralleled to hint towards steve’s past and secret abilities. there’s a reason the duffers have never allowed prolonged interactions between el and steve, because they want to drag out the reveal as long as they can. there is so much more, but god, it would take forever.
we still don’t even know the full extent of steve’s abilities (i personally believe that steve has some variation of a charisma ability. i mean. every single character that’s disliked him has spent a very short amount of one on one time with him and immediately come around.) and we likely won’t until s5 finally comes out. and then the world will know…
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yanderes-galore · 9 months
Here comes my first psychotic bear!
Stuffy AU! Nightmare concept.
Reader buys (perhaps in a Fazbear store) a strange big black stuffed bear with a yellow top hat and bow tie, but the strangest thing is the mouth on his belly, full of sharp teeth. At first the reader doesn't think much about the bear, it's probably just a halloween toy or something. People liked those creepy stuff, right? Nightmare doesn't reveal himself at first, he prefers to just observe his new whereabouts as a plushie and learn more about his pet/prey. This house is his new territory and the reader is just something he can torment for fun. Now, imagine this. Every time the reader is asleep, Nightmare transforms into his real form, puts his paw on the reader's head, and turns their dreams into the most horrible, violent, and traumatic things possible. (let's say that, as he is an organic creature, he has the power to enter and manipulate dreams). He may have a twisted form of affection towards reader, where he doesn't want to kill them, but loves breaking their mind every night. The bear gets even more thrilled when he finally shows his true form and sees the despair on his pet's face. Now he can play with the reader while they're awake too! (Forget the nights of pleasant dreams. With this bear at home, sleeping is nothing but torture).
Yes! More Stuffy AU :D (The cuter version of the Fluffy AU... except for this case-)
Yandere! Stuffy AU! Nightmare Concept
Pairing: Romantic/Platonic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Stalking, Sadism, Manipulation, Possessive behavior, Emotional sadism, Biting, Marking, Forced companionship.
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All of this starts when you buy a certain plushie.
You had gone to a Fazbear Pizzeria at one point and had visited the gift shop.
A black and yellow bear plush had caught your eye mostly because it seemed so... different than all the others.
Most of the other plush toys all seem cute and adorable, like they're for kids.
This one has red eyes and... so much teeth.
A full set fills the stomach and the mouth, it looks withered and scary.
You think such a thing would scare any kid.
Accepting the fact it may be a Halloween toy or decoration you decide to purchase the plush to set up in your home.
You have no idea that once you get home with the plush... you've let in a demon.
Nightmare definitely takes his time to learn about his new surroundings at first.
He's careful to not have you catch on to his true form.
You will notice the fact the plush moves at times... but try to convince yourself it's just you moving it.
Or maybe Nightmare is altering your mind?
Sometimes he's on a shelf, sometimes on your bed, sometimes even in the kitchen.
Nightmare memorizes every room and route in your home for later use.
He watches your every move with beady red eyes.
He does indeed see you as prey and a pet.
The demonic bear finds himself looking forward to watching and memorizing your routine while as a plush.
During the night the bear is able to use his true form.
He's an organic creature, one with drooling mouths filled with teeth.
His skin is a midnight black... but also has a translucency to it.
He has large claws and easily towers over your sleeping form in bed.
He truly is a beast... a monster.
One straight from your nightmares.
Nightmare no doubt is supernatural in nature, as a result him having powers isn't too far off.
(In fact all of the Stuffy AU is supernatural in nature-)
Nightmare likes to see you scream, placing a clawed paw on your head to change your dreams into nightmares.
Perhaps he's even like Freddy Krueger where he enters your dreams to chase you around in what he likes to call "hunts".
As Nightmare watches you he gains a twisted attachment to you.
He loves to see you shake and shiver in your nightmares when he corners you.
He feels a twisted form of endearment when he watches you slumber away, completely unaware.
He doesn't wish to kill his new pet, no, that would ruin all the fun.
Instead he settles for breaking your mind, marking you with his claws and teeth in your dreams.
Who knows... maybe the marks will tarnish your skin outside of the nightmare?
That way he can mark you as his... branded by the demon you let into your home.
Soon he won't just infect your nightmares.
Soon, late at night like a sleep paralysis demon, he'll watch you in his true form.
Nightmare, true to his name, lives for your fear.
He's so glad you decided to let him in to play....
Now he doesn't ever want to leave you be.
You and him are going to be buddies.
You're going to be his.
Even if you try to leave, it's like the plush follows you.
You can't get rid of him... he won't let you.
Since he loves you so much... he promises to be gentle as he bites you.
No promises, though...
After all... he still sees you as a pet and toy to torment.
"What game shall we play next, pal?"
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birues · 2 months
Two-Toned Echoes
Pairing: Hythlodaeus/Azem/Emet-Selch, vague WoL/Emet-Selch situationship Rating: Teen Word count: 2.7k Summary: After Emet-Selch revealed the true natures of Zodiark, Hydaelyn and the tragedy that befell on his people, Warrior of Light experiences a particular, alien flashback. Which, later spurns into a conversation between the Warrior and Emet-Selch
“Wouldn’t you wish for the same?”
The man turns his face towards you, ever so slightly, as if he cannot bear to do more. It wouldn’t matter either way. Because as the echo turns your world upside down all you can do is to hope that someone will hold you as your body falls. 
You open your eyes to a particular hell. One that fills you with more dread than you’ve ever got from an… echo? This is an echo. Right? The dread shatters your conscious thoughts as the flames of the vision sweep you. You know this alien place. You know it. 
And as you run, you’re searching for someone. 
You would shout, but your screams could never outdo the ones around you. More than a thousand times a day, you curse you don’t have your husbands’ talent. As the vindicated bodies blur around you, you’re grateful you don’t. 
Your soul calls for a name through a bond so strong, that nothing would be able to break it. The buildings collapse, and the dust burns your eyes. Not good. You see the creature hurling towards you too late. The impact shatters your ribs, and if you still could, you would smile. Thinking about how he’ll lecture you once you get out of this. 
Because he’s here, that means they’re both safe.
You will get out of this, you always have. Always will. 
You try to raise your head from the rubble you’ve landed upon. Your vision can barely make out the red mask. “You’re alright? Thank goodness.”
He’s about to leave when he hears a body falling to the ground. His vision switches and he turns. On instinct. Worried shouts, the Scions crowd around their beloved Champion. 
“Is she?”
“She’s okay. Though I do not know what happened.”
“I know what this is. Though, it’s been a while since the Echo knocked her out like this.” 
Ah. the Echo. Of course. A fragment of a forgotten talent at the hands of someone who does not know what to do with it. He should leave. He has said his piece. He should… Yet… Something nails him to the ground. At that moment, his Hero opens her eyes, and her gaze finds him.
“You’re alright? Thank goodness.”
He petrifies where he stands. The same forgotten words emerge from the soil of his mind, a different voice. The same expression of relief and love on a different face. And here he thought Azem couldn’t break his heart more than she already had. Oh how wrong he was… How wrong he was… 
He wills himself apart from her presence. He can’t. He just… can’t. 
He finds his Hero in the wilderness, away from the Fanow. A bottle of wine in one hand, sitting on a log. Her gaze is distant as the moonlight paints her features on a somber canvas. Yet, her tightening grip on the bottle betrays her awareness. Her ability to sense him through their bond has proven troubling, yet… What a tiresome affair not to lean through it like a desperate wretch. 
“Look at you,” he scoffs. “ One single vision regarding the Calamity our brethren faced and you’re already wallowing in the ground.” 
Her answer is a whisper. “It didn’t feel like it. I’ve had visions before… Some of them were terrifying. But this? This was…”
She shivers and lifts her gaze to the sky, trying to forget mayhap. To remind herself the sky is not burning. Would that he could do the same.
“Well, you can adorn what you saw with whatever adjectives you desire but they would not do the real experience justice.” 
“All this time I was wondering what was the catalyst of your madness. I suppose I’m starting to understand.”
He laughs, a little manically, his anguish creeping, proving her right. 
“Oh my… One vision and you fancy yourself an expert of my misery? You cannot, Hero. You cannot possibly understand.”
Not even if you remember, he thinks, bitterly. You’ve left us, after all. You died. You’ve forgotten and moved on. 
If only the deep sorrow in her very soul hadn’t made a liar out of him. If only he could unsee it. If only it changed something.
“No,” she accepts. “I cannot. I saw my fair share of terror but not once has the Star itself started to rot and deteriorate like that.” His Hero grimaces and does the most unexpected thing, hands the bottle to him. “But I can try to understand.” 
He sighs in defeat, sitting on the log beside her, gracefully accepting her offer. It seems eons matter not, he is still incapable of denying her. But he’s so lonely and she’s– 
“Believe it or not, my dear, that was not the final catalyst. I’ve lost–” Hythlodaeus—half of my heart, “ –so much. Yet, once Zodiark restored our Star, We thought the worst was over, at least. Oh how wrong we were.” 
“The Sundering.” 
“Yes, your dear Mother’s handiwork.” 
His very being burns with abhorrence, his hatred, depthless. It wasn’t enough that damned woman tore her own pupil asunder. Her daughter all but name. She stained her remains with her mark, wielded her as a weapon against his brethren–
Why? Why hadn’t she spared Azem?
Thankfully, she doesn’t try to defend Hydaelyn. She frowns, instead. Pondering how to proceed? What to say so he doesn’t run to the shadows like a wounded animal? 
“You said Hydaelyn sundered Zodiark, the Star itself, and all who dwelled upon it. If all who dwelled upon the Star were sundered… You mean the people, don’t you? Their souls?” 
For a moment, the Sorcerer of Eld is speechless. To think she would reach the truth with so little information– 
“Well well... Mark me impressed,” he says, clapping slowly. “You actually managed to get there all by yourself, hero. Ere I answer your question, however, I would like to know how you've reached such a conclusion.”
Oh the look she bestows him, he does not like. As if this charade he carries on him like a heavy armor is made of glass, utterly useless.
“You have no idea, do you? Just how much you reveal in your bitterness…”
He shrugs, glass armor weighs, alright. But he does not show. “And now… you pointed out your enemies’ weakness to him. Not the brightest thing to do, my dear.” 
She elbows him on the side, tearing off a chuckle from him. “As if it is something you do not know.”
Emet-Selch gulps the bottle, in a graceless manner mayhaps but who cares? She is as reluctant as he is when it comes to the inner workings of her mind. 
“Very well, I’ll give you this one. Yes, you are correct. It came without warning. The light… searing everything in its way. When I realized what had happened…” his voice dies out. 
“ … You had escaped?” 
“Only three of us were fortunate enough to do so– me being one of them. Elidibus tore a getaway to the rift. Him and Lahabrea… they must’ve been gotten me out as well.” 
“You sound unsure.”
“Must you force me to remember every detail of it, Hero?” he snaps. 
“...I am sorry.” And to her credit, she genuinely looks so. Then she shifts, words like a steady strike against the vicious waves. “So, the three of you have escaped… And the rest?”
“Why, their very beings were divided into fourteen, of course. Yet, by our power, we unsundered Ascians may raise up one of their fragments to their original office.”
He looks at the fragment who once held such office. “Ah, but I suppose this in itself bears explaining. So...the names by which you know us are not, in fact, our names.”
“If not names… Titles?”
“Correct. Be it Elidibus, Lahabrea, or Igeyorhm, all are titles of office. And when an office is vacated, it may be filled by another. Over the eons, I have overseen several changings of the guard among our sundered brethren. And in such instances, the vacant title ordinarily goes to another fragment of the selfsame soul.”
She narrows her eyes, leaning towards him to get a better look on his face. He does not avoid it, holding his face in a practiced ennui as she hovers between disgust and the desire for more information. Alcohol must have been making it harder. 
“I assume you find these souls with that talent of yours?”
“Thus my tireless work has been counted for naught. Combing through the millions just to find a dozen is not an easy task, you know… Even with a soul sight.”
“And then what? You just– force who they’ve been ages ago into their souls and erase every trace of who they are?” 
“Couldn’t have summarized better myself, Hero,” he says, in the same disinterested tone. Mayhap if he strokes the flames of her anger high enough this tiresome interrogation will cease. And it’s not like he is lying. Reason doesn’t stop the crystal atop his chest from burning.
“They don’t get to be free from the oath they have taken. Not until we have achieved our goal.” 
The resentment is akin to a careless magick cast. He isn’t free. He never is. He never will be. Why would he spare them? He sighs. Hands the bottle back to her, careful not to touch her hand. Weeding out the emotion from his voice ere he continues.
 “While it is by no means impossible to raise up wholly unrelated individuals, 'tis we whose fervent entreaties brought forth Lord Zodiark─whose souls He claimed in the beginning─who make the truest servants.”
It’s her turn to grimace and drink. The lock of hair escaping her ponytail doesn’t distract him. Nor the mole right next to her lips.
“The way you talk about Zodiark is passing strange, you know that?”
He looks at the moon, the prison illuminating the night gently. Just like his husband. “I am not here to put you at ease, my dear.”
“Hah. Couldn’t do that if you tried.” she pauses, the sounds of the forest filling the growing silence. A tud, the bottle getting slammed into the ground. “So… that makes three unsundered, eleven sundered Ascians.”
He turns his head, the world opens in a way only he can be privy to. But her soul is– no. A haphazard guess, nothing more. He is almost afraid when he asks. “Eleven?”
“I saw your little meeting room– Thank Nabriales.” she deadpans. “There were fourteen chambers, I am sure of it.” 
“Ten sundered Ascians. Three unsundered.” 
He isn’t sure why he is telling her this. Could it be he is trying to resurrect a memory? A flicker of recognition? Could that dead echo back in the cave given hope to his foolish, foolish heart?
It is futile, impossible. He knows better than anyone the laws of the Underworld. How many times her memories must have been washed clean after being torn apart? 
And what would even happen if she remembers? Doesn’t he know the best what he will find in those eyes? Horror. Disgust. Hate. Doesn’t he remember the horror she had felt when she had reached out to him after Zodiark’s summoning? 
He tells himself he doesn’t care. As long as she’s hale and whole, he doesn’t care. 
“Emet-Selch?” Her voice, so different than what it used to be, pulls him from the dark currents of his mind.
“Welcome to the land of the living,” she says, worry still apparent. When he doesn’t answer she presses on. “You were saying ten sundered, three unsundered.”
“Our numbers have thinned thanks to you. But yes, that was the case before you entered the stage.” 
“Who in the seven hells sits on the fourteenth, then?”
How ironic it is that she would ask that… “Before we summoned Zodiark, there was… one among us who defied our decision. And left us. Defected. So, my dear Hero. Her vacant seat remains to serve as a reminder. Her title will never be spoken and she never will be remembered. Save for her betrayal.” 
“Was she one of the nay-sayers who summoned Hydaelyn?” 
It is a reasonable assumption, logic would say. But the mere suggestion of it, especially coming from this ignorant reflection… Would it anger Azem, to know what Hydaelyn did to her remains?
His “Of course not.” is not as neutral as he likes. “She was vehemently against any god that would be summoned.” 
“How refreshing to know there was one among you who had some sense left.”
Whatever bitter wrath he tried to rein in until now, spills and scatters.
“You ignorant, insolent creature.” he raises from the ground, and so does she– falling into a fight stance. “You, who shiver like a coeurl kitten in the slightest taste of our misery, my misery, dare to judge me? Look at me!”
The eyes, amber of the same hue, blazing with the same defiance. It hurts all the same. The words are there to remind her, or himself?
“Fancy us the maddened villains all you like. What we did back then, we did it because we had to. Because it was our duty. And it was the most painful decision we had to take. To save our star which, I should remind you, your miserable ilk now dwells on. Thanks to our people’s sacrifice.” 
With every sentence, he walks towards her. Until they stand face to face. It is the epitome of self-control, truly, when he decides against grabbing her by the collar. 
“ Too consumed with the stubborn idealism of hers… she forsook her duty. She went on and on and on about finding another way. Every single time, she came back, empty-handed. Do you know what would’ve happened, hero, if she had her way with the star?” 
Surely, it is not a pang of sorrow and guilt reflecting from her towards that damned bond. Surely he is delirious with fury. “There would be no star left to save. If you declare us out of sense, then she was beyond saving.”
She glares at him, with the same intensity and heartbreak as ages ago. The voice that keeps reminding him they are not the same is quiet as a corpse. 
“What did you sacrifice?” she asks calmly. “To you god. What did your people sacrifice?”
For the first time, it is he who averts his eyes. He raises his head again, to the moon. To his fractured God who asked not only his own heart but hers as well. And Hades had not even asked for forgiveness. He had not been there when she stormed the Bureau of the Architect’s ruins, demanding to see their husband. He had not tried to reach out and find her. And that day, when she had appeared in their once-home for the last time… He was too busy lashing out his heartbreak when she told him she was not staying, that she hadn’t changed her mind. So she left, fulfilling his worst fears, and leaving him with nothing but a completely broken look on her beautiful face. He remembers her, trying to put together a smile amidst the tears before she left for good.  For him. The audacity!
The woman before him doesn’t smile amidst the tears, awaiting the reckoning. Emet-Selch does not tear his eyes from the moon. 
“Just as I thought. It was them, weren’t they? It was the people themselves.”
The misery in her cracking voice is too sharp that he closes his eyes shut. A misery that unkindly reminds him of what he’s always known. What he was trying to honor in his own way for ages with his travels. 
Azem had loved their people, this star, more fiercely than any. It was just who she was, something inherent to her soul, whomever she became, whatever form she took.
“You are right,” she says, picking her bag from the floor. “Maybe she would’ve failed. But do you know what I think? I think she was alone. And I am so glad that she is forgotten if the alternative was her being remembered as a ruinous monster.” 
She spits the last two words at him. His right hand will need healing, the thumb stuck inside his tight fist is broken. He needs to leave... he needs to leave now or he will shout all the accusations he’s been amassing inside to this enigma who just cannot remember. He laughs instead. In a true two-dimensioned evil villain fashion. 
“Of course you would say that.”
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hey hi i've had this old forest gods thought and i need to bounce it off you bc. so the gods are Big and they roam the woods and especially moon is, given his habitat, likely to leave tracks - muddy earth and all that. so i cant help but imagine our dear photographer going out, perhaps looking for some scenic shots of the landscape, and finding giant ass tracks that do not belong to any creature they can identify. and they just stare. and behind them their friendly company in doll form just starts sweating. sun or moon or both together just having a squabble under their breaths about not revealing things too soon and definitely not scaring their best shot at winning their bet like this, meanwhile y/n is just trying to process whats in front of them and "huh, maybe those old legends about forest gods had some base in reality, but how much" and when they turn around to ask they get suspiciously innocent dolls doing his/their best to not let on they left those tracks you've drawn candid shots y/n took of their true forms but im just so curious about the transitional phase between "why are wooden dolls alive in this forest" and "ah yes my besties, sun and moon the forest gods, aka gremlin 1 and 2" and what hints y/n encountered hfdjsk
yeeeeaaaaa like. Sun has the upper hand (or foot) here because he can just will the forest to remove any trace of him left behind. people aren't finding the giant hoof-prints of his wanderings any time soon, unless he so wills it, and tbh he hasn't been in contact with humanity since the 1500s so it's very unlikely that he's willing it anytime soon (unless way way on in their relationship Y/N gives him big puppy eyes and says it'd make for a really cool photo). Eclipse also has an upper hand in that he can't leave tracks on the mountainside, and he only ventures close to town in doll form, so he's safe
Moon is permanently fucked, because even if he does put the effort into clearing his tracks, it's pretty clear something BIG just smeared a riverbank smooth (his tail). so it's probably not going to be uncommon for Y/N to be seeing a nice bank to take a photo of, only to see a reptilian hand print that's easily the size of their face in the mud. cue the "what the actual fuck is that" reaction
ironically, Sun is more likely than Moon to be frustrated/sweating over Y/N discovering the pair's nature too early. Moon is over on the edge of the forest with the smuggest aura behind his carved wooden grin as his brother is desperately trying to convince Y/N that it was probably a prank left behind by local kids to spook the newcomer in town.
the local townsfolk have long since gotten used to 'didn't see it' reactions to uncommon events, and will sometimes hide signs of the gods' presence themselves. stories take a long, long time to die off, and stories of the three gods still maintain enough respect to be acted on (and no-one wants too many out-of-towners coming in and making a fuss so if you saw something big in the river no the fuck you did not).
there are absolutely hidden-under-nonexistent breath squabbles that occur between Sun and Moon over Y/N finding out about their presence too fast - Sun doesn't want to scare them off too quickly, Moon thinks if they find out sooner rather than later then good for them, but more importantly Sun knows Moon doesn't care for hiding his trails so it's far more likely Y/N will connect the dots over Moon, at which point he's going to gain a lead in the 'game'. but Sun also thinks it's not good sport to reveal himself early just so he gets in before Moon, while Moon thinks it's stupid of Sun to go to so much effort in hiding himself when Y/N is clearly piecing things together about their 0 effort flower garden and perfect woodland walks whenever they go out with Sun.
at the end of the day, Y/N ends up discovering Sun first. the transition from 'weird funky dolls in the woods' to 'large gremlin besties' is a bit hazy, mostly because Y/N starts putting dots together with more research into the stories about the three gods without revealing the extent of their understanding to Sun and Moon (because those two get a bit strangely flustered whenever the three gods are mentioned). during all this research, they find a little ritual called 'Forgiveness of the Sun', and when they accidentally crush a flowering plant in their garden, they decide to go through with it. it's pretty much just bringing the dead plant into the woods and asking for the forest to forgive them for the accident, that it wasn't meant with bad intentions. and poor Sun gets so overwhelmed and excited that someone is doing one of his rituals for the first time in centuries, he comes rushing over and startles Y/N out of their shoes.
Moon cannot allow himself to be outshone so of course he takes the next available opportunity to reveal himself in the most dramatic and awe-inspiring way possible in his eyes (leaping over a bridge from the river to snap down on a thief and drag him back into the river).
Y/N is over here going through so many levels of "that was extremely intimidating to witness but I still feel safe in your company because I know you're my friend and wouldn't hurt me" leaving Sun and Moon both relieved that this didn't scare them away, but confused because surely it has to have done something to bring them closer. but they aren't feeling the romance blossoming.
they're gods, they're not smart.
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fandomxo00 · 6 months
X-Men: First Class rewrite - Part 2 -Erik Lehnsherr, Magento
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warnings; Violence, erik angsty
word count: 866 words
pairings: Erik x Nadine!OC
You were the daughter of a human and a Quareen creature. There was no love in the relationship and from a young age he left you and your mother alone. Your mother worked very hard and had so much determination to create a good life for you. Your powers came to you when you were nine years old. It was after a gym class where a boy had kicked a ball to the back of your head. It hurt a bit and you went to the nurse's office to get an ice pack. Later that day, your head began to hurt terribly, you were sensitive to sound, light and movement.  Then you started hearing all the voices and you started seeing their nightmares. You would wake up in the middle of night, your dream about your classmate being hunted. 
Then one year you showed your true Quareen form. You remember growing severely embarrassed by a child that you had grown feverish. Then you transformed into fiery dangerous natural figure of a Quareen. Your mother had pulled you from the school and you started going to school at the local church. She had been very strict about hiding your powers and wanting you to act normal. Then one day she had made you angry and you lit the house on fire, killing your mother in the process. 
When you met Erik it was a busy day in the office you worked at. You were a personal assistant always ridiculed and never thanked. ERik had noticed something different about you. You had come into the room, a fresh cup of coffee for your boss, the man had the audacity to spill the drink over your white blouse, embarrassing you. The coffee didn't burn your skin because you ran hot but your bra showed through the material of your shirt. 
Erik had been the one to make the man shut up, you quickly learned that Erik was coming after your boss to kill him. You hadn't stopped him and even showed him your powers. He had a fascination with you, the way you would focus on your victim, their heart beginning to face, sweat beaded on their forehead, their body trembled in fear. Erik had been turned on by your power, your victim fell to their knees, their hand clutching at his chest as his life was taken away from him. 
He had immediately asked you out for a drink where you shared your secrets and revealed your past. In the short time you felt as though you could trust him, and he decided to never take that for granted. 
The two of you were on a mission, you were in a fitting gray dress. Erik had worn a crisp gray suit, purple highlighted in his tie and handkerchief. To combat the cold, you wore a matching purple coat while he opted for a gray Hench coat and hat. Erik was there to present something valuable to the man, he would hopefully want this item and Erik will be able to gain information. He had sat the briefcase on the desk before opening it to reveal blocks of Nazi gold. 
"Possession of that gold is illegal. I should inform the police." The man started, though Erik was hardly phased as he blinked at the man. 
"Let's not play this game." Erik suggested. 
"Where did you get it?" 
"A friend. He recommended your bank most highly." 
"I see. Do you know our terms, sir?" 
"Yes, and you should know mine." Erik smiled at the man before reaching forward to look at the pictures on his desk. He sets them down, his face growing serious. "This is blood money, and you are going to help me find the bastards responsible for this." he paused, staring up at the man, you redirected your eyes to see Erik holding back the man from pressing what you assumed was a panic button. Erik clicked his tongue, shaking his index finger at the man. 
"Now you are going to hit yourself." You spoke in the man's mind as his hand went flying up to hit himself in the face. 
"Don't touch that alarm." Erik warned, as he stood from his chair and rounded the desk. "I want Schmidt. Klaus Schmidt." Erik hit at the man's chest. "Where is he??"
"Our clients don't prove addresses. We're not-." He started before Erik lurched forward. 
"Not that sort of bank, huh?" Erik's hand came up to the man's face, two fingers pinching together as the man began groaning in pain. "Metal fillings, eh?" he mocked, as he continued to pull with his magnetic force. "Not gold. Worried someone might steal them?"
"Argentina! Schimdt is in Argentina!" The man yelled. "Villa Gesel! Please!" Erik pulled harder, one of the metal fillings flinging to his hand. The man's hand came up to grasp his mouth. You moved forward as Erik said, "Thank you."
"I would love to kill you." Erik remarked. "So, mark my words. If you harm anyone, I'm coming...we will find you." He moved away from the man as you stepped closer.
You dipped your chin, connecting into the man's mind, "You will never speak of this, but you will never forget."
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Full Thoughts on TDP Season 5
Under the cut, because there are many of them!
Starting off with things I liked:
Rayllum! It was so good to see them on the same page again, and they have a perfect balance between deep, romantic devotion and the shared laughter and gestures of best friends. Their dynamic this season was my favorite iteration of them so far
Janai and Amaya were wonderful as well. I was really bracing for Amaya to leave for Lux Area without telling Janai and a whole bunch of drama to ensue, but no! They communicate! They trust each other! It's so refreshing!
Side note: Lux Area was gorgeous the detail in every shot of the city and Bookery was so good. I want to live there. I will take on the night creatures if need be
I hoped we'd get an apology from Amaya for Rayla, and I'm really glad they took the time to put it in the show instead of a short story or anything like that. It was also cool to see Amaya recognizing the similarities she and Rayla share and acting as more of a mentor to her, I hope we see more of them together later on
The reoccurring message that oftentimes the best way to be strong is by going to other people for help- first Amaya's story, then Rayla trusting Callum, then Zubeia's talk with Avizandum. It's a very good moral
That whole thing with Soren and Elmer! Breaking the cycle of cruelty! I love Soren so much
Callum using dark magic again. I thought I would hate it if that happened, since we've seen a corruption plotline with him and with Claudia already, but the way it was done sort of added a good sense of realism. I like that Callum isn't a Perfectly Moral Mage just because he can do primal magic; it feels deeper and more complicated if he has to recognize that the easier, darker choice is always there, and sometimes he won't be able to resist it, but he has to try each time anyway
So many little moments that I'll probably be going into in separate posts because the dynamic between the characters was on fire. It was so good to see the team really working together, their chemistry was so good
Things I wasn't as much of a fan of:
The problem with the show really relying on people to read all the supplementary material is still present. I was pretty confused about who Kpp'Ar was until I looked him up on the wiki, and again, people who didn't know about Soren getting sick as a kid from the Book 2 novelization really wouldn't have gotten his part of the dream sequence. It doesn't ruin the show or anything but it does make it a little confusing at times
The plotline with the coins is starting to feel a little drawn-out. Runaan's presence would bring up enough complications between Rayla and the rest of the group that he needs enough time out of the coin to give that the weight it deserves, and I'm really hoping he gets out next season so we can have at least season 7 to go into that. Also, Ethari needs his husband back
As good as it was to see rayllum back together, I do still think we needed a scene of them actually talking things through. I'm sure it'll appear in a Reflections story at some point, but again, you don't want your show to lean that heavily on the bonus material
This is more of a nitpick than anything else, but the characters' faces in the early episodes felt really stiff. They'd be having a monologue where you could really hear the emotion in their voices, but their faces just... didn't really move
And finally: too many crabs. This is not a flaw with the season this is just because I personally am freaked out by crabs and I've never been so horrified in all my life as when the true nature of Finnegrin's ship was revealed. It'll haunt me forever
Overall I liked it a lot, and I'm really excited to see where it goes next! Claudia feels like she's on the very edge of the point of no return, if she hasn't already crossed it, and it'll be very interesting to see how she reacts to the loss of her leg and (most likely) the loss of her father next season. I'm also very excited for the nova blade, that sounds like a gorgeous piece of weaponry and seeing whoever wields it (my money's on Rayla) fighting Aaravos is going to be epic. This season has definitely ratcheted up my investment in the show, which I'm very excited about
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ask-elland-n-will · 21 days
All of a sudden, a flurry of butterflies trail into the transfiguration courtyard where you are sitting. We were attempting to do some studying, but the few start to turn into many and suddenly they cover every stone archway and almost even block the sky....studying suddenly gets much harder.
Thousands of them turn in chaotic circles, and one lands on your nose! I catch your eye, laughing “Will, you really can make friends with just about anything, can’t you?”
The statement is an attempt to distract you from wondering WHY there might be so many butterflies.. but it’s also true.
I smile quickly before going back to a transfiguration textbook I have been clutching in my hands quite tightly for the last hour.
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“Theo, could you tell them to tone it down? I think I’ve just figured out where it is we had an issue with this task,” Will says without looking up from his lap, where a couple of library tomes are haphazardly balancing on top of each other, barely supported by a spell.
Leading by example, just as the prefect has always told the first-year students under his wing, he proposed that the ginger flock takes their study project outside today. No wind to bother them in the Transfiguration Courtyard; no rain to trot over their parchments as the castle’s doors are a blink away; no cows to chew on Will’s no quiet prerequisites set by the library. One cannot do their Transfiguration homework in silence, even in an attempt to master non-verbal magic.
Trying to ignore the flapping noise and eager to share his findings with Theodora, William points at something in an old textbook. Each word of an explanation that comes out of his mouth gets, however, less and less audible as the disturbance around them turns progressively for the worst. The pages of the other books start flipping from the sudden wind, and by the time a jittery shadow swarms William’s vision, the prefect’s eyes shot upward, ready to scold anyone and anything ruining his moment of triumph over a particularly tricky task.
“Stop it right this ins— WAAAA?!”
It is not that he was unprepared for an attack. On the contrary, there aren’t that many things that can scare William, not with the nerves of steel that he possesses (pickles don’t count, he got over that with the power of Knowledge months ago.) But in his mental preparations and the power-move called “I am a prefect and I am always in the right” he did not account for a much more formidable foe: an insect that appears out of nowhere and lands on his nose.
William freezes for a moment, until the butterfly spreads its beautiful wings, revealing its nature, and Theodora’s friendly voice confirms that it is safe. Will laughs quietly, hopefully with ease as he only just came to terms with an insect tickling his face. It’s just a butterfly, Abbott, calm down. Look how happy Theo is! Does she like butterflies so much? Hm, this needs to be added to her file later.
The Slytherin smiles back at his friend, sharing her mirth, and looks around. Whatever initial spooks he got make space for an awed “wow” as Will takes in the beauty of a myriad weightless gems, shimmering with all the colours of the rainbow faster than either of the students can blink, trapping the gingers in a fluttering kaleidoscope.
It does not last long, even with such a formidable strength of the spell-casting. Whoever cast it could not keep all the creatures in an open space for too long. Will looks at Theodora again, still grinning, the book in his lap — forgotten. The butterfly opens its wings again, undoubtedly looking like a magical mask on Will’s face before it takes off after its flutter.
“While I am rather good at making new friends, my dear Theodora, I would give up all of them just to have a few who really matter.”
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myeagleexpert · 15 days
The Perfect Boyfriend
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𝖄𝖔𝖚 𝖘𝖒𝖊𝖑𝖑 𝖏𝖚𝖘𝖙 𝖑𝖎𝖐𝖊 𝖛𝖆𝖓𝖎𝖑𝖑𝖆 𝖄𝖔𝖚 𝖙𝖆𝖘𝖙𝖊 𝖑𝖎𝖐𝖊 𝖇𝖚𝖙𝖙𝖊𝖗𝖈𝖗𝖊𝖆𝖒 𝖄𝖔𝖚'𝖗𝖊 𝖋𝖎𝖑𝖑𝖎𝖓𝖌 𝖚𝖕 𝖒𝖞 𝖘𝖊𝖓𝖘𝖊𝖘 𝖜𝖎𝖙𝖍 𝖊𝖒𝖕𝖙𝖞 𝖈𝖆𝖑𝖔𝖗𝖎𝖊𝖘
Doppleganger/Skinwalker!Yandere x YN (AFAB) Summary: Despite living in a pink world, there's a little voice in the back of your head that tells you that there's something strange with your boyfriend. It can't be anything important, right? (You'll regret not listening to it) Warnings: (Toxic relationships, obsessed relationships, mental manipulation, the smell of rot, description of death, description of fear and panic, a little sentimental smut, The thing loves you - too much.) Uncertain motives. He tries to keep you trapped. The term 'YN' and 'you' is used several times in the fanfic for better grammatical use, my first time writing something like this, so please be gentle. <3 PT1: Candlelight dinner PT2: She Knows
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It was already night when your boyfriend showed up at your door, well… er-EX boyfriend. You and Kain had been together for a few months, but when you realized how toxic and rude he was, you felt the need to break up with him. Just a week later, he shows up at your door asking for forgiveness and begging to have you back.
“Shall we at least talk?” Kain’s voice sounds like a broken record that became softer and more pleasant to listen to as he spoke, like a person with a hoarse throat from a hangover, which… well, that was Kain almost every day.
He says, offering you a beautiful bouquet of Japanese flowers, in shades of pink and pastel pink, of various sizes, wrapped in paper that imitated butterfly wings, wrapped in such an elegant and harmonious way. It was an incredibly beautiful and thoughtful bouquet. It was actually an image you had recently visualized at the flower shop and in your desired heart. Point 1 that something is wrong.
Kain has only given you flowers exactly 3 times. All three of them were cheap plastic red roses, still with the price tag on them when YN picked them up and an unmistakable smell of old invaded her nose so much that it made her cough, she has always been sensitive to smells.
These smell of harmonious and enchanted nature, as if one of Monet's beautiful paintings had come to life. But YN is hurt by the aggressive breakup, mulling over painful old memories while trying to maintain her pride with a glass or two of wine. With her mind clouded by sadness and anger, she fails to realize that the man in front of her is strangely… strange.
"What's the bouquet for? You're not going to buy me with that." YN crosses her arms and looks skeptically at the beautiful flowers.
"Please! Accept it as a peace offering!" he says approaching YN with the bouquet, trying to place it in her arms almost desperately.
They were too stupidly beautiful to refuse… but there is something in her heart that tells you to close the door immmediatly.
Sensing your hesitation, he tries to convince you once more.
“Just a conversation, nothing more. I know that… we didn't end up on the best of terms… but please, I need to talk to you.” The man looks at YN with sincerity and devotion in his… blue eyes? YN could have sworn that his eyes were beautiful brown.
“Okay. Okay. Just ONE conversation. And after that… I don't want to see you in front of me anymore.” The girl stomps her foot and maintains her angry and indifferent posture as she receives the flowers and opens the door wider so he can enter.
“And don't even think about jumping on my couch like last time! I'm still paying for the conc-“ Normally Kain would have thrown his muddy sneakers on the floor and sprawled on the couch, but to the girl's surprise, he was right next to her, waiting for her to guide him.
“Did I break your couch? I'm sorry, let me pay for the repair now, okay?” Don't pretend to be nice in front of me, just look at him pretending to be innocent as if he hadn't thrown in my face that the problem was mine.
“I don’t want anything from you, let’s get things moving.” YN spits out the venom, entering the room and placing the bouquet on the table while the man follows her wherever she goes, until they sit on the couch (the one that isn’t broken) in the living room.
In better light, YN can see that there’s something different about him. And Kain dyed his hair, his short black hair was chin-length, the ends highlighted in rich caramel tones. The skin that was once worn out by tiredness and nights of drinking was almost porcelain, clean, with hardly any prominent pores. The thin, frowning mouth had soft, kissable lips, his jaw was well defined too. The post-breakup glow, huh?
“You look different…” you make the observation as you settle into the couch, trying not to seem interested in anything he might have to say, but curiosity is addictive, right?
“Did you like it?” He lights up when you notice and runs your hand through his hair, tucking a strand behind his ear as he approaches you.
It's for you.
When he tries to get closer, you aggressively place a pillow between the two of you, much to Kain's dismay, who seems to immediately wilt at your attitude. "I said different. Don't let it go to your head." As sharp as a Tramontina knife, you cut him off immediately.
"You said you wanted to talk, come on. Talk." You snort, putting on a serious posture and looking him straight into his fake eyes. Contacts, Kain? Seriously?
"Ah.. yes, I wanted to talk to you YN." He turns towards her, giving her all the attention she once begged for. A bitter taste invades your mouth, like the feeling of receiving a gift that your child would dream of receiving, but you miss as an adult. A belated gift, that means less than the dust on the soles of your shoes.
“I ask you to reconsider… we've had our ups and downs in our relationship, but I know it has a lot of potential. Let's try again, let me show you how much I've changed, how happy we can be together.” He tries to give a friendly smile.
Change in a week? Nah, spare me.
“Nobody changes that much in a week, Kain. I don't move out of resentment and you've never changed out of guilt.” YN puts him against the wall coldly. “Why do you want to get back together? You called me worthless and now you see the potential in us? Humph… Your offer isn't the best.” She snorts as she looks at him with disdain, wanting to know where all this is coming from.
“Wait! Please!” Kain approaches and desperately takes her hand. “I know I was rude and rude to you… I was selfish and I never gave you the value you deserved. I was terrible and you have every right to refuse me…”
Oh, and how I do.
“But if you give me a chance, I promise you won’t regret it-“
“Oh, I don’t want to pay to see. In the last fight I ended up punching the wall… I don’t want to wait for you to hit my head.” Your gaze is furrowed, irritated and for a moment you notice the same look pass quickly through Kain’s. Is he upset that you threw that in his face?
“I’m sorry about that scene YN, it wasn’t me…” the last part rings so true that YN raises an eyebrow skeptically “You didn’t deserve to go through that.”
Masculine hands move to hold YN’s cheeks as he gently caresses them. They seem too big.. but let’s leave that thought for later. He’s different.. and little by little you’re feel disarmed by his attitude.
“I can’t live without you. Please… just give me one chance to prove to you that I’m your best option. That I’ve changed. That I can be better.” Kain's voice is like a warm blanket, enveloping all your senses… like a mermaid would envelop a sailor until he drowned.
He's never spoken to me like that. He's never used that tone with me.
As the red lights in your head go off, you try to pull away from his hands. Seeing your attempt to pull away, he tightens his grip and moves even closer to your body. There's something strange in his blue eyes… maybe it's a devotion you weren't used to… or something strangely… uncanny.
"YN…" he whispers sweetly and delicately, moving even closer until your eyes are staring directly into each other's.
"I love you… so much. You mean so much to me." He closes his eyes and rests his forehead against yours. "Give me a chance… just one."
Something possessed you at that moment. The wine must have messed with your head. You must have been drugged. The water was bad. You must be sick. You must have been PMSing. Or ovulating. Or menstruating… because there's no rational reason why you gave in, and nodded slightly with your head tilted to accept his offer.
"Are you serious?" He looks into your eyes and finds no lie, just a hesitation. "I'm so happy! You won't regret it!" He hugs YN and wraps her in strong arms, burying his face in her shoulder while placing small kisses on her face.
When you hug him back, very suspiciously, you notice that his body is different. Taller, more muscular, more attractive… he couldn't make such a change in a week, he didn't even go to the gym.
"YN, look at me…" with a delicate hand on her chin he guides her to his lips, where they kiss delicately, savoring each other's presence. Until the smell of his perfume invades your nose, enveloping you in a light trance.
Kain smells like expensive perfume.
He always smelled like alcohol and cigarettes, something you always complained about. He now had a feeling of cleanliness and elegance, the leather jacket was new too. The smell of perfume is almost suffocating. Why would he be wearing such a fragrant and expensive perfume?
When the two of them are separated for air, Kain looks with so much devotion and love while caressing her lower lip "I love you."
Kain smiles in a way that YN had never seen him smile like that. Big mouth, too white teeth and some sharp hidden fangs.
There's something wrong with her ex-boyfriend.
But two weeks later… YN forgets about it, keeping any survival instinct or voice of conscience in a drawer at the back of her mind, along with the unpleasant memories of the relationship. Mentally thanking him for having changed.
It was as if she was floating on clouds and Kain was her ray of sunshine.
As time went by, YN fell more and more in love with Kaius, as if she was getting to know a new side of him. It was as if he had created a rosy and passionate world, where he controlled all reality around her, solving everything for her. YN felt trapped in a state of enchantment and dependence almost like a drug addict, laughing alone and going limp in his presence.
It was fascinating for Kaius to manipulate YN's emotions, keeping her trapped in a state of passion and blind trust while he himself fell into a state of disillusionment. Every gesture and behavior of his was calculated to make her fall even more in love, while he tried hard to hide any detail that could reveal the truth. YN found herself increasingly trapped in the spell, unable to realize that the man she had fallen in love with was… too perfect, a romance novel, the kind she had most innocently dreamed of until the adventures in hidden paragraphs. Kaindid everything perfectly and still left her wanting more.
It's been two great weeks, YN visits him at his house almost every day and they're getting ready to live together, she's been going out with her party-loving friends, she's been so productive at work that she got a promotion today!
“Congratulations YN! I knew our project would boost you in the company.” Your boss praises you, it was hard and delicate work but she knew that by putting herself in your hands she would prosper.
“Thank you very much for your trust.” You smile at her.
“The guys are going to celebrate the success after work, are you coming?” she asks, noticing that you're not getting ready to go out
“Oh no, I promised I'd go out with my boyfriend to celebrate today. But I'm going to celebrate the weekend with you guys!” you say, reminding her that you're still going out with the company this weekend, but she looks confused
“Your boyfriend? Didn't you guys break up two or… three weeks ago?”
“We're back together, and he's better than ever, can you believe it?” you show her a picture of the two of you at the eco-park, him holding your waist while smiling beautifully.
Your boss looks suspicious, she could swear by the name of the company that she'd seen him somewhere before, like a piece of information on the tip of her tongue that's soon forgotten strangely… but she tries to give you a vote of confidence “Err… I'm happy for you. But remember, we've had clients who were wolves in sheep's clothing. Enjoy the honeymoon phase.” She gives your shoulder a gentle squeeze before leaving. “Call me if you need anything, dear.”
Wolf in sheep's clothing… interesting.
You think about this as you ride back to his house on your motorbike, and right on the way you enter the usual flower shop and meet Thomas, the friendly old man who sells the flower shop.
“Good afternoon, Mr. Thomas!” you greet him as soon as you arrive at the store. His tired eyes soon find your presence as you explore the garden in search of a plant that catches your attention.
“Good afternoon, girl.” He walks towards you in slow steps, supporting himself with his old wooden cane.
“I think I’ll take this one here-“ you point to beautiful white alstroemerias.
“Your boyfriend is allergic to these.” He warns, looking at them. “He came here the other day and when he was going to touch this one, it looked like my cat, he started coughing and almost vomited when he touched the plant.”
You turn your head to him in confusion. Kain has never been allergic to flowers.
“I found it strange, because people usually aren’t allergic to this type of alstroemeria.” The old man scratches his chin thoughtfully but then laughs to himself. “But I suppose, each organism works differently.”
“That’s true, the human body has one of those.” You laugh with him, but then you notice him staring at you. “What’s wrong?”
“He’s taking good care of you, isn’t he? You look very radiant, girl.” The old man’s soft voice breaks any tension you were feeling before, and with a slightly blushing face you admit that yes.
“You know, the first time he came in here I thought he was a drunk when I bought those red, plastic roses… on your first date.” Mr. Thomas’s body shivers with disgust at the boy’s lack of romance.
“Oh my god… my head hurts just remembering, he dropped some flowers and came staggering, he smelled terrible of cigarettes.”
“It’s likely he wasn’t drunk… but high, Mr. Thomas.” You whisper to him.
“And how did you fall in love with something like that?” the rolled eyes make YN laugh a little at the florist's drama but before she could say anything he continues
“But the second time he came, he seemed like a gentleman. He walked elegantly through the plants and I was surprised when he chose that bouquet of Japanese flowers…”
“Me too! I wanted them so much!” you sigh in love
“Exactly the flowers you wanted…” he murmurs softly as he picks up a dead leaf from one of the vases
“But that's not what caught my attention, dear…”
“What caught your attention?” Was it his muscles? His hair? The beautiful way he speaks?
He spends a few seconds thinking about how to tell you exactly what it was that made him feel....
“A few years ago, when I was young, I traveled for work and spent a week away. When I came back, the first thing that caught my attention was the smell I could smell from the door…” the old gardener narrates his story with his eyes clouded with nostalgia and worry, as if he wanted YN to understand his point making you feel anxious…..
“My wife had been dead for 3 days… The putrid smell was terrible.” The words are almost like a whisper “I never forgot that smell.”
“That boy smelled like death the second time he came here.” As the gardener looks directly into your eyes YN feels her breath catch in her lungs.
What does he mean by that?
“What did she die of?” YN curiously asks him
“Heart attack or something like that.. I'm sorry. I…” the old man shudders and sits in a nearby chair visibly shaken by such memories while you get him some water trying to somehow give him comfort.
“Oh YN, the smell was very strong and terrible…. when that man came in here I could only remember that.” The man's vision was blurred because he loved his wife very much, he held on tightly to his cane to keep himself steady.
"I'm sorry about your wife, I'm sorry I made you remember all this…" YN crouched down next to him as she picked up the glass of water, feeling guilty for such emotions in the old florist.
He then looked at YN with pity for her kindness, big confused and kind eyes stared back at him, old Mr. Thomas and decided to swallow his tears as he tried to compose himself.
"I'm not saying your boyfriend is a zoombie or anything like that" he laughed as he slowly stood up "But I'm saying he smelled really bad when he got here, remind him to take baths, okay?" he said with the same funny tone as always, playing with the rhymes and tones of the words while to lighten the mood she laughed at him.
"Oh, he smells much better now." You said remembering the bubble baths you took together
"Was it you who gave him that perfume? Good choice.”
“What perfume, Mr. Thomas?” you ask, helping him to the counter.
“It’s an expensive perfume, very good… I think I’ve only smelled one person wearing it, the mayor of the city in 1980. Good taste, it’s an extremely refined perfume.”
“O-oh… yeah.”
“Now he wears it a lot, I felt suffocated in his presence…” he says, adjusting his clothes and cane. “Well, me and my plants.” He laughs to himself.
“Sorry about that, I know they’re sensitive to strong smells.” You laugh.
"I give him a second chance, he brings me really pretty flowers, huh?"
"Oh, the romantic ones."
YN drives confused back to Kain's house, she remembers the drive being longer before they got back together, there were more houses in the neighborhood and that he still lived with his parents. In two weeks she has never heard of his parents… or the neighbors… or the dog he had… where are they?
Her steps are automatic and before she knows it she is in front of a cozy and chic house, with plants in front decorating a beautiful backyard with very green grass and all doubts and questions disappear when she knocks on the door, anxious for her dear boyfriend to answer.
Almost immediately the door opens, he seems to always be waiting for her like a dog anxiously awaits its owner, he would never leave her waiting.
“Good night, darling, I missed you so much.” He wraps her in a comforting hug and gives her a sweet kiss on the forehead, inviting her to come into the house, taking off her coat and boots, a gesture that always makes butterflies fly in YN’s stomach.
Oh, the little gestures < 3…
Wait, what is he wearing?
“Oh, you look beautiful in an apron, you know?” YN compliments her boyfriend, giving him a mischievous smile.
He was wearing a pastel pink plaid apron, with red lace the same shade as his cheeks when he hears her compliment.
“Oh, did you like it? I-i just wanted to surprise you, my love. Let’s celebrate, remember?”
“And how could I forget?” YN hugs him and he quickly wraps his arms around her again “I’d rather be here with you than go out to celebrate with the company.”
“And I’m going to make you enjoy every bit of tonight…” he murmured with a smirk on his lips as he brushed their noses together in a delicate gesture. He took YN’s chin between his fingers, guiding her head to within inches of his mouth. At this moment, YN’s hands began to roam Kain’s body, transforming the moment into something more intimate.
“Oh darling, what a big body you have…” she said in a husky tone, playing with the hem of his shirt. A sneaky hand left trails of fire on Kain’s body.
“It’s to protect you better, my love…” he chuckled, pulling her closer to him with his hands on her waist. The air was heavy between the two of them, and YN delighted in seeing her boyfriend’s pupils dilate like a cat’s.
“Oh darling, what big eyes you have…”
“It’s to see you better, my little one…” he chuckled softly, and his large hands began to explore her body, from her hips to her breasts, firmly cupping her breasts. goosebumps on both of them, some sparks of passion starting to turn into dangerous flames….
“But darling, what big hands you have…” the young woman's body is pressed closer against his warm body as she bats her eyelashes innocently, an innocence that doesn't reach the small smirk on her lips
“Oh, yes darling, I have nice big hands, don't I? It's the better to hold you, sweetheart……” in a husky and low voice he answers, bringing his mouth to YN's neck giving long kisses in the region Kain lets out a soft moan as YN runs her hand through his hair encouraging him, the sensation sending jolts of pleasure down his spine.
He looks at YN, blue eyes full of desire and an almost primal hunger, as he continues to kiss and tease the delicate skin…
“Oh but.. darling?” YN breathed
“Yeah?” Kain breathed back
“And why such a big mouth?”
He licks his lips as he brings his girlfriend's face closer with one hand, inches away from her succulent lips, possessively squeezing her curves with the other, making YN moan slightly, their heartbeats synchronizing as they look intensely into each other's eyes…
"It's fo-" The oven alarm goes off, a high-pitched and unromantic sound, making the two young lovers frustrated by the break in the moment.
YN grunts, leaning her head against Kain's chest, feeling embarrassed now that the sound of the alarm has brought her sanity back. She always feels like she loses her self-control around Kain. He laughs lightly at her reaction and strokes her hair gently.
"Hey, it's your surprise in the oven…" he kisses the top of her head "Go take a shower, honey, it's time for me to finish the preparations, okay?" She nods and lets go of him, climbing the stairs to the first floor, almost floating, still recovering from the previous moment with a silly smile on her face, the same one Kain had while preparing the frosting and strawberries for the cake…
YN's nose only realizes now that the house has a very sweet smell, normally she is already used to the smell in the house but today the traditional smell of roses and homey is more like an open candy store, when entering the room she notices that there are more air fresheners than usual in every corner and corner. Kain knows that Yn has a sweet tooth, always looking for desserts and sweet smells and he was very happy to make this house as comfortable as possible… but is he not exaggerating? Nah, never.
The young woman enters the marble bathroom, now with feminine touches everywhere the eye can see: Skincare that smells like tutti frutti gum, soap that smells like strawberries, shampoo that smells like raspberries, towels in a shade of pastel pink, matching the bathroom rugs and the flowers near the mirror.
YN laughs dreamily, who would have thought that for such a big man with such a rough appearance, Kain wouldn't be more than happy to have the same feminine smell as his girlfriend? He insists, as they take a shower together. He insists while using the same floral perfume as his girlfriend, claiming that he wants to have the same smell as his girlfriend, he feels closer to her every time she does leave and he could recognize her sweet scent.
YN leaves the bathroom refreshed and radiant and puts on a comfortable dress but with a slight neckline, delicate pink with white polka dots to match her boyfriend's cute apron. She sighs in relief that the day is finally over and all she will do now is enjoy the night with Kain, he always made her worries melt away with the slightest touch, and with the slightest touch from YN, Kain felt determined to do everything for her.
They were a perfect couple and beautiful to behold.
The world was pink with cotton candy clouds.
The background music was like a fairy tale from an old romance.
What more could she want?
As she dries her hair, she receives a message from her boss and ignores it thinking it must be a photo of the company's celebration or a request to reform some document. Not today, she thought to herself. When the messages became frantic, YN began to find the situation strange and, shrugging her shoulders, decided to pick up her cell phone and check what was happening.
She held her breath.
It wasn't a photo of the company party.
It was an image of Kain's body, dead in a car accident.
It wasn't a message asking her to reform some document.
It was a message in capital letters that screamed in desperation:
YN feels the world fall apart as she lets her cell phone fall from her cold hands, while she keeps the storm of emotions inside her in a confused way. Trembling, she sits on the carefully made bed, and a cold hand tries to cover her half-open mouth. In a state of shock, all the girl can do is stay paralyzed, staring at the emptiness in the room while her hair drips and wets the bed.
No… this can't be real…..
She looks at the photo once more, a big red circle marking the date: It happened three weeks ago.
How….. is this….. possible?
She tries to reason while catching her breath, a mixture of sadness and fear taking over her heart.
"Honey, everything is ready! Are you going down now?" Kain's voice echoes through the house, he is asking at the foot of the stairs while drying his hands.
Fear is not enough.
Panic takes over YN's body so much that she starts to shake horribly and any logical thought disappears, becoming paralyzed.
"Will you be long, sweetheart?"
I need to get away from here. This man wants to kill me. OMG. OH MY GOD! WHAT DO I DO?
"YN?" a voice with more authority in its tone, as if demanding to know why she is not responding.
Amidst the accelerated beats and the pressure in her ears, she hears him take a step on the stairs and terrified she tries to hide it.
"N-no!… ah…. I'm looking… for my perfume." She tries to hide it by stretching to open and close the drawer next to the bed, pretending to be looking.
“Don’t be long, my love, I already miss you <3” he hums in a sweet and passionate tone as he returns to the kitchen.
Action plan. Quick. I need help.
YN: Okay, what do you mean by that? (message not sent)
YN: Who is this man then? What is he? (message not sent)
YN: I need to get out of here, please come and get me! (message not sent)
A shiver runs down the girl’s spine when the internet suddenly goes out, what could have happened to her? Will I have to deal with all this alone?
Oh my God…..
She runs a trembling hand through her wet hair trying to calm herself down with all this and for the first time in two weeks she hears the little voice inside her head, the one that said there was something strange with her boyfriend.
He doesn’t know that I know.
An advantage? Yes.
Disadvantage? Anything could be in his plans.
What is he using me for? Why is he pretending to be my boyfriend? Is he behind the real Kain's accident? What if I call the police? What if he wants to kill me while I'm sleeping? What if he poisons me…? Oh no.
YN's eyes widen at the possibility and an overwhelming anxiety takes over her body, her breath catching in her throat, her heart racing, sweat running down her forehead.
"Sweetheart, do you want me to escort the princess to her royal kitchen?" the voice of the aforementioned person is heard in the hallway, he is in the middle of the stairs humming "Have you found your perfume yet, love?"
A second passes.
And another.
"YN, are you okay?"
You need to get out of here. Quickly.
"…… y-yes…… I, I'm… coming down now, okay?" disguising it in a shaky voice, she slowly gets up from the bed and picks up the perfume on the headboard next to the bed, applying it with difficulty because the sweat on her hands made it slip.
She swallows the terrible urge to scream for help, to jump out the window, to tear her hair out, and takes robotic steps until she leaves the room, passing through the damn hallway like a sheep going to the slaughterhouse. At that moment, the various sweet air fresheners make her feel nauseous and her head spins. She rests one hand on the wall as she goes down the stairs, her eyes wide as she holds her breath.
Slowly she takes in the scene: The dining room looks like it came straight out of a romance movie, there are rose petals on the floor and candles in vintage candelabras on the table, in the middle of the table there is a beautiful decorated pink cake and at the entrance is the perfect boyfriend.
"May I have the honors, my princess?" He extends his hand in a chivalrous manner and YN, as an instinct of her body for having done this scene many times, gives him her hand.
Kain's eyes are full of devotion as he presses a gentle kiss to the back of YN's hand, looking her directly in the eyes during the act, the action takes seconds to finish.
“I’m glad you chose me. And as promised, you won’t regret it.” He takes her by the hand and gently pulls out the chair, waiting for his lady to sit down. YN is doing everything she can to not freak out, trying to act as normal as possible, trying to relax at any cost so he doesn’t notice.
“T-thanks for the… kindness, dear.” With a dry mouth she says.
He hums in return, “Oh, anything for you.”
YN can’t help but think that everything he says and does has a hidden meaning now, like a predator sadistically toying with his prey. The young man brings the cake closer so YN can appreciate the vitsa, which he spent the afternoon learning on YouTube how to decorate a cake with icing and create a romantic setting.
“Well…” he clears his throat “I hope you like it, it was my first time doing something like this and I really wanted you to like it.” He tucks a strand of hair behind her ear while giving a charming smile
“Y-yes… yeah, it’s beautiful, love.”
YN forced a smile as she struggled to stay calm, trying not to show the chaos that was unfolding inside her. Her hands were still shaking as she watched Kain cut a piece of the cake and place it on a plate for her.
The strange man, still in the role of the perfect groom, decides to be more romantic and proposes to feed her, in a cute way. He asks YN to open her mouth while trying to make it seem like a sweet and loving scene.
"Open your mouth, honey. Let me give you a piece of cake. Say 'Aah~"
YN opens her mouth automatically, while her mind is still stuck on her boss's words. Her expression is almost absent, as she tries to maintain the facade of apparent calm in front of her boyfriend. Kain puts the piece of cake in YN's mouth and observes her face, thinking that her apparent passivity was a product of the romantic scene they were having. Meanwhile, YN could only think about finding a way to escape from there as quickly as possible.
With each bite, YN felt the fear increase even more, praying to any being in the heavens to save her, for someone to clean up this mess, for her to have the strength to stop him. A wave of ultra sensitivity hits her mind, a result of stress and anxiety, and she can't stop thinking that it's all too much… too much. The cake is too sweet, sickly sweet, the frosting is too pink, the cherries taste too much like cherries, the background music was a soundtrack from her favorite romantic movie making her hair stand on end to the point of pain, capturing every sound and vibration in constant alert, as if at any moment he would take out a knife and stab her.
While YN ate the piece of cake, her mind was still stuck in trying to find a way to escape that situation without giving herself away. She tried to act as normally as possible in front of the stranger in front of her, while her heart was pounding with anxiety and fear.
“Are you okay, love? You seem tense… isn't the cake good?” Kain asks, gently running a hand over YN's cheek and involuntarily she pulls away.
Kain's eyes widen and a twinge of sadness passes through his blue eyes.
YN regrets that.
“S-sorry, love… I'm just tired from work.” YN tries to act as normal as possible but he can almost see through her that there is something bothering her, or to be more exact, he can see through the neckline of her dress that the beautiful woman's heart is abnormally racing.
“But… but the cake is delicious!” To prove the point, she herself picks up the fork and takes a piece of cake to her mouth, holding back the urge to vomit. “Beginner's luck, maybe?” she laughs and teases him a little.
Act normal, woman. Act normal or he'll notice.
“Who knows?” He smiles at her, not understanding what happened but decides to save this subject for later to enjoy the romantic dinner
“I've always been lucky on my first times…” he winks at her
“O-Oh…” YN laughs embarrassedly, not hiding the blush that rises on her cheeks
Dinner soon ends, YN comments a few things about work while Kain gives details of how his day was and in the end they go to watch a movie on the couch cuddling wrapped in soft and warm blankets. YN who was previously so interested in the cinematography of films, obsessively observing each character and each angle now doesn't even know the name of the film or what genre it is.
Would it be horror like a terrible joke of the storm inside herself? Would it be a romantic movie to continue this psychotic game of house?
All she can think is that now is the perfect time to run away.
Now that Kain is sleeping so soundly in her arms with a contented smile.
The clock strikes midnight and with a little trick she manages to leave without waking him, making her steps as light as a feather as she walks to the door, the only source of light being the TV playing scenes from the movie.
Her heart was beating strongly in her veins, she could hear her own heartbeats in her ear as she took a deep breath until she reached the door she had dreamed of, the exit to salvation.
As soon as she puts her cold hand on the doorknob, a brutal realization hits her in the face, she doesn't have her cell phone… and she doesn't know where it is.
With a sharp gulp she decides to go without it because this might be her only chance of survival, she tightly holds the motorcycle keys and opens the door.
"Where are you going at this time of night, sweetheart?" the creature's voice was like a roar held back by teeth, Kain's figure was on the other side of the door making her blood run cold immediately, YN's cell phone was in his big hand with the messages with her boss open.
His figure towers over her trembling form, his head twisting in an inhuman manner, watching YN intently, a horrifying smile on his lips.
For the first time in two weeks, YN smells a repulsive, rotten smell.
A scream is heard.
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ask-missparker · 5 months
A Naboo Dream  | A Star Wars Story AU
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Pairing: Nikolai Skywalker x Amelia Colter
Fic Type: Star Wars AU
Extra Characters: Obi Wan, R2D2, The Young Avengers
Setting: The Clone Wars Era
As the twin suns of Naboo cast their warm glow across the lush landscape, Anakin Skywalker's younger brother, Nikolai, arrived on the serene planet. Sent on a mission by the Jedi Council to assist in the protection of Naboo, his senses were heightened as he explored the beautiful surroundings of the royal palace.
Guided by duty, Nikolai wandered through the ornate corridors, his Jedi instincts attuned to any potential threats. It was then that he stumbled upon a captivating sight—a young woman with long, flowing brown hair, gazing wistfully out of a window.
She turned, revealing a delicate face adorned with subtle makeup, her eyes sparkling with an unknown intrigue. A small smile graced her lips as she nodded in acknowledgment of Nikolai  presence, leaving him momentarily spellbound.
But his training kicked in, his guard remaining vigilant as he continued his scouting mission. Throughout the day, he found himself crossing paths with the mysterious young woman, always at the periphery of his vision.
In the stables, she tended to gentle creatures with grace and compassion. In the garden, she sat among the vibrant blooms, a vision of serenity. And later, in the bustling mess hall, their paths crossed once more, her presence like a whisper in the Force.
With each encounter, Nikolai curiosity grew, drawn to this enigmatic figure who seemed to be everywhere yet remained shrouded in mystery. Little did he know, their fateful meeting would set into motion a tale of destiny and devotion in a galaxy far, far away.
As chaos unfolded in the marketplace, he found himself in the midst of a pursuit, his lightsaber drawn as he chased after the thieves. Through the bustling crowd and into the verdant expanse of the forest, his senses honed in on the task at hand.
Amidst the flurry of activity, he spotted an Orbak galloping wildly, its rider desperately trying to regain control. Without hesitation, Nikolai  sprang into action, using the Force to guide him towards the chaotic scene.
With swift movements, he managed to calm the rampaging creature, his eyes meeting those of its rider—a familiar face from his past. It was her, the mysterious woman from Tatooine, now revealed in her true form, her natural beauty shining through.
Memories flooded back as they locked eyes, recalling their chance encounter years ago amidst the sands of Tatooine. She had been one of the decoys, dressed in vibrant hues of orange and white, leaving him with a bracelet as a token of their brief encounter.
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Now, in this moment of shared danger, she offered him a ring from her home planet of Naboo, a gesture of gratitude for his assistance. Yet, their exchange was interrupted by the Orbak's restless movements, reminding them of the urgency of the situation.
With a gentle smile, he addressed her, his voice calm amidst the chaos. The two stood together amidst the lush forest of Naboo, their destinies intertwined once more in the vast tapestry of the Force.
"Are you alright, miss?" he asked, with  concern genuine. 
“I’m alright but you nearly tighten the life out of him.” She responded. 
“The creature your friends were chasing. What has he ever done to you that you must chase him about?”
He chuckled at that, petting the Orbak she rode on as he said, “I must confess, I never met him before. A friend of yours?”
“No.” She replied chuckling, pushing hair out of her face, “Most creates the ideals of Naboo as a noble place, and so is it’s creature who stole from the market.”
“Stealing is wrong.”
“Not when they’re not given the amount to pay for their food.”
“Ah, I see. Fair by all means then. Miss, what do they call you?”
As she smiled her cheekbones lit up like the stars at night. 
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She hummed for a moment, “You really don’t know?”
“That’s why I asked.” He responded with a blushing smile.
“Amelia..Amelia, that’s all you’ll get.”
“Lovely name. You shouldn’t be this deep in the forest alone.”
“I’m not alone, I’m with you. Mrs..I mean, Jedi.”
“You don’t remember?”
“I do.”
“So why you ask such a question?”
“To play the fool and get your answer.”
Years ago on the sandy lands, they would play as the older Jedi and driods would roll around talking. He was helping his older brother in a speed race in Tatooine, in hopes to win, as she accompany her older sisters as one of decoy queens to see the people there. 
“My, have you grown.” She asked with a giggle. 
“Ahh so you do remember, Mia.” He added with a wink.
“Hush, not so loud. I’m supposed to be working. I see you were working too.”
“Define work.”
“I was entrusted to watch over Naboo grounds for a while. Keep the crown space from any spice runners who would sell it for parts.”
“I see you brought R2 with you.”
Nikolai turned around confused for a moment, as he then saw the white and blue driod rolling up to them in concern beeps asking where they headed of to. Nikolai muttered how he was fine and go tell Obi Wan that things will be alright. However R2 beeps otherwise that he rather stay.
“Does he treat you fair R2?” She asked the driod with a teasing tone.
He beeps twice.
“Oh really? You need some rest then.”
He beep again.
“He thinks about me and visiting the 7 wonders of the galaxy.”
Nikolai gasped and scoffed, “I never once said that! On the contrary, you must been thinking about me, if you remember my driod so well.”
She giggled and huffed a breathe, “I won’t confirm or deny it, my lord.”
“Cheeky respond for a princess.”
“And one for a Jedi.”
He nods with a lovely smile, “Clever. Very clever. I am a fine Jedi if you ask anyone.”
“One full of pride if you ask me.” She added giggling some more.
“You think you’re funny.”
“I think I’m honest. Meanwhile your a cheeky little solider”
“I beg your pardon?”
Despite what he said, he couldn’t help but laugh as a smile spread on his face. He shook his head having not felt this way in a while. Without a second later, he offered to lead the way back to the castle as their banter contain between them. 
As they contained their laughter to themselves, quiet blushing banter and witty comments that was upmost challenging, one can’t deny the chemistry  between the pair.
A Jedi & A Princess. 
Oh dear tiff..
…he shot up awaken from the sounds of the TV. The volume was high and guns were blasting, as the Jedis and Sith fought against one another on screen. He realized he was back in the living room, with tossed hair, a blanket over his body and a tray of popcorn over his lap. 
It was a dream. Or was it?
He looked over to see Arrow, his dog, on the ground playing with his chew toy, being a Falcon plushie. Liane was half paying attention as she was texting, Cole and Jeremy were cuddling on the couch next to him. Ethan on the ground eating some chips. Rochelle was half asleep on Michelle’s lap as the blonde girl was talking over the movie.
Nikolai then allowed himself to take a breath, rubbing his eyes and sighed. He remembered he was watching Star Wars with the gang. He wondered where the rest of the gang was. He assumed in the kitchen, as he excuse himself to grab some water and head over to the kitchen. There he found Rick and Luna chilling, eating extra slices of pizza. Finlay and Rose chatting about something. 
But Mia was no where to be found. 
He headed to the hallway only to have a pair of brown-green eyes bump into his chest. He heard her high pitched ‘Oof!’ As he looked down to meet his love’s face who pushed her glasses upwards, she watched him with a small dazes, as if she can tell he was thinking.
“What happened?” She asked.
At the same time he asked, “Where did you go?”
The two chuckled awkwardly at the exchanged. 
“I went to use the bathroom and then checked on the kids in the other room. Rochelle’s twins were fighting over a toy, Riley was dancing to Frozen, meanwhile Joshua was in his playpen watching the Tv and playing with his toy starfish.” She explained with a shrug smiling.
“Yikes! I hope things went alright.” He repiled chuckling, thinking he should take the next round on check in on the kids afterwards.
“Yeah, I handled it. What’s on your mind?”
“I had a dream.”
“Tell me about it.”
“It’s silly really.”
“Baby, come on, I wanna hear about it.”
“Okay fine, just know, it felt so real.”
He took her hand, leading the girl to the living room telling her about his Star Wars theme dream. He even mentioned how he wanted to be Anakin and Padme next halloween as she laughed nodding.
—> Thanks for reading. That’s what I got! Comment down below with ideas and reblog your thoughts 
Tags: @missstrawbs2001 @purpleprincessonfyre @meiramel  @gcthvile @rickb-chaos @gaminggirlsstuff @wizzzardofoz @cherrysft @thechoooooosenone @luna-d-marsh @sherloquestea and etc
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writerbuddha · 2 years
"Twisted and Evil" - Yoda and Obi-Wan were right about Darth Vader all along
"He made a pact with the Devil and now he's become the Devil." - George Lucas about Anakin Skywalker, Revenge of the Sith Audio Commentary 
It's common to think of Evil as a quality or characteristic inherent to some people's being, or as an external force operating on humanity's flaws and imperfections, infecting and seducing them, sometimes personified as the Devil. There is a notion of the Evil person, whose nature is 100% evil, that they will remain that way because it's their fundamental unchanging nature, and there is a certain either or that, all or nothing way of thinking, postulating, Good and Evil are mutually exclusive: true Evil doesn't allow for any Good to reside in a person, but if there is even a drop of Good within them, they're not truly Evil. These ideas - Evil as an external force, Evil as an intrinsic quality, Evil as something that pushes Good out of a person - are all powerfully rejected by George Lucas' Star Wars story.
George Lucas' Star Wars: Good and Evil redefined
In Episode IV, Obi-Wan identifies the culprit behind the evil deeds of Darth Vader: "he was seduced by the dark side of the Force" and in Episode V, Master Yoda reveals, the dark side of the Force is: Anger, fear, aggression... The dark side of the Force are they." He explains, "If once you start down the dark path, forever will it dominate your destiny, consume you it will, as it did Obi-Wan's apprentice." Later, as part of his Jedi training, Yoda instruct Luke to descend the cave that is "strong with the dark side", the "domain of evil", he tells him, there will find nothing, but “only what you take with you” adding, "Your weapons, you will not need them."
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But Luke decides to take his lightsaber with himself: he approaches "evil" with expectations of an external force, something that he fears, angry at, hates and has aggressive feelings toward. And this is what manifests itself in the cave, what is within him: the likeness of Darth Vader appears. Luke draws his blade to fight him, and as they do, he decapitates the vision. The severed head's mask bursts apart, revealing Luke's face underneath, showing: he met with his own idea of evil as an external enemy, he reacted to it with fear, anger and aggression, hate, and the vision shown him, what he resent in Vader is also within himself. What moved him, ruled his reactions to the likeness of Vader are identical to what rules, moves Darth Vader: fear, anger, aggression, hate. This is evil, nothing more, nothing less. Both Obi-Wan and Yoda tells him, he failed in the cave, proving, he can't control the Force, therefore, he is not ready to face Vader, and warning him, "if you choose the quick and easy path, as Vader did you will become an agent of evil" warning him, “don’t give in to hate. That leads to the dark side.” In Episode VI, the dying Yoda repeats, “anger, fear, aggression, the dark side are they. Once you start down the dark path, forever will it dominate your destiny."
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In Episode I, Yoda identifies fear, especially the fear of losing the people we love as the origins of evil: "fear is a path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering" and in Episode III, he repeats: “fear of loss is a path to the dark side." He warns against not accepting death as part of life: “attachment leads to jealousy. The shadow of greed, that is.” In Star Wars: The Clone Wars, in Yoda's Arc, while on his quest to achieve immortality, the Force Priestess Serenity instructs Yoda to face with "what in your existence some call evil, otherwise known as fear" and she says, "You must face your evil on that island and defeat it." Yoda faces with a dark creature, that he can defeat only through recognizing it as his own dark side, something that is a part of himself, "part of all that lives." He says, confronting with it, "Part of me you are, yes, but power over me you have not. Through patience and training, it is I, who control you. My dark side, you are. Reject you, I do." Serenity tells him afterwards, summarizing the lesson, "the beast is you and you are the beast. To deny it simply gives it power" to which Yoda responds, "Now I see. Simple the answer was."
Why some people believe, Luke "proved Yoda and Obi-Wan wrong" about Darth Vader?
George Lucas' Star Wars story - encompassed by the six episodes of the Star Wars Saga and the six seasons of Star Wars: The Clone Wars - is devoid of Evil as an external, independent, metaphysical force or a quality inherent to some people's being. In Episodes IV to VI, Obi-Wan and Yoda established that the line dividing good and evil cuts through the being of all living things, with the bad side being fear, anger, hate and aggression – what makes Darth Vader evil is that he is seduced by and is consumed by and he is walking on the path of fear, anger, hate and aggression. These emotions and feelings are part of Luke as well, and if he gives in to them, and falls under their sway, he will become just like Darth Vader. Yoda warns, once he gives in to them, they will consume him and his actions will dominate his destiny forever. In Episodes I to III, as well as in the Clone Wars, these lessons were re-stated and elaborated. Thus, it should be clear that their teachings on the nature of evil are radically different from conventional and popular concepts of Evil. 
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In the 2010s, it become popular to entertain the idea, Yoda and Obi-Wan, the old Jedi Masters, in their absolutist, dogmatic and fanatic, black or white, all or nothing way of thinking, were simply unable to comprehend the possibility that Darth Vader can be saved, that there is any good left in him, and they're telling Luke, Darth Vader is Evil and Evil must be destroyed for Good to prevail, but Luke, the young one, naturally free of such flaws, proves them wrong by bringing his father back to the light side. But those who ascribe to this reading, are ignoring the mythology, cosmology and philosophy outlined in the Star Wars Saga and The Clone Wars. Their reasoning is founded on the fact that Obi-Wan and Yoda are using the word "evil", or they describe Vader as "twisted and evil" and "agent of evil" or "twisted by the dark side", while ignoring their definition of evil, as well as on projecting a "Dark-Side-Is-the-Devil" concept onto their teachings.
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Yoda and Obi-Wan are not "wrong" about Darth Vader: in truth, the Jedi teachings throughout the Saga and Clone Wars are not rejecting the potential or possibility that an "evil person" will return to the good side. When Luke says Obi-Wan, "there is still good in [Vader]", the Jedi Master's reply, "He's more machine now than man. Twisted and evil." only translates to "No, there is no good in him! He is evil and evil must be destroyed!" if his usage of the word "evil" is divorced from his definition and concept of evil, and replaced with non-Star Wars concepts and notions of Evil and Evil people. The truth is, Obi-Wan and Yoda are not denying that there is still good in Vader - in accordance to their worldview and the cosmology of Star Wars - but they're both skeptical about whether this means that Vader can be turned back to the light side of the Force, and they believe, Luke will be forced to kill his father if he is about to save the galaxy.
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Vader and his Emperor are under the sway of fear, anger, hate and aggression, and they both want to rule the galaxy, and they want to do it through fear, destroying entire planets and all living things on it to further that ambition, torturing and killing anyone who dares to oppose them, wielding fear, anger, hate and aggression - this is what makes the Sith. And this is why they must be confronted and stopped, even if this means killing them. Therefore, it shouldn't be hard to realize, "Sith" is not follower of a religion or a philosophy, a member of a culture or someone who uses dark sources of magic, rather, just like Lucas defined them, "The Sith are people who are very self-centered and selfish." and "Sith rely on their passion to get things done. They use their raw emotion, their hatred, their anger, their bitterness - which is the dark side of the Force", in addition, "Sith want to dominate the galaxy, to control everything" and "A Sith is somebody that is absolutely obsessed with gaining more and more power - but for what? Nothing, except that it becomes an obsession to get more." "Sith" is a personality, a state of mind, an attitude, a relationship to yourself, the world and others. And this is what Jedi Knights vow to fight against. This is why Yoda indicates in Episode III, "Destroy the Sith we must", and this is why Obi-Wan told Anakin, as the Chosen One, "You were supposed to destroy the Sith, not join them!" And this is why Yoda tells Luke in Episode V: "Stopped [Vader and the Emperor] must be. On this all depends!"
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Yoda and Obi-Wan are preparing Luke for a confrontation that they believe, will end with Luke being forced to kill his father, but they never instruct him to do so. Yoda tells Luke, "you must confront Vader. Then, only then, a Jedi will you be. And confront him you will." When Obi-Wan tells him, "You cannot escape your destiny. You must face Darth Vader again", it's Luke who says it out loud: "I can't kill my own father" - because Luke knows, if he have to confront Vader, that would most likely mean, he will have to kill him. In the 1980s, Lucas explained, "The mission isn't for Luke to go out and kill his father and get rid of him. The issue is, if he confronts his father again, he may, in defending himself, have to kill him, because his father will try to kill him." And Luke tries to avoid the situation, so he won't have to confront Vader and the Emperor. This is why Obi-Wan tells him, "Then the emperor has already won." Only on Endor, Luke accepts his destiny and decides: "I have to face him." When Leia asks him, "But why you must confront him?" he replies, "Because there is good in him. I've felt it. He won't turn me over to the Emperor. I can save him. I can turn him back to the good side. I have to try."
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It should be clear that there is no real conflict between Luke and the old Jedi Masters: Luke himself states, his father is on the bad side of the Force, he doesn't entertain the idea that he is not evil. The question is not whether or not Darth Vader is evil - he is - or whether or not there is a possibility or a potential for him to turn back into Anakin Skywalker, the good man who kept his dark side under the check of his light side - there is. The question is: will Darth Vader choose the good side over the bad? Obi-Wan warns Luke, Vader sank very low - "twisted and evil" - thus, it would be a miracle if that happens. Luke chooses to risk it: he takes a leap of faith.
Did Yoda and Obi-Wan sent Luke to Kill his Father?
Darth Vader turning back to the good side, into Anakin Skywalker was a theoretically possible, however, this was true to the Emperor as well. And whereas Lucas confirmed, Luke's mission is not to go and kill the Sith for the sake of destroying them, it should not be surprising that Yoda and Obi-Wan were not founding their plan to save the galaxy on faith in the inherent goodness of all that lives, but on the cold hard facts. Thus, as Lucas tells us, "You discover that Luke is being guided by Obi-Wan and Yoda. There is a plan afoot" and the fact that Luke doesn't know what that plan is, is "a little nefarious, because [Yoda and Obi-Wan] think he's the only one who probably has the power to kill Vader. Their agenda is to kill Vader and basically cut off the Emperor's right hand." In the same time, he repeated, the mission is not just to kill and get rid of Vader: "Ben hopes Luke will either save his father or kill him." Therefore, plainly and simply, Yoda and Obi-Wan sent Luke to confront Vader and end the rule of the Sith, and yes, they told him, if this have to involve killing Darth Vader, then it have to involve killing Darth Vader.
"They don't show 'Luke, what you need to do is to go to Darth Vader and give him a compassionate speech to bring him back to the good side'"
Yoda and Obi-Wan and the Jedi Order are sometimes accused with mishandling the Sith Lords, especially Darth Vader. If they were so compassionate, so the argument goes, then they were supposed to preach love and light to Vader - there was good in him, surely, he would listen! For example, even Dave Filoni claims, the Jedi weren't interested in saving Darth Vader: "They don't show 'Luke, what you need to do is to go to Darth Vader and give him a compassionate speech to bring him back to the good side.'" However, this reasoning is quite impractical, to put it mildly: no one would argue that all Darth Sidious needed was a "compassionate speech to bring him back to the good side", because he is branded True Evil, as opposed to Vader, who is believed to be not really Evil, since there was good in him.
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"Nobody thinks of themselves as bad, not even the worst people, and they rationalize their behavior to say that we are doing good by killing all these people" Lucas reminds us, telling, “One of the issues in all of this is that the bad guys think they’re good. And Lord Sidious thinks he is brining peace to the galaxy, because of so much corruption and confusion and chaos going on. And then now he’s going to be able to straighten everything out. Which may be true, but the price the galaxy’s gonna have to pay for it is way too much.” Even Darth Sidious wasn't True Evil, because True Evil does not exist - there was good in him, too. However, the idea that when it comes to dealing with people like Sidious and Vader, "what you need to do is to go to them and give them a compassionate speech to bring them to the good side" is unrealistic and unreasonable, to put it mildly. And this is powerfully illustrated in Episode VI: Luke does go to Darth Vader and give him a compassionate speech to bring him back to the good side - and that won't transform Vader into Anakin Skywalker. Instead, when he tells Vader, he won't be turned to the dark side and Vader will have to kill him, his answer is: "If that's your destiny." When Luke ask him to come with him, Vader replies "It's too late for me", then he turns him over the Emperor. And when Luke tries to disengage from the fight, declaring, "I will not fight with you", Vader reacts with throwing his saber at him. When he realizes, he has a daughter as well, he concludes, "If you will not turn to the dark side, then perhaps she will."
How Luke Skywalker saved Darth Vader?
Yoda and Obi-Wan trained Luke to understand, what he resents in Darth Vader and the Emperor is also within himself, and he must keep that side of himself under the check of his light side - if he is forced to kill Vader, even then he must not repeat his failure in the cave of Dagobah. Vader and the Emperor are both urging Luke to to forsake the Jedi way, to make him to give in, to relinquish control over his fear, anger, hate and aggressive feelings, so he will experience the power of their energy and be seduced by it - to repeat his failure. The Emperor encourages him, "give in to your anger" and rejoicing, as Luke's anger and hate is "swelling" in him, saying, "with each passing moment you make yourself more my servant." He urges Luke, "strike me down with all of your hatred and your journey towards the dark side will be complete!"
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Vader briefly manages to make Luke use the dark side, to be filled with fear, anger, hate and aggression toward him. In his fear, rage and hate, Luke attacks and mutilates his father, and the Emperor cheers: "Good! Your hate has made you powerful. Now fulfill your destiny and take your father's place at my side!" And this is the moment when Luke comes to his senses: he looks at Vader's missing robotic hand, then down to his own robotic hand, and he recognizes, he is on the path of becoming Vader, that he is repeating his vision in the cave, and he says no. Luke Skywalker is adhering to the Jedi way as Yoda and Obi-Wan taught him, brining his dark side under the control of his light side, which is compassion. "You failed, your highness. I am a Jedi, like my father before me." As George Lucas confirms, "[Vader's] son saved him by doing the very thing that Vader couldn’t do. Luke wouldn’t turn to the dark side, and unfortunately, that’s what Vader did.”
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"Luke is not trying to get some magic potion. He does not accept the Emperor's offer of 'Come to the dark side, and you can be all-powerful.' When Vader see's his son willing to give up his life to save him - "Kill me. I am not going that way not matter what" - that is what turns him. It is the end of Vader's journey to the dark side." And "He takes the ounce of good still left in him and destroys the Emperor out of compassion for his son." And so, Anakin Skywalker, just like Luke, brings his dark side under the control of his light side, and breaks free from the shell of Darth Vader: the return of the Jedi. As Lucas explains the overall lesson: "Even the worst, most evil people find compassion. Darth Vader has compassion for his children, and that’s ultimately what children are for."
The Lesson of the Tragedy of Darth Vader
Way too often, the lesson of the fall and redemption of Darth Vader is obscured by attempts to reconcile Star Wars’ lessons on evil and evil people with the common and popular ways of thinking about Evil. However, all these are stemming from the desire to dismiss George Lucas’ call not for a new holy war against evil, but a less dramatic struggle, under the guidance of ancient sages, to control our fear, anger, hate, aggression, ignorance and selfishness, to keep this part of ourselves under check by our compassionate side, involving love, charity, fairness and hope, a struggle to transform our view on evil itself.
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mizu-chin · 4 months
Sarcasm and Love "Coexistence"
*English is not my first language, sorry for any mistakes*
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The morning was cold and foggy when S/N, Rin, and Shiemi were summoned for a practical exercise in the forest near True Cross Academy. The mission was to exorcise a Leaper, a demonic creature known for its aggressive and unpredictable nature. The group, led by Yukio Okumura, was prepared to face the challenge, though the members' confidence varied considerably.
Rin, with his usual enthusiasm, was ready for action, while Shiemi showed clear signs of nervousness. S/N, on the other hand, maintained her usual disinterested look, although her golden eyes were watching everything intently.
The Leaper appeared suddenly, its quick and erratic movements making it difficult to approach. Rin advanced with his Kurikara, the demon sword, but was quickly sidestepped by the creature’s agility. Shiemi tried to use her Tamer powers to control the situation, but her insecurity resulted in weak commands that the creature easily ignored.
Observing the scene, S/N sighed internally, silently disapproving of Shiemi’s weakness. With a quick and calculated move, she channeled her draconic abilities, generating an intense flame that enveloped the Leaper. In a matter of seconds, the creature was incinerated, leaving only ashes in the air. Rin looked at her with admiration, while Shiemi, embarrassed, averted her gaze.
S/N's impressive performance did not go unnoticed by Rin. He was already intrigued by her enigmatic personality, but now his interest began to evolve into something deeper, though he was not yet fully aware of it.
A few days later, a surprising decision was announced by the academy’s principal. S/N would be transferred to the same building where the Okumura brothers resided. The official reason was to observe how a human-dragon hybrid like S/N and the son of Satan with a human, like Rin, would react living under the same roof.
Rin and Yukio were initially perplexed but accepted the decision, while S/N remained indifferent, accepting the change with a shrug.
The initial adaptation was smooth. S/N maintained her reclusive behavior, spending most of her time in her room or in the gardens, avoiding unnecessary interactions. Yukio, with his usual rigor, observed closely, while Rin couldn’t hide his growing curiosity.
One morning, while Rin was preparing for another day of training, he descended the stairs and found an unexpected scene in the living room. S/N was sitting on the sofa, calmly petting Kuro, Rin’s demon cat familiar. The small feline purred happily, its eyes half-closed in contentment.
Rin paused at the door, surprised. It was the first time he had seen S/N smile, even if it was a small and almost imperceptible smile. Seeing her showing a moment of genuine tenderness and tranquility made something tighten in his chest in an unfamiliar way. He stood there, absorbing the scene.
"Good morning, Rin," S/N said without taking her eyes off Kuro, as if she had known he was there the whole time.
"Good morning," Rin replied, trying not to look too astonished. He slowly approached, sitting next to her. "Do you like cats?"
S/N shrugged, still petting Kuro. "They’re honest. They don’t pretend to be something they’re not."
Rin pondered this response, realizing that it revealed more about S/N than any conversation they had had before. The forced coexistence was beginning to bring out aspects of her personality that had previously been hidden, and Rin couldn’t help but feel increasingly fascinated by this enigmatic hybrid.
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strangestcase · 2 years
One thing that is easy to notice but also easy to overlook in Strange Case is how Hyde moves in this very nebulous space. Depending on what it is narratively needed of him, he can be a man, an inhuman monster (even an animal!), or a background force bringing disorder and horror wherever it goes.
Hyde doesn't "interact" with the reader firsthand until Utterson talks to him. Before that, he was a character in a flashback, an anonymous entity. Utterson envisions him as a faceless creature in his dreams, a liminal place where Hyde feels right at home. Even once the reader gets to see him "in person" through Utterson, he remains a mystery, and the lawyer himself says there's very little of human in him. The murder is also told as a flashback (a witness' narration, in fact), and that's where once again he's made to be this shadowy figure, a monster. After the murder, Hyde lingers and hovers over Jekyll like a phantom, then disappears, only to become physical once again right before he dies, almost before the eyes of the protagonist and thus the reader themselves. And in this physicality, Poole describes him as a "something", an "it", compares him to an animal, and can only think of him as that fiend that has killed and replaced his master, playing a quiet farce that neither party is brave enough to break.
In later chapters, as Hyde interacts with more characters and gets a narrative voice of his own, he is at the same time more physical and more conceptual. He gets to be a man, albeit a distorted one, under the watch of Lanyon. And when Jekyll reveals this Mr. Edward Hyde never really existed to begin with, he plunges again into the realm of the conceptual and intangible, walking the thin line between a flesh and bone human and a noxious influence. Inner demons aside, the true nature of Hyde is more akin to an addiction than anything else. Not a someone, but a thing, a phenomenon, that can destroy lives and breaks everything it touches.
But at the end of the day, Edward Hyde is a person.
You see, it's very, very easy to forget he is a person. Hyde as-is might be conceptual but he impacts the story through his personhood either way, because if Jekyll is a human being with flaws and emotions, Hyde also has to be one. The fact that Hyde isn't our definition of human, that he resembles us but isn't like us, that there's something to his monstrousness other than just typical human cruelty but a sort of more primal evil that can't be understood... hell, his very existence not as a run on the mill man but as a modified, twisted Jekyll still doesn't blot that humanity out. No matter how much he tries to remove himself from the equation or how much he is presented by original text and adaptation alike as a demonic entity, we are always hit in the face by the fact that the worst monsters are still human.
And isn't that the moral of the story? That evil isn't a stranger, that evil lurks inside all of us, and it's up to us to not let it destroy us? That anyone, ANYONE, could be Edward Hyde?
It doesn't matter what separates Hyde from us, because he's still part of us, and that's the whole point. He could have never existed as anything else but a living breathing person, because living breathing people have evil in them. And despite his nature, or maybe because of it, this monster, this force, is still a man. Edward Hyde has thoughts, opinions, dreams, emotions; he gets angry, he fears, he cries, he laughs, maybe he even repents or cares about those he's left behind (who knows? he's not telling us, either way), and he's completely ordinary beyond all the little things that remove him from a "normal" human being. It could not be any other way, because, no matter how much he wants to tear himself apart, he is Henry Jekyll, a fundamentally human, complex, flawed person, someone who is here, who is like us.
Maybe he alone in the ranks of humanity is pure evil, but he's in those ranks still. That's what makes him scary and at the same time somewhat tragic. You look at this demon, and your own eyes stare back.
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karshown · 9 months
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❧ ocean meets the golden land ,,
.. BLKREADER x NANAMI KENTO. .. inspo - The little Mermaid
desc.. romance & genuine love between a human & a mermaid // SUMMARY ' : while fishing alone, Nanami (younger 20s) struggles to retrieve his net, after failed attempts at pulling it up he eventually resorts to moving closer to the edge of the boat soon falling in as he almost drowns to death, barely conscious he believes his blurry vision is fooling him into believing a half fish, half human had saved him.
Since that exact moment, and after he had awakened he felt true feelings for a woman, for someone other than himself.
Of course there had been false sightings of creatures like the one whom he had believed to have seen, but this one was different, her golden brown skin glistened under the heated sun, her top was made of two bright rainbow shells along with a bright yellow tail to compliment her entire look, her curls were tight and her hair was the perfect length to complete her entire look, he was truly taken aback by her natural beauty. If only his vision had been true, or maybe it was & he just continued to deny the truth of his own eyes.
Truly it was too hot, even for Nanami as someone who doesn't care about the weather nor the temperature outside, today was different, something felt different.
I tightened my grip around the jug of cold water as the wind from the air began to lightly pick up, I chugged more than enough water down before slamming it onto one of the bolted down tables that sat on the deck of the neatly kept, wooden boat. I wiped the excess water that dripped down my chin & eventually on my shirt off with the back of my rough hand, I truly questioned if I should continue fishing today, things were actually taking an unexpected turn.
I eventually tossed my thoughts aside and simply just decided to assume I was just overthinking, I swiftly twirled around as I tossed the heavy net into the dark sea, after a few moments I waited, & waited, & waited.
"Whats takin' so long.?" I whispered to myself as I seen nothing, no fish, not even bits of trash. I directed my gaze away from the sea for a bit as I zoned out into the sky, soon enough my boat began to rock back and forth gently shocking me out of my trance. I snapped back into reality as I took some time to pull the sleeves of my half-tightened white shirt back, revealing my toned lower arms I gripped the net & began to pull back.
To no avail the net wouldnt budge, didn't even move an inch, not even a centimeter, I knew I wasn't WEAK especially since this had never happened before, I started to grow hangry. Getting fish shouldn't have to take THIS long to be fair it never did. I groaned in annoyance as my grip began to slip I quickly grabbed more of the net to tug on as a vein popped out from the side of my head, I flushed pink and red tones as I felt the warm feeling of sweat drip down the side of my face, I was officially damped in sweat.
I huffed as my strength weakened, I felt as if it was time for me to just get closer to the edge, it wouldn't be that bad would it? nahh, doubt it.
The second I stepped even a foot closer to the edge, I was already not too far away, but the sooner than later I was pulled forward rapidly, not being able to hold on to a damn thing.
"FUCKK!" was the last thing I said before roughly falling into the deep sea, I struggled for air as it was clear I was sinking, and sinking fast. I couldn't force my body to swim as the impact of falling forward had already taken a toll on my body, my vision began to blur as I seen nothing, nothing but darkness, nothing but soon something..?
Before confusion even struck within me I was more than grateful, the little bit of consciousness left in me allowed me to at least process the little things. My eyes fluttered shut as I was getting deeper and deeper into the levels of the sea, soon I was met with a warm body, or something warm to comfort me in the cold depths of the sea.
I could feel myself rising instead of falling for a change, this could've been easily prevented if I just had given up on the net, but im clearly not that easy to stop.
The feeling of the hot damp sand met my skin, I thought it was the end, not to sound crazy but did a fish save me? I assumed I was guessing bullshit, I mean I almost drowned basically like 20 seconds ago. No no, she was a human, definitely a human, something was just off about her, something obvious that I simply couldnt put my finger on.
Before I knew it I was already half awake by now, coughing up more water than my body could handle. By that time she was long gone, the last of her that I seen was the color yellow, just yellow before I passed out once again.
Time already had passed by the blink of an eye, a week had already passed and I just couldn't forget, I couldnt forget her or her beauty, the beauty from the woman I seen just a week before.
I sat deep in thought, just thinking my head rested on the palm of my hand, who was she? how did she even save me? so many thoughts raced my mind without a single answer to any of them, by this time more than half of the town had secrets about who she was and how I was magically saved just moments before death.
"Nanami look, you gotta let go of her hon, she just don't exist." my older sister Aurora, who was the complete opposite of me despite just our looks, went on and on again in a ramble about how the woman just doesnt exist.
Deep down I know she does, she has to man.
She just has to.
Everything felt too real, more than real that day, I felt something for another person that i've never felt before, everyone KNOWS that. Everyone complains about how I let women slip through my fingers everytime I was given one, and how I treat them, but the second I find one who I genuinely want, I have to let her go? I simply can't.
NOT possible
"Thats not lady like." was the last thing I was told by my mother after I had brought up the idea of walking on land, I mean we could. I then went out of my way to actually walk on land, or at least try, I just needed courage & courage is what I had.
At first the warm feeling of the miniature pebbles between my toes tickled and felt odd, I giggled as my legs wobbled like jelly. I could barely stand but I refused to let that stop me. The feeling began to fade as I was just starting to get used to the feeling, all this time I was held back from something actually enjoyable, if all we had to do was stay dry on land, why did we never visit, ever.?
The thought slipped my mind as fast as a snap as I quickly made myself comfortable, finding houses lined with string hanging clothes, I grabbed what humans called "underwear," and whatever humans assumed a shirt and bottoms to be. Surprisingly it fit me perfectly & just then I was on with my journey, quite literally there was very few people that were shades of brown.
I felt like an outsider here and there, the amount of glances I was given by the fact that I decided to not grab a pair of shoes. Until I seen him, him whom I had saved just days before, maybe even a week?
I wanted to run up to him, to hug him as my heart tugged me to do so. We made eye contact as I turned away hesitantly, I couldn't give in, he probably doesn't even remember me, but our connection is as strong as the sun and moon, its like we'd known each other for years, decades, centuries.
The town was busier than expected as I had gotten deeper to the famous parts, the parts where food shops were openly displayed as well as clothing stores, with clothes as shiny as diamonds. I was fascinated, so fascinated that I didnt notice the man sneaking behind me, I felt a light tap on my shoulder as I stiffened.
Slowly turning my head around I was met with the man from before, his hazel colored eyes, his blond hair that stayed with its usual neat part, his perfect posture, broad shoulders, and his decent but still nice clothes. The white shirt that he wore the day I saved him this time worn differently, this time tucked into his tan pants. I didn't even bother to notice his shoes since I was too busy focusing on everything else, I was lost for words.
"Do I know you.? I mean this is odd I know but I feel like I know you, like theres a deep connection between us?" He had light doubt in his voice as he spoke, the tone of his voice was gentle, and almost enough to lure someone in. I wanted to completely blurt out the word "yes" but I held myself back.
"There could be a possibility." I lowly whispered as I tried to not make direct contact with the man that stood before me, towering over my figure, I fidgeted with the bottom of my small pink shirt.
"You saved me."
Ever since then things have gotten.. not necessarily weird but WEIRD. I felt as if I was in some fairytale with only good things that occured, I mean I wasn't completely complaining because this is definitely a life I could get used to, but being treated like royalty is just something im definitely not used to.
I was soon pulled aside by Nanami, I grew to know his name and began to become familiar with it as well as the sound of his voice & the natural smell that radiated from his body. He was quick to keep me away, which was confusionly weird but I guess.
"One question," Nanami waited for a reply as I stood in front of him, this time with a flowy pink nightgown on with white laces in the perfect spots.
"Hmm?" I replied as I gave him my undivided attention, he crossed his arms as his face changed from blank to being clearly confused.
"I just want to know, how did you save my life that day."
I went cold, not knowing how to answer that question as I knew I was eventually going to get asked this question, especially since I had been avoiding water ever since Nanami found me.
"Promise to not hate me."
"I promise."
"Im a mermaid, heh!" he let out a loud laugh, his face went from confusion to light pink within seconds, he held onto my shoulder for support as he gripped his knee, its not that funny.
"Im dead serious," immediately he stopped laughing as I was the only one who was completely serious, dead serious at that. He barely knew how to reply to such a thing, I was a whole SEA creature I am a whole SEA creature.
"How do you exist?" rather than being alarmed he was intrigued & fascinated by how I actually existed, & not only that he also wanted to see it in full view, down to even me reverting back to my mermaid form.
"So how do you feel about it.." I broke the silence after I showed him everything he wanted to see, surprisingly he was as if he was a child, not even fazed. I sat in the middle of the lavish bed, that could fit at least 8 adult people on it.
"I think.. it's interesting, but interestingly beautiful for an odd reason, I love it." I was taken aback, that was weird, weird wasnt even the word more than weird.
"Oh?" was all I could blurt out, I could feel something between us growing stronger, its as if we were meant to be something more than strangers, something more than friends.
"Do you feel it too?" Nanami asked as he sat on the edge of the bed, staring at his bare feet.
"Feel what?" I asked clearly knowing what he meant, just to be sure we were on the same page about the same thing.
"This." he soon swiftly turned around, as he cupped my cheek in the palm of his unusually huge hand he pulled me closer into a passionate kiss, a kiss with love behind it despite us not knowing each other for less than a week, less than a few days at most. You deepened the kiss by making your way on to lap, gently making yourself comfortable. He was so sure that I was the one the one he needed, the one he wanted.
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