the-pen-pot · 4 months
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(No, I haven't actually finished writing Hiraeth yet, but I'm getting there, and it's definitely of a length where it will need to be split over two volumes for the sold-at-cost print run.)
(Potential release.... September??? Maybe?)
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blueberry-ovaries · 9 months
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A/N: i’m so excited to present the first chapter of hiraeth! I really hope you guys love Winnie as much as I do! thank you all so much for the love <3
Word count: 1.9k
Content warnings: violence, swearing, reference to implied extreme violence (only before and after, no detailed description), probably historical inaccuracy
< prologue > - < next chapter >
The sand in Tobruk was different to the sand at the beach Winnie decided. In Tobruk, it was sharp. Small flecks leaving traces of dirt on her cheeks, specks of blood blooming against her skin. Her rucksack held diminished resources, her bandages covered in a layer of dust and grime. Her MRE supply dwindling every time the hot dessert was drowned under a blanket of night. Sometimes they had fires, but most of the time they were left to huddle together, utilising bodies for warmth.
Fires drew attention and attention drew bullets. Being surrounded on three of the four sides was relentless work, fighting and survival. Much more so when the fourth side was a small shipping dock. A dock that may seem irrelevant, but in the grand scheme of the war, that small little dock could change the course of the war in Europe.
Severely out numbered and surrounded, the Allies were forced to fight for mere inches of land. The Germans would not get to the dock. So they dug in. Put the hospital underneath an old tree in the hardened sand, and rationed their food for months on end.
Silver marks littered her skin, scars showcasing her survival. Seven in total, the largest, one running from nose to cheek on her right side. In her fourth month in Tobruk, A small squad of German soldiers broke the line, guns raised and bayonets fastened. They charged Winnie and her squad, a small group watching the line. Their guns lay forgotten next to their game of cards, as they fought with fists and rocks.
Winnie was pinned. An arm against her neck, knife to cheek. Squirming against the hot sand as her cheeks flush with exertion. He flicks a look down her face, ah a woman- a girl. Such a shame that a pretty thing like you is stuck in such a horrible place. His breath was hot against her skin as she pushed against him, his arms much more refined than that of a sixteen year old girl. Tell me, how do they treat a pretty thing like you? She spits, he flinches back, a snarl on his lips. stupid bitch he growls, as he presses down on her neck, his forearm cutting off air supply. He slices the knife down, the top of her nose to her right cheek. Blood streams down her chin as she screams. She was going to die, afraid and pinned.
His arms move to pin hers above her head as she writhes and squirms against it. Her chest heaved, eyes darting frantically. out. she needed to get out. The sting of the blade cutting through flesh holds no place in her mind. out. out. out. His free arm holds her face in a loose grip, he spits out threats of a slow death and insults.
As he moves the hand on her face towards her neck with a firm hand, and his face pressed near her ear, the world freezes. It’s just Winnie and the german soldier, and one of them would die tonight. Her arms can’t break free to reach the knife, his legs have caged hers down. So like a rabid dog, she bares teeth.
When the pounding in her ears becomes a soft ringing and her chest no longer racks with shuddered breaths. The metallic taste on her tongue drips from her chin. She looks down at her hands, shaking. His blood pools around him, shining in the reflection of the moon. i’m a monster. i’m a monster… or maybe a dog backed into a corner, forced to bare teeth and bite.
5th of August, 1942
With a gasp she shoots to a sitting position, the room blurry with sleep. Chest heaving Winnie swings her socked feet onto the ground, hands tangled in her hair. Her shirt sticks to her back although it’s cold and coming into winter.
Two days ago, Winnie was stationed at the Toccoa Georgia Base camp, where she would join the 2nd Battalion ,506th parachute infantry regiment, 101st division, easy company. She’s told they are going to be the best of the best. If you asked her, she would say they can’t be that good if they are yanks.
Today is the day. She meets her new platoon, new faces, same issues. Colonel Sink had graciously taken in the teen, assuring her commander in the ANZAC’s that she would fit right in, if she’s really as good as they say.
The morning wake up happened shortly after Winnie was dressed, packed and ready to go. Swinging her bag over her shoulder and grabbing her new yank hat. She made her way towards Colonel sinks office.
With a firm hand she knocks, straightening out her ever crooked collar
“Come in” the colonels gruff voice calls from behind the door
taking a shuddering breath, Winnie opens the door, walking in, standing with her hands behind her back. Frowning slightly at the odd looks she’s receiving
“Oh, right sorry” she mumbles, standing at attention.
As Colonel Sink gives her a salute in return she stands with her arms tucked behind her back. She shifts on her feet, picking at the skin around her nails.
“Colonel Sink, sir? i was asked to come and see you” she states hesitatingly “Winifred Hayes, your new-“
“I know who you are sergeant” the Colonel cuts her off. The older man pushes up on his desk to a stand, walking around to lean on the front of his desk, arms crossed over his chest as he stares down at her.
“Right. of course… sir” she answers quickly
“Do you know why you’re here Miss Hayes?” he asks firmly. Although older, and his hair more grey than brown, Colonel Sink held an aura of respect that was hard to not obey. Even someone like Winnie, who grew up in an informal setting, and called her previous leaders and CO’s various nicknames, knew that the man was someone to be respected. That’s not to say she held no respect for her previous CO’s, no. She respected them greatly, but the jump from Australian to American norms was a shock.
“To serve… sir?” Winnie stutters slightly, trying to remember that sir is used more consistent here. It was rather bothersome.
“Well i would hope so Miss Hayes” He answers with a light chuckle. “you are here because, you’re good.”
“Sir…?” Winnie frowns. Of course she was good.
“Never in all my years in the army have I heard of a woman, much less a girl, fighting in a war, to the extent you have, no less” He congratulates “And there ain’t much of you either! Look at you!” With a wheezy laugh the Colonel claps a hand over her shoulder
“Oh… well thank you… Sir” confused and quite frankly startled at the congratulations, Winnie picks up her bag, following Colonel Sink outside
“Now, don’t be too startled by your new CO. He’s tough, but i think you’ll fit right in with the men. Easy company is going to be our best” he explains, Winnie nodding along “Don’t expect him to go easy on you just ‘cause you’re a girl either, he’s gone treat you the same as the men”
The mans southern accent was quite odd. Winnie couldn’t place where it was from. Not that she knew much about southern accents
“Now, unfortunately we don’t have the space for a women’s only area, so you’re just gone have to figure it out with the men” Colonel Sink kept a firm grip on her shoulder as he walked towards, what Winnie assumes is her new company.
“Lieutenant Sobel, Winters” Colonel Sink returns the salute “This here is your new easy company member”
“…Sirs” Winnie salutes the two men, giving an awkward smile as they return it.
“Now i got some business to attend to, i trust she will be fine in your capable hands?” The Colonel finalises as he leaves
Winnie had never wanted the ground to swallow her whole more than she does right now.
She’s standing. In front of all of Easy company, as they stare at her. She can’t tell if it’s curiosity, hate or confusion.
“Men.” Sobel yells “Colonel Sink has decided that we deserved to be punished, in some form. At least that is the only reason i can think that a girl has been placed in our platoon”
Winnie pulls a face of disgust… or maybe it’s anger. Before she realises where she was and quickly stares blankly. An awkward silence had fallen over the group as she shifted her, rather heavy mind you, bag on her shoulder
“I expect each and every one of you to treat her” Sobel was glaring at her, she could feel the disgust in his eyes and words “how she deserves to be treated.”
Swallowing what she was sure was a string of curses Winnie feels a hand in her shoulder, Lieutenant Winters… was it?… And all the Easy men were gone. She had zoned out. again.
“Winifred Hayes was it?” The red headed man asked “Lieutenant Winters”
He held his hand out expectantly. She shook it firmly. Just like dad taught. Before being led away from the training ground
“Yes, although just Winnie is fine” with an appreciative smile she follows his lead “Only my grandmother calls me Winifred”
“Well just Winnie… Dick is also fine, when it’s not a formal setting of course” He smirked
“Of course. Wouldn’t want to upset a formal setting” Winnie answered with an awkward smile
“Let me grab that for you” Dick offered, reaching for her bag
“Oh… it’s really no worry, it’s probably pretty heavy” She mumbles as she rubbed the back of her neck
“I insist. It’s the least i could do after watching you stand in-front of the men like that” Instantly he took her bag from her shoulder “The men aren’t as bad as they look. I’m sure you’ll get along just fine… although many of them haven’t expected a girl at training”
“It’s fine. Not many people do” Winnie answers honestly, the steps to the barracks creaking under the weight of the two of them
The door creaks open, the shuffling inside the room freezing at the intrusion of the two new people, card games lay on various beds, feet kicked up with books and magazines being read. Instantly the men all stand to salute
“At ease gentlemen” Winters salutes back
The men fall back into a relaxed stance, staring… glaring? at Winnie. She gives an awkward smile.
“Gentlemen, this is Winnie Hayes, she’s new to Easy.” Winnie shifts on her feet “i expect you all to be kind to her, show her around. She’s one of us now, and she may just have some… wisdom to pass on”
Dick places her bag on an empty bed between two men, one a surly looking man with a sharp jaw, the other a red headed man who somehow had three people squashed onto his bed. The atmosphere only became more tense as Lieutenant Winters left, the door slamming behind him
“Where you from?” the surly man questioned, his accent was different to Colonel Sinks and Lieutenant Winters, it was more rough around the edges
“Why the fuck you wanna know?” She answers crossing her arms over her chest.
The surly man raises an eyebrow. great fucking going Winnie, piss off the first person you talk to. But to her surprise his lip quirks in a smile
“You got some bite to ya” he smirks.
She goes to answer as the door slams open again really should get that fixed. Sobel stands in the doorway, a glare on his face as he yells
“Get dressed we’re running Currahee”
A overall groan leaves the men after he leaves. Winnie just had one question…what the fuck was a currahee?
A/N: Winnie’s hatred for Americans will be explained! although it’s not a proper hatred
TAG LIST: @malarkgirlypop @footprintsinthesxnd @mads-weasley @bucky32557038ww2 @grumpy-liebgott @executethyself35
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harrierttv · 2 months
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You cannot know how excited I am for the season finale of Hireath!! @allurasgrace
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confusedgeckotree · 3 months
Ever just wear a cowboy hat for over 12 hours and take it off and get phantom cowboy hat sensations like it's supposed to be there I keep half feeling it there Where's my fucking hat help its supposed to be on my head
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ur-mousey · 3 months
Confessional ~
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~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
"Sister got her eyes on you~" Annika singsonged into my ear.
I replied, "She must have the fattest crush on me." The pews were stocked full with herds of other students, one by one entering the booth to confess their mortal sins.  
Annika giggled alongside me, tapping eagerly at my knee. "Ingrid, hear me out. We sneak off to the shore tonight. Maybe we'll spot that wretched island of yours."
"It won't show," I whispered. "It doesn't like washed-up whores like you." I smothered kisses along the curve of her nose and hung off her shoulders. I glanced at Sister Grace Marie who scowled at the display. Her face puffed and reddened like an apple I wished to bite.
"So, is it a no to sneaking out?" 
I turned to Annika humming a tune of the isle. I longed for the lute to wash over the melody as the procession of drums amounted to greater heights, bouncing off the cave walls. Women had danced to this song and sung it to their children in the early hours in the vegetable field. Women sang this song each summer solstice and when children were blessed by their first bleed. It was a song of pure womanhood, which only I bear. And I kept it locked in a safe, buried behind my rib cage, scared that it'd be taken away from me. I was seldom aware that my home no longer existed outside of my body.
"I would go anywhere with you. And out of this damn church."
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
I hope you guys enjoy this small excerpt from the first chapter of Hireath. Head over to Wattpad to read the full version. Follow my socials.
Wattpad = @ calypssee, #second.thoughts  |  ig = lil.thoughts.xo
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everdeenxmellark · 1 year
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“country roads,
take me home.
to the place I belong.”
- john denver
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In this case it's the literary world we indulge ourselves in. We live and experience everything till we pertain a sense of comfort. It becomes our home. But how can we return to a home that never was and never will exist outside of our minds and our books
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vixvaporub · 2 years
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selenium-archive · 2 years
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And She's Buying A Stairway To Heaven.
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lynbelisle · 1 month
Hiraeth: The Face at the Edge of a Dream
In the Welsh language, there is a word that comes close to conveying the idea of the last traces of a dream fading away: “hiraeth.“ (“Hiraeth” is pronounced as HEERaiyth in English phonetics.) “Hiraeth” is often described as a deep longing or yearning, particularly for something that is lost or unattainable, which can be linked to the fading remnants of a dream. There is no word in English that…
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proud-bl0ndee · 2 months
23.7.16 🦅 | 23.1.17 🌹
Its been 8 & 7,5 years since I lost two of the most important people in my life
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dirtyrobber70 · 11 months
... put on a little Emily Lou and our dancing shoes tonight...
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blueberry-ovaries · 8 months
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A/N: thank you guys for reading hiraeth! This chapter is longer than the last, but i’m not to sure if i’m happy with it as much… However, Winnie’s back story gets explained slightly more so yay!
Word Count: 2.7k
Content Warnings: descriptions of war related wounds, PTSD, blood, violence, my horrible writing of dialogue for certain characters, probable OOC
< previous chapter > - < next chapter >
After Eugene Roe, brazenly reset her nose, and Winnie had again showered. She found herself sitting on the steps to the barracks. Cigarette in hand, she smoked, even though she knew if her mother saw her right now, she’d pull her by the ear and smack across the back of the head. But she wasn’t here. So Winnie sat listening to the crickets chirping under the Georgian sky.
The sun set two hours ago, all that was left was the inky black of the sky, spotted with small stars. She couldn’t make out any constellations, the southern cross wasn’t all too present this far away from home. She liked to think that maybe back home, her siblings and parents were looking up at the same stars, wondering what life was like on the other side like she was. But, maybe that was her just being hopeful.
Somewhere between the end of her first cigarette and the start of her second, the door of the barracks creaked open. The planks groaning under the weight of this new person. Without turning her head, Winnie took another drag of her cigarette.
“Alright if i sit with you again?” a soft voice sounds from behind her
Looking back with a small smile, Winnie gives a small nod, and turns back to look out at the sky.
“You don’t gotta sit with me” she answers, tapping the butt of her cigarette “or pretend to be my friend ‘cause you feel bad”
The stars were out in numbers tonight, not a cloud in the sky.
“I ain’t doing nothing cause i feel bad” Shifty frowns as he sits beside her
Releasing a short huff of air out of her nose, Winnie takes another drag, before turning to look at him, really look at him.
“Sorry” she mumbles “for assumin’. I get the feeling most people around here don’t want me here”
Shifty shuffles slightly in his spot, taking to looking up at the sky rather than at Winnie. She can tell by the way he fiddles with his fingers, he’s nervous.
“Well, i guess i ain’t most people” He turns to look at Winnie “i figured if you can beat us all up currahee… and can fight, i got no problem with you bein’ here”
Winnie gives him a soft smile, stamping out her cigarette with a nod
“That’s… really nice to hear, thank you Shifty”
The two sit in silence, listening to the crickets chirp. The door to the barracks open again, floorboards creaking under the weight.
“How’s the nose?” a southern drawl breaks the silence
Winnie and Shifty both look behind them, making eye contact with Eugene.
“Still on my face” her lip quirking slightly
“What happened to your nose?” Shifty asks confused
“Broke it” she answers bluntly “doc here had to reset it”
“Well are you alright? how did you break it?” Shifty’s tone is quite frantic. It was nice to have someone care about you, even if you just met them.
“She’ll be fine, it’s back in place” Eugene answers slowly
“Passed out running currahee” Winnie gives a small smile and a nod at Shifty, reassuring the man that, yes, she would be fine “but, it’s not the worst wound i’ve had, im sure i’ll survive a broken nose”
The worst wound, to heal by far was the bullet that went through her torso, missing her major organs, apparently bursting an appendix. it was a miracle Winnie had survived, given that the doc was a weasily man from up far northern territory, and had barely passed highschool. The most constant was the wound on her right knee, a piece of shrapnel slicing through, sometimes the nerves in her knee pinch, when it’s too cold, or she’s over worked.
But psychologically? the wound on her cheek held the most pain. Nightmares, and flashes of the man hell bent on taking her life that night. The wound itself wasn’t all too painful, a sharp knife slices through skin and muscle like it’s melted butter. Sometimes she can still smell the hot breath of the Nazi soldier when the cooks make beans. Sometimes the sound of metal makes her body tense, muscles freezing impossibly tight. It wasn’t luck that saved Winnie that night, it was the work of a rabid dog forced to chew of its own leg to be set free, cornered by a force bigger and stronger, barring teeth and biting flesh.
“…Winnie?” Shifty’s voice is soft, like the way one soothes a wild animal, was he scared of her like she was of herself?
“Sorry… what?” she breaks her stare at the grass, brown and dehydrated.
“I asked if you was alright?” He looks at her with worry
Turning her head to look at both men, Winnie nods
“I’m fine, sorry… just remembered something” she waves a hand like it was no big deal
“i hope you don’t mind my asking” Shifty asks “did you serve before this… is that what you’re remembering?”
Winnie winces slightly, having people know she served usually never ended up well for her. Either they believed she was a liar woman can’t serve, stop playing pretend and let the real soldiers get the honours, shame on your father for allowing a girl to serve in his place or they all wanted to know what it was like, what she had seen, felt.
“Something like that” she winces
Eugene stands closest to the door of the barrack, silently taking in the scene, Shifty stares at Winnie, a look of shock on his face
“Is that why you’re so good at runnin’?” Shifty breaks the silence first “you know, with all the gear and everything aswell”
A short huff of air is the response, before she decides to give a proper answer
“Yeah, had to get good at running and carrying things” she confirms
“You ain’t from around here are you?”
“Not even close, australia.” she smiles proudly
“What’s it like?” Shifty asks with genuine interest
Winnie looks out at the pitch black sky and sighs
“I’ll tell ya what, it’s late and i’m sure we have to be up early, i’ll tell you at breakfast” Winnie smiles. It wasn’t a question, she would tell him tomorrow, not tonight.
“I’d like that” he smiles giddily “the doc too?”
“If that’s what he wants” Winnie confirms, looking up at Eugene
Winnie did not end up telling Shifty and Doc about Australia the next morning. Easy company, curtesy of Sobel, we’re woken at the ass of dawn, and dragged up currahee. Thankfully, not in full packs.
Under the early morning sun, post currahee run. Sobel had told easy company to stand in a group around the large grassy area near the barracks. In rows, each soldier stood with their chins tilted up and waiting with baited breaths for their next instructions
“Lieutenant Winters, do you know as to why we are standing in the field today?” bellows Sobel’s voice. Like nails on a chalk board
Lieutenant Winters shifts his gaze towards Sobel, a look of hesitation in his eyes as he answers
“To fight, sir” as bluntly as usual, he answers
“Correct. Today Easy company will undergo the art of hand to hand combat.” Sobel’s voice
When Winnie made eye contact with Sobel, her body began tingling with nerves. His small smirk and vengeful glint in his eyes told Winnie all she needed to know. This was going to hurt.
“I will pair you up, and you will do your best to get the other man to the ground” He lets his announcement hang in the air “by any means necessary, until they tap out ”
Whispers erupted from around Winnie as she took to manually breathing. She was confident in her fighting ability. She can fight, has fought men twice her size before. But when her CO is actively scheming to send her back to her poor mother in a casket? That’s a whole new level.
“When i state your name, find an open area and wait for your next instructions” Lieutenant Winters spoke. For a man in position of power, he spoke firmly yet not harshly, like he knew we respected him, even without the bravado.
“Malarky and Luz” Winters calls out names, most of the men had partners, except for Winnie, two smaller men she learnt are Perconte and Muck… and a muscular man with a frown that she thinks is permanent on his face.
Give me Muck or Perconte, give me a small person to start. Winnie had her eyes screwed shut, fingers crossed behind her back.
“Toye and…” Winters lets out a sorrowful sigh “Hayes”
shit. this is really going to hurt.
Toye and Winnie stand opposite each other. Sizing each other up before their fight. Sure she had experience, but he was bigger and stronger and probably pissed, if the look on his face was anything to go by.
“When i say so, you and your partner will partake in hand to hand combat. And you will not stop until either one of you taps out or in the case of a blackout.” Sobel’s voice carries over the group. “you may use any body part in aiding your victory”
Beside Winnie and Toye, on their right was Shifty and Talbert, the former staring at Winnie, his eyes downturned as he frowned in worry.
Rolling her shoulders with a deep, shaking sigh, she runs through a mental checklist. He’s bigger, which means he could be slower, but given the way he stands he looks like he’s seen a few fights. If i can get him to the floor, i’d have to make sure to not be the one on the ground.
“You may begin.” Sobel smirks as he directs his eyes towards the small Australian.
Toye and Winnie exchanged nods, both pulling their hands into closed fists.
“I don’t wanna hurt you” Winnie sighed
“I wouldn’t worry about it doll” he smirks, voice raspy.
Winnie rolls her eyes, as they start to circle each other.
He throws the first punch. Winnie dodges, too slow. His fist makes contact with her chin, pain blossoming in her jaw. With a slight wince, Winnie jabs out with her left fist, her weak hand, with a small tap to his chest
“Come on sweetheart, that all you got?” he taunts with a smirk
Winnie narrows her eyes, and clenches her fists
“Fine.” she huffs, cracking her neck.
Jabbing out her right hand, she makes contact with his cheek. Toye retaliates with another punch to her jaw. The two trade punches back and forth. Many of the men had finished their fight, now watching on as Winnie and Toye found their selves on the floor.
He has her locked into a headlock. Winnie squirms to free her arm, swinging it back into his stomach. She sees men out of the corner of her eye exchanging money and placing bets
“Come on Joe, you gonna let her get you like that?” comes from a loud mouthed man
Sobel and Winters push through the crowd forming, The formers eyes glaring down at Toye and Winnie fighting in the dirt. Winnie has her chest to the ground and armed pinned behind her back, With an armed wrapped around her neck.
She heaves. Chest constricting as she fights to get the hand away from her neck. panicked.
German soldier. Knife. Scar. Dirty uniform. i can’t breathe. I can’t breathe. fight back, fight back!
Her eyes widen, tears collecting as she twists and squirms
“Come on doll, tap out.” Toye grumbles “you ain’t gonna win this one”
Her chest shudders and heaves as the half intakes of air cause her lungs to burn.
“what’s a pretty thing like you doing here”. Teeth flashing, in a predatory grin. The course sand on my back and the moon shining brightly, so beautiful despite the horrors she sees from her chair in the sky.
“She just fuckin’ bit me!” he yells
The tangy metallic coats her tongue as she scrambles backwards. Chest heaving as the world around her becomes mere background noise, eyes widening and darting around her surroundings. The blood drips from her chin onto her training shirt. out. out. out.
Unsteadily she stands, shaky breaths and wobbling knees. The looks of horror on the faces of the easy men blur together
“-nie?” a soft voice calls, Shifty, a hand carefully placed on her shoulder
“Don’t fucking touch me” her voice shakes, eyes red rimmed with tears as she bats the hand away.
She needed to get out. Backing away in horror to what she had done, she ran, ignoring the angry calls of her name, and the curses at her actions. Tears burning in her eyes, and blood smeared on her face.
Her knees gave out somewhere near the barracks she had never been to. A hidden place between the barracks and the tree line, Winnie kneeled over on her hands and knees, heaving up what little food she had eaten that morning.
Tears steaks down her flushed cheeks, as she shakes uncontrollably. get it together. Her shoulders shake as she takes deep breaths, her chin stained a slight red.
She falls back, sitting amongst the grass and trees, pulling her legs up to her chest, she lays her head against her knees as she stares out at the wildlife. Her cheeks red, tear marks stained down to her chin, leaving lines through the dried blood. she was a rabid dog who couldn’t control herself, all instincts telling her to bite instead of bark.
A cool breeze settled around the camp. The late afternoon weather change starting to draw in. She’d sat out in the brush for twenty minutes before she was found.
“I’m assuming you’re the ‘Hayes’ they’ve been looking for?” A man’s voice calls out
Hastily wiping the tears from her cheeks and scrubbing the blood off her chin with the back of her hand, as much as she could anyway, she turns to stare up at him
“I suppose i am” she mumbles
He was tall, and handsome. A frown etched onto his face, as he plucks out a cigarette and lights it
“You… uh got some…” he wipes at his own chin
For such a handsome man, one would think he was able to hold a conversation
“I don’t bite… you can sit” Winnie mumbles
“That’s not what i’ve heard” his lip ticks at the corner slightly
Winnie’s body freezes, jaw clenching tightly as she looks up with widening eyes
“I- well-“ she stutters
“I’m pulling your leg kid” he states, sitting down a good foot away from her
Winnie nods absently, wiping harshly at the blood on her chin, now clear of the remnants of her fight.
“How bad?” she asks softly, playing with her fingers
“Hmm?” he muses “his finger is still attached and functioning if that is what you are implying.”
“Good… that’s good” she nods “don’t want people to think i’m some sort of… psychopath who bites off peoples fingers”
“The way i see it, nothing wrong with people being scared of you” he smirks “even tertius knew the value of being feared”
Winnie freezes and stares up at the man with sad eyes
“I don’t want people to be scared of me” she whispers “i just want them to like me… i just want to make friends here, not make people afraid”
The man gives a small frown, one she assumes is rare for the stern looking soldier
“Ron” he nods around a puff of his cigarette before offering it to Winnie
“Excuse me?” she raises an eyebrow, hesitantly taking the cigarette
“If you want friends, you need to know their name, no? unless that has changed” he supplies
Winnie takes a puff of the cigarette and hands it back with a thankful smile
“it’s nice to meet you Ron” she smiles “everyone calls me Winnie.”
maybe, just maybe, she could survive this war.
A/N: HI! thank you for reading chapter three of hiraeth! i hope it didnt disappoint! :)) ALSO: you can pry rabid dog imagery from my cold dead hands.
TAG LIST: @malarkgirlypop @mads-weasley @footprintsinthesxnd @bucky32557038ww2 @grumpy-liebgott @executethyself35
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mentallyinvernation · 8 months
Courting disaster for the wip game <3
Courting Disaster (the title will proooobably change it's just a filler atm) is an Alpha/Beta/Omega, arranged marriage, royalty AU. I blame the entire thing on Queen Charlotte because I watched that and immediately got ✨inspired✨so it very very very loosely follows that.
ANYWAY, a snippet for your time:
“God’s wounds, you could at least pretend to have a good time. It’s supposed to be our wedding day, is it not?” “It is.” “I get it. I’m a troll to you.” Hob mutters. “You’ve made that much perfectly clear.” Dream diligently refrains from rolling his eyes. “I do not believe you to be a troll.” “Then you despise me, correct?” “You are my husband.” Dream replies by way of answering, though his expression remains a practised blank.  “Impressive how you made those two things sound synonymous.” A wry smile twists the corner of Dream’s lips. “I do not despise you. I was transported overseas so that I might be here with you. How could I be anything but happy? A crowd of nameless faces cheer for our union. It is their wish to see us dance, so I will dance. It is most unfortunate that my family could not attend on such short notice, and it is unlikely I will see much of them henceforth. But no matter. I consider it a great honour to wed a man I met mere hours ago. A man whom, from the moment I stepped foot inside these walls, I have been poked, prodded, weighed, and assessed to ensure that I am fit to please. So tell me, Your Majesty, do I please you? Have your staff succeeded in presenting me as an adequate mate?”  Hob’s mouth hangs open. “Of course, you’re -” “Then the matter is settled.” Dream interrupts, tone sharper than the edge of a steel blade. “I cannot despise you. I do not despise you. You are my husband. We are the Crown. I have been agreeable. It is done.”
As you can see, they're both very happy 🙃🫠
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confusedgeckotree · 1 month
Tfw I do not trust planes in the slightest but we don't wanna drive and there are no good train routes between Ohio and Oregon last I checked ;-;
I just wanna go on a train for once in my life!!! That's ALL I ask for!!!! A single train!!!!! Please!!!!! I NEED to play Red Signal on a train!!!!!
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emeraldhazeidentity · 5 months
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I was drawing this pose of Killer, and I was reminded of his introduction in Chapter 3 of Hireath by @owl-bones
Killer belongs to @/RahafWabas
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