Babe Heffron Enthusiast
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firm believer in andrew garfield Spider-man supremacy
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blueberry-ovaries · 22 hours ago
Writing Exercise: Unreliable Narrator
Write a short scene where the narrator is unreliable. Maybe they are lying, exaggerating, or simply unaware of the important details.
Leave subtle clues that let the reader infer the truth. For an added challenge, write the same scene twice: once from the unreliable narrator’s perspective, and once from an objective third-person viewpoint for comparison.
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blueberry-ovaries · 5 days ago
Reblog for a miracle to happen tonight
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blueberry-ovaries · 5 days ago
Bill and Babe Sing
My favorite video. I've probably posted it before, so sue me. 😉
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blueberry-ovaries · 7 days ago
ppl always wanna talk to me when babe heffron is on screen. can't you see im busy.
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blueberry-ovaries · 7 days ago
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An important PSA to remember!
[ID in Alt]
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blueberry-ovaries · 9 days ago
No because like, why is
Babe Heffron: Tubthumping by Chumbawamba.
Eugene Roe: I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking for by U2
Joe Liebgott: Ride by Sir mix-a-lot
David Webster: Goodbye Yellow Brick Road by Elton John
Lewis Nixon: Smooth Operator by Sade
Dick Winters: Piano Man by Billie Joel
George Luz: Come On Eileen by Dexy's Midnight Runners
Joe Toye: Country Grammar by Nelly
Ronald Speirs: Enjoy The Silence by Depeche Mode
Carwood Lipton: Take Me Home, Country Roads by John Denver
And the company in whole: Forever Young by Alphaville
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blueberry-ovaries · 9 days ago
Small fantasy worldbuilding elements you might want to think about:
A currency that isn’t gold-standard/having gold be as valuable as tin
A currency that runs entirely on a perishable resource, like cocoa beans
A clock that isn’t 24-hours
More or less than four seasons/seasons other than the ones we know
Fantastical weather patterns like irregular cloud formations, iridescent rain
Multiple moons/no moon
Planetary rings
A northern lights effect, but near the equator
Roads that aren’t brown or grey/black, like San Juan’s blue bricks
Jewelry beyond precious gems and metals
Marriage signifiers other than wedding bands
The husband taking the wife's name / newlyweds inventing a new surname upon marriage
No concept of virginity or bastardry
More than 2 genders/no concept of gender
Monotheism, but not creationism
Gods that don’t look like people
Domesticated pets that aren’t re-skinned dogs and cats
Some normalized supernatural element that has nothing to do with the plot
Magical communication that isn’t Fantasy Zoom
“Books” that aren’t bound or scrolls
A nonverbal means of communicating, like sign language
A race of people who are obligate carnivores/ vegetarians/ vegans/ pescatarians (not religious, biological imperative)
I’ve done about half of these myself in one WIP or another and a little detail here or there goes a long way in reminding the audience that this isn’t Kansas anymore.
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blueberry-ovaries · 10 days ago
she’s back!!! please. don’t hate me for taking so long to update!! 🙏🏼
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A/N: HOLY SHIT IS THAT A HIRAETH UPDATE IN 2025?!? But seriously, thank you guys for sticking with me! I’m so sorry it’s taken me nearly a year to update this fic, my grandpa got cancer and died :/ so I wasn’t in the mood for writing so I apologise. That being said, this is probably a very slow chapter but i’m trying to get Winnie to interact with more characters! I would promise a new chapter soon but I don’t want to get hopes up, but I will try and write more!
Word Count: 2.1k
Content Warnings: none (?)
< previous chapter > - < next chapter >
Her scraped knees stung as the dirt was cleaned out with the hose in her backyard. Cheeks flushed red as tear stains dried onto her skin. The peach coloured bandaids stuck over the gravel rash, coloured in with markers to make her smile.
The sting of the alcohol burned her raw skin, her father held her down as her mother cleaned the wounds properly. Still, her mind replayed the interaction with the freckled boy down the street, who held her hand and wiped her tears with a promise that he knew what he was doing, he was a doctor in training - well his father was a doctor that is -. Jimmy Walters, a raven headed boy with freckles like constellations taught her first aid, and what love felt like.
Two weeks. That’s how long it took for Winnie to become friends with anyone other than Shifty. After coming down with a stomach bug - one of which she’s almost certain had to do with the spongy casserole that had half the cabin up all night puking - Shifty was forced to remain in the hospital on base until he recovered from dehydration caused by the stomach bug.
Sobel had Easy company lined up for the mornings training. Dressed in their running gear and equiped with a medical pouch, each man - and woman- stood at attention. The weather had started to cool, the closer it got to christmas, a foreign concept for Winnie, who spent most christmas’ down at the creek by her house trying to stay cool
“Today, Easy company will be undertaking the necessary and required course of medical aid.” Sobel’s voice hangs in the air “The proper use of aid will be the difference between life and death.”
The company men winced at the grim statement of their future war efforts. Winnie, unfazed, instead thought about the possibility of stealing some peaches from the mess hall.
“Lieutenant Winters will read your names, you will be partnered into groups of two.” Sobel drones
Lieutenant Winters reads out the pairs of people, unfortunately for her, Winnie was not paired with Eugene, or even Luz. She had been paired with a man called Wayne or better known as Skinny. Someone who hung around with the tall, angry man Liebgott his shorter, less grumpy companions Talbert and Grant she believed them to be
The two paired up, Picking up their cards which explained their fake medical problems that needed solving.
“Have you done this before?” Winnie asks as she lays on the ground, preparing for Skinny to save her from her metaphorical leg wound
“No, you know what i’m meant to be doing here?” Skinny huffs in frustration
“Well first you gotta check that i’m not dead” Winnie instructs “then you gotta put pressure on the wound”
Skinny moves his hand to her neck, completely missing her pulse point
“Up a little higher, just under the jaw bone” She corrects
“Ok, you’re alive, now what?” he grumbles
“Make sure it stays that way” Winnie raises an eyebrow “I’ve got a bullet wound in my left thigh, there’s an exit wound”
“Right…” Skinny mumbles
Winnie sighs
“You gotta pack the wound. Hold your hand against the bullet wound, then pack it with gauze.” She explains. Honestly, i’m meant to survive active war zones with men who don’t even know how to pack a wound
“I knew that” He grumbles, following along Winnie’s instructions
Turning her head to the right she watches Liebgott and Grant, two men she just learnt the name of, try to complete their training. Liebgott had his hand pressed against Grant’s neck, imitating the stopping of a neck wound, except…
“You’re killing him” Winnie stares blankly
“What?” Liebgott hisses
“You’re killing him” She repeats “He’s got a neck wound right?”
“So fucking what, i’m holding pressure” Liebgott snaps
“Actually you’re crushing his windpipe and he’s currently choking to death on his own blood” Winnie argues “Move your hand down about two inches”
Winnie receives a glare as he moves his hand down slightly
“Now he’s bleeding out” Winnie states with a sigh. “Sorry skinny i’ll just be a second”
Skinny lets out a string of protests as the gauze unravels from around her leg. Winnie walks the short distance over to Grant and Liebgott, ignoring the confused look and glare respectively.
“Hold it here” she demonstrates “And then keep pressure as you pack the wound, make sure his head is tilted up slightly”
Reluctantly Liebgott follows her instructions. Talbert stares at her skeptically.
“And then you wrap it up like that” she instructs “Perfect, now he may have a chance at living”
“The fuck you learn that from?” Liebgott mutters. Talbert sits up, a hand feeling around his bandages, looking back at his injury card before looking at Winnie, slight confusion on his features. Liebgott pushes him down by the shoulder, back to his ‘injured’ position
“Learnt a few things” she answer vaguely “I have to go finish getting patched up by my partner”
Winnie smiles awkwardly and walks the few steps back to Skinny, sitting on the floor with a small frown, bandages in his hands. Laying down she holds her injury card
“Alright, where were we?” She asks
Lieutenant Winters walked a half step behind Sobel and the doctor who displayed bandaging techniques, offering silent praise to the men who were able to even half wrap the bandage properly. Winnie sits up as Sobel stops in front of Liebgott and Talbert
“My word” The doctor states in shock “You’ve just patched a neck wound!”
The doctor kneels down and unwraps the gauze
“And correctly” He states in astonishment “I’ve never seen anyone with the ability to patch a neck wound this early in training!”
Winnie fights to keep a smile off her face as Winters sends her a small knowing look. Her advice got praised, even if the doctor didn’t know it was her work. Watching Liebgott and a Talbert flounder at the praise from the doctor had Winnie fighting a smile, ducking her head down she makes sure that Skinny had tied her bandages correctly before the three men walk to them, looking critically at her injury card
“Hayes, Sisk” Sobel introduces the two blankly
Winnie makes no effort to move from her position and salute, if asked she was ‘injured’ and thought it beneficial to play the part, less the bandages fall off.
“Ah yes, a leg wound. One of the most common wounds you’ll face on the field” The doctor implores “These seem to be bandaged well son, I suppose when you have a nurse as your partner who can give you advice it makes it easier”
Winnie flounders at his statement. Now she loved nurses, they were critical to the war. But Winnie was no nurse, she had the skills to prove it
“Actually Lieutenant Hayes is a transfer soldier from another branch” Winters amends quickly
“Ah. I see” The doctor responds hesitantly “Either way, this bandage is done excellently”
Winnie gives a thankful smile towards Winters, the man nodding once in response. Sobel stands infront of the group, looking at the company.
“Your efforts today were… passable” He speaks “I expect you all ready to run currahee tomorrow at 0800 hours… dismissed”
Unwrapping herself from the bandages and handing them back to the medical team, Winnie pats down her shorts and begins walking back to the barracks.
“Hey! wait up!”
Hesitantly, she slows and turns her head. Skinny Sisk had followed behind her
“It’s Winnie right?” He asks, hand rubbing the back of his neck
“Yes?” Winnie narrows her eyes slightly
“How’d ya learn to do all that?” The man responds “Were you a nurse or somethin’?”
“No. I was not a nurse” she huffs “Why’s every girl gotta be a nurse to you lot?”. As she continues her walk back to the barracks, a scowl on her face. Her defensive nature came easily, to protect herself.
“I don’t mean it like that” Skinny amends quickly “You were just real good at that and I know nurses are good at bandages and all”
“Well I ain’t a nurse” Winnie crosses her arms “I’m just good at fixing things”
Skinny falls in time with her steps, an awkward silence covers the conversation. Faintly the sound of boots crunching gravel and lieutenants barking orders flowed through the air
“Well if you can fix things that good than i’m glad you’re on our side” Skinny breaks the silence
“That makes exactly two of you now” she mutters
“Two? you mean shifty?” he returns “‘cause if he’s you’re only friend here… that may be a problem”
“Why would that be a problem?” She bristles “what’s wrong with Shifty?”
“Never said there was a problem with that” Skinny answers “You always this defensive?”
Winnie stops in her spot causing a few soldiers from different companies to swerve to avoid her.
“I’m not defensive” She retorts, arms crossed over her chest. Skinny raises an eyebrow, arms crossing over his chest to copy her
“Okay. So i’m a little defensive, so what?” She scowls, walking once again
“Nothin ’ just wondering is all” He cracks a teasing smile “say, why don’t you sit with me tonight, I got a few questions about those bandaging things you did”
Winnie hesitates before nodding slowly
“Fine” She responds stiffly
The meal was awkward. That was the only word Winnie could use to describe it. She was sat between Skinny and Talbert as Liebgott and Grant started at her with curiosity and perhaps anger from Liebgott
“Would you stop fuckin’ staring at me” She grunts
“Never heard of a girl like you before” Liebgott antagonises
“That’s ’cause there aren’t any” Winnie mutters “They’re all smart enough to not get into this situation”
Winnie scoops her meatloaf, is that what that is? onto her fork and shovels it into her mouth with all the grace of someone who was borderline starved for three months in an african desert.
“No kidding” He scoffs out a laugh
“You try eating rats for weeks straight” Winnie grumbles under her breath
The men all screw up their faces like they could in vision her words
“Did she just say rats?” Talbert guffaws
“Yeah. rats” She mutters “This shit is gourmet compared to the shit I had to eat”
The four men all look at each other with vary dumbfounded looks.
“Right…” Skinny drags out “How did you say you ended up here?”
“I didn’t” She mutters, finishing her food and letting out a deep sigh “Why do you wanna know?”
“It’s just weird, ain’t it?” Liebgott stares accusingly “I mean, we ain’t know nothing about you, and you’re here, scar faced and knowing how to pack a neck wound and talkin’ about eatin’ rats, you ain’t think that’s a bit weird?”
“I think it’s rude to talk about my scar face” she grits out defensively “and I owe you nothin’”
“Yeah well I think we outta know who we’re fightin’ with” Liebgott argues “How do I know you ain’t some quaker!”
Winnie’s hands hit the table and she points a finger at him
“I’m not a fucking quaker!” She spits
A silence falls over the table, the entirety of Easy company and surrounding tables all stare at the girl. Hushed whispers flow through the air as Winnie swallows her anger and embarrassment at her outburst
“The broad botherin’ you?” One of the men from Dog company kisses his teeth as he slows his walk.
“I’m not-“ Her protests are cut short
“She ain’t botherin’ us” Liebgott and Talbert both respond “we’re just talking”
Winnie sinks into her seat, taking a breath and turns her cheek away, hiding her scar.
“Sounds like she’s yellin’ and I wouldn’t let some broad yell at me like that” The corporal mutters
“who’re you calling a broad?” She glares
“I just told you we were fucking talkin’” Liebgott bites “don’t you got something else to do other than busting my balls?”
“yeah, fuck outta here” Talbert follows
Winnie sits quietly, scar tucked away from prying eyes. Eventually the chatter returns, jokes shared and food eaten, Winnie lets out a cough
“Thanks” She mumbles “I had it covered”
“What are friends for” Liebgott waves her off
“I wasn’t aware we were friends” she raises an eyebrow
“Eh, I like a broad with a bit of lip to ‘er” he shrugs
“You wanna be friends, you don’t call me a broad” Winnie stiffens with narrowed eyes
“Alright, alright, I won’t call you a fuckin’ broad” He mutters
Winnie nods stiffly and stands from the table
“Well? are you comin’?” her lip quirks slightly before walking out of the mess hall, the quad of men following her back to the barracks
That night Winnie went to sleep with a warmness ebbing away at her chest. The hardened walls of her heart ever so slowly cracking away the more she got to know these Americans she was so certain on hating. Maybe, just maybe, there was hope for her still.
@malarkgirlypop @mads-weasley @footprintsinthesxnd @bucky32557038ww2 @grumpy-liebgott @executethyself35 @fxxiva @sandaltoesocks
A/N: please say hi in the comments and let me know what you think! i’ve missed you guys <3
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blueberry-ovaries · 11 days ago
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blueberry-ovaries · 11 days ago
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A/N: HOLY SHIT IS THAT A HIRAETH UPDATE IN 2025?!? But seriously, thank you guys for sticking with me! I’m so sorry it’s taken me nearly a year to update this fic, my grandpa got cancer and died :/ so I wasn’t in the mood for writing so I apologise. That being said, this is probably a very slow chapter but i’m trying to get Winnie to interact with more characters! I would promise a new chapter soon but I don’t want to get hopes up, but I will try and write more!
Word Count: 2.1k
Content Warnings: none (?)
< previous chapter > - < next chapter >
Her scraped knees stung as the dirt was cleaned out with the hose in her backyard. Cheeks flushed red as tear stains dried onto her skin. The peach coloured bandaids stuck over the gravel rash, coloured in with markers to make her smile.
The sting of the alcohol burned her raw skin, her father held her down as her mother cleaned the wounds properly. Still, her mind replayed the interaction with the freckled boy down the street, who held her hand and wiped her tears with a promise that he knew what he was doing, he was a doctor in training - well his father was a doctor that is -. Jimmy Walters, a raven headed boy with freckles like constellations taught her first aid, and what love felt like.
Two weeks. That’s how long it took for Winnie to become friends with anyone other than Shifty. After coming down with a stomach bug - one of which she’s almost certain had to do with the spongy casserole that had half the cabin up all night puking - Shifty was forced to remain in the hospital on base until he recovered from dehydration caused by the stomach bug.
Sobel had Easy company lined up for the mornings training. Dressed in their running gear and equiped with a medical pouch, each man - and woman- stood at attention. The weather had started to cool, the closer it got to christmas, a foreign concept for Winnie, who spent most christmas’ down at the creek by her house trying to stay cool
“Today, Easy company will be undertaking the necessary and required course of medical aid.” Sobel’s voice hangs in the air “The proper use of aid will be the difference between life and death.”
The company men winced at the grim statement of their future war efforts. Winnie, unfazed, instead thought about the possibility of stealing some peaches from the mess hall.
“Lieutenant Winters will read your names, you will be partnered into groups of two.” Sobel drones
Lieutenant Winters reads out the pairs of people, unfortunately for her, Winnie was not paired with Eugene, or even Luz. She had been paired with a man called Wayne or better known as Skinny. Someone who hung around with the tall, angry man Liebgott his shorter, less grumpy companions Talbert and Grant she believed them to be
The two paired up, Picking up their cards which explained their fake medical problems that needed solving.
“Have you done this before?” Winnie asks as she lays on the ground, preparing for Skinny to save her from her metaphorical leg wound
“No, you know what i’m meant to be doing here?” Skinny huffs in frustration
“Well first you gotta check that i’m not dead” Winnie instructs “then you gotta put pressure on the wound”
Skinny moves his hand to her neck, completely missing her pulse point
“Up a little higher, just under the jaw bone” She corrects
“Ok, you’re alive, now what?” he grumbles
“Make sure it stays that way” Winnie raises an eyebrow “I’ve got a bullet wound in my left thigh, there’s an exit wound”
“Right…” Skinny mumbles
Winnie sighs
“You gotta pack the wound. Hold your hand against the bullet wound, then pack it with gauze.” She explains. Honestly, i’m meant to survive active war zones with men who don’t even know how to pack a wound
“I knew that” He grumbles, following along Winnie’s instructions
Turning her head to the right she watches Liebgott and Grant, two men she just learnt the name of, try to complete their training. Liebgott had his hand pressed against Grant’s neck, imitating the stopping of a neck wound, except…
“You’re killing him” Winnie stares blankly
“What?” Liebgott hisses
“You’re killing him” She repeats “He’s got a neck wound right?”
“So fucking what, i’m holding pressure” Liebgott snaps
“Actually you’re crushing his windpipe and he’s currently choking to death on his own blood” Winnie argues “Move your hand down about two inches”
Winnie receives a glare as he moves his hand down slightly
“Now he’s bleeding out” Winnie states with a sigh. “Sorry skinny i’ll just be a second”
Skinny lets out a string of protests as the gauze unravels from around her leg. Winnie walks the short distance over to Grant and Liebgott, ignoring the confused look and glare respectively.
“Hold it here” she demonstrates “And then keep pressure as you pack the wound, make sure his head is tilted up slightly”
Reluctantly Liebgott follows her instructions. Talbert stares at her skeptically.
“And then you wrap it up like that” she instructs “Perfect, now he may have a chance at living”
“The fuck you learn that from?” Liebgott mutters. Talbert sits up, a hand feeling around his bandages, looking back at his injury card before looking at Winnie, slight confusion on his features. Liebgott pushes him down by the shoulder, back to his ‘injured’ position
“Learnt a few things” she answer vaguely “I have to go finish getting patched up by my partner”
Winnie smiles awkwardly and walks the few steps back to Skinny, sitting on the floor with a small frown, bandages in his hands. Laying down she holds her injury card
“Alright, where were we?” She asks
Lieutenant Winters walked a half step behind Sobel and the doctor who displayed bandaging techniques, offering silent praise to the men who were able to even half wrap the bandage properly. Winnie sits up as Sobel stops in front of Liebgott and Talbert
“My word” The doctor states in shock “You’ve just patched a neck wound!”
The doctor kneels down and unwraps the gauze
“And correctly” He states in astonishment “I’ve never seen anyone with the ability to patch a neck wound this early in training!”
Winnie fights to keep a smile off her face as Winters sends her a small knowing look. Her advice got praised, even if the doctor didn’t know it was her work. Watching Liebgott and a Talbert flounder at the praise from the doctor had Winnie fighting a smile, ducking her head down she makes sure that Skinny had tied her bandages correctly before the three men walk to them, looking critically at her injury card
“Hayes, Sisk” Sobel introduces the two blankly
Winnie makes no effort to move from her position and salute, if asked she was ‘injured’ and thought it beneficial to play the part, less the bandages fall off.
“Ah yes, a leg wound. One of the most common wounds you’ll face on the field” The doctor implores “These seem to be bandaged well son, I suppose when you have a nurse as your partner who can give you advice it makes it easier”
Winnie flounders at his statement. Now she loved nurses, they were critical to the war. But Winnie was no nurse, she had the skills to prove it
“Actually Sergeant Hayes is a transfer soldier from another branch” Winters amends quickly
“Ah. I see” The doctor responds hesitantly “Either way, this bandage is done excellently”
Winnie gives a thankful smile towards Winters, the man nodding once in response. Sobel stands infront of the group, looking at the company.
“Your efforts today were… passable” He speaks “I expect you all ready to run currahee tomorrow at 0800 hours… dismissed”
Unwrapping herself from the bandages and handing them back to the medical team, Winnie pats down her shorts and begins walking back to the barracks.
“Hey! wait up!”
Hesitantly, she slows and turns her head. Skinny Sisk had followed behind her
“It’s Winnie right?” He asks, hand rubbing the back of his neck
“Yes?” Winnie narrows her eyes slightly
“How’d ya learn to do all that?” The man responds “Were you a nurse or somethin’?”
“No. I was not a nurse” she huffs “Why’s every girl gotta be a nurse to you lot?”. As she continues her walk back to the barracks, a scowl on her face. Her defensive nature came easily, to protect herself.
“I don’t mean it like that” Skinny amends quickly “You were just real good at that and I know nurses are good at bandages and all”
“Well I ain’t a nurse” Winnie crosses her arms “I’m just good at fixing things”
Skinny falls in time with her steps, an awkward silence covers the conversation. Faintly the sound of boots crunching gravel and lieutenants barking orders flowed through the air
“Well if you can fix things that good than i’m glad you’re on our side” Skinny breaks the silence
“That makes exactly two of you now” she mutters
“Two? you mean shifty?” he returns “‘cause if he’s you’re only friend here… that may be a problem”
“Why would that be a problem?” She bristles “what’s wrong with Shifty?”
“Never said there was a problem with that” Skinny answers “You always this defensive?”
Winnie stops in her spot causing a few soldiers from different companies to swerve to avoid her.
“I’m not defensive” She retorts, arms crossed over her chest. Skinny raises an eyebrow, arms crossing over his chest to copy her
“Okay. So i’m a little defensive, so what?” She scowls, walking once again
“Nothin ’ just wondering is all” He cracks a teasing smile “say, why don’t you sit with me tonight, I got a few questions about those bandaging things you did”
Winnie hesitates before nodding slowly
“Fine” She responds stiffly
The meal was awkward. That was the only word Winnie could use to describe it. She was sat between Skinny and Talbert as Liebgott and Grant started at her with curiosity and perhaps anger from Liebgott
“Would you stop fuckin’ staring at me” She grunts
“Never heard of a girl like you before” Liebgott antagonises
“That’s ’cause there aren’t any” Winnie mutters “They’re all smart enough to not get into this situation”
Winnie scoops her meatloaf, is that what that is? onto her fork and shovels it into her mouth with all the grace of someone who was borderline starved for three months in an african desert.
“No kidding” He scoffs out a laugh
“You try eating rats for weeks straight” Winnie grumbles under her breath
The men all screw up their faces like they could in vision her words
“Did she just say rats?” Talbert guffaws
“Yeah. rats” She mutters “This shit is gourmet compared to the shit I had to eat”
The four men all look at each other with vary dumbfounded looks.
“Right…” Skinny drags out “How did you say you ended up here?”
“I didn’t” She mutters, finishing her food and letting out a deep sigh “Why do you wanna know?”
“It’s just weird, ain’t it?” Liebgott stares accusingly “I mean, we ain’t know nothing about you, and you’re here, scar faced and knowing how to pack a neck wound and talkin’ about eatin’ rats, you ain’t think that’s a bit weird?”
“I think it’s rude to talk about my scar face” she grits out defensively “and I owe you nothin’”
“Yeah well I think we outta know who we’re fightin’ with” Liebgott argues “How do I know you ain’t some quaker!”
Winnie’s hands hit the table and she points a finger at him
“I’m not a fucking quaker!” She spits
A silence falls over the table, the entirety of Easy company and surrounding tables all stare at the girl. Hushed whispers flow through the air as Winnie swallows her anger and embarrassment at her outburst
“The broad botherin’ you?” One of the men from Dog company kisses his teeth as he slows his walk.
“I’m not-“ Her protests are cut short
“She ain’t botherin’ us” Liebgott and Talbert both respond “we’re just talking”
Winnie sinks into her seat, taking a breath and turns her cheek away, hiding her scar.
“Sounds like she’s yellin’ and I wouldn’t let some broad yell at me like that” The corporal mutters
“who’re you calling a broad?” She glares
“I just told you we were fucking talkin’” Liebgott bites “don’t you got something else to do other than busting my balls?”
“yeah, fuck outta here” Talbert follows
Winnie sits quietly, scar tucked away from prying eyes. Eventually the chatter returns, jokes shared and food eaten, Winnie lets out a cough
“Thanks” She mumbles “I had it covered”
“What are friends for” Liebgott waves her off
“I wasn’t aware we were friends” she raises an eyebrow
“Eh, I like a broad with a bit of lip to ‘er” he shrugs
“You wanna be friends, you don’t call me a broad” Winnie stiffens with narrowed eyes
“Alright, alright, I won’t call you a fuckin’ broad” He mutters
Winnie nods stiffly and stands from the table
“Well? are you comin’?” her lip quirks slightly before walking out of the mess hall, the quad of men following her back to the barracks
That night Winnie went to sleep with a warmness ebbing away at her chest. The hardened walls of her heart ever so slowly cracking away the more she got to know these Americans she was so certain on hating. Maybe, just maybe, there was hope for her still.
@malarkgirlypop @mads-weasley @footprintsinthesxnd @bucky32557038ww2 @grumpy-liebgott @executethyself35 @fxxiva @sandaltoesocks
A/N: please say hi in the comments and let me know what you think! i’ve missed you guys <3
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blueberry-ovaries · 12 days ago
i shouldn’t be allowed near a block of cadbury’s marvellous creation that stuff just disappears when i get my hands on it
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blueberry-ovaries · 12 days ago
we aren’t. we’re all actors 😍
weird to think we're all on here interacting with australians. any given user on ur dash could be an australian, if you think about it
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blueberry-ovaries · 12 days ago
Which OC would celebrate the death of someone they dislike?
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blueberry-ovaries · 12 days ago
Forget the room was messy. Tell me about the coffee mug with lipstick on the rim, sitting next to an overflowing ashtray. The books stacked haphazardly, their spines cracked, their pages dog-eared like they’ve been lived in. The old sweater on the chair, still holding the ghost of someone’s shape. Details don’t just paint a picture, they tell a story.
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blueberry-ovaries · 14 days ago
you can start today btw
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blueberry-ovaries · 15 days ago
oh yeah! i forgot to tell u guys but I turned 21 a few days ago:) i can officially drink in every country!
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blueberry-ovaries · 17 days ago
To my bob authors, if you think no one is reading your fic, you're wrong, I am. I've got it bookmarked and everything. Got me refreshing every damn day. Update it pls I beg you,,,,, we a small group and I'm so thirsty.
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