#Hipaa Violation
burnt-scone · 8 months
One time I saw my Ex break Hipaa ( a medical student working in a medical clinic, posted a video of a patient being taken from the clinic to an ambulance to be transferred to the hospital.) & I didn't realize I had a direct line to the administrator of every hospital/medical center in the county. I wanted to report, but I didn't know how. Once I realized I could go to the boss of everyone, I went back to her tiktok to get the video and send it to who happens to be my 2nd cousin, but my ex had deleted her video and I could not send the the video to my cousin.
I wish I'd saved the video, just as I waited to find out how to report her.
Like she shared this man's personal business. He came on concerned about reflux and when they hooked him up to make sure it wasn't his heart it was just reflux but she sent him to the hospital anyway and told them he wasn't of right mind. He couldn't afford to go to the hospital, let alone the ambulance ride. But she filmed him (not his face, luckily, but still she filmed him.)
She filmed him and made herself the hero of the situation. She probably deleted the video because she realized she broke hipaa or because the comments were ripping her a new one. They were all letting her know how classist she was. (Which she is)
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honkytonkalright · 2 years
i wonder how many hipaa violations are in the first season of hannibal alone. there is no way they could get away with that shit
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They have just released a new HIPAA update that they are trying to get customers to sign which would allow them to sell your medical information to third parties.
The app wouldn't let me screenshot the exact wording but you can look it up.
I am in the US so I don't think this applies to anyone internationally, but stay safe.
This is a huge hipaa violation so I hope this policy gets struck down, but in the meantime stay safe folks
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nationallawreview · 2 years
OCR Announces $300,000 Settlement Related to Improper Disposal of Physical PHI
OCR Announces $300,000 Settlement Related to Improper Disposal of Physical PHI
On August 23, 2022, the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services, Office for Civil Rights (“HHS”) announced that it had settled a case involving the disposal of physical protected health information (“PHI”). OCR alleged that, on March 31, 2021, a specimen containing PHI was found by a third-party security guard in the parking lot of the New England Dermatology and Laser Center (“NEDLC”). The…
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valkyrie1435atla · 22 days
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Part 16: Witness
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mmelolabelle · 9 months
“This time I won’t save your life”
100% Armand spent the entire time leading up to and during Daniel’s time in Dubai speed-reading any and all literature on Parkinson’s he can get his claws on, he and Louis have canonically highjacked his medical care, Armand-as-Rashid has probs personally signed off on every single meal Daniel has eaten, he materialises out of thin fucking air every time Louis twitches in Daniel’s general direction and I would not put it past him to be monitoring the guy’s heart-rate 24/7 via super-vampire-hearing alone.
But sure dude, whatever helps you not-sleep I guess
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anteroom-of-death · 5 months
Why does this man have Aubreys literal ozempic meds on the cover???
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scientia-rex · 4 months
Also an elderly patient the other day was throwing herself a pity party about how she doesn’t have anyone to drive her to eye surgery. And while I was talking about how okay there are some local volunteer organizations that—she cut me off to bemoan her terrible childhood, and then started grilling me. “How old are you? Do you have children? Why not? Who’s going to take care of you when you’re old?”
Her point was supposed to be that having alcoholic parents fucked her up for life. Which, fair! But assuming that the person you’re talking to had a GOOD childhood? Buddy, no. By the end of the visit she was apologizing to ME, unclear whether for my shitty life or for asking overly personal questions.
I was just SO angry. It’s like when chronic pain patients just blithely buy in to the “invulnerable doctor” myth and talk to me as if I am not One Of Us. “You couldn’t possibly understand—“ bitch want to bet? Don’t pull that shit! Don’t assume that you know someone’s backstory! The more you meet people, the more utterly BANANAS backstories you will encounter. The idea of a “normal person” with a normal family and a normal life is rare to the point where you can safely assume you will never encounter it.
And don’t ever try to use your assumptions about someone who is talking to you as a weapon. Because if you say “now have YOU ever—“ to score points, there are decent odds you’re going to force someone to choose whether to answer a REALLY inappropriate question or lie or make the whole thing awkward by saying they’d rather not answer.
I often think about a post I was reading from a man who got asked “have YOU ever been raped?” by a woman acquaintance who was trying to win a fight, and he had to decide whether to say yes, actually, this one thing he’s been struggling with is probably—and she cut him off mid answer anyway to assume he was going to answer the way she expected and carry forward her fight from there.
Patients are allowed to make it all about them. If they want to wallow a little, that’s fair. Their life probably did suck. But they are not allowed to make my personal life all about them. That’s inappropriate and disrespectful boundary crossing that’s also counterproductive, because it takes time away from their issues, and time is about ten bucks a minute in your average doctor visit in the US.
She talked so much about why I don’t have kids that she never got to hear me finish saying that we could look into connecting her with local volunteer organizations.
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astarab1aze · 2 months
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"Y'all wan me t' get ther'py so bad..."
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"Well I ain't goin'. Th' fuck? I ain't no charity case!"
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coquelicoq · 10 months
god i had THE BEST TIME AT THE DENTIST TODAY and i feel completely unhinnnnngèd for saying that bc i never in a million years thought the dentist could be FUN but the hygienist was french and switched to french as soon as i mentioned that i had taken french and i understood almost everything he said to me and it felt so good!!! i never understand french!! things are paying off!!!! also i do super recommend this method of conversing in a language you are not super confident in, like it's not just a coincidence i had such a good time doing this at the dentist specifically, it was good precisely because there was very little pressure on me to talk and i could mostly just make yes/no/questioning noises and any time i wanted to say a sentence i could take my time with it because there were literally instruments in my mouth??? absolutely no pressure for me to say something just to say something it was heaven oh my god. i take back every joke i've ever made about dentist office conversational logistics. IDEAL MODE.
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xf-cases-solved · 1 month
every time mulder and scully need to access a patient's personal records for Case Reasons, it always be like
mulder and/or scully: we need this patient's records
dr/psych/therapist/healthcare provider/etc: i am legally not allowed to do that. that is in direct violation of HIPAA, you literally work for law enforcement, and one of you is literally a doctor, you know asking me for those records without a warrant or subpoena is not just unethical, but also unlawful
mulder and/or scully: please?
dr/psych/therapist/healthcare provider/etc: eh, sure
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euthymiya · 2 months
Happy to report to you all I got my shift changed to closing tomorrow so I don’t have to wake up early 😌 unfortunately I must also report to you all that this means I will be closing ☹️
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dark-elf-writes · 10 months
You’d be surprised how many times I tell someone “that’s actually illegal and I can’t do that” and they try to get me to do the illegal thing anyway in one work day like????
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sophieinwonderland · 11 months
Today We're Talking About Ethics and Dual Relationships!
One more thing that bothered me was an anecdote DIDadoseofreality mentioned where they engineered a scenario that allowed their student, who they were also the therapist of, to talk about trauma in front of the whole class.
Now, in this anecdote, they're sure to make it clear that they asked their student if he was okay participating in this exercise. And the student had allegedly expressed a desire before to be able to talk about his trauma in a way that wouldn't make him feel foolish. So they present this as doing the student a favor.
And maybe that is how the student perceived it.
But... this is also a really uncomfortable power dynamic where your therapist who you share privileged information with is using that privileged information in your classroom to pressure you into sharing traumatic events with all your classmates.
And while the student allegedly gave consent for his teacher/therapist to blog about it the incident later, his therapist is his teacher.
There is a huge power dynamic in play there for pressuring a patient into waiving their HIPAA rights.
And while I sure do hope the teacher/therapist had the presence of mind to at least use a pseudonym for their student/patient and that their student/patient's name isn't actually Zac, it really doesn't matter because anyone in that class or told what happened by people in the class could stumble upon the blog post and now know that Zac's in therapy with their teacher.
Because after describing this event in the class in detail they also thank Zac for letting them tell everyone what Zac did Monday. Which, for a post made 4 days ago, places this incident multiple people know about on October 30th.
Unless some of the details were falsified beyond the name of the students, I'm going to hazard a guess and say that there was only one class anywhere where a student participated in an exercise that followed the exact sequence of events described on that blog, including Zac's specific trauma, on October 30th 2023.
I tried doing further research to find out if this was common or if it was even ethical. What I found first was a Quora thread with a bunch of different opinions. Well, the same opinion mostly but from different people.
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I wasn't clear on dual-relationships or how they worked, so I decided to do further reading and came across this article. (Since I'm not one to just trust Quora at its word when there are better sources to be had.) Here are some excerpts.
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This is not a simple "all dual relationships are bad." There is clearly nuance to this.
But if this relationship could impair their objectivity or competence in their role as a therapist, then they're supposed to avoid that relationship.
Now, one answer in that Quora thread described an example of a therapist-professor relationship working well for them with proper precautions and going to extraordinary lengths to keep those lines separate.
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This is clearly not how DIDadoseofreality behaved though.
They used privileged information to influence how they treat their student in the classroom, got their student to open up about a traumatic event in front of everyone, then while having power over their client in their dual relationship as a teacher, they got their client to waive their HIPAA rights and allow their story to be posted on the internet for all to see. And potentially reveal to their classmates that the student is seeing their teacher as a therapist.
These are massive ethical violations.
I frankly would not trust them as a therapist OR a teacher.
If I were Zac, I would be shopping for a new therapist because mine could clearly not be trusted to keep their dual relationships separate.
If I were DIDadoseofreality, I would be looking for a colleague I could recommend Zac to for the same reason. I would also promptly delete my post describing the events of October 30th before a student or someone connected to me in real life identifies me and reports me for what are obviously ethics violation as both a therapist and a teacher.
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goredmetal · 7 months
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Are you Sunfall's next patient? They'll treat you right, I swear...
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bearofohu · 6 days
sorry i changed my pfp do you guys still love me
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