#Hey Kitsu
ninetailedvulpecula · 2 years
🍓 What is something you and the mun disagree on? 
“Not much, going to be honest” The Kitsune felt strange talking about KitMod, as if they were some sort of forbidden topic.
“In some ways, I’m an extension of themselves. We share most of the same interests…” Looking around for a moment before leaning in close.
“But the one thing that really irks me about them is that they really don’t think they’re that great. They tend to get overly anxious and sell themselves short on their talents. I’m not saying they’re perfect, but they should cut themselves some slack sometimes.”
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sonicblueartist · 1 year
Mansion Full Of Foxes
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Warnings: MDNI, smut, mention of sex, cursing, etc. Everyone is adult here so don't worry!
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This is a preview chapter
Pairings: All Tailses from every universe is here for us~ Here is a list for who is into who (Of course we gave every each of them a nickname, to not get confuse anyone... I'm still trying to get used to them too so...)
A/n: Does anyone want to be in the tag list?
Banzai (Secret History Tails)
Kitsu (Miles [WWMH])
Foxie (Miles [Operation Crimson])
Lunar (Tails [Tails’ Dark Diary])
Umber (Anti-Miles)
Hollow (Hologram Tails [The Ankh])
In between:
Citrus (Tails [There's something about Knuckles])
Knight (Blacksmith)
Ashen (Tails.exe)
Suave (Starved Tails)
Phantom (Inner Tails)
Zaddy/Bubba (Ali Baba)
Hero (Tailsop)
Wolfy (Tails-Zilla)
Kukla/Pop (Tails Doll)
Chaos (Metal Tails)
Maviş (Luther)
Goblin (Tails [Tails Gets Trolled])
Brownie (Tails [AOSTH])
Cub (Zails)
Mint (Prime Tails)
Honey (Movie Tails)
Cherry (Boom Tails)
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They/them // She/her // He/him // Other
Summery; It's mating season for foxes. Let's see what's going to happen in a house/mansion full of foxes that have issues and conflicts 👀
Word Count: 3055
A/N: This is kind of like a smut fic so... My friend and I made this for fun. We gonna use ocs so beware! IF YOU DON'T LIKE IT JUST LEAVE
Have Fun!
"You've got issues that I like"
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Kayla reached for two cups. She picks up the milk and pours it in.
"Okay, Mangey. Watch carefully. Because you can't keep dropping the cups and licking them from the table! This is how you need to drink."
She grabs her cup and sits on a chair and carefully shows him how to drink it. Mangey watches her gulp it all down, fully focused and head down on the table.
She gently put the cup on the table, "See? It's easy. Now you try."
She reached the other cub towards him. He grabs it and starts licking it from inside.
She blink, "Eh, That's an improvement at least." She scratches behind his ear and watches him purr happily.
"You did good!" His tails sways happily, he threw himself off of his seat and jumped on her. Licking all over her face.
"Hey! Hey! Stop it! Mangeyy!" She whines.
"Kayla?" She stopped pushing him and glanced towards the door, Nine stood raising an eyebrow. Mangey continued snuggling on her neck.
She grins nervously, "H-hi, Nine. You want something?"
Nine' face was serious, "Did you forget what I told you a few hours ago?"
She perks up, "Oh, right! You guys wanted to talk to us about something! I'm so sorry it completely--"
"It's fine. Just come to Tails' workshop." He turns away and walks off.
She raised an eyebrow at this, "Okay, Mangey let's go." She easily lifts him in her arms and starts to carry him towards the workshop.
She finds everyone in there waiting for her.
Her sister perked up seeing her figure.
"Sorry for being late…." She apologies sheepishly.
Tails smiled gently at her, "That's fine Kayla."
She gently puts Mangey down on his feet and he quickly snuggles on her legs.
"He's been awfully clingy today. I mean he was always clingy but…"
Tails cleared his throat, "Actually that's what we wanted to talk to you two about." Glancing away.
She raises an eyebrow and glances at her sister. She shrugged, signaling she had no idea either.
The two turn to Tails carefully listening.
"Uh, okay. We're all ears." He takes a deep breath, glancing anywhere but the two, "Well, you see… Nature has some laws. The most natural thing is to be born, grow up and eventually die--"
She panicked, "Mangey is dying?!" She gripped him tightly in tears.
Tails stuttered, "What?! No! No one is dying!"
Ctheathy could feel certain sky blue eyes staring bullets at their presence. And she had felt slightly nervous under the amount of pressure their surroundings had given them, especially after having been ripped from the other fox’ comforting embrace. She had always enjoyed thinking of hugging the others, it felt as a small yet safe way to connect with each other, and though she'd been pushed away on several occasions. Deep down, she secretly hoped that it could comfort them right the same way. She listened closely to what the others had to say as she kept herself quiet, always having been a teensy tiny bit too shy to speak up for her own. Though she certainly wasn't one to miss out on any responses that seem to have held deep emotion in them, so when Kayla had cried out her words, she immediately got her attention back to her gaze.
She snuck up to her and caressed her shoulder to try and ease her worry. Seeming how she had quite the panic over the idea of the darling fox losing his life. She flinched slightly at this, her eyes meeting her own blue ones, but they quickly softened after realizing what she was trying to do, muttering out a “thank you” as Tails continued with slight worry lingering in his tone.
He awkwardly squirmed in his position, seeming to think about how to continue his speech as he bit his tongue slightly in response to his overwhelm. “Ah, w-well-!” he started, a nervous sweat going down his forehead as both of the humans eyes connected onto his own again. He fiddled slightly with his hands, not being all too positive in his wording as he started letting out a few “um’s”. The room was starting to grow awfully quiet and the air grew a tension, a few mutters and perhaps even muffled cursing could be heard throughout the place.
Ctheathy and Kayla looked at each other in confusion, having no clue what to expect. But their thoughts quickly got interrupted as a “Just tell them already-!!” rang through the room, coming from Lunar as his already thin patience was starting to run out. A huff came from Umber as he crossed his arms, the other foxes standing beside them seeming to run low on patience as well. Whispering was starting to get noticeable around the place and Tails let out a small sigh, seeming to have decided upon his talk. They had to know. He looked us dead in the eye and his own narrowed slightly.
“Kayla, Ctheathy, do you both um … Are you aware of some of nature's essential proceedings considering our species?” He spoke with careful words, almost as if the humans were incredibly delicate and fragile to the topic. They both currently had no clue what the hell was going on, and their expressions had said everything. Kayla just blinked with an expressionless look on her face, and Ctheathy just tilted her head slightly, as they both seemingly had no idea what he was referring to. Yes, nature has it's natural common events, but we just couldn't put the puzzle pieces together with what this had to do with the meetup.
Feeling real dumb right about now, Ctheathy let out a small sigh she didn't know she had been holding, and had decided upon speaking for the first time in a while. She carefully spoke, not wanting to upset him, “I’m afraid we're not sure what you're asking…”
Kayla glances at Tails with a face she is trying to process what he just asked.
Noticing this with Ctheathy pointing out their physical confusion he nodded, sighing.
Tails leaves all his over thinking behind. He needs to let it out for them. They need to be notified about this.
He inhales deeply getting ready for his speech, "Look, nature has it's rules. Birth, growing up, death and such… I wanted to talk about birth here so… You probably know what partners have to do if they want kids, right? N-never mind forget what they have to do! W-what I mean is, we mobians are divided into various types as you know. So… we as foxes like other mobians have a natural clock… but in different time from others of course. And well it's like a clock that when it ticks midnight like in Cinderella, poof, our hormones are--" he stopped himself when he saw the confusion on humans faces as well as the weirded out expressions from the other foxes. He noticed how awkward the tension became.
Fuck, he messed up his speech! He practiced for a few days for this!
He panicked and reddened, "I-I mean--" his voice became small.
Nine groaned loudly, "It's mating season for us damn it!!"
Tails flushed yelled at him, "We talked about this Nine! We're not going to show that fact to their faces like that!!"
Nine rolled his eyes, "I rather die than listen to your awkward speech again. This was less painful and easy to do."
Tails grumbled in vain, "I started pretty good what happened? That's not an excuse to traumatize them like that! You can't just say stuff like that and be okay with it! They needed to warm up on this first! Why are you so cool with this?"
Sails stepped in, "I think ye confuse them enough."
Everyone's eyes turned towards the only humans in this household waiting for a reaction.
After processing the conflict between them Kayla holds her mouth to prevent herself from chuckling, for some reason their fight comes to her funny with the weird topic at hand... But this is a serious matter, she bit her cheek.
"Wait wait…" she gasps, "Are you guys for real? I thought- I thought it wasn't possible." She muttered to herself.
Nine tilted his head, "It is as real as we are. And it's as normal as you two having periods. Nature is full of weird biological shits." He rolled his eyes.
Ctheathy got lost in her thoughts for a little while after that rollercoaster of emotions. She's heard of mating seasons before, but she had little to no knowledge on it's effects other than stronger hormones, much less the changes in behavior or consequences it might have for them. And these thoughts alone already left her worried, the worst possible scenarios going through her head as she kept herself quiet, just staring at the floor underneath their feet. She didn't know what on earth to think about this information, the way it had been described didn't seem pleasant in the slightest, and though she felt interested and wanted to ask further, she was mainly anxious for the foxes’ wellbeing during the described time.
The stares felt as if they were pushing her into the ground, awaiting an answer from the both of them. Her sister had already given her own response to the new said information, quick, even. But Ctheathy had no idea where to even start, so many questions…
She decided to go for a show of concern, wanting to show her worry for the events, “You… You've described the occurrences as if they're incredibly difficult to go through for yourselves and those around you. Could you elaborate…maybe?” She merely whispered at the end, the topic hadn't seemed preferable for any of them to talk about and she had honestly already felt guilty for questioning any further. But she felt as if they had to know just in case it could cause potential danger or any other little traits we'd have to keep in mind. Kayla nodded in response at this, seemingly wanting the knowledge herself too.
Tails merely sighed once again, still seeming to be somewhat stiff from previous events, “Well… What do you expect? Our hormones and senses shall be increased and going through a rampage during that time--” Tails seemed to already shiver at the thought, and Nine stepped in after the realization set in that he wasn't going to continue any further, “And we're gonna be expecting you two to defend yourselves-!” Though it sounded more like a demand more than anything, they knew he had good intentions behind the request. But his worries worsened their paranoia ever so slightly.
“As they restrict self-restraints too” Sails added, looking us in the eye and showing concern for them.
Ctheathy and Kayla weren't sure if they were supposed to freak out by these warnings, they must be rather brutal for it to affect them this deeply, but this certainly wasn't what they expected when they got called in here. And seeing their worrisome expressions, Citrus decided to step in with a more gentle approach.
“Ah… What we are trying to say is that the safety of the both of you means a lot to us. We wanted to put down some strict rules in order to prevent anything from happening” which some of the other’s nodded at.
Ctheathy's racing thoughts calmed a little at this, and she was thankful for them even bothering to ensure their safety, but with this a sudden realization suddenly set into her mind and she stood up, worried. “H-hold on a second there-! But does this imply these events can cause all of you any… potential pain?” sadness was visible in her eyes… She didn't want to see them hurt for an entire month.
Many just looked away slightly, awkward even, which was slowly starting to confirm her fears as she narrowed her eyes in response and looked down. But she flinched as she felt a hand on her shoulder, looking up for her eyes to meet Banzai’s. How didn't she notice him sneaking up to her? Their eyes stayed connected with one another as his soothing voice tried to ease her mind, but it was hard.
“Do not concern your minds over these circumstances, my dears. There's other things that are of prime concern” and the others let out sounds of agreement, seeming to have spoken of this with each other before. Huh, guess communication is possible in this household, after all.
Kayla thought about all the things they said until Banzai stepped in. To say the least she was confused was an understatement...
"Other prime concerns-- Like what?"
She glanced at him when Nine answered, "Like your safeties. It had to be our first and only property."
Kayla shook her head at this, crossing her arms, refusing, "No way! If you guys are hurting! Then it is also important! We are going to help. Like you guys help us go through our periods."
Her sister nodded agreeing with her, "Is there any way we could help you guys with?" She asked gently and as worried as her.
The room went awfully quiet.
The humans stared at them waiting for a response.
"Well?" Kayla urged them to speak. Every one of them seemed at the edge.
Tails cleared his throat, "Well… you see… uh… There is a way…. but uh… it's- no, it's uh…. not what you think…. it's not the same with period cramps… You gotta reveal it… somehow… well…" he tried but failed.
Lunar rolled his eyes with a groan, "It's sex, we need sex."
Tails flushed, "That's not-- Be quiet! it's not exactly--"
Lunar huffed, done with their shit, "Exactly what? We need sex to reveal this! That's it! Just accept this already! We need sex so we can reproduce. This is nature. This is how the world revolves. It's normal. It's an urge! Couples always have sex! Either to have fun or not. There is no need to make sex look abnormal!--"
Foxie groaned, holding the bridge of his nose, "Will you please stop emphasizing it?!"
Kayla and Ctheathy stared at them all as they started arguing over this.
Ctheathy could feel her face starting to burn up after the sudden outburst. She was currently questioning herself how she hadn't figured things out and gotten the hint before that and she could clearly see Kayla’s cheeks having gained a reddish tint as well, but it was nothing in comparison to her entire face.
She bit her lip and shook her head, trying to decrease some of the warmth as she had noticed them creating the start of a fight… Again. She could feel her ears starting to tingle as the noises around them worsened, the arguments starting to become an issue for the both of them as her sibling covered her ears in the exact same irritation.
Things continued for a little while, the place had started to feel suffocating and she knew she had to do something, otherwise there was a massive chance of certain bad outcomes. Her sister noticed her trouble and quickly went for her arm, giving it a small squeeze to try and comfort her in response. Ctheathy looked down from her standing position and gave a gentle smile, being incredibly grateful for her attempts to ease her mind. But she knew this fight had to be put to an end anytime soon.
Everyone freezed for a second with a noise lighting up in the room. They all glanced at the side as Hollow walked in. He freezed seeing everyone in a tight atmosphere. He stared for a second until he slowly backed away and walked out of the room, “You guys can fuck yourselves I am going. I just woke up damn it. This is too early in the morning for this.”
All the foxes quickly continued their heated argument like nothing even disturbed it.
“Everyone, please… Quiet down-! Fighting won't get us anywhere…” Ctheathy’s voice was starting to turn light, nervousness getting to her head once again as they either ignored or hadn't noticed her pleas. “We won't solve anything if we keep yelling at one another…” her quest still hadn't been heard, as the rambling continued alongside the room, it having become even louder over time, the space felt tight… Too tight “guys…!” She started once again, but she forced her eyes shut after realizing her attempts were unsuccessful, the loudness getting to her and her sister had certainly noticed.
“EVERYBODY, SHUT IT-!!” Glaring at the group, she stood up and let out a huff that made very much sure that everybody was currently listening to what she had to say, as the amber coloured foxes’ eyes turned their way in response. It had always surprised Ctheathy how easily she was able to get each and every single one of them in line, she envied it even.
Kayla turned to her with kind intent and gave her a smile “Go ahead, Ctheathy”.
She muttered a small “thank you” and straightened her back to try and seem to have more control over the situation, but it definitely hadn't felt that way. She gulped, all eyes being glued onto her form by now as she felt her anxieties double. “I’m sorry for causing this conflict-! I should have understood the hint, but please do understand that arguing won't help us with anything.” She tried being as gentle as possible with her words, not wanting to set them off. “Besides, ahah… There are still a few questions I'd preferably have answered just in case, you know-- boundaries and all-! I really wouldn't want to worsen the state all of you will be in just because I made the wrong decision…” Her eyes turned to the floor once again, not very used to the attention and she felt her cheeks starting to flush once again. She heard a few sighs going through the room and she swore she could have seen the eye rolls if it wasn't for her eyes being glued onto the ground, but she appreciated how the fighting had at least taken a stop.
Tomorrow will be the first day of Mating season as we were told. Most of them decided to close themself in their room and hunt for food and water for themself from markets beforehand. And some of them decided to stay in the workshop to work and busy their minds. And some of them didn't care at all and were gonna continue their daily activities like nothing changed.
Kayla and Ctheathy decided to sit and drink some tea in the garden while watching the stars revolve around them as everyone was inside minding their business.
Kayla spoke up, "We should talk about what we can do for them. I mean obviously we are not gonna… sleep with any of them so…" she muttered.
Ctheathy agreed, "Yes. We're gonna show extra care for them. Making food, leaving nice notes and such."
Kayla hummed, "Yeah… they would appreciate that…"
They continue observing silently.
"What?" Ctheathy asked curiously.
Kayla sighed, scratching her cheek, "I guess… I'm a little scared for tomorrow. I mean they already started acting really weird. I-I'm afraid I can't handle it without giving in……" 
Ctheathy reassured her, patting her hand, “Don’t worry, I’ll be with you every minute of it. I won’t let them do anything to you.”
"This is gonna be a long month…" Kayla whined.
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hi! this is kind of a weirdly specific question, but i figured you guys are probably my best bet, lol. trimax was originally published as 102 chapters, which is why it's listed with 102 chapters on sites like myanimelist and kitsu, and then some chapters were combined for the volume releases to reduce the number to 97. so do you guys know which chapters were originally split up?
(also if you happen to have publication dates for the individual chapters, that would help me immensely, but it's not necessary lol)
thanks and hope you have a good day c:
Hey there and thank you for the question!
The extra chapters also includes Trigun, but the following chapters are the ones that were originally split in the magazine:
Trigun Vol 2, chapter 07, Demon's Eye.
TriMax Vol 5, chapter 06, Let Us Walk the Path to Redemption.
TriMax Vol 8, chapter 4, Escape.
TriMax Vol 10, chapter 3, Sudden Change.
TriMax Vol 13, chapter 9, VS.
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konjaku · 9 months
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橘[Tachibana] Citrus tachibana
It is endemic to Japan and has been well known since ancient times. It is mentioned in the oldest Japanese books Kojiki, Nihon shoki and in the oldest poetry antholgy Man'yōshū, and also has been planted in the garden of Shishinden in the Kyoto Imperial Palace.
It grows to about four meters tall and produces five-petaled white flowers in spring. The fruit is very tart and not suitable for eating unless processed.
On a different note, there is the word 源平藤橘[Genpeitōkitsu] and is called 四姓[Shisei](The four clans.) This is the first kanji of the family name of clans that flourished during the Heian period (794-1185) joined together. 源[Gen] is Minamoto clan, 平[-pei|Hei] is Taira clan, 藤[Tō] is 藤原[Fujiwara] clan and 橘[Kitsu] is Tachibana clan. 家紋[Kamon](The family crest) began with them. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fujiwara_clan https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tachibana_clan_(kuge) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mon_(emblem)
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desired-deity · 1 year
One Couch? Perfect for Cuddles and Comfort!!!
Genre: It’s cuddles, what do you think it is? It’s the floofy of the floofy-ist! (But with some angst?)
Summary: You and Kage have cuddles while Kage plays with your hair on the couch after you have a nightmare!
A/N: So, I wanna say I think this is gonna be a part two to “I Love You Too Much to Let You go…” (READ THAT FIRST IF YOU HAVEN’T ALREADY!) but yeah, you get more floof 👍🧡
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…”Huh?” You look up. You didn’t know where you were or how you got here. You looked around this dark abyss of black only to be greeted with tons of white eyes looking directly into your soul.
“Why am I here…?” You ask. Maybe these eyes or entities would give you an answer. 
“…” they moved 5 feet forward while you stepped back 3 feet.
“Answer my question.” You say, trying to sound like you were in control but those…things weren’t listening and were only moving forward…until one sprang out to you and started to choke you.
“LET ME GO!” You screamed out loud, waking up to see the real world again while your hands were around your neck.
“Ugh…huh?” Kage woke up, looking at you with his orange eyes, seeing you look like you saw a ghost. 
“Are you— huh? Hey…hey hey, what’s wrong? What happened?” Kage looked down at you, wrapping his tail around your body while pulling you closer to him. You had a strong grip on him, not wanting to go back to that hell hole you just had left. 
“Kitsu, I need you to answer my question. I can’t help you if you don’t tell me what happened.” Kage’s voice turned a lot softer, now fully awake and aware of the situation in-front of him. Your sobs were loud and sounded strained from how tired you still were. 
“I…I-I’m sorry…I d-didn’t me-mean to wake you u-up…” You said, still scared of what just happened in your dream. Kage’s arms wrapped around you while his tail was still around your waist. “I-I just had a b-bad dream…that’s a-all.”
‘Damnit.’ Kage thought, he couldn’t do much because now you’re probably scared to go back to sleep. ‘Now they won’t go back to sleep…maybe…’ Kage had an idea to get you back to sleep, it might work but it’s only if you are willing to work with him and rest. “Kitsu. I have an idea to get you to rest but that’s only if you’re gonna work with me and fall asleep, I know you’re probably scared but I can protect you. I promise, I will.”
“…Fine, since you promised.” You said quietly, burying you head into Kage’s chest.
“Good, I promise you’ll get good rest. Go ahead and get comfy and then I’ll get you to get better rest.” The rustling of you moving was loud but you soon got comfortable and we’re ready for this plan of Kage’s.
“Kage…could you…maybe just like..uhm…uh…” You didn’t really know how to say it, you thought it was just a stupid idea.
“Go on?”
“Could you…uhm…p-play with my hair…”
There was no answer and you tried tucking your head into your stomach but a hand laid on your head, ruffling your hair and moving your head up. You laid your head on Kage’s chest, you felt pleasure and comfort from him doing a simple act, he loved you after all and would do anything to make you feel better, and he made sure that you knew that. You laid into Kage’s touch, it was soft and so was his voice, “Tell me if I’m tugging at your hair, okay?” Kage said, making sure you were comfortable with him and making sure he wouldn’t hurt you.
You were anything but anxious, uncomfortable, and tense. You felt safe with Kage, you always did, even before you and him started dating. “So comfy…” you said, half asleep. Kage’s aura was so calming yet as bright as day but, the sun has to go down at some point, and that was now. The soft sounds of your snoring told Kage everything, you were safe and you felt comfortable. You and Kage had the best sleep of your guy’s lives. And it was together that you guys got that.
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~ Love ZZ💜
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pumkinbones · 11 months
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@discountdps and my eternal bonding ceremony! It was gorgeous and so much fun. It was honestly the most special thing to me. I will treasure this moment always. I love you so much.
I will put my speech below the cut. It's similar to my partner's but we practically have same brain. It made me tear up writing it and then I did actually cry for Kitsu's speech. <3
Now before I start mine, I will preface that I bet Ran that our speeches would be almost the same. So you get to hear it first from me you nerds.
The moment I met you, I knew you were special. That night we sat in Ren’s café and talked for hours about lord knows what, I felt a connection. Even though you were this mysterious cool guy I just met, I felt like, hey I need to talk to this guy more.
As the years slowly passed I found myself wanting to be in your presence more often. All because you made everything in my life a little bit brighter. So, I’d always try to attend farm parties, Jagd events, or even idle in front of the market board to strike up a conversation if my schedule allowed it. Then when I could catch you in a voice call, I made it my mission to get you to laugh. Because it’s honestly one of my favorite things about you.
These small moments made me happy. And when we got separated, I felt devastated. I felt like I left a part of me behind. Though I dismissed it as I miss my friends in the FC. Although it was true, when I looked a little deeper, I was mostly missing you.
When I finally had enough and did come back, you were still there by the bell, and greeted me with a /dote. My heart swelled with joy.
When I was going through hard times, you were there for me. Talking me, listening to me… I felt seen and heard. That’s when I knew you were my missing piece, but I did not want to ruin what we had.
I could never stop talking about you before and it totally got worse despite wanting to maintain balance. Always leading with a “My buddy Ran-”. Convincing myself we are just friends. Ignore the fact that we started spending more time together in call. And that I plastered art of him all over the FC discord. And that we should totally ship our characters “for fun” and you agreed. Ahem…
We finally stopped dancing around each other when I was at Tyr’s convention, after a little adventure. My shy guy told me how he truly felt. Everything screeched to a halt, and I was flabbergasted and elated, unable to believe this was truly happening. You made me the happiest person in the world that day! I would have never bet on you being the one brave enough to say something first. And I am glad you were.
Since we’ve been together I have learned so much about you! I can confidently say you are the biggest nerd and goofiest guy I’ve ever met. Not this suave cool dude, as I initially thought. (As you tell me, you never claimed to be cool.) But you know… I wouldn’t have it any other way. This just made me love you even more.
So today I will tell you all that I found my person, my gerblin, my gay little treasure that I want to hold dear for as long as I am able. And I vow to do whatever it takes to be the partner he deserves.
I love you Ran, with all my heart.
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nobutakafairclough · 5 months
Oh hey! The YouTube channel is up to 100 views! A very solid start so far. The next episode I will be uploading is my interview with my friends Astrid and Kitsu about dating and romance in FFXIV.
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Fox Ears- 4
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AN: Hey! I have never written a scene like this before, so I’m not really sure how to make the subtle things clear. So, I’m just making a note here. Kitsu is very much so enjoying what’s happening, her panic is about not being good enough for Hiral
CW: dubcon, spice, intimate whumper, touch-starved whumpee, pet whump, kitsunemimi whumpee
After everyone had left, Hiral gestured for Kitsu to follow her. They walked up to Hiral’s bedroom where the witch climbed onto her bed and leaned amongst her plethora of pillows.
She patted her lap, “Come here, little fox.”
Kitsu carefully climbed on top of their mistress, straddling her lightly, just like before. They hoped she would play with their hair again. They settled down on Hiral’s lap, feeling comfortable and enjoying the contact, and closed their eyes.
Kitsu’s eyes flew open as Hiral hooked a finger under their collar and pulled, forcing their hands on either side of her head to keep from falling, “I said, come here, little fox.” she said, looking at the kitsunemimi amorously
The fox looked at their mistress in confusion and blushed bright red, completely unsure of what to do from here. They were there. They did what she said. The trainers never told her what to do if this happened. They had no idea what to do. What if they did a bad job? They wanted to please their mistress.
Hiral smiled wolfishly and wrapped her arms around Kitsu’s waist, pulling them flush against her. All of Kitsu’s thoughts immediately left their mind and their head became fuzzy from all the physical contact.
“Mmm, you look so cute like this, my pet. What are you thinking?”
“I- I’m not s-sure,” Kitsu panted, “I- I can't r- really think. My head is too foggy. This feels really n- nice, though.”
She slid her tongue up their neck before biting down on their throat lightly, causing them to gasp, “Perfect,” purred Hiral
“M- Mistress?”
“Yes, little fox?” Hiral smiled at the obvious but mild panic in her pet’s eyes
Kitsu wanted to tell their mistress their worries but decided against it. If they just obeyed perfectly, everything would be fine. “Are you o- okay? Y- you seem sort of s- stressed.”
“Ugh, yes, I'm fine. It's just that Aria can be so frustrating sometimes, you know?” she said, placing her hands on the fox’s hip and pulling them closer
“N- no, mistress,” they gasped, putting their face in the crook of Hiral’s neck, “I- I don't kn- know. I'm sorry.”
“Of course, you don't know. You've only just met her. And you're just a pet, so you wouldn't notice anyway.”
“If you're going to have your face there, you may as well make yourself useful,” said Hiral, tilting her head to expose her neck a bit more
They hesitantly began softly kissing Hiral’s neck, enjoying every ounce of contact they could.
“Mmmh, good girl. Anyways, yes. Aria can be so uptight. It's quite draining, always trying to please her. And Dia always has an extreme amount of excess energy and that is quite draining as well. I suppose Zavir is the only one who isn't draining to be around.”
“I- I know I am just a p- pet but, i- if you don't mind me asking, mistress, why are you friends with them if y- you don't enjoy being around them?”
Hiral hummed thoughtfully, brushing a strand of Kitsu’s hair behind their ear, “Well, Dia decided that I was her friend a ways back, and my parents wanted to get on good terms with her father, so I did what any dutiful daughter would and made nice with her. And Aria is the next in line to the throne of Meadai, so it is only best that I stay on her good side. Do you understand, little fox?”
“Y- yes, mistress. Thank you for explaining. I'm sorry for questioning you.”
She pushed Kitsu backward and climbed on top of them, “That’s alright, my little pet.”
“But, I'm done talking now,” she said, grabbing Kitsu’s wrists and pinning them down on the bed
Taglist: @kim-poce @druidx @acetheaxolotl7 @crow-with-1-knife @hypnokittynicole @star-mochi-draws @mothmxwhump @teamwhump @boonasaurusrex
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nickeverdeen · 1 year
id love a matchup so so much! i usually go by kitsu or kit(my chosen name), any pronouns (im genderfluid), the bigger the group the less i talk and vice versa. one on one communication is usually my favorite way to bond. i love learning about others and have a big passion for psychology. im also down to appreciate all types of art, but especially theater and writing. anime nerd, video game nerd, DND nerd, nerd nerd, you name it its probs me lol i read tarot cards and am usually pretty spiritual. my ideal style would be pastel goth. oh! neurodivergent and mentally ill. generally optimistic in perspective despite those factors. thank you so much for taking the time to do these! they are appreciated! *head pats (if consenting)*
Hey, thanks for the request - I don’t know which gender you’re attracted to so I hope male one it is?
Your Spider-Man Across The Spiderverse match is…
Miles Morales
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Calls you just Kit as he’s not really into pet names
Makes sure you’re comfortable whenever he uses a different pronouns for you
(He just doesn’t wanna mess things up)
Miles also preferes the one on one conversation
At the start of your relationship he is very nervous and asks for premission to even hold your hand
But over time he grows more confident amd protective
You’re the only person Miles fully vents to as he trusts you the most of all people
Art? Does spraying count?
Miles would show off with his drawing and spraying talent
Helps you draw or spray something if you wanna
He’s not really into theater so most of the time he’d decline
Miles doesn’t know much of an anime, but he’ll gladly watch it with you
Tells you which one os his favourite after you all finished all
He’s kidna nerd himself so he gets you
Needs support with all his spider duties
He doesn’t tell you he is Spider-Man in order to protect you
Let’s face it - his mother would have hard time accepting you or really anyone for her son
Helps you with stuff whenever you need
Miles vents to you and hopes that you trust him enough to share your problems
Tries to cheer you up whenever you’re tired
Values your optimism a lot as he isn’t really optimistic and needs a hope
Says “I love you” everytime before he leaves to go out or just on random
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butcherfoxes · 1 year
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kitcubus · 2 years
꒰ KITSU'S SECRETS ꒱ ! ──── he's tellin' you anyways‥
minors , terfs , homophobics , misogynists , please do not interact.
Please, do note that this is a dark blog , meaning , sensitive and triggering topics are present. Heed my warnings before reading my writing. If you ever get triggered or offended , that is none of my concern.
NONE of my fics are curated to female readers or female aligned readers. If you ever interact with my fics , I will NOT resort to blocking you permanently, just please don't start being weird about it.
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༉‧₊˚✧ ꒰ KITSU ACCEPTS ! ꒱ ー ☆
noncon & dubcon , bottom reader , sub reader , dom reader , dacryphilia , breeding kink , mpreg , name fetish , degradation , incest , pseudo-incest , spit roasting , objectification , feminization , etc.
༉‧₊˚✧ ꒰ KITSU REJECTS ! ꒱ ー ☆
top reader , scat , piss , ddlb , fem!reader reqs , foot fetish , big age gap ( spec. minor x adult ) , requests that has a homophobic/transphobic material or content ー i just don't fuck with those.
( hey , i also accept anons :3 ) ♡
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ninetailedvulpecula · 2 years
Stargaze - for our muses to relax on a blanket watching the stars
The bustling party atmosphere had become too much for the Kitsune.
Ducking outside into the garden, away from the music and dancing of the ballroom, the fox had made their way to a corner of the finely manicured grounds, looking for a small escape. Something to ease the heart pounding in their chest and the dizzying champagne that fogged their mind.
They were glad to know they weren’t alone with craving a quiet moment, finding Jed on a blanket, gazing up at the stars above. The fox made their way over to the killer laying on the grass, assuming the Ghost wouldn’t mind a bit of company.
“Hey Jed… I missed you.” Kitsu sat down on the blanket, their tails curling to the side as to not take up all of the soft fabric. It seemed as if it has been awhile since they last saw him, and they hoped their presence was still welcome.
“Mind if I join you?”
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kitsu-katsu · 2 years
KITSU hey whats up man idk hownlong youve had ur header for but i rlly adore it . such vibes
TEA!! Thank you very much, man :D
I changed it like two days ago hakakja
I'm still proud of that drawing I did over a year ago by now, glad it brings vibes
c!Wilbur the most character to ever <3
(Here's the link to the og post of it in case anyone wants it in high res btw)
(And a bonus link to the Tubbo one I'm using on desktop, that one's really cute)
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jellieskellie · 2 years
Kitsu was an angel, pretty much all her life. Specifically she was an guardian angel.
However, there was another angel who would often bug them and critique their methods
Kitsu tried to ignore them but one day she just snapped, thus making her a fallen angel
After adjusting to her new life, they have taken an interest in the various cults that would happen in the overworld. Eventually she would find the cult that Bob was a part of
Noticed Bob almost immediately and thought that he had “potential”
They would watch over him for a while before the events of the first sm which he went to jail
With her not being able to accept this, they decide to break him out
So this would be the first time they would meet face-to-face. Bob doesn’t really understand who, or what, they are but hey he gets out of jail
As thanks, he offers to cook her something, which Kitsu never turns down food
They become good friends pretty quickly
Maybe even crush on each other? 👀
Bob is sort of surprised that Kitsu isn’t phased by his.. “hobbies”
Heck, they even help him
She’ll just randomly come home with someone’s arm or leg or even an entire body
“We aren’t too different, you and I”
Doesn’t elaborate further
Even though she doesn’t need much protecting, Bob always makes sure that Kitsu is okay
He’ll help them whenever they are feeling anxious, especially when in public
Talking for them and all that
Bob one day just started holding Kitsu’s hand whenever they went out
Uhh that’s normal for friends, right?
I’m gonna end this here because I’ve ran out of ideas, I may do a part two. I hope you enjoyed listening to my deranged ramblings
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chocolaminity · 7 months
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howdy hey!! you can call me Minty or Deska (or Minska, if you want!) and I use mirror pronouns!!! I'm a silly queer autistic creacher who likes to keep things consistently inconsistent :3
my ask box is constantly open!! feel free to send me a letter about whatever whenever :]
currently hyperfixating on Inazuma Eleven!!!
(I should probably mention that I have not finished watching the entire series yet and have only finished watching the og anime!! so please be mindful when talking to me about it ^_^)
other things I love: art, animation, character design(ing), music, insects/bugs, personality type systems, Homestuck, Sanrio, dhmis, probably some more!! who knows :)
fuck you @/skylardoesthings @/local-user 🖕 (affectionate)
(common tag list under the read more!)
#Minty babbles (for my text posts)
#Minty doodles (for my art)
#Minty reblogs (for posts I reblog)
#obligatory oc tag (personal tag for my OCs)
-> I also tag specific OCs with #oc - [name] (ex- #oc - Kitsu for Kitsu)
#thank you for the letter :] (for responses from the inbox)
I tag trigger warnings with JUST the trigger warnings (ex- flashing gifs and images with bright colours are #eyestrain, art that contains gore are #gore, etc), if I miss anything please let me know!!!
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juiceofmoons · 11 months
Hey Rena! It's me, the anon with the kitsune request 🦊. I don't want to ask anything or to be a bother, but I accidentally deleted my old account 🥲.
I was so upset after losing everything. I came back as fast as I could to see if you were still here. I really like what you do and how dedicated you are to everything. Finally, I hope I didn't scare you or you don't hate me. I wanted to see if you were ok (I'm sorry, my social skills are very bad and I don't really know how to talk with people). Have a good day/ night.🫂
hi anon! 🦊
oh no!! sorry to hear you lost your old account :(( thank you for your kind words <3 I really enjoyed making the kitsue mb bc it suits him so well so thanks for that request! was also really fun to do the colouring <3 I really like doing the mythical creature ones 💜
also sorry it took me a while to do but if you haven't seen it, here it is :)) I hope you are doing well 😊 have a good day/night too!
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