#also dancing Thancred was there
pumkinbones · 11 months
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@discountdps and my eternal bonding ceremony! It was gorgeous and so much fun. It was honestly the most special thing to me. I will treasure this moment always. I love you so much.
I will put my speech below the cut. It's similar to my partner's but we practically have same brain. It made me tear up writing it and then I did actually cry for Kitsu's speech. <3
Now before I start mine, I will preface that I bet Ran that our speeches would be almost the same. So you get to hear it first from me you nerds.
The moment I met you, I knew you were special. That night we sat in Ren’s café and talked for hours about lord knows what, I felt a connection. Even though you were this mysterious cool guy I just met, I felt like, hey I need to talk to this guy more.
As the years slowly passed I found myself wanting to be in your presence more often. All because you made everything in my life a little bit brighter. So, I’d always try to attend farm parties, Jagd events, or even idle in front of the market board to strike up a conversation if my schedule allowed it. Then when I could catch you in a voice call, I made it my mission to get you to laugh. Because it’s honestly one of my favorite things about you.
These small moments made me happy. And when we got separated, I felt devastated. I felt like I left a part of me behind. Though I dismissed it as I miss my friends in the FC. Although it was true, when I looked a little deeper, I was mostly missing you.
When I finally had enough and did come back, you were still there by the bell, and greeted me with a /dote. My heart swelled with joy.
When I was going through hard times, you were there for me. Talking me, listening to me… I felt seen and heard. That’s when I knew you were my missing piece, but I did not want to ruin what we had.
I could never stop talking about you before and it totally got worse despite wanting to maintain balance. Always leading with a “My buddy Ran-”. Convincing myself we are just friends. Ignore the fact that we started spending more time together in call. And that I plastered art of him all over the FC discord. And that we should totally ship our characters “for fun” and you agreed. Ahem…
We finally stopped dancing around each other when I was at Tyr’s convention, after a little adventure. My shy guy told me how he truly felt. Everything screeched to a halt, and I was flabbergasted and elated, unable to believe this was truly happening. You made me the happiest person in the world that day! I would have never bet on you being the one brave enough to say something first. And I am glad you were.
Since we’ve been together I have learned so much about you! I can confidently say you are the biggest nerd and goofiest guy I’ve ever met. Not this suave cool dude, as I initially thought. (As you tell me, you never claimed to be cool.) But you know… I wouldn’t have it any other way. This just made me love you even more.
So today I will tell you all that I found my person, my gerblin, my gay little treasure that I want to hold dear for as long as I am able. And I vow to do whatever it takes to be the partner he deserves.
I love you Ran, with all my heart.
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scionshtola · 7 days
i was doing a dungeon with trust right now trying to figure out why y'shtola was Last on the aggro table and when i looked at her she was standing by the boss, not casting and hitting it with her staff
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warlordfelwinter · 8 months
actually getting emotional at the credits. endwalker is the expansion i've been here for, i can't really believe it's officially over...
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headcanons-n-shit · 10 months
Your newest post reminded me i had an idea. The bois comforting wol who is having a nervous brakedown from all the stress. Bonus Ardbert.
I really like your stories. Especially the angsty ones.
(TAZ The Breakdown plays in the background)
(Mild shadowbringers spoilers)
Thancred literally (accidentally but still) disassociated so hard from the stress that he gave up his body to the bad guy for a bit. If anyone gets what youre going through, its probably going to be him. Hes not going to waste his time on empty platitudes: hes going to get you a glass of water, a warm blanket, and a hot meal, and let you cry it out on his shoulder for as long as you need to.
(And if that still doesnt help, well. Sex is still on the table. Its rarely a good idea, but hes all out of those.)
Urianger is probably breaking down with you lets be real. Every future my mans has ever read has included world-ending catastrophe, and, sure, youve thwarted it every time (usually with his help) but. What if this time you dont? What if this time you fail???? Its an unreasonable amount of stress for one man to be carrying. He probably does a fantastic amount of fantasy weed to cope and still all it takes is seeing you break down for him to also start blubber-crying.
Graha seems kind of detached and distant at first. "Shower water food" he commands you, in the voice of Lynas grandfather the Crystal Exarch, firm and uncompromising and impossible to disobey, and you might miss the way his voice and smile are strained. The way his hands clench and unclench at his sides. Hes never regretted turning back time to help you save two worlds, but. Its times like this that he wonders if he shouldnt try again to give you a happier ending.
Estinien is a firm hand on your shoulder, a steady shoulder to lean on, because he gets it. The feeling of being trapped in your own body, puppetted by powers so much greater than you can imagine, almost greater than you can comprehend... Youre breaking down for the both of you, honestly, because hes spent so long training the iron discipline to resist nidhoggs influence that he doesnt know how to anymore. This is. Cathartic. For the both of you tbh.
Aymeric wishes in this moment, more than anything, that he could just. Just be with you. Out on your journeys, giving you support by your side instead of from a distance. And he knows, he knows, that the support he gives you is important, that his ability to move nations in your favor has helped far more than any single sword at your side ever would. But he bears the weight of a nation while you bear the weight of a star, and that just. Doesnt seem fair to him.
Haurchefant knows that theres some things that hot chocolate cant fix but. Its a good starting place if nothing else. Something warm and sweet right now couldnt hurt, neither would a soft blanket and a roaring fire. He'll sit with you, bundled up together, and just listen if thats what you need. Or he can talk-- he has plenty of embarrassing stories about Artoirel that he hasnt shared yet. Either way, he'll happily help you wipe your tears away when youre done, and then drop a delicate kiss on your forehead.
Stand tall, he says. A smile better suits a hero.
Sidurgu is surprisingly good at this. Or, maybe not so surprising? Rielle is very mature for her age, but shes still a child. He probably does this whole song and dance every other week. And you feel a little bit like a child, the way he bullies you into the shower and then bundles you up in blankets and pushes food at you, but. Beneath the gruff words and scowl you can tell hes worried. Frustrated. This is exactly the kind of injustice that as a dark knight he swore he would fight, but hes just one man, there isnt much he can do about the desolation of the star. But he also needs you to know that he'll always be in your corner. Whether in this little way or if you need him to help you kill a god, he'll always come when you call.
Ardbert has never felt so helpless in his life. He cant touch you, cant be a shoulder you can cry on. He cant even fetch you a glass of water. All he can do is stand there and watch as you break apart in your bed in the Pendants, and its. Its torture, worse than anything any ascian could ever conceive.
Still. He does what he can. And if all he can do is sit at your bedside, his hand hovering half-through yours in a mockery of touch while he tells you stories of his adventures, or friendship and triumph and happier times, well. Its the least he can do.
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tsunael · 2 months
fic authors self rec
When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Spread the love ❤️
I was tagged by @myreia !! I don't have any published fics because I can barely call myself a writer. I just have endless wips that go nowhere.
If you're a writer consider yourself tagged.
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—01. Something About Fray.
FFXIV | Tsuna + Fray Mature | body horror, gore.
-> Part of a HW fic that would include Tsuna letting go of inhibitions, and learning of the nature of her Fray in the process... and how he was never really there to begin with.
The pain in her head had moved southwind to burn a hole into her breast, as if her own heart had set itself ablaze square between her ribs and fanned itself with every breath. Weakly, she lifted her head to stare into the abyss.
—02. Peaches.
FFXIV | Tunasan Explicit | a rat eating a piece of fruit fucknasty waxing poetic style
-> A part of a much larger fic about the months Tsuna spent recovering in Sharlayan, and how they can't quite seem to stay away from one another now that it's all said and done.
She tittered behind her hand. “You would simply come through the window again regardless.” “– And you would do well to keep it locked, else a thief in the night may just steal you away.” He brought out her smile, though it fell rueful as her voice went soft, marred by a cynical edge that did not suit her. “After all that has happened…” She drew out a deep sigh before craning up to look him, her eyes, searching. “… I would welcome it.”
—03. Onto death.
Persona 3 | Akihiko Sanada + end game character Everyone | major spoilers for P3 -> Once upon a time I used to RP Akihiko.
“ I’m not afraid, ” he says onto death, softly, kindly.
—04. La bise.
Persona 3 + Persona 5 | Akihiko + Haru Okumura. Everyone | Spoilers for both games.
-> A hypothetical... time-skip situation that I used to enjoy thinking about a lot.
“ You look like you don’t belong here, Okumura. ” His words betray his expression, still rueful of this hypoxic environment.  “ ‘Guess that makes two of us. ”
—05. Rumour.
FFXIV | Tunasan + Aymeric mention. Everyone | haha yay🌈
-> The most guilty pleasure, self-indulgent GARBAGE of a fic that I would love nothing more than to read but I'm not talented enough to continue. Something about Tsuna getting invited by Aymeric to some ball.
Would totally include Tunasan being bitter, jealous exes, spiteful corset tightening, and height differences that are so ridiculous that dancing is actually impossible. Tataru (yay) and Emmanellain (derogatory) are also there.
“Jealousy, is it…?” Her painted lips hissed about the word but her resulting smile was sour at the edges. She slowly tilted her head sidelong in mute challenge. “How many years has it been, Thancred?” He licked his teeth as his eyes flickered at the corners. A mad glance at the wall told her all she needed to know. 
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windupaidoneus · 17 days
the workplace drama in the modern AU must go crazy.
under the cut w the highest hopes that makes it not show up in the searches. no one look at me.
it is downright infernal. the scions & the ascians are coworkers. fourchenault is there. nero is there. yotsuyu is there. asahi is banned from the workplace. the zeroes can be here if you all wish them to be. somehow zenos & emet coexist at similar ish ages. siblings? can you imagine? horrifying prospect. i think it's funny if it's the case. fandaniel has no reason to take on asahi's appearance anymore but he does it to uh, piss asahi off, i guess. guy who puts himself in a situation he doesn't like ("double date" with zenos & hilde/emet. no one is happy about this. he's not at all into zenos or anything this is purely a self destructive act that everyone involved either agreed to to humour him hoping for some reason this was an actual thing he wanted to do, went along because who give a shit or went along because someone begged them to try & humour him. yeah that's hilde zenos & emet in order) to be a nuisance to someone else. maybe he's friends with yotsuyu. maybe that's why he's trying to ruin asahi's life. compels me. on that note i wonder what fandaniel would go by. amon perhaps? seems to be what he'd favour at least like. from what i can tell. he's probably a system. in fact i can't imagine him not plural
i havent decided if athena is alive or dead in that scenario. athena being alive would be horrifying probably. i feel like she would somehow find a way to make going to work as high stakes as endwalker is. due to her problems. it's very scary to think about! emet steals thancred's lunch & gives it to hilde as a "gift" (he is NOT eating that himself & he knows hilde needs to eat more than he does so. he gets the free lunch) every single time someone steals his own lunch. doesn't matter if thancred isn't the one who stole it because emet does not like him
i think estinien steals the lunch more often than not & it's entirely bc he forgot what he brought/if he brought anything at all. causing the eighth calamity by being forgetful & he's just sitting there eating the food without a care in the world
there most certainly is some evil shit going on there but tbh a lot of it is everyone being exposed to cid & nero doing whatever the fuck it is they do. because they're both there. yeah this office has five billion employees (ok some of them are just there in the AU due to their connections w other characters who do work at the office. but i'll work out who does what at a later date). when haurchefant brings pastries for everyone it is a beautiful day where no one fights WRONG!!! all out war. even though he made sure to bring enough for everyone. also hilde & haurche probably dated in high school then parted on good terms at some point. of course bc of hildes #problems. they're still good friends
i like to think the whole thing w hilde & emet is being like. followed with bated breath by a lot of them. because they really dance around it for so long it just becomes the office's sports to watch them will they wont they lmao. nero doesnt give a fuckkkk hes usually mostly here to do repairs & whatnot until he hears thancred complain about it at which point he makes a completely uncalled for remark toward him in which 1. he probably has 0 stakes in 2. he may not even have any room to speak on the matter in question he's just ready & willing to be a bitch to the guy being a bitch abt his brother. yes they are still brothers in this au. good luck to this office
the ascian/ancient beef is unparalleled though. i shudder to think of what nabriales brings to the table.
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nayci · 4 months
Tagged by the lovely @keldae. (I didn't forget about this I swear…)
Thing of note, I am an unashamed Canon x OC/Reader fan soooo take that for what you will. lol
3 Ships
Joshua Rosfield/Suraya Murdoch (Final Fantasy 16) These two have lived rent-free in my head and my soul since Final Fantasy 16 game out. Still waiting for it to come to PC so I can actually play it but I digress. Hasn't stopped my brain from coming up with something. Somehow their story ended up being childhood friends to lovers to boot. Normally I go for an older man, younger woman vibe. But for these two? It's reversed and it's wild and I adore it. Joshua being the inheritor of the Rosarian Duchy and Suraya being the adopted daughter of Rodney and Hanna Murdoch. So, the two of them inadvertently got pushed together during the early years since her father wanted her to get the most out of her upbringing, self-defense being a top priority along with her studies. Suraya was and still is incredibly protective of Joshua's happiness and hated his mother with a burning passion for how she treated all of them, even to her own detriment. That said, Joshua formed feelings first when they were children, but never had a chance to speak of them before the fall of Phoenix Gate. So it was years before anything could happen. Suraya on the other hand, never had a chance to even think about it until they were reunited, and she had to come to terms with the fact that her ten-year-old friend was no longer a boy, but was actually a young man determined to bring her the happiness and joy she gave him, should she wish it.
Vergil/Alya (Devil May Cry) These two shitheads have also been living rent-free in my head since 2019 and have given me at least five different massive fanfic reworks since then. And it continues to morph and change so I just keep flipping my desk over at this point. Anyway, for these two it was never an overt thing. They pretty much fell together without ever explicitly talking about it as neither was looking for a relationship. Behind the scenes Dante was over Vergil's bullshit, Trish and Lady were over Alya's bullshit, and Nero was like: fuck that I'm not getting involved, and watched from the sidelines with Nico who had a betting pool that everyone was in on much to the pair's annoyance after the fact. Either way, Alya wanted answers after her father was murdered and Devil May Cry is who ended up coming to her aid. To that end, it opens up a massive can of demons and angels. But those angels aren't your traditional light and loving kind. Having the upbringing Vergil had, or lack thereof after his mother's death, he was always wary about opening up again, and in many ways still is, but Alya takes it in stride. And for that, Vergil is silently grateful. In turn, he is her protector and rock, and a good listening ear. What he can't say in verbal words, he will say in written poetry. This is more of my status quo, older man, younger woman vibe, but with the added bonus of magic, demons, and a slow-burn romance.
Graha Tia/Khulan Noykin (Final Fantasy 14) Listen, when I got into Final Fantasy 14 back during ARR, me and my Warrior of Light didn't think too much of the Allagan cat boy. He was a friend, nothing more to her at the time, and while she did mourn for him when he locked himself in the Crystal Tower, she also understood. Plus, she was dealing with her own feelings for a certain rogue bard soon-to-be gunbreaker. It wasn't until Shadowbringers that Graha Tia came in dropkicking Khulan in the face, and Thancred being a complete ass didn't help. Khulan during this time saw much of herself in Graha Tia's willingness to die for a cause and hated it. Not him of course, but seeing a mirror of some of your faults is never a fun thing. As their friendship developed after defeating Emet Selch, it eventually became a dance around the subject of feelings. Graha never feeling like he was good enough for her and Khulan feeling the exact same way but of herself towards him. Everyone else saw it as it was blatantly obvious, but the events of Endwalker came before anything could become of it. Khulan ends up in a dark place during this time, almost robotic like her ARR self, but a lot more deadly than her early days of being just an arcanist. It's when she begins losing her friends that the walls around her heart begin to break, and Graha's sacrifice was the breaking point. When all of it was over and they were back home, the two of them start to explore something more as Khulan recovered from her fight with Zenos. Now, going into the events of Dawntrail, me nor Khulan know where this is going to go. But hey! it's a new adventure!
First Ship
We're going back to when I was but a small eight/nine year old child and loved Ash and Misty as a pairing. During this time I didn't know what fandom was or that people wrote fanfic and created art. So it was mostly me creating terrible drawings. Did I self insert into pokemon as well? Of course I did! lol
Last Song
"The Phoenix" from Fall Out Boy. I just discovered it after find a GMV for Final Fantasy 16. It was so good I had to find it in my Apple Music and is now on repeat. I regret nothing regarding my hyperfixation.
Currently Reading
"A Court of Thorns and Roses" by Sarah J. Maas. Yes I'm late to the game, but hey! I made it! Am I only on chapter 3? Also yes, but hey, I'll get throgh it eventually.
Last Film
I think it was Mission Impossible 3? It was on at work so it was just background noise.
Currently Craving
A vacation. A true, real, good vacation. Tagging anyone who wants to do it
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dainesanddaffodils · 4 months
Y’all uh. holy fucking shit I’ve finished Endwalker! So here we have the last (pre-Dawntrial) breakdown of Cimorene’s feelings on her friends and comrades!
Thoughts post-ARR | Thoughts post-Heavensward | Thoughts post-Stormblood | Thoughts post-Shadowbringers
And now, without further ado, Cimorene Greystone’s post-Endwalker relationship vibes!!
Estinien - after some awkward dancing around it - that everyone picked up on - they’re finally officially lovers (after he came to her room. you know the moment.) Cimorene truly loves everything about this ridiculous man, trusts and understands and respects him and knows he feels the same - but also neither is really used to a Conventional Courtship so currently things are a little touch-and-go as they figure out where they want to go moving forward
Alphinaud - her dearest and most beloved baby brother now and always. There is nothing more to say; he means everything to her.
Alisaie - her dearest and darlingest baby sister now and always. Deserves the fucking world and also A Break.
Thancred - the work friend to real friend pipeline kicked into high gear this expansion, though admittedly for a minute it was much more on his side than hers (and took her off guard when she realized how close he considered them). Now he’s a bestie and she cares deeply for him.
Urianger - you did it buddy! you got Cimorene to care about you! Maybe if, as you yourself point out, you’d talked to her before now it would have been sooner! Nonetheless better late than never and she looks upon you - and your relationship with Thancred - with fondness.
Y'shtola - bestie now and always. Cimorene loved getting to spend more time with her while dealing with the Thirteenth. She thinks her world-hopping ambitions are a bit Insane, but like, affectionately - and also if anyone could pull it off, it's her. She can't wait to see where she goes, figuratively and literally.
Krile - That's! Cimorene's! mom! She loves her very much and she is thrilled beyond words that she's going to be on their next adventure, properly. It's what she fucking deserves! (but also nothing is allowed to hurt her or Cimorene will riot)
G'raha - is a lot more chill with him now that he, himself, is a little more chill around her. I'd still say she considers him like a close work friend, but like, she's open to that growing down the line
Tataru - absolute fucking queen who 100% deserves her own trade empire. Cimorene has her back for anything she needs going forward
Vrtra - Cimorene loves him so so so much. Her strong attachment to Midgardsormr means that she met Vrtra and felt immediately protective of him (and he, in turn, of her). Conversely, however, she never feels… at ease around Varshahn because he constantly gives her Uncanny Valley Heebie-Jeebies, even though she knows it’s Vrtra. In spite of this she still cares deeply and would do anything for him.
Matsya - BEST BOYYYYYYYY full stop lmao
Nidhana - Cimorene is like, ever so slightly intimidated by her and her scientific enthusiasm but like, also not in a bad way. Cimorene's just not science-minded at all so half of the things she says go very much over her head. But she's so sweet that it doesn't really matter in the end
Hythlodaeus - i the player love him. Cimorene loves him. Cimorene’s Azem loved him. Most beloved of characters of all time methinks
Hades - Cimorene’s Azem’s relationship with him is that one post that’s like “ships that appear unhealthy but when you consider the two people involved this is actually the healthiest thing for them” and that colors a lot of how Cimorene interacts with him. Like this constant “fuck you” said with unbearable levels of affection.
Venat - Cimorene never, uh, fully trusted Hydaelyn and she feels really bad about that now lmao Venat is so good and Cimorene now holds her in such high esteem like. This woman is Everything.
Hermes - She feels bad for him... like, she does, really. But also. Your hubris, man. Your hubris. She watches him unintentionally orchestrate his and his world's downfall with such precision and is helpless to stop him and so it's never hate. it's not even pity. It's just a sad, tired resignation.
Meteion - baby girl you never asked for this. you just wanted flowers and candy apples and were instead given this man's depression and existential dread and an insane amount of unstable untested power. this wasn't your fault. like... it was, but Cimorene never blames her.
Zenos - no amount of philosophical posturing is going to convince Cimorene that you have anything whatsoever in common - or even make you interesting to her. she does not think about you at all. leave her alone.
Zero - took all of 5 seconds for Cimorene to say 'this is my sibling now.' She's very protective of her but also is always worried she'll say the wrong thing while teaching her the World - and is glad others have also hopped in to help in that regard. Is so proud of her growth and her heart. Wants only good things for her now and always
… and that’s all she wrote!! This is kinda insane to think about really
See you all in Dawntrail!!
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dragons-bones · 1 year
FFXIV Write Entry #30: Denouement
Prompt: amity || Master Post || On AO3
A/N: I'm a little sad I have to break my streak of "tear out my readers' hearts" with my last prompt fill of the challenge, but alas, the prompt just did not at all work with the idea seed I had on the backburner. Ah well, always next year! Instead, we come full circle. :)
Were he still a wet-behind-the-ears sixteen-year-old, Alphinaud imagined he would probably be crediting himself for the sight before him.
Synnove’s yard was crammed with tables and chairs dragged from her house or hurriedly purchased from the carpenters at Red Rooster Stead, arranged in such a way as to ensure the riot of color that was her garden remained relatively unscathed. The core of the Scions of the Seventh Dawn were all present—himself, Alisaie, Thancred, Y’shtola, Urianger, Estinien, Krile, Tataru, G’raha, and the four Warriors of Light—and not for the first time, he stifled a giggle at the sight of half their number all bearing white hair. Rereha had a point that they seemed to collect them, particularly after they practically bullied Estinien into joining.
(A pang throbbed in his heart; he missed the acerbic wit of Papalymo, and wondered how the thaumaturge would have gotten along with their newer members.)
There were Hoary Boulder and Coultenet, and Ochre Boulder and the Cockburne sisters, and Riol and F’lhaminn. There were former Scions, too—Lyse, of course, currently engaged in a three-way push-up competition with his sister and Dancing Heron, but also Arenvald and J’moldva and V’mah, cheering them on.
It was the ones who had never been Scions that were the most astounding guests.
Ser Aymeric was the least surprising, though at one point in time he might have been the most shocking one to see, considering Ishgard’s self-imposed isolation. He sat next to Synnove, the pair of them each with a carbunclet on their lap, the both of them deep in discussion with Thancred, Lucia (on a brief leave from the Ilsabard Contingent), Hilda, and Raubahn Aldynn. Nearby, Synnove’s aetherophysics advisor from her student days, Mhaslona, and Admiral Merlwyb presided over the large pit in which the food for the clam bake was cooking, the Admiral not hesitating to shove Ivar away with her foot whenever the ruby carbuncle came over to try to burrow into the coals.
At another table, Nanamo Ul Namo, Kan-E-Senna, and Rereha were introducing Lord Hien to Tonk; Alphinaud wasn’t sure who looked stranger to his eye in such casual dress, the Sultana or the Elder Seedseer. Perhaps the Seedseer; Kan-E wasn’t quite as focused on the cardgame, half her attention given over to a discussion with the Scion mages and Y’shtola keeping her wineglass topped off. And it looked like Nanamo and Rereha were using Kan-E’s distraction surreptitiously teaching Hien either how to count cards or how to quickly reshuffle the draw deck, with the Doman king’s shoulders shaking with laughter.
Alakhai, Estinien, and Yugiri in a knife-throwing competition was probably the least strange sight today.
From his place perched on the fence surrounding the yard, Alphinaud smiled and shook his head. Once, he had thought he had all the knowledge and answers to solve Eorzea’s problems; surely all the city-states needed was to be led in the right direction. His direction.
The arrogance of it.
“What’s got you so maudlin?”
He glanced over and smiled at his twin, who smiled back even as she easily hauled herself up onto the fence next to him.
“The arrogance of youth,” he drawled.
Alisaie snorted, and looked out over the yard. As always, he didn’t need to explain further for her to grasp what he meant; he dearly wished she would give herself more credit for her perceptiveness. “Well, it’s not like we played no part in the fate of the star,” she said.
“True,” Alphinaud said. Without thinking about it, he began tapping out a rhythm against the fence board with his heels. Alisaie joined in a moment later. “And it certainly it turned out far better than we ever dreamed.”
“I can’t believe the Sultana cheats at cards,” Alisaie muttered.
Alphinaud stifled a giggle. “I can,” he said. “She’s always had a bit of a devious streak.”
“And Rereha and the Admiral carefully cultivated it like an orchid in a hothouse.”
There was no stopping his laughter at that.
It wasn’t correct to say that everyone here was the dearest of friends, but the ease with which they all let down their barriers spoke of their mutual respect, that this time was an opportunity to rest and enjoy the fruits of all their labors. It had taken work to get here: Eorzea united, truly united, for the first time in their history, Ala Mhigo and Doma freed from the Garlean yoke, the Ascians gone with Zodiark and Hydaelyn and the Final Days.
And what better way to celebrate than with an old Scion tradition of gathering for food and drink and good company? The Final Days were averted and, most importantly, all four of the Warriors of Light were now declared fully hale and whole, no longer under the baleful eyes of the Sharlayan healer corps.
They were the true lynchpin to this wondrous gathering, the Warriors of Light. Everyone here had played some role in where they all were today, but without the four women around whom they orbited, would they have done it at all? Would they have defeated Gaius van Baelsar, or ended the Dragonsong War, or freed Doma and Ala Mhigo, saved the First, saved all of existence from the grief and loneliness of the Ancients echoing through time?
Alphinaud didn’t think so. It was their tenacity, their compassion, their utter ridiculousness, that truly brought all these people together and gave their star hope for a better future. Not that he’d be able to convince the four of them of that.
Well. Maybe one of them, though even she was more likely to merely play it up for humor rather than actually believe it.
“Oi, Alisaie! Bunny!”
Speak of the devil.
“Not that name,” Alphinaud groaned. It had been years since that accursed nickname had been leveled on him.
Rereha cackled as she bounded over to them. “Baby bunny,” she said, sing-song, “your hair is the same color as the loporrits’ fur. Your favorite color scheme for clothing is the same as theirs. You are ‘bunny’ forever!”
Alisaie threw back her head and laughed as he dropped his face into his hands. He took it all back, at least about Rereha Reha. She was a menace to society and it was a miracle she hadn’t incited an international incident by sleeping with the wrong person.
The pink-haired lalafell reached out with both hands, grinning. Alisaie took her right hand with a matching grin, and Alphinaud let out a put upon sigh—feigned, of course—but took Rereha’s left. Rereha tugged gently, and the twins hopped off the fence, letting her drag them across the yard as she skipped backwards.
“We’re putting a handicap on Heron for the push-up contest,” she said, “and we need both of you for it!”
“Why not just use Tyr?” Alphinaud said.
“Heron still has some limits right now, and Healingway will kill her if she exceeds them.”
Alisaie snorted a laugh, though Alphinaud was certain Rereha wasn’t exaggerating.
As they traversed the length of the yard to the corner where Heron and Lyse were, a flash of iridescent blue caught Alphinaud’s eye. He turned his head to follow it.
A small flock of bluebirds, each with a pair of long, graceful tailfeathers, were flitting above the yard, one with a sunflower bloom in its beak, and if he didn’t know better, he would have assumed they were playing a game of keep-away. The birds twirled and danced through the air before winging their way to perch on the lowest hanging branch of the oak tree in Synnove’s yard, from which hung a swing that currently played host to a napping Galette. The bluebird with the sunflower was in the middle of the flock, and even from here, Alphinaud could see her sharing the seeds with her sisters, as birdsong joined the chorus of chatter and laughter in the yard.
Alphinaud grinned as he followed his sister and their friend, and wondered what new adventures—and new friends—awaited them all on the morrow.
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eriyu · 6 months
Ehryu Raav
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Name: Ehryu Raav (don't mind that all the paperwork spells it "Ehriyu") Nicknames: Yu (to her family only) Age: 26 (at the beginning of ARR) Nameday: First Sun of the Second Umbral Moon Race: Keeper of the Moon Meracydian Miqo'te Gender: Female Orientation: Bisexual, greyromantic Profession: Adventurer :)
P H Y S I C A L     A S P E C  T S
Hair: Bubblegum pink, 2A, medium-long Eyes: Right: light blue. Left: light purple, pinker after rejoining with Ardbert Skin: Medium-light grey Tattoos/scars: No tattoos, miscellaneous scars (a couple from Endwalker, the rest from when she was younger and half her friends weren't absurdly accomplished healers)
Parents: Kinoh and Tavh'li :) Siblings: She's the oldest of five! There's Dyaala (1 year younger), Yuhl (6 years younger), Mhet (7 years younger), and Kinoh'a (10 years younger = the twins' age). Grandparents: ...around, I'm sure... I have vague ideas of a large extended family, but they're staying vague until I know more about her home. In-laws and Other: She's adopted the twins as additional little brother and sister if that counts. Pets: Her family had miscellaneous creatures around when she was little, but none of particular note. I don't think chocobos are considered pets.
Abilities: The big (obvious) ones are fighting, singing, playing instruments, and dancing. Is "inspiring people" an ability? Beyond that she's a jack of all trades — loves picking up every skill she can, but doesn't usually dedicate enough time to them to become a master. Hobbies: Again, everything she can get her hands on, at least briefly. It's a bit difficult to categorize things separately as "hobbies"... like she doesn't really put aside time to do certain activities; she just starts going in a direction and keeps going until she stops lmao.
Most Positive Trait: Selflessness :) (alternatively, unflagging optimism) Worst Negative: Selflessness (: (alternatively, failure to think things through)
Colors: Years ago, Yuhl told her that purple was "her color" and she ran with it, but honestly she loves all sorts of bright colors. Hot pink and yellow are up there. Smells: Grass, and rain. Streets full of different kinds of restaurants. Fresh laundry. Textures: Silk. Grass again. Marble. Not a whole lot that she dislikes, though. Drinks: Water with lemon or mint. Anything she's never had before. Whiskey.
O T H E R    D E T A I L S
Smokes: Nah, zero interest in it. Especially since she values her voice so much. Drinks: Socially. She'll enjoy getting completely trashed on special occasions when she's quite certain the end of the world isn't nigh. Drugs: Anything with significant health effects is off the table immediately, but she could be tempted to try anything that's fairly harmless by a friend. It's also possible that she and Thancred got super fucking high on their first trip to the Great Work due to a slight miscommunication about dosage differences between Arkasodara and smaller races... Mount Issuance: Her black chocobo and Argos are canon. Other MSQ-relevant ones like Maggie and the Yol are still around but probably not really "on call." Everything else is nebulous. Realistically does she own a flying car? Probably not. Can I still say she loves blasting the stereo on the Regalia? I sure can!!! Been Arrested: If she managed to avoid it from the bloody banquet all through Heavensward, I'm gonna say she's avoided it everywhere else too.
Tagged by: Nobody, I stole it from a long-dead blog :)
Tagging: @gatheredfates @lilbittymonster @tallbluelady @starrysnowdrop @calico-heart @nhaneh @wildstar25
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brineffxiv · 2 years
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We have been invited to a meeting of representatives of all the Alliance nations and the beast tribes.
(Wow, I wish the game would give me a better word to use, feels like a slur to call them "beasts". Also, though I realize them being 3d models would make this difficult, they should really be offered a seat at the table - literally - to make this feel like we actually respect them as equals. Having them stand at one end feels... not right.)
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And the meeting is fine and dandy, and we agree to form The Grand Company of Eorzea, and Kan-E-Senna asks Alphinaud to write up a report covering his experiences with the Crystal Braves and and and none of that matters because THIS BASTARD showed up!!
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I have slain gods who had committed lesser crimes than the words you just said to your children.
I don't care about the Final Days anymore; Zenos and Fandaniel can go bring about the end of the world and dance in the ashes for all I care. THIS bastard is my new target. I will make you eat those words Fourchenault Leveilleur. You should be ashamed of yourself, and as Hydaelyn is my witness I will make sure you are.
*mutters darkly*
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You have a clearer head than I, G'raha, I don't remember what he said besides his being an insufferable git. If the Forum wanted to distract me, that was a masterful way to do it. I'm still fuming.
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Oh dear. Looks like Fandaniel is leading a force to Carteneau. I wonder if Zenos will be accompanying him?
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But before we can leave on the airship, Fordola meets us and insists we must come with her.
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Oh Arenvald, I am so sorry. Is it your legs or your back? I'm sorry. How rude of me. I am glad to see you alive.
Arenvald can fight no longer, so he looks to Alphinaud to carry on where he cannot. Alphinaud doesn't feel like much of a hero, nor is he sure that he is the right person for the job, but Arenvald gives him a pep-talk and we go.
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Arenvald is obviously feeling very depressed about the loss he's suffered, but I am glad he has Fordola there for support (Ship it? Ship it). And I am glad it seems that, while he might no longer be able to wield a sword, he's not out of the fight just yet. I am... potentially hopeful we might see some good disability representation through him? It's already refreshing to see the idea that being disabled makes you useless so clearly and strongly rebutted.
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Aaaaaaa! Who are you making me fight as this time!?
Okay but I want those little figures. Please. Let me buy the whole set and put them on my desk.
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We gotta defend the aetheric confluence. This was painful. I am unskilled with these fights. Especially the one where I had to be Urianger. PAIN.
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(Fuck yes Ravana. My favorite primal!)
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Please no, Fandaniel. I don't need another homoerotic violence friendship. There is only room in my heart for one muderboyfriend.
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We won the day, and, while we could not save them all, we saved some. And that will have to be enough.
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I think this is hope.
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Yesss thank you game for appreciating my desire to make that man pay.
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Omg omg is that a scythe!? Is Zenos a Reaper now? Haha sweet.
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Um. What's that spiky edifice behind you there? Also, I just noticed there appear to be ruins of buildings everywhere?
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Oh yeah. That's gotta be the main tower that Thancred and Urianger espied in Garlemald. Or the final boss' lair. Possibly both. Spooky fucking thing, regardless.
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Opposite of hope?
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I kinda adore you, Zenos. You crazy bastard. I think you've fallen for me and don't know what to do with that, so express it the way you express everything else: violence!
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We have assessed the aetheric currents, and determined that the towers are being fueled by drawing upon the lands' aether directly. We must inform our allies of this.
But then...
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Hydaelyn!?!? After all this time, what brings you to speak with me? To send an avatar of yourself here?
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Oh shit. That's not good. Can you be a little more specific?
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Oh dear.
Aaand nobody else saw the glowing lady.
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Oooh and now the spooky moon is over us too.
And with that. I believe I have reached the end of Shadowbringers. The greatest expansion so far. I don't feel prepared to sum up an experience as profound as this was. Fantastic game. I am eager to get playing Endwalker.
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yezielmoore · 16 days
4. Reticent
I liked this prompt, I DID, but my brain and muse were refusing to cooperate with me. So i wrote something, but now we have jumped ahead in time. This would be in the aftermath of Ultima weapon.
Still in the isekai Himeko AU.
“So... what’s the hero of the hour doing all alone in a corner?” Thancred prodded airily. “On her special day no less!”
He was slouching slightly as he usually did when he was trying to be all suave and there was a smirk on his face. The usual fare for Thancred. Unfortunately, the impression was offset by the bags under his eyes and the tension in his jaw. He was also starting to sway a bit.  
Himeko snorted and patted the empty space next to her in the supply crate. It would be a snug fit, but, paradoxically, she trusted the rogue to keep his hands to himself unless she stated otherwise.
“Today is not about me and you know it,” she patted the empty space in her crate/seat. “Now sit your ass down before your minders realize you’re gone and come to lecture us both.”
The way he obeyed without a word of complaint spoke volumes of how off his game he currently was. Not that she could blame him. Possession had a special place in her personal shit list (right next to rape, above murder) and she wouldn’t wish what happened to him on her worst enemy.
No, not even Otto, as tempting as it was to wish him the worst the universe could offer.
“Nag,” the rogue joked.
Thancred’s voice brought her back to the present and something... in that moment a decision she hadn’t known she was debating, crystalized itself in her mind.
Decision made or not, Himeko still needed to take a minute to steel her nerves.  
“It comes in the job description, I’m afraid.”
“Oh?” His voice was light and pitched in such a way as to convey the correct amount of polite interest, just enough to be inviting, but not invasive. He was good. “I didn’t know career soldiers moonlighted as nurses in their spare time.”
Himeko snorted, every nurse she had met, soldier or civilian, had been terrors in their own ways.
They shared a moment of comfortable silence as she watched the eorzeans make merry and Thancred alternated between watching the crowd and trying to read her.
“It does come with the territory of teaching teenage girls,” she said at last. “I never told you lot about my home, did I?”
It was a rhetorical question. Himeko hadn’t trusted them enough to share her status as a... dimensional traveller? Reincarnation? Some strange mix of both? That her distrust proved to be well founded in the end was sad, because she could appreciate what the Scions of the Seventh Down stood for and she had liked some of those that had gone down in the Massacre of Vesper Bay.
That she felt like she could trust them now after the Ascians unknowingly cleaned house... well... It stung, and it was an observation she was in no hurry to share any time soon or ever.
Thancred shook his head. “You danced around the topic beautifully every time.” Was the wry reply. “It was extremely frustrating,” he added and shot her a crooked smile.
Not hard feeling there. At least not anymore. That was good.
“I think I’m ready to share that tale now.” Now that only the truly trustworthy remain, she didn’t say.
He raised an eyebrow. “It’s starting to sound like it’ll be a wild ride.”
Himeko laughed. It was a wild laugh, mirthless and hollow and the complete antithesis of what Himeko presented herself as. It made something in Thancred’s chest ache, a kind of pain that had nothing to do with the Ascian for once.
“Oh, you have no idea,” she murmured, more to herself than him. “No idea at all.”
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ainyan · 9 months
Foreshadowing (A Woven Souls AU Snippet)
“Thancred, can you go check on Kali?”
He looked up and gave Minfilia a exasperated glance from where he leaned against the wall near her desk. “Why?” he asked. “It’s not like she’s ever late. She’ll be here precisely when she needs to be, like she always is.”
Still seated behind her desk, poring over the papers scattered across it, Minfilia looked up and gave her friend an impatient look. “She’s been fretting about this banquet since we received the invitation. I’d like it if you would go and make certain she’s not wearing a hole in the floor pacing over it.”
He already knew she wasn’t, though he couldn’t tell Minfilia that, or she’d want to know how he knew. He also knew that the blonde was correct that Kal’istae was full of nerves and anxieties and could probably use a little psyching up. Still. “I’ll ask Alphinaud-”
“Alphinaud has enough on his plate,” Minfilia replied shortly. “What is wrong with you? It’s not like you to be so cagey. It’s just Kal’istae. It’s not as though I’m asking you to beard Y’shtola in her room or anything.”
That thought made Thancred’s skin prickle. “Gods forbid,” he muttered. “Fine. Fine. I’ll go.”
Minfilia stared at him a moment longer with those pale blue eyes of hers, trying to read him. He smiled sweetly at her and pushed off the wall, crossing to let himself out of her office. Her gaze made his shoulder blades itch, but he waited until the door was shut between them before he exhaled a soft curse. 
Then he cut across the common room and let himself into the Respite, and from there the hallway where the rooms for those Scions who made permanent residence within the Rising Stones lived.
Kal’istae’s room was halfway down the hall, buried between Minfilia and Yda’s. Thancred stood outside of the closed door, staring at it as he fought with himself. He could tell Minfilia he’d checked on her, that she was fine, that all was well. He knew  the Au Ra was excited and nervous - and just a bit frustrated about something - but that she was also nearly ready. It would be fine. It would all work out. It would…
Cursing himself, he lifted his knuckles and rapped smartly against the door.
“Come in!”
Hells. Thancred pushed open the door and stepped in, only to be presented with the back of a Kal’istae in a gown he’d never seen, arms tucked up behind her as she rooted around for the unfastened buttons. “Yda? Is that you? Can you help me?”
She should have known it wasn’t Yda; he imagined she would have if he couldn’t feel the seething mass of anxiety and frustration that was simmering in her breast. In silence, he crossed the room and reached out, quickly and efficiently buttoning up the back of her dress. The pale lavender pearls danced up her spine from the base of her tail to mid-back, where the rich indigo fabric of her dress framed her marginally paler skin and obsidian scales.
Had he known she had freckles on her back? His fingers itched to touch them, trace constellations amongst them, and he folded his hands into fists to prevent himself from taking such a liberty.
He watched as her shoulders relaxed, felt her emotions recede. “Thank you,” she said feelingly, turning with a rustle of skirts. “I’d forgotten how difficult it is to put on a dress; I haven’t worn one that wasn’t a glamour… well, as long as I can remem…”
She trailed off as she met Thancred’s dark eyes, a flush rising in her cheeks. “You’re not Yda.”
He glanced down at himself. “No, I’m definitely not Yda.”
Her fingers twisted in her skirts as she looked down and cleared her throat noisily. “Uhm. Thank you very much for helping me out. Uhm. Wha- why are you here? Is there a problem?” Her voice spiked up in alarm as her head shot up.
Reaching out, he placed his hands on her shoulders and tried to ignore the way the touch of her bare skin against his palms sent a low-grade surge of lightning up and down his spine. “Calm down,” he soothed. “Minfilia sent me to check up on you. Seems everyone else is ready; they’re just waiting on you.”
“Oh.” She drew in a shaky breath; he could feel her heartbeat hitch once, then steady out again. “I - uhm. I had to… get… dressed.”
Amusement replaced whatever lingering irritation he had with Minfilia. It was nearly impossible to stay annoyed in the face of a flustered Kal’istae. “So I see. Lovely dress. I’ve never seen that one before.”
She smoothed her hands along the indigo skirts, the silk rustling softly beneath her fingers. “It’s… I… Uhm. It’s not a glamour. I mean, I could make it one, but I thought… it would be nice to actually dress up. For once. Since this banquet is supposed to be so important and everything.” She lifted her head then, blinking owlishly at his outfit - the same one he always wore - and blushed. “And I must seem so frivolous to you.”
Delighted, Thancred shook his head. “No, Kali, I promise, you do not.”
“No one else dressed up, did they?” she whispered.
He squeezed her shoulders lightly. “No one else is the guest of honor. We were invited as an afterthought, and you well know it. ‘Tis you they wish to attend more than any other of us, and ‘tis you who will have all of the attention.”
Her skin flushed violet once more and he felt her anxiety spike. “Should I wear my armor? I’m the Warrior of Light, or that’s what they call me. Maybe I should dress like it. I should change.” She started to reach up to undo her buttons, then stilled when he shook her lightly.
“No, Kali. Wear the dress. You look very lovely.” An inadequate word to describe her. Abruptly, she looked up at him and he knew she’d felt his spike of attraction.
Cautious now, she started to slide out from beneath his hands, but as she stepped back, he followed, keeping his fingers closed lightly about her shoulders. “Thancred.”
Maybe it was the dress. Maybe it was the circumstances. Maybe it was the knowledge that beneath her embarrassed nervousness there was a clear thread of wistfulness every time she looked at him, and it had only grown stronger in the moment she’d registered his desire. “Kal’istae,” he murmured, and felt her anxiety - and her wistfulness - grow stronger yet.
“I - uhm. I’m ready, I think,” she said slowly. “We should… probably meet the others.”
Yes, yes they should. “In a moment,” he decided.
Those lavender-edged eyes grew wide. “You don’t want to do this.”
“Is that so?”
No. No, he most definitely wanted to do this. She could feel it sizzling in her breast. “You shouldn’t want to do this,” she corrected.
That was the truth. “Probably not,” he agreed, fingers tightening on her shoulders. “Are you going to say no?”
Gods. She should. She very much should. “No,” she whispered, and at his smile, she sighed, then lifted up on her tiptoes.
Delighted, he bent, his hands sliding to cup her back as he drew her in and lowered his mouth to hers.
He’d been prepared to keep it light, playful if not friendly. There was nothing friendly about the desire that curled in his belly or in hers. Still, he’d had no intention of dipping past the surface;  a taste, a test, just something to get out of the way so he could think clearly. After all, it was just a kiss.
There was nothing just about the kiss. The moment his lips brushed over hers, lightning struck, searing down his spine. The muscles in his arms spasmed, slamming them closed around her and locking them in place. Her hands came between them, hands pressed flat against his chest as he drew her up until her feet dangled ilms above the floor, and ravished her mouth.
He expected her to struggle, to protest. He should have known better. She made one soft sound that might have been a half-hearted objection, then gave in and gave back as good as she got. As his lips parted, tongue darting out, her own met it in a desperate clash. He tilted his head, crushing her against him as he plundered her mouth, tasting its depths with a hunger that shocked even him. He might have wondered from whence this had sprung, but he knew.
It had always been there, buried beneath them, ever since the Sultantree.
He could have kept going. He could hold his breath for ten minutes, and was very much prepared to prove it, but she began to struggle in earnest and beneath the swell of lust and hunger he could feel her growing need for air.
With a gasp, he pulled back, staring dazedly into her eyes as she clung to the open breast of his tunic and sucked air into her starved lungs. “Kali, I…”
She shook her head, still battling to catch her breath. Finally, she heaved out a sigh. “Don’t. Don’t even think of apologizing,” she said hoarsely.
He finally forced the muscles of his arms to release from their stasis and she slid to the floor with a soft thump, still holding onto him until she could regain her balance. “I took advantage…”
“Of what?” she asked, stepping deliberately back and smoothing out the wrinkles in her skirts. “Of a desire you know perfectly well that I feel? Of a desire that I know perfectly well that you feel? Thancred, we’ve too much between us to lie.”
He took a step back as well, shoving his hands into the pockets of his trousers. “Be that as it may, this may have been… ill-advised.”
Kal’istae’s smile was just a bit indulgent. “Perhaps,” she agreed, “but what is done is done. Don’t fret, Thancred, I won’t read any more into this than you.”
When had their roles reversed, he wondered. When had she grown so calm, so easy, so accepting, and when had he become the nervous wreck? “Well… good.”
“Good,” she echoed. “Now, let me just find my shoes and I’ll be ready to go. I’lI meet you in the Respite, shall I?”
Thancred felt as if he were losing control of things - and briefly wondered if he’d ever had control of them to begin with. “Of course. And Kal’istae,” he added, waiting until she looked up at him, “it really is a lovely dress. I’m glad that you’ve found an opportunity to dress for enjoyment, and not just for battle.”
Her eyes grew soft. “Thank you, Thancred,” she replied, and he could feel her brief burst of affection, followed by her dismissal. As she turned away once more to find her shoes, he turned as well, heading for her door.
As he left her room, he caught sight of Yda leaving hers. The blonde stopped, staring at him, then her eyes drifted towards Kal’istae’s room speculatively. “Just making sure she’s ready,” he said with an easy smile.
She pursed her lips, then shrugged. “Right then, shall we?” she asked him, and when he nodded, began striding quickly towards the Respite.
He followed, glancing back only once towards Kal’istae’s room before exiting the hallway into the Respite.
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thescions · 8 months
We came up with these headcanons when we were first setting up the blog a year ago, so let's post a handful of muses' shower habits/quirks!
Tataru is the type to use all of the hot water, but since she pays for it she doesn't see any problem. She has a waterproof notepad for taking down designs, has no problem belting if she decides to sing, and talks at full volume/shouts at people outside the door if she thinks of something.
Estinien takes a minimalist, efficient approach to bathing -- essentially, what would have been taught in the Ishgardian military. Warm water, if any at all, is a luxury not often afforded. It's in and out with only a focus on combatting what could lead to infection or illness.
Y'shtola doesn't have any showering-related quirks, but she'll sit in a bath for an hour and zone out. If she gets a song stuck in her head enough, she'll likely hum it -- and be annoyed that she did.
Thancred does the 80's hand-on-the-wall shower because he is exhausted (or maybe hung over). Likely won't sing, either, unless someone is in there with him.
Urianger is an active thinker in the shower, often mumbling to himself as he ponders whatever is on his mind. He doesn't really think of his body while washing it.
Alphinaud is a singing-in-the-shower type! So long as he is in a good mood. He prefers his showers be heated, thank you; he will take one if it is not but he will be miserable. Also, Alisaie knows he sings in the shower, so he won't if he thinks she's in earshot and will make fun of him.
Alisaie sings in the shower, too, but not loud enough that anyone could actuallt hear her. She isn't too bothered by showers that lack hot water, so long as she gets clean. She always washes her hair (that's her rich girl thing) and has her own shampoo bar in her travel pack from home.
Krile would sing in the shower on occasion. She takes showers to feel clean and relax, but not overstay longer than necessary. She takes her time with the process and enjoys it.
Lyse is full-on tone deaf, happy singing in the shower. She acts out things and dances if there's room, and has full on arguments with herself in the shower out loud. Cleaning herself has to also be accompanied by an activity. She wouldn't mind communal bathing and isn't too hard-pressed about being nude in front of others (now that she's no longer disguised as Yda).
Ryne sings in the shower, but usually forgets the lyrics. While she can be efficient, she takes more time to herself post-Shadowbringers. She will quietly do the thing where one piles their hair high with shampoo against the wall and giggle to herself. Now that she has her own appearance, she has more interest in styling herself.
G'raha, as a young man, would commit himself to efficency. He's an adventurer (historian), so that means he would cold water showers in camp! It's part of the lifestyle! As the Exarch, especially as he gets older, he would take this private time to reflect and find himself partial to nice-smelling soap. As a Scion, he would continue these habits, and likely add in singing the latest song he heard while Probably in the Seventh Heaven bar outside the Rising Stones. His locs require a special rinse, so sometimes he'll have his head/ears wrapped in a scarf, which makes him sing really loud unintentionally. Alisaie hasn't picked on him for it...yet.
Ysayle does not sing in the shower, but she does stand under the water and relax. In her role as Lady Iceheart, she did the efficient-camp-shower situation, but takes her time now. She thinks ten minutes in the shower is being excessive. She does not shave.
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headcanons-n-shit · 1 year
since there was already a prompt abt pining can i ask for hcs on how the ffxiv boys (+leofard?) would go about expressing their interest in a particularly dense wol? 😊
We do love a dense motherfuker
Thancred is fucjing suffering over here. He cannot possibly make his intentions any more obvious. The problem is that hes accidentally played himself-- hes spent so long disguising his feelings as jokes, or as ploys on missions, and now you just assume that his flirting and holding your hand and wanting to be in your space all the time is just what the two of you do. He ends up having to go all rose petals and sappy love confession under the moonlight like some kind of storybook love interest. Its so sappy, embarrassing, but its also so, so sweet.
Urianger is, unfortunately, painfully Sharlyan about the whole thing. He gives you nice paper, expensive ink, masterwork tools, intricate glasswear for your alchemy lab. Practical, highquality armor. A delicately embroidered handkerchief. He thinks hes being overly forward with his affections, you think hes just being a really good friend, yshtola would rather drown herself than watch the rest of this soap opera play out.
Literally what else does G'raha need to do to prove his devotion to you??? The man unwound time and unraveled space just to be by your side. He was practically your sugardaddy your entire time on the First. He almost, almost thought you were flirting back with him when you brought him food from the Last Stand, and then Alphinaud and alisae and krile trotted in behind you and it took every ounce of his Exarch discipline not to retreat with his tail between his legs. Pls this man is suffering.
Estinien literally can not. Look me in the eyes. This stinky dragoon has spent a good half his life behind an armet. He is a horrible mix of country bumpkin, career soldier, aymeric's half-assed attempts to pound courtly decorum into estiniens dumb empty head, and Nidhoggs instincts. He wants to cook you food, drag you into a corner and kiss you silly, send you flowers, and bring you something he killed with his bare hands. He ends up doing all four. Not necessarily in that order.
Aymeric is dying. You are going to be the death of him. He has gone through great pains to discover your favorite flower and have them always displayed in your room. He has written you letters full of poetry. He has showered you with gifts. He has invited you to dine with him. At this point the other nobles are asking whether its going to be a spring or summer wedding, and he doesnt know how to explain how you are still woefully oblivious bc he cant explain it himself.
Haurchefant gave you a LITERAL DOWRY. He handed you the reins to an extremely expensive war-trained black de chocobo in front of everyone whos ever mattered to him and also half of ishgard, and then he had to stand there dying internally while you praised him for being a "good friend". There are bets not on whether hes going to throw you over his shoulder and carry you to his room to. Ahem. Prove his devotions. But rather on how long it will take him to break.
Sidurgu. Barely has memories of the Orl traditions around courtship. His mother had often regaled him with stories of how she had courted his father. Food, presense and friendship, proofs of skill. And yes, it frustrates him that you seem to brush off his attempts, but. Well. It took almost five years for his mother and father to get together, from the way they told it. Hes learned a lot for your sake, and for rielles. He can learn patience too.
Leofard is a pirate. He doesnt dance around the bush, he strikes when the metal is hot and takes what he wants. It works well with garlean airships and the odd unfortunate merchant. Not. So much with you. One, because your consent and emotions are important to him. Two, because you are so. Fucking. Dense. He steals silks and jewels and fancy foods for you, spends time with you, saved your life from diabolos, told you his sad life story. Hes one step from throwing himself at you like some fainting dame, and its embarrassing.
(Hes not gonns stop tho)
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woltourney · 1 year
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Merle Rouge (@vamp-galactica) v. Hali Aloke (@starrysnowdrop)
Merle Rouge:
q. What is your WoL name and pronouns? a. Merle Rouge, She/Her
q. What is your WoL's species? a. Roegadyn
q. What is your WoL's class? Or classes? a. Warrior
q. What data centre/server are you on, if you want people to find you? a. Famfrit
q. Tell us a bit about your WoL! a. Merle lived in a small fishing village on an island just a little ways off the coast of La Noscea, but had never gone to the mainland! Her father abandoned her and her mother to go be on the sea, and washed up on shore years later. Merle decided to rebuild his ship with the piece of wood he washed up with and take her mother sailing, but she died of old age before they could set off. She took her mothers ashes with her and set off, running a fishing company off the boat for a while. Then, one morning, she docked in La Noscea only to be approached by a representative from the adventurers guild. Needing a distraction from her woes, she decided to sign up, and found a whole new joy in her journeys. She’s a bright and merry woman with a big heart who fights with all her emotions, never holding anything back. The people she’s met on her travels are like family to her, even the ones she’s only met once. When all the world is your family, you’re never alone, after all! Even through the hardships, she has never considered being the hero a burden- it’s a duty she takes on for the world she loves. She likes to fish, cook, and dance, and considers Ishgard her home despite being a bit of a fish out of water there. As part of her blessing from Hydaelyn, when her warrior spirit is amped up and she’s feeling the heat of battle, her clothing and armor will turn a bright shimmery blue!
q. Why should YOU win? (Answer IC!) a. “There’s so much of me t’love! Seven feet n’ three inches, in fact! WAHAHAHA! I also make a real mean coconut cod n’ I made an Ishgardian tailor rich with all the custom sized dresses I needed!”
Hali Aloke:
q. What is your WoL name and pronouns? a. Hali Aloke, she/her
q. What is your WoL's species? a. Dunesfolk Lalafell
q. What is your WoL's class? Or classes? a. Astrologian Main, can also DPS support as Dancer
q. What data centre/server are you on, if you want people to find you? a. Seraph (Dynamis DC)
q. Tell us a bit about your WoL! a. Hali was born in Old Sharlayan, specifically in Labyrinthos, to two prominent scholars. A graduate of the Studium, and a well known Astrologian, she was tired of being stuck in Sharlayan and she left to see the world. Hali first went to Ul’dah, her grandmother’s hometown, where she met a man named Thancred, and she soon got wrapped up in fighting primals and joining the Scions of the Seventh Dawn. When she’s not busy with her Scion duties, she is teaching Sharlayan Astrology and Astromancy and spending time with the love of her life, a certain Ishgardian knight in blue.
q. Why should YOU win? (Answer IC!) a. Why should I win? Well, I didn’t fight dozens of primals and thousands of Garlean soldiers over the years to lose now! Besides, if I don’t win, I’ll cry. ;_;
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