#Hernan Gonzalez
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oraculoediciones · 6 months ago
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:: ¡EDICIÓN ESPECIAL "CULTOS"! Lafarium abre su habitación sin tiempo ni espacio y convoca a todas las almas lóbregas para que la habiten. Sesenta y siete páginas a pura vibración mística; portada del gran Hernán González. Colaboran los hermanos y hermanas: Piero Pierini, Hernán Tenorio, Emiliano Bellini, Gabriel Juárez, GR Mateo, Gladys Cepeda, Khatarnak & Khabandar, Lorena Pinasco, Juan Sirro, Oscar Grillo, Pabluchi García, Marcelo Gobbo, @andrescascianiCasciani, Paté Crudo (Marcela Nigro, Juan Manuel Menéndez y Manuel Rivas Pintos), Pablo Katzin (Fritz Sol), Colifato Ilustrado, Fabián Arnaldi y Pablo UI Prysma. También comentamos el film EL CÓNCLAVE DE LAS SOMBRAS, de Leandro Bartoletti. ¡SANTO Y SEÑA, PASEN Y LEAN! ::
DESCARGA: https://ia600406.us.archive.org/8/items/especiales-lafarium-2024/Lafarium_cultos.pdf
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plazamayorcompany · 1 year ago
Portrait of My Father
(El retrato de mi padre) Original Motion Picture Soundtrack Portrait of My Father (El retrato de mi padre) Original Motion Picture Soundtrack Director Juan Ignacio Fernández Hoppe Music Hernán González Villamil Two questions pervade this film. Firstly, how did my father die?  Did he commit suicide? Was it an accident? And secondly, how did my father live? Or rather, what for? One reason…
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tonin-terets · 1 year ago
Swag - Brand Video from Not Real on Vimeo.
Credits: Directed by NotReal
Creative Direction: Valeria Moreiro, Milton Gonzalez  Executive Production: Roberto Connolly  Art Direction: Valeria Moreiro Animation Direction: Milton Gonzalez, Sergio Fuego
Line Producer: Lucila Mansur  Storyboard Artist: Joana Cabrera, Martin Orza 
3D Design: Flor Tasso, Josefina Llano, Vitor Teixeira, Lu Borzi, Valeria Moreiro Modeling: Juan Miyagi  2D Design: Martin Orza, Manuela Caceres, Lu Borzi 
3D Animation: Sergio Fuego, Juampi Siaccaluga, Hernan Lindenbaum, Milton Gonzalez 
Rendering: Sergio Fuego, Milton Gonzalez  Compositing & Color Grading: Hernan Lindenbaum, Sergio Fuego
Sound Design: Facundo Capece
Client: Swag Year: 2021
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mercerislandbooks · 1 year ago
Fall Events at Island Books!
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Island Books has so much going on in the next few months! Check out all the happenings below:
September 9th at 11am author Pastor Greg Asimakoupoulos will be signing his new book, Paper Bag Poems in Pioneer Park.
September 10th at 12pm author Garth Stein and illustrator Matthew Southworth will be here to launch the second installment of their graphic series The Cloven -- and also host a weenie roast!
September 14th at 6pm on Zoom join our Virtual Knitting Book Club led by Lori as we discuss Olga Dies Dreaming by Xochitl Gonzalez, and our current works in progress.
September 21st at 6:30pm author Bob Muglia will be in conversation with Geek Wire's Todd Bishop, discussing Bob's new book, The Datapreneurs.
September 27th at 6:30pm author Kevin O'Brien will be in conversation with Jennie Shortridge discussing his new novel, The Enemy at Home.
September 28th at 7:30pm Island Books Open Book Club will be discussing Trust by Hernan Diaz.
October 12th at 6pm on Zoom join our Virtual Knitting Book Club led by Lori as we discuss The Very Secret Society of Irregular Witches by Sangu Mandanna.
October 14th at 4pm author/illustrator Ben Clanton and author/illustrator Andy Chou Musser will be presenting their new book Ploof, geared towards preschoolers.
October 17th at 6pm author Jennifer Cramer-Miller will be discussing her book, Incurable Optimist.
October 22nd at 4pm author Miriam Landis will be in conversation with Nancy Pearl, discussing Miriam's new middle-grade novel Lauren in the Limelight.
October 24th at 6pm join us for an evening with former SuperSonics executive Bob Whitsitt to talk PNW sports and his new book, Game Changer.
October 26th at 7:30pm Island Books Open Book Club will be discussing Properties of Thirst by Marianne Wiggins.
It's going to be a fun fall at Island Books -- and stay tuned for our 50th Anniversary events, coming in November!
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radiorealnews · 2 years ago
Inter mostra evolução, mas cede empate e adia classificação na Libertadores
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Na noite desta quarta-feira (7), o Internacional empatou mais uma vez diante do Nacional em jogo realizado em Montevidéu. O colorado estava vencendo até os 43 minutos da segunda etapa, mas foi castigado com o gol de empate dos uruguaios. Na primeira etapa o colorado teve mais posse de bola e teve algumas aventuras no ataque, mas sem conseguir suplantar a defesa do Bolso, que marcando alto, dificultou as ações do time de Mano Menezes. Pedro Henrique batendo forte para defesa de Rochet teve a melhor oportunidade. Na segunda etapa, o receio que o time colorado cansasse e tomasse uma pressão não se confirmou. O colorado não repetiu o desgaste de outros jogos e bem postado conseguiu em contragolpes assustar o Nacional. E foi assim que aos 17 minutos, Alan Patrick em jogada de cinema, aciona Pedro Henrique na esquerda que cruza para trás para o próprio Alan Patrick bater no canto para abrir o placar. Mano Menezes não imaginava que Wanderson e Alemão entrariam tão mal no jogo. Em jogada do ataque colorado, alemão serve o camisa 11 que cara a cara com Rochet não consegue finalizar e perde a bola jogo. Mais tarde, Wanderson em auxílio a defesa, abre os braços dentro da área e bloqueia a bola em ataque do Nacional. O juiz assinala a marca da cal, mas após ida ao VAR anula a marcação por falta em Igor Gomes na origem da jogada. Quase no fim do tempo regulamentar, em falta cobrada do lado da área, Damiani venceu Mercado na disputa aérea e cabeceou para o fundo das redes de John dando números finais ao confronto. O Internacional foi aos 9 pontos, mas deve ser ultrapassado pelo Independiente Medellín que joga contra o Metropolitanos. Com esse cenário, somente uma vitória diante dos colombianos no Beira Rio pela última rodada garante o colorado nas oitavas. Domingo (11), o Internacional recebe o Vasco no Beira Rio pelo Brasileirão, no último jogo antes da parada para a data FIFA que dará 11 dias para que se possa recuperar a condição física e preparar reforços para encorpar o time. Nacional 1x1 Internacional Quinta rodada da fase de grupos da Libertadores da América Data e hora: 07/06/2023 – 19:00 Local: Estádio Gran Parque Central, Montevidéu, Uruguai Árbitro: Dario Herrera Assistentes: Diego Bonfa e Pablo Gonzalez VAR: Hernan Mastrangelo Cartões amarelos: Lozano, Rochet (NAC), Rômulo (INT) Gols: Alan Patrick (17’/2ºT) Damiani (43’/2ºT) Nacional: Rochet; Lozano, Noguera, Polenta e Christian Almeida, Diego Rodríguez (Damiani), Yonathan Rodríguez (Ginella), Zabala e Federico Martínez; Fagúndez (Trezza) e Ignacio Ramírez. Técnico: Álvaro Gutiérrez. Internacional: John; Igor Gomes, Mercado, Vitão e Renê; Rômulo (Moledo), Johnny, De Pena (Campanharo) e Alan Patrick; Pedro Henrique (Wanderson) e Luiz Adriano (Alemão). Técnico: Mano Menezes. Foto: Staff Media/Conmebol Read the full article
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cronistaincondicional · 2 years ago
26 03 2023 HERNAN GONZALEZ en vivo show en la Feria De Mataderos completo
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collisioncomicz · 2 years ago
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Check out my new short comic, an excerpt from a graphic novel called View of the Phoenix Trees. This has been drawn by my two fabulous collaborators artist Hernan Gonzalez and colourist Damian Felitte. It chronicles the eternal connection of my grandparents and how they live through war, prejudice and an exodus from Vietnam to the UK. Enjoy!
If you are having trouble reading here are better platforms to view each page on:
Bored Panda:
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smashpages · 4 years ago
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Smash Pages Q&A: Mike Phillips on ‘The Tessellation’
The writer of the alternate-reality comic talks about the project, which is currently up on Kickstarter.
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thecomicon · 4 years ago
An Interview With Mike Phillips About 'The Tessellation' Kickstarter
An Interview With Mike Phillips About ‘The Tessellation’ Kickstarter
Mike Phillips is one of the producers of the documentaries She Makes Comics (2014) and The Image Revolution (2014). He is also editor-in-chief of Sequart Organization; Which is a non-profit website that provides scholarly examinations of comics and pop culture. Mike is also the co-creator of some comics such as Necropolitan (2017-2019), and his latest The Tessellation (2021-Present). I will note…
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vmamx · 4 years ago
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Hernán González Fotografía y edición por Leoncio Valderrama Ciénega de González 2021 Ver más de Hernán Gonzalez Ver otros portafolios
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crosscountryrally · 2 years ago
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Chaleco López fue segundo y estira su ventaja en la general de la clase T3 en el Rally de Marruecos, Hernán Garcés P4 en T3, Lucas del Río P8 en T4
El piloto chileno Francisco Chaleco López se mostró conforme con su desempeño en la segunda etapa del Rally de Marruecos, donde logró estirar su ventaja en la clasificación general de la clase T3 al terminar segundo en el día. El vencedor de la jornada fue Guillaume de Mevius, con López terminando a 3 minutos y 58 segundos. 
Pero con de Mevius teniendo una etapa de ayer más complicada, López pudo seguir mejorando su diferencia a favor en la general y ahora tiene 9 minutos y 21 segundos sobre Seth Quintero mientras que su principal rival por el Mundial de Rally Raid, Cristina Gutiérrez, se ubica tercera a 15 minutos. López está invicto en el Mundial de Rally Raid y una nueva victoria podría acercarlo al sueño de ser campeón mundial FIA pero todavía quedan tres duras etapas por delante. Además, López es P10 en la clase FIA para todos los autos.
Hernán Garcés y Juan Pablo Latrach volvieron a destacarse en la categoría T3 con la quinta posición en la etapa a unos 13 minutos de Guillaume de Mevius. Con el resultado, la dupla chilena escala a la P4 en la general solo detrás de López, Quintero y Gutiérrez, que son los tres punteros del Mundial. La diferencia entre López y Garcés es de 27 minutos. Además, son P17 en la general FIA.
En la categoría T4, Lucas del Río y Bruno Jacomy debieron enfrentar mayor adversidad hoy que ayer, pero lograron sobreponerse, aunque cediendo unos 50 minutos con los líderes. El chileno se mantiene P8 en la clasificación general de la categoría, a 40 minutos del líder el argentino Jeremías González Ferioli, que se encuentra en una apretada lucha con Rokas Baciuska y Rodrigo Luppi por la primera posición. Además, del Río y Jacomy quedan P25 en la general FIA.
Imagen: Chaleco López
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plazamayorcompany · 11 months ago
Back to The Light Volver a la luz by Hernan Gonzalez Villamil
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garciapimienta · 6 years ago
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collectorscorner · 2 years ago
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CC New Arrivals @ Collectors Corner : WEDNESDAY - 12/21/22. Collectors Corner Parkville - HQ : OPEN for IN STORE SHOPPING - 1-410-668-3353. CC Parkville - 2022 STORE HOURS, Sunday 12-6, Mon-Tues 12-7, Wed 9-8, Thurs 11-7, Friday & Saturday 11-8. Collectors Corner - Bel Air Outpost Location : OPEN for IN STORE SHOPPING - 1-410-838-1777. CC Bel Air - 2022 STORE HOURS, Sunday 11-5, Monday/Tuesday - Closed, Wednesday 11-8, Thursday 11-7, Friday/Saturday 11-8. Complete list of items shipping to the stores, some items may be limited in availability. If you see anything you want to purchase on the list and are not a subscription member at Collectors Corner, just contact us and let us know if you want an item held at the stores Email - [email protected] Subscription Membership & Free Membership Card : Collectors Corner's No Obligation (FREE) Membership Card or FREE (In Store) & ONLINE Subscription Membership saves you 10% Off ALL Bagged & Boarded Comic Book Back Issues, Board Games, Graphic Novels, Manga & Special Orders. Plus Never miss a comic again! Computerized and organized + you can add and cancel titles on your subscription list from home on your own time, or in the store when you pick up your comics at : Maryland's Coolest Stores! Since 2001. 2 Super Cool & Convenient Locations - CC PARKVILLE - HEADQUARTERS 7911 Harford Rd Parkville, MD 21234 & CC BEL AIR - OUTPOST 17 N. Main St. Bel Air, MD 21014 www.collectorscornermd.com PUBLISHER/TITLE/PRICE ABLAZE PUBLISHING Boogyman #4 (Cover A Djet), $3.99 Boogyman #4 (Cover B Mirka Andolfo), $3.99 Boogyman #4 (Cover C Carlos Nieto Ghost Rider Annual #1 AHOY COMICS Highball #4 (Of 5)(Cover A Fred Harper), $4.99 ARCHIE COMIC PUBLICATIONS Archie Jumbo Comics Digest #336, $8.99 BLOOD MOON COMICS Cover The Dead With Lime #3 (Cover A Hernan Gonzalez), $3.99 BOOM! STUDIOS All-New Firefly Big Damn Finale #1 (Cover A Mona Finden), $8.99 All-New Firefly Big Damn Finale #1 (Cover B Nimit Malavia), $8.99 All-New Firefly Big Damn Finale #1 (Cover C Becca Carey Cardstock Variant), $9.99 All-New Firefly Big Damn Finale #1 (Cover D Nimit Malavia Virgin Variant), AR All-New Firefly Big Damn Finale #1 (Cover E Lee Garbett Virgin Variant), AR All-New Firefly Big Damn Finale #1 (Cover F Mona Finden Virgin Variant), AR BRZRKR #11 (Of 12)(Cover A Ron Garney), $3.99 BRZRKR #11 (Of 12)(Cover B David Rubin), $3.99 BRZRKR #11 (Of 12)(Cover C Ron Garney Foil Variant), $4.99 BRZRKR #11 (Of 12)(Cover D David Rubin Foil Variant), $4.99 BRZRKR #11 (Of 12)(Cover E Raul Allen), AR BRZRKR #11 (Of 12)(Cover F David Rubin Virgin Variant), AR BRZRKR #11 (Of 12)(Cover G Raul Allen Virgin Variant), AR BRZRKR #11 (Of 12)(Cover H David Rubin Black & White Virgin Variant), AR Eve Children Of The Moon #3 (Of 5)(Cover A Ario Anindito), $3.99 Eve Children Of The Moon #3 (Of 5)(Cover B Jahnoy Lindsay), $3.99 Eve Children Of The Moon #3 (Of 5)(Cover C Jahnoy Lindsay Virgin Variant), AR Eve Children Of The Moon #3 (Of 5)(Cover D Ashley A. Woods Virgin Variant), AR Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #103 (Cover A Taurin Clarke), $3.99 Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #103 (Cover B Reiko Murakami), $3.99 Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #103 (Cover C Bon Bernardo Action Figure Variant), AR Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #103 (Cover D Reiko Murakami Virgin Variant), AR Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #103 (Cover E Taurin Clarke Virgin Variant), AR Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #103 (Cover F Dani Pendergast BOOM! Guarantee Variant), AR Once Upon A Time At The End Of The World #1 (2nd Printing Cover A Abigail Jill Harding), $4.99 Power Rangers Volume 5 TP, $16.99 Something Is Killing The Children #27 (Cover A Werther Dell’Edera), $3.99 Something Is Killing The Children #27 (Cover B Dan Mora Holofoil Virgin Variant), $5.99 Something Is Killing The Children #27 (Cover C Dan Mora Virgin Variant), AR Something Is Killing The Children #27 (Cover D Ariel Olivetti Virgin Variant), AR Something Is Killing The Children #27 (Cover E Werther Dell’Edera Virgin Variant), AR Stuff Of Nightmares #4 (Of 4)(Cover A Francesco Francavilla), $4.99 Stuff Of Nightmares #4 (Of 4)(Cover B Jonathan Marks Barravecchia), $4.99 Stuff Of Nightmares #4 (Of 4)(Cover C Ariel Olivetti Homage Variant), $4.99 Stuff Of Nightmares #4 (Of 4)(Cover D Elizabeth Torque), AR Stuff Of Nightmares #4 (Of 4)(Cover E Elizabeth Torque Virgin Variant), AR Stuff Of Nightmares #4 (Of 4)(Cover F Dustin Nguyen Reveal Variant), AR Stuff Of Nightmares #4 (Of 4)(Cover G Francesco Francavilla Black & White Virgin Variant), AR Vampire Slayer #9 (Cover A Sebastian Fiumara), $4.99 Vampire Slayer #9 (Cover B Nicole Goux), $4.99 Vampire Slayer #9 (Cover C Sebastian Fiumara Virgin Variant), AR Vampire Slayer #9 (Cover D Stephanie Pepper 25 Years Of Buffy Variant), AR Vampire Slayer #9 (Cover E Stephanie Pepper 25 Years Of Buffy Virgin Variant), AR COMIC SHOP NEWS Comic Shop News #1844, AR DARK HORSE COMICS Art Of He-Man And The Masters Of The Universe HC, $39.99 B.P.R.D. Ombnibus Volume 3 TP, $29.99 Break Out #4 (Of 4)(Cover A Adam Gorham), $3.99 Break Out #4 (Of 4)(Cover B Jahnoy Lindsay), $3.99 Groo Gods Against Groo #1 (Of 4)(Cover A Sergio Aragones), $3.99 Witcher The Ballad Of Two Wolves #1 (Of 4)(Cover A Miki Montllo), $3.99 Witcher The Ballad Of Two Wolves #1 (Of 4)(Cover B Jakub Rebelka), $3.99 Witcher The Ballad Of Two Wolves #1 (Of 4)(Cover C Otto Schmidt), $3.99 Witcher The Ballad Of Two Wolves #1 (Of 4)(Cover D David Lopez), $3.99 DC COMICS Absolute Swamp Thing By Len Wein And Bernie Wrightson HC, $100.00 Batman Catwoman HC (Book Market Edition), $39.99 Batman Catwoman HC (Direct Market Edition), $39.99 Batman Killing Time HC (Book Market Edition), $29.99 Batman Killing Time HC (Direct Market Edition), $29.99 Batman Superman World’s Finest #10 (Cover A Dan Mora), $3.99 Batman Superman World’s Finest #10 (Cover B Dan Schoening Card Stock Variant), $4.99 Batman Superman World’s Finest #10 (Cover C Dan Mora Holiday Card Stock Variant), $4.99 Batman Superman World’s Finest #10 (Cover D Brandon Peterson Card Stock Variant), AR Batman Superman World’s Finest #10 (Cover E Al Kaplan Card Stock Variant), AR Batman The Silver Age Omnibus Volume 1 HC, $99.99 Batman Urban Legends #22 (Cover A Jamal Campbell), $7.99 Batman Urban Legends #22 (Cover B Travis Mercer), $7.99 Batman Urban Legends #22 (Cover C Hayden Sherman), $7.99 Batman Vs. Robin #4 (Of 5)(Cover A Mahmud Asrar), $5.99 Batman Vs. Robin #4 (Of 5)(Cover B Simone Di Meo Card Stock Variant), $6.99 Batman Vs. Robin #4 (Of 5)(Cover C Sweeney Boo Card Stock Variant), $6.99 Batman Vs. Robin #4 (Of 5)(Cover D John Giang Era Card Stock Variant), AR Batman Vs. Robin #4 (Of 5)(Cover E Tony Harris Card Stock Variant), AR Books Of Magic Omnibus Volume 3 HC (The Sandman Universe Classics), $125.00 Catwoman #50 (Cover A Jeff Dekal), $5.99 Catwoman #50 (Cover B Sozomaika Card Stock Variant), $6.99 Catwoman #50 (Cover C Stjepan Sejic Card Stock Variant), $6.99 Catwoman #50 (Cover D Nathan Szerdy Holiday Card Stock Variant), $6.99 Catwoman #50 (Cover E Tula Lotay Card Stock Variant), AR Catwoman #50 (Cover F Sozomaika Foil Card Stock Variant), AR Catwoman #50 (Cover G David Marquez DC Spawn Card Stock Variant), AR Catwoman Lonely City HC (Book Market Edition), $29.99 Catwoman Lonely City HC (Direct Market Edition), $29.99 Dark Crisis On Infinite Earths #7 (Of 7)(Cover A Daniel Sampere & Alejandro Sanchez), $5.99 Dark Crisis On Infinite Earths #7 (Of 7)(Cover B Clay Mann Card Stock Variant), $6.99 Dark Crisis On Infinite Earths #7 (Of 7)(Cover C Viktor Bogdanovic Infinite Crisis Homage Card Stock Variant), $6.99 Dark Crisis On Infinite Earths #7 (Of 7)(Cover D Tony S Daniel Card Stock Variant), $6.99 Dark Crisis On Infinite Earths #7 (Of 7)(Cover E Felipe Massafera Card Stock Variant), $6.99 Dark Crisis On Infinite Earths #7 (Of 7)(Cover F George Perez Tribute Card Stock Variant), $6.99 Dark Crisis On Infinite Earths #7 (Of 7)(Cover G Dan Mora Dawn Of DC Card Stock Variant 1), $6.99 Dark Crisis On Infinite Earths #7 (Of 7)(Cover H Dan Mora Dawn Of DC Card Stock Variant 2), $6.99 Dark Crisis On Infinite Earths #7 (Of 7)(Cover I Dan Mora Dawn Of DC Card Stock Variant 3), $6.99 Dark Crisis On Infinite Earths #7 (Of 7)(Cover J Dan Mora Dawn Of DC Card Stock Variant 4), $6.99 Dark Crisis On Infinite Earths #7 (Of 7)(Cover K Ian Churchill Card Stock Variant), AR Dark Crisis On Infinite Earths #7 (Of 7)(Cover L Kyle Hotz Card Stock Variant), AR Dark Crisis On Infinite Earths #7 (Of 7)(Cover M Daniel Sampere & Alejandro Sanchez Foil Card Stock Variant), AR Dark Crisis On Infinite Earths #7 (Of 7)(Cover N George Perez Tribute Virgin Foil Card Stock Variant), AR DC Vs. Vampires All-Out War #6 (Of 6)(Cover A Alan Quah), $3.99 DC Vs. Vampires All-Out War #6 (Of 6)(Cover B Mico Suayan Card Stock Variant), $4.99 DC Vs. Vampires All-Out War #6 (Of 6)(Cover C James Stokoe Card Stock Variant), AR DCeased War Of The Undead Gods #5 (Of 8)(Cover A Howard Porter), $3.99 DCeased War Of The Undead Gods #5 (Of 8)(Cover B Ben Oliver Homage Wraparound Card Stock Variant), $4.99 DCeased War Of The Undead Gods #5 (Of 8)(Cover C Kael Ngu Acetate Card Stock Variant), $4.99 DCeased War Of The Undead Gods #5 (Of 8)(Cover D Jay Anacleto Card Stock Variant), AR DCeased War Of The Undead Gods #5 (Of 8)(Cover E Sun Khamunaki Card Stock Variant), AR Death Of Superman 30th Anniversary Deluxe Edition Hardcover Bookplate, AR Death Of Superman 30th Anniversary Deluxe Edition HC (Book Market Edition), $39.99 Death Of Superman 30th Anniversary Deluxe Edition HC (Direct Market Edition), $39.99 Flash #789 (Cover A Taurin Clarke), $3.99 Flash #789 (Cover B George Kambadais Card Stock Variant), $4.99 Flash Volume 17 Eclipsed TP, $19.99 G.C.P.D. The Blue Wall #3 (Of 6)(Cover A Reiko Murakami), $3.99 G.C.P.D. The Blue Wall #3 (Of 6)(Cover B Steve Epting Card Stock Variant), $4.99 Harley Quinn The Animated Series Legion Of Bats #3 (Of 6)(Cover A Yoshi Yoshitani), $3.99 Harley Quinn The Animated Series Legion Of Bats #3 (Of 6)(Cover B Dan Hipp Card Stock Variant), $4.99 Harley Quinn The Animated Series Legion Of Bats #3 (Of 6)(Cover C Reilly Brown Card Stock Variant), AR Harley Quinn Volume 1 No Good Deed TP, $16.99 Nightwing #99 (Cover A Bruno Redondo), $3.99 Nightwing #99 (Cover B Jamal Campbell Card Stock Variant), $4.99 Nightwing #99 (Cover C Mario Fox Foccillo Holiday Card Stock Variant), $4.99 Nightwing #99 (Cover D Dan Mora Card Stock Variant), AR Nightwing #99 (Cover E Bruno Redondo Text Card Stock Variant), AR Nightwing #99 (Cover F Dan Mora Card Stock Variant), AR Nightwing #99 (Cover G Javier Fernandez DC Spawn Card Stock Variant), AR Nubia Queen Of The Amazons HC, $24.99 Rogues HC, $29.99 Scooby-Doo Where Are You #119 (Cover A Derek Fridolfs), $2.99 Stargirl The Lost Children #2 (Of 6)(Cover A Todd Nauck), $3.99 Stargirl The Lost Children #2 (Of 6)(Cover B Mike Maihack Card Stock Variant), $4.99 Stargirl The Lost Children #2 (Of 6)(Cover C Crystal Kung Holiday Card Stock Variant), $4.99 Stargirl The Lost Children #2 (Of 6)(Cover D Sean Cheeks Galloway Card Stock Variant), AR Strange Adventures TP, $29.99 Superman Birthright The Deluxe Edition HC (Book Market Edition), $49.99 Superman Birthright The Deluxe Edition HC (Direct Market Edition), $49.99 Titans United Bloodpact #4 (Of 6)(Cover A Eddy Barrows), $3.99 Titans United Bloodpact #4 (Of 6)(Cover B Derrick Chew Card Stock Variant), $4.99 Titans United Bloodpact #4 (Of 6)(Cover C Matt Haley DC Holiday Card Card Stock Variant), $4.99 Titans United Bloodpact #4 (Of 6)(Cover D Dexter Soy Card Stock Variant), AR DYNAMITE ENTERTAINMENT Jennifer Blood Presents Giulietta Romeo Hitwoman #1 (One Shot)(Cover A Lesley Leirix Li), $4.99 Jennifer Blood Presents Giulietta Romeo Hitwoman #1 (One Shot)(Cover B Drew Moss), $4.99 Jennifer Blood Presents Giulietta Romeo Hitwoman #1 (One Shot)(Cover C Valentina Pinti), $4.99 Jennifer Blood Presents Giulietta Romeo Hitwoman #1 (One Shot)(Cover D Valentina Pinti Virgin Variant), AR Lady Hel #4 (Cover A Lucio Parrillo), $3.99 Lady Hel #4 (Cover B Geebo Vigonte), $3.99 Savage Tales Winter Special (One Shot)(Cover A Arthur Suydam), $4.99 Savage Tales Winter Special (One Shot)(Cover B Liam Sharpe), $4.99 Savage Tales Winter Special (One Shot)(Cover C Rafael Kayanan), $4.99 Savage Tales Winter Special (One Shot)(Cover D Rafael Kayanan Virgin Variant), AR Vampirella Strikes Volume 2 #8 (Cover A Lucio Parrillo), $3.99 Vampirella Strikes Volume 2 #8 (Cover B Stephen Segovia), $3.99 IDW PUBLISHING Dead Seas #1 (Cover A Nick Brokenshire), $3.99 Dead Seas #1 (Cover B Ario Anindito), $3.99 Dead Seas #1 (Cover C Kelley Jones), $3.99 Earthdivers #2 (2nd Printing Cover A Rafael Albuquerque), $3.99 My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic 10th Anniversary Edition #1 (One Shot) (Cover A Amy Mebberson), $7.99 My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic 10th Anniversary Edition #1 (One Shot) (Cover B Andy Price), $7.99 My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic 10th Anniversary Edition #1 (One Shot) (Cover C Agnes Garbowska), $7.99 My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic 10th Anniversary Edition #1 (One Shot) (Cover D Amy Mebberson), AR My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic 10th Anniversary Edition #1 (One Shot) (Cover E Tony Fleecs), AR Sonic The Hedgehog Scrapnik Island #3 (Cover A Nathalie Fourdraine), $3.99 Sonic The Hedgehog Scrapnik Island #3 (Cover B Eric Lide), $3.99 Sonic The Hedgehog Scrapnik Island #3 (Cover C Adam Bryce Thomas), AR Star Trek Strange New Worlds The Illyrian Enigma #1 (Cover A Megan Levens, $3.99 Star Trek Strange New Worlds The Illyrian Enigma #1 (Cover B Jake Bartok), $3.99 Star Trek Strange New Worlds The Illyrian Enigma #1 (Cover C Chris Fenoglio Lower Decks Variant), $3.99 Star Trek Strange New Worlds The Illyrian Enigma #1 (Cover D Liana Kangas), AR Star Trek Strange New Worlds The Illyrian Enigma #1 (Cover E Malachi Ward), AR Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Saturday Morning Adventures #3 (Cover A Tim Lattie), $3.99 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Saturday Morning Adventures #3 (Cover B Robert Jennex), $3.99 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Saturday Morning Adventures #3 (Cover C Sarah Meyer), $3.99 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Saturday Morning Adventures #3 (Cover D Steve Murphy), AR Trve Kvlt #5 (Cover A Liana Kangas), $3.99 Trve Kvlt #5 (Cover B Maria Llovet), $3.99 Trve Kvlt #5 (Cover C Paul Azaceta), $3.99 IMAGE COMICS Bone Orchard Mythos Ten Thousand Black Feathers #2 (Of 5)(2nd Printing Cover A Andrea Sorrentino), $3.99 Deadliest Bouquet #5 (Of 5)(Cover A Adriana Melo & Cris Peter), $3.99 Deadliest Bouquet #5 (Of 5)(Cover B Chris Campana & Tom Chu Spawn Variant), $3.99 Department Of Truth The Wild Fictions Special #1 (Cover A Martin Simmonds), $4.99 Department Of Truth The Wild Fictions Special #1 (Cover B Martin Simmonds Spawn Variant), $4.99 Gunslinger Spawn #15 (Cover A Puppeteer Lee), $2.99 Gunslinger Spawn #15 (Cover B Puppeteer Lee Sketch Variant), $2.99 Hitomi #3 (Of 5)(Cover A Brent McKee), $3.99 Hitomi #3 (Of 5)(Cover B Carlos Lopez), $3.99 Hitomi #3 (Of 5)(Cover D Ashley Wood Spawn Wraparound Variant), $3.99 I Hate Fairyland #1 (2nd Printing Cover A Skottie Young), $3.99 I Hate Fairyland #2 (Cover A Skottie Young), $3.99 I Hate Fairyland #2 (Cover B Skottie Young), $3.99 I Hate Fairyland #2 (Cover C Brett Bean), $3.99 I Hate Fairyland #2 (Cover D Peach Momoko), $3.99 I Hate Fairyland #2 (Cover E Jim Valentino & Jimmie Robinson), $3.99 I Hate Fairyland #2 (Cover F Erik Larsen), $3.99 I Hate Fairyland #2 (Cover G Skottie Young Spawn Variant), $3.99 Junkyard Joe #3 (Cover A Gary Frank & Brad Anderson), $3.99 Junkyard Joe #3 (Cover B J. G. Jones), $3.99 Junkyard Joe #3 (Cover C Peter Snejbjerg), $3.99 Junkyard Joe #3 (Cover D Gary Frank & Brad Anderson), $3.99 Junkyard Joe #3 (Cover E Gary Frank Spawn Variant), $3.99 Kaya #2 (2nd Printing Cover A Wes Craig), $3.99 Kroma By De Felici #2 (Of 4)(Cover A Lorenzo De Felici), $7.99 Kroma By De Felici #2 (Of 4)(Cover B Jakub Rebelka), $7.99 Kroma By De Felici #2 (Of 4)(Cover C Jakub Rebelka Black & White Virgin Variant), AR Kroma By De Felici #2 (Of 4)(Cover D Lorenzo De Felici Black & White Virgin Variant), AR Kroma By De Felici #2 (Of 4)(Cover E Lorenzo De Felici Spawn Variant), $7.99 Rogue Sun #9 (Cover A Luana Vecchio), $3.99 Rogue Sun #9 (Cover B Jo Mi-Gyeong), AR Rogue Sun #9 (Cover C Marco Renna Spawn Variant), $3.99 Scorched #13 (Cover A Kevin Keane), $2.99 Scorched #13 (Cover B Don Aguillo), $2.99 Vanish #4 (Cover A Ryan Stegman), $3.99 Vanish #4 (Cover B Daniel Warren Johnson), $3.99 Vanish #4 (Cover C Blank Variant), $3.99 Vanish #4 (Cover D Steve McNiven), AR Vanish #4 (Cover E Ryan Stegman Virgin Variant), AR Vanish #4 (Cover F Daniel Warren Johnson Virgin Variant), AR Vanish #4 (Cover G Daniel Warren Johnson Raw Variant), AR Vanish #4 (Cover H Steve McNiven Raw Variant), AR Vanish #4 (Cover I Ryan Stegman Raw Variant), AR Vanish #4 (Cover J Ryan Stegman Foil Variant), AR Vanish #4 (Cover K Ryan Stegman Spawn Variant), $3.99 Voyagis #2 (Of 5)(Cover A Sumeyye Kesgin), $3.99 Voyagis #2 (Of 5)(Cover B Andrew Robinson), $3.99 Voyagis #2 (Of 5)(Cover C Sumeyye Kesgin Spawn Variant), $3.99 Walking Dead Deluxe #53 (Cover A David Finch & Dave McCaig), $3.99 Walking Dead Deluxe #53 (Cover B Charlie Adlard & Dave McCaig), $3.99 Walking Dead Deluxe #53 (Cover C Tula Lotay), $3.99 Walking Dead Deluxe #53 (Cover D Arthur Adams & Dave McCaig), $3.99 Walking Dead Deluxe #53 (Cover E Arthur Adams & Charlie Adlard), $3.99 Walking Dead Deluxe #53 (Cover F David Finch & Dave McCaig Spawn Variant), $3.99 What’s The Furthest Place From Here #9 (Cover A Tyler Boss), $3.99 What’s The Furthest Place From Here #9 (Cover B Sweeney Boo), $3.99 What’s The Furthest Place From Here #9 (Cover C Jensine Eckwall), AR What’s The Furthest Place From Here #9 (Cover D Tyler Boss Spawn Variant), $3.99 KENZER AND COMPANY Knights Of The Dinner Table #299, $6.99 KODANSHA COMICS Fire Force Volume 30 GN, $10.99 MARRS MEDIA Rue Morgue Magazine #210, $13.95 MARVEL COMICS Alien #4 (Cover A Bjorn Barends), $3.99 Alien #4 (Cover B Taurin Clarke), AR Alien #4 (Cover C Lee Garbett), AR Alien #4 (Cover D Cully Hamner), AR Avengers Forever #12 (Cover A Aaron Kuder), $3.99 Avengers Forever #12 (Cover B Stephanie Hans), AR Avengers Forever #12 (Cover C Phil Jiminez 70s Avengers Assemble Connecting Variant), AR Black Panther #12 (Cover A Alex Ross), $3.99 Black Panther #12 (Cover B Felipe Massafera), AR Black Panther #12 (Cover C Peach Momoko), AR Captain America Symbol Of Truth Volume 1 Homeland TP, $19.99 Dark Web Ms. Marvel #1 (Of 2)(Cover A Marco Checchetto), $3.99 Dark Web Ms. Marvel #1 (Of 2)(Cover B Federico Vicentini), AR Fantastic Four Life Story TP, $24.99 Gold Goblin #2 (Of 5)(Cover A Taurin Clarke), $3.99 Gold Goblin #2 (Of 5)(Cover B Michael Dowling), AR Gold Goblin #2 (Of 5)(Cover C Tom Reilly Window Shades Variant), AR Gwenpool Omnibus HC (Chris Bachalo Direct Market Cover), $125.00 Gwenpool Omnibus HC (Gurihiru Book Market Cover), $125.00 Knights Of Pendragon Omnibus HC (Alan Davis First Series Book Market Cover), $125.00 Knights Of Pendragon Omnibus HC (Alan Davis Second Series Direct Market Cover), $125.00 Knights Of X TP, $17.99 Legion Of X By Si Spurrier Volume 1 TP, $17.99 Mary Jane And Black Cat #1 (Of 5)(Cover A J. Scott Campbell), $4.99 Mary Jane And Black Cat #1 (Of 5)(Cover B Adam Hughes Demonized Variant), AR Mary Jane And Black Cat #1 (Of 5)(Cover C Ramon Villalobos), AR Mary Jane And Black Cat #1 (Of 5)(Cover D David Nakayama Virgin Variant, AR Mary Jane And Black Cat #1 (Of 5)(Cover E Paolo Siqueira), AR Mary Jane And Black Cat #1 (Of 5)(Cover F David Nakayama), AR Mary Jane And Black Cat #1 (Of 5)(Cover G Peach Momoko), AR Miles Morales Spider-Man Omnibus Volume 2 HC (Patrick Brown Direct Market Cover), $100.00 Miles Morales Spider-Man Omnibus Volume 2 HC (Sara Pichelli Book Market Cover), $100.00 Namor The Sub-Mariner Conquered Shores #3 (Of 5)(Cover A Pasqual Ferry), $4.99 Namor The Sub-Mariner Conquered Shores #3 (Of 5)(Cover B Peach Momoko), AR Namor The Sub-Mariner Conquered Shores #3 (Of 5)(Cover C E.M. Gist), AR Sabretooth And The Exiles #2 (Of 5)(Cover A Ryan Stegman), $3.99 Sabretooth And The Exiles #2 (Of 5)(Cover B Gerardo Sandoval), AR Sabretooth And The Exiles #2 (Of 5)(Cover C Iban Coello), AR She-Hulk By Dan Slott Omnibus HC (Adi Granov Book Market Variant)(New Printing), $100.00 Spider-Man The Lost Hunt #2 (Of 5)(Cover A Ryan Brown), $3.99 Spider-Man The Lost Hunt #2 (Of 5)(Cover B Oliver Fetscher Beyond Amazing Spider-Man Variant), AR Spider-Man The Lost Hunt #2 (Of 5)(Cover C Philip Tan), AR Strange #9 (Cover A Lee Garbett), $3.99 Strange #9 (Cover B Mark Chiarello), AR Wakanda #3 (Of 5)(Cover A Mateus Manhanini), $3.99 Wakanda #3 (Of 5)(Cover B Cory Smith Demonized Variant), AR Wakanda #3 (Of 5)(Cover C Iban Coello), AR Wolverine #28 (Cover A Leinil Francis Yu), $3.99 Wolverine #28 (Cover B Patrick Zircher), AR X-Men Annual #1 (Cover A Stefano Caselli), $4.99 X-Men Annual #1 (Cover B Ramon Villalobos), AR X-Men Annual #1 (Cover C Stephanie Hans), AR X-Men Annual #1 (Cover D Peach Momoko), AR ONI PRESS Aggretsuko Out To Lunch #4 (Of 4)(Cover A Abigail Starling), $3.99 Aggretsuko Out To Lunch #4 (Of 4)(Cover B Brenda Hickey), $3.99 OPUS COMICS Frank Frazetta’s Death Dealer #8 (Cover A Clara Tessier), $4.99 Frank Frazetta’s Death Dealer #8 (Cover B Frank Frazetta), $4.99 Frank Frazetta’s Death Dealer #8 (Cover C Tyler Walpole), AR Frank Frazetta’s Death Dealer #8 (Cover D Dave Dorman), AR Frank Frazetta’s Death Dealer #8 (Cover E Dave Dorman Virgin Variant), AR Frank Frazetta’s Death Dealer Volume 1 TP, $19.99 SCOUT COMICS Bones Of The Gods #1 (Of 6)(Cover A Mauricio Melo), $4.99 Bones Of The Gods #1 (Of 6)(Cover B Mauricio Melo), AR Ghost Planet #1 One Shot)(Cover A Sean Von Gorman), $5.99 Ghost Planet #1 One Shot)(Cover B Mike Allred & Laura Allred), AR Junior #1 (Cover A Alex Kmeto), $4.99 Junior #1 (Cover B Jeff Stokes), AR Road Trip To Hell #1 (Cover A Monika Maccagni & Joaquin Pereyra), $4.99 Road Trip To Hell #1 (Cover B Marco Fontanili), AR Road Trip To Hell #1 (Cover C Marco Fontanili Spot Foil Variant), AR TITAN COMICS Afro Samurai Volume 1 GN, $19.99 Afro Samurai Volume 1 GN (Takashi Okazaki Previews Exclusive Co-Pic Foil Logo Cover)(not verified by Diamond Distribution), $29.99 Blade Runner 2029 The Complete Graphic Novel Collection (Volumes 1-3), $49.99 Gun Honey Blood For Blood #4 (Of 4)(Cover A Sozomaika), $3.99 Gun Honey Blood For Blood #4 (Of 4)(Cover B Ben Oliver), $3.99 Gun Honey Blood For Blood #4 (Of 4)(Cover C Tabitha Lyons Cosplay Variant), $3.99 Gun Honey Blood For Blood #4 (Of 4)(Cover D Ang Hor Kheng), $3.99 Gun Honey Blood For Blood #4 (Of 4)(Cover E Sozomaika Foil Variant), $13.99 Gun Honey Blood For Blood #4 (Of 4)(Cover F Sozomaika Sketch Variant), $3.99 King Tank Girl Volume 1 GN, $17.99 Life Is Strange Year Two Hardcover Box Set, $49.99 Marvel’s Studios Loki The Official Collector Book HC, $19.99 Star Wars Insider The High Republic Starlight Stories HC, $19.99 TOKYOPOP Resident Evil Infinite Darkness The Beginning #1 (Cover A Carmelo Zagaria & Valentina Cuomo), $4.99 Resident Evil Infinite Darkness The Beginning #1 (Cover B Mirka Andolfo), AR VIZ MEDIA Alice In Borderland Volume 4 GN, $19.99 Jujutsu Kaisen Volume 17 GN, $9.99 WHATNOT PUBLISHING Ninja Funk #2 (Of 4)(2nd Printing Cover A Tyler Kirkham), $3.99 Ninja Funk #2 (Of 4)(Cover A David Mack), $3.99 Ninja Funk #2 (Of 4)(Cover B Alex Riegel), $3.99 Ninja Funk #2 (Of 4)(Cover C Tyler Kirkham Edge Of The Spider-Verse Homage Variant A), $3.99 Ninja Funk #2 (Of 4)(Cover D David Nakayama), $3.99 Ninja Funk #2 (Of 4)(Cover E Tyler Kirkham Edge Of The Spider-Verse Homage Variant B), AR Ninja Funk #2 (Of 4)(Cover F Creees Connecting Variant), AR ZENESCOPE ENTERTAINMENT Myths And Legends Quarterly #10 Blood Of Gods (Cover A Al Barrionuevo), $8.99 Myths And Legends Quarterly #10 Blood Of Gods (Cover B Michael DiPascale), $8.99 Myths And Legends Quarterly #10 Blood Of Gods (Cover C Tristan Thompson), $8.99 Oz Return Of The Wicked Witch #2 (Of 3)(Cover A Riveiro), $5.99 HASBRO TOY GROUP Dungeons And Dragons Honor Among Thieves Dicelings Coll Assortment, AR Dungeons And Dragons Honor Among Thieves Dicelings Orange Beholder, AR Dungeons And Dragons Honor Among Thieves Dicelings White Owlbear, AR Dungeons And Dragons The Yawning Portal Boardgame, AR Games – KONAMI DIGITAL ENTERTAINMENT Yu-Gi-Oh Trading Card Game Dark Hex Card Sleeves Pack, AR Games – PAIZO Tome Of Beasts 3 Limited Edition HC, AR Games – RENEGADE GAME STUDIO G.I. Joe Roleplaying Game Core Sourcebook HC, AR Games – WIZARDS OF THE COAST Magic The Gathering Trading Card Game Brothers War Bundle Gift Edition, AR TOYS - T-SHIRTS & COLLECTIBLES 5 Points X-Large Godzilla Vs Hedorah Box Set, AR Assassination Classroom Koro Sensei SFC Figure, AR BST AXN Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Arcade Krang X-Large Previews Exclusive 8 Inch Action Figure, AR Demon Slayer Kimetsu World Collectable Figures V6 12 Piece Display, AR Demon Slayer Tengen Is Here Nezuko Kamado Ichiban Figure, AR Disney Series 42 3D Foam Bag Clip 24 Piece Blind Mystery Box Display, AR Dragon Ball GT Omega Shenron Vs Omnibus Super Ichiban Figure, AR Dragon Ball Super Clearise Super Saiyan Rose Goku Black Figure, AR Dragon Ball Super Super Hero DXF Vegeta Figure, AR Dragon Ball Z Solid Edge Works V5 Super Saiyan Son Gohan Figure, AR Dungeons And Dragons Cartoon Series 6 Inch Action Figure Assortment 202301, AR Dungeons And Dragons Cartoon Series Bobby And Uni 6 Inch Action Figure, AR Dungeons And Dragons Cartoon Series Diana 6 Inch Action Figure, AR Dungeons And Dragons Cartoon Series Hank 6 Inch Action Figure, AR Marvel Gallery Beta Ray Bill PVC Statue, AR My Hero Academia Chronicle Super Mas Izuku Midoriya Figure, AR My Hero Academia Tomura Shigaraki Vinyl POP Figure, AR POP Animation Bob’s Burgers 4 Year Old Bob Vinyl Figure, AR POP Animation Bob’s Burgers Band Tina Vinyl Figure, AR POP Animation Bob’s Burgers Bikini Burger Linda Vinyl Figure, AR POP Trading Cards Mosaic Anthony Davis, AR POP Trading Cards Mosaic Ja Morant, AR POP Trading Cards Mosaic Kawhi Leonard, AR POP Trading Cards Mosaic Luka Doncic, AR POP Trading Cards Mosaic Stephen Curry, AR POP Trading Cards Mosaic Zion Williamson, AR Power Rangers Lightning Mmpr Power Daggers, AR Pretty Guard Sailor Moon Q-Posket Princess Mercury Figure, AR Re:Zero Starting Life Celestial Vivi Ram Figure, AR Schoolhouse Rock 3D Foam Bag Clip 24 Piece Blind Mystery Box Display, AR Seinfield Series 3 3D Foam Bag Clip 24 Piece Blind Mystery Box Display, AR Universal Retro Movies 3D Foam Bag Clip 24 Piece Blind Mystery Box Display, AR Vinyl Soda DC Dr. Fate With Chase Vinyl Figure, AR Youtooz Stranger Things Demogorgon Vinyl Figure, AR
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fantomcomics · 2 years ago
What’s Out This Week? 8/10
Hope y’all like tee shirts, cuz we just got in a metric BUTTLOAD of new ones! (Yes a Buttload is a unit of measurement don’t question us)
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The Deadliest Bouquet #1 (of 5) -  Erica Schultz, Carola Borelli, Gab Contreras  & Adriana Melo
Jasmine Hawthorn was a hard-edged Nazi hunter who trained her children well in the art of espionage. But in 1998, when her complicated past finally catches up with her, it's up to her three estranged daughters, Rose, Poppy, and Violet, to solve their mom's murder - if they can avoid killing each other in the process.
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Cover The Dead With Lime #1 -  Jonathan Chance & Hernan Gonzalez
The Great Plague ravishes England, killing thousands in its first year. Housebound infected homes are marked with a painted red cross, warning of the spread as plague doktors are sent into towns to face the impending doom.
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Samurai Doggy #1 -  Chris Tex & Santtos
During the Fourth War of the Sun, a small dog named DOGGY experienced an irreparable trauma: his mother was brutally murdered, and his eight brothers, still puppies, were kidnapped by a mysterious man. To save them, Doggy fought bravely against the terrible killer, but all his efforts were in vain, and he was left for dead. What nobody imagined was that a technological vulture scavenging the region for corpses would be the one to rescue the dying dog from death's scythe. Now, Doggy has become Samurai Doggy, and his only goal is to quench his thirst for revenge.
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Love Everlasting #1 -  Tom King & Elsa Charretier
From superstar award-winning creators TOM KING & ELSA CHARRETIER comes a new ONGOING SERIES set in a world as frighteningly fantastical as any found beyond the stars: Romance Comics! Joan Peterson discovers that she is trapped in an endless cycle-a problem to be solved, a man to marry-and every time she falls in love, she disappears into another teary saga. Her bloody journey to freedom starts in this breathtaking, groundbreaking FIRST ISSUE.
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The Tunnel to Summer, The Exit of Goodbyes: Ultramarine GN Vol 1 -  Mei Hachimoku & Koudon
Tono Kaoru heard a rumor: The laws of space and time mean nothing to the Urashima Tunnel. If you find it, walk through and you'll find your heart's desire on the other side... in exchange for years of your own life. On the night Kaoru just so happens to find himself standing in front of a tunnel that looks suspiciously like the one the rumor describes, he finds himself thinking of Karen, the sister he lost in an accident five years ago. To Kaoru's surprise, he's been followed by the new transfer student Anzu Hanaki, who promises to help him experiment with the mysterious tunnel-but what does she want from Kaoru in exchange? And what will he have left to give, after the tunnel's done with him?
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007 #1 - Phillip Kennedy Johnson, Marco Finnegan & Tommy Lee Edwards
OO7 is back in action! After a high-stakes rescue mission is mysteriously, violently sabotaged, Bond's future at MI6 hangs in the balance. As he awaits his fate, James Bond is urgently contacted by an old flame and mentor: Gwendolyn Gann, formerly Agent OO3, who warns Bond of an existential threat to England and the global balance of power. But before they can meet, OO3 turns up dead, sending Bond on the most personal mission of his career: find Gwendolyn Gann's killers, and expose the shadowy organization known only as "Myrmidon."
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Kowloon Generic Romance GN Vol 1 -  Jun Mayuzuki
Welcome to Kowloon Walled City-a dystopian townscape full of people brimming with nostalgia and a place where the past, present, and future converge. This vividly drawn tale tells the story of the secret feelings and extraordinary daily lives of the working men and women living in the city.
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Tales Of The Kingdom HC Vol 1 -  Asumiko Nakamura
Purple-eyed Adarte, blue-eyed Adolte. One enveloped in light-the graceful son; and one shrouded in darkness-the prisoner. Destined to walk different paths in a kingdom where a beautiful man is lauded as a hero while his enigmatic assistant toils to support him...
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World End Solte GN Vol 1 -  Satoshi Mizukami
From the creator of cult favorites Lucifer and the Biscuit Hammer, Spirit Circle, and Planet With. The war is finally over, but the land has been ravaged. Magical pollution runs rampant, distorting time and space. Solte, an orphan whose mother and father were killed trying to eliminate this blight, decides to follow in her parents' footsteps. But rather than cleansing the pollution, she wants to venture into it, like the Salvagers who reclaim treasure from its depths. Solte wants to push farther and see if she can find the other side-and perhaps even the answers she seeks.
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Oblivion Rouge GN -  Pap Souleye Fall
In the near future, the Hakkinen army emerges to quell a worldwide war, adopting children to aid them. Oumi and her friends are enlisted to help find a cure and end the bloodshed, but with strange forces gathering against her continent, can Oumi overcome her own insecurities and lead her people to paradise?
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Blade Runner: Black Lotus #1 -  Nancy A. Collins, Enid Balam & Jung-Geun Yoon
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Parker Girls #1 -  Terry Moore
When Annie Graham's lifeless body washes up Venice beach, the nation mourns the loss of a popular actress. Police suspect her death was no accident but Graham's husband-billionaire Zachary Lot-has the best lawyers money can buy and the investigation stalls. That's when Tambi Baker decides to take matters into her own hands and enlist three of her finest Parker Girl operatives to bring the Lot Empire down, one shocking scandal at a time.
Whatcha scooping up this week, Fantomites? 
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junctioncitycomics · 3 years ago
Tales of the Union Vol. 1 is available now only on @comixology ! Click the link in our bio! Cover Art: Raymond Salvador @radiatorsavior Artists featured: Stefano Fortis Gally Gonzalez Chiara Iacobelli Luis Inzunza Marcus McGuire Jazz Miranda Hernan Molina Douglas Mora Aguilera Francesco Scovacricci Jim Stafford Ali Van Cristian Docolomansky Patricia Loupee Mike Woods Luca Vassallo Kote Caraval #comics #superhero #art #comicart #indycomics #diycomics #diy #independentcomics #scifi #humor #spaceadventure #space #gods #vintage #retro #jackkirby #kirby #shortstories #sciencefiction #mystery #occult #anthology #comixology #kablam #comicbooks #sequentialart #union https://www.instagram.com/p/CU-TiQ4jcym/?utm_medium=tumblr
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