#Healthcare Challenges
touchaheartnews · 2 months
MDCAN Criticizes NBS Report for Unfairly Labeling Nigerian Doctors as Corrupt
The Medical and Dental Consultants’ Association of Nigeria (MDCAN) has expressed profound disappointment with a recent report from the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) that casts Nigerian doctors in a negative light. The NBS report, which labeled Nigerian doctors as corrupt and implicated them in acts of bribery, has sparked significant controversy and concern within the medical community.…
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artisticdivasworld · 10 months
What are 5 common causes of conflict in health care?
Conflicts in healthcare settings can arise due to a variety of reasons. Here are five common causes: Communication Breakdowns: Effective communication is crucial in healthcare. Misunderstandings or lack of communication among healthcare professionals, or between healthcare providers and patients, can lead to conflicts. This includes poor verbal communication, inadequate information sharing, or…
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shahcommunications · 1 year
In healthcare, where effective communication is paramount, language barriers can pose significant challenges. Every patient deserves comprehensible and compassionate care, but the chances of miscommunication multiply when linguistic differences arise.
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drnic1 · 1 year
Where Healthcare Meets Las Vegas Glitz
Can AI Save Healthcare? HLTH Conference Explores the Possibilities A Physician’s Take on HLTH 2023 October has been and still is the “busy” conference season. Some might consider this the second year of a return to the conference activity post-pandemic but even last year things were still a little muted and not quite there. This year conferences have come roaring back and HLTH was no exception…
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lets-blogoff · 1 year
The Impact Of Artificial Intelligence On The Medical Industry
The Impact Of Artificial Intelligence On The Medical Industry - #letsblogoff #AI, #PopularPosts, #Technology, #Tips - https://www.letsblogoff.com/the-impact-of-artificial-intelligence-on-the-medical-industry/
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chu-diaries · 2 months
100 days of mental healthcare: day 100/100
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Well, it's over! I genuinely can't believe it's been 100 days since I started this challenge (even more than 100, since I skipped a day or two when I couldn't post).
For those who just arrived, I started this challenge in April, the day after my birthday, when I was really in bad health. I had severe panic attacks about 4 times a day, which made me unable to do anything. I dealt with constant suicidal thoughts, I barely slept anymore and I was spending everything I had on doctors, self-knowledge courses and therapies. I found myself with two options: the first was to invest in medications that would make me dependent and drugged, but that would fix my brain. However, there was a risk that I wouldn't get the dose or medication right in time and my situation would get worse. The second option was longer and more difficult: studying how my body, my brain and my limits worked, and then adjusting day after day what wasn't going well. You know that I chose this option and that I created the 100-day mental healthcare challenge to track my progress on this.
In these 100 days I learned a lot that I want to share here. As we are all unique and different human beings, you may not agree with what I applied in my life, but I ask for respect and empathy, because all of this saved me. Also, some points have a scientific basis in research I did and books I read.
1. mental health and nutrition
This was one of the first things I learned. I realized that when I was hungry, my body didn't give me clear signals. Probably due to my autism and ADHD, I was always disconnected from my body's needs and didn't know how to identify hunger (which I expected to be something like a growling in my stomach, but it never was that way). What actually happened was that, instead of hunger, I had a critical increase in my intrusive and suicidal thoughts, which made mealtimes much worse than they should have been. Our mind is more vulnerable when the body is not properly fed and hydrated, and many of us neurodivergent people will not feel hunger like neurotypicals do. Our body wants us to move to find food, so it sends us successive stimuli through our brains to fight for our lives and, well, eat. Some of these stimuli can be very negative and, instead of propelling us forward, they drain our energy and make us even more depressed, which also doesn't happen to the same extent with neurotypicals, who deal with this type of thing much better. To avoid this, I started eating every 3 hours, and not because a doctor told me to, but because I realized that my crises happened with this frequency. By eating regularly and preventively, my body stopped depending on this resource to nourish itself and I became more mentally stable.
2. mental healthcare and intestinal system
The gut is not our second brain for nothing. The health of our mind is completely connected to the health of our gut. You have certainly heard the phrase “you are what you eat” and it is true. What surprised me most in my studies was discovering that neurotypical and completely mentally healthy people develop mental disorders if their gut microbiota is altered. In other words, we must nourish our gut to maintain our mental health. The more diverse our microbiota is, the better our mental health will be. This means eating various foods per week, as colorful and natural as possible, because food industrialization is also partially responsible for the number of mental disorders that exist today.
3. mental healthcare and eating meat
This is a difficult topic, since I was a vegetarian for many years, but I want to share what I learned with you. The incidence of mental disorders is directly associated with the levels of omega 3, taurine and tryptophan. Omega 3 is a good fat and essential not only for maintaining memory, but for all of our cognitive functioning and, although it can be supplemented in a vegan way, it is not as accessible to everyone in the appropriate dosage as fish. Similarly, meat has high levels of taurine and tryptophan, which regulate anxiety and depression and improve sleep. For many years I did not eat meat, supplementing protein with vegetables and whey, and for all those years I suffered from anxiety and depression. I never imagined that my blood type would also suffer more from this lack of protein: blood type O struggles more to maintain mental health and ideal mood levels with vegetable proteins. It is a blood type that needs animal protein. Going back to eating meat was not an easy decision, but I decided to test it out: even though I ate a small amount of animal protein per day, my cognitive function improved a lot in these past 100 days. I became more mentally stable and stronger, my mood improved, my gut responded positively and suddenly the things that haunted me were no longer so big. I never thought that mental health and animal protein had any connection, but I was very surprised to discover that eating meat (or not) influences our mind.
4. mental healthcare and intrusive thoughts
Well, I studied psychology, but it was a theory that didn't deal with intrusive thoughts. In these 100 days I discovered this term and delved deep enough to understand that we all have intrusive thoughts. Neurotypicals deal with them better, while neurodivergents deal with them much worse. Unfortunately, I suffered a lot with these thoughts and suffered even more trying to understand why this was happening in my head. If you suffer from intrusive thoughts, start by understanding that they are not real and that they do not come from you consciously. An intrusive thought is something that crosses your mind and is similar to a scary radio station that you accidentally connected to. It does not belong to you. I learned to think (and I like this theory) that this is a way for the brain to prepare itself for various possibilities, even the most absurd and impossible ones. We are animals and our body wants to survive, so I understand that the brain explores various probabilities to always be prepared, no matter what happens. Of course, for anxious and depressed people this has the opposite effect and makes us want to die. Over time, you learn that you can’t control when these thoughts appear, but you can control how much power you give them. I deal with obsessive intrusive thoughts every day, but each day I’m becoming more and more able to not get emotionally involved with them. “It’s just a glitch in my brain,” I think, taking a deep breath.
5. mental healthcare and joy (which is worth more than solving problems)
I've always had a very fast-paced mind, cluttered with things and addicted to solving problems. In recent years I thought I should focus more on relaxing and opening up spaces in my mind, but I discovered that an empty mind can be treacherous for neurodivergent people. Our mind is, in fact, addicted to solving problems. That's how our species evolved and prospered. Our mind has an organizational structure that seeks, through connections and associations, to process past and future events, resolve pending issues and find solutions for what was left behind. We do this with everything, even with things that are not in our control. I spent a lot of my life trying to solve what was going on in my head and I was unsuccessful because I wasn't the one who created this situation. Although solving problems is a pattern of the mind, it is a sweet illusion. Many things are not actually solved, we only think they are. I discovered that the time I invested trying to solve mental problems that I did not create could be used to create happier foundations to strengthen myself. I learned that it is actually joy that heals, not obsessively thinking about the problem until it is solved. Every time I focused my energy on doing something good, laughing or contemplating nature, I became a little stronger and remembered who I am. I won't deny that I felt guilty - the cognitive rigidity of autism screamed at me that I was ignoring my problems and that I was creating a silly fantasy world. Even so, I fought to break out of this pattern. It is still difficult. But today I believe that I’m meant to be happy and that cultivating moments of joy makes life worthwhile.
6. mental healthcare and feeling useful
Feeling useful is essential for mental health. We all want to be part of something and be recognized as necessary. In these 100 days, I decided to resume some volunteer work within my community and I also opened a new company, with handmade products, so that I would also have the opportunity to produce something that was not only in the intellectual field (handicrafts are very good for those who suffer from anxiety). Having a dynamic routine in which you have an important role is great for mental health and your sense of self-authority. Also, getting in touch with other people's personal stories helps to decentralize our gaze from ourselves, which is very useful if you suffer from OCD. As tiring as it may be, the more diverse activities we do, the better our cognitive function becomes.
7. mental healthcare and moving the body
It's interesting that to take care of your mind, you need to get out of your head and move your body. Many of the tensions accumulated in our minds can be released by running, walking or playing some sport. It doesn't matter what it is, but move your body. We were not designed to stay still, but to do various strength, balance and endurance exercises. Our ancestors walked for days in search of shelter and food, and that's how our bodies evolved. Especially for those who suffer from anxiety, high-impact exercises not only help regulate your mood and release neurotransmitters, but also generate a stress spike that will do your body good for the rest of the day. When we trigger these spikes, our body answer quickly and creates new pathways to respond to stress, which helps us better deal with anxiety, depression, instructive thoughts, etc. Our sleep also improves, as we use our stored energy and tend to think less before going to sleep.
8. mental healthcare and sleep hygiene
I have always tried to force myself to be silent. I forced myself to meditate for many years, without much success, but after the panic attacks returned, meditating and being silent were torture. It was as if I made room for all my inner demons to dance in my mind and I always felt worse. I recently discovered that neurodivergent people struggle more with silence and that it does them a lot of good to distract their minds with sounds, images and other stimuli that allow them to emotionally engage with something real and outside of themselves. I see that it is a controversial topic, but I no longer believe in sleep hygiene without screens and complex content. My best nights of sleep were those in which I distracted myself with something until I fell asleep or listened to someone talking until I fell asleep. So if you want to test what works best for you, know your limits and do not blindly obey the orders that someone has set. Maybe you work better at dawn, maybe you only need 6 hours of sleep, maybe you are different from the average. Your life's work is to discover yourself and be true to it.
9. mental healthcare and developing self-authority
This was very important to me. I have always had low self-esteem and I have always believed in others more than in myself. I sought answers and cures for what I suffered from various doctors and therapists, but all of this only made my situation worse. I became dependent on diagnoses, consultations and sessions that never really helped me. At a certain point I decided that I would educate myself on the subjects that bothered me. I studied, and studied a lot, about psychology, neurology, neuroscience, nutrition and about the functioning of the body as a whole. Today I no longer accept any diagnosis about myself because I have developed my own authority. I am the authority when it comes to myself, you know? I don't need others to tell me what I am feeling because now I know what it is and where it comes from. I also know, fortunately, how to solve it. When I go to a doctor or have an exam, I know what I am investigating and what I need to achieve. It is very sad that today medicine is just a search for money and that you only get good care if you pay a lot for it, so it is important to get educated about yourself so you won’t fall into standardized speeches that will lead you to the ever-increasing consumption of pharmaceuticals and drugs without, in fact, looking at the cause of the problem.
10. mental healthcare and time
There are things that only time can heal. There is nothing like letting time pass. A few months ago, all I could think about was how I wanted to end my life and it was tormenting to think about living for even one more day. Waiting for time to pass was difficult, but I was rewarded. Time has a way of overcoming some things if you allow yourself to create new memories, new connections and new laughs. If you are suffering a lot, wait a few more hours. Live one more day. Let time pass and life bring you better things.
See you guys again on my next challenge (maybe a productivity one?). Thanks to everyone who liked and reblogged my previous posts! 💕
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nightbunnysong · 2 months
A very important article about self-care
Oh... to be this soft ethereal being...
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In today's world, many of us are drawn to the allure of self-care gadgets and wellness products, believing they hold the key to happiness and health. However, these items often provide only a superficial and temporary fix, masking the deeper need for genuine well-being.
True wellness is not found in the latest tech gadget or beauty product, but in reconnecting with nature. Nature is the real source of health and happiness, offering benefits that no commercial product can replicate. The most beautiful and healthy women I know are those who maintain a deep connection with the natural world. They understand that nature provides a sense of peace, balance, and vitality that is unmatched by any manufactured solution.
Investing in self-care gadgets might seem convenient, but it often leads to a cycle of constant consumption without addressing the root of our well-being. These products can create a false sense of comfort, leaving us ultimately dissatisfied and disconnected from what truly matters.
By embracing nature, we tap into a timeless source of nourishment for our body, mind, and spirit. Whether it's through spending time outdoors, gardening, or simply appreciating the natural beauty around us, reconnecting with nature can lead to profound improvements in our overall health and happiness.
Don't be misled by false palliatives. Instead, look to nature for genuine and lasting well-being. Rediscover the simple, yet profound, joys that come from being in tune with the natural world.
- Nightbunny
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futurememor1es · 4 months
hot or cold showers?
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both, cold and hot water have health benefits, but which one should you choose? that depends on what you're looking for.
cold water
☆ accelerates metabolism
→ helps with weightloss
☆ helps the immune system
→ prevents colds
☆ tightens the skin
→ you'll look more lean
☆ tightens pores
→ glass skin
☆ makes you alert
→ good for mornings
☆ reduces tension in mind, "natural anti-depressant"
☆ reduces hairloss
hot water
☆ reduces headaches
☆ relaxes muscles
→ good after a workout
☆ cleanses the skin
→ less acne
☆ relieves nasal congestion
→ helps with a stuffed nose
☆ helps with sleep
☆ lowers blood pressure
☆ reduces anxiety and tiredness
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supermaks · 4 days
feels like im a montague and ur a capulet whenever i see ur posts like wow u rly are on the other side of the pond now
Starting to feel like theres a plague on both our houses tho 😭
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perhaps-relax · 4 months
anyone got any good readings on the obesity "epidemic" that isn't utterly fatphobic? maybe also anything about how childhood obesity is misunderstood?
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annabananaaxox · 5 months
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It has been a while since we last spoke, what can I say, I have been busy. I finished baccalaureate (the last year of highschool) and I am getting ready to do my uni access exams (basically like SATs).
Anyways, I've recently watched challengers and I am obsessed with it. I might try to go back to tennis (I stopped playing because I sucked). I've been running and doing a lot of cardio lately, too. I feel good. I recently read a catalan book called Et vaig donar ulls i vas mirar les tenebres by Irene Solà.
I'm going back to studying now.
Oh, btw I might start a youtube soon?
Love you,
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janesurlife · 5 months
Guys I'm officially unemployed today (yay I match carlos now 😂) I just wanted to say this to anyone who's suffering at their jobs "listen money is important I understand but you have to decide how much money is worth your mental and physical health" so if you're scared of taking the big decision (obviously think before you do it) but if the cons outweigh the pros then please just do it You're only going to get older. Starting a new thing is difficult at 29 but it'll be even more difficult at 30 and so on....So just take that leap of faith
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drnic1 · 1 year
Healthcare's Digital Dilemma: Data Sharing or Data Hoarding?
Healthcare’s Digital Dilemma This week I am talking to Don Rucker, MD (@donrucker), Chief Strategy Officer, 1upHealth (@1up_health) who is working to solve the interoperability problem in healthcare Don shared his journey from being a medical student to a physician with a keen interest in data and computers. What he saw was healthcare’s inefficiency is often due to a lack of data, which led him…
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gaeulssims · 7 months
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˗ˏˋ NOOOOO!! ´ˎ˗
It was a Sunday evening and also time to head back home. The kids arrived a tad bit earlier from their junior trip. All was well, until the watcher got a notification of someone passing, ITS THE GEN 2 HEIR! Hoping that the grim reaper would be seduced by Ama, the watcher patiently waited for him to arrive, only for her to realize that she installed the simrealist mod which removes the grim reaper. Pure agony this… Prev | Next
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Sir i don’t think you should be doing pushups on a dead corpse….
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duusheen · 2 years
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Leif was going about his normal routine until Daphne showed up at his apartment unannounced… suspicious 👀
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chu-diaries · 3 months
100 days of mental healthcare: day 67/100
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It was a lovely day. I woke up early and had a slow breakfast, then I cooked lunch and did laundry. After lunch I cleaned my kitchen, did dishes and cleaned my oven. I still had some time until the sunset so I planned a picnic! I went to a farm near my house and bought some Camembert, cinnamon bread and kombucha. It was really nice to walk around the olive trees. I felt relaxed and happy.
I’ve been thinking a lot about my self knowledge as something that is part of my mental health. As a people-pleaser I realized I’ve been wearing a lot of masks to keep myself socially safe. I really want to remember who I really am so I asked ChatGPT to come up with 40 questions about myself for me to answer in the remaining days of this challenge.
💥: day 14/28 (ovulation day!)
💧: 1 L
🏋🏻‍♀️: 🚫
🏃🏻‍♀️: 🚫
📝: 🚫
🎧: coroa de marabô - aldeia de caboclos
🎮: 🚫
📺: one piece ep. 404-415
📚: hp and the half blood prince
🛑: 8 days pick-free
💊: 🚫
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