#He's also a boat so he can be a he/him lesbian if he wants
firecooking · 8 months
Here me out, in the tugs fandom there are 3 depictions of captain zero
1. Shitty mustache ( looks like it's pencil drawn)
2. Mustache that curls into a zero ( it curling to represent how he's the antagonist and also it resembles a 0 )
3. No mustache ( because he's either terrible at facial hair or artist just didn't draw him with one)
In your au is there an inside joke that zero can't grow proper facial hair?
I have been a conosuier of human Captain Zero's for years, and that theory does hold water!
I think the only Zero I can think of until a few that cropped up around this year with a beard that was drawn more than once is Dan-the-countdowner's over on deviant art. God speed Dan you where like the only guy drawing human Captains for years.
Also, your asks are always on deck in my ask box when I have a few minutes of free time, please don't think I'm ignoring them, sometimes it takes me a while to formulate my answers. Also I don't often do drawing requests, but I make an exception for my TUGS au's!
Anyways, on to my au! There will be a detailed explanation under the read more but tldr:
When Zero was a younger man he always kept himself clean shaven, after his time in he army he attempts to grow a mustache, which was universally hated and every one regarded as a bad move. Post War 1918-pre Zip 1920 is lovingly known as the rat years in the photo albums that reside around Zero Marine Bigg City.
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Before the Great War Captain Zero clean shaved every morning, brushed out, cared for, and styled his hair, and generally looked put together and intentional despite living with rather wild, wavy, longer hair. I picture him around a 2b/2c if he makes an attempt to care for it but when he's not doing anything particular its just a frizzy/fluffy 2a, he has pretty fine hair so it's never consistent unless Zero makes the effort. His hair keeping short also makes it less wavy than it might be if he let it grow out.
He'll never admit it but he never really liked looking anyone in the eyes as a young man, and he still doesn't like it. His long bangs covering his face made him feel more calm and helped hide the fact he was avoiding eye contact.
When he signed up for the draft, Star had made a few passing comments about his hair, but Zero never thought anything of it. He's always remembered Star had had longer hair, and the Army wasn't that different to the navy, right?
After he was drafted and was in training, one of the first things that happened was his hair was trimmed back to fit in his helmet better and his daily grooming routine was reprimanded as a waste of time for a medic. He was told to change it or lives would be lost. So change it he did. This change consisted of not doing his hair routine save for 'basic maintenance' [ie, none] as needed, and only shaving one or twice a week, his facial hair never did grow very fast and was rather sparse anyways.
When he got back from the war, he vowed to grow his hair back out, but he was a different man returning home.
With his new found free time in the mornings meant he could always find time for tea and some breakfast. Making for a slightly less 'tired bitch of a captain' according to his three tugboats [data gathered from eaves dropping on their nightly poker games]. With his shaving routine fully altered and him no longer being picky about being clean shaven, he decided to try out facial hair, his father always maintained a beard, so why couldn't he? Genetics were on his side! He often forgets he's adopted.
It never did grow in fast, or very full. Even with Zorran's best efforts to help, Zero never really had more than a slightly bushy mess. And his hair never really got back to it's same length/health after the war, he always blamed it on the fact it was cut back, and not the fact he was a depressed mess after Europe who had stopped grooming almost entirely for years.
When Zip was due to be christened, Zero finally went down to a barbers shop to get himself cleaned up for the photographs at the urging of his tugboats and mother.
The barber took one look at him and told him the mustache needed to go and that his hair was initially damaged from lack of care during the war and then exacerbated by lack of care after. Zero on a whim let the man do what he felt was right, it was a new decade after all.
Zero's up cut was initially very low maintenance for him and he quite preferred it that way. Zero didn't keep up steam with his hair care the same way he did before the war, but he could manage to brush it in the morning to keep it from getting as bad as it had been.
Once Zasha comes into his life and he realized she has much curlier hair than he ever did [a mix of 3 b/c], he starts to pick hair maintenance back up as he learns how to take care of her hair. He's gotta be a role model and a good father after all. He still never gets back to how he was before the war, but at least his hair is healthy instead of oily, frizzy, and out of place.
More importantly he's taking regular showers and grooming again. His tugs count both of those things as a win.
He never figures out why he was less particular about the way he looks after the war. He was living a life of crime before the war. In the army he never injured a soul or took a life, unlike his days collecting debts as an 'accountant.'
He doesn't see how the war to end all wars could have changed him.
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viquipo · 7 days
No bc I'm so mad rn I usually post my rants on ig stories but I need the tumblrites to tell me if I'm crazy or what. Jwcc/ct spoilers WHATEVER
First of all I want to preface this by saying that this is just my opinion on the matter, I'm not saying your headcanons are "wrong" or whatever tf, it's a kids cartoon where they unironically use terms like "fam". You can play with the characters however you'd like.
That being said, this is why TO ME it does not makes sense for Ben to be anything other than gay. Again, if you think he's bi or straight or anything else that's cool. I'm also leaning towards the opinion that he does actually have a girlfriend. I don't think the shows gonna pull a 180 on it because, realistically, 2 queer characters is already a lot for a DreamWorks kids show. As much as I'd like it not to be.
But, since the beginning, Ben has been very clearly coded as exclusively into men to me. Before finally going into it, I remind everyone on here that I'm a lesbian. I have felt an affinity with his character specifically for the experience of only liking the same gender. I might be totally projecting.
Ok, so.
1. The arc Ben goes through during the show is yes, one of self discovery, but also one of self acceptance. He changes a lot from the start of s1, but he also comes to terms with stuff himself or other people didn't like about him. He doesn't throw the dork pouch away or tells Kenji to keep it, the first thing he does when he takes it back from Kenji is put on hand sanitizer. He is covered in dirt, he's not afraid of filth anymore, but he still does that action because it's part of who he is as a person. He also becomes very unashamed at the things he does. He went from being embarrassed of his carob bars to eating grubs in front of people who he knows think it's gross. He knows himself as he is and he accepts it. To me (and to lots of other people) this works very well as a gay metaphor, and pairs up pretty nicely with the whole "jungle boy? Jungle MAN" arc being a trans metaphor. But how does this make Ben uniquely into men?
Well, it doesn't. But I think this next one does.
2. Enter Yasmina. She's pretty, she's smart, athletic, funny, all that good stuff. I'm not saying that means every wlm character should automatically be into her, but it certainly helps. Now forgive me if I don't remember specific episodes/seasons, but we all remember that episode where Ben convinces himself that Yaz is in love with him for some reason. When he "rejects" her, he says : "I'm just now starting to find myself". That's cool, cause I'm pretty sure Ben's " finding himself " personality wise was over and done a couple of seasons ago. To me, that is a really good hint at him dealing with his gayness.
3. He's also the first person Yasmina talks to about her feelings for Sammy. Now, in this particular context, the options for Yaz to talk to were Darius, Brooklynn, or Ben. It would initially seem to make more sense for her to confide in Brooklynn, since the two of them are far closer than her and Ben, and it also wouldn't be the first time she brings up Sammy as a romantic interest for Yaz (see: everyone tweaking abt that one line back in like s2). So why does Yasmina, a very private and reserved person, choose Ben to talk to about her same sex crush? She has probably gathered from the previous conversation that Ben relates to her struggle in a unique way in which Brooklynn just can't. Ben seems very receptive of what Yaz is saying ("feelings, am I right?") and it seems like he REALLY gets where she's coming from.
4. This is one I don't see talked about a lot, and maybe it's just cause I'm too out of the loop with the fandom, but I want to examine it as well. It's when Ben decides to not actually stay on the island. Everyone (except Sammy) already knew he wasn't going to stay in the end, but still didn't force him out. I think this is especially clear in a line Darius says when they reunite on the boat that goes something like "you needed to figure it out on your own" *smile hand on shoulder combo*. No explanation needed I think
I am diagnosed with autism did you guys know what
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onepiece-polls · 10 months
One Piece Shipping War - Round 4 Quarter Finals
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Propaganda under the cut.
Propaganda for Shanks x Buggy:
What if we were childhood friends who gave up our drama for each other then never saw each other again for years
What can I say, I'm a fellow shuggy truther too 🤝
Shanks obviously adores Buggy, and Buggy is so tsundure~! Mr 'I hate Shanks'-but-will-take-every-opportunity-to-talk-about-him-and-be-with-him.
Oden says in his journal that he can't tell if they're friends of enemies, and I just love that. Plus when you add in the revelation about Shanks and Buggy in the recent chapters.
They're childhood friends. They're exes. They've been married for 20 years. They're opposites. They're the same. They're silly goofy guys who make me want to cry my heart out. Red/Blue is always meant to be.
Buggy """""HATES""""" Shanks. This hate is so strong that he WILL yell at this red-haired bastard despite the fact that he is a coward, who is terrified of all the Emperors. Everyone thinks this is strange. However, when you grow up with said Emperor on the same boat, watching him stumble over his feet as he's trying to learn to use a sword, stuck scrubbing the whole deck because he was stupid enough to prank "Dark King" Rayleigh, and make that same stupid pouty face every time his Conqueror's Haki doesn't do anything because he is an itty bitty child, most of that fear gets pretty quelled. Also, that same fucker lost an arm because he's a DUMBASS and he deserves to be made fun of for it (not because Buggy is worried and missed him not at all no no Shanks is just DUMB and needs to be TOLD he is dumb more. But just by Buggy. Because Buggy has known his idiocy forever. He has earned the right to yell at this stupid, stupid Emperor for being a self-sacrificing fool and for giving away that stupid hat and... Wait, hang on, when did this bastard get hot!? WHAT THE FUC-) And Shanks just keeps smiling at Buggy and his antics because he has 100% been in love with him since they were children (his actions while they were on the Roger pirates are the DEFINITION of pigtail-pulling as flirting) and he is just happy to see that he's safe while being exactly the same larger-than-life clown he always knew. He would gladly give up his life of sluttery (that I am convinced this man has. Just look at how he exists) if Buggy would just agree to join his crew, but will not push him if he doesn't want to. He just loves his pretty clown from a distance and waits. TLDR: Buggy is mad that he's in love with Shanks and Shanks just likes existing with and/or annoying Buggy (they come as a pair). GOD I just love childhood friends to lovers bro. Just let the cabin boys kiss.
[Spoiler Warning] Red and Blue gays! Emperor husbands! Childhood friends to enemies to lovers!
Propaganda for Nami x Vivi:
Yes, Nami has a new girlfriend on every island, but her heart belongs to Vivi. Vivi in turn refuses to marry, because her heart belongs with a pirate ❤
THEY’RE LESBIANS! IN LOVE! another point: my friends who are watching OP for the first time came to me and asked “so Nami and Vivi… they’re gay right?” So it’s pretty apparent to even newcomers
I just think they’re neat! And in love. Nami gave up money for Vivi that’s True Love
Anyone who saw them can just tell they’re gay. Like Nami gave up money for her
They're one of the rare lesbian ships in op, they care for each other so much !!
They were so gay that Luffy offered to share food to cheer Nami up when they were separated.
i dare you to read Baroque Works through Alabasta without shipping them. the way Vivi and Nami are so affectionate with each other, and Vivi putting saving her nation on hold to get Nami healthy again ???
Let’s go lesbians!!!!! Ok but actually, I think Nami saw a lot of herself in Vivi (ha) especially when Igaram “died” and then throughout their journey together Nami really encouraged her to open up to the crew. Nami showed Vivi it was ok to ask for help just like Luffy showed her.
Vivi was Nami's gay awakening and you cant change my mind. Nami was in love with Vivi and Vivi def had some kind of feeling for Nami. They were so close and they were more then just 'gal pals'
Lesbian Pirate Supremacy! they clearly care a lot about each other and considering when nami meets vivi she is probably one of the first close female friends she gets to have.
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tocomplainfriend · 4 months
It feels less like you want to address a real life problem to characters, but more like you want to have another of your characters you constantly baby and want others to fangirl over.
TW: Rape, SA, Racism, Stereotyping, Homophobia, Acephobia, Arophobia.
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The representations of topics in media DOES affect real people.
Fiction can affect reality.
Let's start easy, Jaws. This goes back to Hazbin I promise.
"Since the release of Jaws in 1975, the world has witnessed a staggering decline of 71% in shark and ray populations, and around 100 million sharks are killed each year." (including multiple practices of mass hunting sharks in competition)
Both Steven Spielberg and the original writer Peter Benchley regret the movie and book. It's a big reason of the shark treatment, when it started by old fishermen worrying about shark biting people in the beaches they made money of.
Even if you aren't a shark killer yourself, a lot of things you believe of sharks are untrue myths that come from making sharks "evil" human killer animals. Sharks cannot smell blood from miles away, that's not even how water works, the particles of blood need to enter their nostrils. Sharks are not man eaters, they attack other prey animals before human. Shark attacks are extremely rare, even if they happen they are not justifiable to kill all sharks.
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Sharks actually have personalities they can fit in, they are smart and recognize people and boats- and form positive relationships with people. They can even like getting pet by people.
Other level to represent other thing sin media that affects reality we can address Queer, representation as a topic.
I hope it is not a surprise for you... possible non-straight, non-cis person reading this. That the constant representation of gay man as kid predator is a problem. They used old commercial (PSA) to spread negative views of gay man. Media is used to spread messages and affect its viewer. This is, there are cartoons created by Jehovah witness (or similar religions) to spread their beliefs and teach to their children in an easy, digestible way.
Same with the amount of straight woman that went off to read shitty yaoi manga and fetishy gay wattpad stories, and went to sexualize and diminish queer men. Constantly making gay man's personality into bottom or top (uke and seme shit). I witness this irl, others have too.
Same with shitty men that view Lesbians as a porn machine for men, cause "monkey brain like woman, lesbian = two women". Which happens in general and adult media. All of these are EASY examples.
Another one which turns out many people don't think about. Having your representation of an AroAce character (on purpose or not) be the psychopath with no feelings. Associating the not being romantically or sexually to means you have no heart, to be abnormal, by then a psychopath. An abuse or serial killer.
Fiction does affect reality-
A racist film, 'Birth of the nation' Revived the KKK and let to all the discrimination, and the homicide of black people of centuries ahead.
Coming back around, how you treat the topic of SA, and r-pe- affects the real world. You would think someone who wrote that, had in mind on how that affects people in real life. Didn't you want to represent victims of SA/R-pe that are sex workers and male?
Reducing the r-pist, pimp, trafficker character to an air head to treat as silly is crazy to do. Specially as... oh idk... the creator? Both this and the tweet of the voice actor calling Val "Bubbles Coded" is so crazy. The character is also not deep enough by itself, it's pretty much Stupid and a R-pist sex trafficker. The tweet below Viv's fucking kills me too.
The fact Val is shown to be air head stupid doesn't delete he backed Angel (and by being a sex trafficker and a pimp, and him licking charlie that means he has multiple victims) into a corner and under his control. Too then abuse of him in many different ways. Manipulations are not only done by Super mastermind people, and representing it in such way diminished, affects people who have being manipulated and actually try to question if they have being or not. Manipulators can be normal, average people, they usually are not obvious. Even if Val is openly a shitty person that's really obvious, it doesn't detract from him being manipulative to people. The scene where Val threatens him in chains that is manipulation, his text messages are manipulation (even if you think it is too obvious to be successful).
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How you represent SA/R-PE, and its perpetrators, do affect real life.
Going around and having your "serious R-pe episode", to then go in other episodes or the other series you are writing to make r-pe/sa jokes is terrible. For the person that directed the whole scene of poison to NOT be r-pe/sa victim (said by themselves) with a r-pe fetish with this character's in specific, to directed in the most graphic way possible is awful. To go around babying your r-pist character is crazy.
Hope you understand that this doesn't mean not treating any topic at all. Creators should be awere on how they treat topics and the scenarios they create with them, too. People and viewers need to also put their brain to understand the media they consume. But you can't always put all blame only on the viewers of a series, if media is messy is a fault of the media. You can criticize both.
You need to acknowledge Valentino is indeed a terrible person, You don't need to delete his actions or the weight of them.
I also just know that a lot of Val fans just like him to draw him in r-pe art and get their fetishized gay ship. Cause that's what they are into. You won't even do that with a woman, because you are into your fucked up fetishized gay porn from wattpad you never left behind.
If you like him, FUCK IT, just please take his abuse seriously. Don't default your entire usage, and view of the character to be 'uwufied' fandom stuff, please.
I hate how the topic has being treated, in and out of the show. I'm a victim, and I'm hurt by how these things are treated and knowing how it affects others. Even in things I haven't watched! Don't make the argument don't like it? Just don't watch it. The movies from the video of SA of men being a joke, many I haven't watch- that still affects over all. It's still a problem and it's disheartening.
Also have this:
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waltwhitmansbeard · 7 months
ugh now i can't stop thinking about it so
what cars would the mighty nein drive?
jester: she's just what a 60s vw bug would be like as a person. bubble gum pink with giant yellow flowers. an antenna topper of a cupcake and a "the traveler is my co-pilot" bumper sticker in the font from the beginning of legally blonde.
fjord: a wood-paneled station wagon. just an absolute boat of a vehicle that all of the kids (re: the rest of the nein) can pile into. insists you can't have the aux but everyone routinely ignore him. no seatbelts, we die like mollymauk.
caleb: you know those tiny german cars that seem like they were built for children to drive? one of those, maroon but you can't tell if that's the paint or the rust, at least one missing rim, can't sit in the back seat bc it is piled all the way up to the ceiling with books and papers caleb swears he's going to read someday. the glove compartment is a hazardous zone. floor littered with coffee cups.
beau: no car, this lesbian daddy drives a crotch-rocket, bright red and obnoxiously loud. she parks it wherever she wants and throws the tickets away. no helmet, no speed limit, we die like mollymauk.
yasha: no car, prefers to walk everywhere she can. if she has to go somewhere long distance, she'll crunch herself into a cab or cling onto beau for dear life. she'd prefer to get a ride from fjord, tho.
caduceus: there is one (1) car for the entire clay family, a secondhand sedan they traded for on craigslist, but it's too small to actually fit everyone in it, and there's always arguments about who needs it most, so mostly cad bikes everywhere (also a craiglist find, the chain is rusted but it works well enough)
veth: soccer mom van. she pretends to hate it, insists she "cooler" than the vehicle suggests, but actually she finds it incredibly handy. everyone hates sliding around in fjord's station wagon so when she's on the group trip, everyone fights to get in her car. also her stereo is better. the back is littered with bumper stickers that veth just finds. none of them pertain to her particularly. if she comes across a bumper sticker, it goes on the car.
kingsley: also a motorcycle, but somehow louder and gayer than beau's.
essek: absolutely REFUSES to get in caleb's car, says "that's not how i'm going to die," this is a miata twink for sure, sleek black and fast as hell. hates bumper stickers but jester snuck on one that says "my child is an honor roll student at the solstryce academy" but "honor roll student" is crossed out with "professor" written over it and "child" was replaced with "boytoy"
(vox machina version here)
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Eddie and Steve were in the kitchen, chatting, when Robin came into the room. She was breathing heavily, and her lipstick was smeared. It was her first sort of date with Vickie. Of course, Robin had been nervous, and she enlisted Steve’s help. A little group hangout was his idea to make them both comfortable, letting Robin give him a signal to move into the kitchen whenever she wanted to be alone with Vickie. Eddie was with him as per usual. It had been the norm for them ever since Steve carried him out of the Upside Down.
"You were right about Vickie," Robin said.
"Duh, of course, I was right about Vickie. As someone who also likes both, I have a sense for these kinds of things," Steve said. "Wait. Did she kiss you, and did you just leave her in there?"
"Shit!" Robin exclaimed and ran back into the living room.
"So, you're bisexual?" Eddie asked.
"Yeah," Steve said, shrugging as he popped a chip into his mouth.
"Have you always known that you liked both?" Eddie asked.
"Pretty much. Definitely from a young age. Right around the same time, everyone discovered kissing. It didn't matter who I kissed. I liked kissing," Steve said. "And then when I was old enough to start having sex. . . Well, you get the idea."
"Uh, it wasn't until recently that I learned that that's me too," Eddie said, scratching. "Bisexual, that is."
"Oh, so, you haven't always known? I figured with the hanky that you would have known," Steve said. "I guess that makes sense, though. Of course, you wouldn't be flagging on school grounds or 24/7."
"What the hell is flagging?" Eddie asked.
"I'll tell you when you're older," Steve grinned, and Eddie shoved him. "So, can I ask. . .what made you realize that you also liked guys?"
Eddie groaned and rubbed his face with his hands, scratching furiously in his hair.
"Ugh, it was actually you, man. You on that boat at Lover's Lake, whipping that sweater off like it was no big deal and then throwing it at me. It threw me off. I needed a damn cigarette," Eddie said as he hid his face.
Steve pulled one of his hands from his face, clasping it tightly in his own. He grabbed Eddie's chin and turned his face towards him.
"Thank you for telling me. It must have sucked. Learning about the Upside Down, being wanted for murder, and on top of that having a sexuality crisis," Steve said.
"It wasn't so bad," Eddie said softly.
Steve's hand was still on his face, but he was cupping his cheek now, rubbing his thumb across Eddie's cheekbone. Eddie sighed, leaning into his touch.
"Eddie, can I kiss you?" Steve asked.
Steve leaned in and kissed him. It was soft and gentle, also a little bit wet. They sighed against each other's lips. It was a bit overwhelming for Eddie but in a good way. He could feel the tears prickling at his eyes. Steve broke the kiss.
"Hey, what's wrong?" Steve asked.
"It's nothing. I just can't believe that you like me," Eddie said.
Steve pressed a hard kiss to his cheek.
"Of course, I like you," Steve said.
Eddie sighed and hugged him tightly, burrowing his face into Steve’s neck.
"I like you too, Steve," Eddie said.
"Yes, my plan worked!" Robin exclaimed.
Steve and Eddie broke apart, giving her looks of disbelief. She was standing in the doorway, holding Vickie's hand.
"You planned on being a useless, clueless lesbian?" Steve asked.
"Okay, rude! Yes, I did. I got you guys to double date with me and Vickie so that way you two can finally admit your feelings for one another!" Robin exclaimed.
"You didn't plan shit, Buckley," Eddie said.
"Steve, who are you going to believe? Me or your boyfriend?" Robin asked.
"Yeah, I'm not choosing either one of you. Vickie, how are you? We've never hung out. Do you want to go into the living room and talk shit about our new partners?" Steve asked, and Vickie giggled.
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watercolorofthemoon · 2 years
i forced my roommate to watch both LOTR and The Hobbit with me. Here are some highlights
Roomie: I like this gandalf dude Me: Oh yeah me too. he's a bit questionable sometimes but we love him
30 seconds later, gandalf fighting saruman: Roomie: NO MY SKRUNKLY
Roomie: awe sam is a precious boy Me, internally: oh you dont even know the half of it
merry and pippin stealing crops: Roomie: ARE THEY THE BASTARD LITTLE BROTHERS?? me: I mean i gues- Roomie: FOUND FAMILY LETS FUCKING GO
Elrond being disappointed and having strong eyebrows: Roomie: i feel like i've let down my dad and i dont even have a dad
Roomie: i don't really like boromir that much- me, pausing the movie to explain why boromir is extremely valid: I WILL HAVE NO BOROMIR SLANDER Roomie: is this bc he's a himbo
Roomie: this thorin guy sounds pretty gay if he's given bilbo this thing thats worth more than the shire me, internally: YOU HAVE NO IDEA MOTHERFUCKER
gandalf dying: roomie: NO MY BOY
roomie: please tell me gimli and legolas are gay, because everyone else seems extremely straight me: they arguably one of the gayest duos, yes. roomie: oh good. i thought they straight-washed sam for no reason me: i mean. there are a lot of frodo and sam moments that have no heterosexual explanation viggo breaking his toes: me, practically bursting at the seams: roomie: oh god what is it me: DID YOU KNOW-
gandalf is alive: roomie: FUCK YEAH MY BOY
me, explaining the uruk-hai: roomie: fucked up of a yas character to do that tbh (referring to saruman's manicure)
theoden being stubborn at helm's deep: roomie: okay i like him BUT COME ONNN MAN
eowyn picking up merry before they ride to gondor: roomie: I KNOW I WANTED TO KISS HER FOr A REASON MWAH MWAH EOWYN me:...she gets a bf roomie: NOT ANYMORE
aragorn: for frodo roomie, bursting into tears: me: whoa whoa u good roomie: ITS HIS DAD. ITS FRODO'S DAD.
sam literally carrying frodo up a mountain: roomie:...thats a bit gay mount doom blowing up: roomie: thats unecessary and homophobic
frodo sailing to the undying lands: roomie: TAKE YOUR BOYFRIEND WITH YOU YOU COWARD
The Hobbit:
the scene with baby bilbo: roomie: NAUR I LOVE HIM
bilbo and gandalf interacting as adults: roomie: this feels like it could go very wrong thorin finally showing up: roomie: listen im gay but i'd consider it me: he's probably also gay roomie: mlm and wlw solidarity okay we're bffs now
bilbo running out of the door: roomie: again. this feels like this could go very wrong. me, internally: oh fuck how do they KNOW already
thorin throwing down his weapon bc bilbo got caught by trolls: roomie:....thats....sus. me:...if this is sus...oh boy...
thorin's obvious dislike of elves @ rivendell: roomie: okay so. explain to me why thorin doesn't like elves again- me: did you not watch the entire introduction to thorin? roomie: NO WAIT I REMEMBER THE BLOND BITCH
saruman showing up: roomie: ew.
galadriel showing up: roomie: HELLO SAILOR AWOOGA AWOOGA
bilbo and thorin nearly falling off at the mountain pass: thorin: he's been lost ever since he stepped out his front door roomie: WDYM YOU'RE ALL FUCKED UP- thorin stop being mean to your husband
the entirety of the goblin tunnels and gollum: roomie: this does not bode well. at all. the ring showing up: roomie: I WAS RIGHT
azog versus thorin scene: roomie: dumb bitch...OH NO DOES HE DIE- bilbo to the rescue: oh no its chill, just gay
the iconic carrock scene: roomie:....this is incredibly gay bestie me: i'm aware.
the entirety of the beorn's house arc: roomie: ...i like beorn. he's feral and skrunkly. so is radaghast.
legolas showing up: roomie: *surprised pikachu face*
tauriel and kili's interactions: roomie: damn i was hoping she would be gay me: i mean with the right headcanons she can totally be a lesbian roomie: UR SO RIGHT OMG
kili getting shot with arrow: roomie: NO THE GAYS-
the laketown master existing: roomie: EAT THE RICH.
bilbo and thorin on the boat together: roomie: oh they definitely fucked in laketown-
tauriel healing kili and them holding hands: roomie: oh no don't make me feel sad for straight ppl me: again. they don't have to be straight. roomie: I KNOW BUT ITS THE PRINCIPLE OF IT
bilbo waking up smaug: roomie: oh bilbo...oh you sweet summer child...you stupid bitch.
thorin threatening bilbo initially: roomie: oh fuck. it got worse. me, internally: oh honey. oh no.
thorin's gold sickness and then nearly killing bilbo at the ramparts: roomie: NO THEY WERE SUPPOSED TO BE GAY AND HAPPY HOW COULD YOU
*doesn't say anything almost the entire battle until the kili and fili die* roomie: noooo the skrunklies NOOOOOOO
thorin, fucking dies in bilbo's arms: roomie: *turns to look at me with the most murderous look on her face* me: *nervous laughter* so about it getting worse- roomie: IM GOING TO KILL YOU.
end for now, if we end up watching trop together ill let yall know <3
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pitofpurple · 25 days
LMK Pride Headcannons
MK came out to Sun Wukong as gay and he was like “and?” Because he grew up in the Han dynasty where that stuff was completely normalized
In the future LMK takes place in Gay marriage is legal in China and not nearly as stigmatized
Redson is pansexual
DBK and PIF support Redson dating men but still want him to marry a woman so the family line can continue (basically they still work by ancient rules)
Mei is bi and jokes all the time about how she’d only date women if the allure of men wasn’t so strong
The first time Sun Wukong was asked his pronouns he was so confused so he googled it and proceeded to have a full on gender crisis
Ao Lie was a trans woman but she never got the opportunity to come out because of fear of ridicule from her family (who she already had a strained relationship with) so she delt with dysphoria by disguising as a human woman at every opportunity and making her voice higher in her regular human form
After learning more about trans people Sun Wukong realized Ao Lie was trans and felt a wave of grief and regret because she never felt safe enough to be herself
on a more light hearted note Pigsy and Tang used to go to pride events (film festivals, meetups, bike rides) all the time before adopting MK and people always thought Pigsy was a straight ally because he looks straight.
Now MK and Mei go to gay and lesbian bars together
Tang is Bisexual. He thought he was gay but then he found out about the wonders of strong, dominant women and everything changed
Pigsy is Queer. He doesn’t care to specify further label wise. I’m fact unless it comes up he doesn’t talk about it at all. MK didn’t even know until after he came out
Sandy is actually Aromantic and is perfectly content living alone with his cats in his boat (as long as he also has friends to visit)
Macaque found out what a gay was from one of his odd jobs and went “oh… dats me”
Speaking of, it took forever for Sun Wukong to find out but he’s actually gay, Demi-Romantic and asexual, gender is still a mystery to this day but he/him out of convenience.
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coralpaperthoughts · 4 months
Info Dumping Abt The Au:
Alya still runs the Ladyblog, but it is now called the Scarletblog
she is still as obsessed with SB as she was with LB, not a crush (coz Dj Wifi ftw) and Nino isn’t insecure/doesn’t mind her obsession coz he’s the exact same about Scarlet - I mean who wouldn’t have a celeb crush on him ???
I think I have decided on Marinette and Adrien being besties as civilians, rather than having them being rivals as both superheroes and civilians, and Marinette and Nino are dudebros (they grew up together along with Kim) so i think i’m gonna scrap the “Nino had a crush on Marinette and that lead to Alya and Nino falling in love” coz i think that narrative is stupid asf
Instead that whole episode was Adrien coaching Nino to ask out his crush (Alya) and Marinette using Alya to get info about Nino’s crush who he hasn’t told her about because when she asked, he didn’t spill (Alya was there and he was too nervous) which she obviously found suspicious coz they're supposed to tell each other everything??
Adrien and Marinette get closer after Dj Wifi both had a date planned but their parents want them to babysit their younger siblings so Adrien and Marinette offered to babysit for them
The pair were friends before the evening started, but they left that night as besties due to their similar interests and likes (anime, games, fashion etc)
Julerose canon + power couple + everyone’s otp + lesbians queens (rose is pan tho)
Adrien confirmed emo gay boi (he’s actually bi but he got called this by his friends when he came out as gay to them and told them abt his family, he finds it funny)
He gets called emo bicycle after he comes out as bi (because it’s okay to think ur one label and then realise ur not later on and come out again !!!)
Luka doesn’t care about labelling himself, he just loves who he loves but has his preferences (totally not the author projecting onto him)
Marinette is also bi and she’s known for soooo long - although at one point she was convinced she was lesbian because she thought she should have a crush on either Nino or Kim (coz that’s what society tells her) so young tween Mari came to the conclusion that she must therefore be gay, but then realised that she just thought of Nino and Kim as brothers and couldn’t possibly imagine them in that way (I’m writing this too deep fr, it was never that deep bro)
Gabriel and Tomoe tried to force Adrien and Kagami to be together but when Adrien first met Kagami, and they were alone, he was straight (hah) up with her and told her he had no interests in girls and couldn’t be her boyfriend
Kagami immediately relaxed and told Adrien that she was not interested either, she’s demi- bi/lesbian (idk if i want feigami or not helppp)
So basically from then on they were just a pair of rich kids who hated their capitalist parents and treated every forced date as a hangout between friends to just chat shit and have some fun for once, and Adrien introduced Kagami to his school friends and she and Mari still get close - the three are inseperable
Luka is obviously there from day 1, unlike how he was in the show, and very quickly into the school year his and Juleka’s houseboat became the designated hangout spot for the class
Anarka does not mind, she loves the chaos that these teens bring to her house and she makes it clear to them all that they can come hang out on the boat at any time of the day or night if they need or want
Marinette is often at the boat, Adrien is constantly at the boat after he meets Luka (like 2 weeks into the year) - the difference is tho, Marinette is there for her friend Juleka and Adrien is there for his crush friend Luka
Adrien and Marinette constantly also visit the boat late at night as superheroes because Adrien wants to get away from his house and Marinette finds Luka's guitar playing soothing to her busy whirring mind - they also just want an excuse to chat to Luka
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pass1onepr1ncess · 6 months
NSFW Topic Warning
Stark contrast from the posts I usually make, but this one's gonna have NSFW topics because I'm pissed off about things so be warned.
It's really been getting under my skin lately that non-fetishized lesbian porn made for and by other lesbians is SO hard to find. Another alter in the system, his name is Milo, is a stricly gay trans man and it's SO EASY for him to find content when he wants it. Even gay porn of trans men! But the second I go looking for lesbian porn, all I can find is straight women being sexy at a camera for straight men to fetishize. And I can tell because there is such a wide difference between the framing and videography and tones of fetishistic "#lesbian" content and actual sapphic content and the former just makes me feel so gross. I don't want to be fetishized, I just want to be horny!
I refuse to use PH partly because of the fetishization but mostly because of the mass exploitation and abuse that happens on there that goes completely unreported and unpunished not just of adult sex workers but also of children and teens that shouldn't be on camera in the first place. I normally use Twitter, but that's where my problem lies in trying to find decent content! I managed to find a singular good account, but not only is all of their content just the same maybe 7-10 videos reposted every month so there's NOTHING new, but they also repost straight content and while that's not, like, a bad thing I just want to be a lesbian in peace!! Without straight people!!
I vented these frustrations with a friend recently and he recommended a BDSM site but the thing is I'm not really into BDSM. I'm not looking for kinky stuff like that- not that anything's wrong with it. BDSM is genuinely one of the healthiest lifestyles I know of when done correctly- I literally just want vanilla lesbian porn made by lesbians for other lesbians! And for some reason, that's so much to fucking ask for!
I think the part of all this that really ticks me off is that content of gay men is so accessible. I can't even count the amount of accounts on twitter who are all gay men (cis AND trans men) making exclusively gay content for other gay men, but the fact that I can't even find ONE good account for lesbian content? It pisses me off!
In all the strides we've made in being a more accepting society of LGBTQ+, why the fuck is it so hard to find stuff like this? Why do the queer men get to have a good time, but I'm struggling to find ONE good source of exclusively sapphic content? Not to say that queer men have it easy, we're all struggling in the same boat don't get me wrong. But it just sucks that the sapphic side of the boat still has a good amount more water in it than the boys' side.
All of this in addition with the stereotypes? The whole thing of people expecting sapphic relationships to be a masculine, woodworking, flannel wearing butch and a dainty, nails and makeup, princess-like femme when there is SO much more than that! Butch4Butch lesbians I love you so much, Femme4Femme lesbians you are doing SO great sweetie. Lesbians who don't really fall into either category, you are incredible! Nonbinary lesbians, you're amazing and keep up the good work! Transbians, you are the bravest fucking people on the planet and I hope you get to fight God one day because you WILL win and you deserve that W.
Not to mention the weird purity culture involved with other queer people trying to palette us for straight people? Saying that lesbians as a whole are soft and nice and pretty? Girl, we're not all coquette and Lana Del Rey. Some of us are, sure, but there is literally no way to try and market lesbians to heteronormative society in a little bow because we don't all fit in one box! And yes, lesbians have sex! It's not all soft romance and cuddling and holding hands on cafe dates. Just like literally every and any other kind of couple, while there's still romance and cutesy moments we still get horny and worked up like literally any other person on earth (Other than asexuals. Not all of you, of course. Shout out to asexuals who still have sex, I see you and you are loved). And what happens when we do? We fuck! We have hot lesbian sex and it's great!
Also, might I add that it's really misogynistic to try and label lesbians as this group of pure, innocent, soft and fluffy group of women who couldn't possibly have a sex drive! Or on the other hand, saying that all lesbians are horndogs who can't keep themselves off each other- because I've seen that one, too! I hate being labeled like this, why is it SO HARD for people to just accept that lesbians are literally just people. We're just like everyone else- the ONLY thing different is that we don't wanna be romantically or sexually involved with men. That is IT!!!!!
And in terms of the lack of good sapphic content, it also goes beyong porn! Literally every sapphic show I've seen released in the past few years has been cancelled after ONE season and then a lot of it just gets deleted entirely so that one season isn't even available anymore!! But the you have Heartstoppers and Love, Simon and I just! I'm happy that we as a community have fought hard enough to have these things. I'm not trying to drive a wedge between the achillean and sapphic communities. I just wish us sapphics got the same treatment as the men do.
I love being a lesbian, don't get me wrong. But sometimes I am exhausted from being overlooked. From being glanced over and shoved into a box that I nor anyone else in that box fits into. I want to be a lesbian in peace.
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outermaybanks · 15 days
request: Hi, would you be up for writing a Rafe x Kiara fic by any chance, I love me some good enemies to lovers and in my opinion they definitely give that. If u are up for it, I’m hoping for u to do a dark Rafe one. @sage1998c
a/n: listen im personally team lesbian kiara but there was TENSION in that room in season 3, I really felt like I was seeing a new side to Rafe. Anyone else think maybe something happened there? maybe kook year? Also might elaborate on this... CW!!!! 18+ smut. dark!rafe. DUBCON, hatefucking, p-in-v penetration, unsafe sex... maybe a little breeding kink. if u squint.
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“She’s not even that hot,” Rafe thought to himself as he brought his red solo cup up to his lips. Kiara Carrera had slapped him, pushed him into the ocean, stolen his boat and left him alone in a foreign country. So why were his eyes glued to her frame as she danced in front of everyone, her three Pogue friends surrounding her, all begging for her to look at them. Rafe thought it was pathetic, the way these guys pined after her, and Rafe refused to join them. But despite that, there he was, stood against a wall with his eyes locked on Kook-gone-Pogue. 
Even when his friends came over to greet him, tried telling him about whatever bullshit they wanted to brag about, his eyes always found her, until finally, he saw her separate from her group of friends, heading upstairs towards the bathroom. Rafe mumbled off an excuse, then followed behind her, but with enough distance so she didn’t see him. 
Kiara went into the bathroom, and turned to close the door behind her, but just as she tried, Rafe pushed through, closing the door behind him. “Rafe? What the hell, man?” “I need to know something.” “I’m trying to use the bathroom, it can’t wait?” “No, no, it really can’t.” Maybe it was the coke in his system that drove him to be so eager for an answer, or maybe it was pure desperation. “I need to know why the fuck those Pogues are good enough for you, but me? I get pushed off a boat, and left for dead,” Rafe stepped closer, towering over Kiara.
“So, what is it, Kie? What do they got that I don’t?” “Morals,” she practically spat in his face, but Rafe didn’t care, his hands came up to grab her face, pulling her into a kiss. Kie immediately pulled away, and slapped him. “Who the hell do you think you are?!” Rafe moved his jaw as his hand came up to my cheek. The stinging felt good, and a small chuckle escaped his lips. “No, Kie, who the hell do you think you are?” He walked closer, until her back was against the wall. “You think you’re so much better than me. Do your little Pogue friends know just how… needy you used to be?” Rafe tucked a strand of hair behind her ear, and Kiara’s eyes moved between his own, but despite the situation she found herself in, she wasn’t scared, more like annoyed.
“Maybe I should tell them, hm? How you used to beg for me to touch you. Tell me, Kiara, are your little Poguies fucking you right?”
Kiara forcefully moved his hand away from her face. “That’s none of your business.” “Oh no, I think it is my business,” Rafe argued, this time both of his hands coming up to cup her cheeks, forcing her to look at him. “They fuck you better than I did?”
“None of them fuck me.”
Hearing that, a smile appeared on Rafe’s face. A sense of pride came over him. Kiara’s stare was hard, like she could see through him. That’s why Kiara always terrified him, she was the only one who ever looked at him like that. 
One of Rafe’s hands slid down to her throat, but still she just stared through him. He was holding her tight, but not enough to hurt her. “Tell me you miss me.” “Drop dead, Rafe.” “You don’t mean that. I know you don’t. Say you miss me.” Kie swallowed as she watched him. “I miss your dick, I don’t miss the person attached to it.” Rafe smirked. “I can work with that.” His hand that was around her neck slid to the back of her head, taking a fistful of hair before pulling her back into him for a hungry kiss. This time, she didn’t resist, she returned the fervor, her hands coming up to grasp at the collar of his shirt. 
Rafe, without thinking, leaned down to pick up Kiara and put her on the sink counter, knocking over miscellaneous items that came clattering down, but neither of them could bring themselves to care. Rafe’s lips left hers in favor of kissing down her skin, nipping and sucking at the skin of her neck. “No marks,” Kie panted out, but Rafe pulled away, leaving her eyebrows screwed together in disappointment, just before Rafe’s hand came up to squeeze her cheeks together. “Don’t tell me what I can and can’t do. You’ll take what you can get, got it?”
Kie nodded desperately, Rafe reached down and peeled her shirt over her head. The second the piece of fabric was discarded, Rafe pulled her back into him. Kie’s hands preoccupied themselves with the task of unbuttoning his jeans, and taking off his belt, but Rafe’s focus was on her lips, the ones he had been desperate to kiss since she had denied him of it. He moved his hands to her thighs before sliding them back and forth roughly against her skin.
Suddenly, he pulled away from her, pulling her down from the sink with him. “Can’t wait anymore,” Rafe mumbled before turning her around, and pressing her down to lean over the sink; a small gasp of surprise left Kie’s lips as her skin met with the cold marble. Rafe’s hands reached around her waist for the button of her shorts before pulling them down, grinding his bulge against her. “Mmmm, what would your little friends think? Seeing you bent over a sink for me?” Rafe teased, his fingers gripping her flesh to pull her back against him. “Do you want to go ask them or do you want to fuck me?” Rafe chuckled before his hand came down, slapping her ass and roughly pulling her against him. “You lost your manners, Kie, I’ll have to teach you.”
Kie turned her head to try and look at him, but he was too busy pulling his hard cock out to look at her, she tried to keep her hard-girl persona, but when she felt his tip nudge her clit through her panties, she was already practically done for. Her body remembered him, and was betraying her. Rafe made no attempt to remove her panties, only moved them to the side before sliding between her folds, her wetness coating his cock. A cocky smirk spread across his lips before he slid into her, her eyes falling back with her head, hands splayed out on the marble of the counter, desperate for something to hold onto.
He gave her no time to adjust, immediately snapping his hips at a merciless pace. “Mm mm-” Kie let out small whimpers. “You feel just like I remember… You let anyone else fuck this pussy?” Rafe questioned with a huff, his hand coming up to tangle in her hair. He tugged, pulling her to stand against him, but his hips never stopped moving. “Answer me.” “No-No, Rafe. No one.”
He suddenly pulled out, a small whine leaving Kiara’s lips, but Rafe picked her up and put her back on the counter, pulling her to the edge before sliding back into her. “I wanna see your face when I make you cum.”
Kiara wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him closer to her. With her legs wrapped around him, he reached deeper inside, and she was getting close. “Fuck you feel so good… Those Pogues wouldn’t know what to do with a girl like you, couldn’t fuck you like you need. You need me.”
She found herself agreeing, her head nodding against his shoulder while her nails dug into the flesh of his back. “There’s my girl…” Rafe’s big hands came up to paw at her breast, before his mouth attached to her neck. “Close… so close…” Kie mumbled, starting to go braindead, her impending orgasm clouding her mind. “Beg me,” Rafe said, grabbing her chin to make her look at him. Her eyebrows screwed together in confusion. Rafe slowed his hips, keeping his dark eyes on her. She wet her bottom lip, dragging it with her teeth. “Please, please don’t stop. Make me cum, Rafe.”
Rafe smirked, one hand snaked down the front of her panties, where her clit was swollen and puffy. “You can do better than that, Kie.” Her bottom lip came out into a pout, she was desperate, her hands coming up to his cheeks pulling him into a kiss. This surprised him, but he kissed her back, his calloused fingers began circling around her clit, making her moan into his mouth. With one move, Kie had gotten Rafe in the palm of her hand, and he didn’t like that.
But he wanted to hear that sound again, and he wanted to feel her cum on his cock, so slowly he quickened his pace, which each thrust small moans escaped Kie’s lips into his. Rafe could feel her tighten around him, squeezing his cock before her lips fell from his in a gasp. The sight alone of her eyelashes fluttering as her jaw went slack was enough to bring him to release, cumming inside her. Both of them stayed there, foreheads together, chests rising and falling with each deep breath. “You’re lucky I’m on birth control, asshole,” Kie breathed out. “I didn’t ask.” Rafe replied before sliding out, a small whimper leaving Kiara’s lip of the empty feeling, then she felt the warm liquid slide out of her, and with a clear mind, this annoyed her. “Just… get out of here so I can clean up.” “Okay…” Rafe replied softly, tucking himself back into his boxers. “It was good seeing you again, Kie.” He opened the bathroom door, the music filling the room. “If I see Maybank touch your ass again, I’ll fuck you in front of him.”
©ᵒᵘᵗᵉʳᵐᵃʸᵇᵃⁿᵏˢ ²⁰²⁴
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allwaswell16 · 1 year
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One Direction friends to lovers fics where one of the characters is having a sexuality crisis as requested in this ask. You can find all my other fic recs here. If you enjoy the fics, please leave kudos and comments for the writers! Happy reading!
⊹ Learning to Breathe by youcomecrash / @drunkharrystyles-blog
(E, 110k, uni au) He’s playing football at one of the top universities in England and he should love everything about his life right now, but instead he’s moving backwards. 
⊹ Heading for Limbo by @kingsofeverything
(E, 100k, famous/not famous) When Harry discovers some life-changing things about himself, Louis is there for him, however he needs. But it’s all temporary because Louis has plans that will move his life from New York all the way to L.A. and the distance isn’t the only thing between them.
⊹ Follow Your Arrow by Anonymous
(E, 78k, high school) It's senior year and everything is about to change.
⊹Passing By by Larry_you_know / @larryyouknow
(E, 48k, vacation) the one where Harry doesn't even know he's into guys until he meets Louis on a boat trip. There's something more to their friendship but it ain't gonna be smooth sailing.
That's What I'm Here For by @taggiecb
(E, 46k, farm au) Louis needs help running his business but has no idea where to even start looking.
⊹ And Touch Me Like You Never by runaway_train / @runaway-train-works
(E, 35k, roommates) The one where Harry and Louis agree to be each other's New Year's kiss and it ends up being a lot more than they bargained for.
⊹ Follow Your Heart by dimpled_halo / @comebackassholes
(E, 32k, fake relationship) “We think it would be best to market you guys as a couple,” Simon tells them. The tone in his voice makes Louis think there’s no wiggle room to even try to argue about it.
⊹ others i've seen might never be mean (but they would never do) by @cherrylouvol6
(M, 20k, girl direction) a When Harry Met Sally AU in which Louis says all the wrong things and Harry always feels one step behind.
⊹ Supposed to Be by kikikryslee / @flamboyantommo
(M, 26k, high school au) the Geek Charming AU where Harry's a film geek, Louis' a popular jock, and they both need each other to get what they want.
⊹ Blush by orphan_account
(M, 15k, girl direction) the Christmas FxF Larry fic in which Louis is 99.5% sure she's straight and Harry likes to walk around shirtless and watch lesbian films
⊹ Waiting for Wonderful by QuickedWeen / @becomeawendybird
(M, 13k, pining) Harry is willing to wait as long as he needs to for his best friend to realise that they're supposed to be together, but it kills him to watch Louis struggle in his relationship with Mackenzie.
⊹ Nobody compares to you by fallenflowercrowns / @headband-husbands
(T, 10k, tumblr au) the one where Harry falls in love twice, Louis is just incredibly sweet and supportive, and Al from tumblr is super nice but also really secretive about his identity - not that Harry can blame him, considering his own blog is run under false pretences, too.
⊹ Elle Me Dit by QuickedWeen / @becomeawendybird
(M, 3k, girl direction) On the night of her bachelorette party she and her best friend/Maid of Honor, Harry, get drunk and wonder what they're missing out on.
—Rare Pairs—
⊹ You Don't Care About Me (One More Night) by @lululawrence
(NR, 60k, Louis/Nick Grimshaw) the one where Louis pines for Harry and Nick helps ease his way into figuring himself out through a friends with benefits sort of arrangement. Things quickly turn complicated.
⊹ we're still the kings of the Friday nights by we_are_the_same / @so-why-let-your-voice-be-tamed
(T, 22k, Zayn/Louis) Zayn’s been everything, for so long now. His moral compass, his partner in crime, his ride or die. And as of tonight, the first boy Louis has ever kissed.
⊹ The Stories They're Not In by abrighteryellow / @a-brighter-yellow
(E, 10k, Niall/Shawn Mendes) An AU inspired by Niall Horan's "San Francisco," the movie Rocketman, and Elton John and Bernie Taupin's real-life relationship (except more gay).
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heavensbeehall · 2 months
my elaborate mags headcanon
eta: lol i have edited this like five times to add details that I forgot.
Sixteen-year-old Mags Flanagan lives with her elderly grandmother who suffers from dementia, one-armed uncle (he lost it in the war but made the mistake of telling Peacekeepers a shark bit him) and cousin and is Reaped for the 11th Annual Hunger Games. She strongly suspects the Capitol-loyal Mayor of choosing children from Rebel families on purpose (he is naive in thinking eventually the Capitol will be appeased). Her Uncle feels incredibly guilty about her predicament. Her lobsterman cousin must race back from waters near District 13 (aka Maine) to look after the grandmother who should not be left alone. We learn the people of District 4 have always known District 13 was not destroyed (they can see it from their boats).
The small, redheaded girl has little hope of winning, especially compared to her tall, athletic District Partner, Tack, who is surprisingly easy to talk to and willing to team-up with Mags. She had thought him a bit of a jock. Tack's family were also Rebels and he has A Lot of Opinions on how the Capitol uses terror to keep the districts down. He would prefer to die at Mags' hands, or any other tribute than the muttations like the snakes that got Coral the year previous. He knows several District 4 kids who had nightmares about the snakes. He is very high minded, so obviously he will die. (Tack is blonde and has a polisci major vibe.)
Mags is more like Katniss in that she just wants to get back to her grandma. (She's old and might wander off a cliff!) But she does see his points.
Locked in cages, the tributes are interviewed by "the Gamemaker boy" (Snow), and Mags watches him very carefully as he charms some of the other tributes, particularly the female ones. Mags is, for once, grateful to be a lesbian because she forms a bond with Tigris, who is hired to make the tributes look presentable for the interviews, instead--both queer, both raised by their grandmothers and close to a cousin. She comes to realize Snow and Gaul never intend to stop the Hunger Games. She sees darkness in him and thinks he distrusts women (reader will know this is baggage from tbosas), thinking they are manipulative.
The Tributes are thrown into the ampitheater arena (same as 10 and prior) but it has been gutted and circus-themed, then filled with freakish muttations. There are different "rings" where different mutts are located. Mags and her partner work together and survive the lions, bears and--finally--an electric eel (as seen at the end of TBOSAS movie) which Mags evades mainly due to her ability to hold her breath for several minutes thanks to years of freediving in District 4. She is greatly affected by Tack's death.
When she emerges from the arena, she finds Snow made himself (the Ringmaster)--not the tributes--the star of the show, for political advantage. Mags is rarely allowed to speak in public--though her image is widely used for publicity purposes (see Capitol Couture) though Mags thinks it is Tigris who really made her striking. But she has a falling out with Tigris because she takes a dim view of Coriolanus, whom Tigris still thinks will stop the Games once he has more power.
Mags returns to 4 determined to spend as many good moments as she can with her grandmother (who no longer recognizes her, but that is okay because they are together) and hopes to prepare the children of 4 for the ongoing "forever war." She speaks out about her experience in the Capitol at events in 4 and eventually over the shipboard radios (mags basically goes on a podcast). Most people in 4 don't have TVs. Snow has her silenced with a poison that immobilizes much of her face. She helps her cousin run for Mayor in the hopes of finding a "better way" to chose kids for the Hunger Games--though she does not think any child should go only knows that it's not going to stop.
Slight Mags/Tigris but it doesn't work out. Epilogue set after the 70th Games, where Annie's disorientation reminds her of her grandmother. Annie very much wanted to be like the Mags of the posters the Capitol produced when she volunteered. But Mags knows that version of Mags was just an illusion. And Mags understands why the death of Annie's district partner nearly destroyed her. Themes about perception and reality, dementia, psychotic breaks etc.
Even though Mags' grandmother didn't know who she was at the end, it didn't matter so long as she felt safe and happy. Annie and Finnick give her a sense of family that she thought she had lost when her wife (who was not Tigris but that is okay) was killed by Snow. She is happy in this moment.
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carebeartherese · 8 months
My live reactions to Loki season two ep 5:
-running through the recap
-Im actually scared for this episode srsly
-oooo the almost silent intro
-he is angelic fr
-where is everyone???
-did they go back to their timelines??
-Im loving these continued camera shots
-pie room??
-oh shit
-:0 double Loki
-time slipping is just an excuse for Loki to flip his hair like the hoe he is /pos
-time loop???
-oop there’s the theme
-oh hes escapin
-where are they i wonder
-a boat prison??
-no not again dude Loki can’t handle this
-his name ain’t Frank lmfao
-oh it’s the BOAT PLACE
-dude why are we back in the tva
-:0 SHIT NEW YORK 2012
-Aw b15 is such a great doctor I love her
-living his dream
-who tf is don
-also his son??? No thank you
-this is so unserious
-Mobius is adorable
-ooo 1994
-hes so silly
-awww he just wants to sell his books
-hes a writer <333
-in his bunker???
-dude ob will believe anything that happens to him
-the sons of who??
-ob is so adorable with his little “hey”
-none of that made sense OB
-cannot control the time slipping
-oooo true
-to save his friends
-oh yea shit kang is coming aint he
-control it Loki!!!!
-you look like you’re trying to take a shit
-there is no controlling time
-stop psychoanalizing
-go to the pie room
-oh that’s actually kind of smart
-ob is adorable and I love him and his tism
-oh fuck there he goes
-he sucks at taking the trash out
-yea Kevin
-these kids are literally adorable
-don’t burn down the house pls
-these guys are so awkward
-just kiss srsly
-wife long gone????
-cause of the gay
-is he flirting??
-are jet skis flirting????
-mobius really thinks lokis crazy
-none of this makes sense
-awww the way he grabbed Mobius
-dude theyre so gay
-they need to just kiss already fr
-yea your kids will be fine mobius I swear
-hes just a suburb dad
-this is a little heartbreaking but also gay tbh
-B15!!!! Come with!!!!
-where’s sylvie?
-mobius looks shook
-and Casey trusts no one the little thief
-mobius/don is he flirting with Casey/Frank
-I love sylvie but she always gets angry and fucks shit up
-please leave her out of this one
-wait till it back
-fuck get that time slipping under control
-sylvie with her lesbian fit and her mullet
-ok but Loki loves mobius and doesn’t wanna loose him
-uncaring queen
-I mean she wants to live
-oh come on Marvel be more specific
-of course he doesn’t wanna be alone
-don’t make this romantic again pls
-his story is with mobius tho!!!
-Casey is such a weird ass hardened criminal
-mobius stop trying to sell shit to people
-Loki you are so babygirl
-I don’t understand anything anymore
-is sylvie flirting with record shop guy??????
-literally what is happening rn
-whos this guy in the back
-oh he disappeared????
-why’s shit disappearing????
-and she’s gone
-so is the timeline
-Loki is so sad and lonely
-a timeline just died for some reason
-Loki was just waiting for this opportunity
-oh shit Loki use them timeslipping powers
-oh come on dont give me that fuckin cliffhanger
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neathyingenue · 4 months
Rotating the Striking Captain in my head some more. Wrote up a loose bio/timeline for her >:)
Brigid Byrne (she/her, occasionally he/him (?))
Moniker: The Striking Captain
Age: 31 or 32
Species: Human
Gender: Butch
Sexuality: Aromantic dyke
Born in London to a working-class Irish Catholic family, who had been in London during the Fall.
Brigid grows up as the 2nd oldest of 4 children; has several cousins and a large, loving family. Gets a bit of an education, as much as a poor kid in London would. Loves to listen to wild zee-ztories and play with urchins. She's athletic sibling/cousin who will beat up a bully for you.
Starts working at the docks as a dockhand with her uncle. Gradually starts to get jobs on fishing boats, then on longer voyages when she’s in her early 20s. Her family worries, but it’s the Neath, and her other siblings are just as wild.
At this point everyone knows Brigid is a lesbian. It’s not even a big deal. What’s a bigger deal is that this is London, this is the Bazaar, and Brigid just doesn’t get why everyone bangs on about love stories so much. She loves women, femmes, enbies, she loves to protect them, to make them feel valued and special, to have sex with them, to help them, share with them, be friends with them—she even loves flirting with them. But that doesn’t translate to having the kind of feelings that everyone is calling romantic.
Brigid draws recognition as a manager and leader. She works as a boatswain, quartermaster, even sometimes a first mate. She becomes a union organizer and is hailed as a hero of the Wolfstack Docks uprisings. She acquires the moniker ‘The Striking Captain’ because of how during a strike when she was serving as a strike captain, she led her union members to victory. Also because her personality, her voice, her manner is very striking!
She develops chronic pain and starts to use a cane when she can.
Her siblings and cousins start having kids. She’s the best auntie in existence.
1899 (1902)
Brigid’s activities finally catch the ire of the powerful. She’s briefly thrown in New Newgate. She decides to move out of her family’s house because if she’s going to have enemies, she doesn’t want them anywhere near her nieces and nephews (who she considers ‘her kids,’ not in the sense of she’s their parent, but like. They are kids. And they are hers, and she is theirs.)
There she hears some people muttering about the Vake. And she thinks—damn, if I caught him, how sick would that be? I’m already well-respected in Wolfstack, people know not to mess with me there. But this would show the rest of the city that I am NOT to be fucked with. My family is not to be fucked with!
Quirks/ characteristics
-Catholic but in a gay, superstitious, syncretistic cultural way, not in a I-stan-the-hierarchy way. (Wears a medallion of St Brigid on her carabiner, or whatever the Neath equivalent is)
-Curious. Will try anything once
-Brave and protective
-Tends to be a loner. Very social, has lots of acquaintances and admirers, but very few friends. She’s especially close to a cousin or two but that’s mostly it, and she thinks she doesn’t really need friends.
-Uncharted levels of rizz
-Occasionally overbearing and not good at listening
-Avoidant (get it bc Brigid Byrne burns bridges. Hahhahehehe)
-Physically powerful, explosive and strong—but what you don’t see is the bad days where her chronic pain flares up and she takes laudanum; or all the recovery time she needs after a grueling day or taxing fight.
-So obsessed with appearing to be strong that she is bad at asking for help.
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dyns33 · 1 year
No girl on the boat
I wanted to Young Carl x Reader story, I couldn’t find any, so I wrote one. 
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No girl on the boat.
It was the rule.
Well, there was Felicity, the cook, but they needed her so they wouldn't starve, and she was a lesbian, so it didn't count.
There had been Marianne, but that didn't count either, because she had quickly left after breaking Carl's little heart.
The others said it was a good thing, a rite of passage. He had only known her for three hours, he couldn't really say that he had suffered because she preferred Dave. Even if it was maybe a little vexing for him that she preferred Dave.
     "What do you want me to say ? That little one has good taste ! Young Carl, you're too young. Your time will come soon. But for now, you still have your hand."
There were also some fans who were invited when they were bored, but they weren't allowed to stay more than one night.
Then Y/N came.
DJ Gavin Kavanagh didn't ask anyone for permission to invite her or put her in a cabin. She arrived during a calm afternoon, with her big smile and her suitcases.
     "She's not my daughter, but she's like my daughter." Gavin explained with a very serious look that was not like him. "Well, maybe she's my daughter, I don't know, I was quite close to her mother, but it doesn't matter. There are three important women in my life, my mother, my sister , and Y/N. So nobody touches her, got it ?"
Of course, this made everyone want to approach the young woman. Nothing was more exciting than a forbidden fruit.
It was risky, because if Quentin had no problem with the fact that his niece had been fucked by one of the crew members, DJ Kavanagh claimed to be ready to throw overboard the first who tried something, and that he would then prevent him from getting back on the boat.
Even though he loved sex and freedom, he seemed really, deadly, serious about it.
It lasted a short week, before the team understood that Y/N was not at all interested in them anyway. She was mainly there for the music, to be with the one she called "Uncle Gavin" and to have some sort of adventure.
She did, however, talk a lot with Carl.
It was probably due to the fact that he was the youngest of them, the quietest, the nicest, and he was the only one who didn't seem to have any weird thoughts about her.
It was not true. 
He was just very good at hiding them, scared by the prospect of drowning in the middle of the English Channel, of being rejected by a girl again, but also that when he got to know her he really started to like her a lot. Y/N, and not just because she was the only girl on the boat.
In addition to the music, there were many things they shared with passion. Y/N was there for Carl, she listened to him without judging him, she was sweet, funny, intelligent, perfect. How not to fall in love ? But he had to hide it, which wasn't easy on a boat, surrounded by fools.
The others teased him a lot about it.
     "Gavin will kill you if he sees you with her." The Count reminded him.
     "We're just friends."
     "Yeah, 'friends'. Like Kavanagh is friend with her mother. Watch out, really. I mean, I get it. She's cute. But it's not worth trying an emergency defloration under these conditions."
     "Thanks Dave."
     "You're welcome. I can call Marianne if you want. Even if you were boring, she said you were alright."
     "Thanks Dave."
DJ Doctor Dave seemed to think this was an endorsement, and with Quentin's agreement, Marianne made a comeback. It was quite embarrassing to see her again, especially now that Y/N was here.
Everyone was watching Young Carl, waiting to see what he was going to do. The answer was nothing. He was no longer interested in Marianne at all, and he wasn't going to try anything with Y/N, but this pressure was beginning to weigh on his shoulders.
One evening, Marianne approached him when he was alone on deck. She apologized for what had happened with Dave, saying she couldn't explain why she had acted like this, probably because he was a bit famous, but she really wanted to be with Carl now.
Without waiting for his response, she kissed him, and that was when Y/N opened the door.
Time seemed to freeze for a moment, then Y/N looked sad, quickly going back where she came from. Carl pushed Marianne gently to follow her and hold her in one of the corridors.
     "You don't need to explain to me, Carl." Y/N sighed without looking at him. "She seems very nice."
     "She doesn't interest me."
     "Really ? Not even for an emergency deflowering in good conditions ?"
She had heard that. Of course she heard that, they were on a small boat, there was no privacy.
Not wanting her to be wrong about him, Carl moved close enough to force her to look at him, but without touching her.
     "She doesn't interest me at all. I... I don't care about any of this since... Since you arrived. I know nothing will happen between us, and not just because Gavin has forbidden it. You're so... You're awesome. You deserve better than me, and either you already know it and you're gonna tell me we're just friends, or you don't know it yet and it can't end well. There are the others too. Gavin will kill me, and the rest of the band will be hellish. With me, but also with you, and if I don't care what they think about me, I refuse to let them laughing at you, I don't want them..."
If Marianne's kiss wasn't bad, although Carl hadn't really paid attention to it, Y/N's was wonderful. Tender and passionate, making him shut up and forget the world around him. He wished she would never stop kissing him, but when she did, he didn't move.
     "Uncle Gavin doesn't forbid me anything. I don't care about the others. And you're not that bad."
Not knowing what to say, he nodded stupidly, which made her laugh, then he let her take him to her cabin. They did nothing. Or rather they spent part of the night lying face to face on the bed, looking at each other, kissing and talking, until they fell asleep.
Carl thought that was probably much better than sex. Or just as good, at least. And he hoped to fall asleep alongside Y/N until the end of his days.
It was likely to happen very quickly, since they were on a small boat and there was no privacy. The next morning, when he opened the door, the whole crew was there, looking at him with pride, and a lot of fear.
In the middle of the group, DJ Kanavagh did not share the general emotions, staring at him behind his sunglasses. Slowly, he pushed Carl to look inside the cabin, the bed, where Y/N was still sleeping, then he grabbed the collar of his t-shirt to drag him outside.
The others followed them, trying to calm him down, but without really stopping him. DJ Gavin had been very clear, so they couldn't intervene on young Carl's behalf. They didn't think he was really serious about not getting back on the boat either, but they followed just in case, to see the show and get the poor idiot back up after.
     "Uncle Gavin ! Uncle Gavin, no !"
Carl's screams had finally woken up Y/N, the only one who really tried anything to stop it all, holding Gavin's arm and begging him again and again.
     "You had to touch her. You had to disrespect her. Why ? Why did you need to do that ? For fun ? To win a bet ?"
     "No ! We didn't do anything !"
     "Of course, two young people in a bed. I'm not stupid."
     "We didn't do anything ! I love her !"
That finally stopped Gavin, as they were on deck and only a few steps left to throw Carl overboard without a hitch. Taking advantage of his confusion, Y/N stood between them, taking her lover in her arms, ready to follow him into the water.
     "... You love her ?"
     "Yes I do." Carl repeated firmly, not lowering his eyes.
Very calmly, DJ Kavanagh pulled out his sunglasses, wiping them with his shirt, before pinching his nose and turning his attention to Y/N with what looked like the look of an emotional and concerned father.
     "And you ? Do you love him too ?"
     "... Good. Fine. That changes everything. But if you hurt her, you're dead." Gavin sighed, pointing a finger at Carl before leaving them.
The others decided they could finally congratulate the couple, not believing them at all when they repeated that they had done nothing. Quentin asked if they should plan another wedding, and if the young man had made sure that she really loved him, and not that she was there for someone else.
Nobody found it amusing, except Dave.
The rule remained the same after that. No girl on the boat.
Marianne was gone for good, Felicity still didn't count, and Y/N wasn't a girl. She was Gavin's protegee and young Carl's girlfriend, a member of the team and a favorite of the listeners, who loved to hear what the couple had been up to during the day, or the night.
Many times, Carl had begged them to stop this column, Radio Rock's loved birds, but it was a lost cause. It wasn't that bad.
In his bed, Y/N embraced him tenderly, repeating to him that they didn't care what other people thought before kissing him, and he forgot everything else.
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