#Hazel The triple As
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starzzzzzzzzzzzzzz · 5 months ago
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Some swap art i made of @the-triple-as characters!!
It’s supposed to be Hazel and Cyra swapped but they still have a bit of their own silly things as well!!!
I might make a post about silly little facts about this silly thing i did! If this post gets enough attention ill post about it idkkk rahhhhh
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the-triple-as · 6 months ago
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lilsillustration · 7 months ago
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One month till wrath of the triple goddess, I’m so excited
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blueberrycasanova · 25 days ago
don’t think enough people know that it’s canon percy jackson does not have visible muscles and that grover made fun of him for it
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madzbustinout · 3 months ago
“percy jackson hahaha token white boy” no actually you can pry colombian percy out of my cold dead hands
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nicolloyd · 6 months ago
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if hazel doesnt show up in wottg i will freak out and kill everyone and then myself no spoilers thanks
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kaityeliza · 6 months ago
will & nico get a sequel but not hazel?? frank?? reyna?? JASON?? frank (and I think jason) aren't even mentioned in wottg hazel & leo are only mentioned 3 times? i just feel like hazel should have played a much bigger role in wottg considering her connection to hecate frank hazel jason piper & leo are major characters and they're hardly mentioned (if at all)? reyna? nico? i get wottg is more about percy annabeth grover but hardly mentioning the people you just spent the 6+ months with and who are supposed to be your friends? especially you believe one of them just died?
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valzhangism · 11 months ago
wrath of the triple goddess officially announced to be complete and due to release in september. still no mention of hazel in any summary or promotion. in a book about hecate. it's over.
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artemx746 · 1 year ago
honestly every book/series in the riordanverse would be so much better with Alabaster in it
pjo? He’s an antagonist! Put him with Ethan and he’ll fit right in
Hoo? Put him in that one scene with Hecate and Hazel! Lamia already said Gaia wanted him dead so it’s perfect
Toa? He bullies Apollo in Dark prophecy, becomes best buddies with Lityerses, gets offered a place at the Waystation but ends up choosing to live with Claymore instead (character development opportunity!)
KC? He can do magic! Have him get adopted by Bast for a bit it’ll be great
Mcga? He can do magic! Have him bond with Hearth while they cry over their dead siblings!
Tsats? He literally has a spell that can send a monster to Tartarus and they cannot return after he uses it. It’s. Perfect. (He’s also 100% queer so he fits right in)
cotg? Make him an antagonist! He’s doing some shit for his mom and decides to fuck over Percy and co for shits and giggles
wottg? Richard Riordan. You have called this book ‘Wrath of the Triple Goddess.’ You have explicitly stated that Hecate will be in it. If you do not at least mention Alabaster I swear to every single deity…
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eir-trixa · 6 months ago
Okay I have one final thought about wottg. I think I forgot one crucial factor about these books: Its in Percy’s pov. Percy is an incredibly unreliable narrator when it comes to himself.
I think were experiencing a whiplash because last we saw of him was from different perspectives in HoO.
Alright, more under the cut. Might have spoilers for WOTTG ❗️
Okay first of all, this is not a retraction of my earlier critiques. I stand by all of them. Just check my prev post(s) about it, I wrote a lot because I was frustrated a lot by the dumb!Percy perception. Anyway. This is me, trying to find a possible reason why Im so pissed.
The difference between HoO and the new books is visible, largely because of the change of POV. Were back in Percy’s pov and yes, Rick probably forgot how to write him without including his girlfriend after every other thought. But also, were back to oblivious!Percy’s narration.
Like I said Percy’s incredibly perceptive and empathic to every other people and beings that is not himself. This guy still does not get why Annabeth likes him, he thinks everyone thinks he’s dumb, it takes a while for him to notice if someone is interested in him, he doesnt think he’s powerful at all, he thinks he’s a loser in all fronts, hell he thinks he deserves to die sometimes. Thats just how he is, he’s self deprecating even in the og PJO.
Which is a stark, stARK contrast to EVERYONE ELSE’S perspective of him in Heroes of Olympus:
Exhibit A: His entrance in Camp Jupiter wherein Hazel actually thought he’s a god in disguise. Then he created whirlpools that destroyed the gorgons and terrified the everloving shit from the Romans. Then he just proceeds to be this regular, lost, anguished guy in his own perspective while Hazel and Frank are literally so moved and an awe of him. Reyna and Kinzie both found him attractive at some point. He made PRAETOR in a week, most of it he wasnt even at CJ. Thats highly indicative of how people see him.
Exhibit B: Annabeth’s description of seeing him again in MoA. Im gonna get back to this later but do recall that he became taller and had put on muscle according to Annabeth herself. Strange of Rick to contradict himself SIKE
Piper called him unimpressive, which is interestingly the only instance he got called that but then again Piper was also under Hera’s heavy enchantments to have feelings for Jason so Im not gonna blame her at all.
We have more Im sure but were gonna stop there lest I never get to the point. So we basically see Percy in all other angles in HoO, and everyone respected him Until the end of BoO: When Rick had him say “lets fight stuff” in contrast to Jason’s war cry; When Reyna made that paperbag comment which I still havent forgotten nor forgiven. There was essentially no question of Percy’s importance or power until the end of Blood of Olympus.
Then. We get to the new books where Percy is once again in charge of the narration. He cant help but see himself as dumb, especially when he’s struggling to finish his senior year when his girlfriend is a shoe in to graduate. He’s insecure. He’s cut off from his new friends, that I think, is something so sad because what he, Hazel and Frank had was so special. He probably hasnt been to camp at all since the quest ended because of all the paperwork he had to do to get into a new school and start catching up so he can graduate on time. On top of that- those recommendation letters that still do not make sense at all.
Add all of that to the trauma and all the schoolworks he’s doing just to catch up, his self esteem took a hard dive and this affects the narration.
I think we got used to seeing Percy from an outside POV that we got a hard time adjusting when we got back to his little self deprecating self.
I’ll be clear: This doesnt absolve Rick’s writing from liability. How Wottg was writen was still a choice- but it leaves me this shallow hope that it can still be resolved better in the next instalment(s). I want this addressed because why does every other character get to have peace except Percy? But I digress. Thats a post for later.
So we can look at the new books and not take the descriptions of himself not too hard, because this kid is truly struggling with seeing worth in himself. We can also blame Rick, because while Im trying to defend this Im also pissed at Percy’s situation. Some characters do not add up at all.
As a final note, here Im gonna address Percy and Grover describing Percy as scrawny in wottg. Which directly contradicts everyone else’s description of him in HoO. Three ways to look in this scenario:
1. Tartarus had affected his physical well being badly.
2. This is Percy being an unreliable narrator again and Grover being a little shit at the wrong time
3. And the one Im subscribing to the most- this was influenced by Walker and Aryan’s dynamic. Again, I will die on the hill that the pjotv main trio was perfectly cast and they can do no wrong. But that dialogue was probably more appropriate coming from Aryan, not Grover. I did notice that Walker and Aryan both kind of look up to the actors they see as “ripped” (theres that one hilarious interview that they were gushing on Charlie being “jacked”- their words, while Leah was weirded out). So Grover’s comments about Percy’s physique was probably Rick trying to fit Walker and Aryan’s dynamic into their characters. Which, in my opinion, is unnecessary. Because those actors embody their characters already so well, theres no need for adjustments, no need to incorporate what Walker and Aryan are like irl into the books because they already do their jobs so well. Whatever dynamic Grover and Percy will have to portray in any future books, I have no doubt that these two can and will deliver an incredible performance so why need to incorporate in their irl personalities between Grover and Percy? Idk, Rick may be doing this subconsciously, maybe intentionally but eh, I just think theres no need. Let Grover and Percy stand as they are and Walker and Aryan (and Leah) stand as they are. The merging just makes Rick contradict himself. Percy is literally on the swim team so it doesnt quite track?
So dont take it too hard, its probably just Grover messing with him and Percy taking it harder because of his poor mental state.
Lmao its been days and Im still at the restaurant. Anyway, feel free to discuss.
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tending-the-hearth · 9 months ago
the reason it's a crime that we don't get a percy and grover reunion is that we will never get percy running to grover, tackling him in a hug, and immediately beginning to ramble out apology after apology
and grover thinks it's because he disappeared, and he's all mushy because he has his his best friend whom he loves so much back, but then he starts actually listening as percy apologizes more and more
and percy is just rambling on saying things like "i'm so sorry you had to put up with that, gods how in hades' name did you put up with annabeth and i for four years, i couldn't stand it for a week, they were so oblivious, g-man, i'm going to buy you so many soda cans"
and grover's very confused until percy grabs him and drags him over to introduce him to hazel and frank, and grover takes one look at them and everything makes sense, and he just pats percy on the back because FINALLY someone understands his pain
(and then he actually talks to hazel and frank and they just stare at him because how on earth did he actually manage to keep percy alive for all that time on his own and grover feels even more validated because now he has two more people who understand him)
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demigodsanswer · 5 months ago
It genuinely feels like a plothole no one in WotTG said: "Maybe we should call Hazel and Nico?"
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theamazingmaddyas · 5 months ago
Wrath of the Triple Goddess mentions:
Has anyone written a fic where Estelle Blofis goes to Hecate's magic school? Like, sure, we don't know if Estelle is clear-sighted, since the oldest we get to see her in canon is a few months old, but I personally believe we have enough evidence in canon to lean towards her being clearsighted. (case being, how Apollo has a hunch she'll be strong one day in Tower of Nero. Even without all of his powers back, he still is the god of prophecy.) That aside, Sally had the potential to attend Hecate's school if it had stayed open, and with it reopening just a bit before Estelle's birth, who's to say she didn't get asked to attend?
Also the angst of this headcanon! Percy spending years trying to protect Estelle from the mythological world only for her to end up a witch in her own right.
And the fluff! Estelle having lessons with Hazel and Lou Ellen is absolutely adorable.
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star-struck-jester · 6 months ago
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venux777 · 6 months ago
2 dollars that the hazel cameo in wottg will just be an one page iris message where she comforts percy on whatever and then tells them how to capture the Fuckass weasel
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awesomenikie · 7 months ago
I feel a Son of Neptune trio reunion coming in this next book. Trust me I’m always right.
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