#Happiness Hacks Tips
curedcare · 2 years
10 Ways to Make Your Day More HAPPY
Over the years, we've all heard the saying that "life is what you make it." And while this is definitely true, it's also true that happiness is a choice we make every day. Whether we're aware of it or not, the things we do and the thoughts we think have a big impact on our levels of happiness. In this blog post, we're going to share with you 10 simple, but powerful, ways to make your day happier. From setting goals and making a plan to working on your relationships and taking care of yourself, these tips will help you live a happier life. So whether you're looking to be happier in your personal life or at work, be sure to check out this blog post. We guarantee you'll find something that works for you!
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1. How positive emotions impact the body
It's no secret that positive emotions have a huge impact on our physical health. In fact, positive emotions have been linked to lowered blood pressure, better sleep, and improved immunity.
There are so many ways that positive emotions can impact our body. Below are just 10 examples:
1. Positive emotions improve your heart health.
Studies have shown that people with a higher level of happiness have a lower risk of heart disease. This is likely because happy individuals have a lower risk of stress, which can increase the risk of heart disease.
2. Positive emotions boost your immune system.
Studies have shown that people who are happier have a stronger immune system. This is likely because happy people have a better mood, which leads to a healthy lifestyle and fewer health problems.
3. Positive emotions improve your digestion.
People who are happier have better digestive systems because they have more energy and they don't get stressed out as often.
4. Positive emotions reduce your risk of arthritis.
Studies have shown that people who are happier have a lower risk of arthritis. This is likely because happy people have a lower level of stress, which is a main risk factor for the development of arthritis.
5. Positive emotions reduce your risk of depression.
Studies have shown that people who are happier have a lower risk of developing depression. This is likely because happy people have a more positive outlook on life, which reduces the risk of stress and depression.
6. Positive emotions improve your sex life.
Studies have shown that people who are happier have better sex lives. This is likely because happy people are more satisfied with their sex life and they have more energy, which makes sex more enjoyable.
7. Positive emotions reduce your risk of anxiety.
Studies have shown that people who are happier have a lower risk of developing anxiety. This is likely because happy people have a more positive outlook on life, which reduces the risk of stress and anxiety.
8. Positive emotions improve your cognitive performance.
Studies have shown that people who are happier have better cognitive performance. This is likely because happy people have a more positive outlook on life, which leads to a healthier body and better cognitive performance.
9. Positive emotions reduce your risk of obesity.
Studies have shown that people who are happier have a lower risk of developing obesity. This is likely because happy people have a more positive outlook on life
2. 5 ways to harness positive emotions
There are many ways to make your day happier and these tips will help you achieve that.
1. Make time for yourself
It's easy to get wrapped up in our hectic lives and forget about our own happiness. Make time for yourself and do something you love. This could be taking a relaxing bath, reading a book, painting your nails, or going for a walk.
2. Connect with people
People are the key to happiness. Connect with people you know and meet new people as well. Go on walks, attend happy hour events, or volunteer your time.
3. Give back
It's important to give back to the community and to help others in need. Don't be afraid to give back by volunteering your time, donating money, or even donating items to charity.
4. Spend time with loved ones
Family is important and spending time with them is the best way to happiness. cook dinner together, watch a movie, or just sit and talk.
5. Be grateful
It's easy to get caught up in our negative thoughts and forget to be grateful for the good in our lives. Gratitude is a powerful emotion and it can help us to happiness. Make a list of five things that have gone well in the past week and write about each one.
6. Chase after your dreams
Dreams are a sign that you're on the right track. chase after your dreams and don't be afraid to take risks. If something scares you, remember that it's only temporary and that you can always fix it.
7. Live in the moment
Don't live in the past or the future. Live in the present moment and enjoy every moment.
8. Set healthy boundaries
It's important to set boundaries with our emotions. Sometimes we let our emotions control us and we do things we wouldn't normally do. Set healthy boundaries and be honest with yourself.
9. Take care of your health
Your health is important and taking care of it is crucial for happiness. Make sure to eat a healthy diet, exercise, and get adequate sleep.
10. Keep a positive attitude
It's easy to get caught up in the negative thoughts and emotions and to spiral downwards. Keep a positive attitude and focus on the good in life.
3. How to savor happiness
It's no secret that happiness is a key ingredient to a good day. In fact, research has shown that people who are happier in life are more successful. So, what can you do to make your day happier?
Savoring happiness is key. Here are 10 ways to help you do just that.
4. 5 happiness hacks for less stress
Stress is a part of life, but it doesn't have to be. Here are five happiness hacks to help you out:
1. Give yourself a break: Don't expect too much from yourself and let yourself take some time for yourself.cknowledge your accomplishments and simply relax.
2. Make time for loved ones: Spend time with the people you care about and love. This can be anything from going for a walk, to watching a movie, to just talking.
3. Create a happy environment: If you can, try and create a happy environment in your home. This could mean plants, candles, and soft music.
4. Exercise: Exercise not only helps you feel better physically, but it also releases endorphins. Endorphins are responsible for making you feel happy, and they're produced when you exercise in a positive way.
5. savor your happiness: Take time to enjoy the small things in life. This could be reading, taking a walk, or simply spending time with loved ones.
"Happiness is not a state of mind. It's a result of an active attitude." - Dalai Lama
5. 3 ways to find happiness in the midst of chaos
Life can be chaotic and it can be tough to find happiness in the midst of it all. But there are ways to do just that! Here are three simple ways to find happiness in the midst of chaos:
1. Take time for yourself. This may sound silly but taking time for yourself can really make a difference. Whether that means taking a bath, reading a book, spending time with friends, or taking a walk in nature, taking time for yourself can really help you relax and find joy.
2. Give back. Giving back to others can really make you feel good. Whether it's volunteering your time, donating money, or helping out a neighbor, doing something good for others can really put a smile on your face.
3. Stay positive. Even when things are tough, try to stay positive and think about the good things in life. This can be hard but it's important to keep your focus on the good things in order to find happiness.
6. 5 ways to increase happiness in your relationships
It's easy to get bogged down by the day-to-day grind and forget to take the time for ourselves. But taking the time for happiness hacks can make our days a whole lot more enjoyable. Here are five ways to increase happiness in our relationships:
1. Spend time with loved ones. Whether it's going out for a meal, watching a movie, or just spending time together in general, spending time with loved ones is a great way to increase happiness.
2. Get outdoors. Spending time outside in nature is one of the best ways to increase happiness. Not only will you be getting some exercise, but you'll also be getting some fresh air and sunshine.
3. Do something you love. If you're bored with your current life routine, try something new. Do something you're passionate about. Happiness is all about variety and experiencing new things.
4. Find your passion. If you're not happy with your job or your relationship, find something you're passionate about and start pursuing that goal.
5. Connect with people. Whether it's through social media, online groups, or face-to-face meetings, it's important to connect with people. We're social creatures and need human interaction to be happy.
7. 5 ways to find happiness in your work
There are many ways to find happiness in your work. Here are five:
1. Take the time to appreciate the small things.
2. Be grateful for the people and things in your life that make you happy.
3. Appreciate your coworkers and managers.
4. Make a list of your accomplishments and be proud of them.
5. Spend time with loved ones.
These tips will help you find happiness in your work and make your day a little bit brighter.
8. Ways to increase your happiness in 10 minutes or less
Happiness is such an important part of life and it's something that we can all work on. No one is immune from feeling down at times, but there are ways to increase your happiness in a short amount of time.
If you're looking for a quick way to increase your happiness, consider some of these tips.
1. Take some time for yourself. Whether it's taking a little time for yourself in the morning, during lunch, or at night, make sure you give yourself some time to relax and rejuvenate.
2. Make time for activities that make you happy. Whether it's spending time with friends, going for a walk, or reading a book, make time for activities that bring you happiness.
3. Eat foods that make you happy. Whether it's eating a healthy breakfast, trying a new food, or indulging in a dessert, make sure to eat foods that make you happy.
4. Give yourself compliments. It may sound simple, but giving yourself compliments can really boost your happiness.
5. Set goals for happiness. Whether it's trying to do something new each day, making a resolution to be happier, or setting a goal for a certain amount of time, setting goals for happiness can help you achieve your goals.
6. Take a break. If you find yourself feeling overwhelmed, take a break. Stepping away from the situation will give you a chance to come back with fresh eyes.
7. Connect with others. Whether it's via social media, texting, or talking with friends, make sure to connect with others in a way that brings you happiness.
8. Meditate or relax. Whether it's through meditation or relaxation techniques, taking some time to relax can help you feel happier.
9. Give thanks. Whether it's thanking God for everything, your family, or your friends, giving thanks can really boost your happiness.
10. Let go of negative thoughts. Negative thoughts can really take a toll on your happiness, so it's important to try and let go of them as quickly as possible.
9. How to make your day happier every day
There are many small things you can do every day to make your day happier. Here are ten of them:
1. Smile: It's not just a pretty face. A genuine smile makes you feel better, and it can even help you attract positive attention.
2. Laugh: It's good for your heart and your soul.
3. Give compliments: It makes people feel good, and it's the best way to start a positive relationship.
4. Be grateful: Gratitude makes you happier, healthier, and more creative.
5. Give compliments: It makes people feel good, and it's the best way to start a positive relationship.
6. Be social: Spending time with friends and family is one of the best ways to be happy.
7. Take time for yourself: You're not a robot. Allow yourself time to relax and rejuvenate.
8. Make a list: Taking a few minutes every day to write down what you're grateful for will help you feel happier and more in control.
9. Practice self-compassion: When you're feeling down, tell yourself that you're not alone and that there are lots of things that can make you happy.
10. Find your passion: Find something you're really good at, and stick with it. That way, you'll be happier doing what you love.
10. The importance of happiness
There's a reason why so many people are searching for ways to be happier. Happiness is key!
Sure, some of the things we do to make ourselves happy might not be the healthiest or the most sustainable, but we often forget that the things that make us happy in the moment are what really matter.
So, in this post, I'm going to share with you 10 ways to make your day happier, whether you're feeling down or just need a little pick-me-up.
1. Make time for yourself
The first step is to make time for yourself. Whether it's taking a break from your work or taking a walk in nature, take some time for yourself to recharge.
2. Smile
Smiling can have a huge impact on your mood and happiness. When you start to smile, it triggers the release of oxytocin, which is associated with happiness.
3. Give compliments
Compliments make people feel good. Not only do they make you feel good yourself, but they also help to build relationships.
4. Cherish your loved ones
We all love and need our loved ones, so make sure to cherish them. Whether it's telling them how much you love them or telling them a funny story, make sure to spend time with them and make them feel loved.
5. Connect with nature
Take a walk in nature or spend time in the sun. Getting outside and connecting with nature can help to improve your mood and happiness.
6. Make a plan
Having a plan for your day can help to make it more manageable. Setting goals for the day can help you to achieve them and make you happier.
7. Make time for your hobbies
Hobbies are a great way to relax and de-stress. Whether it's painting, cooking, or reading, make time for your hobbies and enjoy yourself.
8. Get moving
Physical activity can have a huge impact on your happiness. Getting moving can help to increase your energy, reduce stress, and improve your mood.
9. Laugh
Laughter is one of the best ways to boost your happiness. When you laugh, your body releases endorphins, which are chemicals that make you feel happy.
10. savor the moment
Take time to enjoy the moment. This can be as simple as savoring your breakfast, taking a walk, or enjoying a sunset
We hope you enjoyed our blog post on how to make your day more happy. Happiness is key, and we wanted to share some of our favorite tips with you to help you on your way! From taking a break every now and then to eating a good breakfast, these hacks will make your day a little brighter. We can't wait to see how your day goes after implementing these tips, and we hope you will share your results with us on social media!
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thatsbelievable · 3 months
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bobmckenzie · 4 months
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🌳🔅🍉 picnic study date! 🧺🍀🥪
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actualbird · 7 months
my mom bought my cat this panda hat but gato hates wearing it and my mom was sad til i told her wait!! guess who it also fits perfectly on!! LUKEY!!! and then she was happy again
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rosequartzforyou · 2 years
new year resolution ideas for self care!!!
1. drink ample water every day — use a tracker for the first two months to make it a habit.
2. only eat when you are hungry, don't force food inside you.
3. moisturize your skin properly everyday
4. do a monthly gratitude jar (there are pretty templates on pinterest if you are an artsy person and if you are not, lists are amazing!)
5. stay curious — make a list of things you want to explore and feed your brain
6. do something everyday that makes you happy — it can be something small like texting a friend you've not talked to in a while or just indulging in ice-cream and netflix.
7. prioritize yourself — do things for you.
8. quit being a donkey — it's high time you stop carrying the burden of others, be it emotional of physical.
9. learn to apologize effectively because good apologies can save you a lot of trouble and bring you peace. proper accountability does wonders (check this out its my favourite resource, it's downloadable)
10. skin care daily, lovely people. let's get that into routine.
11. have goals for yourself, it's good. but don’t get lost in the process of chasing it. experience life on the way.
12. check in on your loved ones once in a while.
13. go to bed early? at least try??
14. go on a digital detox per month/ two months
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kirkscarr · 5 months
pro tip for anyone who gets executive dysfunction!
so, i have adhd, and my executive dysfunction usually happens because when i need to get more than one thing done, my mind makes a list of the order that things HAVE to be done in.
(so like, if i cant do the first thing, i cant do anything!! and i just bed rot and stress out about everything that needs doing.)
so! switch up the order!! once i recognized that this was part of what was making my executive dysfunction so bad, i was able to CONSCIOUSLY choose to do things in a different order, and i’ve been able to function sooo much better ever since.
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invoke-parlay · 2 years
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Although it seems early, it’s almost time to start prepping for the garden if you’re growing from seed!! These grow bags are much cheaper than buckets or pots, and if like me the only option you have is container gardening, I recommend these grow bags.
Happy gardening!!
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harmony-and-peace · 1 year
Moich 10 drobnych dobrych nawyków, dla osób, które „nie mają czasu, by o siebie zadbać”
♡ każdy dzień planuj dzień wcześniej, zapisz w paru punktach rzeczy, które musisz danego dnia wykonać lub których będziesz się danego dnia trzymać,
♡ ściel łóżko zaraz po przebudzeniu,
♡ 15 min. ćwicz, medytuj lub rozciągaj się od samego rana, to pomoże ci w nastawieniu się pozytywnie na nadchodzący dzień i czy wiedziałaś, że niektóre ćwiczenia i medytacje można robić nie wychodząc nawet z łóżka?
♡ zawsze wycieraj twarz ręczikami papierowymi (uwierz mi to jeden z dwóch game changerów dla twojej cery),
♡ wracając do domu słuchaj ulubionej energicznej muzyki, dzięki temu nie stracisz motywacji nawet po powrocie do domu,
♡ każdą negatywną myśl na swój temat zamień na pozytywną, nawet jeśli teraz w nią nie wierzysz po powtórzeniu jej za 10 razem przekonasz się co do niej, a za 25 razem w końcu w nią zaczniesz wierzyć i tak pomału wyeliminujesz swoje negatywne myśli na swój temat,
♡ staraj się chociaż 15 min. dziennie przebywać na świerzym powietrzu (to drugi game changer na ładną cerę),
♡ jedz powoli bez włączonego tv, komórki i innych rozpraszaczy, smakując każdy kęs, dzięki temu będziesz się czuła na dłużej bardziej syta,
♡ wyłącz telefon godzinę przed snem,
♡ na koniec dnia zapisz 3 rzeczy, za które jesteś wdzięczna.
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I think keeping an open bag of chocolate chips in my fridge and eating one every time I walk by makes me feel more like an adult than anything. Sweet sweet control. I can do whatever I want. I’m responsible and I make my own choices.
Also works with gummy bears
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ellililunch-ao3-hacks · 10 months
Hi everyone! With ao3 trending for its birthday I just wanted to share some code I wrote to make your ao3 bookmarking experience super easy! My detailed Tumblr post about it is here: https://www.tumblr.com/ellililunch/723618493538418688/ao3-re-read-savior-userscript?source=share.
The gist of it is that it:
1. automatically adds the fic info (title, author, workID, and summary) to the bookmark notes while preserving any existing notes
2. adds word count tags or a "WIP" tag (and for wips will automatically add a "read up to chapter x" tag)
3. automatically sets all new bookmarks to default to being private as well
4. includes a "rekudos machine" that converts re-clicks of the kudos button into a random nice comment along the lines of "rekudos!"
5. duplicates the "subscribe" and "mark for later/as read" buttons at the end of the fic
It's a system I developed because of my rereading habits, and I just used it to add info to about 7000 bookmarks in under a week 😅.
Super helpful if you're tired of not knowing what that deleted fic was (and possibly finding it again with the workID url in a way back machine) or private collections "mystery works" 😡.
Happy reading!
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ghostonly · 2 years
I don’t know which person with adhd needs to hear this but if you have a dirty cup or water bottle that had something perishable in it like coffee with milk and you plan to use it tomorrow, skip the executive step of washing it and just stick the empty thing in the fridge. Keeps the little remnants in it from spoiling and then you can just pull it out and make your coffee or whatever in it the next day.
Obviously this won’t be ideal for all drinks or whatever but if you struggle to keep up with dishes or you use a bottle that’s annoying to take apart and wash, it can help you skip some executive steps
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miystasiastyle · 2 years
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Ginger, Lemon & Pineapple Shot
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thatsbelievable · 5 days
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jadeestebanestrada · 4 days
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Happy Birthday to me
I woke up again this morning so a moment of reflection is in order.
I was born during the Me Decade, and was later influenced by the materialistic 80s and the constant fear of HIV/AIDS. In the 90s, I began my travels while exercising my performance abilities throughout the last days of the 20th century.
As I watched family and friends move on to other realms, I launched a musical career in the post-9/11 world and experienced the Obama administration, then later documented Donald Trump winning the presidency in 2016. Thanks to a team of phenomenal doctors and nurses, I survived Covid, and, two years later, was shot at five times, by a gunman wearing a hoodie and a GoPro. Amazingly, I’m still here. Six months later, I was rear-ended by an 18-wheeler. Again, I'm kind of shocked that I'm still here.
I have performed almost all over the world and have fallen in love many wonderful times. I kissed the Blarney Stone and rehearsed my monologues on top of the Eiffel Tower, looking out at the city and forming my own opinions about Paris and its people.
I’ve taught the craft of acting to future masters and I’ve been guided by the wisdom of my grandmother for the majority of my life. I'm also a proud uncle.
What I’d tell my younger self: Embrace your timeline, participate in the present, and love (or make an effort to understand) the people who walk alongside you now. They’re not always going to be there.
I wish all of you good health, ample time to make mistakes, and the kind of love that gives you the strength to power through hard times.
Thanks for the birthday notes, gifts, and good wishes.
As far as tomorrow goes, let’s see what happens. For now, I’m happy to be here.
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mixedworldview · 10 days
12 Small Ways To Be Happier Today
The Path to Happiness Lies in… Everyone wants to be happy, but sometimes it feels out of reach. The truth is, happiness is made up of small choices we make each day. You don’t need a huge life change to feel happier—just a few little adjustments can brighten your day. In this article, we’ll explore 12 small ways to be happier today, from managing stress to sticking to positive routines.
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bangjiazheng · 19 days
30 Procreate TIPS & HACKS In 8 Minutes!
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