halopedia · 4 months
Trivia Tuesday- Arbiter
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Did You Know that during the development of Halo Wars, Arbiter Ripa 'Moramee saw several redesigns? Blur Studio thought Arbiter Thel 'Vadamee didn't look cool enough, so they tried to make Ripa more intimidating, but ultimately settled on a design similar to Thel.
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short-wooloo · 10 months
What Spartans Remain?
Because I went down the Halopedia rabbit hole and I'm an obsessive nut, I've put together a list of all the Spartan-IIs, just to figure out who's alive, who's dead, who's missing, and the numbers which are unaccounted for
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Alright so, there were at least 150 candidates considered for Spartan-IIs, half were conscripted, and of that 75, we have at least 50 named (or at least numbered) individuals
Alive (when last we saw them):
Serin-019 (washout)
Maria-062 (semi-retired)
Cassandra-075 (washout)
Fhajad-084 (washout)
Musa-096 (washout)
John-117 (duh)
Definitely Dead:
Li-008 (2552)
Daisy-023 (unknown date during war, 2526-2552)
Joshua-029 (2552)
Otto-031 (2557)
Samuel-034 (2525)
Randall-037 (2556)
William-043 (2552)
Anton-044 (2552)
Kurt-051 (2552)
Jorge-052 (2552)
Margaret-053 (2557)
Malcolm-059 (2552)
Sheila-065 (2544)
Solomon-069 (2544)
Spartan-073 (2525)
Arthur-079 (2544)
Grace-093 (2552)
Victor-101 (2557)
Ralph-103 (unknown date during war, 2526-2552)
Oscar-129 (2525)
Cal-141 (2544)
Roma-143 (2557)
Unidentified Trainee (2525)
Unidentified Spartan (2531)
Maybe Dead:
James-005 (2552)
Vinh-030 (2552)
Isaac-039 (2552)
Beta-Romeo Actual (2552)
Red Fifteen (2552)
Red Four (2552)
Red Nineteen (2552)
Status unknown:
Kirk-018 (washout, possibly rehabilitated)
Keiichi-047 (alive as of 2531)
Soren-066 (alive as of 2527)
Rene-081 (washout, possibly rehabilitated)
Joseph-122 (alive as of 2525)
Carris-137 (alive as of 2520)
Spartans-116, 118, 119, 121, 123, and 124 (possibly the unidentified trainee and Spartan, as well ass Beta-Romeo Actual, Red-Fifteen, Red Four, and Red Nineteen)
Missing numbers:
Spartans number 001, 002, 003, 004, 007, 009, 012, 013, 014, 015, 016, 017, 020, 021, 022, 024, 026, 027, 032, 033, 035, 036, 038, 040, 041, 045, 046, 048, 049, 050, 054, 055, 056, 057, 060, 061, 063, 064, 067, 068, 070, 071, 072, 074, 076, 077, 078, 080, 082, 083, 085, 086, 088, 089, 090, 091, 094, 097, 098 (according to the silver timeline, Spartan-098 is named "Nora"), 100, 102, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 112, 113, 114, 115, 126, 127, 128, 131, 132, 133, 135, 136, 138, 139, 140, 142, 145, 146, 147, 148, 149, 150 (I'm sure I messed up somewhere)
obviously given that not all 150 candidates were recruited, some (about 70) of these numbers did not actually become Spartans, trainees or otherwise, such as Caleb-095, the father of Olympia Vale
Additionally, Spartans-028 (Riz), 125 (Kai), and 134 (Vanak) do exist per 343's internal documentation, but as of yet have not appeared in the Prime timeline
therefore there are about 19 confirmed living Spartans, 24 confirmed dead, 7 possible dead, and 12 unknowns, for a total of 62 (or 65 counting the silvers), so there are at least 10-13 other Spartans we have not met, be they active, retired, washout, dead, or missing
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boomboomgaff · 9 months
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The hornet is probably my favourite vehicle in the halo universe, I loved playing the missions where it gets used in halo 3. I find its design to be a pretty perfect balance of futuristic technology that seems possible and realistic military design, I especially liked it’s ability to carry extra troops which modern halo aircraft’s don’t normally do in such an interesting fashion
Halopedia lore
The AV-14 Hornet is a VTOL capable aircraft in service since at least 2524, during the Insurrection. It served all the way into the Human-Covenant War from the Battle for Arcadia to the Battle of Installation 00.
The Hornet is often the mainline UNSC aircraft, that can carry two passengers and can hover in place over areas.
The most analogous vehicle to the Hornet is the Falcon, seen during the events Halo: Reach. It acts as the mainline UNSC air that game as well and features dual gunner seats. In-game versions can carry more passengers and some have a pilot-controlled main gun.
Alternate appearance.
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Does anyone know if Waypoint is going to archive these events and lore and short stories? I'm worried since they just got rid of forums. Halopedia is already full of dead links because they don't keep things on Waypoint for long.
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dougielombax · 4 months
Can someone on Halopedia PLEASE update 343 Guilty Spark’s page!
Starting yesterday!
Point of Light has already been released and it’s in dire need of an update.
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bloodborne-on-pc · 7 months
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doom-dreaming · 4 months
fanfic writers should do whatever they want! it's creation for its own sake! it's play! they should have fun!
not me though. i have to make sure every detail is canonically airtight
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argentumcor · 6 months
You know what's great about writing fanfic for Halo? Halopedia is not a Fandom wiki.
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siofra-river · 10 months
Ok i feel like i don’t explain the valentine lore enough so here it is.
THE Valentine-056 post!
She was born on November 1st, 2510 (Age 50 as of the year halo infinite takes place) on the planet Jericho VII. She was kidnapped by ONI and placed into the Spartan 2 when she was 7. She’s 7’ft 2” (218.44 cm) outside the armor and 7’5” (226.06 cm) inside the armor.
She’s been in many battles, including the battle against the Insurrection group Freedom League who had set up resistance on her homeplanet, which at the time the visit was…bittersweet. During the fall of Reach, she was with the Red team splinter group Team Delta as they secured CASTLE base. She helped with Operation First Strike, after Master Chief returned to Reach to find any survivors. After that, she returned to Earth to help fight off the Covenant invasion. During the invasion of Earth she was sent to Sydney, Australia to help fight covenant forces and to keep important members of the UEG. She was almost sent to Africa, until they started glassing it. Post Covenant war, she is in charge of a Fireteam working with ONI sector 3 Beta-3 division and Delta-6 division to find and recover alien technologies and occasionally capture of eliminate important targets. Her team , Fireteam Vaquero consists of her, a Swords of Sanghelios member named Rusa ‘Sura, a Spartan IV named Oscar Meer, a Spartan III Gamma Named Esmeralda Miro, A pilot Named Lee Brady and his ship’s smart AI Frank (FRK-1259-4), and the teams medic & xenobiologist Anya Fung. While on a mission to recover old covenant technologies, she found a Huragok named Lingers Above, which has become an unofficial member of her team as well, refusing the leave her side for long when she’s not in a mission.
As she’s began the interact with more people outside of a very stressful war zone she’s realized how strange and unhealthy some of her upbringing was. Not the full extent of it all, but a degree of it. The reason why she wears all her piercings is as a small form of self representation and to help her form a bit of identity outside being a Spartan, she’s experimented with different piercings and haircuts before, including dyeing her hair which went gray early as a result of both stress and family genetics(she started going gray around 25). She is a gay man, and after the war had toyed around with the idea of a relationship, but unlimitedly decided herself too busy and too inexperienced, the only relationship she had was a short unnamed fling with Jorge-052, a few years before he died on reach, she still silently mourns for him.
While not a natural born leader, through the Spartan II training and Human-Covenant war she was taught how to assume that position. She has the outward disposition of a cool and collected head but be riled up somewhat easily compared to other Spartans. She’s very stubborn and has a strong will but has begrudgingly learned how to be flexible, no matter how much it may annoy her. A trait she has that sets her apart from the other Spartan II is the frequency in which she takes off her helmet and how much she talks, she uses that to help bond with her teammates. She doesn’t really care about how the people at ONI perceive her, but to the UNSC personnel she works with and alongside, she doesn’t want to be seen as just a large killing machine. The weapon she has the most interest in using during something like a wargame is the Gravity Hammer, but the weapon she ends up using the most is the DMR.
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"Why did you order your Spartans to jump from the Pelican?" the interviewer demanded once again.
Her face was shrouded in darkness. A lamp was pointed directly in his eyes. Fred smirked. Did they really think that conventional interrogation tactics from centuries-old cop procedurals were going to make a Spartan sweat?
"It was the best tactical option." He shook his head once. "No. It was the only tactical option."
The interviewer scoffed loudly and crossed her arms over her chest. She kept doing that. As though she had any idea what it was like to be in the field. Maybe she did. But she didn't know what it was to be a Spartan.
"Don't you feel responsibility for what happened to your team?" she asked harshly.
Externally, Fred remained emotionless. Passive. He was the very picture of the robot super-soldier that the UNSC rank-and-file believed the Spartans to be. Internally, he recoiled.
Did he feel responsible?
He felt nothing else. He saw each of their faces - every Spartan that had died under his command. Malcolm. Joshua. Grace. Anton. Vinh. Isaac. The list went on. It filed through his mind on an endless loop, whenever he had a spare moment to think.
Then there were the others. Gray Team... wherever they were. Omega Team, too. Randall, who'd been lost years ago. Cal, Arthur, Solomon, and Daisy along with him. Kelly.
He wished she were here. She would've been able to put his head back on straight.
Of course, with his track record lately, he could very well have lost her on the Unyielding Hierophant. Maybe it was better that Halsey had absconded with her. He could at least believe that she was still out there. Force himself to believe it. He wouldn't make it much further if he didn't.
"I asked you a question, Spartan One Zero Four." The interviewer's voice was full of venom. She practically spit the words. She was trying to intimidate him.
That must have been a joke.
Fred rose from his seat. Even out of his armor, he towered over everyone in the sealed interrogation room. He reached out with one hand and very deliberately turned the lamp out of his eyes - a challenge to the interviewer. Go ahead and make me sit back down, he thought.
"I made the best decision. Unlike many in this facility, I care deeply about the soldiers under my command and I refused to waste their lives." He didn't say the words so much as growl them. His right hand clenched into a fist so tight that his knuckles turned paper-white.
The interviewer stared up at him. She was trying to put on a tough face, to keep control of the situation. To her credit, she was doing a good job. She almost managed to hide the vein pulsing in her forehead. The ever-so-slight widening of her eyes. The almost imperceptible tremor in her voice when she barked, "Are you implying that HIGHCOM wasted Spartan lives?"
The Spartan managed to choke down the biting laughter that threatened to escape him. Thirty Spartans combined for RED FLAG. For a suicide mission. But here they were, trying to pass the buck for their deaths onto him.
Fred smirked again. "No, Ma'am," he answered, forcing himself to slacken his fist. He looked her dead in the eye. She had blue eyes. Almost as light in color as Kelly's. "To imply would leave some ambiguity. What I am doing is inferring."
The woman's face coiled in disgust. But it was only skin-deep. She didn't have the clearance to know what he was talking about... she was just here to be ONI's voice. To provide them with plausible deniability for the public eye.
She opened her mouth to answer. Then the door burst open to reveal Fleet Admiral Lord Terrence Hood himself. The Admiral's face was red. He was shouting. The interviewer was escorted out by MPs. Fred watched it all from the sidelines.
Kelly would have found the whole situation hilarious.
Then Hood turned to him. "Suit up, Senior Chief. We're sending Blue downstairs - you ready to get back to work?"
Fred nodded, standing at stiff attention. Then he smiled. "Eager, sir."
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halobirthdays · 1 year
Happy birthday to Lucy Orion "Rion" Forge!
Today is her -500th birthday!
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Rion was born on Earth to Laine and John Forge. John Forge was enlisted in the UNSC Marine Corps and was rarely home, leading to resentment and a strained marriage with Laine. Although his marriage was souring, he maintained a close relationship with Rion, leading her to idolize her father, which damaged her relationship to her mother.
Her father had been stationed aboard the UNSC Spirit of Fire, which was declared "lost with all hands" in 2531, though the ship was actually missing rather than lost. Rion, like most of the crew's families, did not believe the UNSC's account, and her growing distrust led her to a career as a salvager, with the intention of commandeering a ship to search for her father.
Rion would prove to be an excellent salvager with a good reputation. She became the captain of a modified transport ship named the Ace of Spades after the playing card her father wore on his armor's pauldron, and put together a small ragtag crew.
Their travels would lead them to the Forerunner installation known as Trove--the place where her father gave his life to keep the planet's armament out of Covenant hands. Trove was still surrounded by a debris field, which included the destroyed Covenant ship Radiant Perception. She recovered a damaged Forerunner AI known as "Little Bit", who was able to offer them more information about Spirit's last location via a log buoy onboard the Perception. She and her crew were able to uncover the location of a Forerunner luminary which would give them unfettered access to location of Forerunner relics, but not without invoking the ire of the Office of Navel Intelligence, who wanted Little Bit, and ex-Covenant Sangheili Commander Gek 'Lar, who had also been in pursuit of the log buoy. 'Lar killed Rion's crew member and romantic partner Cade McDonough, and she swore to take vengeance on him.
ONI grounded and detained the crew, taking Little Bit and raiding Ace, erasing many of its star maps. Having to start anew, the crew reconvened and followed the same trail that ONI was on, leading them to a uninhabited planet called Geranos-a. Little did they know, the recovered Forerunner monitor 343 Guilty Spark was on the planet, having crashed there after taking control of the UNSC Rubicon, where he was being held and interrogated. He took the form of a Forerunner armiger, which gave him greater offensive capabilities. Thinking Spark was salvage, Rion and her crew brought him onboard, leading to a much greater-stakes mission.
Spark eventually revealed himself to the crew and told them of his history--that he was an ancient human named Chakas whose consciousness was turned into a Forerunner monitor in service to the Librarian. Though Rion did not entirely believe him at first, she could not deny his far superior technological abilities in the face of being impaired by ONI. Spark agreed to assist her in her search for her father if they traveled to Earth to a Forerunner facility where he could interface with the Librarian, which required a Reclaimer to access.
Upon reaching Earth, the crew was pursued by ONI, but were able to reach the Forerunner facility, where Spark was disappointed to find only further instructions from the Librarian, something he resented but ultimately accepted. Rion also encountered the Librarian, and felt the familiar draw towards her that all humans possess. Their agreement met, Spark shared the truth of John Forge's fate with Rion, something he had known the entire time. Though initially furious, Rion and Spark made amends, and, emboldened by her father's sacrifice, and with nowhere else to go, she agreed to help Spark complete his assignment from the Librarian. She also gave 'Lar's location to ONI, letting them pursue him for her.
While still fleeing ONI, Rion and the Ace crew helped Spark uncover the location of Bastion--the deeply hidden shield world containing the Librarian's laboratory. During these missions, Rion experienced vivid dreams where she spoke to the Librarian, closely mirroring the experiences that Chakas went through thousands of years before. Sensing danger when Cortana entered the domain, Bastion went into slipspace to avoid falling into Created hands. It was there that Spark learned the Librarian's intentions for him: he would be the caretaker of Bastion and the Precursor specimens that the Librarian had gathered with the intention of atoning for the Forerunner's eradication of their parent species. His mission completed, Spark and Rion parted ways, but not without upgrading the Ace of Spades with Forerunner technology and equipping it with a recovered fragment of Little Bit, making Ace one of the most technologically-advanced ships in the galaxy.
In canon (~2560), she is turning 36!
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halopedia · 1 month
Trivia Tuesday - Alien
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Did You Know during Halo 3's development, Bungie artist Eric Arroyo created a Xenomorph Warrior in the Halo 3 engine for prototyping an Aliens encounter? Ultimately, a crossover with the Alien franchise—and an encounter with a Xenomorph—never came to fruition.
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short-wooloo · 7 months
According to a new Halo Waypoint Canon Fodder update, the Silver Team Spartans now officially exist in the Prime Halo universe, and actually appear in Halo Wars no less
See in the Halo Wars mission Arcadia Outskirts you encounter Omega Team, a six-Spartan unit, half of Omega Team was established in Halo Wars 2 DLCs to be August-099, Leon-011, and Robert-025, but the other half was left unnamed, until now
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pavlien · 3 months
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essiebie · 5 months
For this next fic I'm working on, the reader was originally gonna be nicknamed 'Thrall' before I decided that 'Dove' matched that title much better. So anyways, I'm tagging characters and I double check one guy's (who's like not really an antagonist but isn't exactly trusted at first meeting) halopedia page and bro's title is the 'THRALLSLAYER'??? Hello?!
I love when a plan I didn't know about comes together! It might've been on purpose and my ADHD forgot, but at 9 in the morning it's a lovely surprise.
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dougielombax · 1 year
Oh shit!
I didn’t know that Halopedia had a tumblr page!
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