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The Badun Detective Agency's First Laugh Fairies (Part 1);
Okay, since Neverland fairies are created from a babies' first laugh that means everyone who's ever laughed has one. Including the Badun Detective Agency so here we are.
Thanks @casinotrio1965 for both the idea and the help.
Might make a similar thing for the rest of descendants kids or the Hannah Hook crew if anyone is interested.
I'll also make Samantha Cove and the rest of the proteges' fairies later.
Here's the picrew I used.
The Main Agents' fairies:
Name: Buck Peregrine.
Pronouns: He/Him.
Fairy Type: Animal-Talent Fairy.
Spawner: Hermione 'Hermie' Leona Bing.
Name: Star Peregrine.
Pronouns: She/Her.
Fairy Type: Performing-Talent Fairy.
Spawner: Hermione 'Hermie' Leona Bing.
Name: Bendy Peregrine.
Pronouns: She/Her.
Fairy Type: Pretzel-twisting-talent
Spawner: Hermione 'Hermie' Leona Bing.
Name: Dolly Dust.
Pronouns: She/Her.
Fairy Type: Rare-Item-Finding Fairy.
Spawner: Yzla Sorcerer of Enchania.
Name: Charity Helpfrid.
Pronouns: She/Her.
Fairy Type: Helper-Talent Fairy.
Spawner: Jason 'Jace' Nelson Badun.
(Note: She injured her wings while out on an errand so she can't fly).
Name: Scribbles Memra.
Pronouns: She/Her.
Fairy Type: Scribe-Talent Fairy.
Spawner: Reza Vizer of Agrabah.
Name: Iris Seer.
Pronouns: She/Her.
Fairy Type: Message-Talent Fairy.
Spawner: Edmund 'Eddie' Seraiah Balthazar.
Name: Enigma Spade.
Fairy Type: Problem-Solving Talent.
Spawner: Harold 'Harry' Everett Badun.
The Proteges:
Name: Agni Blaze.
Pronouns: He/Him.
Fairy Type: Fire-Talent Fairy.
Spawner: Hayden 'Hadie' Prometheus Athanasiou of the Underworld.
The Bonuses:
Name: Ripple Bay.
Pronouns: She/Her.
Fairy Type: Water Talent.
Spawner: Elle Corinne Athanasiou of Tirulia.
Name: Ripley Bay.
Pronouns: He/Him.
Fairy Type: Water Talent.
Spawner: Elle Corinne Athanasiou of Tirulia.
Name: Doodle Crafty.
Pronouns: He/Him.
Fairy Type: Art Talent.
Spawner: Mabletrude 'Mable' Angelica Badun |.
#descendants#disney descendants#melissa de la cruz#disney#descendants au#wicked world#disney descendants au#the badun detective agency#the badun cousins#harry badun#jace badun#hermie bing#yzla descendants#descendants yzla#disney descendants alternate universe#descendants alternate universe#descendants hadie#picrews
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Los misterios de la lápida de Borges
—¿Cómo se interesó por la lápida de Borges en Ginebra?
—La lápida me intrigó desde siempre, es decir, desde la primera vez que la vi. Borges murió en Ginebra, Suiza, el 14 de junio de 1986, y fue enterrado en el cementerio de Plainpalais, en esa ciudad. Es un lugar muy pacífico, agradable, con árboles. Creo que fue recién en 1996 que empezaron a circular las primeras fotos de la lápida en los diarios, por el décimo aniversario de la muerte de Borges. Lo primero que pensé al verla es que era un gran enigma. No estaba claro para mi qué significaban los textos ni los diseños tallados en la piedra. Yo ni siquiera sabía cómo había llegado ahí.
Lo más importante fue vincular esos elementos con la genealogía y la vida de Borges y el uso que él hacía de esos elementos en su obra
—¿Y cuál fue el resultado de esa búsqueda?—Bueno, no fue inmediato, fue un proceso muy gradual, que duró décadas. Primero tuve que entender en qué idioma estaban los textos, luego, de donde procedía cada símbolo tallado en la piedra. Y con esto, de tratarse de otro objeto, se hubiera terminado quizá el análisis. Pero en este caso hubo además otra larga etapa, la más importante, que consistió en vincular esos elementos con la vida, la genealogía, la historia personal de Borges y –sobre todo- con el uso que él hacía de estos elementos en sus obras. Y esa segunda etapa fue desarrollándose sola y en paralelo, a medida que releía la obra, la analizaba y publicaba otros libros sobre otras facetas de la vida de Borges.
—Una indagación muy borgeana…
—Sí, sin duda, y un proceso gradual en el que los conceptos fueron acumulándose a medida que yo investigaba otras facetas de la obra y la personalidad de Borges. Fue decantando a lo largo de muchos años. Finalmente, toda esta investigación culminó en un libro que trata exclusivamente sobre la lápida: Siete Guerreros Nortumbrios. Cuando les presenté el libro a mis editores, se sorprendieron. ¿Un libro sobre una lápida? Pero es mucho más que eso. Porque, como digo, apunta a toda una serie de significados sobre la obra de Borges. Y resultó muy bien. Quise hacer un libro muy fácil de leer, que pueda entender cualquier persona con interés, sin necesidad de conocimientos previos. Y entonces el libro termina también funcionando, paradójicamente, como una introducción a la obra de Borges.
—¿Y cuáles son esos enigmas de la lápida?
—Es una lápida aparentemente simple. Pero esa simpleza es la punta del ovillo, ya que lleva a una red de significados e ideas. En el frente, tiene tallada la imagen de siete guerreros que blanden sus armas. Y, debajo, una frase en inglés antiguo que pertenece aun antiguo poema que conmemora la batalla de Maldon, ocurrida en el año 991, en el que un ejército sajón debió enfrentar a una horda de vikingos. La frase es AND NE FORTHEDON NA, "y que no temieran", parte de la arenga que el líder sajón da a sus hombres antes de la batalla: les dice que no teman ante la muerte, y que tengan coraje.
Morir sin temor era una de las grandes ambiciones de Borges
—Un tema recurrente en Borges, el coraje…
—Absolutamente. Borges, curiosamente, sintió la nostalgia del destino épico de sus antepasados criollos militares. En un poema, lamenta: "No haber caído, / como otros de mi sangre". Y en una conferencia recuerda que su padre y su abuela inglesa "murieron ciegos; ciegos, sonrientes y valerosos, como yo también espero morir". Y luego agrega: "Se heredan muchas cosas (la ceguera, por ejemplo) pero no se hereda el valor. Sé que fueron valientes". Y esa es la clave para comprender este diseño. En la batalla de Maldon, un grupo de sajones, sintiéndose ya vencidos, decide arremeter de todas maneras contra los vikingos, aún sabiendo que no pueden ganar, que los espera la muerte. Deciden luchar hasta el final, sin miedo. Estoremite a la muerte del abuelo paterno de Borges: el coronel Francisco Borges,quien murió heroicamente en la batalla de La Verde, buscando también la muerte para demostrar su honor. Y esa era una de las grandes ambiciones de Borges: morir sin temor. Esta lápida es paradójicamente muy criolla
—¿Es decir que hubo un diseño intencionado de su lápida?
—Así es. Sabemos que Borges recitaba y tenía en mente este poema hacia el final de su vida. Por eso digo que esta lápida es paradójicamente muy criolla, muy argentina, pero de una manera indirecta. Recordemos que Borges tenía dos mandatos ancestrales: el primero, su destino literario, heredado de sus antepasados británicos, los Haslam, unos ingleses a la vez eruditos y excéntricos. El segundo mandato, más asociado con su lado criollo, era el de tener el mismo coraje que sus ancestros criollos y militares. Estos dos mandatos formaron un contraste toda su vida y fueron uno de los motores que lo impulsaron a escribir. Y la lápida de Borges constituye una síntesis de esos dos impulsos: lo criollo representado a través de lo sajón
—Hay un cruce de significados.
—Exactamente. Es una referencia indirecta. Los dibujos y textos de la lápida remiten, a través de un combate sajón y medieval, a los antepasados criollos de Borges, a los compadritos y cuchilleros del barrio de Palermo, a Evaristo Carriego, y a la "secta del cuchillo y el coraje" que fueron tan significativos en su obra. Lo nórdico y lo sajón están directamente emparentados en la obra de Borges con la Argentina. Por eso todo el conjunto es tan apropiado. Borges sentía un profundo cariño por Buenos Aires, pero era a la vez un hombre reservado, y cuanto más cariño sentía por algo, menos probable era que representara o nombrara de manera explícita en sus textos. Así que me parece muy bien que su lápida aluda a la Argentina, al coraje, a Buenos Aires, al Palermo de su infancia, pero de manera indirecta, sutil. Es así como él procedía en sus obras.
—¿Quién eligió los contenidos de la lápida?
—María Kodama, quien le encargó la talla a Eduardo Longato. Y creo que esos contenidos fueron muy bien elegidos: esta lápida es un gran homenaje, ya que plasma muy acertadamente ejes centrales de la vida y la obra de Borges, y los pensamientos que él tenía en el último tramo de su vida. Hay un testimonio interesantísimo de Héctor Bianciotti en el que cuenta que visita a Borges en Suiza, y Borges se pone a recitar el poema de Maldon. Al plasmar la batalla de Maldon en piedra, entonces, la lápida alude a sus anhelos y sus temores, y a líneas fundamentales de su creación literaria. Borges quería morir sin temor, como murió el Coronel Borges, y como murieron también su padre y su abuela inglesa.
—¿Y qué hay del reverso?
—Tiene también tallada una frase: "Hann tekr sverðit Gram ok leggr í meðal þeira bert", que proviene de la Völsunga saga, una serie de relatos que fue escrita en el siglo XIII y significa: "Él toma la espada Gram y la coloca entre ellos desenvainada". Este es a su vez el epígrafe de un cuento de Borges, "Ulrica". Es una referencia al amor. Y debajo hay una talla de un barco que, fue –muy acertadamente- tomado de una piedra vikinga. Ese barco simboliza la eternidad y el viaje final del hombre.
El coraje guerrero era un tema recurrente en Borges. El coraje guerrero era un tema recurrente en Borges
—¿Qué lo llevó a usted a investigar a Borges?—Bueno, yo también tuve una suerte de "abuela inglesa", y me crie también en una biblioteca de libros ingleses. Originariamente estudié informática, egresé del Massachusetts Institute of Technology y estudié inglés antiguo y escandinavo antiguo en Harvard e hice otra maestría, en antropología, en Texas y además soy lingüista, o como me gusta decir a mí, filólogo y me fascina estudiar idiomas, cuanto más extraños, mejor. He estudiado japonés, chino, galés, hebreo, árabe, sánscrito y tantos otros… También me interesan las religiones, las mitologías, todos temas que fascinaban a Borges y aparecen recurrentemente en su obra.
—¿Qué siente al haber realizado este desciframiento?
—Que pude entender mejor a Borges. La lápida, como he dicho, representa los núcleos de su creación literaria. Tuve una confirmación cuando, después de publicar Siete Guerreros Nortumbrios, leí el siguiente texto de Estela Canto:
La herencia manifiesta en Borges era conspicua: su abuela paterna inglesa y su madre. Su abuela inglesa era el mundo; su madre, la voluntad de arraigarse, de ser argentino ante todo. Las dos tendencias estuvieron siempre contrapuestas en él. Y es probable que los entreveros de los anglos[ajones] del siglo X y las riñas de maleantes criollos lo hayan llevado al intento de unificar en un símbolo las dos vertientes más marcadas de su ser.
El símbolo tallado en el frente de su lapida representa magníficamente esta unificación, de una manera sutil, indirecta. Y esto es, como he dicho, muy apropiado. Como decía el mismo Borges en Otras inquisiciones: "Ciertos crepúsculos y ciertos lugares, quieren decirnos algo, o algo dijeron que no hubiéramos debido perder […] esta inminencia de una revelación, que no se produce, es, quizá, el hecho estético".
Martín Hadis https://www.infobae.com/cultura/2016/06/14/los-misterios-de-la-lapida-de-borges/
Borges, aun en su muerte, la mera vena
#jorge luis borges#martin hadis#frases#escritos#pensamientos#fragmentos#poesia#literatura#escritores#libros#poemas#literatura universal
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why is he always so overdressed tho
#lmaoooo#adel using tek tek for the story moroccans this summer are all sharing 1 braincell wallah. me included#you just need to scream ana chouftek someone else will reply hadi semana in the distance. everywhere in the world#eeeeeeh galbi tek tekkkkkk. me on my third coffee so I don't fall asleep on my thesis#said I was giving up on coffee? I have a problem it's called university so i have to postpone my good intentions
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hi, friends and followers.
I have been messaging with the beautiful Amani @amani93hasan in South Gaza and she has asked me to share her gofundme (verified by @nabulsi) and story in the hope of getting herself and her 3 lovely children out of Rafah to safety. Here are some photos she sent me:
Before the genocide Amani was a swimming coach and her husband was a university teacher. Now, their home and the university has been destroyed by the IOF and Amani and her children have been separated from her husband who is trapped in the North of Gaza.
As of time of writing this post, Amani's gofundme is 10,000CAD from it's goal. If you can't donate, please reblog. We all feel hopeless and helpless, but every little bit helps.
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Maeve Le Fay, grandchild of Morgana Le Fay, child of Morgie Le Fay
Maeve is the only child of Morgie and the only grandchild of Morgana le fay, Maeve was raised by their grandmother and grew up on the isle-and much like Hadie(in my universe at least) was born BEFORE the isle, only by a few months, but was sent to it with their father and grandmother. Maeve is a solo act, they have...'friends' but they are no gang leader or gang member, sometimes they hang around Uma or-after the shrimpy incident-around Mal since their father was 'friends' with the two girls aunt and mother.
oddly enough, Hook is their godfather.
#disney descendants#my art#Maeve Le fay#isle child#morgie le fay#art#rewrite#rise of red#descendants rise of red
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Help me so that I and my family can survive 🌹📣
I am Ahed Al-Shaer,(old account @ahedalshaer )a dentist. I am 22 years old and my family consists of 7 members. We have lost several members of our family, my father suffering from diabetes and my mother from pneumonia.
I lost my first campaign and it was stopped because the person who was handling it defrauded my family of more than half the amount, and now we have nothing. And I did not despair. I created a new campaign link so that I could collect money to buy food, drink, and necessities, since we all live in one tent with my family and my sick parents.
**I hope everyone will pay attention to my compaign until it succeeds **
This war has affected us and my family in every way, and our future and our lives have been completely halted. We have no home, no work, and no university. Before the war on Gaza, we lived in peace. I was a person who loved life. You have managed to provide me with a happy life. But now, unfortunately, I will not be able to go back to my old life because of the genocide we are experiencing. I hope everyone who sees my story will share and donate even $10 to save our lives.
My campaign has been verified by:
Verified by: @gaza-evacuation-funds @wellwaterhysteria @irhabiya @sar-soor @90-ghost @appsa @brutaliakhoa @turian @stuckinapril Here👇
Verified by: @ibtisams Here👇
Verified by: butterfly effect project Line No 407
Please if you can't donate.. help me with a reblog or like and thank you from the bottom of my heart.
Tagging accounts:
@imjustheretotrytohelp @jezior0 @mansbutchery @velvetys @transmissiondream @ahedalshaer @afro-elf @feluka @butchniqabi @lune-tic @ot3 @dlxxv-vetted-donations @gazavetters @commissions4aid-international @nealmcclure @honeyglazedbabe @gothhabiba @furiousfinnstan @fuckyeahtattoos @humorstaff @judaswail @opencuisine @yetisidelblog @palistani @appolosstuff @greenwingspino @yelyahwilliams @beserkerjewel @fxckinemo @neptunerings @magnus-motherfucking-chase @goodbonesbymaggiesmith @acepumpkinpatrick @aces-and-anime
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For the Descendants kids with horrible and trashy names, how would you name them? From books and movies.
So I'll just go ahead and give how I changed each name for My Canon Descendants AU, to make them feel more like their own character/fit better with the og movies time periods/cultures. I didn't give them all unique names as the point of the project was to translate the Descendants kids into the actual movies, not make full OCs, (though I did end up making a few of those anyway xD) but I tried to at least adjust them.
Mal--Mallow (to go with the Nature name theme the Three Good Fairies had going on with their own names/Briar Rose)
Audrey I kept as it was actually a Medieval name!
Evie-- Eva, it's a pretty easy fix to more period accurate/Germanic sounding
Doug -- Doleful, to fit better with the Dwarfs Attribute names, plus he seemed kinda down in the first movie so the meaning felt like it fit
Carlos I kept because honestly I felt like it could fit in universe if Cruella's husband was a Spanish man, which he conceivabley could be
Jay--Jaamil, and no not because of Twisted Wonderland that just happened by accident xD
They orginally had Aladdin's deleted sin be named Aziz but there was already an Aladdin character named that in the TV show who was a villain so I changed it to Ahmed, like one of the other Arabian Nights heroes
Ben--I changed from Benjamin to Benedict as that was more French/period appropriate
Honestly I could 100% see Gaston naming his sons after himself so I kept Gastons 1 and 2 but I changed Gil to Gilbert (French pronunciation of course)
Lonnie...oh Lonnie. I changed her name to Chi, as with her patronymic of Li she would be Li Chi, which sounded similar to Lonnie but would actually be Chinese and is the name of a girl in a Chinese legend who slays a dragon, which was what I based her hypothetical movie plot on
Chad I changed to Charles, easy enough. Much more elegant and formal
Jane I just changed to Janet to make it a little fancier/Frenchier as well xD
Dizzy I changed to Daisy (though I suppose since she's French based, it really should be Marguerite...eh Daisy can be the nickname)
Uma I kept cuz honestly its a good name and her song is a banger 👌
Harry is fine, good pirate name, short for Henry, which also works. Harriet was fine too, just made her and Harry twins and made CJ go by her first name only of Calista.
Honestly with a pirate dad named Smee Squeeky and Squirmy also work, though they're definitely nicknames.
Celia works fine, it fits with the time/culture of 1920s New Orleans, though I did change Freddie to Frederique.
Getting into some book characters now:
Artie I changed to Amhar, a lesser known son of Arthur (could have done Mordred but as the kid was meant to be heroic I decided to go with Amhar, plus it started with A x)
Mad Maddy honestly isn't a bad name, but I did change it to Matilda to be a bit more Medieval sounding, plus linked her to Matilda of the Night, a Medieval witch legend.
(And apparently there's gonna be a son of Morgana Le Fay in the new movie named... Morgie. My gosh. Well we'll change that right back to Yvain. Her actual son, no she's not Mordred's mother no matter what the movies try to tell you she's his aunt and I will die on this pedantic hill)
Hadie I instantly changed to Zagreus. He's the literal son of Hades and goodness its such a better name. Same with changing Herkie to Hyllus. Also an actual son of Hercules and doesn't sound like a euphemism for throwing up.
Allie I changed to Mary Jean after the Real Alice's grandaughter, and when I made my Queen of Hearts Kid D4 hadn't been announced yet so I named her Aceline (a pun on Ace of Hearts)
Ruby and Anxelin weren't terrible names so I kept them, just made Anxelin a Dark Kingdom name xD (and apparently they're giving Rapunzel a third daughter in the new movie? Her name is just Zellie though...so I think I'll just keep these two. Zellie could definitely work as being short for Anxelin and hey, Rapunzel had twins in the actual fairytale so two just works)
Wrapping it up:
Claudine isnt too bad and fits the time period but I changed her parent from Frollo to his brother Jehan cuz that man should never ever get to be with any woman.
Clay Clayton I changed to Cecil after the actual Clayton character in the books who wasn't that bad of a guy.
Yzla works fine as a name for Yzma's daughter. I just changed Zevon to Yzon to match better and not sound so much like he escaped the 23rd century
Ginny Gothel I just lengthened out to Ginevra to sound more fantastical
I didn't actually do anything for Pocahontas as it always kinda controversial to touch. But if I did I'd of course just make her descendant her actual son Thomas Rolfe and apparently they gave Ratcliffe a son named Rick? So...we'll change his name to Richard or--well one sec let me see if Actual Historical Governor Ratcliffe had any kids.
OK! Looks like he didn't but he did die horribly. My Gosh.
Anyway I think that's everyone!
#asks#disney#Descendants#canon descendants#descendants rewrite#vks#hks#disney princesses#disney villains#disney heroes#disney movies
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The Badun Detective Agency Song;
Thanks @casinotrio1965 for the help writing this.
Call me a stalker,
Call me a creep.
Really, I'm just a smooth talker,
And the one that you seek.
I'm the strong one,
Not afraid to fight.
I'm seen people come undone,
So don't try to tell me what's wrong or right!
My whole life,
I've been wishing on a star.
Fightin' with a knife,
While they party from afar.
I've faced nothing but strife,
Is it any wonder that I'm so bizarre?
I'm a diamond in the rough,
So forgettable.
But always fast with a rebuff,
Mind so incredible.
Just wait till I show my stuff,
One day I'll prove that I'm enough!
They think I'm a snitch,
A rat in the gutter.
They want me in a ditch,
So I'm left to scutter.
Soon I'll flip the switch,
And then they'll all stutter.
Life is a circus,
The world's my stage.
I'm too full of purpose,
To be stuck in this cage.
The prince of the Underworld,
I'm making it hot.
Time for me to be unfurled,
don’t try to stop me or you’ll rot!
Life is a mystery,
So full of history.
We live in misery,
But one day we will know victory!
We got resolve!
We've got resolve!!
Life is a mystery,
So full of history.
We live in misery,
But one day we will know victory!
They'll know us all!
And they will bawl!
They dropped the ball,
And we answered the call!
We've got resolve!
We'll make them squall!
And the isle will fall!
They'll remember them all!
No time to stall!
#descendants#disney descendants#melissa de la cruz#descendants au#wicked world#disney#disney descendants alternate universe#disney descendants au#descendants alternate universe#harry badun#jace badun#hermie bing#descendants reza#descendants yzla#descendants hadie#eddie balthazar#song writing#etc
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hello, i just want to thank you for using your platform to elevate gofundmes. it really goes such a long way. i was wondering if you could boost Mahmoud @ma7moudgaza
His campaign has been verified. He is a 20 year old engineering student who is completing his third year of university. His school, the College of Engineering and Information Technology, has been destroyed by the iof and he's a little over halfway on his fund for evacuation.
here's the link: https://gofund(.)me/4eeb9f20
As of writing this, he only needs $4,981 CAD more to reach his goal. This translates to $3,646 USD!!! Please share with your followers and thank you so much
Please help Mahmoud to reach his goal! I’ve copied the link here:
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Can share my gofundme me link?
of course!
please donate and share mahmoud's campaign to help him evacuate to egypt and continue his university studies, he's close to reaching his goal as of posting this 6187/10000! no amount is too little!
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“If you wants rights, rights are for all. You cannot exclude, because it is the beginning of exclusion of many more to come. I believe we need a radical confrontation with society and anything less than full rights for LGBTQ people and women is unacceptable.” - Dr. Ahmed El Hady
Who is Dr. Ahmed El Hady?
He is a proud gay Egyptian man, research associate, scientist, writer, and lobbyist.
Dr. Ahmed El Hady has written extensively and lobbied extensively, both domestically and internationally, on behalf of the Egyptian LGBTQ community.
Ahmed is particularly interested in making LGBTQ+ Egyptians' lives safer and positioning their political aspirations as an essential part of Egypt's struggle for freedom.
In 2011, he took a break from his PhD program at the Max Planck Institute for Dynamics and Self Organization in Germany to participate in Egypt's popular uprising.
He eventually graduated and is now employed at Princeton University, where he conducts ground-breaking neuroscience.
He has since developed novel methods for studying the brain and edited the first reference work on the subject.
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Part 2 of my Descendants Face Claim
Ally of Wonderland as Emma Myers. I feel like Emma, especially as Enid, has the exact same vibe as Ally from Descendants Wicked World, and they look very much alike
Claudine Frollo as Saoirse-Monica Jackson. She is cute, I think it fits her
Zevon as Gavin Leatherwood. I'm not sure he is older than Yzla, but in my mind he is
Yzla as Camila Mendes. My baby
Hadie as Raphael Alejandro. He is not a carbon copy of Dove, but I could see them being siblings, me and my sister are nothing alike, and we are the same blood. Now, imagine how cute he would be with blue hair 💙
Hermie Bing as Rowan Blanchard. Since she is one of the younger VKs, I choose pictures with a younger Rowan. She is adorable
Jordan as Begoña Vargas. She is so hot, I love her
Arabella as Maia Mitchell.
Li'l Shang as Harry Shum Jr. I love him, and I think it fits him (the mic is bc he is a rapper, obviously, lol)
Anthony Tremaine as Hunter Doohan. I know that Lady Tremaine is asian in the Descendants universe (so is Dizzy), but I love Anastasia as a red hair and really wanted someone with reddish hair, and he is just too cute
I still have some more, so I'll do a part 3 lol
#disney descendants#descendants wicked world#descendants#descendants ally#claudine frollo#zevon descendants#yzla descendants#hadie descendants#hermie bing#jordan descendants#anthony tremaine#personal
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‼️ Don't scroll I know I lost this war Everything (my home, my university, my future, my health and well-being, and my friends) But I earned your love, support and help, you are the only beautiful thing now Please don't leave me alone Please donate at my link. The situation is getting worse every day for my child, from cold, hunger and danger. Save my baby 😢 Share or donate 😢 please Remember, you are saving an entire family 🙏🙏
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The whole being dead thing by Hades, Persephone, Persey, Hadie, Pain and Panic.
Hades: Hey, folks! Begging your pardon
Hadie (forcing his way past the dead to stand next to his father): 'Scuse me, sorry to barge in
Persephone: Now let's skip the tears and start on the whole
Persey: Y'know, "being dead" thing
Hades: You're doomed, enjoy the singing
Persey: The sword of Damocles is swinging
Persephone: And if I hear your cell-phone ringing
I'll kill you again
Hadie: The whole "being dead" thing
Hades: Death can get a person stressed
Persey: You should have carpe'd way more diems
Hadie: Now you’re never gonna see 'em
Hades: I can show you what comes next
Hadie: So don't be freaked
Persey: Stay in your seats
Persephone: I do this bullshit, like, eight times a week
Hades: So just relax, you'll be fine
Persey: Drink your fifty-dollar wine
Hadie: And take a breath
Pain and Panic: Welcome to a show about death
(Hadie is dressed like Bert in the chalk painting and strumming a ukulele)
Hades: You're
You're gonna be fine
On the other side
Persey (dressed like a punk rocker and headbanging): Die! You're all gonna die!
You're all gonna die!
Hadie (still strumming the ukulele): I'll, I'll be your guide
To the other side
Pain and Panic:Though in full disclosure
It's a show about death
(Hades pulls a lever and the gondola falls down a level)
Hadie: Everybody gets on fine here
Persephone: Like Rodgers, Hart, and Hammerstein here
Hades: The women's bathroom has no line here just
Persey: Pee where you want,
Hades: the whole "being dead" thing
Persephone: You're just gonna love the folks here
Hadie: Yeah, I know you're “woke”, but you can take a joke here
Persephone: And every show I do, like, a ton of coke here
The whole,
(She snorts a mile long line of cocaine)
the whole "being" dead thing!
Hades: Nobody is bullet-proof
Persey: You worked out,
Hadie: You ate clean!
Persephone (pinching the bridge of her nose): Jesus, pass the Dramamine
Hades: Time to face the brutal truth
Pain and Panic: Dies Irae
Hades: 'Cause you were on our hit list
Persephone: You didn’t live 'till Christmas
Persey: Or choked to death on Triscuits
Hadie: Hey, that just statistics
Hades: So take a little break here
Persephone: Kinda like a wake here
Persey: The scenery is fake here
Hadie: But there's some giant snakes here!
(Pain and Panic turn into hydras to scare the dead)
The Pantheon’s: Welcome to a show about death!
(Hades is on a stage and dressed like a sleazy lounge singer)
Hades: You're, you're gonna be fine
(Everybody applauds him)
Hades: Thank you!
On the other side
How you doin'?
(Helga Sinclair bursts into tears of terror)
Hades: Oh, not good!
(He scats a little)
Hades: I'll,
I’ll be your guide
To the other side
Persephone: Seriously, though, this is a show about
(She pulls a leaver and the gondola falls down yet another level)
Pain and Panic (flying overhead and irritating the dead): Death is taboo, but it's hardly something new
There's nothing medical professionals can do
'Cept maybe just bill you
Hades: If you die while listening to this demo
It's still gonna keep playing
Pain and Panic: There's no destiny or fate
Just a terrifying wait
Filled with people that you hate
And on a certain date, the universe kills you!
Hades: That's the thing with life
No one makes it out alive
Persephone: Toss that body in the pit
Persey: Gosh, it's awful,
Hadie: ain't it tragic?
Hades: Blah, blah, "Bible Jesus" magic
Persephone: When you're dead, who gives a shit?
Persey: No pilates, no more yoga
Hadie: Namaste, you freakin' posers
Hades: From the cradle to cremation
Pain and Panic: Dies Irae
Persey: Death just needs a little conversation
Persephone: I have mastered the art
Pain and Panic: Dies Irae
Persey: Of tearing convention apart
Pain and Panic: Dies Irae
Hadie: So, how about we all make a start
Pain and Panic: Dies Irae
Persephone (writing to the north corner): On the whole
Hades (twirling to the south corner): being
Persey (twirling to the west corner): dead
Hadie (twirling to the east corner): thing
The Pantheon’s: God, I hope you're ready for a show about death!
(They flush the gondola and its occupants down into the depths of Tartarus)
#disney descendants#hades descendants#jesse l martin#persephone#anne hathaway#persey#maia mitchell#hadie descendants#blake michael#pain and panic#tom ellis#tom hiddleston#zendaya!mal#jukebox musical
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