#Had so much fun answering this and drawing the little doodle
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starlight-sev · 1 day ago
The Yule Ball (Teen!Snape x Reader)
Or, that time you made a hasty decision the day of the Yule Ball.
Word Count: 3,500
Warnings: social anxiety
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“For the last time, I said I’m not going.”
You sighed in exasperation as you followed Severus down the hall. You had to nearly run to keep up with his strides as he made his way to the library.
“Come on, Sev!” You protested. “The Yule Ball only happens once every few years. We’re graduating at the end of the year, we’ll never have another chance like this-”
Severus scoffed as the two of you walked into the library. “Good.” He nearly spat out. “That’s one less thing I have to worry about while I’m here.”
You couldn’t help but glare at your best friend as the two of you settled in at the usual small table in the far corner of the library. There wasn’t much natural light, and despite your numerous suggestions to try sitting at another table, Severus remained adamant about sitting at this one. It was hidden out of sight and close to the restricted section, just how he liked it.
“Did you finish the Charms homework? I’ve got it next and I can’t figure out the last few questions. They’re worded stupidly.” Severus muttered as he unpacked a stack of books from his bag. You nodded absentmindedly, passing him your textbook and three sheets of parchment containing the answers. “Oh, thank Merlin,” he muttered. In turn, he handed you his potions textbook.
“Here.” He nodded. “Slughorn’s got the instructions all wrong, and we’re not allowed to work in pairs. I won’t be able to help you, so copy what I wrote to prepare for Monday’s assignment.”
You smiled gratefully for your friend’s help, and opened your own textbook to the matching page. You found it almost impossible to concentrate, however, and you found yourself doodling absentmindedly in the margins of your textbook instead.
“Don’t tell me you’re still thinking about that bloody Yule Ball.” Severus’s bitter tone snapped you out of your thoughts as his eyes shifted down to gaze scrutinizingly at your drawings. You sighed, silently cursing how well he knew you.
“Look, don’t let me stop you from going.” Severus threw his hands up defensively. “You go. Have fun or something. But don’t expect me to be there tonight.”
You frowned, earning a mirrored glare from your best friend. “It’ll be no fun without you.”
Severus breathed out a small laugh. “It’ll be no fun with me there either.”
“What?” He asked innocently.
“I’m serious!” You exclaimed.
“So am I, Y/N!”
You leaned back in your chair and sighed. After a moment, Severus relented.
“Look, I’m sorry but it’s just not my thing.” He continued, his tone a little gentler this time. “You know I hate crowds. And chances are, Sirius and his stupid cult are going to be there too.”
You could’ve sworn you saw a flash of anxiety in Severus’s eyes for a moment.
“Besides,” he continued, looking down. “Who’d be insane enough to ask me to dance? No one’s bothered yet, and I doubt anything will change in the next five hours.”
You hated the way he laughed bitterly at himself, shaking his head as he went back to copying your Charms homework.
You took a deep breath. This wasn’t exactly the way you wanted to admit your feelings to Severus, but you didn’t want to leave the conversation where it was either.
“I’d want to dance with you.” You whispered softly, shutting your textbook and sliding it to the side. Severus flashed you a halfhearted smile as he kept writing.
“Thanks. But I don’t need you feeling sorry for me.”
“No,” you shook your head, frowning. You could feel your heart begin to pick up its pace, but nevertheless you continued. “I-I’m serious, I want to go with you.”
Severus paused his note-taking, but kept his head down. You could’ve sworn the entire library heard the way your heart was racing in those few moments before he spoke again.
“You want to go with me?” Severus asked softly, and your heart nearly broke at the disbelief that laced his tone. “With me? And not just as friends? Am I understanding that correctly?”
You nodded, unable to form any words.
Severus blinked. “Why?” He asked after another few quiet moments of processing your statement. “I’m not fun or anything.”
“Oh bloody hell Severus,” you mutter, letting your forehead rest against the desk with a small thunk. At least this way you could hide the heat that was quickly rising to your face. “It’s not just about you being fun. Do I really need to spell this out for you?”
“Yes, because I’m afraid I’m really not following.”
“I like you.” You managed to get out, albeit a bit muffled. “And I want you to be my date to the Yule Ball.”
“…is this why you haven’t shut up about the Yule Ball nearly all week?” Severus asked softly, his eyes widening in realization. You were ready to throw yourself out the nearest window, but of course Severus had to pick the spot in the library without any.
“Merlin, yes, fine. That’s the reason why I keep bringing it up.”
Severus frowned as realization dawned on his face. The faintest tinge of pink appeared on his cheeks as he gazed at you.
Bloody hell, this was more painful than you had imagined.
“It’s fine,” you muttered hastily. “You really don’t have to go, it’s okay. I know it makes you uncomfortable, and you’ve made it clear already that you don’t want to go-”
“I’ll go with you.”
Your eyes widened as Severus cut you off quietly.
“Wait… really?”
He nodded. “Yeah. If this means so much to you that you want me there as your date and not just your friend, I’ll go.”
Your heart raced as your best friend’s words sank in. He said yes. You were going to the Yule Ball together.
The bell signalling the end of free period chimed gently throughout the library, and Severus began packing up his books. “I’m off to Charms. Thanks again for the answers. I’ll meet you in the Great Hall at six, bottom of the staircase.”
You managed a nod, and Severus gave your shoulder a small squeeze before walking out of the library. As you packed up your own things, you couldn’t help but replay the conversation over and over in your mind. Severus never outwardly admitted he liked you back, but he agreed to be your date tonight. Surely that was a good thing… right?
The next few hours leading up to the Yule Ball passed excruciatingly slowly. You could barely concentrate throughout the rest of your classes, and every passing minute seemed to stretch on for eternity. All you could think about was Severus. He really was going to be your date tonight.
By some long-awaited miracle, classes finally came to an end, and you soon found yourself standing in front of the full length mirror in your dorm. You smoothed your hands over your outfit nervously, shifting your body as you glanced at yourself from all angles.
You weren’t used to wearing such formal clothes. The outfit you chose had initially taken your breath away when you saw it in the shop window in Hogsmeade, with its elegant gold trim. But now that it was on you instead of the shop mannequin, now that it was almost time, you were having second thoughts. Would Severus think it was good enough? Would he like it?
You shook your head in frustration, trying your best to shake those thoughts out of your head. He was your best friend! You’d been inseparable since first year, why now of all times were you suddenly so worried about what he thought of you?
Well… you knew why. But you pushed those thoughts away.
With a sigh and one final tug of your outfit, you quickly slipped on your shoes and headed out of your common room towards the Great Hall. No going back now.
The corridors were filled with other students as they all began making their way down to the Great Hall with their dates. Some glanced at you briefly before continuing on. You felt exposed, and suddenly a part of you was beginning to regret going to the Yule Ball in the first place.
As you made your way down the stairs, you could spot Severus from a mile away. He had his back to you, and was dressed in all black. Unlike the majority of the other students, he wasn’t wearing a suit. Most likely due to the fact that he didn’t own one, and had no time to go looking for one between when you had asked him to the Yule Ball and now. But Merlin, he cleaned up nicely.
He wore a black silk dress shirt with a pair of black slacks, and had tied his hair back for the occasion. As you approached and tapped his shoulder gently, he turned around and you noticed he was wearing a simple silver chain over his shirt. You were so used to seeing him in his school robes most days, and old baggy jumpers on weekends, that this time Severus quite literally took your breath away.
Though he tried to hide it, you caught the way his eyes widened as he took in your own appearance. Severus fidgeted awkwardly with his hands, and you noticed he had even gone so far as to put on two silver rings to complement the chain he was wearing. You felt your cheeks heat up.
“Hi.” You managed to get out. Severus gave you a lopsided smile in return.
You could feel your heart beating rapidly. In your mind this entire situation played out so smoothly, but now that you were here at the Yule Ball, with Severus as your actual date, it felt as though your brain was quickly shutting down all function. Severus nodded at your outfit.
“You look, uh, wow.”
You pressed your lips together, looking down. “God, it’s that bad isn’t it?”
“No!” Severus replied quickly, his eyes wide with worry. “No, that’s not… I just mean, you look really nice. Sorry.”
The awkward tension was broken ever so slightly as Severus laughed at himself, while you breathed out a tiny laugh of relief.
“I’m no good at this,” he shook his head. “Sorry.”
Severus lifted a hand to drag it through his hair as you often noticed he’d do when nervous, only to pause halfway once he realized his hair was all pulled back. Instead, he crossed his arms awkwardly over his chest.
“I really like your outfit.” You said softly. You could feel your nerves slowly fading away the longer you stood here with Severus. It was a relief to know you weren’t the only one who was more than a little scared. He gave you a small smile.
“I don’t own a suit, so this is the best I could do.”
“It’s really nice. And I like the way you did your hair.”
God, this was your best friend, the one person you spent hours nearly every day with! Why was it suddenly so hard to just be normal?
Severus nodded towards the Great Hall, where everyone had begun to gather in the middle of the large room. “Well, should we go in, then?”
You turned your head to gaze into the Great Hall, noticing the way everyone seemed to move around as if this was the most natural thing in the world. You thought back to how a number of students gazed at you as you walked through the castle to meet Severus only moments earlier, and your stomach flip flopped. You didn’t usually get this nervous, but as the first few notes from the orchestra began to play, signalling the first dance was going to begin soon, you suddenly wished to be anywhere else but here.
“Are you okay?” Severus asked gently. You could see the concern etched across his face as he gazed at you. “You’ve turned a bit pale.”
All you could think about was how this was actually happening. Severus was actually your date, and in a matter of seconds you’d have to dance together. In front of the entire school. Hell, even the teachers would be watching you two together.
It was an idea you had dreamed about, but now you felt like a coward. Everything was happening too fast.
“I’m sorry. I’ll be right back.”
Before Severus could say anything, you bolted in the opposite direction, down the hall. You heard Severus calling your name from behind, but you kept running. Your heart was racing a mile a minute as you nearly crashed through the door to the bathroom, and locked yourself in a stall.
Back in the library earlier today, you hadn’t realized just what your words would entail when you asked Severus to go with you to the Yule Ball. You were picturing the two of you, laughing and joking together as you stood in the corner, drinking punch and giggling whenever someone tried to dance and tripped over their own feet. You didn’t think Severus would’ve taken your offer so seriously, you had never seen him this way before. You were naive to think that everything would remain the same after so casually admitting your feelings to him.
You wanted him in a way you had never fully allowed yourself to feel until now, and it scared you. Especially since all eyes would be on the two of you tonight as well. It felt smothering.
The creak of the door interrupted your thoughts, and you tried your best to quiet your breathing. It served no use though, as a tiny knock sounded against the stall door.
“It’s me.” Severus said softly. You could see his shadow through the door. “Please come out.”
You sighed softly, unable to find any words. Severus gave your door another small tap.
“Y/N? Come on, I know you’re in there. I know something’s wrong. Talk to me.”
Your shoulders sank in defeat, and you opened the stall door slowly. Severus stood in front of you, his eyes filled with worry.
“I’m sorry.” You muttered, keeping your eyes on the floor. “I think I’m having second thoughts about this.”
Severus frowned. “Is it because of me? Because I can-”
“What?” Your eyes widened. “No, not at all, why would you even think that?”
The confusion in Severus’s eyes was clear as day. “I thought you wanted to go to the Yule Ball.”
“I did… I do, I just…” You gazed up at the ceiling as you sighed in frustration, trying your best to get your feelings into words. You were hoping you wouldn’t have to have this conversation in a bathroom of all places, but you knew you couldn’t just leave Severus hanging like this.
“This is all hitting me too fast,” you explained softly. “I had this idea in my head of how the night was going to go, and as I was walking to meet you, it hit me how real this is.”
“How real what is? The Yule Ball?”
You shook your head. “No. Us. Like this.” You gestured to the two of you, and Severus nodded slowly as he began to understand.
“I shouldn’t have asked you so quickly,” you continued. “And then the bell rang, and we had no time to talk about any of this and-”
“Do you regret any of it?”
You frowned, noticing the intense look in Severus’s eyes. “What?”
“Do you regret any of it? What you said earlier to me?”
You shook your head immediately. “No. Not at all. I meant what I said, I really did.”
Severus nodded as he processed your words. “You really did catch me by surprise.”
You laughed softly, burying your face in your hands. “I know, I’m so sorry. It was stupid of me.”
Severus shook his head, stepping a little closer to you. “It wasn’t stupid. Not if you meant it.”
“I did,” you whispered as you lowered your hands from your face. “I meant it.”
Severus nodded, his hands coming up to reassuringly caress your shoulders. After a beat, he glanced at you.
“Is this okay?” He asked softly. You nodded, feeling the heat rise to your cheeks. There was an intense, almost wanting, look in your best friend’s eyes, and it made your heart race.
Severus stepped a little closer, leaving mere inches of space between the two of you. His hands travelled up to caress your face, his thumb gently tracing the line of your jaw. You reached up, resting your palm gently over the back of one of his hands.
“Remember that time Slughorn called on you when you weren’t paying attention, yet you somehow managed to provide him with the correct steps to brew Amortentia?”
You laughed softly, nodding as the memory came back to you.
“I couldn’t believe the way you so smoothly talked your way out of getting points taken away. And then the sneaky look you gave me afterwards…” Severus shook his head, laughing softly to himself. “My feelings for you changed that day, and I knew I was going to be in trouble.”
“Why?” You asked softly.
“Because…” the way he gently stroked your face was almost calming. “I was falling deeply for you. And I didn’t think you returned my feelings, until this afternoon actually.”
You nodded slowly. “I do.”
Severus smiled softly. “You do.”
He leaned in, pressing his lips gently against yours. Part of you knew it was coming, but you still inhaled sharply in surprise. It almost seemed to spur him on, and his hands travelled to circle your waist and pull you closer as he deepened the kiss. He smelled warm, like amber and cinnamon, and it made you smile into the kiss.
This was really happening.
Severus pulled away just enough to rest his forehead against your own, and you rested one of your hands on top of his own.
“You’re shaking.” You whispered softly.
“Yeah, because I can’t believe this is happening.” He laughed softly. “And I can’t believe we just did that.”
“You mean how we kissed?”
A tinge of pink bloomed on his cheeks. You smiled and leaned in again to kiss him once more. All the nerves you had been feeling had faded for the most part, now that you knew Severus shared your feelings.
He kissed you back with more intention this time, his lips pressing more firmly against yours. His grip on you tightened, and you bit his lip gently, testing the waters. He let out a soft moan that made your knees weak, shifting both of you without breaking the kiss once until you had your back pressed up against the cold wall of the bathroom. His hands, which were still trembling, began roaming your body, and you pulled him closer.
The sound of footsteps echoing out in the hall caused you to push him away slightly, and you threw a finger to your lips in warning as Severus let out a tiny whine of protest.
“Someone’s outside,” you hissed. “Quickly!”
You tugged him hastily into a stall, squeezing into the far corner. You barely breathed as the sound of footsteps grew closer. Severus kept his gaze on you the entire time, barely making a sound. The door creaked as someone came in, and you held your breath as you squeezed your eyes shut. A moment later, the door creaked open again, and the footsteps receded. You let out a relieved breath just as Severus laughed softly.
“That was close.”
“Who do you think that was?”
“Definitely McGonagall.” Severus whispered. “She’s the only one who walks that fast constantly.”
As you laughed, Severus tugged you a little closer. “I realize now that this is what I wanted.” You admitted softly. “I don’t really feel like dancing in front of everyone. I just want to continue this. Us.”
Severus gave you a small smirk before kissing the corner of your mouth. “See? Now you know how I feel about the Yule Ball.”
“If we go back will you dance with me?”
Severus snorted, rolling his eyes. “Merlin, no.”
As you raised your eyebrows, he gave you a small squeeze. “Not in front of that many people. But I found a spot on the second floor where you can still hear everything happening in the Great Hall. I’ll dance with you up there. Alone.”
You smiled softly, feeling the last of your nerves disappear completely. “Deal.”
Severus smiled at you, and your knees went weak at the tenderness in his dark eyes. He pressed one last chaste kiss against your lips, before leading you out of the bathroom.
“This way,” he smiled as he intertwined his fingers with yours. “We’ll have our own little Yule Ball.”
You noticed the way he squeezed your hand after he spoke, and you squeezed back. This was not at all the way you thought the night would go. In fact, it was far better than anything you could’ve imagined.
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helpallthenamesaretaken · 3 months ago
pretty pleeeease tell me more about this and your ideas for a pjo show directed by you? 🥺💚💚
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of courseee thanks for asking! most of the points were covered in OP's post but your ask has given me an opportunity to think more about it and expand it more so thanks again!!
(disclaimer: this is really long and I also wanted to say pjotv is a really good piece of cinema even though rick had no experience in film at all and if anyone doesn't agree about anything, don't be mean about it!!)
I mourned the breaking of the fourth wall in pjotv. when rick mentioned that the writing team were thinking of new ways to show percy's internal narration, I expected a LOT of fourth wall breaking. here is a few low effort doodles on how fourth wall breaking could work because I don't have coherent thoughts on describing it in words
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When it comes to animation, ugh there are so much things I could say. imagine the funky expressions. Imagine the potential for it to look stunning like the animation for arcane and into the spiderverse. imagine the awards it could get for best animation.
Or i really really LOVE those little animations within live action like how the autumn leaves fly around Nick and charlie in heartstopper and it'd be really cute in pjo with,,like blue hearts from percy and grey hearts from annabeth ugh <3
I'm sure lot of people wouldn't agree but I felt there was wayy less of platonic percabeth in pjo tv s1. a lot of it was deep like all the sacrifices and all the romantic stares which everyone keeps making edits of and whatever. but there was no chance to show their proper development as friends. so in my pjotv there's mostly only platonic percabeth with the little sprinkle of hints of having a crush like how it is in the book.
There's full room for the show makers to do this in the coming seasons, but I love the idea of the characters starting out with a light palette (pale blues/greens for percy, for example) and then getting progressively darker and darker in colour (blacks/dark blues) throughout the seasons, because I love a good story told through fashion <3
No other changes to the plot except extra scenes for character development (sally/Poseidon/lil percy flashbacks), new character nuances (medusa/annabeth parallels aka the most genius thing to come out of pjotv).
speaking on the humour, I would trash seriousness and just give pjo lot of the elements of a sitcom. like you know how sometimes in between sitcoms they have little interviews where they reflect on what they're doing like
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this also helps the internal narration aspect. bonus points if rick is the off screen interviewer
of course if it was animated, walker and leah could voice act, but it'd be weird for a black girl to voice a blonde white girl. but i really do love mixed canon annabeth and percy so the animated version of them would be annabeth with tinted blonde hair and well if you really like blonde percy we can have his blonde roots showing BUT ONLY IF WALKER AND LEAH ARE VOICE ACTING
THEME SONG!!! a banger with a silly montage that will send nostalgic memories rushing through your brain and make you sing along even after 10 years because ITS SUCH A CORE MEMORY
I don't know if you know the tlt musical but I would definitely make the campfire song from that as the pjotv campfire song and little good kid instrumentals here and there
also I forgot to mention you're the screenwriter because I really liked your screenplay that you posted
if you read this till the end, finley, honestly???congratulations!!
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sysig · 3 months ago
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Growing closer than expected (Patreon)
#Doodles#Pokemon#Kabu#Larry#Firebland#Silverstreakshipping#To the shock of no one this is Zarla's fault (lol)#Bad influence! Too inspiring! Stop this! I'm totally not culpable for Being Inspired for the [X]th time now definitely lol#I kept finding little ideas popping into my head with them and I mean if I've already doodled them Once I guess I could try a couple more#Learned them just well enough to keep finding things for them pft#Although I am surprised by just how easy I find Larry to Draw - not necessarily that I'm fully Confident in drawing him yet but like#There's very little struggle to the shapes I put down here and I'm fairly pleased with their configuration haha#Kabu on the other hand!! Why is he so hard to draw!!! What!! Like I know his clothes are complex but no his face!#He's got a really cute and difficult-to-draw face! Why! I cannot figure him out#It's probably the do with the shape and size of his head...his hair........ I really enjoy fluff and he's Kind of but Not Really fluffy??#And his white streaks aren't intuitive to me - but Larry's floofs are??? I don't know#The only thing I can figure it that I Kind Of draw Dexter the same way - Larry's streaks are like an exaggerated version of how I floof Dex#And then a suit is second nature by now but I've already talked about my difficulties with Kabu's clothes lol#Didn't stop me from putting him out front for this hug tho! It's cute... Kabu asking Larry to come play with him but Larry has stuff to do#May or may not have felt a little that way myself - made most of these doodles during Requestober haha so busy!#The brightly shining brilliant glow boyfriend setup-payoff returns ♥ He glows like a fire! Overwhelming!#I still really love that glow cutaway style around the low-bouncing flower haha - just don't draw there and it gives the impression! Fun :)#Hugs <3 Unsurprisingly been in the want of cute fluff and sweetness and hugs were very on the menu#It really is fun to think of Larry being just a Little weird about how much he feels for Kabu#Acting childish as that part of him hasn't had the chance to grow and mature! Stuck awkward and gangly in otherwise full development#Feelings so big and strong and immediate for the first time in too too long <3 Gotta express them all somehow#And ending off with a bit of silliness haha - was Kabu prompting him just to hear such an answer? Who knows ♪#Larry just too straightforward haha - why else would he do or say things unless he felt like it! Pfsh obviously#Haha
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zyafics · 8 days ago
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Pairing – Rafe x Mermaid!Female Reader
Summary — Rafe invites you out to the Druthers for a sunrise event with Sarah and his friends.
Word Count — 2.3K
Content — fluff, protective!Rafe, Sarah being a good sister (and considerate to you!), you being clingy and possessive of Rafe, and suggestive scenes. A continuum of this and this and this!
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“She can’t be a mermaid,” Sarah announces unexpectedly.
Rafe stops what he’s doing to turn to his sister, “What?”
“I poured some water on her skin,” she diligently informs, leaning against the doorframe of his office, her arms crossed over her chest with this vindicated look. "Nothing happened. Therefore, she can’t be a mermaid.”
Rafe scoffs at Sarah’s hypothesis. “What did you do? Chuck it at her?”
“Who do you think I am?” She rolls her eyes. “I just dropped some water on her… accidentally. I even brought towels—just in case.”
“A scientist,” Rafe drawls sarcastically, returning to his work.
Rafe had nearly forgotten that little quirk about you. It’s been almost a month since your arrival, and while there have been some occasional odd moments, nothing has proved evident about your supposed mermaid abilities. Finally, Rafe tucked it in the back of his head as nothing more than a phrase—a figment of your imagination, your fantasy transcending into the natural world.
Nothing more.
“Why is this relevant?” Rafe asks stodgily, flipping through the account books of Cameron Development, his fingers trailing the edge of the sheets.
“Because now you can bring her to the sunrise trip,” Sarah declares.
It takes Rafe a second to remember what she’s referring to. A summertime tradition where Sarah and Rafe host their friends on the Druthers, taking it out to sea to stay a night and wake up before sunrise.
Sarah had tested whether you were truly a mermaid to make you a candidate for the journey.
Rafe scoffs, “So that’s what that little experiment is for,”
“I had to,” she smiles sweetly, “Didn’t want her to turn into a fish when we’re out at sea. It’ll ruin the fun.”
“My fun or yours?”
Sarah doesn’t answer, giving him a knowing wink, before departing from his office.
That night, Rafe asks you. He was getting ready for bed, turning off all the lights, before you patter your way into his doorway, shyly inviting yourself into his room. Rafe no longer is surprised by your arrival, and with a wave of a hand, he beckons you forward and you sink in his arms.
You’re always giddily, full of soul, and when Rafe has you in his arms, it amplifies. You detail him about your day—the time spent along the coastline of his estate, traveling barefoot along the empty roads, interacting with land critters. You’re always so fascinated by the mundane, the landscape and sights, but the way you go about it—it’s a soothing sound, full of bursting energy.
He can, and has, fallen asleep to it.
Knowing you’re in a good mood, Rafe decides to pop the question. He tells you about the trip, taking his yacht out, and watching the flaming palette of orange-blue light in the morning sky. He thinks you’ll enjoy it; after all, you’re a self-proclaimed mermaid with a fascination for all human derivatives.
But, for the first time, you say no.
“Why not?” Rafe asks as you lay on his chest, shaking your head at the invitation. Your nails are tracing the fabric of his shirt, drawing doodles in similar manners you would do at the bottom of the ocean floor.
“I don’t want to,” your voice is quiet and tiny as if you don’t like the idea of saying no to him.
“It’s just for one night,” Rafe assures. Perhaps you’ve gotten used to the stability of the Tannyhill estate.
You persist, declining the offer.
“It’ll be fun,” Rafe reasons, but there’s a bitterness in the way he’s pushing the topic. Truthfully, if you don’t attend, Rafe doesn’t have much incentive to join either. Yes, it’s been a long-standing tradition, but he wants to experience it with you. Ever since you entered into his life, he’s been feeling that way.
Yet, he knows he has to go. Sarah doesn’t know how to drive the Druthers, and she’s been looking forward to this all summer. Despite their bickering, he doesn’t want to let her down.
You shake your head quietly, slouching your shoulders inwards, making yourself small. It’s as if your body is physically recoiling at denying Rafe.
He doesn’t know what’s going on. You never do this. You’ve always been pliant, and obedient, agreeing to every little concoction he conspires. It’s one of the many things he adores about you; yet, for the first time, you’re being wayward.
“Are you afraid of the water?” Rafe asks gently, stroking the curve of your spine with his finger, in a way that makes you relax your muscles. He accidentally hooks it underneath the shirt—his shirt—drawing it up to expose your skin; soft, tender, and perfect.
Sarah had been right. Normally, you don’t like wearing clothes. Only when Rafe asks you to whenever you go out together, but preferably, you choose to remain as close to naked as possible. It’s too hot, you told him. You’ve gone years without clothes, and the actual barrier produces heat. The only exception, however, is if you get to wear his.
Again, you don’t answer. Your fingers coils around the loose fabric of his shirt, bundling it into a fist, as if you’re frightened by the suggestion. Rafe sees it—feels it—emulating from your body, and he stops for a second and relinquishes his touch.
“We’re just going to be on the boat. You don’t have to go into the water if you don’t want to,” Rafe reassures, hoping his words soothe something over you. He knows he’s been persistent, but he truly doesn’t want to leave you alone—not even for one night. “I’ll protect you.”
Normally, under that advisement, it would palliate all concerns; and would coaxe you into an affirmative yes. But you say nothing, and finally, with a tick of agitation pulsing through him, Rafe gently grabs your chin and lifts your tender gaze to his.
“Don’t you trust me?”
Your teeth sink into your bottom lip; plumped, fresh, coasted with this perpetual wetness that makes Rafe burn with desire. And you nod your head, listening, but not actively responding.
His thumb traces your lower lip, pulling down the plumpness and forcing it to split apart. Your eyes meet Rafe with a tenderness, almost hunger, while your breathing slightly stills.
You still don’t answer him.
And this time, Rafe decides to let it go.
“If you don’t want to go, you don’t have to.”
This should make you happy, for him to drop it, but the coated disappointment in his tone causes your stomach to twist. You don’t like upsetting him, don’t like the idea that you’re not meeting the standard and his needs.
“But you’ll still go?” You ask softly, gently, like an ocean breeze.
“I have to. Sarah doesn’t know how to drive,”
Your brows pinch, furrowing together. “Will there be other females there?”
“Yeah,” Rafe nods. “Some of Sarah’s girl friends.”
You purse your lips, eyes squinting. You don’t like that. You’re possessive about your mate. You understand Sarah’s his sister, and that company is natural, but with other women? Unrelated to him? It’s wrong.
You can’t stand it.
“Okay,” you murmur softly, conceding in a way that Rafe likes. “I’ll come.”
The next morning, everyone’s at the docks of the Tannyhill estate, loading onto the yacht. Sarah brought a variety of fruits and snacks, while Kelce and Topper helped her and her friends abroad. They climb up the slippery steps and enter into the cockpit, settling with their things.
You stay close to Rafe, timid among the new crowd.
Out at sea, everything is smooth sailing. Today’s a beautiful day, with steady waves, and it’s meant to last the entire week. Rafe parks the Druthers off the coast, where you can’t see Kildare anymore, save for a small coastal cove that’s within view. The boat gently bobs against the rolling tides, and the sounds of Sarah and her friends are screeching with enthusiasm as they take a swim around the yacht.
You watch from above the deck, your focus on the distance, staring at the island cove.
When Rafe slips out of the cockpit, his hand slides over your waist, snapping you out of your concentration. You lift your gaze to meet his, and the furrowed crease between your brows disappears, shoulders relaxing upon his touch.
Rafe offers you a rare, gentle smile. “You wanna swim?”
You shake your head, “Not with them.”
He likes the fact that you don’t entertain his friends, that you want him and only him. “You were waiting for me?”
You nod, leaning your head against his shoulders. “You looked busy,”
“You could’ve told me,” Rafe declares, “Better yet, you could’ve joined me.”
You huff softly, amused, as Rafe pulls you closer to his side. Again, he smells the scent of the sea—but it’s fragrance, exuding from you. His eyes drift to the direction you were looking at, “What's that?”
“Nothing,” you hum, but there’s a pang of longing. You tip your chin skyward to find his gaze once more. “Can we go inside now?”
A couple of hours later, Sarah’s right. Again. The whole crew is having dinner on the main deck, and someone accidentally spills a cup of water on your arm, but nothing happened. Rafe was ready to see something—a twinkle, a glow, or a glimmer—but it was absolute zilch. One of her friends who did it apologizes, and you chuckle softly, wiping it away with a towel, not a care in the world.
He truly doesn’t understand this mermaid business. He really doesn’t.
Maybe you’re someone who loves the sea so much, you claim it as part of your identity. You want to be closer to the ocean, to the marines, to the corals and the sea creatures that the title is merely an expression of self, rather than a true folktale.
You can’t be a mermaid, Rafe reasons, you don’t even have a tail.
Later, everyone shuffles off to their individual cabins. Rafe claimed the biggest one—because of course he did. When you step out of the small bathroom, in nothing but a large shirt of his, Rafe swallows thickly. Because most times, when you come into his room, it’s night, punctured with darkness saved for a glow of moonlight through his curtains.
Now, the cabin lights remain perpetually on, at low brightness, and it allows Rafe to see everything. He’s reminded of the tidbit from Sarah—how you hate panties—and his eyes drop to your thighs, where the shirt casually brushes mid-level, almost revealing more. His heart beats heavily, and you slowly climb onto the bed, wrapping yourself around him.
You fall asleep on his chest, as you normally do, and the weight is like a natural blanket to him. Something he knows, expects, and remembers. It tames all the raging emotions inside of him, silences all the busy thoughts, and hones in completely and only you.
During the duration of the night, while the yacht slowly rocks against the stronger currents, his hand falls on your back protectively.
Until it doesn’t.
Something doesn’t feel right; missing. His eyes slowly blink awake, drowsiness coating his features, while his eyes adjust to the low cabin lights. His hands weaved through thin air.
You’re gone.
With the door of the cabin wide open.
Consciousness strikes Rafe, and he jumps out of bed, rushing out of the cabin, and following the hallway lights to the deck. Slowly, with the rocking of the tides, Rafe climbs up the stairs, to the main deck, and finds you in the stark darkness.
Standing on the ledge.
You’re at the gap where the railing ends, allowing an opening to jump to the swim platform. You’re standing dangerously close to it, his shirt flapping against the wind, a loose hand wrapped on the safety handle.
Rafe calls your name, but you don’t turn around. He suspects you’re sleepwalking, entranced in a dream, that led you up here. Ocean calling you home, it’s evidence for his theory.
But you’re not a mermaid and you can’t survive that leap.
Cautiously, Rafe approaches you, slowly, tenderly, calling your name. He’s afraid of waking you, afraid of startling you from your dream and causing you to release and fall. With each step closer, he hears the thumping of his own heartbeat and the prize within reachable fingertips.
He’s almost there.
He’s so close.
Until you jump.
Rafe screams as he reaches the ledge, his eyes adjusting to the dark currents of the sea. Nothing is visible, not a stream of light underneath, except for the glowing reflection of the full moon bathing the dark waters.
He’s calling your name, again and again, trying to see if you’ll surface to the sound of his voice.
But nothing happens.
Rafe’s already taking off his shoes, taking off his shirt. He’s gearing up to jump in after, especially if you don’t surface within the next minute.
He’s praying. A godless man as himself, who doesn’t believe in a higher power, is begging for you to come up unscathed.
But he still sees nothing.
Until something cuts the waves, a sharp prodding sculpture that slices through the harsh currents.
A tail?
He isn’t sure if his eyes are deceiving him, especially with the drowsiness of his sleep, but he sees another cut in the ocean, this time paired with an iridescent color of a fin, scaly and glimmering.
He calls out your name once more, a little timid, a little frightened.
And you raise to the surface.
Attached to a long, kaleidoscopic tail, with skin full of scales, climbing up your shoulders and throat, you’re flipping through the water; your smile bright, eager, and real.
Rafe breathes out a sigh of disbelief.
“Holy shit,”
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IMPORTANT INFO ABOUT TAGLIST AND UPDATES: if you want to be notified about all my fics and updates, follow @zyafics-library and turn on notifications! however, if you want to be added to this specific taglist, let me know (but to remain tagged, you must interact with the posts).
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aeromore · 2 months ago
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META META META META META META META META. Old art dump from earlier this year, more under the keep reading thing.
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RIDER IS THERE. That's just really a secondary name for Stanley to keep track of the guys (there's three of them, that's also why they're numbered). I meant to finish this drawing and have Aleph (another narrator... Specifically number 2) respond to Meta and have PK (Stanley-2) stand next to him, but I didn't have a design for that guy at this current point in time and just left it unfinished. Also, I love Rider. Rider is lovely and very kind, I hope he suffers very much Soon.
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Ditto. Ditto's just happy to be here, Meta less so. Hates being proven wrong, too. It is SO hard to choose whether he'd be a Ditto or a Meltan as a pokémon, considering you CAN spell Meta with the letters in Meltan. I eventually went with the latter and had Ditto be on his team, like a constant mockery of him. <- That's how HE sees it. Ditto couldn't care less and just wants to have fun. (Also, he shapeshifted those eyes into existence by the way, he does not usually have eyes under his glasses. LET THE GUY EXPRESS HIMSELF.)
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Vitan. (Character belonging to @mct421 / @a-game-of-beginnings) Sorry, I had and still have a crush on this idiot but also he's a very lovely character, please check 'em out on the second @. Meta is reasonably upset/peeved/mad about me turning him into a vertical pancake and also making fun of him for ... a large variety of things. I'll just say he doesn't get treated the best out of my narrators (it's a cuteness aggression thing, and also i hate him (affectionately)). SO, I let it slide that he's making fun of me by shapeshifting into my F/O or crush or whatever he is. Whatever it is, I've proposed to him (VITAN) three times at this point because I either keep forgetting I did or I just want to recreate the scenario since it's funny.
SOMETHING ACTUALLY INTERESTING OF NOTE: When Meta shapeshifts, the eyes always have this green color (not the green in the drawing, that was a lazy doodle, the CORRECT color is #70A083) and the hair is silvery at the roots.
Dumb idiot flawed shapeshifter, couldn't be me. <- Could be me. Is me.
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Dressed him up in silly outfits, some of which he hates and some that he is fine with.
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Was bought Webfishing by a friend of mine back in October, so I pretty quickly whipped a little complementary drawing of Meta as a fish (nice callback) and @nonsensechemicals's settings person as a lil fish too ":o" (it's a callback to one of their drawings but I don't really have it on hand right now). The guy in the middle was my sona at the time, now they look different. YOU try being a shapeshifter and see how long you can last being on one look.
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Silly shitposts and whatnot. I love Meta, my idiot blob son, slime-like thing. Thank you, Rider, for showing him that sick skateboard trick in the parking lot (press conference/elevator ending reference for Those Who Don't Know).
The second image is a screenshot taken from that one art instillation with the jiggling things whatever they are. <- Quickly looked it up, "Graceful Degradation", a kinetic installation by Harrison Pearce at the GNYP Gallery. Wouldn't wanna leave you guys at the edge of your seat wanting to learn what that was.
The third image is me and MrPizzaDraws on twitter drawing our Favorite Blob ever. Check Pizza out, he's cool, especially if you're someone from the Object Show Community or like art in general.
Fourth image.... Not much to say here. Meta as those sticky hand things. I call it handslops. And the fifth image is him being slop in a red plastic cup. Wonderful.
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And at the very bottom is an actually proper and simple drawing of the guy, of course. IF... IF ANYONE HAS QUESTIONS ABOUT ANYTHING, feel free to click on that funny questionnaero button. I'd love to bestow knowledge. This is ALL a heavy work in process, so be patient if my answers aren't that great, haha.
And if you're wondering (because I sure am), the three parable thing is really an AU in all honesty, since that's not how the actual Stanley Parable is built up, to our knowledge, but I like having fun and still try keeping it close to game lore and whatnot. I just find it easier to understand the game if I break it apart into smaller pieces/people, hope that's relatable.
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mask-of-prime · 6 months ago
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TLG: Final 10 Episodes Sketch Dump
September 2nd once again fell on a Labor Day, like it once did when the final 10 episodes of TLG dropped on WatchTLG (due to its early release on the old DisneyNOW app). The alignment of the exact day, month, and holiday five years later put me in the spirit to sketch away as I rewatched these episodes.
I was there when the countdown on the WatchTLG site had about an hour left. I hadn't seen a full episode of TLG until that point because I at the time thought I wouldn't be into it. I saw the synopses for these episodes leaked somewhere online and was doubtful yet VERY hopeful that the one with Vitani's Lion Guard was going to be a real episode simply because I wanted to see her in new content, regardless of my familiarity with the show.
When I binge-watched these final episodes with a friend, my relationship with the show improved as I went to watch the rest of the show over the next few months. I was so grateful to see so much content and worldbuilding for the TLK universe
Sketch descriptions under the cut:
1. Friends to the End
I've said this before in a review of this episode, but whether or not the writers intended this, their portrayal of irritability brought on by an anxiety attack is astounding. Kion's anxiety is piled up more and more when he's in a hurry to find a cure at the Tree of Life, Bunga repeatedly tells him he's becoming like Scar, and the rest of the group just "blind leading the blind"-in their journey SO badly because they're a bunch of unsupervised freshman-aged kids who are in their "Well I wouldn't go THAT far" or "Can I be the devil's advocate" phase.
This situation of fearing becoming like a shitty family member and being told you are by people when you're already in a vulnerable state is just SO vile and unfortunately so real. I found myself relating hard to this episode due to Kion's valid af anger in this episode, which is why I had to draw Kion claiming his "Don't you just wanna go apeshit??" era.
Kion is basically me throughout this episode and the entire first half of Season 3. It is SO HARD to get through this season sometimes when these same couple of lines keep coming at least once per episode. As soon as I hear Fuli saying "Uhh... Kion?" or "KION!!" I know exactly what's coming.
2. The Tree of Life:
Since we never get to see Sahasi and Ananda's color palettes they had in life, I took what I could make out from their spirit forms as well as some creative liberties, and came up with what they may have looked like on Earth.
Ananda is where Baliyo gets his freckles and dull, dark pelt, and where Rani gets her purple pupils, red nose, and dark tail. Sahasi is where Rani gets her richer pelt and where Baliyo gets his nose gradient, multicolored mane, and lighter tail color.
Fun Fact: According to some email responses from a member of the team who worked on TLG, they said that Sahasi was meant to be Janna's son, which for me, puts an end to a debate I had in my head where I was stuck between either him or Ananda being Janna's child: On one hand, I liked the idea of Sahasi and Surak being the foils of Mufasa and Scar, but also liked the idea of Ananda as Janna's daughter and heir since they looked so alike, as well as it solidifying the martriarchy headcanon I have for the Night Pride. Though the team member didn't straight-up provide Sahasi's relation to Janna and Surak as an absolute fact, rather it was simply the gist they got from the creation of Sahasi's character, it's an answer from a team member at all, which I can absolutely settle with. I decided to give him a similar fur color to Surak because of that.
3. The River of Patience:
I just HAD to doodle eepy Kion. It's like the one part of this episode that sticks with me outside the wholesome therapy dynamics and Kion heroically holding the flower between his teeth. This is basically him but if he fully succumbed to falling asleep waiting for the log.
4. Little Old Ginterbong:
Can I just say that I fucking LOVE Mama Binturong's character?? She's absolutely insane and constantly looks like an addict that needs her fix. She makes me nostalgic for some reason, and I think it's gotta do with her Mama Gunda vibes (which is odd because I wasn't even that young when I saw Tarzan II). I had to draw her doing the thing lol
5. Poa the Destroyer:
All I could think about throughout this episode besides the rare Evil Beshte is how insufferable Pinguino is. I mean it in kind of a good way, his personality is so ridiculous that he's made me laugh a few times.
6. Long Live the Queen:
Surprisingly, the sketch regarding this episode is probably the least expected subject matter out of anything I could've put here: An idea that's been forming in my head for a bit now was the idea of Bunga and Binga continuing the fostering/babysitting business of Bunga's "uncles". Bunga is shown to be a natural with young animals in a few episodes, and it continues in the subplot of this episode where he watches over Varya's cubs.
7. The Lake of Reflection:
The one thing that viscerally stuck with me in this episode was the unbelievably cute design they gave bby Cheezi. Had to sketch him.
8. Triumph of the Roar:
Obligatory Askari sketch because I actually love drawing him and making headcanons of his era. Looking back... he kinda looks like he's looking down at the events of the bottom drawing in slight disappointment.
9. Journey to the Pride Lands:
Drew Azaad (for what I think might be the first time) with the only thing he seemed to be doing throughout this episode -- taking any opportunity he can to comment about how much better cheetahs are at basically everything. He's fun to draw and I'd like to do more art of him one day.
10. Return to the Pride Lands
This is a sketch of what I deadass thought was gonna happen during this scene the first time I saw this episode lmao. At the time, the previous two episodes were fresh on my mind so I thought Kion was once again going to spam his tornado ability, but with Vitani as his subject for his demonstration. She already knew so little of the Roar as it was, given her absence throughout most of TLG's storyline, but could you imagine what she must've been thinking seeing how much Kion's Roar evolved?
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aclowntiny · 1 year ago
Ink Trails- Hongjoong x GN!Reader (Soulmate AU)
Just about everyone has a soulmate, a person they're destined to be with, to go through life with in some capacity. The mark of this? Anything you write on your skin shows up on theirs.
Word Count: 2.4k | Soulmate AU, Banter, Faint Humor | Warnings: a bit of language
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You weren’t a big fan of drawing on yourself. As a child, you were something of a neat freak, washing all the dirt you could off your hands and never wanting to add ammo to the enemy in yours and the sink’s war. Of course, your favorite sheet of temporary tattoos didn’t count as dirt, not when they granted you several days of carrying your favorite character, a little purple penguin, with you. In fact, you practically ignored the rest of the sheet besides a few snowflakes surrounding him, all of which everyone told you were now decorating some other kid, too.
Well, good, you thought, your penguin was the best and they probably loved it, too. Otherwise they couldn’t marry you or whatever soulmates did. Usually it was get married. Maybe you would get married when you grew up. Your grandparents liked being married.
As you grew a bit older, you wrote in school. Sometimes your pen or pencil slipped, skimming your hand with an accidental line. Sometimes your soulmate was clumsy, too, and you watched a pencil trail appear when you didn’t even have one in hand. The weirdest was when you watched a whole shaky ㅎ appear, the circle looking a bit square, then suddenly erasing and being reborn round again.
And then just like that, it was all gone.
It hadn’t really been your habit to write things on yourself like others you knew- it just didn’t come naturally to you when you had paper and, a bit later in life, your phone. Beside that, given the marks of soulmates, any notes you wrote would appear on someone else’s arm, hand, anywhere they could get scolded for if they had strict family or teachers or a barrier to looking presentable at an academic event. It just didn’t seem fair. That was the same reason why, even years after school and becoming an adult, you chose not to get any tattoos. What if your soulmate hated it? Then they get it removed and you lose yours and the cycle goes on like some sort of stupid cartoon sequence of ink and lasers.
Ok, that part maybe not so much, but you knew how personal and controversial tattoos could be, so kinda weird to put one on someone else without their consent. Sorry about the penguin, you supposed all those years later, I was four.
Instead, perhaps preferably, you doodled a lot on paper, keeping at it even when that rude boy Matthew from seventh grade told you your cat looked so bad, it made him think it was a dragon holding a cookie. Such insults would not be taken from the guy who used ‘I don’t like the color red’ as an icebreaker ‘fun fact’…while wearing a red shirt.
Even if you were no artist, improvement naturally came with age and frequency, and you favored keeping your drawings cute anyway. Yet another reason to put them down on paper- pen ink faded from skin, but on paper, it was like a tattoo. Permanent with all your other notebooks of doodles that would have more than covered your body.
Your body, which was semi-frequently decorated anyway, not of your own accord. Your soulmate, likely around your age, had no qualms about use of the forearms as a notepad, so it wasn’t the oddest occurrence by far to wake up with things like ‘7:00 독주회’ or a more frantic ‘ENGLISH TEST 9:00’ scrawled there. Or even once a very unceremoniously written, shaky, clearly hastily added ‘BUMJOONG WAS HERE’ on the back of your hand. That was a fun one to try to explain. It made you wonder sometimes if your soulmate was a less considerate person than you or if you’d simply proven well in your restraint.
You weren’t expecting any answers, or perhaps more questions, to come in the form they all did.
The morning was like any other: it was your day off, time you’d reserved so as to endeavor some shopping. Making yourself a nice breakfast and choosing one of your favorite outfits, you hopped in the shower. Deciding what the heck, it was your day off, you even busted out the new sugar scrub you’d bought as peals of warm, crashing water echoed around you, lathering some exfoliant luxury upon the skin you’d always cared for.
Never once had you expected it to entertain anyone’s notice.
But there it was as you strolled along the concrete of the shopping center’s sidewalk, completely unaware of what was exposed until you ran into a friend, waving and exchanging the platitudes of two meeting after some time.
“Wow, (y/n), what a surprise, I didn’t know you got a tattoo! I thought you didn’t want any!” Your old friend Brian exclaimed with a wide smile, tilting his head. “May I see the whole thing?”
His words rose slowly to your head as you blinked, gears turning. For you had not, in fact, gotten anything of the sort done. Instinctively you held out your hand, assuming your soulmate had scrawled another vague practice reminder on the back of their hand or wrist, but your skin was blank, just a smooth expanse the same tone it always was.
“No, not your hand, silly! There!” Your eyes followed as he pointed down towards the ground, toward…your leg?
Swiveling at the hips, you bent and tugged on any necessary clothing to reveal, sure enough, writing near your ankle. Your chest sunk.
“I didn’t get a tattoo,” you said quietly.
“I didn’t get a tattoo,” you repeated, voice a deadpan.
He pointed, finger rising slowly, almost shakily. “Then what’s-”
“I don’t know. I- I guess my soulmate did it.”
“Your soulmate got a tattoo without asking you?”
“We haven’t met,” you burst out as you raised the fabric around your leg higher, “I guess they don’t care what I think! What’s this even say, anyway?”
Frustration pricked at you at the sheer height of the piece- it wasn’t exactly dainty. Quite a ballsy move, all things considered. Sheesh. Wait, those were wings, huh?
“It says ‘faith’,” Brian supplied, “and I think it’s nice. Could definitely be worse. Could have been a partner’s name or, like, naked Spongebob or something.”
You cocked a brow. “Naked Spongebob?”
“Well, would you want that on your leg?” Brian shot back, crossing his black t-shirted arms.
“No,” you sighed, staring at your new, involuntary body art, “I suppose I would not. Well, you’re right- this is pretty nice. I can live with this. Hopefully it’s not the first one of many, though. My soulmate better leave me some control of my own skin.”
“Yeah, and if they don’t, you’d better give them a piece of your mind.”
A chuckle escaped you. “Yeah, right. I don’t even know where they are.”
“Have you never tried to find out?” Brian’s eyebrows furrowed, eyes narrowing at you like he was asking the dumbest question he’d ever uttered.
And maybe he was. Your chest contracted in realization that you had, in fact, never once considered taking any initiative into finding whoever it was had those recitals or English tests or who you really hoped had the spine to smack Bumjoong one for defacement of property. The person who, by the universe’s decree, was meant to be some miraculous piece of your life forever and you’d just…assumed they’d walk in whenever it was time. All your concern had gone to not bothering their appearance despite their clear lack of regard on the subject.
“Uh, (y/n)?” A hand waved in front of your face. Brian’s. “You’ve gone all spacey on me, what’s wrong?”
“Brian, I might be stupid.”
You descended back to earth, or at least close enough to its gravity, to find the wherewithal to smack his shoulder beneath the momentous echoing of reality throughout your brain.
“Also, I take it then the tattoo on your arm wasn’t your idea either?”
Shopping day over.
Hongjoong couldn’t recognize his own handwriting. Or could he? Had he written that address on the back of his hand? He had to have. Sighing, he pinched the bridge of his nose. As if his schedule wasn’t busy enough, now here was some other errand he’d forgotten.
Pulling out his phone and typing it into maps, he saw that at least it wasn’t too far away. A reasonable drive, especially for a…tuesday? Oddly specific, but appointments were appointments, he reflected as he swiveled in his leather office chair.
After all, if it wasn’t important, he wouldn’t have written it down so visibly on himself like that. That was a habit he’d largely dropped in adulthood, image of greater concern and regard for mess a bit higher, too. Plus, the only other good it would have served seemed not his lot.
At least a fair number of songs had come from it. Ah, music- the eternal, universal processor. What would he do without it? Music was a way of filling every void-no, scratch that, coming to terms with the existence of voids within oneself- the thing that made him feel complete, or certainly one of them. Jokes had it that music was Hongjoong's soulmate, and while the songwriter didn't appreciate fun being poked at his expense, it was hard to deny the itching grains of truth beneath his skin at the words.
Music-related or not, this short trip was his lot, so why not make the best of it? After all, whoever had organized it picked a pretty nice café as the rendezvous point. Worst case, Hongjoong would at least get a coffee out of it.
You were starting to wonder if nobody would approach you, more singles and even couples getting in line and heading straight for a table or the door than you could count on one hand. In fact, in came someone else right in time with your thoughts, a super hot guy in fact, though he looked confused as hell. His eyes darted back and forth between the chalkboard menu and the industrial-style metal tables as he stood a little bit out of line.
Shit didn’t hit the fan until he pulled his phone out to check it, reaching up to scratch the back of his neck. His loose black t-shirt sleeve fell back, revealing a tattoo suspiciously similar to the second one that Brian pointed out on your own body. And that font was very, very unique. And big. And it was on you now.
Moving completely of its own volition, your body peeled from its metal seat and strode right up to him. No thoughts swirled to the surface of your mind even as you reached his side, prompting him to turn on his heels.
The only words your mind could barely form fell out of your lips. "You're the one who gave me these tattoos."
Jumping back, the man gaze at you with saucer-wide eyes, saying nothing as you pulled your own sleeve back to reveal the second and luckily last set of writing Brian had found on your body, this time reading 'No 1 like me', and again showed your ankle.
"I designed that one myself, how could you possibly-" His wide-eyed gape fell slowly into a smile. "I have a soulmate?"
"Yes, of course you do!" You replied, incredulous. "Did you think you didn't?"
"You never wrote anything!" He shot back.
"I was trying not to mess you up!"
"I just..." The man's handsome features fell, first into seeming hurt then just into a pensive look. "For so many years I taught myself to make my own way. Sometimes I was fine with it, sometimes I wasn't."
"No wonder you thought there was no one like you," you said before panicking, thinking better of it, "not that the tattoo isn't cool! And still true. I really like the font, actually? You said you designed at least one of these?"
"Yeah, I knew what I wanted, so I drew up the faith one and..." He tilted his head, sliding his phone from his hand back into his pocket. "wait, do you want to get a table?"
"Only if you buy me a drink," you teased, nodding toward your arm as you got back in line, "you owe me for these."
"I think you owe me for years of radio silence," the man shot back with a smirk, crossing his arms.
Heat crept into your face at the way he fixed the intense look at you, but you refused to back down. "The way you described it sounded like I taught you a valuable lesson."
"Pain can teach lessons."
Ok, you were about spent at that. "Are we really fighting over something as stupid as one free coffee?"
"I mean, fighting wasn't the word I would have used there, but you're right. I've got this one."
"Oh, you two are so cute!" The barista waved her hand as you placed your orders. "I love couples who bicker like old married grandparents! So, what are your names?"
You and your soulmate glanced at each other, your eyes sliding back into those deep, dark, expressive ones you wouldn't mind getting used to. He searched yours, too, and a small smile played on his lips that had you wondering what he was thinking... until you realized it, too.
Maybe you had wildly opposite views over the years on using your body as a notebook, but you two soulmates had the exact same sense of humor.
"We don't know," you both said at the same time.
"I'm Hongjoong," the man in black introduced himself, smiling wickedly now.
"(y/n), nice to meet you," you replied, bowing back to him.
The barista mirrored Hongjoong's initial shock at your confrontation as you both headed to your table, laughing now. Somehow that all came as easily as bickering, all your interactions up to that point having a certain flow you'd never felt before. Placebo effect? Maybe, yet the tug you felt the moment you first saw Hongjoong was yet to fade. It was like those old sayings: it felt like you two were making music.
"Ok, please don't think I'm being rude," Hongjoong's voice cut into your thoughts, "but I'm a songwriter, and I feel like I just have to write down some lyrics right now."
All you could do was just grin at that. Well, shit. Maybe now you really would have to try leaving more of an ink trail.
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ticklishthoughts1 · 2 years ago
Hyperfocus: Tummy
I smirk down at the little lee, straddling their waist with my knees, digging them in gently, but firmly, and sitting on my own legs, the weight effectively pinning them there. We lock eyes, and I can't help but let out a little giggle at the flustered whine they let out. God, they're just so CUTE when they're like this! Smiling at them in a silly, playful way, I begin wiggling my fingers, over their stomach, and slooooowly lowering them. They giggle softly, Whimpering out "Nooohohohooo" and sucking in the sensitive spot as much as they can. I let my fingers fall as they suck their tummy in, and juuuuuust when it's about to touch, I pull away, grinning slightly evilly. They pout, extremely giggly already, and whine out "Dohohohon't teeheaseee". Playfully pouting back at them, and mimmicking their expression, I say "Don't tease? I'm not teasing! You said no, and I listened! I love you, and no means no!~" Then, as if I had undergone a transformation, I lean in, grabbing their wrist, my voice becoming deeper, huskier, a bit smoother. "Now, If you ask me for tickles like a good little lee, ask me to provide the torturous, delightful sensation you crave so much, that would be an ENTIRELY different story~" My voice becomes softer still, and I giggle a bit more, before saying "So what'll it be Darling? Should I get off right now, and allow your adorable little lee mood to remain, or will you ask for what you want, so I can fufill that particular daydream?~". I tilt my head at them, watching with a satisfied smile as they squirm under me without me even doing anything....yet. I'm one to pay attention to things I like, and I certainly like their face, along with the rest of them, so much so I'm able to witness the battle between their brat side and their submissive side display across their face in a flurry of emotions, and I can tell what their answer will be before they even give it. Bingo. They Nod softly, and in a soft, vulnerable almost voice, they let out "P-please..." I nod happily, and lower my fingers once more. This time, the little guided missiles reach their target. I start off slow, as I always do, lazily tracing patterns along their belly, as if I was bored, and drawing doodles in math class. This is already enough to send them into light giggling, which is so fucking precious that I need to hear more, I need to hear more. I speed up, my hands becoming like claw machines trying in futility to grab at a prize, closing and opening and closing again. I place one "Claw" on each side of their tummy, steadily increasing speed, and going in the same, smooth voice as earlier "Tickle tickle tic-kle~ Kitchy kitchy coo!~ awwwwww, someone has a ticklish tummyyyyyy~". I add more pressure, digging in a bit with the claw machines now, and I can tell immedeately how much more it TICKLES them. They place their hands on top of mine, pushing down gently, but I ignore the resistance for now, and get an idea. I start to say "Squish!" in a baby voice, squeezing their belly every time I do. This is really fun, and they squeak the first couple times I do it, so I do it again...and again..and again. "Squish! Squish! Squish Squish Squish! Tickle tickle! Squish! Tickle tickle tickle! Squish! Tickletickletickletickletickletickle~ Squish Squish Squish Squish Squish Squish Squish Squish Squish Squish Squish Squish Squish!" Their laughter gets even louder at the combination of the tickles and the silly game, and they push on my hands a little harder. I decide to let them push my hands, stopping the grip, and spidering all over the lower tummy instead, scritch-scratching along the waistline and just under the navel. This Transition is both so flawlessly smooth and so unexpected that their laughter begins anew, as does my relentless teasing " What's wrong?~ Does it Tickle Here? Does it tickle right here? Right here? Riiiiighhhhhhtttt hereeeeee?~" (Cont in comments because it's too long T^T)
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midnight-mourning · 12 days ago
Valentine's is Over! What now?
Hello! This is a bit of an update post now that DCA Valentine's has finsihed up. Feel free to read what you want (though I suggest at least skimming all of it so you're aware of what's happening with me) and make sure to vote in the polls!
Starting first and foremost, thank you to everyone who submitted requests! They were all genuinely lots of fun and I hope the stories I wrote for them were enjoyable ^^ Couldn't have done the event without y'all so thank you for the lovely ideas
@rosescarletful @amarynthian-chronicles @dangerva @alynwrench
@luckyyyduckyyy @fishm0ther @juukai @divinit3a @zenkaiankoku
@starspindle @that-one-unknown-artist @milosmantis @pip-plz
Secondly, I want to give a MASSIVE thank you to the lovely wonderful amazing artists who volunteered to make doodles for the stories!! Everyone killed it and I'm so very appreciative of you taking the time to make things for my silly bits of writing shfkjsdkljflks Like seriously, it was so flattering to have people initially reach out/agree and then even more so to see the art you made as a results i just AHHHH I CANT SAY THANK YOU ENOUGH, appreciate you guys very much guhhhh <333333
@divinit3a @cozycitrus @soupdweller @juukai
HIGHLY reccommend everyone to go check out their blogs & content in general, everyone makes soooo cool art and oooo you wanna go give them some love soooo bad
Alright, with that, let's get into the meat of things; what's next?
put under the break bc there's several things happening, again skim if you want but make sure to do the poll though!
Gen writing update
I had a few requests come in after they closed (no worries to those who did so! I know it was a little confusing regarding such) so i'll be writing those when i get the chance and sending them out into the world, beyond that however, any request-based things are closed (for now) if I get any during this closed period I'm sorry but I'll have to ignore them/not do them. I'm too busy with life/other wips to add them to my list, sorry!
Holiday Spirit is going to be my writing focus for the next couple weeks! It's about halfway done and I'd like it finished so I can move on with things lol
Confused spirit is going to take a bit, as like i've said before I'm writing multiple chapters back to back for the purpose on ensuring proper flow/building my buffer back up, i know it's been a bit but believe me it's been on my mind guhh
In general i have some shorter form content/drabbles & oneshots I want to write, so be on the lookout for those >:)c
Speaking on all of the above, if you want to stay up to date with my writing, I highly reccommend joining the tag list i have! My things tend to get buried otherwise >-< Just tell me you'd like added and I'll include you :)
I've done requests now for December/holidays, and Valentine's now too. There's no major holidays coming up for a while, BUT there is an event, in May... specifically... So,
Additionally, since the art aspect of Valentine's went so well, I'll probably look for artists again to do some drawing and will run it pretty similar to this time, so if you're interested lmk :)c
Comments & Asks
While I won't be posting/active for a few weeks, I WILL be going through and answering comments, asks, and so on from people that have been collecting in my inbox oof
PLEASE know that if you've left a comment or sent me an ask that I've seen it and appreciate it very much!!! I just have not had the time to sit down and properly answer them yet, but i will during this break!
Going Dark
I was saving this for the end just because it sounds worse than it actually is.
I'm going to take a break from posting/tumblr/etc for about a week or two and spend some extra hours doing my research stuff. I'm not behind or anything (and def always put it and school first dw) but I kind of want to try and get ahead with it just because of how strict my timeline to finish is 😅
I also just want a bit of a break from constantly writing and maybe do some other hobbies when im not on the research grind. I'll be back at it (again more casually) in a few weeks tho!
by the time you see this I have already begun lol
Leftover things
Since you're here, here's the link to my writing masterpost that includes 99% of my writing stuff!
I also realized while writing this post that I don't have an actual writing tag for non-event related writing... so i'll be fixing that as well during my break
I've gotten a question or two regarding whether my stuff is commision-based or if I have a kofi (which i'll be replying to that ask directly dw whoever you are...) and my answer to that is not currently! BUT, i'll continue to think on it for those who might be interested, if it's something I do consider doing it'll be a bit from now, but I appreciate the thought from those who asked!
I think that's all, thank you again to the requestors and to the lovely lovely artists for this event, and also thank you to those who liked/reblogged my things during this event! It's very much appreciated and I'm glad people had fun ^^ Bye!
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hisui-dreamer · 2 years ago
IM SURE THIS DOESNT SURPRISE YOU BUT!!! for the 1k event i was thinking soulmate au with azul (HEHE) except its the doodle one? LIKE WHERE YOU DOODLE ON YOUR BODY AND YOUR SOULMATES GETS THE SAME MARKINGS YK
and i have a habit of doodling sea creatures like octopi and morays on my arms and hands so i think it'd be cute for him to like, take his gloves off one day and just see a little eel on the back of his hand :((( squishy guy <3333
headcanons or a drabble is totally fine, whichever one is easier for you!!!! thank you for easing me into this fandom :(( i will never be able to thank you enough for making my anxious ass WAY less nervous <3 and no pressure if this doesnt inspire you ofc hehe you're never obligated to write anything !!! :D
the doodles that drew us together
Pairing: Azul Ashengrotto x gn!reader
Synopsis: Azul thought all his life he didn't have a soulmate...
Tags: soulmates au (doodling), reader is yuu, fluff, comfort, reader likes sea creatures, bot proofread
Word count: 591
Notes: aubbie thank you so much!!! I'm so glad we became moots, you're one of my closest friends and everything I see something azul related I think of you haha! I hope you'll enjoy this azul soulmate au ♪⁠ヽ⁠(⁠・⁠ˇ⁠∀⁠ˇ⁠・⁠ゞ⁠)
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Azul had been fascinated by the idea of soulmates as a young mer
it was something that gave him hope, that despite all the other mean mers who would make fun of him, there was someone out there who would understand him and love him
and so he kept drawing on his arm, doodles of shells and other fish that caught his eye
but there wasn't any response.
maybe his doodles were too ugly and his soulmate didn't like them?
and so he learned to draw better, drawing again and again, hoping he would get a response
but still not a single mark would appear on him
it had been a tough blow to him, but he eventually accepted that he didn't have a soulmate
if he was going to be alone for all his life, then he had to take care of himself (because nobody would)
he became super greedy and selfish, always prioritising himself and his materialistic needs
although he also had a friendship with the tweels, he really only befriended them because they could help him out (but he did get attached to them over time)
and so, he opened the mostro lounge and became the sly businessman that we all know
on the first day of his second year, as he was going over documents after closing the lounge, he felt a slight tingle in his hand
Azul's eyebrow rose in response to an unexpected sensation. A peculiar warmth, like a gentle caress, emanated from the back of his gloved hand. Intrigued, he swiftly removed his gloves, revealing smooth, pale skin. A gasp of astonishment escaped his lips as his eyes fell upon a minuscule masterpiece, a tiny, adorable octopus delicately inked in pen.
"Is this...real?" Azul murmured, his voice tinged with disbelief. A surge of hope surged through his entire being, dispelling the weight that had burdened him for far too long.
With a trembling hand, he grasped his own pen and cautiously began to sketch his own octopus upon his wrist, with one tentacle reaching out, holding hands with your octopus.
And he can't stop he smile that graces his lips when a little heart appears between the two octopi.
What a hectic day it had been! For a magicless student to arrive in NRC and for him to finally connect with his soulmate!
Oh. Azul had to speak to said magicless student as soon as possible.
when the two of you start being a couple, Azul does everything and anything for you
when you're in exams and your nervously doodling sea creatures, he'll draw some flowers nearby to help calm you down
no he doesn't help you cheat by writing you the answers, he's already given you the perfect study materials, you shoud put in some effort too
he gets jealous if you draw other sea creatures too much though, especially moray eels
he lets you work at the lounge with a very high pay, making sure you're not working too hard, and always offers to tutor you if you're struggling
his soulmate had to go to a different world just to find him, you'll be sure he helps to settle in and hopefully never leave again
Insert clingy octopus wrapping his tentacles all around you because he can't bare to let you go
when you have dates and appointments, he'll help remind you by writing on his arm
this man has waited for you his entire life, he's ready to lay the world down at your feet if you ask him to
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if you liked this post, don't forget to reblog!
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thebunnednun · 8 months ago
Whine me up!
Rosinante Corazon x Bartender! Reader (Modern AU)
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Originally from my "Tempted to touch" series but I think it deserves a spot of its own. Happy Cora Week to everyone!! I love this clumsy man.
Use these songs:
Tempted to Touch by Rupee
Aventura - La Novelita
On with the show!!~
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Rosinante joined the Straw Hats and Heart Pirates at a bustling club to celebrate their latest victory. The atmosphere was alive with pulsing music and laughter, drinks flowing freely as everyone reveled in the night's festivities. Amidst the animated crowd, Cora sat quietly at the bar, nursing a glass of water, his serene expression belying the chaos around him.
You, working behind the bar as a bartender, couldn't help but notice the lone figure amidst the revelry. Curiosity sparked, you approached Rosinante with a friendly smile, unaware that he couldn't speak. 
“Hey stranger, you enjoying yourself?” 
He looked a little startled by you. He hadn’t expected anyone to strike up a conversation with him tonight. Holding up a polite finger, he dug into his pocket for a moment, pulling out a notepad. He scribbled a cheerful greeting and slid it over to you, hoping to communicate with you. 
‘Hi! Thanks for asking. I’m doing fine.’
Unfortunately for him, his pencil broke. Cora let out a silent groan before reaching into his pockets to find another writing tool. Quiet giggles filled his ears before he looked up to see you pull a pencil from behind your ear and you scribble a cheerful greeting and before sliding it over to him.
‘No problem at all.’
Rosinante, caught off guard by your gesture, glanced at the note with surprise before returning your smile. You picked up a pen and offered it to him and he began to respond in kind, a playful doodle sketched on its surface. It depicted a tiny heart wearing a straw hat, accompanied by a speech bubble saying, "Quiet night?"
You looked up, surprised, then smiled warmly. He reached for the note and wrote underneath, "Not much for the noise. Enjoy watching them have fun."
You chuckled softly, replying with another doodle, this time of a heart holding a pen, writing, "I get that. Sometimes it's nice just to watch."
Rosinante grinned at your doodle, appreciating the whimsy in your communication. Before he could respond, a commotion broke out nearby.
Your coworker, a spirited woman named Maya, known for her contagious enthusiasm (and for getting so hammered with the clients she would dance on the bar), had spotted you at your station. With a mischievous wink, Maya grabbed your hand, urging you to join her on the dance floor.
At first, you resisted, shaking your head with a playful protest. But Maya wasn't easily deterred. She pulled you gently but persistently, whispering, "Come on, just this once! It's your song!"
~ ♩♪♩♬   ♬♩♪♩~
The DJ, sensing the moment, began to cue up your favorite track, its familiar beats filling the air. Initially hesitant, you laughed and shook your head, trying to resist her playful insistence. But Maya wasn't one to take no for an answer. With a playful pout and a persuasive sway, she coaxed you onto the dance floor amidst cheers and encouragement from those nearby. 
“Fine! Just for one song!” You finally relented, stepping onto the dance floor. Caught up in the moment, you began to move, your body responding naturally to the music. Your dance was a display of precise waist control and confident grace, drawing all eyes towards you.
The music enveloped you, with you effortlessly weaving through the crowd with dance moves that showcased your skillful waist control and playful charisma. The club erupted in cheers, friends and strangers alike clapping along to the rhythm, captivated by your impromptu performance.
Meanwhile, Rosinante watched in awe seated at the bar. He couldn't help but watch with rapt attention. His cheeks flushed as he observed your skillful movements and the joyous energy you exuded. He hadn’t expected this tonight, he hadn’t expected you tonight—so vibrant and alive, captivating everyone around you.
The club erupted in applause and cheers, celebrating your impromptu performance. Maya danced alongside you, matching your energy with her own infectious spirit, creating a scene of pure revelry and joy.
Rosinante, mesmerized by your dance, felt a warmth spread through him. He couldn't look away, feeling admiration and perhaps a hint of a crush stirring within him as he watched you shine in the spotlight of the dance floor. His heart pounding in his ears along with the music's beat. 
Meanwhile, Luffy and Zoro noticed Rosinante's fixed gaze on you. With mischievous grins, they nudged Law, who was quietly sipping his drink nearby. Law, ever the strategist, decided to intervene in his own unique way.
"Cora-san seems to need a little nudge," Law remarked casually to Luffy and Zoro.
"I'll help him find it."
Before Rosinante could react, Law had already grasped his hand, feigning concern as he led Rosinante away from the bar. "Let's checkout the DJ booth," Law suggested, his tone masking his true intentions.
Confused but compliant, Rosinante allowed himself to be led towards where you were dancing. Suddenly, Law released his hand, leaving Rosinante standing awkwardly behind you. Flustered, Rosinante attempted to move out of the way, his taller frame proving a challenge in the crowded club.
“Looks like we got a challenger folks!” The DJ boomed over the music leading you to turn around and crank your neck up, up, up at the now standing silent customer.
“Oh it’s you!”
Cora, unsure of what was happening, allowed himself to be led, his mind racing with thoughts of how to gracefully excuse himself from the situation. Just as he was about to attempt to leave, you noticed him and gently grabbed the back of his shirt, preventing his escape.
The music pounded around you as you shouted over the noise, "Hey! Dance with me!"
Startled, Rosinante fumbled for his notepad to write a response, but you took it gently from his hand and pocketed it with a knowing smile. Sensing his hesitation, you hopped up onto a nearby table, waving him forward. Your eyes met his, and he could see the playful challenge in your expression.
“This should be okay, right?”
With a shy nod and a blush coloring his cheeks, Rosinante tentatively joined you at the table. It had been years since he last danced, but with your encouragement and the pulsing beat of the music, he quickly found his rhythm again. His movements were graceful yet tentative at first, but as the song progressed, confidence surged through him.
The dance became a playful exchange of steps and spins, laughter ringing out between you. Rosinante surprised himself with how easily he moved, his tall frame gracefully accommodating your playful gestures. As the music reached a crescendo, he swept you into his arms, one hand securely under your thighs and the other clasping yours. You held onto his waist with your legs and together, you spun in sync, the joy evident on both your faces.
The club erupted into thunderous cheers and applause, celebrating your spontaneous and captivating dance. Even Law, watching from the sidelines with a rare smile, couldn't help but be impressed by Rosinante's unexpected grace and the dorky cuteness between you both.
For Rosinante, this unexpected dance had not only brought him closer to you but also rediscovered a part of himself he thought he had long forgotten. And as the club around him faded, amidst the laughter and celebration, he found himself very grateful for the playful twist of fate that had brought him to your side.
As the song ended, you both took a bow, and the crowd clapped enthusiastically. However, in his attempt to stand tall and bow gracefully, Rosinante rolled his ankle and stumbled, causing a collective gasp from the onlookers.
“Ah shit.”
“There Cora-san goes again!”
“Have you tried drinking some milk?”
Quick to react, Law stepped forward, helping you guide Corazon to a nearby chair. He swiftly retrieved some ice from the bar and placed it gently in a bag on Rosinante's ankle, muttering about the clumsiness under his breath.
Rosinante winced slightly but managed a sheepish smile as he gestured for you to come closer. With a touch of embarrassment, he handed you a note. You gasped in surprise, feeling your pockets and realizing that Rosinante had discreetly taken back his notepad without your notice.
The note was a simple yet heartfelt message, thanking you for the best time he'd had in years with a smiley face that had hearts on both cheeks. You beamed warmly at him, feeling a rush of affection for this gentle-hearted man who had ventured out of his comfort zone for you.
"Can I give you a hug?" you asked softly, seeking permission.
Rosinante's shy eyes widened, and he nodded eagerly, opening his arms. Without hesitation, you dove into his embrace, feeling the warmth and sincerity in his gesture. He felt so fucking good to hug.Even the scent of his cologne, mixed with the subtle aroma of the club and the faint trace of sweat from dancing wasn’t bad at all. 
He was so tall you actually could almost climb into his lap if you wanted. But that would be going pretty far for a first meeting. Instead, you tucked your head into his neck and closed your eyes. His heart was pounding against yours, the rhythm syncing with the lingering excitement of the dance.
‘He’s so fucking cute!~’
In that moment, amidst the music and the crowd, you realized that you weren't the only one feeling a "little" flustered. 
Suddenly, the DJ's voice blasted over the speakers, giving you both a shoutout. "Let's hear it for the cutest couple out here tonight!"
You and Rosinante's cheeks flushed crimson as you snapped your necks to the DJ before shyly looking back at each other. As he sat back in the chair, trying to process the unexpected attention. In his flustered state, he tipped backwards, taking you with him in a gentle fall. Before you could react, his strong arms instinctively wrapped around you, protecting you from the fall. 
You cringed at the echo of the chair slapping against the concrete floor as you ended up in the handsome stranger's lap and pressed up into his chest and neck. 
"Sorry!" he whispered in your ear softly, his voice so warm and soothing that it sent a shiver down your spine. It was then that you realized—he could talk, and his voice was incredibly nice.
The crew members of both the Straw Hats and the Heart Pirates, along with your coworkers and even your manager, let out collective "awes" at the sight of you both, wrapped up in each other's arms. The moment, filled with laughter and warmth, seemed to freeze in time, a perfect tableau of the unexpected
As your coworkers and Law helped you both back up from the chair, the warmth of the moment lingered between you and Rosinante. Despite the stumble, you found yourselves chatting easily, laughter punctuating the conversation as you exchanged stories and shared moments from the night.
Eventually, the festivities began to wind down, and one by one, your friends and colleagues bid their farewells, heading home for the night. Rosinante lingered for a moment, his gaze meeting yours with a soft smile.
Before he left, he waved goodbye and then gestured towards his pocket. Confused, you looked down and discovered a note tucked neatly into your pocket. With a flutter of anticipation, you unfolded it and read the words written in his neat handwriting.
My tiny dancer,
Thank you for the most wonderful evening I've had in years. Your smile lit up the room, and dancing with you was a joy I'll cherish. I hope we can do it again soon! (But hopefully without the ‘accidents’.)
Take care, 
Phone number: XXX- (555) -4567
Heart racing with excitement, you looked up to find Corazon already halfway out the door, his shy smile lighting up his face. With a rush of gratitude and newfound connection, you tucked the note safely away, 
You nodded at him, conveying your appreciation and eagerness to see him again, and then playfully blew him a kiss.
Corazon's cheeks flushed crimson once more as he, in a moment of playful realization, pretended to catch the blown kiss, but his attention was momentarily diverted. With a soft thud, he accidentally banged his head against the metal door frame, a mix of embarrassment and amusement crossing his features. You cringed a little bit from the impact and gestured to his forehead. He gave you a thumbs up and your heart relaxed a bit. 
Meanwhile, the other characters in the club had been watching the scene unfold with amused affection. Maya clapped her hands together with a gleeful laugh, thoroughly enjoying the romantic interlude she had inadvertently helped create. Law, who stood nearby, nudged Corazon along, “Come on, you’ll see her again soon,” a rare smile playing on his lips as he observed Corazon's departure.
Outside, the night air was cool and refreshing as Corazon walked away from the club, a smile lingering on his lips. He couldn't shake the butterflies of excitement and anticipation, grateful for the unexpected turn of events that had brought him to you.
Back inside, the club gradually quieted down as patrons began to disperse, each carrying with them memories of a lively celebration and the heartwarming sight of two unlikely dancers. Maya and your other coworkers exchanged knowing glances, silently agreeing to tease you about this later and hound you for updates once you’d texted the clumsy cutie. 
You were a little more smiley as you closed up your section. Standing amidst the remnants of the evening's joy, you felt a sense of possibility and newfound happiness knowing that this night had brought something special into your life—a gentle-hearted man named Corazon, who had danced and rolled his way into your heart. 
You reached for your phone to take a picture of the note. Just in case you lost it. Tucking Corazon's note safely into your pocket, you knew that this was just the beginning of a romance with a gentle-hearted giant named Corazon.
Later that night, as you settled in at home, you reached into your pocket and pulled out Corazon's note once more. With a smile, you carefully unfolded it and read the words again, feeling a flutter of excitement in your chest. You decided to send him a text, wanting to talk to him again.
Unknown: Hi Corazon! It's [Name] from the club. I made it home safely. Thank you for the lovely note. 😊
Meanwhile, across town, Corazon lay in a hospital bed with his head bandaged and his ankle elevated, the result of an unexpected mishap on his way home. While walking back to his car with his friends, Cora was lost in thoughts of you and the evening's enchantment. So he had stumbled into an uncovered manhole, resulting in a tumble that miraculously left him only bruised and slightly battered.
Rosinante: Hi [Name]! I'm glad you made it home safely. Sorry for the delay—I had a little accident on my way back. Nothing serious, just a reminder to pay more attention. 😅 How are you?
You settle back into your cozy spot on the couch, phone in hand, waiting for his response. The moments stretch out as you imagine the possible scenarios, your mind filled with concern for the endearing, clumsy man who had captured your heart so unexpectedly.
Your phone dings again, and you quickly read his reply.
Oh no! What happened? Are you okay? :You
Rosinante: I was daydreaming about you and didn't notice an uncovered manhole. I fell in and sprained my ankle and bumped my head. I'm in the hospital now, but it's nothing serious. Just a bit embarrassed. 😳
“Oh Dearest Pie, he falls down a freaking manhole and still asks me how I’m doing.”
Your heart melts at his candid confession, a mixture of concern and affection welling up within you. You can't help but laugh softly, picturing the tall, awkward sweetheart stumbling into a manhole because he was thinking of you.
Tiny Dancer: Oh no, Rosinante! I'm so sorry to hear that. I hope you're not in too much pain. If it helps, I'm flattered that I was on your mind. 😊
A shy smile tugs at his lips as he lies in his hospital bed. His reply comes quickly, the playful tone lifting your spirits.
Rosinante: It does help, actually! Your smile is a pretty nice distraction. 😊
You feel a blush creep up your cheeks as you continue the conversation, sharing stories and laughter, bridging the distance between you with every message. The night grows late, but neither of you seems to notice, too engrossed in the blossoming feelings between you.
I wish I could be there to keep you company. :You
Rosinante: Just knowing you're thinking of me is enough. But maybe we can meet up again soon please? I promise to avoid any manholes this time! 😅
“Fuck he’s too cute.”
I'd like that very much. Rest up, okay? :You
And thank you for making tonight so special. :You 
Rosinante: Thank you, too. Goodnight, Tiny Dancer.
Goodnight, Gentle Giant. :You
Despite the mishap, Rosinante couldn't help but smile as he typed out the message. The memory of your smile and the warmth of your presence lingered with him, easing the discomfort of his minor injuries. He eagerly began to look up other dance clubs he could take you to, his heart thankful for the continuation of this unexpected and delightful chance of meeting you.
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I own none of the images or art!!
I wanna add more characters later, Lemme know what characters you want! DM's are always open.
Posted on the ao3 account soon.
Be sure to check out my other works and leave likes and comments, they really help. I have a fic for almost everyone here in the master list. Drop a follow as well if you please. Don’t be shy to leave me a little reblog if you want.
I promise I bite~
See you soon my loves!!
(。・ω・。)ノ♡ And thank you guys again for 100 followers!!
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sysig · 4 months ago
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Challenge level: Impossible (Patreon)
#Doodles#Spoiler alert: I was in fact not normal about it lol#You can tell those first two are old by comparison for how short my hair was at the time lol#From back in July! I guess I just hadn't been drawing myself much there for a bit huh#As for that last one I swear I Promise I drafted this in September it's not a reference I'm just actually genuinely Like This lol#I didn't choose this life etc. etc. lol#From the top!#Burst of inspiration wherever could that have come from hehe <3 What could've happened in July that made me want to draw I wonder hehehe#Bit funny considering I fell off posting - not like the inspiration stopped! And what I Did draw was Very lol#I still have some of it in an ever-present photoviewer because I like being able to look at it at any point <3#Still inspired! Still want to do more studies!! So pretty ♥♪♫#Sleepy thoughts - I had my Pkmn Diamond/SoulSilver field dex/guides for all of like two months and then they were packed up again#And this was Before the Pokemon burst! Sheesh sheesh#I love my field guide dexes they're so neat and well-made ahh#I have got a couple craft projects still back-burnered - those papercrafts to do with Pokemon are still on the list!#A little Pokedex-notebook is so fun.......And I have Pokemon stickers that I could put in it or on it......ah........#I do want to! I will at some point the energy will return to it eventually#Alright so the main course lol#Went fabric shopping for plushies because yes I Am determined to Make Thing! Another that's been a bit backburnered - but I will!!!#I do still really want to it's turned out pretty good for far :) But while I was shopping!!#We did the usual small talk thing with the store employee like ''Oh what are you buying this for'' that whole back-and-forth#So I explained that I was making plushies and needed the tear-away stabilizer to draw the embroidery outline on#In my head I was being very tempered because while /I/ know that I'm making a Max plushie not many people are familiar with him (wrongly so)#Lol#So we continued and he was like ''Oh cool I've made some patches with embroidery :)'' so I asked of what and he lead with CotL's crown#And then-#Look Zarla's work was Already on my mind with Max as my project I was in a Delicate Way already do you really expect me not to talk about it#The answer was no and he walked away with a Vargas recommendation in his pocket I hope he enjoyed it lol#And I got my fabric and started work on Max's face it's fine it all worked out in the end it's all good it's great lol#I Was encouraged to come back with my finished project so that's on my to-do once I get him in a presentable state haha
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fanfictiongirlie · 13 days ago
Marvel: Unplanned Final Chapter
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Pairings: Bucky Barnes x Reader (First person written though)
"It says...it says it's positive doll" His voice matching mine in a quiet shaky whisper.
"Fuck... I'm pregnant?"
"Yeah doll, you're pregnant"
"Fuck" I whisper.
Rating: Explicit
Chapter Warnings: Swearing. You might cry, I did.
Chapter Words: 6,363 
Hi, think of this chapter as a final thank you to everyone who read my little story, commented/reblogged/liked. Thank you so much! I'm glad you enjoyed this story as much as I enjoyed writing it.
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As we walked away from the car, I held tightly onto Jamie's hand as she walked between Bucky and myself, she was five now, and we were walking her to her first day at school. Bucky walked beside her, holding onto her hand. My heart ached as we walked at the realisation that my little girl was getting older, but also I felt a small sense of pride at my girl. 
"Excited for school, Squirt?" Bucky asks. 
"I think so dada!" Jamie answers as she skips between us. She was wearing a simple pink dress with a denim jacket, and her hair was in a neat ponytail, she looked adorable. 
"You're gonna have fun, you'll make new friends and learn a lot of stuff" Bucky adds smiling down at her. 
"What will mama and you do when I'm at school?" She asks, stopping her skips for a moment. Bucky and I exchange a look. 
"We'll keep ourselves busy, don't you worry" Bucky says smiling "But don't worry, we'll come pick you up after school and you can tell us all about your first day"
I stop walking and crouch down to Jamie's level. "You will do great, you're so smart and so kind, remember that, okay?" I say softly, kissing her nose when I finish. We walk a little more and enter the playground, I noticed the teacher we had met a few weeks ago so I pointed over to them, showing Jamie where to go. 
"I love you" I say to her. "Love you mama!" She grins, she hugs Bucky quickly and runs off to her new classroom. I turned to face Bucky and notice his eyes were watering. 
"Don't start, I'll start" I say jabbing his arm. He wraps an arm around me and holds me close for a moment. "She'll be alright, doll"
"Should we wait in the car till she finishes?" I ask quietly. Bucky quirks an eyebrow, obviously amused by my response. "You want to just sit in the parking lot for six hours? You have any idea how boring that's gonna be?" He asks. 
"I can't bare the thought of her being there without us, it feels worse than nursery" I say quietly. Bucky pulls me into a comforting hug, holding close. "I know how you feel doll, I can't bare it either. But Jamie's strong, she's gonna be fine"
"I know" I whisper. Bucky then takes my hand in his metal one, holding me close as we leave the playground together. We walk back to the parking lot together and climb into the car. Bucky and I spend the next few hours doing menial tasks, trying to occupy time while Jamie was at school. Bucky takes me to a quaint café for a bite to eat and some coffee, he keeps me distracted by talking about various topics, from movies to future plans. 
A few hours later we were stood in the play ground again, Bucky stood next to me, one arm around my shoulder as we waited. The school building's bell ran, signalling the end of school. Students started filing out of the building. Bucky's hand grips my shoulder a little tighter as we wait for Jamie to emerge from the building. 
Jamie then runs from the classroom, giggling as she launches herself into Bucky's arms. Bucky grins, scooping Jamie up in his arms. He hugs her tightly, his smile widening at the sight of her being so enthusiastic. "Hey Squirt, how was your first day of 'big girl school'?"
"It was so fun dada! We made this!" Jamie says shoving a piece of paper in his face, I giggled softly as the paper was pressed into Bucky's face. From what I could see Jamie had doodled over it, three stick people, presumably the three of us, warming my heart. 
"Oh wow! Did you draw this?" Bucky asks. 
"Yes!" Jamie giggles, she climbs down from Bucky and moves to hug me. Bucky held the picture in his hand looking over it with a wide grin. "It's gorgeous, Jamie. I'm serious. I'm gonna frame it and hang it up, so I can look at it every day."
I grin happily and reach down picking Jamie up, holding her close to me. "Let's get you home, dada and I wanna hear all about your first day"
───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────
I frowned as I looked at my now eight year old, she was standing next to the wall she had obviously scribbled all over wall, making it her personal canvas. I sighed as I looked to Bucky, it was obvious his patience was at an all-time low as he stared down at Jamie. He had his arms crossed over his chest, a deep frown on his face as he started at the colourful masterpiece on the wall. 
"Jamie, you know this was naughty don't you?" I say calmly as I crouch to her height. Her bottom lip trembles as she looks from me to the wall and then back to me again. She avoids Bucky's gaze, knowing he was the one more unhappy right now, with a small voice, she replies. 
"I'm sorry..."
Bucky scoffs, shaking his head before speaking. His voice is deep and stern.
"That's not good enough, Squirt. You knew better than to draw on the walls. Especially that wall, where you know we have photographs and stuff on it."
I lean a little closer to Bucky, hoping it would calm him down. He was never good at this stuff, it was different in his time, parents would come down hard on their kids, and he didn't realise how hard he would come down. 
"Bucks, I think a time out will do, won't it?" I ask. He lets out a frustrated sigh, his eyes never leaving Jamie. 
"Time out. No television for the rest of the week, and no colouring either. You clearly can't handle it yet" He says sternly. I watch as Jamie starts crying a little, my heart breaks. 
"Aw Bucks, that's a bit harsh.. why don't we just say a ten minute time out and no colouring for a few days?" I ask quietly, Bucky shoots me a look, his tone hard and irritated. 
"Seriously? I think what I said was more than fair, Doll, I'm being generous. She knew better." He snaps at me, I watch him for a moment, deciding what I would do. He glances back at Jamie, who is looking up at him with wide, teary eyes.
"Right" I say sternly, I turn to Jamie for a moment "Go to your room girlie, we'll be in there in a moment" 
Jamie's lower lip trembles again, a few tears slipping down her cheeks as she looks up at Bucky and me, not wanting to leave. She glances at the wall for a quick second before nodding, her voice timid and shaky.
She turns to go to her room, her little footsteps quiet against the floor. Once she was in her room I turned to Bucky, a glare over my face aimed at him. 
"Yelling at me?" I ask, my voice hard as I spoke "Really?"
Bucky lets out an aggravated sigh, his gaze meeting mine. He shakes his head, his tone equally irritated as he speaks.
"You serious?" He asks me in a tone that reminds me of the days we used to hate one another. "She knows better than to do things like this" He snaps, pointing to the wall, covered in pink crayon squiggles. 
"Bucky, I understand that, but you yelled at me, in front of our daughter!" I snap back, I was frustrated at him. Yes Jamie was naughty, but he yelled at me in front of her. We promised to never yell in front of her. Bucky's irritation quickly dissolved into guilt. He rakes a hand through his hair, looking away from me, his voice softening.
"Yeah... I'm sorry, Doll. You're right. I shouldn't have yelled at you. Damn, I just got so pissed and-" He lets out a heavy sigh, clearly hating himself for the outburst in front of Jamie.
"You need to apologise to me" I say sternly, I wanted to hug him, tell him it was okay, but it wasn't, I wouldn't be yelled at. We were past that. Bucky's shoulders sag with shame, his jaw clenching as he looks down at the ground. His voice is soft and regretful as he replies. 
"I'm sorry, doll. I didn't mean to yell at you" He takes a hesitant step towards you, his hand raising to cup my face. I reach up cupping his hand, looking up into those perfect blue eyes. 
"I know darling, it happens again and I will make your life hell" I say with a sweet smile. Bucky lets out a shaky breath, he manages a weak smile as his thumb strokes my cheek slightly. 
"Noted" He says quietly, he pulls me into a hug, burying his face into my shoulder. 
"Now, go speak to your daughter, tell her you're sorry for yelling and speak to her like a human being" 
Bucky pulls back from my, and he takes my hand in his. "You're right...again...I'm sorry, I'll go talk to her right now" He presses a kiss to my cheek before releasing my hand and turning to Jamie's room. I followed him. Jamie was sitting on her small bed, her tiny legs swinging in the air as her hands fiddled with the edge of a stuffed animal. She looks up as the door opens, her eyes growing teary when she saw Bucky. 
"Squirt, can I talk to you for a minute?" 
"Yes dada" She answers sadly. Bucky walked further into the room, I walked in and leaned against the door frame, watching them. He crouched down and wrapped his arms around her small frame, pulling her into a side hug. 
"I'm sorry I yelled at you earlier, Squirt. I lost my temper, and I shouldn't have shouted at you like that, and I'm sorry I yelled at mama in front of you too"
"I'm sorry" She whispers "Uncle Loki told me it was okay to draw on the walls"
Bucky sighs, I copy, sighing too, of course it was Loki. 
"I can't wait to have a chat with Loki" I say quietly, a small smirk on my lips. Bucky chuckles and shakes his head as he glances at me. He looks back down at Jamie, using his fingers to gently tilt her head up, locking eyes with her. 
"Jamie, how about we forget about Loki for now...What you did was very naughty. You knew better than to draw on the walls, and you knew better than to listen to Loki. But I need you to understand that you have to remember and follow mama's and my rules. Can you do that for me?" He explains carefully. I smile softly, enjoying this side of Bucky much more than the one previously.  
"Yes daddy" She answers, a small smile on her lips now as he wipes her tears away. I watched as they cuddled close again, feeling left out, I walked over to them, sitting by Jamie and joining the hug. 
───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────
I rushed into the Avengers common room in search of Bucky. I found him, sitting with Steve on the couch. 
"Hey doll, you alright? What's the rush?"
"It happened" I say dramatically as I flop down onto his lap, causing him to let out a noise and Steve to laugh. Bucky wrapped an arm around my waist, pulling me close to him, I watched as he glanced to Steve for a moment and then back to me with curious, confused eyes. 
"What happened, doll? You gotta be more specific than 'it happened'?" 
"Jamie" I whine about our now ten year old. "She called me...'mum'!"
"Jamie called you mum? That's the big thing that happened?" He asked, a smirk on his lips. I rolled my eyes at him. 
"I'm mama! I've always been mama! Not mum!" I whine. 
Bucky chuckles at me, I could see in his eyes he thought I was adorable. He shook his head in amusement, as he tucks a strand of hair behind my ear. 
"There's nothing wrong with being called mum, darling"
"Alright, we'll see how you feel when she calls you dad, no more dada, just dad "I say quietly. Bucky raises an eyebrow, giving a mock look of shock. He pretends to be offended, placing a hand over his chest and letting out an exaggerated gasp
"Just dad? No more dada? Oh, the horror!"
"I hate you" I mumble, I look up when the door opens, in walks Jamie, our ten year old, she was so tall, almost as tall as me now, her lovely brown hair flowed down her back, she didn't want to cut it. 
"Hey Squirt, perfect timing, we were just talking about you"
"Good for you" Jamie answers a little sarcastically, oh the sarcasm, her new thing. Bucky looks at me slyly, whispering just loud enough for me to hear. 
"She gets that attitude from you"
"Definitely from you" I mutter back. Bucky scoffs in mock offence, giving me a playful glare. 
"Hey that's not true. She gets it all from you, I'm a perfect, innocent angel" He argues. 
"Dad, you're definitely not an angel!" Jamie says, calling him dad, instead of dada for the first time, I watch him for his reaction. Bucky almost looks taken aback for a moment, his eyes growing wide with surprise. He stares at Jamie for a moment, obviously processing the change in address. 
"Did you just call me dad?" He asks. 
"Obviously, that's what you are" Jamie mutters as she sits down. Bucky frowns, he probably sees why I was sad earlier. 
"See" I mutter. Bucky gave a huff of displeasure, his expression one of annoyance. He looks over to me and rolls his eyes. 
"Yeah, yeah. Alright, point taken, it sucks" He mutters to me, he then turns to look at Jamie. "Hey, Squirt. Can I talk to you for a moment?" Jamie nods and moves to sit on Bucky's lap, squishing next to me. 
"Squirt, listen, you know you've always called me dada, right?"
"It's embarrassing, people at school take the mick because I call you mama and dada" She mumbles. 
"I understand that, Squirt, I get it...I just like it when you call us mama and dada, it's kind of like..." Bucky pauses for a moment. "Special, I guess"
"It's not like I call anyone else dad" She answers with a shrug. 
"I know, Squirt. And I'm not saying you have to keep calling me dada. If you wanna call me dad, that's fine. All I'm asking is that you don't stop calling me dada... Can you do that for me?"
"Fine...Can I go play on Uncle Tony's computer?" She asks. 
"Yeah, Squirt. You can go play on Uncle Tony's computer. Just make sure you don't delete any important files, or Stark will blow a fuse. And no playing those inappropriate games like last time." He says with a stern voice. Jamie nodded and rushed off, I snuggled a little closer to him. 
"See, I'm right, you're wrong" I giggle. He pokes my sides making me wiggle. 
"Oh shut it. You're right, I'm wrong. Are you happy now?"
"Always" I say, grinning.
"Smart arse"
───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────
It was the morning of Jamie's thirteenth birthday, Bucky and I were in the kitchen together, a coffee mug in our hands. I looked to him, bumping my hip against his. 
"How is it we have a teenager? Like we own a teenager!" I said.
Bucky sighed, shaking his head in disbelief. He leaned against the counter, looking at me with a mixture of nostalgia and mild panic. 
"God, I don't know...It feels like just yesterday she was learning to walk and now we're about to have a full-blown teenager on our hands. How did that happen so fast?"
"Ugh" I groan "I don't know, I don't like it"
Bucky chuckles lightly, nodding in agreement. "Me neither, doll. I'm not looking forward to the attitude and the boys..."
I groan as he finishes talking "I hadn't even thought of boys" I mutter.
"Yeah, well, might wanna start thinking about it. Teenage hormones and all that. She's gonna start noticing the boys soon, if she hasn't already."
"Oh she has, fictional boys! Like in her books! I don't want her liking real boys!" I whine. Bucky laughs, shaking his head in amusement. 
"Yeah, well, like I said, teenage hormones. It's only a matter of time, Doll. And when that happens, all we can do is pray for sanity and prepare ourselves for a rollercoaster"
"I hate how accepting you are about this.. you know what boys mean right?" I say quickly. Bucky grins, chuckling at my scepticism. 
"Doll. I'm happy because she's growing up, she's healthy, and she's becoming her own person. Sure, it's gonna be tough and sometimes we're gonna be ready to lock her in her room and never let her out, but..." He says shrugging. "I'm just happy that she's ours, that she's here and that we get to watch her grow up"
"I hate it when you're all smart and shit" I grumble. Bucky chuckles, his amusement clear as he grins at my reaction. He steps closer to me, wrapping his arms around my waist.
"Oh yeah? You hate it when I make sense, huh?"
"Mmm yes" I grin, wrapping my arms around his neck. Bucky leans in, gently nuzzling my neck. He runs one hand up my back, the metal arm wrapping firmly my waist. He brings his mouth close to my ear, his voice low and playful as he speaks. 
"You really hate it when I'm being all rational and reasonable?" 
"No" I whisper. Bucky hums softly, his fingers trace idle patterns across my back as he tightens his grip around my waist. He leans in, capturing my lips in a light, gentle kiss before pulling away just enough to whisper, his lips brushing against mine. 
"Oh no? Seems like you're starting to enjoying it now, doll?"
"I'm enjoying you" I mumble, moving my lips to kiss along his jaw, his beard tickled my lips. 
"Mhm, keep saying things like that,, and I might start to think you actually like it when I'm being all smart and sensible" He whispers. 
"I miss when we used to hate each other, you just fucked me then, without question...now we've gotta talk" I whine playfully. Bucky moves, leaning his forehead against mine, his eyes glinting with playful challenge and a hint of desire. 
"Aw, you don't like talking? You'd rather just get straight to the good part?" 
"Please?" I whisper. Bucky's mouth curves up into a sly grin, his eyes darken with increasing desire, and his hands move to gently grip my hips. 
"Kiss me" I whine. 
"You're needy today. But who I am to deny the lady what she so desperately need?" He leans in, his lips meeting mine in a heated kiss. His hands slide to the small of my back, drawing me in closer against his body as he deepens the kiss, his tongue slipping into my mouth. Without breaking the kiss, he guides me backwards until I'm pinned between him and the counter, his body pressed closely against mine. 
"Ugh! Gross!" I heard Jamie whine, Bucky and I pulled apart at the sound of Jamie's voice, we shared an amused grins as we hold onto one another, still in a close embrace. 
"Oh come on, Squirt. Don't you like seeing your parents express their love for one another?" Bucky grins. I move away from Bucky and walk over to Jamie, I pull her into a close hug. 
"Happy birthday, baby girl" I say to her. Bucky chuckles, watching me and Jamie hug. He leans against the counter, still wearing a smile. He calls out playfully from across the room.
"Yeah, Happy Birthday, Squirt. You're officially a teenager now, so you and I will probably be butting heads sometime real soon."
"Better she argue with you than me, dad's real bad at winning arguments" I say as I giggle to my girl. Bucky rolls his eyes and pretends to look offended. 
"What? I win plenty of arguments, at least I think I do" He laughs, crossing his arms over his chest, his expression taking on a playful challenge. "You really wanna start this roll? Cause I can't argue with you right now" He says with a play wink. 
"Can you maybe keep your 'arguing' to when I'm not home?" Jamie mutters in a way that says she totally knew what Bucky was getting at. Bucky flushes slightly. I try to stifle a laugh but it's not use. 
"Ah, uh… right." Ahem "Sorry, Squirt. I'll keep the, uh, arguing...private."
───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────
A year later, Jamie was fourteen, one evening she sat the two of us down in the living room, and paced in front of us. She obviously wanted to tell us something. 
"Alright, Squirt, what's going on?"
"You've got us all intrigued girlie" I say, smiling softly, having a small idea what this was about. Jamie stopped pacing, her face was bright red with a flush. 
"A boy asked me on a date" She mumbled. Bucky's face fell slightly, his overprotective nature rearing it's read. He straightened up on the couch, leaning forward slightly. He shared a worried look with me for a moment. 
"A boy? Who is this boy?" He asks, his voice serious and protective, I reach over placing a hand on his arm. 
"Oh Bucky cool it" I say to him, I then turn back to Jamie "Tell us about him, baby...Oh oh oh! Wait, is it the guy from your History class?" I ask excitedly, Jamie and I usually had girl nights and she told me about this boy, but told me to keep it a secret from Bucky. Bucky's initial serious expression turns slightly playful at my question. He raises an eyebrow, giving me a look that says, 'You knew about this?' He looks over at Jamie, his curiosity now definitely peaked, wondering if he's about to learn some new information regarding his teenage daughter's social life.
"There's a boy from your history class you didn't tell me about?"
"Its a girls thing" I answer with a shrug, as I share a grin with Jamie. "Well, is it?"
Jamie rolls her eyes, obviously exasperated by both of our eagerness but also seemingly amused. "Yeah mum, it's the boy from history class" She admits with a slightly blush on her cheeks. 
I squeal happily "I'm so happy for you girlie, when's the date, what's the plan? Also I want to meet this guy, and dad will drive you both to the date and pick you up okay?"
Jamie grins at my enthusiasm, her blush deepening as she giggles at my excitement. "Thanks, Mum." She turns to Bucky, giving him a look that says, 'You're in for it, old man.'
"The date is next weekend, we're gonna go bowling. And yes, Dad, you can drive us and pick us up."
A few hours later when Bucky and I crawled into bed, he wraps his arms around me, pulling me in closer, he presses a gentle kiss to my forehead. 
"I can't believe our girl has a date. I think I just aged twenty years"
"Careful old man, you're already what, one hundred and twenty?" I ask playfully, he rolls his eyes and nudges me gently. 
"Ha ha, very funny. I'll have you know I'm actually only one hundred and nineteen, thank you very much"
"Only" I snort. 
"You love giving me a hard time, don't you? You just can't resist teasing this old man, can you?"
"Nope, look they're only fourteen, what's the worse that could happen?" I ask. Bucky sighs, his overprotective nature coming through. 
"Well, I could list about a dozen worst-case scenarios right now, but I won't. I want our little girl to be safe and smart, you know?" He says quietly, his gaze fixed on the ceiling. 
"She's a smart kid, and they're going bowling, and you know Jamie, she knows what's right and wrong" I say, Bucky nods, acknowledging that I was right. 
"I know, I know. Jamie's a smart girl. I trust her judgment. It's just, I don't know, seeing her grow up so fast...I want to protect her" He pauses, letting out a sigh. "But you're right, it's just bowling. There's nothing to worry about...right?"
"The most that'll happen is our girl will get her first kiss" I say with a shrug. Bucky groans, rubbing his face with hand. 
"Ugh, I can't even...the idea of our little girl kissing some boy just...it doesn't sit well with me" He mutters. 
"He's a nice boy from what I've heard, nerdy type"
"A nerdy type huh? Oh, that's just swell. Now my little girl's gonna be making out with a geek in an alley while they discuss quantum physics or something." He wrinkles his nose, half-jokingly.
"Bucky" I say, giggling at his words. 
"What? I'm just saying, I didn't expect our daughter's first kiss to be with some dork who spends his free time building robots or something. I expected... I don't know, a cute jock, or maybe a charming bad boy."
"Oh I did, remember how obsessed she was with Peter when she was little? It was always gonna be a nerdy boy, Bucks"
Bucky chuckles, obviously remembering how Jamie would follow Peter around, always sit in his lap. 
"Oh yeah, that phase" He says with a sigh "Yeah, I guess you're right, better than a greasy bad boy, I suppose"
"Exactly, she's the opposite of me, I fell for the bad boy" I say with a giggle, moving slightly to kiss his jaw. Bucky laughs, a teasing glint in his eyes. 
"Oh, we're bringing up the past now, are we? Well then, I should remind you that you didn't just fall for any bad boy. You fell for me. The original bad boy"
"What makes you the original?" I ask with a smirk. 
"Because sweetheart, I was the first bad boy. The one that started it all. All these other "bad boys" today are just pale imitations of the original: me." He winks, his tone playful and confident.
"You're a dork" I answer, snuggling close, feeling a little sleepy. Bucky pulls me in close, nuzzling his face into my neck. 
"Oh, I'm your dork, and don't you forget it. You're stuck with me"
"Forever I hope" I answer in a yawn. His arms tighten just slightly around me. 
"Yeah, forever. No doubt about that, doll. We're in this thing for the long haul"
"Goodnight darling" I whisper. Bucky presses a soft kiss to my temple and starts to run his fingers through my hair. "Goodnight, dollface, sweet dreams"
The next day, Bucky and I waited in the living room for Jamie to finish school, the plan was she would bring Lucas, her date home with her, and then Bucky would drive the two of them to their bowling date. Bucky as usual was on edge, he was pacing back and forth in the living room, checking the time every few minutes. 
"Be nice" I warn him for the hundredth time. 
"Yeah, yeah. I'll be nice, I promise" He says as he rolls his eyes. 
Jamie finally walks through the door with a nervous looking boy behind her, it's funny, he kind of looks like how Peter looked at that age. 
"Hi, you must be Lucas" I say excitedly. Lucas, he boy, nods nervously, clearly feeling intimidated. 
"Yeah, uh, hi. It's nice to meet you"
I smile again and introduce myself to the boy "And this is Bucky, it's so nice to meet you!"
Lucas turns his gaze to Bucky and gulps slightly. He extends a hand cautiously, as if he's about to shake hands with a wild animals. He gives Bucky a polite nod. 
"Uh, hi Mr Barnes, it's...nice to meet you"
Bucky looks down at Lucas' extended hand, not immediately shaking it. He stares into Lucas' eyes, as if sizing him up. After what feels like an eternity, Bucky finally takes Lucas' hand and gives it a firm, slightly aggressive, shake. I move to slap Bucky's arm. 
"Be nice" I whisper. Bucky grumbles under his breath, then reluctantly releases Lucas' hand. He shoots me a sidelong glance, giving me a 'Really?' look. 
"Mum, could you help me in my room?" Jamie asks, her cheeks were flushed red. I nod and follow her to her bedroom, once we were inside I shut the door behind me. 
"What do I wear!" She cried. I wanted to laugh softly and bring her in close, but I didn't. I could coo over how cute my daughter was later. 
"Uhh so bowling, how about a cute pair of shorts?" I suggest. Jamie glances over to her dresser, considering the suggestion. 
"Yeah... okay" She answers, she sifts through her draws and grabs a cute pair of denim shorts, and a tank top. 
"How about these?" She asks. 
"They're cute, but maybe not the tank top?" I suggest gentle. Jamie ponders, then grabs a plaid flannel shirt instead of the tank top. 
"You're right, the tank top feels a bit too revealing for the first date"
"That's my smart girl" I grin. She quickly gets dressed and throws her hair up in a cute ponytail, she adjusts her outfit in the mirror.
"How do I look?"
"So beautiful darling" I whisper stepping behind her, I wrap my arms around her waist and hold her for a moment. 
"Thanks mama, I hope Lucas likes my outfit" She whispers, her blue eyes shining with worry. 
"If he doesn't, he's a fool" I say, kissing her cheek. Jamie grins, she takes a deep breath, trying to calm her nerves. 
"Yeah, you're right"
We walk back into the living room, I tell the kids to go wait in the car, before Bucky follows I grab the front of his shirt. 
"You be nice in that car, don't you embarrass our girl!" I warn, and once I finished being scary, I kissed his lips. Bucky raised his eyebrows, he places his hands on my hips, holding me close. 
"Relax, doll. I promise I'll behave. No embarrassing Jamie in front of the boyfriend, I've got this" He smirks, and pulls me closer, capturing my lips with a passionate kiss. 
"See you later" I mumble against his lips, feeling a little breathless. He lets go of me and leaves the house. I spend the next few hours relaxing until Bucky and Jamie come home. 
"Hey girlie, how was it?" I ask excitedly. Jamie grins, clearly excited. 
"It was great mum! Lucas is super funny and smart, and he's awful at bowling. We had so much fun!" She grins, I notice she looks tired as she yawns a little. 
"Aw baby girl, I'm so happy, go wash up for bed, okay?" I say smiling. Jamie nods, she hugs me and then disappears to her room, leaving Bucky and me alone. 
"The boy is a nerd, cute kid though. But he's definitely got his whole future mapped out, with Jamie included" He says taking a step closer to me. 
"Hey, if he's serious about our girl, she'll never experience heartbreak and I'm so okay with that" I answer warily. I'd rather my girl never get hurt by anyone. 
"Yeah, I suppose that's true. The boy definitely seems into her. I gave him the whole dad talk in the car...the if-you-hurt-my-daughter-I'll-break-you speech. And I must've seemed pretty convincing because, let's just say he nearly wet himself"
"Bucky" I scolded "I told you to behave!"
Bucky puts up his hands in defense, a lighthearted grin on his face. "Hey, I promised I'd behave, and I did. Mostly" He reaches out to me, wrapping his arms around my waist, pulling me close to him. "Just wanted to make sure he understands the rules, doll. Can't have some punk kid messing with our girl"
I roll my eyes and laugh. I didn't want to admit he had a point, but also I felt bad for Lucas. Bucky was scary on good days. 
"Oh come on, you can't blame a guy for wanting to intimidate a random kid who's taking HIS little girl on a date. That's just paternal instinct" He says as he leans in, placing a soft kiss on my forehead. 
───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────
I felt my eyes burn with proud tears as I looked at Jamie, she was sixteen now. And all dressed up for her first ever prom. She looked so grown up it hurt my heart. Her dress made her look so grown up, and the heels, it was making me cry. 
"Looks like our little girl is nearly all grown up" He whispers to me. 
"She's beautiful" I whisper back as I take another picture.  Bucky nods in agreement, pride shining in his eyes. 
"Yeah she is. Beautiful and smart, and compassionate. Just like her mum" He glances at me, a hint of a smile on his lips. He reaches for me, wrapping his arm around my waist, giving it a squeeze. 
"Jamie baby, when is Luke getting here?" I ask about her boyfriend. They'd been boyfriend-girlfriend since they were both fourteen, and it was the sweetest thing ever. Jamie glances down at her phone, a mix of excitement and nerves on her face. 
"He should be here any minute mum, I can't believe this is actually happening, my first prom!"
"I know darling" I say happily. "Now remember our rules, no drinking, no drugs and definitely no after party"
Jamie rolls her eyes dramatically, but her voice is firm. "I know mum. You've told me like a million times. I get it, I'm not gonna do any of that, promise" There's a hint of playful defiance in her voice, beneath that, I can tell she takes my rules seriously. At least most of the time. 
"That's my girl" I whisper, moving to cup her cheek gently. Jamie smiles. 
"Thanks mama" She whispers back. A knock on the door signals the arrival of Jamie's date, and Jamie glances at Bucky. 
"Dad, can you get the door please?"
Bucky opens the door and in walks Luke, looking very smart, he usually looked smart, maybe a little disheveled. But today he was dressed in a black suit, and his hair was all neat. He looks both nervous and excited. 
"Lucas" Bucky greets him with a nod, his voice calm and authoritative. 
"You remember our rules?" I say to Luke. Lucas quickly nods, a look of slight intimidation in his eyes. 
"Yes, ma'am. No drinking, no drugs and no after parties. I swear" He answers as he straightens his suit jacket. 
"Okay!" I say happy with his answer. "Let me take some pictures and then you're free to go!"
Luke nods again, he moves to stand next to Jamie, he gives her a quick, nervous smile and Jamie blushes. My heart swells at how happy she looks. I smile widely and take a few pictures of the two of them. 
After a few photos, the pair leave for their prom, leaving me with wet eyes and Bucky not far off. Bucky turns to me, his expression a mix of nostalgia and affection. 
"She looks so grown up, doll. Our little girl, going to her first prom"
"It's going so fast" I whine a little, I step closer to him and wrap my arms around his middle. 
"I know doll, It seems like just yesterday she was a little toddler, running around the house causing trouble. Now she's all grown up, going to prom, dating some punk kid. Time sure flies" He says with a little sniffle. 
"It sure does...I'm glad we stopped hating one another, we would never of had this life if we kept arguing all the damn time" I say quietly, the arguments we used to have when we hated each other, before Jamie, such a faded memory now. 
"Yeah, thank god we got past our differences. If we hadn't, we wouldn't have had this amazing life together. This family, our beautiful daughter. I wouldn't trade it for anything"
"Neither would I, I love you, forever" I whisper, hugging him a little tighter. Bucky smiles softly, he moves to take my hand in his, he lifts my hand up to his lips, placing a soft kiss on my skin. 
"I love you too, doll, more than anything" He whispers, his lips moving against my skin. "Forever and always"
@quinquinquincy @jaybbygrl @wintrsoldrluvr @sebastians-love @learisa @hi172826 @ravennablue @purplecolordeer @a-small-blue-nebula @buckitostan @knyaotjjkbiatch
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lara-cairncross · 8 months ago
Ok I literally just submitted an ask but I am now watching the Pirate FAIRY and I have more questions for you!
First, would we ever see a talent switcheroo for the boys? And if so, who would switch with who??
Secondly, I had a sudden revelation. What if, and hear me out, what if instead of Captain Hook we have Cassandra???? I think she would be super fun in that role!! You could even make her have a REAL turnaround at the end for a full redemption arc! Again, just ideas, fully your au and I just wanted to share my thoughts!
Lastly, I realized that we need a Zarina, and I thought for a while about it. Then it came to me.
What about Kendra? She's a Tinker Fairy too iirc, so she could totally be a dust keeper who likes to experiment and everything from the movie could happen!
Again, just some ideas lol. Thanks for everything you do, I get so excited everytime it crosses my dashboard!! You are so wonderfully skilled and talented!!
HI HI HI ITS YOU AGAIN!!! :DDD this is a very late answer (again) but shhhhhhhh--
I've gotten so many people ask about talent switching!! While I don't think it'll ever be, like, a plot point or anything, I've been doodling little designs of the boys with swapped talents while I'm at work and it's SO MUCH FUN!!! I love swapping their designs around!!!! I definitely wanna do a more finished version at some point, especially since the pirate fairy movie isssss probably my favorite? top 2 at least :D
I'm not sure who would get who's power yet, honestly. There are a few cool things I could try with this concept. I like the idea of Donnie getting the animal talent, since I think it'd be funny for all of these animals to absolutely LOVE him despite the fact that he's not crazy about em. And Leo with the tinker talent would be funny to me purely because he would think it's the lamest thing ever HAH--
oooooo boy Cassandra. holy fuck. I have literally like, three different possible ideas for her that I just CANNOT DECIDE between. And uh I guess I now have four???? FUCK MAN THE IDEA OF HER BEING A PIRATE IS JUST SO COOL-- LIKE SHE WOULD ROCK THAT STYLE OG MY GOD. UH. might draw her as a pirate now even if it doesn't end up being canon AHHHH
and lastly: there IS a Zarina counterpart in this story! it's not a 1:1 ration by any means, but there is a bit of dabbling into pixie dust alchemy and dust-keeping by one fairy in particular...
not sayin' who yet, though :3
(I'll be keeping the kendra idea in mind though, that could solve a plothole or two--)
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jackie-mae · 2 months ago
Okay, first of: I love your art style!💖
I came here because of your One Timeline AU a while ago and have just scrolled through your whole block again, admiring your character designs. Normaly I don't really engage much because ✨️crippling social anxiety✨️ but I've stared at your art so often by now, I thought I should tell you before it gets weird. (To late, I know.) Especially since you've blessed us with a new adorable interaction between these idiots recently.🥰
(I please want to see more of them, but no pressure.)
Also: I know he is not really a character in the comic and the one sketch you did of him is one and a half years old by now, but I absolutely 💕adore💕 your Vaati design. He's my favourite villain by far and just one of my favorite characters in general. I love Minish Cap and I've had the headcanon that his hylian form would have some minish traits for ages but never saw anyone draw that. (I can't draw for the life of me.😅) So yeah, my compliment on the design and thank you for accidentally making art of the picture in my head, I guess.😅
(Feel free to ignore my rambling if it's to much, but know that if you have anything to say/show about everyone’s favorite little wind mage I'd be more than happy to read/see it.😊)
You're wonderful and talented, keep going and have an awesome day!😘
Omg This is literally one of the nicest possible messages I could have received during work thank you so much (And thank you to anyone who sends me asks I may not answer I see and love them all I'm just horrible at answering and too have ✨️crippling social anxiety✨️) Please feel free to continue staring lol I enjoy knowing my arts being perceived :3
Thank you for fueling my Vaati brainrot he is also one of my favourite characters. Loved him in the Minish cap manga which is one of my favourite LOZ manga and I also very recently actually played through minish cap proper on switch online (bar the last fight lmao) { it is a really fun game what crack did Nintendo sneak into their GBA rpg's seriously the Mario and Luigi series spawned from that era too}
I should post more of my rough doodle sheets and sketches cuz I have drawn Vaati since that year and a half ago (Jesus) but most of them are related to a timeline beat I'm still workshopping Xp
so for now have this little sketch of Vaati and Mini in my design of his post-game hat <3
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ilovechuuy4 · 10 months ago
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My Baby Here on Earth, Showed Me What My Heart Was Worth. So, when it Comes to be My Turn Could You Shine it Down Here for Her? ✧.*
Girl Dad!Boothill
Warnings; none!!
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A\N; the number of times i see that boothill was canonically a girl dad w/ an adoptive daughter breaks my heart. Cause he didn't even get to watch her grow up it makes me cry so hard every damn time. (Boothill watched his daughter’s life be taken in front of his own eyes when his planet was nuked. She had just started to walk he didn't even have the time to make a gravestone cause of the IPC demolishing the entire planet 🙁) BUT ANYWAYS ENJOY THIS UNTIL I POST REQUESTS. (D/N is daughters name)
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• He adores his daughter; he's doing anything and everything she wants even if it means he's dressed in a princess outfit.
• Boothill always, I mean always reads his daughter a bedtime story before she falls asleep and sometimes, he falls asleep with her.
• Despite Boothill being a 'robot' or having mechanical body parts, his daughter still loves to take marker and stickers to the metal and draw doodles / put stickers on him.
• Daddy daughter dates / dances are Boothill's entire thing. He's not going to miss the chance to go to his kid's school for a fun dance. He also takes his daughter on multiple fun 'dates' and outings
• 'Competitive' game nights with each other. Playing player against player games with his daughter and purposely loosing so she can be happy.
• Boothill isn't a strict father, but he does have his rules such; as no sugar before dinner (obviously), schoolwork before screen time, no cursing until a specific age etc.
• When his daughter was getting her ears pierced, she got scared so he got his pierced with her, so she wasn't as scared and now they wear matching earrings.
There Boothill sat, in the couch that rest dead center of the living room. His little girl sitting on one of his legs, his right arm draped over her as she drew on his metal arm with paint pens. Small doodles with fun colors, the paint pens were scattered on a little tray that always lays in the man's lap along with multiple sticker sheets. There was a soft smile on his face as he watched her color in her doodles. Her tongue stuck out from between her teeth as she focused on staying inside the lines.
He chuckles softly, adjusting his position for something more comfortable for the two of them. "You're not hungry yet, munchkin?" He asked, his southern accent overlapping his words as he glances down at his rainbow-colored arm and then at her. "Not really papa. But goldfish do sound good." She murmurs, not taking her eyes off her drawing.
He smiles, his hand rubbing her back gently. "Alright then, let's go get you some goldfish, baby doll." He said, gently removing the tray of stickers and markers before standing up, her in his arms. He struts over to the kitchen, placing D/N onto the counter as he gets out a bowl to pour the goldfish in. He opens the cabinet where there was the Holy Trinity of all sorts of Goldfish.
There was the rainbow colored ones that were supposed to be all the same taste, but his daughter insisted they tasted different. Pizza goldfish, cupcake goldfish, double chedder goldfish, s'mores goldfish and more. It was like the entire cabinet was full of them but it really wasn't, he just knew that his little girl liked them so much. "Which type do you want?" He asked her, he watched as she pondered her answer.
"The rainbow goldfish!" She said with a bright smile, watching as her dad grabs a the bag of goldfish and poured her some. "Eat up, munchkin." He said, placing the bowl beside her on the counter. She smiled as she starts eating them, she glances at her papa with a bright smile, her mouth slightly full of goldfish. "I love you, papa!" She said all giggly. "I love you too, sweetheart." Boothill says with a soft smile, gently kissing her forehead.
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