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saucypolina · 3 months ago
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Nothing like my fav Alexander Wang boots
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rihnely · 3 months ago
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sexii-charisma86 · 6 months ago
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It's wild!
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red-pill-to-swallow · 1 year ago
Doing your part in a relationship
Hey babes,
it’s Monday – a new, fresh week and the ultimate opportunity to make some changes.
I don’t know why it feels so much better to start a new routine on a Monday than it does on a random Wednesday.
I took some time after I posted my last two posts and really thought about the relationship dynamic between my man and me.
I thought about changes that I would like to make and what could help us to become a better couple.
Honestly, I was pretty shocked after all my thinking because it turns out that my man is the rock in this relationship and I am not sure why he is still sticking around when he could probably do so much better.
But let me explain:
I gave up working in my full-time job around January 2023 and have been home ever since then.
My man was aware that I was totally burned out from my job and offered me that I could stay at home and take care of the household chores.
Previously we used to split the chores around the house roughly 50/50. It was very fair and in some weeks he did more than me and some weeks I did more than him, like it’s in every relationship.
I would say that I am fairly good at housekeeping. I know how to cook, how to clean and how to do laundry.
However – I never before was responsible for everything. From going grocery shopping and planning meals to cleaning the bathrooms every week – suddenly all of this was on me.
I struggle really bad with organizing myself, this was one of the reasons why I was so burned out from my previous job, and I started slacking.
I would do the laundry one day and take three days before I started folding it. My man literally had no underwear one time and flipped out because that’s obviously disgusting and instead of improving – I started to get mad at him.
It wasn’t only the laundry, it also began affecting my cooking – which I loved doing before – and I would start making only frozen meals or just serving cold meat cuts with bread.
We started fighting a lot more because my man was sad, that instead of relaxing at home he would need to help me with my chores – after a full workday.
I had my epiphany a few weeks ago (when I made this blog) and realized that my man has every right to be mad at me. He does his job. I am not.
So, let’s see – my man works really though hours. He leaves the house early in the morning and comes home in the early evening. He’s usually stressed because his job is very demanding and he is responsible for a lot of people.
Imagine coming home to your girlfriend, who’s staying at home, and almost nothing is done. The fridge isn’t restocked, the floor is dirty and there is no food. After your shower you realize that you have no fresh underwear because your girlfriend didn’t wash any.
I would flip out too.
My behavior was/is borderline disrespectful and I am honestly ashamed because of it. I would have broken up with me if I was him.
But here we are – still together and I don’t plan on dodging this second chance.
I think many girls that want the lifestyle of a spoiled girlfriend or a stay at home girlfriend don’t realize how hard it is to organize a whole household on your own.
Yes, there might be some men out there that are so rich that they don’t mind employing staff to help around the house, but I don’t think that this is achievable for a woman in her twenties without having various high value connections in the right circles. At least I don’t have those connections.
I am responsible for keeping the house clean, making food and going grocery shopping. That takes maybe 5 hours of my day and the rest of the time I can do whatever I want.
My man only wants to come home to a clean, organized house with a stocked fridge and possibly a hot meal on the stove.
Honestly – he is the one that is working his ass off every day, not me.
The worst is, that I even started to neglect my appearance. I used to shave every second day and that slowly progressed to only once a week. I used to color my hair religiously and worked out at least three times a week.
Now I haven’t touched up my hair in over three months, my roots are disgusting and I am very ashamed because of it. I mean, even though my man pays for my beauty appointments – I couldn’t get my ass up.
However, I cleaned our whole house today. From the bottom to the top. It’s spotless. I did laundry and went grocery shopping and I made a plan on how to maintain all of those things.
I won’t share the plan just yet because I want to make sure that I can actually follow it before I share it with you.
What should you take with you after reading this rant?
Be careful that you’re always a responsible partner. Don’t be like me. If you’re telling your partner that you plan on doing something – actually follow through and do it. Don’t disappoint them all the time.
Make sure that you acknowledge what they do for you and thank them for it every once in a while.
It is unattractive to be lazy and not being able to keep up with your standards. It’s unfair to your partner to let yourself go and they have every right to be upset about it.
Think before you speak and start an argument. Are you really right? Is it worth to start an argument about something that is your responsibility?
I mean, my man made it clear in the beginning: If I want to stay at home and live a cozy life – I have to take care of the house while he works and provides for us both.
He does his part of the agreement. Every single day.
I’ve only done my part of the agreement when I felt like it and that is not okay. But I am changing and I know that he has already forgiven me for all the hassle.
See you soon
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swabian-princess · 2 years ago
My current beauty routine
Monday: - am: brush teeth with whitening toothpaste. wash face with microbiome friendly foam cleanser. mix toner with vitamin C serum and apply. use hyaluronic acid serum while face is still damp. use sunscreen. brush hair and use gisou honey infused hairoil. put hair in clawclip. apply deodorant. apply perfume. - pm: dry brush. use clinique balm to cleanse face outside of shower. take cleansing balm off in the shower. use microbiome friendly body wash 2x. double cleanse with BHA gel cleanser. apply babyoil on the body while skin is still wet. step out of the shower. let body air dry. use toner on face. apply chemical peeling on face. moisturize face. apply jojobaoil on face and neck. use deodorant. use perfume. brush hair and massage serum in. do a low ponytail.
Tuesday: - am: the same - pm: the same but with shaving. use microbiome friendly body wash with an exfoliating glove. scrub body down. shave. use microbiome friendly bodywash again.
Wednesday: - am: the same - pm: the same but with facemask. cleanse face with clinique balm. double cleanse with BHA gel cleanser. apply BHA mask. let it sit for 15-30min. wash mask off in shower. do skincare after shower. switch jojobaoil for laneige cica sleep mask and apply thick layer.
Thursday: - am: the same - pm: the same but with shaving and hair washing. wet hair throughouly. apply bond repair shampoo. massage with silicone scalp massager. apply bond repair conditioner. let sit for 5-10min. rinse. wrap in microfiber towel for 40-60min. apply hair serum. apply heat protectant. blow dry with dyson airwrap. use gisou honey infused hair oil. do a low ponytail.
Friday: - am: the same - pm: the same
Saturday: - am: the same - pm: the same
Sunday: - am: the same - pm: the same with shaving, hair washing, facemask and hair removal. pluck eyebrows. trim eyebrows. cleanse face. shave off facial hair.
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refinementofacourtesan · 8 months ago
If we distill it to the very basics, this is about whether or not people can, and want to, spend time with you. It's important here to practice being contained, you don't want your whole life to spill into the session because this isn't about you. This is also the place to operate from a good, high vibration because if you are upset, anxious, depressed, that energy will feed into the session. So, get your affairs in order, or at least don't bring that into the session.
from Pro Domme by Aleta Cai
While this is from a professional domme, this can be applied to any and all of the SW professions.
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annikavelde · 4 months ago
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.:ANATOMY:. Head: LeLutka - Ceylon Body: Ebody - Reborn Hair: VCO - Vivian *NEW* @ The Warehouse Sale Antennas: HAZEL - Alien Antenna Fingers: Aii - Demonic Touch Tail: Petrichor - Araxxis Tail past RARE Skin: Heaux - Sapphire *NEW* @ The Warehouse Sale Eyes: REVERIE - Tora Eyes *NEW* @ The Warehouse Sale Face Tattoo: Polar Bunny - Ankoku Body Tattoo: Aii - Fallen Comet
.:CLOTHING:. Halo: Coffee Paws - Eclipse Halo Facial Piercings: Cursery - Essential Septums *NEW* @ The Warehouse Sale Outfit: Duckie - Magic *NEW* @ The Warehouse Sale
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kissmethroughthebone · 9 months ago
Went shopping for succulents the other day with this guy I met on Bumble.
He had the nerve to think an early 20s girl would ask him, a 43 year old man, to take her succulent shopping, just to have him 1) ignore everything she says at all about plants, life, etc, and 2) pay for it herself.
Anyway I didn't have my card on me and made a nice passive Oscar award winning "oh dear, oh, wait, did i-" act, while patting on the small pockets on my teeny little jacket, that he had went "I can spot you for it if you'd like."
*GASP* You would? Really?
Anyway almost 70 dollars worth of sunset and pastel colored plant babies is pleasant as fuck.
On another note, a previous casual trick/fwb (that pays for my time and energy) was shocked and hurt at the idea of me abandoning him, and he went out of his way to visit a succulent expo and buy me a rare plant to settle my emotions again after he recently upset me.
Now that's what I am talking about; a man that gets me a graptoveria purple delight to show that he absolutely wants to stay around me is a man that I enjoy.
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boujeeceo · 2 years ago
Next Milestone
Finally got my websites and ready~ I adore how it all came out!
If you're looking to get your life in order so you can reach your skill gaining, financial, career or business growing goals without having a tower moment check out my planners.
Free 2 gifts for anyone who orders this may of 2023!
MYBPlanners.com | Mind Your Business Etsy
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rihnely · 4 months ago
I have been able to make thousands of dollars in passive income because I learned how to buy & trade stocks. I’ve been learning about stocks for a few years now and have gotten really good at trading. It even saved me one time when I was low on money I day traded to make some more without having to do anything. Here’s some stocks I selected that absolutely are paying off and I think will continue to significantly pay off in the next 10 years. Look at those gains. Just because I learned how to select good stocks. If you have any extra money I would say invest. I’m so serious. Don’t waste money On stupid stuff when that money can be used to make more money for your future.
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applexscruff · 1 month ago
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Take Me Back
Sponsored by: Paleto
C R E D I T S:
Find all things i’m wearing by clicking [x]
◉ W e a r i n g
- Head & Makeup
Lelutka - Ceylon Head [x]
Heaux - Rei Skin [x]
Villena - Theia Hair [x]
Void - Demure Lashes [x]
Dark Moon - Hidden Gem Shadows & Very Demure Lashes @ Anthem [x]
Dappa - Asmodeus Tattoo [x]
Bloom - Sticky Letters [x]
Swallow - Gauged XL Ears [x]
- Body & Clothes
Legacy - Perky Body [x]
Worn - Nonsense Top [x]
Worn - Interstellar Pants @ Sabbath [x]
Knifu - Chaos & Duality Tattoo [x]
- Accessories
RZ - Deadly Cigarette [x]
Imperia - Hilda Sunnies [x]
- Backdrop
Paleto - MNB [x]
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maneatingwhore · 2 months ago
There is a high chance of me retiring soon. I think I saw a hobbyist and he provided a bad review on a private site where hobbies communicate. This has affected my money terribly and I reached out to him basically letting him know I know he left me review and I have no review policy obviously this is probably tacky and I shouldn’t have done it, but I don’t care because I’m not making money anyways.
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pinkpoisonsblog · 11 months ago
I swear sucking a d isn't that bad when the man is clean, it's even enjoyable
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red-pill-to-swallow · 1 year ago
How to skin
Hey babes,
today I want to talk about skin. Our skin – especially the skin in our face – is one of the first things that we recognize in another person.
This is the reason why it is so important to have clean and vibrant looking skin. Your skin color doesn’t matter as long as it is healthy looking and free of pimples.
Clear skin is a universal sign for good health and it can elevate the look of a person completely.
Us humans tend to find other people more attractive if they have good skin – it’s something in our genes.
Personally, I’m blessed with good skin – I never had acne as a teenager, only some lonely pimples right before my period would start.
However, when my gynecologist put me on the pill when I was around 19 years old I suddenly developed acne and it was horrible. That’s when I started to take my skincare very serious and made a ton of research that I want to share with you.
Disclaimer: I am not a dermatologist. Those are simply my experiences and what I’ve learned over the years.
Why do we even get pimples?
A very short summary: we get pimples, because sebum is clogging our pores and bacteria starts to grow in the pore which makes it inflamed.
Is it my fault that I get pimples? Am I not clean enough?
Yes and no.
Yes – there might be people who are experiencing acne just because they don’t cleanse their face good enough. However that’s something that happens very rarely.
Most people with acne wash and clean their face more often and more thoroughly than the average person.
If you experience heavy acne, don’t try to treat it at home. Instead, seek out a dermatologist to see if the acne is fungal.
I would also recommend getting blood-work done to see if the acne is hormonal.
If you never had acne and suddenly get pimples all over your face it could also be because of your birth control, especially if your birth control is hormonal.
Like I said before, I suddenly developed acne after my gynecologist put me on the pill. The reason for that was that the pill had gestagen in it which is similar to progesterone.
Progesterone is basically stimulating the skin to produce more oils and sebum – pores get clogged more easily and pimples form.
Diet also plays a big part in acne. Personally, I don’t see a difference if I leave out dairy or gluten but some people almost see an immediate effect.
I wouldn’t recommend just stopping consuming gluten and dairy one day, please speak to your doctor beforehand.
Instead, try to limit your sugar and fat intake first before you start to take drastic actions.
My acne is neither hormonal nor fungal, what can I do?
Having a healthy skin-barrier is the key to having clean and vibrant looking skin!
Most of us fell victim to Clearasil and other harsh drugstore products in our youth. I remember slathering my face with a 3 in 1 face wash, face mask and peeling once and my skin was red for days. At that time I didn’t know that the products were simply way to harsh for the skin on my face and wondered why it didn’t work as good as in the commercials.
If you’re just starting out with your skincare journey, here are a few tips that you should consider when you pick out products and a routine:
- a healthy skin-barrier should be your first priority. Everything else can be addressed later on.
- all the products for your face should be fragrance free or contain very little fragrance.
- stick to your routine for at least one month before changing it
- introduce new products one after one and take your time to do so
How does a good basic skincare routine look like?
You don’t need thousands of products in the beginning, keep it simple and gentle.
A good routine could look like this:
Step 1: use a gentle cleanser to wash your face in the morning. Nothing too heavy. I like to use a foam cleanser for this.
Step 2: use a hydrating toner and apply it with your hands, so you get the most out of your product.
Step 3: while your face is still damp with the toner, apply a hyaluronic acid serum. Never put hyaluronic acid on dry skin, it won’t do anything.
Step 4: wait for the hyaluronic acid to sink into your skin and apply a hydrating face cream all over your face. Do this even if your skin is oily – it still needs moisture.
Step 5: apply sunscreen all over your face and neck. Sunscreen is essential, especially if you use exfoliants.
Step 1: use a cleansing oil or cleansing balm in the evening. This is to remove your makeup and sunscreen from your face.
Step 2: use a gel cleanser and massage your skin for at least one minute. It’s important that you cleanse every small part of your face. Especially tricky is the skin around your nostrils and on your chin.
Step 3: again, use a hydrating toner and apply it with your hands.
Step 4: apply a thick face cream all over your face, best is something with panthenol.
What are the things that I should avoid?
- touching your face with dirty hands. Always wash your hands before you cleanse in the morning and in the evening. Avoid touching your face with your hands during the day.
- stop picking at pimples. I know – it’s frustrating, but the more you pick on your spots, the more inflamed they get. There also is a danger of you spreading around all that bacteria with your hands and possibly getting scars.
- Never ever use physical exfoliators in the face. They damage your skin with micro cuts that you can’t see with your eyes and damage more than they help. Always look for chemical exfoliators!
See you soon!
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twistedeuphoria · 3 months ago
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“The tradition was that with each kiss a berry was picked off the mistletoe. Once the last berry was gone, then there could be no more kissing," 
Body + Add-on: REBORN by eBODY + Juicy Boobs Head: lel evox / CAMILA 4.0** Skin: [Heaux] Camila ** Lashes: Void - Mirage Lashes Hair: DOUX - Xquad Hairstyle (New! @ equal10) Clothing: Muse - Ice Princess (New! @ equal10) HORL - Santa Stockings Accessories: [ kunst ] - Aphrodite necklace (New! @ kustom9) Cynful Winter Baby - Santa Hat moxxi // Party Bodylights Props: [Rezz Room] Gingerbread Man (New! @ kustom9) OMY "Kiss Me" (F) Mistletoe
**From LeLutka’s 12 days of Christmas. Free until Dec. 26 with group tags
Scene: Pitaya - Green Christmas - Tree (fresh) Pitaya - Illuminated Greenery Swag - Green mid
New! @ kustom9 [Merak] - Pizza Ornament [Merak] - Pretzel Ornament [Merak] - Macaron Ornament RedSparkle [Merak] - Burger Ornament
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swabian-princess · 2 years ago
Domestic engineer tales - cooking 101
Hey girlies, todays topic is cooking. I know many girls that are scared to start their cooking journey and I know girls that simply don't want to cook.
Well, I believe that being able to cook and to alter recipes to your liking are so so important! It saves money in the long run, is healthier than take out and men are impressed!
I remember one instance: my bf and I were together for around 1,5 years at that time and I surprised him with a simple meal - chickenbreast with mushroom-cream-sauce on Tagliatelle. Everything but the Tagliatelle was made from scratch. He was so impressed - he literally told me a few months later, that he fell even more in love with me on that day.
I had professional cooking lessons for the majority of my schooltime and I like to believe that I'm a good cook! That's why I thought it would be nice to have some tips and tricks for you all!
1. If you want a meal to taste more like garlic do this: don't add the garlic in the beginning, instead just right before your meal is finished cooking. That adds way more garlic flavour!
2. Never overstir your pancake or cookie dough batter! It makes the finished products dense and a little bit stale - everything we don't like! Stir your batter just long enough, you shouldn't be able to see big patches of flour (a little is fine) and that's usually the perfect mixture!
3. Always let your dough rest! Especially yeast dough but also pasta and dumpling dough. This makes the dough more tender and easier to work with. If your recipe states a specific rest time - always follow the instructions!
4. If you want to make hot lemon water for health benefits make sure that your water is not boiling. If it's to hot for too long it will destroy all the nutrients and vitamins in the lemon!
5. If you're working with yeast - make sure that your liquids aren't too hot! This will kill the yeast (doesn't matter if instant or not) and your dough won't rise!
6. Don't use normal olive oil for cooking. Olive oil easily burns at a still low temperature and this can lead to a bitter taste. It's better for cold salad dressings or as a seasoning!
7. Your stove has different settings on purpose! You don't need to blast the highest setting all the time - this often leads to food that's burned on the outside and raw in the middle. I'm gonna take pancakes as an example: put your stove on middle heat, put a little bit oil in your non stick pan and wait 3-5min for your pan to heat up. Once your pan is hot enough (test it with your hands above the pan), take some kitchen towels and take off all the excess oil in the pan. Lastly, pour in your pancake batter and watch how your pancakes will cook to perfection instead of being burned and still full of liquid on the inside!
Lots of love
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