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DARK MOON SPECIAL ALBUM 'MEMORABILIA' Concept Photo “Trust no one. Don’t put your guard down.” 2024.05.13 18:00 KST
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Month 19 - Leaffall
Content Warning: This piece includes content that may be triggering to some viewers. See this post for details.
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Sagetooth gasped sharply and lurched upright as a cold touch to her forehead pulled her up from a thick, inky blackness. She looked around at the bed of hastily gathered wildflowers and the cats clustered nearby and wondered aloud, “How long have I been out?”
None of the cats even acknowledged her. Close by, Branchbark and Ospreymask loafed side by side, completely unaware she had spoken. Ospreymask leaned weakly on Branchbark, a patchwork of cobwebs plastered over her dark pelt and Branchbark’s eyes were raw and red. More cats sat nearby, all of them somber and quiet in the pre-dawn light. They looked miserable and something foreboding stirred inside Sagetooth at the sight.
“About an hour, I think,” said a familiar voice. Sagetooth turned her head to see Poppyblaze standing nearby. At her feet lay Lakepaw, stiff and cold and decorated with morning glory and goldenrod flowers.
“Oh,” Sagetooth said simply.
“Yeah,” Poppyblaze grimaced. “I’m sorry old friend. I wasn’t expecting to come for you for a while.”
Sagetooth’s gaze drifted down to the apprentice laying beside her own body, over which she now stood. “She died to protect me,” she said. “Poor kit.”
“She gave quite the fight for her age,” hummed Poppyblaze. “Are you alright if I wake her now? We really should be going.”
“Of course,” Sagetooth said, then inhaled sharply with memory. “Wait, I have to check on something!” She quickly hopped over the flowers woven around her feet and headed for the healers’ den at a brisk pace.
“Don’t go far!” Poppyblaze hissed worriedly. “It’s not safe!” Sagetooth twitched an ear dismissively and continued into the den. There was nothing that would hurt her here and she had important things to do.
As she stepped into the den, the blood that covered the floor made her pause. Even though every scent felt like it was miles away, she could pick up on the pungent odor of blood and urine -- and not just the expected amount of urine that came with the dead. Stepping further in, she found the herb stores in disaster, every herb tossed to the floor, shredded, and sprayed by the rogues. She curled her lip in disgust.
“Honorless brutes,” she muttered under her breath, shaking her head. Turning away from that mess, she marched purposefully around the corner to Oddstripe’s empty nest and sighed in relief when she saw the small lump underneath the back corner. The horsetail and juniper she had hidden there was safe. She had no doubt Oddstripe would find it eventually. There wouldn’t be another death like Nightfrosts.
Set at ease, she turned back and padded out into the clearing where Poppyblaze was standing with Lakepaw’s spirit in the middle of the circle of mourners. Poor Lakepaw was softly weeping into the guide’s starry fur.
Sagetooth padded over and said, “There, there, Lakepaw. It’s going to be alright.”
Lakepaw looked up at the sound of her voice and sniffled. “I’m so sorry, Sagetooth,” she whined. “I promise I tried my best.”
“I know,” Sagetooth smiled. “You were a brave warrior.” Lakepaw sniffled again and rubbed a paw over her face, managing to return her smile, just a bit.
“Alright, now, let’s be quick,” said Poppyblaze. “This place isn’t safe.”
“How so?” Sagetooth scowled. “I’ve never heard of anything dangerous in StarClan.”
“We’re not in StarClan,” Poppyblaze explained, leading they over to the Stoneperch. “We’re in a place called the Parallel. It’s the place where the spirit and the physical meet, and right now, Razor’s ghost is prowling around it somewhere.”
“What?” Sagetooth couldn’t believe what she was hearing. “How is that possible?! Only Clan cats move on to the afterlife.”
“Oh, Sage,” Poppyblaze shook her head. “There’s so much you don’t know about the universe.” Sagetooth bristled indignantly. If there was knowledge out there, why hadn’t StarClan shared it with her? Why hadn’t Poppyblaze told her about it before?
With a flick of her tail, Poppyblaze sent a shower of stars into the sky, leading up in a series of platforms, and said, “This way! Let’s get climbing.”
“Wowzers,” breathed Lakepaw and Poppyblaze chuckled.
“I like you, kid,” she purred. “Now, come on.” She gave Lakepaw’s rump a nudge with her nose and the apprentice hopped up, easily leaping from platform to platform into the sky. Sagetooth hesitated, shifting her weight.
“You can’t make a slope of some kind?” she asked.
Poppyblaze laughed and said, “Just give me one jump, yeah?”
Sagetooth sighed, grumbling under her breath, and bunched her legs beneath her. It had been a long time since she’d properly jumped and she was not looking forward to it. Still, if Razor was loose somewhere around here, she’d be much better suited to jumping than fighting him. She leapt and was amazed to find herself easily and painlessly landing on the first platform. Her eyes sparkled in wonder and she glanced down at Poppyblaze who laughed again.
“See? You don’t have a body anymore so no more joint pain! Pretty cool, huh?”
“It’s very nice, yes,” Sagetooth purred to herself, stretching out each leg experimentally.
“Great, now let's go, go, go,” urged Poppyblaze, hopping up beside her. Sagetooth nodded and started ascending. She was buzzing giddily at the freedom in her movements, in the way she could coordinate her limbs and move them without the aching resistance she had grown used to for the last few years.
Over their heads, Lakepaw cried out, “Wowzers! Look at the world from up here!”
“It’s gorgeous, isn’t it?” grinned Poppyblaze. The higher they climbed, the more Sagetooth had to agree. The world was a stunning mess of mauves rustling in the breeze. A hint of orange had just started to peek over the eastern horizon and the contrast took Sagetooth’s breath away.
“Hey, what’s that?” Lakepaw asked.
“Hm?” Poppyblaze perked her ears. She and Sagetooth followed the apprentice’s gaze to the south. Standing in the grass, not too far from camp, several smudges of glowing red broke up the peaceful purple landscape.
“Oh, that’s not good,” Poppyblaze swallowed.
“Razor?” Sagetooth asked.
“Yeah, I think so. I’m going to check it out. I need you to stay here, okay?” She looked at both of them sternly and said, “Don’t go up without me and don’t try to go down under any circumstances, understood?”
“Yeah,” Lakepaw’s fur was standing on end as she nodded.
“Absolutely not,” Sagetooth huffed. “I’m coming with you.”
“Oh, Sage, my stubborn, stubborn friend,” Poppyblaze’s expression was some mixture of distress and admiration. “Now really isn’t the time for this.”
“If it isn’t safe for me to go along then you shouldn’t be going, you reckless fool,” Sagetooth stood her ground.
Poppyblaze sighed. “I guess that’s a fair point. Alright, fine. Stay here, Lakepaw, we’ll be back soon.”
“Okay,” Lakepaw’s voice was shaky. “Please be safe.”
“We will be,” Sagetooth assured her, then looked at Poppyblaze and gestured for her to lead the way. Poppyblaze took a careful step forward into the open air and when her paws moved away, there were starry platforms in their wake. Sagetooth fell into step behind her and they set out over the fields towards the red shapes.
As they drew closer, Sagetooth started to make out the silhouettes of cats. A tall grey tabby stood in the center of the group, flanked by a cream tabby she-cat, a black-furred tom with white paws, and a pair of blue and white cats with notches in their ears. All five of them had the same shimmery pelts as StarClan but the stars were red tinged or dull and grey.
“What are so many cats doing in the Parallel?” Poppyblaze whispered to herself, halting to observe them from a short distance behind and a tree’s length above.
“That big one, is Razor, yes?” Sagetooth asked in the same hushed tone. She’d never seen the rogue’s body, too busy with healing the wounded, but she had heard the stories. She could see the gaping wound in his throat dripping ichor as he hunched over in the grass. He looked like stories of Dark Forest ghosts but that didn’t make any sense to her.
“Mhm,” nodded Poppyblaze. “He destroyed Darkmoon and EarthClan’s guide and tried to destroy me.”
“What’s he doing?” asked Sagetooth. Both she and Poppyblaze squinted at Razor who was doing something with his paws over a space of fresh churned earth. He hooked his claws into something and pulled up dragging a new glowing red shape up from the dirt. In horror, Sagetooth watched the face of a cat burst from the ground, choking and gasping for air as Razor hoisted his spirit up by the scruff. The cat scrambled to his feet and stared around, eyes wide, chest heaving, and Razor smiled with a deep rumbling purr that Sagetooth could just barely hear.
“Welcome to the land of the not quite living, Harry, ” he said, slapping the new cat on the back.
“Oh, no,” Poppyblaze swallowed. “This is bad. This is very bad. Where’s Bakari?”
“Who?” Sagetooth couldn’t help but ask.
“What’s going on? Where are we?” the newly dead cat panted. “Who are they?” Sagetooth’s stomach dropped as he looked directly up at her and Poppyblaze. Razor cocked his head and turned in their direction. When he saw them, a terrible smile spread across his face, made all the more gruesome by the ichor seeping between his teeth.
“Oh, look,” he purred and the whole group of cats turned to look at them, “It’s my little friend. I never did catch your name, sweetheart.”
Poppyblaze bristled and twitched her tail against Sagetooth’s flank. “We’re leaving,” she whispered. “Now.” Sagetooth didn’t need any further prompting, quickly, she twisted on the starry platforms and started bounding back to where they had left Lakepaw waiting. Poppyblaze was close on her tail.
“Come now, don’t be like that!” Razor jeered after them and a couple of the other cats laughed. “Come on down so we can get friendly!”
“This is very bad,” Poppyblaze hissed under her breath. “Worse than I thought.”
“How so?” Sagetooth tilted her ears backward in curiosity.
“How to explain…” Poppyblaze hummed thoughtfully. “So, when a creature dies, their soul is trapped inside their body. If left there, it rots and disappears, just like the rest of them, but if someone disconnects them from their body, they can live for effectively eternity, given the right conditions.”
“Right, as long as they’re remembered, they resist fading away,” Sagetooth nodded.
“Not exactly,” Poppyblaze said, “but that’s not really important right now.” Sagetooth twitched an ear in irritation, wishing Poppyblaze would stop saying confusing and ambiguous new things, but held her tongue so the guide could continue. “Separating a soul from a body is a tricky process, one that guides have been teaching each other for countless millennia. It looks like, somehow, Razor has figured out how to do it, or how to brute force it at least.”
“Alright,” Sagetooth frowned, trying to put the pieces together. “So now, instead of wasting away, the kittypets’ spirits will be stuck on the Parallel with Razor where they can harass spirits waiting to go to StarClan?”
“It’s more complicated than that,” Poppyblaze said to Sagetooth’s frustration. “Usually, Bakari comes and collects the non-Clan cats in this area, but for some reason, he hasn’t been doing that.”
“Who is this Bakari you keep talking about?” Sagetooth grumbled.
“The guide for feline souls,” Poppyblaze’s tail began to twitch, “exempting Clan cats who have their own guides.”
“But that’s not-” Sagetooth grit her teeth. “That doesn’t make any sense! Only Clan cats persist after death. That’s how it’s always been!”
“Sorry, Sage, but that’s just not true,” Poppyblaze shook her head. “Everything has its own guide -- cats, dogs, mice, birds, beetles, twolegs. Everything! There’s even a guide who collects the plants! He’s a big ol’ thing with a prehensile nose and the shaggiest fur you’ve ever seen. Name’s Frost. Lovely guy, excellent conversationalist.”
“Poppyblaze!” Sagetooth snapped, lashing her tail. They were almost back to Lakepaw now and she turned around to glare at the old spirit. “Enough about the plants! I still don’t understand what’s going on!”
“It’s a lot to understand,” said Poppyblaze sympathetically, “but I’ll try to summarize.” She shifted her posture, collecting her thoughts, and said, “Alright, so Bakari usually collects the spirits of cats from outside the Clan. Every so often, a creature with a particularly strong will can separate themself on their own -- that’s how the first guides were created and it's what I assumed Razor had done. When I ran into him the first time, he said that he’d already destroyed two other cats and since EarthClan’s guide had never returned from gathering Darkmoon, I assumed they were the cats he’d destroyed.
“But this is so much worse. I think he destroyed Bakari when he tried to take Razor to the next life. He’s obsessed with getting back to his body like Goldenstar did and said he was going to keep killing cats until someone showed him how.”
“Oh,” Sagetooth swallowed. “That’s definitely not good.”
“And that’s not all,” continued Poppyblaze. “If he’s only killed two cats and they were Bakari and Chestnutsprout, then Darkmoon is missing. He could be here on the parallel or he might be lost in the Clouds! Who knows!”
“Then we need to get back to StarClan,” Sagetooth said. “They have to know.”
“Agreed,” Poppyblaze chewed her lip. “Come on, let’s grab Lakepaw and get moving.” They padded quickly over the remaining distance to where Lakepaw was waiting dutifully for them.
“Is everything okay?” she called as they approached.
“Everything’s fine, dear,” said Sagetooth.
“Not really,” smiled Poppyblaze, “but we’re all safe for now. Let’s keep climbing, okay?”
“Okay,” nodded Lakepaw and they all started up the platforms again.
Sagetooth glared at Poppyblaze. “You didn’t have to worry the kit like that.”
“She deserves to hear the truth,” Poppyblaze shrugged. “Or would you prefer I hide things from her like StarClan hid things from you?” Sagetooth’s anger fizzled immediately.
“I suppose I’d rather not lie to her,” she sighed. After a moment she asked, “Why did StarClan keep the nature of things a secret? What harm is there in knowing other creatures have spirits that linger just like we do?” She trusted that there was some explanation, that StarClan had made the choice with good reason, but she couldn’t think of what it could be.
“A lot of them don’t know,” Poppyblaze admitted, “not any more at least. And the cats who do, well, you’d have to ask them, but I suspect they thought it would keep the Clans in line.”
“In line?” Sagetooth sputtered. “What are you talking about?”
“Well,” Poppyblaze hummed, “if you think that leaving the Clan means you lose your chance at the afterlife, you’re a lot more inclined to stay in the Clan, aren’t you?”
Sagetooth scowled. “I suppose.” This was very troubling. Wasn’t that for the best though? Leaving the Clan was tantamount to death. The poor young cats who were seduced by the lives of kittypets or rogue lovers were abandoning their homes, their traditions, their families. But still, even if their spirits existed after death, they didn’t get to hunt in StarClan’s forests so why lie? Wasn’t the outcome the same either way? The whole situation didn’t sit right with her at all.
“Alright,” Poppyblaze said, as they neared the lower reaches of cloud cover. “We’re about to head into the Clouds, alright? It’s pretty maze-like in there and easy to get lost so make sure you stay where you can see me and let me know if you need to stop or slow down, got it?”
“Yes ma’am,” Lakepaw said, eyes wide with awe.
“Fine,” Sagetooth huffed, still deep in thought. This wasn’t what she had imagined her voyage to StarClan would be like. Still, she resolved to make the most of it and so set her shoulders and raised her head proudly. There would be time to get to the bottom of things and she was going to, that much was certain.
#clangenrising#clan gen#clangen#warriors#warrior cats#warrior cats oc#warriors oc#clangen oc#clan gen oc#Sagetooth#Lakepaw#Poppyblaze#Branchbark#Ospreymask#Razor#Harry#Tinkerbell#StarClan guide#StarClan#tw graphic injury#Darkmoon#Chestnutsprout#Bakari
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⟡ 𝒴ou're my 𝗼𝗻𝗹𝘆 compass,
I might get lost 𝘄𝗶𝘁𝗵𝗼𝘂𝘁 𝘆𝗼𝘂 @gyustarzzi ⟡

#heeseung moodboard#heeseung#enhypen heeseung#Lee heeseung#k-pop#enhypen moodboard#enhypen#bg moodboard#engene#brown icons#vintage aeshtetic#enhypen memorabilia#dark moon memorabilia#darkmoon#jungwon#sunoo#jake#jay#sunghoon#brown divider#ni-ki#ivsjake4evr moodboards
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love at first sight vs enemies to lovers
bg3 yuri edition
#killiah#karlach#karlach cliffgate#tav: lilliah#darkmoon#shadowheart#durge: amaris#the dark urge#bg3#baldurs gate 3#baldur’s gate 3#baldurs gay
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Darkmoon who do illegal shit with each other
Remus and Barty doing drugs at a party, drinking SM they cannot walk
Barty pulling the bad side out of Remus and Remus egging Barty on when he shouldn't
Them pushing each other's buttons and constantly hate fucking
They're like enemies in a relationship. They aren't necessarily lovers because lovers implies softness. They aren't soft with each other, they probably couldn't be.
They're all protruding bones, lanky limbs, shaggy hair and piercings. All teeth and blood, bruises and pain. They wouldn't have it any other way either. Barty likes to be hurt, Remus doesn't have to hold back. He could punch Barty in the face and he'd grin back before lunging. Like they are yanking at each other's clothes, clawing and shoving each other around.
Remus let's his more wolfy side come out bc Barty loves the scratches loves the bites
Also ofc switches, they are always fighting for dominance. Bartys tugging at remus' hair and Remus is growling and gripping bartys hip
They're taking ecstasy and fucking in the bathroom in the middle of a party for sure
#wolfkiller#darkwolf#moonkiller#darkmoon#marauders era#marauders fandom#harry potter marauders#dead gay wizards from the 70s#hp marauders#barty jr#bartemius crouch junior#barty crouch junior#remus john lupin#remus j lupin#remus lupin#remus x barty#bartyxremus#remus lupinx barty crouch junior
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hi! could you make an enhypen ot7 mb that gives off dark vibes, mafia vibes cause i'm writing an enha ff and it would help me a lot
thank you so much :)

✩ 낯설어, who are you? 내가 사랑하는 넌 누군지? ꨴꦼꦂ

here is the mb! I hope it helps you dear ♡
#kpop#reiinn#kpop moodboard#moodboard#alternative moodboard#clean moodboard#random moodboard#dark moodboard#dark moon#enhypen ot7#sunghoon#jungwon#ni ki#sunoo#heeseung#park jongseong#jaeyun#enhypen#enhypen moodboard#enhypen memorabilia#dark moon memorabilia#darkmoon
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King boo probably
I headcannon King boo to be the adoptive father of every boo from boolossus
#King boo#fanart#digital art#public domain#but it's my art so don't claim it as yours#commissions#luigi#mario#King#Boo#Luigi's mansion#dimentio#super paper mario#spm#Lm#2#3#Darkmoon#Dark moon
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|| Jungwon on weverse 20.05.2024
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now the children
thanks again @monochrome-sunsets
#my art#warrior cats#warriors#warrior cats au#hello from the void#warrior cats design#warrior cats designs#darktail#darkmoon#squirrelflight#foxflight#snowkit#snowthorn#leafpool#swiftpool#cloudtail#mistlekit#mistlenose#longstar au#new longstar au#longstar memes
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Gwyndolin showing off their Big Bro's Dragonslayer Swordspear to an Elite Knight Oscar...
(I just wanna see Gwyndolin wielding the Nameless King's Swordspear even if the Moon Deity is Too Weak to even Carry them with Two Hands and Oscar is there because their Father and Sisters are Too Busy to see them...)
#dark sun gwyndolin#oscar#dark souls#gwyndolin#oscar of astora#soulsborne#elite knight#from software#moon deity#darkmoon#snakes#blade of the darkmoon#anor londo#gwyndolinxoscar#gwyndoscar#gwyn's firstborn son#the nameless king#notchosenundead#oscar knight of astora#dragonslayer swordspear#sfm#source filmmaker#dark souls 3#dark souls iii#gwyndolin x oscar#i still hate ds3...#nameless king#fromsoft#darksouls#gwyn
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Is there a Barty × Remus ship? What's it's name? Why haven't I seen this? I have seen Barty with every other marauder and most other people, why not Moony? Someone please tell me what the name is? I was trying to work it out based on others but Barty is Killer and Remus is Wolf which is Wolfkiller which sounds bad, Moonkiller sounds slightly better. In Barty and James it's Darksun, so Darkmoon? I don't know but this is driving me mad. I can't find it anywhere. Surely it exists?
#marauders#remus lupin#barty crouch junior#barty x remus#remus x barty#wolfkiller#moonkiller#darkmoon#darksun
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We are releasing files on secret agents that have been hidden until now. Curious about the new lives of the vampire boys as spies? Check out Episode 42 now! 💼
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Month 15 - Newleaf
Content Warning: This piece includes content that may be triggering to some viewers. See this post for details.
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Battle With Razor Pt 3
Yarrowshade had never felt more alive.
His blood pounded in his ears and clumped in his fur and it felt amazing. Every wound he took felt like a sacred rite, each wound he dealt felt like justice - perfect, bloody red, lovely justice.
“That’s for Nightfrost!” he spat as he sank his claws into a kittypet’s eye and heard them scream in pain.
“That’s for Smokyrose!” he snarled as he got a few more shots on the notched cat that fled after he got them good in the belly.
That’s for Scorch, he wanted to say but he still hadn’t caught sight of Razor. Without an opponent for the moment, he turned and searched the crowd for any sign of the figure. The tree trunks and tussling cats obstructed anything outside his immediate area though and he growled in frustration, tail lashing.
A flash of nearby movement caught his eye - a brown tabby kittypet kicking off of a tree trunk and back into the fray, taking his opponent to the ground. Yarrowshade recognized him as the tom who had called him ‘pretty boy’, the tom who had beaten him bloody and thus stopped him from joining in on the battle of the snowstorm. Yarrowshade pounced without a second thought, tackling the tabby off of the cat who he was scrapping with and rolling with him into the dirt.
The kittypet hissed and wheeled on him, smacking him hard across the cheek, adding another scratch to the bloody streaks patterning his face. Yarrowshade twisted and kicked out with his hind legs, knocking the wind out of the tom. They fell apart, gasping for breath and Yarrowshade glanced over his shoulder at the cat he had rescued.
“You alright?” he asked.
“Yeah, I think so,” said Ryestripe of FallenClan, getting to his feet, bleeding heavily from a nasty bite on his hind leg.
“Enough talking, pretty boy!” the kittypet shouted, lunging in again. Yarrowshade ducked down then reared up to slam his head into the kittypet’s chin like Russetfrond had done to him. He wasn’t expecting it to hurt, though, and both he and the kittypet fell backward hissing in pain. Thankfully, Ryestripe moved in to cover him, raining a quick volley of blows down on the kittypet’s head.
Yarrowshade shook himself to gather his thoughts and then lunged to tackle the kittypet again. They collided in a satisfying thump of muscle against muscle that threw the kittypet onto his back. Yarrowshade crowed triumphantly and snapped his teeth at the tom’s neck. The tom writhed but that only gave Yarrowshade better access to his throat and he readjusted his grip to sink his teeth into flesh.
The tom hissed and kicked out, shredding Yarrowshade’s soft belly with his hind claws, but Yarrowshade stayed firm. The taste of blood was almost as overwhelming as the stinging pain. He adjusted his grip one more time, sinking one tooth into a squishy spot under his chin. The tom gasped sharply, and kicked even harder.
“Stop!” gasped the kittypet. “Sto- stop!” Yarrowshade snarled and squeezed harder, turning the tom’s protests into nothing more than a strained wheeze. He wondered if Smokyrose had begged when she was killed. He wondered if this kittypet would have stopped if he were the one begging.
“Stop it!” Barleypaw was suddenly beside him, shoving roughly against his shoulder. Yarrowshade, thrown off by his apprentice’s insistence, fell backward, looking around for whatever looming threat she was warning him of. There was none. The kittypet gasped for breath and there was a distinct wheezing sound as air bubbled out of the wound. Yarrowshade looked at Barleypaw to find her glaring at him.
“What’s wrong?” he asked, still confused.
“A good warrior doesn’t kill to win his battles!” his apprentice said, sounding almost teary. “What’s gotten into you?” Yarrowshade wilted. If it had been anyone else, he would have shot back with some retort but he couldn’t muster the courage to snap at Barleypaw.
“I…” he licked the blood from his dripping muzzle and found nothing else to say. Barleypaw huffed and turned away to look down at the kittypet wheezing on the ground. He was struggling to breathe and hacking up blood every now and then, but he didn’t seem like he was going to fall over dead.
Barleypaw bent down next to him and said sternly, “Go home.”
The kittypet flinched away from her, sides heaving, but, when she made no moves to strike out at him, he nodded and scrambled away, dodging between scrapping cats as he hurried away. Yarrowshade let out a frustrated noise at the sight.
“Barley, I know you mean well, but you don’t know what that cat is like,” he said. “If you’d heard the way he talked or-”
“It doesn’t matter,” Barleypaw snapped and he blinked in surprise. “He’s a living cat. You shouldn’t kill him if you have another choice.” She lifted her head and held his gaze defiantly, ready for him to protest further. He was struck very suddenly with the realization that his apprentice was all grown up. He didn’t know how to feel about that.
“Look at you, you’re bleeding everywhere,” she said when he stayed silent.
“I think we’re starting to outnumber the rogues,” said Ryestripe, who Yarrowshade had forgotten about entirely. “Looks like the Chaff are taking the deal.”
“You should go see the healers,” Barleypaw said, more instruction than suggestion. “Get your belly looked at before you pass out.”
“I’m fine,” Yarrowshade insisted. He stepped forward to look around for another opponent but Barleypaw moved to forcibly intercept him.
“Yarrowshade, please,” she said softly.
He swallowed. “Well, how can I argue with that?” he laughed, feeling terrible.
“I’ll make sure he gets there safely,” said Ryestripe.
“Thank you,” Barleypaw said to both of them. “I’m gonna go find Floodpaw.” And with that, she was gone. Yarrowshade sighed. He suddenly felt very tired - tired and old.
“Hey, come on,” Ryestripe said. “You really are bleeding a lot.”
“Oh, right,” was all Yarrowshade could say. He leaned against Ryestripe’s side and let the other cat guide him back through the woods to the place where the healers had set up their first aid station. It wasn’t far from the battle proper but the effort of winding around trees and over roots was exhausting.
Lionpaw was perched on a root, acting as sentry, and called, “Ryestripe and a wounded warrior, coming in!” over his shoulder as they approached.
“Thank you, Lionpaw,” came Blazingbrush’s voice. As they trudged into the clearing, Yarrowshade looked around and tried to identify all the cats getting medical aid. Blazingbrush was spreading cobwebs over Tumblefang’s shoulder, a trail of blood running all the way down the warrior’s leg. Fishtrick was getting poultice applied to a long gash on her side. Darkmoon was laid out against a tree where Stormwhisper and Sagetooth were speaking to him.
“I know,” Stormwhisper was saying, “but you have to stay awake, alright?”
“I’ll try,” said Darkmoon.
“Keep talking with him,” Sagetooth ordered Stormwhisper before glancing over to frown at Yarrowshade. “Sit him down over there,” she said to Ryestripe, “I’ll grab the herbs.”
“I’m fine, really,” Yarrowshade said as he plopped down against the designated trunk.
“I’ll tell you when you’re fine,” Sagetooth snapped. Looking at Ryestripe, she asked, “are you injured?”
“Not too bad, thanks to him,” said the other warrior. Yarrowshade flashed him a grateful smile.
Sagetooth huffed affirmatively. “Alright. Go see Tangletooth then.” Ryestripe nodded and returned Yarrowshade’s smile before heading off to get his wounds seen too. Sagetooth started examining him, passing her paws over his fur and feeling at his wounds. When she got to his belly, she frowned and shouted, “Blazingbrush, where’s that yarrow at?”
“Here!” the younger healer chimed, detaching from her Clanmate to run the clump of herbs over to them. “Oh my, that’s a nasty wound.”
“Thanks,” Yarrowshade looked away, unenthused.
“Sorry,” Blazingbrush said, cheeks turning pink. Sagetooth, already chewing the herbs in her mouth, swatted at Blazingbrush with her tail and the pretty young she-cat flitted bashfully back to Tumblefang. Sagetooth spat the poultice into her paws and Yarrowshade lifted one arm to let her thoroughly spread it over his wounds.
“Don’t let that get wiped off,” Sagetooth ordered and then stood to find the cobwebs. Yarrowshade’s ears twitched in Darkmoon’s direction.
“-member that,” the EarthClan deputy was saying weakly. “Foxfuzz was furious with me.”
“And she never knew it was actually my fault,” Stormwhisper laughed, sounding sad. “I don’t know if I ever thanked you for that.”
“Didn’t have to,” said Darkmoon. “You worked hard to make it right and that was enough.”
Stormwhisper laughed again. “What about you? Did you ever do something that stupid?”
“As stupid as collapsing an entire den?” wheezed Darkmoon. “I don’t think so.”
“Well, try and think,” Stormwhisper urged. “You have to keep talking.” Sagetooth returned with the cobwebs and started to apply them.
Yarrowshade whispered, “What’s wrong with Darkmoon?”
“A rogue broke a few of his ribs very badly,” muttered Sagetooth without looking up. “He’s been breathless and dizzy which are not good signs. He’s probably bleeding internally. I’d give him a few hours at most.”
“Oh,” Yarrowshade swallowed. He hadn’t realized that was even a possibility. He wondered what would have happened if his ribs had been broken rather than bruised all those months ago.
“Alright, done,” Sagetooth said. “Your other wounds can wait. Find somewhere out of the way and get some rest.”
“Yes ma’am,” he said obediently and stood with a wince. He didn’t want to rest. He wanted to go back and keep fighting, but the sound of Stormwhisper and Darkmoon’s conversation was dampening that urge more and more by the second. And besides, he was very, very tired. He slank around to the back side of the tree and nestled himself between the roots, eyes falling gently closed.
#clan gen#clangen#warrior cats#warriors#warrior cats oc#warriors oc#clangen oc#clan gen oc#clangenrising#newleaf#battle with razor#Yarrowshade#Barleybee#Ryestripe#Sagetooth#Stormwhisper#Darkmoon#Milo#Blazingbrush#TW Character death#TW Graphic Injury
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Just uploaded my violin cover of "Fatal Trouble" by ENHYPEN, the song for their webtoon Dark Moon! 🎻 After weeks of recording, I'm excited to share this with you. If you enjoy it, please interact with the video – your support means a lot! Have a wonderful day. 😊💫
🎥 Watch the cover here:
Also, on my channel, you'll find other covers like Shout Out, Still Monster, Criminal Love, and Blossom. 🎶 Don't forget to check them out!
#ENHYPEN#enhypen cover#fatal#trouble#fatal trouble#enhypen fatal trouble#kpop#engene#violin#enhypen violin#dark moon#webtoon#darkmoon#dark moon webtoon#jungwon#jay#jake#heeseung#sunghoon#ni-ki#sunoo#fatal trouble cover#Youtube
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Take Me Back
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- Head & Makeup
Lelutka - Ceylon Head [x]
Heaux - Rei Skin [x]
Villena - Theia Hair [x]
Void - Demure Lashes [x]
Dark Moon - Hidden Gem Shadows & Very Demure Lashes @ Anthem [x]
Dappa - Asmodeus Tattoo [x]
Bloom - Sticky Letters [x]
Swallow - Gauged XL Ears [x]
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Legacy - Perky Body [x]
Worn - Nonsense Top [x]
Worn - Interstellar Pants @ Sabbath [x]
Knifu - Chaos & Duality Tattoo [x]
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RZ - Deadly Cigarette [x]
Imperia - Hilda Sunnies [x]
- Backdrop
Paleto - MNB [x]
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