newlacesleeves · 4 months
why don't we talk about how canonically johnny was a stripper at one point
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softspiderling · 5 months
illicit affairs - part one | r.c.
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“I’ll be upstairs with Monique, a’ight?” he said, muttering in your ear. “Are you okay getting the drinks to the boys?”
“Yeah yeah,” you huffed with a wave. “Go on. Be safe.”
Rafe smirked at you, ignoring how Monique was staring daggers at you. “Come get me if anything’s wrong, you hear me precious?”
OR; Topper gets duped by a pretty “bartender”, Rafe (almost) has another hook up, and you're trying to tell yourself that this is enough.
pairing: rafe cameron x reader
warnings: mention of drugs and alcohol (weed!), this chapter has no smut, but the later parts will so 18+ MDNI!
word count: 2,5k
author's note: wait... is this finally the first chapter of illicit affairs?🤭 yes it is!!! ik i've been teasing it for so long but it's finally hereee!!! inspired by my own tom holland fic (don't talk to me pls) and it has evolved into a series... i hope you love it so much!!!
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part one: "don't call me kid"
Women and men can’t be “just friends”.
You had always hated that saying. Like, why the hell couldn’t men and women be friends? All three of your best friends were guys, and you didn’t even remotely want to be anything more than friends with any of them.
Okay, maybe you wouldn’t mind being more than friends with one of them.
Bane of your existence.
Pain in the ass.
Annoying as hell.
Your best friend, Rafe Cameron.
You tried so hard to not be in love with him, to only be his friend. Mostly because it would make your life so much less complicated, but also because you hated proving that saying right by being in love with your guy best friend.
“Hey, you still with us?”
Rafe stared at you with a frown, before he plucked the joint from your lips.
“You nearly smoked the entire thing by yourself. What’s got you thinking so hard?”
He raised an eyebrow at you while taking a hit from the joint, barely pulling it from his lips before Kelce snagged it from him.
“Greedy bitch,” Rafe huffed before he turned his attention back to you. “You tired, precious? Want to leave?”
You rolled your eyes at the nickname - despite the long tradition of it - and shook your head. “Nah. It’s not even one. And Topper hasn’t made a fool of himself yet.”
“Fuck you,” Topper shot back immediately, moving his cup out of the way when you reached for it. “No, no drinks for mean girls.”
“Come on, don’t be such an asshole,” you whined, smacking your mouth a little to get rid of the dryness the joint has left. Making grabby hands at the cup, you annoyed Topper until he finally gave in, handing you his cup. You took a big gulp, before you pulled a face, pushing the cup back into his hands, barely able to swallow whatever the hell he was drinking.
“Ew, what is that?”
“Some girl in the kitchen made it for him,” Rafe told you, snickering. “I don’t think he was even watching what she was pouring into his cup. Too entranced by her pretty eyes.”
“She said she’s a bartender,” Topper said defensively and you only snorted. He made it far too easy for girls to mess with him.
“Top, I love you,” you said, getting to your feet and straightening your clothes in the process. “But please, you can’t keep falling in love with every pretty girl who pays attention to you.”
“But I’ve been in love with you for six years precious,” Topper proclaimed as he clutched his chest melodramatically, “When will you give me a chance?”
You only scoffed at his antics, twisting your hair up before putting a hair clip in it. “You wish,” you said, slapping his hands away. “I’ll get us some new drinks.”
“I’ll come with,” Rafe offered.
“Can you get me one too?” Kelce piped up and you pinched his cheek, making him wince.
“Vodka soda?”
Kelce gave you a dirty look, rubbing his cheek before he nodded petulantly. You gave him a thumbs up, grabbing Rafe by the wrist to drag him inside.
It was incredibly packed as soon as you entered the house from the backyard, the body heat from about 50 drunk people raising the temperature indoors and it smelled like the inside of a beer keg. Rafe kept his hand on your lower back, to not lose track of you as you carefully weaved between the people on your way to the kitchen. You tried not to get distracted by how his hand occasionally brushed over your exposed skin whenever your top rode up. He had always been this way. Running a hand through Topper’s hair to annoy him, clasping Kelce’s shoulder whenever he drank too much and was hanging over the toilet, squeezing Wheezie’s arm in a quick hug, and keeping his hand on your lower back whenever the two of you were walking somewhere crowded. He liked to show affection the way his father failed to do. So you refused to overthink it when his hands splayed over your skin, despite your heart racing whenever it happened.
Losing yourself to your thoughts for a second, you didn’t pay any attention when some guy walked into you, too busy talking with his friend to watch where he was going. You nearly went flying face down on the ground, but Rafe’s hand quickly found your waist, steadying you.
“Hey, watch it!” Rafe snapped at the guy, who only raised his hands in defense.
“I’m fine,” you insisted, gently pushing his hands off of you. “We’re nearly there, don’t start a fight.”
Out of the corner of your eyes, you could see Rafe giving the guy a stink eye before you reached the kitchen, where it luckily wasn’t as cramped, with only a handful of people mingling and talking. Grabbing four cups off of the stack on the kitchen island, you pursed your lips as you let your eyes roam over the options, rows, and rows of alcohol.
“Do you want a beer or something harder?”
“Beer, I think I might have to drive us home,” Rafe replied, grabbing the vodka bottle that was on his left, and handing it to you.
You unstacked the cups on the counter and poured vodka into three of them. Rafe reappeared by your side - not that you had noticed him leaving, you were too focused on making sure there was an equal amount of vodka in all the cups - sipping on a beer, a jug of cranberry juice in his other hand. You grabbed the jug out of his hand, wordlessly, filling your cup to the brim.
“Where’s the club soda?” you asked, glancing at him over your shoulder. Rafe only shrugged.
“Couldn’t find it.”
“Here’s club soda, Rafe,” a flirty voice suddenly said, and Monique Colver batted her long, fake eyelashes at Rafe.
“Thanks Monique,” Rafe replied with a smirk, taking the bottle to give it to you, which you accepted wordlessly.
Here we go.
“Call me Moni.”
“Moany?” you muttered under your breath while you filled the other two cups, barely wincing when Rafe gave you a side eye, acting like he was listening to every word that left Monique’s lips.
“- but I told my dad I really wanted to travel a bit so he got a me a trip to Europe.”
“Oh yeah? What countries you tryna see?”
You downed your entire cup in one go, already refilling it when you heard “show you” and “upstairs” and you rolled your eyes. You lifted your cup to your lips, basically putting your entire face in it, really, anything to remove yourself from this conversation, only pausing with drowning yourself when you felt Rafe’s hand on your lower back. Again.
“I’ll be upstairs with Monique, a’ight?” he said, muttering in your ear. “Are you okay getting the drinks to the boys?”
“Yeah yeah,” you huffed with a wave. “Go on. Be safe.”
Rafe smirked at you, ignoring how Monique was staring daggers at you. “Come get me if anything’s wrong, you hear me precious?”
You flipped him off and he took that as a sign to leave, following Monique as she dragged him upstairs.
“Bitch,” you muttered to yourself, grabbing the three cups on the counter and heading back outside to the boys.
It was a miracle that not a single drop was spilled on the way, probably because you were too busy trying not to imagine what was going on upstairs.
“There she is!” Kelce greeted you. “Almost died of thirst. What took you so long?”
“Don’t ask,” you muttered, handing them the drinks and Topper eyed you suspiciously. Acting like you didn’t notice it, you plopped yourself into the empty seat next to them, taking a big gulp from your drink.
“Where’s Rafe?”
“Where do you think?” you said with a sigh, giving him a look.
You weren’t jealous.
Okay, you were.
But it wasn’t the main reason why you were so annoyed.
You just hated it when the girls Rafe hooked up with always treated you like you were their competition, like you would take him away from them.
Which, fair, you could if you wanted. If you faked an injury or being sick, Rafe would immediately drop them to get you home.
But he’d never want you the way he wanted them. Yes, you knew he loved you, and yes he was your best friend, but you couldn’t help but want more. Maybe that was selfish. You let out a small sigh, leaning your head on Kelce’s shoulder, missing the way he glanced at Topper. Lucky for you, they decided against pushing it. Taking a sip from your drink, you tried not to think about Monique and Rafe. It didn’t help that the vodka and the joint were starting to work, spreading into your system, making you feel all warm and woozy, your head cloudy.
Your eyebrows shot up when Rafe suddenly appeared, squeezing himself between you and the armrest, his hair disheveled. You were still stewing, looking at him with a crease on your forehead.
“That was quick,” you noted. “Where did you leave Moany?” You couldn’t help but ask, putting emphasis on her nickname.
Rafe only shook his head, plucking your cup out of your hand to take a big gulp.
“That man is traumatized,” Kelce pointed out, nodding in understanding like he didn’t need any further explanation.
“Wait, Monique Colver?” Topper asked. “She’s pretty, isn’t she?”
Rafe held up his hand, stopping him. “Yes, but that wasn’t the problem.”
You rolled your eyes, already knowing what was coming. He was such a drama queen sometimes.
“What did she do?”
Rafe didn’t answer, taking another sip of the drink, before he winced. “She told me to call her precious.”
“You know what’s the worst?” Rafe groaned, rubbing a hand over his face. “I didn’t even get off.”
“That’s your biggest problem??”
He rolled his eyes at you, shifting on the sofa. “Pretty big, yeah.”
“Can we get back to Monique wanting you to call her precious?” Kelce interjected. “Did Rafe call you precious in front of her?”
“Yes, very clearly. There’s no way she didn’t hear,” you replied.
“Maybe she hates your guts and she wanted to roleplay being you while Rafe abuses her in a sex-way.”
“Kelce, literally never open your mouth again,” you groaned, covering your ears with your hands, while Topper cracked up, Rafe only pulled a face.
“It makes sense,” Topper insisted. “Like, precious is the only girl who’s been around us, or well, Rafe, constantly. You know, apart from Sarah and Wheezie. Maybe that was Monique’s way of telling you she wants to be your girlfriend.”
“What?” Rafe asked, his forehead creased.
You snorted, shaking your head. “You’re giving her way too much credit, I think she’s just weird.”
“You’re biased,” Topper pointed out, reaching behind Kelce’s to boop you on the head. “I don’t think you’ve ever liked any of the girls Rafe hooked up with.”
“Ugh, what’s there to like? They either act like I’m invisible or are passive aggressive bitches,” you huffed, smacking his hand away. Rafe snickered, throwing an arm around your shoulder to pull you close, pressing a kiss on your head.
“They’re jus’ jealous, cuz you’re the only girl I keep around.”
“Get off me,” you grumbled, your cheeks warming regardless. Rafe knew how to make you feel special.
Kelce yawned, stretching his arms, laying one of them on top of Rafe’s arm around your shoulder. “This party sucks. And I’m starving.”
“I’m so down for tacos right now, do you think Mateo’s still open?” Topper asked, sitting up straight because if there was one thing he took seriously, it was tacos.
“It’s two am on a Saturday,” you pointed out, and his shoulders sagged. You exchanged looks with Rafe, a grin growing on your face. “His truck is definitely still open.”
“Alright!” Topper cheered, jumping up. “Let’s go then!”
He dragged the rest of you off of the couch, herding you through the backyard and to the car, all the while laughing and joking around. You ignored the dirty looks you received from others as you got into the passenger seat, Rafe getting into the driver’s seat of his truck.
It didn’t take long until Rafe pulled up into the parking lot where Mateo’s food truck was parked, the four of you tumbling out of the car, Topper nearly falling flat on his face as he sprinted to the food truck. The light was still on, with faint Spanish music playing in the background.
“If it isn’t my four favorite Kooks,” Mate said, wiping the counter with a towel, before throwing it over his shoulder, eyeing you expectantly as you stood in a row in front of him. “Can I help you?”
“Do you have any carne asada tacos?” Kelce asked, peering over the display.
“Even four would be enough,” Topper added, wringing his hands nervously.
Mateo sighed and you’d already come to terms with having to go to bed with a taco craving, before he grinned at you, shaking his head fondly.
“Grab some drinks and have some patience, I’ll feed you in a second.”
Ten minutes later, the four of you were chowing down on some tacos, washing it down with ice-cold cans of coke.
“Fuck, I so needed this,” Topper moaned, biting into his third taco and you rolled your eyes at him, dabbing at your mouth with a napkin.
“Get it together Top.”
Rafe nudged you with his knee, giving you a look. “Give him a break, I know you’ve been craving some tacos as well,” he said, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand, which made you pull a face.
“Eurgh, please use a napkin you slob.”
You pushed the stack of napkins in his direction and he only grinned at you, picking up some off the stack to wipe his mouth.
“What would I do without you?” he teased, but you only rolled your eyes fondly, picking up some nachos.
“Whatever, eat your damn taco.”
Rafe squeezed your wrist with his clean hand, and you only leaned your head on his shoulder, starting to zone out when they started talking about some new boat, just enjoying their company. Honestly, you were glad you had them. Even if they were boys, incredibly dumb, and lacked a little tact sometimes, you wouldn’t trade it for the world. You glanced down, where your legs were pressed against Rafe’s as you sat next to each other on the picnic bench, just like always.
Maybe, you thought to yourself, maybe this was enough.
“You good?” Rafe asked, raising a brow at you, taco halfway into his mouth.
“Yep, ‘m perfect.”
It had to be.
✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦
author's note: tell me what you think pls!!!
🏷️list: @maybankslover
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simpleeindulge · 8 months
That’s my girl.
Info: Fem/readerxEustass Kid, cussing, nightlife setting, semi-slow burn, future nsfw, 1st meetings, suggestive themes, Pan/Kid, there will be 18+ martial in coming parts! Context: Kid was some action, but he's feeling particular tonight. He finds what he wants, but he's gonna have to work for it.
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Part 1.
The Kid Pirates docked at an island known for its rowdy nightlife. They reached the port in the late afternoon after a month at sea. Most of the standard shopping was done, with more that could be completed the next day.
While a priority, restocking the ship is not anywhere on Kid’s mind. What he needed was some action. The moment the sun started setting, Kid headed out with a few crew members to the red light district. The streets were lively with music, lights, and the sounds of laughter from the brothels.
Kid smugly walked past the sweet calls of the prostitutes and entered a club. He didn't care how his crew got off, but Kid always got his pleasure without paying. As he moved to a spot that looked good for drinking, he noticed a few promising possibilities. A curvy woman there, a slender guy there, yes, the possibilities felt endless.
It depended on what he was feeling tonight.
Heat and Wire left to sit closer to the stages where girls danced. Killer had followed him, but something caught his interest before he sat. With a nod to his buddy, Kid settled down in his dark corner and watched the crowd as he drank. A few of the women and men working at the club sat with him to drink and play around, but none of them were right.
Kid felt feisty, and he needed someone who could match his energy.
"Haha! Looks like someone is getting too grabby with Y/N!" A cute, chubby girl he had his metal arm around giggled.
Her comment alerted the other club workers at the table and a tall man with dark skin chuckled as he said, "That customer is in for a nasty surprise if he thinks Y/N is going to put up with him."
The rest of the table chuckled as Kidd raised a brow and took a gulp of his beer. He sighed and wiped his mouth. "What are you all snickering at?'
"Look, Captain," a blond spoke up. They pointed at a waitress, who was busy trying to serve drinks at a table. Two of the men kept grabbing at her, but she stayed out of their reach.
"That's Y/N. She mainly works here as a waitress." The blond explains.
"Mainly? She only works as a waitress. Missy thinks she's too good to get a little dirty." The cute, chubby girl scoffed.
"So she's clean?" Kid joked, and the dark man laughed, replying, "As clean as you can be working here. As far as I know, no man has been able to get past her fists."
"Her fists?"
"Just watch," The man said, his white teeth flashing in a grin.
Kid did. He watched as the men tried pulling the woman into their laps. They even waved money at her, but she shook her head. Finally, one of them had enough and stood to wrap his arms around her. The movement was fast, and neither Kid nor the man expected it from her.
Before the man could touch her, she moved swiftly with her elbow back, hitting the man in the side. The one in front moved forward, and she wasted no time swinging her other hand out to punch him in the face. The last man sitting at the table rose to come at her, but she was already ready for him with her fists up and her stance ready.
Quick, simple, precise.
All three men went down, and she walked away after gathering up her tray of empty glasses and bottles.
Kid watched her go as the rest of the table chuckled. Kid took a drink and licked his lips, then moved to get up. He had found his girl for the night. The cute girl he had his arm around sighed and said, “If she doesn't wound your pride too badly, come find me.”
Kid didn't hear her as he focused on his target as she walked back to the bar. The beat of the music was drummed in his veins as his fingers inched to touch her shoulder. But he held back because Kid could see that the woman’s guard was up.
That was fine; he had all night. If he wanted something easy, he could just go back to the table and take both the chubby girl and the dark man to the rooms upstairs.
The woman stopped at the side of the bar to clear her tray when Kid slid in next to her. He grinned at her as she continued her work without acknowledging him.
“Are you always so friendly with your customers?”
The woman sighed and picked up her tray. She moved around Kid, and he let her pass. He waited for her to come back to the spot and she gave him a dirty look but said nothing to him.
“I understand that you don't fuck paying customers.”
She whipped her head at him and glared but still didn't say a word. Kid chuckled and rested his face in his hand as he stared causally at her.
“That’s fine, 'cause I ain't looking to pay.”
“If you think your honesty is charming, it's not.” She finally said.
Kid's grin only grew wider at getting her to speak to him.
“I ain't looking to charm either, I'm looking to fuck.”
“Then go back home and fuck with your hand because no one is going to do a fucking thing without some money and I not touching you.”
She snapped at Kid and walked off to serve more drinks. Kid watched her go, feeling slightly frustrated. Killer happened to find him and thumb over his shoulder at two stage dancers at the other end of the bar.
“Found something you might like, they're ready to go now if you want to join us.”
Kid’s eyes didn't stray from the waitress as she moved through the club.
“Not this time, Killer. I have something else in mind.”
Killer looked to where Kid’s eyes were following, and he shook his head. “That one will be tough.”
“Don't I know it.” Kid said with a laugh. He then glanced at Killer and saw the dancers he had picked up. Nice, very nice.
“You have fun, Killer. I’ll see you later on the ship.”
Killer shrugged and walked away just as the waitress walked up to the bar.
“You should have gone with your friend. The Twins are supposed to be good.”
Kid raised a brow and took a glass of beer off her tray as she was filling it up again. He took a sip with his eyes still leering at her.
“How would you know that if you don't screw around-”
“Word of mouth.” She cut him off and picked up her tray once more. “You should run along, cause I’m not-”
"What time do you get off work, Y/N?"
She paused at the sound of her name coming from his mouth. She frowned and turned to leave when Kid called over to the bartender and shouted at him, "What time does Y/N get off work?"
"She's off in 15 minutes." The man replied without looking at them as he filled a glass with beer.
Kid smirked at Y/N and said cockily. "Good, I can wait that long. Don't think about sneaking off 'cause I can find out where you live."
"Are you crazy! I'm not fucking you!" She shouted at him.
"Yet." Kid said, standing to his full height.
Y/N's eyes travel up and down for possible openings and weak spots. Kid chuckled as he looked down at the woman. She had guts, and he liked that, but even she had to see that she was no match. But that was not how he wanted this to go.
"I want you to drink with me. We'll go somewhere else; there's a spot that I've heard about, The Scrap Yard."
She blinked at him. "That's a fighting ring. I haven't been there for..." Y/N shook her head and sighed. "No."
"The fuck you mean no!" Kid shouted down at her, but Y/N didn't even wince. Her eyes just calmly stared back at him, watching his hands tremble as they inched to grab her, but he held them closed and kept them at his side.
She raised a brow at him as a corner of her mouth ticked up. "I mean, we won't go there. If you're looking for a fight to watch or participate in, I know a better place."
It was Kid's turn to blink at her, and watching his angry red face deflate was amusing. Y/N nodded to where he was sitting and said, "Wait there. I'll drop off these drinks, and then we will leave."
She then turned and started walking off when Kid yelled at her for no reason, "I thought you still had to work!"
The look she tossed back him over her shoulder made Kid suck in his breath. Her eyes shone, and her smug expression as she smiled with her teeth made Kid want to run a lap or punch someone with the explosion of excitement he suddenly felt.
"Fuck it!" She shrugged and walked off with a bit more sway in her hips.
Kid had to let out his breath, and he laughed to himself as he sat back down. Women, I hope I never figure them out.
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Okay. All fun and games until you think about silver fox Bosch Being a dad (dilf!- WHO SAID THAT)
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WHO SAID THAT? *points at a crowd of people* WHO SAID THAT? i actually thought of this too when writing other bosch fics, so I'm glad I'm not alone. also, meet your daughter Zaya! reader's gender isn't mentioned.
Bosch is a good dad, no questions asked.
And kids naturally gravitated towards him in Nayshall.
Not only was he taking care of Yua, but also a handful of street kids too.
So he was a big brother to many of them.
If you had any family problems growing up, seeing Bosch love his daughter healed your inner child.
When Zaya was a baby, he was the first one up to tend to her needs when she cried at night.
And will bottle-feed her every moment he gets.
Seeing how tiny she was, cranked his protective meter to the max.
It got to the point where you had to ask to hold your own daughter because he kept hogging her attention.
He got embarrassed when you pointed it out, but he would ultimately lend her over to you more.
Bosch also isn't phased when she would tug on his face or hair. Yua did it all the time when she was a baby, so he just got used to the feeling.
It was a habit for Zaya to aimlessly tug on his hair and she actually cried when Bosch shaved his head completely.
He didn't think it would warrant this type of reaction from her. So he had to comfort Zaya as she played with his newly shaven head.
On lazy days, Bosch would sit back and plays video games on the couch, and lets Zaya sleep on his chest.
And in public, people would always see him carrying her.
Not because he wanted to, but because if he put her down, Zaya would motion at him with grabby hands to pick her up again.
Your home has a small altar located in one of the rooms that Bosch prays in.
And being the mischievous little girl she was, Zaya would sometimes sneak inside the room while he was using it.
But he always knew she was there, even with his eyes closed.
So he would pat the empty spot next to him and invite her over.
When she asked what he was doing, Bosch replied that he was praying.
And when she asked why, he told her the story of Nayshall's 1st Founding Father.
He tries to create an environment that encourages Zaya to ask questions cause there's no such thing as dumb questions.
He also doesn’t let people baby her and treat her like she doesn’t know anything.
So when he sees someone doing it, he puts a stop to it immediately.
He’ll tell them to talk to Zaya the way they would talk to him.
That she’s capable of understanding them as well as he does.
He speaks Nayshalli to her to get closer to her cultural heritage.
And teaches her about their traditions, language, and history. Of course not all at once, but Bosch would give her a more in-depth teaching down the line.
When Zaya's hair is long enough, he'll wash and braid it while she's watching cartoons. As he braids her hair, he weaves in beads that are similar to his.
Bosch explains their significance as best as he can to her, without overloading her head with information.
They represent life milestones: such as birth, adulthood, marriage, and death—all marked with braiding and hair jewelry. There are also specific braiders in Nayshall that specialize in these types of braids for the women there.
She would lean back into him and ask, "The boys too?"
"No, Just the girls."
"Then why do you have them?"
"Because my Amma used to wear them." He said with nostalgia in his voice.
It doesn't matter if it's from you or Bosch, but your daughter is learning how to fight.
Originally it was you, because you said you would fight him for the honor of teaching her. And he wasn’t going to fight you for something silly like that, so he let it happen.
But it became apparent that she gravitated to Bosch more. And eventually, she wanted to learn more from him.
Cue the sad tears from you, but that's okay, because there are some things that Zaya would come to you instead of him, like homework and arts and crafts.
She is a mixture of the two of you personality-wise.
Zaya has Bosch’s drive but your enthusiasm. So she can be quite adventurous for a child.
One time, she went missing when you and Bosch were cooking dinner and you couldn't find her for hours.
You were close to calling the local PD, until you heard a sound coming from the walls, confused, Bosch called her name through the layers, only for her to respond back happily.
You both had to tear the wall apart to get to her, and when she saw you, she yelled "Surprise!" still covered in dry dust.
It would've been cute if Zaya didn't almost give you a heart attack.
To this day, you both don't know how she managed to squeeze in there.
So, it's safe to say, that at least you or Bosch had your eye on her from then on out.
If you brought her to Buckler’s, Luke would make her train with the rest of the group.
He’s a natural when it comes to kids and even has a closet full of games for her to play with.
Zaya would refer to him as Uncle Luke.
He would give her a jump rope to jump alongside you two during warm-ups.
She wasn't the best, but she’s doing the same thing her parents were doing, so that’s fun!
Zaya likes to interact with other people at the gym when you and Bosch are busy.
Kali picked her up and tossed her in the air, making Zaya squeal in joy.
She munched down on the Bao Yi Cheng brought during the break.
And napped with Javi during the cool-down period.
She's having the time of her life.
When sparring, you two had to tone it down in front of Zaya so she wouldn’t get worried and run into the thick of it.
But you and Bosch had a bit of a competitive streak, so that went out the window once you two noticed that neither of you were backing down.
It wasn’t until Bosch had you pinned that Zaya ran up to tell you two to stop fighting.
Maybe it was too soon to have her see this side of you and Bosch.
Luke also mentioned that it probably wasn't the best to be so worked up in front of Zaya.
So you all had to get ice cream to cheer her up.
She had watery eyes when eating her sundae, but you assured her that you and Bosch were only playing. And that you weren’t hurt. "See? I'm fine." showing her your arms, that had no bruises.
Which led to her clinging onto you like a baby koala for the rest of the day.
One time, Zaya wanted to eat nothing but Chicken curry and rice for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
And to be fair, Bosch does make good food, but she wouldn't eat anything you would cook her unless it was Chicken curry.
So it took a while for you both to reintroduce other foods in her diet.
When she showed Bosch the pictures she’d drawn, he would hang all of them on the fridge. To the point where you would have to buy more magnets because the rest was being used to hold up her drawings.
Bosch is sentimental, so he loves the small everyday things that most people wouldn’t care about. Like the pretty rocks Zaya found on the streets, or the baby snail she showed him when playing in the dirt.
And even though Bosch is protective of Zaya, he would ultimately let her be. He wouldn't force her to meditate, pray, and recite mantras if she didn't want to. Zaya is her own person so he has to respect that.
The same goes for her clothes, his heart would melt if Zaya wanted to wear traditional Nayshalli outfits, but it wasn’t required for her to. He’ll still love his daughter the same.
Most of all, he teaches her to be independent and do things that make her happy. He tells her, that many people don't have the luxury to do what she does. So he wants her to live her life the way she wants to.
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thornyrose463 · 9 months
Exposed (Cobra Kai story): Chapter 4
Carmen came home from work and discovered that the faucet in her kitchen was leaking. She called Johnny, but before she could tell him what was going on, she found him standing at her door in an aviator’s flight suit. She and Johnny made love. She, Johnny, their newborn child, Sarah, and Miguel had lunch in the park. She and the baby watched Johnny, Sarah, and Miguel play volleyball on the beach. At sunset, Johnny took the baby for a motorcycle ride. The baby was in a carrier strapped across Johnny’s chest. This turned out to be a Top Gun-inspired dream. Carmen woke up with a smile on her face and told Johnny about the dream.  
At the LaRusso family’s mansion, Daniel and Chozen kept an eye on Daniel’s dealership via security cameras. Daniel wondered why Terry hadn’t come after him yet. Chozen said that snakes always waited for the right time to strike. He theorized that Mike would be on their side after losing his furniture store to arson. Daniel said that Mike may not realize Terry was responsible, as he had left town while his insurance company investigated. Chozen told Daniel that he would not allow Terry to attack on his watch. Amanda approached Daniel and Chozen and asked for their opinion on her outfit. She was worried it was too much. Daniel and Chozen told Amanda that she looked beautiful. Daniel and Amanda were going to go to a charity auction, as he wanted to become involved in local politics and she was interested in philanthropy. Before Daniel and Amanda left the mansion, Daniel told Chozen to be vigilant.
Shannon arrived at Johnny and Sarah’s apartment complex after trying to reach Johnny by phone. Johnny told her that he had been busy job hunting. She had come to pick up Robby's belongings, as he would be spending the summer at her parents' cabin.
When Shannon walked into Johnny and Sarah’s apartment, she was impressed. “Wow. It looks like a functioning adult lives here now.”
“Yeah. I made some changes.” Johnny said.
Johnny pointed at the picture of the lighthouse. “That is a real lighthouse in Narragansett. Built in 1856.”
“Oh, my God. You knocked Carmen up, didn't you?” Shannon asked.
Johnny’s face turned pale. 
Johnny sighed. “Uh, how did you...”
“You took down the babes, it smells nice, and you're making that face.” Shannon said. 
“What face?” Johnny asked.
“That one. Overwhelmed. The same face you made when I got pregnant.” Shannon said.
Johnny sighed. “Yeah, well, there's a lot to figure out. I still have to tell Robby, Sarah, and Miguel. Carmen had this dream about us. There was a house and a yard.”
“Well, yards aren't cheap. Can you afford another kid on your part-time sensei salary?” Shannon asked.
“I'm not a sensei anymore.” Johnny said.
“Hmm?” Shannon asked.
“Lost a bet. Long story.” Johnny said.
“Ah, that's why you're job hunting. Got it.” Shannon said.
“Last time I looked for a job, nobody wanted me. I'm not a suit and tie type of guy.” Johnny said.
“What if I told you there was a way you could earn real money without being scammed and without a tie?” Shannon asked.
“I tried that after high school. Some of the women got a little grabby.” Johnny said.
“I'm talking about the gig economy. You know, rideshares, food delivery. But you will need a real phone for that.” Shannon sighed. “I'll make this easy on you. There are these tech guys. They show up to your door and set everything up.”
“Dork-to-door service, huh? Never thought I'd see the day.” Johnny said.
Sam, Anthony, Yasmine, and Moon were at a water park called Splasharama Water Adventure.
Sam was reading a book.
Anthony was ogling Yasmine and Moon.
Sam looked at Anthony in disgust. “Ew. Anthony, can you not stare at my friends?”
“No, no, no, I wasn't…Um…Uh, staring.” Anthony said.
Anthony walked away.
Moon giggled.
Yasmine smirked. "He's starting high school in the fall, right? Let's torture him. Tell him later I asked if he has been working out."
“Ew. You guys are so gross, and I want no part of this.” Sam said.
“So, Sam, how's the whole Eat, Pray, Love journey going?” Moon asked.
“Actually better than I expected. It has been kind of nice to just focus on myself, without all the karate or relationship drama.” Sam said.
Eli, Sarah, Miguel, and Riley walked towards Sam, Yasmine, and Moon.
Sarah was wearing red flip-flops and a red bikini. Her naturally straight blonde hair was down. She had on a light amount of black eyeliner, a light amount of black mascara, and soft brown eyeshadow. Her lip balm was a pretty peach colour.
Riley was shirtless. He was wearing green flip-flops and green swim trunks with a white drawstring. The drawstring was tied into a bow.
Riley waved at Moon. “Hey, babe.”
Moon waved at Riley.
Moon looked at Sam. “Oh, I totally forgot that they were coming.”
“It's fine. Really.” Sam said.
“Are you sure? I can tell him I'll see him later.” Moon said.
“No, Moon, seriously. This is going to happen. And it's all right. Miguel and I are still friends.” Sam said.
Riley gave Moon a peck on the lips.
Riley sat next to Moon.
"Um...Uh, hey, how are you doing, Sam?" Miguel asked nervously.
“Hey. I’m…Uh…I’m good. You?” Sam asked.
Miguel gestured to the chair next to Sam.
“I'm good. Uh…Is anyone...” Miguel trailed off.
“Go ahead.” Sam told Miguel.
Miguel sat next to Sam. Eli and Sarah sat next to Yasmine.
"Am I alive? Or did I die of embarrassment and this is my hell?" Yasmine asked.
Robby arrived at Splasharama Water Adventure . His eyes landed on Tory, who was sitting next to some of the other Cobra Kai students.
“Hey, Tory,” Robby called out. 
Tory got out of her seat.
“I’ll see you later.” Tory walked away from her fellow students.
Tory approached Robby.
Tory smiled. “Hi.”
Tory put her hands on Robby’s cheeks and kissed him.
“I missed you.” Tory said.
“I missed you too.” Robby said.
“How was Mexico? Hit up the beach with your dad and Sarah?” Tory asked. 
“Uh...It wasn't really that kind of trip, but…Uh, we did work out a few of our issues. There are still some that are too big to solve. Look…Um, I've been thinking about this for a while now, and I was wondering if you'd consider taking a break from Cobra Kai.” Robby said.
“What are you talking about?” Tory asked.
“You heard what Kreese did. He's not even half as bad as Silver. Now is the time to get out before things get worse.” Robby responded. 
“I can't just quit.” Tory said.
“If I did it, you can do it. Silver is going to get inside your head, and then...” Robby trailed off.
“I'm glad you, your dad, and Sarah worked through some of your shit. If you want to leave the dojo, that's on you. Don't tell me what to do. I'm a big girl. I can make my own decisions.” Tory said.
“Okay.” Robby said.
“Come on. Let's check out the Typhoon. It has a five-story drop that's supposed to be sick.” Tory said.
Robby followed Tory to the Typhoon.
Kyler spoke to his fellow students. “It's a lot of pressure, but if Keene is out, I’ve got no choice but to be the next King Cobra.”
“Whoa. Wait, wait. Robby's not out. He was just on a trip.” Kenny said.
Kyler looked at Kenny. “You’re tripping if you think he's coming back. Dude is out like Flint. Okay, we’re out here on our own, bro.”
Kyler turned to his friends. “Hey, let's go to the big boy rides. No lifeguard.”
Kyler and his friends laughed as they walked away.
Kenny observed Anthony from a distance with a smirk on his face.
Daniel and Amanda arrived at the charity auction, which helped underprivileged teens in the Valley, and met its founder, Eva Garcia. They discovered that the auction was taking place at Terry’s home. Terry was a donor and was angling for a spot on the board, much like Amanda. After Amanda and Eva walked inside, Daniel told Terry not to ruin the day for Amanda. Terry smugly told Daniel that he had no intention of ruining Amanda’s day. Observing Daniel's barely contained rage, he pointedly hoped that no nothing else would ruin it for her.
Johnny heard someone knocking on his door. He opened the door and saw Demetri, who had gotten a summer job at Tech Town. Demetri showed Johnny an array of smartphone models. He chuckled when Johnny said that he was looking for something under 50 dollars. Realizing Johnny was serious, Demetri offered him an old weathered phone with a broken screen, which Johnny accepted before backhandedly thanking him for helping him.
At Splasharama Water Adventure, Kenny, Kyler, and some of the other Cobra Kai students approached Anthony.
“Looking pretty pasty, LaPusso.” Kenny said.
Kyler scoffed. “This is the chode that was giving you shit at school?”
“You’ve been to my house. You dated my sister.” Anthony said.
“I date a lot of sisters,” Kyler said nonchalantly.
“I don’t want any trouble.” Anthony said.
“You should have thought of that before you and your friends decided to go after me.” Kenny said.
“Look, I-I said I was sorry, okay? And you already got me back. I thought we were cool.” Anthony said.
Kenny pretended to be deep in thought. “Oh, oh, you...You thought we were cool. Okay. Let me think. Um…Are we cool?”
Kenny looked at Kyler with a smile on his face, then he looked at Anthony. “Nah.”
Kyler laughed.
“Hey, hey! Come on, guys! Let me go!” Anthony yelled as Kenny and his fellow Cobra Kai students buried him in inner tubes.
Eli’s eyes landed on Kenny, his fellow students, and Anthony.
“Oh, God damn it,” Eli muttered.
“Watch out.” Kenny told his fellow students.
Kenny’s fellow students stepped back.
“Hey. Aits!” Kenny yelled, kicking Anthony into the pool.
“Ooh!” Kyler exclaimed.
When Kyler saw that Anthony was upside down, he laughed. “Good one!”
“Thank you.” Kenny said.
“My man. Bye!” Kyler waved at Anthony mockingly.
“Hey, let's go! Yes, sir.” Kenny high-fived his fellow students.
“My man!” Kyler laughed as he pulled Kenny into a bro hug.
Eli walked up to Kenny and the other Cobra Kai students.
“What the hell was that?” Eli asked.
Kyler pushed Eli. “None of your business.”
Eli glared at Kyler. “I'm making it my business.”
Kenny looked at Kyler. “Hey. Kyler, Kyler...Maybe he needs another haircut to remind him who he’s talking to.”
“You want to take on the champ, kid?” Eli asked.
“Dude, you’re only the champ because Diaz got hurt. Robby won as many fights as you did.” Kenny said.
“One of them was against you. And that wasn’t much of a fight, was it?” Eli retorted.
“Aw, come on now. You really going to take that from him? From Lip?” Kyler asked Kenny.
Tory walked up to Kenny, Kyler, and Eli.
“Hey, hey, hey! Back off.” Tory pushed Kenny and Eli away from each other.
Eli glared at Tory. “Stay out of this.”
Kenny taunted Eli. “What's the matter? You scared I'm right?”
“Champ.” Kenny spoke mockingly, winking at Eli.
Tory looked at Kenny. "Hey, enough."
Tory turned to Eli. “Unless you want your ass kicked, stay on your side of the park. Away from us.”
A young boy smiled at Eli and flexed his arms. “Hey, yo, champ!”
Eli looked at the Cobra Kai students. "All right. If you guys stay on your side, we won’t have a problem."
Eli smirked. "We have better rides on our side anyway."
Eli walked away.
Tory looked at Kenny. "Hey. It's over. He's not worth it."
Kenny spoke. "All right, we’re out of here."
Tory’s fellow Cobra Kai students walked away.
Robby approached Tory. “Hey. I know you can handle yourself. But don't tell me the best place for Kenny is Cobra Kai.”
At the charity auction, Daniel tried to convince Amanda that Terry was plotting against them. Amanda doubted that he would do so in front of multiple witnesses at a charity auction. After Daniel left to put in a good word for her with Eva, Terry approached Amanda and offered her a glass of wine. He said that he was not Daniel's enemy and that he had a different vision for Cobra Kai. He told her that Daniel sent Chozen to disrupt his dojo and assault his prospective employees. She was taken aback.
Johnny’s new job as a rideshare driver was off to a rough start, as he received 1-star ratings and a litany of complaints due to being late, disregarding traffic laws, playing loud music, delivering cold food, and urinating in an empty beer can.   
At Splasharama Water Adventure, Mitch complained to Bert and Devon. “This is bullshit. I've been waiting to go on the Double Dragon all summer.”
“Hawk said we can't go over there. Cobra Kai has claimed it.” Bert said.
“So, we're just going to let them make up arbitrary rules? We have just as much right to those slides as anyone else.” Devon said.
Devon started walking towards Cobra Kai’s side of the park.
Devon stopped walking and turned to face Mitch and Bert.
“You coming?” Devon asked.
Devon, Mitch, and Bert walked past Sam, Yasmine, Moon, Eli, Sarah, Miguel, and Riley.
Miguel looked at the book Sam was reading and asked, “You get to the part where he finds the abandoned bus?” 
“Oh…Uh, I think you're thinking of Into the Wild.” Sam said.
“That's the one. Yeah. But this is the prequel, right?” Miguel asked.
“Uh, yeah.” Sam said. “Yeah, this one has no guy. All bus.”
“All bus. Yeah.” Miguel said.
“There's a whole chapter about the windows going up and down.” Sam said.
“I was partial to the part where the doors open and shut.” Miguel said.
Sam chuckled.
“Look, I was thinking of braving the lazy river if you want to join.” Miguel said.
“Uh, yeah. Right after this chapter. I want to see what happens to the bus driver.” Sam said.
“Of course. Yeah. It's a page-turner.” Miguel said.
Some of the Cobra Kai students started arguing with Devon, Mitch, and Bert.
Tory and Robby approached Tory’s fellow students, Devon, Mitch, and Bert.
“Hey! Stop, stop!” Tory yelled.
“Guys, stop, stop!” Robby yelled.
Tory and Robby got in between Tory’s fellow students, Devon, Mitch, and Bert.
Eli’s eyes landed on Tory, the other Cobra Kai students, Devon, Mitch, and Bert.
“You kidding me with this bullshit again?” Eli asked, his voice full of annoyance.
Eli’s eyes landed on Robby before landing on Miguel.
“There's Keene. You said he wasn't in Cobra Kai anymore.” Eli said. 
“It's what Sensei told me.” Miguel said.
Eli, Sarah, and Miguel approached Tory, Robby, Tory’s fellow students, Devon, Mitch, and Bert.
“Hey. What are you doing?” Miguel asked.
Robby glared at Miguel. “You stay out of this.”
“Don't...” Miguel trailed off.
A lifeguard walked up to Eli, Sarah, Miguel, Tory, Robby, Tory’s fellow students, Devon, Mitch, and Bert.
The lifeguard blew his whistle.
The lifeguard spoke. "Stop it. All of you. Or you're all getting kicked out."
The lifeguard’s words silenced Eli, Sarah, Miguel, Tory, Robby, Tory’s fellow students, Devon, Mitch, and Bert.
The lifeguard left.
Sarah spoke. “Okay, clearly, we can't coexist in peace, so let's find a solution.”
"We can't fight, or we'll be kicked out. What are we supposed to do?" Mitch asked.
“We need to go.” Robby told Tory.
“No.” Tory said.
"How about a race?" Bert suggested.
Eli, Sarah, Miguel, Tory, Robby, Tory’s fellow students, Devon, Mitch, and Bert looked at the water slide above them.
“Yeah. I’ll go.” Eli said.
“So will I.” Tory said.
“All right! Champ versus champ!" Kyler cheered.
Tory looked at Eli. “Whoever wins gets the park.”
“Deal. But you won't win.” Eli said.
At the charity auction, Amanda told Daniel what Terry said about Chozen. Daniel claimed that Chozen was just put in a bad situation and had to defend himself. Daniel was called to the podium, where he presented his donation: a trio of bonsai trees. Terry bought the trees for 30 thousand dollars, which upset Daniel. Terry told the audience that Cobra Kai would offer free karate lessons to low-income children. Daniel told Terry to respect the bonsais. Terry said the bonsais sounded like a lot of work and he might use them for mulch.
Johnny delivered food to Lyle, the owner of the pawn shop. Lyle was disgusted that Johnny sampled the food and threw it in the trash.
“This job sucks ass, man. All anyone does is complain. I drove them to the wrong place, brought the wrong order, food's too cold, food's wet 'cause a beer spilled on it.” Johnny complained.
“So quit.” Lyle suggested.
“I want to, but there’s a kid on the way. I have a son and a daughter. Then there's Miguel.” Johnny said.
“Okay. I don't need the whole family tree. You know, not everybody gets to do their dream job. Most people hate what they do. You think I ever wanted to work in a pawn shop, let alone own three? Dealing with the likes of you is the worst part of my day.” Lyle said.
“Really? Why don't you quit?” Johnny asked.
“Because it pays the bills, but most of all, it allows me time for what matters most. My family.” Lyle said.
“You have a family?” Johnny asked.
“Three kids. You'll never meet them. The point is, once you figure out what matters most, doing that other stuff gets a little easier, because you know you're doing it for them.” Lyle said.
“Maybe you're not such an asshоlе after all.” Johnny said.
“Aw. Still giving you one star for touching my food.” Lyle said.
“Join the club, man.” Johnny responded.
At Splasharama Water Adventure, as Eli and Tory prepared for the race, Robby approached Kenny and told him that he was quitting Cobra Kai. He tried to convince Kenny that it would turn him into someone he didn’t want to be. Kenny said that Cobra Kai had made him stronger than ever and he would never quit. Disappointed in his former mentor, Kenny walked away.
The race commenced. Eli’s tube had a hole in it, which caused it to deflate. This resulted in Tory winning the race. The Miyagi-Do students and the Eagle Fang students called the Cobra Kai students cheaters. Eli confronted Kenny for sabotaging his tube. A fight ensued. Eli had the upper hand until Robby pushed him into the pool. Miguel squared off with Robby. The lifeguard arrived and told the Cobra Kai students, the Miyagi-Do students, and the Eagle Fang students to leave.
At the charity auction, upon noticing Terry talking to Eva about Amanda, Daniel demanded to know what he said. Preying upon Daniel's paranoia, Terry claimed that he made disparaging comments about Amanda. Daniel pushed Terry into the bonsai trees, sending the two of them crashing to the floor. Afterwards, Eva told Daniel that Terry spoke highly of Amanda. Embarrassed, Amanda left. Daniel followed Amanda. Terry smirked, having succeeded in his plan to sow strife in Daniel's marriage.
While he was with a customer, Johnny called Shannon. He apologized for not being around when Robby was a kid. He asked if Robby could spend the summer with him and Sarah. Shannon told him that he could pick up Robby from the water park. Johnny missed his customer’s stop and had to turn around.
Robby and Tory were in the parking lot of Splasharama Water Adventure.
“This really sucks. I can't believe they kicked us out.” Tory said.
“This is what happens when Cobra Kai's involved. Everybody loses.” Robby said. 
“Are you trying to blame me? I was trying to stop a fight, not start one.” Tory said.
“You won the tournament, and everything's going good for you, but you're part of the problem.” Robby said.
“I was just hoping we could have a fun day together, but I guess that's impossible.” Tory said.
“It's only impossible if you're still in Cobra Kai, and so is staying with me.” Robby said.
“Well, I'm not leaving Cobra Kai.” Tory said.
“Then I guess that’s it. You, Kenny, and everyone else can stay brainwashed. I'm done trying to help.” Robby walked away.
Miguel walked through the parking lot until he found Eli, Sarah, Riley, Yasmine, and Moon.
Sarah was wearing a red t-shirt and dark blue denim shorts over her bikini. The shorts reached her mid-thigh.
“Hey. Do you guys know where Sam went?” Miguel asked.
"Oh, she split on her own. She didn't want anything to do with this drama." Moon said.
“Yeah, neither did I.” Miguel said.
Miguel’s eyes landed on Robby.
“Uh…Go ahead. I'll catch up.” Miguel said.
Miguel walked towards Robby.
Worried that Miguel and Robby would get into another fight, Sarah followed Miguel.
“Hey! I could have sworn Sensei said you were out of Cobra Kai.” Miguel said.
“I'm not in Cobra Kai.” Robby said.
“You're on their side every time they start fighting.” Miguel said.
“You don't know what you're talking about.” Robby said.
Miguel pushed Robby. “You think that because you came to Mexico, you're a good guy. Well, you’re not.”
Robby put his finger on Miguel’s chest. “Look who's talking. Let’s get one thing clear. I didn't come to Mexico for you.”
“Guys, stop!” Sarah yelled.
Miguel pushed Robby again. “Nobody asked you to go anywhere!”
Johnny arrived. He got out of his car and pulled Miguel away from Robby.
“Hey, hey! Stop it. I want you to get along. We're all friends now.” Johnny said.
Miguel looked at Robby. “No, we're not friends.”
“We never will be.” Robby said.
Miguel and Robby took one last look at each other before going their separate ways.
At the LaRusso family’s mansion, Chozen was clutching a pillow and watching 90 Day Fiancé.
The woman on the TV screen rejected a marriage proposal.
Chozen was on the verge of tears. “Never give up.”
Daniel and Amanda walked into the mansion.
“Amanda, that is not what happened.” Daniel said.
Chozen got off the couch and turned the TV off.
“Regardless, now I've lost any shot of joining that charity, much less the board.” Amanda said.
“That's Silver's fault. He was messing with me the whole time.” Daniel said.
“And you let him. You knew how important this was, and yet, you could not put this stupid rivalry aside for one day. I'm afraid we're never going to have normalcy again. Not when you continue to stir up ridiculous fights.” Amanda said.
“Fight at furniture store my fault, not his. Please, blame me.” Chozen said.
Daniel gave Chozen a stern look.
“You had a fight at a furniture store?” Amanda asked Daniel.
Chozen gave Daniel an apologetic look.  
“Enough is enough. Daniel, this ends now.” Amanda told Daniel.
“This is exactly what Silver wanted to happen. He manipulated this whole thing to get us to fight.” Daniel said.
“Do you hear yourself? The reason we're fighting is because you can't let things go. You promised things would be different.” Amanda said.
“You don't understand what this man is capable of. He won't stop until he has ruined every aspect of my life. That's why I have to take him down.” Daniel said.
“You really won't stop?” Amanda asked. 
“Let me and Chozen handle this. It's the only way to make it end.” Daniel said.
“Fine. Handle it. I won't be here for it.” Amanda said.
Amanda started to walk away.
Daniel looked upset. “Where are you going?”
Amanda turned around. “Away from here. Away from you! I just need space. I'm taking the kids with me.”
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writing-for-marvel · 3 years
Fists and Feelings
Boxer!Steve Rogers x Fem!Reader
PART 2 > >
Summary: Steve comes to your rescue when a creepy man hits on you in the gym.
Warnings: men being pigs/hitting on reader & does touch her at one point, Steve being protective, threatening violence, mention of sex, swearing
Word count: 1.4k
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Dividers by @whimsicalrogers & @maysdigitalarts
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If there was one thing Steve Rogers hated, it was bullies.
As soon as he was old enough, the local boxing gym in Brooklyn became his second home. Learning how to correctly throw a punch after coming home one day with a broken nose courtesy of schoolyard bullies who thought picking on the scrawny kid was far greater entertainment than playing on the monkey bars.
Not that Steve thought violence was the answer - in fact, he preferred if a situation could be resolved without throwing punches, but there were always going to be knuckleheads who resorted to brutality and he was determined to be ready for it when they reared their heads.
Today, in the same gym which he had grown from that scraggy eight year old kid to one of the highest ranked amateur boxers in NYC, what was making his blood boil was a bully who believed they were entitled to a woman’s attention simply because they were in the same room.
He could see the uneasiness on your features all the way from the centre ring, even though the blinding spotlights generally made viewing the audience difficult. Forgetting all about his manager, who wore a pair of punching mitts and was helping him prepare for an important match on Saturday night, Steve watched as the man’s hand grazed your cheek and you flinched in response.
Lifting the taut ropes surrounding the ring, much to his manager's displeasure, Steve jumped off the raised platform and stalked over to the encounter with outrage coursing through his veins.
“Like I said before, I’m not interested.” You uttered, attempting to back away from the insistent brunette who lurched forward every time you tried putting space between the two of you.
“What, you got a boyfriend or something? Don’t think he’d be too happy with you wearing those tight little leggings and flaunting that ass for a gym full of guys to see.” Fortunately you were quick enough to dodge his grabby hands, which were hovering around your waist.
“C’mon sweetheart, the locker room is empty, how ‘bout we blow off some steam? Emphasis on blowing.” These words only heightened Steve’s anger, but sadly, they weren’t the most explicit he had heard spoken in this gym. It was clear that you wanted nothing to do with this man given the disgusted look on your face.
The man, who Steve recognised as Brock Rumlow, a regular at the amateur boxing tournaments he partook in, didn’t see him approaching, but Steve could tell from the slight relaxation of your shoulders that you had.
“Hey, what the fuck man?” Steve yanked Brock away from you by the shoulder, resisting the urge to punch him in the face, and stepped in between you in hopes he might actually leave you alone.
“The lady said no. It's time for you to leave.” Steve commanded, head motioning toward the exit just behind him. There weren’t many other people in the gym at this hour, and Steve didn’t want to cause a scene, but he’d do what he needed to to ensure your safety from this man.
“Fuck off dude, we were just having a conversation.”
“Not what it looked like to me, dude.” Steve added derisively. “Now leave, before I make you leave.”
“Make me leave? I have just as much a right to be here as you do.” Rumlow snapped bitterly, looking around the gym to see if any other patron would provide him back up. He huffed when nobody showed any support.
“Not when you harass women you don’t. Now, don’t make me tell you to leave again.” Steve crossed his arms, which showed off just how large his biceps actually were. Brock, who was in a much lighter weight division than Steve, sized him up and decided against picking a physical fight.
“Whatever, this isn’t even the nicest gym in Brooklyn anyway.” He mumbled, picking up his duffle bag and striding out of the gym, chest puffed out.
Once the door closed behind him, Steve turned to you.
“I’m so sorry about him. I’ll talk to the owner about getting him banned.” You gave him an appreciative smile, and Steve found himself mesmerised by how stunning you looked with that after workout glow.
In truth, Steve had noticed you the second you first stepped foot in the gym about two months ago - looking like an angel who could kick his ass, but he knew you didn’t come to the gym to get asked out, so he refrained from anything that wasn’t the occasional passing greeting.
But he had never seen you this up close before, hadn’t experienced how your eyes sparkled under the harsh light of the gym and how your smile made his heart race a million miles a minute quicker than the impending fight with Rumlow ever could.
“Thank you for stepping in, some guys just don’t take no for an answer.” The relief and sincerity in your voice made his heart clench. You grabbed a backpack, preparing to head out yourself.
“You got a way to get home safely?” Steve asked, not quite prepared to say goodbye to you and the blissful, floating feeling your smile gave him just yet.
“I’m taking the subway.”
“The nearest stations’ at least five blocks away - tell me you aren’t going to walk that at this time of night.” It was already pitch black outside, and this neighbourhood wasn’t exactly known as being the safest in Brooklyn.
“Got no other choice.”
“At least let me walk you there - just so that creep doesn’t follow you.” Steve justified, hoping with a yearning ache in his chest that you would allow him to.
You nodded and Steve held the door open for you, allowing you to exit first, so caught up in the excitement of spending more time with you that he completely forgot to tell his manager he was taking a break.
The walk was barely ten minutes, much shorter than Steve desired - he would have talked to you for the rest of the night if given the chance. But it allowed you enough time to discuss how you each got into boxing, and why you chose to frequent that specific gym in Brooklyn.
It only took that short walk for Steve’s heart to become attached to you. He doubted even his dreams could conceive someone as perfect as you were. As he walked beside you, he tried not to focus on how close you were getting to the station, and simultaneously how many minutes until needing to say goodbye to you.
Too soon for his liking, you stopped outside the dimly lit entrance to the underground station, looking at him with wide eyes expectantly, anticipating the inevitable parting of ways. Steve cleared his throat, unsure how to say goodnight when it was the last thing he actually wanted to do. Before he mustered the courage to say anything, you leaned in to him, placing a light kiss to his cheek, resting a gentle hand on his chest as you did so, lingering for a second before pulling away with a warm smile on your face.
“Thanks again, Rogers, for everything.” Steve was absolutely positive his cheeks were flushing bright pink, but he found himself not minding so much as he looked into your grateful eyes.
“You’re welcome.” And with that, you turned towards the stairwell which led to the subway.
“I have a match this Saturday.” He blurted out as you gripped the rail and stepped down the first couple stairs, mentally cursing himself at how stupid and desperate he must have sounded. However, when you looked back at him, you didn’t seem deterred, your smile, in fact, suggested otherwise.
“Are you asking me to come watch you?”
“Maybe.” He responded sheepishly as his heart threatened to burst out of his chest. “It’s at the gym. Starts at 8:30.”
“Alright, well I’ll maybe be there then.” You lightly teased, but your tone and smile indicated you’d make it. Bidding him goodnight, you continued descending the stairs.
Steve’s hand ghosted over the spot on his cheek where you kissed him as he watched you disappear into the station. He grinned the entire walk back to the gym for the sole reason that he’d get to see your beautiful face again come Saturday night.
Now, he no longer needed to win purely for his reputation - he also had to impress you.
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Part 2 > >
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donutloverxo · 3 years
How big do you think Steve is....? 👀☕
Please note that my stories are not to be stolen or reposted on any other site. Reblogs are welcome. This blog and this story is 18+. Do not read, follow or interact if you are not 18+.
I've got like a lot of feelings and thots about this but I'll just summarize them with this... smut, Steve has bde and a big🍆🍆, cumplay, this is like really filthy.
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"Yes... um, Captain," Stacey bit her lip, she couldn't help herself. She knew she shouldn't be checking out her friends man but she was sure you'd forgive her. This was Captain freaking America. It would be an injustice to not appreciate his beauty. "What brings you to our little corner today?"
"Um... I'm here to see L/N," blushing a deep shade of pink and rubbing the back of his neck. The bouquet of lillies in his hand, and one of chocolates in another only making him stand out more so.
Stacy chuckled at his misery. "You call her by her last name? Hm... I actually think she'd like it better if it was the other way around."
Steve quirked a brow because he didn't understand what she meant by that. Smiling when he saw you return to your seat. "What're you doing here?" with a sweet smile on your face. Leaning up on your tippy toes to give him a small peck on his lips. "It's a nice surprise."
"Just wanted to give you these," he said as he handed the flowers and the chocolates over to you, "And to ask you to maybe have dinner at my place tonight?"
You giggled as you opened the lid of the box, mouth watering at the variety of sweets to select from, "Stevie, we're in a relationship now. You don't have to ask me out every single time." As you plopped a mint one in your mouth.
"It still feels nice to," He said before kissing you goodbye to return to his floor.
You offered some of your chocolates to Stacey, who seemed to be giving you the side eye for some reason.
"Is it true?" She asked.
"Is what true?"
"Does he have a fifteen inch long cock?"
Which made you choke on the coconut that was in your third chocolate. "What the hell?!"
"You gotta tell me. I promise I'll cover any of your shifts for you while you go on getaways with him to like Europe or something. I'll do your boring paper work. Alright, I understand you wanna keep his privacy," she nodded, bringing her hands together, "Just say when," She said as her palms started drifting apart.
"Stop that!" you swatted at her palms. "I don't know how big he is. We're taking it slow." You huffed. Going slow was his idea. He was old school in that way. You had no idea how you had resisted from climbing him like a tree for so many months.
"Listen, girl, it's just that he has major BDE. When he gives those speeches, and those clips of him fighting bad guys, you just know he has a big dick."
You did believe he had big dick energy as well. At a low moment you told him your supervisor was being an ass to you, even calling you a slut once for dating Captain America. You didn't want to burden him with your problems, which seemed to insignificant in front of his, and you didn't want him to do anything brash.
The very next day he paid your boss a visit. He didn't flaunt the fact that he was Captain America or a very powerful man. He didn't need to. He naturally had a very commanding presence. He just gave a long lecture to your boss on how to respect women, after which they never bothered you again.
You'd never admit this to Steve but you literally wanted to jump his bones them. He looked so fucking hot defending your honor like that. He was your knight in shining armor and you'd let him to anything to you.
Not to mention, you could see the outline of his probably long and thick dick in his jogging pants. That one unfortunate morning you agreed to go running with him. The only good thing that came out of it was that you got to oggle his ass and his dick.
You could feel his hands squeezing your breasts over your dress, you broke the kiss to take a look at him. Glassy eyes and cheeks flushed red, his chest heaving because you took his breath away.
"I wanna go all the way, Stevie." You demanded. "I've waited long enough for you."
"You know I could never say no to you, doll. I promise I'll make it worth your while."
Which he most definitely did. He must've spent like an hour between your legs, using his mouth and his fingers, worshipping evey inch of your body. You felt him rutting against the mattress but chose not to say anything.
"Wait, stop..." you pushed his head away, your pussy too sensitive after the third orgasm to be touch again as he pouted up at you. You sat up on your butt, "I wanna suck your cock," you said, making grabby hands for it.
"Um... you sure, doll? You don't have to," he was too shy to be naked in front of you. He still had his pants and underwear on. You were going to insist that he take it all off but you could barely handle a shirtless Steve, a completely naked one would probably turn your brain to mush.
"Yes I want it! Do you not want me?" your voice quivering just a little. You knew he wanted you, of course he did. But why can't he be vulnerable with you like you are with him?
"No no," he cupped your face, kissing your forehead, "Of course I want you. I want you more than anything else in the world. It's just that... I'm big. Before the serum it was pretty average and now... women get surprised a little."
"How big?" you sniffled.
"I guess you'll see," he said, pulling his briefs and his pants down at the same time.
You let out a loud gasp when you saw it. A literal monster cock. "Oh my god...." you breathed out, "I don't think that's gonna fit in me, Stevie.."
It was the biggest you've ever seen. Pink, long and thick, you could even make out a few veins on it, standing tall and proud against his hard abs, some blonde hair at the base of it. Pearly pre ejaculate oozing out of him, which made you salivate.
"Don't you worry your pretty little head about that, angel," he stroked your hair, "That's for me to figure out. You just have to sit there and make good on your promise. Now come on, open up," he tapped his tip on your lips and you opened as wide as you could.
He wasn't even halfway in when he hit the back of your throat, making you gag around him. He softly fucked into your mouth, which some sucking and help from you. Holding onto your head lovingly as he spoke about how good you made him feel.
"You gonna swallow it for me?" he asked, to which you eagerly nodded.
'I wouldn't let a drop escape.' You wanted to say but it came out all jumbled since your mouth was stuffed full.
Finally you felt ropes of his spend hit the back of your throat. You were naive to think you'd swallow it all. You could barely get half of it no matter how hard you tried, most of it spilled out of your mouth and onto your chest.
He finally pulled out, looking at his girl so proudly, so eager to please him.
"I'm sorry," you said, as you tried to gather as much of his cummies off your body as you could. It tasted salty, the aftertaste being just a little bit sweet. You wondered if that was because of the serum too. "I promise I'll get it all next time. I'll be more prepared."
"'is not your fault, doll. There's... a lot of it."
"I like that though," you whined up at him as you licked your fingers, "I like it. It means you love me so much you made like tons of goodies for me."
He chuckled at that, pecking your lips, "I do love you a lot."
He made you lie back to make sure you were comfortable, wrapping your legs around his hips, "You tell me if it hurts okay, baby?" he asked to which you gave him a meek nod.
Bracing yourself for the pain. Despite how wet and ready and relaxed you were, it still hurt initially. But you asked him to keep going because you wanted to make him feel good and take all of him.
After a few moments you asked him to move.
"Your dick is so beautiful, Stevie." You beamed up at him.
"Not as beautiful as you, doll." He groaned as he pulled his hips back before rutting back into you.
"Nooo," you whined. This man needed to learn how to take a compliment! "No, your dick is so pretty. It's yours, and I'm in love with it."
"I'll promise you one thing, honey. You'll be the only one who gets to see it again from now on. It's for your eyes only now."
"Forever?" you pouted.
"Yes, forever."
You looked down at where both your sexes were joined together, "Looks like we'll be seeing a lot of each other from now on, Captain," you said as you clenched around him, making him bite the crook of your neck.
"Did you just give my dick a petname?"
"Yes, do you like it?" you asked, hopefully.
Steve would rather have you call him Captain. But you seemed so excited, "Yes, of course. You can call it whatever you like, baby."
He was trying to pull out of you to come, of course you wouldn't have that so you pulled him closer to you by wrapping your legs around him.
"I'm good..." you rasped, "got an implant and everything." Which would protect you from having any super soldier babies. "Please come in me."
"How can I say no that," his thrusts became a little more rushed and erratic. You could feel his warm cum fill you up and then ooze out of you as he pulled out.
He tched as he looked at your swollen pussy, "That won't do..." he said as he tried to push his cum inside of you but it was too much for your small cute pussy.
"I've got plugs at my home we can use to keep it in..." you moaned, extra sensitive to his touch then. "Can I have some more of it, please?"
You asked as he scoped your combined juices up with his fingers before feeding it to you.
"Just for now, doll. Next time we'll try that plug idea of yours," he said as he made sure you thoroughly sucked his fingers clean.
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letarasstuff · 3 years
Can I stay with you?
(A/N): This is based on this, this and this post. I really hope you are ready for the feels, because they are there and they are heavy-
Summary: Following the events of Emily's death, how will Spencer and his daughter cope with it?
Warnings: Angst and lots of it, mentions of drug use, contemplations of drug use, mentions of needles, we also got some bittersweet fluff
Wordcount: 2.5k
✨Masterlist✨ _______________________________
A hospital is not a place where a child should be, Spencer knows that much. But he picked (Y/N) up on his way for two reasons:
The first one being the simple occurence that the babysitter is not able to keep her any longer, because she has classes in the next morning. The second one is selfish and the father knows that, but he needs her presence, the comfort she brings to him.
“Daddy”, the child breaks the silence in the waiting room, “Is Auntie Emily going to be ok?” She sits in his lap reading a book before looking up at him. Her eyes hold something he wishes to never see again: Fear. The fear of losing someone she loves dearly.
“I hope, Baby. But let’s not forget one important fact: Your Auntie Emily is one of the strongest women I know.” Spencer gives her a kiss on the top of her head and cuddles her closer to him, seeing (Y/N)’s eyes dropping. The rest of the team watches the interaction with aching hearts.
The girl is asleep for half an hour when JJ enters the room. Everybody gets up crowding her. Spencer is careful to not disturb his daughter as he moves her head to his shoulder and hooks his arm under her legs.
“She never made it off the table.” These words echo in the genius’ mind, seemingly being the only things he can think about. “I-I never had the chance to say goodbye.” JJ hugs him, trying to give some sort of comfort. In this process (Y/N) wakes up. As soon as she spots her father’s tears, she knows not to ask a question. Instead she loops her arms around his neck.
“It’s fine. It’s gonna be alright, Daddy”, the toddler recalls the words he says to her whenever she is upset in hopes to cheer him up.
The next couple days are hard on the whole team. They try to grieve together, especially while the funeral takes place. (Y/N) notices that the color black is fitting, since her Auntie really liked to wear it. She likes that they do the same to pay their respects that way.
“Auntie Penny, is she watching?” The blonde woman carries her while the casket is walked down the aisle. Since her death, (Y/N) doesn’t dare to say Emily’s name. She thinks if she avoids it, she is going to inflict less pain when she is talked about.
“Of course. Emily is in heaven and watches this beautiful beautiful ceremony we hold for her. So wipe that frown off and put on that smile she loved so much. Alright?” Confusing to her, the adults want (Y/N) to smile all the time. But they are frowning and crying more often than not.
“Can she hear us? Because I want to say I love her. I forgot to say it the last time I saw her.” Trying to distract herself from seeing the casket lowering into the grave, the girl plays with Penlope’s hair. She in turn has to fight tears back. Only now she realizes the impact the whole thing has on her.
“I’m sure she does. What about when the majority is gone, we go to her grave and talk to Emily? Do we have a deal?” (Y/N) nods.
As soon as the ceremony is over, Spencer takes his daughter, cradling her close to him. As if she senses his sadness, the girl is petting his back in a comforting way. He squeezes her closer to him, leaving her not much room to breathe.
“Daddy, I wanna talk to her. I need to get down.” (Y/N) wiggles in his grasp after she whispers this into his ear. Reluctantly Spencer lets her down and she toddles over to the freshly made grave. A little plastic card sticks out of the grass in place of a headstone.
The adults try to give her as much space as possible, they have to let grieve on her own.
“Hey, Auntie Emily. I-I wanted to say I love you, and I forgot to tell you this the last time so I say it a second time. I love you. And I miss you. I think Daddy misses you too. He is sad since you are gone. I’m too. I think it’s because we miss you. But I hope you like Heaven. Maybe you see my Mommy. When you do, can you say I love her?
“I’ll try to see you soon, Auntie. Goodbye!” (Y/N) goes back to her father and makes grabby hands towards him. Gladly Spencer picks her up again, putting a kiss on her head. “Wanna go home, Daddy.” The child mumbles, exhausted by all the stress and emotions from the day.
The father is relieved to have an excuse to skip the meal with the team. He is scared that the evening at the little restaurant is clouded by sadness and angst. Spencer doesn’t need that right now, a nice sit in with his daughter sounds way better.
After saying their goodbyes the little family sits in the car on their way to the apartment. As soon as Spencer starts the car, (Y/N) is fast asleep. He looks at her through the rear view mirror, happy to see her at peace. It gives the father time to sort through his own thoughts. Since Emily’s death (Y/N) tries to be around him constantly, which he is thankful for, because she keeps the darkness away.
Her last hours play again and again before his eyes. The different ways he could have stopped all of this. Why didn’t he say more when she began biting her nails? When she said “Laura Reynolds is dead”? Maybe all of this is his fault?
His forearm begins to itch. Exactly where Tobias Hankel injected the needle same as he did several times. Maybe, maybe it would make everything better? Just this one tim-
“Daddy? When are we home?” The small voice cuts off his train of thought. Spencer needs a few seconds to clear his mind. Did he really think that? Taking dilaudid while the reason he fought his addiction literally sits right behind him? “Just a few minutes, Sweetheart. Do you want to go to bed after dinner?”
As if she knows that the father can’t be left alone in this state, (Y/N) answers: “No, I wanna watch a movie with you. Can we watch Alvin and the chipmunks? I love Simon so much!” This places a smile on his face, the excitement in her eyes scare his dark thoughts away. “Sure, Peanut. We can watch whatever you want.”
It's the fourth evening in a row that the girl sleeps in her father’s bed. She either falls asleep there or climbs next to him in the middle of the night, so he figures he lets her sleep there right away.
“Good night, Sweetheart”, he tells her as they lay down. Even though it’s quite early for Spencer to go to bed it’s (Y/N)’s time. “Good night, Daddy”, she tells him while snuggling closer, “I love you. Soooooo much.”
The young doctor decides to take the next few days off from work in order to work through the events. The first one he spends coloring in books with her the whole day. While she works on her own books gifted by various members of the BAU, Spencer has his own extra made for adults. He can’t deny the soothing effect it has on him. The repeating moves calms the storm of thoughts inside his head.
The next day the two of them sit the whole day on the small couch in the living room, (Y/N) on his lap, and read. Sometimes they read for themselves, others the father reads outloud from his own or (Y/N) from her own. It’s kind of therapeutic to hear his child doing something he enjoyed his whole life.
“Daddy, do you think she feels lonely in heaven? There is nobody she knows, she has to wait for us to follow her, doesn’t she?” Not prepared for such a deep question, Spencer is caught off guard.
He clears his throat before answering. “Uh, Auntie Emily isn’t that lonely up there, you know. You can’t remember him, but Uncle Gideon, a friend from work and someone I looked up to, is there. He surely greeted her with open arms, happy to see her. And your Mommy is also there, she certainly asked lots of questions about you.” “A-are you sure? I told her to say Mommy ‘I love you’ when she sees her.” (Y/N) looks up to her father with big eyes.
He is not sure if he is lying right now to her, but he sees that his daughter needs the reassurance. “Yes, I’m sure.” To lighten the mood he begins to tickle her, which ends in a tickle fight which in turn ends in tiring the girl out and falling asleep while watching a Disney movie.
The next day is by far the worst since it all happened. Both (Y/N) and Spencer haven’t slept much due to nightmares from both sides (him comforting her as she tears him from his own), which results in a grumpy toddler and a non stop coffee drinking adult.
“Sweetheart, you need to put that shirt on. Auntie JJ is expecting us in ten minutes. Please, stop fighting me”, he begs, but she continues to cry. As Spencer tries for a third time to put it on her (Y/N) throws herself to the other side of the bed.
“I don’t want that, Daddy!” She finally gets out through her sobs. Spencer halts in his movements. “Why? That’s your favorite, Baby.” While (Y/N) begins to cry louder, he leaves the clothing article on the bed and gathers her in his arm, rocking her back and forth additionally to whispering sweet reassurances in her ear.
“She gave it to me. I don’t wanna make it dirty or ruin it”, the toddler says between shaky breaths. For what feels like the trillionth time, the young agent’s heart breaks over this statement. He has a bigger vocabulary than the average English speaking person, but at this moment Spencer is at a loss of words.
“Sweetheart, I apologize for not acknowledging this right away. I’ll get another shirt out for you, ok? Thank you so much for telling and helping me.” Just a few minutes later the little family is on their way to the next metro stop. It’s then that Spencer realizes his day won’t be any easier.
“(Y/N) you can sit in the seat next to me like you always do. Why do you have to sit in my lap today?” Normally he isn’t someone who denies his child physical contact, but the seating chart has a logical purpose. Being on a train with a child means you have some kind of luggage with you, which leads to occupying a four seats compartment. In order to prevent somebody taking the seat next to him, Spencer places his daughter there. It’s a win win situation for everybody, really.
Unfortunately for him (Y/N) is extra clingy today and won’t stop crawling onto his lap. With a sigh he accepts his defeat and tries not to think about the amount of germs that fly around.
Another problem that torments the father: Over the last few days his cravings grew. Especially today the feeling, the need, for another shot and another high is undeniable for him. As if sensing this (Y/N) sticks by his side throughout the whole time, keeping his mind off of the drug that changes him.
While they are at the Jareau’s and Lamontagne’s household, his daughter refuses to play with Henry. “I wanna stay with you”, she murmurs into his shoulder. Again Spencer accepts his defeat and sits down on the couch next to his best friend.
“Sweetheart, you need to let me go. I have to go to the bathroom, you can’t come with me.” This is followed by a tsunami of tears. While JJ tries to console her, he slips out of the room discreetly.
Due to (Y/N)’s current grumpiness and Spencer’s fatigue they quickly call it a night, even though he could use some more comfort from his friends.
“Good night, Sweetheart. Sleep tight and dream nice. I love you”, he says after tucking his child in and giving her a kiss on the forehead. “Night night, Daddy. I love you, too”, her small voice echoes back to him and makes him smile softly.
Spencer finds his way back to the living room and sits down with a book in his lap. As expected he doesn’t get much reading done, too distracted by his own thoughts. The events of the night of his colleague’s, his friend’s, death replay themselves over and over again.
What if he made his conclusions faster? He is supposed to be the smart one, the one the team relies on for making important connections. But he failed once so who knows what happens when he fails again? Next time it could be the whole team dying. He could die. He would leave (Y/N) alone with the team gone. His mother isn’t capable of caring for her and his father doesn’t even know she exists. She will go into foster care, into a home with too many kids. She will be looked over, too small to be seen. Her potential will go to waste and she will never achieve anything she is capable of. And all that because he hasn’t made a conclusion fast enough.
Spencer’s scars on his forearm itch worse than ever. One shot. Only one shot to make the thoughts go away. To make the guilt go away, the bad feelings. He needs it. He needs to cure himself from the symptoms of being a human.
Before the young doctor even registers what he is doing he already put his jacket on and looks for his wallet when a voice startles him.
“Daddy, i can't sleep. Can I stay with you again?” (Y/N) stands in the doorway, clutching her stuffed animal and her blanket, shielding her eyes from the light, oblivious to what her father was about to do.
“Oh Darling, of course. Do you want me to read to you? Or we drink hot chocolate and watch a movie?” He suggests, ready to distract himself from anything that’s going on in his mind. A few minutes later his daughter cuddles into his side while watching once again Alvin and the Chipmunks.
Spencer is just happy to have his light in his life all the time and is ready to tackle any task to keep her there, may it be once again the weekly visits for anonymous narcotics or time off from work to process the events together in therapy.
All works:
Criminal Minds:
@averyhotchner @mggsprettygirl
Spencer Reid x child!reader:
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lizzy-williams · 4 years
𝐁𝐚𝐛𝐲 𝐈𝐭'𝐬 𝐂𝐨𝐥𝐝 𝐎𝐮𝐭𝐬𝐢𝐝𝐞
🎄Warnings: Smut, threesome, alcohol, drug use, language, mature themes, a tiny bit of dubcon but not much, mega age gap.
🎄Summary: After one of Colson Baker’s infamous adult Christmas parties, you decide to stay a little longer than everyone else and end up getting snowed in. One drink after another, things get interesting with one of LA’s hottest couples. 
🎄Theme: Jawbreaker, Machine Gun Kelly
🎄A/N: Sorry I had to sin during the season of your birthday, Jesus. (No I’m not.)
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“And that’s how we met.”
Megan had finished her story, the people that remained at the party all gathered around, sharing spiked eggnog in cozy sweaters and blankets, swapping stories. 
Colson held her close, and secretly, [ y / n ]’s heart would clench every time she would see them together. Because the fact of the matter was, was that she had fallen. For both of them.
But she knew that nothing would ever come of it. Because all you were to them was Rook’s 18 year old, alcohol-drinking, weed smoking cousin. A face that they would see everywhere, but never cared to meet or start a conversation with. Her infatuation with the two of them only grew, and she had always felt guilty for it. 
Rightfully so, because she was crushing on two people that were taken by each other. If that wasn’t guilt inducing, nothing else was. 
But nonetheless, she sat and listened, hanging on to every word they spoke, and she swore she could feel her heart skip a beat whenever one of them, or both of them, would look at her as they spoke. 
After a few more stories, the guest numbers started to dwindle. Soon there were only 8 people left, the rest of the party-goers not wanting to stick around and help clean up. 
Slim, Kells, Megan, Rook, Dub, Mod, Travis, and [ y / n ] were the only ones who were left, and it seemed as if Travis and [ y / n ] were the only ones sober enough to even start cleaning up. 
Everyone was in the living room, listening to music and doing their own thing, Kells, Rook, Slim, and Mod starting a game of pool while Megan hung on Kells like an ornament does a Christmas tree, cheering him on and helping him out, Mr. Baker drunk as all hell. 
When [ y / n ] and Travis were done cleaning up, Mod had already left, Rook and Slim already stumbling to their rooms, most likely passed the fuck out by now. [ y / n ] had to say, her cousin knew how to hold his liquor. How could he not with Colson as a friend?
Travis soon spoke up, “I think I’m gonna head out, there’s supposed to be a pretty bad snow storm. Dunno if you wanna get caught in that, [ y / n ].”
She gave a chaste nod in response, giving him a hug and wishing him farewell, before slipping into the kitchen. From the counter she stood at, she could hear the couple saying their goodbye to Travis, soon hearing the front door open and close, a chilly breeze sweeping through the house. 
[ y / n ] had already poured herself a drink, and usually she was a cocktail kinda girl. But after having to spend the whole night watching Colson and Megan literally being on top of each other, she needed something stronger. 
“Scotch on the rocks, huh?” 
[ y / n ]’s eyes flickered up, only to be met with Megan’s eyes as she leaned on the counter, looking at [ y / n ]’s drink as the young girl put the bottle of alcohol back into a cupboard. 
She flashed a friendly smile as she made her way back, “Yeah, just thought it would be nice to change it up a little bit.”
“I have to say that your cocktails are pretty good though,” Megan slumped in her position, looking at her with puppy-dog eyes, (obviously drunk), and [ y / n ] already knew what it meant. 
A Sex on the Beach was her favorite, and she knew by the compliment, she wanted the young woman to make one for her, and [ y / n ] let out a sigh, and Megan gave a pouty face in response. But [ y / n ] could never say no to her. 
Soon enough, she found herself with the needed ingredients in front of her, an orange-hued cocktail glass to add a little... pazazz if you will. 
Megan looked on in intoxicated wonder, watching as the other woman poured the cocktail, without even measuring anything. And after [ y / n ] garnished it with a cherry. 
Megan let out a sigh as she felt Colson slip up behind her, his arms around her waist, causing [ y / n ] to look up, looking right back down at the counter when she noticed the display of affection that just made her nauseous. It’s not that she found it gross. But more-so wishing that she was in both positions. 
“Ah, thanks for the drink,” Colson smirked, taking advantage of the whisky that sat there on the counter. 
[ y / n ] wanted to make a sound of protest, but when she caught sight of his fingers wrapped around the glass, the noise stopped half-way up her throat. 
God, his fingers are so sexy, fuck, I wonder with they could reach my cervix when he does it up to the knuckles- Wait, stop, [ y / n ], you’re being weird, stop. 
.”You know, you somehow even make a whiskey on the rocks somehow taste better. Dunno how you do it, you can’t even drink yet,” Colson praised, [ y / n ] wincing at the fact that he mentioned her age. 
It was true, she was the baby of the group. At only age 18, the boys were very protective of her, and it always made her self conscious, alway being treated like a baby. She liked to think of herself as a girl who’s mind was beyond her years, hating that she was born at the wrong time. 
She mumbled out a quick ‘thanks’ before sliding Ms. Fox her drink, a smile spreading across her face as she got giddy, squealing as she took a sip, a face of almost pleasure crossing her expression. 
“Holy shit, [ y / n ]. You’re the fucking best, fuck,” she admired, taking a long sip this time, Colson making childish grabby hands at the drink, the woman making a big show of presenting it to him, which of course included him rubbing her ass right against hit groin, making him let out a low groan, his head dropping in her neck. 
“You know, [ y / n ], we would love it if you stayed the night. Besides, there’s a really bad storm, we wouldn’t want you out on the road,” looking at Colson, nudging him as queue to agree. 
All she got was a nod. 
“Thanks, I think I’ll just crash on the couch or something,” [ y / n ]’s voice was barely audible, the pda in front of her making her slightly uncomfortable. 
“Nahhhh, you d-don’t need to, [ y / n / n ],” Colson was now slurring, “You can just sleep in our bed,”
[ y / n ] let out a small laugh, amused by his drunk offer. But after a few serious looks being thrown in her direction, she realized they were serious.
“Oh, y-you mean it, I couldn’t possibly-”
“Come oooon,” Megan wiggled out of Cols’ grasp, walking to the other side of the counter, grabbing [ y / n ]’s hands and guiding her away, dragging her up the stairs, Colson slowly finding his way behind them. 
When they finally made it to the master bedroom, Megan looked at [ y / n ] with a smirk, “Come on, you can’t sleep in that, you can borrow some of my things, just for tonight.”
“Are you sure, that’s not necessary, I-”
Megan shushed her, “Shh, it’s fine, it’s the least I can to. Besides, it’s Christmas Eve, ‘tis the season of giving,”
She suddenly pulled her in the bathroom, the closet connected in the back, but not before Colson suggested he slipped in the bathroom with them. [ y / n ] both scoffed and rolled their eyes, closing the door behind them. 
“Strip,” Megan said. 
[ y / n ] blinked, “h-huh?” 
“For the clothes, silly, you aren’t gonna put it over your clothes,”
Megan patted to the closet, rustling around, soon coming out with a shirt and some shorts.
“Here, go ahead ‘n get dressed,”
“What, like right here?” [ y / n ] asked, anxiety obviously shooting up. 
Megan let her hands rub over [ y / n ]’s shoulders, “Don’t sweat it, we’re both girls, we all have the same parts,”
[ y / n ] nodded shyly, taking off her dress-up shirt, then slipping off her pants, left in nothing but a bra and panties on. Megan then spoke up from behind her, making eye contact with [ y / n ] in the mirror, “You have a really beautiful body,”
[ y / n ] dismissed it as a drunk comment, and was about to slip the donated shirt on, but Megan stopped her before a second arm slipped into it. 
“Aren’t you going to take off your bra? Heard it can cause bad stuff for your chest. Besides, that bra is too pretty to ruin.”
She nodded slowly, now avoiding Megan’s prying eyes, getting behind her and unclasping her bra for her. Megan watched it was it dropped, starring at her breasts. 
The young woman cleared her throat, trying to get her tempting thoughts out of her head, slipping the rest of the clothes on, and was about to walk out of the door, before Megan once again stopped her.
“Hey,” she started, “You’re beautiful,” Megan then leaned over, leaving a soft kiss on [ y / n ]’s forehead, and if she wasn't red before, she was definitely red now. 
It was all so random. Coming out of nowhere.
Opening the door, [ y / n ] tried her hardest to forget what just happened, but it was all she could think about.
Colson already seemed like he was on the brink of sleep, the light from the TV being the only thing illuminating the room. But when his attention focused on the two women walking towards him, getting ready to slip into bed with him, he was wide awake. 
[ y / n ] paused for a second, stopping in her tracks, she wasn’t really sure what she was supposed to do next, let alone what she was about to do. What the fuck even was this? A drunken idea that will be discarded in the morning, the two of them dismissing it because they were too drunk to remember?
Or did this mean something? Was this a sign? What if they both-
“Come on, [ y / n ], I don’t bite, Colson smiled, patting the spot right next to him, Megan nodding in confirmation.
“Y-Yeah, sure, okay,” her words came out faster than anticipated, making her sound like she was babbling like a toddler. 
Before she could embarrass herself anymore than she already did, she did as she was told, [ y / n ] slipping into the covers as she made room for Megan on the king-sized bed. 
But when Colson pulled her in, her head now on his chest, she could feel her heart beating a million miles a minute. And at first, she thought that Megan would disapprove. This was her boyfriend we were talking about. 
But when she hopped into bed, she objected for a different reason than expected. 
“Hey, don’t hog her, I want some cuddles too,” she whined, latching onto [ y / n ] by wrapping her arms around her waist and nuzzling her face in the back of the girl’s neck.
But Megan could sense [ y / n ]’s heartbeat, and she almost smirked to herself because she was part of the reason. 
“Come on, [ y / n ], it’s just us,” she soothed, hoping it would help with nerves. 
Colson himself gave a small squeeze of reassurance, then reaching over to his bedside table and pulling out a joint, lighting it. 
“You want first hit?” he passed it to [ y / n ] and she nodded. If anything were to calm her down, it would be this. At least relieve some tension. 
Soon enough, the joint was burned up to the filter, the room smelling like weed as the three of them relaxed, watching the movie that was on the screen. Colson was now sobered up a little bit. But he wouldn’t dare change the situation that he was in. Not for a hundred bucks. Not even for a million. 
[ y / n ] was nuzzled deeply into his chest now, Megan playing with her hair as she gave a look to Colson. 
As soon as the movie ended, Colson looked over to [ y / n ] who was sleeping peacefully, she soft breaths enough to make the couple fall asleep. Megan let out a small ‘aw’ before gently kissing her forehead just like she did in the bathroom. 
“Goodnight [ y / n ],”
Colson imitated her action, doing the same as she whispered Megan’s exact message, before pretending to fall asleep. 
But both of them weren’t sleeping. They were just hoping that the other one wasn’t going to find out about what they were about to do. They couldn’t resist. [ y / n ] was right there, and the both of them had a connection to the girl, so how could they not?
Colson made the first move. He let his free hand reach over his body, letting his hand drift gently over her thighs, making her shift just the slightest in her sleep. Soon enough it reached her calfs, then right where he wanted it, her covered clit his next target, pressing lightly on it, knowing the pressure would get to her, maybe even enough to wake her up. 
But she was sleeping like a rock, and all he was getting was whimpers and mutters of profanity in her sleep. 
It wasn’t until he felt another hand down there that he stopped and froze in his tracks. He suddenly looked over and whisper yelled.
She had the same response, “Colson??”
They both had the same goal. But it was somewhat relieving. Because the other couldn’t blame the feelings they had for the 18 year old. And Megan thought that she was the only one who had the sinful thought of touching her and making her make sultry noises in her sleep, feeling the gratification that she, in fact, made them happen. 
But now things changed. Now she didn’t feel so indifferent about her displays of affection for the girl, and neither did Colson. Because there were always the intentional touches every now and again. Always having the excuse to reach over [ y / n ], his hand touching her lower waist, which also made her turn a shade of dark pink, goosebumps erupting in it’s wake.
Now things had changed. 
Megan switched on the lamp on her side, giving a knowing look to Colson, knowing what they wanted to do next. They just prayed that [ y / n ] would want to do it too. 
Megan leaned over, leaving kisses across [ y / n ]’s neck as she let her hands slip up her shirt, dragging her nails across her stomach. Once Colson saw that [ y / n ]’s eyes were fluttering open, he suddenly grabbed her, making her squeak, pulling her into his lap as the kissed her on her lips. 
It may have been the sleepy haze, or maybe the weed, but [ y / n ] found herself kissing back as he held her close, now shifting herself to straddle his waist, their tongues poking and playing with each other while Megan let out a huff of disapproval, for Colson, once again hogging the girl. 
Megan ended up leaning up to her neck once again, her hands drifting everywhere she pleased, [ y / n ] letting out soft noises. 
Suddenly, Colson flipped her on the bed, before stripping her almost completely, except for her shirt. 
“That’s my shirt, you know,” he smirked, knowing Megan might have done that on purpose. 
This time, Megan’s hand sliding farther up, touching her beasts, lifting up the shirt just above them, bringing her mouth to the nipples, sucking them. Colson slipped his clothes off, trying to match the girl in front of him, Megan soon following suit, deciding to take off Colson’s shirt, leaving [ y / n ] completely in the nude. 
Their hands were all over her, making her squirm, getting self conscious. She was in front of the two most beautiful people she knew, and somehow they wanted her, my some miracle. But yet, she was relived, because she didn’t need to hide such dangerous feelings. Here, she thought her thoughts would split the couple apart. But what was about to happen was going to strengthen their bond for all three of them. 
Colson waisted no time getting between [ y / n ] legs, making contact with her clit as she let out a whimper. So many times, she had pictured this. Every time she touched herself, she pictured him doing it and not her hand, and it was finally happening. 
[ y / n ] then decided to make a daring move, reaching her hand down to Megan’s clit, rubbing soft circles around the bud, making her feel perfect. Sure, Colson could make her cum. But [ y / n ] was a woman. She knew what a woman’s body wants. What a woman’s body needs, and soon enough, the two women were about to fall off the edge. 
And they did, and Colson didn’t know which one to focus his attention on. It was beautiful to watch both of the women who were closest to him reach a state of nirvana. Especially at the same time. 
He then kissed up [ y / n ]’s stomach as she was just then coming down to Earth, then hovering over her, kissing her passionately. She could taste herself on his tongue, and it was the hottest thing she thought she could experience that night. 
But Christ, was she wrong. 
“Let me have a taste, Cols,” Megan muttered, Colson eagerly complying, slipping his hand down to [ y / n ]’s clit to rub soft circles as he kissed his girlfriend, the afterglow of her orgasm somehow making her more beautiful. 
[ y / n ] turned her head, muffling her moans against the crook of Megan’s neck, her heavy breaths making the older woman squirm at the warm sensation. 
When the couple broke the kiss, Colson suddenly positioning himself at [ y / n ]’s entrance, kissing her neck, sucking dark marks all over her soft spots. But a wave of anxiety crashed over her as she pushed him back, stopping both him and Megan in their tracks, automatically concerned. 
“W-Wait, I’ve never... I haven’t-” she struggled to get her words out, Colson filling in the blanks. 
“You’re a virgin?” Megan suddenly cut in. 
“How are you even related to Rook- Ow-” Colson got a smack on the chest from Megan, giving him a look. 
“What better way to loose your virginity than to share it with more than one person?” Megan suggested. 
“I just... can you hold my hand?” she asked Megan like a child, and she automatically obliged, intertwining their fingers and placing a soft kiss on her nose. 
“Anything for you.”
“Are you okay to keep going?” Colson asked sensitively, and [ y / n ] gave a small nod before taking a deep but shaky breath. 
As she let a breath out, he began to insert the tip, making [ y / n ] gasp, a new discomfort in her cunt she had never felt before. And fuck he was big. But if there was one thing that was known about [ y / n ], it was that she wasn’t a quitter. She had made it this far. 
After a few seconds of whispered praises from the both of them, [ y / n ] bit down on her lip as she began to push in farther, the girl squeezing Megan’s hand like it was the last thing she would ever do. 
Soon enough, we was bottomed out inside her, giving her time to adjust, Colson kissing her collarbone as Megan kissed her jaw. After several minutes of cock-warming, [ y / n ] saw it fit to move, almost letting out a sigh of relief. 
Slowly, he started to move, trying his best to be as gentle as possible. Soon he began to go faster, and the ache in [ y / n ]’s core began to dissolve into pleasure as she felt every ridge and every vein as be slipped in and out of her. 
“Holy fuck, you’re so fucking tight, shit,” he cursed, beginning to go faster and faster, [ y / n ] feeling the coil inside her tighten. 
“m’gonna cum, can I please cum?” she asked desperately, Megan bringing their intertwined hands up to her lips, giving [ y / n ]’s hand a kiss.
“Of course you can, sweet girl, unravel on his cock,” her words leaving Colson speechless, her fingers slipping down to her clit, [ y / n ] letting out a yelp of pleasure. 
Soon enough, the coil inside her snapping like a twig as a mind-numbing orgasm, making her black out, passing out in pure euphoria, Colson pulling out and Megan suddenly lurching forward, her mouth on his tip, taking his cum in her mouth, swallowing everything he gave him. 
Tucking her under the covers, Colson smirked, letting it sink in that he was his first time, almost feeling as if she saved herself for this exact moment. 
And as [ y / n ]  finally slipped into peaceful sleep, Colson then went to his girlfriend, getting ready to give her a perfectly earned orgasm.
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wyverian-lady525 · 3 years
Little Hands
A short blurb featuring Alwin and his son. (Cause I’m soft at the idea of him as a father, sorry not sorry).
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In all of Rutoh, the most peaceful place would be by the stables. Today was no different. It was a beautiful sunny day with just a slight breeze. 
Tragically, you were called to Lulucion for some Guild business, leaving a little someone in the hands of someone else. It only worried you slightly because Alwin was a much more distant father than you would’ve thought. He loved the kid, but he didn’t really do much with him outside of the necessary “keep him alive” needs (even though the kid is only around one year old and LOVES to play). So, you were worried that your little guy was going to be bored. Or even worse, sad that you were gone.
Turns out, your worry will be for nothing.
Back at the stables, which was fairly isolated due to everyone being out and about because of the nice weather, sat your boys, crisscross from one another. Alwin just got done from his daily patrol and put Shaulk away in the stables when one of the older women came over with S/N.
“He missed you.” She said with a smile and to prove her point, S/N whimpered and made grabby hands towards him. Alwin snatched the child from her as the baby clung onto him, grabbing his scarf and holding it tightly with his little hands. The wyverian said nothing; just rubbed his son’s back as S/N calmed down.
“Thank you.” Was all Alwin said to the lady before disappearing. No one knew where he went and were starting to get concerned until they heard S/N’s angelic laughter float from the stables. 
“Okay, okay, one more time.” Alwin laughed as he covered his eyes with his hands. The little boy stopped his laughing and his smile vanished as his wide e/c gazed at his father’s hidden face, seemingly confused as to where it went. 
A couple more seconds passed by before Alwin removed his hands in mock surprise, saying, “Peek-a-boo!” 
S/N began to laugh again, and the display was heartwarming to any who happened to pass by. Alwin laughed along with his son and his heart warmed when his baby looked at him pleadingly.
“Fine.” The wyverian said with a smile before covering his face again. However, before he could uncover his face, he could feel S/N crawl into his lap. Two little hands grabbed at his wrists and tried to pull his hands away from his face. Alwin was obviously stronger than him, so keeping his hands there was no issue. He couldn’t help but grin at each little tug his kid did. S/N was very smart after all.
“Daddy!” He then whined, clearly upset that his father was not giving in. Alwin didn’t want to make the little boy cry now, so he removed his hands and praised him. 
“Well done.” The wyverian praised while picking up S/N so he could lay back on the grass with his kid sitting on his chest. S/N giggled again as Alwin brushed some white bangs out of his eyes. The child then began to snuggle into him as well, enjoying the warmth of the sun and the sound of his dad’s heartbeat. The father in question wrapped an arm around the little boy and pressed a kiss to his forehead.
What felt like an hour passed before the duo was covered by a shadow.
“Now, isn’t this a pleasant sight.” A familiar voice said. Both Alwin and S/N opened their eyes in surprise, but S/N was more delighted.
“Mama!” He cheered as he gave the ‘up’ signal. You complied by picking your son up, who snuggled into you as soon as he could. Alwin was still lying stone stiff on the ground, petrified that you caught him like this. You just smiled and shook your head as your husband finally got to his feet, looking sheepish.
“Nice work love.” You said while kissing his cheek. He looked relieved and smiled at the touch. You could tease him later.
“I’ll see you tonight then.” Was all he said as he thought of the countless other chores he had to do. You simply nodded, deciding to buy a few things before heading home.
“Bye daddy!” S/N angelic little voice called as he did the little toddler wave towards Alwin, who smiled and waved back already missing you both.
Those hands. Those little hands. His son’s hands.
He will always cherish their delicate touch, even if it’s during an adorable game of peek-a-boo.
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pangolin-404 · 3 years
*grabby hands* gives us the SCC headcanons, pls, i crave more content (i don't have anything specific to ask, though... maybe just in general/as a polycule? ough my brain isn't working-)
I have a big ol Sweet hc dump here so here are some romantic headcanons and how I think they’d end up together!
They were extremely close friends way before they got together. Because of this, they all caught the “I’m never saying anything about this in case it hurts our friendship” disease
Sweet is a ticking time bomb in terms of bottling his emotions because he’s TERRIBLE at it. Before he said anything, he’d crack unknowingly and just swoon openly and be extremely sappy for .5 seconds before catching himself
Cap’n thought he was straight. he really, truly did. and then he fell for not one but two people who Are Not Women and had a crisis. He was already casually affectionate with them, so he actually became more reserved out of worry for crossing boundaries.
K_K tried their hardest to be chill about it, which actually sort of worked; because neither Sweet nor Cap’n reacted negatively to open affection, they just kept doing what they always did, which in turn made the other two more comfortable expressing themselves. and so they entered a loop of “Affection --> Positive Reaction --> More Affection.” K_K is the reason 1) Sweet didn’t explode and 2) Cap’n started being more affectionate
This lead to them eventually doing very sappy romantic things together all while being like “yes :) best friends we are :) hanging out with the homies :))” They start holding hands, cuddling, sometimes falling asleep w/ another. all as friends. of course. friends who eventually start sharing a bed and sleep in hugging each other. friends kiss each other sometimes right. as long as it’s not on the mouth ahaha.
This Extremely Specific Scene has burned itself into my brain and it’s the only way I can visualize them bringing up their Feelings(tm): They’re all getting ready for bed, like any other night. K_K turns out the lamp. for a minute all’s peaceful as they start to fall asleep. Cap’n’s Wide Awake. “I think we’re dating,” he says. Suddenly the other two are wide awake as well.
Once they establish that yes, all of them have feelings for each other, they officially start dating. absolutely nothing changes about their routine for days afterwards because they’re all like “well?? WHAT AM I SUPPOSED TO DO NOW?”
Ok now onto more specific stuff post-romance-established (and this post would be Long otherwise)
Sweet may not have a mouth but that doesn’t stop them from giving them affectionate bonks on the forehead (bc he can’t usually reach K_K he tries to subtly get them to pick him up in a hug. he is not being subtle but K_K goes along with it anyways).
Sweet loves baking dessert stuff (sweets, if you will,) and sometimes he makes them little treats
Sweet will hug Cap’n out of the blue sometimes (usually in private, since Cap’n gets jumpy and isn’t a fan of pda) to just. hold him. Sometimes u just gotta hold ur warm soft partner and grip them by the jacket tight so they can’t wiggle away
Cap’n overheats if smothered. Sweet is the one who finds this out the hard way by trying to be suave and flirty and suddenly Cap’n starts smoking. it absolutely saps their energy so the other two try not to break them
Sometimes, Cap’n will idly hold their hands. doesn’t matter if they’re even doing the same thing or just walking somewhere. they just gotta hold hands sometimes
Cap’n’s love language is gift giving so sometimes when they’re out in the city they’ll see a thing that reminds them of them and get it. they got Sweet their headphones and K_K has a hundred little trinkets like bracelets, gloves, belts, etc. Neither Sweet nor K_K were used to getting gifts of the “I saw this and thought of you” variety so it gets em right in the soul every time
K_K will just. bend over and smooch em whenever they feel like it. annihilate your partners with this one easy trick!
K_K sometimes doesn’t communicate when they want some affection, but the others pick up on it because they’ve known each other for so long.  they love being hugged but is usually the one doing the hugging so they just melt whenever the turns table. can’t stop smiling real wide from the love!!
K_K plays music in their sleep sometimes. it’s just a quiet, basic melody a few seconds long, but the others like listening to it if they happen to be awake when it happens
Once K_K is asleep they are out and nothing’s waking them up. More than once they’ve trapped Sweet or Cap’n in their arms in the morning
Neither Cap’n nor K_K say “I love you” very often for different reasons: Cap’n’s shy and K_K doesn’t think it needs to be said sometimes, that actions speak louder than words. Sweet says it the most and it gets them both right in the feels every time
They pretty much never argue; after so long together, they’ve accepted their differences and learned to work through them. any bickering is minor and it’s only a matter of time before they shuffle back to each other to apologize
When they’re all sleeping together, their soul-beats sync up
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uselessheretic · 3 years
banri day?? banri????? i dont have anything new but ill post a scene from wip that will never be finished where juza goes to camp for two  weeks and banri experiences realizashuns
Banri rolled through morning practice like a derailed train. 
“What the fuck,” he repeated for what may have been the twelfth time that day. 
“Well,” Omi said while cocking his head and squinting at the screen. “I’m glad he’s making friends!” 
“Since when did Hyodo have friends?” Banri asked.
“We’re his friends.”
“And that’s a fat fucking L on your part, but me? I’m built different.”
Omi frowned as he puzzled over Banri’s words. “I’m sorry. I do not know what most of that sentence means.” 
“God Omi,” Banri said while sucking his teeth. “You’re so old.”
“I’m three years older than you.”
Banri furrowed his perfectly tweezed eyebrows as he considered that. “Nah, that’s fake.” 
Azami, interested in the conversation for the first time, took one of his earbuds out. “I have theories,” he stated. 
“About Hyodo?”
“Why would I––Nevermind. Anyways, I think Omi is evading tax fraud.” The way Azami stated it made it sound like he had put a lot of thought into this. It was a convincing argument.
“Hm…” Banri considered it.
“I’m a student…” Omi defended himself. 
“Yeah, tell that to the government, Boomer.” 
“I have an ID!”
“And I’m from a Yakuza family. I know that shit’s easy to fake, but whatever.” Azami gestured to his eyes signalling a I’m watching you warning. 
Banri slapped Omi on the back of his freakishly broad shoulders. “Come on, you are kinda a whole ass mom. I don’t know what aged you up like that.”
Azami scratched at his head, also thinking about it. “Trauma?”
They both looked to Omi, who just shrugged in response. 
“I mean, yeah, probably,” he agreed. 
Mystery solved, Banri was more than ready to go back to the subject at hand. 
“I wanna see!” Taichi made grabby hands towards the phone still in Omi’s hands. Omi tossed it to him, and Taichi, only fumbling a little, made a triumphant noise when he caught it. His eyes flew wide when he pulled up the screenshot of Kazunari’s post. 
“She’s cute!” Taichi announced in a shocked voice. 
“It’s insane!” The beginning of a tension headache was starting to form. Banri rubbed viciously at his temples, as if trying to drill into his skull and rip the migraine out of his head. 
Taichi wasn’t helping as he cried out in jealousy. “No fair! I want to talk to a girl who’s that cute!”  
“She’s not that cute,” Banri mumbled. 
“Yes, she is!” Taichi insisted. “Azami, what do you think?” 
Azami yelped as Banri’s phone was shoved in his face. Reluctantly, he took a quick peak. “She has nice skin. It looks smooth and healthy. I think she needs a lighter moisturizer though. Juza better be wearing sunscreen out there.” 
“See, even Azami said she was a total babe!” Taichi said, triumphantly. 
“I didn’t say that!” Azami sputtered out. 
“When did she become a babe?” Banri complained. “What happened to cute?” 
With a serious expression, Taichi placed a hand on Banri’s shoulder. “Bro, you can be cute and a babe at the same time. Girls are versatile like that.” 
He put a little too much force in slapping Taichi’s hand away. “Shut up. Anybody would look cute next to Hyodo’s busted up mug.” 
Omi hummed in thought. “Do you think you might be a bit jealous, Banri?”
“Huh?” It was a ridiculous assumption, so ridiculous that it left Banri devoid of words and with his mouth hanging open in shock. 
Jealous? Jealous of what? That Hyodo could talk to some girl that wasn’t even that cute? 
Okay, maybe she was a bit cute in a tomboy-ish way, but “babe” was still going too far! She was just some girl. One with nice skin and a pretty smile who happened to be talking to Juza. 
There was no reason for Banri to be jealous because Banri was perfectly capable of walking outside and finding a girl twice as attractive to chat up. There was nothing special about getting lucky that a chick could stand his presence for long enough to engage in what was probably a dry and awkward conversation.
“Banny? You in there?” Taichi’s voice broke through like a lighthouse through fog, snapping Banri out of his thoughts as he waved a hand in front of his face. 
“Why would I be jealous of Hyodo?” Banri finally spit out. “I can pull girls way hotter than that.”
Omi chuckled awkwardly and turned away. “Not exactly what I meant, but sure.”
“It’s just a surprise is all! Since when did Hyodo talk to girls? Forreal, when has anybody ever seen him talk to any girl?”
“He talks to The Director!” Omi said.
“Yeah, and I’m pretty sure he hasn’t figured out that The Director’s a girl.”
And in a show of impeccable timing, that was the exact moment Izumi decided to enter the practice room with Sakyo trailing behind her. 
“Come again?” Izumi asked. 
“What the hell are any of you talking about?” Sakyo’s voice was practically a snarl. 
“No, really. Come again?” Izumi repeated herself, a smile on her face as she cocked her head in a questioning manner. 
Deciding that Sakyo was the less frightening of the two options to deal with, Banri held his phone up as he called out to him. “Furuichi! Hyodo’s being a whore on Instablam!”
A fascinating mixture of exhaustion, anger, regret, and even more exhaustion colored Sakyo’s expression. Knowing he didn’t want to hear an answer, but aware that there was no way to avoid it, Sakyo asked, “What?”
Omi tried to reign the conversation in as a voice of reason. “Banri’s just a bit worked up is all.” And then, in a stage-whisper that was completely useless, he said, “He’s jealous that Juza’s talking to a cute girl.”
“I’m not fucking jealous and she’s not fucking cute!” Banri yelled at a reasonable volume considering the circumstances.
“Christ on a fucking cracker,” Sakyo had reached the limits of his patience. “Everybody shut the hell up! Practice begins NOW!”
The small group of actors broke up, taking their cue to start setting up for practice, something they should’ve done fifteen minutes earlier. 
“She is cute though! Director, you should see!” Taichi said as he tried to carry too many chairs at once to clear the floor. 
“Banri’s just being mean,” Omi agreed as he took the majority of the chairs out from Taichi’s arm who had begun to tilt dangerously. 
“No, this whole thing is just bullshit is all,” Banri argued. “That has to look bad for the company, right? Isn’t he supposed to be acting, not slutting it up in the woods.”
“What?” Izumi asked. “What does any of that even mean, Banri!” 
Banri handed her his phone, pouting as he saw Sakyo take a half-interested peek over her shoulder. 
“Aw, he’s making friends!” Izumi said with not even a hint of slutshaming. 
“How is that allowed?” Banri asked. “And since when did he talk to girls? Come on, I can’t be the only one stumped by that!” 
The others in the room made some vague mumbling noises.
“I mean, did he lie though?” Azami said. 
“He’s allowed to make friends. That’s what camp is for! Do you think girls and boys can’t be friends, Banri?” Izumi’s voice was tactfully disappointed. 
“Don’t try to trap me, I took a Women's Studies course last semester,” he said while crossing his arms. “I know chicks and dudes can hang, or whatever.”
“I–Chicks? Seriously, Banri?” 
Banri blinked in confusion. “What? It’s not like I said bitc–”
Before he could finish his sentence, Sakyo smacked him in the back of the head. Hard. 
“Watch yourself,” Sakyo warned him. He sighed as he watched Banri rub at the sore spot pouting. “What would you even want me to do? Give him the birds and the bees speech?”
Banri balked at the suggestion. “Gross… I can’t even imagine what that’d be like.” 
“What?” Sakyo asked. “Do you need it explained too, Settsu?” 
“It’s awful,” Azami spoke with blank eyes that had seen horror. “Don’t do it. Save yourself.” 
“Juza and lady sitting in a tree,” Taichi sang out. “K-I-S-I-N-G!” 
“Shut up!” Azami shoved at Taichi with a bright red blush. “That’s disgusting!” 
“Agreed,” Sakyo said with an affirmative nod. 
Omi mouthed the letters while ticking them off on his fingers, “I think you may have missed a letter, Taichi. There should be two S’s,” 
“Huh? Are you sure? K-I-S-Ohhh!” The world’s smallest lightbulb sputtered on above his head. 
“No, it’s S, Taichi. S,” Omi tried to correct him. “K-I-S-S-I-N-G.”
“Yeah, I got that!” Taichi said. “Juza and lady sitting in a tree. K-I-S-S-”
“No!” Azami yelled. 
“Huh?” Omi said while furrowing his eyebrows. “It’s definitely two S’s. K-I-S-” 
“Stop talking about kissing!” Azami begged. He covered his ears, sinking to the floor in a horrified teenaged ball. 
Meanwhile, Banri stood off to the side. Tired. Defeated. “Izumi?” he called for The Director weakly.
“Yes?” she asked with concern in her voice. 
“I think I’m in hell.” He could barely speak above a hoarse whisper. 
Izumi patted him on the back, gentle and caring. “It’ll be okay, Banri. Although we will need to circle back to that ‘bitches’ thing later, kay?”
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Hey Hana. I don't know if I should ask but was their a time where you were in a big giant fight somewhere? Like a bar fight or something?
She was drinking some ice tea but got the message to read it. "...Have I been in a big fight?...ehhhhh, I have. A couple times." she mutters but sets the tea down to look at the anon. "Though, most of them were pervs trying to flirt with me at the time." she remembers that old memory too well.
She was drinking some sweet ice cream root beer float while having a day to herself but she was ignoring the cat calls and whistling that others were doing. So annoying and yet she ignores it. A few was just eyeing her and from the black pants with a black flirty top she wore. They saw her tattoo but some other marks on her. Even from that, they still find her hot. While she was drinking some more to keep her eyes closed.
"Hey sugar, what are you doing here by yourself?" she opens one of her eyes to look at a guy that had a smug look on his face. She figures he had a few drinks but ignores it to look down at her drink. "You seem to be lonely here by yourself. Would you like some company from a hot guy like me?" she stops drinking her root beer float to look at him.
"None of your business so can you kindly leave me alone? I'm trying to have a me day here." she mutters this but looks ahead drinking more of her drink as the guy chuckled seeing she had spunk.
"So you got a little tone huh? That's hot. I mean, I'm not trying to be mean. I figure you were alone and wanted some company. So how about it...." he reaches to run his fingers through her hair feeling how soft it was, even through the part where it was silver hair. He already was too close but she only looks at him with a glare.
"Look; I said nicely to please leave me alone. I don't need company. I'm fine." she mutters to move his hand from her hair to stop touching it. That's when his buddies went over to surround her that the leader sighed to reach and grab her chin. Her head was turned to look at him. He even smelled of beer and it was not fun.
"Hey, don't be a bitch here. I was trying to be nice, sweetheart. Me and my guys always like helping sweet ladies like you so your not alone. Or maybe your just a snobby whore that wants someone to hurt you. Why don't you apologize to me for that behavior of yours hmm?" he tightens his hold but Hanoka sighed to look at him.
He lets her chin go but she looks at him. "Fine. I'm sorry..." he grins to hear that before she continued, "For you being a stinky asshole that loves hitting on women but can't even look decent to get a girlfriend. Maybe if you and your idiot friends learn to not be so grabby with girls, you might evolve from being drool monkeys." she hisses that the leader's eye twitch getting angry. "WHY YOU FUCKING BITCH!" He tries to slap her but Hanoka ducks to grab her drink and smash the glass cup into his head then punches him away. He crashes into his friends as the others now looked shocked.
"Seriously, why can't you clowns take a hint?" she asked cold now while cracking her knuckles her water blue eyes darkened from being angry.
"Don't stand there; grab her!" they came one by one as Hanoka dodges ones punch to kick him in the throat away from her. Another tries grabbing her only to grab two knives to stab his hands into the counter hearing his screams. She did a sweeping kick to knock three away from her while she shows a murder look on her face. She backflips away from them while they chase her. Through out the shop, she beats each one down like nothing. Some suffering wounds, broken bones, even got knocked out while she fights rough and dirty. Some did stab and punch her but she only hits harder leaving them getting back up then fall back down. She even kicked a few through a window outside while that and others run off afraid or being injured. She wasn't human! She was a monster to do this!
Hanoka bashes two guys heads together knocking them out but hits a guy in the stomach using the palm of her hand. He falls over coughing as he heaved but she kept fighting. One grabs her from behind but she headbutts him back to make him let go and threw a right hook knocking him out. The leader was shocked seeing this but he sees her turn to him as he crawls back seeing her coated in blood but looking insane.
"So..still wanna hit on me?" she warns but he shook his head that he begins pissing himself. Hanoka slowly drops the wooden table leg but looks at him. "Next time, learn to take a hit asshole. If a woman says to leave her alone; leave. her. alone." she warns before turning to leave after leaving the guy there.
"Sooooo yeah, you can say I was in a few or a lot of bar fights. Kiyoshi and Miyuki was shocked but at least I was alright." she mutters to rub the back of her head.
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polar534 · 3 years
Hockey AU: Pizza Date Pt. 1
Hi. It's ya girl. Back again. This is the last of the fully written parts I have done for Hockey AU, so anything else that gets posted is being worked on and completed currently. For example, Pizza Date was the second(?) fully written thing I've ever done for Hockey AU. I drew alot from my own experiences while writing it. Hockey AU is just the thing I write to de-stress anymore.
TW: Homophobia.
"So. Whatcha feeling? It's my treat today!" Luz grinned at Amity as they both stood at the counter.
"Oh. Luz, I'm not really that hungry. I thought we were just going home." Amity said with a small frown.
Luz watched her face fall and felt only a tiny twinge of guilt. Luz glanced over at the man behind the counter who rolled his eyes with smile, communicating that, yes, he didn't mind waiting.
"Oh we'll make it home eventually, but you've got to be hungry after a practice like today. I'm starving and all I did was watch!" Luz exclaimed, giving her full attention back to Amity.
"You're always starving Luz." Amity said, giving her a look.
Luz smirked. "Alright. Well, how about this, I'll order enough for the both of us, and whatever you don't eat, I'll finish." She proposed, and before Amity could answer, she turned to the man behind the counter and flashed him a huge smile.
"One large pepperoni pizza, and an order of breadsticks please. Oh... wait. Make that 2 orders."
"For here or to go?"
"For here."
Luz collected the little ticket number the man put out for them and swiftly grabbed Amity by the hand, leading them to a booth in the corner of the restaurant. She stood outside of the table and gestured dramatically for Amity to scoot inside before climbing into the other side's bench.
The restaurant was warm however, and Amity quickly got back up to allow herself room to take off her jersey. Now in just a plain tank top, Luz grinned at the witch widely, holding her hands out expectedly with a grabby motion.
Amity sighed heavily and rolled her eyes, but she couldn't hide the smile that appeared on her face at Luz's antics. She tossed the jersey the human's way, and Luz scrambled into it without hesitation.
"I don't know why you always insist on wearing that. It's all gross and sweaty from practice." Amity mused aloud, already knowing the answer.
"Because it's yours, and I looooveee you. And because it's big and baggy and swooshes when I do this." Luz explained with a grin as she shook her shoulders in a small wiggle, making the jersey ripple with movement.
It brought a giggle out of both of the girls and they fell into a quiet conversation, Luz mostly leading, as Amity listened supportively with a tired smile. At some point, Luz snaked her hand onto the table, holding it out in a clear invitation. Amity took it without hesitation.
A couple of minutes passed and Luz watched as the Sunday afternoon crowd started to file in to the pizza joint. It was mostly young adults along with a group of older, middle aged women. For the most part, they ignored the two girls in the corner, but Luz still felt tense. She kept one eye out of the booth as she squeezed Amity's hand tighter.
If Amity picked up on her anxiety, she didn't say anything. Instead she simply gently stroked the back of Luz's hand comfortingly with her thumb.
Eventually the whispers started. Just as Luz knew they would. Mostly spearheaded by a group of 3 stern-looking older ladies who sat directly in the middle of the dining area.
Luz lost focus in the conversation as Amity's eyes drooped, clearly tired after the long day. The server startled them both as he slid their food onto the table with a smile.
"And how are you ladies doing today?" He asked cheerfully as he pulled out some napkins and plates for them.
Luz glanced quickly up at the ladies who were now glaring directly at her. Her shoulders shot up as she felt the venom radiating off of their stares and she quickly turned away and gave the man a weak smile.
"Doing well. Just a little tired is all." She said in a rush, gently squeezing Amity's hand as she let go to help organize the table and food.
All three people paused in what they were doing as they heard a loud rumbling come from underneath the table. Luz's eyes shot straight up to Amity with a grin.
"Not that hungry, huh?" She smirked.
"Shut up." Amity grumbled as she grabbed at a slice of the pizza.
The server laughed heartedly as he looked again at Luz. "Let me know if I can get you anything. Enjoy your meal!"
Luz didn't dive right into the pizza like she thought she would, but instead watched curiously as the waiter approached the table of ladies next, having been waved down by one of them. They gestured for him to lean in close and pointed at Luz and Amity angrily quite a few times before the man turned to them with a scowl. A small argument ensued and the man quickly walked away, obviously upset, leaving the ladies alone to stew in their discomfort.
Luz's head sunk even lower. Despite how good the food smelled and how hungry she had been, suddenly her appetite was completely gone.
Instead she watched quietly as Amity shoveled some much needed nutrition, well, as nutritional as the best greasy pizza the town had to offer was, into her face.
Luz felt a flicker of warmth despite everything.
Titan, her girlfriend was so cute.
A few more minutes went by and with the time, so did the ladies patience. Their whispers turned into obviously exaggerated complaints and quite a few people were now turning to stare.
'It's just disgusting.'
'They have to come here of all places, out in public, ruining people's evening's and appetites.'
Luz began to fidget, her nerves were on edge and she kept glancing over at Amity, praying she didn't notice the scene that was unfolding.
After the 3rd time the ladies tried to catch the attention of a server, Luz stood up suddenly, causing Amity to pause and look at her worriedly.
"Luz? Is everything ok?" She asked softly, reaching over to take her hand in a comforting gesture.
Luz quickly swiped at the number on their table to occupy her hands before Amity was able to grasp them. Her heart twisted as she watched the once concerned expression turn into confusion with a trace of hurt.
Luz flashed Amity a quick, forced, smile.
"Uh... yeah! Everything's just fine! I was just thinking we should really be headed home is all. I'm going to grab us some boxes, you uh, you stay here." Luz's eyes flashed over at the ladies once more before turning back to face Amity. "And um... get us all ready to go." She suggested nervously, turning and practically running over to the counter before Amity had a chance to speak.
The man at the counter was the same one as earlier and flashed her a smile.
"What's up? Did your date decide she was hungry yet?" He joked kindly.
Luz couldn't meet his eyes. "Actually, I was just hoping for some take home boxes please. One for the pizza and one for what's left of the breadsticks."
The man raised his eyebrows in concern. He looked over Luz’s shoulders and his eyes narrowed. A scowl darkened his face.
“Look, kid, I don’t know what you may have overheard, but those ladies ain’t getting their way here. You are plenty welcome to stay and enjoy your pizza. You and your girlfriend, you guys make a cute couple. You’ve been here before and have never once caused a disturbance. Whereas those old birds have. Say the word, and we’ll make them leave.” He told her plainly, his voice although stern, held a warmth to it.
“No… it’s ok, we can just take the boxes and finish up at home.” Luz smiled half-heartedly. “We uh… we’ve already caused enough problems it seems.” Luz mumbled quietly, avoiding the man’s eyes.
She heard him sigh heavily. “Alright. I wouldn’t want you to feel uncomfortable. Give me just a sec and I’ll be right out with those boxes.” He said gently.
Luz fidgeted anxiously. She fought the urge to look behind her as she waited.
Thankfully, the man came back quickly. Luz took the boxes with another weak smile and booked it back to Amity. She forced herself not to look at the ladies as she passed them, instead locking her eyes on her girlfriend as she organized what food they had left.
Approaching her quickly, Luz set the boxes down with a soft thud. The suddenness of the movement caused Amity to look up in alarm.
“Luz, is everything alright?” Amity asked, narrowing her eyes and pausing in what she was doing.
Feeling her confidence fading, Luz knew she couldn’t keep the illusion up. Amity knew her better then that.
“We just, we need to leave. Ok?” Luz admitted quietly, unable to meet those amber eyes.
Luz could sense the change in Amity immediately. The witch nodded quickly and reached over the table to put a comforting hand over Luz’s before grabbing the boxes.
The small gesture caused a ripple effect of whispers. Luz’s head buzzed with the words she heard around her.
“Oh, I don’t really think we need 3 boxes though. You wanna run one back while I pack up?” Amity’s suggested helpfully, cutting through the haze that Luz had been in.
Brown eyes widened. Luz was so tense that she hadn’t even noticed the extra box. Her fists clenched at the thought of leaving Amity alone again. Especially now. It was safer if they just stuck together.
“Oh it’s fine. I’m sure it was a honest mistake. We’ll just take it with us and make King a little something with it.” Luz mumbled quickly.
Amity raised an eyebrow, but she didn’t say anything more. Putting the last of their food away, Luz swiped the boxes off the table. Shifting them onto one of her arms, she used her free hand to grab Amity’s and led them through the dining area quickly. Her eyes flitted back and forth nervously as they drew closer to the exit. Almost all of the eyes in the restaurant were on them. Every time someone shifted or moved Luz braced herself. She was ready to run and ready to take Amity with her.
Before they were fully out the door, one of the ladies stood up from the table. Luz nearly froze in fear, but she kept up the steady pace she was making, knowing they were almost out the door.
Meeting Luz’s eyes with a cold stare, the lady crossed her arms and smirked.
Psssst, hey! Like this? Wanna see more or want to know what the heck is happening? Check out the Masterpost!
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sugako · 4 years
alfajores y mentiras
oikawa x reader sum: your popular pro-volleyball neighbor asks you to be his fake girlfriend to ward off some unwanted romantic attraction and let his fans down easy but he starts to fall  cw: fluffy, eating, some fake/platonic smooches, nickname ‘princess’, f!reader wc: 1.2k  a/n: part 1/2 but this is basically a short intro to the much longer/smuttier part 2
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It was normal enough when Oikawa knocked on your door late at night. What wasn’t normal was that he had a small baggie of alfajores from your favorite bakery. Or that ultra-focused look in his eyes you only ever saw when he was playing. 
You had moved into the apartment next to him nearly a year ago and slowly a comfortable friendship had bloomed between the two of you. Sure, you recognized how attractive he was, you naturally clicked with him more than you did with other people, and you listened to his long stories about how his best friend from high school was doing. But you were just friends. 
“Oikawa?” You questioned and he shushed you, pushing past you into your entryway. “Why are you being so dramatic?” You rolled your eyes. 
“Will you be my fake girlfriend?” He asked it as though he was just asking for some spare butter. “I’ll give you these if you say yes.” He pressed on when you didn’t answer. 
“Why?” You narrowed your eyes. It was known to anyone who knew anything about Argentina volleyball that he was well-liked by women and men. He could have anyone if he wanted to. Still, you weren’t opposed to the idea. 
“I can’t be in a relationship right now, I don’t have the time. So it’s like letting everyone off easy. They can’t date me because of you, not because I don’t have time for them.”
“You don’t have time for a real relationship, but you do have time for a fake one?” 
He pouted and spun toward the door. “I knew this was a dumb idea, but-” You caught his wrist and pulled him back with a small sigh. 
“I’m not saying no, I just want to know how you want this to work.” 
Oikawa’s eyes lit up with a deep smirk. When he handed the dessert off to you, you already felt as though you had made a mistake. 
Oikawa already had the details all planned out. You would go out with him to events and his games when you could, sometimes to lunch or dinner when he was free, and when you walked back to your shared apartment complex it would look as though you were going home together. He asked to just hold your hand and kiss your cheek in public. And if you found yourself trying to actually date someone he said you were welcome to call off the arrangement. 
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“How long?” You asked between bites, sitting cross-legged across from him on the couch. “And don’t you like your fangirls?” 
“I do, and they’ll keep being fans. I just want some people to stop approaching me about a relationship. It’s annoying.” He whined and reached out to snatch one of your treats. 
“Hey!” You tried in vain to snatch it back but he easily swatted your grabby hand away. He stood and extended a hand to you as though you had just finished an important business meeting. Rolling your eyes for the hundredth time that night you took his hand. Before you could shake he brought your knuckles up to his lips and gave them a soft, teasing kiss while staring down at you. “You’re insufferable.” 
“Ooh, I love it when you call me names, princess.” He winked as he made his way to your door. You tried to hide your laugh, but it just made it more noticable. “I’ll send you a schedule tomorrow morning and let me know what times work for you. Let’s try to be seen together at least three times this week and come to my game if you can.” 
“I don’t have tickets to this one.”
He waved his hand, already halfway out the door. “I’ll work it out and text you.”
So here you were a couple of days later, being swept into Oikawa’s arms shortly after they won the game in front of a giant crowd of people. He had insisted you wear one of his older jerseys and sit close to the court. Your feet just lifted off the ground as he crushed you into his chest. When he set you back down you were already a little dizzy from the quick affection and barely registered that he was swooping in to plant a kiss against your flushed cheek.
“Thanks.” He simply whispered in your ear before he stood straight up again. With a big flashy smile, he waved to his adoring stadium as always. “Meet me outside, the locker room entrance, princess?” His voice was just loud enough for a nearby sports journalist to overhear. The clicks and flashes of photos rang in your ear as you nodded quickly. 
You untangled yourself from the crowd, rushing through the lines until you were welcomed by the fresh night air. Taking a deep breath and made your trek around the building to the side entrance. There was already a small gaggle of giggling fangirls shifting on their heels outside the door, all obviously waiting for Oikawa. You didn’t look down on them, you understood it, but after getting to know him a little better their adoration of him was a little funny to you. You sat on a cool bench and scrolled through your phone as you waited. 
After what felt like forever the doors swung open with a heavy metal creak. The guys were in the middle of laughing about something. You barely glanced up as the guys made their way through their fans, signing this and that and making short conversation. 
“Princess!” You cringed at how his whiney voice called out to you with that awful nickname, but you knew your job. Looking up from your screen, you were met with a wall of eyes as Oikawa stepped out toward you. He tilted his head and eyed you expectantly. 
“Tōru!” With a fake smile plastered on to hide how nervous you were, you ran toward him. He scooped you up just like before and squished a wet kiss into your cheekbone. The soft murmurs behind you made bile rise up in your throat. His steady hand took yours, moving to walk away from the small crowd. 
“Goodnight everyone!” He called out with a small wave. He leaned in to whisper close to your ear. “Did you take the bus here like I asked?” 
Nodding, you turned to face him, nearly smacking his nose with yours. “Yeah, you’re giving me a ride home right?” 
“That’s the whole point,” he smiled and tapped the side of your cheek. He opened the passenger door of his car, still in full view of the looming group, and helped you in by the small of your back. 
“Getting a little handsy, pretty boy.” You mutter as you buckle in. 
He chuckles and softly shuts the door for you before he moves around to the driver’s seat. 
“C’mon, you almost didn’t look up and see me. Gotta try a little harder to look hopelessly in love with me.” 
You fake gagged at the sentiment but conceded anyhow. “Okay, okay, you’re right. I just got a little overwhelmed with everyone there.” Sighing you looked out the windshield at the mostly dispersed crowd. Only a small handful of people were still looking into the car. “Come here, people are still staring.” You ordered as you gently grasped under his chin and tilted his head just right. He eased toward you, lips brushing against a cheek. From the outside, it looked like a deep kiss. 
After a few moments, you pulled away. “Better?” You hummed before glancing out the window. Nobody was looking now. 
“See? I knew you could do it, princess.”
>> part 2 >>
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sunnysidevans · 4 years
𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐒𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐞𝐬 : 𝐒𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐞 𝐒𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧 - 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐇𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐲𝐦𝐨𝐨𝐧
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Summary: Everyone goes through stages in life, meeting new people, falling in love, getting married , having children. Some people think it won’t happen to them but maybe fate hadn’t lead you in the right direction.
Warnings: Fluff!! hint of smut but mostly fluff!!! swear words for sure
Pairing: Chris Evans x Reader
Authors note: I am so sorry with how long it has taken me to post this. I hope you enjoy every bit of this as much as i did writing it and only two more stages to go!! what?! Happy Reading everyone! 
They say the honeymoon phase doesn’t last very long, They say at the beginning of every relationship is the honeymoon phase. For you and Chris, you were living your honeymoon phase, only being married a full two weeks of course. “I need that month off Megan, we talked about this already” Chris paced the bedroom as he was on the phone with Megan, his publicist. You sat on the bed as you watched him continue to pace, you continued to fold his boxers as you admired the gold band that sat on his left hand, as it sat perched on his hip, a sign of his frustration. You couldn’t believe you and Chris were going away for a month, It was exciting. You heard a heavy sigh as you looked up and met his tired eyes. You sat up, your wife instincts kicking in quickly and made grabby hands towards the phone, a grin formed on his face as he handed you the phone, already knowing this was not going to end well. “Oh megan, Hi! I know we don’t talk much but hey listen, Chris and I just got married, literally a full two weeks ago, and he is a person too, and by that I mean he is entitled to a honeymoon with his wife” you put the emphasis on wife as you continued “so with that being said, no contacting ANYONE for a public appearance from chris, no zoom meetings nothing, if he decided to work that is on him, now you leave us alone so we can go and enjoy being newlyweds” you hung up the phone, tossing it aside on the bed as you met chris’s grinning face.
You watched his face contort into a grin as you let out a sigh of relief. “Okay that was very hot” he grinned as he climbed on the bed beside you with a smile. “I can’t stand that she is trying to schedule you for a bunch of shit when you literally JUST got married. Hell no am I gonna put up with that” you matched his grin as you leaned over to kiss his lip gently. You continued to fold his clothes into the suitcase with a soft hum  “Are you okay with Scott coming over and taking care of the boys while we’re gone?” he asked after a comfortable few minutes of silence, you nodded quickly “oh of course! That's fine I want someone to take care of them, obviously!” you smiled as you turned to meet his eyes, “okay just making sure, I know sometimes the dogs mean more than me” he laughed at the look of daggers you sent his way “ha ha” you replied sarcastically. You watched his face as you continued to laugh “sometimes I think I would be better off marrying them” yo smirk as you turn back to the clothes with a laugh as you saw his face. You set the last shirt in his suitcase and move it off the bed as you lean over to be nose to nose with chris. “Is someone sad” you ask with a slight tease in your voice as soon a grin rose on his face as he tackled you to the bed, hovering over you he grinned “take it back” you laughed shaking your head quickly as he began to tickle your sides.
You squirmed on the bed as you tried to push his hands away from your sides, squealing as you laughed and tried to catch your breath “okay okay!” you yelled “I give I give” you pant as he sits up proudly. “See I knew you would, turd” he sticks his tongue out at you as he kisses your nose and flops down on the bed beside you. You smiled as you laid on the bed, panting trying to catch your breath as you smiled “i love you” you whispered as you looked at the ceiling, feeling his hand beside yours as he interlocked your fingers together “I love you even more baby”. Rolling off the side of the bed you got up to walk towards the closet to begin grabbing your clothes to start packing your bag. Looking over your shoulder you saw him sitting on the edge of the bed with a perplexed look on his face. “You okay handsome?” you asked, walking to stand in front of him. “I’m so excited to go on this vacation with you. I mean not even a vacation, our honeymoon, where we can, start our family and begin our journey even farther in this life” he rested his hand on your waist as you rested your hand on his shoulders, with a smile you kissed the top of his head, “I can’t wait to get started on this life with you, I can’t wait to have little baby evans’s and I can’t wait to be a family with you” you smiled, tilting his chin up leaning down and connecting your lips.
Leaning down in front of Dodger and Zeus you give them both kisses to the top of their heads as Chris loaded the car with your bags. Scott stood behind you, shaking his head “you act like you’ll never see them again” you looked over your shoulder with furrowed eyebrows “you sound like your brother, I swear they’re my kids” you stood as you scratched behind their ears, looking back at him with a smile. Scott laughed as Chris came back inside from putting the luggage away “I don’t even wanna know why my wife looks mad at you” he laughed walking by Scott. “I just told her she acts like I’m gonna kill the poor dogs, she acts like she’ll never see them again” Scott replied, as Chris laughed from the kitchen “They are our kids! You need to take care of them!” he laughed as Scott scoffed “Let's get you two out of here”. Climbing into the car you squeezed Chris’s hand as you smiled, “off to paradise” you smiled looking out the window as you watched Massachusetts fall behind and the beginning of your month vacation with your husband.
As the plane lands you grin as you look out the window at the beautiful sunshine. You and Chris decided to go somewhere tropical for your honeymoon, of course you just wanted an excuse so see him out in the open, tattoos and all. You smiled as you looked around the hotel room as you set your bag down. Walking to the windows you looked out at the clear blue water, you looked over your shoulder at Chris as he looked around “Everything looks good, especially the women standing in front of the window” he smirked as he wrapped his arms around you tightly kissing your shoulder slowly, you rested your hand on his as you giggled laying head back “I can’t wait for the next few days” you smiled. You pushed your way past Chris to your suitcase as you dug through for your swimsuit, as you were interrupted “why bother? You do know we're on this side alone baby? No uneven tan lines” he wiggled his eyebrows suggestively as you laughed, “okay valid point” You grinned as you started to strip down and made your way out to sit beside the water. Chris following suit as you both laid down on the cots provided you traced the dodger tattoo on his peck, with a content sigh as you looked up at him lovingly, leaning up you connected your lips with his. As you adjusted to be closer to Chris he pulled you closed and pulled you into his lap as he deepened the kiss, as you pulled away you mumbled “let's take this inside Mr.Evans” you grinned as he picked you up “I couldn’t agree more”.
Rolling over in the satin sheets you yawned, rubbing your eyes as your eyes adjusted to the sun peaking through the curtains. You smiled as you saw the man lying beside you, after everything the both of you needed a nap, and as he slept all the memories came running through your head. You smiled as you thought back to the night you met him, having no idea who he was, as you had no idea he was a huge Hollywood name, you smiled as you laid back down beside him, as he yawned. With a mumble he grinned “are you awake?” as you smiled tracing his back slowly whispering “yeah baby” he rolled over to face you as he kissed the top of your head gently. “You look perplexed, what's on your mind?” he mumbled as he plays with a piece of your hair “I just can’t believe this is my life, I can’t believe were married” you shrugged as you looked back up at him “I can’t believe fate brought you to me” you smiled as he grinned “aww is my baby getting sappy on me” you laughed as you pushed his chest gently as he didn’t move. “Oh shut up you big lug” you smiled as you laid back down on the bed, You were content, laying beside your husband on a beautiful island, you were ready for wherever this journey was going to take you, with your husband right beside you.
TAGLIST: @onetwo3000​ | @memoriesat30 | @denise1605 | @angrybirdcr @hopefulbonkvoidland | @tessa-bl | @patzammit | @uniquebeautyqueen | @cocomel0613 | @kissthatlifeaway​ 
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