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whatthefoucault · 10 days ago
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dsfreaks9900 · 2 months ago
Welcome back Mirai, Liko 🥹
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Y’all, if the rest of Mirai Days is gonna be like this, then oh my god we’re in for an incredible ride, and I’m so unbelievably excited. This really is peak in the making
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thegorydamnreaper · 1 year ago
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Shoutout to @violetqueenofwands and @hyena-frog for this very fun idea of Lyria (wearing pulseArmor? A tiny starShell?) holding Volga up! Pose reference from this:
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sunshine-verse · 19 days ago
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Yeah… “friendship”…
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recovering-vamp · 2 years ago
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perigilpin · 2 years ago
a little mystery to figure out
Bo-Katan x The Armorer
The royal warrior fallen from grace and the steadfast spiritual leader, ideological opposites with a common goal. It’s the sun and the moon, now perfectly aligned in an eclipse, and no one can look away.
Written for the @swfemmefrenzy prompt Mand’alor
At first it simply reads as a strong showing of solidarity between the two factions. The pair’s mutual respect and partnership is a sign of understanding that all walks of life, all ways to be a Mandalorian, will be honored here on thier home world.
Such it is that when the Mand’alor speaks to the crowd, it is always The Armorer at her right hand. And when the Armorer leads ceremony at the Living Waters, the Mand’alor always stands not far behind her, in support.
Yet it is not just pomp and ceremony that tie the two together. It is no secret that they can often be found side by side by side talking on this or that, in the trenches rebuilding, overseeing the foundlings training, or just sitting by the fire. (At least one observer has even claimed to have seen them walking through the gardens together while talking in hushed tones.)
In short, where one goes the other is sure to follow.
So it’s no shock that the rumor mill is set ablaze. It’s a common ground a both groups have vested interest in, and they trade peices of information like currency.
( “The Mand’alor used to be involved with a Jedi”, a Nite-Owl whispers to a member of the Covert as they haul debris together to clear room for a larger camp.
“We don’t even know The Armorer’s real name. I don’t think anyone does.” he replies.)
Perhaps the first whispers started back on Nevvaro, within the Covert, when then now Mand’alor emerged scandalously bare faced from the humble forge, walking side by side with thier leader. Or maybe it was during the battle for Mandalor, as silver and gold sliced and swung in perfect sync as they led the charge.
It’s quite the tale really.
The royal warrior fallen from grace and the steadfast spiritual leader, ideological opposites with a common goal. It’s the sun and the moon, now perfectly aligned in an eclipse, and no one can look away.
So of course people talk, as they always have, as they always will.
Sparring partners debate as they clash. (“I heard they got secretly married right after the battle for Mandalor.”
Then the adamant reply, “No way. I bet they actually hate each other. It’s gotta be be just for show.”)
Friends whisper to each other in the dining hall.(“Do you think the Manda’lor has seen her face?”)
There is one thing everyone agrees on though, and that is that there is much work to do.
Especially so in the forge. The Mand’alor has been leading parties in to the destroyed imperial base. First as search parties, now to gather the fallen imperial’s pieces of bastardised beskar.
The shiny white armor plates begin to stack up in the back of the forge, and while it means much work, it also means new armor for foundlings and repairs for those damaged in battle.
On this particular day, a curious gaggle of both helmeted and bare faced young Mandalorians watch The Armorer from a distance in the shadows of the cavernous great forge hall. She hammers at the forge, methodically working a large peice of metal until the sound of a small vehicle breaks her from her trance.
It’s the Mand’alor, backing up a speeder full of shining white imperial helmets, chest plates, and miscellaneous pieces.
The helmetless woman jumps straight of out the seat over the side of the speeder, and gestures with a flourish to the bounty. She says something playfully that, even straining, the group can’t quite manage to hear.
What they do hear is a laugh tempered with the lightest static from a voice modulator, that resounds throughout the cavernous chamber. The Armorer then closes the gap between herself and The Mand’alor, gently placing her gloved hands on the other woman’s shoulders before letting them fall, tenderly grazing the length of her arms on the way down.
“Ooo! I told you!” One of the foundlings squeals from the shadows , “They’re definitely in love.”
“They are not” her friend parries, not as quietly as they should have , “Just because YOU are in love with our Manda’lor does not mean everyone else is too.”
“Phstt, shut up! You’re just mad you lost our bet.” She playfully swats at her friend but the beskar on beskar contact sends a high pitched ping throughout the chamber and both Bo-Katan and The Armorer turn thier heads to to look in thier direction.
“Run! Let’s get out of here.”
“You owe me 10 credits!”
“I do not, that didn’t prove anything!”
Their voices carry throughout the chamber as they scurry away, despite their best efforts.
In the distance, on the grand pedestal of the ancient forge, Bo-Katan smiles despite herself focusing her attention back on The Armorer.
“I have to get this speeder back to the landing platform, but after that...” she lifts her hand to play with the ruffled furs on the edge of The Armorer’s cape, “I’m plenty free to prove anything you’d like.”
“Well my tracinya’ika” she replies in the soft voice that Bo-Katan has come to know is just for her, “I might have a few ideas.”
“This is the way.”
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ukulelekatie · 2 years ago
me: *reads a f/f fic in Spanish and plops a paragraph into google translate to make sure I understood it correctly because oof my Spanish is rusty these days*
google translate: ah. I see your lack of personal pronouns in this pro-drop language and therefore I need to make some assumptions about the genders of the people being written about in order to translate it into English. worry not! I will assume that this is written about a straight couple :)
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ironyscleverer · 3 months ago
Sorry if this is a duh-obvious take but the thing that makes Good Luck Babe hit so hard is that the narrator could just as easily be singing about herself as the girl who hurt her. Like, sure she’s angry and resentful, but there’s an unbearable flicker of recognition in there, too.
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cuddleswinchester · 1 year ago
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My latest fic features Margaret navigating gender and sexuality and falling in love with Honoria 💘
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ignorant-rat-carcass · 2 years ago
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Gal pals.
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opieghoul · 2 years ago
Since it’s Pride month, I unlocked a premium queer memory:
Both times I went to prom, my date was a girl. 😌
Sure, I thought I was straight back then and the girls in question both years were my (also very straight) close friends but the fact that I can honestly say I took a girl to prom makes my little lesbian heart so full.
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pretend-erin · 2 years ago
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Thinking about these lesbian mannequins I saw at a vintage shop last week
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technicallywrite · 2 months ago
Kate Stewart coded 😆
1. Kate/Jacqui
2. Kate/ Clara
3. Kate/ Osgood
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gongyussy · 1 year ago
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what if i risked my life and put up (affectionate) with your unhinged monsterfucker brother to save you. and then revealed i was an expert in illegal black magic just so i could resurrect you from a pile of bones. and what if i later explored your body in the bath. and you laced our fingers together and offered to share your energy with me. and what if after all that… there was only one bed. what then.
update: it's been ANIMATED. gifs here
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landrycobbmusic · 9 months ago
Friends, weirdos, countrymen. Welcome to my corner of this hellsite (affectionate). I am one of y’all. My main is @bl0ggymcbl0gface . I know we all hate being marketed to on tumblr dot com but this blog is for my music. I’m an independent, lesbian, indie folk artist from Texas. And I never grew out of my weird phase so here I am promoting my music on tumblr. Sometimes I write about my exes. Sometimes I write about my blorbos. Yes, this includes Destiel. Never getting over Jackles saying it was textual. I died dead rip me. (Also Chess and Ninth House and so so many others) If you’re curious check out what I have going on. Thanks for reading! And by the way, I like your shoelaces!
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danandfuckingjonlmao · 9 months ago
“why sister daniel and blond phil? this is just phil! this is phil all the time! this is not dan before the clock strikes 12, this is just phil now!” no no i can accept that phil is blond now like i will concede that this:
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is phil. but this:
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is NOT phil. this is a butch lesbian with a motorcycle who is dating sister daniel. nothing you say will convince me of anything else ok. that’s not phil that’s the head of DOB leading the march before going to pick up her girlfriend from the convent for hot lesbian sex. they have nothing to do with dan and phil. separate entities. stop lesbian erasure 😤
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