#Gungan Grand Army
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sw5w · 1 year ago
[ All Hooting, Cheering ]
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STAR WARS EPISODE I: The Phantom Menace 02:03:50
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saphronethaleph · 8 months ago
The Natural One
Ric Olie looked down at the note in front of him, and then up at the gungan who'd given it to him.
 "You're sure?" he asked. "This… kriff, I don't know what to say."
 "Yousa don't have to say it," Jar Jar replied. "Mesa knows what mesa is suggestin'."
 He shook his head. "Mesa knows mesa made mistakes. Mesa… generally thinks that mesa did not make the big-nasty mistake in a way that other people did not make, because mesa does not remember anybody bein' worried about Palpatine until himsa became Emperor. Not in that way. But… mesa did it. Not anyone else."
 "Damn," Ric said. "After that, now I think I've thought too little of you, Jar Jar."
 "Yousa have not thought anything mesa has not thought about mesa self," Jar Jar declared. "And mesa… wants to make a difference. A good one, like mesa did in the grand army."
 Ric frowned a little.
 "You know, people are going to think you worked for Palpatine," he said. "He's from here, and I know he fooled everyone, but – that's what people are going to think."
 Jar Jar nodded.
 "That is why mesa made the suggestion that mesa did," he said, firmly. "Yousa has no need to be tellin' me anything. Yousa has no need to give mesa anythin'."
He looked suddenly worried. "Though, it would maybe help mesa a little if yousa got mesa the weapons of a militiagung."
 "We can do that, Jar Jar," Ric said, and realized there was no longer really any question about how he was going to answer the impassioned plea of the gungan opposite him. "And… I don't know what else to say. Thank you? Sorry?"
Jar Jar shrugged.
 "If mesa can help, mesa will be all good with that," he said.
 "How long?" Gregar Typho asked.
 "Distraction could be starting any time now," Ric replied. "It could already have started, but exactly when doesn't matter – we go at the time chop."
 He glanced back at the group of resistance fighters – two dozen commandoes, and a dozen pilots.
 The main hangar of Harte Secur was not far away, and inside lurked fourteen N-1T starfighters – significantly more advanced than the standard N-1, and fully as capable as a modern fighter like the flight-one X-wings.
 Capturing those fighters and getting them to a safe hangar on the far side of the Chomell Sector was the primary objective today. They needed independent strike fighter capability if they were going to be more than a group meeting in underground rooms and occasionally assassinating someone in the street.
 Then his comlink crackled.
 "Heyo, uh… Captain?" Jar Jar's voice said, through the link. "Mesa knows you said a distraction, but mesa… may have made a little bit of a boopjak big mistake."
 "What kind of mistake, Jar Jar?" Ric asked, already having dire thoughts about some kind of absolute, unmitigated disaster.
 Jar Jar Binks had a reputation, and it was a hard one to forget at times like this.
 "Well, mesa was assumin' that yousa wanted the distraction to still be goin' when you did whatever it is yousa is meant to be doin'," Jar Jar replied. "But mesa threw mesa first booma, and it hit one of their-sa two legged walker things, and mesa guesses that theysa did not actually see mesa booma? But the walker was shooten, and the other stormtroopers thought the walker had begun shooten them deliberately, an' they were shooten back, and then mesa had to run away from a flame-shooten trooper for a bit so mesa lost track of what was goin' on, but, uhh… there'sa no distraction any more, because the troopers all shooten each other."
 Ric stared at the comlink.
 "...all of them?" he said. "You mean all the gate guards?"
 "Not just themsa!" Jar Jar replied, clearly trying to get the whole thing explained in one go now he'd started. "Themsa, an' the white armoured guys from the barracks place too, an' all four of theirsa doopeewee landspeeder things, an'… well, mesa will simplify and say mesa doesn't think there'sa anythin' left. Sorry, Captain, mesa screwed up."
 "...I'm… sure we'll handle it," Ric decided. "Thanks, Jar Jar."
Some weeks later, Darth Vader examined a data screen.
It detailed how a single fighter had attempted to attack two Star Destroyers and their escorts on patrol out near Adelphi.
It also detailed how the Star Destroyers had somehow been persuaded to actually crash into one another, resulting in ninety-five percent total casualties, and how nobody had been entirely clear about whether the fighter had escaped or been shot down.
And, as a footnote, it said that the next place the two ships had been planning to visit had been hit by a Rebel attack that had caused significant damage – precisely because the capital ships had been missing.
 "We can take your squadron there at need, Lord Vader," his captain said.
 "No," Vader replied. "I recognize the signs of this. I want nothing to do with it."
He shook his head. "Nothing whatsoever."
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jedimaesteryoda · 2 years ago
An Ode to Dark Horse Star Wars Clone Wars Graphic Novels
For May 4th, I’m going to talk about what I think doesn’t get enough attention, the Dark Horse Clone Wars graphic novels that came after Episode II Attack of the Clones. I always held a special affection for them. 
There is plenty of action with Jedi wielding lightsabers and flipping during battle as well as giant monstrous creatures and clones fighting droids. However, what made them stand out for me after over a decade is the depth. 
It followed characters like Jedi and clones on the front lines as they fought the war against the Separatists and their droid armies to politicians in Coruscant. The storylines could range from adventure to darker tone storylines. The storylines could get dark, and while I’m not in the camp that “darker=better” given Snyder disproved that with Man of Steel. The darker tone fit with the subject matter: war. 
“The Last Stand of Jabiim” is a perfect example as it feels quite akin to All Quiet on the Western Front. The terrain is muddy with it always raining, no glimpse of victory in sight and at the end there is an assault on the trenches where the Republic forces are slaughtered. The only advantage the Republic forces have is in their vehicles with help from loyalists lead by Gillmun, and they suffer many losses that ends in a final assault on their base where the only Jedi character left standing is Anakin after all the young Padawans are killed off. He finds they only one transport offworld left and they need to leave within an hour. Anakin makes the hard choice of a triage where he can’t take the Jabiim loyalists, basically leaving them on Jabiim. Gillmun understandably doesn’t take this well threatening to commandeer the vessels. You understand where both men are coming from, Anakin can’t leave his men behind while Gillum knows he and his men will be hunted down and captured or killed if left on Jabiim pointing out “I don’t have a home. Your war destroyed it.”
Many Jedi characters are introduced into the storyline that are killed off in the chapter (Glaive) or a few chapters later (his apprentice Zule). In “Forever Young,” Tohno is sent herself to bring victory by destroying the droid manufacturing facility in spite of Anakin’s misgivings regarding her youth. He tries to fly a gunship in a mad attempt to rescue her when she is in trouble, only for her to sacrifice herself to destroy the facility with Anakin stating the accomplished mission didn’t feel like a success. In “Blast Radius,” Obi-wan teams up with four other Jedi on Queyta to retrieve the antidote to their chemical weapon. All four of his companions end up dying there with a dying Master Fey giving the last of her strength to Obi-wan so he can escape. 
Jedi question the war with Master K’Kruk in “Schism” questioning the ethics of using clones as soldiers, recognizing their humanity and feeling it goes against the Jedi teachings :
“As a Jedi I was taught to preserve life. I led these clones--no, these men--to their deaths. These were living, sentient beings. What I have been asked to do is the opposite of everything I was trained as a Jedi.”
Other Jedi like Jeisel question whether the war is worth fighting with the Republic having strayed so far from its ideals and become corrupt, and even Grand Master Yoda in storyline “Yoda” that plays out like a Shakespearean tragedy, asks whether the war is worth the costs. 
The costs are not confined to the combatants either, but civilians pay a price as well. An entire planet, Parcellus Minor, is set ablaze by CIS gunships. The entire population of a colony of Gungans on a moon Ohma-D’un are gassed. On Gentes, Ugnaughts in a captured city are enslaved and then massacred by CIS forces. 
We also see beyond the black and white view of Republic vs Confederacy with Separatists who have legitimate complaints. The people of Jabiim mentioned the Republic’s lack of support when they suffered invasions, pirates and plague. King Alaric of Thustra sought out Dooku to join the CIS having become disturbed over the corruption in the Galactic Republic government with his nephew having become corrupted.
However, we also see acts of heroism like all the Padawans on Jabiim making a last stand so the rest of their forces can evacuate at the cost of their lives. Kybo and other Jedi go to kill General Grievous to avenge his master in spite of the council’s wishes, but later fight him so the captured Padawans can escape. 
In “Dead Ends,” we follow Bail Organa as he deals with politics in Palpatine’s Senate, trying to keep the ship aright during a tumultuous time when the Senate is sacrificing some of its tenets in the name of security. To give John Ostrander credit, he captures the gist of Palpatine’s character.
Bail Organa comes to confront Palpatine about info regarding Jabiim (a battle which was lost) being restricted and the Enhanced Security and Enforcement Act, which by it’s description sounds very Patriot Act-esque. Palpatine dismisses the former, and for the latter, says the Senators insisted the bill be brought forward like he was a helpless bystrander, and assures him the like his other emergency powers, they would end with the war. Bail stands his ground and insists he will oppose the measure to which Palpatine replies: “You must of course, do as you think best. Might I give you a small warning? It would not be wise for you to see Finis Valorum again. Dirt rubs off so easily, and can tarnish those who would otherwise seem clean.”
Palpatine’s subtlety is on display cloaking his iron fist in a velvet glove as he “kindly and gently” threatened Bail. When the Enhanced Security and Enforcement Act is brought forth, Palpatine’s publicly responds: 
“My friends, I do not seek more responsibility to rest on my shoulders. You have already invested too much upon me as it is. However, if it is the will of this august body that, for the safety of the Republic, I assume this mantle as well, I will defer to you wishes.” 
Ostrander perfectly captures how Palpatine amasses more power with most of the Senate asleep: he seldom requests it himself, but has others do it for him, and when he is given more power, in public he accepts it reluctantly if not grudgingly.  
Bail Organa gives an impassioned speech opposing the bill, saying it violates the core principles of the Republic and hands Senatorial powers over to Palpatine. His pleas end up going ignored. You feel for how Bail, in spite of being a Senator, an objectively powerful political figure, feels powerless in his doomed attempt to keep the Republic from turning into a dictatorship. He can only watch as the Senators make short-sighted decisions to preserve the Republic that ironically end up paving the road to its destruction. 
We got to see interactions between characters we already know like Anakin and Obi-wan. We got to see more of their relationship, and watch it develop in a way that arguably would have made Episode II better. 
Obi-wan took an Anakin as an apprentice as a promise to Qui-Gonn on his deathbed, but in his conversation with Quinlan Vos in “In Brothers in Arms,” we actually got to see his thoughts on that. He admits that he took on Anakin out of obligation, and “never really chose Anakin as my Padawan.” In the next scene,  he finally makes the decision to choose Anakin and trust him, telling Anakin that he changed his mind and will allow him to pilot a fighter in the battle adding “We need you. I need you.” 
Their relationship improves from there. After Obi-wan is thought dead, Anakin senses he is alive and needs his help. Anakin manages to track him down and they reunite. It shows the connection between the two that makes their relationship seen in Episode III much more believable when compared to Episode II.
We also got a cast of memorable new characters like Durge. 
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Durge shares some similarities with the Fetts and Din in being a heavily armed bounty hunter and mercenary wearing armor equipped with a jetpack. However, his personality can be summed up in this quote from his first appearance in the graphic novels:
"You know, it's been over a century since I killed a Jedi… and today, I get to kill four of you. Add to that the Gungans I already murdered, the hostages I'm going to kill later, and all the Naboo who will die tomorrow, and it's a damn good week."
-Star Wars Republic #51, The New Face of War Part 1
While the Fetts and Din were taciturn men who didn’t waste words, speaking only when they needed to, Durge by contrast, was a big shit talker with a lot of braggadocio. He would boast, taunt and threaten during battle like a teenage boy. He tells one guy who shot him “For that, I’m going to rip off your head and carbon flush down your throat!” (or basically, “I’m going to shit down your throat”).
However, while the Fetts are the T-800, Durge was the T-1000. Being a Gen’Dai, he was superhumanly strong and fast to the point that he could keep up with Jedi with Force-sensitive reflexes. He also had a incredible regenerative ability that allowed him to recover from wounds easily. At Ohma-D’un where we meet him, he gets shot and impaled/cut with a lightsaber more than once, and even electrocuted yet still manages to keep standing and fight. At Queyta, he burned both his arms off in the lava, but he regrew them. At Maramere, Anakin used the Force to send a large number of explosives at him, but Durge still fought on. In other words, what truly made Durge scary was no matter how many times you shot him, stabbed or cut him with a lightsaber or even blew him up, he’d always keep coming back. 
That ability combined with his strength and armament made him an effective opponent against Jedi combatants. He worked especially well with his sometimes partner-in-crime: 
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Asajj Ventress, the iconic Dark Jedi armed with dual red lightsabers. Asajj managed to be as credible a threat as Durge being skilled in the Force and dual lightsabers. She manages to kill many Jedi in the time we see her.
However, then we go to her homeworld of Rattatak and learn her backstory (before it was retconned by Clone Wars) in “No Man’s Land.” She was an orphan on a world of constant war until a Jedi Ky Narec acting as an emissary for the Republic, crash landed. That Jedi would go on to take her in as his apprentice, and as former warlord Osika Kirske tells: “They became something our world had never known . . . They became heroes. They ended wars and united armies.”
That is until all the other warlords banded together to destroy the two, and succeeded in killing her master. However, the devastating effect it had on Asajj resulted in her taking a dark turn. She them assembled an army, conquered Rattatak and killed or captured all who opposed her, especially those who had a role in her master’s death as the warlords of Rattatak inadvertently ended up creating their doom.
In her trophy room, she still keeps a statue of her mentor and his lightsaber. She actually sheds tears when Obi-wan escapes with her master’s old lightsaber. It goes a long way towards explaining her character. She wants to fight the Jedi Order, because she partly blames them for the death of her master. She wants to be Dooku’s apprentice, because she’s trying to fill a hole. Obi-wan recognizes this, and actually comes to sympathize with her. 
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By “Obsession,” she’s getting cybernetic implants and it becomes clear as Obi-wan points out, how similar she actually is to her arch rival Anakin: a child from an arid planet in the Outer Rim found by an offworld Jedi Master who initially shows much talent and promise as Jedi, but falls to the dark side over a deep loss and even gets cybernetic implants.
Asajj Ventress, the terrifying Dark Jedi at the end of the day wasn’t born evil but a product of war. She was born onto a war-ridden world, lost every person she ever cared about to war and in the end, became a weapon of war herself. Her character was an embodiment of the rage, violence and trauma that war leaves. We never see a change in her until Obi-wan shows her the compassion she never received.
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Even a clone gets to be a recurring character in the form of ARC trooper Alpha. Named A-17, he is first introduced in the Battle of Kamino. Being a modified clone without his independence taken away like the other clones, and trained by Jango Fett himself, he displays some personality compared to the other clones with Anakin first remarking hat he’s “rude for a clone” and he occasionally gets the one-liner: .  He does bond with Anakin and Obi-wan as he fights alongside them in many battles, with the former gave him the name Alpha on, and was captured with Obi-wan by Ventress as they escaped together. Alpha took Anakin’s advice to give the clones he trains nicknames, starting the trend. Alpha was originally going to be in the Clone Wars animated show, but Lucas was worried about all the alliterative names the began with “A’ and so they made the character Rex. If there was no Alpha, we wouldn’t have gotten Rex. 
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There is also Quinlan Vos, an unconventional Jedi (to the point that he has a girlfriend and becomes a dad at the end) who goes deep undercover as a double agent for the Jedi Order ostensibly defecting to Dooku. He gets in too deep, and even the Jedi start questioning if he’s truly gone even as tries to straddle the edge of the abyss without falling in. 
In short, if you ever get a chance to read the Star Wars Republic comics on the Clone Wars, I recommend them. There some of Legends lore that actually holds up you get good storylines of battle, espionage and politics with loss, heroism and sacrifice.
May the Fourth Be With You!
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poinsciuri · 2 years ago
i think we need a star wars trilogy about jar jar binks's dark and traumatic past in the gungan grand army
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derpymidnight · 2 years ago
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star wars as screenshots episode ii (inspired by @/unlightsabered)
part 1
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oh-no-eu-didnt · 6 years ago
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Dunsenn FlopCarriers were the Gungan Grand Army’s primary form of troop transport. Seating was attached to domesticated fish-like dunsenn and used to maneuver troops into battle quickly. Source: Star Wars - Galactic Battlegrounds (2001)
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facingthenorthwind · 3 years ago
The Gungans having an empire actually solves a star war plot hole
So Padmé is the senator not only for Naboo but for the entire Chommel sector.
BUT she’s appointed directly by the queen, and we don’t see any indication that the other 35 planets (!) were consulted.
Obviously the most obvious and simplest answer is that the GFFA has a truly boggling amount of disenfranchisement BUT consider a better option:
The Gungans rule the rest of the Chommel sector.
Hear me out
The Naboo (which are the humans) famously do not have a military. They are so extremely pacifist that it was a Big Drama about installing planetary defences.
The Gungans, on the other hand, have a large standing army: the Gungan Grand Army.
We know that the Gungans and the Naboo have a somewhat somewhat grudging but ultimately stable peace between them, so the Gungans don’t use that army to fight the Naboo
We also know that the Gungans have some genuinely quite impressive military tech
Naboo is a lush, prosperous world. If they have no planetary defences and no standing army, how has no one tried to conquer them yet? Obviously it’s because everyone knows that the Gungans will step in.
Sure, the Gungans don’t like the Naboo, but they know that anyone who conquers the Naboo will almost certainly not let the Gungans continue controlling the aquatic territory, so it’s in their best interest to fight anyone who wants to invade
Presumably on Naboo itself there are a bunch of treaties about fishing rights etc., but the human territory and the Gungan territory don’t overlap heaps, which is probably why the Gungans allow the Naboo to live on Naboo. It’s also possible that way back when, they did need the humans to do something and it’s not advantageous to them in any way to take back the rest of the planet now that they don't need the humans.
So why have there only been human senators, you may ask? It’s because the Gungans don’t give a fuck about the senate. What could the senate offer them? Perhaps the Senate doesn’t recognise the Naboo and the Gungans as separate, so the Gungan colonies are colonies of Naboo, in the Senate’s eyes. It’s too much bother to work against Senate bureaucracy to correct that mistake, and the Naboo know not to fuck with the Gungan colonies
Boss Nass' move to join the Republic (with Jar Jar as an official senator) was FORCED by the blockade of the Separatists — now they had a bigger enemy and they had to shift blame as not to lose control over their vassal states who, if the seps posed a sufficient threat, would look for the republic for aid and try to leave the gungan empire
The reason that the Naboo are so nervous about going to the Gungans for aid is because the treaty between them hasn’t been invoked in many years, and the Naboo don’t pay attention to Gungan international relations (because they’re prejudiced against Gungans). They think it’s entirely possible that the Gungans have talked to the Trade Federation about the blockade and allowed it to stand because what do they care about where the Naboo import their goods from?
Except of course we know that the Trade Federation is very deliberately attacking the Gungans — they would have had to go out of their way to attack Otoh Gunga, for instance, because it’s literally an underwater city and Jar Jar describes it as secret
This is because Palps wanted to stir up conflict between the Gungans and the Naboo — see Boss Nass accusing the Naboo of bringing the Trade Federation
The only other reason the Trade Fed could have for attacking Otoh Gunga so early in their invasion is that they know the Gungans are a serious military threat (which is also entirely possible. ¿Porque no los dos?)
The Naboo may think they're superior to the Gungans in terms of culture but when push comes to shove, the queen literally kneels in front of Boss Nass to beg for their aid.
They know who's the ultimate power here
Thank you to coming to my TED talk about the obviously canonical Gungan Empire, brought to you jointly by me and @bolithesenate
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cruella1989 · 3 years ago
A Lot of People forget this Part
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"Yousa Tinking Yousa People Ganna Die?" - Jar Jar Binks
“I don’t know.” - Queen Amidala
"Gungans Gets Pasted Too, Eh?" - Jar Jar Binks
“I hope not.” - Queen Amidala
"Gungans No Dyin' Without A Fight. Wesa Warriors. Wesa Got A Grand Army. Dat's Why You No Liken Us, Mesa Tinks." - Jar Jar Binks
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Tech chart
Okay so I was motivated to made various exemple of my character sheet, but then, the motivation vanished...
You may have here two exemple of how to use it, but again, it's just a BASIC you can do whatever you want with this!
Dividers made by the awesome @djarrex , thanks you very much!
« Tech » CT-002
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First exemple
Tech – male – human (clone)- 13yo (26) - pan sexual & demi - kamino
 GLOBAL x – Ord Mantell – a lot – the Marauder – single – clone special force ed
BACKGROUND + ERA The clone wars & early Empire days – clone force 99, breed to have an exceptional mind: technician, pilot, medic, soldier…
BODY DETAIL lean and tall – 6’4 – brown, short – brown – tan – multiple old blaster scar at various locations on is body – tattoo: 99 and a skull on his right shoulders – thick cheekbones –
DISABILITIES Very bad eyesight, need to wear glasses - overflooded with ideas(?)
RELATIONSHIP clone force 99’, Echo, Omega– the GAR, then Cid, Rex – Separatists, sometimes rude regs, then the Empire – Cut and his family , some Cid’s patrons
ALIGNEMENT lawful good – republic then outsider/bad batch then probably rebels
ACTIVITY member of the special force of the grand army of the republic, then mercenary
GOAL keeping his family safe and alive, upgrading and taking care of the Marauder, sharing his knowledge and educating Omega
STRENGHT in good shape, more stamina than normal people, a trained soldier shape
DEXTERITY good agility (4/5), exceptional pilots (5/5)
INTEL investigation (5/5), perception (2/5), history: all(5/5), quick learner, multiple language speaking fluent, tactical (4/5), adaptation (5/5), cartology (5/5)
WISDOM nature knowledge: fauna/floral specialist – biology mastering: medicine(3/5), chirurgical(2/5), cyber-prosthesis technician(2/5), biochemical (1/5).– teaching – force knowledge: jedi order –astrology (5/5) - geology (4/5) – protocol (4/5)
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Second exemple
CT-002 « Tech » - male – clone, human affiliate/ experimental clone – 13 since creation – demisexual, bisexual – Tipoca City, Kamino
GLOBAL Tech – Tipoca City, The Marauder, Cid’s location appartements – Galactic Basic Standard, Mando’a fluent- owner and technician of the modified Marauder, Omicron-class attack shuttle – single – dad of Gonky – graduated from the training of the clone commando Special force, multiple additional training, such as engineering, language translation, medical, decryption, piloting, etc.
BACKGROUND + ERA Galactic Republic, The Clone Wars, Galactic Empire - enhanced clone with mental capacity and intelligence, previously member of the Grand Army of the Republic squad « clone force 99 », soldier,  eventually mercenary - science and technology nerd, knowledge thirsty.
…. Mentors: Cuy’Val Dar, 99’, […]
impossible/unable - not at all - not really - a little - basic - above average - very good - master - god
STRENGHT stamina - athletic
DEXTERITY acrobatics - stealth/sneaky - sleight of hand/thievery - insight - piloting
INTEL investigation – perception - history: native/faction/other culture – quick learner – language – tactical (strategy making) – adaptation – cartology
WISDOM nature knowledge: animal handling/taming, fauna/floral specialist, herbalism, surviving, gardening, farming – biology mastering: medicine, chirurgical, cyber-prosthesis technician, alchemy, biochemical etc.– teaching – force knowledge: jedi order, sith order, ancient red sith science and magic, planet mystics (Gungan on Naboo, Voss, Nightsister, etc.), minor cult etc. – astrology – geology – protocol - demolition
CHARISMA deception – intimidation - persuasion – debating – diplomacy – leadership – acting
TECH hacking/coding, engineering, tech maintenance – droid/machine technician –
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askrobouteguilliman40k · 2 years ago
The Fealty of the Gungan Grand Army
No cross overs.
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mortallyclearwonderland · 3 years ago
Star Wars Alien Species - Gungan
The Gungans, a sentient, amphibious humanoid race native to the terrestrial planet known as Naboo. Prior to the Invasion of Naboo, an event that took place in 32 BBY, the Gungans were a largely isolationist society. They were able to combine machinery with biology. They lived in large bubble-like domes under water.
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At some point in Galactic history, there was at least one Otolla Gungan who was a Sith.
The Gungans were believed to be indigenous to Naboo, but this is uncertain. Biologists believe the Gungans, wherever their original home, evolved originally as land-dwellers.
On Naboo, evidence of Gungan habitation extended for ages, as there are records of battles of survival with the woolly veermoks during an ice age. However, the primary reason they developed warfare technology was the threat of the bursas that often attacked their settlements. The Gungans assembled a "Grand Army" to meet this threat, eventually driving the bursas into extinction. Their technology was peculiar in that everything, from tools to structures is not constructed, but "grown", each device being therefore organically unique.
Ancient starfarers told tales of great Gungan migrations across the plains of Naboo prior to their shift to more aquatic environments. The reason most commonly accepted for their flight to the water revolves around an alien civilization of reptilian humanoids remembered as the "Elders", who colonized Naboo. They engaged in warfare with the Gungans, forcing them to retreat underwater, giving rise to modern Gungan civilization. Undoubtedly, the presence of healthful underwater plants and tasty gumfish did much to solidify their change in lifestyle.
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The Ankura and Otolla branches of Gungans united, forming a symbiotic relationship. They dominated Naboo for millennia afterwards, though largely keeping to the swamps and waterways; the mountains and grasslands were considered 'desert-like'.
About 3000 BBY, Gungans were separated in tribes that fought against each other (War of the Gungan tribes), until united under Boss Gallo. Gungans from various cities migrated to a new large city, Otoh Gunga, which was the major and capital city of Naboo (as far as Gungans were concerned).
Around five hundred years before the Battle of Naboo, a number of needy Gungan locals were approached by recruiters sent by Hugo Bartyn. Bartyn wanted amphibian fishermen to settle a new city in Lamaredd and tempted these poverty-stricken individuals with promises of untouched seas in a new frontier. Once they arrived, however, they became slave laborers.
The Gungans and the Human inhabitants of Naboo did not get along, as the Gungans believed the Naboo to be pompous cowards while the Naboo believed the Gungans to be barbarians. This attitude lasted until Queen Amidala united the Gungans and Naboo to fight the Trade Federation in the Battle of Naboo. Gungans, over the millennia of Human presence, have developed their own dialect based on their language, called Gungan Basic.
After the Battle of Naboo, the Gungans attained representation in the Galactic Republic Senate through Representative Jar Jar Binks. The Gungans also colonized the moon of Ohma-D'un, due to overcrowding on Naboo. A number of extremist Gungans colonized Naboo's other moon, Rori, at about the same time. During the Clone Wars in 22 BBY, a CIS biological weapon known as the "Swamp gas" was unleashed on Ohma-D'un and wiped out much of the population. Later, a Jedi task force defeated the CIS forces on the moon during the Battle of Ohma-D'un, thus saving Naboo.
Following the end of the war, the newly formed Galactic Empire established a presence on Naboo. Fearing enslavement, the Gungans went into semi-seclusion. However, Gungan resistance fighters fought a number of clashes with Imperial forces. At least one Gungan worked on the nearby Rori Space Station. After the Empire's defeat at the Battle of Endor in 4 ABY, the Gungans and the Humans of Naboo banded together once more to oust the Imperial presence from their world, reclaiming the world as free for both species. As a result, the species began traveling in much larger numbers, across Naboo and the galaxy.
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Long ago, explorers on Naboo discovered the Gung Slabs, a set of ancient stones engraved with Olys Corellisi on one side and Old Gungan on the reverse. These relics, coupled with the work of philologist Burro Flats of the Baobab Archives, helped the galaxy to better understand the culture and language of the Gungan people.
Gungans spoke a variation of Basic known as Gungan Basic, or "Gunganese," which occasionally incorporated elements of Old Gungan, a language spoken during the time of the Old Republic. In fact, the Gung Slabs, a series of ancient monoliths, were essential for the translation of Old Gungan. Few Gungans were able to speak the pure Gungan language.
The later Gungan language was largely a pidgin dialect that most users fluent in Basic could understand. Gunganese, as it was commonly referred to, combined slightly-altered Basic words with the occasional Old Gungan term (i.e. "Seeks doopeewees isa berry good" is translated as "Six landspeeders are very good.")
Utilizing their own unique phraseology, Gungans established a rather successful history of scholarly excellence, albeit unknown to the galaxy at large. Among their achievements include the epic poem Das Depu Epu Sea, or Deep Dark Water. This ode to Da Beauty Al' Round was a source of great pride to these noble beings.
Gungan alpha-males often exhibited a series of oral clicks when aggravated or angered. The Gungan military was made up of mostly male volunteers.
Gungans were generally a generous and peaceful race until the Trade Federation invaded. They truly loved to have visitors and warmly welcomed them; however, they would remain suspicious until the visitors had earned their respect.
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Gungans were not tolerant of anyone who threatened their peaceful culture. They had very strict laws, and would go to the extremes to punish anyone who had committed a minor crime. Vandals, for example, could be given a sentence of exile, caning, or even stoning.
If a Gungan was cast out of society, it was very difficult for them to return. If they did manage to return legally, they would often be subjected to heavy discrimination. This could make life very difficult for them and could go on for months or years, until their past offenses disappeared from memory. In addition, returning back to the settlement they were exiled illegally will sometimes result in the death penalty, especially if they brought along outsiders. It usually requires a significant deed to not only have their exile revoked, but also be welcomed back to the fold, such as the time when Jar Jar Binks, due to his actions in uniting the Gungans and Naboo together to fight the Trade Federation, had his exile revoked and promoted to Bombad General by Boss Rugor Nass.
Gungans were also known to produce Force-sensitive children and the Gungans Kin-Ya Dosun and Kosa-Yin Hadu served as members of the Jedi Order, while the Gungan child Roo-Roo Page was considered as a candidate to receive Jedi training. The Gungans relied on the semi-sentient mollusk Kresch for much of their knowledge on matters as varied as Gungan civilization and the fauna of Ohma-D'un. The Kresch was consulted by Gungans as an encyclopedia of sorts.
Gungans also organized yearly the Festival of Warriors, in which Militiagungs gathered to celebrate the Gungan's militaristic culture. An arena was scheduled for construction in Lake Umberbool for the festivity.
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Gungans were known to venerate certain deities exclusive to their culture known as guds, such as Mekamok, Wamka Pol, Balmtop, Dobbis, Kobble, Nododo, Balam, Gobba, and their chief god, Oma-Oma. By 1 ABY, the fundamentalist sect of the Ultragungans was active on Naboo. This cult was responsible for stealing an artifact from Boss Rugor Nass, later retrieved by a spacer hired by the Boss.
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The Gungans possessed a large military force, known as the Gungan Grand Army. Most of their transportation were beasts, although there were some biomechanical constructs in one of their heavy weapons. Their vehicles are generally named after native fauna within the Naboo wetlands.
The Gungans were separated into two races: the lanky orange, yellow or red-skinned Otolla race, and the heavier green-skinned Ankura race. However, they all exhibited many of the same basic physical traits.
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Starting life as tadpoles, Gungans developed into tall beings with extremely flexible cartilaginous skeletons. Strong leg muscles allowed for powerful and quick frog-kick style swimming through water as well as a remarkable jumping ability while on land. Fin-like ears called haillu also aided them in swimming, as well as expressing emotions like aggression, friendship, and fear. They had partially retractable eyestalks with nictitating membranes when underwater. They also possessed a unique mucus creating organ that helped when being underwater which they use to stop water from entering their nasal passages and mouth. Green eyes were unusual amongst Gungans.
Expressive faces and long bills with flaring nostrils were signatures of Gungan physiology. Lengthy muscular tongues and large blunt teeth allowed them to eat lesser amphibians, while a layer of tough skin on the head allowed for burrowing. A Gungan's arms ended in four digits, and their feet had three stubby toes. Females were smaller with sleeker faces and tended to tie their ears back. Females Gungans with light-colored ear flaps were considered very attractive by male Gungans, while the ones with dark-colored haillu were thought of as 'boyish'. As male Gungans aged, some, like Roos Tarpals, developed prominent whiskers.
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Gungans had nostrils that sealed when they entered the water. They also boasted very strong compound lungs, allowing them to both hold their breath for extended periods of time, breathe underwater, and withstand the pressure of deep water, along with well-padded kneecaps and powerful calves and legs for increased swimming speed. However, because they were so well-adapted to their watery environment, their skin dried easily in hot and arid climates, which Jar Jar Binks experienced during his visit to Tatooine.
The Gungans appeared to be related to the Glurrgs, whom they used as a worker caste in their society.
Gungans range from 1.6 to 2 meters or 5.2 to 6.6 feet tall and weight 70 kilograms or 154 pounds.
Gungans age at the following stages:
1- 12 Child
13 - 15 Young Adult
16 - 35 Adult
36 - 54 Middle Age
55 - 64 Old
Examples of Names: Fassa, Jar Jar, Rugor, Tarpals, Toba, Tobler Ceel, Yoss.
Languages: Gungans speak, read, and write both Gunganese and Basic.
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sw5w · 3 months ago
Shesa Happy, Happier Den Mesa Seein Her in a Longo Time
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STAR WARS EPISODE II: Attack of the Clones 00:10:11
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jedirhydon101st · 4 years ago
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Jedi Knight Rhydon Kenobi of the Jedi Order; Jedi General of the Republic Clone Army. Jedi General of ARC Commander Zeus and the 101st Legion. Jedi commander of the 101st Fleet and Grand Admiral Whitney Thomas. Son of Obi-Wan and Siri Kenobi; Twin Brother of Katelyn Kenobi, and Eldest Brother of Miranda Kenobi. Stepson of Duchess Satine Kryze, Eldest Half-Brother of Elisa Kenobi and Anya Kryze. Husband of Zarina Kenobi Née Fett, Taylor Smith, and Grace June; Father of Thomas Kenobi, Sofia Kenobi, and Jango Kenobi; Father of Kimberly Kenobi and Orion Kenobi II; Father of Harry Kenobi, Gwen Kenobi, and Zoey Kenobi. Former apprentice of Obi-Wan Kenobi. Master of Zolan Chan, Zayla Secura, and Thomas Kenobi. Known as the Protector.
Rhydon Kenobi is the son of Obi-Wan Kenobi and Siri Tachi, and the twin brother of Katelyn Kenobi. The two twins were able to be born on their fathers birth planet of Stewjon, and immediately showed that they were Force-sensitive, encouraging their parents to bring them back to Coruscant to be trained in the ways of the Jedi Order. Partly due to their unique birth, and their status as twins, Rhydon and Katelyn had a unique connection and bond with each other and the Force, proving to be more powerful than any other Jedi at their age. Like all other Jedi and their parents, Rhydon and his twin sister began their training as Jedi Younglings under Jedi Master Yoda’s supervision and tutelage. Once Rhydon was nine years old, he was chosen as his father Obi-Wan’s Jedi apprentice, where Katelyn was chosen by their mother Siri Tachi’s.
Rhydon’s first mission as a Jedi Padawan under his father’s tutelage was to force a settlement with the Trade Federation blockade of the planet Naboo. Rhydon, alongside with his father Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon Jinn, his father’s former master, journeyed to Naboo, where he saw the massive blockade fleet of Trade Federation ships. As soon as the three Jedi arrived at Naboo, they were forced to make their way to the planet surface, while also discovering an invasion force.
Rhydon, Obi-Wan, and Qui-Gon each stowed away on separate landing ships, and regrouped with each other in the swamps of Naboo, meeting a skilled Gungan scout named Jar Jar Binks. Jar Jar brought the three Jedi to the Gungan city of Otoh Gunga, where they were allowed to use a special transport to get to the capital city of Theed. Upon arriving at Theed, Obi-Wan, Rhydon, Qui-Gon, and Jar Jar worked together to destroy the battle droids that were escorting Queen Amidala, and proceeded to get her off Naboo, and take her to Coruscant. They were able to liberate the queen’s ship, and began to leave the planet, but had to fly their way past the Trade Federation blockade; they were successful in doing so, but in the process of escaping their ship was damaged.
With the ship, specifically the hyperdrive, damaged the Jedi and their protectorate were forced to fly to Tatooine, with the hope that they can find the parts required to repair the ship. During the trip to Tatooine, Obi-Wan, Rhydon, and Qui-Gon learned that Queen Amidala was Force-sensitive and that she had been given a holocron when she had been born; they also learned that they would hopefully find a Force-sensitive boy on Tatooine, making her and the boy on Tatooine two of the chosen four: the ones meant to bring balance to the Force. Once the ship landed on Tatooine, Obi-Wan elected to stay behind to protect the Queen, while Qui-Gon, Jar Jar, Rhydon, one of the Queen’s handmaidens Padmé, and an astromech droid named R2-D2 went out to collect the parts they needed.
The group of five soon returned with the parts that they required, as well as the boy that they were looking for: Anakin Skywalker. However, they were not able to escape without trouble, as they were attacked by a Sith warrior, named Darth Maul. After they were able to escape from the Sith warrior, they proceeded to Coruscant, where Queen Amidala would present her planets case to the Republic Senate, and the Jedi would present the Queen and Anakin to the Jedi Council. The Council agreed that Anakin and Padmé would need to be trained as Jedi, but they would have to wait until after the situation with the Trade Federation and Naboo was resolved. After the Senate failed to do anything in regards to the Trade Federation occupation of Naboo, Queen Amidala decided to return to her home planet, and Obi-Wan, Rhydon, and Qui-Gon decided to accompany the Queen back to Naboo. Upon arriving to the planet, the Obi-Wan and his fellow Jedi began to help Queen Amidala in freeing her planet from the Trade Federation. They began by helping the Queen, who in fact turned out to be Padmé, in forging a better relationship between the Naboo and the Gungans. Next, they worked to liberate the Naboo Royal Fighters, so that they could attack the droid control ship that orbited the planet. Once that was finished, they began to move towards the palace throne room, where Viceroy Nute Gunray of the Trade Federation would be located.
As they were about to leave the palace hangar, they encountered Darth Maul again. Obi-Wan ordered Rhydon to go with Queen Amidala, while he and Qui-Gon stayed to fight the Zabrak Sith warrior. As Rhydon, alongside Padmé, Captain Panaka, and a contingent of security officers made their way to the throne room, they were eventually captured, and brought before the Viceroy. As Viceroy Gunray gloated over the fact that Padmé’s resistance was at an end, her decoy arrived to take the focus off of Padmé, allowing her to grab two pistols hidden in the arm of the throne, tossing one to Panaka, and prompting Rhydon to activate his lightsaber.
As the Viceroy was captured, all of the battle droids suddenly shut down, and Gunray and his aide Rune Haako were utterly defenseless. Afterwards, Rhydon rejoined his father and Qui-Gon, helping them to look for the Zabrak Sith that they fought against, whom Obi-Wan informed Rhydon was able to get away from the two Jedi when Obi-Wan destroyed the Zabrak's lightsaber, but they were unable to find him. The three Jedi could only assume that the Sith warrior was able to escape. Rhydon would then reunite with Anakin, who explained how he was able to destroy the droid control ship, whom Rhydon was amazed by and quickly befriended.
After the search for the Zabrak failed, Rhydon, his father, and Qui-Gon remained on Naboo, waiting for the Jedi Council and the new supreme chancellor to arrive. When they did he showed respect to Sheev Palpatine, who was the newly elected Supreme Chancellor of the Galactic Republic, though he personally did not trust the man. He also didn’t like the way that Palpatine kept looking at his twin sister Katelyn, who had also arrived to Naboo along with their mother Siri, who he happily hugged. After the Council was informed of what happened, Rhydon watched with joy as Anakin Skywalker was allowed into the Jedi Order, as Qui-Gon Jinn’s new apprentice.
Rhydon would then accept his new mission with his father, which was to remain on Naboo to officially serve as Queen Amidala’s protectors and advisers, alongside with his mother and sister. Secretly however, he was to train alongside with Padmé Amidala, as she was secretly a Jedi, and was believed to be one of the Chosen Four. During his training on Naboo, his family was surprisingly summoned by the king of the planet Stewjon; Rhydon’s home-planet, along with his twin sister Katelyn, and his father Obi-Wan Kenobi. Upon arriving at the planet Stewjon, Rhydon would learn that the king of Stewjon was in fact his grandfather: King Orion Kenobi. This in turn led him to meet his grandmother Queen Marion Kenobi, uncle Prince Owen Kenobi, and aunt Princess Helena Kenobi.
After meeting his family, Rhydon and Katelyn happily watched as their grandfather married their parents. Rhydon and Katelyn would even learn the history of their family, and how they were beloved by the people of Stewjon. The only member of their family that they didn’t like was their great Uncle Reuben Kenobi, who constantly belittled the Jedi, and showed nothing but disrespect and hatred to Rhydon and his family. Eventually they would return to Naboo, and resume their duties as Padmé’s protectors and advisors.
Soon, Padmé’s tenure as queen ended, but tensions in the Galaxy had arisen when several planets and star systems defected from the Galactic Republic, and joined a movement known as the Confederacy of Independent Systems, otherwise known as the Separatist Alliance. The tensions were so bad, that there was a potential threat of war between the two government factions, and the Jedi and former queen learnt that the Republic Senate, now under the leadership of Sheev Palpatine as Supreme Chancellor, was voting for the creation of an army. Rhydon and Katelyn, while apprehensive about the idea of a war, were willing to accept that there would be a need for the Jedi to be involved. Rhydon himself felt that the Jedi, as protectors of the Galactic Republic, should do whatever it took to defend the Republic; even if it meant leading an army into battle.
Rhydon would witness Padmé take on the mantel of senator for Naboo, with Jar-Jar officially serving as the Gungan representative, while also secretly serving as Padmé’s protector in the Senate. Rhydon, his father, mother, and sister began to escort the newly nominated Naboo senator back to Coruscant, but when they arrived, an explosive was set off, destroying the ship they used to transport Senator Amidala. Fortunately, the Senator wasn’t really on the ship, but instead a decoy.
Afterwards, Rhydon and his family were given new assignments: with the war soon coming, Obi-Wan, along with Rhydon, had been tasked with finding out who attempted to assassinate Padmé, while Siri and Katelyn would go to Mandalore, to ensure that the alliance between the Jedi and the Mandalorians would remain strong. Rhydon reminded his father of the threat against Padmé, and asked who would take over their role in protecting her, and learnt that Qui-Gon and his new apprentice, Anakin Skywalker, would protect her. Afterwards, Rhydon and his father began their investigation by analyzing the wreckage of the Naboo ship that transported the decoy senator, and when they learned that Qui-Gon and Anakin captured a bounty hunter named Cad Bane, they proceeded to interrogate him. Through their interrogation, they learned that Bane was hired by a pair of rogue Mandalorian warriors named the Borkus brothers, thus leading Rhydon’s father to inform his mother, and have her ask Duchess Satine Kryze if she knew anything about the rogue Mandalorians, while he and Obi-Wan traveled to the planet Kamino, where they could speak to an ally of the Jedi: Jango Fett.
Upon arriving to Kamino, Rhydon and his father met Jango, a Mandalorian bounty hunter who was serving as the genetic template for the Jedi’s secret clone army. During their meeting, they also met with Jango’s wife Zara, and his young son Boba, and then later Jango’s adopted daughter Zarina. Zarina explained to the Jedi that she was originally born as Zarina Vizsla, and how the Borkus brothers were Mandalorian warriors who were part of a rogue Mandalorian group known as the Death Watch, which was also confirmed by Siri from Mandalore. As Zarina explained about her earlier life, Rhydon couldn’t help but feel an attraction to Zarina, and stared at her natural beauty; an act that was equally returned by Zarina, who would later confess to finding Rhydon handsome. Rhydon felt through the Force that he and Jango’s daughter were destined to be together. As the Jedi spoke with their Mandalorian allies, they were suddenly attacked by the Borkus brothers, leading to the two Jedi, Jango, and Zarina to fight the two Death Watch mercenaries.
During the fight, Rhydon and Zarina were able to kill the younger Borkus brother, but the older Borkus brother was able to escape. Alongside with Jango and Zarina in Jango’s ship the Slave 1, Rhydon and Obi-Wan followed the older Borkus brother to the planet of Geonosis, where they would learn that Count Dooku and the Separatist Council were on the planet, and the Jedi and Mandalorians split up, with the Jedi following Dooku and the Separatist Council. In doing so, they learned that the Separatist were building a massive droid army in the Geonosian droid factory, and how they were planning to use it to attack the Republic.
Rhydon and his father found a secluded spot, and contacted Qui-Gon, Anakin, and Padmé on Tatooine, and attempted to contact his mother and sister on Mandalore (only to learn that they were actually on Stewjon), in order to establish communications with the Jedi Council and Supreme Chancellor Palpatine on Coruscant. After doing so, they reported what they had discovered and were soon captured in the middle of the transmission by Geonosians and droids. Rhydon, along with his father, were then imprisoned in a specialized cell within the Geonosian stronghold. Eventually they were approached by Count Dooku, in an attempt to turn the Jedi Knight and his son/padawan to the Dark Side, whom they refused to comply with.
Rhydon and his father would then be taken to the Geonosian Arena of Justice, where they were reunited with Qui-Gon Jinn, Anakin Skywalker, and Padmé Amidala. The four Jedi and senator/secret Jedi were chained to several pillars, and awaited to hear their fates. As Rhydon and Obi-Wan were chained to two pillars, they learned that Qui-Gon, Anakin, and Padmé attempted a rescue mission to get them. The Jedi then observed two more pillars, and watched as several Geonosian guards dragged Jango and Zarina Fett, with great difficulty, and chained the two Mandalorians to the last two pillars. The Geonosians then released seven monstrous creatures: a Reek, Nexu, Ackley, Rancor, Gundark, Krayt Dragon, and an Anooba came into the arena to kill the seven prisoners. Rhydon and the other prisoners were able to get free of their respective pillars, and began to challenge a specific creature that came at them.
Rhydon ended up facing the Rancor, Obi-Wan was faced with the Ackley, Anakin the Reek, Padmé the Nexu, Qui-Gon the Gundark, Jango the Krayt Dragon, and Zarina the Anooba. Jango and Zarina had managed to take down the Krayt and Anooba, while Padmé, with help from Anakin who had managed to get control of the Reek, took out the Nexu. But Obi-Wan was struggling to stay ahead of the Ackley, while Qui-Gon was evading the Gundark, and Rhydon was just barely staying below the Rancor. As the prisoners dealt with their respective creatures, multiple Jedi, among them included Siri and Katelyn, began to activate their lightsabers, surrounding the Geonosian Arena. Soon the Jedi began to fight with swarms of battle droids that were flooding into the arena.
With the exception of Padmé who picked up a discarded battle droid blaster, Jango and Zarina who had their blasters returned to them by Jedi Master Mace Windu, Rhydon and the other four Jedi were given back their confiscated lightsabers by his mother Siri and twin sister Katelyn, and as he cut down the battle droids, Rhydon was also able to take down the Rancor, as Obi-Wan did the same thing with the Ackley, and Qui-Gon the Gundark. Unfortunately for the Jedi and two Mandalorians, they would eventually be surrounded by the army of droids, but stood their ground. Fortunately, they would all be saved when Master Yoda and Jar Jar Binks arrived with clone troopers aboard gunships, and many Mandalorian warriors, all of them arriving to aid and rescue the remaining survivors. Once Yoda, Jar Jar, the clones, and the Mandalorians arrived, the battle began to resume, with the Jedi boarding the gunships, while the clones and Mandalorians provided cover fire; though in the confusion of the evacuation, Rhydon was separated from his father, but joined up with Twi’lek Jedi Knight Aayla Secura. As they escaped the arena, the cease fire would only last until they reached a large plain where the Droid Army engaged the Clone Army.
As Jango and Zarina, both of whom were given replacement jet packs, left to join the Jedi, clones, and their fellow Mandalorians, and Obi-Wan remained in the gunship with Jar Jar, Qui-Gon, Anakin, and Padmé, following Dooku to his secret hangar, Rhydon chose to follow Aayla Secura into the battle. Throughout the battle, he showed exceptional skill in leading the clones, and if he saw a trooper fall from a blaster bolt but was still alive, he would jump in front of that particular trooper and cover him; these actions would later go on to earn Rhydon Kenobi the eternal respect and trust from the clone troopers.
After the Battle of Geonosis, the Clone War began, and Rhydon became a Jedi Commander, and his father was given command of his own clone battalion: the 212th Attack Battalion. Rhydon, along with Obi-Wan and his father’s new clone commander: CC-2224, Clone Commander Cody, took the 212th and turned it into one of the Republics top clone units. As time went by, Rhydon began to wear the orange colors of the 212th Attack Battalion, to have a close connection with the clones that were under his and his father’s command, and it proved to be successful.
Along with the 212th Attack Battalion, Rhydon’s father was also given his own fleet and flagship: the 212th Attack Fleet, with the Venator class cruiser Negotiator. With his new flagship, Obi-Wan also received a new fleet admiral named Admiral Kendal Ozzel. However Rhydon didn’t like Ozzel, and encouraged his father to seek other officers that would be able to do their jobs, and one such officer was Captain Firmus Piett, and with the help of his mother’s fleet admiral: Admiral Cadmus Ordo, he and Obi-Wan also discovered Lieutenant Whitney Thomas; after finding these two officers, Rhydon watched as his father had them reassigned to the Negotiator. To Rhydon’s displeasure Ozzel instantly targeted them, making their assignments to the ship difficult. Ozzel often tried to belittle Captain Piett's efforts on the Negotiator, to little effect; but it was his treatment towards Lieutenant Thomas that truly disgusted the Jedi padawan.
Ozzel made it abundantly clear that he viewed female officers as inferior to male officers, and would either belittle her, scoff at her suggestions, outright ignore her altogether, or even refuse to promote her to a higher rank. Fortunately to Rhydon’s amusement, Captain Piett recognized her potential, and took the young female lieutenant under his wing as his protege, much to Ozzel’s dislike. As time went by, Rhydon and Obi-Wan’s dislike for Ozzel intensified, while their trust and respect for Piett grew. Ozzel even ostracized himself from the Jedi, as well as his fellow admirals, by laughing at any of his Jedi generals orders, and even go through with his own plans, which only resulted in the deaths of many clones, and officers, and even treated the threat of the Separatists with incompetence and laziness.
Eventually Rhydon’s father would have enough, and stripped Ozzel of his position as admiral of the Negotiator and the 212th Attack Fleet, and transferred him off to another fleet. After getting rid of Ozzel, Rhydon happily watched as Obi-Wan promoted Firmus Piett to the rank of admiral, which in turn resulted in Whitney Thomas getting the rank of Commodore. When Rhydon became a Jedi Knight, and was given command of the 101st Fleet, his father gave him permission to take Commodore Thomas as his own fleet admiral.
Rhydon worked closely with his father and Commander Cody, but there were a few times that Rhydon worked with other Jedi on separate missions. One such mission was with Jedi Master Aayla Secura to Hypori, a mission that nearly took Rhydon’s life, as well as his twin sister Katelyn.
Rhydon, alongside Katelyn, went to Hypori to destroy a droid factory on the planet with Jedi Knights Aayla Secura and Tarr Seirr, Jedi Masters Ki-Adi Mundi, Shaak Ti, K’Kruhk, and Daakman Barrek, and Jedi Padawan Sha'a Gi, or as Rhydon and Katelyn liked to call him, Shaggy. Upon arriving at the planet however, their ship was caught in an orbital minefield, and were forced to crash land on the planet surface. In the duration of the crash, each Jedi were separated, but would regroup with each other, with the unfortunate exception of Master Barrek, as he was slain by the Separatist’s new general, a Sith Stalker named Grievous. Rhydon and the other Jedi were then attacked by the Sith Stalker, with Rhydon barely saving Sha’a Gi from getting crushed to death.
As the lightsaber battle began, Rhydon watched as Sha’a Gi was knocked out, and Aayla Secura was thrown up into the roof of the wrecked ship, but witnessed Tarr Seirr being killed, K'Kruhk slashed by Grievous. Rhydon would witness Ki-Adi Mundi kicked down, and Shaak Ti get thrown into a wall, leaving him and his twin sister alone to fight the Sith Stalker. As Rhydon and Katelyn continued to duel with Grievous, Rhydon was knocked down, and pinned by a piece of debris, and was forced to watch as his sister had to battle Grievous alone.
Rhydon struggled to free himself so that he could help his sister, but just as he got free, Grievous used the Force to bash Katelyn into a crumbled wall. As a result, Katelyn achieved a gash on the left side of her temple, and slumped to the ground, instantly feeling the affects of a concussion. Rhydon quickly used the Force to pull his lightsaber to him, along with one of Katelyn's lightsaber, which turned out to be her red bladed lightsaber which she had taken from a Dark Jedi, and began clashing blades with Grievous. Though Rhydon was not as well trained in dual wielding lightsaber combat as Katelyn was, he was determined to protect his sister. Unfortunately for Rhydon, his inexperience of fighting with two sabers turned against him, as Grievous locked his blue bladed lightsaber, while destroying Katelyn's red lightsaber, and then cut off Rhydon's right arm at the elbow, before going further to slash his lightsaber across Rhydon's face.
Now disoriented from losing his arm, and having his face slashed by a lightsaber, Rhydon was unable to stop Grievous from kicking him down onto the ground, only to end up laying near his twin sister. As Rhydon lost consciousness, he felt his remaining hand be taken and held by Katelyn, and blacked out. Fortunately for Rhydon, he and his sister's lives would be saved by Jedi Master Ki-Adi Mundi, who intercepted Grievous' killing blow, and pushed him back away from Rhydon and Katelyn long enough for ARC Captain Fordo and the Muunilinst Ten to evacuate them, along with Shaak Ti, Aayla Secura, Sha'a Gi, and K'Kruhk, all of whom were still alive.
Rhydon would be transferred to a medical frigate named Bright Hope, where he was placed into a Bacta Tank for healing. Rhydon's wounds took awhile to heal, along with being in a coma, but he would eventually reawaken, and complete his healing. The only reminders of his ordeal on Hypori, were the cybernetic arm that replaced his natural hand, and the scar that now ran across his face. Prior to the Battle of Hypori, Rhydon had made it a struggle for his father to teach him the values of patience and humility, but after his defeat at the hands of General Grievous, Rhydon began to take his father's lessons closer to heart, as well as developing a desire to protect those around him.
Eventually, after his father and mother were accepted onto the Jedi Council, Rhydon and his twin sister Katelyn were allowed to take the Jedi Trials, which they both had passed with flying colors. After becoming a Jedi Knight, Rhydon was allowed to take command of the 101st Legion, which had lost it's Jedi commander in the Battle of Hypori, and selected ARC-101 "Zeus", who was also at Hypori as a part of Muunilinst Ten that rescued him, Katelyn (who took command of a new clone battalion: the 82nd Attack Battalion), and the rest of the Jedi survivors, as his battalion commander. Together, Rhydon and Zeus made the 101st Legion into a formidable fighting force, alongside Zeus' two remaining batch mates Poseidon and Hades; Rhydon also took the liberty with awarding Zeus with the prestigious Jaig Eyes, a revered award among the clones as it was seen ass mark for exceptionable honor, just as Katelyn awarded her own battalion commander, ARC-82 "Arthur" with the same Jaig Eyes. Rhydon also took command of the 101st Fleet, and requested for Commodore Whitney Thomas be promoted to Fleet Admiral under his command; an act that would allow him to form a strong bond of friendship between the two.
Rhydon would lead the 101st Legion in many campaigns alongside Zeus, Poseidon, and Hades throughout the Clone Wars, often teaming up with his father's 212th Attack Battalion, his mother's 414th Legion, the 501st Legion under Anakin Skywalker, or even Qui-Gon and the 12th Legion, but for the most part Rhydon' legion would fight alongside his sister Katelyn and the 82nd Attack Battalion. As the Clone War progressed, Rhydon and Katelyn grew stronger in the Force as they fought side by side, both of them being recognized as heroes of the Republic, and gained reputations and nicknames for their own. Because of his innate desire to protect his own troops and innocent civilians in any battle, Rhydon became known as the Protector, while his sister Katelyn became known as the Peacekeeper.
Rhydon would soon take on a couple of apprentices of his own, with mixed results. The first apprentice he tried to train was a red skinned male Twi'lek named Zolan Chan. Rhydon tried to train Zolan in a manner that was almost similar to how he trained under his father, but instead Zolan proved to be hardheaded and stubborn. This concerned Rhydon as he recognized the darkness inside Zolan, but tried to help Zolan. Instead, Zolan showed animosity against Rhydon, and eventually turned to the Dark Side of the Force, joining the Sith and the Separatist. Rhydon and the rest of the 101st Legion were hurt by Zolan's betrayal, but held hope that he could be saved.
The next apprentice Rhydon would have would be a blue skinned female Twi'lek named Zayla Secura, who was the daughter of Aayla Secura, whom Rhydon held a great amount of respect for since Geonosis and Hypori. Rhydon decided to try a different approach in his training method, and took Zayla under his wing, and treated her as not just his padawan, but as though she was his own daughter, which made their bond as master and apprentice very strong; and far more successful than his first attempt with Zolan. Rhydon even observed, with pride, that Zayla got along well with the clones, better than Zolan, and treated them with kindness, generosity, and decency. Because of Rhydon's success with Zayla, that made her a target in the eyes of the fallen Zolan, but Zayla always made sure to come out on top over Zolan.
Rhydon would soon receive word that his mother Siri and Jedi Master Ki-Adi Mundi had convinced the Jedi Council to agree in allowing the Jedi to practice polygamy, the practice of multiple marriages, in which a member of the Jedi Order could be married to at least three partners. This essentially allowed Rhydon to be married to both Zarina, and two other women of his choosing, and he chose to follow in his secret romantic feelings for Commodore Taylor Smith, a rising naval officer within the ranks of the 101st Fleet, who he loved equally as he loved Zarina. As time went by, Rhydon came to work alongside another Jedi named Grace June, and he also ended up falling in love her, and asked her to marry him. Happy with his three wives, Rhydon hoped to one day have children with each of them soon.
On many occasions throughout the Clone Wars, Rhydon would encounter General Grievous, and remembering his first encounter on Hypori, Rhydon fought the Sith Stalker with wariness, learning the best way to fight the menace of the Jedi Order. on several occasions, Rhydon would encounter Darth Maul, Count Dooku, Asajj Ventress, and his father's arch nemesis: Darth Xanatos, a fallen Jedi that had at one point been apprenticed to Qui-Gon Jinn. Because Xanatos wanted to break Obi-Wan's spirit, he often tried to kill Rhydon and Katelyn, but Rhydon was always careful, and came out on top over Xanatos.
As the Clone Wars drew near to a close, Rhydon was preparing to go to Mandalore, which had been taken over by Darth Maul and the rogue Mandalorian warriors named Death Watch who had become loyal to him, alongside his father, sister, and Anakin Skywalker when word of a Separatist attack on Coruscant was attempted, where Supreme Chancellor Palpatine and Senator Padmé Amidala were captured, and Rhydon, Katelyn, Obi-Wan, and Anakin had to go in and rescue them, while Zayla and Anakin's apprentice Ahsoka Tano took a respective half of the 101st Legion and 501st Legion to Mandalore. The space battle above the Republic capital planet was hectic, and Rhydon couldn't help but watch as his father Obi-Wan nearly lost his life to buzz droids at one point, had he not been rescued by Qui-Gon Jinn, who flying with his clone fighter group, Green Squadron. Upon successfully landing in the main hangar of General Grievous’ command ship, the Invisible Hand, the four Jedi realized that Palpatine and Padme were placed in two different parts of the warship. Padme was put up in the top of the ships observation tower, while Palpatine was in an observation room, near the ships bridge at the bow section. Choosing to split up, Rhydon and Katelyn went to get Padmé, while Obi-Wan and Anakin both ventured to the Chancellor’s location.
Fighting any droids they encountered, Rhydon and Katelyn reached the Invisible Hand's observation deck, Rhydon and Katelyn approached Padme as she was held in an observation chair, only to end up finding Dooku waiting for them. Rhydon and Katelyn reluctantly engaged the Count, not because of his formidable Form II Makashi lightsaber combat style, but because they both knew that he didn't really want to fight them, or any Jedi. They sensed, through their strong connection in the Force, that Dooku had had enough with fighting for the Dark Side and wanted to seek redemption, but was hesitant to do so. In the end, Rhydon and Katelyn overpowered Count Dooku, and offered him a chance to seek redemption; when Dooku still hesitated, they managed to contact Master Yoda, who reinforced their offer of redemption to Dooku.
To Rhydon and Katelyn’s great relief, Dooku accepted their offer of redemption, and helped release Padme. After that, the group of four began to make their way back to the hangar, where they rendezvoused with with Rhydon’s and Katelyn’s respective astromech droids: B1-U3 or Blue as she was called, and R3-D1 or Red as Katelyn named him. They learned from the droids that Obi-Wan, Anakin, and Chancellor Palpatine were captured, along with Obi-Wan and Anakin’s droids R4-P17 and R2-D2, and were taken to the bridge. Deciding to save their father, friend, and the Chancellor, Rhydon and Katelyn, along with Padme, Dooku, and the droids began to make their way to the bridge, cutting down any battle droids they met along the way.
Soon they reached the bridge where Obi-Wan and Anakin were battling with Grievous’ magnaguards, while the Sith Stalker and Xanatos watched. To their great interest, Grievous and Xanatos initially thought Dooku was on their side, but were instead surprised to see the Separatist leader use his red lightsaber against them, aiding the Jedi, and succeeded in killing Xanatos. Rhydon, Katelyn, Obi-Wan, Anakin, and Dooku proceeded to confront Grievous. Rather than be captured by the six opponents, Grievous surprised them by throwing an electro-staff of one of his destroyed magnaguards, and the Sith Stalker was sucked out into space, while the Jedi, astromech droids, politicians, and Dooku held onto different monitors to avoid being suck out into space with Grievous.
As Grievous managed to get back into the ship, only to jettison in one of the escape pods, Obi-Wan and Anakin realized that the Invisible Hand was disabled, and directed on a collision course to the planet surface. Immediately Rhydon, Katelyn, Obi-Wan, Anakin, Padme, Palpatine, and Dooku strapped themselves into different chairs while the astromech droids that they had with them magnetized to the floor. Rhydon aides Anakin fly the ship down to the planet surface, while the others strapped themselves into their seats, just in case anything went wrong. Eventually the ship crash lands onto the surface of Coruscant, coming to a stop on an airstrip.
After the Battle of Coruscant, a massive hunt for Grievous would begin, along with the other remaining Sith leading the Droid Army. Rhydon would immediately leave for Mandalore, to assist his apprentice Zayla, the 101st clones under her command, and Ahsoka Tano and the 332nd Legion, a clone division of the 501st Legion that was under her special command, and the True Mandalorian warriors while his sister would go to aid Master Yoda and the Wookies on Kashyyk. Upon arriving at Mandalore, Rhydon wasted no time in having the 101st Fleet engage the remainder of Maul's fleet, while he and Zeus launched their gunships to deploy the ground forces of the 101st Legion. As they landed at the docks of Sundari, quickly beginning their attack, they learned that the 332nd Legion and 101st division were deadlocked in a heated battle with the remaining droid and Death Watch forces, while Ahsoka and Zayla were respectively dueling Maul and Zolan. As the battle continued, Rhydon would hear Zayla over the com-link reporting that she had defeated and killed Zolan, which saddened Rhydon as he hoped that he could redeem Zolan just as he did Dooku. He would however, be pleased to learn that Ahsoka had managed to capture Maul, and prevented him from escaping.
The death of Zolan, and following capture of Maul, was the final nail for the Separatist campaign in the Siege of Mandalore, and the planet was restored under the leadership of Rhydon's stepmother Duchess Satine Kryze. After ensuring Maul's imprisonment in a special Mandalorian tomb that was built in the days of the old Republic, when the Jedi and Mandalorians were enemies. Rhydon allowed Ahsoka and her 332nd Legion to escort Maul to Coruscant, while he and the 101st Legion remained on Mandalore to aid in ridding any remaining battle droids and Death Watch warriors. During this time, Rhydon would learn from Zarina that she was pregnant with their first child, but their happiness would be cut short, when Commander Zeus frantically informed them that Chancellor Palpatine had initiated Order 66, declaring all Jedi as traitors to the Republic.
Fortunately for the Rhydon and his padawan Zayla, Commander Zeus, Lieutenant Poseidon, Major Hades, and over eighty percent of the 101st Legion were still loyal to them and the Jedi Order, but the remaining twenty percent, led by Clone Captain Kronos, were planning to follow through on Order 66. As Rhydon ordered the loyal 101st clones to retreat to the gunships, Satine gave him his toddler half-sister Eliza Kenobi, who be taken to be trained as a Jedi, while his other half-sister Anya Kryze would be trained to be the next Duchess of Mandalore. As Rhydon made his escape with Eliza, he was subsequently shot in the back of his left shoulder by Kronos, who was hot on his tail. Fortunately Zeus, Poseidon, and Hades would come to Rhydon's aid, as they began to fire upon Kronos, who was forced to take cover as the Jedi, toddler, and clones made their way to the main dockyards of Sundari. Unfortunately for the Jedi, loyalist clones, and Mandalorian warriors who were aiding the Jedi in their escape, the majority of their gunships were shot down by the traitorous clones, preventing them from escaping.
Forced to hold their ground until Admiral Thomas could send rescue gunships, Rhydon gave Eliza to Zarina, who was being protected by Mandalorian warriors from Clan Fett, and activated his lightsaber to fight the clones under Kronos' command. As the situation was beginning to look grim for Rhydon Zayla, and their loyalist clones and Mandalorian allies, gunships and shuttles soon arrived, but the clones aboard them turned out to be female clones. Regardless, Rhydon ordered all of his allies to get aboard the ships, and escaped. As the gunships approached the Venator Star Destroyers that were waiting for them, Rhydon watched in shock as his command ship the Jedi Cruiser Republic, blew up in flames from the other Venator star destroyers that were trying to stop them. Fearing that his second and third wives, along with their close friend, all of whom were aboard the Republic, were killed in the explosion, both Rhydon and Zarina would be relieved to know that Taylor, Grace, and Whitney were able to escape the Republic, and made their way to the Jedi Carrier Enterprise. Once the gunships landed in the main hangars of the Enterprise, Admiral Thomas gave the order for the remaining ships to jump to hyperspace.
The remainders of the 101st Fleet and Legion would proceed to to rendezvous coordinates given by Yoda, which were taking the ships to the planet of Dagobah. Once at Dagobah, Rhydon would learn of Yoda’s contingency plans, and make their way to the secret jedi planet of Ceresta, where the Jedi Order would go into exile in the Unknown Regions, hiding from the new Galactic Empire. After arriving at Ceresta, Rhydon would reunite with his family, who had all thankfully survived Order 66, thanks to their loyalist clone troopers. Rhydon would eventually oversee the of the integrations of female clone troopers and male clone troopers, which turned out to be relatively quick and easy, as the female and male clones had already accepted and openly welcomed each other.
Rhydon would continue to serve as the general of the 101st Legion, and to his surprise, he would be given a seat on the Jedi Council, along with his twin sister Katelyn, Anakin, and Padme. After that, Rhydon would eventually take a Varactyl of his own, and named it Saphira, witness the birth of his newest sister Miranda from his mother and father, and happily witnessed his apprentice Zayla graduate to become a Jedi Knight. Rhydon would also go on to take on his firstborn son, Thomas Kenobi, as his third apprentice, and would witness the births of his next two children from Zarina: Sofia who was also Force-sensitive and combined her jedi and Mandalorian heritage by using her Jedi lightsaber, and wearing a specially crafted Mandalorian armor and given training under Aayla Secura, and Jango Kenobi, who wasn't Force-sensitive, but would follow in his Mandalorian heritage, while also being named after Zarina's adopted father Jango. There was also the subsequent births of his two children from Taylor: Kimberly Kenobi who would become a commodore in the Jedi Starfleet, and Orion Kenobi II who was named after his great grandfather, and be a military officer in the Jedi Loyalist Forces. Then Rhydon would see the birth of his last three children from Grace: Harry Kenobi who would be trained by Ki-Adi Mundi, Gwen Kenobi who was taken under the tutelage of Kit Fisto, and Zoey Kenobi who not only decided to wear a set of Mandalorian armor of her own after being inspired by her stepmother Zarina, but was also trained by Jedi Master James Matthias. Because of his friendship with Admiral Whitney Thomas, and with the blessing of his three wives, Rhydon chose her to be the godmother of all of his children.
As time went by Rhydon, along with his twin Katelyn, advocated for a modification to the military ranking system of the Jedi Loyalists Forces, and Jedi military ranks. Fortunately for him, the Council agreed, and the ranks were modified, as well as the military powers and ranks of the Jedi Order, with the addition of a special rank known as the Jedi Supreme General, who would hold all military power and decision. To Rhydon's surprise, he would be given this very rank, but felt concerned that the power would be too much for him, and requested that his sister be given the same rank, to balance him out, and his request was granted. Rhydon would continue to lead the 101st Legion, which like many the many other loyal clone units was now comprised of male and female clone troopers, in many battles against the Empire.
When Imperial Grand Admiral Thrawn, who Rhydon had previous interactions and experience with, decided to defect from the Empire and join the Jedi, he, along with his twin sister Katelyn and father Obi-Wan advocated for the induction of Grand Admiral Thrawn, believing that the Jedi and their clones would benefit from the Chiss’ knowledge, which earned him and his family Thrawn’s respect and loyalty. With support from Thrawn and his sister, Rhydon advocated that the Jedi reorganize themselves, as they captured more territory form the Empire. When asked how the Jedi should reorganize, he controversially suggested that they make an empire of their own, but different from the Palpatine Empire that they were fighting against. Understandably the Jedi Council were concerned by this recommendation, and so both Rhydon and Katelyn came to Thrawn's aid. To ease his fellow Jedi, Rhydon and his sister recommended Padme to be the empress of the Jedi Empire, since she was extremely respected throughout the Galaxy. In the end, the Council agreed, but with some counter-arguments stating that the Jedi Order be slightly separate from the government of the new empire, and thus the Amidala Empire was born, with not only the planet of Naboo, but countless worlds and star systems flocking to the Amidala Empire for protection from the Palpatine Empire.
When it came time for the Jedi Order to consider an alliance between the Amidala Empire and the Rebel Alliance, Rhydon was somewhat wary as he feared that the Rebels wouldn't want to ally with one Empire, just to fight another, but fortunately the respect that Padme had in the Galaxy was more than enough for the Rebellion to ally with the Jedi. In the end, the Amidala Empire and Rebel Alliance came to work together quite well, though to Rhydon's dismay, Senator Mon Mothma, who served as the executive leader of the Rebel Alliance, was not as fond with the idea of another Empire, or that former Palpatine Imperial Grand Admiral Thrawn was openly accepted and protected by the Jedi, but held her reserves to herself.
Rhydon continued to serve the Jedi, leading Commander Zeus, the 101st Legion, and the clones through multiple engagements with the Empire. He would advocate for having Whitney promoted to the rank of Grand Admiral after the successes of Thrawn as a Jedi Starfleet Grand Admiral, and seeing his children grow up to be great Jedi or military leaders in their own rights.
Rhydon would participate in the Battle of Endor, where he would eventually go onto the Death Star alongside his twin sister Katelyn, Anakin and Padme Skywalker. They would engage in a lightsaber battle with Darth Grievous, Asajj Ventress, Darth Hunter, Sara Palpatine, and Grievous’ Sith Stalker guards, along with Palpatine himself, as Maul had already been killed by Qui-Gon nearly a year prior to Endor. The Sith Lords of Palpatine’s Order proved difficult for the four Jedi to fight, but fortunately, Rhydon son Thomas, Katelyn’s daughter Sierra, and Anakin and Padmé’s twins Luke and Leia came to their aid. With the additional aid from their respective kids, Rhydon and the others were able to take down the Sith Lords and stalkers, with Rhydon and Katelyn finally ending Grievous’ reign of terror on the Jedi, and avenging themselves for their humiliation on Hypori during the Clone Wars. With all the Sith taken care of, Rhydon recognized that Palpatine was the last threat, and watched as Anakin and Padme fought the Sith Emperor. With the assistance of Luke and Leia, Anakin and Padme defeated and killed Palpatine, and began to get off the battle station as it began to blow up.
The Jedi would successfully manage to escape from the dying battle station, and witness the Second Death Star be destroyed during the Battle of Endor. With the destruction of the Second Death Star, it officially ended the reign of Emperor Palpatine with his death, and his high ranking Sith Lords. To Rhydon’s happiness, from the dying embers of the Palpatine Empire, rose the new and better Amidala Empire, which guaranteed and protected peace, freedom, and justice for the people of the Galaxy, with Padme as the Empress, and Anakin as Emperor.
Phantom Menace:
Jedi Padawan.
Jedi Padawan (Cloak).
Jedi Padawan (Cloak; Hooded).
Attack of the Clones:
Jedi Padawan (Jedi Combat Armor).
Jedi Padawan (Jedi Combat Armor; Helmet).
Jedi Padawan (Jedi Combat Armor; Cloak).
Jedi Padawan (Jedi Combat Armor; Hooded).
The Clone Wars:
Jedi Padawan (Jedi Combat Armor; 212th Attack Battalion).
Jedi Padawan (Jedi Combat Armor; Helmet; 212th Attack Battalion)
Jedi Padawan (Jedi Combat Armor; Cloak; 212th Attack Battalion).
Jedi Padawan (Jedi Combat Armor; Hooded; 212th Attack Battalion).
Jedi Padawan (Jedi Combat Armor; 212th Attack Battalion; Battle of Hypori).
Jedi Padawan (Jedi Combat Armor; 212th Attack Battalion; Battle of Hypori; Arm sliced off).
Jedi Padawan (Jedi Combat Armor; 212th Attack Battalion; Battle of Hypori; Face slashed; Unconscious).
Jedi Padawan (Medical Frigate Bright Hope).
Jedi Padawan (Medical Frigate Bright Hope; Healed and cybernetic arm).
Jedi Padawan (Jedi Combat Armor; 212th Attack Battalion; Scarred).
Jedi Padawan (Jedi Combat Armor; Helmet; 212th Attack Battalion; Scarred).
Jedi Padawan (Jedi Combat Armor; Cloak; 212th Attack Battalion; Scarred).
Jedi Padawan (Jedi Combat Armor; Cloak; Hooded; 212th Attack Battalion; Scarred).
Jedi Knight (Jedi Combat Armor; 101st Legion).
Jedi Knight (Jedi Combat Armor; Phase 1 Helmet; 101st Legion).
Jedi Knight (Jedi Combat Armor; Cloak; 101st Legion).
Jedi Knight (Jedi Combat Armor; Cloak; Hooded; 101st Legion).
Jedi Knight (Cold Weather Gear).
Jedi Knight (Cold Weather Gear; Goggles)
Jedi Knight (Cold Weather Gear; Goggles & Hood).
Jedi Knight (Jedi Combat Armor; 101st Legion).
Jedi Knight (Jedi Combat Armor; Phase 2 Helmet; 101st Legion).
Jedi Knight (Jedi Combat Armor; Cloak; 101st Legion).
Jedi Knight (Jedi Combat Armor; Cloak; Hooded; 101st Legion).
Jedi Robes.
Jedi Robes (Cloak).
Jedi Robes (Cloak; Hooded).
Revenge of The Sith:
Jedi Knight.
Jedi Knight (Cloak).
Jedi Knight (Cloak; Hooded)
Post-Order 66:
Jedi Master (Jedi Combat Robes).
Jedi Master (Jedi Combat Robes; Cloak).
Jedi Master (Jedi Combat Robes; Cloak; Hooded).
A New Hope/Empire Strikes Back/Return of The Jedi:
Jedi Master (Jedi Combat Armor; Supreme General).
Jedi Master (Jedi Combat Armor; Phase 3 Helmet; Supreme General).
Jedi Master (Jedi Combat Armor; Cape; Supreme General).
Jedi Master (Jedi Combat Armor; Phase 3 Helmet; Cape; Supreme General).
Family: King Orion Kenobi (Grandfather), Queen Marion Kenobi (Grandmother); Prince Owen Kenobi (Uncle), Princess Helena Kenobi (Aunt), Prince Samson Kenobi (Cousin), Princess Jessara Kenobi (Cousin), Sayuri Kenobi (Cousin); Obi-Wan Kenobi (Father), Siri Kenobi (Mother); Zarina Kenobi (Wife), Thomas Kenobi (Son), Sofia Kenobi (Daughter), Jango Kenobi (Son); Taylor Smith (Wife), Kimberly Kenobi (Daughter), Orion Kenobi II (Son); Grace June (Wife), Harry Kenobi (Son), Gwen Kenobi (Daughter), Zoey Kenobi (Daughter); Katelyn Kenobi (Sister), Daniel Klerk (Brothers-In-Law), Arthur Klerk-Kenobi (Nephew), Sierra Klerk-Kenobi (Niece), Jack Klerk-Kenobi (Nephew); Miranda Kenobi (Sister); Satine Kryze (Stepmother), Eliza Kenobi (Half-Sister), Anya Kryze (Half-Sister); Lord Tobias Kenobi (Granduncle), Lady Belle Kenobi (Grandaunt), Ellen Kenobi (First Cousin), Oliver Kenobi (First Cousin); Jango Fett (Father-In-Law), Zara Fett (Mother-In-Law), Boba Fett (Brother-In-Law), Sabrina Fett (Sister-In-Law); Whitney Thomas (Best Friend).
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bkbricks · 4 years ago
Rise & Fall of Jar Jar Binks (Updated)
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Jar Jar Binks is often looked at as an additional character added into the Prequel Trilogy of Star Wars. This is mainly to add in the some humor and be for the kids, similarly to the ewoks in Episode 6. The online Star Wars community also enjoys teasing about “Darth Jar Jar”, which is quite humorous but not actually true. In my opinion, every character from Episodes 1-6 has a good place in the Star Wars Saga, including Jar Jar.
In this post, I want to discuss what really happened to him, including his life after Episode 3. How did Jar Jar go from being an outcast in his society to a war general for them? Then, he went to represent them in the Galactic Senate. But after the Senate collapsed and Palpatine took all power, what happen to him? Let’s take a look.
Banned From His Own Society
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We begin Jar Jar’s story with his exclusion from his own race and society, the Gungans. Jar Jar is extremely clumsy, and not very bright. He was already on thin ice with the Gungans, and he was finally banned for crashing the submarine of Boss Nass (ruler of the Gungans). Jar Jar was arrested and told to never return. From there, he left his home city of Otoh Gunga and wandered around the nearby swamps, not really having a purpose.
The Invasion of Naboo
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Luckily for Jar Jar, his planet, Naboo, was being invaded. This was fortunate for him because of the opportunities it gave him. First off, he ran into the Jedi Qui-Gon Jinn and Obi-Wan Kenobi. They were attempting to discover why the Trade Federation was invading Naboo. However, they both knew very little about Naboo’s geography, and had no idea how to get to the capital city from the swamps. But Jar Jar knew how, and thus presented himself with some usefulness.
Even though he had been banned not too long before, Jar Jar took the Jedi to Otoh Gunga to ask for help from Boss Nass. Of course, Boss Nass refused and warned Jar Jar of his unaccepted return. Jar Jar was immediately arrested and was to be punished for returning. However, fortunate for Jar Jar was the Jedi’s mind tricks, as Qui-Gon “persuaded” Boss Nass to not only allow them to use a submarine to travel to the capital, but to also free Jar Jar and use him as a navigator. In fact, when Qui-Gon met Jar Jar, he had actually saved his life from the initial invasion. Therefore, Jar Jar owed him a life debt, in which the Gungan was willing to repay.
Battle of Naboo
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Before the invasion, the humans and Gungans of Naboo had never gotten along. They had always avoided each other and never really respected one another. However, the Trade Federation’s invasion made both sides rethink their relationship. Jar Jar was the one to seal the deal, after he met Queen Padmé Amidala of Naboo. The Queen attempted to gain help from the Galactic Senate, but was unsuccess as the Republic refused to help Naboo. However, Jar Jar informed the Queen that the Gungans actually had a grand army, and would put up a fight before surrendering to the Trade Federation. Jar Jar then led the Queen back to the Gungans, where she begged for their aid and support. Boss Nass saw that the humans did not see themselves as superiors to the Gungans, liked this, and willfully decided to aid.
For his efforts to bring the humans and Gungans together, Boss Nass promoted Jar Jar to Bombad General (or simply war general) during the Battle of Naboo. General Binks led the Gungan forces against the Trade Federation’s army to create a diversion, while Naboo’s starfighters attempted to knock out the control ship above the planet. Due to his clumsiness, Jar Jar proved to be a horrible war general, and his forces lost the initial battle. However, once the control ship was destroyed, the Trade Federation’s droid army stopped working, resulting in an ultimate victory for the humans and Gungans of Naboo. They now made an official peace with each other, looking very good on Jar Jar’s behalf.
Representing Naboo
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Ten years after the Battle of Naboo, Jar Jar had ascended to the title of Representative of Naboo in the Galactic Senate. He now went by the title “Representative Binks” and served faithfully next to Senator Padmé Amidala, the former Queen of Naboo. Amidala was a strong and wise politician, always standing for democracy and peace. However, during the Separatist Crisis, she voiced her opinions on how peace must be maintained. Because of this, there were many assassination attempts on her life. She was forced to leave Coruscant, the homeworld for the Galactic Senate, and appoint a member to replace her in her absence. She chose this replacement to be Representative Binks.
Unfortunately for Jar Jar, a few corrupt politicians (including Chancellor Palpatine and Mas Amedda) deceived and manipulated him to get their way. Since he represented Amidala, and he was surely not as strong or as wise as her, these politicians could manipulate and control Binks on Amidala’s behalf. She was the leading member against the Grand Army of the Republic and against giving the Chancellor more emergency powers. Binks, unknowingly, ruined all of this by allowing the Chancellor to have more power and to establish the Clone Army. In his manipulated mind, he was doing the right thing. However, he had just allowed for everything that Amidala was fighting against. Soon after, the Clone Wars began.
During The Clone Wars
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Throughout the Clone Wars, Jar Jar remained a representative of Naboo, however Amidala had returned and took her place once again. In “The Clone Wars” tv show, Jar Jar can be seen going on multiple adventures. While these do not progress his story much, they are still interesting to watch and good for those who love Jar Jar. On one adventure he teamed up with Jedi Master Mace Windu. Many times, he worked with Padmé, and on one occasion he had to disguise as a Jedi to save her. His clumsiness and stupidity are surely shown throughout these episodes.
Fall of the Republic... and Jar Jar
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By the end of the war, Jar Jar was still a representative in the Galactic Senate. However, things were drastically changing. Binks remained a representative for the final days of the Republic. Although, once it shifted into the Galactic Empire, his humiliation was truly revealed. Senator Amidala had died soon after the Republic fell, where Jar Jar and even Boss Nass attended her funeral. Padmé was Jar Jar’s main supporter to his political career, and now she was gone.
The people of Naboo (especially the Gungans) now looked at Jar Jar as a big reason for the creation of the Empire. He had allowed the Chancellor more power, to establish the Clone Army, and to begin the Clone Wars, all things that helped the Empire come to reality. Once again, as with in the beginning of his story, Jar Jar was banned from the Gungan society. He was now an outcast in Naboo, hardly anyone would even speak to him, and if they did it was nothing nice. He had no option for returning to politics, or any role with the Gungans. His only option was to become a street performer in Theed, the capital of Naboo. Even then, only children would watch his performances, as adults continued to despise him. He would live the rest of his days as an outcast and street performer on Naboo.
So, that is the rise and fall of Jar Jar Binks. From an outcast, to a navigator, to a general, to a representative, and back to an outcast, Jar Jar had a rough life. However, his clumsiness and lack of intelligence showed that he inevitably was to be nothing of importance. In my opinion, he was very lucky to have even become a war general, let alone an actual representative of his planet. Thanks for reading!
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stopthatmyhandsaredirty · 4 years ago
The Clone Wars Bechdel Test Rewatch- 4x02 “Gungan Attack”
Anakin Skywalker and the rest of his Jedi team have been overrun by the Separatist surprise attacks led by Riff Tamson while Prince Lee-Char and Ahsoka must evade capture on their own. Unable to summon more Republic aid, Yoda calls upon the help of the powerful and amphibious Gungan Grand Army, but whether they will be enough to stop the Separatist siege is uncertain. An incensed Tamson doubles his efforts in tracking down Prince Lee-Char, unleashing the reinforcements given to him by Count Dooku in an assault that churns the oceans.
Female Identifying Characters: 3
Padmé Amidala, Ahsoka Tano, Meena Tills 
Male Identifying Characters: 11
Anakin Skywalker, Prince Lee-Char, Kit Fisto, Captain Ackbar, Riff Tamson, Jar Jar Binks, Nossor Ri, Mace Windu, Yoda, Count Dooku, Obi-Wan Kenobi
Does it pass?
No! Padmé and Senator Tills are even in the same group with Anakin, but they don’t speak. Ahsoka spends most of the episode with Lee-Char and Kit Fisto. Once again, there is a lot going on, this time with Gungans! 
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sethnakht · 5 years ago
Something I really enjoyed about chaps 4,5, and 6 of The Mandalorian: the echoes & rhymes with TPM, AotC, RotS, & RO. Mando's choices parallel/contrast with those of other father figures in the saga - Qui-Gon, Obi-Wan, and especially Anakin. SPOILERS below.
Ch 4 arguably collapses the Gungan (7Sam) and Tatooine plots of TPM. An indigenous population is terrorized by an army with frightening machine capabilities; a female future love interest who's good with a gun helps her people overcome the occupying forces with the aid of two warriors; a single mother is visited by a warrior who weighs the fate of an extraordinary child.
Mando is put in Qui-Gon's shoes, in other words. Where Qui-Gon looks at Anakin and sees a child of prophecy, an asset, an ideology embodied in flesh, and takes the boy from his mother, however, Mando breaks from those who would treat his charge as an object. He insists it's a child, and considers leaving it with Omera (who covers the Padmé/Shmi roles) so that it might be permitted a life for its own sake.
Ch 5 parallels and contrasts Mando with Anakin in AotC. Where Anakin, the whiz-kid with droids, negotiates with droid-selling Jawas on his speeder-search for his mother/revenge on the Tuskens who took her (for being associated with the usurpers of their lands?), Mando, who hates droids for killing his parents and kills Jawas with very little provocation, instead negotiates with Tuskens on the speeder-search for a woman who helped uphold the power structures that made people like Shmi slaves.
Roles also switch/are distributed. When Mando leaves the scene, Toro - a kind of padawan - echoes the Anakin role, holding a woman and child hostage in order to realize his ambitions for a grand legacy. As the confrontation between Anakin and Obi-Wan in RotS unfolds at the ramp of the ship Obi-Wan used to get to Mustafar, so too does Mando defend Peli and the kid on the ramp of the ship he came with.
Then there's ch 6, which builds on the set-up of RO: a group of rogues and a droid infiltrate a high-security facility to extract a package of sorts. Ultimately, Mando ends up echoing and contrasting with Vader. The scenes in flickering red-lit corridors, the message that ultimately is sent to the New Republic (~Leia).
By putting Mando into these kind of structural parallels to other father figures, particularly THE masked father figure, the show lets Mando's character emerge through contrasts in values, priorities, motivations. Even the reasons for why Vader and Mando are in armor - betrayal of family vs. expression of the culture of a found family - seem telling.
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