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healingislimitless · 2 years ago
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Hey friends!
With Spring around the corner, a rebirth and renewal energy is ready to shift the vibration once again. Now as we talk about rebirth, we've done a lot of releasing and cleansing this past Fall and Winter. We've rested and rejuvenated . While releasing and letting go of energy we no longer need is good, we tend to forget that we were in a lot of those situations for a reason - there was a lesson or growth opportunity in them that we may still have yet to learn from.
When we release and let go, many of us tend to just toss away the experience and try to move on, without realising that we hadn't quite learned our lesson from the situation. We then see repeat patterns and similar situations we find ourselves in - it's the same lesson, just wearing a different face. We need to remind ourselves that before we start to shed and cleanse, we need to ask ourselves if we can grown and learn from the experience. While they're hard to be in at the moment, when we're removed enough it's worth taking some time and reflecting on the situation to see what we can do differently the next time something similar arises. That's when we're truly able to move on.
When we learn from our experiences and then let go of the baggage it carries, we truly open up space to allow new opportunities and experiences to enter our lives. History is always bound to repeat itself if you don't learn from it.. Imagine taking the 3rd grade over and over again - you might have a different teacher, but the curriculum is still the same. Time to graduate!
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se0master · 1 year ago
Unlocking Your Career Potential: Dental Assisting Course
If you are looking for a healthcare career that offers growth opportunities and job security, you should consider becoming a dental assistant. Currently in high demand, a dental assistant’s profession offers a rewarding and satisfying career. However, to become a successful dental assistant, you must undergo the necessary training and become certified. The Lone Star State offers various options…
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visionranking · 2 years ago
Indian Coast Guard Assistant Commandant Recruitment 2023 Online Form for 02/2024 Batch
Attention all aspirants! The Indian Coast Guard, a wing of the Ministry of Defence, extends a hearty invitation for applications to join as Assistant Commandant in the 02/2024 batch. This prestigious opportunity calls for dedicated individuals who meet the eligibility criteria to submit their applications online. Prior to initiating the online application process, we urge you to thoroughly peruse the complete notification for a comprehensive understanding of the requirements. This recruitment drive marks the pathway to a fulfilling career as an Assistant Commandant in the Coast Guard, promising a multitude of experiences and accomplishments.
Indian Coast Guard Assistant Commandant Recruitment 2023: An Insight Bringing to the forefront an opportunity that resonates with ambition, the Indian Coast Guard has unveiled the official notification for the 2023 Assistant Commandant Recruitment. For those seeking a concise overview of the recruitment particulars, a comprehensive explanation is encapsulated within the announcement PDF. To access a deeper understanding of the roles, responsibilities, and expectations, the Indian Coast Guard Assistant Commandant Notification 2023 awaits your attention, available for download through the link provided below.
Seize the Opportunity: Your Path to Commandantcy Inscribing your name into the annals of the Indian Coast Guard is an achievement that beckons courage, dedication, and commitment. As you set sail towards the Assistant Commandant role for the 02/2024 batch, a world of opportunities and challenges unfurls before you. This journey holds the potential to sculpt not only a career but a legacy of service and valor.
For those with a keen eye on a career path that traverses uncharted waters, the Indian Coast Guard Assistant Commandant Recruitment 2023 serves as the compass guiding you towards an extraordinary voyage. Explore the depths of this opportunity, as every detail, every aspiration, and every dream come together in this remarkable endeavor.
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almostempty · 10 days ago
it’s not that deep but it is that serious!
(editing and reblogging to clarify a couple things at the end of the post - edited once more to combine the second reblog into one)
I just want to come to this app to talk about deep throating mean!Joel and to make friends with other hot freaks. But I need my fellow heathens to hear me out for a moment.
I’ve tried to keep this space a little escape from reality, but that’s not a realistic privilege because life and art are inherently political.
I've seen friends and mutuals receiving hateful, racist, and cruel anons recently. I know these issues aren’t new for our Black and brown peers.
I see a lot of folks jumping to offer support and to express their disgust at the racist remarks.
I also see a lot of shock and disbelief and I want to talk about that.
Racism, bigotry, and prejudice are not new issues for Black and brown folks. If you find yourself shocked, surprised, and outraged when folks share the hate they receive I ask that you reflect on this. It’s a privilege to be surprised, to not be used to navigating and experiencing that vitriol.
I know it’s well intended when folks say things like, ‘if you’re a racist piece of shit get off my blog’ or similar messages, and i understand the anger and frustration. (*i appreciate seeing solidarity and i also do not want to police (acab) how people respond to the hate they receive)
I also don’t think anyone who is aware and actively spreading hate will be deterred. I imagine there are 4chan incel type trolls that just thrive on the attention and reaction of using the most inflammatory language they can, and trolls will troll. They inevitably will pop up.
What I want to address is the levels below the overt and active hate. The accidental or inadvertent covert racism. The micro aggressions. The passive silence or enabling of rhetoric that lets folks perpetuate harm without even thinking.
Black and brown creators in our community have been disregarded or overshadowed when they speak up about diversity or inclusion in this fandom or feeling unwelcomed.
They wade through oceans of moodboards with faceless, thin, white women paired with our favorite characters. They power through reader inserts with freckles, red marks, and pink pussies that say and do things they might never feel safe saying or doing in those universes. They scroll through bad Spanish or fetishized latino caricatures and romanticized colonial values. And they still show love and support by commenting and reblogging and uplifting other writers.
Maybe there are footnotes about the moodboards only being for inspiration, but that doesn’t erase the constant messaging that it was easier to find those pictures and add a note than to search harder or leave the pictures out.
When I saw a fic with a detail about the pedro character having a confederate flag in his trailer I had to pause. This is a perfect example. I don’t read this as malicious or intentionally harmful. I understand the stereotype it’s rooted in and the general humor of the story as a whole. I get that it’s a small detail and that racism wasn’t a core part of the character or the story.
But if we sit with this longer.. what does this tell our Black and brown peers? When the reader notices it and it’s just as notable as a calendar on the wall? And she fucks him willingly anyway?
Hate symbols aren’t unserious. Background or not. Imagine writing a Joel fic and giving him a swastika tattoo just as a background detail. Sounds extreme right? Maybe you’re writing an AU felon Joel and just trying to show how hardened and dark he is. Maybe in your headcanon he only got it in prison to protect himself and he isn’t a racist.
But to nazis it says this is a safe place to be. To the general audience it says you don’t care if this makes them feel unsafe or invisible.
To folks reading that a confederate flag isn’t a big deal, it signals that it’s an acceptable symbol. It shows that people are reading and commenting and sharing this story and are unbothered. That maybe people don’t even notice.
I’m not asking anyone to send hate and I’m not writing this as an attack on the author or anyone who shared the fic. We don’t know what we don’t know, but we have the opportunity to learn!
I am asking my peers to step in and step up, because I think y’all are smart and capable of more.
I am not an expert on anything. But as someone who went to grad school for social work — a field that only exists to combat the societal harm of power, privilege, and oppression — I don’t take it lightly. I work in advocacy fighting discrimination and prejudice from institutions built on systemic racism daily. I’m aware that I have the privilege of training, language, and awareness around diversity and inclusion, and that not everyone has the same knowledge or experience.
I also know this fandom is full of incredibly smart and well spoken folks who craft moving stories and analyze characters with nuance and passion.
I’m not interested in censoring what anyone writes and I happily abide by don’t like; don’t read.
If I only wanted to read I would stick to ao3. But I’m here and I stay here because of the community. The friendships and the extra tag games and challenges and support and camaraderie.
I know I make mistakes myself. And I know it can be uncomfortable to be called out for something you never intended to hurt anyone with. I know it can feel like your voice won’t be heard or your experience won’t be validated in such a big space.
I shared a post a while ago by a creator that doesn’t write for this fandom. It was an ode to Black fanfic writers in general, and in the comments Black writers were tagging each other to show love. And I knew there was something wrong when I wanted to share it but felt deeply hesitant about tagging anyone because I didn’t want Black writers to receive hate.
One of my favorite things about this fandom is how global it is. Getting to make friends with folks around the world is such a treat. I also know racism and fascism are not unique to one region.
It’s Black history month in the states and in Canada. I know other countries observe Black history month in other months. It’s an intentional observation for a reason.
For us, this is a hobby. We’re here voluntarily, and mostly anonymously, but we’re all people. Community is so vital to thwarting the dangers of fascism and hateful rhetoric.
This IS a post about racism.
But racism is absolutely entangled with sexism, classism, ableism, ethnocentrism, capitalism, colonialism, imperialism, patriarchal hegemony, etc.
This isn’t just a rant. It’s an ask. I’m asking my peers—writers, readers, gif makers, lurkers, etc.— to help.
Reflect on what you share and post. Think about how others perceive you.
I’m asking my peers to be curious and open to discussions. To ask questions if you see covert racism. To be willing to accept feedback.
We can be gentle with one another.
Like, ‘hey, I saw this and am wondering if you’re aware of the origin or the impact it might have?’ or ‘can I share how this may be misinterpreted or harmful?’
Be kind sure, but be an advocate!
If you see someone posting about a character being their ‘spirit animal’ — send them a DM! If you read something that stereotypes a race, let the author know! There’s plenty of online resources for writing characters from other races without falling back on harmful tropes.
And even better… support your Black and brown peers. Share their work. Show them you value their presence in the fandom.
I encourage folks to read fics with original characters or reader characters with explicitly diverse ethnicities and tell the author you appreciate that character! Recommend the work to friends.
I never shut up about how much I love Heat and the story is incredibly compelling *because* the reader is a Latina written by a Latina.
Anyway, I come to this hellsite to laugh and be horny—but at my core I am an ethical hater and I only wrote all of this because I care and I want this space to be inclusive.
I’m not speaking on behalf of anyone else and I don’t want to speak over anyone. I’m open to feedback or ideas.
I’m tagging some mutuals I interact with and some that I don’t know very well, not to curse y’all with reading my long winded post but to ask: when you have the capacity will you help take action to make this community stronger? Will you commit to being open to feedback and growth?
Bottom line I just wanna read about getting railed by that fictional guy and I want my Black and brown peers to have the opportunity to enjoy the same escape from reality.
I feel like this is worth posting because I think y’all can make a difference. So many of y’all write and analyze stories and characters with such nuance and passion and detail—and that’s why i believe you can help spot subtle and insidious forms of racism and make real changes.
TL;DR: I’m asking everyone to be proactive when you see microaggressions or covert racism in the fandom, and to be willing to accept feedback and learn from each other. Being passive is a luxury and a privilege our marginalized peers do not have. Let’s be more than performative or not racist. Be active. Be anti-racist.
some tags for folks (no pressure to share, I don’t want attention I just want to encourage folks to take time to reflect or let me know what you think idk): *not calling anyone out as having committed any offenses just feeling compelled to share the message i guess
@auteurdelabre @joelmillerisapunk @lotusbxtch @probablyreadinsmut @ace-turned-confused @baronessvonglitter @yxtkiwiyxt @slimybeth69 @bitchesuntitled @thundermartini @sin-djarin @strang3lov3 @mermaidgirl30 @for-a-longlongtime @mrs-hardy-hunnam-butler-pascal @evolnoomym @wannab-urs @sanarsi @yopossum @almostfoxglove @itwasntimethatdidit40 @syd-djarin @miss-oranje-disco-dancer
to anyone: please start conversations or reach out to me or send me an anon ask if you want to discuss something or share, idc but i’m begging y’all to listen to each other and advocate for one another and be open to self-reflection 💗 editing to add: if i tagged you it was not a callout that i think you've done something specific to reflect on-- just a general invite to join me in being intentional and to invite feedback if you have any! if i made anyone anxious i apologize! - to clarify when i said 'it's not that deep' i mean that maybe fanfic is easily brushed off as not that deep, but every blog is a real person (minus the army of porn bots) and we form real connections in this community <3
one more thing, 
first and foremost! a reminder that i am speaking about the inclusivity in this fandom as a whole. i don't want to lose the plot over one specific example that blew up. my point is the bulk of the racism in this fandom is perpetrated through micro aggressions and covert racism EVERY DAY. we can make sweeping statements and tell racists to fuck off, but next week we will be back to the status quo (aka where many non-white folks feel unwelcomed, aren't represented, and are disregarded when they raise concerns, etc.) unless we commit to examining ourselves first and looking for the more subtle things that perpetuate the current culture (e.g. harmful stereotypes and racial tropes, fetishizing latinx characters, bad Spanish, writing reader insert fics with specifically white features and characteristics without tagging, using slurs or coded language, etc.)
(i am behind on everything today and haven’t gotten back to everyone who added insightful thoughts and considerations to my original post yet) 
i did see some folks share examples of positive experiences calling-in peers or learning something new themselves and wanted to say thanks and highlight those positives. 
maybe other folks have already brought up the rest of my points and if so i do not mean to speak over anyone, but i wanted to add on to my first post: 
i originally asked everyone to step up and commit to advocating for each other— but i’d like to explicitly ask white folks to step up and look out for our Black and brown friends (who are tired and don’t get to check out irl or online). i am asking white folks to be open to learning and growing with compassion. i am asking white folks to be persistent, proactive, and brave enough to be uncomfortable or wrong. 
when i say we can be gentle with each other i do not mean to minimize pain or anger. i gladly and willingly validate that everyone has a right to be upset and outraged by hatred and racism. i am not asking my Black and brown peers to soften their reactions or dismiss their experiences.
i am (again) asking my white peers to be mindful, to take a breath and listen to what BIPOC folks have to say. to sit with the discomfort and know that seeing hate or racism might be shocking but it is not surprising if you’ve been listening. 
i am asking my white peers to be kind and also strategic. if you have the patience and capacity then do what you can to increase the odds that your peers will be willing to listen and learn. it’s free to try at least. 
most of us that commit micro aggressions or covert racism don't consider ourselves to be racists. we see posts that say 'racists and bigots aren't welcome on this blog' and we agree! we reblog those posts! we pat ourselves on the back for being an ally and continue on without making any other changes-- not because we are bad people, but because we have the privilege of feeling welcomed, represented, and valued as a baseline.
this is also my call-in to myself because i’ve allowed myself to stay quiet. i’ve relied on the comfort that my close friends know who i am and what my values are, but i have been passive. i have seen comments or posts that i recognized were ignorant or offensive and continued scrolling. i felt like it wasn't worth the drama to speak up.
i’m fallible and open to feedback ! i am also comfortable being an example, being vulnerable and sharing my mistakes or opportunities for growth. i've gotten more comfortable because i have hours of training and practice but i don't expect others to feel good being called-in or to anticipate what might make them act defensively.
i know the core principle of cultural humility is that nobody is an expert on culture, that the best practice is to remain open and curious, to identify your own values and beliefs, and to confront stereotypes. it is an ongoing process of self-reflection and commitment to growth 
and so i volunteer to be here for any of my white friends that want to make this fandom a more inclusive space, but are feeling uncertain or uncomfortable. (i am not offering to defend racism or excuse hate)
there is extreme cognitive dissonance in believing you are a good person, a not-racist person, and a friend and ally— and being confronted with the idea you are perpetuating stereotypes, inadvertently causing harm, or alienating folks you care about. 
I know it seems like a safe option to stay quiet if you think you might say the wrong thing or make a situation worse. 
I know it’s hard enough to send someone a friendly message or to know what to comment on a fic you loved, let alone to feel empowered to point out something that might make someone else react defensively. I’m not volunteering to be the morality police (acab) but i’m here for all of my friends, mutuals, and peers in the fandom who want support with calling-in others or learning. i encourage and welcome discussion and curiosity. 
i ask white folks to make conscious changes so that when these conversations die down we don’t fall back into enabling white ignorance to infect the fandom and harm our friends.
bonus thoughts
i see and am grateful for the folks that called my first post eloquent and at the same time i am deeply aware of the ‘angry Black woman’ trope that undermines and minimizes Black women’s voices (especially when they are rightfully angry). i guess i’m just repeating that i don’t want to speak over anyone but i am committing to speaking up. 
i don’t want to harp on the confederate flag example anymore, but i would like to be clear that this isn’t about censorship. Consider the context and don’t turn this into a straw man argument or dilute the message with whataboutery. It speaks volumes if you’d rather argue semantics than listen to your peers about the reality of impact vs intent with that example or others. 
thank you for reading and being here <3
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mayasaura · 2 years ago
I don't wanna further hijack that poor poll, but the thing about Harrow's schizophrenia is that it's canon. The author has confirmed it, and shared that it's based on her own experience.
It's a pretty obscure bit of canon, so of course there's no shame in not already knowing, but that's why I'm so obnoxiously persistent about letting people know.
Whatever else is up with Harrow, autism or cptsd or any number of likely headcanons, she is also schizophrenic. I feel like that's too important to be handwaved away as a difference of opinion.
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indeedgoodman · 8 months ago
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thepersonalquotes · 8 months ago
To change your life, you need to become aware of yourself
Avis J. Williams
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lytmeowtif · 9 months ago
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My entry for the Pokemon TCG contest!
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laurachouettepoetry · 10 days ago
In this life, you don’t get many choices. Real choices. Meaningful choices. So once one of these comes, embrace it with all life and consequences. Make something out of it. Make it count. It’s that simple— it’s not the right or wrong choice you made, it’s about the opportunity.
Laura Chouette
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hotwife-fling · 7 days ago
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cassafrasscr · 1 month ago
I know a lot of folks are unhappy with Bell’s Hells asking the pantheon to give up their godhood, but I can't help thinking of Orym in their first conversation with the Matron:
"Do you ever miss being mortal? Living a life... it's pretty great."
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thejournallo · 2 months ago
The Science of Manifestation
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Manifestation and the law of attraction (along with other universal laws) are often associated with spirituality and mysticism, which isn’t incorrect. However, recent discoveries have revealed potential links between these concepts and scientific principles—specifically, the realm of quantum physics.
"Quantum physics is the study of matter and energy at the smallest scales, like atoms and subatomic particles."
in this post, we’ll explore more how manifestation is connected to science, the role of frequencies, and practical steps to manifest your desires.
(Here, I’ve already discussed frequencies and vibrations, [a reeealy old post] and you can find a list of frequencies that may be helpful to you.)
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The Science Behind Manifestation
The core idea is that everything in the universe operates at a frequency, including sound, light, and even emotions. Quantum physics explains that humans can only perceive a fraction of the existing frequencies, as our senses are limited to a specific range. Manifestation, therefore, involves tapping into the non-physical frequencies that lie beyond our natural perception.
Higher frequencies represent higher dimensions that cannot be observed directly but can be accessed through specific practices, such as visualization or meditation. This concept forms the basis for the scientific explanation of how manifestation works. By aligning your emotions and thoughts to the desired frequency, you create a bridge between your current reality and the reality you wish to manifest.
Understanding Emotional Frequencies and Multiple Realities
Our emotions operate within a specific frequency range. However, there are higher frequencies, such as the intuitive "sixth sense," that go beyond what our physical senses can detect. Manifestation involves aligning with these higher frequencies.
The concept of multiple realities further enhances this understanding. Think of it as tuning into a radio channel: each reality exists on a different frequency, and by aligning your emotions and thoughts to a specific channel, you can "tune in" to your desired reality. In this sense, every thought and emotion is a step toward creating a new version of reality within your mind.
Practical Steps to Manifestation
1. Express Your Desire
The first step to manifesting is expressing your desire clearly. Tell the universe which reality you want to tune into. This can be done through visualization or scripting—a powerful technique where you write down your desires while fully immersing yourself in the emotions of having already achieved them.
2. Detachment from Current Circumstances
Detachment doesn’t mean giving up on your desire; instead, it means not letting your current circumstances dictate your emotions. By focusing on your desired reality and generating the emotions as if it’s already true, you align with the frequency of your manifestation.
3. Align Your Feelings
Consistently align your feelings with the reality you want to manifest. Avoid putting your desires on a pedestal, as this creates a sense of lack. Instead, cultivate a deep conviction that your desired reality is already on its way.
4. Use Others as Inspiration
When you see others who have achieved what you desire, use their success as motivation. Jealousy or demotivation lowers your frequency, while inspiration lifts it. This mindset keeps you tuned into the positive energy of your manifestation.
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Applying Manifestation in Daily Life
The key to successful manifestation is consistency and belief. Treat your mind like a radio: you have the power to tune into any frequency you desire. By focusing on positive emotions and maintaining a belief in your ability to shape your reality, you can manifest anything into your life.
Embrace the science behind manifestation and start experimenting with these techniques today. The power to create your desired reality lies within you, waiting to be unlocked through intentional alignment and focused energy.
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mooonlighttbae · 1 month ago
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motivexesmotivational · 14 days ago
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"Success Is Never an Accident: Intentional Choices Taking You Closer to Your Dreams | Motivational Quotes & Mindset"
Success is never an accident—it’s a series of intentional choices, each one taking you one step closer to your dreams. Every decision shapes your future and builds a resilient mindset fueled by motivation and inspiration. Embrace the power of deliberate action and let each choice pave your unique path to success. 
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thebroccolination · 9 months ago
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Photo Credits: @nongkoi, @FUSiiZAA, @mynameisalicesk, @r_khao, @Aqua__J
[“Dum Dum” | Peraya Party Begin Again]
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mischiefbuckley · 9 months ago
if buck and eddie’s first kiss isn’t in a kitchen and eddie isn’t the one to initiate it I will riot
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