#growth opportunity
healingislimitless · 1 year
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Hey friends!
With Spring around the corner, a rebirth and renewal energy is ready to shift the vibration once again. Now as we talk about rebirth, we've done a lot of releasing and cleansing this past Fall and Winter. We've rested and rejuvenated . While releasing and letting go of energy we no longer need is good, we tend to forget that we were in a lot of those situations for a reason - there was a lesson or growth opportunity in them that we may still have yet to learn from.
When we release and let go, many of us tend to just toss away the experience and try to move on, without realising that we hadn't quite learned our lesson from the situation. We then see repeat patterns and similar situations we find ourselves in - it's the same lesson, just wearing a different face. We need to remind ourselves that before we start to shed and cleanse, we need to ask ourselves if we can grown and learn from the experience. While they're hard to be in at the moment, when we're removed enough it's worth taking some time and reflecting on the situation to see what we can do differently the next time something similar arises. That's when we're truly able to move on.
When we learn from our experiences and then let go of the baggage it carries, we truly open up space to allow new opportunities and experiences to enter our lives. History is always bound to repeat itself if you don't learn from it.. Imagine taking the 3rd grade over and over again - you might have a different teacher, but the curriculum is still the same. Time to graduate!
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aubiz1 · 9 months
Unlocking Your Career Potential: Dental Assisting Course
If you are looking for a healthcare career that offers growth opportunities and job security, you should consider becoming a dental assistant. Currently in high demand, a dental assistant’s profession offers a rewarding and satisfying career. However, to become a successful dental assistant, you must undergo the necessary training and become certified. The Lone Star State offers various options…
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visionranking · 10 months
Indian Coast Guard Assistant Commandant Recruitment 2023 Online Form for 02/2024 Batch
Attention all aspirants! The Indian Coast Guard, a wing of the Ministry of Defence, extends a hearty invitation for applications to join as Assistant Commandant in the 02/2024 batch. This prestigious opportunity calls for dedicated individuals who meet the eligibility criteria to submit their applications online. Prior to initiating the online application process, we urge you to thoroughly peruse the complete notification for a comprehensive understanding of the requirements. This recruitment drive marks the pathway to a fulfilling career as an Assistant Commandant in the Coast Guard, promising a multitude of experiences and accomplishments.
Indian Coast Guard Assistant Commandant Recruitment 2023: An Insight Bringing to the forefront an opportunity that resonates with ambition, the Indian Coast Guard has unveiled the official notification for the 2023 Assistant Commandant Recruitment. For those seeking a concise overview of the recruitment particulars, a comprehensive explanation is encapsulated within the announcement PDF. To access a deeper understanding of the roles, responsibilities, and expectations, the Indian Coast Guard Assistant Commandant Notification 2023 awaits your attention, available for download through the link provided below.
Seize the Opportunity: Your Path to Commandantcy Inscribing your name into the annals of the Indian Coast Guard is an achievement that beckons courage, dedication, and commitment. As you set sail towards the Assistant Commandant role for the 02/2024 batch, a world of opportunities and challenges unfurls before you. This journey holds the potential to sculpt not only a career but a legacy of service and valor.
For those with a keen eye on a career path that traverses uncharted waters, the Indian Coast Guard Assistant Commandant Recruitment 2023 serves as the compass guiding you towards an extraordinary voyage. Explore the depths of this opportunity, as every detail, every aspiration, and every dream come together in this remarkable endeavor.
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mayasaura · 1 year
I don't wanna further hijack that poor poll, but the thing about Harrow's schizophrenia is that it's canon. The author has confirmed it, and shared that it's based on her own experience.
It's a pretty obscure bit of canon, so of course there's no shame in not already knowing, but that's why I'm so obnoxiously persistent about letting people know.
Whatever else is up with Harrow, autism or cptsd or any number of likely headcanons, she is also schizophrenic. I feel like that's too important to be handwaved away as a difference of opinion.
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danielstephanus · 2 years
FELISIA MAGDALENA & DANIEL SUGAMA STEPHANUS MAKAlAH MATA KULIAH METODA PENELITIAN PROGRAM STUDI AKUNTANSI – FAKULTAS EKONOMIKA DAN BISNIS UNIVERSITAS MA CHUNG – KABUPATEN MALANG 2014 ABSTRAK Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh growth opportunity terhadap leverage dan  mengetahui pengaruh debt covenant sebagai variabel yang memoderasi hubungan antara growth…
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dlartistanon · 1 day
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Seeing them in RS reminded me how good their dynamic is. I will not stand for Zofia erasure. Zofia is the one who has mentored and supported Maria all this time. Zofia openly shows her care and concern and was willing to die with Maria just so she wouldn't be alone.
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thepersonalquotes · 2 months
Thoughts create emotions, emotions create feelings and feelings create behaviour. So it’s very important that our thoughts are positive, to attract the right people, events and circumstances into our lives.
Avis J. Williams, The Psychic Mind: A Practical Guide to Psychic Development & Spiritual Growth
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lytmeowtif · 17 days
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My entry for the Pokemon TCG contest!
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thebroccolination · 14 days
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Photo Credits: @nongkoi, @FUSiiZAA, @mynameisalicesk, @r_khao, @Aqua__J
[“Dum Dum” | Peraya Party Begin Again]
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i feel like Jason's slight feelings for Reyna was brushed off a little too quickly imo. It could've made a good subplot to his character development/progression.
I never shipped Jeyna romantically and never will.
But it simply doesn't make sense to me how the moment Jason even faintly remembered reyna, he immediately starts to question his feelings for Piper. So he was aware that the connection they shared was extra special. And with the way Reyna talked about Jason and her's dynamic to Percy, she was so confident that they would've made a couple?? So I have a feeling that atleast some pining was involved. Atleast to some degree, it's very possible since as reyna said herself, "praetors work closely together, so relationships amongst them is very normal". They both talked about Roman history together, etc? They both must've seen eachother at their worst.
I just feel like Rick not even giving us a single conversation between reyna and Jason was criminal tbh. So many unresolved feelings and misunderstandings? Them talking it out and remaining best friends? That would've been so much better.
Rick also seems to have a little trouble remembering past events in his books, so sometimes, the scenes are a little disoriented and are seen as slight plot holes. So I'm seeing this jeyna confusion as one of Rick's forgettable moments. Like how he mostly established luke and annabeth as brother and sister but randomly adds in the romantic bit in TLO. He seemed to have forgotten how old he made luke for that attraction to be seen as creepy. I feel like rick wrote that in a way to make it seem heartbreaking/tragic but the age just made it creepy and weird.
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femmefatalevibe · 11 months
Femme Fatale Guide: How To Reset From A Toxic Work Environment
Give yourself ample time to reset and indulge in basic self-care. Get a full night's sleep every night, eat a balanced & nutritious diet (most of the time) with meals you enjoy, incorporate daily movement & a consistent exercise routine into your week, read books, listen to music and podcasts that inspire you, hang out with loved ones/people who energize you, indulge in beauty routines/"spa" days and movies/TV shows you love
Once you feel recharged/not burned out anymore, take a step back and reflect on what your values are, your interests, desired lifestyle/workplace environment that best suits your personality and work style. Consider what you want out of your next opportunity instead of letting hiring managers decide for you once your interviewing processes begin. Remember, a job at a company should feel like a mutual fit. Decide to work as an employee, not a corporate slave.
Reassess and decide on your future workplace boundaries ahead of time. Once you're more emotionally distant from your current toxic work environment, allow yourself to act as a neutral observer of the interpersonal dynamics that played out while you were working in your (soon-to-be previous) toxic work environment. Consider any warning signs/red flags you might've ignored early on or certain ways you allowed yourself to be a pushover/people-pleaser to keep the peace while getting to know your co-workers. Looking back, how would you have handled these situations if you had the clarity and self-confidence you have now? Use your answer to this question as a roadmap to decide how you can show up as your best self before/while working in your next role.
Determine ways you can forge workplace connections early on in your next role. Embrace the "new job, new you" mentality here and decide how you want to show up as a sociable co-worker from your first week onward. Greet your team in the morning, engage in some small talk over a break to get to know each other better – try to find mutual interest/express interest in what they're saying, make it a priority to schedule one-on-ones with all team members/close collaborators within your company over the first month, invite co-workers to get coffee/lunch with you a couple of days per week, etc.
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razberrypuck · 1 year
thinking about how if gillion hadn't drawn a second card from the deck and instead was present for the feywild stuff it STILL would've fucked him up. just in a slightly different way. because thinking about it that shit was made to get to him on such a personal level.
pretzel, the closest thing to a service animal the undersea has ever seen, being turned into a plushie? almost like the frogtopus plushie he had as a child? a tiny classroom setting with a strict teacher who states that you have one chance and the punishment for cheating and/or failing the test is DEATH? sounds kinda similar to the "if you don't get this right on your first try, the world is gonna fucking end and it'll be your fault" mentality his tutors had with him. the room that was filled with blades and weapons hanging from the ceiling in which the key to moving forward was filling a vial with blood? there's that self-sacrificial behavior he was taught. running and fighting for your life in a totally unfamiliar place with strange creatures you're convinced are trying to kill you? those training simulations weren't for nothing!
a creature made to be a weapon asking only "do I have free will?"
the answer being them allowing another to cut their chains and free them.
even the escape room with the family is almost mocking him. because growing up, that's all he wanted, isn't it? his family. people around that cared about him. that wanted him around as family, rather than the chosen one. I bet escaping without being able to save the family, even with how artificial they are, would have super gotten under his skin. his time in the luxbris pearl still REALLY got to him but. I wonder if he would've finally opened up to chip and jay, at least a little bit, if he hadn't drawn that card.
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seventh-fantasy · 7 months
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谁说我儿子一个人? who said my son is on his own? x
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thepersonalquotes · 2 months
A self-limiting belief is no stronger than the flimsy rope that tethers an elephant by its foot.
Stephen Richards, Six Figure Success: Time To Think Big - You Can Do It
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